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IAJPS 2017, 4 (07), 1898-1901 Mahmood Anbari et al ISSN 2349-7750




Available online at: http://www.iajps.com Research Article


Halime Aali1, Farahnaz Mir1, Mahmood Anbari2*
Department of Internal Medicine, Amir Al-Momenin Hospital, Zabol University of Medical
Sciences, Zabol, Iran.
Zabol University of Medical Sciences, Zabol, Iran.
Diabetes is a chronic disease. Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes and it accounts for 90% of
the cases. Due to the increased incidence of this disease and its complications, the rate of bleeding caused by
blood disorders and hypertension in type II diabetic patients visiting Imam Ali hospital in Zahedan was
investigated in the present study. The present cross-sectional study was conducted on 200 type 2 diabetes
patients visiting Imam Ali hospital of Zahedan in 2016. Clinical and demographic information of eligible
subjects was collected using a researcher-made questionnaire. Systolic blood pressure equal to or more than 13
mmHg and diastolic equal to or above 80mmHg was considered to be categorized as high blood pressure;
collected data was analyzed through SPSS version 18 and T-test statistical tests and P<0.05 was considered as
significance level. Of the 200 patients we studied, 121 patients were female and 79 patients were male. The
mean age of examine patients turned out to be 478.54. Hypertension was observed in 37 of patients, including
41% of men and 34% of women. Hypercholesterolemia was observed in 59% of patients, hypertriglyceridemia
in 64%, high LDL in 70%, and low HDL in 65% of patients. The results of the present study indicate high
incidence of hypertension and lipids in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients; thus, diagnostic and
therapeutic measures must be taken to control these two risk factors in order to prevent long-term and
cardiovascular complications in these patients. It is recommended to pay closer attention to primary prevention
plan, lifestyle modification through providing a proper pattern of food intake, and increase physical activity.
Key Words: Blood Lipid, Hypertension, Diabetes Patients, Zahedan.
Corresponding author:
Mahmood Anbari, QR code
Zabol University of Medical Sciences,
Zabol, Iran.
Email: academicilam@gmail.com.

Please cite this article in press as Mahmood Anbari et al, E The Prevalence of Blood Lipid Disorder and
Hypertension in Diabetes Patients Visiting Imam -Ali Hospital in Zahedan,, Indo Am. J. P. Sci, 2017; 4(07).

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IAJPS 2017, 4 (07), 1898-1901 Mahmood Anbari et al ISSN 2349-7750

INTRODUCTION: lipids, and obesity, and smoking contribute to

Diabetes mellitus is a multifactorial metabolic cardiovascular disease [12]. Recent studies have
disorder characterized by increased blood glucose shown that controlling the risk factors mentioned in
and complication in the metabolism of diabetics may reduce the risk of developing
carbohydrate, fat, and protein [1]. Increased blood cardiovascular disease in these individuals. Due to
glucose results from impaired secretion of insulin the fact that diabetes is one of the most common
and liver gluconeogenesis [2, 3]. Diabetes mellitus diseases in the world, and is one of the causes of
is a common disease throughout the world and the death due to illness, and also due to the high
incidence and frequency of diabetes are increasing prevalence of hypertension, cardiovascular diseases
in most populations, especially in developing and dyslipidemia in these patients, the present
countries [4]. At present, the number of diabetic study was conducted to investigate the prevalence
patients in Iran is estimated at 1.5 million, as of blood lipid disorder and hypertension in diabetes
estimated in the studies conducted in Iran and the patients visiting Imam-Ali hospital in Zahedan.
prevalence of this disease in a population above 30
years is estimated at 10.6%. Two groups of MATERIALS AND METHODS:
diabetes mellitus have been named 1 and 2 [5]. The present cross-sectional study was conducted on
Diabetes mellitus type 1A occurs as a result of self- 200 type 2 diabetes patients visiting Imam Ali
immune destruction of beta cells, resulting in hospital of Zahedan in 2016. Basic demographic
insulin deficiency [6]. People with type 1 diabetes information, such as name, age, the history of
mellitus have no immunologic markers indicative former diseases, and the time of the diagnosis of
of the autoimmune degradation of beta cells. Type the disease, of the eligible subjects was collected
II diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneity of disorders through researcher-made questionnaire. High blood
usually characterized by varying degrees of pressure was determined according to Seventh
resistance to insulin, insulin secretion and increased Report of the Joint National Standard, with systolic
glucose production [7]. Studies conducted on blood pressure equal to or more than 13 mmHg and
controlling diabetes and its complications show that diastolic equal to or above 80mmHg. 5cc of venous
diabetes mellitus can be delayed or decreased with blood was taken from patients after 14 hours of
severe glycemic control [8]. One of the most fasting; collected data was analyzed through SPSS
important and major complications of type 2 version 18 and T-test statistical tests and P<0.05
diabetes is cardiovascular disease, which brings a was considered as significance level [13-15].
lot of financial and psychological disadvantages.
Various studies have shown that 65% of people FINDING:
with diabetes die due to cardiovascular disease [9]. Of the 200 patients we studied, 121 patients were
In fact, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause female and 79 patients were male. The mean age of
of death from diabetes, and is more common in examine patients turned out to be 478.54.
patients with type 2 diabetes than in the general Hypertension was observed in 37 of patients,
population. An increased incidence of including 41% of men and 34% of women.
cardiovascular disease is associated with impaired Hypercholesterolemia, with a maximum of 354 and
lipoprotein metabolism, such as decreased HDL, minimum of 126 mg/dl, was observed in 59% of
increased LDL and increased TG levels. patients, hypertriglyceridemia, with maximum of
Additionally, various studies have shown an 592 and minimum of 59, in 64% of patients, high
increase in the prevalence of hypertension in LDL, with maximum of 199 and minimum of 59
diabetic patients, as in some of these studies, the mg/dl, in 70% of patients, and low LDL, with
prevalence of hypertension in diabetic patients is maximum of 65 and minimum of 27, was observed
doubled in comparison to the general population in 65% of patients (Table 1). Hypertriglyceridemia
[10]. High blood pressure can accelerate the onset and high LDL levels were not significantly
of other complications of diabetes mellitus, different between two sexes (P>0.05); however,
especially cardiovascular and nephropathic there were significant differences between male
complications. Diabetes also doubles the risk of and female subjects regarding HDL, with this rate
developing cardiovascular disease [11]. Other risk being 56% in men and 72% in women (P<0.05).
factors, such as high blood pressure, high blood

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IAJPS 2017, 4 (07), 1898-1901 Mahmood Anbari et al ISSN 2349-7750

Table 1: Mean of Blood Lipid Disorder and Hypertension in Diabetes Patients

Variable Mean SD Minimum Maximum

Ttriglyceride (mg/dl) 205.84 105.44 59 592
Cholesterol (mg/dl) 219.12 40.25 129 354
LDL (mg/dl) 121.12 32.48 59 199
HDL (mg/dl) 45.14 9.36 27 65
Systolic blood pressure
117.54 17.42 89 210
Diastolic blood pressure
72.41 13.68 53 125

DISCUSSION: global statistics can be partly due to racial

With 90% of incidence rate, type 2 diabetes is the differences [21]. The prevalence of
most common type of diabetes and this rate is hyperchlestromem was 59%, the average
constantly increasing [16, 17]. Also, the incidence triglyceride was 205.84%, the mean total
of type 2 diabetes in children is roughly tenfold cholesterol was 219.12, the mean LDL was 121.12
and, almost, 50% of children and adults are already and the mean HDL was 54.14 in the present study;
diagnosed with type 2 diabetes; 125 million people however, hypertriglyceridemia was 14% and low
were diagnosed with diabetes in 1997 and, HDL was 12% in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes
according to WHO estimates, the number of patients in other studies. Compared to numerous
patients is supposed to rise to 300 million subjects studies, the prevalence of lipid disorders and the
in 2025 [18]. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is mean of plasma lipids is higher among newly
accompanied with three pathophysiological diagnosed diabetic patients of the present study,
abnormalities of disorders of insulin secretion, which may be related to the type of diet, the degree
insulin resistance and excess glucose production by of mobility, and the genetic factors; on the other
the liver. Considering the importance of type 2 hand, it is not unlikely the inadequate health care
diabetes mellitus, the present study was conducted delayed follow-up of patients, and late diagnosis of
to investigate the prevalence of blood lipid disorder diabetes might, also, cause a higher incidence of
and hypertension in diabetes patients visiting Imam dyslipidemia in these patients; however, however,
Ali hospital in Zahedan. The prevalence of in order to prove this claim, more extensive studies
hypertension in newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic are needed to clarify the role of these factors in
patients turned out to be 36%, mean systolic blood existing differences. It should be noted that since
pressure was 11716/48 mmHg, and mean diastolic the majority of studied subjects used to be under
pressure was 71.1813.98. Based on Teimuri et al medical treatment due to hypertension or
study (2004), which was conducted in Isfahan, the dyslipidemia, the average calculated for blood
incidence of hypertension was 32.9% in the general pressure in the blood and plasma cannot be a real
population and mean systolic and diastolic blood outbreak, which is one of the limitations of the
pressure turned out to be 117.5417.42 and present study.
117.2416.12 mmHg in order [19]. Compared to
the mentioned study, the prevalence of CONCLUSION:
hypertension and the mean blood pressure was The results of the present study indicate high
higher in the present study, which is quite expected incidence of hypertension and lipids in newly
considering a higher incidence of hypertension in diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients; thus, diagnostic
diabetic patients. Different studies have been done and therapeutic measures must be taken to control
in different parts of the world on newly diagnosed these two risk factors in order to prevent long-term
type 2 diabetic patients and the incidence of and cardiovascular complications in these patients.
hypertension and mean blood pressure in these It is recommended to pay closer attention to
patients has been reported differently. According to primary prevention plan, lifestyle modification
Ukpds et al study (1993), out of 39% of newly through providing a proper pattern of food intake,
diagnosed type 2 diabetes patients, 35% of male and increase physical activity.
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