Fork Lift 1078-DCE6090-27-q5m

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Kalmar Lifttrucks 6 9 tonnes
The Kalmar DCE60-90L is a modern range
of diesel and LPG fork trucks with a 6 9
tonnes capacity. The machines are built
for reliability and efficiency in demanding
industrial applications.

The trucks with gearboxes are extremely Spirit Delta Space

powerful, robust and constructed in every
detail for tough conditions, day after day,
year on year. The engines have smooth
drive with low noise levels and emissions
that meet the latest environmental require-
ments. Low fuel consumption, good access
with a low service requirement and excel-
lent quality all result in good operational
economy. DCE80-6 - Spirit Delta FlexCab

Our operators environment has been de-

Dimensions DCE60-6 DCE70-6
veloped and expanded to now cover three
Lift capacity Rated kg 6000 7000
different concepts. The electronic systems

Load centre L4 mm 600 600

represent a modern generation, which can Truck Truck length L mm 3700 3700

also be expanded by the addition of a whole Truck width B mm 2000 2000

Height, basic machine, Spirit Delta H6 mm 2590 2590
range of intelligent handling options. Height, basic machine, Spirit Delta Space H6 mm 3090 3090
Height, basic machine, FlexCab H6 mm 2690 2690
Seat height Spirit Delta/FlexCab H8 mm 1440 1440
The Kalmar DCE60-90L is in every respect a Seat height Spirit Delta Space H8 mm 1940 1940
real Kalmar truck built for tough handling. Distance between centre of front axle front face of fork arm L2 mm 710 710
Wheelbase L3 mm 2450 2450
Track (c-c) front rear S mm 1500 1360 1500 1360
Turning radius, outer R1 mm 3300 3300
Turning radius, inner R2 mm 150 150
Ground clearance, min. mm 160 160
Height when tilting cab, max. Spirit Delta T1 mm 3050 3050

Width when tilting cab, max. Spirit Delta T2 mm 3100 3100

Height when tilting cab, max. Spirit Delta Space T1 mm 3300 3300
Width when tilting cab, max. Spirit Delta Space T2 mm 3200 3200
Height when tilting cab, max. FlexCab T1 mm 3150 3150
Width when tilting cab, max. FlexCab T2 mm 3150 3150
Min. aisle width for 90 stacking with forks A1 mm 5410 5410
Standard duplex Lifting height H4 mm 3500 3500
mast Mast height, min. H3 mm 2625 2625
Mast height, max. H5 mm 4500 4500
Mast tilting, forward backward* 5 10 5 10
Ground clearance, min. mm 170 170
Forks Width b mm 150 150
Thickness a mm 60 60
Model designation Length of fork arm
Width across fork arms, max.
Width across fork arms, min. V mm 420 420
eg. DCE60-6
Sideshift at width across fork arms V1 V mm 375 1160 375 1160
Diesel engine Service weight kg 8900 9600
Counterweight truck Axle load front Unloaded kg 4600 4600

At rated load kg 14000 15600

Axle load back Unloaded kg 4300 5000
Lifting capacity, in decitonnes At rated load kg 900 1000

Load centre, in decimetres Wheels/tyres Type, front rear Pneumatic Pneumatic

Wheels, brakes, steering

Dimensions, front rear inch 8,2515 8,2515

Number of wheels, front rear (*driven) 4* 2
Pressure MPa 0,85 0,85
Steering system Type manoeuvring Hydraulic servo Steering wheel
Service brake system Type affected wheels Oil cooled disc brakes (Wet disc brakes drive wheels)
Parking brake system Type affected wheels Dry, spring activated disc brake drive wheels
Hydraulic pressure Max. MPa 19,5 19,5
Hydraulic fluid volume Gearbox l 155 155

Fuel volume l 155 155

Starting battery Voltage capacity V-Ah 24 75 24 75

* Spirit Delta Space, backward = 5




L3 L2 L4 S
L l T2

DCE75-6 DCE80-6 DCE80-9 DCE90-6L A1

7500 8000 8000 9000 100 100

600 600 900 600
3915 3915 4075 4120
2000 2000 2000 2000
2590 2590 2570 2570
3090 3090 3070 3070

2690 2690 2670 2670
1440 1440 1440 1440

1940 1940 1940 1940
770 770 735 770
2600 2600 2800 2800
1500 1360 1500 1360 1500 1360 1500 1360 R1
3500 3500 3700 3700
250 250 250 250
160 160 160 160
3050 3050 3050 3050
3100 3100 3100 3100
3300 3300 3300 3300 10
3200 3200 3200 3200
3150 3150 3150 3150 9
3150 3150 3150 3150 DCE80-6
DCE80-6 DCE80-9
5675 5675 6435 5880 8
3500 3500 3500 3500 DCE70-6
2935 2935 2935 2935
4660 4660 4660 4660 DCE60-6
5 10 5 10 5 10 5 10
170 170 170 170 5
150 150 200 200
Lifting capacity, in tonnes

60 60 60 60 4

1200 1200 1800 1200

1900 1900 1900

420 420 520

375 1160 375 1160 375 1210
10400 10700 11700 11300 1
5200 5200 5500 5300
16900 17600 18400 19100 0
5200 5500 6200 6000
500 600
600 900
900 100
1200 1500

1000 1100 1300 1200 Load centre, mm

Pneumatic Pneumatic
8,2515 8,2515 1. Full lifting capacity up to 4 m lifting height with duplex/duplex free lift/
4* 2 triplex mast and fork carriage with side shift/fork positioning. Applies to
0,85 0,85 1,0 0,85
DCE60-6 to DCE90-6, except for DCE80-9
Hydraulic servo Steering wheel
2. Full lifting capacity up to a lift height of 4 m with duplex mast and FEM fork
Oil cooled disc brakes (Wet disc brakes drive wheels)
Dry, spring activated disc brake drive wheels carriage. Only applies to DCE80-9.
19,5 19,5 19,5 19,5
155 155 155 155
155 155 155 155
24 75 24 75 24 75 24 75

Operators environment in three versions
Kalmar is the world leader in terms of ergo- The Spirit Delta, the Spirit Delta Space and
nomics and operators environments. There the robust FlexCab/FlexGuard. Choose the
are three operators environment versions one that best meets your needs!
available for the Kalmar DCE60-90L:

Spirit Delta
Our highly regarded Spirit Delta is the best
thought-out and most functional operators
environment in the entire industry. Based
on extensive research, it provides superior
ergonomics and total control of all the
trucks various functions.

The Spirit Delta provides extra space for

installing your own equipment, for example range of options means that it is easy to
a computer and communications equip- customise the operatorss environment.
ment. The overall design and all the various
adjustment options mean that the Spirit All the options and accessories for ergo-
Delta is suitable for all kinds of operators. nomics and smart handling are available for
The instrument and control layout provides the Spirit Delta.
an entirely clear view and control of all the
machines functions. There is an optimal
field of vision in every direction and a wide

Spirit Delta Space

The Spirit Delta Space has been developed All the options and accessories for ergo-
in close collaboration with our customers in nomics and smart handling are available for
order to achieve the best possible degree the Spirit Delta Space.
of safety and comfort. This modern con-
cept is based on a more spacious version
of the Spirit Delta, with a variably revers-
ible operators seat. The field of vision is
optimised, with all the instruments located
to the operators right. The bottom corners
of the front window are located low down
for maximum vision.

By activating a switch on the steering

wheel panel, the operator can simply turn
the entire seat or adjust it to the required
position. Pedals, steering spindle, instru-
ments, levers, controls and any additional
equipment are mounted on a turning plate
that follows the operators seat.

The FlexCab and FlexGuard are robust alter-
natives for activities that do not require the
Spirit Deltas total concept or the most ad-
vanced options. FlexCab is a complete cab
that can be converted into an open safety
cage, FlexGuard, with or without glass, door
and heating system depending on climate
and environment.

FlexCab and FlexGuard allow for good er-

gonomics with an excellent field of vision in
all directions. The construction of the body
is robust with profiled beams for optimal
vision. The interior is airy and robust with
FlexCab FlexGuard
very good close-up vision and generously
increased headroom.

KCS Kalmar Control System

KCS is Kalmars own in-house developed as pre-selected lifting height and automatic
electronic control system that allows for gearing, to ergonomics functions, such as
increased safety and efficiency. KCS is joystick control and mini-steering wheel
based around fast processors and modern as well as further functions for improving
CAN-bus technology, resulting in a high safety, for example chain slack monitoring
level of performance and considerable and prevention.
operating safety.

Information is presented on a clear display

on the steering wheel panel by means of
a simple, non-language-based interface.
Function buttons simplify navigation around
the menus and provide fast access to KCS functions
Perkins 1106D-E66TA Perkins 1104C-44T GM V8 LPG
ZF 2WG 94 Dana 20000 Dana 20000
information on operation, diagnostics and Standard Option Standard Option Standard Option
alarms where appropriate. Display
There are many options available in KCS
Automatic gear change
with considerable opportunities for custom- Weighing scale
ising the trucks functions everything from Mini steering

functions for improving productivity, such Lever steering

Modern drive trains for diesel and LPG
The Kalmar DCE60-90L range has modern The new LPG engine from GM has been de- Hydrodynamic transmission
drive trains for efficient running with mini- veloped from the very beginning to operate We have two different gearboxes;
mal emissions and good fuel economy. The on LPG, which means it is very reliable and Dana 20000 or ZF 2WG 94, depending on
engine, gearbox, drive axle and brakes are has a low fuel consumption. The engine is a the selected engine.
all constructed and combined to form the high-performance V8, producing excellent
highest performance and a long lifetime. driving comfort. The Dana gearbox is a tried and tested and
very reliable hydrodynamic transmission.
The diesel trucks are available with two All engine variants are characterised by low It has been constructed around a torque
turbo-charged engine versions: a four-cyl- noise and exhaust emissions that meet the converter for gradual and rapid acceleration
inder and a six-cylinder engine, both from latest requirements. The environmental fea- with a small skid range. Electronically con-
Perkins. The torque is powerful already tures can be further improved by a range of trolled gears with powershift allow simple
from low revolutions, giving a smooth drive catalysers and various particle filters. and efficient running. Automatic gearing is
with good acceleration. Low fuel consump- The environmentally-suited engines need available as an option.
tion and a low service requirement mean a a lot of cooling and they are therefore fit-
good working economy. ted with efficient and easily-serviced split The ZF gearbox has integrated electronic
cooling for air, engine cooling water and control, monitoring and intelligence. The
transmission oil. gearbox has built-in reversing lock and
modulation, providing safe and smooth gear
changing. In addition we also optimise slip-
ping electronically before delivery to pro-
vide the best gear-changing characteristics
depending on power train, wheel dimension
and drive shaft.

Perkins 4 cyl Perkins 6 cyl GM V8 LPG

Drive train * ** ***
Engine Manufacturer, type designation Perkins 1104C-44T Perkins 1106D-E66TA GM 5.7L V8
Fuel type of engine Diesel 4-stroke Diesel 4-stroke LPG 4-stroke
Rating ISO 3046 at revs kW/hp rpm 74,5 2200 89 2200 87 2200
Peak torque ISO 3046 at revs Nm rpm 412 1400 545 1400 382 1800
Number of cylinders displacement cm 4 4400 6 6600 8 5733 (350 CID)
Drive train

Fuel consumption, normal driving l/h 4-6 6-8 12-14

Gearbox Manufacturer, type designation Dana 20000 ZF 2WG 94 Dana 20000
Clutch, type Torque converter Torque converter Torque converter
Gearbox, type Hydrodynamic Powershift Hydrodynamic Powershift Hydrodynamic Powershift
Numbers of gears, forward reverse 22 22 22
Alternator Type power W 1540 2100 1540
Driving axle Type Differential and hub reduction Differential and hub reduction Differential and hub reduction

DCE60-6 DCE70-6 DCE75-6 DCE80-6 DCE80-9 DCE90-6L

* ** *** * ** *** * ** *** * ** *** * ** *** * ** ***
Lifting speed Unloaded m/s 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40 0,40
At rated load m/s 0,30 0,35 0,30 0,30 0,35 0,30 0,30 0,35 0,30 0,30 0,35 0,30 0,30 0,35 0,30 0,30 0,35 0,30
Lowering speed Unloaded m/s 0,40 0,45 0,40 0,40 0,45 0,40 0,40 0,45 0,40 0,40 0,45 0,40 0,40 0,45 0,40 0,40 0,45 0,40
At rated load m/s 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50 0,50

Travelling speed, f/r Unloaded km/h 23 24 23 23 24 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 22 23 23 23 23 23

At rated load km/h 23 23 23 23 23 23 22 22 23 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22 22
Gradeability Max. unloaded % 63 84 72 56 74 64 51 66 57 49 63 55 44 57 49 46 59 52
at rated load % 32 42 36 29 37 32 26 34 29 25 32 28 23 30 26 23 29 25
At 2 km/h unloaded % 49 72 56 45 65 51 41 58 43 39 56 44 36 50 40 37 53 42
at rated load % 25 37 30 23 33 26 21 30 24 20 29 23 19 27 21 19 26 21
Drawbar pull Max. kN 43 58 53 43 58 53 43 58 53 43 58 53 43 58 53 43 58 53
Noise level according LpAZ (inside) Spirit Delta dB(A) 70 72 74 70 72 74 70 72 74 70 72 74 70 72 74 70 72 74
to EN12053 LpAZ (inside) Spirit Delta Space dB(A 70 72 74 70 72 74 70 72 74 70 72 74 70 72 74 70 72 74

LpAZ (inside) FlexGuard dB(A) 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85 85

LpAZ (inside) FlexCab dB(A) 76 77 77 76 77 77 76 77 77 76 77 77 76 77 77 76 77 77
Noise level according LwAZ (outside) dB(A) 106 105 108 106 105 108 106 105 108 106 105 108 106 105 108 106 105 108
to 2000/14/EC

Lifting equipment
The lifting equipment on Kalmar machines
is characterised by robust and high-quality
Masts Carriages
design and numerous options combined
with excellent visibility. We can offer many
different types of masts all of clear view
design. In combination with forks and/or
attachments, we can provide the handling
solution to meet your needs.
Fork carriage for manually

For even better handling, there are also adjustable forks

a number of intelligent functions for ma-

chines with KCS:
Pre-selected lifting height the operator
can simply find the right lifting height by
means of 15 pre-selected lifting heights.
No chain slack the chains are kept ten-
sioned at all times, eliminating undesired
Duplex standard, clear view
movements of the forks or the attachment. Sideshift carriage Sideshift and fork positioning

Vertical hold the automatic tilt device carriage

ensures that the load is taken up and put

down vertically to the loading surface.

Mast Forks
Lift Mast height Free lift Lift Mast height Free lift
height H3 min. H5 max. H2 height H3 min. H5 max. H2

DCE60-70 DCE75-90L
2650 2200 3650 2030 2200 3200
2950 2350 3950 2330 2350 3500
3500 2620 4500 3500 2935 4660
Duplex standard, clear view

3750 2750 4750 3750 3060 4910

4000 2870 5000 4000 3185 5160
4250 3000 5250 4250 3310 5410
4500 3120 5500 4500 3435 5660
4750 3250 5750 4750 3560 5910
5000 3370 6000 5000 3685 6160
Standard forks for manual Forks with roller brackets for
Duplex full free lift, clear view operation hydraulic operation
5250 3500 6250 5250 3810 6410
5500 3620 6500 5500 3935 6660
5750 3750 6750 5750 4060 6910
6000 3870 7000 6000 4185 7160
2400 2200 3500 1105 2030 2200 3190 1065
2700 2350 3800 1255 2330 2350 3490 1215
3250 2620 4350 1530 3250 2810 4410 1675
Duplex full free lift, clear view

3500 2750 4600 1655 3500 2935 4660 1800

3750 2870 4850 1780 3750 3060 4910 1925
4000 3000 5100 1905 4000 3185 5160 2025
4250 3120 5350 2030 4250 3310 5410 2175
4500 3250 5600 2155 4500 3435 5660 2300
4750 3370 5850 2280 4750 3560 5910 2425
5000 3500 6100 2405 5000 3685 6160 2550
5250 3620 6350 2530 5250 3810 6410 2675
5500 3750 6600 2655 5500 3935 6660 2800
Fork shaft system with Fork with hydraulic levelling
5750 3870 6850 2780 5750 4060 6910 2925
separate carriers for each fork
6000 4000 7100 2905 6000 4185 7160 3050
3840 2200 4900 1160 3060 2200 4190 1090
Triplex full free lift, clear view

4290 2350 5350 1310 3510 2350 4640 1240

4950 2570 6010 1530 4200 2580 5330 1470
5450 2740 6515 1690 4700 2750 5825 1640 Triplex full free lift, clear view
5950 2910 7015 1860 5200 2920 6330 1800
6450 3070 7510 2030 5700 3080 6825 1970
6200 3250 7330 2140

Contact information:

Quality and service

The Kalmar DCE60-90L has been devel-
oped from the very beginning to give safe
operation and a long lifetime with minimum
downtime. In part this is due to technical
solutions and components, but also to the
fact that the truck is not exposed to any in-
built loads that produce unnecessary wear
and tear and higher costs.

We reserve the right to change the design and technical data without prior notice.
Optimised chassis modules, fittings, mast,
dynamic stability, electronically control-
led driving, wet disc brakes, double seals
in all hydraulic cylinders, ORFS hydraulic
coup-lings, reinforced drive axel bracket, a
KCS system, welded cab mounting, etc. all
result in a very high quality machine with
low running costs.
921524-0801/07-03 KST Rd & Resultat

Simple inspection and service Safety and the environment

Daily inspection is simple and fast. All The Kalmar DCE60-90L is CE marked its
inspection points are directly accessible construction complies with the following
at working height and the large inspection standards:
hatches are easy to open. The cab tilts, The Machinery Directive 98/37/EC incl.
providing ease of access to the entire drive visibility norm ISO/DIS 13564 1:2004
train. The EMC Directive 89/336/EC
The Noise Emission Directive 2000/14/EC KT

Svanenmrkt trycksak

41 293

KalmarSund Tryck


The Exhaust Gas Directive 97/68/EC



Kalmar Industries AB
Product line Light Lift Trucks
SE-341 81 Ljungby, Sweden
Tel: +46 372 260 00, Fax: +46 372 263 90

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