Spotlight On Brexpiprazole and Its Potential in The Treatment of Schizophrenia and As Adjunctive Therapy For The Treatment of Major Depression

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Spotlight on brexpiprazole and its potential in

the treatment of schizophrenia and as adjunctive
therapy for the treatment of major depression
This article was published in the following Dove Press journal:
Drug Design, Development and Therapy
11 May 2016
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Dawn Bruijnzeel Abstract: Antipsychotic agents, utilized for the treatment of a range of psychiatric disorders,
Rajiv Tandon differ substantially in terms of their pharmacology and adverse effect profiles. Incomplete and
variable efficacy, differences in safetytolerability, and highly heterogeneous response across
Department of Psychiatry, University
of Florida College of Medicine, individuals prompt development of new agents. Brexpiprazole is one of the two most recently
Gainesville, FL, USA introduced antipsychotic agents approved for the treatment of schizophrenia and as an adjunct
for treatment of major depressive disorder. Its pharmacology, clinical trial data, and efficacy
and side effects in comparison with other antipsychotic agents are discussed. Brexpiprazole
is a dopamine D-2 partial agonist with potent activity at the serotonin 5HT1A and 5HT2A and
noradrenergic alpha-1B and alpha-2C receptors. Placebo-controlled clinical trials in persons
with schizophrenia support its efficacy in treating psychosis and preventing relapse. Short-
term clinical trials also support its efficacy as an adjunct to antidepressants in treating major
depressive disorder in individuals inadequately responsive to antidepressant treatment alone.
Adverse effects include akathisia, gastrointestinal side effects, and moderate weight gain. The
recommended oral dose of brexpiprazole is 24 mg/day in schizophrenia and 23 mg/day as
adjunctive treatment in major depression. It must be titrated up to its target dose over 12
weeks and is effective in once-daily dosing. How brexpiprazoles unique pharmacological
profile will translate into clinically meaningful differences from other antipsychotic agents is
unclear. Its place in our antipsychotic armamentarium and potential role in the treatment of
schizophrenia and major depressive disorder will be determined by additional clinical data
and experience.
Keywords: brexpiprazole, partial agonist, schizophrenia, major depression, treatment, phar-
macology, dopamine

Twenty antipsychotic medications are currently approved for clinical use in the US
(Figure 1) with brexpiprazole (Rexulti) being one of the most recent agents to become
available. Despite the availability of a number of antipsychotic medications, many
patients either do not benefit from or develop significant side effects to currently avail-
Correspondence: Dawn Bruijnzeel able agents.1 In this article, we review the pharmacological profile of brexpiprazole,
Department of Psychiatry, University of
Florida College of Medicine, 1601 SW
summarize clinical trial data that pertain to its efficacy and safetytolerability, discuss
Archer Rd, 116A, Gainesville, its optimal clinical utilization, compare its clinical profile to that of other commonly
FL 32608, USA
Tel +1 352 376 1611 ext 4381
used antipsychotic agents, and critically evaluate its potential role in the treatment of
Email schizophrenia and major depressive disorder.

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Table 1.6 The potent D2 affinity with low intrinsic activity

2SWLRQVIRUDQWLSV\FKRWLF (likely functional antagonism in the mesolimbic dopamine
WKHUDSLHV system) along with potent 5HT2A antagonism might appear
&RQYHQWLRQDORUW\SLFDO to confer upon brexpiprazole the attribute of a potent antip-
VHFRQGJHQHUDWLRQ sychotic with low liability to cause extrapyramidal side
 V V V V effects as with other SGAs. The lower intrinsic activity at the
dopamine D2 receptor, in comparison to aripiprazole, positions
+DORSHULGRO brexpiprazole in between that agent and other antipsychotics
(which are D2 antagonists with 0% intrinsic activity) in this
regard. The potent 5HT1A partial agonism and moderate 5HT7
&DULSUD]LQH antagonism could potentially be associated with improved
cognition and antidepressant benefits;710 whereas the potent
alpha-1 and alpha-2 noradrenergic antagonism could contrib-
Figure 1 Antipsychotic agents in the USA.
ute to hypotension and necessitate gradual titration to a target
dose. The enhancement of noradrenergic neurotransmission
Receptor pharmacology in conjunction with 5HT2A antagonism may contribute to its
Brexpiprazole is a phenylpiperazine derivative whose unique antidepressant effects. The absence of significant affinity
chemical structure most closely resembles aripiprazole among to the M1 receptors suggests a low liability for this agent to
currently available antipsychotic agents.2 In the scheme of cause peripheral and central anticholinergic side effects,11
broadly classifying antipsychotic agents into first-generation whereas the low affinity at the H1 and 5HT2C receptors sug-
and second-generation antipsychotics (SGAs), brexpiprazole gests a modest potential for weight gain and other metabolic
is an SGA.3 Like other antipsychotic agents, the precise mech- side effects. Data from preclinical studies with brexpiprazole
anism of antipsychotic action of brexpiprazole is currently have generally been consistent with this profile.
unknown, although it appears to be related to its activity at
the dopamine D2 receptor.4 Brexpiprazole is a partial agonist Pharmacokinetics
at the dopamine D2 receptor, similar to aripiprazole and car- The activity of brexpiprazole is almost exclusively due to
iprazine. It also shares the additional attribute shared by all the parent drug. The pharmacokinetics of brexpiprazole is
currently available SGAs the ability to potently block the dose-proportional within a total daily dose of 18 mg and
serotonin 5HT2A receptor.2,5 Additionally, brexpiprazole has steady-state concentrations are reached within 2 weeks. The
potent activity at the serotonin 5HT1A (partial agonist) and mean half-life at steady-state is ~91 hours.12 Brexpiprazole
noradrenergic alpha-1 and alpha-2 (antagonist) receptors.2 It is rapidly absorbed after oral administration, reaching peak
exhibits moderate antagonist activity at the serotonin 5HT7 serum concentrations in 4 hours. Approximately 95% is
and 5HT2C and histamine H1 receptors and negligible activity absorbed without any notable impact of food. Brexpiprazole
at the muscarinic cholinergic M1 receptor. is highly protein-bound (over 99%), with high affinity for
A comparison of brexpiprazoles receptor binding profile alpha-1 glycoprotein and albumin. Protein binding is not
with that of aripiprazole is instructive. Whereas both aripip- affected by hepatic or renal impairment. Brexpiprazole is
razole and brexpiprazole are high-affinity, partial agonists at eliminated largely by hepatic metabolism, principally via
the dopamine D2 receptor, brexpiprazole has twice the affinity cytochrome P450 (CYP)-3A4 and -2D6. Thus, drugs that
and approximately half the intrinsic activity of aripiprazole at induce or inhibit the CYP-3A4 enzyme system may have
this receptor. Brexpiprazole has higher affinity to and greater profound effects on its bioavailability. In contrast, brexpip-
intrinsic activity than aripiprazole at the serotonin 5HT1A razole is neither an inducer nor inhibitor of CYP enzymes.
receptor, where both agents are partial agonists. In contrast to It has one major inactive metabolite (DM-3411). Less than
aripiprazole, brexpiprazole has significantly greater antagonist 1% is excreted unchanged in the urine.
activity at alpha-1a and alpha-2 noradrenergic receptors.
Although the precise clinical implications of this pharma- Clinical trials in schizophrenia
cological profile are not fully known, current understanding Focus on efficacy
of potential efficacy and side effect consequences of relevant Data on the short-term efficacy and safety of brexpiprazole
neurotransmitter receptor modulation is summarized in in the treatment of schizophrenia are available from three

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Table 1 Clinical implications of agonism and antagonism at various neurotransmitter receptors

Receptor and activity Benefits Side effects
Dopamine receptors
D2 receptor Antipsychotic effects Extrapyramidal side effects (EPS):
(antagonist) Efficacious for positive symptoms Dystonia
Tardive dyskinesia
Prolactin elevation:
Menstrual changes
Sexual dysfunction
Negative symptoms
Cognitive dysfunction
Serotonin receptors
5HT1A Possible improved mood Not known
(agonist) Possible improved cognition
5HT2A Reduced EPS Not known
5HT2C Not known Weight gain
5HT7 Possible efficacy in improving mood Not known
(antagonist) Possible efficacy in improving cognition
Adrenergic receptors
1 Not known Postural hypotension
(antagonist) Dizziness
2A Not known Changes in blood pressure
(antagonist) Possible hyperalgesia
Histamine receptors
H1 Not known Sedation
(antagonist) Weight gain
Acetylcholine receptors
Muscarinic Not known Blurred vision
Urinary retention
Sinus tachycardia
Cognitive dysfunction

6-week, Phase II or Phase III double-blind, randomized, it is recommended that 2 mg/day be the initial target dose
placebo-controlled multinational, multicenter clinical trials of brexpiprazole with gradual titration up to this dose and
in 1,769 patients (Table 2).1315 The average age of patients in 4 mg/day the maximum recommended dose.12 In these stud-
these studies was 40 years, with two-thirds being male, and ies, brexpiprazole was found to be effective across multiple
patients had a moderately severe illness burden at baseline dimensions of schizophrenia.16
on average. One of these three studies also included an active Brexpiprazole (up to 4 mg/day) has also been compared to
antipsychotic comparator (ie, aripiprazole).13 This particu- quetiapine extended release (up to 800 mg/day) and placebo
lar study was a failed study in that neither brexpiprazole in 465 patients with an acute exacerbation of schizophrenia
(0.25, 1, 2.5, and 5 mg/day) nor aripiprazole (15 mg/day) in a 6-week randomized clinical trial (NCT01810380), but
was found to be more effective than placebo.13 In the other results of this study are currently unavailable.
two studies, 24 mg of brexpiprazole was found to be more The long-term efficacy of brexpiprazole has been evalu-
effective than placebo. While preliminary data suggest ated in a 1-year double-blind, placebo-controlled mainte-
that the 4 mg/day dose may be more efficacious than the nance study of 202 schizophrenia patients.17 The stabilization
2 mg daily dose, this is not definitive.14,15 Consequently, and medication-withdrawal study design is currently the

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Table 2 Acute placebo-controlled clinical trials of brexpiprazole in the treatment of schizophrenia

Study Study duration Daily dose of Comparator Findings
number of patients brexpiprazole
McQuade et al13 6 weeks 0.25 mg Placebo Failed study
459 patients 1 mg aripiprazole 15 mg Neither aripiprazole nor any dose of
2.5 mg brexpiprazole found to be more effective than
5 mg placebo
Correll et al14 6 weeks 0.25 mg Placebo Both 2 and 4 mg of brexpiprazole found
353 patients 2 mg significantly more effective than placebo in overall
4 mg psychopathology (PANSS and CGI), positive, and
negative symptoms
Kane et al15 6 weeks 1 mg Placebo 4 mg brexpiprazole, but not 1 or 2 mg, was
674 patients 2 mg significantly more effective than placebo in overall
4 mg psychopathology (PANSS and CGI), positive, and
negative symptoms
Hobart et al17 52 weeks 14 mg/day Placebo Brexpiprazole more effective than placebo in
202 patients relapse prevention with significantly delayed time
to relapse and lower rate of relapse
Abbreviations: PANSS, positive and negative syndrome scale; CGI, clinical global impression.

standard for the evaluation of the effectiveness of treatments explained by the lower intrinsic activity of brexpiprazole
in preventing relapse in schizophrenia.18 Brexpiprazole was versus aripiprazole at the dopamine D2 receptor, rendering
found to be significantly more effective than placebo in brexpiprazole intermediate between aripiprazole and other
preventing relapse, with a significantly lower proportion of antipsychotic agents in this regard. Although a modestly
schizophrenia patients relapsing in the brexpiprazole versus greater weight gain was also observed, no significant differ-
placebo group (13.5% vs 38.5%, P,0.01) over the 1-year ences from placebo were observed with regard to changes in
period. serum glucose or lipids. Lastly, this agent appears to have little
Brexpiprazole at doses between 2 and 4 mg/day has thus effect on the corrected QT interval on electrocardiogram.
far been efficacious in the treatment of schizophrenia in sev- There are several class level warnings included in the
eral short-term studies. How its efficacy compares to that of product label for brexpiprazole. These include increased
other antipsychotic agents is unclear. Only limited data are mortality in elderly patients with dementia-related psychosis
currently available from head-to-head clinical trials, and final (black box), cerebrovascular adverse reactions, including
results of the completed study comparing brexpiprazole to stroke, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, tardive dyskinesia,
quetiapine are not yet available. The hope that brexpiprazole hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, hyperprolactinemia, leukope-
might offer advantages in treating the cognitive symptoms nia, seizures, orthostatic hypotension, potential for cognitive
of schizophrenia, based on its potent serotonin 5HT1A partial impairment, disrupted body temperature regulation, and
agonism and 5HT2A and 5HT7 antagonism, awaits confirma- dysphagia.
tion in clinical trials current data are inadequate to support In the absence of direct head-to-head trials versus other
the claim.19,20 Similarly, the promise that brexpiprazole might antipsychotic agents, it is difficult to precisely place brexpip-
more effectively treat the mood symptoms of schizophrenia razole in the context of other available antipsychotic agents
(again based on its distinctive pharmacological profile) awaits in terms of its adverse effect profile. It appears intermediate
confirmation in clinical trials. between aripiprazole and other SGAs, with a relatively low
occurrence of metabolic side effects and modest rates of
Adverse events and safetytolerability akathisia. Results of the comparator trials should provide
Data on the safetytolerability of brexpiprazole in the greater clarity.
treatment of schizophrenia were also compiled from the
studies discussed earlier. Dose-dependent side effects of brex- Clinical trials in major depressive
piprazole include nausea, akathisia, headache, and modest disorder
weight gain. In contrast to aripiprazole that reduces prolactin Focus on efficacy
levels, modest dose-dependent increases in prolactin levels The short-term efficacy and safety of brexpiprazole in the
are observed with brexpiprazole. This difference is likely treatment of major depressive disorder have been assessed in

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Table 3 Acute placebo-controlled clinical trials of adjunctive brexpiprazole in the treatment of major depressive disorder inadequately
responsive to antidepressant alone
Study Study duration Daily dose of brexpiprazole Comparator Findings
number of patients antidepressant antidepressant
Thase et al21 6 weeks 0.15 mg Placebo 1.5 mg, but not other doses of
429 patients 0.5 mg brexpiprazole found to be more effective
1.5 mg than placebo in antidepressant response
Thase et al22 6 weeks 2 mg Placebo 2 mg of brexpiprazole found significantly
379 patients more effective than placebo as adjunctive
treatment to antidepressant
Thase et al23 6 weeks 1 mg Placebo 3 mg, but not 1 mg, brexpiprazole,
677 patients 3 mg significantly more effective than placebo in
improving depression

three 6-week, Phase II or Phase III double-blind, randomized, Clinical use

placebo-controlled multinational, multicenter clinical trials in Brexpiprazole is currently approved by the US Food and
~1,500 patients (Table 3).2123 The average age of patients in Drug Administration for the treatment of schizophrenia and
these studies was 45 years, with approximately a third being as adjunctive treatment of major depressive disorder.
male, and study participants had moderately severe illness The recommended starting dose for major depressive
burden at baseline (average Montgomery-Asberg Depression disorder is 0.5 mg/day to be titrated up to 1.0 mg/day and then
Rating Scale total score =26).24 In all three studies, patients to the target dose of 2 mg/day with dosage increases to occur
with major depressive disorder with inadequate response to at weekly intervals based on patient response and tolerability
one to three trials of standard antidepressant medications were (hypotension is the main side effect that necessitates gradual
selected and received an 8-week prospective trial of a standard titration). The maximum recommended dose for adjunctive
antidepressant + placebo. Those who did not respond to such treatment of major depressive disorder is 3 mg/day.
treatment were then randomized to receive adjunctive brex- The recommended starting dose for schizophrenia is
piprazole or placebo for 6 weeks. In these studies, treatment 1 mg/day to be increased to the target dose of 2 mg/day over
with 1.53 mg of adjunctive brexpiprazole/day was found to a week based on patient response and ability to tolerate the
produce significantly greater reduction in total Montgomery- drug. The maximum daily dose is 4 mg/day.
Asberg Depression Rating Scale scores (the primary outcome Brexpiprazole can be administered once a day and taken
measure)25 and a greater proportion of improved patients than with or without food. Dose adjustments are likely unneces-
adjunctive placebo. Consequently, it is recommended that sary on the basis of age, sex, or race. Dose adjustment is
1.52 mg/day be the initial target dose of adjunctive brexpip- recommended in the presence of moderatesevere hepatic
razole with gradual titration up to this dose and 3 mg/day is impairment or moderatesevere renal impairment; in both
the maximum recommended dose for this indication.12 instances, the daily dose should not exceed 3 mg/day. If brex-
The extent of improvement observed with brexpiprazole piprazole is administered along with strong CYP-2D6 or -3A4
augmentation of antidepressant is similar in magnitude to inhibitors, lower doses should be utilized (approximately half
that observed in studies of aripiprazole25,26 and quetiapine27 the usual dosage); alternatively, if it is administered with
augmentation. strong CYP-3A4 inducers, higher doses should be utilized.

Adverse events and safetytolerability Summary

Data on the safetytolerability of brexpiprazole as an adjunc- Brexpiprazole appears to be a useful addition to our current
tive treatment of major depressive disorder were also compiled armamentarium of antipsychotic medications for the treat-
from the studies discussed earlier. Short-term side effects of ment of schizophrenia and adjunctive treatment for major
brexpiprazole include nausea, diarrhea, akathisia, and modest depressive disorder that is inadequately responsive to anti-
weight gain. Long-term safetytolerability data were derived depressants alone. It seems comparable to currently available
from over 2,000 patients with major depressive disorder who SGAs (ie, similar efficacy, reduced but some extrapyramidal
received brexpiprazole augmentation.28 Moderate weight gain side effect liability) with a relatively low risk of metabolic
was noted as the major adverse effect. adverse effects. It should be emphasized, however, that

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