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4 Bca 4th Sem Syllabus Uemj

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Course Description
Title of Course: Database Management System
Course Code: BCA401
L-T Scheme: 3-1 Course Credits: 3

Database Management Systems (DBMS) consists of a set of interrelated data and a set of programs to
access that data. They underpin any computer system and are therefore fundamental to any program of
study in computer science. An understanding of DBMS is crucial in order to appreciate the limitations of
data storage and application behavior and to identify why performance problems arise.
Students who complete this course are expected to develop the ability to design, implement and
manipulate databases. Students will apply and build databases for various day to day real life scenarios
and real life applications. The course will by and large be structured but will introduce open-ended data
base problems.

Course Objectives:
Ability to build normalized databases.
Knowledge of Entity Relationship Modeling.
Familiarity with SQL, embedded SQL and PLSQL.
Familiarity with query processing and query optimization techniques.
Understanding of transaction processing.
Ability to handle recovery and concurrency issues.
Familiarity with ODBC, JDBC.

Develop the ability to design, implement and manipulate databases.
Introduce students to build database management systems.
Apply DBMS concepts to various examples and real life applications.

Expected Student Background (Preconditions)

Introduction to any programming language (Preferably, C)
Data Structures

Course Contents:
Unit 1: Introduction to DBMS- Concept & overview of DBMS, Data Models & database Language,
Database Administrator, Database Users, architecture of DBMS, Three levels of abstraction.

Unit 2: Entity Relationship Model Basic concepts, Design Issues,Entity-RelationshipDiagram,Weak

Entity Sets, Extended E-R features.

Relational Model-
Structure of relational Databases, Relational Algebra,Relational Algebra Operations,Views, Modifications
of the Database.

Unit 3: SQL and Integrity Constraints:Concept of DDL, DML, DCL,Basic Structure, Set operations,
Aggregate Functions, Null Values, Domain Constraints, Referential Integrity Constraints, assertions,
views, Nested Sub queries.
Course Description
Unit 4: Relational Database Design: -Functional Dependency, Different anomalies in designing a
Database,Normalization using functional dependencies, Decomposition, Boyce-Codd Normal Form,
3NF,Normalization using multi-valued dependencies, 4NF, 5NF.

Unit 5: Transaction: -Transaction concept, transaction model, serializability, transaction isolation

level,Transaction atomicity and durability, transaction isolation and atomicity.

Concurrency control and recovery system:

Lock based protocol, dead lock handling, time stamp based and validation based protocol,failure
classification, storage, recovery algorithm, recovery and atomicity,backup.

Unit 6: Internals of RDBMS:-Physical data structures, Query optimization: join algorithm,Statistics and
cost based optimization.

Unit 7:File Organization & Index Structures:-File & Record Concept, Placing file records on Disk, Fixed
and Variable sized Records,Types of Single-Level Index (primary secondary, clustering), Multilevel
Indexes,Dynamic Multilevel Indexes using B tree and B+ tree.

Text Books:
1. Silberschatz, Korth and Sudarshan, Database System Concepts, 6 Edition,McGraw Hill, 2010
2. Elmasri and Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, 6 Edition, Pearson, Addison-Wesley,

1. C.J. Date, An Introduction to Database Systems, 8 Edition, Addison-Wesley, 2003
2. Ramakrishnan&Gherke, Database Management Systems, 2 Edn., McGraw
3. Connolly and Begg, Database Systems, 4 Edn., Addison-Wesley, 2005
4. Toby, Lightstone and Jagadish, Database Modeling and Design, 5 Edn, Elsevier, 2011
5. Coronel and Rob, Database Systems, 9 Edn.,Cengage, 2011
6. IEEE / ACM Transactions on Database Systems (TODS).
7. DBMS related Journals.
Course Description
Title of Course: Object Oriented Programming with C++
Course Code: BCA402
L-T-P Scheme:3-1-0 Course Credit: 4

This course provides a comprehensive introduction to understand the underlying principles,
techniques and approaches which constitute a coherent body of knowledge in C++.

The course presents basics of C++ programming including: Basics of C++ environment, Data
representation, Control structures, Functions, Arrays, Pointers, Strings, and Classes that aims to:
Understand object oriented programming and able to explain the difference between object
oriented programming and procedural programming.
Be able to program using C++ features such as composition of objects, operator overloads,
dynamic memory allocation, inheritance and polymorphism, file I/O, exception handling, etc.
Be able to build C++ classes using appropriate encapsulation and design principles.

Learning Outcomes:
Be able to develop, design and implement simple computer programs.
Understand functions and parameter passing. know how to achieve polymorphism at compile
and run time with the concept of function overloading, operator overloading, virtual function
Understand object-oriented design and programming and also be familiar with the concept of
constructor destructor, inheritance
Understand dynamic memory allocation and pointers.

Course Contents:
Module-I: Introduction to Object-oriented Programming concept
Procedure-oriented Programming, Object-oriented Programming Paradigm; Basic concepts of Object-
oriented programming, Benefit of OOPs.

Module-II: Beginning with C++

What is C++? Application of C++, A simple C++ program, An example with class; Structure of C++
program, tokens, keywords, identifiers and constants, data types, reference variables, scope resolution

Module-III: Functions in C++

Main function, function prototyping, call by reference, return by reference, Inline functions and friend
functions, virtual function, Concept of Function overloading

Module-IV: Classes and Objects:

Specifying a class, defining member functions; A C++ program with class; Making an Outside
Function inline; Static data members; static member functions; arrays of objects; Objects as function

Module V: Constructors and Destructors:

Constructors, default Constructors; Multiple constructors in a class; parameterized constructor; copy
constructor; Destructor
Course Description
Module VI: Inheritance:
Defining Derived classes, single inheritance; multilevel inheritance, multiple inheritance; hierarchical,
hybrid inheritance; virtual base classes, abstract classes; constructor in derived classes; Making a
private member inheritable.

Module VII: Operator overloading:

Defining Operator overloading, rules for overloading operators; Overloading unary operators using
member function; Overloading of unary operator with friend function; Overloading Binary operators
using member function; Overloading Binary operators using friends, Examples; Type conversion.

Module VIII: Polymorphism:

Concept of polymorphism, runtime polymorphism, compile time polymorphism; Pointers,
Pointers to objects; this pointer; Function overloading with an example(Program); Function
overriding with a proper example; Virtual function; Pure Virtual function; Abstract class

Module IX: Exception Handling:

Introduction, Basics of Exception Handling; Exception Handling mechanism; Throwing and
catching mechanism; Rethrowing an Exception.

Text Books:
E.Balagurusamy; Object Oriented programming with C++; Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt.
Schildt, H., the Complete Reference C++, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.

Debasish Jana, C++ object oriented programming paradigm, PHI.
D. Ravichandran, Programming with C++, Tata McGraw Hill Education Pvt. Ltd.
Course Description
Title of Course: Software Project Management & Quality
Course Code: BCA403
L-T Scheme: 3-1 Course Credits: 3

The dictionary definitions put a clear emphasis on the project being a planned activity. The
definition of a project as being planned assumes that to a large extent we can determine how we
are going to carry out a task before we start. There may be some projects of an exploratory
nature where this might be quite difficult. Planning is in essence thinking carefully about
something before you do it and even in the case of uncertain projects this is worth doing as
long as it is accepted that the resulting plans will have provisional and speculative elements.

To develop an understanding of software engineering, software crisis, SDLC. Understanding the concept
of software project planning feasibility analysis, requirement analysis, SRS documents. Come to know
the software designing strategies structured analysis, structured design, DFD, structure chart.
Understand concept of Project Management along with software testing, maintenance, back-up..
Learning Outcomes:
1. Evaluate and analyze the SDLC and basic architecture SRS documents.
2. Help to understand the software design and coding techniques.
3. Understand the software testing principles.
4. Understand the concept project management.
5. Identify various concepts of Advanced UML techniques.

Course Contents:
Unit 1: Project Management Concept
Description of software project & software project management, 4P Management Spectrum-Scope
& composition.

Unit 2: System Development Life Cycle

Process model, Waterfall Model, Iterative Waterfall Model, Prototyping Model, Evolutionary Model,
Spiral Model

Unit 3: Project Scheduling- PERT, CPM. Gantt

Feasibility study, Work Breakdown Structure, Gantt Chart, Critical Path Method, Program Evaluation &
Review Technique-Detail study with problem solving

Unit 4: Project Plan

Structure of Project Plan, Project organization, Managerial process, Technical Process

Unit 5: Formal Technical Review

FTR- Software review, role of people, Formal & informal review, classification of software review

Unit 6: Cost estimation and COCOMO Model

Software cost estimation, Measuring software, Function point Metric, Basic-Intermediate-Advanced

Unit 6: Software Testing Methodology

Course Description
Testing-Introduction, Testing types- Black box, testing type: White box & its classification, Unit Testing,
Testing Type: Integration testing, System testing & its classification, Testing Type: Acceptance,

Unit 7: Quality Management

Total Quality Management, Quality Assurance, McCalls Quality Factor, Quality standards- ISO 9000,
ISO 9001, ISO 90003, ISO 27001, ISO 10002, CMM, Six Sigma
Unit 8: Risk Management
Introduction to Project Risk, Risk Management Process, Risk Assessment, Risk Control
Unit 9: Configuration Management
Software versions, Why configuration management, Configuration Identification, Configuration Control,
Configuration Accounting.
Unit 10: Project Management Software
Introduction to Project Management software, tasks, categories, issues, Comparisons of Project
Management softwares, working with MS Office EPM

Text Books
1. Software Project Management- Bob Hughes & Mike Cotterell
2. Software Project Management and Quality Assurance- Abhishek Bhattacharya, Tanusree Chatterjee
1. Software Project Management,Kelkar,PHI
2. Information System Project Mgmt., Schwable, VIKAS
Course Description

Title of Course: Statistics Numerical Method and Algorithm

Course Code: BM401
L-T Scheme: 3-1 Course Credits: 4

The goal of this course is to provide a very common simple intuition enables one to make right
decisions and especially show how mathematics is applied to solve basic fundamental problems. The
Topics to be covered (tentatively) include:
Approximation in numerical computation, Truncation and rounding errors,
Interpolation: Lagranges interpolation, Newton forward and backward differences interpolation,
Newton divided difference.
Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson 1/3 rule, Weddles rule.
Numerical solution of a system of linear equation: Gauss elimination method, Matrix inversion, LU
factorization method, Gauss- Jacobi method, Gauss Seidel method.
Algebraic Equation: Bisection method, Secant method, RegulaFalsi method, Newton Raphson
method, Method of Iteration.
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equation: Taylors series method, Eulers method, Runga
kutta method, predictorcorrection method.

The primary goal is to provide engineering majors with a basic knowledge of numerical methods
including: root finding, elementary numerical linear algebra, integration, interpolation, solving
systems of linear equations, curve fitting, and numerical solution to ordinary differential equations.
C language and SCILAB is the software environment used for implementation and application of
these numerical methods. The numerical techniques learned in this course enable students to work
with mathematical models of technology and systems.

Learning Outcomes:

1. Students would be able to assess the approximation techniques to formulate and apply
appropriate strategy to solve real world problems.
2. Be aware of the use of numerical methods in modern scientific computing.
3. Be familiar with finite precision computation.
4. Be familiar with numerical solution of integration, linear equations, ordinary differential
equations, interpolations.

1. An ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering
2. An ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data
3. An ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
4. such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability
5. An ability to function on multidisciplinary teams

Course Contents:

Approximation in numerical computation, Truncation and rounding errors, Interpolation: Lagranges

Course Description
Subject Name: Statistics Numerical Method and Algorithm Subject Code-BCA401
Year: 2nd Year Semester: Forth

interpolation, Newton forward and backward differences interpolation, Newton divided difference.
Numerical Integration: Trapezoidal rule, Simpson 1/3 rule, Weddles rule.
Numerical solution of a system of linear equation: Gauss elimination method, Matrix inversion, LU
factorization method, Gauss- Jacobi method, Gauss Seidel method.
Algebraic Equation: Bisection method, Secant method, RegulaFalsi method, Newton Raphson
method, Method of Iteration.
Numerical solution of ordinary differential equation: Taylors series method, Eulers method, Runga
kutta method, predictorcorrection method.

1. Numerical Mathematical Analysis, Sastry, PHI
2. Numerical Mathematical Analysis (By J.B.Scarborough)
3. Numerical Analysis & Algorithms, Pradeep Niyogi, TMH
4. Numerical Mathematical Analysis, Mathews, PHI
5. Clanguage and Numerical Methods (By C. Xacier)
6. Numerical Analysis (By S.Ali Mollah)
7. Introductory Numerical Analysis (By Dutta & Jana)
8. Numerical Methods (Problems and Solution) (By Jain, Iyengar & Jain), New Age International
9. Computer Oriented Numerical Methods, N. Dutta, VIKAS
10. Numerical Methods, Arumugam, Scitech
11. Numerical Methods in Computer Applications, P.U. Wayse. EPH.
Course Description
Title of Course: Environmental & Ecology
Course Code: HU401
L-T Scheme: 2-1 Course Credits:2

This course introduces the basic principles behind the environmental phenomena and how anthropogenic
activities are affecting those environmental processes. The different administrative measures taken to
safeguard our environment are also discussed in this course. The Topics to be covered (tentatively)
Air pollution and control
Water Pollution and Control
Land Pollution
Noise Pollution
Environmental Management

In this course we will study about the pattern of growing human population and its effect on the planet.
We will be familiarizing with the consequences of anthropogenic activities and measures to mitigate their
harmful effects. We will learn about the mechanism behind the global issues like global warming, acid
rain, water pollution, etc.
Learning Outcomes:
1. To introduce the patterns of population growth and associated problems.
2. To familiarize with the cause, effect and control measures of various human made degrading processes.
3. To enable the students to know the mechanism behind the devices to control pollution.
4. To familiarize with administrative laws to mitigate various environmental problems.
1. To understand the problems associated with pollution
2. To familiarize with the global environmental issues.
3. To understand the principles behind various control devices.
4. To understand and comply with the various government environmental laws.

Course Contents:
Unit 1: Introduction, Ecology, Air pollution and control

Unit 2: Water Pollution and Control

Unit 3: Land Pollution, Noise Pollution

Unit 4: Environmental Management

Text Books
1. Gourkrishna Damohapatra, Basic Environmental Engineering and Elementary Biology, Vikas

1. A.K. De, Environmental Chemistry, New Age International.
Course Description
Title of Course: Database Lab
Course Code: BCA491
L-T-P Scheme: 0-0-3 Course Credits: 2

At the end of the semester, the students should have clearly understood and implemented the
1. Stating a database design problem.
2. Preparing ER diagram
3. Finding the data fields to be used in the database.
4. Selecting fields for keys.
5. Normalizing the database including analysis of functional dependencies.
6. Installing and configuring the database server and the front end tools.
7. Designing database and writing applications for manipulation of data for a stand alone and
shared database including concepts like concurrency control, transaction roll back, logging,
report generation etc.
8. Get acquainted with SQL. In order to achieve the above objectives, it is expected that each
students will chose one problem. The implementation shall being with the statement of the
objectives to be achieved, preparing ER diagram, designing of database, normalization and
finally manipulation of the database including generation of reports, views etc. The problem
may first be implemented for a standalone system to be used by a single user. All the above
steps may then be followed for development of a database application to be used by multiple
users in a client server environment with access control. The application shall NOT use web
techniques. One exercise may be assigned on creation of table, manipulation of data and report
generation using SQL.

Learning Outcomes:
Ability to build normalized databases.
Knowledge of Entity Relationship Modelling.
Familiarity with SQL, embedded SQL and PLSQL.
Familiarity with query processing and query optimization techniques.
Understanding of transaction processing.
Ability to handle recovery and concurrency issues.
Familiarity with ODBC, JDBC.

Course Contents:
Exercises that must be done in this course are listed below:
Exercise No.1:ER Model: An entity-relationship model (ERM) is an abstract and conceptual
representation of data. Entity-relationship modeling is a database modeling method, used to produce a
type of conceptual schema or semantic data model of a system
Exercise No. 2:EER Model: In computer science, the enhanced entity-relationship (EER) model is a
high-level or conceptual data model incorporating extensions to the original entity-relationship (ER)
model, used in the design of databases. It was developed by a need to reflect more precisely properties
and constraints that are found in more complex databases.
Exercise No. 3:Relational Model: The relational model for database management is a database model
based on first-order 4predicate logic, first formulated and proposed in 1969 by E.F. Codd. The model
uses the concept of a mathematical relation, which looks somewhat like a table of values - as its basic
building block, and has its theoretical basis in set theory and first-order predicate logic.
Exercise No. 4:1 NF: First normal form (1NF or Minimal Form) is a normal form used in database
normalization. A relational database table that adheres to 1NF is one that meets a certain minimum set
Course Description
of criteria. These criteria are basically concerned with ensuring that the table is a faithful
representation of a relation and that it is free of repeating groups.
Exercise No. 5:2 NF: Second normal form (2NF) is a normal form used in database normalization.
2NF was originally defined by E.F. Codd in 1971. A table that is in first normal form (1NF) must
Exercise No. 6:3 NF: The Third normal form (3NF) is an important form of database normalization.
3NF is said to hold if and only if both of the following conditions hold:
The relation R (table) is in second normal form (2NF)
Every non-prime attribute of R is non-transitively dependent (i.e. directly dependent) on every
candidate key of R.
Exercise No. 7:BCNF: A relation R is in Boyce-Codd normal form (BCNF) if and only if every
determinant is a candidate key. 4The definition of BCNF addresses certain (rather unlikely) situations
which 3NF does not handle.
Exercise No. 8:SQL-1: In this lab., we discuss basic SQL operations like creating a table, deleting a
table, changing the schema of the table, primary key and foreign key constraints on a table and
creating indexes on tables.
Exercise No. 9:SQL-2: Its scope includes efficient data insert, query, update and delete, schema
creation and modification, and data access control. In this lab., we discuss SQL operations for
populating the tables like inserting into a table, deleting values from a table, and updating the content
of the tables.

1. Database Systems: A Practical Approach to design, Implementation and Management.
Thomas Connolly, Carolyn Begg; Third Edition, Pearson Education.
2. "Fundamentals of Database Systems" Elmasri, Navathe, Pearson Education.
3. Bipin C Desai, ?An Introduction to Database Systems?, Galgotia. Publications Pvt Limited,
4. An Introduction to Database Systems, C.J.Date, Pearson Education.
5. A first course in Database Systems, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Jennifer Windon, Pearson, Education.
6. Data Management: databases and organization, Richard T. Watson, Wiley.
7. DataModeling Essentials, Graeme C. Simxion, Dreamtech.
8. Introduction to Data Base Management, Naveen Prakash, Tata McGraw Hill
9. Oracle 10g manuals.
Course Description
Title of Course: Computing Lab
Course Code: BM491
L-T-P scheme: 0-0-3 Course Credit: 2

The dictionary definitions put a clear emphasis on the project being a planned activity. The
definition of a project as being planned assumes that to a large extent we can determine how
we are going to carry out a task before we start. There may be some projects of an
exploratory nature where this might be quite difficult. Planning is in essence thinking
carefully about something before you do it and even in the case of uncertain projects this is
worth doing as long as it is accepted that the resulting plans will have provisional and
speculative elements.

Learning Outcomes:
1. Evaluate and analyze the SDLC and basic architecture SRS documents.
2. Help to understand the software design and coding techniques.
3. Understand the software testing principles.
4. Understand the concept project management.
5. Identify various concepts of Advanced UML techniques
Course Contents:
Exercises that must be done in this course are listed below:
Exercise No.1: WAP a program to implement Lagrange interpolation method.
Exercise No. 2: WAP a program to implement Newtons forward interpolation.
Exercise No. 3: WAP a program to implement Runge Kutta method.
Exercise No. 4: WAP a program to implement Eulers method.
Exercise No. 5: WAP a program to implement Taylor series method.
Exercise No. 6: WAP a program to implement Gauss Elimination method.
Exercise No. 7: WAP a program to implement SIMPSONS 1/3 RULE.
Exercise No. 8: WAP a program to implement Newtons Backward interpolation.
Exercise No. 9: WAP a program to implement Waddles Rule method .
Exercise No. 10: WAP a program to implement Bisection method.
Exercise No. 11: WAP a program to implement Newtons rapson method.

Text Book:
1. Jain, Mahinder Kumar, Iyengar, S R K , Jain, R K Numerical Methods: Problems and

Recommended Systems/Software Requirements:

1. Intel based desktop PC with minimum of 166 MHZ or faster processor with at least 64 MB RAM
and 100 MB free disk space.
2. Turbo C or TC3 complier in Windows XP or Linux Operating System.

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