Gs 1718 1st Contents Elem PS2
Gs 1718 1st Contents Elem PS2
Gs 1718 1st Contents Elem PS2
Week 1
Music and Noise
Music is sound that is pleasing to the ear.
Activities also related to music include singing and playing instruments.
Noise is sound that is not pleasing to the ear.
Step 1 - Posture:
Sit up straight in a relaxed manner. Keep your arms by your body.
After puttingthe recorder in your mouth, bend it downwards
slightly so you can see.
Week 2
The National Anthem.
1. Arise O, Compatriots 2. O God of creation,
Nigerias call obey. Direct our noble cause
To serve our Fatherland, Guide our leaders right
With love and strenght and faith. Help our youth the truth to know
The Labour of our heroes pat, In love and honesty to grow
Shall never be in vain, And living just and true,
To serve with heart and might, Great lofty height attain,
One nation bound in freeddom, To build a nation where peace,
peace and unity And justice shall reign.
Week 3
String Instruments.
String instrumentsare intruments that have strings on them. They produce
sounds when the strings are vibrated. Examples of string instruments include
5. Banjo
This is note B the staff. This is note B the recorder
Week 4
1. Oh the farmer said, I've lost my cat, 2. Oh the farmer said, I've lost my dog,
She's small and black, He's got a long tail,
Goes meow meow meow, Goes woof woof woof,
It's a foggy day It's a foggy day
And I've lost my way, And I've lost my way,
I'll follow the sound of I'll follow the sound of
Meow meow meow Woof woof woof
sh sh sh sh sh sh sh sh sh sh
So he listened and he heard So he listened and he heard
Meow meow meow, Woof woof woof,
He listened and he heard He listened and he heard
Meow meow meow. Woof woof woof.
Then the farmer said, Then the farmer said,
I've found my cat, I've found my dog,
But now I've lost my dog! I've found my cat,
And the farmer said, that's that!
Week 5
Music is written on the lines and spaces of a staff.
The notes written on the staff, tells us what keys to play on the piano.
There are different types of notes, but first we shall learn the semibreve.
The semibreve looks like this :
It isoval shaped. A staf
Its time value is 4 counts (beats).
It tells us to play a note on the piano, that is 4 counts long.
Week 6
This is the bass clef sign. This is the treble clef sign.
This is how MIDDLE C looks on a BASS STAFF. This is how MIDDLE C looks on a TREBLE
Middle C is written as a semibreve and gets 4
counts Middle C is written as a semibreve and gets 4
It is played by the right hand thumb. Play
Middle C on the piano, with your left thumb It is played by the right hand thumb. Play
and count 4. Middle on the Piano with your left thumb and
count 4.
Week 7
Recorder Song: Little Fly
This song uses ONLY note B
Week 8 and 9
Piano: Middle C as a Semibreve
Everytime you see middle C on the bass staff, Everytime you see middle C on the treble
9 Music Contents / 1st Term / 2017-2018 Session / Grade One
Greater Scholars | Music Contents | 1st Term| Grade 1 17/1
you play middle C on the piano, with the LEFT staff, you play middle C on the piano, with the
Play with leftt hand thumb. Count to 4 for every note you play.
Play with right hand thumb. Count to 4 for every note you play.