Safety Information
California Proposition 65 Warning -- This product and related accessories contain chemicals known to the
State of California to cause cancer, birth defects or other reproductive harm.
The following special attention notices are used to notify DANGER: DO NOT pump flammable or explosive
and advise the user of this product of procedures that fluids such as gasoline, fuel oil, kerosene, etc. DO
may be dangerous to the user or result in damage to the NOT use in explosive atmospheres. The pump
product. should be used only with liquids compatible with the
pump component materials. Failure to follow this
NOTE: Notes are used to notify of installation, oper- warning can result in personal injury and/or proper-
ation, or maintenance information that is important ty damage and will void the product warranty.
but not safety related.
A pressure relief device, such as an unloader, relief
CAUTION: Caution is used to indicate the presence valve or balancing regulator must be installed on the
of a hazard, which will or can cause minor injury or outlet side of the pump. Failure to do so could
property damage if the notice is ignored. result in personal injury and/or void the warranty.
WARNING: Warning denotes that a potential hazard Be sure all exposed moving parts such as shafts,
exists and indicates procedures that must be fol- couplers and adapters are properly shielded or
lowed exactly to either eliminate or reduce the haz- guarded and that all coupling devices are securely
ard, and to avoid serious personal injury, or prevent attached before applying power.
future safety problems with the product.
Hollow shaft pumps mounted directly onto power
DANGER: Danger is used to indicate the presence shaft must be prevented from rotating with the
of a hazard that will result in severe personal injury, power shaft by means of a device such as a torque
death, or property damage if the notice is ignored. arm. Pump must float freely on the power shaft and
must not be tied rigidly to equipment on which it is
Do not exceed recommended speed, pressure and Periodically inspect the pump and the system com-
temperature for pump and equipment being used. ponents. Perform routine maintenance as required
(see Maintenance section).
Before servicing, disconnect all power, make sure
all pressure in the system is relieved, drain all liq- Protect pump from freezing conditions by draining
uids from the system and flush. liquid and pumping rust inhibiting solution, such as
antifreeze, through the system, coating the pump
Secure the discharge lines before starting the pump. interior.
An unsecured line may whip, causing personal
injury and/or property damage. Use only pipe, hose and fittings rated for the maxi-
mum (or greater) PSI rating of the pump.
Check hose for weak or worn condition before each
use. Make certain that all connections are tight and Do not use these pumps for pumping water or other
secure. liquids for human or animal consumption.
Figure 2
NOTE: Shaft rotation can be either clockwise or coun-
Direct Drive - Flexible Coupling Installation
First, slide coupling ends onto motor/engine and pump
shafts as far as possible (See Figure 3). Mount
motor/engine and pump onto base, shimming pump or
power unit so that shafts are aligned. Leave enough
space between ends of shafts to allow coupling disc to
be inserted. When alignment is made, slide coupling
ends over coupling disc. Leave clearance between cou-
pling ends and center disc. Tighten screws in both cou- CAUTION:
pling ends. For electric motor drive, use couplings rated For safety, always install a
at least twice the horsepower required to operate pump. shield over rotating shafts
and couplings.
For gas engine drive, select couplings rated at three Figure 3
times the required pump horsepower.
Direct Drive - Hollow Shaft Installation
System Installation
Inlet Line Compound Pump Pressure
Pressure Strainer Gauge Gauge
Regulator Nozzle
Piston Pump Installation pressure required of pump. Example: If required pump pres-
Accessories should be installed with solid piping and be sure is 200 psi, use discharge hose rated at minimum of 300
mounted as close to the pump as possible. The hose must psi working pressure.
be used right after accessories. Unloader Valve
The unloader has a very important safety function in your
NOTE: If remaining installation is solid piping, a two to piston pump hookup. The unloader valve protects the pump
four foot length of hose must be installed between by unloading pressure when the gun is shut off or discharge
accessories and solid piping. is otherwise blocked. This saves the pump and power
Hose because the liquid is bypassed at a very low pressure. If the
Selection of the right size and type of hose is vital for good gun is to be shut off for more than 5 minutes, install a pump
performance. Be sure to hook up to the proper ports on the protector in the inlet side or stop the pump to prevent heat
pump (note markings IN and OUT on pump castings). buildup. The length of time may vary due to the original tem-
perature of the fluid being pumped.
Suction Hose
Always use genuine suction hose compatible with the fluids Strainers
being pumped and at least the same inside diameter as Use a suction line strainer with at least 3 to 5 times the suc-
pump ports. If the suction hose is over 5 feet long, use the tion port area in open screen area. For example, an area of
next larger size hose. Keep the suction hose as short as approximately 1.1 to 1.9 square inches for a 1/2" suction
possible and restrictions such as elbows, check valves, etc.
port. Be sure the screen is suitable for the liquid being
at a minimum.
pumped. Keep the filter clean. A clogged strainer will cause
Discharge Hose cavitation, which usually leads to a poor performance and
High pressure pumps require the use of special high pres- wear of the pump parts.
sure discharge hose (2 rayon braid or equivalent). Use a
hose rated at least 50% greater than the highest operating
Compound Gauge (Optional) from the unloader valve, provided the unloader valve will func-
The pump should not be subjected to high suction line vacu- tion properly. The dampener can be mounted vertically or
ums. To check on this, install a compound gauge at pump horizontally.
inlet. For ultimate performance and life, the vacuum should be
limited to 5 inches of mercury. High vacuum conditions may Pressure Regulator
Use a pressure regulator to limit incoming pressure to 20 psi
cause premature product failure and void warranty.
when equipped with a suction side injector. Volume, pressure
Pulsation Dampener and horsepower figures in pump performance tables do not
This device absorbs the shock and smooths out the pump dis- apply when incoming pressure exceeds 40 psi.
charge pulsations, providing smoother operation. For the
Pressure Gauge/Dampener
proper operation of many unloader valves, the pulsation damp-
Use gauge capable of reading double the pump working pres-
ener should be installed on the discharge side downstream sure. Use a silicone-filled gauge or a gauge dampener to pro-
from the unloader valve. However, for maximum system pro- tect the gauge needle against pressure surges and provide
tection, the pulsation dampener may be installed upstream easier reading.
Repair Instructions
Recommended Repair Tools
For Hypro Small Twin Piston/Plunger Pumps
Used for Series
Ref. Part No. Description 5321 5324 5300
Series 5300X, 5321, 5322, & 5324
Disassembly, Repair, & Reassembly Instructions
NOTE: Due to variations in each model's Piston or 6. Turn the Pump over and repeat Steps 1 through 5.
Plunger Stack, differences in the instructions for
each model will be denoted with italics and brack- 7. Position the Pump horizontally in the vise with the
ets. Safety Cover side up.
HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE ALERT: Always drain 8. Use a claw hammer to remove the Grease fitting
and flush pump before servicing or disassembly. (See Figure 11). In most cases, the Grease Fitting
is damaged during removal and must be replaced
Valve Assembly Removal: [At this time, remove the Connecting Rod in
Models 5321 & 5322].
1. Place the Pump upright in a bench-mounted vise
with the Safety Cover facing out; then, using a
9/16" wrench, remove the Cylinder Head Bolts.
Cap Screw
Figure 10
Support Ring
Cup Holder
5. Rotate the Pump Shaft so the Cam Bearing is in
the upstroke position; then using a 3/16 Allen Seal Ring
wrench, remove the Cap Screw from the Piston Guide
Assembly for Models 5300X and 5324 [For Models
5321 & 5322, remove the Plunger from the Pump Figure 13
Body after the Cap Screw is removed].
1. Leave the pump body horizontal in the bench vise 3. Place a bolt 3/8" in diameter by 4-1/2" long thread-
to remove the Cylinder Sleeves and Piston ed end up on the Crankshaft Cam Bearing; then,
Assemblies. Make sure the Cam Bearing is in the using the arbor press ram on the bolt, push the
upstroke position. Place one of the metal bars Crankshaft Assembly out of the Pump Body (See
provided in the tool kit on the Cylinder Sleeve. Figure 14).
2. Using a hammer, gently tap the Cylinder Sleeve Plunger Cartridge Removal/Disassembly/
out of the Cylinder Head end of the pump body. Reassembly (Series 5321 and 5322 only)
The Piston will also come out with the Cylinder See Figure 15 for Plunger Cartridge Components
3. Turn the pump around in the vise and repeat Cap Screw
Steps 1 and 2. Support Ring (Brass)
Inner Support Ring
4. Remove the Connecting Rod. O-ring Washer
5. Remove the Piston Assembly from the Cylinder Seal Ring
Seal Retainer (Brass)
Sleeve by pushing it out with your fingers; then
remove the washer. Guide
Guide Retainer (Brass)
6. Clean the cylinder sleeves using the burnishing Plunger: Steel (5321), Ceramic (5322)
adapter supplied with the tool kit. The adapter is Washer (5322 ONLY)
mounted to an electric motor shaft. Insert the Figure 15
Cylinder Sleeve (brass retainer end facing out)
into the furnishing adapter and polish the inside
surface using a No. 320 grit emery cloth. Use a To Remove the Plunger Cartridges from
wire brush to clean the outside of the cylinder the Pump Body:
sleeve. Upon inspection, if pitting or scratches still
show on the inside of the cylinder sleeve, the 1. Position the pump upright on the arbor press with
cylinder sleeve must be replaced along with the the Safety Cover opening facing out.
cylinder sleeve o-ring.
2. Place the Plunger Cartridge Extractor Tool,
machined side down, on the Guide Retainer inside
Crankshaft Assembly Removal the pump body.
(All Models)
3. Place the bolt threaded-end down through the
Plunger Bore on the other end of the pump until it
WARNING: Special attention should be exercised rests in the counter-sink hole on the Cartridge
when working with retaining rings. Always wear Extractor Tool.
safety goggles when working with spring or ten-
sion-loaded fasteners or devices. 4. Place the arbor press ram on the bolt head and
push both the Seal and Guide Retainer out of the
1. Place the pump on a flat surface with the shaft pump body (See Figure 16).
side facing up; then remove the retaining ring from
5. Turn the pump over and repeat Steps 1 through 4.
the bearing bore.
Figure 14 Figure 16
To Disassemble the Guide and Seal Clean-up of the Pump Body and Heads (All
Cartridges: Models)
1. Remove the Guide from the Guide Retainer by 1. Using the port wire brush with an air gun or electric
pulling it out with one finger. hand drill, clean the outlet port and inlet port, plus
the valve and piston bores in the Pump Body.
NOTE: If the guide does not come out in this man-
ner, use a screwdriver and a hammer to gently 2. Use a hand file or belt sander to clean corrosion
break off a section of the Guide, being careful not and rust from the top and bottom of the Pump
to damage the Guide Retainer. The remaining por- Body and the bottoms of the cylinder Heads.
tion of the Guide will then fall out.
3. After performing Steps 1 and 2, Hypro recom-
2. With a small knife blade, remove the O-ring/Seal mends that the pump Body and Cylinder Head be
Ring combination from the Guide Retainer. further cleaned in a solvent tank to remove any
remaining rust and corrosion particles.
3. Using a small knife blade, remove the Brass
Support Ring and Support Ring/Seal combination NOTE: If the solvent cleaning is not performed, the
from the Seal Retainer. valve and piston bores must be wiped as clean as
4. Inspect and clean the Brass Guide and Seal
Retainers. Clean them with a wire brush and Crankshaft and Main Bearing
check them for burrs and nicks. Use 320 grit
emery cloth to remove burrs.
Disassembly/Reassembly (All Models)
1. Lightly lubricate the O-ring and place it around the 1. To remove the Front Main Bearing from the
Seal Ring. Crankshaft, position a pipe support fixture on the
arbor press; then, place two metal bars parallel to
2. Position the O-ring/Seal Ring combination in the each other, one on each side of the fixture (See
Guide Retainer at a 45 degree angle. Figure 17).
3. Using the Guide, seat the O-ring/Seal Ring 2. Place the Crankshaft Assembly in the fixture, drive
Combination into the Guide Retainer, leaving the end up, with the metal bars between the Bearing
Guide in the Guide Retainer. and fixture to support the Outer Bearing (See
Figure 17).
4. Place the Guide Retainer on a flat surface so that
the exposed portion of the Guide is down. NOTE: Make sure the metal bars do not touch the
Retaining Ring on the Crankshaft.
5. Place the cap screw end of the Plunger into the
Guide Retainer and press it through until the 3. Using the arbor press, press the Crankshaft
Plunger is flush with the bottom of the Guide through the Bearing (See Figure 17).
WARNING: Special attention should be exercised
when working with retaining rings. Always wear
6. Turn the Cartridge over and push the Guide
safety goggles when working with spring or ten-
Retainer down the Plunger until it is flush with the
sion- loaded fasteners or devices.
bottom of the Plunger.
5. Press out the back Main Bearing in the same man- 11. Position the Cam Bearing Support Tool with the
ner as the front Main Bearing (Refer to Steps 1 bolt head down over the Safety Cover opening on
through 3). the pump body.
1. Install the back Main Bearing first. Place the
Bearing on the small opening end of the Main
Bearing Support Tool with the Slinger Ring on top
of the Bearing, and position it on the arbor press.
Figure 19
WARNING: Special attention should be exercised
when working with retaining rings. Always wear 12. Turn the bolt down by hand until it comes in con-
safety goggles when working with spring or ten- tact with the Cam Bearing.
sion-loaded fasteners or devices.
13. Use the arbor press ram to press down on the bolt
2. Place the Crankshaft in the Bearing and use the
in the Cam Bearing Support Tool to push the front
arbor press ram to press the Crankshaft through
the Bearing until the Retaining Ring can be Main Bearing into the pump bearing bore until it
installed in the second groove of the Crankshaft comes in contact with the first retaining ring on the
(See Figure 18). crankshaft.
NOTE: Make sure the Slinger Ring does not touch 14. Turn the pump over to install the Retaining Ring in
the Cam Bearing on the Crankshaft when installing the pump bearing bore.
Retaining Rings.
Valve Assembly Installation
3. Install both Retaining Rings on the Crankshaft.
1. Lubricate the Pump Body Valve Bores.
11. Lubricate the O-ring and install it on the Cup
Metal Valve Spreader.
Seat Points up.
12. Place the Cup Spreader end opposite O-ring in the
Cup inside the piston bore.
14. Turn the Pump over and repeat Steps 2 through 13.
Figure 21 Plunger Assembly Installation
(Series 5321 and 5322 only)
Cylinder Sleeve and Piston Stack
NOTE: Make sure the Cam Bearing is in the
Installation (Series 5300X and 5324 only) upstroke position when installing the Cylinder
Sleeves and Piston Assemblies.
NOTE: Clean the cylinder sleeves using the
Burnishing Adapter provided with the tool kit. The 1. Place the assembled Guide Retainer Cartridge and
Burnishing Adapter is to be mounted on an elec- Plunger into the plunger bore of the Pump body,
tric motor shaft. making sure the Plunger and Connecting Rod seat
together properly inside the Pump Body.
1. Insert the Cylinder Sleeve (Brass Retainer End
out) into the Burnishing Adapter and polish the 2. Lubricate the O-ring and place it on top of the Guide
inside surface using a No. 320 grit emery cloth. Retainer Cartridge.
2. Use a wire brush to clean the outside of the 3. Place the Seal Retainer Cartridge over the Plunger
Cylinder Sleeve. (beveled side down), and press it by hand into the
Pump Plunger bore.
NOTE: Upon inspection, if pitting or scratches still
show on the inside of the Cylinder Sleeve, the 4. Place a Washer on the Plunger Cap Screw, insert it
Cylinder Sleeve and the Cylinder Sleeve O-ring through the Plunger and tighten it to 100 to 115 In.
should be replaced. Lbs. of torque.
3. Insert the Cylinder Sleeve into the cylinder bore of 5. Turn the Pump over and repeat Steps 1 through 4.
the Pump Body.
Head and Grease Fitting Installation
4. Lubricate and place a new Cylinder Sleeve O-ring
on top of the Cylinder Sleeve. (All Models)
5. Place a Brass Retainer on top of the O-ring. 1. Install the O-ring into the Pump Cylinder head.
6. Insert the Guide into the Cylinder Sleeve, making 2. Place the Pump Body upright in a vise; then, place
sure the Guide is properly seated on the the Head on the Pump Body.
Connecting Rod inside the Pump Body.
3. Secure the head to the Pump Body with the Head
7. Place the Seal Ring at a 45 degree angle on top of Bolts; then, alternately and evenly (in a criss-cross
the Guide; then, using the Seal Ring Seating Tool, pattern) tighten the head Bolts.
press the Seal Ring into the Cylinder sleeve.
4. Turn the Pump over and repeat Steps 1 through 3.
8. Lubricate the O-ring and place it on the Cup
Backing Plate. 5. To install the Grease Fitting into the Cam Bearing,
place the pump on the arbor press with the Safety
9. Install the Cup Backing Plate on top of the Seal Cover side facing up; then press the Grease Fitting
Ring in the piston bore, O-ring end down. in with the arbor press ram.
10. Lubricate the Cup and set it on top of the Cup 6. Grease the pump according to the Lubrication
Backing Plate inside the piston bore. Instructions.
Symptom Probable Cause(s) Corrective Action(s)
No Flow or Low Flow Pump not primed Refer to Priming in the Operation Section.
Air leaks in suction line Check and reseal inlet fittings.
Blocked or clogged line strainer Inspect strainer and clear any debris from screen.
Undersize suction line or collapsed hose Suction line should be the same diameter as inlet
port of Pump or larger.
Nozzle clogged Clear nozzle or replace.
Unloader or Relief Valve not functioning properly Repair or replace Relief Valve.
Low pressure Debris in Valves Remove debris. See Repair section.
Valves worn Replace Valves. See Repair section.
Unloader or Relief Valve not functioning properly Repair or replace relief valve.
Pump not primed See priming in Operation section.
Pump Leaking Seals worn Replace Seals. See Repair section.
Body cracked Replace Body. See Repair section.
Performance Data
Series 53702
Series 53703
Series 5300C-X
Series 5324C
100 psi 200 psi 300 psi 400 psi 500 psi 600 psi 700 psi 800 psi 7 BAR 21 BAR 34.5 BAR 48 BAR 55 BAR
600 .96 .12 .94 .19 .94 .26 .95 .33 .94 .39 .93 .45 .93 .52 .93 .58
900 5.7 200 5.7 300 5.7 500 5.7 600 5.7 700
900 1.51 .19 1.49 .30 1.48 .41 1.47 .50 1.47 .60 1.46 .69 1.46 .78 1.45 .87
1200 7.6 200 7.6 500 7.6 600 7.2 800 7.2 900
1200 2.00 .28 1.98 .41 1.97 .55 1.96 .67 1.96 .81 1.95 .93 1.94 1.06 1.93 1.16
1450 9.1 300 9.1 500 9.1 800 8.7 1000 8.7 1100
1450 2.42 .34 2.40 .50 2.38 .67 2.37 .83 2.36 .97 2.35 1.13 2.33 1.27 2.32 1.42
1725 2.90 .40 2.89 .59 2.87 .80 2.85 1.00 2.83 1.19 2.81 1.38 2.80 1.54 2.79 1.69 1725 11.0 300 11.0 600 10.6 900 10.6 1200 10.6 1300
Models 5315C-X, 5320C-X, 5325C-X and 5330C-X
Models 5321C and 5322C
2 2 2220-0039 Socket Head Cap Screw 18 1 set 3430-0197 Set of four No. 3400-0073 Unitized
3 2 2270-0042 Washer Valve Assemblies: Consists of four
4 2 1830-0056 Retainer each: O-ring (Ref. A), Valve Seat
5 2 2150-0027 Seal Assembly: Consists of No. (Ref. B), Valve Poppet (Ref. C), Valve
2150-0049 Seal (Ref. A) and No. Spring (Ref. D), and Valve Spring
1440-0061 Support Ring (Ref. B) Retainer (Ref. E)
6 2 1830-0054 Seal Retainer 19 1 0108-5300C Body (Cast Iron)
7 2 1720-0079 O-ring for Seal Retainer 21 1 2405-0006 Grease Fitting
8 2 1440-0037 Guide 22 1 Hollow Shaft Sub-Assembly (see
9 2 1720-0064 O-ring for Seal Ring listing above)
10 2 1440-0010 Seal Ring 24 2 2230-0017 Set Screws for Hollow Shaft
11 2 1830-0053 Guide Retainer 25 1 1610-0011 Spline Key for Hollow Shaft
12 2 3500-0021 Plunger (steel, Model 5321) 26 1 Solid Shaft Sub-Assembly (see listing
12 2 3500-0036 Plunger (ceramic, Model 5322) above)
13 1 0502-5300 Connecting Rod (Model 5321)
13 1 0504-5300 Connecting Rod (Model 5322) 27 1 1610-0007 Spline Key for Solid Shaft
14 1 0608-5300 Safety Cover 28 1 2130-0007 Shield
15 * 2210-0063 Cylinder Head Bolt (8 bolts required 29 2 2008-0001 Main Bearing
for Model 5321C-H Hollow Shaft 30 2 1810-0013 Retaining Ring (shaft)
Pump; 4 bolts required for Top 31 1 1820-0025 Retaining Ring (housing)
Cylinder Head ONLY on Solid Shaft 32 1 1510-0041 Mounting Base for Solid Shaft Models
Pumps) 33 1 3420-0030 Torque Arm Kit for Hollow Shaft
15A 4 2210-0064 Extra Long Cylinder Head Bolt for Models - Consists of No. 2820-0035
securing mounting base to Solid Torque Arm, No. 1450-0003 Bumper
Shaft Models and two No. 2210-0064 Bolts
16 2 0201-5300C Cylinder Head (Cast Iron) 34 2 2270-0097 Washer (Model 5322 only)
17 2 1720-0038 O-ring for Cylinder Head
Spec Pumps 53702 and 53703
3 16 A
4 B Crankshaft Assemblies
5 A 17 C
18 30 Spec Pump No. 53702
B D 24 25
6 E Hollow Shaft Sub-Assembly No. 5501-5318
7 Consists of one No. 0550-5318 Crankshaft, one No.
8 2007-0029 Cam Bearing, one No. 2405-0006
19 Grease Fitting Assembly, one No. 1610-0011 Key,
10 34 31 two No. 2230-0017 Set Screws.
11 29
28 Hollow Shaft Assembly No. 5500-5318
14 22 Consists of one No. 5501-5318 Crankshaft Sub-
Assembly, two No. 1810-0013 Retaining Rings, two
No. 2008-0001 Main Bearings, one No. 2130-0007
Bearing Shield.
2 2 2220-0039 Socket Head Cap Screw 18 1 Set 3430-0197 Set of four No. 3400-0073
3 2 2270-0042 Washer Unitized Valve Assemblies:
4 2 1830-0056 Retainer Consists of four each: O-ring (Ref. A),
5 2 2150-0027 Seal Assembly: Consists of one No. Valve Seat (Ref. B), Valve Poppet
2150-0049 Seal (Ref. A) and one (Ref. C), Valve Spring (Ref. D), Valve
No. 1440-0061 Support Ring (Ref.B) Spring Retainer (Ref. E)
6 2 1830-0054 Seal Retainer 19 1 0108-5300C Body (Cast Iron)
7 2 1720-0079 O-ring for Seal Retainer 21 1 2405-0006 Grease Fitting
8 2 1440-0037 Guide 22 1 **** Hollow Shaft Sub-Assembly (See
9 2 1720-0064 O-ring for Seal Ring listing above for description)
10 2 1440-0010 Seal Ring 24 2 2230-0017 Set Screws for Hollow Shaft
11 2 1830-0053 Guide Retainer 25 1 1610-0011 Spline Key for Hollow Shaft
12 2 3500-0036 Plunger 28 1 2130-0007 Shield
13 1 0504-5300 Connecting Rod 29 2 2008-0001 Main Bearing
14 1 0608-5300 Safety Cover 30 2 1810-0013 Retaining Ring (shaft)
15 8 2210-0063 Cylinder Head Bolt 31 1 1820-0025 Retaining Ring (housing)
15A 2 2210-0064 Extra Long Cylinder Head Bolt for 33 1 3420-0030 Torque Arm Kit: Includes (1) No.
torque arm 2820-0035 Torque Arm, (1) No.
16 2 0201-5300C Cylinder Head (Cast Iron) 1450-0003 Bumper and (2) No.
17 2 1720-0038 O-ring for Cylinder Head 2210-0064 Bolts.
34 2 2270-0097 Washer
Models 5324C and 5324C-H
2 2 2220-0012 Piston Cap Screw 15 1 set 3430-0197 Set of four No. 3400-0073 Unitized
3 2 2270-0011 Washer Valve Assemblies: Consists of four
4 2 2150-0047 Cup each: O-ring (Ref. A), Valve Seat
5 2 1830-0092 Cup Holder (Ref. B), Valve Poppet (Ref. C),
6 2 1720-0029 O-Ring Valve Spring (Ref. D), Valve Spring
7 2 1440-0059 Seal Ring Retainer (Ref. E)
8 2 1440-0060 Guide
9 1 0500-5324 Connecting Rod 16 1 0108-5300C Body (Cast Iron)
10 1 0608-5300 Safety Cover 18 1 2405-0006 Grease Fitting
11 * 2210-0063 Cylinder Head Bolt (8 required for 19 1 Hollow Shaft Sub-Assembly (see
Hollow Shaft Pump; 4 required for listing above)
top cylinder head ONLY on Solid 21 2 2230-0017 Set Screw for Hollow Shaft Pump
Shaft Pump) 22 1 1610-0011 Key for Hollow Shaft Pump
11A 4 2210-0064 Extra Long Cylinder Head Bolt for 23 1 Solid Shaft Sub-Assembly (see list-
securing mounting base to Solid ing above)
Shaft Pump 24 1 1610-0007 Key for Solid Shaft Pump
12 2 0201-5300C Cylinder Head (Cast-Iron) 25 1 2130-0007 Shield
13 2 1720-0038 O-Ring 26 2 2008-0001 Bearing
14 1 3430-0210 Ni-Resist Cylinder Sleeve Assembly: 27 2 1810-0013 Retaining Ring (shaft)
Consists of two each of No. 28 1 1820-0025 Retaining Ring (housing)
1830-0033 Retainer (Ref. A), No. 29 1 1510-0041 Mounting Base for Solid Shaft Pump
1720-0079 O-ring (Ref. B), and No. 30 1 3420-0030 Torque Arm Kit for Hollow Shaft
3550-0028 Sleeve (Ref. C) Pump: Consists of (1) No. 2820-0035
Torque Arm, (1) No. 1450-0003
Bumper and (2)No. 2210-0064 Bolts
Liquid Injector Heads
Model 3396-0014
for Hypro Series 5300 cast iron pumps with suffix "X"
Model 3396-0006
for Hypro Series 5321 and 5324 cast iron pumps
Cylinder Head Cast iron with special flow
Inlet Port 1/8" NPT (F) can be positioned to face any
Brass Valve Stem Needle-type metering, for accurate
mixing of injected solution and liquid being pumped.
Unitized Valve Assembly Stainless steel valve
spring, ball and valve seat. Nylon spring retainer.
Control Knob Calibrated with 9 steps in a 360o turn.
Can be rotated up to three times.
Maximum Temperature 140o Fahrenheit (60o C)
Net Weight Model 3396-0014: 1 lb. 8 oz. (594.8 g.)
Model 3396-0006: 1 lb. 12 oz. (793.2 g.)
The Hypro Series 3396 Liquid Injector Head mounts directly on the pump,
replacing the regular cylinder head. It feeds solution directly into the pump,
mixing it with the regular pump flow. No internal pump parts are removed or
disassembled to install the injector.
The 1/8" NPT (F) inlet port can be positioned to face any direction. A built-in
flow regulator channel in the cylinder head compensates for various inches of Series 5300 Pump Series 5321 Pump
mercury (127 mm/Hg), up to a maximum incoming pressure of 20 psi (137.8 with Model 3396-0014 with Model 3396-0006
kPa). NOTE: If incoming pressure is higher, a pressure regulator must be Liquid Injector Head Liquid Injector Head
used. Add suffix letter "D" to pump model number
Liquid injector cylinder head MUST
be installed with the flow regulator Flow
1/8-27 NPT Regulator
channel over the inlet valve of the Channel
pump. "Inlet Side is cast on the
cylinder head of injector for ease in O-ring
X identification. Groove
Before using the injector, make sure the retainer nut is tightened securely.
NOTE: The Inlet Port on the body indicates the position of the dial setting (closed
position is zero). The larger the number, the more flow is allowed. DO NOT rotate
the control knob more than three complete turns.
If opening around needle valve stem becomes clogged, clean the valve stem and
passage way with warm soapy water. Rotate the control knob assembly counter-
clockwise (which includes the control knob and needle valve stem) until it can be
lifted out of the body. Inspect the valve stem o-ring and replace if necessary. Install
the control knob assembly by pushing down firmly on the knob and turning clock-
wise until it is in the closed position. Set the injector to the desired setting.
Model No. 3396-0014, 3396-0006 Liquid Injector Heads
Ref. Quantity Part
No. Required Number Description
Limited Warranty on Hypro/SHURflo Agricultural Pumps & Accessories
Hypro/SHURflo (hereafter, Hypro) agricultural products are warranted to be free of defects in material and workmanship under
normal use for the time periods listed below, with proof of purchase.
- Pumps: one (1) year from the date of manufacture, or one (1) year of use. This limited warranty will not
exceed two (2) years, in any event.
- Accessories: ninety (90) days of use.
This limited warranty will not apply to products that were improperly installed, misapplied, damaged, altered, or incompatible with
fluids or components not manufactured by Hypro. All warranty considerations are governed by Hypros written return policy.
Hypros obligation under this limited warranty policy is limited to the repair or replacement of the product. All returns will be tested
per Hypros factory criteria. Products found not defective (under the terms of this limited warranty) are subject to charges paid by the
returnee for the testing and packaging of tested good non-warranty returns.
No credit or labor allowances will be given for products returned as defective. Warranty replacement will be shipped on a freight
allowed basis. Hypro reserves the right to choose the method of transportation.
This limited warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, and no other person is authorized to give any other
warranty or assume obligation or liability on Hypros behalf. Hypro shall not be liable for any labor, damage or other expense, nor
shall Hypro be liable for any indirect, incidental or consequential damages of any kind incurred by the reason of the use or sale of
any defective product. This limited warranty covers agricultural products distributed within the United States of America. Other world
market areas should consult with the actual distributor for any deviation from this document.
Return Procedures
All products must be flushed of any chemical (ref. OSHA section 1910.1200 (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)) and hazardous chemicals must be
labeled/tagged before being shipped* to Hypro for service or warranty consideration. Hypro reserves the right to request a Material
Safety Data Sheet from the returnee for any pump/product it deems necessary. Hypro reserves the right to disposition as scrap
products returned which contain unknown fluids. Hypro reserves the right to charge the returnee for any and all costs incurred for
chemical testing, and proper disposal of components containing unknown fluids. Hypro requests this in order to protect the environ-
ment and personnel from the hazards of handling unknown fluids.
Be prepared to give Hypro full details of the problem, including the model number, date of purchase, and from whom you purchased
your product. Hypro may request additional information, and may require a sketch to illustrate the problem.
Contact Hypro Service Department at 800-468-3428 to receive a Return Merchandise Authorization number (RMA#).
Returns are to be shipped with the RMA number clearly marked on the outside of the package. Hypro shall not be liable for freight
damage incurred during shipping. Please package all returns carefully. All products returned for warranty work should be sent
shipping charges prepaid to:
Attention: Service Department
375 Fifth Avenue NW
New Brighton, MN 55112
For technical or application assistance, call the Hypro Technical/Application number: 800-445-8360, or send an email to:
[email protected]. To obtain service or warranty assistance, call the Hypro Service and Warranty number:
800-468-3428; or send a fax to the Hypro Service and Warranty FAX: 651-766-6618.
*Carriers, including U.S.P.S., airlines, UPS, ground freight, etc., require specific identification of any hazardous material being shipped. Failure to do so
may result in a substantial fine and/or prison term. Check with your shipping company for specific instructions.