Atomic Powered Submarine Design Chapter 8 V M Bukalov

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ieee] * W365 | B88 13 AD 664 96% ~KTOMIC-POWERED SUBMARINE DESIGN V. M. Bukalov, et al . 8 December 1967 ‘ Distributed ... ‘to foster, serve and promote the nation's ‘economic development ‘and technological advancement.” NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION SERVICE.” U.S, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE Ti.s document has been approved for public release and sale. \SSIFICAT LON: Unclassified Be a qirye: Atomic-Powered Submarine Design a (from foreign press materials) /Proyektdvovaniye Atomylh Podvodnykh Lodok/ avtpor: Ve ¥} Bukelov and A. A+ Narusbayev paces(e): 282 i source: "Sudostroyeniy" [Saipbuilding] Publishing House” Teningrad, 1: ORIGINAL LANGUAGE? Russian TRANSLATOR: =! | sTranghation wo, 2498 approven P:7 K+ : 8 December 1967 + £0 Den “NATIONAL SAP TECHNICAL ‘TION SERVICE Morea ve. 32051 E 2elbs ‘The book will acquaint the reader with the technical problens of modern submarine building, and vill shed some light on questions con~ gerned with the design of atomic-powered submarines, propulsion and electronic equipment, systems and installations, weapons, and the equip- nent provided for making submarines habitable. ‘The book vae written fron materials published in foreign technical and naval literature. ‘The book is intended for readers who are already familiar with naval shipbuilding fundanentals, and it can be used by engineering-technical workers in the shipbuilding industry, as well as by students in higher in- stitutions of learning and in technical schools. ‘The index begins at Page 282. 0681813 Foreword Foreign naval and technical literature is devoting a great deal of attention to problems of modern submarine building, and particularly to problens of designing and byilding atomic-powered submarines. The wide~ ppread introduction of ryclear missiles, of atomic propulsion, radio~ : electronics and cybernetics, has sharply increased the combat capabilities of the Navy and of its main striking force, the atomic -powered submarine fleet. However, the reports which have been publiched on this question are contradictory, uncoordinated, and often bear what ie clearly the stamp of publicity. orks generalizing the experience gained in atomic-powered sub- marine building have not yet been published in the capitalist countries. Our shipbuilding Literature contains a great deal of material on atomic-povered subtarines of the capitalist states. Included are the pop- wlar scientific books by I. A. Bykhovskiy, Atomnyye Podvodnyye Lodici CAtomie-Powered Submarines] (Sudpromgiz, 19574 TESy, and Reomiyye Suda {Atomic-Powered Ships] (Sudpromgiz, 1961), as well as the aarreety ype art- icles in the journal Sudostroyeniye [Shipbuilding]. 1960 saw the publication of the book by Ve Ne Gaasigov ani'V. F. Droblenkov, Podvednyye Lodi Iaper= Jalisticheskixh Gosudarsty (Submarines’ of the Inperialist States! (Vc open aaa, F660), a second edition of which vas published in 1962, in which the authors pointed out the status an] basic trends in development of the submarine flect. However, the natyte and trend of the book did not permit the authors to dwell in detail on tethnical questions of modern submarine building, or to cover with sufficient: completeness the design features of submarines fit~ ted with atomic~powered propulsion instal#tions. ‘The authors of this book throw much more light on the technical problems hich arise in the design and construction of atomic-powered submarines. ‘The pasie for the book is material published in generally available foreign pub- ications, mainly American, between 1954 and 1963. A list of the literature used is included at the end of the book, and references to concrete sources * of information are given in the form of footnotes. ‘The authors have critically/evaluated the foreign materials at their @isposal, they have compared the data published in various of the sources, or they have made check caloulations using widely know formulas and math~ ematioal relationships (such as the formula for Admiralty coefficients, the Moller" formila, the block coefficient, etc., for example). ‘The authors wish to lexpress their deep appreciation to V. N. Kvasnikov, who reviewed the manuscript in its first draft and made a number of valuable comments. N. S. Grigor'yev, A. I. Vaks, E. B. Kodatskiy, E. Ye. Lysenkov, and A, Ay Tolmakov, read individual sections of the book and were a big help to the authors. ‘The authors wish to express their particular gratitude to the Central Naval Library workers, whose day by day work simplified the authors’ becom- ing familiar with the foreign literature. ‘The authors make no pretense of having fully exhausted the questions presented, and will accept with thanks all critical comments by readers. Forvard replies to Leningrad, D-65, UL. Gogolya, 8, "Sudostroyeniye” Publiching House. ; 2s c ian enc Tg 246 7 Chapter VIIT Atomic Propulsion Installations The development of atoldic power engineering. : Despite the considerable improvement in diesel-electric installations aueing World Wat Ti, and in the firot poster yeare, the principal drweet svnarinas tad, thet of the need to cme to the aurface, oF to periacope dapti to recharge starage batteries, vas not done evay nithe the low welsht ee aU a 1 Ss Aereis sid nado drive aotore, alted tbe further inereare fn thm dasigued Dover for submicinen, Internal céabustion engines operat iag on a eloaed rece See eg te a HL a Le ces gl ele Mee LU eg Neca teed, York on the butsaif of steaa-ges turbine fnstallatfons for submarines haa gone on in faetat b ‘the United States in the postwar years, England built tvo experimental sub- jermany, and was continued in England, Sweden, and marines of the Explorer-class, each of which was fitted with two steam-gas turbines rated at 4,000-hp, running on highly enriched (80%) hydrogen peroxide. 1 5 exposed the basic drawbacks of steam-gas turbine installations (high ex- penditure rates and costs for the hydrogen peroxide, reduction in turbine power with increased submersion depth, increase in danger of fire, and other problems) limiting their use in submarines. 1, Engineer, Vol. 203,°No. 527y, 1957. American engineers too tested stean-gas turbine installations in $8346 but a11 work along thos¢ lines vas stopped in 1950 ws having no future pros- pects. ' In December 1945, the U. S. Navy developed a program for the design and construction of an atomic-powered submarine fleet. General Electric and Westinghouse, the giant American electrical machinebuilding firms, were brought in to work on the atomic propulsion installations (AEU). Combustion Engineer- ing joined the other two later on. Construction of a land prototype of the ~ ABU was begun-in 1949, and was designated the S-IW (the first letter desig- nating the class of ,ship for which the installation was intended, the number i -235- the model sequence number, and the last letter the name of the manufacturer). The installation vas designed asa two-loop system with a water-noderated, water-cooled reactor (a heterogeneous thermal neutron reactor with convention- al chemically pure water under pressure as the moderator and coolant). The land prototype of the installation was built in 1953, and the first atomic~ powered submarine, Nautilus, fitted with a type S-2W installation, was. com missioned in 1955. This type of AEU is experimental, characterized by large weight and considerable volume for the propulsion spaces. ‘The United States was developing other types of reactors suitable for installation in submarines at the same time that the water-moderated, water- cooled reactor was in development. Seawolf was the first to get the S-26, a heterogeneous intermediate neutron reactor using graphite as the moderator and liquid (molten) sodium as the coolant. ‘The steam superheating system * sprang a leak during sea trials of Seawolf, the result of the corrosiveness of sodium. Attempts to fix the leak were fruitless, and the superheater had to be cut dut. ‘This reduced ABU power 208. The S-26 was subsequently re~ placed by the S-2W-A, the prototype of which was installed in Nautilus. 1. The steam superheater in the land prototype of the AEU for Seawolf broke down after 1667 hours of operation. The initial suggestion was to install fast neutron reactors with a hel- ium coolant in Skate-class submarines. The American specialists were of the opinion that the use of gas turbine installations in a closed cycle would re~ sult in a considerable reduction in the weight and size of the machinery for submarines. However, the desire to comission all these ships as. quickly as possible forced the Americans to install water-moderated, water-cooled re~ actors in these submarines, for they had proven thonselves in operation. Further developtient of reactors with water under pressure led to the building of the S-5W (fig. 98), and its modification, the S-5W-2. 52 reactors for the S-5W, including 41 for the S-5W-2, were built by 1 January 1962. The mass construction of installations of this type can be aplained by their sim- plicity, the high degree of reliability, and the comparatively small weight and size. General Electric, bd in addition to Westinghouse, concluded a con- tract with the U. S. Navy for delivery of reactors for the S-5W installation = Nucleonies, Vol. 19, No. 6, 1961. 7236- a i i Figure 98. Arrangement of S-5W type propulsion installation in the submarine's spaces. 1 - diesel-generator; 2 - auxiliary equipment; 3 - reserve feedirater tank; 4 ~ main condensers 5 = auxiliary equipment; 6 - propulsion thrust bearing; 7 - propulsion moter; 8 - engine room; 9 - main reduction gear; 10 - main turbines; 11 - switchboards; 12 - main steam line; 13 ~ control panel!) 14 - turbine generator sets (according to other data, the turbine generator sets are located in the sub- marine's engine room and exhaust into the main condenser); 15~ auxiliary machinery space; 16 - steam generator cutout valves. The United States continues work on improving propulsion installations using water-moderated, water-cooled reactors. These latter are considered as having the best prospects for improvement, at least for the next 5 to 10 years. A series of such installations with shaft horsepower ratings of 1500, 3000-4000, 6000-7000, 15000-17000, and 30000-40000, can be developed. ‘The American specialists are of the opinion that combinations of AEU of this series of ratings fan provide for my requirements advanced by atomic- powered submarine and surface naval shipbuilders. The upper Limit for a single-shaft ABU is 60000-70000 hp. * Several such installations can be used if the need should arise to increase the power rating. ee 1. The Jourhal of Commerce and Shipping Telegraph, No. 41588, 1961. In the other capitalist countries work in the field of shipboard nuclear power engineering is still in the experimentation stage. Figure 99 shows the arrangement of equipment in the spaces for the Land prototype of the prépulsion installation for the British sutmarine Valiant. ~237- ca 2. 3. 9. 10. re 12. 3. he 15. Table 34. Characteristics of atomic propulsion installations for submarines and submarine cargo carriers for the capitalist states Type Type Submarine: ABU Specific AU space con-, Now Thermal power, ABU «Weight, ko/hp sumption, hp/w? reactors megawatts | S-2¥ Nautilus 64-66 9.8 - 10.9 1 "60-70 S-2W-A Seawolt 8-26 Seawolf - - 1 55-60 S-3W Skate 60-82 6.0 ~ 8.5 1 30-45 s-iv Halibut an S-AG Triton - 9.6 = 10.8 2 110-120. S-2c Tullibee - - 1 ula S$5W Skipjack "52-58 30.0 = 11.2 1 60-65 George Wash- ington Dreadnought England S-5W-2) Thresher 52.58 10.0 1 70-75 Ethan Allen Tatayette | S56 Jack _ = 1 7 : ~238- Tevle 34. continued. Coolant fuel enriched Maximum parancters Type main engines io. circulator yitn 39, % for coolant no. Shafts x powsr : pumps pressure temperature at shaft, hp | kg/en® °c Ty Water under press- | 20-40 140 260 jeared turbine ‘ 6 2 x e760 7500) | 2. sodium 90 5-7 500 geared turbine 4 2 x 7500 7, water under press- 20 1k 246 geared turbine ure 2 x (3500 - 5000. ke " = 165 280-290 geared turbine 2 x (15000-17000) 7 ) - - jurboclectrie drive T x 3000 y 40 160 280 geared turbine, | 1 x (15000-17000) L 40 - - geared turbine 1 X (17500-20000) \ - - - direct acting turbine u Tes | water under pressure = 175: 290 geared turbine 7 1 ® 35000 10. water under pressure 4 1s 290 geared turbine i 16 & x 60000 ae air - 21.8 760 steam turbine | . 30000 12. helium 9 6 700 gas turbine T x 32000 13. water under pressure = 140 260 geared turbine 7 % 1x = ~ ik. boiling water - - - geared turbine 1 x 50000 f 15. water under pressure 1.7 - a geared turbine i 3 2x 22000 -239- a Table 34, Continued. ‘Type turbine Working medium storage battery, No. turbogenerator No. turbines parameters no. elements sets x power, kw | poet remot | Saag | Ko/en? | °C hours 4 1. twin casing 18 220 126 A x 650 | 2 = | 2. . 40-42 410-420 126 4 x 650 i Boe 2 x 600 7 $ | A . a - 126 4 x 1500 5500 5. turbogenerator - - - - i : | 6. single casing 23 2ho 126 + 2 x 2000 *# i 2 T 2x 180 560 7. single casing - - 126 2 x 2350 ** 2 > 2x- 8 © ie e eB i 2 8 30 - 126 axe 10. twin casing & 30 - 6 x 2500 | a - 5%7 510 7 - | 12. - B 700 - - 6 13. single casing © ~ - 42, ax- } Seager = 2 | 14. twin casing s = i 7 15. tin casing 35.5 250 - 3x- ° “The denominatorcontains the figures for Dreadnought. | ** The figure in the numerator refers to missile submarines, that in the denominator to torpedo submarines. Table 34. Continued j No. espoet-gencrator No. converters Notes sets of power, kr = power, lor Ll 2 x 300 3 x 150 Core diameter 2.7 meters. Reactor | diameter 4.57 meters. Land proto- type S-1W. Maximum fuel element temperature 340°C. 2. 2 x 300 3 x 150 Land prototype S-1G. Maximum fuel elementtenperature 9252165°C. 3 1 x 500 2 x 300 S-3W and S-kW differ in design of | biological shielding. 4 1 x 400 2 x 300 Distilling plant produces 60 tons/ day. Land prototype S~3G. 5 - - Reactor height 3.7 meters. Land | prototype S-1C. 6. 1 x (400-500) 2 x 300 Reactor height 5.5 meters, diameter 2.45 meters, live.steam consumption 82 tons/hour, Distilling plant pro~ duces 30 tons/day. oH 1 x 600 2 x 300 Distilling plant produces 38 tons/day 8. i a Reactor with natural coolant cir- culation. 9. lx- 2 x 300 Space requirement in reactor com- partment 32-33 hp/m}. Coolant cir- culation rate 10 meters/second. 10. - - Condenser pressure 0.17 kg/cm. a. - - Initially developed as an aviation installation. Tested in Idaho in 1956-1960. Power can be, stepped up t 50,000 hp. i 12. - - Core diameter 2.3 meters. Height 2.3 meters. Weight of charge 1.9 tons. 3. ax- ax- Distilling plant produces 50 tons/day 14, 1 x 600 = ‘wo reserve diesels which can be coupled to the shaft through a re- duction gear in the geared turbine. a5. - - Weight of charge 7.3 tons. Live steam consumption 230 tons/howr. 2h Table 34 lists the principal characteristics of existing and planned Propulsion installations for atomic-powered submarines and submarine cargo carriers in the United States and certain of the other capitalist countries. Figure 99. Arrangement of equipment in the compartments for the prototype of the propulsion installation for Valiant. 1 - reactor; 2 - stop valve in first loop; 3 ~ tank for primary protection; 4 - heat exchanger; 5 - pressure compensator; 6 ~ first loop circulator pump; 7 - feed water preheater; 8 - turbogenerator; 9 - auxiliary 11 - auxiliary condenser condensate pump; 10 - auxiliary condens: circulating line; 12 - main condenser circulating line; 13 - main circulator pump; 14 - main condenser; 15 ~ sea water pump; 16 - scrubber in the regeneration system; 17 ~ propulsion thrust bearing; 18.- propulsion motor; 19 - clutch; 20 ~ refrigeration machinery; 21 - reduction gear; 22 ~ main turbine; 23 - auxiliary control board; 2h - diesel-generator; 25 - main control board; 26 - electrical distribution board; 27 - sight glass; 28 - emergency cooling heat exchanger; 29 - main steam line; 30 - steam generator; 31 - electric drive for the reactor control and protection system (SUZ). The foreign scientific and technical literature + has accepted the following classifications for shipboard AEU in accordance with their design : Classifications and compositions of ABU. “6 characteristics and the nature of the thermal pattern. A 1, W. Crouch, Nuclear Shipboard Propulsion 1 1961. Translated from the English. -2h2~ According to type of atomic reactor: water-moderated, water-cooled; boiling; liquid metal cooled; gas cooled; organic liquid cooled. According to thermal arrangements: single loop (in which the coolant is at once the working,substence for the heat engine, the steam or gas turbine, as well as the coolant); double loop; triple loop. According to the type of working substance for the heat engine: steam turbine; gas turbine; hydrojet. According to the method used to transmit power to the shaft: turbo- reduction gear; turto-electrie; direct acting turbine. According to number of shafts: single, twin, and multi-shaft install ations. An exanple of the milti-shaft installation is the ABU planned in the United States for the 40,000 dwt submarine tanker. ‘The atomic propulsion installation has been divided into two basic sections, the reactor section, and the mechanical section, regardless of type. The reactor section obtains thermal energy as a result of the react- don of fission of the n{cicar fuel and the transfer of the heat obtained to ‘the working substance. | This section usually contains the reactor, the steam generators, or the gas heaters, the piping and the auxiliary machinery and installations. ‘The reactor can be a steam producer, or a gas heater, depending on the type of working substance used. ‘The mechanical section converts thermal energy from the working substance Into mechanical work for turning the propellers. This section includes’ the turbines with their condensers, mechanisms, systems and installations, the reduction gear or the electrical transmission system, the line shafting, and the propeller. The mechanical ‘Installation is called a stean- or gas-turbine one, depending on the type of working substance used. ae ee eee ree feed the auxiliary machinery, the control instruments, the electronic de- vices, Lighting, etc. Most American atomic-powered submarines have, as part of the ABU, standby propulsion means so the submarine can maintain way in case of emergency, or if the reactor, or the main machinery, is shut down. Finally, one of the most important parts of any atomic installation is the. shielding to protect the personnel against injury, as well as the instruments and installations to protect the submarine against the radioactive radiation which occurs when the nuclear reactor is running. -2h3- p.251 Submarine propulsion installations are designed for operation under operating ¢onditions much more severe that those experienced in atomic electric Jtations. In addition to maximum offectiveness, submarine install— | ations mubt have the endurance and the ability to function under the various é operating regimes encountered by submarines, under normal, and battle, condit~ ions. The S-5W for example, } will continue to function at a constant list of 153 trim up to 30°, a roll amplitude of 60° and a period of 8 seconds, and a pitch with a period of from 4 to 60 seconds. The increasing endurance of sub- 4 marines, and the sharp increase in operating range, have brought with them . the neod to increase the reliability of the propulsion equipment. This is why the strength of the main units in the installation has been increased, and why the principles of redundancy and splitting the pover of main and auxiliary é machinery are widely used. 2 Ridskrift i Sjovasendet L X,1961. ‘The requirements imposed on the maneuverability of submarine main prop ulsion installations are high. The time required to start up the AEU from the ) f cold condition is 2 to & Hours in modern submarines. It takes 1.5 hours to | start up the reactor, while the turbines and turbo-generators can be warmed up in half an hour before the ship goes to sea. 2 A great deal of attention is also being given to such elements of installation maneuversbility as reactor shut-down cooling time and change in turbine operating regimes, etc. | Controllable pitch propellers are suggested for use.on submarines in order to i increase the maneuverebility of turbine installations. An attempt to do so was made in England in 1953. ‘ 2, Nucleonics, Vol. 19, No. 9, 1961. e | Weight and size characteristics are very important for submarine ABU. 4 But American specialists are of the opinion that weight and size must not be reduced because thé operational reliability of the equipment in the propulsion installation will deteriorate. Reactor installation. ‘The principal element in the reactor installation is the nuclear reactor. Reactors found in U, S. Navy submarines in commission and building, as well as in similar British submarines, are heterogeneous types operating on thermal neutrons, vhich use enriched uraniun as their fuel and distillate from natural 4 | =2hh- water with a high degree of purity as the moderator and coolant (these are very eae water-moderated water-cooled reactors in the scientific and technical literature). ‘The fuel elements (TVEL) in submarine reactors are metal slabs of a uranium-zirconium alloy. 1 The IVBL is coated with an alloy, Zircoly-2, which, in addition to the zirconium, contains as much os 1.4% tin and 0.18% other admixtures (chromium, nickel, iron, carbon), to prevent corresion pro- ducts from entering the coolant. ‘The TVEL for the reactors in the S-36 and S-hG propulsion installations are made of thin sheets of metallic urenium rolled into spiral tubes, Shaping the elements in this form increases the surface for removing heat from the core, according to the American specialists. 1. ‘The Journal of Commerce and Shipping Telegraph, No. 41843, 1962+ 2. Hansa, Vol. 96, No. 8/9, 1959 Rod-type IVEL, which are metal cylinders containing pellets of a ceramic nuclear fuel (Usually UO,), are envisaged for the submarine tankers in design. ‘These TVEL have a high melting point and good resistance to corrosion. However, the greater fragility of the ceramic fuel results in a considerable reduction in the explosion resistance of the propulsion installation. This is why simi- lar TVEL have not yet been used in combatant types of submarines in the capital- ist states. Enriched nuclear fuel is used in order to obtain compact, but adequately powerful, atomic reactors for submarines. The first core for the type 5-247 Installation was made of uranium 18 to 20% enriched with U9, Enrichment was later increased to 40% and more. Enrichment in the S-16 and S-26 tyes is 90%. Slightly enriched (2 to 5%) fuel is proposed for use in submarine tanker in- stallations. The weight of the fuel carried by the submarine tanker can reach fa figure of several tons (the weight of the fuel for the AEU carried by the Japanese submarine tanker would be 7.3 tons, for example). ‘The uranium supply vill meke it possible for the submarine to cover great distances without recharging the core. The cores in the S-5W are designed to provide for steaning over 100,000 miles fully submerged, equal to 3500 to 4000 underway hours. The cores of the S-5W-2 provide for even greater range {about 140,000 miles). The TVEL in these cores have elongated fuel sections. At speeds 50 to 60% of full speod the range can be increased 2.5 to 3 times, while underway time increases to 20,000 hours. Average fuel burn-up in the =2h5- reactor in, the S-5W > is 10,000 megawatts/day/ton. Nuclenics, Vol. 19; No. 9, 1961, ‘The cores of the S-2W are made in a monobloc construc ny a design which makes refueling the reactor very much more difficult (the first re- fueling of Nautilus took several months). The individual replacement: of fuel element clusters by removing the reactor cover became possible with the S-3¥, In the S-4G the fuel elements are consolidated in a cassette which can be replaced without removing the cover. Special openings which are filled with removable plugs have been made for this purpose in the cov- er. According to press reports ® this design reduces refueling time to 3 to 4, weeks and provides for replacement of the core without the use of heavy- 1ift equipment. 2. Hansa, Vol. 96, No..8/9; 1959+ ‘Aconmon design feature of US and British submarine reactors isthe vertical positioning of the cores and the rod system for control’ and prot ection. The reactor housings are low-alloy carbon steel and are internally clad with stainless steel (30% in the United States). The equipment and piping in contact with the first loop coolant too is made of stainless steel. British specialists rejected internal cladding of the reactor housing in their AEU design for Valiant, because of the highly complicated procedure involved in applying the coating. The reactor, and the first loop, are made of low-alloy steel containing 1% Cr and 0.5% Mo. Upon reacting with water this steel forms a sturdy magnetite film on the surface. The corroséon rate. is no more than 5 to 10 mg/am” per month, > according to test resulta. Nuclear Engineer, Vol. 7, No. 72, 1962. Reactor covers are secured to the housings with standard flanges and securing bolts in a manner. similar to that used in the Valiant reactor de- sign, for example (fig. 100).. A double gasket made of packing material, or @ toroidal packing, inside which elevated pressure is maintained by a.spec~ ial system, is used with the cover. installation, A feature of the S-5W is ‘the use of a special connecting ring rather than the flanged connection for cover and housing.* 4, Nucleonics, Vol. 17, No. 9, 1959. & w2n6. ie 54 Figure 100, The reactor for the atomic-powered submarine Valiant, 1 - housings 2 - thermal shield; 3 = core envelepe; 4 ~ outlet connection; 5 - toroidal seal; ,6 - rods in the reactor control and protection system (SUZ); 7 - clamping flanges 8 - outlet connection. The core casing is a cylin‘ar located inside the reactor housing and contains the TVEL [fuel elomonts] and controls the movenent of the control rods. The top and bottoh of tho casing are closed in by base plates which simultencously support the casing within the housing. The control and protection system (SUZ) is designed to automatically regulate the power produced by the reactor in accordance with the steam consumption, as well as to shut the reactor down in'case of emergency. The SUZ rods (control, shim, and safety) are made of materials well able to absorb neutrons, such as boron steel, cadmium, or hafnium (the latter was used for the SUZ rods in Valiant). The SUZ control rods have an electromechanical rack drive providing for their insertion into, the core at comparatively low speeds. In case of ~2h7- P-255 energency tripping the rods are "killed" by a hydreulic, or other fast-acting drive, as a'result of which the nuclear reaction can be discontinued instan- tancously./ Valiant also has a system for the forced addition of salt, a neutron absorber, to the first loop coolant in order to stop the reactor in case the SUZ rods cannot be inserted in the core because of damage. * 1. North East Coast Institute Transactions, V, 1962. Fission products accumulate in the core during reactor operation. Cer- tain of them, particularly xenon-135, are more intensive captors of the neutrons than is the nuclear fuel and they act as harmful absorbers in the system, de~ stroying the neutron balance in the reactor. This phenomenon is called "pois- oning" the reactor. Shim rods, which move out of the core as the fission pro~ ducts accumulate, are installed in the reactor core in an effort to cope with poisoning. A certain equilibrium concentration of poisons is established in the reactor with the passage of time. When the reactor is shut down the neutron flow dies out and the xenon accumilation increases considerably at first, Poisoning can make the next start of the reactor impossible for sev- eral hours. 2, Since the increase in the xenon=135 concentration occurs as a result of the decay of iodine-135, which begins to accumulate the instant the reactor stops, this poisoning phenomenon is often called the "iodine pit." American specialists are of the opinion that if submarine reactors are not to be poisoned by xenon, it is necessary to: operate at power settings close to the maximum, since this will result in but slight xenon accumulations during the transition processes; hold reactor power at a level within 1% of full for several days after the ship has tied up, since this will lend itself to xenon burn-upy put an excessive anount of fuel in the reactor in order to more succoss~ fully overcome the consequences of poisoning. 3. W. Crouch. Nucléar Shipboard Propulsion Installations. Gosatomizdat. 1961. Translated from the English. ‘The stean-generating installations in the ABU for modern submarines are made on a double-loop arrangement. Each loop for the first loop coolant con sists of the steam generator, several circulator pumps, the piping, and the 248 fittings. The thermal diagram for the AEU in Valiant envisages an additional i loop for emergency reactor shut-down cooling with natural circulation of the coolant through the overboard cooler (fig. 101). Pigure 101. Schematic of the steam generating installation in Valiant. 1 - pressure hull; 2 - heat exchanger for emerg- ency reactor shut-down cooling; 3 - pressurizer; 4 - first Joop main circulator pumps; 5 - regenerative heat exchanger in the system for purifying first loop water; 6 - cooler; 7 - fon-exchange filter; 8 - steam generator; 9 - reactor; 10 ~ steam; 11- feed water; 12 - second loop of the first loop. tn, “i || 100) 1 | a \ kg/em’ | 05 BT IS tn tes HTS i Bee i Figure 102. Curve showing the dependence of temperature of i beatrning of water boiling, #, on presture in the reactor | . housing, P. 29 — A special pressurization system maintains high pressure in the loop, retaining the liquid, agoresate, condition of the water (fig. 102). The basic elonent in the system is the steam pressurizer shown in Figure 103. (p.256 He ® ° Figure 103. Pressurizer.1-flexible connection; 2 - electric heaters a 5 - water feed line to spray nozzle; 4 ~ connection for safety valves 5 - packing diaphragn; 6 ~ support ring; 7 - water spray nozzle; 8 ~ fitting for installation for level determination; 9 - protective water screen; 10 - support baffle; 11 - terminal block; 12 ~ fittings for connecting level indicator. * as | | : | | ° | e re Figure 104. Thiee-pass diagran of flow of coolant in the reactor housing. 7 -250~ » © Increased pressure in the first loop increases the secondary steam para~ meters, and thus the installation efficiency. However, this adds weight té the AEU and makes ensuring the air-tightness of the first loop more difficult. The threespass arrgngcnent for the flow of water (fig. 104) in the S-5W installation is an innovation as compared with the old single-pass systems. The principal advantage of the new arrangement is that the amount of water pumped through the core is reduced because of the improvement in the heat transfer from the fuel to the coolant, bringing with it a reduction in the sizo of the circulator pumps needed. Foreign specialists feel that the complex- ity of the interior design of the reactor, as well as the increase in the act~ ivity of the water in the first loop resulting frem the water being in the core longer, are drawbacks of the threo-pass arrangement. This latter circumstence requires more careful purification of the water to remove corrosion products and radioactive materials, and this involves the installation of a special water treatment system into which 0.05 to 0.2% of the consumption of first loop coolant is diverted’) the first loop water treatment system, Instead, the water will be treated in denineralizers consisting of several ion-exchange filters. The resins in the jon-exchangors chemically purify the water, removing dissolved impurities and corrosion products. The;radioactive particles which are not dissolved in the water are caught by porous mechanical filters. Water circulation in the water treatment system comes about as a result of the difference in pressures be- tween the first loop and this system, while the coolant parameters can be reduced as the coolant passes through the series of coolers and throttle valves. According to Us S« davy Burgau of Ships specifications, the salinity of the water in the first afd second loops of shipboard atomic propulsion in- Stallations must not exceed 0,1 mg/liter, while the hydrogen index must be within a range of pil = 6 to 8, Water salinity can increase to 2.3 mg/liter * at the inlet to the ion-exchange filters. Renae Navy Civil Engineer, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1963. Sa i cn nO ‘Submarine steam generators are vertical heat exchangers with natural water circulation in the second loop. The use of natural circulation has in- creased the reliability of the equipment as compared with single-pass ~251- steam generators, or generators with forced circulation of the secondary coolant. Dpsign-wise, the steam generators are in the form of two-pass heat exchargers with tube sheets, The U-shaped tubes for the circulating water in the first loop are rolled and velded to the sheets. The steam generators in the S-2N installation are single-pass with sinusoidal bends in the tubes to compensate for temperature expansion. Valiant's steam gen- erators have double tube sheets, and the U-shaped tubes are welded on the inner side. } A general view of this equipment, as well as a schematic of how the tubes are welded, is contained in Figure 105. 1. The Journal of Commerce and Shipping Telegraph, No. 41843, 1962. The steam collectors and separators, which are single-stage (cyclone I type in American submarines) or two-stage (the first stage cyclone, the second of the herringbone type, in Valiant), are located in the upper part of the stean generators, The separators maintain the moisture.of the live, saturated steam at no more than 0.25%. > Nucleonics, Vol. 17, No. 9, 1959 + 258 W 4 78 Figure 105. Valiant's steam generator and the schematic for welding the tubes. a - steam generator: 1 - feed water inlet; 2 - live steam outlet; 3 - to safety valve; 4 - herringbone scparator baffles; 5 - separating baffles;6-cyclone separator; 7 - condensate collector; 8 - feed collector; 9 - outlet chamber} 10 - tube nest; 11 - port in steam generator housing; 12 = thermocouple; 13 - port to water collector; 14 ~ primary coolant col~ ro lector; 15 - fittings for coolant inlet and outlet; 16 - steam generator housing; 17 ~ ‘low rate measuring device; b - schematic for welding, the -252- tubes and section of a welded head: 1 ~ preparing for welding; 2 - completed weld; 3 ~ flexible drive from controller; 4 ~ electrode; 5 - inert gas feed; 6 - electric power supply; 7 - cooling water supply; 8 - cooling water discharge. Two or three main circulator pumps, and one standby, are installed for each autonomous loop in the first loop, In the S-5W installations the standby pump can be cut in on either of the two coolant loops as needed. ABU circulator pumps for submarines (fig. 106) have AC drive motors. A distinguishing characteristic of the pumps is the airtight seal for the rotor of ‘the electric motor, thus precluding the possibility of water leak- ing through the shaft gland. In the first of the atomic-powered submarines the speed of the drive motors was changed by reducing the AC frequency from 60 to 30 cycles (with turbogenerators) or 17 cycles (with motor-generators). The electric motors for the pumps in the S-5W installation have two windings. The winding for high speed is connected to the turbogenerator busbars, while that for low speed is connected to the busbars of the submarine's reversible converters (see the section on "Electrical Equipment"). Auxiliary systems are used to cool individual units in the first loop ‘and the shield. In one of these systems (internal) circulation is of dis~ tillate which gives up its heat to the sea water in the coolers in the ex- ternal cooling system. ‘The arrangement of subsequent loops is designed to prevent salting up the coolant in the first loop, or the carrying out of radioactivity, All radioactive equipment in the reactor installation is installed in an uninhabited section of the reactor room and encased in the shields pro- vided. Also located here are the control and measuring devices and the remote controlled valves (hydraulic and electromagnetic) used to monitor and control the installation. There are no more than 24 such valves in Valiant's installation. Reactors other than water-moderated, water-cooled are used in submarines. Seawolf, for example, initially used an installation in which the reactor was cooled by Liquid sodium, The design work on this AEU assumed that the high heat-transfer coefficient of the metal would make it possible to obtain work- ing steam with higher parameters. In theory, the steam parameters can be =253- Figure 106. Main firculator pump in the first loop in Valiant. 1 - pump impeller; 2 ~ heat shield; 3 - thrust bearing; 4 - stator Winding; 5 - cdoling water outlet; 6 - stator; 7 - rotor; 8 - stat- @ cooling tubes; 9 - water-protective envelope; 10 - electiic power ‘supply; 11 - cooling water inlet; 12 - cooling pump; 13”t-connection box; 14-17 = toroidal seal; 15 - water blowdown; 16 - supporting Bearings; 18 ~ thrust bearings. raised to 46ke/en” and 455°C, while the pressure in the first loop is not in excess of 5 to 7 kg/en®, 1 There are a number of practical difficulties in- volved in the use of sodium as a first loop coolant. The great’ chemical activeness of the alkali,metals causes intensive corrosion, as well as a considerable temperature drop’ in the reactor (reaching 250°C) which increases the stress in the material. 1, Ws Crouch. Nuclear Shipboard Propulsion Installations. Gosatomizdat. 1961.. Translated from the English. A two-loop design was used in the S-26 installation, with the steam’ generators having double-walled tubes with a liquid metal circulating in= side, and the second’ loop water circulating outside. The space between the -254- 261 walls vas filled with a potassiun-sodium alloy which transferred the heat from the primary coolant to the working substance. The steam superheaters for the reactor installation were of similar design. Electromagnetic type pumps were used as circulator pumps in the first loop. Their capacity can be regulated by changing the voltage. i ul) ju u \ A]? pr]? pa fs | roe a engl iar fe us singiont > yf fsese| abe agen i - «sore ry | Figure 107. Schematic arrangement of an atomic~powered gas turbine installation rated at 22,000 shaft hp. 1 - LP turbine; 2 HP turbine; 3 - HP compressor; 4 - LP compressor; 5 - intermediate cooler; 6 - regenerator; 7 - cooler used prior to cutting in main plant; 8 - reactor. i Boiling reactors’ are envisaged for the propulsion installations in the British submarine cargo carrier design, and the Swedish submarine tanker de- sign. Reactors such as these considerably simplify the AEU thermal system, but the increased radioactivity of the live steam makes it necessary to pro- tect the ship's turbine installation, as well as the reactor. Moreover, the reduction in the water density during the steam formation process re~ duces the water's effectiveness as a moderator, leading to increased weight and size of the atomic reactor. Reactors with an organic coolant-moderator (terphenyl, for example), are very similar in their principal schematic to-water-moderated water cooled reactors, but the dimensions of ‘their cores are smaller, and the pressure in the first loop is lover, Absence of fuel element corrosion, and the low level of activation of the coolant in the neutron flux, are the chief ~255- p.262 ddvantagos of these reactors. American specialists include the high cost of the. oroprie Liquid, its decomposition, and polymerization during irrad= | Sation and/heating, among the disadvantages. ‘The gas~cooled reactor is one of the types with the greatest future prospects. According to foreign specialists atomic-powered gas turbine installations using a single-loop arrangement (fig. 107) should be 20 to * 25% lighter than ABU with water-moderated water-cooled types of reactors. ‘The gas parameters (as high as 50 to 75 kg/em™ and 700 to 800°C) provide : greater efficiency for the thermal cycle of the propulsion installations. It is possible that, after careful development, a single-loop ABU with high- temperature reactors end gas turbines will be successfully used in aubaarine shipbuilding. Biological shielding. ~ Muclear reactor operation results in intensive radioactive radiation, \ 2 and the greatest danger to submarine personnel, as well as to the various instrumente and equipments, is noutron and gamma radiation. The basic re— quirements, effectiveness, lightness, compactness, must be taken into con~ sideration in the resolution of problems concerned with biological shielding - for submarines. ® The shielding for land-based atomic installations and for cargo ships is usually quite heavy. The total weight of the shielding in Savannah, for example, is in excess of 2,100 tons. American designers used the so-called "shaded" method of locating the 9 shielding in order to reduce the weight of submarine installations. ‘The protection for the reactor roon is thus divided into complete and partial. ‘The complete shielding separates the reactor room from the living spaces and the control stations in the submarine, The first of the atomic-powered submarines, which had living spaces forward and aft, had complete shielding installed on both transverse bulkheads of the reactor room. ‘The weight of this shielding was 30 to 35% that of the entire propulsion installation. In submarines of later build only the forward bulkhead of the reactor room has a complete shield. The after bulkhead and the deck have a partial shield because personnel are only in compartments adjacent to the reactor room for limited periods of time (up to 8 hours The partial shield is usually half the thickness of the complete one. 1. B, Price et al. Protection Against Nuclear Irradiation. IL, 1959. Trans~ lated from the inglish. 256 ~ ‘The sides of the reactor room are covered with a comparatively thin layer of shielding material, so it is possible to inspect the submarine! specified ‘that the radiation penetrating beyond this layer when the propulsion install- hull in drydock when the reactor is shut down. Moreover, it is ation is in operation,and the radiation reflected from the sea water, will not be dangerous for the inhabited spaces in the ship, and will not in the slightest reveal the presence of the submarine. In the Skate-class, with S-4W installations, the horizontal protective deck in the reactor room has been replaced by a cylindrical passageway through the space. However, according to reports contained in the foreign press, this type of shielding has not resulted in any reduction in the weight and size characteristics of propulsion installations. 1. Nucleonics, Vol. 17, No. 9, 1959+ Bilogical shielding can be divided into primary and secondary, * in ac~ cordance with the location of the source of the radiation. The primary shield~ ing, whieh directly surrounds the reactor core, must so weaken the flow of fast neutrons that there will be no great activation of the coolant in the second loop, and reduce to a minimum the ganma radiation which accompanies the capture of neutrons in the secondary shielding. Moreover, the primary shielding should reduce the residual radiation to a safe level, thus making it possible to enter the reactor room some time after the reactor has been shut down. According to information pilished on the subject, the primary shielding for submarine reactors is in the form of water tanks surrounding the core. The top and sides of the tank are clad with sheet lead. In Nautilus, for example, the diameter of the tank used for primary shielding is 4.5 meters, while the core diameter is 2.7 meters. 2. T. Rockwell. "Specifications for Reactor Shielding," in the book "Shield~ ing for Transport Installations with Nuclear Engines," IL, 1961. Translated from the English. ‘The secondary shielding surrounding the active equipment in the reactor installation reduces the flow of neutron and gamma radiation to safe levels and prevents radioactive contamination of the air in living and working spaces. The outfitting of reactor installations makes use of the principles of self- shielding; less active equipment covers the more active (the reactor, the _ -257- ion-exchange filters) in the direction of the inhabited spaces. * 1. B.-Price et al. "Recommendations for computing the shielding for atomic propulsion installations," in the book Shielding for Transport Installations a With Nuclear Engines, IZ, 1961. Translated from theEnglish. (=X AT TTT BL SC Wt th te wets Figure 108. Schema{}ic diagram of a metal-hydrogen shield (ain —t ensions in mm). I} core; II - water; III - steely IV ~ leads V - first loop equipment. heavy and ight elewonte, Metalchydropen shielding 18 uetalty used, since ia pocitec for Ident weight wd volume per unit exsa, ® A typleal aches atic of a metal-hydrogen shield is shown in Figure 108. Steel and lead are the couponents used to shie}d against gamma radiation. Lead plates, ° tmumafactured ty the Anerican firm Federated Metals Division, are anod fn State, Triton, SkipJack, and other of the atonic-povored submarines. This cist uses e eqeoiel carting technique vhich results in s’high guatity.2etal, one free of bubbles and porosity. Despite its great density, lead used in the metal-hydrogen ‘shield in atomic-powered submarines provides for a gain in the battle against weight of at least 20% as compared with steel. 2. B. Price, et al. Metal-ltydrogen Shielding. Ibid- ‘The lead shielding is combined with hydrogenous materials \in order to weaken neutron radiation. Widely used in shielding is water, as - substances with higher hydrogen contents per unit volume, such as polyethylene and polystyrene. Diesel fuel supplies are included in the shielding aboard » American atomic-powered submarines. L -258- Imperial Chemical Industries (USA) has developed a new material, boro- plast sh effectively shields men and equipment against noutron radiation and reduces the captured gamua-ray output, as compared with water or poly- ethylene. 1 Boreplast is a polyurethane plastic, to which polyethylene or nylon granules containing up to 10% boron carbide have beon added. It is produced in sheets, 3 to 25 mm thick, and 915 mm wide, Almost 23 tons of these sheets are used in each atomic-powered submarine. Financial Times, 20/IV, 1962. Boral, 2 a metal and ceramic composition, made of finely dispersed part- icles of boron distributed in aluminum, is used in submarine AEU shielding. The weight relationship is 1:1 for both metals, Boral is produced in 6 mm thick sheets. 2. Kopal'man, Materials for Nuclear Reactors. Gosatomizdat, 1962. Trans- lated from the English. The British firm, Associated Lead Manufacturers, has proposed a combination shielding material called densiten, which is a mechanical mixture of lead pow~ der and polyethylene. Six parts by weight of lead and one part by weight of polyethylene yields densiten with a density of 3.9 grams/cm”. The material is readily fashioned and secures well to metal surfaces. > 3. Financial Times, 13/VII, 1961. Examples of thicknesses of the basic materials for the shielding which provide a ten-fold dtenuatin of radioactive radiation, are listed ir,Table 35. Required in practise is an attenuation on the order of 10° to 107 for neutron, as well as for gama, radiation. ‘The total thickness of the primary and secondary shields can thus be several meters (in Seavolf, for example, the shield is 2.4 meters thick). “ 4. Our Navy, No. 6, 1958. ‘The calculations for the shielding of an AEU are extremely time-consuming What makes them particularly complicated is the possibility of radiation "leakage" as a result of local heterogeneity in the material (the shield can include hull structures, such as frames, bulkhead stringers; the beams in tank frames, etc.). The radiation thermal, and chemical resistances of the -259- | | materials used must also be taken into consideration. The shielding sometimes includes a special layer of thermal insulation, or a cooling system for the shield elements is envisaged. 5. The process involved in making the calculations for the shield is described in the article by B. Price, et al, "Recommendations for Shielding Calculations," published in the book Shielding for Transport Installations With Nuclear Engines, IL, 1961, Translated from the English. ; ! +265 Table 35. Examples of thicknesses of materials for shielding providing @ ten-fold attenuation in radiation Field of use for Material Density Thickness, cm material t/u3- A B c Protection against Polyethylene 0.9 9664 20.3 60.9 fast neutrons Water 96.4 22.8 60.9 Diesel fuel 122.0 228 76.2 1.0 0.8 Protection against Steel 7.8 11.7 a.0* 9.1 gamma radiation Lead 1.3 5.1 20.3* 5-3 2.3 Combination pro Concrete : 4h 25.4 30-5, tection Berium con- crete 3.5 23.9 19-1 19.4 A ~ Gamma radiation from the core of an operating reactor (energy 7 mev); B - Fast neutrons; C - Ganma radiation from fission products (energy 2 mev). * with the addition of a layer of water, polyethylene, or fuel 30 to 45 cm thick. Computers are widely used in scientific-research and design organizations in the United States to make the calculations for submarine shielding. Propulsion Plant It is difficult to superheat steam in an AEU with water-moderated water- cooled reactors because of the relatively low temperature of the primary coolant, so the steam-turbine plants in submarines run on saturated steam at 200 to 250°C and at pressures from 12 to 25 kg/m”. An increase in steam parameters is planned for the future, but the increase will be slight because an increase in the pressure of the live steam to more than 30 to 35 kg/cm? . will worsen the weight characteristics of installations of this type. a ‘AEU as with liquid metal reactors have higher steam parameters. The steam-turbine ~260- 56 plant in Seavolf is supposed to use superheated steam at 410 to 420°C at a pressure of more than 40 kg/em". 1, Transactions SNAME, Vol. 65, 1957. Figure 109. The main turbine in Dreadnought. ‘The main turbines for the first atomic-povered submarines had two casings, consisting of an HP turbine and an LP turbine. ‘The astern turbine was located in the LP turbine casing. The low initial stean paraneters made it imperative to dry the steam as it expanded in the turbine, so a steam separator wat installed between the HP and LP turbines, and sone of the main turbine stages were fitted with moisture separators. Single-casing stean turbines (fig. 109) are used in the new atomic= powered submarines. Every submarine has to turbines operating on a single propeller shaft through a two-stage reduction gear in order to Increase plant survivability, as well as in order to reduce the length of the engine room. | Submarine main condensers, since they are cooled by sea water, can withstand @ pressure corresponding to the designed diving depth. They can hold a vacuum equal to 100 to 130 mm mercury column at a sea water temperature of 18°C. 7 Exhaust steam from the main turbines, and from the ships service generators, flows into the main condensers in Nautilus. There are auxiliary condensers as well, and these serve the turbo-generators for the reactor in- stallation, ‘The standby condensers take the stean (by-passing the turbine) in event of a reduction in power required for the geared turbine unit in the -261- steam-turbine installation (fig. 110). In the submarines of later build the steam is dumped into the main condensers directly. 2. Tidskrift i Sjovasendet, X, 1961; Shipbuilder and Marine Engine: Vol. 68, No. 642, 1961." p+267 Figure 110. Schematic diagram of the stean-turbine plant ‘in Nautilus (sterboard side). 1 - separator; 2 ~ condenser for ‘emergency steam dumping; 3 - auxiliary feed pump; 4 - feed water preheater; 5 - overflow; 6 - water-level regulating tank; 7 - level regulator; 8 - main feed pump; 9 - turbo- generator for reactor room busbars; 10 - condensate pump; 11 = lube oil cooler; 12 - air ejector; 13 - main air ejector; 4 ship's service turbogénerator; 15 ~ main turbine; 16 - main condenser; 17 - reduction gear; 18 - disengaging clutch; 19 - electric drive motor; 20 - thrust bearing (sic); 21 - propeller; 22 - to, evaporator plant with a production rate of 15 tons of distillate per day; 23 - lube oil cooler for line shafting; 24 - from evaporator plant; 25 ~ in condensate pump; 26-- main lube of] cooler; 27 - collection tank;,..28 = Tenerve feedwater tank; 29 - distributor-feed pump. A serious drawback in submarine condensers is the low resistance to corrosion possessed by their tube nests. Dual tube sheets were used in the condensers in Valiant in order to overcome this drawback. Most atomic-powered submarines use a two-stage geared reduction to transmit power from the main turbines to the propeller shaft. Submarine reduction gears have quite a high coefficient of contact’ pressure on. the =262- working surfaces of the teeth; for submarine tankers 7 kg/cm” for the gear wheel in the first, and 9 kg/em® for the gear wheel in the second stage of the reduction. Those coefficients are 14 to 19 and 12 to 14 ko/em®, respect- ively, for atomic-powered combatant types of submarines. 1 the increase in the specific loads on the teeth came about as a result of the use of high- hardness materials in manufacturing the gear wheels, as well as from an in- crease in the accuracy and the cleanliness with which the teeth were finish- ed, and from the corresponding corrections made to their profiles. 1, Transactions SNAME, Vol. 62, 1954. Tullibee has electrical transmission of power to the shaft, instead of @ geared reduction. American specidists are of the opinion that this sort of replacement should reduce propulsion plant noise, but the weight and size of the plant will go up quite a bit. As has already been noted, the United States is developing a direct- drive steam turbine for the new atomic-powered submarines. The stator (this designation can only be provisional in this particular casé) and rotor in this turbine rotate in different directions and transmit rotation to coaxial propellers. Tests of coaxial propellers were conducted on Albacore in 1962- 1963. ‘The auxiliaries for the steam-turbine plants in submarines have electric drives, The use of auxiliary steam turbines running on live steam taken from ‘the main geared-turbine unit is proposed for driving the circulator and feed pumps in the American submari ne tankers. Despite a nunber of design features, steam and feed water leaks from the second loop in submarine AEUs are quite numerous. ‘These leaks are taken as equal to 0.25% of the consumption of live steam in the main steam line of a propulsion plant * when designing modern submersibles. Submarines have distilling plants which can produce 30 to 60 tons of distillate e day for use in replenishing feed vater losses. Distillate salinity ? is not in excess of 1 to 2 mg/liter for sea water salinity of 32 to 35 mg/liter. 1, Transactions SNAME, Vol. 67, 1959. 2. Proceedings of American Power Conference, III, 1960. All equipment associated with the steam turbine plants in the Nautilus, Seawolf, Skate, and Halibut classes is located in one space. An additional -263~ Pp 269 XQ 6 Ye compartment for auxiliaries has beeh added between the reactor and engine... roons ‘in ships of later build. Submarines can use closed cycle gas turbines, as well as stean-turbine plants. Rolls-Royce, the British firm, is developing a marine atomic-powered gas turbine plant with a shaft horsepower of 15,000. One design feature has the turbine, compressor, and heat exchanger in a single casing, cylindrical in form, and 2.5 meters in diameter, Access to the gas turbine installation (c1U) under shipboard conditions is precluded. ‘The unit is designed for long, casualty-free operation without opening, and can be replaced with a new one at base in case of need. Compressors and turbines are positioned in the casing with their shafts synmetrical: (fig. 111), while the heat exchangers are arranged in two tiers around the compressors and turbines, ‘The use of compressed air is proposed for the working medium in the GIU. Honpod % opaneacymovesi ‘exaedumens ‘noenaed 4 AF LROG220 § oss as oponexcymorseea D “ronmgpe Figure 111. Grouping of the atomic-powered gas turbine install- ation rated at 15,000 hp by Rolls-Royce. 1 - intermediate cooler; 2 - reverse reduction gear; 3 - port regenerator; 4 ~ preheater; 5 - preliminary coolers; A - water; B - sodium to intermediate cooler; C -.sodium from intermediate cooler; D ~ sodium from intermediate loop. Standby propulsion. Electric propulsion is planned as the standby in atomic-powered submar- ines in the United States and in England. Slow-speed electric drive motors, direct current, are connected to the line shaft for this purpose. They can be supplied with power from the turbo-generators (through converters), from -264- diesel-generators, or from storage batteries. when the electric motor is | in use the main geared-turbine unit is disconnected from the line shaft by a disengaging clutch which, in addition, copes with possible breaks in the line shaft caused by thd shifts taking place in the shock-mounted geared- turbine unit. : The foreign Literature contains no information on the power ratings of the propeller drive motors for atomic-powered submarines, but the installation in the submarines of a single group of storage batteries and a diesel-gener- ator installation rated at from 400 to 600 kw provides the basis for assuming that the electric motor rating is 300 to 500 hp at 220 to 250 volts. This will provide for a speed of 5 or 6. knots, The diesel-generator installed in Skipjack-class provides a range of 2,000 miles, ‘The main suppliers of diesel-generators for the American fleet are General Motors and Fairbanks Morse, ) ¢iems which have developed a series of horizontal and vertiq)! submarine engines featuring small size and low specific weights (1.8 td 5.& kg/hp). Submarine diesel-generators have devices permitting operation at ‘periscope depth, Back pressure at the exhaust can be 0.35 to 0.40 kg/cm”, 1. Curtiss-Wright is supplying a type 12V-142, 900 hp, diesel for generator’ drive aboard the Lafayette-class submarines. Figure 112. Standby electric motor for an atomic-povered submarine Standby propulsion, in the form of two submerged electric motors driving three-bladed propellers“ were installed in George Washington in 1961, as a result of the increased vulnerability of the propeller-rudder complex of single- shaft submarines. The standby electric motors (fig. 112) are located in the -265- p.271 external space (most probably in the vicinity of the auxiliary machinery room) dnd can, in case of need, be extended beyond the limits of the external shell by special, extendable spars similar to the stocks of the rudder-rol1 dampers for surface ships. ‘The spars also provide for rotating the electric motors around the axis of the spar through 360°. Future plans call for fitting ail U. 8. Navy atonic-povered submarines in commission and building with similar installations. 2. Machine Design, Vol. 33, No. 17, 1961. ‘The design of the standby electric drive installations is similar to that of the motors for the active rudders manufactured by Pleuger. (FRG). Characteristics of the submerged-electric motors for the active rudders inelude: Motor rating, hp Wo 150-250, Dimension, mm motor dianpter 47047650 motor length . 1170 1270 1420 length ‘of housing 2090 2210 2515, propeller diameter 700. 800 950 REM : 950-950 720 Motor efficiency, % 86 87 87 Power factor : 0.83 0.85 0.83 Installation weight, kg” 850. 1000-2000. Propeller thrust, moored, kg 1500 2100 3400. Propeller pitch in ihe 150 hp installation is 490 mm, the blade area ratio 0.58. Submerged electric motors for sutmarines have increased resistance to explosions ‘and the capacity to run at great depths. The United States, according |to press reports, > is producing submersible, AC, electric motors which will be able to run at pressures up to 140 ko/en”. 3. Marine Engineering/Log, No. 3, 1962. + Standby propuision of the future will have compact atomic-powered propulsion installations. American specialists have proposed a project for a motor similar to the above with a gas reactor with a thermal power rating of 6 mv. The distinguishing characteristic of the instalation. is -266- 72 is the small size of the reactor core (diameter 28 cm, length 25 cm). ‘AlL ABU equipment has been installed in a separate gondola. Shaft horsepower is 1600 hp, specific weight 2 kg/hp. % Blectrical Equipment Primary current aboard atomic-powered submarines in the U, S. Navy is 60 cycles AC. Voltage at the generator terminals is 450 volts. Once the Single engine (ABU) was built, the submarines began to use AC, which made it possible to reduce the size and weight of the electrical equipment, and to increase its reliability. Steam-turbine driven 3-phase synchronous generators are the sources of AC in submarines. The rating of submarine generators can change from 650 to 2250 KW in one unit. Most submarines have horizontal, self-contained, turbo-generators. Generators in the atomic-powered missile submarines are rated at 2250 KW at 360q)rpm and a power factor of 0.8. Thresher-class has vertical generators, so|a more rational arrangement of equipment in the AEU compartments is possible. A 220 volt DC systém is retained in the atomic-powered submarines to supply the electric drives of installations requiring regulation over a wide speed range, as well as by way of having a standby power source for electric drive and providing electric power for AEU machinery for starting and cooling down the reactor. ‘The DC sources are storage battery and a diesel-generator, ‘The battery in U, S. Navy gtomic-powered submarines consists of 126 cells. Cell dimensions were 356, x 457 x 1170 mm, weight 450 kg, in the first such submarines. ‘The batteries are the acid-type, connected in series, Rated voltage for a battery is) 250 volts. Voltage drops to 175 volts when discharge iset a high current rate. The capacity of the Type MAY-51A storage battery installed in Triton } is 5,500 ampere-hours. ‘The Bell Telephone Company, in conjunction with the U. S. Navy's Bureau of Ships, has developed a lead calcium battery for the new atomic-powered submarines which does not Liberate harmful gases when used. Capacity can go as high as 7,000 anpere-hours. Since storage batteries in atomic submarines are comparatively seldom charged, American designers have done away with the cooling water system used in the diesel-electric submarines. This simplified the design of the batteries and resulted in a considerable saving of funds for building the submarines. T. Funicno Kagaku, Vol. 14, No. 8, 1901. ~267- .273 A battery of 112 cells has been installed in Dreadnought. ‘The jars are glass plastic instead of ebonite, ‘The capacity of the Dreadnought's acid batteries has been increased to 6,560 ampere-hours at the 5-hour discharge rate (as opposed to 4,750 anpere-hours for the diesel-electric submarines built in the postwar years). The new batteries can take up to 300 charge- Aischarge cycles. The use of silver-2ine cells can result in increasing battery capacity while reducing their weight and size, according to foreign specialists. + Batteries such as these have been installed in the Anerican diesel-electric sulmarines Barracuda and Albacore. ‘That in Albacore consists of 440 cells with a total weight of 200 tons. Battery omicity is 20,000 to 25,000 ampere hours. The installation of silver~zine batteries 5 also planned for the deep submergence research submarine Aluminaut, which will carry 77 cells, the capacity of which willbe 32,500 ampere-hours, ” The chief drawback of silver-zine cells is the high cost, approximately 10 times more -than that of conventional lead stqrage batteries. 7 1. Machine Design, Vol: 35, No. 9, 1963. 2, Ordnance, No, 249, 1961. 3. Our Navy, Vol. 55, No. 2, 1960. Comparative characteristics of acid and silver-zine storage batteries include: \ \ Battery ; Acid Silver-ziné Voltage, volts , 15-21 1.0 - 1.8 Specific energy: kkw/hour/ton 33 - be 7 - 130 kew/nour/n? ‘ 90 - 120 200 ~ 270 4. Design News, Vol. 17, No. 23, 1962; "Naval Engineers Journal, Vol. 7h, Now 4, 1962. Diesel-generator installations are used in all American atomic-powered submarines, in all probability. Initially there was a reduction in the power ratings of their diesel-generators from 600 kw for Nautilus to 500 kw for Skate-class, and to 400 kw for Triton-class, Skipjack-class, and George Washington-class, but later on the ratings of the diesel-generators were 3 # 27h increased to 600 kw in Lafayette-class. Converters, rated at 150 te 300 lv, are used to convert AC into DC (for charging storage batteries from the turbo-generators, for example), or from DC into AC (to Pun machinery in the reactor cooling system off the batteries). The converters consist of DC motors and synchronous generators. the generators can also be run az synchronous motors. When this is the case the motors become generators and supply power to the DC busbars. Atomic-povered submarines also have high (400 cycles, 120 volts) and low (15 cycles, 450 volts) frequency nets in addition to their AC and DC nets, as well as a low-voltage DC (28 volts) net. These nets supply the radio, radar, sonar, and other electronic equipment on board, as well as the circulator pumps in.the first loop of the AEU at low speeds (current at a frequency of 15 cycles). High-frequency AC is obtained from 3-phase converters (notor-gerierators) rated at 25 kra in torpedo submarines, ant ko kva in the missile sUmarines. Skipjack end George Washington classes have three such units ifstalled. The requirements imposed on the electric power systems in missil6 sutmarines have been stiffened; voltage and frequency fluctuations may not exceed 0.5% of rated values. Noiseless senicondyctor instruments are used to rectify srid convert electrical current in the systems aboard atonic-povered submarines. A compact silicon rectifier, rated at 48 tw (64 volts, 750 amps) is used in the oxygen generator, for exemple. A similar rectifier supplies the independent excitation windings for the turbo-generators. Semiconductor instruments rated at 60 kw (75 Kya) which convert DC fron the battery to AC at 400 cycles and 355 volts, are developed for Thresher and Lafayette classes. Voltage and frequency oscillations mist not exceed 1%. Atomic-povered submarines have # great many consumers of electric power, Tho major eofawers Anclude the machinery So the propulsion instalt- ation, its systens and devices } (150 kr and more), the lube of1 pumps (30 tor), and others. In Skate and Thresher classes the sonar requires 14.8 ‘and 54.2 kv, respectively, the radar 1.76 and 3.8 kw, communications equip~ ment 5.9 and 19.3 kw, computers, 2.3 and 5.85 kw, navigation gear and control equipment 1.14 and 2.85 kw. Equipment used for living purposes in atomte- powered submarines draws 30 kw for galley equipment, 10 kw for the electric heaters in the air heaters, 10 kw for the laundry driers, etc. I. Here, and henceforth, the required electric power for one machine will be indicated. 7 =269- 26275 Some idea of the extent to which atomic-powered submarines are saturated with electrical equipment can be obtained from the following figures. Nautilus has almost 73 Im of electric cables. Seawolf has 63 electric motors rated at better than 1 hp, and tleir weight is 12.2 tons, Relatively low motor weights ~ are achieved by the use of organo-silicone insulation (the same motors using conventional insulation would weigh almost 17 tons), The missile carriers have even more powerful electrical equipment. George Washington-class has in ex- cess of 130 km of electric cabling, and 118 electric motors. ' Al consumers of electric power in atomic-powered submarines can be divided into two groups, according to importance. One group is automatically disconnected in event of emergency shut-down of the reactor, while the other (vitally important consumers, such as the electric motors running pumps in the reactor shut-down cooling system, the hydraulic systems, and the like) continue to function, using power from storage batteries, or from the diesel- generator installation, ‘The lighting systen ‘in atomic-powered submarines is fed from 3-phase, 450/120 volt transformers. The 120 volts is used for incandescent lamps: with thicker filaments which have greater mechanical strength. This voltage is less dangerous to personnel aboard ship in event of damage to the electrical network, Submarines use incandescent and fluorescent lamps rated at 20 watts for general lighting, and 8 watts for local lighting of desks, bunks, etc, The Lighting circuits in each compartment are fed from two feeders, each in- dependent of the other. : Automatic breakers, types ACB (large, air); AQB (small, air), and ALB (low voltage), are installed in order to protect the elements inthe elec- trical network against oyerloads and short-circuits. The electrical pier mystand in étanfe-powered: bubmariines’ sits “controlled from a main distribution! switchboard located in the AEU control station com- partment. Design-wise, the switchboard is made in the form of two vertical rack-type cabinets, each 600 x 500 x 1900 mm. The frames of the racks are made of aluminum alloys, Group distribution panels are installed in the submarines in addition to the main distribution switchboard. The distribution panel for the electric motors for the circulator pumps in the first loop are located in the. upper part of the reactor room, for example. The panels measure 360 x 530 x 1960 mm. =270- Figure 113. Principal schematic diagrams of generation and feeding of current in Nautilus (a) and Skate (b). 1 - turbo- generator; 2 - didlei-generator; 3 ~ storage battery; 4 reversible converter; 5 - DC electric motor starter; 6 - AC busbar for consumers in group designated as of first im portance; 7 = same, for secondary importance groups. 8 - De busbar; 9 AC‘from shore powers 10 - DC from shore powers 11 - circuit breaker; 12,- battery bresker; 13 ~ from busbar for primary consumers in reactor room; 14 - first loop circu- lator punp electric motors} 15 - busbar for circulator pump electric motors; 16 - bustar for secondary consumers; 17 - busbar for primary ‘consumer's in reactor room; 18 - same, engine rooms 19 = electric propulsion busbar. ; ! ‘The principle schenbtic diagram of generation and feeding of current aboard Nautilus and Skate-class is shown in Figure 113. Nautilus hes spec- ial turbo-generators for supplying the electric motors for the circulator pumps in the first loop of the AEU. ‘The turbo-generators in Skate-class are not distinguished as to purpose. Nor are there any special busbars for the engine and reactor rooms in these submarines. All of which serves to reduce considerable the weight of the electrical equipment. Similar electrical systems are used in most American atonic-povered submarines. ceqi- p.277 American designers are of the opinion: that by increasing the AC frequency they will be able to reduce the weight and size of the electrical equipsiont And increase ite reliability. Under particular consideration is shifting lighting to 400 cycle AC. The possibilities of widespread use of seniconductor instruments for the production and conversion of electrical energy are under study. Moreover, the problem of using light, synthetic materials to manufacture insulation and fittings for submarine electrical equipment is being solved. Research Work, In addition to the scientific-research and experimental-design work in the field of further improvements?in existing types of AEU, the capital- ist countries, primarily the United States, are engaged in seeking new ways in which to convert atomic or chemical energy contained in "fuel! into. mechanical energy for submarine propulsion. One of the most’ important tasks is considered to be the creation of a small-size AEU, suitable for installation in small displacement submarines. ‘The development of an engine such as this is part of the SNAP program in the United States. American specialists are suggesting that test stand trials of an AEU known as SNAP-4 will begin in 1965. This installation is:designed for cosmic ships, for self-contained hydroacoustic buoys to be set out in the ocean, and, probably, for ASW submarines. The electric power from the SNAP-4 installation will be 1,000 kw, and the specific weight of the shipboard ver- sion of the AEU will be 18 kg/hp. The installation will include-a boiling reactor and a turbo-generator. The whole installation should fit inéa space sumed that. 4.9 to 5.0 meters long, and about 2.2 meters in diameter. It is the specific weight of the SNAP! installation will be reduced to from 3: to 7 kg/hp in the future. ‘The U. S. Navy is considering a proposal made by General Atomics, which expressed its readiness to begin development of an atomic engine for a’ bathy~ seaphe. ‘The firm's specialists are of the opinion that the electrical pover developed by an installation such as this would be between 25 and 50 kw,, and that its dimensions would be such that it could be installed in bathyscaphes, or in midget submarines. Electric drive motors obtaining their energy sources from fuel elements -272- aii p-278 thermionic converters, or thermoelectric generators. The use of thermionic converters in propulsion installations for. sub- | marines would make it possible to do away with such huge units as the tur- bines, turbo-gencratorg, condensers, ete., as well as to increase the in- stallation's operational reliability, the result of the elimination of mov- ! ing parts. Thermionic converters will make it possible to build practically noiseless machinery (given the condition that removal of heat in the reactor will be the result of natural circulation of the coolant). Because it is most important to obtain high power per unit volume and weight of install~ {i ation in submarine shipbuilding, thermionic converters are a desirable ap- plication, even though their efficiency is low (14 to 15%). A thermoelectric generator, remote from the reactor, or a stean turbo-generator, can be combin- ed with thermionic elements in order to increase reactor effectiveness. And use of the former will still retain the noistess machinery feature, while use of the latter will provide for greater propulsion installation efficiency. * { 1 Nuclear Science and |éngineering, Vol. 10, No. 2, 1961. ‘As distinguished fiom thermionic converters, thermoelectric generators are proposed for use primarily as power sources for auxiliary machinery, com- bining then with atomic-powered steam turbine and gas turbine installations. Foreign specialists are of the opinion that the use of the heat which, in modern installations, is carried by the sea water through the air-conditioning system, will considerably increase installation efficiency without causing any deterioration in weight and size characteristics for the instatlation, The Us S. Navy is planning the deveJopment of a thermoclectric generator with an efficiency of about 4.5% in the near future. Fuel cells are electrochemical current generators which convert the chemical energy of a fuel directiy into electrical energy. The fuel used in the cells can be hydrogen, Lithium, sodium, and various of the hydro- carbons, such as methane, propane, ethyl and methyl alcohol. Oxygen, chlorine, or compounds of these elements, are most often used as the ox- idizer. Fuel cells are divided into Oxygen-hydrogen, oxygen-sodium, chlorine-sodium, etc., depending on the type of fuel and oxidizer used. ‘The electrochenical "combustion of the fuel tekes place ina cell in the unit, which is filled with an electrolyte (fig. 114). ‘The anodic process is one in which the molecules of fuel (positive ions) make a trans- ition in the electrolyte, giving up the corresponding number of electrons. -273- P.279 Figure 114. Schematic of an oxygen-hydrogen fuel cell. A = Anode} B - KOH solution; C ~ Cathode. The molecules of the oxidizer acquire these electrons at the cathode, and they too flow through the electrolyte, but in the form of negative ions. Thus, an ordered -movement of electrons takes place in the external cir- cuit, while the positive and negative ions, combining in the electrolyte, form reaction products. Water is the reaction product in the oxygen- hydrogen fuel cell. The electrodes are given a porous structure in order to increase the reaction rate, and, as a result, current strength. ‘The most valuable’ property of fuel cells is high efficiency, which can theoretically reach 908. Table 36 lists the calculated energy.magnijudes resulting from the "combustion" of 1 ton of reacting substances (fuel and 1 oxidizer) in fuel celis of various types. ee 1. RCA Review, Vol. 22, No. 2, 1961. Fuel cells, in addition to high efficiency, have the folloving advan- tages: they radiate little noise in operation; they are explosion-proof; they are highly reliable, simple to operate, and economical; they have a comparatively low specific weight, and are small in size. ‘These advantages have attracted the attention of foreign, mainly American, naval specialists to fuel cells. There are a number of firms in the United States working on creating fuel cells for industry (Union Car- -27k- Table 36. Theoretical energy productivity for low-temperature fuel cells [Sueprin, auizeaa- rauanen mp Xwomveckan pearwnx mpouecee | xeropanune | in ear c seuecrs, kait-u Tonsuso th | a |, . tbo ne sso | c | o Ci b=, 2170 | ce | 8 | cm s9b,tcortteu,0 isso | Gh | | Gait Tseea aio 203 i Sate g ee neneetIne) Be | 2080 | 2420 1 ‘A - fuel; B= oxidizer; C - chemical reaction of the process; D - energy produced by the "combustion" of 1 ton of reacting substances, kw/hour {| { bide, Standard Oil, Lockheed, and others), General Blectric is developing a propulsion installation with oxygen-hydrogen fuel cells for an ASW sub- marine, the design for which is being handled by the Electric Boat Division's Design Office. 1 Maximum power for the installation will be 600 kv; volume almost 600 m3. The fuel elements will take up 270m? of this volume in the compartment (the weight of a battery is 150 tons). It is suggosted that these magnitudes will be reduced to 230 m? and 115 tons, respectively, in the operate for 360 hours at reduced power (200 kw) and for an additional 10 hours ‘at maximum power. The volume of the space needed to carry the fuel and oxi~ @izer is 160 wv, ‘Transactions SNAME, Vol. 69, 1961. future. The oxygen and hydrogen carried will enable the propulsion plant to | | ] | | ‘Another American firm, M. B. Kellog Company, has concluded a contract with the Bureau of Ships for the development of oxygen-sodium fuel cells for a shipboard propulsion installation. When the. work is completed the company will have an experimental installation rated at almost 100 hp. It is assumed 7 that: the specific weight of this installation, with fuel and oxidizer supply, will ~275- p.281 Figure 115. Genergi arrangement of propulsion installation: conver dn osu byewieh fh Getler 1_- 14d 9 tank 2 - Liquid: H, tank; 3 - substitution tank; 4 - fuel coliss 5 - 35 kw converter; 6 - main drive motor; 7 - 20 kw con~ verter; 8 - fuel tank; 9 - main ballast tank; 10 - rescue hatch; 11 - air-cohditioning installation; 12 - passageway. be no greater than.0.9 to 1.4 kg/kw/hour. ee a 2. Machine Design, No. 6, 1961., : The U, S. Navy planning for the near future includes the construction of several snail submarihes fitted with propulsion installations:with fuel cells, Vice Admiral Haypard, Deputy Chief of Naval Operations, has said that the fuel cells for the first of these submarines will use oxygen and methyl alcohol, but that their efficiency will not be in excess of 50K. Submarines with fuel célls will be less noisy that atonic-poweredi ones, they will be about 1/3d the size of standard atomic-powered submarines, and will cost 30 to 50% of that for the latter. It is assumed these new submarines will not completely replace those with nuclear propulsion in- stallations, and that they will be used for antisubmarine defense. 3 Product Engineering, Vol. 32, No. 17,'1961- ere -276- 282 ‘The future use of water jet engines, which will provide the submarines with high speeds (up to 100 knots and more), is suggested. Work along these lines is already in progress. Boeing Aircraft, an Anerican firm, announced the development of an atonic-powered jet engine for submarines. According to Boeing the principle of operation of this engine is similar to that of the air-breathing turbojet engine, but the jet will be steam and water." 1. Financial Times, 10 March 1960. “Aerojet,” another Anerican firm, is developing a type EX-8 ramjet eng- ine for atomic-powered submarines, The main drawback of all water jet eng- ines is’ the extremely low efficiency (from a fraction of a percent to a few percent). ‘The efficiency can be improved in the future to a figure of 20 to 30% by using special mixers which will provide for the agitation of the primary jet by the secondary flow it causes. United States scientific-research organizations are studying the possibil- ities of using the electronagnetic principle for submarine propulsion. ” one of the designs proposed by American scientists is a double-hulled submarine, along the entire length of which runs a fore-and-aft channel of annular cross section, open at both ends. The walls of the channel will carry AC solenoids, so that a "traveling" magnetic field will be created from bow to stern. This field will result in the appearance in the sea water of an electrical field and of electrical eddy currents, the interaction of which with the magnetic field will result in the development of a force which will coincide in dir- ection with the movement of the magnetic field, This force will set up con- tinuous displacement of the water in the channel, creating a jet stream, and providing for submarine movement. According to the Anerican scientists, it should be understood that there is little Liklihood of using electromagnetic force for submarine propulsion, Without dwelling on the design complexities of a project such as this, it is enough to say that it would require magnetic induction in the water of 6,000 gauss in order to move a submarine almost 200 meters long at 10 knots. There is no question of the fact that induction of this scope is much too high for the volumes of the propulsion installations which have been considered. More- over, the magnetic field developed will be a strong indication of the submar- ines whereabouts, and will bring to naught all the efforts made to increase the secrecy of the whereabouts of submarines. 3B, Journal of Ship Research, Vol. 5, No. 4, (62. -277- es eee 83 ; 1 January 1963+ ties connected with the cl standard (GOST) permi dod. system, which w: Appendix ‘tthe international system of unit there See a great many organizational hangeover to the new system of units. SI, was introduced in the USSR on ‘ts the use of non-system units during the # qhe relationship between units in the ST system, 411 be encountered in the text are listed 1 and technical difficul- ~ ‘the state ransition per~ and those outside the below. Non-systen units of measurement, 1 revolution/second = an rad/sec 1 kg = 9.81. tig/em? = 98.1 + 10° w/a? 1 kof? = 9.81 N/m L atmosphere = 1.013 - 10° N/a 813 ‘4.187 j 1 lerge calorie = 4186.8 J 1 hp = 735-6 w (sic) 81 w 1 kg/at 1 calorie kg/m/sec 1 gauss = 0 th Magnitude Unit in the Abbreviation St systen for unit Speed meter/second ec 1 knot = 15 m/sec Angular velocity __radien/second rad/sec Force Newton N Pressure (mechan- ea N/a? ical stress) ter Work, energy, joule ei amount of heat ' \ Power watt « tesla ‘1 Magnetic induction 5 -278- a ________GC"“__e p.284 : > ) P Literature ‘Album pf Nuclear Reactors, Atomizdat, M., 1959. Belavin, N. I., Kuplyanskiy, V. M. Missiles for Combatant Ships. Voyenizdat, M, "1961. 7 Belo, R. The Role of the Sea in a Future War, Voyenizdat, M. 1961. Bykhovskiy, I. A. Atomic-Powered Submarines. Sudpromgiz, L. 1957. Bykhovskiy, I. A. Atomic-Powered Ships. Sudprongiz, L. 1961. Gerasimov, V..N., Droblenkov, V. F. Submarines of the Imperialist States. Voyenizdat, M. 1962. Red Star [Krasnaya Zvezda], 1960-1963 Crouch, W. Nuclear Shipboard Propulsion Installations. Gosatomizdat, M., 1961. Manning, D. Theory and Technique of Designing Warships. Voyenizdat, M., 1960. Fundamentals of Naval Architecture. Sudpromgiz, L., 1949. Price, B, et al. Protection Against Nuclear Irradiation. IL, M., 1959. Sazonov, A. Electrical Digital Computers and Their Use Aboard Merchant Ships. Morskoy Transport, M., 1960. Sovetskiy Flot [Soviet Fleet], 1959-1960, August. Sudostroyeniye [Shipbuilding], 1958-1963. ‘The Electrical Torpedo. Voyenizdat, M., 1958. ‘All Hands, 1957—1963. ARS Journal, 1960, XII, Ne 12. Anderson W.R, Blair C. Nautilus 90 North, London, 1959. Applied Hydraulics and Pneumatics, 1959-1962. Army-Navy-Air Force Journal and Register, 1958-1963. Aviation Week, 1958~1963. Barnaby K.C, Basic Naval Architecture, London, 1960, Baxter B, Naval Architecture, London, 1960. Blackman, The World's Warships, London, 1961 Blair C, The Atomic Submarines, London, 1955. Bureau of Ships Journat, 1957-1963. Calvert J. Surface at the Pole, Now York —London, 1960, Cooke D. C, How Atomic Submarines are made, New York, Design News, 1959--1963, 7 Dictionaty of American Naval Fighting Ships, Washington, 1959. 9 Electronics, 1958—196. Electronic World, 19591962. : Engineer, 1957—1963, : Engineering, 1958-1963. light, 19591963, Flottes de Combat, 1960-1963. Gillmer 1, Fundamentals of Construction and Stat Annapolis, 1956. : Hansa, 19581968. : Horton J, Fundamentals of Sonars,, Annapolis, 1957. Industria Refrigeration, 1957, 11, Ne 2 Interavia Air Letter, 1960—1963. International Shipbuilding Progress, 1 ‘Jane's Fighting Ships, 1957—1964. Jane's All the World Aircraft, 1958—1963: Journal of the Aeronaulical Science, 1947, vol. 14, Ne 2; 1957, vol. 24, Me 6 ‘Journat of the American Society of Naval Engineers, 1957-1968: ‘Journal of Metals, 1960)y1962. ‘Journal of Ships Reseay., 1960-1963. Machine Design, 1958-{i96s. Marine Enginest end Naval Architect, 1957—1963, ‘Marine Engineering, 19581963. Marine Rundschay, 1937—1963. : Magine News, 1958-1963. a Military Medicine, 1961, Ne 5. ‘Missiles and Rockets, 1958-1953. ‘Modern Refrigeration and Air Control, 1962, vol. 65, Ne 769. Motorship, 1957-1962. \ Naval Aviation News, 1958-1963. Naval Research Reviews, 1959-1963. ; Navigation, 1955—1969. : : Navy, 19581963, b Navy Times, 1958-1963. Newton R, Practica! Construction of Warships, London, 1955. Nose Control, 1960—1961 Nuclear Engineering, 1958-1969. ‘Nucleonies, 1958-1953, ! Ordnance, 1955 —1953. i ‘Our Navy, 1957—1963. | Plastics, 1960-1962. Revue Maritime, 1958-1963. Rivista Marittia, 1958-1963, Ruch C. W, Chambliss W. ‘Submarines, New York, 1958. Saunders H. E. Hydrodynamics in Ship Design, New York, 1957. ‘Shipbuilder and Marine Engine-Bullder, 1961, vol. 68, Nb 64t Shipbuilding and Shipping Record, 1957—1962 ily of Naval Ships, vol, 5, Ne 44; 1960, ol. 7, Ne 70, Gimpel H. J, The Complete Book of ~280- World Bhisbu:tein +, 1960, vot 34,89 1 15991968, wtsendet, 1960-1953, 41360, NB. ‘The Submarine, Washington, 1981, ‘Thiré Symposia on Naval Kyseody Transaction of Royal institution af Transaction of the Soelety of Noval A: 1962. if Slates Navel Insliluie Proceedings ed Stains lava! Researss shor susies, Scheveningen, 1960, ects, 1960—~1953, + Marine Engineers, 19°7 Chay che, ehassor chay! ss chap Chay chasse: Litecaite WTTE | Avord: Endex ¥ ave onpee sbanvines - the atriking force of i Organization of design work and basic shipbuilding arta. TE Mann 4 atows and installations. ro Aurtom To hewancat an@ proves tion. propulsion installetions. \ ! j i ~282- & 206 167 199 235 279

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