Interim Report Q2 2017
Interim Report Q2 2017
Interim Report Q2 2017
Q2 2017
Interim report for the second quarter 2017 During the second
Second quarter 2017 compared with first quarter 2017 quarter we made
Strong profit driven by higher income
several strategic
Increased mortgage volumes supported net interest
decisions and
income implemented
Net commission income benefited from higher card and initiatives to create
asset management income value-added for our
Net gains and losses on financial items positively customers.
affected by higher FX trading activity
Costs in line with expectations Birgitte Bonnesen,
President and CEO
Additional provisions in oil related sectors
Strong capitalisation
Earnings per share, SEK, after dilution 4,24 4,59 8,83 9,49
Return on equity, % 15,6 15,9 15,7 17,4
C/I ratio 0,38 0,38 0,38 0,37
Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio, % 24,6 24,2 24,6 23,0
Credit impairment ratio, % 0,10 0,09 0,10 0,08
One-off income from sale of Hemnet of SEK 680m during first quarter 2017.
One-off income from VISA, SEK 2 115m during first half year 2016 of which Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value SEK 457m and Other
income SEK 1 658m.
Other income in the table above includes the items Net insurance, Share of profit or loss of associates, and Other income from the Group income
Overview 5
Market 5
Important to note 5
Group development 5
Result second quarter 2017 compared with first quarter 2017 5
Result January-June 2017 compared with January-June 2016 6
Volume trend by product area 6
Credit and asset quality 8
Operational risks 9
Funding and liquidity 9
Ratings 9
Capital and capital adequacy 9
Other events 10
Events after 30 June 2017 11
Business segments
Swedish Banking 12
Baltic Banking 14
Large Corporates & Institutions 16
Group Functions & Other 18
Eliminations 19
More detailed information can be found in Swedbanks Fact book,, under Financial information and publications.
Other income in the table above includes the items Net insurance, Share of profit or loss of associates, and Other income from the Group income
Q2 Q1 Q2 Jan-Jun Jan-Jun
Key ratios and data per share 2017 2017 2016 2017 2016
Return on equity, % 1) 15,6 15,9 21,0 15,7 17,4
2) 4,26 4,61 5,65 8,87 9,54
Earnings per share before dilution, SEK
Earnings per share after dilution, SEK 2) 4,24 4,59 5,62 8,83 9,49
C/I ratio 0,38 0,38 0,33 0,38 0,37
Equity per share, SEK 2) 111,3 107,3 107,4 111,3 107,4
Loan/deposit ratio, % 166 162 152 166 152
Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio, % 24,6 24,2 23,0 24,6 23,0
Tier 1 capital ratio, % 27,8 27,5 25,3 27,8 25,3
Total capital ratio, % 32,5 30,6 28,3 32,5 28,3
Credit impairment ratio, % 3) 0,10 0,09 0,14 0,10 0,08
Share of impaired loans, gross, % 0,53 0,50 0,34 0,53 0,34
Total provision ratio for impaired loans, % 45 51 58 45 58
Liquidity coverage ratio (LCR), % 128 137 138 128 138
Net stable funding ratio (NSFR), % 110 109 108 110 108
Definitions of all key ratios can be found in Swedbanks Fact book on page 81.
Other income decreased to SEK 736m (1 372) because Net interest income rose by 10 per cent to
the Hemnet sale positively affected the previous quarter SEK 12 061m (11 013). Higher lending volumes and
by SEK 680m. margins on Swedish mortgages contributed positively.
An increase in the resolution fund fee of SEK 282m had
Expenses fell slightly to SEK 3 966m (4 003). Variable a negative effect on net interest income. The Swedish
staff costs were lower than in the first quarter. National Debt Office doubled the fee compared with
Credit impairments amounted to SEK 400m (339),
mainly due to increased provisions within Large Net commission income rose by 7 per cent to
Corporates & Institutions for oil related commitments. SEK 5 822m (5 440). Higher asset management income
Swedish Banking and Baltic Banking reported minor due to rising equity prices and increased card income
losses. contributed positively, while lower commissions from
Corporate Finance had a negative effect.
The tax expense amounted to SEK 1 276m (1 181),
corresponding to an effective tax rate of 21.2 per cent Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value fell
(18.7). The difference in the effective tax rate between to SEK 1 053m (1 277), mainly because income related
quarters is because the first quarter was affected by the to the Visa Europe sale had a positive effect in the first
tax-exempt capital gain on the Hemnet sale. Excluding half of 2016.
this gain the effective tax rate would have been 21.0 per
cent in the first quarter. The Groups effective tax rate is Other income decreased to SEK 2 108m (3 104),
estimated at 20-22 per cent in the medium term. because one-off income was higher in the first half of
Result January-June 2017 compared with
Expenses rose to SEK 7 969m (7 666) due to increased
January-June 2016 pension costs and salary increases.
Profit fell to SEK 9 870m, compared with SEK 10 581m
in the first half of 2016. The decrease is mainly because Credit impairments increased to SEK 739m (573),
one-off income was higher in the first half of 2016 (sale mainly due to increased provisions for oil related
of Visa Europe) than the same period in 2017 (sale of commitments within Large Corporates & Institutions.
Hemnet). FX changes increased profit by SEK 61m. Swedish Banking reported credit impairments while
Baltic Banking reported net recoveries.
Excluding one-off income profit increased to
SEK 9 190m (8 466), as shown in the table below. The tax expense amounted to SEK 2 457m (1 998),
corresponding to an effective tax rate of 19.9 per cent
Jan-Jun Jan-Jun Jan-Jun Jan-Jun (15.9). The effective tax rate for 2017 has been
2017 2017 2016 2016
positively affected by the tax-exempt capital gain on the
excl. one-
excl. one- Hemnet sale, but negatively by the elimination of the
off income deductibility of interest on subordinated liabilities in
VISA 2017. The same period in 2016 was positively affected
Income statement,SEKm Hemnet
Net interest income 12 061 12 061 11 013 11 013 by tax-exempt income from the sale of Swedbanks
Net commission income 5 822 5 822 5 440 5 440 shares in Visa Europe. The Groups effective tax rate is
Net gains and losses on estimated at 20-22 per cent in the medium term.
financial items at fair value 1 053 1 053 1 277 820
of which VISA 457 0
Share of profit or loss of
associates 379 379 2 120 462
Volume trend by product area
of which VISA 1 658 0 Swedbanks main business is organised in two product
Other income1) 1 729 1 049 984 984 areas: Group Lending & Payments and Group Savings.
of which Hemnet 680 0 0
Total income 21 044 20 364 20 834 18 719
Total expenses 7 969 7 969 7 666 7 666
Impairments 742 742 582 582 Total lending to the public, excluding repos and the
Operating profit 12 333 11 653 12 586 10 471 Swedish National Debt Office, increased by SEK 13bn
Tax expense 2 457 2 457 1 998 1 998 to SEK 1 470bn (1 457) compared with the first quarter.
Profit for the period Compared with 30 June 2016 the increase was
attributable to the SEK 50bn, or growth of 3.5 per cent.
shareholders of Swedbank
AB 9 870 9 190 10 581 8 466
The return on equity was 15.7 per cent (17.4) and the
cost/income ratio was 0.38 (0.37). Excluding one-off
income the return on equity was 14.6 per cent (13.9).
Operational risks 80
Income statement
Q2 Q1 Q2 Jan-Jun Jan-Jun
SEKm 2017 2017 % 2016 % 2017 2016 %
Net interest income 3 792 3 637 4 3 413 11 7 429 6 733 10
Net commission income 1 881 1 757 7 1 723 9 3 638 3 343 9
Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value 105 97 8 100 5 202 174 16
Share of profit or loss of associates 208 144 44 271 -23 352 461 -24
Other income4) 129 828 -84 162 -20 957 294
Total income 6 115 6 463 -5 5 669 8 12 578 11 005 14
Staff costs 797 827 -4 799 0 1 624 1 635 -1
Variable staff costs 32 32 0 35 -9 64 58 10
Other expenses 1 371 1 332 3 1 363 1 2 703 2 680 1
Depreciation/amortisation 17 17 0 25 -32 34 50 -32
Total expenses 2 217 2 208 0 2 222 0 4 425 4 423 0
Profit before impairments 3 898 4 255 -8 3 447 13 8 153 6 582 24
Credit impairments 86 -3 -35 83 -48
Operating profit 3 812 4 258 -10 3 482 9 8 070 6 630 22
Tax expense 823 757 9 765 8 1 580 1 456 9
Profit for the period 2 989 3 501 -15 2 717 10 6 490 5 174 25
Profit for the period attributable to the shareholders of
Swedbank AB 2 985 3 499 -15 2 713 10 6 484 5 167 25
Non-controlling interests 4 2 100 4 0 6 7 -14
Return on allocated equity, % 1) 21,4 25,4 20,7 23,4 20,0
Loan/deposit ratio, % 221 228 229 221 229
Credit impairment ratio, % 2) 0,03 0,00 -0,01 0,01 -0,01
Cost/income ratio 0,36 0,34 0,39 0,35 0,40
Loans, SEKbn3) 1 125 1 116 1 1 096 3 1 125 1 096 3
Deposits, SEKbn3) 510 490 4 479 6 510 479 6
Full-time employees 4 091 4 148 -1 4 223 -3 4 091 4 223 -3
1) For information about average allocated equity see page 16 of the Fact book.
2) For more information about the credit impairment ratio see page 42 of the Fact book.
3) Excluding the Swedish National Debt Office and repurchase agreements.
4)Other income in the table above includes the items Net insurance and Other income from the Group income statement.
Credit impairments of SEK 86m were reported in the During the quarter we launched our new Internet bank
second quarter, compared with net recoveries of and Mobile bank, which have a new uniform design and
SEK 3m in the first quarter. The credit impairments are expanded functions for mortgages and consumer loans.
mainly due to a number of corporate customers in
various sectors. We have entered into a partnership with the personal
finances app Mina Tjnster (My Services), where
January-June 2017 compared with January-June users can easily manage their subscriptions and
2016 contracts. We have also launched a new social online
Profit increased to SEK 6 484m (5 167) thanks to investing platform for customers in collaboration with the
increased income. US fintech company Sprinklebit.
Net interest income increased by 10 per cent to SEK On the corporate side we have launched a campaign
7 429m (6 733), mainly through increased lending called Swedbank Rivstart (Flying Start), which includes
volumes and mortgage margins. This was offset by the a contest that runs until 31 August 2017. The purpose of
transfer of business volumes and financial results for a the contest is to find new entrepreneurs with strong
number of large corporate customers to Large business ideas and a desire to make society a little
Corporates & Institutions in the first quarter of 2017 and better. Ten winners will each receive SEK 250 000 in
a higher resolution fund fee compared with 2016. seed capital and support to develop and implement their
Net commission income increased by 9 per cent to
SEK 3 638m (3 343). The increase was mainly due to
higher equity prices and net inflows to funds as well as
increased card commissions.
Sweden is Swedbanks largest market, with around 4 million private customers and more than 250 000 corporate
customers. This makes it Swedens largest bank by number of customers. Through our digital channels (Internet Bank
and Mobile Bank), the Telephone Bank and branches, and with the cooperation of savings banks and franchisees, we are
always available. Swedbank is part of the community. Branch managers have a strong mandate to act in their local
communities. The banks presence and engagement are expressed in various ways. A project called Young Jobs, which
has created several thousand trainee positions for young people, has played an important part in recent years. Swedbank
has 225 branches in Sweden.
Swedbank Interim report Q2 2017 Page 13 of 56
Baltic Banking
Increased lending supported net interest income
Higher net commission income due to increased customer activity
FX effects positively impacted profit
Income statement
Q2 Q1 Q2 Jan-Jun Jan-Jun
SEKm 2017 2017 % 2016 % 2017 2016 %
Net interest income 1 044 1 001 4 954 9 2 045 1 888 8
Net commission income 561 527 6 498 13 1 088 981 11
Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value 52 53 -2 53 -2 105 99 6
Other income4) 157 137 15 128 23 294 247 19
Total income 1 814 1 718 6 1 633 11 3 532 3 215 10
Staff costs 222 219 1 219 1 441 423 4
Variable staff costs 11 17 -35 15 -27 28 35 -20
Other expenses 400 373 7 356 12 773 692 12
Depreciation/amortisation 25 27 -7 28 -11 52 58 -10
Total expenses 658 636 3 618 6 1 294 1 208 7
Profit before impairments 1 156 1 082 7 1 015 14 2 238 2 007 12
Impairment of tangible assets 1 2 -50 0 3 0
Credit impairments 7 -66 50 -86 -59 8
Operating profit 1 148 1 146 0 965 19 2 294 1 999 15
Tax expense 155 159 -3 127 22 314 265 18
Profit for the period 993 987 1 838 18 1 980 1 734 14
Profit for the period attributable to the shareholders of
Swedbank AB 993 987 1 838 18 1 980 1 734 14
Return on allocated equity, % 19,7 19,5 16,8 19,5 17,1
Loan/deposit ratio, % 84 84 85 84 85
Credit impairment ratio, % 2) 0,02 -0,19 0,16 -0,09 0,01
Cost/income ratio 0,36 0,37 0,38 0,37 0,38
Loans, SEKbn3) 142 141 1 136 4 142 136 4
Deposits, SEKbn3) 169 168 1 159 6 169 159 6
Full-time employees 3 653 3 754 -3 3 918 -7 3 653 3 918 -7
1) For information about average allocated equity see page 18 of the Fact book.
2) For more information about the credit impairment ratio see page 42 of the Fact book.
3) Excluding the Swedish National Debt Office and repurchase agreements.
4)Other income in the table above includes the items Net insurance and Other income from the Group income statement.
Net commission income rose by 5 per cent in local
Second quarter 2017 compared with first quarter
currency thanks to higher card commissions resulting
from increased customer activity.
Profit increased slightly to SEK 993m (987). Higher
income was offset by credit impairments (compared with
Net gains and losses on financial items decreased by
net recoveries in the previous quarter) as well as higher
5 per cent in local currency. Other income increased by
expenses. FX effects raised profit by SEK 14m.
13 per cent in local currency thanks to higher income
from the insurance business.
Net interest income rose by 3 per cent in local currency
due to higher lending income. The margins in the
Total expenses rose by 2 per cent in local currency
mortgage portfolio continued to rise somewhat, while
mainly due to higher marketing expenses and staff
the margins in corporate lending were stable. FX effects
increased net interest income by SEK 15m.
Credit impairments amounted to SEK 7m, compared
Lending volumes rose by about 0.5 per cent in local
with net recoveries of SEK 66m in the first quarter.
currency. Household lending increased by 2 per cent,
Estonia and Latvia reported credit impairments, while
while corporate lending decreased. Total lending grew
Lithuania reported net recoveries. Underlying credit
in all three Baltic countries.
quality remained strong.
Deposit volumes were stable in local currency. Volumes
January-June 2017 compared with January-June
increased in Latvia but decreased in Estonia and
Profit increased to SEK 1 980m (1 734), mainly due to
higher income. FX effects raised profit by SEK 66m.
Net commission income rose by 7 per cent in local According to an independent survey by Kantar Emor in
currency thanks to higher income from asset May, Swedbank ranks among the ten most popular
management, payment processing in Estonia and brands in all three Baltic countries. In Latvia it is the
Latvia, and the service packages introduced in Lithuania most popular brand for the third consecutive year. In
in the fourth quarter of 2016. Estonia Swedbank came third and in Lithuania eighth.
Net gains and losses on financial items increased On 30 June Charlotte Elsnitz was appointed Head of the
slightly in local currency, mainly due to higher income business area Baltic Banking and joined the Group
from FX trading. Other income rose by 15 per cent in Executive Committee. She succeeded Priit Perens, who
local currency thanks to higher income from the has been given a senior position in Group Credit.
insurance business. Charlotte was previously CFO for Baltic Banking.
Swedbank is the largest bank by number of customers in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania, with around 3.2 million private
customers and over 300 000 corporate customers. According to surveys, Swedbank is also the most respected company
in the financial sector. Through its digital channels (Telephone Bank, Internet Bank and Mobile Bank) and branches, the
bank is always available. Swedbank is part of the local community. Its local social engagement is expressed in many
ways, with initiatives to promote education, entrepreneurship and social welfare. Swedbank has 35 branches in Estonia,
36 in Latvia and 65 in Lithuania.
Swedbank Interim report Q2 2017 Page 15 of 56
Large Corporates & Institutions
Higher income due to increased customer FX trading activity and lower resolution fund fee
Credit impairment provisions for oil related commitments
Swedbank has entered into a strategic partnership with Europes leading independent equity broker, Kepler
Income statement
Q2 Q1 Q2 Jan-Jun Jan-Jun
SEKm 2017 2017 % 2016 % 2017 2016 %
Net interest income 892 823 8 825 8 1 715 1 591 8
Net commission income 587 580 1 605 -3 1 167 1 101 6
Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value 515 452 14 552 -7 967 955 1
Other income4) 21 28 -25 21 0 49 46 7
Total income 2 015 1 883 7 2 003 1 3 898 3 693 6
Staff costs 380 382 -1 357 6 762 713 7
Variable staff costs 42 72 -42 58 -28 114 110 4
Other expenses 445 453 -2 430 3 898 815 10
Depreciation/amortisation 17 16 6 15 13 33 29 14
Total expenses 884 923 -4 860 3 1 807 1 667 8
Profit before impairments 1 131 960 18 1 143 -1 2 091 2 026 3
Impairment of tangible assets 0 0 1 0 7
Credit impairments 307 408 -25 545 -44 715 642 11
Operating profit 824 552 49 597 38 1 376 1 377 0
Tax expense 177 104 70 103 72 281 165 70
Profit for the period 647 448 44 494 31 1 095 1 212 -10
Profit for the period attributable to the shareholders of
Swedbank AB 647 448 44 494 31 1 095 1 212 -10
Return on allocated equity, % 11,4 9,0 10,1 10,3 12,6
Loan/deposit ratio, % 160 137 149 160 149
Credit impairment ratio, % 2) 0,43 0,67 0,66 0,59 0,51
Cost/income ratio 0,44 0,49 0,43 0,46 0,45
Loans, SEKbn3) 203 200 2 188 8 203 188 8
Deposits, SEKbn3) 126 146 -14 126 0 126 126 0
Full-time employees 1 266 1 258 1 1 255 1 1 266 1 255 1
1) For information about average allocated equity see page 24 of the Fact book.
2) For more information about the credit impairment ratio see page 42 of the Fact book.
3) Excluding the Swedish National Debt Office and repurchase agreements.
4)Other income in the table above includes the items Net insurance and Other income from the Group income statement.
valuation adjustments of derivative exposures also
Second quarter 2017 compared with first quarter
contributed positively.
Profit increased to SEK 647m (448) due to increased
Total expenses decreased by 4 per cent, mainly due to
income and lower credit impairments.
lower variable staff costs.
Net interest income increased by 8 per cent to
Credit impairments amounted to SEK 307m (408) in the
SEK 892m (823), mainly due to a lower resolution fund
second quarter, corresponding to a credit impairment
fee. Net interest income from deposits rose due to
ratio of 0.43 per cent. The credit impairments are
increased volumes from financial institutions, which are
attributable to provisions for oil related commitments in
charged for negative interest rates. Swedbank still
charges only financial institutions for deposits in a few
January-June 2017 compared with January-June
Net commission income increased by 1 per cent to SEK
Profit decreased to SEK 1 095m (1 212). Increased
587m (580). The increase is mainly related to increased
income was offset by increased expenses, increased
card income.
credit impairments and higher tax.
Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value
Net interest income increased by 8 per cent to SEK
increased by 14 per cent to SEK 515m (452). Higher
1 715m (1 591). Net interest income from deposits rose
income from FX trading contributed positively. Income
due to increased volumes attributable to the transfer of
from equity trading decreased, partly due to low activity
a number of corporate customers from Swedish
in the market ahead of the French election. Favourable
Banking. Net interest income related to deposits
increased due to increased volumes from financial
Total expenses increased by 8 per cent compared with As part of the new framework agreement with the
the first half of 2016, mainly due to higher costs for staff, Swedish National Debt Office on payment solutions for
IT and premises. Swedish government agencies and enterprises,
Swedbank, in tight competition, has become the leading
Credit impairments amounted to SEK 715m compared supplier with a market share of about 90 per cent of all
with SEK 642m in the first half of 2016. The impairments transactions. The agreement covers all 235 state
were mainly attributable to increased provisions for agencies and enterprises and consolidates Swedbanks
exposures in oil related sectors. The share of impaired position as the leader in the Swedish payments market.
loans was 1.6 per cent.
We have expanded our FX trading hours and now serve
Tax increased, since the first quarter of 2016 included a our clients during US trading hours as well. This autumn
positive one-off tax effect. we expect to offer FX trading 24 hours a day as part of
an effort to become the main bank for more of our major
corporate clients.
Large Corporates & Institutions is responsible for Swedbanks offering to customers with revenues above SEK 2 billion
and those whose needs are considered complex due to multinational operations or a need for advanced financing
solutions. They are also responsible for developing corporate and capital market products for other parts of the bank and
the Swedish savings banks. Large Corporates & Institutions works closely with customers, who receive advice on
decisions that create sustainable profits and growth. Large Corporates & Institutions is represented in Sweden, Norway,
Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, Luxembourg, China, the US and South Africa.
Swedbank Interim report Q2 2017 Page 17 of 56
Group Functions & Other
Income statement
Q2 Q1 Q2 Jan-Jun Jan-Jun
SEKm 2017 2017 % 2016 % 2017 2016 %
Net interest income 363 512 -29 360 1 875 801 9
Net commission income -39 -54 -28 -36 8 -93 3
Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value -106 -114 -7 171 -220 49
Share of profit or loss of associates -4 31 1 658 27 1 659 -98
Other income1) 298 262 14 276 8 560 483 16
Total income 512 637 -20 2 429 -79 1 149 2 995 -62
Staff costs 870 848 3 779 12 1 718 1 557 10
Variable staff costs 32 51 -37 53 -40 83 90 -8
Other expenses -714 -688 4 -735 -3 -1 402 -1 377 -2
Depreciation/amortisation 82 75 9 87 -6 157 172 -9
Total expenses 270 286 -6 184 47 556 442 26
Profit before impairments 242 351 -31 2 245 -89 593 2 553 -77
Impairment of tangible assets 0 0 0 0 2
Credit impairments 0 0 -22 0 -29
Operating profit 242 351 -31 2 267 -89 593 2 580 -77
Tax expense 121 161 -25 42 282 112
Profit for the period 121 190 -36 2 225 -95 311 2 468 -87
Profit for the period attributable to the shareholders of
Swedbank AB 121 190 -36 2 225 -95 311 2 468 -87
Full-time employees 5 176 4 907 5 4 651 11 5 176 4 651 11
Other income in the table above includes the items Net insurance and Other income from the Group income statement.
Net interest income and net gains and losses on financial items mainly stem from Group Treasury. Other income mainly refers to income from the savings
banks. Expenses mainly relate to Group Lending & Payments, Group Savings and Group Staffs and are allocated to a large extent.
Group Functions & Other consists of central business support units and the product areas Group Lending & Payments
and Group Savings. The central units serve as strategic and administrative support and comprise Accounting & Finance,
Communication, Risk, IT, Compliance, Public Affairs, HR and Legal. Group Treasury is responsible for the banks funding,
liquidity and capital planning. Group Treasury sets the prices on all internal deposit and loan flows in the Group through
internal interest rates, where the most important parameters are maturity, interest fixing period, currency and need for
liquidity reserves.
Swedbank Interim report Q2 2017 Page 18 of 56
Income statement
Q2 Q1 Q2 Jan-Jun Jan-Jun
SEKm 2017 2017 % 2016 % 2017 2016 %
Net interest income -1 -2 -50 0 -3 0
Net commission income 10 12 -17 5 100 22 12 83
Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value 1 -2 1 0 -1 0
Other income1) -73 -58 26 -50 -46 -131 -86 -52
Total income -63 -50 26 -44 43 -113 -74 -53
Staff costs 0 0 -1 0 0
Variable staff costs 0 0 0 0 0
Other expenses -63 -50 26 -43 47 -113 -74 -53
Depreciation/amortisation 0 0 0 0 0
Total expenses -63 -50 26 -44 43 -113 -74 -53
Other income in the table above includes the items Net insurance and Other income from the Group income statement.
Group eliminations mainly consist of eliminations of internal transactions between Group Functions and the other business segments.
Note 1 Accounting policies 26
Note 2 Critical accounting estimates 26
Note 3 Changes in the Group structure 26
Note 4 Operating segments (business areas) 27
Note 5 Net interest income 29
Note 6 Net commission income 30
Note 7 Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value 31
Note 8 Other expenses 32
Note 9 Credit impairments 32
Note 10 Loans 33
Note 11 Impaired loans etc. 34
Note 12 Assets taken over for protection of claims and cancelled leases 34
Note 13 Credit exposures 34
Note 14 Intangible assets 35
Note 15 Amounts owed to credit institutions 35
Note 16 Deposits and borrowings from the public 35
Note 17 Debt securities in issue and subordinated liabilities 36
Note 18 Derivatives 36
Note 19 Financial instruments carried at fair value 37
Note 20 Pledged collateral 39
Note 21 Offsetting financial assets and liabilities 39
Note 22 Capital adequacy consolidated situation 40
Note 23 Internal capital requirement 43
Note 24 Risks and uncertainties 43
Note 25 Related-party transactions 44
Note 26 Swedbanks share 44
Note 27 Effects of changed reporting of the compensation to the Savings banks for
mortgage loans 45
Parent company
Income statement, condensed 47
Statement of comprehensive income, condensed 47
Balance sheet, condensed 48
Statement of changes in equity, condensed 49
Cash flow statement, condensed 49
Capital adequacy 50
More detailed information including definitions can be found in Swedbanks Fact book,, under
Financial information and publications.
Interest income, including negative yield on financial assets 8 096 7 910 2 7 714 5 16 006 15 983 0
Interest expenses -2 208 -2 087 6 -2 162 2 -4 295 -4 970 -14
Negative yield on financial liabilities 202 148 36 0 350 0
Interest expenses, including negative yield on financial
liabilities -2 006 -1 939 3 -2 162 -7 -3 945 -4 970 -21
Net interest income (note 5) 6 090 5 971 2 5 552 10 12 061 11 013 10
Commission income 4 317 4 036 7 4 011 8 8 353 7 694 9
Commission expenses -1 317 -1 214 8 -1 216 8 -2 531 -2 254 12
Net commission income (note 6) 3 000 2 822 6 2 795 7 5 822 5 440 7
Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value (note 7) 567 486 17 877 -35 1 053 1 277 -18
Insurance premiums 671 640 5 549 22 1 311 1 054 24
Insurance provisions -464 -444 5 -346 34 -908 -694 31
Net insurance 207 196 6 203 2 403 360 12
Share of profit or loss of associates 204 175 17 1 929 -89 379 2 120 -82
Other income 325 1 001 -68 334 -3 1 326 624
Total income 10 393 10 651 -2 11 690 -11 21 044 20 834 1
Staff costs 2 386 2 448 -3 2 314 3 4 834 4 621 5
Other expenses (note 8) 1 439 1 420 1 1 371 5 2 859 2 736 4
Depreciation/amortisation 141 135 4 155 -9 276 309 -11
Total expenses 3 966 4 003 -1 3 840 3 7 969 7 666 4
Profit before impairments 6 427 6 648 -3 7 850 -18 13 075 13 168 -1
Impairment of intangible assets (note 14) 0 0 0 0 0
Impairment of tangible assets 1 2 -50 1 0 3 9 -67
Credit impairments (note 9) 400 339 18 538 -26 739 573 29
Operating profit 6 026 6 307 -4 7 311 -18 12 333 12 586 -2
Tax expense 1 276 1 181 8 1 037 23 2 457 1 998 23
Profit for the period 4 750 5 126 -7 6 274 -24 9 876 10 588 -7
Profit for the period attributable to the
shareholders of Swedbank AB 4 746 5 124 -7 6 270 -24 9 870 10 581 -7
Non-controlling interests 4 2 100 4 0 6 7 -14
Earnings per share, SEK 4,26 4,61 5,65 8,87 9,54
after dilution 4,24 4,59 5,62 8,83 9,49
For January-June 2017 an expense of SEK 898m (3 For January-June 2017 an exchange difference of SEK
303) was recognised in other comprehensive income 211m (1 128) was recognised for the Group's foreign
after tax, including remeasurements of defined benefit net investments in subsidiaries. In addition, an
pension plans in associates. The 2017 expense arose exchange rate difference of SEK -56m (73) for the
primarily because market interest rates fell from year Group's foreign net investments in associates is
end. As per June 30 the discount rate, which is used to included in Share related to associates. The gain related
calculate the closing pension obligation, was 2.57 per to subsidiaries mainly arose because the Swedish krona
cent, compared with 2.79 per cent at year end. The weakened during the year against the euro. The total
markets future inflation expectations were unchanged gain of SEK 155m is not taxable. Since the large part of
compared with the beginning of the year. The inflation the Group's foreign net investments is hedged against
assumption was 1.84 per cent. Actuarial losses based currency risk, a loss of SEK 95m before tax arose for
on experience by SEK 363m included. The fair value of the hedging instruments, compared with a year-earlier
plan assets increased during the first half year 2017 by loss of SEK 908m.
SEK 81m. As a whole, the obligation for defined benefit
pension plans exceeded the fair value of plan assets by The revaluation of defined benefit pension plans and
SEK 2 374m. translation of net investments in foreign operations can
be volatile in certain periods due to movements in the
discount rate, inflation and exchange rates.
January-December 2016
Opening balance 1 January 2016 24 904 17 275 836 -704 17 80 835 123 163 179 123 342
Dividends 0 0 0 0 0 -11 880 -11 880 -5 -11 885
Share based payments to employees 0 0 0 0 0 378 378 0 378
Deferred tax related to share based payments to
employees 0 0 0 0 0 -15 -15 0 -15
Current tax related to share based payments 0 0 0 0 0 34 34 0 34
Contribution 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 3
Total comprehensive income for the period 0 0 1 765 -1 044 60 17 054 17 835 13 17 848
of which reported through profit or loss 0 0 0 0 0 19 539 19 539 13 19 552
of which reported through other comprehensive
income 0 0 1 765 -1 044 60 -2 485 -1 704 0 -1 704
Closing balance 31 December 2016 24 904 17 275 2 601 -1 748 77 86 406 129 515 190 129 705
January-June 2017
Opening balance 1 January 2017 24 904 17 275 2 601 -1 748 77 86 406 129 515 190 129 705
Dividends 0 0 0 0 0 -14 695 -14 695 -4 -14 699
Share based payments to employees 0 0 0 0 0 188 188 0 188
Deferred tax related to share based payments to
employees 0 0 0 0 0 -31 -31 0 -31
Current tax related to share based payments to
employees 0 0 0 0 0 38 38 0 38
Total comprehensive income for the period 0 0 155 -74 -82 8 972 8 971 6 8 977
of which reported through profit or loss 0 0 0 0 0 9 870 9 870 6 9 876
of which reported through other comprehensive
income 0 0 155 -74 -82 -898 -899 0 -899
Closing balance 30 June 2017 24 904 17 275 2 756 -1 822 -5 80 878 123 986 192 124 178
contributedequity consists
equity mainly
consists of share
mainly premiums.
of share premiums.
Operating activities
Operating profit 12 333 23 761 12 586
Adjustments for non-cash items in operating activities -2 780 -2 174 -17
Taxes paid -1 841 -3 583 -3 479
Increase/decrease in loans to credit institutions -6 413 54 341 -43 163
Increase/decrease in loans to the public -15 153 -90 692 -94 526
Increase/decrease in holdings of securities for trading 66 160 -29 220 -3 252
Increase/decrease in deposits and borrowings from the public including retail bonds 115 237 38 245 203 096
Increase/decrease in amounts owed to credit institutions 83 066 -79 929 15 624
Increase/decrease in other assets 8 090 7 829 -16 034
Increase/decrease in other liabilities -9 988 27 777 32 404
Cash flow from operating activities 248 711 -53 645 103 239
Investing activities
Business combinations 0 -19 0
Business disposals 6 20 0
Acquisitions of and contributions to associates 0 -7 0
Acquisitions of other fixed assets and strategic financial assets -384 -451 252
Disposals/maturity of other fixed assets and strategic financial assets 936 763 31
Cash flow from investing activities 558 306 283
Financing activities
Issuance of interest-bearing securities 114 864 160 474 104 295
Redemption of interest-bearing securities -108 521 -147 393 -85 169
Issuance of commercial paper etc. 542 845 816 259 463 413
Redemption of commercial paper etc. -472 926 -831 404 -405 793
Dividends paid -14 699 -11 885 -11 885
Cash flow from financing activities 61 563 -13 949 64 861
Cash flow for the period 310 832 -67 288 168 383
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 121 347 186 312 186 312
Cash flow for the period 310 832 -67 288 168 383
Exchange rate differences on cash and cash equivalents 361 2 323 1 451
Cash and cash equivalents at end of the period 432 540 121 347 356 146
The accounting policies applied in the interim report Other IFRS changes
conform to those applied in the Annual Report for 2016,
which was prepared in accordance with International IFRS 17, Insurance Contracts, was issued in May 2017
Financial Reporting Standards as adopted by the and is applicable from 1 January 2021. The standard
European Union and interpretations thereof. There have has not yet been approved by the EU. The new
been no significant changes to the Groups accounting standard establishes principles for recognition,
policies set out in the 2016 Annual Report, except for presentation, measurement and disclosure of insurance
the changes as set out below. contracts issued. Insurance contracts in scope will be
measured at current value, based on the current
estimates of amounts expected to be collected from
Changed reporting of the compensation to the premiums and pay out for claims, benefits and
Savings banks for mortgage loans expenses plus expected profit for providing insurance
coverage. The impacts on the Groups financial reports
Swedbank and the Savings banks, as of 1 January are still being assessed by the Group.
2017, changed their bilateral contract regarding how the
compensation will be divided between brokerage
Income statement
Net interest income 7 429 2 045 1 715 875 -3 12 061
Net commission income 3 638 1 088 1 167 -93 22 5 822
Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value 202 105 967 -220 -1 1 053
Share of profit or loss of associates 352 0 0 27 0 379
Other income1 957 294 49 560 -131 1 729
T otal in com e 12 578 3 532 3 898 1 149 - 113 21 044
of which internal income 50 0 21 354 -425 0
Staff costs 1 624 441 762 1 718 0 4 545
Variable staff costs 64 28 114 83 0 289
Other expenses 2 703 773 898 -1 402 -113 2 859
Depreciation/amortisation 34 52 33 157 0 276
T otal exp en ses 4 425 1 294 1 807 556 - 113 7 969
P rof it b ef ore im p airm en ts 8 153 2 238 2 091 593 0 13 075
Impairment of tangible assets 0 3 0 0 0 3
Credit impairments 83 -59 715 0 0 739
O p eratin g p rof it 8 070 2 294 1 376 593 0 12 333
T ax expense 1 580 314 281 282 0 2 457
Profit for the period 6 490 1 980 1 095 311 0 9 876
P rof it f or th e p eriod attrib u tab le to th e
sh areh old ers of S wed b an k AB 6 484 1 980 1 095 311 0 9 870
Non-controlling interests 6 0 0 0 0 6
Key figures
Return on allocated equity, % 23,4 19,5 10,3 2,1 0,0 15,7
Cost/income ratio 0,35 0,37 0,46 0,48 0,00 0,38
Credit impairment ratio, % 2 0,01 -0,09 0,59 0,00 0,00 0,10
Loan/deposit ratio, % 221 84 160 0 0 166
Loans, SEKbn 3 1 125 142 203 0 0 1 470
Deposits, SEKbn 3 510 169 126 83 0 888
Risk exposure amount, SEKbn 167 79 135 26 0 407
Full-time employees 4 091 3 653 1 266 5 176 0 14 186
Allocated equity, average, SEKbn 55 20 21 29 0 126
Other income in the table above includes the items Net insurance and Other income from the Group income statement.
For more information about the Credit impairment ratio see page 42 of the Fact book.
Excluding the Swedish National Debt Office and repurchase agreements.
Income statement
Net interest income 6 733 1 888 1 591 801 0 11 013
Net commission income 3 343 981 1 101 3 12 5 440
Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value 174 99 955 49 0 1 277
Share of profit or loss of associates 461 0 0 1 659 0 2 120
Other income1 294 247 46 483 -86 984
T otal in com e 11 005 3 215 3 693 2 995 - 74 20 834
of which internal income 54 0 34 322 -410 0
Staff costs 1 635 423 713 1 557 0 4 328
Variable staff costs 58 35 110 90 0 293
Other expenses 2 680 692 815 -1 377 -74 2 736
Depreciation/amortisation 50 58 29 172 0 309
T otal exp en ses 4 423 1 208 1 667 442 - 74 7 666
P rof it b ef ore im p airm en ts 6 582 2 007 2 026 2 553 0 13 168
Impairment of tangible assets 0 0 7 2 0 9
Credit impairments -48 8 642 -29 0 573
O p eratin g p rof it 6 630 1 999 1 377 2 580 0 12 586
T ax expense 1 456 265 165 112 0 1 998
Profit for the period 5 174 1 734 1 212 2 468 0 10 588
P rof it f or th e p eriod attrib u tab le to th e
sh areh old ers of S wed b an k AB 5 167 1 734 1 212 2 468 0 10 581
Non-controlling interests 7 0 0 0 0 7
Key figures
Return on allocated equity, % 20,0 17,1 12,6 16,2 0,0 17,4
Cost/income ratio 0,40 0,38 0,45 0,15 0,00 0,37
Other income in the table above includes the items Net insurance and Other income from the Group income statement.
For more information about the Credit impairment ratio see page 42 of the Fact book.
Excluding the Swedish National Debt Office and repurchase agreements.
Net interest margin before trading interest is deducted 1,01 1,05 0,99 1,03 0,99
Average total assets 2 464 936 2 386 467 3 2 426 073 2 2 419 633 2 368 372 2
Loans to the public and credit institutions 1 564 309 3 712 1 560 597 1 539 444 1 1 640 786 -5
Note 12 Assets taken over for protection of claims and cancelled leases
Group 30 Jun 31 Dec 30 Jun
SEKm 2017 2016 % 2016 %
Buildings and land 213 257 -17 296 -28
Shares and participating interests 31 3 3
Other property taken over 123 120 3 135 -9
Total assets taken over for protection of claims 367 380 -3 434 -15
Cancelled leases 25 25 0 9
Total assets taken over for protection of claims
and cancelled leases 392 405 -3 443 -12
of which acquired by Ektornet group 91 139 -35 213 -57
Note 18 Derivatives
Nominal amount 31 Mar 2017
Remaining contractual maturity Nominal amount Positive fair value Negative fair value
Group 2017 2016 2017 2016 2017 2016
SEKm < 1 yr. 1-5 yrs. > 5 yrs. 30 Jun 31 Dec 30 Jun 31 Dec 30 Jun 31 Dec
Derivatives in fair value hedges 70 561 387 908 60 650 519 119 531 489 12 548 16 676 931 587
Derivatives in portfolio fair value
hedges 37 500 137 875 13 830 189 205 171 230 326 223 1 654 2 063
Derivatives in cash flow hedges 77 1 716 7 573 9 366 9 364 0 0 526 494
Non-hedging derivatives 5 224 275 3 362 655 694 490 9 281 420 9 614 077 75 192 82 749 81 412 96 150
Gross amount 5 332 413 3 890 154 776 543 9 999 110 10 326 160 88 066 99 648 84 523 99 294
Offset amount (see also note 21) -2 222 432 -1 399 186 -372 271 -3 993 889 -3 332 268 -11 694 -11 837 -13 710 -13 705
Total 3 109 981 2 490 968 404 272 6 005 221 6 993 892 76 372 87 811 70 813 85 589
The Group trades derivatives in the normal course of The amounts offset for derivative assets and derivative
business and to hedge certain positions with regard liabilities include cash collateral offsets of SEK 2 520m
to the value of equities, interest rates and currencies. and SEK 504m respectively.
Financial liabilities covered by IAS 39
Amounts owed to credit institutions 154 974 154 974 0 71 615 71 831 -216
Deposits and borrowings from the public 909 205 909 223 -18 792 905 792 924 -19
Debt securities in issue 899 074 891 296 7 778 849 097 841 673 7 424
Financial liabilities for which the customers bear the investment risk 173 859 173 859 0 161 051 161 051 0
Subordinated liabilities 32 544 32 522 22 27 254 27 254 0
Derivatives 70 813 70 813 0 85 589 85 589 0
Short positions securities 21 269 21 269 0 11 614 11 614 0
Other financial liabilities 37 081 37 081 0 22 524 22 524 0
Total 2 298 818 2 291 037 7 781 2 021 649 2 014 460 7 189
Non-financial liabilities 10 906 10 038
Valuation Valuation
Instruments with techniques techniques
quoted market using using non-
Group prices in active observable observable
30 Jun 2017 markets market data market data
SEKm (Level 1) (Level 2) (Level 3) Total
Treasury bills etc. 15 915 4 976 0 20 891
Loans to credit institutions 0 3 734 0 3 734
Loans to the public 0 168 113 0 168 113
Bonds and other interest-bearing securities 34 807 37 598 0 72 405
Financial assets for which the customers bearthe investment risk 173 052 0 0 173 052
Shares and participating interests 12 071 3 427 12 501
Derivatives 196 76 135 41 76 372
Total 236 041 290 559 468 527 068
Amounts owed to credit institutions 0 254 0 254
Deposits and borrowings from the public 0 21 284 0 21 284
Debt securities in issue 3 160 19 731 0 22 891
Financial liabilities for which the customers bearthe investment risk 0 173 859 0 173 859
Derivatives 190 70 623 0 70 813
Short positions, securities 21 269 0 0 21 269
Total 24 619 285 751 0 310 370
The methods are divided into three different levels: The Group has a continuous process whereby
Level 1: Unadjusted, quoted price on an active financial instruments that indicate a high level of
market internal estimates or low level of observable market
Level 2: Adjusted, quoted price or valuation model data are captured. The process determines the way
with valuation parameters derived from an active to calculate and how the internal assumptions are
market expected to affect the valuation. In cases where
Level 3: Valuation model where a majority of internal assumptions have a material impact on fair
valuation parameters are non-observable and value, the financial instrument is reported in level 3.
based on internal assumptions. The process also includes an analysis and
Swedbank Interim report Q2 2017 Page 37 of 56
evaluation based on the quality of the valuation When transfers occur between fair value hierarchy
data as well as whether a type of financial levels those are reflected as taking place at the end of
instrument is to be transferred between levels. each quarter. There were no transfers of financial
instruments between valuation levels 1 and 2 during the
Valuation Valuation
Instruments with techniques techniques
quoted market using using non-
Group prices in an observable observable
31 Dec 2016 active market market data market data
SEKm (Level 1) (Level 2) (Level 3) Total
Treasury bills etc. 16 740 5 429 0 22 169
Loans to credit institutions 0 852 0 852
Loans to the public 0 190 512 0 190 512
Bonds and other interest-bearing securities 42 650 28 183 0 70 833
Financial assets for which the customers bearthe investment risk 160 115 0 0 160 115
Shares and participating interests 23 604 135 158 23 897
Derivatives 138 87 608 65 87 811
Total 243 247 312 719 223 556 189
Amounts owed to credit institutions 0 13 0 13
Deposits and borrowings from the public 0 10 892 0 10 892
Debt securities in issue 3 270 19 830 0 23 100
Financial liabilities for which the customers bearthe investment risk 0 161 051 0 161 051
Derivatives 75 85 514 0 85 589
Short positions, securities 11 614 0 0 11 614
Total 14 959 277 300 0 292 259
January-June 2017
Opening balance 1 January 2017 158 65 223
Purchases 204 0 204
Sale of assets -1 0 -1
Maturities 0 -19 -19
Transferred from Level 2 to Level 3 64 0 64
Transferred from Level 3 to Level 2 0 -14 -14
Gains or losses 2 9 11
of which in the income statement, net gains and losses on financial
items at fair value 2 9 11
of which changes in unrealised gains or losses
for items held at closing day 0 2 2
Closing balance 30 June 2017 427 41 468
Level 3 primarily contains unlisted equity used to value the illiquid option element normally do
instruments and illiquid options. In connection with not have a significant effect on the valuation and
the sale of shares in VISA Europe convertible the financial instrument is typically reported in level
preference shares in VISA Inc. were obtained. The 2. However, the Group typically hedges the market
shares are subject to selling restrictions for a period risks that arise in structured products by holding
of up to 12 years and under certain conditions may individual options. The internal assumptions used to
have to be returned. Because liquid quotes are not in the valuation of the individual financial
available for the instrument, its fair value is instruments are therefore of greater significance,
established with significant elements of own internal because of which several are reported as
assumptions and reported in level 3 as equity derivatives in level 3.
instruments. The options hedge changes in the
market value of hybrid debt instruments, so-called For all options included in level 3 an analysis is
structured products. Structured products consist of performed based on historical movements in
a corresponding option element and a host contract prices. Given this, it is not likely that future
contract, which in principle is an ordinary interest- price movements will affect the market value for
bearing bond. When the Group evaluates the level options in level 3 with more than +/- SEK 7m.
on which the financial instruments are reported, the
entire instrument is assessed on an individual Financial instruments are transferred to or from
basis. Since the bond portion of the structured level 3 depending on whether the internal
products represents the majority of the financial assumptions have changed in significance to the
instruments fair value, the internal assumptions valuation.
The pledge is defined as the borrowers nominal debt including accrued interest. Refers to the loans of the total
available collateral that are used as the pledge at each point in time.
Capital buffer requirement 30 Jun 31 Dec 30 Jun
% 2017 2016 2016
CET1 capital requirement including buffer requirements 11,3 11,0 11,0
of which minimum CET1 requirement 4,5 4,5 4,5
of which capital conservation buffer 2,5 2,5 2,5
of which countercyclical capital buffer 1,3 1,0 1,0
of which systemic risk buffer 3,0 3,0 3,0
CET 1 capital available to meet buffer requirement 4) 20,1 20,5 18,5
Capital adequacy Basel 1 floor 30 Jun 31 Dec 30 Jun
SEKm 2017 2016 2016
Capital requirement Basel 1 floor 75 876 75 749 73 591
Own funds Basel 3 adjusted according to rules for Basel 1 floor 133 492 126 565 118 259
Surplus of capital according to Basel 1 floor 57 616 50 816 44 668
Adjustment due to the implementation of EBAs technical standards on prudent valuation. The objective of these standards is to determine prudent
values of fair valued positions.
To rectify for underestimation of default frequency in the model for corporate exposures, Swedbank has decided to hold more capital until the
updated model has been approved by the Swedish FSA.
Buffer requirement according to Swedish implementation of CRD IV
CET1 capital ratio as reported, less minimum requirement of 4.5% (excluding buffer requirements) and less any CET1 items used to meet the Tier 1
and total capital requirements.
Basel 1 floor based on the higher of the Basel 3 capital requirement and 80% of Basel 1 capital requirement. In the latter case the own funds is
adjusted according to CRR article 500.4
Credit risks
book. The approval also covers operations in the Baltic
The Internal Ratings-Based Approach (IRB) is applied countries with respect to general interest rate risks and
within the Swedish part of Swedbanks consolidated foreign exchange risks in the trading book. Foreign
situation, including the branch offices in New York and exchange risks outside the trading book, i.e. in other
Oslo but excluding EnterCard and several small operations, are mainly of a structural and strategic
subsidiaries. IRB is also applied for the majority of nature and are less suited to a VaR model.
Swedbanks exposure classes in the Baltic countries.
These risks are instead estimated according to the
When Swedbank acts as clearing member, the bank standardised approach, as per the Groups internal
calculates a capital base requirement for its pre-funded, approach to managing these risks.
qualifying and non-qualifying central counterparty
default fund contributions. Strategic foreign exchange risks mainly arise through
risks associated with holdings in foreign operations.
For exposures, excluding capital requirement for default
fund contributions, where IRB-approach is not applied,
the standardized approach is used.
Credit value adjustment
The risk of a credit value adjustment is estimated
according to the standardised approach and was added
Market risks after the implementation of the new EU regulation
Under current regulations capital adequacy for market (CRR).
risks can be based on either a standardised approach or
an internal Value at Risk model, which requires the Operational risk
approval of the SFSA. The parent company has
Swedbank calculates operational risk using the
received such approval and uses its internal VaR model
standardised approach. The SFSA has stated that
for general interest rate risks, general and specific share
Swedbank meets the qualitative requirements to apply
price risks and foreign exchange risks in the trading
this method.
Effect on value of assets and liabilities in SEK and foreign currency, including derivatives
if interest rates increase by 100bp, 30 Jun 2017
SEKm < 5 years 5-10 years >10 years Total
the Group -719 41 126 -552
of which SEK -1 653 -55 96 -1 612
of which foreign currency 934 95 31 1 060
Number of outstanding shares on the closing day 1 113 629 515 1 110 731 820 1 110 731 820
Within Swedbank's share-based compensation programme, Swedbank AB has during Q1 2017 transferred 2 490 310
shares, and during Q2 2017 transferred 407 385 shares at no cost to employees.
Q2 Q1 Q2 Jan-Jun Jan-Jun
Earnings per share 2017 2017 2016 2017 2016
Average number of shares
Average number of shares before dilution 1 113 487 141 1 112 126 000 1 110 547 108 1 112 810 330 1 109 323 285
Profit, SEKm
Profit for the period attributable to shareholders of Swedbank 4 746 5 124 6 270 9 870 10 581
Earnings for the purpose of calculating earnings per share 4 746 5 124 6 270 9 870 10 581
Interest income 7 714 -180 7 894 15 983 -342 16 325 32 914 -814 33 728
Negative yield on financial assets 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 543 0 -1 543
Interest income, including negative yield on financial
assets 7 714 -180 7 894 15 983 -342 16 325 31 371 -814 32 185
Interest expenses -2 162 0 -2 162 -4 970 0 -4 970 -9 256 0 -9 256
Negative yield on financial liabilities 0 0 0 0 0 0 735 0 735
Interest expenses, including negative yield on financial
liabilities -2 162 0 -2 162 -4 970 0 -4 970 -8 521 0 -8 521
Net interest income (note 5) 5 552 -180 5 732 11 013 -342 11 355 22 850 -814 23 664
Net commission income (note 6) 2 795 0 2 795 5 440 0 5 440 11 333 0 11 333
Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value (note 7) 877 0 877 1 277 0 1 277 2 231 0 2 231
Net insurance 203 0 203 360 0 360 754 0 754
Share of profit or loss of associates 1 929 0 1 929 2 120 0 2 120 2 467 0 2 467
Other income 334 0 334 624 0 624 1 186 0 1 186
Total income 11 690 -180 11 870 20 834 -342 21 176 40 821 -814 41 635
Staff costs 2 314 0 2 314 4 621 0 4 621 9 376 0 9 376
Other expenses (note 8) 1 371 -180 1 551 2 736 -342 3 078 5 622 -814 6 436
Depreciation/amortisation 155 0 155 309 0 309 629 0 629
Total expenses 3 840 -180 4 020 7 666 -342 8 008 15 627 -814 16 441
Profit before impairments 7 850 0 7 850 13 168 0 13 168 25 194 0 25 194
Impairment of intangible assets (note 14) 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 0 35
Impairment of tangible assets 1 0 1 9 0 9 31 0 31
Credit impairments (note 9) 538 0 538 573 0 573 1 367 0 1 367
Operating profit 7 311 0 7 311 12 586 0 12 586 23 761 0 23 761
Tax expense 1 037 0 1 037 1 998 0 1 998 4 209 0 4 209
Profit for the period 6 274 0 6 274 10 588 0 10 588 19 552 0 19 552
Profit for the period attributable to the
shareholders of Swedbank AB 6 270 0 6 270 10 581 0 10 581 19 539 0 19 539
Non-controlling interests 4 0 4 7 0 7 13 0 13
Net interest margin before trading interest is deducted 0,99 -0,03 1,02 0,99 -0,03 1,01 1,02 -0,03 1,05
Average total assets 2 426 073 0 2 426 073 2 368 372 0 2 368 372 2 373 930 0 2 373 930
Other expenses
New Previous New Previous New Previous
reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting reporting
Group 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016 2016
SEKm Q2 Change Q2 Jan-Jun Change Jan-Jun Full-year Change Full-year
Premises and rents 266 0 266 534 0 534 1 131 0 1 131
IT expenses 424 0 424 873 0 873 1 834 0 1 834
Telecommunications and postage 37 0 37 70 0 70 118 0 118
Advertising, PR and marketing 72 0 72 134 0 134 285 0 285
Consultants 92 0 92 162 0 162 314 0 314
Compensation to savings banks 58 -180 238 118 -342 460 236 -814 1 050
Other purchased services 175 0 175 339 0 339 708 0 708
Security transport and alarm systems 17 0 17 33 0 33 72 0 72
Supplies 26 0 26 49 0 49 103 0 103
Travel 65 0 65 113 0 113 226 0 226
Entertainment 13 0 13 23 0 23 51 0 51
Repair/maintenance of inventories 23 0 23 54 0 54 111 0 111
Other expenses 103 0 103 234 0 234 433 0 433
Total other expenses 1 371 -180 1 551 2 736 -342 3 078 5 622 -814 6 436
Interest income, including negative yield on financial assets 3 974 3 898 2 3 772 5 7 872 7 758 1
Interest expenses -1 111 -1 045 6 -705 58 -2 156 -1 893 14
Negative yield on financial liabilities 186 140 33 0 326 0
Interest expenses, including negative yield on financial
liabilities -925 -905 2 -705 31 -1 830 -1 893 -3
Net interest income 3 049 2 993 2 3 067 -1 6 042 5 865 3
Dividends received 3 368 3 016 12 3 172 6 6 384 13 128 -51
Commission income 2 444 2 289 7 2 366 3 4 733 4 493 5
Commission expenses -786 -716 10 -771 2 -1 502 -1 436 5
Net commission income 1 658 1 573 5 1 595 4 3 231 3 057 6
Net gains and losses on financial items at fair value 742 653 14 879 -16 1 395 509
Other income 376 357 5 360 4 733 644 14
Total income 9 193 8 592 7 9 073 1 17 785 23 203 -23
Staff costs 1 985 2 032 -2 1 940 2 4 017 3 866 4
Other expenses 1 313 1 197 10 1 113 18 2 510 2 268 11
Depreciation/amortisation and impairments of tangible
and intangible fixed assets 1 116 1 093 2 1 099 2 2 209 2 189 1
Total expenses 4 414 4 322 2 4 152 6 8 736 8 323 5
Profit before impairments 4 779 4 270 12 4 921 -3 9 049 14 880 -39
Impairment of financial fixed assets 0 0 26 0 87
Credit impairments 385 396 -3 500 -23 781 586 33
Operating profit 4 394 3 874 13 4 395 0 8 268 14 207 -42
Appropriations 0 0 0 0 0
Tax expense 992 288 598 66 1 280 900 42
Profit for the period 3 402 3 586 -5 3 797 -10 6 988 13 307 -47
January-June 2016
Opening balance 1 January 2016 24 904 13 206 5 968 33 304 77 382
Dividend 0 0 0 -11 880 -11 880
Share based payments to employees 0 0 0 208 208
Deferred tax related to share based payments to
employees 0 0 0 -53 -53
Current tax related to share based payments to
employees 0 0 0 30 30
Total comprehensive income for the period 0 0 0 13 307 13 307
Closing balance 30 June 2016 24
24 904
904 13
13 206
206 5
5 968
968 34
34 916
916 78
78 994
January-December 2016
Opening balance 1 January 2016 24 904 13 206 5 968 33 304 77 382
Dividend 0 0 0 -11 880 -11 880
Share based payments to employees 0 0 0 378 378
Deferred tax related to share based payments to
employees 0 0 0 -13 -13
Current tax related to share based payments to
employees 0 0 0 30 30
Total comprehensive income for the period 0 0 0 19 458 19 458
Closing balance 31 December 2016 24 904 13 206 5 968 41 277 85 355
January-June 2017
Opening balance 1 January 2017 24 904 13 206 5 968 41 277 85 355
Dividend 0 0 0 -14 695 -14 695
Share based payments to employees 0 0 0 188 188
Deferred tax related to share based payments to
employees 0 0 0 -29 -29
Current tax related to share based payments to
employees 0 0 0 36 36
Total comprehensive income for the period 0 0 0 6 988 6 988
Closing balance 30 June 2017 24 904 13 206 5 968 33 765 77 843
Buffer requirement according to Swedish implementation of CRD IV.
CET1 capital ratio as reported, less minimum requirement of 4.5% (excluding buffer requirements) and less any
CET1 items used to meet the Tier 1 and total capital requirements.
Basel 1 floor based on the higher of the Basel 3 capital requirement and 80% of Basel 1 capital requirement. In the
latter case the own funds is adjusted according to CRR article 500.4.
Taking into account exemption according to CRR article 429.7 excluding certain intragroup exposures.
Net interest margin Net interest margin before trading interest is deducted is The presentation of this
before trading interest is calculated as Net interest income before trading interest is measure is relevant for
deducted deducted, in relation to average total assets. The average is investors as it considers
calculated using month-end figures, including the prior year all interest income and
end. interest expense,
independent of how it
The closest IFRS measure is Net interest income and can be has been presented in
reconciled in Note 5. the income statement.
Allocated equity Allocated equity is the operating segments equity measure and The presentation of this
is not a measure that is directly required by IFRS. The Groups measure is relevant for
equity attributable to shareholders is allocated to each operating investors since it used
segment based on capital adequacy rules and estimated capital by Group management
requirements based on the banks internal Capital Adequacy for internal governance
Assessment Process (ICAAP). and operating segment
The allocated equity amounts per operating segment are management purposes.
reconciled to the Group Total equity, the nearest IFRS
measure, in Note 4.
Return on allocated Return on allocated equity for the operating segments is The presentation of this
equity calculated based on profit for the period for the operating measure is relevant for
segment (operating profit less estimated tax and non investors since it used
controlling interests), in relation to average allocated equity for by Group management
the operating segment. The average is calculated using month- for internal governance
end figures, including the prior year end. and operating segment
The allocated equity amounts per operating segment are management purposes.
reconciled to the Group Total equity, the nearest IFRS
measure, in Note 4.
Effective tax rate The effective tax rate excluding the tax-exempt Hemnet The presentation of this
excluding tax-exempt disposal income is calculated as Adjusted operating profit in measure is relevant for
Hemnet income relation to Tax expense. investors as it provides
comparability of figures
Adjusted operating profit represents Operating profit excluding between reporting
the non-taxable one-off Hemnet income and is reconciled to periods.
Operating profit, the nearest IFRS measure below.
SEKm Q1 2017
Return on equity Profit for the period allocated to shareholders excluding one-off The presentation of this
excluding VISA and VISA and Hemnet income in relation to average Equity measure is relevant for
Hemnet income attributable to shareholders of the parent company. The investors as it provides
average is calculated using month-end figures, including the comparability of figures
prior year end. between reporting
Profit for the period allocated to shareholders excluding one-off
VISA (2016) and Hemnet (2017) income are reconciled to Profit
for the period allocated to shareholders, the nearest IFRS
measure on page 7.
Cost/Income ratio Total expenses in relation to total income excluding one-off The presentation of this
excluding VISA and VISA and Hemnet income. measure is relevant for
Hemnet income investors as it provides
Total income excluding one-off VISA (2016) and Hemnet (2016) comparability of figures
income are reconciled to Total income, the nearest IFRS between reporting
measure on page 7. periods.
The alternative performance measures set out below are The presentation of
calculated from the financial statements without adjustment. these measures is
relevant for investors
Cost/Income ratio Total expenses in relation to total income. since they are used by
Group management for
Credit Impairment ratio Credit impairment on loans and other credit risk provisions internal governance and
(annualised), net, in relation to the opening balance of operating segment
loans to credit institutions and loans to public after provisions. performance
management purposes.
Loan/Deposit ratio Lending to the public excluding Swedish National Debt Office
and repurchase agreements in relation to deposits from the
public excluding Swedish National Debt Office and repurchase
Provision ratio for Provisions for impaired loans assessed individually in relation to
impaired loans impaired loans, gross.
Share of impaired loans, Carrying amount of impaired loans, gross, in relation to the
gross carrying amount of loans to credit institutions and the public
excluding provisions.
Share of impaired loans, Carrying amount of impaired loans, net, in relation to the
net carrying amount of loans to credit institutions and the public.
Total provision ratio for All provisions (individually assessed and portfolio) for loans in
impaired loans relation to impaired loans, gross.
Birgitte Bonnesen
President and CEO
Review report
We have reviewed the interim report for Swedbank AB (publ) for the period 1 January - 30 June 2017. The Board of
Directors and the President are responsible for the preparation and presentation of this interim report in accordance with
IAS 34 and the Annual Accounts Act for Credit Institutions and Securities Companies. Our responsibility is to express a
conclusion on this interim report based on our review.
Scope of review
We conducted our review in accordance with the International Standard on Review Engagements (ISRE) 2410 Review of
Interim Financial Information performed by the companys auditors. A review consists of making inquiries, primarily with
persons responsible for financial and accounting matters, and applying analytical and other review procedures. A review
is substantially less in scope than an audit conducted in accordance with ISA and other generally accepted auditing
practices. The procedures performed in a review do not enable us to obtain a level of assurance that would make us
aware of all significant matters that might be identified in an audit. Therefore, the conclusion expressed based on a review
does not give the same level of assurance as a conclusion expressed based on an audit.
Based on our review, nothing has come to our attention that causes us to believe that the interim report for the Group is
not, in all material aspects, in accordance with IAS 34 and the Annual Accounts Act for Credit Institutions and Securities
Companies and as regards the parent company in accordance the Annual Accounts Act for Credit Institutions and
Securities Companies.
Patrick Honeth
Authorised Public Accountant
Swedbank AB (publ)
Registration no. 502017-7753
Landsvgen 40
SE-105 34 Stockholm, Sweden
Telephone +46 8 585 900 00
[email protected]