Project On Food Security: Automatic Control of Agricultural Pump Measuring Soil Moisture Level

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The Project on Food Security, Nutrition, and Sustainable Development offers

students a unique research opportunity in their field of interest in comparative and
international studies. In this course, students are introduced to recent research and
become familiar with the methodologies employed in public health and
development studies

Improvement of agricultural production through improved water control, access to

inputs and services
A set of activities will focus on
(i) the rehabilitation of canals and dikes and relevelling
of plots in irrigated areas, including tidal irrigation and upland areas;
(ii) the creation of smallholder horticultural gardens (equipped with boreholes,
solar pumps and fencing); and
(iii) capacity building of garden committees and user groups in organisational
management, infrastructures maintenance, water control



In the field of AUTOMATION, use of proper method of agricultural pump

appliances is important because the main reason is intelligent operation and use of
modern technology. Also it reduces human effort and may be widely used for
Vegetable agricultural fields which requires frequent water supply with day to day
changing temperature
The circuit comprises of sensor parts built using op-amp IC LM393. Op-amps are
configured here as a comparator. A water level sensor is inserted in the soil to sense
whether the soil is wet or dry. The controller is used to control the whole system by
monitoring the sensors and when sensors sense the dry soil condition then the
controller will send command to relay driver IC the contacts of which are used to
switch on the load and it will switch off the load when all the sensors are in wet
water condition. The controller does the above job as it receives the signal from the
sensors through the output of the SENSOR,
This is safest and no manpower is required. This is very useful to all climatic
conditions and it is economic friendly.


+9V DC

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