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WJM World Journal of

Submit a Manuscript: http://www.wjgnet.com/esps/ World J Methodol 2017 March 26; 7(1): 25-32

DOI: 10.5662/wjm.v7.i1.25 ISSN 2222-0682 (online)


Observational Study
Patch testing and cross sensitivity study of adverse
cutaneous drug reactions due to anticonvulsants: A
preliminary report

TN Shiny, Vikram K Mahajan, Karaninder S Mehta, Pushpinder S Chauhan, Ritu Rawat, Rajni Sharma

TN Shiny, Vikram K Mahajan, Karaninder S Mehta, Pushpinder Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprosy, Dr. R. P.
S Chauhan, Ritu Rawat, Rajni Sharma, Department of Der Govt. Medical College, Tanda Hospital Rd, Kangra, Himachal
matology, Venereology and Leprosy, Dr. R. P. Govt. Medical Pradesh 176001, India. [email protected]
College, Kangra, Himachal Pradesh 176001, India Telephone: +91-1892-287161
Fax: +91-1892-267115
Author contributions: Shiny TN collected patients data,
performed patch testing, analyzed and interpreted data, and Received: November 17, 2016
drafted preliminary manuscript; Mahajan VK conceptualized, Peer-review started: November 22, 2016
analyzed, interpreted data, and designed, re-drafted, and critically First decision: January 14, 2017
evaluated the manuscript for important intellectual content; Revised: January 21, 2017
Mehta KS helped in manuscript drafting, data collection, analysis Accepted: March 12, 2017
and interpretation of data; Chauhan PS helped in analysis and Article in press: March 13, 2017
interpretation of data and manuscript drafting; Rawat R and Published online: March 26, 2017
Sharma R helped in clinical material, editing, and drafting of
manuscript; all these authors were involved in the revision of the
draft manuscript and have agreed to the final content.

Institutional review board statement: The study was reviewed Abstract

and approved by the Institutional Scientific Protocol Review AIM
Committee, Dr R. P. Govt. Medical College, Kangra (Tanda), H.P. To evaluate the utility of patch test and cross-sensitivity
176001 (India). patterns in patients with adverse cutaneous drug
reactions (ACDR) from common anticonvulsants.
Informed consent statement: All study participants, or their
legal guardian, provided informed written consent prior to study
enrollment. METHODS
Twenty-four (M:F = 13:11) patients aged 18-75 years
Conflict-of-interest statement: No potential conflict of interest. with ACDR from anticonvulsants were patch tested
3-27 mo after complete recovery using carbamazepine,
Data sharing statement: No additional data are available. phenytoin, phenobarbitone, lamotrigine, and sodium
valproate in 10%, 20% and 30% conc. in pet. after
Open-Access: This article is an open-access article which was informed consent. Positive reactions persisting on D3 and
selected by an in-house editor and fully peer-reviewed by external D4 were considered significant.
reviewers. It is distributed in accordance with the Creative
Commons Attribution Non Commercial (CC BY-NC 4.0) license, RESULTS
which permits others to distribute, remix, adapt, build upon this
Clinical patterns were exanthematous drug rash with
work non-commercially, and license their derivative works on
or without systemic involvement (DRESS) in 18 (75%),
different terms, provided the original work is properly cited and
the use is non-commercial. See: http://creativecommons.org/ Stevens-Johnsons syndrome/toxic epidermal necrolysis
licenses/by-nc/4.0/ (SJS/TEN) overlap and TEN in 2 (8.3%) patients each,
SJS and lichenoid drug eruption in 1 (4.2%) patient each,
Manuscript source: Invited manuscript respectively. The implicated drugs were phenytoin in 14
(58.3%), carbamazepine in 9 (37.5%), phenobarbitone
Correspondence to: Dr. Vikram K Mahajan, MBBS, MD, in 2 (8.3%), and lamotrigine in 1 (4.7%) patients,

WJM|www.wjgnet.com 25 March 26, 2017|Volume 7|Issue 1|

Shiny TN et al . Adverse cutaneous drug reactions: Patch testing

respectively. Twelve (50%) patients elicited positive dium valproate] account for 20% of all drug rashes .
reactions to implicated drugs; carbamazepine in 6 (50%), Lamotrigine itself is associated with high adverse cutaneous
phenytoin alone in 4 (33.3%), phenobarbitone alone in reactions in 10% or more cases and its combination with
1 (8.3%), and both phenytoin and phenobarbitone in 1 sodium valproate further enhances this risk. They cause
(8.33%) patients, respectively. Cross-reactions occurred transient maculopapular rash that may eventuate to
in 11 (92%) patients. Six patients with carbamazepine more severe life threatening adverse cutaneous reactions
positive patch test reaction showed cross sensitivity with like exanthematous drug hypersensitivity, drug rash
phenobarbitone, sodium valproate and/or lamotrigine. with eosinophilia with or without systemic involvement
Three (75%) patients among positive phenytoin patch (DRESS), Stevens-Johnsons syndrome/toxic epidermal
test reactions had cross reactions with phenobarbitone, necrolysis (SJS/TEN) collectively known as anticonvulsant
lamotrigine, and/or valproate. [2]
hypersensitivity syndrome . Cross-reactions especially
aromatic anticonvulsants (carbamazepine, phenytoin,
phenobarbitone), lamotrigine, and sodium valproate
Carbamazepine remains the commonest anticonvulsant
frequently makes selection of an alternative agent
causing ACDRs and cross-reactions with other anti [3]
difficult . The focus has shifted in recent years on the
convulsants are possible. Drug patch testing appears
useful in DRESS for drug imputability and cross-reactions utility of drug patch test in cutaneous adverse drug
established clinically. reactions for ease and positive results can be useful to
confirm drug imputability established on clinical grounds.
Key words: Anticonvulsant hypersensitivity syndrome; Moreover, the risk with patch testing is considerably
Carbamazepine; Sodium valproate; Drug rash with lower when compared to intracutaneous or oral
eosinophilia with or without systemic involvement; Drug provocation tests. Although the reliability of patch testing
patch test; Lamotrigine; Phenobarbitone; Phenytoin; in identification of the culprit drug has been reported ,
Stevens-Johnsons syndrome; Toxic epidermal necrolysis the cross-reactions among anticonvulsants remain under
studied. This study intended to evaluate the utility of
The Author(s) 2017. Published by Baishideng Publishing patch test in patients with ACDRs from anticonvulsants
Group Inc. All rights reserved. and occurrence of cross-sensitivity patterns among these
Core tip: Anticonvulsants account for 20% of all adverse
cutaneous drug reactions (ACDRs) while cross-reactions
occur frequently among carbamazepine, phenytoin, MATERIALS AND METHODS
phenobarbitone necessitating careful prescriptions. Twenty four patients diagnosed and treated previously
The clinical presentation alone is not diagnostic and for ACDRs from anticonvulsants were patch tested
identification of offending drug needs causality assessment after informed consent between April 2014 and March
that may be misleading in patients on multiple medications. 2015 when they were off systemic treatments including
Drug provocation, skin prick or intradermal tests have
corticosteroids for 4 wk. Pregnant and lactating wo
ethical issues for possibility of precipitating more severe
men, children aged under 18 years, patients with recent
reactions. Basophil degranulation/lymphocyte activation
acute reaction, suspected viral exanthem or autoimmune
or drug specific IgE radioallergosorbent tests, histamine
disorders, and who were using topical corticosteroids
release and passive haemagglutination tests have limited
use in clinical practice. Drug patch testing appears useful over the back within the last one week were excluded
in anticonvulsant ACDRs, drug imputability and cross- from the study. Clinical details of age, gender, onset,
reactions established clinically. duration and progress of drug rash, the suspected
offending anticonvulsant drug, all treatments taken be
fore or after onset of rash, personal and type of ACDRs
Shiny TN, Mahajan VK, Mehta KS, Chauhan PS, Rawat R, Sharma were recorded.
R. Patch testing and cross sensitivity study of adverse cutaneous Since pure form of drugs could not be obtained,
drug reactions due to anticonvulsants: A preliminary report. World antigens for patch testing were prepared as suggested
J Methodol 2017; 7(1): 25-32 Available from: URL: http://www. by Friedmann and Ardern-Jones from pulverized pre
wjgnet.com/2222-0682/full/v7/i1/25.htm DOI: http://dx.doi. scribable tablets of carbamazepine, phenytoin, pheno
org/10.5662/wjm.v7.i1.25 barbitone, lamotrigine, and sodium valproate in petrolatum
having active drug in 10%, 20%, 30% conc. The patch
test was performed by Finn chamber (7 mm) method
as described previously using 0.02 mL of test antigen .
The patch tests were applied on dry, non-hairy upper
INTRODUCTION back after cleansing with ethanol. The patients returned
Adverse cutaneous drug reaction (ACDR) is a frequent for reading of results after 48 h (D2), 72 h (D3) and
problem in clinical practice comprising 1%-2% of out 96 h (D4) and results were graded as per International
door and 6%-30% of indoor patients in dermatology. Contact Dermatitis Research Group criteria . Reactions
ACDRs from anticonvulsants [carbamazepine, phenytoin, persisting on D3 or D4 were considered significant for final
phenobarbitone (aromatic group), lamotrigine and so analysis. None of the test concentration elicited irritant/

WJM|www.wjgnet.com 26 March 26, 2017|Volume 7|Issue 1|

Shiny TN et al . Adverse cutaneous drug reactions: Patch testing

Table 1 Baseline characteristics of all patients Table 2 Clinical patterns of adverse cutaneous drug reaction
and individual implicated anticonvulsants
Baseline characteristics Number of patients
underwent patch Implicated drugs Clinical patterns (n = 24 )
testing n = 24 (%)
Gender overlap drug eruption
Male 13 (54.2)
Phenytoin 9 1 1 1 -
Female 11 (45.8)
Carbamazepine 6 - - 1 1
M:F 1:1.8
Phenytoin + - - 1 - -
Age (yr)
Range 18-75
Phenytoin + 1 - - - -
Mean SD 45.70 16.29
18-30 4 (16.7) Phenobarbitone
31-50 12 (50) Lamotrigine - - 1 - -
51-70 6 (25) Phenobarbitone 1 - - - -
> 70 2 (8.3) Sodium valproate + - - - - -
Time interval (d) between drug intake and Lamotrigine
Range 7-45 DRESS: Drug rash with eosinophilia with or without systemic involvement;
Mean SD 22.54 12.19 SJS: Stevens-Johnsons syndrome; TEN: Toxic epidermal necrolysis.
Implicated drugs
Phenytoin 14 (58.3)
Carbamazepine 9 (37.5) and cross reactions from one or more drugs that included
Phenobarbitone 2 (8.3)
sodium valproate (3 patients), lamotrigine (4 patients),
Lamotrigine 1 (4.7)
Phenytoin1 + Carbamazepine 1 (4.7) and phenobarbitone (2 patients), respectively (Figure 2).
Phenytoin1 + Phenobarbitone 1 (4.7) Similarly, phenytoin elicited positive reactions in 4 of 11
Clinical spectrum of ACDRs patients with phenytoin hypersensitivity. Cross-reactions
DRESS 18 (75)
were also observed in 3 patients from phenobarbitone (2
SJS-TEN overlap 2 (8.3)
TEN 2 (8.3)
patients), and sodium valproate and lamotrigine in one
SJS 1 (4.2) patient. Phenobarbitone that had caused DRESS in one
Lichenoid drug eruption 1 (4.2) patient also elicited positive reaction in him along with
Time interval (mo) between complete recovery cross sensitivity to carbamazepine, phenytoin, sodium
from ACDRs and Patch test
valproate and lamotrigine. One patient with DRESS
Range 1-24
Mean SD 9.62 6.62
from combination of phenytoin and phenobarbitone
showed positivity to both the drugs and cross sensitivity
Also included in 14 patients with ACDRs from Phenytoin. ACDRs: Adverse with lamotrigine. Lamotrigine in 7, carbamazepine,
cutaneous drug reactions; DRESS: Drug rash with eosinophilia with or phenytoin in 6 patients each elicited more number of
without systemic involvement; SJS: Stevens-Johnsons syndrome; TEN: Toxic positive reactions with 30% concentration than their
epidermal necrolysis. 20% and 10% concentrations. Patch test positivity from
phenobarbitone (in 6 patients) or sodium valproate (in 4
allergic reaction in ten healthy adult volunteers in prior patients) was more with 10% concentration than from
testing. The relevance of positive patch test results was their higher concentrations. Sodium valproate elicited
determined clinically. Any side effects from patch testing positive reaction with all concentrations but more so with
(adhesive tape reaction, itching/flare up, angry back 10% and 30% (4 patients each) as compared to 20%
phenomenon, or pigment alteration) were noted. eliciting positive reactions in two patients only (Table 4).
Overall, 24 irritant reactions were observed in nine
patients (Table 3). These were from sodium valporate
RESULTS in 6 patients (4 reactions each from 10%, 20%, and
30%), carbamazepine (2 reactions from 10%, and one
Tables 1 and 2 lists baseline characteristics of study
reaction each from 20% and 30%) and phenytoin in 3
patients, incubation period, common clinical patterns of
patients each (2 reactions from 10% and one reaction
ACDRs observed, individual implicated anticonvulsants,
from 20%). Phenobarbitone (one from 10%, and two
and time interval between complete recovery from
reactions from 30%), and lamotrigine (two reactions
ACDR and drug patch test. The majority, 14 (58.3%)
from 10%) elicited irritant reactions in 2 patients each.
patients were of DRESS and nine were from phenytoin
The irritant reactions from sodium valproate in two
(Figure 1). None of them had received any drug(s)
patients were from all three concentrations lasting for >
other than anticonvulsant(s) before or after the onset of
72 h. No patient had patch test related side effects.
drug rash.
Only 12 (50%) patients had positive patch test
reactions from the primarily implicated drug and/or other DISCUSSION
anticonvulsants 4-9 mo after complete recovery from The patch testing is a preferred investigation in adverse
ACDR (Table 3). Carbamazepine elicited positive reactions ACDRs as well as it helps in studying cross-reactions
in 6 of 8 patients with carbamazepine hypersensitivity and understanding the pathomechanisms of drug eru

WJM|www.wjgnet.com 27 March 26, 2017|Volume 7|Issue 1|

Shiny TN et al . Adverse cutaneous drug reactions: Patch testing

Patients consented
for patch testing, 24
M:13, F:11

DRESS, n = 7:
Patients with positive M:7, F:0
Patients with negative
patch test, 12 patch test, 12
M:6, F:6 M:7, F:5
overlap, n = 3
M:0, F:3

Lichcnoid drug cruption, n = 1
n = 11
M:1, F:0
M:5, F:6 TEN n = 2
M:0, F:2

Figure 1 Attributes of 24 study patients for drug patch testing at a glance.


Figure 2 A patient of drug rash with eosinophilia and systemic symptoms from carbamazapine having prominently macular erythema and pruritic
maculopapular rash over trunk (A) back, (B) front. She also had facial edema, conjuctival congestion and chemosis (not in picture); (C) Drug patch tests reactions
(1+) reaction from carbamazepine (10%) and cross reactions (2+) from lamotrigine (10%, 20%, 30%), and (1+) from phenobarbitone (10%, 20%, 30%). Sodium
valproate (10%, 20% and 30%) has elicited irritant reactions.

ptions that is essentially same as that in patch testing of carbamazepine, phenytoin and phenobarbitone,
for allergic contact dermatitis . Briefly, it is type-4 the commonest offending aromatic drugs, have been
(delayed type) hypersensitivity involving CD4 or CD8 implicated in the pathogenesis of hypersensitivity
T-lymphocytes producing different patterns of cytokines reactions and cross reactivity among these anticon
and/or cytotoxic factors. The antigen (drug molecule vulsants. Sodium valproate inhibits metabolism of
or the metabolite, the hapten, and protein complex) is lamotrigine and increases the risk of severe ACDRs.
presented to T-helper cells after processing by antigen Frequency of positive drug patch tests varies between
presenting cells. The T-helper cells after getting activated 7% and 87% in ACDRs from groups of drugs including
proliferate and produce clones of specific immunogenic anticonvulsants across studies . The patch test
memory/effector T-cells having ability to activate immune positivity of 50% in the present study is comparable.
effector mechanism (immunological memory) as well The significance of drug patch test in SJS/TEN and
as help antibody (IgA, IgG, IgE) production from B cells exfoliative dermatitis due to anticonvulsants remains
during this sensitization phase lasting for 7-10 d. This is poorly elucidated since these patients usually elicit no
followed by elicitation phase when the offending drug will or weak positive reactions. Contrarily, highest patch test
elicit similar clinical reaction on re-exposure and positive positivity occurs in maculopapular/exanthematos drug
patch test reactions in individuals sensitized previously. rash such as DRESS as was also observed in our 11
Carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbitone and (92%) of 12 patients with DRESS. It is possibly due to
lamotrigine, alone or in combination, may induce ACDRs the pathomechanism (Th2 cytokine response) involved
such as DRESS, SJS, SJS-TEN overlap, and TEN. Arene in DRESS that differs from that in SJS/TEN (cytotoxic T-cell
oxide metabolites from a shared metabolic pathway response). Carbamazepine has been the commonest

WJM|www.wjgnet.com 28 March 26, 2017|Volume 7|Issue 1|

Shiny TN et al . Adverse cutaneous drug reactions: Patch testing

Table 3 Positive drug patch test results

Case Age (yr) Clinical Implicated drug Interval Patch test results Cross reactions (Grades) Irritant reaction at D2
No and Sex diagnosis between drug (Grades)
rash and patch
test (mo)

1 65 F DRESS Carbamazepine 7 Carbamazepine (2+) Sodium valproate (1+) with -

with 10%, 20%, 30% 20%, 30%
2 60 F DRESS Carbamazepine 6 Carbamazepine (3+) Lamotrigine (3+) Carbamazepine 10%, Lamotrigine
with 20%, 30% with 30% 10%,
Sodium valproate 10%, 30%
Phenobarbitone 30%
3 55 F DRESS Carbamazepine 5 Carbamazepine (1+) Sodium valproate (2+) with Carbamazepine 10% and 20%,
with 30% 10%, 30% Phenobarbitone 10%, 30% and
Lamotrigine (1+) with 10%, Sodium valproate 20%
20%, 30%
4 52 M Lichenoid Carbamazepine 6 Carbamazepine (2+) Phenobarbitone (2+) with Phenytoin 20%, Sodium valproate
drug with 10%, 20%, 30% 10%, 20%, 30% 20% and Lamotrigine 10%
5 48 M DRESS Phenobarbitone 9 Phenobarbitone (3+) Phenytoin (3+) with 10%, -
with 10%, 20%, 30% 20%, 30% Carbamazepine
(2+) with 30%
Sodium valproate (3+) with
10%, 30%
Lamotrigine (1+) with 30%
6 32F DRESS Carbamazepine 6 Carbamazepine (3+) Sodium valproate (1+) with Phenytoin 10%
with 10%, 20%, 30% 10%,
Lamotrigine (3+)
with 10%, 30%
Phenobarbitone (2+) with
10%, 30%
7 31 M DRESS Phenytoin 8 Phenytoin (1+) with Lamotrigine (1+) with 30% -
8 26 M DRESS Phenytoin 6 Phenytoin (1+) with - -
9 63 M DRESS Carbamazepine 4 Carbamazepine (2+) Lamotrigine (1+) with 30% -
with 10%
10 31 M DRESS Phenytoin + 8 Phenytoin (3+) and Lamotrigine (1+) with 30% Sodium valproate 10% and 30%,
Phenobarbitone Phenobarbitone (3+)
with 10%, 20%, 30%
11 43 F DRESS Phenytoin 4 Phenytoin (2+) Phenobarbitone (2+) with Carbamazepine 30%
with 10%, 30% 10%, 30%
12 75 F DRESS Phenytoin 5 Phenytoin (2+) with Phenobarbitone (2+) with Phenytoin 10%
20%, 30% 10%, 20%, Sodium valproate
(2+) with 10%, 20%, 30%
13 56 M DRESS Phenytoin 1 - - Sodium valproate 10%, 20%, 30%
14 60 M DRESS Phenytoin 1 - - Sodium valproate 10%, 20%, 30%

DRESS: Drug rash with eosinophilia with or without systemic involvement; M: Male; F: Female.

drug eliciting positive patch test reactions in 24%-100% positivity from carbamazepine. Common cross-reactions
patients with DRESS followed by phenytoin and pheno were with lamotrigine (4 patients) and sodium valproate
barbitone in order of frequency . The highest patch (3 patients) and phenobarbitone (2 patients) in order of
test positivity was with carbamazepine (50%) followed frequency. Similarly, 3 (75%) of 4 patients with positivity
by phenytoin (33%), phenobarbitone (8.3%) and from phenytoin had cross sensitivity to one or more drugs
combination of phenytoin and phenobarbitone in one that is phenobarbitone, lamotrigine, and sodium valproate.
case and both eliciting positive patch test reactions in this Another patient with DRESS from phenobarbitone showed
study also corroborate. positivity to carbamazepine, phenytoin, lamotrigine,
Clinical cross reactivity among anticonvulsants occurs and sodium valproate. Although sodium valproate does
frequently from their structural homology. Cross sensitivity not cross react with these aromatic anticonvulsants, it
between carbamazepine and phenytoin was 18%-50% was perhaps responsible for positive reaction per se in
patients and was as high as 57% in two separate some of the patients in the current study. Nevertheless,
studies . The cross sensitivity from one or more drugs multiple drug reactivity is not uncommon and reportedly
was seen in 11 (92%) of 12 patients with positive patch occurs in 18% patients with DRESS from classes of
tests in this study being common in 6 patients having drugs including anticonvulsants . The phenomenon is

WJM|www.wjgnet.com 29 March 26, 2017|Volume 7|Issue 1|

Shiny TN et al . Adverse cutaneous drug reactions: Patch testing

Table 4 Patch test reactions with different concentrations of drugs

Case No Clinical diagnosis Carbamazepine Phenytoin Phenobarbitone Lamotrigine Sodium valproate

10% 20% 30% 10% 20% 30% 10% 20% 30% 10% 20% 30% 10% 20% 30%
1 DRESS 2+ 2+ 2+ - - - - - - - - - - 1+ 1+
2 DRESS - 3+ 3+ - - - - - - - - 3+ - - -
3 DRESS - - 1+ - - - - - - 1+ 1+ 1+ 2+ - 2+
4 Lichenoid drug eruptions 2+ 2+ 2+ - - - 2+ 2+ 2+ - - - - - -
5 DRESS - - 2+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ - - 1+ 3+ - 3+
6 DRESS 3+ 3+ 3+ - - - 2+ - 2+ 3+ - 3+ 1+ - -
7 DRESS - - - - - 1+ - - - - - 1+ - - -
8 DRESS - - - - - 1+ - - - - - - - - -
9 DRESS 2+ - - - - - - - - - - 1+ - - -
10 DRESS - - - 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ 3+ - - 1+ - -- -
11 DRESS - - - 2+ - 2+ 2+ - 2+ - - - - - -
12 DRESS - - - - 2+ 2+ 2+ 2+ - - - - 2+ 2+ 2+
13 DRESS - - - - - - - - - - - - IR IR IR
14 DRESS - - - - - - - - - - - - IR IR IR
Total 4 4 6 3 3 6 6 4 5 2 1 7 4 2 4

DRESS: Drug rash with eosinophilia with or without systemic involvement.

considered to be from co-stimulatory signals provided by capability to penetrate skin barrier more effectively in
viral reactivation (herpes family virus reactivation in 76% higher concentrations and ability to produce its meta
patients) and/or rst-drug sensitization acting as cofactors bolites in the skin in a manner that is dose and the drug
for enhanced immune response to another drug-protein type dependent . Similarly, variability of our results
conjugate. Increased sensitivity/irritability of skin after also signifies the need for patch testing with several
DRESS, especially when tested too early, is other plausible drug concentrations for accurate results especially when
explanation. Since no patient in the study had received consensus for drug concentration for patch testing in
all the anticonvulsants concurrently or sequentially, the patients with ACDRs remains elusive. It is also suggested
multiple positive patch test responses were considered to use prescribable drug for patch testing for its potential
cross-reactions. advantage of identifying drug hypersensitivity from
It has been recommended to use between 1% excipients itself .
and 10% (w/w) of pure drug or 30% (w/w) conc. of Irritant drug patch test reactions are not uncommon
the powdered commercial tablet when pure drug form especially with sodium valproate and have been docum
[5] [1]
cannot be patch tested . However, the conc. per se was ented even in as low as 1% concentration . Sodium
not important in a series of patients with DRESS from valproate is highly irritant for being hygroscopic and
carbamazepine for frequency or strength of positive patch getting converted rapidly to acidic form. Twenty-four
test responses over varied drug concentrations from 1% reactions in 9 patients were considered irritant reactions
[8] [11]
to 20% . According to Romano et al anticonvulsants in this study. While all three concentrations of sodium
in 20% concentration are sufficient to induce positive valproate elicited 12 (50%) irritant reactions in this
patch test results. However, 20% drug concentration study, carbamazepine, phenobarbitone, phenytoin and
elicited only 14 (23%) of 61 positive reactions as lamotrigine produced 4 (16.7%), 3 (12.5%), 3 (12.5%)
compared to 28 (44.4%) positive reactions elicited by and 2 (8.4%) irritant reactions, respectively. However,
30% drug concentration and 19 (31%) positive reactions reasons of irritant reactions from drugs other than sodium
from 10% drug concentration particularly in case of valproate remain conjectural and might have been from
carbamazepine, phenytoin and lamotrigine in this study. multiple patch test applied concurrently, testing just 4
Whereas, phenobarbitone positivity was more with 10% wk after DRESS (in few cases), or due to constituents of
concentration than higher concentrations while sodium the excipient of prescribable drug that may cause irritant
valproate showed equal positivity with both 10% and reaction from low pH or positive reactions in already
[2] [17]
30% concentration. Lin et al also observed similar sensitized individuals that may be non-relevant .
results with 30% carbamazepine concentration eliciting Unfortunately, there is little consensus for interval
higher number and more intense positive reactions between recovery and time of patch test and interval of
than 10% concentration. While positive patch test 6 wk to 6 mo has been considered appropriate by most
reactions with 5%, 10%, 15% and 20% concentrations workers . The patients who were patch tested within
of phenobarbitone and carbamazepine occurred in 60% 4-9 mo of recovery in this study had positive drug patch
patients, sodium valproate 15%, 30%, 45% and 60% test reactions while longer interval of 10-24 mo elicited
concentrations elicited positivity in one (10%) patient no reactions reflecting an important limitation of drug
only . This variability of results is attributed to drugs patch testing.

WJM|www.wjgnet.com 30 March 26, 2017|Volume 7|Issue 1|

Shiny TN et al . Adverse cutaneous drug reactions: Patch testing

Limitations of the study (type-c); and CXCL-8, GM-CSF, neutrophils (T-cells) cause acute generalized
Small number of patients and use of commercial drugs exanthematous pustulosis (type-d). Most positive drug patch test reactions will
be elicited in these T-cells mediated ACDRs.
for patch testing with possible excipient induced irritant
reactions are the main limitations. Timing of one month
or 6 mo after recovery for drug patch testing, patch
Innovations and breakthroughs
Many studies suggest that diagnosis of drug hypersensitivity by patch testing
test drug concentrations, or exposure time might have lacks clarity and standardized definitions of clinical and immunopathological
influenced some results. Late readings at D7 of patch processes. This has resulted in uncertainty that whether patch tests are used
test results were not performed. appropriately in T-cell-mediated ACDRs. Many studies have also used both skin
In conclusion, drug patch testing appears useful tool to prick and drug patch tests in different types of ACDRs without ascertaining the
confirm drug imputability established on clinical grounds immune mechanism relevant to the clinical reaction or the tests used. Failure
of carbamazepine to elicit positive patch test responses in some individuals
and cross-reactions in DRESS from anticonvulsants. despite T-cell mediated drug hypersensitivity confirmed by positive in-vitro T-cell
Carbamazepine was the commonest drug causing positive responses also remains poorly understood. There seems no consensus for drug
patch test reactions. Cross-reactions are common among concentration for patch testing in patients with ACDRs. When a commercial
aromatic anticonvulsants and with structurally related form of the drug is used for patch testing it is usual to make up to a 30% by
lamotrigine while sodium valproate too has potential to weight conc. of powdered tablet in white soft paraffin. However, there is also
evidence that conc is not critical and in a series of patients with DRESS induced
cross-react increasing the risk of ACDRs necessitating
by carbamazepine there was no difference in the frequency or strength of
prudent prescriptions. positive patch test responses over a range of drug conc from 1%-20%. Thus,
it may be better to use 10%, 20% and 30% conc. to avoid missing of true
positive results. Usual recommendation is to test with 1%-10% of pure drug
COMMENTS and 30% of commercial form. It is advisable to do pre test in healthy controls to
avoid conc. high enough that may cause direct toxic, proinflammatory or irritant
Background effects. Opinions also differ whether to use pure drug that is often difficult to
Anticonvulsants, carbamazepine, phenytoin, phenobarbitone (aromatic group), procure or prescribable form for patch testing. The later have the advantage of
lamotrigine and sodium valproate, are implicated in 20% of all adverse cutaneous
easy availability and diagnosing drug hypersensitivity that is actually from the
reactions (ACDRs) and cross reactions among them are common. It is often
excipient only. There is also little consensus for interval between recovery from
difficult to identify the offending drug from temporal correlation/history alone since
ACDRs and time of patch test. An interval of 6 wk to 6 mo has been considered
most patients will be on multiple medications and clinical picture is often not
appropriate by most workers. The choice of an appropriate vehicle for antigen
diagnostic. The re-challenge/provocation tests, intradermal tests or skin prick tests
preparation is also important. Similarly, late reading of patch test responses at
are time consuming and require expertise. Moreover, there are ethical concerns
day 7 may be required in some cases. Last but not the least, the role of genetic
due to their ability to re-precipitate severe life-threatening adverse drug reaction
factors in drug metabolism, drug molecular weight and solubility, and skin barrier
such as SJS/TEN. Basophil degranulation/lymphocyte activation tests have
function and pathomechanism involved in each type of drug reaction and drug
limited availability, low sensitivity/specificity and may even be negative during
patch test also needs elucidation. More systematic studies and consensual
acute stage. Radioallergosorbent test for drug specific IgE, histamine release
approach in future studies will perhaps resolve some of these issues encouraging
test, and passive hemagglutination test with sensitivity/specificity nearly similar to
wider acceptance of this very safe and important diagnostic test in ACDRs.
skin tests have limited availability/applicability in routine clinical practice. The drug
patch test, an in-vivo challenge test, in ACDRs is inexpensive, convenient and
safe with reasonable certainty. This study evaluated utility of drug patch test for Applications
identification of culprit drug as well as cross reactions in patients with ACDRs from The drug patch test works best for T-cell mediated ACDRs (exanthematous
anticonvulsants. drug eruptions, acute generalized exanthematous pustulosis, DRESS, erythema
multiforme major/SJS/TEN, fixed drug eruption and symmetrical drug-related
intertriginous/flexural exanthem) particularly from aromatic anticonvulsants
Research frontiers
and some antibiotics but responses are inconsistent with many other drugs.
Nearly 95% of adverse drug reactions are Type-A (augmented) reactions which
Further, patch testing in SJS/TEN has low sensitivity. Testing with chemically/
are dose-dependent, predictable from primary and secondary drug pharmacology.
pharmacologically similar drugs may also help to identify cross-reactivity for these
Other, Type-B (Bizarre) reactions are idiosyncratic, unpredictable from known
patients for prudent prescriptions.
drug pharmacology, depend on patient-specific susceptibility factors and
manifest varied clinical picture. These can be non-immune mediated (drug
intolerance) due to inadequate or imperfect metabolic detoxification and present Terminology
as hemolysis, bone marrow toxicity or neurotoxicity from toxic metabolites, or Erythema multiforme major (EM-major), Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), and
pseudo-allergic due to histamine, leukotrienes or other mediators released Toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN): This spectral drug hypersensitivity reaction is
from direct basophil/mast cell de-granulation due to drugs like opiates, muscle cytotoxic T-cell mediated and perforin, granzyme-B, granulysin are involved in its
relaxants or radio contrast media manifesting clinically as asthma, anaphylaxis, immunopathogenesis. Erythema multiforme major is characterized by well defined
and urticaria/angioedema-like reactions. These are often indistinguishable from flat round target-like skin lesions with central necrotic macule/bulla with zone of
true immunologically mediated immediate (Type-) hypersensitivity reactions. pallor and outer erytematous rim usually accompanied by mucosal involvement,
Depending upon immune effecter mechanisms involved the true immunologically fever and prostration. It has tendency to become confluent, severe and extensive
mediated reactions has four main classes: (1) Type-or IgE mediated (immediate eventuating to SJS/TEN. SJS is characterized by macular erythema, blisters, and
or anaphylactic/urticaria type); (2) Type- or complement mediated (cytotoxic); detachment of skin involving 10% body surface area and mucosal ulcerations.
(3) Type- or immune complex mediated (hypersensitivity vasculitis, serum Atypical targetoid spots and bullae can occur beyond large sheets of necrotic
sickness); and (4) Type- or T-cell (CD4 or CD8) mediated (tuberculin or skin. It may eventuate through SJS-TEN overlap (skin detachment between
contact dermatitis type) reactions. In Type- hypersensitivity reactions activated > 10% and 30% body surface area) to more severe TEN (skin detachment >
T-lymphocytes produce different patterns of cytokines and/or cytotoxic factors 30% body surface area) with widespread skin/mucosal detachment and multi-
which are relevant for clinical patterns and drug patch testing: IFN-, TNF- (Th1- organ involvement often ending fatally; Exanthemataous drug eruptions, Acute
Tc1cells) cause contact dermatitis/tuberculin reaction (type-a); IL-4, IL-13, generalized exanthematous pustulosis (AGEP), and Drug rash with eosinophilia
IL-5, eosinophils (Th2 cells) cause maculopapular/exanthematous drug rash and and systemic symptoms (DRESS): This spectral drug hypersensitivity reaction
eosinophilia with or without systemic involvement (DRESS) (type-b); perforin, is T-cell mediated and Th2 cell cytokines (IL-4/-13, IL-5) and eosinophils are
granzyme-B, granulysin (cytotoxic T-cells) cause dermatitis, maculopapular involved in its immunopathogenesis. Generalized exanthematous drug eruptions
drug rash, Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS), toxic epidermal necrosis (TEN) is characterized by moderate fever, facial and peri-orbital edema, and prominently

WJM|www.wjgnet.com 31 March 26, 2017|Volume 7|Issue 1|

Shiny TN et al . Adverse cutaneous drug reactions: Patch testing

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even 10-14 d after stopping it). This can eventuate to AGEP (characterized by Epicutaneous patch testing in drug hypersensitivity syndrome
non-follicular pustular lesions over face and trunk) or progress to DRESS if multi- (DRESS). Contact Dermatitis 2010; 62: 47-53 [PMID: 20136879
organ involvement, lymphadenopathy and eosinophilia develop. DOI: 10.1111/j.1600-0536.2009.01659.x]
9 Barbaud A, Gonalo M, Bruynzeel D, Bircher A; European Society
of Contact Dermatitis. Guidelines for performing skin tests with drugs
Peer-review in the investigation of cutaneous adverse drug reactions. Contact
This is an interesting study regarding patch testing and cross sensitivity of
Dermatitis 2001; 45: 321-328 [PMID: 11846746]
adverse cutaneous drug reactions due to anticonvulsants. In general, the
10 Barbaud A. [Drug patch tests in the investigation of cutaneous
methodology of the study is appropriate, the results are significant, and the
adverse drug reactions]. Ann Dermatol Venereol 2009; 136: 635-644
findings are clinically relevant and scientifically interesting.
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11 Romano A, Pettinato R, Andriolo M, Viola M, Guant-Rodriguez
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P- Reviewer: Hu SCS, Kaliyadan F, Vasconcellos C

S- Editor: Song XX L- Editor: A E- Editor: Lu YJ

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