Dacromet Coating A490m Bolts

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Qualification of Metallic Coating for Use With High-Strength Structural Bolts by: DACROMET? approved for use on A490 and ‘Andrew R. Preifer Metal Co and Sali Brahimi IBECA Technologies Corp. wivwabeca.ca Since the 1970s, ASTM A490 prohibited the application ‘of metalic coatings on high-strength structural bolts. At the hieart of the prohibition was the desire to institute a measure that would eliminate the risk of hydrogen embrittlement. ‘Anresearch report investigating the use of metallic coat ings on high-strength structural fasteners was generated for review by the ASTM Committee F16 on Fasteners and the Research Council on Structural Connestions. The inves: tigation, begun in 2001 and completed in December 2006, ad the long-term objective of making a case for allowing the application of a “safe” metallic coating on high-strength struc- {ural fasteners. To achieve this, the methodology prescribed in the 1F1-144 standard was applied in order to qualify the DACROMET® coating system available from Metal Coat- ings International Inc, Chardon, OH, USA, for use with ASTM A490 bolts. DACROMET satisfied all of the performance criteria specified in JF7-144, Cominuous salt-spray and cyclic expo sure demonstrated that DACROMET offered significantly prior corrosion protection capabilities in comparison with hot-

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