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Imperium Romanum II FAQ

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(Q&A, Errata & Clarifications)

Table of Contents


General Questions (Map, Counters, Set Up etc.)
Powers, Provinces and Units
Naval Operations
Land Movement
Land Combat
Inactive Powers

Errata & Clarifications

Scenario Book


Imperium Romanum II (IRII) is well known for being a game which is either a collector's item only, sitting
on the shelf or only playable with many house rules. So there are many players out there who love and
play the game but you won't find two people using the same set of rules, thus making it impossible to
actually get a picture about the game as it was intended by the designer or to compare strategies and
insights from playing it. When we started to learn and play the game, we realized this problem and since
we don't like house rules, we started to gather information about the game and about all the questions that
came up in the past. We also included new ones we encountered while playing the game. Our aim was
and still is to play IRII with RAW (=rules as written) because we consider it a true gem of a game and we
HFC Imperium Romanum II FAQ

didn't find another one that comes close to this amount of detail, scenarios, historical accuracy and depth
of strategic gameplay. The designer himself said that this is first and foremost a simulation of ancient
warfare and only secondarily considered as a game.

Alas, the critics are correct in pointing out that the rules in fact do have some ambiguities and that they
often leave some questions unanswered regarding certain game situations. The rules which are included
and described in the rulebook are rather precise, but they also contain some loose references that show
up from time to time - which usually lead to new questions the RB is unable to answer. Some certain vital
aspects aren't even addressed by the rules, so the idea of writing a comprehensive FAQ was born. We
collected all kinds of questions and answers that are available in various forums, websites, articles etc. In
addition, we included answers by Al Nofi we got by email. Our FAQ contains only those answers which
give a clear rules reference in order to allow judgement about how close the answer actually is to the
rules of the game. Any house rules are excluded.


Thanks to Peter Corless (R-D Assistant for IRII) and the folks at CSW, especially William Woodfill, James
Conolly, Ezio Fabio, Chris Fawcett, George Fagain for their great support and assistance.

Special thanks to Al Nofi (the designer of IRII) who went through this FAQ with great patience,
commenting upon the disputed rules and finally solving our most urgent rules questions and discussions!
Thank you very much for your support!

General Questions

Q: The rules and the map give different scenario numbers for the city Naissus, but this problem is not
dealt with in the errata included in the box. The rules say it's located in 27/31 but the map has it as 29/31.
Which one is correct?
A: The map is wrong, Naissus period numbers are 27/31.

Q: Where's the border between Eastern and Western Mediterranean? There's no line printed on the map.
A: The line of shallow sea hexes is the border (see rule 13.12).

Q: How do I set up baggage trains? The rules state that they are 'built' as depleted, but they don't say
anything about setup.
A: Baggage trains start as fully loaded. It would have been better to mention this in the rulebook, but it is
covered on page 2 in the scenario book (middle column, 2nd paragraph).

Q: The rules sometimes say that unit counters are set up "within one hex of" - does this mean they can be
set up as single counters around the mentioned hex or as a stack in one of the possible hexes?
A: You are free to set up the units as you like - as long as they stay within the mentioned hex area. Keep
in mind that supply is always in effect for units that are on the map, so when this wording describes the set
up of an inactive power, it could easily lead to elimination of some of these units when you put them all in
one hex - in the Supply Phase you'll have to check whether these units can forage in this hex or not.

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Q: What about terrain depictions on the map which extend over a hexside? We found some rivers on the
map (especially north of Rome), were a river went along half a hexside. Would this hexside be a "river"
hexside with higher movement costs, or could I pass such a "half river" with clear terrain movement (in
fact, there would be some kilometers left for my legion)? Does the actual depiction count or is it sufficient
enough that parts of a hexside are covered with a river / sea / mountain depiction?
A: If any part of the hex side is river/sea/mountain, it counts.

Q: When the scenario says "place a fleet and a unit into a specific hex" does this mean that a) the unit is
considered to be carried by the fleet, or that b) the fleet is in the port and the land unit at land, or c) am I
free to decide on this?
A: (b) The land unit must still be embarked at a cost of 2 movement points to the fleet to be moved by
naval transport.

Powers, Provinces and Units

Q: If a power attacks one of its own minors, does the minor switch sides immediately because of this
hostile act, so that the other Roman faction is controlling them in the combat?
A: No, the minor will stay under the control of its Roman player until the next Diplomacy Phase.

Q: So, this actually allows the player to weaken the position of the defending units to win the battle with his
Roman forces?
A: Yes, but if he can't eliminate them in his turn, what's left will be controlled by the other Roman faction
after the next Diplomacy Phase then.

Q: If Power A gains control of a province from Power B by capturing the capital and half the cities - are the
remaining cities in the province automatically transfered to Power A's control? E.g. Power A captures
Rome and 5 cities in Italia from Power B so it now has control of the Province. Do the remaining 4 cities
remain under the control of Power B? What happens to any troops that Power B has garrisoning the other
A: The rules allow cities to be owned by different powers even if one of them may control the whole
province. So in your example the uncaptured cities remain in the hands of the original owner and
regarding your example the 4 remaining cities would remain under the control of Power B with the
garrisons intact (see rule 5.43).

Q: Can Active Minor Neutrals conquer or subdue other provinces?

A: Yes, 5.43 does not differentiate between either Major or Minor powers, nor between Neutrals or Client
States and rule 5.12 says that each power can control units and provinces.

Q: If they can, does the "farthest power rule" check count only for the initial provinces, or also for new
(conquered) provinces?
A: New provinces as well. The first bullet of the "farthest power rule" (see rule 5.25) does not differentiate
between starting provinces and conquered provinces.

Q: Scenario 17 as an example: When Diocletian - who is controlling the Franks (active neutral) - also gets
the Alamanni under his control (active neutrals), can the Franks or his Roman units:
a) enter the initial provinces of the Alamanni?
A: Yes, but if Diocletian's Romans enter Alamanni territory, he will no longer be the farthest power and the

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Alamanni will switch sides next Diplomacy phase. The Franks, however, will not affect farthest power
control (see rule 5.25, second bullet). Note: this answer is based on the assumption that both the Franks
and Alamanni are already active and reassessment of control through the "farthest power rule" will not
occur until the Diplomacy phase of the next turn.

b) (if it's possible that Minors can conquer provinces at all) enter the newly conquered provinces of the
Alamanni? The rules are a bit vague about the differences between client states and active neutrals.
A: Yes, answer to (a) pertains to (b) as well. (Think of client states as being your allies. Neutrals are not
allies, you just happen to control them through the farthest power rule, so that the player who violates
neutral territory will have to fight enemy units that are actually controlled by another player, making it a
more realistic situation).

Q: A theoretical situation based on scenario 17: Diocletian gains control of the Alamanni and the Alamanni
enter Germania Superior. They eliminate all Roman units there and eventually move into the capital of this
province. What are the options of the Alamanni now?
a) can they plunder the province?
A: Yes, given that they have at least one heavy infantry or heavy cavalry unit in the capital (see rule 24.1).
They only get morale points and no talents, though (see rule 5.14 and 24.6). Diocletian who "controls"
them gets nothing from this action.

b) can they actually conquer the province?

A: Yes, but they have to control one half (rounded up) of the other cities in the province besides the capital
to control the province. And this doesn't count for Diocletian's taxes.

c) If a) and b) are correct, then how can Diocletian gain control of the province?
A: He has to fight them, which causes the Alamanni to go over to Carinus (the other Roman faction in this
scenario) in the next Diplomacy Phase. Since Diocletian controls both powers, he can arrange a combat
situation in favour of his Roman units, so even if he can't eliminate them all (which would be the best
result for him, of course), he will have better odds against them when they will be controlled by Carinus in
the next turn.

d) Is he allowed to enter the province occupied by the Alamanni? If they were a client state, then it would
be allowed, but what about the active neutral that is "allied" to him in this case?
A: Yes, he is allowed to enter the province.

e) Or do the Alamanni have to leave the province first, so Diocletian can conquer them afterwards?
A: No, the Alamanni do not have to leave the province, but when he can't eliminate them all, they will be
controlled by Carinus (the opposing Roman faction) after the next Diplomacy Phase.

f) If both d) and e) are not correct, can Diocletian attack the Alamanni to conquer Germania Superior?
A: Regardless of (d) or (e), Diocletion can attack the Alamanni, and he must do so to gain control of
Germania Superior. Carinus gains control of the Alamanni (or what is left of them) at the next Diplomacy
Phase according to the "farthest power rule".

Q: There is no cost listed for the Roman 24-10 legion on the Mobilization Chart. How many talents does it
cost to build?
A: You can't mobilize this legion, it is only playable when the scenario lists it as part of the set-up.

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Naval Operations

Q: In naval combat, which leader combat bonus must be used ? The leadership value printed on the
leader counters ? The special naval leader rule (38.2)? Or both ?
A: Both.

Q: Is a fleet's strength doubled if attacked in a friendly port hex by an enemy fleet?

A: The fleet may be attacked either in Naval Combat or by an amphibious invasion if the fleet is under
siege (see Exception to rule 10.56), but there's no combat modifier for being besieged in naval combat
(see 17.24).

Q: If naval units move into a hex containing unbesieged enemy units (whether land or naval) must they
stop moving ?
A: Yes, they use the same procedure as land units (see 12.15).

Q: Rule 10.32 says that after finishing movement with a fleet, the player has to check for naval attrition
and the naval attrition table says that one has to check naval attrition after expending movement points.
Does this mean one has to check for naval attrition when a fleet embarks or disembarks units even when
it is in a port?
A: No, naval attrition is only possible when a fleet actually moves. 10.32 says: "Naval movement in winter
is extremely risky. After a player finishes moving a fleet during winter, he must refer to the Naval Attrition
Table." Embarking and disembarking units does cost the fleet movement points, but it is not considered

Q: But what happens when a fleet moves to a coast, makes an amphibious invasion (which costs 6
movement points) and then moves on to another port. How would one calculate the naval attrition here?
A: You actually only count the movement points spent by the fleet for moving - excluding the movement
points for the amphibious invasion.

Land Movement

Q: May land units cross a narrow sea hexside if one of the two coastal hexes containing the narrow sea
hexside is occupied by an enemy fleet?
A: Yes, but according to 12.15 they must then battle the land or sea units.

Q: A River gives a movement penalty based on the road/ no road nature of the hex, but is this based on
the hex you come from or the hex you move in? Say you come from a no road hex, and cross a river into
a road hex. Is the river +1 or +2 here?
A: +1, (see rule 11.13)

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Q: May a stack forage in a hex occupied by an unbesieged enemy stack?

A: Yes, but units that occupy the hex when the stack moves in REDUCE the forage value of the hex (see
rule 13.31).
Example: If a stack of 3 Roman infantry moves onto a stack of 3 barbarian infantry in a cultivated clear
hex, they could all forage if it were summer (24 points); however, in winter, 2 Roman units could not
forage (16 points).

Q: Player A moves with a heavy Roman infantry legion through a rough hex. Player B sends some units
intercepting Player A's troops, and now Player A moves another cavalry into this stack in order to support
his initial legion. How would the situation be dealt with regarding supply?
Solution 1:
a) Player A's Roman legion could forage in the hex, b) his opponent's intercepting troops forage what was
left by Player A's units and c) Player A's cavalry dies of starvation.
Solution 2:
All units of a faction are combined into a stack, so that
a) The Romans can forage first because they were the initial occupants of the hex and b) the intercepting
units get what is left.
Solution 2 would ignore the order in which the single units entered the hex and the fact that Player A's
cavalry entered the hex later than Player B's intercepting troops.
A: Solution 1 is correct. Units that occupy a hex REDUCE the forage value of that hex (see rule 13.31).
When Player B's intercepting units move into the hex where interception takes place, the forage value is
reduced by Player A's units who occupy the hex. The cavalry comes in last, so if there's no forage left, it
will be eliminated in the Supply Phase. When you have a stack in a hex where interception takes place -
as in your example - the forage will be used by the units according to their position starting from the
bottom of the stack to the top. The cavalry unit was the last that entered the hex because it will be on top
of the stack, so even if you would have more than one hex with interception, it's easy to check supply
without written notes.

Q: Do inactive units need to check for supply? The rules don't say anything about it and the only sentence
that states "inactive units do not need to be supplied" is given as a special rule/clarification in the errata
only for scenario I1.
A: All units that are placed on the map - whether active or inactive - must check supply. The rules don't
make any difference between active and inactive units regarding supply. Whenever you have stacking
points in a hex you have to eliminate units in the Supply Phase that can't be supplied by the hex, baggage
trains or a port (see rule 13.31). Without this special rule in scenario I1 the player couldn't prevent the
elimination of his units, because all Gallic units start the game as inactive troops.

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Land Combat

Q: Can a stack of land units which is located in a coastal hex attack in land combat an enemy stack
composed of fleets?
A: Yes, but the fleets may retreat before combat (see rule 14.73) and if not doing so, have a reduced
combat strength (see rule14.71).

Q: When units are stacked together with a baggage train and then are eliminated in combat - what
happens to the baggage train? a) is it immediately destroyed together with the units? b) does it remain in
the hex and can be used by the victorious player c) does it remain in the hex, but cannot be used until the
next turn (when it can be captured as any baggage train alone in the hex).
A: In a Roman civil war, where one side is wiped out in a battle, the winning side gets the baggage train. If
non-Romans win the battle, it should just diasppear -- the barbarians would just loot everything. (Al Nofi)

Q: What if the non-Romans are "Civilized Non-Romans" (i.e.; Mithridates)?

A: Do it as a die roll: 1-4 they get to use it; 5-6 their troops plunder it all and it disappears. (Al Nofi)


Q: If the attacker is victorious over a force that includes a city but all the attacking units are killed (as well
as the defending ones), does the attacker still capture the city?
A: No, you must at least have one unit left after the battle to capture the city (see rule 14.67).

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Q: Can a port (not besieged) be blockaded by enemy fleet, thus preventing land units from tracing a line of
supply to that port ?
A: No (see 17.23).

Q: Is an enemy fleet (which is part of a besieging force) immune to rules 10.26 and 10.32?
A: It is immune to rule 10.26, but not to rule 10.32 (see rule 17.2).

Q: Can a fleet in a friendly port hex which is attacked by an enemy fleet, accept siege?
A: Yes, according to rules 14.3 and 14.76.

Q: When a port is under siege and is assaulted, the defender's ships are allowed to retreat before combat.
But can they take the garrison with them - since those troops are not aboard ?
A: The fleet is able to retreat unless the port is blockaded (see rule17.25) but the units that accepted siege
can't retreat (see rule 14.21, second bullet). That the attacker decides to assault the port doesn't change
the fact that the units which did not retreat or engage into combat outside the city are under siege (see
rule 14.35). Also a fleet can only embark or disembark units in the Naval Operation Phase (see rule
10.41). Remember that the player suffers the 5 point morale loss when one of his fleets is retreating in
such a case (see rule 14.73)

Inactive Powers

Q: When must units of inactive neutral minor powers, which are indicated by the inactive power table after
being activated by an hostile force through invasion, be placed on the map ?
A: During the movement phase of the hostile force. When the hostile force enters the province. Note that
the controlling player may set up the force anywhere in the province.

Q: If a minor power reverts to inactive status and is removed from the map at the end of the game turn,
what happens when it comes back into play after being activated again according to rule 23.32? Will it
come back with all the units listed in the scenario book, including maximum morale, all leaders, fully
loaded baggage trains etc.? So casualties, morale loss etc. from previous combats are irrelevant then?
A: The rule 23.32 was intended to deal with the problem of areas not otherwise accounted for in the
scenario. Therefore this rule is applied to barbarian powers activated as per rule 23.11. It is not applied if

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they are activated as per scenario's notes. If you apply rule 23.32 to active barbarian minor powers (for
example: Franks in scenario 17) then they will turn inactive because there are no units belonging to any
other power in any of its home provinces - which is not how the scenario should play.

Q: Does this mean whenever a minor that has its units listed in the scenario book is out of play, its units
are gone forever?
A: Only when rule 37.6 is not mentioned in the notes of a scenario.

Q: That means that as soon as the Franks, Goths, Arabs and Alamanni in scenario 17 are eliminated, they
won't come back?
A: Yes, see note 1 in 37.6. This note is not included in the section of the scenario dealing with Franks,
Goths, Arabs and Alamanni. And rule 37.6 has a listing of scenarios where this special rule is in play -
scenario 17 is excluded.

Q: You said the rule would only apply to powers not listed in the scenario description; so besides the
already active powers and inactive powers with listed units, is this also true for the nations listed as "other
minors" (without fixed setup) - meaning, only nations not mentioned in any way can be reverted to
inactivity by rule 23.32?
A: Rule 23.32 should not be applied to barbarian powers which have a different activation from 23.11 (for
example: 37.6 note 1) or start the game activated.

Q: According to rule 23.32, such an inactive minor neutral barbarian power will revert to inactive status
when there's no other unit within the borders of its province after the game turn. Does this mean one can
move a unit into the province of such an activated minor neutral in order to keep it in play?
A: Yes, a player may keep an inactive barbarian minor power active by maintaining a unit in one of the
minor power's provinces (either an initial province or one conquered while the minor power was active.)

Q: But wouldn't this mean that his opponent automatically gains control of this minor because of the
farthest power rule check at the next diplomacy phase?
A: The player will lose control of the neutral minor power only if the unit keeping the minor power activated
is not also a neutral unit controlled by the player through the farthest power rule. (see rule 5.25 second

Q: Thus, is it allowed to use a neutral minor power (controlled through the farthest power rule) to enter the
territory of and activate other neutral minor powers over which the player controlling the first minor power
could then also gain control of through the farthest power rule?
A: Yes, the wording of rule 5.25 expressly allows this tactic.

Q: How do civilized minor powers revert to inactivity?

A: Civilized minor powers never become inactive, unless conquered or dissolved (see rules 23.31 and

Q: Inactive Minors: the notes of Scenario 17 for the inactive minors say that the Romans must have 16
combat strength points in any roman provinces adjacent to the inactive minors or they will roll for
activation. So, does this mean that the Roman faction must have 16 strength points in at least one
province adjacent to this minor power, or in each of them?
A: The Romans must have 16 combat strength points in each province that is adjacent to these inactive

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Q: Can Militia be added to empty cities as well?

A: Yes, rule 29.4 says Militia that can be added to any land combat when militia is available in a province
where the battle takes place. Combat is any action where you refer to the CRT to find a calculated
attacker/defender odds ratio of combat strength and that means an attack on a city is a land combat. But
remember that rule 29.9 states that militia cannot accept siege nor are they doubled or tripled for being in
a city. Therefore militia has to accept combat outside the city if used for defense of a city. And militia
cannot be divided between several forces in a single province.

Q: Do militia strength points count towards calculation of combat losses?

A: Since you can use Militia in combat and therefore use their strength points to calculate the odds ratio in
the battle, they count towards combat losses.

Q: Do militia also count towards morale gains/losses?

A: No, because they have no stacking value.


Q: Can Militia be added to the combat strength of units to prevent an overrun?

A: Yes, but the defender has also committed his militia to this combat for the combat phase given that in
all likelihood the attacker will engage the defender in regular combat and the defending force will not be
able to retreat before combat due to cavalry superiority on the part of the attacker. Think of it as issuing a
call for the militia when the enemy shows up, so that the guys attempting to execute an overrun are
slowed down by all those peasats and squires running around waving agricultural implements, grandpa's
sword, and the like. But if there subsequently is combat in the hex, the militia are committed.

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Errata & Clarifications


Ea: Hex 1209E (the city of Thospia) should be part of the province of Adiabene, not part of Armenia.
Eb: Thospia's name should be printed in capital letters (it is the capital of Adiabene)
Ec: Lake terrain is not listed on the Terrain and Seasonal Effects Chart. Lakes should be treated in the
same way as deep sea - that is they are impassable to land units (Since there are no ports on lakes, the
question of naval movement is moot)
Ed: 6527W/6628W - this hexside should be a lake, not a river hexside
Ee: 3414W/3514W; 6711W/6712W; 6813W/6913W - these hexsides should not be mountain hexsides
Ef: 3513W/3614W - this hexside should be a mountain hexside


Ea: Macer (Tan Countermix) is printed with a barbarian symbol, but he should be printed with a Roman

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Ea: (6.3) Tax Value Chart - the province Adiabene was ommitted from this chart. Its tax value should be 1
in all scenarios and periods (see map errata above).


Ea: (37.1) The Berbers use the black countermix

Eb: (37.4) - the Suevi use the Tan mix in scenarios 30 and 32.
Ec: - when the Suevi use the Tan mix, use leader +1-16 #3 (not #1)
Ed: - in scenario 31, the Suevi do use the Black mix, but receive no leader.
Ee: (Addition to 41.9) When the optional city rules are used, a player controls a province's corn if he
controls a majority of the cities in the province.
Ca: (10.7) and (14.74) - when fleets carrying land units attack in land combat in a friendly coastal hex, the
land units are automatically considered disembarked and my take part in the attack.
Cb: - when fleets carrying land units are located in an enemy coastal hex, those fleets may not attack in
land combat, nor may they disembark land units, unless they meet the requirements for amphibious
invasion (e.g. the presence of a +2 or better leader, etc.).
Cc: - when fleets carrying land units are themselves attacked in land combat, whether in a friendly or
enemy hex, the land units are disembarked and take part in the combat.
Cd: (21.41) - a fort, like a city, does have an intrinsic defense strength when defending alone. Its strength
is equal to the fortification value.

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Scenario Book

Scenario I1

Q: Are the ports considered to be supply sources in this scenario? The entire neighboring area is "out of
play" and there are no "friendly" countries or controlled provinces adjacent to the same sea zone, because
this concept was omitted entirely in the first introductory scenario.
A: Since this is essentially a coin toss issue, I'll mentally toss one and say "Yes" (Al Nofi)
Ea: Inactive units do not need to be supplied and are never eliminated through lack of supply.
Eb: The Gauls should also begin with baggage trains in hexes 2513W and 2516W
Ec: The [8]-0 fortification which begin in play are not subject to rule 21.3; they can be captured, and are
never romoved from play.
Ed: Gaulish baggage trains may gain supply points in [8]-0 forts, not in cities or in non-city hexes.
Ee: Caesarian baggage trains may gain supply points in cities in Narbonesis and in [8]-0 forts controlled
by Caesar.

Scenario I2

Q:The northern part of Sarmatia is out of play and the Special Rules state that units must not enter these
regions (they can only leave them). Does this mean that the Roman Player cannot leave Olbia with his
units, because he would enter a "forbidden" area by doing so? Decebalus cannot attack this city
because he cannot cross Northern Sarmatia either. What's the purpose of the units in Olbia?
A: The scenario notes about controlled provinces should read that the area southwest of the river above
the Tyrus river defines the playable area in Sarmatia.

Scenario 1

Ea: The Marian units listed as beginning in hex 4222W should be set up in hex 4221W instead.
Eb: Thracia should be listed as an inactive minor power; it is the client state of the closest Roman power.

Scenario 2

Ea: Sertorius does not control Lusitania; his tax base is 1.

Eb: Use Purple leader #A instead of #D (there is no #D).
Ec: The Imperator succession is thus Brutus, #2, #A, #C.
Ed: The Senatorials do control Tarraconensis - ignore the note at the end of their set up.
Ee: Their tax base is thus 79.
Ef: Use green leader #2 instead of #3 (Crassus is on the back of #3).
Eg: The succession is thus Pompey, Lucullus, Crassus, #2 (Blue), #2 (Green), #A (Blue), #A (Green).
Eh: Lusitania is initially not controlled by any power.
Ei: Sertorius controls the city of Olispo(1128W)

Scenario 3

Ea: Asia should be listed as a client state of Cicero.

Eb: Adiabene's tax base should be 1 (not 0), hence Parthia-Media's tax base is 18 (not 17).
Ca: Crassus' special rule 2: The 16-9's that begin in Cappadocia can, unlike the ones that begin in Syria
and Iudea, be used outside Cappadocia. They cannot move until Crassus enters Cappadocia; thereafter,
they may move anywhere without restriction, just like Crassus' 4-12 and 6-16 units.

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Scenario 7

Ea: Add special rule 4: Parthia-Media, even though a major power, is not considered active at start. It
activates when: a) any other power's units enter Parthia-Media territory, or b) the total Roman (not allied)
combat strength in Syria, Cappadocia, and Iudea falls below 100 pts. When it activates,the Parthia-Media
player sets up anywhere within Parthia-Media territory.
Eb: - at the beginning of the game Armenia is an inactive client state of Anthony. If activated as started in
Armenia's notes, it becomes an active client state of Parthia-Media.
Ec: Adiabene's tax base should be 1 (not 0), hence Parthia-Media's tax base is 26 (not 25).
Ca: (Special Rule 4) Some players are puzzled that Armenia, which begins as an Antonine client, can
become active and under control of Parthia-Media. Historically, Armenia permitted Antony to cross its
territory, then later allied with Parthia-Media.

Scenario 11

Ea: The Senate does not begin the game with an 18-30 fleet in 2813W (which is hundreds of miles from
the nearest sea); instead, place a 20-10 legion and a 4-12 light infantry.

Scenario 13

Ea: Adiabene's tax base should be 1 (not 0), hence Persia's tax base is 38 (not 37).

Scenario 14

Ea: Gallienus' note 2 indicates that he controls the city of "Amosata" in hex 6813W. This should, of
course, say "Samosata".
Eb: Add special rule 5: Although Agri Decumates is civilized for supply purposes, treat it as barbarian if
activated through invasion.
Ec: Adiabene should be listed as an inactive client state of Persia.

Scenario 15

Ea: Add special rule 3: Although Agri Decumates is civilized for supply purposes, treat it as barbarian if
activated through invasion.
Eb: Bithynia & Pontus is initially controlled by the Goths & Heruli, not by the Palmyrenes.
Ec: Consider the port in 5415W to exist, even though Byzantium/Constantinopolis does not.
Ed: Persia's victory conditions were inadvertantly omitted. To win, Persia must control all its initial
provinces and any two Roman provinces. (Palmyra is considered a Roman power.)
Ee: Adiabene's tax base should be 1 (not 0), hence Persia's tax base is 44 (not 43).

Scenario 16

Ea: Probus' units listed as starting in 1113E should be placed in 1112E instead.
Eb: Add special rule 4: Although Agri Decumates is civilized for supply purposes, treat it as barbarian if
activated through invasion.

Scenario 17

Ea: Adiabene's tax base should be 1 (not 0), hence Diocletian's tax base is 107 (not 106).

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Scenario 18

Ea: The Galerian units which are listed as beginning in hex 1113E should be placed in hex 1112E instead.

Scenario 19

Ea: Licinius is listed as having as having "2 x 20-10" green-colored units in hex 6919W. Since legion
reform is in effect, this should, of course, be "2 x 10-10" units.
Eb: (Re: Licinius' note 1) Licinius does not receive tax revenues from Adiabene. He may conquer the
province completely anytime by moving units into Thospia; doing so activates Persia, which may place
units anywhere in Adiabene except hexes occupied by other powers (as well as in any other Persian

Scenario 20

Ea: Adiabene's tax base should be 1 (not 0), hence Persia's tax base is 38 (not 37).

Scenario 21

Ea: Adiabene's tax base should be 1 (not 0), hence Persia's tax base is 39 (not 38).

Scenario 22

Ea: Adiabene's tax base should be 1 (not 0), hence Persia's tax base is 39 (not 38).

Scenario 23

Ea: Adiabene's tax base should be 1 (not 0), hence Persia's tax base is 38 (not 37).

Scenario 28

Ea: No "type" is listed for Persia or tha Vandals; Persia is civilized non-Roman, the Vandals are barbarian.

Scenario 29

Ea: No "type" is listed for the Vandals - they are barbarian.

Scenario 30

Ea: The Frankish leader set up in 2712W should be Merovac, not Clovis.
Eb: No "type" is listed for the Vandals - they are barbarian.
Ca: see Errata to rule 37.4

Scenario 31

Ca: see Errata to rule 37.4

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Scenario 32

Q: What is the Ostrogoths' replacement rate in Scenario 32 ?

A: It is 16 [WEG]

Ea: The Ostrogothic leader Totila (who is not in play at the beginning of the scenario, but may enter by
Ostrogothic special rule 2), is printed on the back of the Vandal rex, Gelimer. Should Totila enter play and
Gelimer still be in use, substitute any other +1 leader's counter for Totila's.
Eb: Totilia and Urias, though Green leaders, are to be found in the Blue countermix.
Ec: No "type" is listed for the Vandals, Ostrogoths, or Persia - they are all civilized non-Roman (although
both were "barbarian" tribes, by this time they had pretty much settled down);
Ca: see change to rule 37.4

Scenario 33

Ea: No "type" is listed for Persia - it is civilized non-Roman

Eb: Belisarius also controls Rhaetia initially (tax baseis 0)
Ec: Adiabene's tax base should be 1 (not 0), hence Persia's tax base is 57 (not 56).

August 2007
Collected, compiled, and edited by the HFC - Homefront Wargame Center

Gesammelt, erstellt und bearbeitet von HFC - Homefront Wargame Center


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