Study of Applications of Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
Study of Applications of Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
Study of Applications of Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks
Abstract: While sensor networks are the source point to be grown in todays applications on the ground, under water operations and
research are not attaining the highest goals by comparison. This paper explores the various applications of underwater wireless sensor
networks and the major challenges in the design of underwater wireless sensor networks.
To know about underwater applications, there are some Seismic monitoring can be of underground seismic
design challenges and tools from ground based wireless monitoring and underwater seismic monitoring. The below
sensor networks. Even underwater networks resembles like diagram in Figure1 shows about the classification of seismic
terrestrial networks, there are some fundamentally different monitoring.
from terrestrial networks which are not suitable for the
underwater environment. Radio signals in terrestrial
networks are not applicable for underwater networks due to
the propagation of long distances at very low frequencies,
requires high transmission power and large antennas. Due to
the shadow zones, temporary connectivity loss is
Figure 1: Classification of Seismic monitoring
experienced [1].
2.1.1 Underground Seismic
When compared with radio waves, acoustic waves have
In todays world, earth quakes are happening frequently in
high propagation delay, low or insufficient bandwidth, path
many countries of the world, with any appearance of a
loss and more consumption of energy. Additionally, some
sudden and unexpected event. The majority of earth quakes
other challenges such as continuous movement of sensor
are due to sudden slip of a rock formation by faults, which
nodes, which is unsuitable for the (GPS) Global Positioning
results in a seismic waves that shakes the ground, damage
System for the underwater environment [2].
structures, land slides and deadly events. The damage on
underground strongly depends on three mechanisms:
2. Potential Applications Seismic source: Refers to the failure of the rock mass which
pre-exists frequently on a weakness such as fault, where the
Some of the possible wireless sensor network applications seismic energy release, Rock burst: This mechanism refers
are: industrial monitoring, Environmental, warfare, only when the hanging and sidewall Collapses. The major
healthcare, education, agriculture etc. With the joint hands Rock burst damage will be caused by the fall of slabs due to
and efforts of the college of Atlantic and the university of the thickness which is < 1.6m.
California, some environmental monitoring parameters is
carried out in the Great Duck Island on the coast of maine 2.1.2 Underwater Seismic
by means of network of Berkeley equipped with more Seismic monitoring is a promising application for
number of wireless sensors. The nodes send their underwater sensor networks for oil extraction from
2.5 Disaster prevention There are some major challenges in the design of
underwater sensor networks are as follows:
Some natural disasters cause danger to the living things such The available bandwidth is severely limited.
as Volcanoes, earthquakes and tsunamis which can occur Propagation delay under water is five orders of magnitude
anytime and anywhere on the earth surface. In March 2011, higher than that in RF terrestrial channels and extremely
the most powerful earthquake that hit Japan with the variable.
magnitude of 9.0 which generates major tsunami waves as The underwater channel is severely impaired, especially
high as 130 feet that spread across the miles of the shore because of multi-path and fading problems.
[11]. From remote locations, Sensor networks measure the Error rates are very high and temporary loss of
seismic activity to inform tsunami warnings to coastal areas connectivity (shadow zones) can be experienced due to
or study the effects of submarine earthquakes (seaquakes) the characteristics of the underwater channel.
[3]. Battery power is limited and usually batteries cannot be
recharged; also, solar energy cannot be exploited
2.6 Assisted navigation Underwater sensor networks are prone to failure because
of fouling and corrosion.
Sensors can be used to identify hazards on the seabed, to
locate dangerous rocks or shoals in shallow waters, mooring 4. Conclusion
positions, and submerged wrecks, and to perform
bathymetry profiling. The potential capabilities of underwater sensor networks
and the wide variety of new applications that will be enabled
2.7 Distributed tactical surveillance in underwater by them motivate the development of communication
techniques for the underwater environment. While the vast
Underwater Vehicles - AUVs and fixed underwater nodes amount of solutions for terrestrial WSNs provides a valuable
are being monitored under the areas for surveillance, insight into networking in this environment, there exist
targeting information and intrusion detection systems. As an
Volume 6 Issue 4, April 2017
Licensed Under Creative Commons Attribution CC BY
Paper ID: ART20172588 1664
International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR)
ISSN (Online): 2319-7064
Index Copernicus Value (2015): 78.96 | Impact Factor (2015): 6.391
many challenges unique to underwater communication.
Especially, the significantly different characteristics of
communication in water require many networking
paradigms to be revisited.
[1] M. Stojanovic, Acoustic (underwater)
communications, in Encyclopedia of
Telecommunications, J. G. Proakis, Ed. John Wiley
and Sons, 2003.
[2] P. Xie, J.-H. Cui, and L. Lao, VBF: vector-based
forwarding protocol for underwater sensor networks,
Networking, vol. 3976, pp. 12161221, 2006.
[3] Yonca Bayrakdar, Nirvana Meratnia, Aylin
Kantarci,A comparative view of routing protocols for
underwater wireless sensornetworks.978-1-61284-
4577 00880/11/$26.00,2011IEEE.
[4] Ian F. Akyildiz, Dario Pompili, Tommaso Melodia,
State of the Art in Protocol Research for Underwater
Acoustic Sensor Networks, WUWNet06, September
25, 2006, Los Angeles, California, USA, ACM 1-
[5] AUV Laboratory at MIT Sea Grant
[6] Ocean engineering at Florida Atlantic University,
available at