2nd Grade Georgia's 5 Geographic Regions Rubric

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2nd Grade Georgias 5 Geographic Regions Rubric

Slide Show Does Not Meet Progressing Meets Exceed

Identifies 5 1. Identifies 2. Identifies 3. Identifies 4.Identifies

Geographical two or less three regions. four regions. five regions.
Regions regions.

Identifies 1. Identifies 2. identifies 3. Identifies 4. Identifies

Major 5 Major two or less three rivers. four rivers five rivers
Rivers (one rivers.
from each

Identifies the 1. Identifies 2. Identifies 3. Identifies 4. Identifies

characteristic two or less three four five
of the 5 regions characteristics characteristics characteristics characteristics
of the regions. of the regions. of the regions. of the regions.

Identifies 1. Identifies 2.Identifies 3. Identifies 4.Identifies

major two or less three four industries. five industries.
industries for industries. industries.
each region

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Chatter Pix Does Not Meet Progressing Meets

Spoke clearly in The video is not Most of the The video is

the video understandable video is understandable.

Stayed on Topic Did not address Stayed mostly Stayed on topic

the topic on topic the entire

Used a picture Picture is not Picture is Picture is very

that is relevant relevant to somewhat relevant to
what they are relevant to what the video
discussing. what's going on is about.
Kindergarten Rubric
Chatter Pix Does Not Meet Progressing Meets

Spoke clearly in the The video is not Most of the video is The video is
video understandable understandable understandable.

Stayed on Topic Did not address the Stayed mostly on Stayed on topic the
topic topic entire video.

Used a picture that Picture is not Picture is somewhat Picture is very

is relevant relevant to what relevant to what's relevant to what the
they are discussing. going on video is about.

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