Fibroids: 1. Red Degeneration

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Fibroids Fibroids may undergo atrophy, internal haemorrhage,

Definition fibrosis and calcification.
Benign tumours of the uterus primarily composed of Types of degeneration:
smooth muscle & fibroids connective tissue
leiomyomata (monoclonal). 1. Red degeneration**
Presents with acute abdo pain
Epidemiology Risk factors
Occurs in 20 50% of women >30y.o. o Pregnancy
Most common solid tumour of the female o PCOS
pelvis o Hormone supplement (e.g. OCP, HRT)
In ~85% of cases, fibroids occur in multiples Due to haemorrhagic infarction

Risk factors/Aetiology 2. Hyaline degeneration (~60%)

Focal or generalised hyalinisation
Advanced maternal age
3. Cystic degeneration (~5%)
Black ethnicity
Fibroid outgrows vascular supply oedema
Exposure to sex hormones (e.g. contraceptive,
4. Myxoid degeneration
Filled with gelatinous material
High intake of beef/red meat
Appear as complex cystic masses
Can mimic malignant leiomyosarcoma
Signs & symptoms
Arise from the myometrial layer of the uterine
Commonly asymptomatic
corpus (intramural)
Irregular firm, central pelvic mass
o Protrudes outward = subserosal
o Protrudes inward = submucous O&G
Symptoms associated with distortion of
endometrial lining more common in Abnormal PV bleed (due to distortion of
submucous endometrial lining most common with
Growth accelerates during pregnancy (due to submucous fibroids)
elevated hormones) Heavy periods (menorrhagia)
Involutes at menopause Infertility
Dyspareunia (if on cervix)
1. Intra-uterine
o Subserosal Recurrent 2nd trimester loss
o Intramural (most common) Obstructed labour
o Submucosal (least common) Dysmenorrhoea (obstruction of menstrual
2. Extra-uterine
o Cervical within the cervix
o Broad ligament located between 2 Bloating
layers of the ligament Pelvic pressure
o Parasitic (likely pedunculated Urinary frequency/urgency
subserosal leiomyoma that twists off Urinary & faecal incontinence
and latches on to adjacent structures, Pedunculated submucous fibroids can dilate
with neo-vascularisation) cervix prolapse into vagina risk of
3. Diffuse uterine leiomyomatosis
Pain: Complication

Acute or chronic pain 2 degeneration Recurrent uterine fibroid growth

Menorrhagia Labour & delivery complications
Dysmenorrhoea Acute torsion
Significant haemorrhage
Abnormal PV bleed Degenerative changes


Test Findings
Abdominal Heterogenous hypoechoic masses
U/S 1st line +/- cystic areas
Hysteroscopy Direct visualisation of space-
occupying lesions
Laparoscopy + Visualisation of irregular
histology protrusion from uterine
gold standard surface

MRI For evaluation of atypical cases of

pelvic/abdo masses

Gross pathology: firm, round, well-

circumscribed nodules located either:
o Subserosal (under the uterine serosa)
o Intramural (within myometrium)
o Submucosal (just below the

Micropathology: spindle-shaped cells with no

mitotic activity or remarkable nuclear atypia


Conservative: if fibroids are asymptomatic and not

causing any complications, simply monitor for any

Medical (pre-operative adjunct)



1st line: myomectomy

The only surgical procedure that preserves

o Recurrence
o Haemorrhage

Alternative: UAE (uterine artery embolization)

Definitive: Hysterectomy

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