Energy Efficient Cluster Head Selection To Enhance Network Connectivity For Wireless Sensor Network
Energy Efficient Cluster Head Selection To Enhance Network Connectivity For Wireless Sensor Network
Energy Efficient Cluster Head Selection To Enhance Network Connectivity For Wireless Sensor Network
We are living in an environment loaded with sensors Networking: Sensor networks which loaded with numerous
devices. Sensors are used for checking temperature, sensor devices often lead to volatile outcome due to topology
inhabitance, pollution and safety. Our automobiles contain dynamic as result it leads to an unbalance consumption of
handfuls if not many sensors, checking temperature status of energy, higher collision rates, and channel contention among
engines, braking, and traveler wellbeing hardware and so on. nodes.
Fabricating industries need sensors in light of the fact that you Multihop and clustering method has been considered by
can't control what you can't quantify. Manufacturing a product, various researchers that help in reducing one to one association
while meeting wellbeing, quality and proficiency targets, i.e. between the base stations and the devices. Though these
requires a great deal of sensors. Sensors have turned out to be methodology could not give assurance for integrity of data and
much tinier, less costly and low powered force in the most security or safety against data loss.
recent couple of decades.
Management: Sensor network require proficient protocol
A WSNs has key/important application/apps that are used strategy to extract their potential of following thing such as
for remote tracking ecological monitoring, detecting wildfire or power management, radio device interference management,
sign of any catastrophic phenomenon, intruder detection in battery management of sensor devices, hardware and software
military application. This has been enabled by the availability, bug management, node failure, data loss due node failure etc...
especially in recent years, of sensors that are small in size.
These nodes are furnished with wireless interface (WI) that Data Aggregation: In wireless sensor network routing of
information or packet needs a new secure and energy effective
framework/technique that aiding fusion of huge dimension of
Madhu Patil, Assoc Prof, Dept ECE, NMIT, Bangalore, India
([email protected] )
data. Data aggregation has to be done for high dimension data
is accurate that has constraint battery issue, assurance of data
Chirag Sharma, Nitte Research Education Academy, Research Guide, obtained etc
University of Mysore, Mysore
There are various approach that has been developed energy consumption model as in figure 1. From figure 1 the
recently to enhance lifetime of sensor network which is amp represent the energy requirement of transmitter power
explained in section two and to overcome these shortcoming amplification to transmit a bit to the receiver at distance = 1
here the author propose an energy efficient design for cluster and denotes the energy required to handle trans-receiver
head selection based on connectivity of sensor devices. Our circuitry which is measured in (nano joule). Therefore the
method provide a cost effective solution by considering radio energy requirement of transmitting message bit to a distant
signal strength of sensor device for cluster selection and the receiving device can be evaluated considering equation (2) is as
message are broadcasted by using a based channel. follows
The paper organization is as follows: The proposed model
considering are presented in Section two. The results and the
experimental study are presented in the section three. The
concluding remark is discussed in the last section.
Here the author adopts energy efficient design to for better
cluster selection that aid in improving network node
connectivity and improve lifetime of network. The proposed
model is compared with existing based clustering
A. LEACH Working Model
In protocol each and every sensor device serve as
cluster head in round based on a random and unbiased manner. Fig.1: First order energy model
The protocol is further divided in to multiple rounds of
fixed time duration and each round is divided into two stage
and they are as follows the setup stage and the steady stage. In (, ) = ( + ). (2)
setup stage certain devices are chosen to behave as cluster
heads by adopting a distributed strategy performed in every
device. Consequently, the clusters equivalent to those chosen The energy required to obtain a bit of data by the receiver is
as cluster head are organized. In steady stage every device as follows
performs the sensing activity and generates the data and it is
forwarded to the corresponding cluster heads and then the () = . (3)
cluster head transmit this data to the sink or base station.
Selection of cluster head in is as follows. In every
round, for a particular sensor device a random uniform value C. Cluster Head Selection
between 0 and 1 is obtained and the obtained value is Generally the sensor devices are deployed in a random
compared with the threshold () of corresponded to this manner over the entire area for various applications , there exist
sensor devices. If the obtained value is less than (), then an overlapping region of the sensing areas of different sensor
this sensor devices elect himself as cluster-head in that devices. If the sensor device density of a local area is
particular round and the value of the threshold is updated in significantly lower than mean, than a target location is covered
each and every round. by only one sensor device and similarly when a local area is
significantly higher than mean sensor device density, a target
, ; location may be covered by several sensor devices. Therefore
() = { 1 [(1 )] in order to obtain overlapping area OF of two sensor device
0, . with distance , 0 2, apart is estimated using a
geometric theory of intersection of two circles which is as
Where represent mean ratio of cluster head in every round
to the total sensor devices, , 0 < , is the current round
number, and is the collection of sensor devices that has not
elected as cluster head of period 1/ rounds, that is, rounds
0~ 1 1, rounds 1 ~ 2 1 , and so on. Based on the
equation (1) every sensor devices behaves as for a
particular period in a round. In the next round this sensor
devices is removed for cluster head selection candidate.
B. System Channel Modelling
The author considers that there are devices of sensor
placed in a sensing field of area . The author consider a
random deployment of sensor nodes with in its area limit which
employ a routing strategy to forward the sensed data to the base
station which is placed outside the region of sensing area. The
sensor device are considered to be homogeneous in nature
which has same energy and sensing range () therefore the Fig2: intersection of two circles
sensing area is 2 . Here the author considers a first order
IEEE International Conference On Recent Trends In Electronics Information Communication Technology, May 20-21, 2016, India
(4) Where depict the mean amount of cluster head. Now the
2 proposed threshold () considering sensor device can be
= 2 [ 1 ( ) ],
2 2 rewritten as follows
() (9)
, ;
() = { 1 () [(1())]
Where = cos 1 (2 ). To obtain a normalized
0, .
overlapping of sensor device in a network is as follows
() = (), (8)
In In Fig. 3 and 4, we can see that the proposed
clustering technique performs better than the existing
algorithm in term of network lifetime efficiency. The
experimental result shows that the energy efficiency of the
IEEE International Conference On Recent Trends In Electronics Information Communication Technology, May 20-21, 2016, India
Life time(S)
1500 Leach
Lifetime of sensor network for 500 sensor
500 500
Number of sensor node
460 500 1000
440 Number of sensor nodes
400 Fig. 5: Network lifetime analysis
In Fig. 5we can see that the proposed
360 clustering performs better than in term of active node
340 percentage. The experimental result shows that the active node
percentage of decreases when we increase the number
320 of node to 500and 1000 and the active node percentage
1032 Leach
Number of sensor node
Active Nodes
682 500 1000
No of sensor nodes
Number of round
Fig. 4:Network lifetime analysis for 1000 nodes Fig. 6: Number of active nodes
The existing clustering protocol designed based on
is not efficient in term of life time of network so there was a
necessity for a better clustering protocol to increase network
lifetime. Here the author proposed an energy efficient
clustering protocol namely to improve energy
efficiency of sensor network. Our proposed
IEEE International Conference On Recent Trends In Electronics Information Communication Technology, May 20-21, 2016, India