Supplement I CO2 Corrosion Rev10!9!02
Supplement I CO2 Corrosion Rev10!9!02
Supplement I CO2 Corrosion Rev10!9!02
The calculation of the base corrosion, CRbase is most complex; it depends on the temperature, the
partial pressure of CO2, the fluid flow velocity and the pH of the fluid. The following paragraphs
detail how these can be estimated for RBI purposes for some simple mixtures of crude oil, water,
and natural gas mixtures. In order to estimate corrosion rates for situations outside this simple
mixture, the analyst should refer to the NORSOK standard M-506. In cases where the equipment
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is not associated with upstream production, the analyst should also be prepared to adjust or
estimate corrosion rates for fluids that are not mixtures of crude, water and natural gas.
Primary screening criteria
CO2 must be present in the system
The material of construction must be carbon steel
There must be liquid water in the system. If it is a gas system the temperature must be below
the dew point for water to condense that is the relative humidity must be 100%.
Relative humidity
In order for corrosion to occur, there must be liquid water present in the line. In a system
transporting gas, liquid water exists only if the temperature is below the dew point and the relative
humidity in the stream is greater than 100%. When a mixture of water vapor and natural gas
behaves approximately as ideal gases, the relative humidity in a gas is 100% when the partial
pressure of the water vapor is equal to the saturation pressure. This result in the simplified
formula for the relative humidity,
xP / Psat T
RH ....................................................................................................6
0.622 x
where x = ratio of the mass of water to the mass of dry gas, or %w/(100%%w), where %w is the
percent water by weight in the stream. P is the pressure and Psat(T) is the saturation pressure for
water at temperature T, which can be obtained from steam tables. The 0.622 is the ratio of the
molecular weight of water (18) to the average molecular weight of air (29). Using Equation 7
and the steam tables, an approximate equation for the dew point temperature Td (F) as a function
of the pressure and P water content %w can be developed.
log10 Td 2.0866 0.2088 log10 % w / 100 0.2242 log10 P ..................................8
where P is the pressure in psia, %w is the percent water by weight in the stream (lbm/100lbm),
between 0 and 30.
also plotted as a surface plot in Figure 2. The analyst should note that these functions jump
sharply between 80C and 90C.
Note that the base corrosion rate given by Equation 10 is in mm/year. Multiply the result in mm/y
by 40.8 to get mpy.
The parameters, the CO2 fugacity fCO2 (bar), pH, and the shear stress from the flow S (Pa) needed
to calculate the basic corrosion rate are discussed in the following paragraphs.
Table 4. pH-temperature function
Temperature C
pH 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
3.5 6.00 8.52 10.98 11.92 12.83 13.42 13.93
4.0 5.45 7.77 10.06 10.96 11.86 12.01 12.12
4.5 4.90 7.02 9.13 10.01 10.89 10.60 10.31
5.0 3.72 5.16 6.49 6.86 7.18 6.58 6.01
5.5 2.55 3.40 4.08 4.10 4.05 3.61 3.20
6.0 1.55 2.00 2.30 2.20 2.03 1.86 1.70
6.5 0.72 0.91 1.02 0.94 0.84 0.87 0.90
Temperature C
pH 90 100 110 120 130 140 150
3.5 9.37 9.23 8.96 8.55 7.38 6.26 5.20
4.0 7.91 8.04 8.09 8.06 6.39 4.91 3.62
4.5 6.45 6.38 6.22 5.98 3.98 2.31 0.98
5.0 2.44 2.19 1.87 1.48 0.96 0.53 0.19
5.5 0.82 0.94 1.07 1.20 0.80 0.46 0.19
6.0 0.49 0.62 0.77 0.92 0.63 0.39 0.19
6.5 0.32 0.42 0.53 0.65 0.47 0.32 0.19
C = 5(F-32)/9
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f (T,pH)
3.5 80
4.5 120
5.5 T (C)
pH 140
where pCO2 is the CO2 partial pressure in bar, T is the temperature in C, and a is the fugacity
coefficient, the ratio between CO2 fugacity and the partial pressure, that is fCO2 = apCO2. Figure 4
shows the fugacity coefficient a plotted for a range of temperatures and pressures.
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pCO2 (psi)
Chart is for fugacity coefficients for
0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
mixtures of natural gas and CO2, with less
1.0 than 5mole % CO2.
Partial pressure is equal to the product of the
total pressure and the mole fraction of CO2
For partial pressures above 250 bar (3625
psi) use the fugacity coefficient for the
125C temperature of interest evaluated at pCO2 =
0.8 250 bar the values on the right side of the
100C The values in the chart are identical to
0.7 Equation 12.
0.5 77F
0 50 100 150 200 250
PCO2 (bar)
For RBI purposes, the pH can be calculated using one of the following approximations. For
pH 2.8686 0.7931log10 T 0.57 log10 pCO 2 ..............................................13
for Fe++ saturated water,
pH 2.5907 0.8668 log10 T 0.49 log10 pCO 2 ..............................................14
and for water with salinity slightly greater than seawater (salinity = 46 g/l),
pH 2.7137 0.8002 log10 T 0.57 log10 pCO 2 ..............................................15
where T is the temperature in F and pCO2 is the CO2 partial pressure in psi. These approximations
were developed from Monte Carlo simulations. These simulation studies used the equilibrium
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equations recommended and by M-506 to calculate the concentration of hydrogen cation and then
the pH for a wide range of temperatures, pressures, and CO2 mole fractions. Figure 6 shows that
the expressions developed are conservative compared to the values obtained from M-506.
Equations 16, 17, and 18 apply to water, seawater and Fe++ saturated water and do not account for
the buffering action of bicarbonate ions or for the increase acidity caused by salinity levels higher
than 45 g/l. In cases where these factors are significant, the analyst should consider using an
alternative analysis such as direct application of the provisions in M-506 for salinity and dissolved
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5.5 5.5
5.0 5.0
4.5 4.5
4.0 4.0
3.5 3.5
3.0 3.0
2.5 2.5
2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0 5.5
Norsok Norsok
Flow velocity
M-506 uses the fluid flow shear stress to model the effect of flow velocity on the base corrosion
rate. M-506 recommends the following equation to calculate the stress, S in Pa,
m u m2
S f ...........................................................................................................28
where f is the friction factor, um is the mixture flow velocity in m/s, and m is the mixture mass
density in kg/m3. The friction coefficient is approximated for turbulent flow (Re > 2300) by,
e 10 6
f 0.0013751 20000 .................................................................29
D Re
where the e/D is the relative roughness, Re is the Reynolds Number of the mixture
D mum m D
Re ..............................................................................................30
m A m
where D is the diameter in m, and m is viscosity of the mixture, in Pas (0.001cP = Pas).
Equation 31 also shows that the Reynolds number can be calculated using the mass flux, m , the
cross sectional area, A. Figure 8 shows f as a function of Re assuming that the relative roughness
e/D is 0.0002. The shear stress need not exceed 150 Pa.
1.00E+04 1.00E+05 1.00E+06 1.00E+07 1.00E+08
Reynolds number, Re
M-506 gives some guidance on the calculation of the two-phase viscosity, m, density, m and fluid
velocity, um. These factors depend on the volumetric ratio of the liquid flow to the flow ,
sometimes called the liquid hold up, the amount of water in the liquid fraction (or water cut, ),
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the gas water and oil viscosities at the temperature and pressure. These calculations are complex
and go beyond the scope of an RBI study. If required, the analyst can refer to the
recommendations in NORSOK or use the software provided by NORSOK to perform the
calculations recommended in M-506 to approximate the two-phase flow characteristics. While M-
506 provides some guidelines for the calculation of bulk fluid properties, they do not explicitly
account for the solubility of natural gas in oil, which can also effect the all of these properties.
Several simulations using typical correlation used to approximate the properties typical reservoir
fluids mixtures of gas, crude oil and water resulted in the typical bulk properties tabulated in
Table 5 at 1000, 500, and 200 psi. Table 6 shows typical properties for natural gas with a gas
gravity of 0.8 (Air = 1). These figures indicate that for gas oil ratios (GOR) less than 2000 scf/stb
or 360 m3/m3, and at pressures higher than 500 psi, a viscosity value of 1.2 cP is a conservative
estimate of most light to medium crude oils. A value of 5 cP or greater is appropriate for heavier
products with GORs greater than 500 scf/stb or medium or light products with GORs less than
500 scf/stb. However, much higher viscosity values can be expected for heavy products with low
GORs < 100 scf/stb. For natural gas streams, the viscosity values less 0.03 cP the value
recommended by M-506 is conservative.
For the calculation, natural gas densities the real gas equation is appropriate,
g ....................................................................................32
0.46306 Z T 460
where g is the density in lb/ft3, T is the temperature in F, P is the pressure in psia, and Z is the
compressibility factor. Figure 10 shows the Z-factor as a function of both temperature and
pressure for a typical natural gas with a specific gravity of 0.8 (Air = 1).
The density of a mixture of gas and oil is more complex. At low pressures, the amount of gas in
solution is relatively small and the density of the liquid fraction is near it density at standard or
stock tank conditions. However, at higher pressures, the gas dissolves in the liquid, this reduces
the amount of free gas and changes the density and viscosity of the liquid fraction. For oil-gas
mixtures, the density of the mixture can be approximated in the following steps:
Calculate mass of one cubic foot of the liquid portion of the fluid at standard conditions,
M o 62.43 ....................................................................................33
131.5 API
Calculate the volume of this mass of material at the temperature, T (F) in the line
Vo 1 5.25 10 4 T 60 .................................................................................34
Calculate the mass of the gas associated with one cubic foot of liquid at standard conditions
M g 1.0877 10 2 GOR .....................................................................................35
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Calculate the volume of that mass of gas assuming the gas is insoluble in the liquid fraction,
with Z-factor evaluated at the pressure P (psi) and temperature, T (F) in the line
GOR 5.0368 10 3 Z P, T T 460
Vg ..........................................................36
Estimate the density of the mixture,
Mo Mg
m .......................................................................................................37
Vo V g
Figure 11 compares the above procedure to that accounts for volume changes in liquid fraction due
to solution gas. This chart was developed for temperatures between 90F and 150F, liquid
fraction densities of 20 API and 30 API and GORs between 200 and 2000 scf/stb. The chart
shows that the approximate procedure tends to under-predict the high densities as much as 25%,
when the GOR is high. Even so, these differences are small compared to the uncertainties
associated with the estimation of viscosity values and friction factors for two-phase flow.
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Pressure (psi)
Figure 12. Z-factor for natural gas with a gas gravity of 0.8 (Air =1)
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Unit conversions: cP = 0.001 Pas; lbm/ft 3 = 16.02 kg/m3; scf/stb = standard cubic foot per stock tank barrel, =
0.1781 m3/m3
best estimate
50 = simplified
simplified = 75% of
best estimate
30 API
20 API
0 20 40 60
Best estimate density lbm/ft
Figure 13. Comparison of Equations 38 through 39 with a procedure that accounts for
volume change caused by solution gas
Adjustment for inhibitors or glycol
The addition of glycol reduces the CO2 corrosion rate. M-506 accounts for this by simply
reducing the corrosion rate by applying a factor of the form:
log10 Fglycol 1.6 log100 G 2 ......................................................................40
where G is the percent weight of glycol as a percent of water in the system. Fglycol is limited to a
minimum value of 0.008. Figure 14 shows the form of this expression. The base corrosion rate is
multiplied by the factor Fglycol to account for the corrosion reduction due to glycol.
For other types of corrosion inhibitors added to the stream, M-506 requires that its effectiveness
must be independently determined and used directly as a reduction factor, Finhib. If both glycol and
an inhibitor are used, the minimum of Finhib and Fglycol should be used.
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0 20 40 60 80 100
wt% glycol
Figure TM1.I 15. NORSOK M-506 recommended adjustment to corrosion rate for glycol
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Yes Is material
No Considered resistant
Carbon Steel or
<13% Cr? to CO2 corrosion
No No No
No Check dew
No liquid water
in stream point
T < Td?
Calculate Base Corrosion Rate CRbase
Equation 2
Shear stress
Is there
glycol or CR = CRbase
% weight glycol Calculate min(Fglycol, Finhib) CR = min(Fglycol, Finhib) CRbase