Exam 2 - Tawheed Booklet
Exam 2 - Tawheed Booklet
Exam 2 - Tawheed Booklet
2. What is the evidence for the fact that Allah created us to worship Him? Mention the
3. What is shirk?
5. What is the first thing that Allah made obligatory upon His slaves?
6. Who reported the hadith that states the Five Pillars of Islam? Mention names of both
hadith books.
7. Who reported the hadith of six pillars of Emaan? Mention the name of the narrator
8. What is the name of the Prophet, which includes his fathers, grandfathers, great
Part II: Check the Correct Answer
1. Supplication is
a. Worship
b. Partnership
c. Seeking help
d. Seeking support
2. Taagoot is
a. Astrologer
b. Soothsayer
3. Quraish were
a. Nomads
b. Chosen sons of Ismail alayhe assalam
c. Immigrants
d. Helpers of the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam
4. Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam called people to
a. To worship idols
b. To leave shirk
c. To migrate to Madinah
d. To be kind to people
b. Resurrection
c. Recompense
d. B & C
6. For how many years did the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam call people to the
a. 23
b. 13
c. 10
d. 8
7. Who are the best of people after the Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam?
a. Heavens
b. Sky
c. Earth
d. Space
a. Muslims
b. Non-Muslims
c. Dajjal
d. Devil
Part III: Fill in the Blank
4. The Taagoot is whatever by which the ______________ exceeds in his limitation in terms
7. The Prophet sallallahu alayhe wa sallam has been sent with from the _________________