Ms 3000 Brochure

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Transformers are critical to your electrical power systems’ successful operation. Their reliability and availability is there- fore key to profitable power generation and transmission. Continuous supervision is essential to evaluate transformer performance and safe operating conditions. Take advantage of our centennial experience in transformer manufacturing. Our decades of dedicated expert knowiedge has ‘made us a world leader in power transformer monitoring systems. ‘The MS 2000 is AREVA TAD's next trendseting generation of online condition monitoring systems. As the successor of ihe globally-recognized MS 2000 system, it combines practical ‘experience wit innovative features and high technolegical standards You get more with MS 3000: ‘An expert system ADGA too! ‘Ateport generator A simulator ‘A sophisticated modeling (Our commitment to your benefits results In a high degree o flexibility and relly. While focusing on User frienaly operation, MS 2000 provides maximal supporto accurately assess your transformer. (ur solution serves your new and existing transformers ofall makes “The use ofthe MS 3000 is decision that offers a complete solution in a one-stop concent Data acquisition fast and raiable fone Lifetime data management —high resolution when oie ‘demanded; comocessed where reasonable Data analysis and condition diagnostics - reflecting {high level of expert knowledge etn ae Visualization - our visible quay an in your language Information dstbution a communicative tar- Ms 3000 layer o uppe evel systems Monitoring ‘System ——— nei Pail [MS 3000 provides the most ecient solution for ‘communication with power automation systems using the Ses new IEC 61850 standard, This le a key factor, reducing ‘veal configuration costs and achieving improved inter ‘operably, Nexiblity and reiablty in data exchange. MS 3000 A Comprehensive and Smart Solution Our philosophy: a monitoring system should be able to combine the integration of all transformer main components with a correlation of the analyzed acquired data, even for several transformers at the same time. (Our competencies are the basis fo a reliable interpretation of transformer conditions or a group of transformers, ‘Our Expert System and its diagnostic functions consequently supports and enables your engineers to ‘make the right decisions atthe right time for proper ‘operation and maintenance of your valuable ‘equipment, The MS 3000 saves you time so you can concentrate your activity on other tasks needing more attention. EXPERT SYSTEM ‘Algorithms for analyzing the or-ne acauired data are Implemented inthe software and refect our extensive ‘pool of experience. This sophisticated tool emphasizes ‘the competencies that a state-of-the-art monitoring system should have. The Expert System software provides you with recommencations and information ‘concerning transformer operation and service/main- SOPHISTICATED MODELLING > Thermal made! > Aging model > Tap changer model > Moisture model > Bushing modal > Overioad mosel > Cooling made! a | Intranet’ Internet Office ~ FAX ‘ALARM GSM/MODEM | Laptop TCP/| or RS282 MS 3000 IED Modul TEPTIP (Ethernet) S Software Protocols Protection & Control Transformer MS 3000: the user-friendly solution MS 3000 SOFTWARE: FACE TO FACE ‘The interactive, clearly structured visualization is usor-friondly and easy to operate. ‘The straight-forward messaging of alarms, warnings ‘and diagnostics provides both a quick key date ‘overview oF a 3000 look inside tha transformer. The implemented wee server inthe MS 3000 IED provides ‘mullinqual web pages which can be accessed directly ‘by Ethemat, LAN or madam connection without any proprietary software. Various password protection levels give ony specific Lsers the permission to access the data oto con. figure the system. The visualization softwar offers a User-friendly presentation of online and historical data ‘as well as numerous combinations of graphs and 200m posites. Using qulck tink, recommendations for preventive actions can be obtained to optimize transformer ‘operation ort intiate maintenance. REPORT GENERATOR ‘The configurable report generator automatically creates user-friendly protocols witn status information about the transformer and its main components, This protocol can be generated on command or can be periodically created and sant to a definable email across, SIMULATOR The bui-n simulator module allows the user to simulate extemal or transformer events an to study the transformer behavior as well asthe monitoring system, The simulator can also be used for training ste personnel and engineers DGA-TOOL Choose your preferred method to analyze the acquired clssoWved gas data according to MSS, Doeenburg, Rogers, extended Rogers, IEC 60599, Duval ana KeyGas method. Also a sk classification, including Interaction recommendations, willbe caried out ‘according o IEEE C57. 104-1991, Ths tool alows you to enter and historically store your transformer related offline DGA (Dissolved Gas Analysis) data inclucing Furturol determination MS 3000 Software: FACE TO FACE! THE MODULAR AND FLEXIBLE SOLUTION FOR NEW AND EXISTING TRANSFORMERS: We have the answer to the complete application range: from power ganeration to transmission —for utlties and industries. MS 2000 is suitable forall transformers, independent ofthe manufacturer, STANDARD KITS ‘Along withthe MS 3000 standard kits, anew concept has been launched. Depencing on transformer design and monitoring comprehension, citferent moduies can be adapted to a basic kt. This standardized solution covers your needs in an etficient, cost-optimized package. Enos: Peete Nuh es }> Aging rate and Ifatime consumption }> Breakdown votage > Actual losses > Overload capacity [> Emergency overloading tine | Operating voltages > Overvotages }> Change of capacitance, onine capacitance }> Capactive displacement curen's > Load currents > Over- and short-circuit curents |> On-ioad tap changer postion ]> Number of switching operations > Sum of switched load current, }> Power consumption of motor drive |> Assessment of mecnanical quality I> Contact wear |S Tap changer oll temperature | oil temperature difference OLTC-tank [> Operating condition of fans and pumps }> Operating time of fans and pumps > Coating efficiency (th) [> Ambient temperature PES Protection class Ps [Operating temperate —|-a0"C-15FC Power supply Wie range Signalzation Transformer condition dapiay Data visualization Mentoring module [Web Server an monitoring IED Twthout moving pars Sampling ral [20 ms Data resolition| ms Daa storage Sell-compressing Netorcal Gata storage Lifetime storage for all connected transformers Protocol TEC 60870-5-107/104 Modbus DNP3 TEC 61850. archectare Floxble ~ diferot topologies possible [Operating system State-of he-ar real-time operating system ADDITIONAL FEATURES AND MEASUREMENTS > Fiore optic hot-spot measurements > Acceleratons tank wall, LTO) > Parla discharge > Oillevel > Bushing power factor tan 8) > Humidity of air inside > Transformer power factor (cos) conservator > Traneformer efficiency > Air pressure > Cooling power > Intake and outlet cooling equipment temperatures > Differences of intake an outlet > Bottom oll temperature > Montoring module temperature > Moisture of OLTC oi > Gas quantity and rate in Buchholz relay temperatures > Oil pressure and ol pressure >AVR aitferences > Control of cooling equipment > Digital status information, et. ATRIBUTE TO QUALITY (One of our key objectives in developing the next ‘generation was to achieve the highest possible ralisilty level. To do this, we have implemented the best avaliable technology and components such as, {an-oss IED (rtoligentElecironic Devices) that ‘operate with a redundant flash memory for Me tne \ata acquisition and storage, inline with a proven bus technology for industrial appications. ‘The new MS 3000 proves a very reliable solution thanks to consistant project management and ‘continuous improvement, Mutiingual documentation ‘and interlace is part ofthe constant quality process, rE) > Electromagnetic disturbance > Temperature and climate tests > Electromagnetic immunity tests > Safety tests hutp:// Tel: +48 (0) 1785 250 070 i i i : i i | i

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