Crim Pro Cases
Crim Pro Cases
Crim Pro Cases
1. Lee Pue Liong v. Chua Pue Chin Lee, G.R. No. 181658,
August 7, 2013.
2. Senador v. People, G.R. No. 201620, March 6, 2013.
Criminal Jurisdiction of Courts SECTION 13. Duplicity of the Offense.
Municipal Trial Courts/Metropolitan Trial Courts/Municipal 1. People v. Jugueta, G.R. No. 202124, April 5, 2016.
Circuit Trial Courts 2. Loney v. People, G.R. No. 152644, February 10, 2006, 482
(Exclusive Original and Special) SCRA 194.
Regional Trial Courts (Exclusive Original, Appellate and
Special) SECTION 14. Amendment or Substitution.
Regular RTC 1. Balindong v. CA, G.R. Nos. 177600 & 178684, October 19,
Family Courts 2015.
Shari'a Circuit Courts/ Shari'a District Courts/Shari'a 2. Mendez v. People, G.R. No. 179962, June 11, 2014.
Appellate Court 3. Ocampo v. Abando, G.R. Nos. 176830, 185587, etc.,
Sandiganbayan (Exclusive Original and Appellate) February 11, 2014.
Court of Appeals (Exclusive Original, Concurrent and 4. Kummer v. People, G.R. No. 174461, September 11, 2013,
Appellate) 705 SCRA 490.
Supreme Court (Exclusive Original, Concurrent and
Appellate) SECTION 15. Place Where Action Is to Be Instituted.
1. Union Bank v. People, G.R. No. 192565, February 28, 2012,
RULE 110 - Prosecution of Offenses 667 SCRA 113.
DOJ Circular No. 70, July 3, 2000 (2000 NPS Rule on SECTION 7. Method of Arrest by Officer by Virtue of Warrant.
Appeal) 1. Mallari v. CA, G.R. No. 110569, December 9, 1996.
DOJ Circular No. 70-A, July 10, 2000 (Delegation of
Authority to Regional Prosecutors to Resolve Appeals in Certain
Cases) SECTION 8. Method of Arrest by Officer Without Warrant.
DOJ Circular No. 3, January 13, 2016 (Automatic Review of 1. People v. Tan, G.R. Nos. 116200-02. June 21, 2001.
Dismissed Cases Involving R.A. No. 9165)
SECTION 11. Right of Officer to Break into Building or
SECTION 5. Resolution of Investigating Judge and its Review. 1. People v. Castiller, G.R. No. 87783, August 6, 1990.
1. Mangila v. Pangilinan, Id.
RULE 114 - Bail
SECTION 6. When Warrant of Arrest May Issue.
1. Pestillos v. Generoso, G.R. No. 182601, November 10,
SECTION 1. Bail Defined.
1. Enrile v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 213847, July 12, 2016.
2. Hao v. People, G.R. No. 183345, September 17, 2014.
2. Enrile v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 213847, August 18,
3. Mendoza v. People, Id.
SECTION 7. When Accused Lawfully Arrested Without
SECTION 2. Conditions of the Bail; Requirements.
1. Pantillo III v. Canoy, A.M. No. RTJ-11-2262, February 9,
1. Ladlad v. Velasco, G.R. Nos. 172070-72, 172074-76,
175013, June 1, 2007.
2. De Castro v. Fernandez, Jr., G.R. No. 155041, February 14,
SECTION 3. No Release or Transfer Except on Court Order or
1. Ambil, Jr. v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. Nos. 175457 & 175482,
R.A. No. 7438 (An Act Defining Certain Rights of Persons
July 6, 2011.
Arrested, Detained or Under Custodial Investigation as well as the
Duties of the Arresting, Detaining, and Investigating Officers and
SECTION 4. Bail, a Matter of Right; Exception.
Providing Penalties for Violations Thereof)
1. Enrile v. Sandiganbayan, Id.
DOJ Circular No. 61 (Inquest Procedures)
A.M. No. 02-1-18-SC, Supra.
SECTION 5. Bail, When Discretionary. 2. People v. Cawaling, G.R. No. 157147. April 17, 2009.
1. Enrile v. Sandiganbayan, Id.
2. Qui v. People, G.R. No. 196161, September 26, 2012. SECTION 23. Arrest of Accused Out on Bail.
1. Silverio v. CA, G.R. No. 94284. April 8, 1991.
SECTION 6. Capital Offense Defined.
R.A. No. 9346 (An Act Prohibiting the Death Penalty) SECTION 24. No Bail After Final Judgment; Exception.
1. Adalim-White v. Bugtas, Id.
SECTION 7. Capital Offense or an Offense Punishable by
Reclusion Perpetua or Life Imprisonment, not Bailable. SECTION 25. Court Supervision of Detainees.
1. People v. Valdez, G.R. Nos. 216007-09, December 8, 2015. 1. Mupas v. Espaol, A.M. No. RTJ-04-1850. July 14, 2004.
2. Enrile v. Sandiganbayan, Id.
SECTION 26. Bail not a Bar to Objections on Illegal Arrest,
SECTION 8. Burden of Proof in Bail Application. Lack of or Irregular Preliminary Investigation.
1. Gacad v. Clapis, Jr., A.M. No. RTJ-10-2257, July 17, 2012. 1. Leviste v. Alameda, G.R. No. 182677, August 3, 2010.
RULE 118 - Pre-Trial SECTION 15. Examination of Witness for the Prosecution.
1. Go v. People, G.R. No. 185527. July 18, 2012.
SECTION 1. Pre-trial; Mandatory in Criminal Cases. 2. Vda. de Manguerra v. Risos, G.R. No. 152643. August 28,
1. Zaldivar v. People, G.R. No. 197056, March 2, 2016. 2008.
2. Daan v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. Nos. 163972-77. March 28,
2008. SECTION 17. Discharge of Accused to be State Witness.
1. Jimenez, Jr. v. People, G.R. Nos. 209195 & G.R. No.
A.M. No. 03-1-09-SC (Rule on Guidelines to be Observed by 209215. September 17, 2014.
the Trial Court Judges and Clerks of Court in the 2. Monge v. People, G.R. No. 170308. March 7, 2008.
Conduct of Pre-Trial and Use of Deposition-Discovery Measures)
A.M. No. 04-1-12-SC-PHILJA, Revised Guidelines for the SECTION 18. Discharge of Accused Operates as Acquittal.
Implementation of an Enhanced Pre- Trial 1. Monge v. People, Id.
Proceeding under the Justice Reform Initiative Support (JURIS) Project
A.M. No. 11-1-6-SC-PHILJA (Re: Consolidated and Revised SECTION 19. When Mistake has Been Made in Charging the
Guidelines to Implement the Expanded Proper Offense.
Coverage of Court-Annexed Mediation [CAM] and Judicial Dispute 1. Pacoy v. Cajigal, G.R. No. 157472. September 28, 2007.
Resolution [JDR])
SECTION 21. Exclusion of the Public.
SECTION 2. Pre-trial Agreement. 1. Perez v. Estrada, A.M. No. 01-4-03-SC. June 29, 2001.
1. Burgos, Jr. v. Sps. Naval, G.R. No. 219468, June 8, 2016.
SECTION 22. Consolidation of Trials of Related Offenses. 2. People v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 164577. July 5, 2010.
1. People v. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 149495. August 21, 3. People v. Hernandez, G.R. No. 154218 & 154372. August
2003. 28, 2006.
SECTION 2. Contents of the Judgment. SECTION 8. Transmission of Papers to Appellate Court Upon
1. Bacolod v. People, G.R. No. 206236. July 15, 2013. Appeal.
2. Garces v. Hernandez, Jr., G.R. No. 180761. August 9, 2010 1. Sanico v. People, Id.
Administrative Circular No. 83-15 (Protocols and SECTION 9. Appeal to the Regional Trial Courts.
Procedures in the Promulgation, Publication, and 1. Sanico v. People, Id.
Posting on the Websites of Decisions, Final Resolutions, and Final
Orders Using Fictitious Names) SECTION 10. Transmission of Records in Case of Death
SECTION 3. Judgment for Two or More Offenses) 1. People v. Rocha, Id.
1. People v. Lindo, G.R. No. 189818. August 9, 2010. 2. People v. Mateo, Id.
SECTION 4. Judgment in Case of Variance Between SECTION 11. Effect of Appeal by Any of Several Accused.
Allegation and Proof . 1. Benabaye v. People, G.R. No. 203466. February 25, 2015.
1. Ricalde v. People, G.R. No. 211002. January 21, 2015. 2. People v. Valdez, G.R. No. 175602. February 13, 2013.
2. People v. Pareja, G.R. No. 202122. January 15, 2014.
SECTION 12. Withdrawal of Appeal.
SECTION 5. When an Offense Includes or is Included in 1. Moll v. Buban, G.R. No. 136974. August 27, 2002.
1. Asistio v. People, G.R. No. 200465. April 20, 2015. SECTION 13. Appointment of Counsel de Oficio for Accused on
SECTION 6. Promulgation of Judgment. 1. People v. Rio, G.R. No. 90294. September 24, 1991
1. Salvador v. Chua, G.R. No. 212865. July 15, 2015.
2. Jaylo v. Sandiganbayan (First), G.R. Nos. 183152-54. RULE 124 - Procedure in the Court of Appeals
January 21, 2015.
SECTION 8. Dismissal of Appeal for Abandonment or Failure
SECTION 7. Modification of Judgment. to Prosecute.
1. Villareal v. People, G.R. Nos. 151258 etc., December 1, 1. Celestial v. People, G.R. No. 214865. August 19, 2015.
2014. 2. Villena v. People, G.R. No. 184091. January 31, 2011.
3. Dimarucot v. People, G.R. No. 183975. September 20,
RULE 121 - New Trial or Reconsideration 2010.