Show Questions One by One
Show Questions One by One
Show Questions One by One
A. ? LVH
B. ? RVH
C. ? Digoxin effect
D. ? early repolarization .
E. ? subendocardial infarction
A. ? Vnetricular Tachycardia
B. ? Ventricular Fibrillation
C. ? Ventricualr Premature Complexes
D. ? Atrial Ectopics
E. ? AV Re-entry Tachycardia.
A. ? Hypokalaemia
B. ? Hypocalcaemia
C. ? Hypomagnesaemia
D. ? Hypermagnesaemia
E. ? Rheumatic carditis
A. ? mediastinal lumphoma
B. ? mediastinal irradiation 2 years previously .
C. ? ST elevation in lead rV4 and chest pain(RV INFARCTION).
D. ? Liver Cirrhosis
E. ? Atrialization of the right ventricle(EPISTEIN ANOMALY).
14. The followings improve the survival figure in chronic congestive heart
failure as shown by many studies...Except
A. ? bisprolol
B. ? metaprolol
C. ? carvidolol
D. ? spironolactone
E. ? atenolol
16. The followings cardiac lesions are associated with a high risk of
infective endocarditis except:
A. ? fallot tetralogy.
B. ? prosthetic aortic valve.
C. ? previous history of infective endocarditis.
D. ? patient with heart transplantation.
E. ? Mitral stenosis
20. The objectives in the medical treatment of heart failure ..all are true
A. ? rapidly developing
B. ? poor response to standard medical therapy
C. ? age blow 20 and above 50 years
D. ? certain physical signs like mooning of the face and
abdominal striae
E. ? strong family history of hypertension
24. Possible Risk factors for ischemic heart disease one is incorrect:
A. ? hyperhomocystenemia
B. ? obesity
C. ? sedentary life style
D. ? high blood fibrinogen
E. ? diet rich in vegetables .
29. In the medical treatment of acute MI..the followings are true except :
A. ? uncontrolled hypertension
B. ? fever or a febrile illness
C. ? severe aortic stenosis
D. ? acute pericarditis
E. ? subjective feeling weakness
32. The followings indicate strong positive exercise ECG testing ..except
A. ? deep ST depression
B. ? wide spread ECG changes upon exercise
C. ? prolonged ST depression after finishing the test
D. ? ST elevation per se
E. ? Mild -moderate ST T segment abnormalities in middle aged
woman with chest pain with no risk factors for ischemic heart
33. False positive exercise ECG testing are common In clinical practice
causes include all of the followings except
34. During cardiac arrest of your patient in the CCU jumped to use
DC shock cardioversion but the nurse shouted that the monitor is
showing a heart rate of 90 beats per minutes ..all can this
complication except
A. ? pulmonary thromboembolism
B. ? tension pneumothorax
C. ? profound shock due to bleeding
D. ? hypokalemia
E. ? treatment with xylocain
35. Use of ACE inhibitors in the medical treatment of Post- MI patients ...all
are true except