Constitution: Description Resistance
Constitution: Description Resistance
Constitution: Description Resistance
Description Resistance
Gypsum suspension Process water
Washing water Muddy water
SIConit F is a brushable silicon carbide coating
Cu electrolyte Lime water
compound for coating metallic surfaces exposed to abrasion,
Fatty acids Salt bed
corrosion and acids pH value 0 12. Please do not use for
Diatomite earth Monocalcium phosphate
pH-values exceeding 12.
Sinter water TiO2 sludge
Limestone + FeCl2 Sea water
SIConit F is applied in layers of thickness 500 m 2 Ni Ci S suspension Ti SO4 suspension
mm. Mg CO3 + SiO2 Zinc sludge
MgS4 Ca CL12 + CaSO5
SIConit F has a very high silicon carbide content for Wash lye Iron sulphate sludge
use in extremely abrasive operational conditions where Quencher suspension Water Sand
complex and costly repairs are the norm. The compound can Sewage water MG lye
be used as a preventative coating, often outperforming the Mother lye
original metal in terms of abrasive stability.
SIConit F can be used in place of metal applications, Also tested in laboratory trials at 21 C
tiling, rubber backing, etc. Sample cured for 5 days at 20 C
Technical details
Durability Shore = 88
Thickness STM D 792 = 2.0 g/cm
Maximum temperature operating in wet conditions = 90 C
Layer build-up and material requirement
Material preparation SIConit F may be applied with a minimum layer thickness of
The material is delivered in casks. Add the hardener constituent 500m. The minimum temperature when applying is 10C. Work
to the base constituent and stir in carefully, preferably with a the compound firmly into the surface with a plastic, metal or
mechanical agitator, not forgetting cask base and sides. Only wooden tool, wetting the whole surface area. After application of
add as much material as can be processed within the potlife. the compound, it may be smoothed in several ways. If
necessary, SIConit F may be finished with a fast-wearing
grinding disc after hardening. Other machine finishing is only
Instructions for use possible with diamond or Carborundum tools.
58453 Witten-Annen
Wilhelm-Dchting-Strae 22
Telefon : 0049 23 02 / 969-200
Telefax : 0049 23 02 / 969-210
e-mail : [email protected]
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USt.-Id. Nr. : DE 177 134 172