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There are 4 types of tenses in English:

-past simple (I did)
-present simple ( I do)
-future simple (I will do)

- past continuous (I was doing)
- present continuous ( I am doing)
- future continuous (I will be doing)


- past perfect simple (I had done)
- present perfect simple (I have done)
- future perfect simple ( I will have done)


- past perfect continuous (I had been doing)
- present perfect continuous (I have been
- future perfect continuous (I will have been

These are the basic tenses. Furthermore, they are

vital in the development of a logical speech and
they are mandatory in the patch of understanding
what follows up.

Any verb has 3 forms: 1st = the infinitive (or the

present simple)
2nd= the past simple
3rd= the participle (which is used only
it also stands as an ADJECTIVE)

There are two types of verbs in English : regular

and irregular.

REGULAR : the 2nd and the 3rd forms are

IDENTICAL ( -ed termination)
IRREGULAR: all three forms are different.

PAST SIMPLE = este echivalentul trecutului

generic in romana
The past simple in English is represented by the
SECOND FORM of the verb, which is to say either
a verb with ed termination (regular vb) or a self-
standing and unique form (irregular vb).
Forms that you MUST MEMORISE:
- enunt afirmativ: subiect + verb 2nd form.
e.g: I went to the theatre.
She played with the toys.

- Enunt negative: subiect + didnt/did not +

verb 1st form (infinitive)
e.g: I didnt go to the theatre.
She did not play with the toys.

- Interogatie afirmativa: Did + subiect +

verb 1st form ?
e.g: Did I go to the theatre?
Did she play with the toys?

- Interogatie negative : Didnt + subiect +

verb 1st form ?
Did + subiect + not + verb 1st form?
e.g: Didnt I go to the theatre?
Did she not play with the toys?

Cand folosim past simple?

- cand vorbim despre o actiune trecuta si cu
siguranta incheiata pana la momentul
- Intr-o povesire sau intr-o secventa de
evenimente, intr-o gluma
- Intr-o POVESTIRE = cand POVESTIM, in

Care sunt indicia de timp?

- YESTERDAY, AGO, LAST ! (last week,

last month, last year) (ATENTIE! Daca ai
FOR the last week/month/year, atunci
folosesti present perfect simple)
- In 1992
- then = atunci ( nu confunda then cu THAN,
care inseamna DECAT)
- back then = pe atunci.
Here you are a list containing the most
important IRREGULAR VERBS that you

1st = 2nd= past 3rd= translation

infinitve/ simple participle
1. be(am, is, Was/ been A fi
are) were
2. Become Became Become A devein
3. Begin Began Begun A incepe
4. Bet Bet Bet A paria
5. Bleed Bled Bled A sangera
6. Blow Blew Blown A bate (vant)
7. Break Broke Broken A sparge/rupe
8. Bring Brought Brought A aduce
9. Burn Burnt Burnt A arde
10 Build Built Built A construe
11 Buy Bought Bought A cumpara
12 Choose Chose Chosen A allege
13 Come Came Come A veni
14 Cost Cost Cost A costa
15 Cut Cut Cut A taia
16 Do Did Done A face
17 Draw Drew Drawn A desena
18 Drink Drank Drunk A bea
19 Drive Drove Driven A conduce
20 Eat Ate Eaten A manca
21 Fall Fell Fallen A cadea
22 Fight Fought Fought A lupta
23 Feel Felt Felt A simti
24 Fly Flew Flown A zbura
25 Forget Forgot Forgotten A uita
26 Forgive Forgave Forgiven A ierta
27 Get Got Got A obtine
28 Give Gave Given A da
29 Go Went Gone A merge
30 Grow Grew Grown A creste
31 Have/has Had Had A avea
32 Hear Heard Heard A auzi
33 Hit Hit Hit A lovi
34 Hold Held Held A tine
35 Hurt Hurt Hurt A rani
36 Keep Kept Kept A pastra
37 Kneel Knelt Knelt A ingenunchia
38 Know Knew Known A sti
39 Lay Laid Laid A intinde
40 Learn Learnt Learnt A invata
41 Leave Left Left A parasi
42 Let Let Let A permite
43 Lose Lost Lost A pierde
44 Make Made Made A face
45 Mean Meant Meant A insemna
46 Meet Met Met A intalni
47 Pay Paid Paid A plati
48 Put Put Put A pune
49 Read Read Read A citi
. [red] [red]
50 Ride Rode Ridden A calari
51 Ring Rang Rung A suna
. [reng] (soneria)
52 Run Ran [ren] Run A alerga
53 Say Said Said A spune
54 See Saw Seen A vedea
55 Sell Sold Sold A vinde
56 Send Sent Sent A trimite
57 Shoot [shut] Shot Shot A impusca
58 Sing Sang Sung A canta
. [sang]
59 Sleep Slept Slept A dormi
60 Smell Smelt Smelt A mirosi
61 Speak Spoke Spoken A vorbi
62 Speed Sped Sped A grabi
63 Stand Stood Stood A sta in
. picioare
64 Spread Spread[sp Spread A raspandi
. [spred] red] [spred]
65 Steal Stole Stolen A fura
66 Swim [suim] Swam Swum A inota
. [suem] [suam]
67 Swing Swung Swung A legana
. [sueng] [sueng]
68 Take Took Taken A lua
69 Teach Taught Taught A preda elevilor
70 Tear Tore Torn A rupe
71 Tell Told Told A spune/povesti
Think Thought Thought A gandi
Throw Threw Thrown A arunca
Understand Understo Understo A intelege
od od
Upset Upset Upset A supara
Wake Woke Woken A trezi
wear Wore Worn A purta
Win Won Won A castiga
Write Wrote Written A scrie
Feed Fed Fed A hrani
Catch Caught Caught A prinde (in

1. Ai trezit-o pe Ana? S-a dus in pat acum 3 ore si cred ca doarme
2. Nu ai inteles ce ti-am spus, nu-i asa?
3. Sara a scris pe nisip te iubesc, apoi s-a certat cu prietenii ei
pentru nimeni nu ii acorda atentie. Tot ce voia era sa gaseasca pe
cineva care sa o asculte si sa impartaseasca aceleasi gusturi.
4. Nimeni nu s-a gandit ca John a baut potiunea magica. John a
lesinat imediat si a fost dus de urgenta la spital.
5. Ai spus cumva ca nu ma mai iubesti?
6. Cat a costat acest laptop? Dar acel telefon cat costa?
7. Acesti flacai au alergat la marathon , dar doar unul dintre ei a
8. Shakespeare a scris 36 de piese de teatru.
9. Si-a vandut masina saptamana trecuta/ acum o saptamana.
10.S-a trezit, s-a dat jos din pat si apoi s-a dus in bucatarie sa-si faca o
cafea. Era ziua ei libera.
11.Ei au fost in luna de miere la roma acum 3 luni. (go)
12.Jasmine a plecat acum un minut.
13.Ieri nu aveam nimic de facut asa ca am descarcat GTA si am
impuscat oamenii de pe strada.
14.Tot ce a spus ieri la intalnire a fost atat de plicitisitor.
15.Saptamana trecuta le-am predat studentilor mei timpurile
verbale. De aceea, toti au cumparat cartile pe care eu le-am scris
si tot eu le-am vandut. Ei au platit o gramada de bani. I-am
16.Am discutat ieri cu Mary despre importanta moralitatii si a
educatiei in viata unei femei de afaceri de success.

PAST CONTINUOUS = echivalentul

imperfectului din romana

Being a continuous tense, it means that it

undoubtedly made up by be + verb. ING

Forms that you MUST know:

-enunt afirmativ: subiect + was/were + vb.ING
e.g: I was doing my homework when she came
You were cooking when the phone rang.

-enunt negative: subiect + was not (wasnt) / were

not (werent) + vb.ING
e.g: I wasnt doing my homework when she came
You werent cooking when the phone rang.

-interogatie afirmativa: Was/Were + subiect + vb.

e.g: Was he doing his homework when she came
Were you cooking when the phone rang?

-interogatie negativa: Was + subiect + not +

vb.ING ? / Werent + subiect + vb.ING ?
e.g: Was he not doing his homework when she
came home, was he?
Werent you cooking when the phone rang,
were you?

Cand folosim past continuous?

- cand vorbim despre o actiune trecuta,
simultana cu o alta actiune sau intrerupta de
o alta actiune
- actiune lungi, trecute, petrecute pe un
segment de timp lung (imperfectul)
Ce indici de timp avem?
- while= in timp ce (While you sing were
singing, I was drawing)
- when ( when the phone rang I was taking a
- this time last week ( This time last week I
was travelling in Dublin)

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