Hope Will Find You by Naomi Levy - Ch. 31 Excerpt
Hope Will Find You by Naomi Levy - Ch. 31 Excerpt
Hope Will Find You by Naomi Levy - Ch. 31 Excerpt
even though I was less fearful, even though I knew I had so many
blessings, I still felt like I was floating above my life. For two years
I had scheduled my days around Noa’s therapies and doctors’ ap-
pointments. Now there were new appointments to face—Noa needed
to be assessed by learning specialists and neuropsychologists.
One day in February, I was sitting in a café sipping coffee when
these words suddenly popped into my head: “Where are you coming
from and where are you going?” I kept repeating these words over
and over again to myself. I knew these words. An angel spoke them to
a slave lost in the desert. But as I sat there with my coffee, a mother
lost in her worry, I was sure these words were summoning me.
When I got home I opened the Bible and began poring over the
ancient story. I’d known the story of this lost slave named Hagar all
my life, but I’d always glossed over her because she seemed to be a
relatively unimportant character in the Bible. I had never tried to
see the world through her eyes before. On that day I began read-
ing her story with new eyes. There she was standing before me. So
strong and dignified. I envisioned her, this young beauty with smooth
olive skin, thick black wavy hair, deep brown eyes, and callused
hands from a life of hard labor. It was she who taught me how to see
In the Bible, Hagar was a slave to Abram and Sarai. Sarai was
infertile, so Abram slept with Hagar in order to have a child through
her. Sarai grew jealous when Hagar conceived and began to torment
her. And Hagar ran away.
As she was wandering alone in the wilderness, an angel of
God found her. The angel asked her, “Where are you coming from
and where are you going? ” Hagar told him she was running away
from her mistress Sarai. The angel promised Hagar she was going
We don’t have much time. The Psalm says, “Our days on earth are like
a shadow.” One commentary on this verse asks, “What sort of shadow?” The
answer offered is, “Not as the shadow cast by a wall, or as the shadow cast
by a tree, but as the shadow cast by a bird flying overhead.”
So, I asked myself, what are you waiting for?