6825 29541 1 PB
6825 29541 1 PB
6825 29541 1 PB
Keywords: banana fiber, bio degradable, value addition, weather proof, packaging
Lignocellulosic are used for various
applications, depending on their composition
and physical properties. Recently, natural
cellulose fibers suitable for textile and other
industrial applications have been produced
from corn husks and corn stalk. Use of Figure 2. Pseudostem cross sectional view
lignocellulosic to produce ethanol and other
sugars can possible by fermentation. Presently, this biomass is discarded as
Biomasses can also be converted into carbon, waste. In past, some researchers have
hydrogen and oxygen to produce various successfully demonstrated use of banana
chemicals, enzymes and proteins. It is pseudostem and leaves for extraction of
reasonable to expect that agricultural fibers on a small scale. In India, the fibers are
byproducts will be a major source of being used for preparing handicrafts, ropes
industrial products and chemicals in the near etc., which otherwise can be used for making
future. However, there are a few limitations fabrics, home furnishings and good quality
associated with agro-based fibers that should papers. The major problem of non-adoption
be considered when designing products using of fiber extraction technology is low recovery
bio-fibers. The primary limitation is the of fibers leading to high transport cost. This
relatively higher moisture absorption of plant has long been a good source for high
natural fibers, making it difficult for the quality textiles in many parts of the world,
hydrophobic fibers and hydrophilic polymers especially in Japan and Nepal. [3-5]
to bond together.
All varieties of banana trees abound in 3. BANANA PRODUCTS
fibers. In fact almost each and every part of The stem of the banana plant is usually
the banana plant gives fibers of various thrown away once the plantain is harvested.
strength, color and beauty and staple length The stem forms a major waste material in the
which can be used for various purposes. Out large4 scale and this disposal has become a
of the 14-18 sheaths available in a stem, the huge problem. So form this they started to
outermost 4-6 sheaths yield course fiber, the extract fiber mechanically and used to make
outer 6-8 sheath soft lustrous fiber and the various products. Most of the Banana fibers
rest middle sheath excluding the innermost 4- produced today is used for ropes and cordage.
6 sheaths yield very soft fibers. In each The resistance of the fiber to the sea-water
sheath, there are 3 distinct layers, the outer and its natural buoyancy has created a ready