Compressive Optical Image Encryption: Jun Li, Jiao Sheng Li, Yang Yang Pan & Rong Li

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OPEN Compressive Optical Image

JunLi, JiaoSheng Li, YangYang Pan & RongLi

received: 29 October 2014

An optical image encryption technique based on compressive sensing using fully optical means
accepted: 10 April 2015 has been proposed. An object image is first encrypted to a white-sense stationary noise pattern
Published: 20 May 2015 using a double random phase encoding (DRPE) method in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer. Then,
the encrypted image is highly compressed to a signal using single-pixel compressive holographic
imaging in the optical domain. At the receiving terminal, the encrypted image is reconstructed well
via compressive sensing theory, and the original image can be decrypted with three reconstructed
holograms and the correct keys. The numerical simulations show that the method is effective and
suitable for optical image security transmission in future all-optical networks because of the ability of
completely optical implementation and substantially smaller hologram data volume.

With the increased importance of information security, image security has become increasingly important
in many current application areas1. The study of image security includes image encryption, image hiding
and image watermarking25. Image encryption technology has been widely applied to many application
areas, such as 3D image encryption, data monitoring, data tracking and confidential data transmission
in the military and medical fields6, quantum-secured imaging7, and quantum-secured surveillance8. In
recent years, image security that fully utilises optical parallel features has become an important research
topic911; we also have demonstrated the feasibility of optical image hiding and optical image encryption
and hiding12,13 These methods may be effective solutions to the future implementation of all-optical
However, the large volume of data required for storing or transmitting holograms has been a main
limiting factor of optical image security. Many hologram compression schemes have been reported in
recent years to solve this problem15,16; however, their effectiveness is limited by the introduction of hol-
ogram laser speckling17, and the realisation of hologram compression is typically performed using elec-
tronic means. The newly developed theory of compressive sensing (CS)1821 provides a new technical
approach for hologram compression in the optical domain2224 and captures the non-adaptive linear pro-
jections of compressible signals at a rate that is significantly below the Nyquist rate. These signals are then
reconstructed from these projections using an optimisation process. Simultaneously, CS is combined
with other special imaging methods to obtain wider application, such as in quantum imaging25,26, photon
counting imaging27, the coherent imaging of different wavelengths28, and the measurement of electric
fields29,30. These features may also be effective solutions for the massive data processing and information
security requirements of the Internet of Things (IoT)31. Recently, various image encryption methods
based on compressive sensing, such as parallel image encryption32, image encryption with an Arnold
transform3335 and colour image encryption36, have been proposed. However, these methods relate to
digital image encryption; completely optical schemes for image encryption based on compressive sensing
have not been discussed.
This paper proposes a completely optical image encryption method based on compressive sensing.
Using a Mach-Zehnder interferometer, an object image is first encrypted to a white-sense stationary
noise pattern using a DRPE37 method in the object beam path. Then, the encrypted image is highly
compressed to a signal utilising the sparsity of the signal in a sparse domain. At the receiving termi-
nal, the encrypted image reconstruction is achieved from small amounts of data by an optimisation

Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Quantum Engineering and Quantum Materials, School of Physics and
Telecommunication Engineering, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510006, China. Correspondence and
requests for materials should be addressed to J.L. (email: lijunc

Scientific Reports | 5:10374 | DOI: 10.1038/srep10374 1

Figure 1. Setup of compressive optical image encryption. BE, beam expander; L, lens; BS, beam splitter; M,
mirror; P, random phase plate; PZT, piezoelectric transducer mirror; Oe, object image.

process, and the original image can be decrypted with three reconstructed holograms and the correct
keys. The method can be used to perform compressive optical image encryption in a purely optical
system; therefore, it is effective and suitable for secure optical image transmission in future all-optical
networks. Moreover, our method utilises the sparsity of a signal to reconstruct a complete signal from
a small sample to overcome the limitation of the large hologram data volumes of 3D images or 3DTV.
In addition, our method can overcome the limitations of the precision and costs of traditional sensors,
wavelengths and resolution for array imaging based on CS. The principles and numerical simulations
are described below.

The compressive optical image encryption system is shown in Fig.1. A laser beam is split into an object
beam and a reference beam. The object beam first illuminates an object image that is used for encryption
and subsequently passes through two random phase masks P1 and P 2 to perform the encryption using
the DRPE method. In the other arm, the reference beam illuminates the piezoelectric transducer mirror
(PZT), which is capable of phase shifting. Then, the two waves overlap to form an interference pattern
in the plane of a Digital Micromirror Device (DMD). The DMD, a semiconductor-based light switch
array of millions of individually addressable, tiltable mirror-pixels, is a reflective spatial light modulator.
Each tiltable mirror-pixel can be rotated +12 or 12 degrees from the horizontal to reflect light to or
away from an intended target. When the mirror-pixel is in the +12 degree state, more than 88% of the
reflected energy can be coupled to the target38. Then, the compressive sampling data are obtained by the
photodiode detector with the modulation of the encrypted complex light field by the DMD device.
Finally, we can acquire the compressed hologram image by a traditional communication channel and
subsequently reconstruct it via the specific algorithm. In addition, the original object can be decrypted
via an inverse Fresnel transformation with three reconstructed holograms and the correct keys.
Let us assume that the reference wave is simply given by the real amplitude R, and a complex object
field in the plane P1 is U 0 (x 0, y 0 ). The complex amplitude transmittances of the random phase plates P1
and P 2 are exp i 2 p (x 0, y 0 ) and exp i 2 q (x 0, y 0 ) , respectively, where p (x 0, y 0 ) and q (x 0, y 0 ) are

two independent white noises uniformly distributed in[0, 1]. The distance between plates P1 and P 2 is z 1
, and that between P 2 and DMD is z 2. The complex object field U (x , y ) on the DMD plane can be
described as

{ { } }
U (x , y ) = F R Z 2 F R Z1 U 0 (x 0, y 0 ) exp i 2 p (x 0, y 0 ) exp i 2 q (x 0, x 0) ,
( 1)

where F R Z denotes the Fresnel transform of the distance z . Based on traditional three-step, phase-shifting
holography, the phases of the reference wave can be modulated by PZT to 0, and . Then, the three
interference intensities of the complex amplitude field on the DMD plane are expressed as
I 1 (x , y ; 0) = R + U (x , y ) = I 0 (x , y ) + 2 Re[U (x , y ) ] R , (2)

Scientific Reports | 5:10374 | DOI: 10.1038/srep10374 2

Figure 2. Simulation results with a binary image. (a) Binary image; (b) one of the encrypted holograms on
the DMD plane; (c) retrieved image from 256 256 18.7% measurements using our method.

Figure 3. Simulation results with a gray-level image. (a) Gray-level image; (b) one of the encrypted
holograms on the DMD plane; (c) retrieved image from 256 256 42.1% measurements using our

I 2 (x , y ; ) = R exp (i ) + U (x , y ) = I 0 (x , y ) + 2Im U (x , y ) R ,
2 2 (3 )

I 3 (x , y ; ) = R exp (i ) + U (x , y ) = I 0 (x , y ) 2 Re[U (x , y ) ] R , (4)

where I 0 (x , y ) = R 2 + U (x , y ) 2 When the complex amplitude field on the DMD plane is modulated
by the DMD device and coupled to the photodiode detector via a lens, we can obtain compressive sam-
pling data of the three encrypted interference patterns on the photodiode. Specifically, the final output
value on the photodiode detector can be calculated by computing the inner product of the intensity value
I of the complex amplitude field and the measurement matrix loaded into the DMD device. When we
repeat the process M times, we can obtain the full measurements Y of the compressive sampling. For
example, we obtain the measurement data Y 1 through M computations of random linear measurements
of intensity I1 and the measurement matrix in the DMD device. The processing can be expressed as
Y k = I k, k = 1, 2, 3, (5)

where Y k R M 1 is the measurement data obtained in the single-pixel detector, R M N is the meas-
urement matrix generated by the DMD, I k R N N 1, k = 1 , 2 , 3, means the inner product oper-

Scientific Reports | 5:10374 | DOI: 10.1038/srep10374 3

Figure 4. Relations of the sampling rate and PSNR with measurement noise and without measurement
noise. (a) Relations of the sampling rate and PSNR between the original binary image and reconstructed
images; (b) Relations of the sampling rate and PSNR between the gray-level image and reconstructed

Figure 5. Relations of the number of measurements and the standard deviation of the measurement noise
when the PSNR is 18 dB with (a) a binary image and (b) a gray-level image.

Then, we transmit the measurement data and measurement matrix using a conventional channel to
the computer, where the image reconstruction and decryption will be performed. For the image signal,
because the gradients of most images are sparse, Rudin et al. presented a nonlinear total variation (TV)
algorithm, which attempts to denoise images in an effective manner. Simultaneously, it can enforce a
sparsity constraint and reconstruct images well under compressive sensing theory39. The concept of con-
strained TV minimisation, which attempts to minimise the gradients of images, originated from the field
of compressive sensing in the work by Candes et al.18 Specifically,

min x TV
s. t. y = x , ( 6)

x TV
= (x i+ 1,j x i,j) 2 + (x i,j+ 1 x i,j) 2 = (x )i,j
i,j i,j (7)
is the total variation in the image x: the sum of the magnitudes of the gradient. The image can be con-
structed by solving the convex optimisation problem of minimising the l1-norm of the image subject to
the constraint that the images DFT matches the measured DFT values. The null space property (NSP) is

Scientific Reports | 5:10374 | DOI: 10.1038/srep10374 4

Figure 6. Retrieved images with one incorrect key in the decryption process: (a) When the principal key
q (x , y) is not used; (b) when the measurement matrix is incorrect; (c) when only I H1 is used; (d) when z 1
has a relative error of 1%; (e) when z 2 has a relative error of 1%; (f) when has a relative error of 3%.

a sufficient condition for l1 convex minimisation to obtain the sparsest solution. We are primarily con-
cerned with how well CS can approximate a given signal from a given budget of fixed linear measure-
ments compared to adaptive linear measurements40. Therefore, the advantages of using total variation
(TV) is that the TV can considerably reduce the under-sampling ratio as well as offer robustness to noise
in the data due to the better null space property (NSP). In the traditional approach of using a regulariser,
such as TV, there is a trade-off between data fidelity and image regularity. A group at Duke also devel-
oped a TV algorithm to reduce the noise of a compressed hologram and solve the linear inversion prob-
lems41. In the present work, we are interested in image reconstruction in which the measurement is
incomplete. Because of the incompleteness, there will be no unique minimiser of the data-fidelity-objective
function, and TV is used to select a unique image out of the set of possible images that agree with the
available data.
We first adopt two-step iterative shrinkage (TwIST) algorithm to reconstruct the interference wave
intensity I k by solving the optimal problem under additive white Gaussian noise in the system.
min Y k I k + TV (I k ) s. t. Y k = I k + e,
Ik 2 2 (8)

where e G ( , ) is measurement noise, G ( ) is the Gaussian noise, is the mean value, is the
standard deviation, Y k I k 2 is the l 2 norm of Y k I k , and is a constant. The first penalty
is a least-squares term that is small when I k is consistent with the correlation vector Y k . The second
penalty TV (I k ) is the signals total variation. As a result, a solution to the ill-posed equation that satisfies
both the minimum error energy and minimisation of the recovered signals total variation is obtained.
From the above theoretical analysis, the interference wave intensity I k can be correctly computed by
solving the convex optimisation only when the receiver obtains the correct measurement matrix. This
proves that the systems security is improved with the addition key space of the measurement matrix; the
merits of the system are further discussed in the numerical simulation in the next section.

Scientific Reports | 5:10374 | DOI: 10.1038/srep10374 5

Figure 7. Reconstructed images for partially recovered keys.

Figure 8. Mean square error (MSE) between the original image and reconstructions versus the sampling

When the intensity patterns I 1, I 2, I 3 are reconstructed with the TwIST algorithm, we can calculate
the complex amplitude on the DMD plane

Scientific Reports | 5:10374 | DOI: 10.1038/srep10374 6

Figure 9. Study of binarisation of the reconstructions. (a) Recovered object image from 256 256 18.7%
measurements; (b) recovered object image is binarised and (c) (b) filtered by an average filtering with a 33
window size.

Figure 10. Study of noise perturbations in the encrypted image. The recovered object image from
256 256 18.7% measurements is corrupted by additive white Gaussian noise with the standard
deviation (a) = 0.1; (b) = 0.3; (c) = 1; multiplicative noise with the standard deviation (d) = 0.1;
(e) = 0.3; (f) = 1.

(I1 I 3 + j (2I 2 I1 I 3))

U (x , y ) = .
4 (9)

Scientific Reports | 5:10374 | DOI: 10.1038/srep10374 7

Figure 11. Mean square error (MSE) between the original image and reconstructions versus the standard
deviation of the additive white Gaussian noise and multiplicative noise.

Once the complex amplitude U (x , y ) is known, in addition to random phase masks P1 and P 2, z1, z2
and , we can digitally or optically retrieve the original object image from the encrypted image as

{ { }
O (x 0, y 0 ) = IF R Z1 IF R Z 2 U (x , y ) exp i 2 q (x 0, y 0 ) exp i 2 p (x 0, y 0 ) ,

where IF R Z denotes the inverse Fresnel transformation of the distance z . Specifically, the original image
has been perfectly reconstructed and decrypted.

A series of simulations have been performed to verify the feasibility of our proposed method. This section
presents a series of results based on the following conditions. The type of central processing unit (CPU)
used in the computer simulation is an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7, and the memory of the computer is 6 GB. We
used the MATLAB R2009a software package. The parameters that we used were = 632.8nm, R = 1.5,
and z 1 = z 2 = 0.125m. The measurement matrix size of the DMD used in the computer simulation was
256 256 pixels. The measurement matrix generated by the DMD is random sequences of 0/1. The orig-
inal object images used in the simulation are shown in Figs. 2(a) and 3(a), all with sizes of 256 256
pixels. The intensity values of the complex amplitude field containing encrypted object information are first
modulated by the DMD, and then, once we received the compressed data of the encrypted image in the
photodiode detector, we can reconstruct the original image from the compressed and encrypted image
using the correct keys and the optical systems parameters. The simulation results for the compressive opti-
cal image encryption in a Mach-Zehnder interferometer are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. After performing
compressive optical image encryption on the object images, the three encrypted interferograms containing
the secret image information on the DMD plane will be sampled with compressive sensing theory; one of
these interferograms for Figs.2(a) and 3(a) is shown in Figs.2(b) and 3(b). Figures2(c) and 3(c) show the
recovered object images from 256 256 18.7% measurements and 256 256 42.1% measure-
ments using our method. The computer simulations show that this compressive optical image encryption
method is performed using a completely optical scheme in the Fresnel domain.
Moreover, we investigated the compression feature and the effects of the measurement noises in our
method. The computer simulations are shown in Figs.4 and 5. The relations of the sampling rate in the
compressive sampling process and the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) between the original image and
the reconstructions are shown in Fig.4. In this simulation, the measurement noise described in Equation
(8) is additive white Gaussian noise with a zero mean and a standard deviation = 0.3. Figures4(a) and
4(b) present the relations of the sampling rate in the compressive sampling process and the PSNR for a
binary image and gray-level image. The PSNRs clearly increase with increases in the sampling rate. When
the sampling rate reaches 20%, the PSNR values are close to or greater than 20dB. When considering
the effects of white Gaussian noise, the relations of the sampling rate and PSNR have the same tendency.
Figure 5 also illustrates the minimum number of measurements that enables a decent image retrieval
under different measurement noise conditions. Figures5(a) and 5(b) show the relations of the number
of measurements and the standard deviation of the additive white Gaussian noise when the PSNR is
18dB for the binary image and the gray-level image. This shows that the proposed method is effective
and exhibits a good performance with a white Gaussian noise in the fully optical domain.

Scientific Reports | 5:10374 | DOI: 10.1038/srep10374 8

To investigate the security of this compressive optical image encryption method, we reconstruct the
original binary image when one of the keys is incorrect, as shown in Fig. 6. Once one of the keys is
incorrect, the retrieved image will be greatly affected. Among these keys, the principal key q (x , y ) and
measurement matrix play critical roles in the security system, as shown in Figs.6(a) and 6(b), in which
the retrieved image is the same as the noise and fully unrecognisable when they do not be used to the
reconstruction; when only one compressive sampled hologram dataset is used, there is no correct recon-
struction image, as shown in Fig. 6(c); when the two diffraction distances of the object image and the
wavelength of the laser exhibit a relative error, there are no correct reconstruction images, as shown in
Figs. 6(d)-(f). We have also performed some simulations with other gray-level images and obtained
satisfactory retrieval results, which are similar to those obtained with the binary images. Therefore, they
are not considered here.
To further test the vulnerability of the proposed compressive encryption scheme, let us assume that
a potential eavesdropper, who knows our reconstruction mechanism, has unauthorised access to a frac-
tion of the key parameters and uses the corresponding measurement matrix to reconstruct the image.
Figure 7 shows a sequence of object images reconstructed from such a partially recovered key. The
encrypted information begins to be retrieved when is as high as 15%, which means that the eavesdrop-
per should capture at least 15% of the measurement matrix numbers. To ensure security against more
sophisticated eavesdropping attacks, Alice and Bob might want to synchronously and randomly alter the
order of the elements of the key for different objects. The mean square error (MSE) between the original
image and reconstructions versus the sampling rate is shown in Fig. 8. Clearly, the MSEs are observed
to decrease with increases in the sampling rate. This proves that in addition to the keys above, the data
of the measurement matrix are also one of the important keys. Therefore, the space of the key is expanded.
In addition, a series of simulations have been performed to investigate the robustness of our proposed
method. In this section, we study the influence of the binarisation of the encrypted image on the recov-
ered image and evaluate the noise performance of our proposed method in the presence of additive white
Gaussian noise and multiplicative noise. Figures 9(a) and 9(b) show a recovered object image from
256 256 18.7% measurements and a recovered object image that has been binarised, respectively,
where an average filtering with a 33 window size is applied in the binarisation image, as shown in
Fig.9(c). Figure10 shows the noise perturbation on the recovered object image with different standard
deviations of additive white Gaussian noise and multiplicative noise. We calculated the MSE between the
original and noise-corrupted recovered object images after using all of the correct keys. Figure11 shows
the MSE between the original image and reconstructions versus the standard deviation of the additive
white Gaussian noise and multiplicative noise. The MSEs decrease as the standard deviations increase,
and the multiplicative noise has a greater influence on the recovered object image compared with addi-
tive white Gaussian noise.

In this paper, an optical image encryption technique based on compressive sensing using fully optical
means has been proposed. The simulations show that the method can be used to reconstruct the original
image well with fewer measurements established by the Nyquist criterion and can be applied to gray-scale
images and binary images to perform image encryption and compression in an all-optical system. With
an optical image encryption technique and a compressive sensing technique, the method introduces
an all-optical solution to sensing the original object, encrypting the object, and compressing the object
in the analogue domain, which will present a superior scheme to overcome the limitations of the large
holograms data volume for current optical image encryption systems. In addition, the DMD used in the
setup of the compressive optical image encryption can perform high-speed measurements27; therefore,
it is expected to be widely used for 3D object encryption, video secure transmission, real-time video
encryption technology and future all-optical networks, such as real-time video security transmission and
naked-eye 3D Television.

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This study was supported by the Project of Department of Education of Guangdong Province, China
(No. 2013 KJCX0058) and partly supported by the National Science Foundation for Young Scientists of
China (No.11404115).

Author Contributions
L.J. and L.J.S. conceived of the idea and wrote the main manuscript text. P.Y.Y. and L.R. prepared the
figures. All authors reviewed the manuscript.

Additional Information
Competing financial interests: The authors declare no competing financial interests.
How to cite this article: Li, J. et al. Compressive Optical Image Encryption. Sci. Rep. 5, 10374; doi:
10.1038/srep10374 (2015).
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