NewRelic DevOps Primer PDF
NewRelic DevOps Primer PDF
NewRelic DevOps Primer PDF
What it is and why it matters
to you and your business
Table of Contents
There are as many opinions about DevOps as there are commentators,
but one thing is undeniable: DevOps is real. In a few short years, head-
lines about DevOps have gone from What the F--- Is DevOps? 1 and
DevOps Is a Poorly Executed Scam2 to The New Normal of DevOps3
and Three Reasons Your Startup Will Suffer Without DevOps.4 From
tiny startups to giant Fortune 500 enterprises, the IT industry is adopt-
ing DevOps at an amazing rate.
What is DevOps?
Where did it come from?
What problems led to DevOps?
How does DevOps work?
How widely used is DevOps today?
Why are people adopting DevOps?
What are the benefits?
1 James Turnbull, What the F*** is DevOps?, blog post,, May 2010.
2 Ted Dziuba, Devops is a Poorly Executed Scam, blog post,, March 2011.
3 The New Normal of DevOps, CA Technologies White Paper,, December 2013.
4 Three Reasons Your Startup Will Suffer Without DevOps, Readwrite,
5 Damon Edwards, The History of DevOps,IT Revolution Press,
What Is DevOps?
What Is DevOps?
The word DevOps itself was coined in 2009 by Patrick Debois,
who became one of its gurus. The term was formed by combin-
ing development and operations, which provides a starting
point for understanding exactly what people mean when they say
DevOps. Notably, DevOps isnt a process or a technology or a stan-
dard. Many devotees refer to DevOps as a culturea term that
New Relic favors. We also use the term DevOps movement when
talking about topics such as adoption rates and trends for the future
and DevOps environment to refer to an IT organization that has
adopted DevOps culture.
This primer will have a great deal more to say about DevOps, but to Successful DevOps is mutual respect
get started, we need a serviceable definition: between development and operations. You
deliver quality code and Ill deliver a quality
DevOps (a portmanteau of development and operations) is a soft- platform to run that code. We can have dif-
ware development method that stresses communication, collabora- ferences of opinion about how to do it, but
tion and integration between software developers and information at the end of the day, we are together going
technology (IT) operations professionals.6 to deliver software that performs as adver-
tised and meets our customers needs.7
Mike Surma, DevOps Engineer, Rackspace
6 Big Data Drives Rapid Changes in Infrastructure and $232 Billion in IT Spending Through 2016, Gartner Research, October 2012.
7 Interview, March 13, 2014
8 Ernest Mueller, What is DevOps? the agile admin, (December 2011).
9 Aniket Deshpande, DevOps an Extension of Agile Methodology How It will Impact QA?, Software Testing Help,
10 Jack Crews,Agile Values, Principles and Practices, online presentation,
11 Ernest Mueller, Q&A: Ernest Mueller on Bringing Agile to Operations,, 2010.
12 Niek Bartholomeus, My experience with introducing DevOps in a traditional enterprise,, January 28, 2013.
13 Ernest Mueller, A DevOps Manifesto, the agile admin,, October 15, 2010.
How Does
DevOps Work?
Instead of pointing fingers at each other, development and IT opera- Continuous Integration
tions work together (no, really). While the disconnect between these You usually find continuous integration in DevOps cultures because
two groups created the impetus for its creation, DevOps extends DevOps emerged from agile culture, and continuous integration is a
far beyond the IT organization, because the need for collaboration fundamental tenet of the agile approach:
ment, and executives): which isolated changes are immediately tested and reported on
when they are added to a larger code base. The goal of CI is to pro-
vide rapid feedback so that if a defect is introduced into the code
Successful DevOps requires business, development, QA, and oper-
base, it can be identified and corrected as soon as possiblethe
ations organizations to coordinate and play significant roles at dif-
usual rule is for each team member to submit work on a daily (or
ferent phases of the application lifecycle. It may be difficult, even
more frequent) basis and for a build to be conducted with each
impossible, to eliminate silos, but collaboration is essential.14
significant change.15
14 Laurie Wurster et al, Emerging Technology Analysis: DevOps a Culture Shift, Not a Technology, Gartner report, August 2013.
15 Margaret Rouse, Continuous Integration (CI), SearchSoftwareQuality,, July 2008.
with waterfall development. However, to achieve this benefit, devel- around by not only automating much of the test process but also
opers have to communicate with each other much more frequently redefining test methodologies:
something that runs counter to the image of the solitary genius coder
working for weeks or months on a module before she is ready to Rather than making test a separate and lengthy sequence in the
send it out in the world. That seed of open, frequent communication larger deployment process, continuous delivery practitioners roll
blooms in DevOps. out small upgrades almost constantly, measure their performance,
and quickly roll them back as needed.18
Continuous Testing
The testing piece of DevOps is easy to overlookuntil you get Although it may come as a surprise, the operations function has an
burned. As one industry expert puts it, The cost of quality is the important role to play in testing and QA:
place as an equally critical piece of DevOps. These patterns are essential to the QA team for creating a load test
that properly exercises the application.19
Continuous testing is not just a QA function, in fact, it starts in the
development environment. The days are over when developers Operations can also ensure that monitoring tools are in place and test
could simply throw the code over the wall to QA and say, Have at environments are properly configured. They can participate in func-
it. In a DevOps environment, everyone is involved in testing. Devel- tional, load, stress, and leak tests and offer analysis based on their
opers make sure that, along with delivering error-free code, they experience with similar applications running in production.
provide test data sets. They also help test engineers configure the
testing environment to be as close to the production environment The payoff from continuous testing is well worth the effort. The test
16 Wayne Ariola, interview at the 13th International Cloud Expo,, Nov 4-7, 2013.
17 Sanjeev Sharma, Understanding DevOps Part 4: Continuous Testing and Continuous Monitoring, blog post, , October 2012.
19 Jim Hirschauer, DevOps Scares Me Part 4: Dev and Ops Collaborate Across the Lifecycle, DZone,, August 2013.
Continuous testing also eliminates testing bottlenecks through virtu- count on real-time monitoring and rapid remediation to minimize
alized dependent services, and it simplifies the creation of virtualized the impact of the rare failure.
test environments that can be easily deployed, shared, and updated
as systems change. These capabilities reduce the cost of provisioning Continuous Monitoring
and maintaining test environments, and they shorten test cycle times Given the sheer number of releases, theres no way to implement the
by allowing integration testing earlier in life cycle. 20
kind of rigorous pre-release testing that characterizes waterfall devel-
opment. Therefore, in a DevOps environment, failures must be found
Continuous Delivery and fixed in real time. How do you do that? A big part is continuous
In the words of one commentator, continuous delivery is nothing monitoring.
but taking this concept of continuous integration to the next step.21
Instead of ending at the door of the development lab, continuous According to one pundit, the goals of continuous monitoring are
integration in DevOps extends to the entire release chain: including to quickly determine when a service is unavailable, understand the
QA and operations. The result is that individual releases are far less underlying causes, and most importantly, apply these learnings to
complex and come out much more frequently. anticipate problems before they occur. 22 In fact, some monitoring
experts advocate that the definition of a service must include moni-
The actual release frequency varies greatly depending on the com- toringthey see it as integral to service delivery.
panys legacy and goals. For example, one Fortune 100 company
improved its release cycle from once a year to once a quartera Like testing, monitoring starts in development. The same tools that
release rate that seems glacial compared to the hundreds of releases monitor the production environment can be employed in development
an hour achieved by Amazon.
to spot performance problems before they hit production.
users, some go back to development, and a few simply are not ing and application performance monitoring. Monitoring discussions
deployed at all. Other companiesFlickr is a notable example quickly get down to tools discussions, because there is no effective
push everything that comes from developers out to users and monitoring without the proper tools. For a list of DevOps tools (and
more DevOps-related content), visit New Relics DevOps Hub.
Whos Adopting
23 2013 State of DevOps Report, Puppet Labs and IT Revolution Press,
24 Kyt Dotson, DevOps Interview: Raja Bhargava, CEO of JumpCloud
25 Adam Duro, Three Reasons Your Startup Will Suffer Without DevOps, readwrite,, January 01, 2014.
26 The New Normal of DevOps, CA Technologies White Paper,, December 2013.
27 James B. Brown, 5 Reasons Why DevOps is Hitting Its Stride, Innovation Insights,, March.
28 Ibid.
The impact that DevOps has had on the testing side of the house can the first time and in real-time, Web analytics data, machine data,
be summed up in two words: Chaos Monkey. Netflix developed this and existing structured data to achieve a 360-degree view of how
remarkable, innovative tool to break its own software!29 customer-facing systems are and are not delivering business value.
DevOps allows organizations to understand the behavior of indi-
Chaos Monkey works on the principle that the best way to avoid vidual customers, what actions they take and how their behavior
major failures is to fail constantly. The software simulates failures compares to that of other customers. It allows an organization to
of instances of servicesby shutting down one or more of the vir- perform what-if analyses of changes to their user interface or prod-
tual machinesIn this way, its possible to prepare for major unex- uct offers. Based on the results of these predictive analyses, and
pected errors rather than just waiting for catastrophe to strike and of actual field experience, the Agile development side of DevOps
seeing how well you can manage. 30 then allows organizations to respond to market needs more quickly
than ever before. 31
that led to the creation of Chaos Monkey. With automated provision- holders have greater influence on the development process. Thanks
ing, test engineers can provision a test environment that is virtually to the collaborative spirit of DevOps, developers actually care about
identical to the production environment, resulting in more accurate business requirements and foster relationships with product manag-
testing and better ability to predict the performance of new releases. ers. DevOps also gives product managers immediate feedback about
As with other groups, test engineer productivity increases thanks to the impact of new pricing, features, and product bundles, which
automation and collaboration. allows them to test variations and gauge their effectiveness.
30 Margaret Rouse, Chaos Monkey,,, August 2013.
31 Kapil Apshankar, How DevOps Drives Real-Time Business Growth, Cognizant white paper, , 2013.
When Patrick Debois and other IT wizards started the DevOps move- My mindset was to slow down the release process.
ment, they surely werent concerned with how it would be received in I wanted to have as few releases as possible so
the corporate boardroom. Just five years later, DevOps is a hot topic that I could be sure that the system would be sta-
in those same boardrooms. ble. After working for several years in a DevOps
environment, Ive done a complete 180 degree
What do executives like about DevOps? For one thing, it helps the turn. Now my philosophy is, the more frequently
organization deliver high-quality products and get them to market we deploy, the better.32
much faster than competitors with traditional methods of software Aaron Bento, Site Reliability Engineer, New Relic
developmentactions that impact the bottom line and build brand
value. Another reason is the ability to attract and retain top talent:
high-quality developers, system administrators, and test engineers
want to work on the latest and greatest. Finally, when developers,
operations, and QA work together, top executives rarely get pulled
into inter-departmental disputes, leaving them more time to craft the
focused business goals that everyone is now pulling together to reach
Five years into the great DevOps experiment, the data is clear: DevOps need the ability to accurately monitor all the changes going on in
is here to stayand for some very good reasons. Many thought it your environment. New Relic provides the data you need to measure
impossible, but DevOps has succeeded in integrating business users, and monitor the new features the Dev team delivers, while ensuring
developers, test engineers, and system administrators into a single the stability that the Ops team requires. To learn more about DevOps
workflow focused on meeting customer requirements. Why would they and how New Relic can help your organization successfully make the
willingly do so? Because theres something in it for everyone. Developers transition, visit:
and system administrators stop arguing and start supporting each other,
lowering blood pressures all around. Business managers are happy
because they actually get the software products that they need to
One of the best messages that DevOps has
for all of us is, if you dont like the way some-
sell products and services. Executives watch their beloved dashboard
ones doing something, talk to them and find
metricsrevenue, customer satisfaction, system reliabilityheading
out why. Youll probably learn that there were
steadily north. And everyone is able to deliver the best results and overall great reasons for everything, including I didnt
experience possible to the customer. know how to do it.34
Sascha Bates, Consultant, Chef
Gains like these, however, dont come easily. In order to successfully
deploy code more frequently while keeping your systems humming, you
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