Optimal Utilization of PV Based DVR To Reduce Voltage Sag and Harmonics

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International Journal of Recent Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJRAET)


Optimal utilization of PV Based DVR to Reduce Voltage Sag and

D. Kavitha, 2K.M.Kavitha, 3T.R Narasimhegowda, 4B.Kantharaj
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Adichunchanagiri Institute of Technology, Chikkamagaluru.

automotive assembly plants. Voltage sags are the

Abstract- A dynamic voltage restorer(DVR) is a custom
power electronic controller that can protect sensitive loads common reasons for interruption in production plants
from disturbances in the supply system. The DVR can and for end-user equipment malfunctions in general. In
restore the load voltage within few milliseconds. This paper particular, tripping of equipment in a production line
presents a photovoltaic(PV) array fed three phase three wire can cause production interruption and significant costs
DVR for handling voltage regulation in a low voltage(LV) due to loss of production. One solution to this problem
distribution system against imbalance or harmonics in the is Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR). Its primary
source side. Besides the voltage regulation, the proposed application is to compensate for voltage sags and
DVR reduces the energy consumption from three phase swells. Also, a DVR is expected to respond fast (less
utility grid by utilizing the real power generation during
than 1/4 cycle) and thus employs PWM converters and
daytime. The synchronous reference frame theory is used
for the conversion of voltages from rotating vectors to the IGBT[5]. An energy-optimized control of DVR is
stationary frame. The compensation of the voltage sag discussed in [6]. The design of a capacitor-supported
reduction of harmonics are demonstrated. The results of the DVR that protects sag, swell, distortion, or unbalance
simulation studies performed in the MATLAB in the supply voltages is discussed in[7]. The
performance of a DVR with the high-frequency-link
transformer is discussed in [8]. In this paper, the
Index Terms-Dynamic Voltage Restorer(DVR), power control and performance of a DVR are demonstrated
quality, voltage sag, Harmonics, PV cells, SRF theory. with a reduced-rating voltage source converter (VSC).
The synchronous reference frame (SRF) theory is used
for the control of the DVR
The growing concern over the increasing energy
consumption, environmental degradation resulting from II. COMPONENTS OF DVR
combustion of fossil fuels and fluctuating oil prices of the Dynamic Voltage Restorer is one of custom power
nations has increased the use of renewable power device specially used to inject a (fundamental
generation in the power system application. PV based frequency) voltage in each phase of required magnitude
DVR has become favorable solutions for a home or a and phase to maintain the load voltage constant in the
small industry, particularly in Tamilnadu, India rural distribution system. Fundamental of DVR is shown in
areas have a substantial amount of insolation and have fig1. The power circuit of DVR shown in fig2.
more than three hours of frequent power interruptions in a
day. This may occur in the developing countries, where
the generated electrical power is less than their demand.
The concept of utilizing PV solar system inverter as
DVR, for the mitigation of voltage variations with power
saver capability at the load side for single-phase is
presented in [1]. The reference [2] has proposed the
concept of utilizing the DVR for voltage sag and outage
mitigation without PV system. The rating and design of
series injection transformer of the DVR is presented in
[3]. The design and control of DVR have been carried out
in [4].
Fig 1. Fundamental of DVR.
The custom power devices are developed and installed at
consumer point to meet the power quality standards such
as IEEE-519. When the fast variations in the source
voltage cannot be ignored, these can affect the
performance of critical loads such as semiconductor
fabrication, plants paper mills, food processing plants and
ISSN (Online): 2347 - 2812, Volume-3, Issue -10, 2015
International Journal of Recent Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJRAET)

In-phase compensation method: In this method only

voltage magnitude is compensated. It is recommended
for linear loads.

Fig 4. Vector diagram of In-Phase compensation

Energy optimized compensation (or) In-phase
Fig 2. The power circuit of DVR advanced compensation(IPAC) In this method the
real power spent by DVR is minimized by decreasing
The DVR consists of boost/series injection transformer, the power angle between the sag voltage and the load
voltage source converter, passive filters, energy storage current.
device and control circuit. Three single phase
transformers are connected in series with the distribution Voltage tolerance method with minimum energy
feeder to couple the VSC (at the lower voltage level) to injection: Generally the voltage magnitude between
the higher distribution voltage level. In DVR voltage 90%-110% of the nominal voltage and phase angle
source converter is used to either completely replace the variations between 5-10% of the nominal state will not
supply voltage or to inject the missing voltage. The disturb the operation characteristics of loads. This
missing voltage is the difference between the nominal method can maintain the load voltage in the tolerance
voltage and the actual one. Switching device used is area with small change of voltage magnitude.
Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistors(IGBT). The passive
filters placed at the high voltage side of the DVR to filter
the harmonics. Energy storage is required to provide
active power to the load during deep voltage sags. Lead-
acid batteries, flywheel or SMES can be used for energy
storage. Control circuit continuously monitors the supply
voltage. The function of control system is to detect the
disturbance in the supply voltage, compare it with the set Fig 5. Voltage tolerance method with minimum energy
reference value and then generate the switching pulses to injection.
the VSC to generate the DVR output voltages which will
compensate the voltage sag. IV MODELING OF PHOTOVOLTAIC
PV array is a system which uses two or more solar
Compensation by DVR depends upon limiting factors
panels to convert sunlight into electricity. Photovoltaic
such as power rating, load conditions, and voltage-sag
array is a linked collection of solar cells. The use of
type. Different methods of compensation are
new efficient photovoltaic solar cells has emerged as
Pre-sag/Dip compensation method(PDC): This method an alternative source of renewable green energy
is recommended for the non linear loads which needs conversion. In the proposed DVR, PV array provides a
both voltage magnitude as well as phase angle to be DC source for the DVR. The electrical system powered
compensated. Drawback of this method is that it requires by solar array requires DC/DC converter due to
higher capacity energy storage device as well as large varying nature of the generated solar power resulting
voltage injection transformer. from sudden changes in weather conditions which
change the solar irradiation level as well as cell
operating temperature. Solar arrays are built up with
combined parallel/series combination of solar cells.
The PV array is designed and modeled with a low step
up boost converter to charge the batteries. The PV
model is developed using basic equations of
photovoltaic cells including the effects of temperature
changes and solar irradiation [9]-[11]. The PV cell
output voltage is a function of the photo current that
Fig 3. Vector diagram of PDC method mainly determined by load current depending on the
ISSN (Online): 2347 - 2812, Volume-3, Issue -10, 2015
International Journal of Recent Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJRAET)

solar irradiation level during the operation. The ideal The error between the reference and actual DVR
photovoltaic equation is below. voltages in the rotating reference frame is regulated
using proportionalintegral-derivative (PID)
controllers. Reference DVR voltages in the abc frame
are obtained from a reverse Parks transformation
taking V*Dd from (4), V*Dq from (5), V*D0 as zero
where Ipv, cell is the current generated by the incident
light (it is directly proportional to the Sun irradiation), Id
is the Shockley diode equation, I0,cell [A] is the reverse
saturation or leakage current of the diode [A], q is the
electron charge [1.60217646 1019C], k is the
Reference DVR voltages (vdvra, vdvrb, vdvrc) and
Boltzmann constant [1.3806503 1023J/K], T [K] is actual DVR voltages (vdvra, vdvrb, vdvrc) are used in
the temperature of the p-n junction, and a is the diode a pulse width modulated (PWM) controller to generate
ideality constant. Fig. 3 shows the equivalent circuit of gating pulses to a VSC of the DVR. The PWM
the ideal photovoltaic cell. controller is operated with a switching frequency of 10

Fig.6. Single-diode model of the theoretical photovoltaic

cell and equivalent circuit of a practical photovoltaic
device including the series and parallel resistances.
Fig.7. shows a MATLAB model of the DVR with solar
panel in which the SRF theory is used for reference signal
estimation. The voltages at the PCC VS and at the load
terminal VL are sensed for deriving the IGBTs gate
signals. The reference load voltage V*L is extracted using
the derived unit vector [5]. Load voltages (VLa, VLb,
VLc) are converted to the rotating reference frame using
abcdqo conversion using Parks transformation with unit Fig.7. MATLAB based model of the Solar Panel
vectors (sin, cos) derived using a phase-locked loop as supported DVR connected system.
A. System Analysis without DVR
The simulation results for system with-out DVR are
given below. The voltage sag during overloading
Similarly, reference load voltages (V*La, V*Lb , V*Lc) condition at the interval 0.2-0.4secs are shown in Fig
and voltages at the PCC vS are also converted to the 8.
rotating reference frame. Then, the DVR voltages are
obtained in the rotating reference frame as
vDd = vSd vLd (2)
vDq = vSq vLq (3)
The reference DVR voltages are obtained in the rotating Fig.8. Simulation of the system without DVR.
reference frame as
B. System Analysis with DVR
v*Dd =v*Sd vLd (4)
The simulation results for system with DVR are given
v*Dq =v*Sq vLq (5) below. The Load voltage is regulated to constant

ISSN (Online): 2347 - 2812, Volume-3, Issue -10, 2015
International Journal of Recent Advances in Engineering & Technology (IJRAET)

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ISSN (Online): 2347 - 2812, Volume-3, Issue -10, 2015

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