Students - Proposal Outlines

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NIM : 1042014048

Proposed Tittle : The Collaboration of New Curriculum

Chapter One : Introductions

A. Background of 1. (Main Ideas = Topic Sentence + Controlling Ideas) it is thesis statements about
study your Proposal Focus for one paragraph.
Education is a process of changing the behavior (Thinking, Overt Action,
Feeling ) patterns of people.
Educational objectives/purposes are the starting point to selecting things such
as material selection, content outline, development of instructional procedures
and test and examination preparation.
Stating objective are; 1). Ways to state objectives are listing topics, concepts,
generalizations or other elements of content that are to be dealt with in the
course or courses.
2) Upon the selection of objectives the teacher will need to arrange the
objectives in a form that makes them helpful in selecting learning experiences
and in guiding teaching.
3). Any statement of the objectives of the school should be a statement of
changes to take place in students which will insinuate the kinds of activities
the teacher may do in a effort to get objectives.
4). Stating the objectives in the form of an activity to be done by the teacher
will allow for no way of judging whether the activities should be done.

2. The second paragraph (main Ideas = Topic Sentence + Controlling Ideas) is

about the proposal contextual perspectives to the research focus. One of the first
sentences of each paragraph should tell your reader the specific idea, example,
issue or subject that will be the focus of the rest of the paragraph. In some cases,
you may write more than one sentence if you feel your reader needs additional
background information.

Learning is said to take place through experiences that the learner has such as
reactions the student makes to the environment in which he/she is placed.
The means of education are educational experiences that the learner has had.
The essential means of education are the experiences provided, not the things
to which the student is exposed.
Learning experiences are the interaction between the learner and the external
conditions in the environment to which he/she can react.
Learning takes place through active behavior of the student; it is what he/she
does that he/she learns, not what the teacher does.
There are some characteristic of learning experience: Learning experiences to
develop skill in thinking, Learning experiences helpful in acquiring
informatio, Learning experiences helpful in developing social attitudes, and
Learning experiences helpful in developing interests.
3. The Third paragraph (main Ideas = Topic Sentence + Controlling Ideas) is about
the proposal contextual evidences, expert review about your research focus.
Having contextualized the evidence; you can now present it in whatever form
seems appropriate given your discipline. See our Quoting and Paraphrasing
handout for more information. And then, within this paragraph, you should
explain the quoted ideas, do not let the ideas stand alone.
Organization of educational experiences is to produce a cumulative effect,
they must be so organized that they reinforce each other.
Relationships of educational experiences can be examined over time and from
one area to another.
There are three criteria that need to be met when you are trying to build an
effectively organized group of learning experiences: Continuity, Sequence,
and Integration.
Structural elements exist at several levels: Highest level ( specific subjects,
broad fields, core curriculum combined with above, undifferentiated
structure). Intermediate levels, (courses organized as sequences, single
semester or year units). Lowest level, ( lesson set for that day, topic for several
days or weeks, unit covering several weeks).

4. The fourth paragraph (main Ideas = Topic Sentence + Controlling Ideas) is about
the additional of proposal contextual evidences, expert review about your
research focus. Having more contextualized the evidence; you can now present it
in whatever form seems appropriate given your discipline. See our Quoting and
Paraphrasing handout for more information, and again, and then, within this
paragraph, you should explain the quoted ideas, do not let the ideas stand alone.

Evaluation is important to check that the plans for learning experiences are
functioning to guide the teacher in producing the outcomes that are desired,
which is the purpose for evaluation.
The process of evaluation is necessary after the plans are developed.
The process of evaluation will involve identifying the strengths and
weaknesses of the plans.
As a result of evaluation, it is important to note what within the curriculum is
effective and what needs improvement.
We can determine these purposes are being attained with Basic
Notions Regarding Evaluation, Evaluation Procedures, Using the Results
of Evaluation, Other Values and Uses of Evaluation Procedures, and
Curriculum Building.

5. The fifth paragraph (main Ideas = Topic Sentence + Controlling Ideas) is about
the proposal contextual explanations perspectives to the research focus. This fifth
paragraph conveys your explanations. In most situations, your evidence will not
be self-explanatory. This is especially true with quotations, which are highly
interpretive, so you will want to explain to your readers how they should
understand the significance of the evidence. This explanation can often be done
in conjunction with the last component.
The isntruments used to evaluate portofolios are as numerous as the
organizations requiring them.
Many types of assesment instruments are used; instruments developed by
individual achool districs or departments, teacher-made instruments, and
instruments designed as mandated outgrowths from state or national
Some include checklists, rubics, likert-type scales, oral and written narratives,
formal evaluation forms, and informal feedback.
6. The sixth paragraph (main Ideas = Topic Sentence + Controlling Ideas) is about
the proposal contextual perspectives to connection the problems (Expectations
vs. Reality). Having explained what the evidence means, and why that is
important, you can now wrap up this paragraph by showing your readers how
this evidence supports your thesis statement. Be sure, at this stage, to avoid
simply restating parts of your thesis. Instead, connect the specific discussion of
this paragraph to that part of your argument to which it is most closely related.
The isntruments used to evaluate portofolios are as numerous as the
organizations requiring them.
Many types of assesment instruments are used; instruments developed by
individual achool districs or departments, teacher-made instruments, and
instruments designed as mandated outgrowths from state or national
Some include checklists, rubics, likert-type scales, oral and written narratives,
formal evaluation forms, and informal feedback

7. The seventh paragraph (main Ideas = Topic Sentence + Controlling Ideas) is
about the proposal focus gaps to be taken care of.
the things that the teacher can do to make the realible
evaluation test as follow:
1. Analyze competency standards and basic competencies,
is intended for the development of the test always refers to
the skills that must be mastered by each student.
2. Compile the main concept map based on SK and KD, The
concept map is a grouping of essential competencies and
level of understanding as mandated in the curriculum so
that the developed test is really capable of measuring the
various achievements of competencies that students must
3. Develop a test / grid test matrix, this grid is a guide for
the testers, although the development is different but the
problem will have the same weight.
4. Sort out concept maps based on the indicators you want
to develop into test items.
5. Arrange specifications for one or more items, the test
specification is a description that shows the overall
characteristics that a test item should possess,
6. Write the item based on the specification of the item that
has been developed.
7. Specify a scoring column or guidelines are indispensable,
for example in a joint semester test, because the scoring
rubric or guideline is able to provide guidelines for many
parties (teachers) in the process of scoring.
8. (Main Ideas = Topic Sentence + Controlling Ideas) it is thesis statements about
your Proposal Focus for one paragraph.

Scientific approach is a teaching strategy using scientific steps in teaching
subject matter at senior high school in Indonesia.
Scientific approach has the characteristics of doing science that allows
teachers to improve the process of learning by breaking the process down into
steps which contain detailed instruction for conducting student
learning.Scientific approach is defined as the process of finding out
information in science, which involves testing the ideas by performing
experiments and making decisions based on the result of analysis (Longman,
It means that scientific approach is a body of techniques for investigating
phenomena, acquiring new knowledge, and correcting and integrating
previous knowledge.
Kemdikbud (2013) and Hosnan (2014) state that there are five steps of
applying scientific approach in teaching learning process, they are observing,
questioning, experimenting, associating, and communicating..

9. The nineth paragraph (main Ideas = Topic Sentence + Controlling Ideas) is

about the proposal contextual perspectives to the research focus. One of the first
sentences of each paragraph should tell your reader the specific idea, example,
issue or subject that will be the focus of the rest of the paragraph. In some cases,
you may write more than one sentence if you feel your reader needs additional
background information.

There are many systems that have been tried by our nation, but the system has
not been able to make our country advanced in the field of education.
Therefore, we need a new system that can improve the condition of education
in our dear country.
And in my opinion, the best way to improve the quality of human resources of
our country is to improve the EDUCATION system that we have been living
and implementing in this country.
The curriculum in Indonesia has undergone several changes until now the
enduring curriculum is the Education Unit Level Curcule.
This curriculum is regarded as the most standardized curriculum applied in
When the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) is rolled out, many
people are happy that schools have the opportunity to determine their own
direction or model of schooling.
However, then the hope disappears again when it turns out there is still a
national exam or UAN that makes the model of education provided the school
should be back again the same.
Something we have to fix is the paradigm of thought. Whether it's from policy
makers (ministry officials), managers at the managerial level (Officials at both
provincial and district levels) to field implementers (teachers).
Educational staff is the spearhead of the realization of the goal of education.
Their main duty is to organize teaching, training, researching, developing,
managing, and / or providing technical services in the field of education.
They consist of educators, education unit managers, supervisors, supervisors,
researchers and developers in education, librarians, labors, and resource
learning technicians.
All of these must function as they have become their duties and
If everything can go according to the corridor, then rest assured, that
education in Indonesia can be the best education in the world.

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