Bullying 140927212104 Phpapp01
Bullying 140927212104 Phpapp01
Bullying 140927212104 Phpapp01
English IV
Luigi M. Langcamon
Darlene P. Enderez
March 2014
I. Introduction:
themselves into someone they wanted to be. But that is not the only
luxury that schools can give, they can also be a battlefield, a place of
survival some may seem, where the famous and beautiful are
honored and respected while the poor little once are bullied.
alarming is the breeding ground of this plague is our school. Our very
own second home is the ground for bullies. But before we trigger into
the problem let us first define what a bully is. According to the New
by its environment, history and other related matters. And one of the
must not seem to notice events such as bullying but some incidents
must be as vivid as crystals, we cant just identify if it is already an act
These questions are the main reasons of our study. And the answers
behaves. Let us first dig into the early ideas about behavior.
towards the victim. Bullies are people who have their reasons too;
they may have undergone the same problem and just trying to repeat
it to avenge them. Or they may have other factors that turned them
into a dark shade. This hypothesis of ours will soon be a fact as soon
1. What is bullying?
community or society?
iii. Significance of the Study
especially teens bully each other. We are also looking at the big
picture of how great this bullying thing affects the attitude of the
student and affect to their whole emotional growth. At the same time
be a bully. They just dont notice it but their jokes and the way they
This study directly involves bullies and those who are bullied.
This study aims to deepen our knowledge on why and how bullies act
that way. This will help us understand them and in the same time,
help them as well through giving care, love and attention. The
weaker people
opposed someone
II. Review of Related Literature
Bullying and harassment are not new issues that students and
schools face. In fact, over the years it has been viewed as being so
that most youth will experience then get over (Ross, 2002, p.107)
counselors, and even students have the greatest access to the most
paper will address bullying in general at all grade levels, but its
students at building character for some students this may be the last
III. Methodology
Research Design
affects its peers, this study furthermore dig into the world of bullies
and victim and to know what are the factors that affect a bully to hurt
Research Environment
of the chosen respondents. The survey will verify our conclusions and
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