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Regular Singular Points 207





0 2 4 6 8 10

Figure 11.1: Solutions of ODE (6) for k = 9, x(0) = 1, x (0) = 0, and C = 0, 3, 6,

9, 12, 15. Which is the C = 15 curve?.

in the series, or by using a numerical solver to solve the corresponding IVP.

ODE Architect was used to graph solutions of ODE (6) for several values of
C (Figure 11.1).
What if t0 is not an ordinary point for the ODE, x + p(t)x + q(t)x = 0,
that is, what if p(t) or q(t) is not analytic at t0 ? For example, in the ODE
x + x/(t 1) = 0, q(t) is not analytic at t0 = 1. Such a point is said to be
a singular point of the ODE. For example, t0 = 1 is a singular point for the
ODE x + x/(t 1) = 0. Next we show how to deal with ODEs with certain
kinds of singular points.

Is t = 0 an ordinary point or a singular point of x  + t 2 x = 0? What about

x + (sin t)x = 0 and x  + x/t = 0?

Regular Singular Points

A singular point of the ODE x (t) + p(t)x (t) + q(t)x(t) = 0 is a regular
singular point if both (t t0 ) p(t) and (t t0 )2 q(t) are analytic at t0 . In this
case well have to modify the method to find a series solution to the ODE.

Is t = 0 a regular singular point of x + x /t + x = 0? What about

x + x + x/t 2 = 0 and x  + x + x/t 3 = 0?
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208 Chapter 11

Since (t t0 ) p(t) and (t t0 )2 q(t) are analytic at t0 , they have power

series expansions centered at t0 :
(t t0 ) p(t) = P0 + P1 (t t0 ) + P2 (t t0 )2 +
(t t0 )2 q(t) = Q0 + Q1 (t t0 ) + Q2 (t t0 )2 +
As we shall soon see, the constant coefficients, P0 and Q0 , in these two series
are particularly important. The roots of the quadratic equation (called the
indicial equation)
r(r 1) + P0 r + Q0 = 0 (8)
Assume that the roots of
the indicial equation are real
are used in solution formula (9) below.
A theorem due to Frobenius tells us how to modify our original method
of constructing power series solutions so that we can obtain series solutions
near regular singular points.

Frobenius Theorem. If t0 is a regular singular point of the second-

order differential equation x (t) + p(t)x (t) + q(t)x(t) = 0, then there
is at least one series solution at t0 of the form
The second summation is
called the Frobenius series. x1 (t) = (t t0 )r1

an (t t0 )n =

an (t t0 )n+r1 (9)
n=0 n=0

where r1 is the larger of the two roots r1 and r2 of the indicial equation.

Consult the references for The coefficients an can be determined in the same way as in the earlier
detailed instructions on how to example: differentiate twice, substitute the series for qx1 , px1 and x1 into the
find the coefficients an .
given differential equation, and then find a recurrence formula.
Here are a few things to keep in mind when finding a Frobenius series.
1. The roots of the indicial equation may not be integers, in which case the
series representation of the solution would not be a power series, but is
still a valid series.
2. If r1 r2 is not an integer, then the smaller root r2 of the indicial equa-
tion generates a second solution of the form

x2 (t) = (t t0 )r2 bn (t t0 )n
which is linearly independent of the first solution x1 (t).
3. When r1 r2 is an integer, a second solution of the form

x2 (t) = Cx1 (t) ln(t t0 ) + bn (t t0 )n+r2
exists, where the values of the coefficents b n are determined by finding
a recurrence formula, and C is a constant. The solution x 2 (t) is linearly
independent of x1 (t).
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Bessel Functions 209

Bessel Functions
For any nonnegative constant p, the differential equation
t 2 x (t) + tx (t) + (t2 p2 )x(t) = 0
is known as Bessels equation of order p, and its solutions are the Bessel
functions of order p. In normalized form, Bessels equation becomes
If t is very large, Bessels
t p2

equation looks like the harmonic x (t) + x (t) + x(t) = 0
oscillator equation, x + x = 0. t t2
From this we can see that tp(t) = 1 and t 2 q(t) = t2 p2 , so that tp(t) and
t 2 q(t) are analytic at t0 = 0. Therefore zero is a regular singular point and,
using equation (8), we find that the indicial equation is
The roots of the indicial
equation are are p and p.
r(r 1) + r p2 = r 2 p2 = 0
Application of Frobenius Theorem yields a solution J p given by the formula

J p (t) = t p t 2n
Consult the references for
the derivation of the formula for n=0
22n n!( p + 1)( p + 2) ( p + n)
J p (t).
The function J p (t) is called the Bessel function of order p of the first kind.
The series converges and is bounded for all t. If p is not an integer, it can
be shown that a second solution of Bessels equation is J p (t) and that the
general solution of Bessels equation is a linear combination of J p (t) and
J p (t).
For the special case p = 0, we get the function J0 (t) used in the aging
spring model in the second submodule of Module 11:

(1)n  t 2n t2 t4 t6
J0 (t) = = 1 + +
(n!)2 2 4 64 2304
Note that even though t = 0 is a singular point of the Bessel equation of order
zero, the value of J0 (0) is finite [ J0 (0) = 1]. See Figure 11.2.

Check that J0 (t) is a solution of Bessels equation of order 0.

When p is an integer we have to work much harder to get a second solu-

tion that is linearly independent of J p (t). The result is a function Y p (t) called
the Bessel function of order p of the second kind. The general formula for
Y p (t) is extremely complicated. We show only the special case Y0 (t), used in
the aging spring model:
2  t 
(1)n+1 Hn  t 2n
Y0 (t) = + ln J0 (t) +
Actually is an unending
decimal (or so most
2 n=0
(n!)2 2

mathematicians believe), and where Hn = 1 + (1/2) + (1/3) + + (1/n) and is Eulers constant: =
0.5772 gives the first four digits. limn ( Hn ln n) 0.5772.
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210 Chapter 11







0 5 10 15 20 25

Figure 11.2: The graph of J0 (t) [dark] looks like the graph of the decaying

sinusoid 2/t cos(t /4) [light].

The general solution of Bessels equation of integer order p is

x(t) = c1 J p (t) + c2 Y p (t) (10)

for arbitrary constants c1 and c2 . An important thing to note here is that the
value of Y p (t) at t = 0 does reflect the singularity at t = 0; in fact, Y p (t)
as t 0+ , so that a solution having the form given in (10) is bounded
only if c2 = 0.
Bessel functions appear frequently in applications involving cylindrical
geometry and have been extensively studied. In fact, except for the functions
you studied in calculus, Bessel functions are the most widely used functions
in science and engineering.

Transforming Bessels Equation to the Aging Spring Equation

See Aging Springs in Bessels equation of order zero can be transformed into the aging spring equa-
Module 11. tion x + eat x = 0. To do this, we take

t = (2/a) ln(2/as) (11)

where the new independent variable s is assumed to be positive. Then we can

use the chain rule to find the first two derivatives of the displacement x of the
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Transforming Bessels Equation to the Aging Spring Equation 211

aging spring with respect to s:

dx dx dt dx 2
= =
ds dt ds dt as
d2 x d dx 2 dx d 2
= +
ds2 ds dt as dt ds as
d x dt 2 dx 2
= 2 +
dt ds as dt as2
d x 2 2 dx 2
= 2 +
dt as as dt as2
d2 x 4 dx 2
= 2 +
dt (as)2 dt as2
We use w in place of x in
the aging spring section of
Bessels equation of order p = 0 is given by:
Module 11. d2 x dx
+ s + s2 x = 0
ds2 ds
and when we substitute in the derivatives we just found, we obtain
d x 4 dx 2 dx 2
s2 + + s + s2 x = 0
dt 2 (as)2 dt as2 dt as
Using the fact that
s = (2/a)eat/2 (12)
(found by solving equation (11) for s) in the last term, when we simplify this
monster equation it collapses down to a nice simple one:
d2 x 4 4
2 2
+ 2 eat x = 0
dt a a
Finally, if we divide through by 4/a2, we get the aging spring equation,
x + eat x = 0.
The other way around works as well, that is, a change of variables will
convert the aging spring equation to Bessels equation of order zero. That
means that solutions of the aging spring equation can be expressed in terms of
Bessel functions. This can be accomplished by using x = c 1 J0 (s) + c2 Y0 (s)
as the general solution of Bessels equation of order 0, and then using for-
mula (12) to replace s. Take another look as Experiments 3 and 4 on Screens 2.5
and 2.6 of Module 11. That will give you a graphical sense about the connec-
tion between aging springs and a Bessels equation.
References Borrelli, R. L., and Coleman, C. S., Differential Equations: A Modeling Per-
spective, (1998: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
Boyce, W. E., and DiPrima, R. C., Elementary Differential Equations and
Boundary Value Problems, 6th ed., (1997: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.)
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212 Chapter 11

Figure 11.3: Here are some typical graphs for the solution of x + C2 t2 x +
9x = 0 for various values of C2 . The graphs and the data tables are useful in
Problem 1 of Exploration 11.1.

Figure 11.4: Here is a phase-plane portrait for an aging spring ODE, x +
et x = 9.8. See Modeling an Aging Spring in the library folder Physical
Models and also Problem 1 in Exploration 11.3.
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Answer questions in the space provided, or on Name/Date

attached sheets with carefully labeled graphs. A
notepad report using the Architect is OK, too. Course/Section

Exploration 11.1. Damping a Robot Arm

In each of the following problems it is assumed that the displacement x of a

robot arm satisfies an IVP of the form
x + b(t)x + 9x = 0, x(0) = 1, x (0) = 0

An optimal damping function b(t) is one for which the solution x(t) reaches
0.005 in minimal time t without ever going below zero.

1. Consider damping functions of the form b(t) = Ck t k . For a positive integer

k, let Ck be the value of Ck that gives the optimal solution, and denote the
corresponding minimal time by tk . In Module 11, Screen 1.4 and TTA 3 on
Screen 1.7 you found that the optimal solution for k = 1 is x(t) = e9t /2 , with

C1 = 9 and t1 1.0897.

(a) Use ODE Architect to find an approximate optimal solution and values
of Ck and tk when k = 2. [Suggestion: Look at Figure 11.3.]
(b) Repeat with k = 3.
(c) Compare the optimal damping functions for k = 1, 2, 3, in the context
of the given physical process.

2. For

quadratic damping, b(t) = C2 t 2 , derive a power series solution x(t) =
n=0 a n t . Show that the recurrence formula for the coefficients is
[9an + C2 (n 1)a n1]
an+2 = , n1
(n + 1)(n + 2)
and a2 = 9a0 /2. Recall that a0 = x(0) and a1 = x (0).
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214 Exploration 11.1

3. Let P6 (t) be the Taylor polynomial n=0 a n t
, where the a n are given by the
recurrence formula in Problem 2.
(a) Write out P6 (t) with C2 as a parameter; briefly describe how the graph
of P6 (t) changes as C2 increases.
You will need results from (b) Graph the apparently optimal solution from Problem 1(a) over the in-
Problem 1(a) here. terval 0 t t2 and compare it to the graph of P6 (t) with C2 = C2 .

4. If the robot arm is totally undamped, its position at time t is x(t) = cos 3t;
therefore the arm cannot reach x = 0 for all t, 0 t /6. In this situation
the undamped arm cant remain above x = 0. The optimal damping func-
tions Ck t k found in Problem 1 look more like step functions as the degree k
increases. Try to improve the time t by using a step function for damping.
Assume the robot arm is allowed to fall without damping until just before
it reaches x = 0, at which time a constant damping force is applied. This
situation can be modeled by defining

0 for 0 t < 6
b(t) =
B for t 6
for = 0.2, 0.1, and 0.05. Use ODE Architect to find values of B that give
an approximate optimal solution. Include a graph showing your best solution
for each and give your best value of t in each case. What happens to the
optimal B as 0?

5. Find a formula for the solution for the situation in Problem 4. The value of
should be treated as a parameter. Assume that x(t) = cos 3t for t < (/6) .
Then the IVP to be solved is
x + B x + 9x = 0
x(/6 ) = cos[3( 6 )] = sin 3
x (/6 ) = 3 sin[3( 6 )] = 3 cos 3

The solution will be of the form x(t) = c1 er1 t + c2 er2 t , r1 < r2 < 0, but the
optimal solution requires that c2 = 0. Why? For a fixed , find the value of
B so that x(t) remains positive and reaches 0.005 in minimum time.
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Answer questions in the space provided, or on Name/Date

attached sheets with carefully labeled graphs. A
notepad report using the Architect is OK, too. Course/Section

Exploration 11.2. Bessel Functions

1. Bessel functions resemble decaying sinusoids. Lets compare the graph of

J0 (t) with that of one of these sinusoids.
(a) On the same set of axes, graph the Bessel function J0 (t) and the function

cos t
t 4
over the interval 0 t 10.
(b) Now graph these same two functions over the interval 0 t 50.
(c) Describe what you see.
[Suggestion: You can use ODE Architect to plot a good approximation of
J0 (t) by solving an IVP involving Bessels equation in system form:
x = y, y = x y/t, x(t0 ) = 1, x (t0 ) = 0
with t0 = 0.0001. Actually, J0 (0) = 1 and J0 (0) = 0, but t0 = 0 is a singular
point of the system so we must move slightly away from zero. You can plot the
decaying sinusoid on the same axes as J0 (t) by entering a = t
cos(t 4 )
in the same equation window as the IVP, selecting a custom 2D plot, and
plotting both a and x vs. t.]
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216 Exploration 11.2

2. Repeat Problem 1 for the functions Y0 (t) and t 2
sin t 4 . To graph a
good approximation of Y0 (t), solve the system equivalent of Bessels equation
of order zero (from Problem 1) with initial data t0 = 0.89357, x(t0 ) = 0,
x (t0 ) = 0.87942. As in Problem 1, we have to avoid the singularity at t0 = 0,
especially here because Y0 (0) = . The given initial data are taken from
published values of Bessel functions and their derivatives.
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Answer questions in the space provided, or on Name/Date

attached sheets with carefully labeled graphs. A
notepad report using the Architect is OK, too. Course/Section

Exploration 11.3. Aging Spring Models

1. Check out the Library file Modeling an Aging Spring in the Physical Mod-
els folder (see Figure 11.4). The ODE in the file models the motion of a
vertically suspended damped and aging spring that is subject to gravity. Carry
out the suggested explorations.

2. Show that
t+1 3 3
x(t) = sin ln(t + 1) t + 1 cos ln(t + 1)
3 2 2
is an analytic solution of the initial value problem
x (t) + = 0, x(0) = 1, x  (0) = 0
(t + 1)2
Explain why this IVP provides another model for the motion of an aging
spring that is sliding back and forth (without damping) on a support table.
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218 Exploration 11.3

3. Graph the solution x(t) from Problem 2 over the interval 0 x 10 and
compare the graph to the one obtained in Module 11 using ODE Architect.
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Answer questions in the space provided, or on Name/Date

attached sheets with carefully labeled graphs. A
notepad report using the Architect is OK, too. Course/Section

Exploration 11.4. The Incredible Lengthening Pendulum

Suppose that we have an undamped pendulum whose length L = a + bt in-

creases linearly over time. Then the ODE that models the motion of this
The ODE for a
pendulum of varying length
pendulum is

is derived in Chapter 10. (a + bt) (t) + 2b (t) + g(t) = 0 (13)

where is small enough that sin , the mass of the pendulum bob is 1,
and the value of the acceleration due to gravity is g = 32.1

1. With a = b = 1 and initial conditions (0) = 1 and  (0) = 0, use ODE Ar-
chitect to solve ODE (13) numerically. What happens to (t) as t +?

2. Under the same conditions, what happens to the oscillation time of the pen-
dulum as t +? (The oscillation time is the time between successive
maxima of (t).)

1 See the article Poes Pendulum by Borrelli, Coleman, and Hobson in Mathematics Magazine,

Vol. 58 (1985) No. 2, pp. 7883. See also Child on a Swing in Module 10.
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220 Exploration 11.4

3. Show that the change of variables

s = (2/b) (a + bt)g, x = a + bt
transforms Bessels equation of order 1
d2 x dx
+ s + (s2 1)x = 0
ds ds
into ODE (13) for the lengthening pendulum. [Suggestion: Take a look at the
section Transforming Bessels Equation to the Aging Spring Equation in
this chapter to help you get started. Use the change of variables given above
to express the solution of the IVP in Problem 1 using Bessel functions.]
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12 Chaos and Control






-16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4
Poincare map of a forced damped pendulum superimposed on a tra-

Overview In this Chapter well look at solutions of a forced damped pendulum ODE. In
the linear approximation of small oscillations, this ODE becomes the standard
constant-coefficient ODE x + cx + kx = F(t), which can be solved explicitly in
all cases. Without the linear approximation, the pendulum ODE contains the term
k sin x instead of kx. Now the study becomes much more complicated. Well focus
on the special case of the nonlinear pendulum ODE

x + cx + sin x = A cos t (1)

but our results leave a world of further things to be discovered. Well show that
appropriate initial conditions will send the pendulum on any desired sequence of
gyrations, and hint at how to control the chaos by finding such an initial condition.

Key words Forced damped pendulum; sensitivity to initial conditions; chaos; control; Poincare
sections; discrete dynamical systems; Lakes of Wada; control

See also Chapter 10 for background on the pendulum. Chapter 13 for more on discrete dy-
namical systems and other instances of chaos and sensitivity to initial conditions.
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222 Chapter 12

How might chaos and control possibly be related? These concepts appear at
first to be opposites, but in fact they are two faces of the same coin!
A good way to start discussing this apparent paradox is to think about
learning to ski. The beginning skier tries to be as stable as possible, with
feet firmly planted far enough apart to give confidence that she or he will not
topple over. If you try to ski in such a position, you cannot turn, and the only
way to stop, short of running into a tree, is to fall down. Learning to ski is
largely a matter of giving up on stability, bringing your feet together so as
to acquire controllability! You need to allow chaos in order to gain control.
Another example of the relation between chaos and control is the early
aircraft available at the beginning of World War I, carefully designed for great-
est stability. The result was that their course was highly predictable, an easy
target for antiaircraft fire. Very soon the airplane manufacturers started to
build in enough instability to allow maneuverability!

Solutions as Functions of Time

The methods of analysis we will give can be used for many other differential
equations, such as Duffings equation

x + cx + x x3 = A cos t, (2)

or the differential equation

x + cx + x x2 = A cos t, (3)

which arises when studying the stability of ships. The explorations at the end
suggest some strategies for these problems.
Lets begin to study ODE (1) with c = 0.1:

x + .1x + sin x = A cos t (4)

Lets compute some solutions, starting at t = 0 with A = 1 and various values

of x(0) and x  (0), and observe the motion out to t = 100, or perhaps longer
(see Figure 12.1). We see that most solutions eventually settle down to an
oscillation with period 2 (the same period as the driving force). This xt-plot
actually shows oscillations which differ by multiples of 2.
This settling down of behaviors at various levels is definitely a feature
of the parameter values chosen: for the amplitude A = 2.5 in ODE (4), for
instance, there does not appear to be any steady-state oscillation at all.
Looking at such pictures is quite frustrating: it is very hard to see the
pattern for which initial conditions settle down to which stable oscillations,
and which will not settle down at all.
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Poincare Sections 223







0 20 40 60 80 100

Figure 12.1: Solution curves of ODE (4) with x(0) = 0, x (0) = 2, 2.1.

Poincare Sections
Poincare found a way to understand and visualize the behavior of our differ-
ential equation: he sampled solutions of ODE (4) at multiples of the period
2 of the driving function:
0, 2, 4, . . . , 2k, . . .
This is much like taking pictures with a strobe light.
An equivalent way of saying this is to say that we will iterate1 the map-
ping P : R2 R 2 which takes a point (a, b) in R 2 , computes the solution
Note that the clock starts
at t = 0 when generating
x(t) with x(0) = a, x (0) = b, and sets
P(a, b) = (x(2), x (2))
Poincare plots. (5)
This mapping P is called a Poincare mapping. If you apply the operator P to
(a, b) k times in succession, the result is Pk (a, b) and we see that
Pk (a, b) = (x(2k), x  (2k))

When the xx -plane is
used to chart the evolution of the
In sense, the Poincare section is simply a crutch: every statement about
Poincare sections corresponds to a statement about the original ODE, and vice
points Pk (a, b), k = 1, 2, . . . , it
is called the Poincare plane.
versa. But this crutch is invaluable the orbits of a nonautonomous ODE such
as (4) intersect each other and themselves in a hopelessly tangled way.

1 Chapter 13 discusses iterating maps f : R R; there you will find that already the map f (x) =

x(1 x) is filled with surprises. Before trying to understand the iteration of P, which is quite
complicated indeed, the reader should experiment with several easier examples, like linear maps R2
R2 . The notion of basin will also be much clarified by considering the iteration of Newtons method
in one complex variable, perhaps for cubic polynomials.
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224 Chapter 12

Periodic Points
A good way to start investigating the Poincare mapping P (or for that matter,
the iteration of any map) is to ask: what periodic points does it have? Setting
x = y, a periodic point is a point (x, y) in R 2 such that for some integer k we
have Pk (x, y) = (x, y). Fixed points are periodic points with k = 1, and are
particularly important.
Periodic points of period k for P are associated with periodic solutions of
ODE (4) of period 2k. In particular, if x(t) is a solution which is periodic of
period 2, then
(x(0), x (0)) = (x(2), x  (2))
is a fixed point of P. If you observe this solution with a strobe which flashes
every 2, you will always see the solution in the same place.

The Unforced Pendulum

If there is no forcing term in ODE (4), then we have an autonomous ODE like
those treated in Chapter 10.
Example: The ODE
x + x + 10 sin x = 0
models a damped pendulum without forcing. A phase plane portrait is shown
in Figure 12.2. Note that the equilibrium points (of the equivalent system) at
x = 2n, x  = 0 are spiral sinks, but the equilibrium points at x = (2n + 1),
x = 0 are saddles. Note also that the phase plane is divided into slanting re-
gions, each of which has the property that its points are attracted to the equi-
librium point inside the region. These regions are called basins of attraction.
If a forcing term is supplied, these basins become all tangled up (Figure 12.4
on page 227).
There is a Poincare mapping P for the unforced damped pendulum, which
is fairly easy to understand, and which you should become familiar with be-
fore tackling the forced pendulum. In this case, two solutions of ODE (4)
with A = 0 stand out: the equilibria x(t) = 0 and x(t) = for all t. Cer-
tainly if the pendulum is at one of these equilibria and you illuminate it
with a strobe which flashes every T seconds, where T is a positive num-
ber, you will always see the pendulum in the same place. Thus these points
are fixed points of the corresponding Poincare mapping P. In the xx  -plane,
the same thing happens at the other equilibrium points, that is, at the points
. . . , (2, 0), (0, 0)(2, 0), . . . for the downward stable equilibria, and at
the points . . . , (3, 0), (, 0), (, 0), . . . for the unstable equilibria.
The analysis in Module 10 using an integral of motion should convince
you that for the unforced damped pendulum, these are the only periodic points:
if the pendulum is not at an equilibrium, the value of the integral decreases
with time, and the system cannot return to where it was.
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The Unforced Pendulum 225





-10 -5 0 5 10
theta (radians)

Figure 12.2: Basins of attraction of the downward equilibrium positions of

the unforced damped pendulum are bounded by separatrices.

If you start the pendulum with both x(0) and x  (0) small, the damping
will simply kill off the motion, and the pendulum will be attracted to the
downward equilibrium. The point (0, 0) in state space is called a sink.
The behavior is more interesting near an unstable equilibrium. Imagine
imparting an initial velocity to the bob by kicking it. For a small kick, it will
swing back. Now kick it a little harder: it will rise higher, and still swing
back. Kick it harder still, and it will make it over the top, and hit you in
the back if you arent careful. Dividing the kicks which dont make it over
from those that do is a very special kick, where pendulum rises forever, more
and more slowly, tending to the unstable equilibrium. Thus there are initial
conditions which generate solutions that tend to the unstable equilibrium; in
the Poincare plane these solutions form two curves which meet end to end
at the fixed point corresponding to the unstable equilibrium. Together they
form the stable separatrix of the fixed point. There are also curves of initial
conditions which come from the unstable equilibrium; together they form the
unstable separatrix of the unstable equilibrium. See Figure 12.3
As stated earlier, a good first thing to do when iterating a map is to search
for the periodic points; a good second thing is to find the periodic points which
correspond to unstable equilibria (saddles, in the case of the pendulum) and
find their separatrices.
For the unforced damped pendulum, the equilibria of the differential equa-
tion and the fixed points of any Poincare map coincide; so, too, do the separa-
trices of the unstable equilibria (in the phase plane) and the separatrices of the
corresponding saddle fixed points in the Poincare plane. These separatrices
separate the trajectories which approach a given sink from the trajectories that
approach a different sink.
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226 Chapter 12



-10 -5 0 5 10 15 20

Figure 12.3: Stable and unstable separatrices at a saddle for an unforced

damped pendulum. Which are the stable separatrices?

Check your understanding by reproducing the plot in Figure 12.3.

The Damped Forced Pendulum

We described above the Poincare plane for the unforced pendulum. The same
description holds for the forced pendulum. A figure showing a Poincare
map for a forced pendulum appears as the chapter cover figure. Thus, in the
Poincare plane, we expect to see a collection of fixed points corresponding to
the oscillations to which the pendulum settles down, and each has a basin:
the set of initial conditions which will settle down to it. The basins appear to
be extraordinarily tangled and complicated, and they are. The reader should
put up the picture of the basins (Screen 2.6 in Module 12), and practice super-
imposing iterations on the figure, checking that if you start in the blue basin,
the entire orbit remains in the blue basin, perhaps taking a complicated path
to get near the sink, but making it in the end.

Tangled Basins, the Wada Property

In the tangled basins Screen 3.3 of Module 12, each basin appears to be made
of a central piece, and four canals which go off and meander around the plane.
The meandering appears to be completely random and chaotic, and the only
thing the authors really know about the shapes of the basins of our undamped
pendulum is the following fact: The basins have the Wada property: every
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Tangled Basins, the Wada Property 227

Figure 12.4: Tangled basins for a forced damped pendulum.

point of the boundary2 of any basin is in the boundary of all the others. Thus
if you start at a boundary point of any basin, and perturb the initial condition
an arbitrarily small amount, you can land in any of the infinitely many basins.
A careful look at Figure 12.4 should convince you that this stands a good
chance of being true: Each region of a canal boundary point includes pieces
on many curves. It isnt clear, of course, that there are canals of all the basins
between any two canals.
It is one thing to think that the Wada property is likely true, and quite
another to prove it. It isnt clear how you would prove anything whatsoever
about the basins: they do not appear to be amenable to precise study.
To get a grip on these basins, the first step is to understand why they
appear to be bounded by smooth curves, and to figure out what these smooth
curves are. For each sink (solid white squares in Figure 12.4), there are in fact
four periodic points (open squares), each of period two, which are saddles,
and such that for each saddle one of the two unstable separatrices is entirely
contained in the corresponding basin.

2 The boundary U of an open set U R2 is a point x R2 which is not in U, but such that

there exists a sequence of points xn U which converges to x. Later we will encounter the notion
of accessible boundary: the points x U such that there exists a parametrized curve : (0, 1] U
such that limt0 (t) = x. For simple open sets, the boundary and the accessible boundary coincide,
but not for our basins.
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228 Chapter 12

The next step is to show that the accessible boundary of the basin is made
up of the stable separatrices of these saddles. This uses the technique of basin
cells, as pioneered by Kennedy, Nusse and Yorke. To see a fleshed out sketch,
see the C.ODE.E article referenced at the end of this chapter.

Gaining Control
The statement about the basins having the Wada property is, in some sense, a
negative statement, saying that there is maximum possible disorder. Is there
some positive statement one can make about the forced pendulum (for these
parameter values)? It turns out that there is. The precise statement is as
During one period of the forcing term, say during
t in the interval Ik = [2k, 2(k + 1)]
the pendulum will do one of the following four things:

It will cross the bottom position exactly once moving clockwise (count
this possibility as 1);
It will cross the bottom position exactly once moving counterclockwise
(count this possibility as +1);
It will not cross the bottom position at all (count this possibility as 0);
It will do something else (possibility NA).

Note that most solutions appear to be attracted to sinks, and that the stable
oscillation corresponding to a sink crosses the bottom position twice during
each Ik , and hence these oscillations (and most oscillations after they have
settled down) belong to the NA category.
The essential control statement we can make about the pendulum is the

For any biinfinite sequence . . . , 1 , 0 , 1 , . . . of symbols i selected

from the set {1, 0, 1}, there exists x(0), x  (0) such that the solution
with this initial condition will do k during the time interval Ik .

The chaos game in Module 12 suggests why this might be true; the tech-
niques involved in the proof were originally developed by Smale3 .

3 Stephen Smale is a contemporary mathematician who was awarded a Fields medal (the mathe-

matical equivalent of a Nobel prize) in the early 1960s. See Devaney in the references at the end of
this chapter.
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Gaining Control 229

Figure 12.5: Start in quadrilateral Q0 and reach forward into Q1 and backward
into Q1 .

We start by drawing quadrilaterals Qk around the kth saddle, long in the

unstable direction and short in the stable direction, such that it crosses a good
part of the tangle. We can now translate our symbols i , which refer to the
differential equation, into the Poincare mapping language:
If at time t = 2k the pendulum is in Qk and at time 2(k + 1) it is in
Qk+k , then during Ik the pendulum does k . So it is the same thing to require
that a trajectory of the pendulum realize a particular symbol sequence, and
to require that an orbit of the Poincare map visit a particular sequence of
quadrangles, just so long as successive quadrangles be neighbors or identical.
Draw the forward image of that quadrilateral, and observe that it grows
much longer in the unstable direction and shrinks in the stable direction; we
will refer to P(Qk ) as the kth snake, S k . The entire proof comes down to
understanding how S k intersects Qk1 , Qk and Qk+1 .
The thing to be checked is that S k intersects all three in subquadrangles
going from top to bottom, and that the top and bottom of Q k map to parts of
the boundary of S k which are outside Qk1 Qk Qk+1. See Figure 12.5 for
an example of a winning strategy for three adjacent quadrilaterals.
Once you have convinced yourself that this is true, you will see that every
symbolic sequence describing a history of the pendulum is realized by an
intersection of thinner and thinner nested subquadrangles.
A similar argument shows that a symbol describing a future of the pendu-
lum corresponds to a sequence of thinner and thinner subquadrangles going
from left to right. The details are in the C.ODE.E paper in the references.
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230 Chapter 12

References Borrelli, R. and Coleman, C., Computers, Lies, and the Fishing Season in
The College Mathematics Journal, November 1994, pp. 403404
Devaney, R. L., An Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems, (1986: Ben-
jamin/Cummings), Section 2.3 The Horseshoe Map
Guckenheimer, J. and Holmes, P., Nonlinear Oscillations, Dynamical Sys-
tems, and Bifurcations of Vector Fields (1983: Springer-Verlag). The
original classic in this field.
Hastings, S.P. and MacLeod, J.B., Chaotic Motion of a Pendulum with Oscil-
latory Forcing in The American Mathematical Monthly, June-July 1993
Hubbard, J.H., What It Means to Understand a Differential Equation in The
College Mathematics Journal, November 1994, pp. 372384
Hubbard, J.H., The Forced Damped Pendulum: Chaos, Complexity, and
Control in C.ODE.E Newsletter, Spring 95; (soon to be published in
The American Mathematical Monthly)
Sharp, J. A Problem in Ship Stability Group project for interdisciplinary
course in nonlinear dynamics and chaos, 1996-1997. Write to John Sharp,
Department of Physics, Rose-Hulman University, Terre Haute, IN.
Strogatz, S., Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, (1994: Addison-Wesley). Nice
treatment of many problems, including chaos induced in constant torque
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Answer questions in the space provided, or on Name/Date

attached sheets with carefully labeled graphs. A
notepad report using the Architect is OK, too. Course/Section

Exploration 12.1.

1. Choose a value for c = 0.1, take A = 1 in ODE (1), and produce graphs like
those in the chapter cover figure and Figure 12.1.

2. Choose a value for A = 1 and c = 0.1 in ODE 1 and produce graphs like those
in the chapter cover figure and Figure 12.1.

3. Choose a value for = 1 in the ODE

x + 0.1x  + sin x = cos t
and produce graphs like those in the chapter cover figure and Figure 12.1.
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232 Exploration 12.1

4. Repeat Problems 1 and 2, but for the Duffing ODE,

x + cx + x x3 = A cos t

5. Repeat Problems 1 and 2, but for the ODE with a quadratic nonlinearity,
x + cx + x x2 = A cos t
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13 Discrete Dynamical Systems








0 100 200 300 400

Supply and demand converge to a stable equilibrium.

Overview Processes such as population dynamics that evolve in discrete time steps are best
modeled using discrete dynamical systems. These take the form xn+1 = f (xn ),
where the variable xn is the state of the system at time n and xn+1 is the state of
the system at time n + 1. Discrete dynamical systems are widely used in ecology,
economics, physics and many other disciplines. In this section we present the
basic techniques and phenomena associated with discrete dynamical systems.

Key words Iteration; fixed point; periodic point; cobweb and stairstep diagrams; stability;
sinks; sources; bifurcation diagrams; logisitic maps; chaos; sensitive dependence
on initial conditions; Julia sets; Mandelbrot sets

See also Chapter 6 for more on sinks and sources in differential equations; Chapter 12 for
Poincare sections.
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234 Chapter 13

Discrete dynamical systems arise in a large variety of applications. For

example, the population of a species that reproduces on an annual basis is
best modeled using discrete systems. Discrete systems also play an impor-
tant role in understanding many continuous dynamical systems. For example,
points calculated by a numerical ODE solver form a discrete dynamical sys-
tem that approximates the solution of an initial value problem for an ODE.
The Poincare section described in Chapter 12 is another example of a discrete
dynamical system that gives information about a system of ODEs.
A discrete dynamical system is defined by the iteration of a function f ,
and takes the form
xn+1 = f (xn ), n 0, x0 given (1)
Here are another two examples. In population dynamics, some populations
are modeled using a proportional growth model

The function f (x) = x is

denoted L , and so L (x) = x.
xn+1 = L (xn ) = xn , n 0, x0 given (2)
where xn is the population density at generation n and is a positive num-
ber that measures population growth from generation to generation. Another
common model is the logistic growth model:
The function x(1 x) is
denoted by g (x).
xn+1 = g (xn ) = xn (1 xn ), n 0, x0 given
Lets return to the general discrete system (1). Starting with an initial
condition x0 , we can generate a sequence using this rule for iteration: Given
x0 , we get x1 = f (x0 ) by evaluating the function f at x0 . We then compute
x2 = f (x1 ), x3 = f (x2 ), and so on, generating a sequence of points {x n }.
The superscript
us that this is just the
reminds Each xn is the n-fold composition of f at x0 since
composition of f with itself; f is x2 = f ( f (x0 )) = f 2 (x0 )
not being raised to a power.
x3 = f ( f ( f (x0 ))) = f 3 (x0 )
xn = f n (x0 )
(Some authors omit the superscript .)
The infinite sequence of iterates O(x0 ) = {xn }
n=0 is called the orbit of x0
under f , and the function f is often referred to as a map. For example, if
we take = 1/2 and the initial condition x0 = 1 in the proportional growth
model (2), we get the orbit for the map L:
x0 = 1, x1 = 1/2, x2 = 1/4, . . .
Refer to Screen 1.2 of Module 13 for four representations of the orbit
of an iteration: as a sequence {x0 , x1 = f (x0 ), x2 = f (x1 ), . . . }; a numerical
list whose columns are labeled n, x n , f (xn ); a time series where xn is plotted
against time n; and a stairstep/cobweb diagram for graphical analysis.
The chapter cover figure shows a stairstep diagram for the model x n+1 =
0.7x n + 100. Figures 13.1 and 13.2 show cobweb diagrams for the logistic
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Equilibrium States 235

model xn+1 = xn (1 xn ), with = 3.51 and 3.9, respectively. In all of

these figures, the diagonal line x n+1 = xn is also plotted. The stairstep and
cobweb diagrams are constructed by selecting a value for x 0 on the horizontal
axis, moving up to the graph of the iterated function to obtain x 1 , horizontally
over to the diagonal then up (or down) to the graph of the function to obtain
x2 , and so on. These diagrams are used to guide the eye in moving from x n to
xn+1 .

Equilibrium States
As with autonomous ODEs, it is useful to determine the equilibrium states for
a discrete dynamical system. First we need some definitions:

A fixed point of a discrete

dynamical system is the analogue
A point x is a fixed point of f if f (x ) = x . A fixed point is easy to
spot in a stairstep or cobweb diagram even before the steps and webs
of an equilibrium point for a
system of ODEs.
are plotted: the fixed points of f are where the graph of f intersects the
A point x is a periodic point of period n of f if f n (x ) = x and
f k (x ) = x for k < n. A fixed point is a periodic point of period 1.
Both the proportional and logistic growth models have the fixed point x = 0.
For certain values of the logistic model has periodic points; Figure 13.1
suggests that the model has a period-4 orbit if = 3.51.

Check your understanding by showing that the logistic model has a

second fixed point x = ( 1)/. Does the proportional growth model for
> 0 have any periodic points that are not fixed?

This use of the words A fixed point x of f is said to be stable (or a sink, or an attractor) if every
stable and unstable for points point p in some neighborhood of x approaches x under iteration by f , that
and orbits of a discrete system
differs from the way the words
is, if f n ( p) x as n +. The set of all points such that f n ( p) x
are used for equilibrium points of as n + is the basin of attraction of p. A fixed point x is unstable (or
an ODE. For example, a saddle a source or repeller) if every point in some neighborhood of x moves out of
point of an ODE is unstable, but a the neighborhood under iteration by f . If x is a period-n point of f , then
saddle point of a discrete system
is neither stable or unstable.
the orbit of x is said to be stable if x is stable as a fixed point of the map
f n . The orbit is unstable if x is unstable as a fixed point of f n . Stability is
determined by the derivative of the map f , as the following tests show:

A fixed point x is stable if | f  (x )| < 1, and unstable if | f  (x )| > 1.

The orbit of a periodic point x of period n is stable if |( f n ) (x )| < 1,
and unstable if |( f n ) (x )| > 1.

Stable periodic orbits are attracting because nearby orbits approach them,
while unstable periodic orbits are repelling because nearby orbits move away
from them.
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236 Chapter 13

Figure 13.1: The cobweb diagram for the logistic map, xn+1 = 3.51xn (1 xn ),
suggests that iterates of x0 = 0.72 approach a stable orbit of period 4.

Is the fixed point in the chapter cover figure stable? Is the period-4 orbit
in Figure 13.1 stable? How about the two fixed points in that figure? [Sugges-
tion: Use the Discrete Tool as an aid in answering these questions.]

Linear versus Nonlinear Dynamics

The solutions of linear and of nonlinear ODEs are compared and contrasted
in Chapter/Modules 6 and 7. Now we will do the same comparison for linear
and nonlinear maps of the real line into itself.
Refer to the first Lets look at the iteration of linear functions such as the proportional
submodule of Module 13 for growth model xn+1 = L (xn ), which has a fixed point at x = 0. This fixed
point is stable if || < 1, so the orbit of every initial population tends to 0 as
n . If = 1, then x n+1 = xn , and hence every point is a fixed point. The
fixed point at x = 0 is unstable if || > 1, and all initial populations tend to
as n . If = 1 then x = 0 is the only fixed point and every other
point is of period 2 since x n+1 = xn .
The iteration of any linear function f (x) = ax + b (with slope a = 1)
behaves much like the proportional growth model. Fixed points are found by
solving ax + b = x , and their stability is governed by the magnitude of a.
The iteration of nonlinear functions can be much more complex than that
of linear functions. In particular, nonlinear functions can exhibit chaotic be-
havior, as well as periodic behavior. To illustrate the types of behavior typical
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Stability of a Discrete Dynamical System 237

Figure 13.2: The cobweb diagram of the logistic map xn+1 = 3.9xn (1 xn ) sug-
gests that iterates of x0 = 0.8361 either approach an attracting periodic orbit
of very high period, or else wander chaotically.

to nonlinear functions we consider; in the second submodule of Module 13,

the one-parameter family of logistic functions
g (x) = x(1 x)
Figure 13.2 shows how complex an orbit of a logistic map may be for certain
values of .

Stability of a Discrete Dynamical System

Now we turn our attention to the stability of an entire dynamical system rather
than just that of a fixed point. One of the most important ideas of dynamical
systems (discrete or continuous) is that of hyperbolicity. Hyperbolic points
are stable to small changes in the parameters of a dynamical system. This
does not mean that a perturbation (a small change) of the function leaves the
fixed or periodic point unchanged. It simply means that the perturbed function
will also have a fixed point or periodic point nearby, and that this point has
the stability properties of the corresponding point of the unperturbed function.
For example, at = 2 the function g2 (x) has an attracting fixed point x = 0.5.
For values of near 2, the function g (x) also has an attracting fixed point
x = ( 1)/. For example, if = 2.1 then the attracting fixed point is
x = 0.524. Even though the fixed point moved a little as increased, the
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238 Chapter 13

fixed point still exists and it is still attracting. The following theorem provides
a way of determining whether fixed points and periodic orbits are hyperbolic.
THEOREM 13.1 Given a discrete dynamical system x n+1 = f (xn ),
a fixed point x of f (x) is hyperbolic if | f  (x )| = 1. Similarly, a peri-
odic point x of period n (and its orbit) is hyperbolic if |( f n ) (x )| = 1.
Because the number and type of periodic points do not change at pa-
rameter values where f (x) has hyperbolic points, we say that the qualitative
structure of the dynamical system remains unchanged. On the other hand,
this theorem also implies that changes in the qualitative structure of a family
of discrete dynamical systems can occur only when a fixed or periodic point
is not hyperbolic. We see this in the proportional growth model x n+1 = xn

when = 1 and = 1. For = 1 [and hence L 1 (1) = = 1 ] the
fixed point x = 0 is attracting. But for = 1 + the fixed point is repelling.
Thus, as passes through the value 1, the stability of the fixed point changes
from attracting to repelling and the qualitative structure of the dynamical sys-
tem changes.

A change in the qualitative structure of a discrete dynamical system, such as
a change in the stability of a fixed point, is known as a bifurcation. Two other
types of bifurcations can also occur when f is nonlinear.
The first, known as a saddle-node bifurcation, occurs when x is a peri-
odic point of period n and ( f n ) (x ) = 1. In a saddle-node bifurcation, the
periodic point x splits into a pair of periodic points, both of period n, one of
which is attracting and the other repelling. A saddle-node bifurcation occurs
in the logistic growth family g (x) when = 1. At this value the fixed point
x = 0 (which is attracting for < 1) splits into a pair of fixed points, x = 0
(repelling for > 1), and x = ( 1)/ (attracting for > 1). This type of
bifurcation is sometimes called an exchange of stability bifurcation.
The second important type of bifurcation is called period-doubling and
occurs when x is a periodic point of period-n and ( f n ) (x ) = 1. In this
bifurcation the attracting period n point becomes repelling and an attracting
period-2n orbit is spawned. (Note that the stability can be reversed.) This
occurs in the logistic family g (x) when = 3. At this parameter value, the
attracting fixed point x = ( 1)/ becomes repelling and a stable period-2
orbit emerges with one point on each side of x = ( 1)/. Since the logistic
equations model population growth, this says that the population converges to
an equilibrium for growth rate constants less than 3. However, for values of
greater than 3, the population oscillates through a sequence of values.
The bifurcations that occur in a one parameter family of discrete dynam-
ical systems can be summarized in a bifurcation diagram. For each value of
the parameter (on the horizontal axis) the diagram shows the long-term be-
havior under iteration of a typical initial point. For example, if you see

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