Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology - Second Edition
Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology - Second Edition
Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology - Second Edition
George M. Garrity
Julia A. Bell
and Timothy G. Lilburn
George M. Garrity
Bergeys Manual Trust and Department of Microbiology and Molecu-
lar Genetics
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 488241101
Julia A. Bell
Food Safety and Toxicology Center
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI 488241101
Timothy G. Lilburn
Bioinformatics Group
American Type Culture Collection
Manassas, VA 20110
While the advice and information contained within this document are
believed to be true and accurate at the time of publication, neither th e
authors, the publisher, nor Bergeys Manual Trust can accept any le-
gal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. The
publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the
material contained herein.
DOI 10.1007/bergeysoutline200405
Background The classi?cation presented below was ini- Technical notes Release 5.0 coincides with the publica-
tiated in the early 1990s in the editorial of?ce of Bergeys tion of Volume 2 of the second edition of the Systematics.
Manual Trust as a preliminary step in organizing the con- As stated earlier, we continue to search the taxonomic
tent of the second edition of Bergeys Manual of System- literature and the public databases for new, high quality
atic Bacteriology (the Systematics). The primary objec- 16S rDNA sequences (de?ned as >1400 nts, < 4% am-
tive was to devise a classi?cation that would re?ect the biguity, and fewer than 10 missing positions) and have
phylogeny of prokaryotes, as de?ned by 16S rDNA se- added these sequences to our phylogenetic models. In
quence analysis, while simultaneously placing all of the this release, we list 4540 unique sequences that are as-
validly named members of a given taxon into the clas- sociated with 4504 type strains and 894 synonyms. We
si?cation at a single point, based on the sequence of the have also added 197 new species/new combinations, 40
type strain, type species, or type genus. 1 new genera, 3 new families, 1 new order, and 1 new class
to our taxonomic model. New additions are summarized
Under ideal conditions, such a task would be relatively in Table 1.
straightforward. All species assigned to a genus would
be in agreement with the phylogenetic model and this The taxonomic model Within this classi? cation, we rec-
would be re?ected in the nomenclature. Furthermore, ognize two prokaryotic domains: the Archaea and Bacte-
each species would bear a single name that would re?ect ria. The domains are divided into phyla which are in turn
both its taxonomic and phylogenetic position. However, divided into classes, orders (except for the Cyanobacte-
we ? nd this not to be the case as there are a number of ex- ria for which we use the rank of subdivision), families,
isting genera (e.g., Clostridium, Aquaspirillum) that are and genera. In the Actinobacteria, subclasses and sub-
paraphyletic based on the 16S rDNA model. It is our orders are recognized, and suborders occur within the
view that such instances indicate a need for taxonomic Myxococcales. The rank of kingdom is not used to avoid
revision. In addition, prior taxonomic revisions have led possible con? icts with the Botanical Code, where some
to numerous instances in which the same species may overlap exists. Readers are advised that the Code of
bear more than one validly published name, indicating Prokaryotic Nomenclature does not cover taxa above the
differences in taxonomic opinion. To ensure complete- Class, even though the domain and phylum names ap-
ness, we have opted to include the majority of these syn- pearing in the Outline and in the Manual have appeared
onyms within the Outline. in Validation List 85. As of May 2004, 6661 validly
named prokaryotic species appeared either in the Ap-
Placement of species within the Outline is dictated by proved List of Bacterial Names (Skerman et al., 1980), in
the genus name rather than the position within any given original papers published in the International Journal of
phylogenetic model. We believe that periodic publica- Systematic Bacteriology or the International Journal of
tion of updated versions of this Outline will provide the Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, or in Valida-
community with an indication of the progress that has tion Lists 196. 2 In this version of the Outline, we extend
been made in resolving such problems, as well as point- our list of synonyms to 1226 by including forthcoming
ing out any remaining or new discrepancies that have oc- assertions of synonymy that will appear in Volume 2 of
curred between revisions. Therefore, any reference to the Systematics. Readers should be aware that, in some
the outline should include the release number, the publi- cases, we have opted to exclude some names that have
cation date, and the digital object identi? er (the DOI) of not found widespread usage, even though those names
the release being referenced. are validly published.
A more d etaile d discussion of the h istorical aspe cts of this effort a re pres ente d in th e ?rst re lea se of t he O ut line a nd b y Ga rrity and Holt in
Volume 1 o f t he Systema tics.
Lists 1 -7 1 were pub lishe d in t he I nternat ion al Jo urnal of Sy st emat ic B act eriology a nd lis ts 72 -8 2 in t he I nternat ion al Jo urnal of Sy st emat ic
an d E volu tion ary Microb iology, 27 (197 7) 30 6; 29 (197 9) 79 , 4 36; 30 (19 80) 6 01, 67 6; 31 (1981 ) 21 5, 382; 3 2 (1 982) 266, 3 84; 33 (198 3)
43 8, 672 , 896 ; 34 (198 4) 9 1, 27 0, 355 , 503 ; 35 (198 5) 223, 3 75, 5 35; 36 (1 986) 35 4, 489 , 573; 37 (198 7) 1 79; 3 8 (1988 ) 13 6, 22 0, 328 , 449 ;
39 (1 989) 93, 205, 3 71, 4 95; 4 0 (1 990 ) 10 5, 21 2, 320 , 470 ; 41 (199 1) 178, 331, 4 56, 5 80; 4 2 (1 992) 19 1, 32 7, 511, 65 6; 43 (19 93) 188 , 398 ,
62 4, 864; 44 (19 94) 1 82, 370 , 5 95, 852 ; 45 (1 995) 197, 41 8, 619, 87 9; 46 (1996 ) 362 , 6 25, 836 , 1189 ; 47 (1 997) 242, 60 1, 915, 1 274; 48
(199 8) 327, 6 27, 6 31, 10 83; 4 9 (1999 ) 1 , 341, 935, 1 325; 50 (200 0) 3, 423 , 949 , 1415 , 169 9, 195 3; 51 (2 001) 1, 2 63, 7 93, 12 29, 1 619, 1 945 ;
52 (2 002) 3 , 29 3, 685, 107 5, 1 437, 191 5; 53 (20 03) 1 , 37 3, 6 27, 935, 122 1, 1701 ;54:(2004 ) 3, 307.
Adoption of a hierarchical classi?cation presents several gle type of data that will soon be available for all validly
dif? culties that must also be recognized. By de? nition, named species. Given the rapid advancements in se-
each species must be a member of successively higher quencing technology, we expect that sequences of other
ranks (six of which are recognized for the majority of genes will follow in the near future and help in resolving
taxa in the second edition of the Systematics). Yet there is the placement of problem taxa.
considerable reluctance among many contemporary sys-
tematic procaryotic biologists to place new species and Interpretation of the taxonomic outline At present, the
genera into higher taxa, especially at the intermediate two procaryotic domains have been subdivided into 26
levels (family, order, and class) because of uncertainty of phyla 3, two of which occur within the Archaea. The re-
phylogenetic models. In compiling and maintaining the maining 24 phyla are ascribed to the Bacteria. The fact
outline we have often had to deal with instances where that the Archaea and deeply branching Bacteria are pre-
new species were variously assigned to a class or do- sented ? rst is based largely on the early versions of the
main without being ascribed membership in any of the RDP tree. Since the branching order of species within
intervening taxa. This may be attributed to a lack of genera is frequently ambiguous and the data set is known
clear rules for delineating higher taxa. It may also re?ect to be incomplete, the use of phylogenetic trees as a guide
the inherent limitations of the 16S rRNA gene for de?n- for ordering taxa, both in the outline and the Systematics
ing a higher taxonomic structure, especially when con- Manual proved to be untenable. Thus, we have adopted a
temporary phylogenetic techniques, which rely on tree more workable and all-inclusive strategy. The type taxon
graphs as the principal interpretive device, are used to always appears ? rst. Within lower taxa, members of the
analyze small and inherently biased data sets. We have rank will usually appear in alphabetical order. The hi-
also observed a general lack of consistency in de? ning erarchical numbering scheme used in the outline is arbi-
the boundaries of genera based on 16S rDNA sequence trary, especially at the lower levels. It is also subject to
analysis. This is particularly problematic in bushy areas change as new taxa are described and existing taxa re-
of the ARB and RDP trees where uncertainty of branch- classi?ed. Therefore, we advise against using the num-
ing order is high and clear demarcation of taxonomic bering scheme as an organizational or mnemonic device.
groups is impossible in the absence of other supporting
data. Decoding the entries Within this document, as well as
within the Systematics, we follow the American style
In dealing with such problems, we have ? lled in the for rendering Latinized names. Regardless of rank, all
missing taxa to complete the hierarchy. Names of names appear in italics. The superscript AL indicates
higher taxa are based largely on priority, except in that the name was included on the Approved Lists of
instances where such a strategy might lead to unnec- Bacterial Names published in 1980. The superscript VP
essary confusion (e.g., Helicobacteraceae rather than indicates that the name was validly published in the In-
Wolinellaceae). Considerable effort has been spent in ternational Journal of Systematic Bacteriology (now the
con?rming the placement of genera within higher taxa. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary
Each of these higher taxa has also been scrutinized for Microbiology) or appeared on one of the validation lists
phylogenetic coherence so as to avoid paraphyletic or published in that journal. Names appearing in quotes
polyphyletic groupings wherever possible. However, have no standing in nomenclature, although they may
since 16S rDNA sequences are not yet available for have been effectively published elsewhere. Names fol-
all validly named species, some such instances will re- lowed with superscripted NP are indicative of proposals
main for the foreseeable future. We have annotated the for new taxa that will appear in the forthcoming second
species level outline in many areas to provide users some volume of the Systematics.
insight into our rationale for placements that might be
deemed controversial or to alert the reader to problems In the case of species names, each is followed with the
concerning the validity or legitimacy of names. Readers authority for the name and year of the original descrip-
are invited to pass along any comments or observations tion, in abbreviated form. The type strain (species), type
along with supporting data regarding other potential species (genus), type genus (family and order), and type
misplacements or errors. order (class and above) are indicated by an uppercase T,
enclosed in parentheses and in superscript. New taxa (re-
Despite some limitations, it is our view that the use of the cently added) are highlighted in red type and those which
well established phylogeny based on the 16S rRNA gene have been relocated within the outline as a result of com-
provides a marked improvement over the earlier arti? cial ments from experts appear in magenta. Readers should
classi? cations of prokaryotes. The technique (16S rDNA understand that the taxa are not, in reality moved, but are
sequencing) is universally applicable and provides a sin- the subject of alternative taxonomic views.
It is likely tha t th is n umb er un derst ates t he tru e numb er o f ph ylum leve l lineag es within t he Bac teria. Hugen holtz rec ogniz es at le as t fo ur
oth er p hyla within t he Firmicu tes.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
In the unabridged version of the outline that includes Citation Garrity, G.M., J.A. Bell and T.G. Lilburn.
species names and associated information, proposals for (2004) Taxonomic Outline of the Prokaryotes. Bergeys
new combinations typically result in multiple changes Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, Second Edition.,
within the taxonomy. The new name is followed by the Release 5.0., Springer-Verlag, New York. pages. DOI:
basonym, which is identi?ed by the symbol <- preced- 10.1007/bergeysoutline200405
ing the old name. Basonyms are also homotypic syn-
onyms (formerly referred to as objective synonyms) by Acknowledgments We also would like to acknowledge
default. To minimize redundancy, we will not identify Drs. Wolfgang Ludwig and Karl-Heinz Schleifer (Tech-
them as such. The old name is also retained within the nical University of Munich), Sean Turner (NCBI), Philip
outline, in the original location. However, older names Hugenholtz (UC. Berkeley), and James Cole and Qiong
are preceded by a dagger symbol () and should be con- Wang (RDP/Center for Microbial Ecology, Michigan
sidered deprecated under most circumstances. Follow- State) for their numerous and helpful discussions on
ing the old name and information about the taxonomic resolving discrepancies between the Bergeys Outline
authority the new name appears in green type preceded and the phylogenetic reference trees and uncovering
by an arrow (->). In instances of synonymy, the syn- annotation errors; Drs. Jean Euzby (cole Nationale
onyms (either homotypic or heterotypic) are identi? ed as Vtrinaire de Toulouse), Brian Tindall (Deutsche
such and preceded by an equals sign (=). Synonyms are Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen,
further categorized as either senior or junior, indicating GmbH) and Aharon Oren for numerous helpful and
priority. More detailed information regarding the topics spirited comments on nomenclature and editorial re-
of synonymy and priority are available in the Interna- marks. We would also like to extend our thanks to Drs.
tional Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria (1990 Revision) David Boone, Paul De Vos, Michael Goodfellow, Noel
and in Minutes of the Judicial Commission on Prokary- Kreig, Fred Rainey, Erko Stackebrandt, James Staley,
otic Nomenclature published in the International Jour- Joseph Tully, and William Whitman for their helpful
nal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. discussions and constructive comments.
Immediately following the nomenclature section of each This document was developed and is maintained as an
entry follows key information regarding the type strain, XML instance of a custom document type de?nition for
including the original strain designation, when reported, taxonomic hierarchies using Epic Architect and Epic
and all known deposits in major culture collections 5 . Editor, Version 5.0, (ArborText, Ann Arbor, MI). The
Each such deposit is set off by a small vertical bar ( DTD was authored by George M. Garrity (Michigan
| ). If one or more high quality 16S rDNA sequences State University, East Lansing, MI) and Catherine Lyons
have been reported for that strain, information regarding (Explicatrix llc, Sterling, NJ) and is interoperable with
those sequences will follow. The ?rst value will be the the Bergeys Manual DTD. This research was supported
GenBank, EMBL or DDBJ accession number(s). This in part by the Biological and Environmental Research
will be followed by the RDP short identi? er, which is Program (BER), U.S. Department of Energy, Grant No.
typically an alphanumeric abbreviation derived from the DE-FG02-02ER63315.
species name. Each such triplet is set off from others by
the small vertical bar (|).
Lap age et al., (1992 ) AS M Press, Washin gton , D C.
W it h t his re lea se of th e O ut line, we ha ve impleme nted a chang e in the p re ?x o f t he forme r Ins titute of Ferme ntation, O s aka c ulture co llec tion
(IFO ) t o the new desig nation a s the NI TE (Nationa l In stitut e of Tec hn olo gy and Ev alu ation) B iologica l R eso urce Cente r (N BRC).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Domain Archaea VP
Phylum AI. Crenarchaeota VP 6
Class I. Thermoprotei VP
Order I. Thermoproteales VP (T)
Family I. Thermoproteaceae VP
Genus I. Thermoproteus VP (T)
Thermoproteus tenax VP (T) Zillig and Stetter 1982 DSM 2078
Thermoproteus neutrophilus VP Zillig 1989 DSM 2338 | JCM 9278, AB009618,
Thermoproteus uzoniensis VP Bonch-Osmolovskaya et al. 2001 7 Z-605 | DSM 5263
Genus II. Caldivirga VP
Caldivirga maquilingensis VP (T) Itoh et al. 1999 IC-167, AB013926 | JCM 10307 | MCC-
UPLB 1200 | ANMR 0178
Genus III. Pyrobaculum VP
Pyrobaculum islandicum VP (T) Huber et al. 1988 GEO3, L07511, Pyb.island | DSM
Pyrobaculum aerophilum VP Vlkl et al. 1996 IM2, L07510, Pyb.aeroph | DSM 7523
Pyrobaculum arsenaticum VP Huber et al. 2001 PZ6, AJ277124 | 700994 | ATCC 700994
| DSM 13514
Pyrobaculum organotrophum VP Huber et al. 1988 H10 | DSM 4185 | JCM 9190,
Pyrobaculum oguniense VP Sako et al. 2001 TE7, AB029339 | DSM 13380 | JCM 10595
Genus IV. Thermocladium VP
Thermocladium modestius VP (T) Itoh et al. 1998 IC-125, AB005296, Tcl.modest | JCM
Genus V. Vulcanisaeta VP
Vulcanisaeta souniana VP (T) Itoh et al. 2002 IC-059 | JCM 11219 | DSM 14430,
Vulcanisaeta distributa VP Itoh et al. 2002 IC-017, AB063630 | JCM 11212 | DSM 14429
Family II. Thermo?laceae VP
Genus I. Thermo?lum VP (T)
Thermo?lum pendens VP (T) Zillig and Gierl 1983 Hvv3, X14835, Tmf.penden | DSM
2475, X14835, Tmf.penden
Order II. "Caldisphaerales"
Family I. "Caldisphaeraceae"
Genus I. Caldisphaera VP (T)
Caldisphaera lagunensis VP (T) Itoh et al. 2003 IC-154, AB087499 | ANMR 0165 | JCM
11604 | MCC-UPLB 1331
Order III. Desulfurococcales VP
Family I. Desulfurococcaceae VP
Genus I. Desulfurococcus VP (T)
Desulfurococcus mucosus VP (T) Zillig and Stetter 1983 DSM 2162
Desulfurococcus amylolyticus VP Bonch-Osmolovskaya et al. 2001 Z533, AF250331
| DSM 3822 | JCM 9188
Prokofeva et al. sug gest tha t Acid ilobus represents a sepa ra te line age within the Crenarc haeo ta. Th is has not y et b een c on ?rme d in eith er
the A RB o r RDP trees.
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Aeropyrum camini VP Nakagawa et al. 2004 SY1, AB109559 | ATCC BAA-758 | JCM
Genus IV. Ignicoccus VP
Ignicoccus islandicus VP (T) Huber et al. 2000 Kol8, X99562 | ATCC 700957 | DSM
Ignicoccus paci?cus VP Huber and Stetter 2000 LPC33, AJ271794 | ATCC 700958 | DSM
Genus V. Staphylothermus VP
Staphylothermus marinus VP (T) Stetter and Fiala 1986 F1, X99560, Sth.marinu | ATCC
49053 | DSM 3639, X99560, Sth.marinu
Staphylothermus hellenicus VP Arab et al. 2000 P8, AJ012645 | DSM 12710 | JCM 10830
Genus VI. Stetteria VP
Stetteria hydrogenophila VP (T) Jochimsen et al. 1998 4ABC, Y07784, Str.hygen2 |
4ABC, Y07963, Str.hygeno | DSM 11227
Genus VII. Sulfophobococcus VP
Sulfophobococcus zilligii VP (T) Hensel et al. 1997 K1, X98064, Slp.zillig | DSM 11193
| JCM 10309
Not e that a subculture of th e typ e st ra in is on ly d eposited in one pu blic c olle ction or ma y oth erwis e be in violation of Rules 27(3) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Acidianus ambivalens VP (Zillig and Bck 1987) Fuchs et al. 1996 <- Desulfurolobus
ambivalens (basonym) Lei 10 | DSM 3772, D85506, Adi.ambivl | DSM 3772,
D85506, Adi.ambiv3 | DSM 3772, X90484, Adi.ambiv2
Acidianus brierleyi VP (Zillig et al. 1980) Segerer et al. 1986 <- Sulfolobus brierleyi
(basonym) DSM 1651, D26489, Adi.brier2 | DSM 1651, X90477, Adi.brier3
Genus III. Metallosphaera VP
Metallosphaera sedula VP (T) Huber et al. 1989 TH2 | DSM 5348, D26491, Mts.sedula |
DSM 5348, X90481, Mts.sedul3
Metallosphaera prunae VP Fuchs et al. 1996 Ron 12/II, X90482, Mts.prunae | DSM
10039, X90482, Mts.prunae
Genus IV. Stygiolobus VP
Stygiolobus azoricus VP (T) Segerer et al. 1991 FC6 | DSM 6296, D85520, Sl.azoric2 |
DSM 6296, X90480, Sl.azoricu
Genus V. Sulfurisphaera VP
Sulfurisphaera ohwakuensis VP (T) Kurosawa et al. 1998 TA-1, D85507, Sfr.ohwaku |
DSM 12421 | NBRC 15161, D85507, Sfr.ohwaku
Genus VI. Sulfurococcus VP
Sulfurococcus mirabilis VP (T) Golovacheva et al. 1995 INMI AT-59
Sulfurococcus yellowstonensis VP Karavaiko et al. 1995 Str6kar
Phylum AII. Euryarchaeota VP 10
Class I. Methanobacteria VP
Order I. Methanobacteriales VP (T)
Family I. Methanobacteriaceae AL
Genus I. Methanobacterium AL (T)
Methanobacterium formicicum AL (T) Schnellen 1947 MF | ATCC 33274 | DSM 1535,
AF169245 | OCM 55
Methanobacterium alcaliphilum VP Worakit et al. 1986 WeN4 | DSM 3387 | OCM 11
Methanobacterium arbophilicum AL Zeikus and Henning 1975 -> Methanobrevibacter
arboriphilicus DH1, AY196665 | ATCC 33747 | DSM 1125
Methanobacterium bryantii VP Balch and Wolfe 1981 M.o.H. | ATCC 33272 | DSM 863,
M59124, Mb.bryanti
Methanobacterium congolense VP Cuzin et al. 2001 C, AF233586 | DSM 7095 | OCM
Methanobacterium de?uvii VP Kotelnikova et al. 1994 -> Methanothermobacter de-
?uvii ADZ, X99046, Mbt.d?uvi | DSM 7466, X99046, Mbt.d? uvi | VKM B-1962,
X99046, Mbt.d? uvi 11
Methanobacterium espanolae VP Patel et al. 1990 GP9, AF095260, Mb.espanol | DSM
5982 | NRC 5912
Methanobacterium ivanovii VP Jain et al. 1988 DSM 2611 | Ivanov | OCM 140,
AF095261, Mb.ivanovi
Methanobacterium mobile AL Paynter and Hungate 1968 -> Methanomicrobium mobile
ATCC 35094 | DSM 1539, M59142,
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Me than otherm obacter th ermo?exus co mb. nov. is propo sed in Volu me 1 of B ergey s M anua l o f Sy s tema tic B act eriology , 2n d E d.
Me than otherm obacter th ermoph ilus co mb. nov. is propo sed in Volu me 1 of B ergey s M anua l o f Sy s tema tic B act eriology , 2n d E d.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Methanocorpusculum aggregans VP (Ollivier et al. 1985) Xun et al. 1989 <- Methanoge-
nium aggregans (basonym) MSt | DSM 3027 | OGC 21
Methanocorpusculum bavaricum VP Zellner et al. 1989 SZSXXZ, AF042197,
Mcr.bavarc | SZSXXZ, AF095266, Mcr.bavar2 | DSM 4179
Methanocorpusculum labreanum VP Zhao et al. 1989 Z, AF095267, Mcr.labre2 | DSM
4855 | OGC 1
Methanocorpusculum sinense VP Zellner et al. 1989 China Z, AF095268, Mcr.sinens |
DSM 4274
Family III. Methanospirillaceae VP
Genus I. Methanospirillum AL (T)
Methanospirillum hungatei AL (T) Ferry et al. 1974 ATCC 27890 | DSM 864 | OCM 16
Genera incertae sedis
Genus I. Methanocalculus VP
Methanocalculus halotolerans VP (T) Ollivier et al. 1998 OCM 470 | SEBR 4845,
Methanocalculus chunghsingensis VP Lai et al. 2004 K1F9705b, AF347025 | DSM
14539 | OCM 772
Methanocalculus pumilus VP Mori et al. 2000 MHT-1, AB008853 | DSM 12632 | JCM
Methanocalculus taiwanensis VP Lai et al. 2002 P2F9704a, AF172443 | CCRC 16182 |
DSM 14663 | OCM 671
Order II. Methanosarcinales VP
Family I. Methanosarcinaceae VP
Genus I. Methanosarcina AL (T)
Methanosarcina barkeri AL (T) Schnellen 1947 MS | ATCC 43569 | DSM 800, AJ012094,
Msr.barke2 | OCM 38
Methanosarcina acetivorans VP Sowers et al. 1986 C2A | ATCC 35395 | DSM 2834,
M59137, Msr.acetiv | OCM 95
Methanosarcina baltica VP von Klein et al. 2002 GS1-A, AJ238648 | DSM 14042 | JCM
Methanosarcina frisia VP (Blotevogel et al. 1986) Blotevogel and Fischer 1989 =
Methanosarcina mazei (senior heterotypic synonym) <- Methanococcus frisius
(basonym) C16 | ATCC 43330 | DSM 3318
Methanosarcina lacustris VP Simankova et al. 2002 ZS, AF432127 | DSM 13486 | VKM
Methanosarcina mazei VP (Barker 1936) Mah and Kuhn 1984 = Methanosarcina frisia
(junior heterotypic synonym) <- Methanococcus mazei (basonym) S-6, U20151,
Msr.mazei1 | ATCC 43340 | DSM 2053, AJ012095, Msr.mazei4
Methanosarcina methanica (Smit 1930) Kluyver and van Niel 1936 nom. rej.
Methanosarcina semesiae VP Lyimo et al. 2000 MD1 | DSM 12914, AJ012742
Methanosarcina siciliae VP (Stetter and Knig 1989) Ni et al. 1994 <- Methanolobus
siciliae (basonym) T4/M, U20153, Msr.sicili | DSM 3028
Methanosarcina thermophila VP Zinder et al. 1985 TM-1 | DSM 1825, M59140,
Methanosarcina vacuolata VP Zhilina and Zavarzin 1987 Z-761, U20150, Msr.vacuol |
ATCC 35090 | DSM 1232 | OCM 85
Genus II. Methanococcoides VP
Methanococcoides methylutens VP (T) Sowers and Ferry 1985 TMA-10 | ATCC 33938 |
DSM 2657, M59127, Mcc.mluten | OCM 158
Methanococcoides burtonii VP Franzmann et al. 1993 DSM 6242, X65537, Mcc.burton
| OCM 468
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Methanohalophilus mahii VP (T) Paterek and Smith 1988 SLP (Salt Lake Paterek) | ATCC
35705 | DSM 5219, M59133, Mha.mahii | OCM 68
Methanohalophilus halophilus VP (Zhilina 1984) Wilharm et al. 1991 <- Methanococcus
halophilus (basonym) DSM 3094 | INMI Z-7982 | OCM 160
Methanohalophilus oregonensis VP Liu et al. 1990 -> Methanolobus oregonensis
WAL1 | DSM 5435, U20152, Mlo.oregon | OGI 99
Methanohalophilus portucalensis VP Boone et al. 1993 FDF-1, AY290717 | DSM 7471
| OCM 59
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Halorubrum distributum VP (Zvyagintseva and Tarasov 1989) Oren and Ventosa 1996
<- Halorubrobacterium distributum (basonym) I-M | ATCC 51197 | JCM 9100,
D63572, Hr.distrib | NCIMB 13203 | VKM B-1733
Halorubrum lacusprofundi VP (Franzmann et al. 1989) McGenity and Grant 1996 <-
Halorubrobacterium lacusprofundi (basonym) ACAM 34, X82170, Hr.lacspr2 |
DSM 5036 | JCM 8891 | NCIMB 12997 | UQM 3107
Halorubrum sodomense VP (Oren 1983) McGenity and Grant 1996 <- Halorubrobac-
terium sodomense (basonym) RD-26 | ATCC 33755, D13379, Hr.sodomen | ATCC
33755, X82169, Hr.sodome2 | DSM 3755 | NCMB 2197
Halorubrum tebenquichense VP Lizama et al. 2002 ALT6-92, AJ276887 | CECT 5317 |
DSM 14210
Halorubrum terrestre VP Ventosa et al. 2004 4p | JCM 10247 | VKM B-1739, AB090169
Halorubrum trapanicum VP (Petter 1931) McGenity and Grant 1996 <- Halobacterium
trapanicum (basonym) DSM 5647 | NRC 34021, X82168, Hr.trapan2
Halorubrum vacuolatum VP (Mwatha and Grant 1993) Kamekura et al. 1997 <-
Natronobacterium vacuolatum (basonym) M24 | ATCC 51376 | DSM 8800 | JCM
9060, D87972, Hr.vacuola | NCIMB 13189
Genus XI. Halosimplex VP
Halosimplex carlsbadense VP (T) Vreeland et al. 2003 2-9-1 | ATCC BAA-75 | JCM
11222, AF320480
Genus XII. Haloterrigena VP
No te that a subculture of the type st ra in is only dep osited in one pu blic c ollec tion or m ay ot herwis e be in viola tio n o f R ule s 27(3) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Haloterrigena turkmenica VP (T) (Zvyagintseva and Tarasov 1989) Ventosa et al. 1999
<- Halococcus turkmenicus (basonym) 4 | DSM 5511 | VKM B-1734, AB004878,
Haloterrigena thermotolerans VP Montalvo-Rodrguez et al. 2000 PR5, AF115478 |
ATCC 700275, AF115478 | DSM 11552, AF115478
Genus XIII. Natrialba VP
Natrialba asiatica VP (T) Kamekura and Dyall-Smith 1996 172P1, D14123, str.172P1 |
DSM 12278 | JCM 9576
Natrialba aegyptia VP Hezayen et al. 2001 40, AF251941 | DSM 13077 | JCM 11194
Natrialba chahannaoensis VP Xu et al. 2001 C112, AJ004806 | AS 1.1977 | JCM 10990
Natrialba hulunbeirensis VP Xu et al. 2001 X21 | AS 1.1986, AF262026 | JCM 10989
Natrialba magadii VP (Tindall et al. 1984) Kamekura et al. 1997 <- Natronobacterium
magadii (basonym) MS3 | ATCC 43099 | CCM 3739 | DSM 3394 | NCMB 2190,
X72495, Nat.magadi
Natrialba taiwanensis VP Hezayen et al. 2001 B1T, D14124 | DSM 12281 | JCM 9577
Genus XIV. Natrinema VP
Natrinema pellirubrum VP (T) McGenity et al. 1998 NCIMB 786, AJ002947, Na.pel-
Natrinema pallidum VP McGenity et al. 1998 NCIMB 777, AJ002949, Na.pallidu
Natrinema versiforme VP Xin et al. 2000 XF10, AB023426 | ANMR 0149 | AS 1.2365
| JCM 10478
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Picrophilus oshimae VP (T) Schleper et al. 1996 KAW 2/2, X84901, Pph.oshima | DSM
Picrophilus torridus VP Zillig et al. 1996 KAW 2/3 | DSM 9790
Family III. "Ferroplasmataceae"
Genus I. Ferroplasma VP
Ferroplasma acidiphilum VP (T) Golyshina et al. 2000 Y, AJ224936 | DSM 12658
Class VI. Thermococci VP
Order I. Thermococcales VP (T)
Family I. Thermococcaceae VP
Genus I. Thermococcus VP (T)
Thermococcus celer VP (T) Zillig 1983 ATCC 35543 | DSM 2476, M21529, Tc.celer
Thermococcus acidaminovorans VP Dirmeier et al. 2001 24 AEDII10, Y15935 | DSM
Thermococcus aegaeus VP Arab et al. 2000 P5, AJ012643 | DSM 12767 | JCM 10828
Thermococcus aggregans VP Canganella et al. 1998 TY, Y08384, Tc.aggrgan | DSM
10597 | JCM 10137
Thermococcus alcaliphilus VP Keller et al. 1997 AEDII12 | DSM 10322, AB055121
Thermococcus barophilus VP Marteinsson et al. 1999 MP, U82237, Tc.barophl | CNCM
I-1946 | DSM 11836
Thermococcus chitonophagus VP Huber and Stetter 1996 GC74 | DSM 10152, X99570,
Thermococcus fumicolans VP Godfroy et al. 1996 ST557, Z70250, Tc.fumicol | CIP
Thermococcus gammatolerans VP Jolivet et al. 2003 EJ3, AF479014 | DSM 15229 | JCM
Thermococcus gorgonarius VP Miroshnichenko et al. 1998 W-12 | DSM 10395,
Thermococcus guaymasensis VP Canganella et al. 1998 TYS, Y08385, Tc.guaymas |
DSM 11113 | JCM 10136
Thermococcus hydrothermalis VP Godfroy et al. 1997 AL662, Z70244, Tc.hythrml |
CNCMI 1319
Thermococcus litoralis VP Neuner et al. 2001 NS-C | DSM 5473 | JCM 8560
Thermococcus paci?cus VP Miroshnichenko et al. 1998 P-4, Y16227, Tc.paci?c | DSM
Thermococcus peptonophilus VP Gonzlez et al. 1996 OG-1, D37982, Tc.peptphl | DSM
10343 | JCM 9653
Thermococcus profundus VP Kobayashi et al. 1995 DT 5432, Z75233, Tc.profun3 |
ATCC 51592 | DSM 9503 | JCM 9378
Thermococcus sibiricus VP Miroshnichenko et al. 2001 25 MM739, AJ238992 | DSM
Thermococcus siculi VP Grote et al. 2000 RG-20 | DSM 12349, AB010893
Thermococcus stetteri VP Miroshnichenko et al. 1990 DSM 5262 | K-3, Z75240,
Thermococcus waiotapuensis VP Gonz lez et al. 2001 26 WT1, AF134982 | DSM 12768
Thermococcus zilligii VP Ronimus et al. 1997 AN1, U76534 | DSM 2770
Genus II. Palaeococcus VP
Palaeococcus ferrophilus VP (T) Takai et al. 2000 JCM 10246 | DMJ, AB019239
Genus III. Pyrococcus VP
No te that a subculture of the type st ra in is only dep osited in one pu blic c ollec tion or m ay ot herwis e be in viola tio n o f R ule s 27(3) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
No te that a subculture of the type st ra in is only dep osited in one pu blic c ollec tion or m ay ot herwis e be in viola tio n o f R ule s 27(3) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
No te that a subculture of the type st ra in is only dep osited in one pu blic c ollec tion or m ay ot herwis e be in viola tio n o f R ule s 27(3) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Pyrococcus furiosus VP (T) Fiala and Stetter 1986 Vc 1 | DSM 3638 | DSM 3638, U20163,
Pyrococcus glycovorans VP Barbier et al. 1999 AL585, Z70247 | CNCM I-2120
Pyrococcus horikoshii VP Gonzlez et al. 1999 JA-1, D87344 | JCM 9974
Pyrococcus woesei VP Zillig et al. 1988 DSM 3773
Class VII. Archaeoglobi VP
Order I. Archaeoglobales VP (T)
Family I. Archaeoglobaceae VP
Genus I. Archaeoglobus VP (T)
Archaeoglobus fulgidus VP (T) Stetter 1988 VC-16, X05567, Arg.fulgid | VC-16,
Y00275, Arg.fulgi3 | DSM 4304
Archaeoglobus profundus VP Burggraf et al. 1990 AV18 | DSM 5631, AF322392
Archaeoglobus vene?cus VP Huber et al. 1998 SNP6, Y10011, Arg.vene? | DSM 11195
Genus II. Ferroglobus VP
Ferroglobus placidus VP (T) Hafenbradl et al. 1997 AEDII12DO, X99565, Frr.placid |
DSM 10642, X99565, Frr.placid
Genus III. Geoglobus VP
Geoglobus ahangari VP (T) Kashe? et al. 2002 27 234, AF220165 | ATCC BAA-425
Class VIII. Methanopyri VP
Order I. Methanopyrales VP (T)
Family I. Methanopyraceae VP
Genus I. Methanopyrus VP (T)
Methanopyrus kandleri VP (T) Kurr et al. 1992 AV19, M59932, Mpy.kandl1 | DSM 6324
Domain Bacteria VP
Phylum BI. Aqui?cae VP 28
Class I. Aqui?cae VP
Order I. Aqui?cales VP (T)
Family I. Aqui?caceae VP
Genus I. Aquifex VP (T)
Aquifex pyrophilus VP (T) Huber and Stetter in Huber et al. 1992 Kol5a, M83548,
Aqu.pyroph | DSM 6858
Genus II. Calderobacterium VP 29
Calderobacterium hydrogenophilum VP (T) Kryukov et al. 1984 -> Hydrogenobacter
hydrogenophilus DSM 2913, Z30242, Cld.hgenph | INMI Z-829, Z30242,
Genus III. Hydrogenobaculum VP 30
Hydrogenobaculum acidophilum VP (T) (Shima and Suzuki 1993) Sthr et al. 2001 <-
Hydrogenobacter acidophilus (basonym) 3H-1, D16296 | DSM 11251, Hdg.acidp
| JCM 8795
No te that a subculture of the type st ra in is only dep osited in one pu blic c ollec tion or m ay ot herwis e be in viola tio n o f R ule s 27(3) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
L udwig indicates t hat the AR B tre e sup ports th e A qui?cales .
Rea ssig nme nt of the n ome nclatu ra l type of Ca lde ro bacteriu mto Hyd ro geno bac ter prec lu des the add ition o f new sp ecies un les s the name
Calderob acterium is con se rved and a n ew type sp ecies is est ablis hed by the ac tio n of the Ju dic ia l Comm is sion
He atma ps to benchm arks sho w tha t Hydroge nob acu lum is ra ther re mote to Aq uife x.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Genus V. Hydrogenothermus VP
Hydrogenothermus marinus VP (T) Sthr et al. 2001 VM1, AJ292525 | DSM 12046 | JCM
Genus VI. Persephonella VP
Persephonella marina VP (T) Gotz et al. 2002 EX-H1, AF188332 | DSM 14350 | OCM
Persephonella guaymasensis VP Gotz et al. 2002 EX-H2, AF385630 | DSM 14351 |
OCM 975
Persephonella hydrogeniphila VP Nakagawa et al. 2003 29W, AB086419 | DSM 15103
| JCM 11663
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Thermotoga petrophila VP Takahata et al. 2001 RKU-1, AB027016 | DSM 13995 | JCM
Thermotoga subterranea VP Jeanthon et al. 2000 SL1, U22664 | DSM 9912
Thermotoga thermarum VP Windberger et al. 1992 LA3 | DSM 5069, AB039769
Genus II. Fervidobacterium VP
Fervidobacterium gondwanense VP Andrews and Patel 1996 AB39, Z49117, Fer.gnd-
wns | ACM 5017, Z49117, Fer.gndwns
Fervidobacterium islandicum VP Huber et al. 1991 H21, M59176, Fer.island | DSM
Fervidobacterium nodosum VP (T) Patel et al. 1985 Rt17-B | ATCC 35602, M59177,
Fer.nodosm | DSM 5306
Fervidobacterium pennivorans VP Friedrich and Antranikian 1999 Ven5 | DSM 9078
Genus III. Geotoga VP
Geotoga petraea VP (T) Davey et al. 1993 T5, L10658, Got.petrae | ATCC 51226
Geotoga subterranea VP Davey et al. 1993 CC-1, L10659, Got.subter | ATCC 51225
Genus IV. Marinitoga VP
Marinitoga camini VP (T) Wery et al. 2001 MV1075, AJ250439 | CNCM I-2413 | DSM
Marinitoga piezophila VP Alain et al. 2002 KA3, AF326121 | DSM 14283 | JC 11233
Genus V. Petrotoga VP
Petrotoga miotherma VP (T) Davey et al. 1993 42-6, L10657, Pet.miothr | ATCC 51224 |
DSM 10691
Petrotoga mexicana VP Miranda-Tello et al. 2004 MET12, AY125964 | CIP 107371 |
DSM 14811
Petrotoga mobilis VP Lien et al. 1998 SJ95, Y15479, Pet.mobili | DSM 10674
Petrotoga olearia VP LHaridon et al. 2002 SL24, AJ311703 | DSM 13574 | JCM 11234
Petrotoga sibirica VP LHaridon et al. 2002 SL25, AJ311702 | DSM 13575 | JCM 11235
Genus VI. Thermosipho VP
Thermosipho africanus VP (T) Huber et al. 1989 Ob7 | DSM 5309 | DSM 5309, M83140,
Thermosipho geolei VP LHaridon et al. 2001 SL31 | DSM 13256, AJ272022 | JCM
Thermosipho japonicus VP Takai and Horikoshi 2000 IHB1, AB024932 | JCM 10495
Thermosipho melanesiensis VP Antoine et al. 1997 BI429, Z70248, Tsi.melane | CIP
104789 | DSM 12029
Phylum BIII. Thermodesulfobacteria VP 34
Class I. Thermodesulfobacteria VP
Order I. Thermodesulfobacteriales VP (T)
Family I. Thermodesulfobacteriaceae VP
Genus I. Thermodesulfobacterium VP (T)
Thermodesulfobacterium commune VP (T) Zeikus et al. 1995 YSRA-1, L10662,
Tdb.commun | ATCC 33708 | DSM 2178
Thermodesulfobacterium hydrogeniphilum VP Jeanthon et al. 2002 SL6, AF332514 |
DSM 14290 | JCM 11239
Thermodesulfobacterium hveragerdense VP Sonne-Hansen and Ahring 2000 JSP | DSM
12571, X96725
Thermodesulfobacterium mobile VP (Rozanova and Khudyakova 1974) Rozanova
and Pivovarova 1991 <- Desulfovibrio thermophilus (basonym) DSM 1276,
AF334601 | VKM V-1128
Thermodesulfobacterium thermophilum VP (Rozanova and Khudyakova 1974)
Rozanova and Pivovarova 1995 <- Desulfovibrio thermophilus (basonym) DSM
1276, AF334601 | VKM V-1128
Genus II. Thermodesulfatator VP
Lu dwig indica tes th at t he ARB tree suppo rt s the Thermod es ulfo bac teriale s.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Thermus ruber VP Loginova et al. 1984 -> Meiothermus ruber Loginova 21 | ATCC
35948, Z15059, Mei.ruber4 | AUCM 1258 | DSM 1279 | VKM 1258
Thermus scotoductus VP Kristjansson et al. 1994 SE-1, AF032127, T.scotoduc | DSM
Thermus silvanus VP Tenreiro et al. 1995 -> Meiothermus silvanus VI-R2, X84211,
Mei.silva2 | DSM 9946
Thermus thermophilus VP (ex Oshima and Imahori 1974) Manaia et al. 1995 HB8,
X58342, T.thmophl2 | ATCC 27634, M26923, T.thmophls | ATCC 27634, X07998,
T.thmophl3 | ATCC 27634, X58342, T.thmophl2 | ATCC 27634 | DSM 579 | NCIB
Genus II. Marinithermus VP
Marinithermus hydrothermalis VP (T) Sako et al. 2003 T1, AB079382 | DSM 14884 |
JCM 11576
Genus III. Meiothermus VP
Lu dwig in dicate s t hat th e A RB t re e suppo rts th e grou pin g of Dein oc occ us -Thermus into two s epa ra te bu t c los ely re late d line ages .
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Meiothermus ruber VP (T) (Loginova et al. 1984) Nobre et al. 1996 <- Thermus ruber
(basonym) Loginova 21 | ATCC 35948, Z15059, Mei.ruber4 | DSM 1279 | VKM
Meiothermus cerbereus VP Chung et al. 1997 GY-1, Y13594, Mei.cerber | DSM 11376
Meiothermus chliarophilus VP (Tenreiro et al. 1995) Nobre et al. 1996 <- Thermus
chliarophilus (basonym) ALT-8, X84212, Mei.chliar | DSM 9957
Meiothermus silvanus VP (Tenreiro et al. 1995) Nobre et al. 1996 <- Thermus silvanus
(basonym) VI-R2, X84211, Mei.silva2 | DSM 9946
Meiothermus taiwanensis VP Chen et al. 2002 WR 30, AF418001 | ATCC BAA-399 |
CCRC 17170 | DSM 14542
Genus IV. Oceanithermus VP
Oceanithermus profundus VP (T) Miroshnichenko et al. 2003 506 | DSM 14977,
AJ430586 | VKM B-2274
Genus V. Vulcanithermus VP
Vulcanithermus mediatlanticus VP (T) Miroshnichenko et al. 2003 TR, AJ507298 | DSM
Phylum BV. Chrysiogenetes VP 36
Class I. Chrysiogenetes VP
Order I. Chrysiogenales VP (T)
Family I. Chrysiogenaceae VP
Genus I. Chrysiogenes VP (T)
Chrysiogenes arsenatis VP (T) Macy et al. 1996 BAL-1, X81319 | DSM 11915
Phylum BVI. " Chloro?exi " 37
Class I. "Chloro?exi"
Order I. "Chloro?exales"
Family I. "Chloro?exaceae"
Genus I. Chloro?exus AL
Chloro?exus aurantiacus AL (T) Pierson and Castenholz 1974 J-10-?, D38365,
ran2 | J-10-?, M34116, Cfx.aurant | ATCC 29366 | DSM 635
Chloro?exus aggregans VP Hanada et al. 1995 MD-66, D32255, Cfx.aggreg | DSM 9485
Genus II. Chloronema AL
Chloronema giganteum AL (T) Dubinina and Gorlenko 1975
Genus III. Heliothrix VP
Heliothrix oregonensis VP (T) Pierson et al. 1986 IS/F-1
Genus IV. Rosei?exus VP
Rosei?exus castenholzii VP Hanada et al. 2002 HLO8, AB041226 | DSM 13941 | JCM
Family II. Oscillochloridaceae VP 38
Genus I. Oscillochloris VP (T)
Oscillochloris chrysea VP (T) Gorlenko and Pivovarova 1989
Oscillochloris trichoides VP Gorlenko and Korotkov 1989
Order II. Herpetosiphonales"
Family I. "Herpetosiphonaceae"
Genus I. Herpetosiphon AL
Herpetosiphon aurantiacus AL (T) Holt and Lewin 1968 ATCC 23779, M34117,
rant | DSM 785
Herpetosiphon cohaerens AL Lewin 1970 -> Lewinella cohaerens ATCC 23123,
AF039292, Lew.cohaer
L udwig makes n o ment ion of Ch rysiog enes. In the RDP, th is t axo n is g ro uped with Fle xistipes . Ma cy indic ates d iffe re ntly. P CA plots o f
G arrity a nd L ilburn sh ow t hat Chrysiogen es ma ps close to t he Deferrib act eres.
L udwig sup ports the placeme nt o f Chloro?exaceae and Herpe tos iph onales . He argue s for th e inc lus io n o f Therm omicrob ium in th e p hylum ,
which is also sup ported b y th e RDP a nd Hug enh oltz> Howev er, P CA plo ts s how a clear s eparation, with Th ermom ic robium remo ve d. A s th is
orga nism ha sn t be en st udied for a consid erable perio d of time, it might be h ard to disc ern wha t is going on. Read ers s hould refer to B oone s
treat ment in volu me 1.
P earso n be lieves that creat ion of th is fam ily may be prema ture. Diffe re ntia tio n is b ase d s olely on 16S rDNA se quen ce data .
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Lud wig recom men ds t hat Flexistipe s b e a separate phylu m. In PCA plo ts, t he ge nera are s pac ed out along the s ec ond d im ens ion and a re
as far a part as A cido bacteriu m and Fib ro bacter. Lud wig a nd Klenk s cha pter re fers to o nly two cu ltiva ted s train s of Fle xistipes , bu t rec en t
comm unica tion s with oth er aut hors ind icate that Defe rribacter an d G eo vibrio sh ould als o be in the phy lum.
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Lud wig m ake s no m ention of wh ere to place Synergist es. Th e av ailable s eque nce f ro m G enB ank d oes not me et our c riteria f or inc lus ion in
the PCA mod els. In the RD P, Synergist es g ro ups nea r th e Verruc omicrob ia a nd Nitros pin a. Nitrosp ina is kn own to be m is pla ce d in the RDP.
P la ce ment is p ro visiona l. M iroshnichenko et al. n ot that Ca ldithrix join s the B ac teria a t ro ot of the D eferriba cte r a nd Nit ro sp ina lin es o f
de scent, b ut that statistica l su ppo rt is insigni?cant .
Lu dwig recognizes the Cya noba cte ria a s a separat e line of des ce nt, a lon g with t he c hloroplas ts. P CA p lot s s ho w a hig h leve l o f v aria tion
in the chlo ro pla sts.
In W ilmot te and Herdm ans chapte r on t he phylo geny of Cyanob act eria (Volu me 1 of the s ec ond e dit ion ), th ey s tate th at there is co ns ide ra ble
variat ion in the branchin g orde r of th e Cyano bacteria , espec ially at th e ba se of th e tree . P re sum ably, this aris es from an e xp los iv e ra dia tion
shortly a fter th e evolution o f oxyg enic photo synth esis. Ho wev er, t ermin al node s tend to c lu ste r in a pred ic table m ann er.
W ilmott e a nd Herdma n a lso note th at t here is a m ultiplicity of con foun din g p ro ble ms in lin king av ailab le phe noty pic and ge noty pic in format ion .
P art o f the dif?culty stem s from misidenti?ed reference m ateria l, inc lud ing t hat which is h eld in c ollec tions . There also s ee ms t o be a prob lem
with the q uality of se quen ce d ata (especially sh ort se quen ces ). They urge an y ex perimen ter t o con ?rm th e ide ntity of e ach s train us ing a
po lyphasic a pproa ch. O nly then might it be p ossible to link the tax onom y and phy lo geny in a me aningful wa y.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
No te that a subculture of the type st ra in is only dep osited in one pu blic c ollec tion or m ay ot herwis e be in viola tio n o f R ule s 27(3) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Genus V. Halospirulina VP
Halospirulina tapeticola VP (T) Nbel et al. 2000 CCC Baja-95 Cl. 2, Y18791
Form genus VI. Leptolyngbya VP
Leptolyngbya ATCC 29117 | ATCC 29409 | PCC 7104, AB039012 | PCC 7375
Form genus VII. Limnothrix VP
Limnothrix sp
Form genus VIII. Lyngbya VP
Lyngbya confervoides ATCC 29346 | PCC 7419, AJ000714, Lyn.cnfrvo
Form genus IX. Microcoleus VP
Microcoleus chthonoplastes ATCC 29206 | PCC 7113
Microcoleus lacustris ATCC 29128 | PCC 7420, X70770, Mccl.7420
Form genus X. Oscillatoria VP
Oscillatoria acuminata ATCC 27930 | PCC 6304, AB039014
Oscillatoria agardhii NIVA-CYA 68 | PCC 7805
Oscillatoria nigro-viridis ATCC 29134 | PCC 7112, AB074509
Oscillatoria princeps
Oscillatoria prolifera
Oscillatoria sancta ATCC 29209 | PCC 7515, AB039015, AF132933
Oscillatoria tenuis
Form genus XI. Planktothrix VP
Planktothrix sp
Form genus XII. Prochlorothrix VP
Prochlorothrix hollandica VP (T) Burger-Wiersma et al. 1989 CCAP 1490/1
Form genus XIII. Pseudanabaena VP
Pseudanabaena tenuis
Form genus XIV. Spirulina VP
Spirulina major ATCC 29542 | PCC 6313, X75045, Ar.sp7345
Form genus XV. Starria VP
Starria zimbabwensis
Form genus XVI. Symploca VP
Symploca PCC 8002, AB039021
Genus XVII. Trichodesmium VP
Form genus XVIII. Tychonema VP
Tychonema sp
Subsection IV. Subsection 4 VP
Family I. Family 4.1 VP
Form genus I. Anabaena VP
Anabaena PCC 7108, AF317629
Anabaena ATCC 29208
Anabaena cylindrica ATCC 27899 | CCAP 1403/2a | PCC 7122, AF091150, Anbn.cyli2
| UTEX 629
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Genus V. Phaeospirillum VP 65
Phaeospirillum fulvum VP (T) (van Niel 1944) Imhoff et al. 1998 <- Rhodospirillum ful-
vum (basonym) KK | NCIB 11762, D14433 | ATCC 15798 | DSM 113, Phs.fulvu2
| NCIMB 11884
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Rhodovibrio salinarum VP (T) (Nissen and Dundas 1985) Imhoff et al. 1998 <- Rho-
dospirillum salinarum (basonym) ATCC 35394, M59069, Rdv.salna2 | DSM 9154
Rhodovibrio sodomensis VP (Mack et al. 1996) Imhoff et al. 1998 <- Rhodospirillum
sodomense (basonym) DSI, M59072, Rdv.sodmen | ATCC 51195 | DSM 9895
Genus IX. Roseospira VP 69
Roseospira mediosalina VP (T) Imhoff et al. 1998 L1-66 , AJ000989 | BN 280
Roseospira marina VP Guyoneaud et al. 2003 ATCC BAA-447 | CE2105, AJ298879 |
DSM 15113
Roseospira navarrensis VP Guyoneaud et al. 2003 ATCC BAA-448 | DSM 15114 |
SE3104, AJ298880
Genus X. Skermanella VP
Skermanella parooensis VP (T) (Skerman et al. 1983) Sly and Stackebrandt 1999 <- Con-
glomeromonas largomobilis subsp. parooensis (basonym) ACM 2042, X90760,
Skm.paroon | DSM 9527 | UQM 2042
Genus XI. Thalassospira VP
Thalassospira lucentensis VP (T) Lopez-Lopez 2002 QMT2, AF358664 | DSM 14000 |
CECT 5390
Genus XII. Tistrella VP
Tistrella mobilis VP (T) Shi et al. 2003 IAM 14872 | TISTR 1108, AB071665
Family II. Acetobacteraceae VP
Genus I. Acetobacter AL (T)
Acetobacter aceti AL (T) (Pasteur 1864) Beijerinck 1898 = Acetobacter aceti subsp. aceti
(homotypic synonym) ATCC 15973 | DSM 3508, X74066, Aba.aceti2 | ICMP 8807
| IMET 10732 | JCM 7641, D30768, Aba.aceti | LMG 1261 | NCIB 8621, X74066,
Acetobacter aceti subsp. aceti AL (T) (Pasteur 1864) Beijerinck 1898 = Acetobacter aceti
(homotypic synonym) ATCC 15973 | DSM 3508, X74066, Aba.aceti2 | ICMP 8807
| IMET 10732 | JCM 7641, D30768, Aba.aceti | LMG 1261 | NCIB 8621, X74066,
Acetobacter aceti subsp. liquefaciens AL (Asai 1935) De Ley and Frateur 1974 -> Ace-
tobacter liquefaciens DSM 5603 | IAM 1834
Acetobacter aceti subsp. orleanensis AL (Henneberg 1906) De Ley and Frateur 1974
-> Acetobacter orleanensis ATCC 12876 | IMET 10752
Acetobacter aceti subsp. xylinus AL (Brown 1886) De Ley and Frateur 1974 -> Aceto-
bacter xylinus ATCC 23767 | DSM 3509 | NCIB 11664 | NCIB 4112B
Acetobacter cerevisiae VP Cleenwerck et al. 2002 LMG 1625, AJ419843 | ATCC 23765
| DSM 14362 | NCIB 8894
Acetobacter estunensis VP (Carr 1958) Lisdiyanti et al. 2001 <- Acetobacter pasteuri-
anus subsp. estunensis (basonym) ATCC 23753 | NBRC 13751, AB032349 | LMG
1626 | NCIMB 8935
Acetobacter europaeus VP Sievers et al. 1992 -> Gluconacetobacter europaeus DES
11, Z21936, Gab.europa | DSM 6160, Z21936, Gab.europa
Acetobacter hansenii VP Gossele et al. 1983 -> Gluconacetobacter hansenii ATCC
35959 | DSM 5602 | NCIB 8746, X75620, Gab.hansen
Acetobacter indonesiensis VP Lisdiyanti et al. 2001 5H-1 | NBRC 16471 | JCM 10948 |
NRIC 0313, AB032356
M emb er of th e a lp ha-1 su bgroup sensu Imh off.
No te that a subculture of the type st ra in is only dep osited in one pu blic c ollec tion or m ay ot herwis e be in viola tio n o f R ule s 27(3) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Acetobacter peroxydans AL Vissert Hooft 1925 ATCC 12874 | LMG 1635 | NBRC
13755, AB032352 | NCIB 8618
Acetobacter pomorum VP Sokollek et al. 1998 LTH 2458, AJ001632, Aba.pomorm |
DSM 11825
Acetobacter syzygii VP Lisdiyanti et al. 2002 73 9H-2 | NBRC 16604 | JCM 11197
Acetobacter tropicalis VP Lisdiyanti et al. 2001 Ni-6b | NBRC 16470 | JCM 10947 | NRIC
0312, AB032354 | NRIC 0312, AB032355
Acetobacter xylinus subsp. xylinus VP (Brown 1886) Yamada 1984 74 -> Gluconaceto-
bacter xylinus ATCC 23767 | DSM 6513 | LMG 1515, X75619, Gab.xylxyl | NCIB
11664, X75619, Gab.xylxyl
Acetobacter xylinus subsp. sucrofermentans VP Toyosaki et al. 1996 BPR 2001,
AJ007698, Gab.xylsuc | ATCC 700178 | JCM 9730
Genus II. Acidiphilium VP
Acidiphilium cryptum VP (T) Harrison 1981 Lhet2 | ATCC 33463, D30773, Acdp.cryp3 |
DSM 2389
Acidiphilium acidophilum VP (Harrison 1983) Hiraishi et al. 1998 <- Thiobacillus aci-
dophilus (basonym) TM | ATCC 27807, D86511, Acdp.acphl | CIP 104483 | DSM
No te that a subculture of the type st ra in is only dep osited in one pu blic c ollec tion or m ay ot herwis e be in viola tio n o f R ule s 27(3) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
In the ?rst edition of B ergeys Ma nua l of Syst emat ic Ba cte riology , De Ley et a l. inc lu ded the ?v e s ubs pec ie s o f Ac eto bac ter pa ste urian us ,
along with A. peroxyd ans, as ju nio r su bje ctive syno nym s of A . pas teu rianu s. Howev er, this no men clatural c hang e was no t va lidate d in IJ SB
(now IJS EM).
No te that a subculture of the type st ra in is only dep osited in one pu blic c ollec tion or m ay ot herwis e be in viola tio n o f R ule s 27(3) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Acet obacter xylin us has bee n recla ssi?ed as Gluconaceto bac ter x ylin us . Howe ve r, the su bsp ec ies s uc ro fermen tans an d x ylinu s w ere no t
ad dressed b y the a utho rs.
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
M emb er of th e alp ha-1 su bgroup sensu Imh off
No te that a subculture of the type st ra in is only dep osited in one pu blic c ollec tion or m ay ot herwis e be in viola tio n o f R ule s 27(3) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Genus X. Kozakia VP
Kozakia baliensis VP Lisdiyanti et al. 2002 Yo-3, AB056321 | DSM 14400 | NBRC
16664 | JCM 11301 | NRIC 0488
Genus XI. Muricoccus VP
Muricoccus roseus VP (T) Kmpfer et al. 2003 173/96, AJ488505 | CIP 107419 | DSM
Genus XII. Paracraurococcus VP
Paracraurococcus ruber VP (T) Saito et al. 1998 NS89, D85827 | JCM 9931
Genus XIII. Rhodopila VP
Rhodopila globiformis VP (T) (Pfennig 1974) Imhoff et al. 1984 <- Rhodopseudomonas
globiformis (basonym) ATCC 35887 | DSM 161, D86513, Rpl.globi2
Genus XIV. Roseococcus VP
Roseococcus thiosulfatophilus VP (T) Yurkov et al. 1994 RB3, X72908, Rsc.thsulf | DSM
Genus XV. Rubritepida VP
Rubritepida ?occulans VP (T) Alarico et al. 2002 H-8 | ATCC BAA-385 | DSM 14296,
Genus XVI. Stella VP
Stella humosa VP (T) Vasilyeva 1985 ATCC 43930 | AUCM B-1137 | DSM 5900,
AJ535710 | VKM B-1137
Stella vacuolata VP Vasilyeva 1985 ATCC 43931 | DSM 5901, AJ535711 | INMI 229 |
VKM B-1552
Genus XVII. Teichococcus VP
Teichococcus ludipueritiae VP (T) Kmpfer et al. 2003 170/96, AJ488504 | CIP 107418 |
DSM 14915
Genus XVIII. Zavarzinia VP
Zavarzinia compransoris VP (T) Meyer et al. 1994 Z-1155 | DSM 1231
Order II. Rickettsiales AL 77
Family I. Rickettsiaceae AL
Genus I. Rickettsia AL (T)
Rickettsia prowazekii AL (T) da Rocha-Lima 1916 ATCC VR 142
Rickettsia aeschlimannii VP Beati et al. 1997 MC16, U74757, Ric.aeschl
Rickettsia africae VP Kelly et al. 1996 Z9-Hu
Lu dwig indica tes tha t the Ricketsia les a nd Ehrlichiace ae are c lo se toge ther in the ARB tree .
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Note that the t ype st ra in is only d eposited in conjuctio n wit h a p atent applic ation and is not f re ely un ava ilable, v io lating Rule s 2 7(3) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 22 392 244)
No reliab le propag ation of R. felis in cu lture and no 16 S rDNA s eq uenc e re ported.
In the pap er by Du mle r et al. 2 001, An aplasma b ovis is erro neou sly cited as a new co mbination
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Anaplasma platys VP Dumler et al. 2001 <- Ehrlichia platys (basonym) 81 no culture
isolated, M82801, AF156784
Genus II. Aegyptianella AL
Aegyptianella pullorum AL (T) Carpano 1929
Genus III. Cowdria AL 82
Cowdria ruminantium AL (T) (Cowdry 1925) Moshkovski 1947 -> Ehrlichia ruminan-
tium no culture isolated, AF069758, Cow.rumin5, U03776, Cow.rumin3, U03777,
Cow.rumin4, X61659, Cow.rumina, X62432, Cow.rumin2
Genus IV. Ehrlichia AL
Ehrlichia canis AL (T) (Donatien and Lestoquard 1935) Moshkovski 1945 , AF162860,
M73221, M73226, U26740
Ehrlichia chaffeensis VP Anderson et al. 1992 Arkansas, M73222, AF147752, U23503,
U60476, U86664, U86665, Ehr.chaffe | ATCC CRL 10679
Ehrlichia equi VP Lewis et al. 1988 = Anaplasma phagocytophilum (junior het-
erotypic synonym) , AF036645, AF036646, AF036647, AF172164, AF172165,
AF172166, AF172167, M73223
Ehrlichia ewingii VP Anderson et al. 1992 Stillwater, M73227, U96436
Ehrlichia muris VP Wen et al. 1995 AS145, U15527, Ehr.muris | ATCC VR-1411
Ehrlichia phagocytophila AL (Foggie 1949) Philip 1962 -> Anaplasma phagocy-
tophilum, M73220, M73224
Ehrlichia risticii VP Holland et al. 1985 -> Neorickettsia risticii Illinois, M21290,
Ehr.ristic | ATCC VR-986, M21290, Ehr.ristic | HRC-IL, AF036648, AF036649,
AF036650, AF036651, AF036652, AF036653, AF036654, AF036655,
AF036656, AF036657, AF036658, AF036659, AF037210, AF037211,
AF170727, AF170729
Ehrlichia ruminantium VP (Cowdry 1925) Dumler et al. 2001 <- Cowdria ruminantium
(basonym) , AF069758 Welgevonden, X61659, Cow.rumin5, U03776,
min3, U03777, Cow.rumin4, X61659, Cow.rumina, X62432, Cow.rumin2
Ehrlichia sennetsu VP (Misao and Kobayashi 1956) Ristic and Huxsoll 1984 <-
Rickettsia sennetsu (basonym) -> Neorickettsia sennetsu Miyayama, M73219,
Ehr.sennet | ATCC VR 367, M73225
Genus V. Neorickettsia AL
Neorickettsia helminthoeca AL (T) Philip et al. 1953 no culture isolated, U12457,
Neorickettsia risticii VP (Holland et al. 1985) Dumler et al. 2001 83 <- Ehrlichia ris-
ticii (basonym) HRC-IL | Illinois, M21290, Ehr.ristic | ATCC VR-986, M21290,
Ehr.ristic | HRC-IL
Neorickettsia sennetsu VP (Misao and Kobayashi 1956) Dumler et al. 2001 <- Ehrlichia
sennetsu (basonym) 84 Miyayama, M73219, Ehr.sennet | Miyayama, M73225 |
Genus VI. Wolbachia AL
Wolbachia pipientis AL (T) Hertig 1936 no culture isolated, U23709, Wlb.pipie9,
X61768, Wlb.pipien, AF179630
Wolbachia melophagi AL (Noller 1917) Philip 1956 no culture isolated, X89110,
Wolbachia persica AL Suitor and Weiss 1961 ATCC VR 331, M21292, Wlb.persic
Genus VII. Xenohaliotis VP
Candidatus "Xenohaliotis californiensis" Friedman et al. 2000 AF133090
In the pap er by Du mle r et al. 2 001, An aplasm a p lat ys is erro neou sly cited as a new co mbination. A c cording to R ule 27(2) b, A nap las ma
platys is illeg itimate be ca use th e de rivatio n (et ym olo gy) of the sp eci?c epithet is provided ne ith er in th e p aper by Dum ler et al. 2001 no r in
the p aper by Fren ch an d Harve y 198 3.
Rule 3 7a(1) state s that the n ame of a taxon must b e chan ged if the n ome nclatu ra l t ype of the t axo n is ex cluded .
No te that a subculture of the type st ra in is only dep osited in one pu blic c ollec tion or m ay ot herwis e be in viola tio n o f R ule s 27(3) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
No te that a subculture of the type st ra in is only dep osited in one pu blic c ollec tion or m ay ot herwis e be in viola tio n o f R ule s 27(3) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Rhodobacter sphaeroides VP (van Niel 1944) Imhoff et al. 1984 <- Rhodopseudomonas
sphaeroides (basonym) ATH 2.4.1, X53853, Rb.sphrrnA | ATH 2.4.1, X53854,
Rb.sphrrnB | ATH 2.4.1, X53855, Rb.sphrrnC | ATCC 17023 | DSM 158 | NCIB 8253
Rhodobacter sul?dophilus VP (Hansen and Veldkamp 1973) Imhoff et al. 1984 <-
Rhodopseudomonas sul?dophila (basonym) -> Rhodovulum sul?dophilum DSM
1374, D16423, Rhv.sul?d
G oertz an d S ch mid t raise que stions reg ardin g the comp osition o f the fam ily Holo sp orace ae. Thes e are all endo sy mb ion st of p ro tis ts and
few if any h ave be en sequ enced. W it h the exception of Ho los pora, all sho uld be list ed a s inc ertae s edis
P lacem ent o f Symb iote s is problema tic as th is sp ecies is a n ob ligate sy mb ion t and mem bers of th is s pec ie s h ave not ye t bee n c ultiv ated .
Furthe rm ore, there has b een no work on th is ge nus sin ce the ea rly 19 70s .
The fa mily Rh odob act erace ae is sup ported in th e ARB tree .
M emb er of th e a lp ha-3 su bgroup sensu Imh off.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Maricaulis maris VP (T) (Poindexter 1964) Abraham et al. 1999 <- Caulobacter maris
(basonym) = Caulobacter halobacteroides (heterotypic synonym) CM 11 | ATCC
15268, AJ007807, Cau.maris1
Maricaulis parjimensis VP Abraham et al. 2002 MCS 25, AJ227808 | CIP 107440 | LMG
Maricaulis salignorans VP Abraham et al. 2002 MCS 18, AJ227806 | CIP 107439 | LMG
Maricaulis virginensis VP Abraham et al. 2002 VC-5, AJ301667 | CIP 107438 | LMG
21018 | VKM B-1513
Maricaulis washingtonensis VP Abraham et al. 2002 MCS 6, AJ227804 | CIP 107441 |
LMG 19865
Genus XIII. Methylarcula VP
Methylarcula marina VP (T) Doronina et al. 2000 h1, AF030436 | VKM B-2159,
Methylarcula terricola VP Doronina et al. 2000 h37, AF030437 | VKM B-2160,
Genus XIV. Oceanicaulis VP
Oceanicaulis alexandrii VP (T) Strmpl et al. 2003 C116-18, AJ309862 | DSM 11625,
NCIMB 13905
Genus XV. Octadecabacter VP
Octadecabacter arcticus VP (T) Gosink et al. 1998 238, U73725, Oct.arctic
Octadecabacter antarcticus VP Gosink et al. 1998 307, U14583, Oct.antarc
Genus XVI. Pannonibacter VP
Pannonibacter phragmitetus VP (T) Borsodi et al. 2003 C6/19, AJ400704 | DSM 14782 |
NCAIM B02025
Genus XVII. Paracoccus VP 91
Paracoccus denitri?cans AL (T) (Beijerinck and Minkman 1910) Davis 1969 emend.
Rainey et al. 1999 ATCC 17741 | ATCC 17741, Y16927, Par.denit3 | DSM 65 |
DSM 65, Y16935, Par.pnttr2 | IAM 12479, D13480, Par.denit2 | ICPB 3979 | IMET
10380 | LMD 22.21, Y16928, Par.denit4 | LMG 4218, X69159, Par.denitr | NCIB
Paracoccus alcaliphilus VP Urakami et al. 1989 TK 1015 | Urakami 0-100 | ATCC 51199
| DSM 8512 | JCM 7364, D32238, Par.alcalp | NCIMB 13180
Paracoccus alkenifer VP Lipski et al. 1998 A901/1, Y13827, Par.alkenf | DSM 11593
Paracoccus aminophilus VP Urakami et al. 1990 DM-15 | ATCC 49673 | DSM 8538 |
IAM 14245 | JCM 7686, D32239, Par.amphil
Paracoccus aminovorans VP Urakami et al. 1990 DM-82 | ATCC 49632 | DSM 8537 |
IAM 14244 | JCM 7685, D32240, Par.amvora
Paracoccus carotinifaciens VP Tsubokura et al. 1999 E-396, AB006899 | NBRC 16121
Paracoccus halodenitri?cans AL Robinson and Gibbons 1952) Davis 1969 ->
Halomonas halodenitri?cans ATCC 13511, L04942, Hlm.halden | CCM 286 |
DSM 735 | NCMB 700
Paracoccus kocurii VP Ohara et al. 1990 B | ATCC 49631 | CCM 4333 | DSM 8536 | IAM
14243 | JCM 7684, D32241, Par.kocuri
Paracoccus kondratievae VP Doronina and Trotsenko 2001 92 GB, AF250332 | VKM
Paracoccus marcusii VP Harker et al. 1998 MH1 | DSM 11574
Paracoccus methylutens VP Doronina et al. 1998 DM12, AF250334 | VKM B-2164
Paracoccus pantotrophus VP (Robertson and Kuenen 1984) Rainey et al. 1999 <-
Thiosphaera pantotropha (basonym) GB 17 | ATCC 35512, Y16933, Par.pnttro |
DSM 2944 | LMD 82.5
M emb er of th e a lp ha-3 su bgroup sensu Imh off.
No te that a subculture of the type st ra in is only dep osited in one pu blic c ollec tion or m ay ot herwis e be in viola tio n o f R ule s 27(3) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Paracoccus seriniphilus VP Pukall et al. 2003 MBT-A4, AJ428275 | CIP 107400 | DSM
Paracoccus solventivorans VP Siller et al. 1996 emend. Lipski et al. 1998 L1 | DSM
6637, Y07705, Par.solven
Paracoccus thiocyanatus VP Katayama et al. 1996 THI 011, D32242, Par.thcyan | IAM
12816 | NBRC 14569
Paracoccus versutus VP (Harrison 1983) Katayama et al. 1996 <- Thiobacillus versutus
(basonym) A2 | ATCC 25364 | ATCC 25364, Y16932, Par.versu4 | CCM 2505 | DSM
582 | IAM 12814, D32243, Par.versu2
Paracoccus yeei VP Daneshvar et al. 2003 ATCC BAA-599 | CCUG 46822 | CDC
G1212, AY014173
Paracoccus zeaxanthinifaciens VP Berry et al. 2003 ATCC 21588, AF461158 | LMG
21293 | R-1512
Genus XVIII. Pseudorhodobacter VP
Pseudorhodobacter ferrugineus VP (T) (Rger and H?e 1992) Uchino et al. 2003 <-
Agrobacterium ferrugineum (basonym) ATCC 25652 | IAM 12616, D88522
Genus XIX. Rhodobaca VP
Rhodobaca bogoriensis VP (T) Milford et al. 2001 93 LBB1, AF248638 | ATCC 700920
Genus XX. Rhodothalassium VP 94
Rhodothalassium salexigens VP (T) (Drews 1982) Imhoff et al. 1998 <- Rhodospiril-
lum salexigens (basonym) WS 68 | ATCC 35888, D14431, Rt.salexi2 | DSM 2132,
M59070, Rt.salexig
Genus XXI. Rhodovulum VP 95
Rhodovulum sul?dophilum VP (T) (Hansen and Veldkamp 1973) Hiraishi and Ueda 1994
<- Rhodobacter sul?dophilus (basonym) Hansen W4, D13475, Rhv.sul?2 | ATCC
35886 | DSM 1374, D16423, Rhv.sul? d
Rhodovulum adriaticum VP (Neutzling et al. 1984) Hiraishi and Ueda 1994 <-
Rhodobacter adriatica (basonym) Imhoff 6II | ATCC 35885, D13476, Rhv.adria2
| BN 721 (6II) | DSM 2781, D16418, Rhv.adriat
Mem ber o f th e a lph a-3 subg ro up se nsu Im hoff. H owever, Imh off n otes that the branc hing is q uit e d eep and plac eme nt s om ewha t un ce rt ain .
B LAS T, RDP and hea tmap a nalysis sug gest o therwise .
M emb er of th e a lp ha-3 su bgroup sensu Imh off.
M emb er of th e a lp ha-3 su bgroup sensu Imh off.
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Roseobacter algicola VP Lafay et al. 1995 -> Ruegeria algicola FF3 | ATCC 51440,
X78315, Rg.algicoo | DSM 10251
Roseobacter denitri?cans VP Shiba 1991 Och 114, L01784, Ros.denit3 | Och 114,
M96746, Ros.denit2 | ATCC 33942 | DSM 7001
Roseobacter gallaeciensis VP Ruiz-Ponte et al. 1998 BS107, Y13244, Ros.gallci | CIP
105210 | DSM 12440
Genus XXVI. Roseovarius VP
Roseovarius tolerans VP (T) Labrenz et al. 1999 EL-172, Y11551, Rv.toleran | DSM
Genus XXVII. Rubrimonas VP
Rubrimonas cliftonensis VP (T) Suzuki et al. 1999 OCh 317, D85834 | JCM 10189
Genus XXVIII. Ruegeria VP
Ruegeria atlantica VP (T) (Rger and H?e 1992) Uchino et al. 1999 <- Agrobacterium
atlanticum (basonym) 1480 | DSM 5823 | IAM 14463, D88526, Rg.atlanti
Ruegeria algicola VP (Lafay et al. 1995) Uchino et al. 1999 <- Roseobacter algicola
(basonym) FF3 | ATCC 51440, X78315 | DSM 10251 | IAM 14591
Ruegeria gelatinovorans VP (Rger and H? e 1992) Uchino et al. 1999 <- Agrobac-
terium gelatinovorum (basonym) B6 | ATCC 25655 | DSM 5887 | IAM 12617,
D88523, Rg.gelatin
Genus XXIX. Sagittula VP
Sagittula stellata VP (T) Gonzalez et al. 1997 E-37, U58356, Sag.stllat | ATCC 700073 |
DSM 11524
Genus XXX. Silicibacter VP
Silicibacter lacuscaerulensis VP (T) Petursdottir and Kristjansson 1999 ITI-1157,
U77644 | DSM 11314
Silicibacter pomeroyi VP Gonzlez et al. 2003 DSS-3, AF098491 | ATCC 700808 | DSM
Genus XXXI. Staleya VP
Staleya guttiformis VP (T) Labrenz et al. 2000 EL-38, Y16427 | DSM 11458
Genus XXXII. Stappia VP
Stappia stellulata VP (T) (Rger and H?e 1992) Uchino et al. 1999 <- Agrobacterium
stellulatum (basonym) ATCC 15215 | DSM 5886 | IAM 12621, D88525, Sta.stellu
Stappia aggregata VP (ex Ahrens 1968) Uchino et al. 1999 IAM 12614, D88520
Genus XXXIII. Sul?tobacter VP
Sul?tobacter pontiacus VP (T) Sorokin 1996 ChLG 10, Y13155, Sft.pntiac | DSM 10014
| LMD 95.85 | VKM B-2022
Sul?tobacter dubius VP Ivanova et al. 2004 ATCC BAA-320, | KMM 3554, AY180102
| LMG 20555
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Sphingomonas aquatilis VP Lee et al. 2001 97 JSS7, AF131295 | KCCM 41067 | KCTC
Sphingomonas aromaticivorans VP Balkwill et al. 1997 -> Novosphingobium aromati-
civorans F199 | DSM 12444 | SMCC F199, U20756, Spg.spF199
Sphingomonas asaccharolytica VP Takeuchi et al. 1995 Y-345 | DSM 10564 | IFO15499,
Y09639 | NBRC 15499
Sphingomonas capsulata VP (Leifson 1962) Yabuuchi et al. 1990 <- Flavobacterium
capsulatum (basonym) -> Novosphingobium capsulatum ATCC 14666 | DSM
30196 | GIFU 11526, D16147, Spg.capsu2 | IAM 14271 | NBRC 12533 | JCM 7508 |
LMG 2830 | NCIB 9890
Sphingomonas chlorophenolica VP Nohynek et al. 1996 -> Sphingobium chlorophe-
nolicum ATCC 33790, U60171, Spg.chlor3 | ATCC 33790, X87161, Spg.chloro |
DSM 7098
Sphingomonas cloacae VP Fujii et al. 2001 98 S-3, AB040739 | IAM 14885 | JCM 10874
Sphingomonas chungbukensis VP Kim et al. 2000 DJ77, AF159257 | KCTC 2955 | IM-
SNU 11152
Sphingomonas echinoides VP (Heumann 1962) Denner et al. 1999 <- Pseudomonas echi-
noides (basonym) ATCC 14820, AB021370 | DSM 1805, AJ012461 | DSM 50409
| ICPB 2835 | NCIB 9420
Sphingomonas koreensis VP Lee et al. 2001 99 JSS26, AF131296 | KCCM 41069 | KCTC
Sphingomonas macrogoltabidus VP Takeuchi et al. 1993 -> Sphingopyxis macro-
goltabida 203 | ATCC 51380 | DSM 8826 | NBRC 15033, D13723, Spg.macgol
Sphingomonas mali VP Takeuchi et al. 1995 Y-351 | DSM 10565 | NBRC 15500,
Y09638, Spg.mali2
Sphingomonas melonis VP Buonaurio et al. 2002 DAPP-PG 224, AB055863 | DSM
14444 | LMG 19484
Sphingomonas natatoria VP (Sly 1985) Yabuuchi et al. 1999 <- Blastomonas natatoria
(basonym) ACM 2507 | ATCC 35951 | DSM 3183, Y13774 | JCM 10396 | NCIMB
12085 100
Sphingomonas parapaucimobilis VP Yabuuchi et al. 1990 OH 3807 | ATCC 51231 | DSM
7463 | GIFU 11387 | IAM 14268 | JCM 7510, X72721, Spg.ppauci | LMG 10923
Sphingomonas pituitosa VP Denner et al. 2001 EDIV, AJ243751 | CIP 106154 | DSM
Sphingomonas pruni VP Takeuchi et al. 1995 Y-250 | DSM 10566 | NBRC 15498,
D28568, Spg.pruni | NBRC 15498, Y09637, Spg.pruni2
Sphingomonas rosa VP Takeuchi et al. 1995 -> Novosphingobium rosa DSM 7285 | IAM
14222, D13945, Spg.rosa | NBRC 15208, D13945, Spg.rosa | NCPPB 2661
Sphingomonas rosei?ava VP Yun et al. 2000 MK341, D84520 | IAM 14823
Sphingomonas sanguinis VP Takeuchi et al. 1993 GIFU 2397 | NBRC 13937, D13726,
Sphingomonas stygia VP Balkwill et al. 1997 -> Novosphingobium stygium B0712 |
DSM 12445 | SMCC B0712, U20775, Spg.spB712
Sphingomonas subarctica VP Nohynek et al. 1996 -> Novosphingobium subarcticum
KF1, X94102, Spg.subarc | DSM 10700 | HAMBI 2110
No te that a subculture of the type st ra in is only dep osited in one pu blic c ollec tion or m ay ot herwis e be in viola tio n o f R ule s 27(3) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
No te that a subculture of the type st ra in is only dep osited in one pu blic c ollec tion or m ay ot herwis e be in viola tio n o f R ule s 27(3) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
No te that a subculture of the type st ra in is only dep osited in one pu blic c ollec tion or m ay ot herwis e be in viola tio n o f R ule s 27(3) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
10 0
B lastom onas nata toria wa s transferred to S phingom onas as S phingo mon as na tatoria. S ubs eque ntly, Hirais hi e t al. (20 00) hav e propo sed
tha t th e g enus B la sto mon as and th e species Blastomo nas n atato ria be re tain ed.
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Sphingomonas suberifaciens VP (van Bruggen et al. 1990) Yabuuchi et al. 1999 <- Rhi-
zomonas suberifaciens (basonym) CA1 | ATCC 49355 | DSM 7465 | ICMP 12535 |
NBRC 15211, D13737 | LMG 11026 | NCPPB 3629
Sphingomonas subterranea VP Balkwill et al. 1997 -> Novosphingobium subterraneum
B0478, U20773, Spg.spB478 | DSM 12447 | SMCC B0478, U20773, Spg.spB478
Sphingomonas taejonensis VP Lee et al. 2001 101 JSS54, AF131297 | KCCM 41068 |
KCTC 2884
Sphingomonas terrae VP Takeuchi et al. 1993 -> Sphingopyxis terrae E-1-A | ATCC
51381 | DSM 8831 | NBRC 15098, D13727, Spg.terrae
Sphingomonas trueperi VP Kmpfer et al. 1997 ATCC 12417 | DSM 7225 | LMG 2141 |
LMG 2142, X97776, Spg.truepr | NCIMB 9391
Sphingomonas ursincola VP (Yurkov et al. 1997) Yabuuchi et al. 1999 <- Erythromonas
ursincola (basonym) KR-99, Y10677 | DSM 9006 | JCM 10397 102
Sphingomonas wittichii VP Yabuuchi et al. 2001 EY 4224 | RW1, AB021492 | DSM
6014, AB021492 | JCM 10273 | SMUM 2128
Sphingomonas xenophaga VP Stolz et al. 2000 BN6, X94098 | DSM 6383
Sphingomonas yanoikuyae VP Yabuuchi et al. 1990 -> Sphingobium yanoikuyae
ATCC 51230 | DSM 7462 | GIFU 9882, D16145, Spg.yanoi2 | IAM 14269 | JCM
7371, X72725, Spg.yanoi4 | LMG 11252
Genus II. Blastomonas VP 103
Blastomonas natatoria VP (T) (Sly 1985) Sly and Cahill 1997 <- Blastobacter natatorius
(basonym) -> Sphingomonas natatoria ACM 2507 | ATCC 35951 | DSM 3183,
Y13774, Bla.natato | NCIMB 12085 | UQM 2507
Blastomonas ursincola VP (Yurkov et al. 1997) Hiraishi et al. 2000 <- Erythromonas
ursincola (basonym) KR-99 | DSM 9006, AB024289
Genus III. Erythrobacter VP
Erythrobacter longus VP (T) Shiba and Simidu 1982 OCh101, L01786, Erb.longu4 |
OCh101, M59062, Erb.longus | OCh101, M96744, Erb.longu3 | ATCC 33941 | DSM
6997 | IAM 14242 | NBRC 14126 | JCM 6170, D12699, Erb.longu5
Erythrobacter citreus VP Denner et al. 2002 RE35F/1, AF118020 | CIP 107092 | DSM
Erythrobacter ?avus VP Yoon et al. 2003 SW-46, AF500004 | JCM 11808 | KCCM 41642
Erythrobacter litoralis VP Yurkov et al. 1994 T4, X72962, Erb.litorl | DSM 8509,
AB013354, Erb.litor2 | IAM 14332
Genus IV. Erythromicrobium VP
Erythromicrobium ramosum VP (T) Yurkov et al. 1994 E5, X72909, Erm.ramosu | DSM
8510, AB013355, Erm.ramos2 | IAM 14332 | NCIMB 13404
Genus V. Erythromonas VP
Erythromonas ursincola VP (T) Yurkov et al. 1997 -> Sphingomonas ursincola KR-99,
Y10677, Ery.ursinc | DSM 9006
Genus VI. Novosphingobium VP
Novosphingobium capsulatum VP (T) (Leifson 1962) Takeuchi et al. 2001 104 <- Sphin-
gomonas capsulata (basonym) ATCC 14666 | DSM 30196 | GIFU 11526, D16147,
Spg.capsu2 | IAM 14271 | NBRC 12533 | JCM 7508 | LMG 2830 | NCIB 9890
10 1
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
10 2
There a re co mpe ting propo sals re garding th is sp ecies. Yabu uch i e t al. hav e prop os ed th at Ery throm onas urs inc ola be trans ferred to
S phingom onas a s Sph ing omo nas ursincola. Su bse quen tly, Hira is hi et a l. ha ve propo sed tha t E ry throm onas u rs inco la be tra ns ferre d to
B lastom onas as B la sto mona s ursincola.
10 3
There a re comp etin g p ro posals reg ardin g th is ge nus. Ya buuc hi et al. hav e c om bin ed E ryth ro mon as and Blas tomo nas with S phingo mon as .
Hira ishi et al. ha ve propo sed tha t E rythrom ona s b e com bin ed with Blas tomo nas and the latter b e reta ine d.
10 4
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Sphingobium chlorophenolicum VP (Nohynek et al. 1996) Takeuchi et al. 2001 112 <-
Sphingomonas chlorophenolica (basonym) ATCC 33790, U60171, Spg.chlor3 |
ATCC 33790, X87161, Spg.chloro | DSM 7098 | NBRC 1672
10 5
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
10 6
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
10 7
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
10 8
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
10 9
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
WARNING The n ame s R hizom onas an d Rhizomon as su berif caiens a re re jec ted and ille git ima te an d s hou ld not b e us ed.
N ote that a su bcultu re of the type stra in is only dep osited in o ne public c olle ction or m ay ot herwis e be in v iolation of Rules 27(3) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Not e th at a subculture of the typ e strain is only de posite d in one pub lic co llect ion or may o therwise be in v io lation of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Sphingobium herbicidovorans VP (Zipper et al. 1997) Takeuchi et al. 2001 113 <- Sphin-
gomonas herbicidovorans (basonym) MH | DSM 11019 | NBRC 16415, AB042233
Genus XI. Sphingopyxis VP
Sphingopyxis macrogoltabida VP (T) (Takeuchi et al. 1993) Takeuchi et al. 2001 114 <-
Sphingomonas macrogoltabidus (basonym) 203 | ATCC 51380 | DSM 8826 | NBRC
15033, D13723, Spg.macgol
Sphingopyxis alaskensis VP (Vancanneyt et al. 2001) Godoy et al. 2003 <- Sphin-
gomonas alaskensis (basonym) S37, AF367204 | DSM 13593 | LMG 18877 |
Sphingobium amiense VP Ushiba et al. 2003 YT, AB047364 | CIP 107839 | IAM 15006
| JCM 11777
Sphingopyxis chilensis VP Godoy et al. 2003 S37, AF367204 | DSM 14889 | LMG 20986
Sphingopyxis terrae VP (Takeuchi et al. 1993) Takeuchi et al. 2001 115 <- Sphingomonas
terrae (basonym) E-1-A | ATCC 51381 | DSM 8831 | NBRC 15098, D13727,
Sphingopyxis wit?ariensis VP Kmpfer et al. 2002 W-50, AJ416410 | CIP 107174 | DSM
Genus XII. Zymomonas AL
Zymomonas mobilis subsp. mobilis AL (T) (Lindner 1928) De Ley and Swings 1976
ATCC 10988, AF281031 | DSM 424 | NCIB 8938 | NRRL B-806
Zymomonas mobilis subsp. pomaceae AL (Millis 1956) De Ley and Swings 1976 ATCC
29192, AF281032 | NCIB 11200
Order V. Caulobacterales AL 116
Family I. Caulobacteraceae AL
Genus I. Caulobacter AL (T)
Caulobacter vibrioides AL (T) Henrici and Johnson 1935 = Caulobacter crescentus (junior
heterotypic synonym) Stove CB51 | VKM B-1496, AJ009957
Caulobacter bacteroides AL Poindexter 1964 -> Brevundimonas bacteroides CB 7,
M83796, Cau.bacter | ATCC 15254, AB008513, Cau.bacte2 | DSM 4726 | LMG
15096, AJ227782
Caulobacter crescentus AL Poindexter 1964 = Caulobacter vibrioides (senior het-
erotypic synonym) CB 2, M83799, Cau.cres4 | ATCC 15252, AJ227756 | DSM
Caulobacter fusiformis AL Poindexter 1964 CB 27 | ACM 5108, AJ007803, Cau.fusfo2 |
ATCC 15257, AB008533, Cau.fusfor | ATCC 15257, AJ007803, Cau.fusfo2 | ATCC
15257, AJ227759, Cau.fusfo3 | DSM 4728
Caulobacter halobacteroides AL Poindexter 1964 = Maricaulis maris (heterotypic syn-
onym) CM 13 | ATCC 15269, AJ227803 | ATCC 15269, AJ007804, Cau.halbac |
DSM 4729
Caulobacter henricii AL Poindexter 1964 CB4 | ACM 5105, AJ007805, Cau.henri2 |
ATCC 15253, AB008532, Cau.henric | ATCC 15253, AJ007805, Cau.henri2 | ATCC
15253, AJ227758, Cau.henri3 | DSM 4730
Caulobacter intermedius AL Poindexter 1964 -> Brevundimonas intermedia CB63 |
ACM 2608, AJ007802, Cau.interm | ATCC 15262, AJ007802, Cau.interm | ATCC
15262, AB023784, Cau.inter2 | DSM 4732 | MBIC2712, AB023784, Cau.inter2
Caulobacter leidyi AL Poindexter 1964 CB 37 | ATCC 15260 | ATCC 15260, AJ007806,
Cau.leidy3 | ATCC 15260, AJ227812, Cau.leidy2 | ATCC 15260, AB008391,
Cau.leidy1 | DSM 4733 117
Not e th at a s ubculture of the typ e strain is only de posite d in one pub lic co llect ion or may o therwise be in v io lation of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Not e th at a subculture of the typ e strain is only de posite d in one pub lic co llect ion or may o therwise be in v io lation of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Not e th at a subculture of the typ e strain is only de posite d in one pub lic co llect ion or may o therwise be in v io lation of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Lud wig recognize s the group but in dicate s that it ca nnot be reliably reso lv ed in the ARB tree .
Note tha t Cau lob acter le idyi is m ore clo sely rela ted to S phingo mona s that to o ther s pec ies of Ca ulo bac ter.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Rhizobium fredii VP Scholla and Elkan 1984 -> Sinorhizobium fredii ATCC 35423,
D14516, Srh.fredi5 | DSM 5851 | LMG 6217, X67231, Srh.fredi2 | PRC 205 | USDA
Rhizobium galegae VP Lindstrm 1989 ATCC 43677, D11343, Rhb.galega | DSM 11542
| HAMBI 540 | LMG 6214, X67226, Rhb.galeg2 | NZP 5563
Not e th at a subculture of the typ e strain is only de posite d in one pub lic co llect ion or may o therwise be in v io lation of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Agrobacterium tumefaciens AL (T) (Smith and Townsend 1907) Conn 1942 = Agrobac-
terium radiobacter (senior heterotypic synonym) ATCC 23308 | CCM 1040 | CFBP
2413 | CIP B6 | DSM 30205, M11223, Ag.tumefac | ICMP 5856 | ICPB TT 3 | NCPPB
397 120
Agrobacterium atlanticum VP Rger and H? e 1992 -> Ruegeria atlantica = Agrobac-
terium meteori (heterotypic synonym) 1480 | DSM 5823
Agrobacterium ferrugineum VP (ex Ahrens and Rheinheimer 1967) Rger and H?e
1992 -> Pseudorhodobacter ferrugineus ATCC 25652 | DSM 5888 | ICPB 4164 121
Agrobacterium gelatinovorum VP (ex Ahrens 1968) Rger and H?e 1992 -> Ruegeria
gelatinovorans B6 | ATCC 25655 | DSM 5887
Agrobacterium larrymoorei VP Bouzar and Jones 2001 -> Rhizobium larrymoorei
AF3.10, Z30542 | ATCC 51759 | CFBP 5473 | NCPPB 4096
Agrobacterium meteori VP Rger and H? e 1992 = Agrobacterium atlanticum (het-
erotypic synonym) 1513 | DSM 5824
Agrobacterium radiobacter AL (Beijerinck and van Delden 1902) Conn 1942 emend.
Sawada et al. 1993 = Agrobacterium tumefaciens (junior heterotypic synonym)
-> Rhizobium radiobacter EX 3.24.2 | ATCC 19358 | DSM 30147 | NBRC 13532 |
NCIB 9042
Agrobacterium rhizogenes AL (Riker et al. 1930) Conn 1942 emend. Sawada et al.
1993 -> Rhizobium rhizogenes ATCC 11325 | CFBP 2408 | DSM 30148 | ICMP
5794 | NBRC 13257 | IMET 11180
Agrobacterium rubi AL (Hildebrand 1940) Starr and Weiss 1943 -> Rhizobium rubi
TR3 | ATCC 13335 | CFBP 1317 | DSM 6772 | ICMP 6428 | LMG 156, X67228,
Genus V. Chelatobacter VP
Chelatobacter heintzii VP (T) Auling et al. 1993 ATCC 29600 | DSM 10368
Genus VI. Ensifer VP
Ensifer adhaerens VP (T) Casida 1982 <- Sinorhizobium adhaerens (basonym) A | ATCC
33212, AF191739 | NCIB 12342 123
Ensifer arboris VP (Nick et al. 1999) Young 2003 <- Sinorhizobium arboris (basonym)
TTR 38 | ATCC BAA-226 | DSM 13375 | HAMBI 1552 | LMG 14919, AF345281
Ensifer fredii VP (Scholla and Elkan 1984) Young 2003 <- Rhizobium fredii (basonym)
PRC 205 | ATCC 35423, D14516 | CCUG 27877 | HAMBI 2075 | ICMP 11139 | IFO
14780 | LMG 6217, AF345282 | NRRL B-14594 | USDA 205, AY260149
Ensifer kostiensis VP (Nick et al. 1999) Young 2003 <- Sinorhizobium kostiense (ba-
sonym) TTR 15 | ATCC BAA-227, | DSM 13372, | HAMBI 1489, | LMG 19227,
Ensifer kummerowiae VP (Wei et al. 2002) Young 2003 <- Sinorhizobium kummerowiae
(basonym) AS 1.3046 | CCBAU 71714, AF364067, AY034028
12 0
R ule 37a (1 ) sta tes tha t the nam e of a ta xo n m ust be cha nged if the nom enc la tural typ e of the tax on is ex clude d.
12 1
Youn g e t al. proposed tha t the type spe cies of Ag ro bac teriu m be trans ferred to t he R hiz obium , the re by dep re ca ting the ge nus A grobac -
terium. The se auth ors did not , ho wever, m ake a ny propo sal rega rd ing the trans fer o f A . fe rrug ine um t o eithe r Rhiz ob ium or a noth er gen us .
A prop osa l to do so was p ublished subsequ ently, b y Uch ino , e t al (20 03).
12 2
R ule 37a (1 ) sta tes tha t the nam e of a ta xo n m ust be cha nged if the nom enc la tural typ e of the tax on is ex clude d.
12 3
R ule 37a (1 ) sta tes tha t the nam e of a ta xo n m ust be cha nged if the nom enc la tural typ e of the tax on is ex clude d.
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Ensifer medicae VP (Rome et al. 1996) Young 2003 <- Sinorhizobium medicae (ba-
sonym) A 321 | HAMBI 2306 | ICMP 13798 | USDA 1037, AF325824
Ensifer meliloti VP (Dangeard 1926) Young 2003 <- Rhizobium meliloti (basonym)
ATCC 9930 | CCUG 27879 | CFBP 5561 | HAMBI 2148 | ICMP 12623 | IFO 14782 |
LMG 6133, AF345286 | NCAIM B.01520 | NRRL L-45
Ensifer saheli VP (De Lajudie et al. 1994) Young 2003 <- Sinorhizobium saheli (ba-
sonym) ATCC 51690 | HAMBI 215 | ICMP 13648 | LMG 7837, X68390
Ensifer terangae VP (De Lajudie et al. 1994) Young 2003 <- Sinorhizobium terangae
(basonym) ORS 1009 | ATCC 51692 | DSM 11282 | HAMBI 220ICMP 13649 | LMG
7834, AF345288
Ensifer xinjiangensis VP (Chen et al. 1988) Young 2003 <- Sinorhizobium xinjiangense
(basonym) ATCC 49357 | CCBAU 110, AF250354 | DSM 5852, AF345289 |
HAMBI 1673 | ICMP 11141 | LMG 17930
Genus VII. Sinorhizobium VP
Sinorhizobium fredii VP (T) (Scholla and Elkan 1984) Chen et al. 1988 emend. De Lajudie
et al. 1994 <- Rhizobium fredii (basonym) ATCC 35423, D14516, Srh.fredi5 |
DSM 5851 | LMG 6217, X67231, Srh.fredi2 | PRC 205 | USDA 205
Sinorhizobium adhaerens VP (Casida 1982) Willems et al. 2003 <- Ensifer adhaerens
(basonym) A | ATCC 33212, AJ505595 | LMG 20216
Sinorhizobium arboris VP Nick et al. 1999 -> Ensifer arboris TTR 38 | HAMBI 1552,
Z78204 | LMG 14919
Sinorhizobium kostiense VP Nick et al. 1999 -> Ensifer kostiensis TTR 15 | HAMBI
1489, Z78203 | LMG 15613
Sinorhizobium kummerowiae VP Wei et al. 2002 124 -> Ensifer kummerowiae AS 1.3046
| CCBAU 71714, AF364067
12 4
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
12 5
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Bartonella bovis VP Bermond et al. 2002 91-4 | CCUG 43828, AF293391 | CIP 106692
Bartonella capreoli VP Bermond et al. 2002 IBS 193, AF293389 | CCUG 43827 | CIP
Bartonella chomelii VP Maillard et al. 2004 A828, AY254309 | CCUG 47497 | CIP
Bartonella clarridgeiae VP Lawson and Collins 1996 Houston-2 cat | ATCC 51734,
X89208, Bar.clardg
Bartonella doshiae VP Birtles et al. 1995 R18, Z31351, Bar.doshia | ATCC 700133 |
NCTC 12862
Bartonella elizabethae VP (Daly et al. 1993) Brenner et al. 1993 <- Rochalimaea eliza-
bethae (basonym) B91-002005 | F9251 | ATCC 49927, L01260, Bar.elizab
Bartonella grahamii VP Birtles et al. 1995 V2, Z31349, Bar.graham | ATCC 700132 |
NCTC 12860
Bartonella henselae VP (Regnery et al. 1992) Brenner et al. 1993 <- Rochalimaea hense-
lae (basonym) G5436 | Houston-1 | ATCC 49882 | CIP 103737
Bartonella koehlerae VP Droz et al. 2000 C-29, AF076237 | ATCC 700693
Bartonella peromysci VP (Ristic and Kreier 1984) Birtles et al. 1995 <- Grahamella
peromysci (basonym)
Bartonella quintana VP (Schmincke 1917) Brenner et al. 1993 <- Rochalimaea quintana
(basonym) ATCC VR 358
Bartonella schoenbuchensis VP Dehio et al. 2001 R1, AJ278187 | DSM 13525 | NCTC
Bartonella talpae VP (Ristic and Kreier 1984) Birtles et al. 1995 <- Grahamella talpae
Bartonella taylorii VP Birtles et al. 1995 M6, Z31350, Bar.taylor | NCTC 12861
Bartonella tribocorum VP Heller et al. 1998 IBS 506, AJ003070, Bar.trbcor | CIP
Bartonella vinsonii subsp. vinsonii VP (Weiss and Dasch 1982) Brenner et al. 1993
emend. Kordick et al. 1996 <- Rochalimaea vinsonii (basonym) Baker, Z31352,
Bar.vinso2 | ATCC VR-152, L01259 | CIP 103738
Bartonella vinsonii subsp. arupensis VP Welch et al. 2000 OK 94-513 | ATCC 700727
Bartonella vinsonii subsp. berkhof?i VP Kordick et al. 1996 ATCC 51672 | NCSU
93-CO1, L35052, Bar.vinso4
Family IV. Brucellaceae AL
Genus I. Brucella AL (T) 126
Brucella melitensis AL (T) (Hughes 1893) Meyer and Shaw 1920 emend. Verger et al.
1985 = Brucella abortus (junior heterotypic synonym) = Brucella canis (junior
heterotypic synonym) = Brucella neotomae (junior heterotypic synonym) = Bru-
cella ovis (junior heterotypic synonym) = Brucella suis (junior heterotypic syn-
onym) ATCC 23456, L26166, Bru.melten
Brucella abortus AL (Schmidt 1901) Meyer and Shaw 1920 = Brucella melitensis (se-
nior heterotypic synonym) ATCC 23448
Brucella canis AL Carmichael and Bruner 1968 = Brucella melitensis (senior het-
erotypic synonym) RM-666 | ATCC 23365 | NCTC 10854
Brucella neotomae AL Stoenner and Lackman 1957 = Brucella melitensis (senior het-
erotypic synonym) 5K33 | ATCC 23459, L26167, Bru.melte4
Brucella ovis AL Buddle 1956 = Brucella melitensis (senior heterotypic synonym)
63/290 | ATCC 25840, L26168, Bru.melte5
Brucella suis AL Huddleson 1929 = Brucella melitensis (senior heterotypic synonym)
ATCC 23444, L26169, Bru.melte6
Genus II. Mycoplana AL
Mycoplana dimorpha AL (T) Gray and Thornton 1928 emend. Urakami et al. 1990 103 |
ATCC 4279 | DSM 7138
12 6
Th e n omen specie s B. abortus, B. can is, B . n eoto mae, B. ov is , and B. su is c an be u se d to av oid c onfu sion, ac co rd ing The Interna tio nal
Com mittee on Syste matic Ba cte riology S ubcomm itte e on the Taxo nom y o f B ru ce lla (IJ SB , 19 88, 3 8: 450 452)
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Mycoplana bullata AL Gray and Thornton 1928 emend. Urakami et al. 1990 79 | ATCC
4278 | ATCC 7980 | DSM 7126 | IAM 13153, D12785, Myp.bullat 127
Mycoplana ramosa VP Urakami et al. 1990 M51 of Macdonald | NCIB 9440 | ATCC
49678 | DSM 7292 | TKOO53
Mycoplana segnis VP Urakami et al. 1990 -> Caulobacter segnis ATCC 21756 | DSM
7131 | NBRC 13240, D13947, Myp.segnis | TK0059
Genus III. Ochrobactrum VP
Ochrobactrum anthropi VP (T) Holmes et al. 1988 ATCC 49687 | CIP 14970 | CIP 82.115
| DSM 6882 | LMG 3331 | NCTC 12168
12 7
Mycop lan a b ullata is p ro bably misn ame d. It is m ost closely re lat ed t o Ca ulo bac ter s pp.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Mesorhizobium mediterraneum VP (Nour et al. 1995) Jarvis et al. 1997 <- Rhizobium
mediterraneum (basonym) ATCC 51670 | DSM 11555 | UPM-Ca36, L38825,
Mesorhizobium plurifarium VP de Lajudie et al. 1998 LMG 11892, Y14158, Mso.plrfar
| ORS 1032
Mesorhizobium tianshanense VP (Chen et al. 1995) Jarvis et al. 1997 <- Rhizobium tian-
shanense (basonym) A-1BS, AF041447, Mso.tiansh | A-1BS, U71079, Mso.tians2
| CCBAU 3306 | DSM 11417
Methylosinus sporium VP (ex Romanovskaya et al. 1978) Bowman et al. 1993 ACM
3306, Y18946 | ATCC 35069 | NCIMB 11126
Genus V. Terasakiella VP
Terasakiella pusilla VP (T) (Terasaki 1973) Satomi et al. 2002 <- Oceanospirillum pusil-
lum (basonym) ATCC 33338 | CIP 103382 | DSM 6293 | IAM 14442 | LMG 7372 |
NBRC 13613, AB006768, Osp.pusil2 | NCIMB 2229
Family VII. BeijerinckiaceaeNP 130
Genus I. Beijerinckia AL (T)
Beijerinckia indica subsp. indica AL (T) (Starkey and De 1939) Derx 1950 Delft
E.II.12.1.1 | ATCC 9039, M59060, Bei.indica | DSM 1715 | NCIB 8712 | WR-119
Beijerinckia indica subsp. lacticogenes VP Thompson and Skerman 1981 ATCC 19361
| DSM 1719 | NCIB 8846 | WR-119
Beijerinckia derxii subsp. derxii AL Tchan 1957 Q13 of Tchan | ATCC 49361 | DSM 2328
| UQM 1968
Beijerinckia ?uminensis AL Dbereiner and Ruschel 1958 DSM 2327 | UQM 1685
Beijerinckia mobilis AL Derx 1950 ATCC 35011 | DSM 2326 | UQM 1969
12 8
Lu dwig ind icates su pport fo r th e family Met hylocystacea e in th e ARB tree. In h eatm aps and large s ca le an aly s is , we ?nd tha t Meth yloc ys -
tacea e an d B eirhe rinckiaceae are clo se ly rela ted and co uld be merge d, at le ast bas ed on !6S se quen ce ana ly sis.
12 9
Th e placeme nt o f M ethylo pila is provisio nal. Bowm an su gges ts tha t it be treate d a s inc ertae se dis .
13 0
In com mun ications with Ludw ig, he ma ke s no men tion of this fam ily. In the RDP tree it ap pears to s tand alone . No da ta w ere a vaila ble
for either Derxia orChe lato co ccus.
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
13 1
L udwig indicat es that the fa mily Brad yrhizo bia cea e is supp orted in th e A RB tree . We us e the nam e B ra dyrhiz obiace ae to distingu is h th is
line age fro m th e fa mily Nit ro bacteraceae (B uchan an, 1917 ) whic h appe ars o n th e A pprov ed Lis ts but is pa ra phy le tic .
13 2
Mem ber of the alpha-2b subg ro up se nsu Im hoff.
13 3
Mem ber of the alpha-2b subg ro up se nsu Im hoff.
13 4
Th ere is some qu est ion as t o th e legitimacy of this sp ec ies n ame as t here does n ot appe ar to be a dep osit of t he typ e s train in a p ublic
collectio n
13 5
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
13 6
Mem ber of the alpha-2b subg ro up se nsu Im hoff.
13 7
Mem ber of the alpha-2b subg ro up se nsu Im hoff.
13 8
D istant mem ber o f the alpha-2 su bgroup se nsu Im hoff. Plac eme nt within th e B ra dy rh iz obiaec ea ques tionab le.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
14 1
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
14 2
Mem ber of the alpha-2b subg ro up se nsu Im hoff.
14 3
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
14 4
Mem ber of the alpha-2b subg ro up se nsu Im hoff.
14 5
Mem ber of the alpha-2b subg ro up se nsu Im hoff.
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Azorhizobium caulinodans VP (T) Dreyfus et al. 1988 LMG 6465, X67221 | ORS 571,
Genus VII. Blastochloris VP 151
Blastochloris viridis VP (T) (Drews and Giesbrecht 1966) Hiraishi 1997 <- Rhodopseu-
domonas viridis (basonym) ATCC 19567, D25314, Bl.viridi3 | DSM 133
Blastochloris sulfoviridis VP (Keppen and Gorlenko 1975) Hiraishi 1997 <- Rhodopseu-
domonas sulfoviridis (basonym) P1 | DSM 729, D86514, Bl.slfvird
Genus VIII. Devosia VP 152
Devosia ribo?avina VP (T) Nakagawa et al. 1996 Foster strain 4R | ATCC 9526 | CCEB
535 | CCM 1979 | CIP 59.10 | DSM 7230 | IAM 1093 | NBRC 13584, D49423, Dv.ri-
bo?v | LMG 2277 | NCIB 8177
Devosia neptuniae VP Rivas et al. 2003 J1, AF469072 | CECT 5650 | LMG 21357
Genus IX. Dichotomicrobium VP
Dichotomicrobium thermohalophilum VP (T) Hirsch and Hoffmann 1989 ATCC 49408 |
DSM 5002 | IFAM 954
Genus X. Filomicrobium VP
Filomicrobium fusiforme VP (T) Schlesner 1988 ATCC 35158, Y14313 | DSM 5304 |
IFAM 1315
Genus XI. Gemmiger AL
Gemmiger formicilis AL (T) Gossling and Moore 1975 X2-56 | ATCC 27749
Genus XII. Labrys VP
Labrys monachus VP (T) Vasilyeva and Semenov 1985 42 | ATCC 43932 | DSM 5896 |
VKM B-1479, AJ535707
Genus XIII. Methylorhabdus VP 153
Methylorhabdus multivorans VP (T) Doronina et al. 1998 ATCC 51890 | DM13,
AF004845, Mrh.multiv | VKM B-2030
Genus XIV. Pedomicrobium AL 154
Pedomicrobium ferrugineum AL (T) Aristovskaya 1961 emend. Gebers and Beese 1988
S-122 | ATCC 33119 | DSM 1540 | IFAM S-1290
Pedomicrobium americanum VP Gebers and Beese 1988 ATCC 43612 | IFAM G-1381
Pedomicrobium australicum VP Gebers and Beese 1988 ATCC 43611 | IFAM ST-1306,
X97693, Pdmb.austr
Pedomicrobium manganicum AL Aristovskaya 1961 ATCC 3121 | DSM 1545 | IFAM
Genus XV. Prosthecomicrobium AL
Prosthecomicrobium pneumaticum AL (T) Staley 1968 155 ATCC 23633 | DSM 8972
Prosthecomicrobium enhydrum AL Staley 1968 ATCC 23634 | DSM 8908
Prosthecomicrobium hirschii VP Staley 1984 16 | ATCC 27832 | DSM 8907
Prosthecomicrobium litoralum VP Bould et al. 1983 524-16 | ATCC 35022
Genus XVI. Rhodomicrobium AL 156
Rhodomicrobium vannielii AL (T) Duchow and Douglas 1949 ATH 3.1.1 | ATCC 17100 |
DSM 162
Genus XVII. Rhodoplanes VP 157
Rhodoplanes roseus VP (T) (Janssen and Harfoot 1991) Hiraishi and Ueda 1994 <-
Rhodopseudomonas rosea (basonym) 941, D25313, Rhp.roseus | DSM 5909,
D14429, Rhp.roseu2 | NCIMB 13363
Rhodoplanes elegans VP Hiraishi and Ueda 1994 AS130, D25311, Rhp.elegan | JCM
Genus XVIII. Seliberia AL
15 1
Mem ber of the alpha-2a subrou p sen su Im hoff.
15 2
Distan t m emb er of the a lph a-2 sub group se nsu I mhoff .
15 3
Mem ber of the alpha-2a subrou p sen su Im hoff.
15 4
Mem ber of the alpha-2c sub group sensu Imho ff.
15 5
Distan t m emb er of the a lph a-2 sub group se nsu I mhoff .
15 6
Mem ber of the alpha-2c sub group sensu Imho ff.
15 7
Mem ber of the alpha-2a subrou p sen su Im hoff.
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Seliberia stellata AL (T) Aristovskaya and Parinkina 1963 E-37 | ATCC 700073 | INMI
Genus XIX. Starkeya VP
Starkeya novella VP (T) (Starkey 1934) Kelly et al. 2000 <- Thiobacillus novellus (ba-
sonym) ATCC 8093 | CCM 1077 | DSM 506 | IAM 12100, D32247 | NBRC 12443
| NCIB 9113
15 8
Mem ber of the alpha-2a subrou p sen su Im hoff.
15 9
Ludwig ind icate s that the A RB tree sup ports th e M ethylo bac teria ce ae .
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Methylobacterium zatmanii VP Green et al. 1988 Pseudomonas 135 | ATCC 43883 | DSM
5688 | NCIB 12243, L20804, Mlb.zatman
Genus II. Microvirga VP
Microvirga subterranea VP (T) Kanso and Patel 2003 FaiI4 | ATCC BAA-295 | DSM
14364, AY078053
Genus III. Protomonas VP
Protomonas extorquens VP (T) Urakami and Komagata 1984 -> Methylobacterium ex-
torquens TK0001 | ATCC 43645 | DSM 1337 | IMET 11113 | JCM 2802, D32224,
Mlb.extor4 | NCIB 9399, L20847, Mlb.extor3
Genus IV. Roseomonas VP 160
Roseomonas gilardii subsp. gilardii VP (Rihs et al. 1998) emend. Han et al. 2003
ATCC BAA-691, AY150045 | MDA5605 | NCTC 13290
Roseomonas gilardii subsp. rosea VP Han et al. 2003 ATCC BAA-691, AY220740 |
MDA5605, AY220740 | NCTC 13290
Roseomonas cervicalis VP Rihs et al. 1998 E7107 | ATCC 49957, AY150047 | CIP
Roseomonas fauriae VP Rihs et al. 1998 C610 | ATCC 49958, AY150046 | CIP 104028
Roseomonas mucosa VP Han et al. 2003 ATCC BAA-692, AF538712 | MDA5527,
AF538712 | NCTC 13291
Family XI. RhodobiaceaeNP
Genus I. Rhodobium VP (T) 161
Rhodobium orientis VP (T) Hiraishi et al. 1995 MB312, D30792 | DSM 11290 | JCM 9337
Rhodobium marinum VP (Imhoff 1984) Hiraishi et al. 1995 <- Rhodopseudomonas ma-
rina (basonym) Imhoff BN 126 | ATCC 35675 | DSM 2698, D30790
Genus II. Roseospirillum VP 162
Roseospirillum parvum VP (T) Glaeser and Overmann 2001 163 930I, AJ011919 | DSM
Order VII. ParvularculalesNP
Family I. ParvularculaceaeNP
Genus I. Parvularcula VP (T)
Parvularcula bermudensis VP (T) Cho and Giovannoni 2003 HTCC2503, AF544015 |
ATCC BAA-594 | KCTC 12087
Class II. Betaproteobacteria NP 164
Order I. BurkholderialesNP (T)
Family I. BurkholderiaceaeNP
Genus I. Burkholderia VP (T)
Burkholderia cepacia VP (T) (Palleroni and Holmes 1981) Yabuuchi et al. 1993 <- Pseu-
domonas cepacia (basonym) Ballard 717 | ATCC 25416, M22518, Bur.cepaci |
ATCC 25416, U96927, Bur.cepac8 | CFBP 2227 | DSM 7288 | ICPB 25 | NCTC
Burkholderia ambifaria VP Coenye et al. 2001 AMMD, AF043302 | CCUG 44356 |
LMG 19182
Burkholderia andropogonis VP (Smith 1911) Gillis et al. 1995 <- Pseudomonas andro-
pogonis (basonym) = Pseudomonas woodsii (heterotypic synonym) ATCC 23061,
X67037, Bur.androp | CFBP 2421 | DSM 9511 | ICMP 2807 | LMG 2129 | NCPPB 934
Burkholderia anthina VP Vandamme et al. 2002 W92B | CCUG 46047 | LMG 20980
Burkholderia caledonica VP Coenye et al. 2001 W50D | CCUG 42236 | LMG 19076,
16 0
P eter Gree n has recom mend ed tha t Ro se omo nas b e pla ced into th e M ethy lobac teriace ae.O n the o ther hand , phy log ene tic e viden ce from
W yan t sh ows that t he type Ro se omon as gilardii and R. cervica lis be lon g in the A ce toba cte ra cea e while R. fauriae be lon gs in th e Rhod os pir-
illace ae.
16 1
Distan t m emb er of the a lph a-2 sub group se nsu I mhoff .
16 2
Im hoff p laces elsew here, bu t is no t sp eci?c as to wh ere. I h av e mov ed it to Rhodo sp irilla cea e. O v ermann s propos al su gges ts diff erently.
16 3
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
16 4
Ludwig ind icate s that the Be taprot eoba cte ria are a mo noph yletic group .
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Burkholderia pickettii VP (Ralston et al. 1973) Yabuuchi et al. 1993 <- Pseudomonas
pickettii (basonym) -> Ralstonia pickettii K-288 | ATCC 27511, S55004,
Ral.picket | CIP 73.23 | DSM 6297 | JCM 5969 | NCTC 11149
Burkholderia plantarii VP (Azegami et al. 1987) Urakami et al. 1994 <- Pseudomonas
plantarii (basonym) = Burkholderia vandii (junior heterotypic synonym) ATCC
43733 | AZ 8201 | DSM 9509 | ICMP 9424 | JCM 5492 | LMG 9035, U96933,
Bur.planta | NIAES 1723
Burkholderia pseudomallei VP (Whitmore 1913) Yabuuchi et al. 1993 <- Pseudomonas
pseudomallei (basonym) ATCC 23343 | WRAIR 286
Burkholderia pyrrocinia VP (Imanaka et al. 1965) Vandamme et al. 1997 <- Pseu-
domonas pyrrocinia (basonym) 2327 | ATCC 15958 | DSM 10685 | LMG 14191,
U96930, Bur.pyrroc
Burkholderia sacchari VP Brmer et al. 2001 IPT101, AF263278 | CCT 6771 | LMG
Burkholderia solanacearum VP (Smith 1896) Yabuuchi et al. 1993 <- Pseudomonas
solanacearum (basonym) -> Ralstonia solanacearum 60-1 | ATCC 11696,
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
X67036, Ral.solan2 | CFBP 2047 | DSM 9544 | ICMP 5712 | ICPB PS 256 | NCPPB
Burkholderia stabilis VP Vandamme et al. 2000 LMG 14294, AF148554 | NCTC 13011
Burkholderia terricola VP Goris et al. 2003 LMG 20594, AY040362
Burkholderia thailandensis VP Brett et al. 1998 E264, U91838, Bur.thaila | ATCC
Burkholderia tuberum VP Vandamme et al. 2003 STM678, AJ302311 | CCUG 47178 |
LMG 21444
Burkholderia ubonensis VP Yabuuchi et al. 2000 EY 3383
Burkholderia vandii VP Urakami et al. 1994 = Burkholderia plantarii (senior het-
erotypic synonym) VA-1316 | ATCC 51545 | DSM 9510 | JCM 7957 | LMG 16020,
U96932, Bur.plant2
Burkholderia vietnamiensis VP Gillis et al. 1995 TVV75, U96928, Bur.vietn1 | TVV75,
U96929, Bur.vietn2 | DSM 11319 | LMG 10929
Genus II. Cupriavidus VP
Cupriavidus necator VP (T) Makkar and Casida 1987 N-1 | ATCC 43291, AF191737
Genus III. Lautropia VP 165
Lautropia mirabilis VP (T) Gerner-Smidt et al. 1995 AB2188 | ATCC 51599 | DSM 11362
| NCTC 12852
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
16 7
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Genus V. Massilia VP
Massilia timonae VP (T) La Scola et al. 2000 UR/MT95, U54470 | CIP 105350
Genus VI. Oxalicibacterium VP
Oxalicibacterium ?avum VP (T) Tamer et al. 2003 NEU 98 | TA17, AY061962 | CCM
7086 | CIP 107889 | KUEN 1580 | LMG 21571
Genus VII. Telluria VP
Telluria mixta VP (T) (Bowman et al. 1989) Bowman et al. 1993 <- Pseudomonas mixta
(basonym) ACM 1762, X65589, Tlr.mixta | ATCC 49108 | DSM 4832 | UQM 1762
Telluria chitinolytica VP Bowman et al. 1993 20M | ACM 3522 | CNCM I-804
Family III. Alcaligenaceae VP
Genus I. Alcaligenes AL (T)
Alcaligenes faecalis subsp. faecalis AL (T) Castellani and Chalmers 1919 16 | ATCC
8750, M22508, Alc.faecal | CCM 1052 | CIP 60.80 | DSM 30030 | DSM 61 | NBRC
13111 | IMET 10443 | NCDO 868 | NCIB 8156
Alcaligenes aestus AL Baumann et al. 1972 -> Deleya aesta ATCC 27128 | DSM 30161
Alcaligenes aquamarinus AL (ZoBell and Upham 1944) Hendrie et al. 1974 -> Deleya
aquamarina ATCC 14400, M93352, Hlm.aqmari | DSM 30161 | NCMB 557
Alcaligenes cupidus AL Baumann et al. 1972 -> Deleya cupida 79 | ATCC 27124 | DSM
4740, L42615, Hlm.cupida
Alcaligenes defragrans VP Foss et al. 1998 54Pin, AJ005447, Alc.defrag | DSM 12141
Alcaligenes denitri?cans VP (ex Leifson and Hugh 1954) Rger and Tan 1983 -> Achro-
mobacter xylosoxidans subsp. denitri?cans -> Achromobacter denitri?cans 12 |
55B | ATCC 15173, M22509, Amo.xylden | CIP 7715 | DSM 30026 | NCTC 8582
Alcaligenes eutrophus AL Davis 1969 -> Ralstonia eutropha 335 | ATCC 17697 | DSM
531 | IMET 10383
Alcaligenes faecalis subsp. homari VP Austin et al. 1981 = Deleya aquamarina (senior
heterotypic synonym) L1 | ATCC 33127 | NCMB 2116
Alcaligenes faecalis subsp. parafaecalis VP Schroll et al. 2001 G, AJ242986 | CIP
106866 | DSM 13975
Alcaligenes latus AL Palleroni and Palleroni 1978 H-4 | ATCC 29712 | DSM 1122 | IAM
12599, D88007, Alc.latus1
Alcaligenes paci?cus AL Baumann et al. 1972 -> Deleya paci?ca 62 | ATCC 27122 |
DSM 4742, L42616, Hlm.pacfca
Alcaligenes paradoxus AL Davis 1969 -> Variovorax paradoxus 351 | B13-0-1 D |
ATCC 17713 | DSM 30034 | DSM 66, AJ420329 | NBRC 15149 | LGM 11797t2 |
LGM 1797t1
Alcaligenes piechaudii VP Kiredjian et al. 1986 -> Achromobacter piechaudii 366-5
| Hugh 366-5 | ATCC 43552 | CIP 60.75 | DSM 10342 | EY3680, AB010841 | IAM
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Achromobacter xylosoxidans subsp. xylosoxidans VP (T) (ex Yabuuchi and Ohyama 1971)
Yabuuchi and Yano 1981 emend. Yabuuchi et al. 1998 <- Alcaligenes xylosoxidans
(basonym) KM 543 | ATCC 27061, AJ131590 | CIP 71.32 | NBRC 15126 | NCTC
Achromobacter xylosoxidans subsp. denitri?cans VP (Rger and Tan 1983) Yabuuchi et
al. 1998 <- Alcaligenes denitri?cans (basonym) ATCC 15173 | CIP 77.15 | LMG
1231 | NCTC 8582
Achromobacter denitri?cans VP (Rger and Tan 1983) Coenye et al. 2003 <- Alcaligenes
denitri?cans (basonym) LMG 1231, M22509
Achromobacter insolitus VP Coenye et al. 2003 API 201-3-84 | CCUG 47057 | LMG
6003, AY170847
Achromobacter piechaudii VP (Kiredjian et al. 1986) Yabuuchi et al. 1998 <- Alcali-
genes piechaudii (basonym) 366-5 | Hugh 366-5 | ATCC 43552 | CIP 60.75 | DSM
10342 | EY3680, AB010841, AB010841 | IAM 12591 | LMG 1873
Achromobacter ruhlandii VP (Packer and Vishniac 1955) Yabuuchi et al. 1998 <- Al-
caligenes ruhlandii (basonym) ATCC 15749 | DSM 653 | EY3918 , AB010840,
Achromobacter spanius VP Coenye et al. 2003 API 198-2-84 | CCUG 47062 | LMG 5911,
Genus III. Bordetella AL
Bordetella pertussis AL (T) (Bergey et al. 1923) Moreno-Lopez 1952 ATCC 9797,
U04950, Brd.pertus | DSM 5571
Bordetella avium VP Kersters et al. 1984 Hinz 591-77 | ATCC 35086, U04947,
Brd.avium | CCUG 13726 | DSM 11332 | LMG 1852
Bordetella bronchiseptica AL (Ferry 1912) Moreno-Lopez 1952 ATCC 19395, U04948,
Brd.bronc2 | NCTC 452
Bordetella hinzii VP Vandamme et al. 1995 TC58 | ATCC 51783 | CIP 104527 | DSM
11333 | LMG 13501, AF177667
Bordetella holmesii VP Weyant et al. 1995 ATCC 51541 | CDC F5101, U04820,
Bordetella parapertussis AL (Eldering and Kendrick 1938) Moreno-Lopez 1952 ATCC
15311, U04949, Brd.pperts | NCTC 5952
Bordetella petrii VP von Wintzingerode et al. 2001 Se-1111R, AJ249861 | CCUG 43448
| DSM 12804
Bordetella trematum VP Vandamme et al. 1996 1779 | CCUG 32381 | DSM 11334,
AJ277798 | LMG 13506
Genus IV. Brackiella VP
Brackiella oedipodis VP (T) Willems et al. 2002 LMG 19451, AJ277742 | DSM 13743 |
NCIMB 13739
Genus V. Derxia AL 168
Derxia gummosa AL (T) Jensen et al. 1960 ATCC 15994 | DSM 723 | NCIB 9064
Genus VI. Kerstersia VP
Kerstersia gyiorum VP (T) Coenye et al. 2003 API 184-2-84 | CCUG 47000 | LMG 5906,
Genus VII. Oligella VP 169
Oligella urethralis VP (T) (Lautrop et al. 1970) Rossau et al. 1987 <- Moraxella urethralis
(basonym) MC213 | ATCC 17960, AF227163 | CCUG 13463 | CDC 7603 | DSM
7531 | LMG 5303, AF133538
Oligella ureolytica VP Rossau et al. 1987 ATCC 43534, AJ247261 | CCUG 1465 | CDC
C379 | LMG 6519
Genus VIII. Pelistega VP
Pelistega europaea VP (T) Vandamme et al. 1998 N57 | LMG 10982, Y11890, Pls.europa
16 8
P hylo gene tic da ta h ave bee n comm unica ted to th e Tru st ind ic ating t hat Derxia is misplac ed in the outline . Hu i and Ak ira p re se nted data
at the 20 th Ann ual Co nference on Ba cte rial Taxono my in J ap an that the c los es t re lat iv e is A ch ro moba cte r an d s ugg es t m emb ership in the
A lcaliginaceae
16 9
Kersters recomm end s pla ce ment in the Alca ligena cea e.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Comamonas acidovorans VP (den Dooren de Jong 1926) Tamaoka et al. 1987 <- Pseu-
domonas acidovorans (basonym) -> Delftia acidovorans KS 0057 | ATCC 15668
| DSM 39 | DSM 50251 | IAM 12409, AB021417 | IMET 10620 | JCM 5833 | NCIB
Comamonas aquatica VP (Hylemon et al. 1973) Wauters et al. 2003 <- Aquaspirillum
aquaticum (basonym) ATCC 11330 | CCUG 15845 | LMG 2370, AJ430344
Comamonas denitri?cans VP Gumaelius et al. 2001 170 123, AF233877 | ATCC 700936
Comamonas kerstersii VP Wauters et al. 2003 AF61 | CCUG 15333 | LMG 3475,
Comamonas koreensis VP Chang et al. 2002 171 YH-12, AF275377 | IMSNU 11158 |
KCTC 12005
Comamonas nitrativorans VP Etchebehere et al. 2001 23310, AJ251577 | CCT 7062 |
DSM 13191 | NCCB 100007
Comamonas testosteroni VP (Marcus and Talalay 1956) Tamaoka et al. 1987 <- Pseu-
domonas testosteroni (basonym) KS 0043 | ATCC 11996, M11224, Com.testos |
DSM 50244 | IAM 12419 | ICPB 2741-78 | JCM 5832 | NCIB 8955
Genus II. Acidovorax VP
Acidovorax facilis VP (T) (Schatz and Bovell 1952) Willems et al. 1990 <- Pseudomonas
facilis (basonym) ATCC 11228 | CCUG 2113, AF078765, Av.facilis | DSM 649 |
LMG 2193
Acidovorax anthurii VP Gardan et al. 2000 CFBP 3232, AJ007013
Acidovorax avenae subsp. avenae VP (Manns 1909) Willems et al. 1992 <- Pseu-
domonas avenae subsp. avenae (basonym) = Pseudomonas rubrilineans (junior
heterotypic synonym) ATCC 19860, AF078759, Av.avenave | CCUG 15838 |
CFPB 2425 | ICMP 3138 | ICPB PA117 | LMG 2117 | NCPPB 1011
Acidovorax avenae subsp. cattleyae VP (Pavarino 1911) Willems et al. 1992 <- Pseu-
domonas cattleyae (basonym) DFBP 2423 | ATCC 33619 | CCUG 21975 | ICMP
2826 | LMG 2364 | LMG 5286 | NCPPB 961, AF078762, Av.avencat
Acidovorax avenae subsp. citrulli VP (Schaad et al. 1978) Willems et al. 1992 <- Pseu-
domonas avenae subsp. citrulli (basonym) ATCC 29625, AF078761, Av.avencit
| CCUG 17393 | ICMP 7500 | LMG 5376 | NCPPB 3679
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Acidovorax dela?eldii VP (Davis 1970) Willems et al. 1990 <- Pseudomonas dela?eldii
(basonym) 133 | FD-6 | ATCC 17505, AF078764, Av.del?di | CCUG 1779 | DSM
64 | LMG 5943
Acidovorax konjaci VP (Goto 1983) Willems et al. 1992 <- Pseudomonas avenae subsp.
konjaci (basonym) K2 | ATCC 33996, AF078760, Av.konjaci | DSM 7481 | ICMP
7733 | LMG 5691 | PDDCC 7733
Acidovorax temperans VP Willems et al. 1990 CCUG 11779, AF078766, Av.tempran |
DSM 7270 | LMG 7169
Acidovorax valerianellae VP Gardan et al. 2003 CFBP 4730, AJ431731 | NCPPB 4283
Genus III. Alicycliphilus VP
Alicycliphilus denitri?cans VP (T) Mechichi et al. 2003 K601, AJ418042 | CIP 107495 |
DSMZ 14773
Genus IV. Brachymonas VP
Brachymonas denitri?cans VP Hiraishi et al. 1995 AS-P1, D14320, Brch.denit | JCM
Genus V. Caldimonas VP
Caldimonas manganoxidans VP (T) Takeda et al. 2002 HS | ATCC BAA-369 | NBRC
16448 | JCM 10698, AB008801
Genus VI. Delftia VP
Delftia acidovorans VP (T) (den Dooren de Jong 1926) Wen et al. 1999 <- Comamonas
acidovorans (basonym) ACM 489, AF078774, Df.acvoran | ATCC 15668 | DSM
39 | IAM 12409, AB021417 | JCM 5833
Genus VII. Diaphorobacter VP
Diaphorobacter nitroreducens VP (T) Khan and Hiraishi 2003 NA10B, AB064317 | CIP
107294 | JCM 11421
Genus VIII. Hydrogenophaga VP
Hydrogenophaga ?ava VP (T) (Niklewski 1910) Willems et al. 1989 <- Pseudomonas
?ava (basonym) ATCC 33667 | CCUG 1658, AF078771, Hgp.? ava1 | DSM 619 |
LMG 2185
Hydrogenophaga intermedia VP Contzen et al. 2001 172 S1, AF019037 | DSM 5680
Hydrogenophaga palleronii VP (Davis et al. 1970) Willems et al. 1989 <- Pseudomonas
palleronii (basonym) Stanier 362t1 | ATCC 17724 | CCUG 20334, AF078769,
Hgp.palle2 | DSM 63, AF019073, Hgp.paller | LMG 2366
Hydrogenophaga pseudo?ava VP (Auling et al. 1978) Willems et al. 1989 <- Pseu-
domonas pseudo?ava (basonym) GA3 | ATCC 33668, AF078770, |
CCUG 13799 | DSM 1034 | LMG 5945
Hydrogenophaga taeniospiralis VP (Lalucat et al. 1982) Willems et al. 1989 <- Pseu-
domonas taeniospiralis (basonym) 2K1 | ATCC 49743, AF078768, Hgp.taensp |
CCUG 15921 | DSM 2082 | LMG 7170
Genus IX. Hylemonella VP
Hylemonella gracilis VP (T) (Canale-Parola et al. 1966) Spring et al. 2004 <- Aquaspiril-
lum gracile (basonym) ATCC 19624, AF078753 | DSM 9158 | NBRC 14920 | LMG
8201 | VKM B-1405
Genus X. Lampropedia AL
Lampropedia hyalina AL (T) (Ehrenberg 1832) Schroeter 1886 ATCC 11041 173
Genus XI. Macromonas AL 174
Macromonas mobilis AL (T) (Lauterborn 1915) Utermohl and Koppe 1924
Macromonas bipunctata VP Dubinina and Grabovich 1989 DSM 12705 | VKM 1366
Genus XII. Ottowia VP
17 2
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
17 3
Hui an d A kira presente d dat a at the 2 0th A nnu al C onfe re nce on B ac teria l Tax ono my in Ja pan indic atin g th at La mprope dia sh ould be
mo ve d to the Com amo nada ce ae
17 4
In their trea tmen t in Vo l 2 o f B ergeys M anua l of Syste matic B act eriology, Se con d E d., Dub inina et al. ind ic ate tha t M acrom ona s bip unc tata
is more closely rela ted to Hyd ro geno phila (Com amon adacea e) rathe r tha n m emb ers of the Thiotric hac ea e. Howe ve r, p lac em ent of the ge nus
is dif?cult as th e type ma terial consists o f a description ra ther than a viable s pec imen.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Ottowia thiooxydans VP (T) Spring et al. 2004 K11, AJ537466 | DSM 14619 | JCM 11629
Genus XIII. Polaromonas VP
Polaromonas vacuolata VP (T) Irgens et al. 1996 34-P, U14585, Po.vacuola | ATCC
Polaromonas naphthalenivorans VP Jeon et al. 2004 CJ2, AY166684 | ATCC BAA-779
| DSM 15660
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
17 7
Willems n otes t hat Xylo philus w as misp laced in th e P seudo mona dac eae
17 8
L udwig indica tes tha t the Hydrogen ophila les represen ts the d eepe st branc hing g ro up w ithin th e B etap ro teob act eria .
17 9
P la ce ment of Thioba cillus is ba sed on a recomm enda tion of L udwig. P CA plo ts sho w Thiobac illu s t o be quite dis tinc t b as ed on 16S .
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Thiobacillus novellus AL Starkey 1934 -> Starkeya novella ATCC 8093 | CCM 1077 |
DSM 506 | IAM 12100, D32247 | NBRC 12443 | NCIB 9113
Thiobacillus perometabolis AL London and Rittenberg 1967 emend. Katayama-Fu-
jimura and Kuraishi 1983 -> Thiomonas perometabolis ATCC 23370
Thiobacillus rapidicrescens VP Katayama-Fujimura et al. 1983 = Thiobacillus versu-
tus (senior heterotypic synonym) A2 | THI O41 | ATCC 25364 | CCM 2505 | IAM
12814, D32243, Par.versu2
Thiobacillus tepidarius VP Wood and Kelly 1985 -> Thermithiobacillus tepidarius
ATCC 43215, M79424 | ATCC 43215, M79425 | DSM 3134
Thiobacillus thermosulfatus VP Shooner et al. 1996 -> Thiomonas thermosulfata
ATCC 51520, U27839, Tmn.thsulf
Thiobacillus thiooxidans AL Waksman and Joffe 1922 = Thiobacillus concretivorus
(junior heterotypic synonym) -> Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans ATCC 19377,
M79396 | ATCC 19377, M79397 | ATCC 19377, M79398 | ATCC 19377, M79401 |
NCIMB 8343
Thiobacillus thyasiris VP Wood and Kelly 1995 -> Thiomicrospira thyasirae TG2 |
ATCC 51452 | DSM 5322, AF016046
Thiobacillus versutus VP Harrison 1983 = Thiobacillus rapidicrescens (junior het-
erotypic synonym) -> Paracoccus versutus A2 | ATCC 25364 | CCM 2505 | DSM
582 | IAM 12814, D32243, Par.versu2
Order III. MethylophilalesNP
Family I. MethylophilaceaeNP
Genus I. Methylophilus VP (T)
Methylophilus methylotrophus VP (T) Jenkins et al. 1987 AS1, M29021, Mlp.methyl
| ATCC 53528 | ATCC 53528, L15475, Mlp.methy1 | DSM 46235 | IMET 10786 |
NCIB 10515
Methylophilus leisingeri VP Doronina and Trotsenko 2001 180 DM11, AF250333 | DSM
6813 | VKM B-2013
Genus II. Methylobacillus AL
Methylobacillus glycogenes AL (T) Yordy and Weaver 1977 emend. Urakami and Koma-
gata 1986 T-11, M95652, Mbs.glycog | ATCC 29475 | DSM 46232 | DSM 5685 |
IMET 10774 | JCM 2850 | NCIB 11375
Methylobacillus ?agellatus VP Govorukhina et al. 1998 KT, M95651, Mbs.?agel |
ATCC 51484 | DSM 6875 | VKM B-161
Genus III. Methylovorus VP
Methylovorus glucosotrophus VP (T) Govorukhina and Trotsenko 1991 6B1 | UCM
Methylovorus mays VP Doronina et al. 2001 181 BV | VKM B-2221
Order IV. NeisserialesNP
Family I. Neisseriaceae AL
Genus I. Neisseria AL (T)
Neisseria gonorrhoeae AL (T) (Zopf 1885) Trevisan 1885 B 5025 | ATCC 19424 | DSM
9188 | NCTC 8375, X07714, Nis.gonor1
Neisseria animalis AL Berger 1960 NCTC 10212, AJ239288
Neisseria canis AL Berger 1962 H 6 | ATCC 14687, L06170, Nis.canis
Neisseria caviae AL Pelczar 1953 = Moraxella caviae (homotypic synonym) GP 11 |
ATCC 14659 | CCUG 2132 | CCUG 355, AF005187 | NCTC 10293
18 0
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
18 1
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Neisseria cinerea AL (von Lingelsheim 1906) Murray 1939 ATCC 14685 | DSM 4630 |
NCTC 10294
Neisseria cuniculi AL Berger 1962 -> Moraxella cuniculi ATCC 14688
Neisseria denitri?cans AL Berger 1962 ATCC 14686, L06173, Nis.denit2 | ATCC 14686,
M35020, Nis.dentri
Neisseria dentiae VP Sneath and Barrett 1997 Dent SHI/3848 | V33, AF487709 | ATCC
Neisseria elongata subsp. elongata AL Bovre and Holten 1970 ATCC 25295, L06171,
Neisseria elongata subsp. glycolytica AL Henriksen and Holten 1976 ATCC 29315
Neisseria elongata subsp. nitroreducens VP Grant et al. 1991 B1019 | ATCC 49377,
Neisseria ?ava AL Bergey et al. 1923 NRL 30,008
Neisseria ?avescens AL Branham 1930 ATCC 13120, L06168, Nis.? aves
Neisseria iguanae VP Barrett et al. 1994 ATCC 51483 | NVSL 85737
Neisseria lactamica AL Hollis et al. 1969 ATCC 23970 | DSM 4691 | NCDC A7515 |
NCTC 10617, AJ239286
Neisseria macacae VP Vedros et al. 1983 M-740 | ATCC 33926, L06169, Nis.macaca
Neisseria meningitidis AL (Albrecht and Ghon 1901) Murray 1929 M1027 | ATCC 13077
| DSM 10036 | NCTC 10025
Neisseria mucosa AL Veron et al. 1959 ATCC 19696 | ATCC 25996 | DSM 4631 | NCTC
Neisseria ovis AL Lindqvist 1960 = Moraxella ovis (homotypic synonym) ATCC 33078,
Neisseria per?ava AL Bergey et al. 1923 ATCC 10555
Neisseria polysaccharea VP Riou and Guibourdenche 1987 ATCC 43768, L06167,
Nis.polsac | CIP 100113 | LNP N462 | NCTC 11858 | NGC 11858
Neisseria sicca AL (von Lingelsheim 1908) Bergey et al. 1923 NRL 30,016
Neisseria sub?ava AL (Flgge 1886) Trevisan 1889 NRL 30,017
Neisseria weaveri VP Holmes et al. 1993 ATCC 51223 | CCUG 4007 | CDC 8142,
L10738, Nis.weaver | ISL775/91 | LMG 5135 | NCTC 12742
Genus II. Alysiella AL
Alysiella ?liformis AL (T) (Schmid 1922) Langeron 1923 A1 | ATCC 15532, AF487710 |
NCTC 10282
Genus III. Aquaspirillum AL 182
Aquaspirillum serpens subsp. serpens AL (T) (Mller 1786) Hylemon et al. 1973 emend.
Boivin et al. 1985 183 = Aquaspirillum bengal (junior heterotypic synonym) ATCC
12638 | DSM 68
Aquaspirillum serpens subsp. bengal NP Kumar et al. 1974 <- Aquaspirillum bengal
(basonym) ATCC 27641
Aquaspirillum anulus AL (Williams and Rittenberg 1957) Hylemon et al. 1973 ATCC
35958 | NCIB 9012 | NRRL B-2067
Aquaspirillum aquaticum AL Hylemon et al. 1973 = Comamonas terrigena (senior
heterotypic synonym) -> Comamonas aquatica ATCC 11330 | CCUG 17395 | DSM
9155 | LMG 2370
Aquaspirillum arcticum VP Butler et al. 1990 Res-10 | ATCC 49402 | DSM 6444
Aquaspirillum autotrophicum AL Aragno and Schlegel 1978 SA 32 | ATCC 29984 | DSM
Aquaspirillum delicatum AL (Leifson 1962) Hylemon et al. 1973 146 | ATCC 14667 |
CCUG 15846 | DSM 11558 | LMG 4328, AF078756, Aqsp.delic | NCIB 9419
Aquaspirillum dispar AL Hylemon et al. 1973 = Microvirgula aerodenitri?cans (junior
heterotypic synonym) 104 | ATCC 27510 | DSM 736 184
18 2
Th e g enus Aqu asp irillu m sho uld be place with the Co mma mona dac eae .
18 3
Th is subspecie s was aut omat ically cre ated und er Rule 4 0d (fo rm erly Rule 46, IJS EM 50: 22 392 244)
18 4
M icrovirgula ae ro denitri?cans is th e type spe cies. Ru le 37a a nd R ule 42 a re in co n?ic t as to which nam e s hould b e retained .
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
NCIB 9509
Aquaspirillum peregrinum subsp. peregrinum AL (Pretorius 1963) Hylemon et al. 1973
-> Levispirillum peregrinum subsp. peregrinum ATCC 15387 | DSM 1839 |
NCIB 9435
Aquaspirillum peregrinum subsp. integrum AL (Terasaki 1973) Terasaki 1979 -> Lev-
ispirillum peregrinum subsp. integrum MF 19 | ATCC 33334 | DSM 11589 |
NBRC 13617
Aquaspirillum polymorphum AL (Williams and Rittenberg 1957) Hylemon et al. 1973
ATCC 11332 | DSM 9160 | IAM 14441 | NBRC 13961 | NCIB 9072 | NRRL B-2066
Aquaspirillum psychrophilum AL (Terasaki 1973) Terasaki 1979 CA 1 | ATCC 33335 |
DSM 11588 | NBRC 13611 | NBRC 13611 | LMG 5408, AF078755, Aqsp.psych
Aquaspirillum putridiconchylium AL (Terasaki 1961) Hylemon et al. 1973 ATCC 15279
| NBRC 12013 | NCIB 9508
Aquaspirillum sinuosum AL (Williams and Rittenberg 1957) Hylemon et al. 1973 ATCC
9786 | CCUG 13728 | LMG 4393, AF078754, Aqsp.sinos | NCIB 9010 | NCMB 59 |
NRRL B-2065 | VPI 18
Genus IV. Chromobacterium AL
Chromobacterium violaceum AL (T) Bergonzini 1881 ATCC 12472, M22510, Crb.violac
| DSM 30191 | NBRC 12614 | NCIB 9131 | NCTC 9757
Chromobacterium ?uviatile VP Moss et al. 1981 -> Iodobacter ?uviatilis 165 | ATCC
33051, M22511, Iod.?uvia | CCM 3308 | DSM 3764 | NCTC 11159
Genus V. Eikenella AL
Eikenella corrodens AL (T) (Eiken 1958) Jackson and Goodman 1972 333/54-55 | ATCC
23834, M22512, Eik.corrod | DSM 8340
Genus VI. Formivibrio VP 186
Formivibrio citricus VP (T) Tanaka et al. 1991 CreCit1 | ATCC 49791 | DSM 6150,
Genus VII. Iodobacter VP
Iodobacter ?uviatilis VP (T) (Moss et al. 1981) Logan 1989 <- Chromobacterium ?uviatile
(basonym) Logan C009 | ATCC 33051, M22511, Iod.?uvia | CCM 3308 | DSM
3764 | NCTC 11159
Genus VIII. Kingella AL
Kingella kingae AL (T) (Henriksen and Bovre 1968) Henriksen and Bovre 1976 4177/66
| ATCC 23330, M22517, Kin.kingae | DSM 7536
18 5
Po t and Gillis prop ose that sub sp . Aqu asp irillu m iterso nii su bs p. ite rs on ii , s ubs p. nipon ic um, A. p eregrin um s ubs p. pe riig rinum and
subsp. in tegrum are miscla ssi?ed. The se species h ave be en t ra nsf erre d to a n ew g enus , Lev is pirillum.
18 6
P la ce ment of Fo rm ivib rio is based o n Hippe et a l., IJS B, 199 9,49: 779 and rec omm enda tion s by Ludw ig and Dewhirst.
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Kingella denitri?cans AL Snell and Lapage 1976 ATCC 33394, M22516, Kin.denitr |
DSM 10202 | NCTC 10995
Kingella indologenes AL Snell and Lapage 1976 -> Suttonella indologenes ATCC
25869, M35015, St.indolog | DSM 8309 | NCTC 10717
Kingella oralis VP Dewhirst et al. 1993 UB-38, L06164, Kin.oralis | ATCC 51147 |
CCUG 30450, L06164, Kin.oralis
Genus IX. Laribacter VP
Laribacter hongkongensis VP (T) Yuen et al. 2002 HKU1, AF389085 | DSM 14985 | LMG
Genus X. Microvirgula VP
Microvirgula aerodenitri?cans VP (T) Patureau et al. 1998 = Aquaspirillum dispar (senior
heterotypic synonym) SGLY2, U89333, Mvr.ardntf
Genus XI. Morococcus VP 187
Morococcus cerebrosus VP (T) Long et al. 1981 ATCC 33486 | NCTC 11393 | UQM 858
Genus XII. Prolinoborus VP
Prolinoborus fasciculus VP (T) (Strength et al. 1976) Pot et al. 1992 <- Aquaspirillum
fasciculus (basonym) XI | ATCC 27740 | CIP 103579 | LMG 6233
Genus XIII. Simonsiella AL
Simonsiella crassa AL Schmid 1922 S6 | ATCC 15533 | DSM 2578 | NCTC 10283
Simonsiella muelleri AL (T) Schmid 1922 36 | ATCC 29453, M59071, Sim.muelle | DSM
Simonsiella steedae AL Kuhn and Gregory 1979 4 | ATCC 27409, AF328153 | DSM 2580
Genus XIV. Vitreoscilla AL 188
Vitreoscilla beggiatoides AL (T) Pringsheim 1949 emend. Strohl et al. 1986 ATCC 43189
| B23SS
18 7
S ly cit es unpu blished data that ind icates M orococcus cerebros us is c lose ly rela ted to Ne is se ria m ac aca e. Howev er, he ind ic ates th at an
assertion o f synonymy may be prema ture.
18 8
P la ce ment is based on V. stercoraria ra ther th an V. b eggiatoides , t he ty pe strain. Place men t bas ed on L udwigs rec omm enda tio n.
18 9
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
19 0
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
19 1
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
19 2
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
19 3
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
19 4
Culture colle ction num ber re ported incorre ctly in IJS EM.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Rhodocyclus tenuis VP (Pfennig 1969) Imhoff et al. 1984 <- Rhodospirillum tenue (ba-
sonym) SMG 109, D16208, Rcy.tenuis | ATCC 25093 | DSM 109
Genus II. Azoarcus VP
Azoarcus indigens VP (T) Reinhold-Hurek et al. 1993 VB32, AF011345, Azc.indig2 |
VB32, L15531, Azc.indige | DSM 12121 | LMG 9092
Azoarcus anaerobius VP Springer et al. 1998 LuFRes1, Y14701, Azc.anaero | DSM
Azoarcus buckelii VP Mechichi et al. 2002 202 U120, AJ315676 | DSM 14744
Azoarcus communis VP Reinhold-Hurek et al. 1993 SWub3, AF011343, Azc.commu3 |
SWub3, X85432, Azc.commun | DSM 12120 | LMG 9095
Azoarcus evansii VP Anders et al. 1995 KB 740, X77679, Azc.evansi | DSM 6898
Azoarcus toluclasticus VP Song et al. 1999 MF63, AF123077 | ATCC 700605
Azoarcus tolulyticus VP Zhou et al. 1995 Tol-4, L33694, Azc.toluly | ATCC 51758
Azoarcus toluvorans VP Song et al. 1999 Td21, L33692, Azc.denit7 | ATCC 700604
Genus III. Azonexus VP
Azonexus fungiphilus VP (T) Reinhold-Hurek and Hurek 2000 BS5-8, AF011350 | LMG
19 5
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
19 6
Culture colle ction num ber re ported incorre ctly in IJS EM.
19 7
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
19 8
Culture colle ction num ber re ported incorre ctly in IJS EM.
19 9
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
20 0
R ule 37a (1 ) sta tes tha t the nam e of a ta xo n m ust be cha nged if the nom enc la tural typ e of the tax on is ex clude d.
20 1
M azana n an d co-workers n ote that the Rhod ocycle s g ro up (Rho doc yc lace ae) is in need of re vision.
20 2
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Family I. ProcabacteriaceaeNP
Genus I. "Procabacter"
Candidatus "Procabacter acanthamoebae"
Class III. Gammaproteobacteria NP 210
Order I. ChromatialesNP (T) 211
Family I. Chromatiaceae AL
Genus I. Chromatium AL (T)
Chromatium okenii AL (T) (Ehrenberg 1838) Perty 1852 DSM 169, AJ223234,
Chromatium buderi AL Trper and Jannasch 1968 -> Isochromatium buderi ATCC
25588 | DSM 176, AJ224430, Ic.buderiT
Chromatium glycolicum VP Caumette et al. 1997 -> Halochromatium glycolicum SL
3201 | ATCC 700202 | DSM 11080
Chromatium gracile AL Strzeszewski 1913 -> Marichromatium gracile DSM 203
Chromatium minus AL Winogradsky 1888 -> Thiocystis minor DSM 178, Y12372,
Chromatium minutissimum AL Winogradsky 1888 -> Allochromatium minutissimum
glubokoe | DSM 1376, Y12369, Alm.minsim
Chromatium purpuratum VP Imhoff and Trper 1980 -> Marichromatium purpuratum
BN 5500, AF001580, Mch.purpu2 | DSM 1591, AJ224439, Mch.purpur
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Halochromatium glycolicum VP (Caumette et al. 1997) Imhoff et al. 1998 <- Chro-
matium glycolicum (basonym) SL 3201 | ATCC 700202 | DSM 11080
Genus V. Isochromatium VP
Isochromatium buderi VP (T) (Trper and Jannasch 1968) Imhoff et al. 1998 <- Chro-
matium buderi (basonym) ATCC 25588 | DSM 176, AJ224430, Ic.buderiT
Genus VI. Lamprobacter VP
Lamprobacter modestohalophilus VP (T) Gorlenko et al. 1988 INMI RO-1
Genus VII. Lamprocystis AL
Lamprocystis roseopersicina AL (T) (Ktzing 1849) Schroeter 1886 DSM 229,
AJ006063, Lpc.rosprs
Lamprocystis purpurea VP (Eichler and Pfennig 1989) Imhoff 2001 213 <- Pfennigia pur-
purea (basonym) BN 4450 | ThSch12 | DSM 4197, AJ223235, Abb.purpur | DSM
4197, Y12366, Abb.purpu2 | Schleinsee
Genus VIII. Marichromatium VP
Marichromatium gracile VP (T) (Strzeszewski 1913) Imhoff et al. 1998 <- Chromatium
gracile (basonym) DSM 203
Marichromatium purpuratum VP (Imhoff and Trper 1980) Imhoff et al. 1998 <- Chro-
matium purpuratum (basonym) BN 5500, AF001580, Mch.purpu2 | DSM 1591,
AJ224439, Mch.purpur
Genus IX. Nitrosococcus AL 214
Nitrosococcus nitrosus AL (T) (Migula 1900) Buchanan 1925
Nitrosococcus oceani AL (Watson 1965) Watson 1971 C-107, M96395, Nsc.ocean2 |
ATCC 19707
Genus X. Pfennigia VP
Pfennigia purpurea VP (T) (Eichler and Pfennig 1989) Tindall 1999 <- Amoebobac-
ter purpureus (basonym) -> Lamprocystis purpurea ThSch 12 | DSM 4197,
AJ223235, Abb.purpur | DSM 4197, Y12366, Abb.purpu2 | Schleinsee
Genus XI. Rhabdochromatium VP
Rhabdochromatium marinum VP (T) Dilling et al. 1996 8315-5, X84316, Rc.marinum |
DSM 5261
Genus XII. Rheinheimera VP
Rheinheimera baltica VP (T) Brettar et al. 2002 OSBAC1, AJ441080 | DSM 14885 | LMG
Rheinheimera paci?ca VP Romanenko et al. 2003 CCUG 46544 | IAM 15043,
AB073132 | JCM 12090 | KMM 1406 | NRIC 0539
Genus XIII. Thermochromatium VP
Thermochromatium tepidum VP (T) (Madigan 1986) Imhoff et al. 1998 <- Chromatium
tepidum (basonym) MC, M59150, Tch.tepidm | ATCC 43061 | DSM 3771
Genus XIV. Thioalkalicoccus VP
Thioalkalicoccus limnaeus Bryantseva et al. 2000 A26, AJ277023 | ATCC BAA-32
Genus XV. Thiobaca VP
Thiobaca trueperi VP (T) Rees et al. 2002 BCH, AJ404006 | ATCC BAA-132 | DSM
Genus XVI. Thiocapsa AL
Thiocapsa roseopersicina AL (T) Winogradsky 1888 BN 4210, Y12364, Tcp.rosprs | DSM
Thiocapsa halophila VP Caumette et al. 1991 -> Thiohalocapsa halophila SG 3202,
AJ002796, Thh.haloph | ATCC 49740 | DSM 6210
Thiocapsa litoralis VP Puchkova et al. 2000 BM5, AJ242772 | ATCC 700894
Thiocapsa pendens VP (Molisch 1906) Guyoneaud et al. 1998 <- Amoebobacter pendens
(basonym) DSM 236, AJ002797, Tcp.penden
21 3
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
21 4
K oop s pla ces Nitrosococcus an d Nitrosolo bus in Chrom atiace ae. Imh off on ly in co rp orates ph ototrop hs int o the fam ily.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Thiocapsa pfennigii AL Eimhjellen 1970 -> Thiococcus pfennigii DSM 1375 | DSM
Thiocapsa rosea VP (Winogradsky 1888) Guyoneaud et al. 1998 <- Amoebobacter
roseus (basonym) DSM 235, AJ002798, Tcp.rosea1 | DSM 235, AJ006062,
Genus XVII. Thiococcus VP
Thiococcus pfennigii VP (T) (Eimhjellen 1970) Imhoff et al. 1998 <- Thiocapsa pfennigii
(basonym) 4250, Y12373, Tco.pfnnig | RG3 | DSM 1375 | DSM 226
Genus XVIII. Thiocystis AL
Thiocystis violacea AL (T) Winogradsky 1888 2711, Y11315, Thc.vlacea | DSM 207,
Y11315, Thc.vlacea
Thiocystis gelatinosa AL (Winogradsky 1888) Pfennig and Trper 1971 2611, Y11317,
Thc.gelati | DSM 215, Y11317, Thc.gelati
Thiocystis minor VP (Winogradsky 1888) Imhoff et al. 1998 <- Chromatium minus (ba-
sonym) DSM 178, Y12372, Thc.minor1
Thiocystis violascens VP (Perty 1852) Imhoff et al. 1998 <- Chromatium violascens
(basonym) ATCC 17096, AJ224438, Thc.vlscen | DSM 198
Genus XIX. Thiodictyon AL
Thiodictyon elegans AL (T) Winogradsky 1888 3011 | DSM 232
Thiodictyon bacillosum AL (Winogradsky 1888) Pfennig and Trper 1971 1814 | DSM
Genus XX. Thio?avicoccus VP
Thio?avicoccus mobilis VP (T) Imhoff and Pfennig 2001 215 8321, AJ010125 | ATCC
Genus XXI. Thiohalocapsa VP
Thiohalocapsa halophila VP (T) (Caumette et al. 1991) Imhoff et al. 1998 <- Thiocapsa
halophila (basonym) SG 3202, AJ002796, Thh.haloph | ATCC 49740 | DSM 6210
Genus XXII. Thiolamprovum VP
Thiolamprovum pedioforme VP (T) (Eichler and Pfennig 1987) Guyoneaud et al. 1998 <-
Amoebobacter pedioformis (basonym) CML 2 | Taichung | DSM 3802, Y12297,
Genus XXIII. Thiopedia AL
Thiopedia rosea AL (T) Winogradsky 1888
Genus XXIV. Thiorhodococcus VP
Thiorhodococcus minor VP (T) Guyoneaud et al. 1998 ATCC 700259 | CE2203, Y11316,
Trc.minor1 | DSM 11518
Genus XXV. Thiorhodovibrio VP
Thiorhodovibrio winogradskyi VP (T) Overmann et al. 1993 SSP1, AJ006214,
Trv.wingr2 | DSM 6702, AB016986, Trv.wingr3
Genus XXVI. Thiospirillum AL
Thiospirillum jenense AL (T) (Ehrenberg 1838) Migula 1900 DSM 216
Family II. Ectothiorhodospiraceae VP
Genus I. Ectothiorhodospira AL
Ectothiorhodospira mobilis AL (T) Pelsh 1936 DSM 237, X93481, Ec.mobilis
Ectothiorhodospira abdelmalekii VP Imhoff and Trper 1982 -> Halorhodospira ab-
delmalekii BN 9840 | ATCC 35917 | DSM 2110
Ectothiorhodospira haloalkaliphila VP Imhoff and Sling 1997 BN 9903, X93479,
Ec.haloalk | ATCC 51935
Ectothiorhodospira halochloris AL Imhoff and Trper 1979 -> Halorhodospira
halochloris BN 9850 | ATCC 35916, M59152, Hrh.halch2 | DSM 1059
Ectothiorhodospira halophila AL Raymond and Sistrom 1969 -> Halorhodospira
halophila DSM 244
21 5
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Ectothiorhodospira marina VP Imhoff and Sling 1997 BA 1010 | DSM 241, X93476,
Ectothiorhodospira marismortui VP Oren et al. 1990 EG-1 | DSM 4180, X93482,
Ectothiorhodospira shaposhnikovii AL Cherni et al. 1969 DSM 243, M59151, Ec.sha-
posh | KMMGU N1
Ectothiorhodospira vacuolata VP Imhoff et al. 1982 BN 9512 | ATCC 43036 | DSM 2111,
X93478, Ec.vacuola
Genus II. Alcalilimnicola VP
Alcalilimnicola halodurans VP (T) Yakimov et al. 2001 34A1c, AJ404972 | DSM 13718
| LMG 20111
Thialkalivibrio paradoxus VP Sorokin et al. 2002 ARh 1, AF151432 | DSM 13531 | JCM
Thialkalivibrio thiocyanoxidans VP Sorokin et al. 2002 ARh 2, AF302081 | DSM 13532
| JCM 11368
21 6
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
21 7
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
21 8
P la ce ment acco rd ing to PCA plots of Ga rrity and Lilbu rn . P os ition con ?rme d in b oth t he A RB and RDP trees .
21 9
Po sitio nin g of Th ioa lkalispira within t he Ectothiorho dospirac ea e is ba sed u pon the RDP rat her t han wha t wa s reporte d b y the S orokin et al.
22 0
Th ioa lkalivibrio h as bee n corrected to Th ialka livibrio by th e L is t E ditor of the IJ SE M
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Xanthomonas codiaei VP Vauterin et al. 1995 ICMP 9513 | LMG 8678, Y10765,
Xanthomonas cucurbitae VP (ex Bryan 1926) Vauterin et al. 1995 CFBP 254 | ICMP
2299 | LMG 690, Y10760, Xan.cucurb | NCPPB 2597
Xanthomonas cynarae VP Trbaol et al. 2000 CFBP 4188, AF208315
Xanthomonas fragariae AL Kennedy and King 1962 ATCC 33239 | CFBP 2157 | DSM
3587 | LMG 708, X95920, Xan.fraga2 | NCPPB 1469 | PDDCC 5715
Xanthomonas hortorum VP Vauterin et al. 1995 ICMP 453 | LMG 733, Y10759,
Xan.hortor | NCPPB 939
Xanthomonas hyacinthi VP (ex Wakker 1883) Vauterin et al. 1995 ATCC 19314 | CFPB
1156 | ICMP 189 | LMG 739, Y10754, Xan.hyacin | NCPPB 599
Xanthomonas maltophilia VP (Hugh 1981) Swings et al. 1983 <- Pseudomonas mal-
tophilia (basonym) -> Stenotrophomonas maltophilia = Pseudomonas beteli (se-
nior heterotypic synonym) = Pseudomonas hibiscicola (senior heterotypic syn-
onym) 810-2 | RH 1168 | Stanier 67 | ATCC 13637, M59158, Ste.maltop | DSM
50170 | ICPB 2648-67 | LMG 958, X95923, Ste.malto3 | NCIB 9203 | NCTC 10257
Xanthomonas melonis VP Vauterin et al. 1995 ICMP 8682 | LMG 8670, Y10756,
Xan.meloni | NCPPB 3434
Xanthomonas oryzae VP (ex Ishiyama 1922) Swings et al. 1990 Dye YK9 | Rao X08 |
LMG 5047, X95921, Xan.oryza2 | NCCPPB 3002 | PDDCC 3125
Xanthomonas phaseoli VP (ex Smith) Gabriel et al. 1989 G27 | ATCC 49119
Xanthomonas pisi VP (ex Goto and Okabe 1958) Vauterin et al. 1995 ATCC 35936 |
ICMP 570 | LMG 847, Y10758, Xan.pisi1 | NCPPB 762
Xanthomonas populi VP (ex Rid 1958) van den Mooter and Swings 1990 ATCC 51165
| CFBP 1817 | CFBP 1817 | ICMP 58 | ICMP 5816 | LMG 5743, X95922, Xan.populi
| NCPPB 2959
22 2
Lysob acter an tib iot icus be lon gs to the Xa ntho mona daceae . No s eque nc e a vaila ble fo r the ty pe st ra in, the re fore the pos ition of Lys ob ac ter
should be rega rd ed as tenta tive.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Thiothrix disciformis VP Aruga et al. 2002 B3-1, AB042532 | DSM 14473 | JCM 1136
Thiothrix eikelboomii VP Howarth et al. 1999 AP3, AB042819 | ATCC 49788
Thiothrix ?exilis VP Aruga et al. 2002 EJ2M-B, AB042545 | DSM 14609 | JCM 11135
Thiothrix fructosivorans VP Howarth et al. 1999 Q | ATCC 49748
Thiothrix unzii VP Howarth et al. 1999 A1 | ATCC 49747
Genus II. Achromatium AL 226
Achromatium oxaliferum AL (T) Schewiakoff 1893 no culture isolated, L42543, Ama.ox-
Genus III. Beggiatoa AL
Beggiatoa alba AL (T) (Vaucher 1803) Trevisan 1845 LSU B18LD
Genus IV. Leucothrix AL
Leucothrix mucor AL (T) Oersted 1844 1 | ATCC 25107 | DSM 2157, X87277, Lct.mucor
Genus V. Thiobacterium VP
Thiobacterium bovistum VP (T) La Riviere and Kuenen 1989
Genus VI. Thiomargarita VP
Thiomargarita namibiensis VP (T) Schulz et al. 1999
22 6
P osition in the RDP tree is no t based on seq uence d ata de rive d from th e typ e st ra in. Th erefore, t he plac emen t of Ac hrom atium s hould be
rega rd ed as tenta tive.
22 7
A via ble samp le of Th iom argarit a na mib ien sis has n ot y et been dep os ite d in an y cu lture co llec tion .
22 8
Th e p osition of the Fra ncisellaceae is amb igu ous within t he ARB tree .
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Legionella drozanskii VP Adeleke et al. 2001 230 LLAP-1, X97355 | ATCC 700990
Legionella erythra VP Brenner et al. 1985 SE-32A-C8, Z32638, Leg.eryth2 | ATCC
Legionella fair?eldensis VP Thacker et al. 1991 1725-Aus-E | ATCC 49588
Legionella fallonii VP Adeleke et al. 2001 231 LLAP-10, X97363 | ATCC 700992
Legionella feeleii VP Herwaldt et al. 1984 WO-44C | ATCC 35072, X73395, Leg.feelei
Legionella geestiana VP Dennis et al. 1993 1308 | ATCC 49504
Legionella gormanii VP Morris et al. 1980 -> Fluoribacter gormanii LS-13, Z32639,
Flu.gorma2 | ATCC 33297
Legionella gratiana VP Bornstein et al. 1991 Lyon 8420412 | ATCC 49413
Legionella gresilensis VP Lo Presti et al. 2001 Groux 11 D13, AF122883 | ATCC
700509 | CIP 106631
Legionella hackeliae VP Brenner et al. 1985 Lansing 2, M36028, Leg.hackel | ATCC
Legionella israelensis VP Bercovier et al. 1986 Bercovier 4, Z32640, Leg.israe2 | ATCC
43119, X73408, Leg.israel
Legionella jamestowniensis VP Brenner et al. 1985 JA-26-G1-E2 | ATCC 35298,
X73409, Leg.jamest
Legionella jordanis VP Cherry et al. 1982 BL-540, Z32667, Leg.jorda2 | ATCC 33623,
X73396, Leg.jordan
Legionella lansingensis VP Thacker et al. 1994 1677-MI-H | ATCC 49751
Legionella londiniensis VP Dennis et al. 1993 1477 | ATCC 49505
Legionella longbeachae VP McKinney et al. 1982 Long Beach 4, M36029, Leg.longbe
| ATCC 33462 | DSM 10572 | NCTC 11477
Legionella lytica VP (Drozanski 1991) Hookey et al. 1996 <- Sarcobium lyticum (ba-
sonym) L2, X97364, Leg.lytic3 | PCM 2298
Legionella maceachernii VP Brenner et al. 1985 -> Tatlockia maceachernii PX-1-
G2-EZ, Z32641, Tat.macea2 | ATCC 35300
Legionella micdadei VP Hebert et al. 1980 = Legionella pittsburghensis (homotypic
synonym) -> Tatlockia micdadei TATLOCK, M36032, Tat.micdad | ATCC 33218
Legionella moravica VP Hebert et al. 1980 316-36 | ATCC 43877
Legionella nautarum VP Dennis et al. 1993 1224 | ATCC 49506
Legionella oakridgensis VP Orrison et al. 1983 Oak Ridge 10, Z32642, Leg.oakrd2 |
ATCC 33761, X73397, Leg.oakrdg
Legionella parisiensis VP Brenner et al. 1985 PF-209C-C2 | ATCC 35299
Legionella pittsburghensis VP Pasculle et al. 1980 = Legionella micdadei (homotypic
synonym) TATLOCK, M36032 | ATCC 33218
Legionella quateirensis VP Dennis et al. 1993 1335 | ATCC 49507
Legionella quinlivanii VP Benson et al. 1990 1442-Aus-E | ATCC 43830
Legionella rowbothamii VP Adeleke et al. 2001 232 LLAP-6, X97359 | ATCC 700991
Legionella rubrilucens VP Brenner et al. 1985 WA-270A-C2, Z32643, Leg.rubri2 |
ATCC 35304, X73398, Leg.rubril | DSM 11884
Legionella sainthelensi VP Campbell et al. 1984 Mt. St. Helens 4 | ATCC 35248,
X73399, Leg.stheln
Legionella santicrucis VP Brenner et al. 1985 SC-63-C7 | ATCC 35301
Legionella shakespearei VP Verma et al. 1992 214 | ATCC 49655
Legionella spiritensis VP Brenner et al. 1985 Mount Saint Helens 9, M36030, Leg.spirit
| ATCC 35249
23 0
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
23 1
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
23 2
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Methylobacter pelagicus VP (Sieburth et al. 1988) Bowman et al. 1993 <- Methy-
lomonas pelagica (basonym) -> Methylomicrobium pelagicum AA23 | NCIMB
Methylobacter psychrophilus VP Omelchenko et al. 2000 Z-0021 | VKM B-2103,
Methylobacter whittenburyi VP (Romanovskaya et al. 1981) Bowman et al. 1993 <-
Methylococcus whittenburyi (basonym) Y | 1521 of Whittenbury | ACM 3310,
X72773, Mbc.whtbur | NCIMB 11128, L20843, Mbc.capsul
Genus III. Methylocaldum VP
Methylocaldum szegediense VP (T) Bodrossy et al. 1998 OR2, U89300, Mca.szeged
Methylocaldum gracile VP Bodrossy et al. 1998 14L, U89298 | NCIMB 11912
Methylocaldum tepidum VP Bodrossy et al. 1998 LK6, U89297, Mca.tepidu
Genus IV. Methylomicrobium VP
Methylomicrobium agile VP (T) (Bowman et al. 1993) Bowman et al. 1995 <- Methy-
lobacter agilis (basonym) A30 | ACM 3308, X72767, Mmb.agile | ATCC 35068 |
NCIMB 11124
Methylomicrobium album VP (Bowman et al. 1993) Bowman et al. 1995 <- Methy-
lobacter albus (basonym) ACM 3314, X72777, Mmb.album | NCIMB 11123 |
Methylomicrobium buryatense VP Kaluzhnaya et al. 2001 235 5B, AF307138 236 | VKM
Methylomicrobium pelagicum VP (Sieburth et al. 1988) Bowman et al. 1995 <- Methy-
lobacter pelagicus (basonym) AA-23 | ACM 3505, X72775, Mmb.pelagi | NCMB
Genus V. Methylomonas VP
Methylomonas methanica VP (T) Whittenbury and Krieg 1984 ACM 3307 | ATCC 35067
| IMET 10542 | NCIB 11130
23 5
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
23 6
Ge nBa nk acce ssio n n umbe r for strain 5 B (A F3071 39) inc orre ctly reporte d in I JS EM .
23 7
Th e p osition of the Ocea nospirillale s wit hin the A RB tree is a mbiguou s.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Oceanospirillum beijerinckii subsp. pelagicum VP (Terasaki 1973) Pot et al. 1989 <-
Oceanospirillum pelagicum (basonym) -> Oceanospirillum beijerinckii ATCC
33337 | DSM 6288 | NBRC 13612, AB006761, Osp.beipel | LMG 5307 | NCMB 2228
Oceanospirillum commune VP (Baumann et al. 1972) Bowditch et al. 1984 <- Al-
teromonas communis (basonym) = Marinomonas communis (senior homotypic
synonym) 8 | ATCC 27118
Oceanospirillum hiroshimense AL (Terasaki 1973) Terasaki 1979 -> Oceanospirillum
maris subsp. hiroshimense DSM 9524 | NBRC 13616 | LMG 5305 | LMG 7371
Oceanospirillum jannaschii VP Bowditch et al. 1984 207 | ATCC 27135 | DSM 6295 |
NBRC 15466, AB006765, Osp.janna2 | NCIMB 2044
Oceanospirillum japonicum AL (Watanabe 1959) Hylemon et al. 1973 ATCC 19191,
AB006766 | DSM 7165 | VPI 38
Oceanospirillum kriegii VP Bowditch et al. 1984 -> Oceanobacter kriegii 197 | ATCC
27133 | DSM 6294 | NBRC 15467, AB006767, Osp.krieg2 | NCIMB 2042
Oceanospirillum maris subsp. maris AL (Hylemon et al. 1973) emend. Satomi et al.
2002 Jannasch 101 | ATCC 27509, AB006771, Osp.marmar | DSM 6286 | LMG
5213 | NCIMB 2226 | VPI 35
Oceanospirillum maris subsp. hiroshimense VP (Terasaki 1973) Pot et al. 1989 ->
Oceanospirillum maris <- Oceanospirillum hiroshimense (basonym) LMG 5305
| LMG 7371 | SWC OF2
Oceanospirillum maris subsp. williamsae VP Linn and Krieg 1978 -> Oceanospirillum
maris 2b | ATCC 29547 | NBRC 15468, AB006763, Osp.marwil
Oceanospirillum minutulum AL (Watanabe 1959) Hylemon et al. 1973 -> Marinospir-
illum minutulum ATCC 19193, AB006769, Mrs.minutl | DSM 6287 | NCIMB 1347
Oceanospirillum multiglobuliferum AL (Terasaki 1973) Terasaki 1979 NBRC 13614,
AB006764, Osp.multi2
Oceanospirillum pelagicum AL (Terasaki 1973) Terasaki 1979 -> Oceanospirillum bei-
jerinckii subsp. pelagicum DSM 6288 | NBRC 13612 | NCIMB 2228
Oceanospirillum pusillum AL (Terasaki 1973) Terasaki 1979 -> Terasakiella pusilla
ATCC 33338 | DSM 6293 | IAM 14442 | NBRC 13613, AB006768, Osp.pusil2 |
NCIMB 2229
Oceanospirillum vagum VP (Baumann et al. 1972) Bowditch et al. 1984 <- Alteromonas
vaga (basonym) = Marinomonas vaga (senior homotypic synonym) 40, X67025
| ATCC 27119
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Halomonas aquamarina VP (ZoBell and Upham 1944) Dobson and Franzmann 1996 <-
Deleya aquamarina (basonym) 558 | ATCC 14400, M93352, Hlm.aqmari | DSM
30161 | IAM 12550 | NCMB 557
Halomonas axialensis VP Kaye et al. 2004 Althf1, AF212206 | ATCC BAA-802 | CECT
5812 | DSM 15723
Halomonas campisalis VP Mormile et al. 2000 A4 | ATCC 700597, AF054286
Halomonas canadensis VP Huval et al. 1996 -> Chromohalobacter canadensis HX |
ATCC 43984, AJ295143 | DSM 6769, AF211861 | NRCC 41227
Halomonas cupida VP (Baumann et al. 1972) Dobson and Franzmann 1996 <- Deleya
cupida (basonym) 79 | ATCC 27124 | DSM 4740, L42615, Hlm.cupida
Halomonas desiderata VP Berendes et al. 1997 FB2, X92417, Hlm.desdra | DSM 9502
Halomonas eurihalina VP (Quesada et al. 1990) Mellado et al. 1995 <- Volcaniella
eurihalina (basonym) F9-6 | ATCC 49336, L42620, Hlm.euriha | ATCC 49336,
X87218, Hlm.eurih2 | DSM 5720
Halomonas halmophila VP (Elazari-Volcani 1940) Franzmann et al. 1989 emend.
Dobson et al. 1990 <- Flavobacterium halmophilum (basonym) ATCC 19717,
M59153 | DSM 5349 | IAM 14439 | NCMB 1971
Halomonas halocynthiae VP Romanenko et al. 2002 DSM 14573 | KMM 1376,
Halomonas halodenitri?cans VP (Robinson and Gibbons 1952) Dobson and Franzmann
1996 <- Paracoccus halodenitri?cans (basonym) ATCC 13511, L04942,
Hlm.halden | ATCC 13511 | CCM 286 | DSM 735 | NCMB 700
Halomonas halodurans VP Hebert and Vreeland 1987 C-1 | ATCC 29686, L42619 | DSM
Halomonas halophila VP (Quesada et al. 1984) Dobson and Franzmann 1996 <- De-
leya halophila (basonym) F5-7 | CCM 3662, L42619, Hlm.haldur | DSM 4770,
M93353, Hlm.hphila
Halomonas hydrothermalis VP Kaye et al. 2004 Slthf2, AF212218 | ATCC BAA-800 |
CECT 5814 | DSM 15725
Halomonas israelensis VP Huval et al. 1996 -> Chromohalobacter israelensis Ba1 |
ATCC 43985, AJ295144 | DSM 6768, AF211862
Halomonas magadiensis VP Duckworth et al. 2000 21M1 | NCIMB 13595
Halomonas marina VP (Cobet et al. 1970) Dobson and Franzmann 1996 <- Deleya
marina (basonym) -> Cobetia marina 219 | ATCC 25374, M93354, Hlm.marina |
CECT 4278 | CIP 104765 | DSM 4741 | LMG 2217 | NCIMB 1877
Halomonas maris?avi VP Yoon et al. 2001 SW32, AF251143 | JCM 10873 | KCCM
Halomonas maura VP Bouchotroch et al. 2001 S-31 | CECT 5298 | DSM 13445
Halomonas meridiana VP James et al. 1990 ACAM 246 | ATCC 49692 | DSM 5425,
M93356, Hlm.meridi | UQM 3352
Halomonas muralis VP Heyrman et al. 2002 R-5058 | DSM 14789 | LMG 20969,
Halomonas neptunia VP Kaye et al. 2004 Eplumel, AF212202 | ATCC BAA-805 | CECT
5815 | DSM 15720
Halomonas paci?ca VP (Baumann et al. 1972) Dobson and Franzmann 1996 <- Deleya
paci?ca (basonym) 62 | ATCC 27122 | DSM 4742, L42616, Hlm.pacfca
Halomonas pantelleriensis VP Romano et al. 1997 AAP, X93493, Hlm.pantel | ATCC
700273 | DSM 9661
Halomonas salina VP (Valderrama et al. 1991) Dobson and Franzmann 1996 <- De-
leya salina (basonym) F8-11 | ATCC 49509, L42617, Hlm.salina | ATCC 49509,
X87217, Hlm.salin2 | DSM 5928 | IAM 14438
Halomonas subglaciescola VP Franzmann et al. 1987 ACAM 12 | ATCC 43668 | DSM
4683, M93358, Hlm.sglacs | IAM 14167 | UQM 2926
Halomonas sul?daeris VP Kaye et al. 2004 Esul? del, AF212204 | ATCC BAA-803 |
CECT 5817 | DSM 15722
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Halomonas variabilis VP (Fendrich 1989) Dobson and Franzmann 1996 <- Halovibrio
variabilis (basonym) III | DSM 3051, M93357, Hlm.varbil | IAM 14440, X90483,
Halomonas venusta VP (Baumann et al. 1972) Dobson and Franzmann 1996 <- Deleya
venusta (basonym) 86 | ATCC 27125 | DSM 4743, L42618, Hlm.venust
Genus II. Carnimonas VP
Carnimonas nigri?cans VP (T) Garriga et al. 1998 CECT 4437, Y13299 | CTCBS1
Genus III. Chromohalobacter VP
Chromohalobacter marismortui VP (T) Ventosa et al. 1989 M.G.1.1 | ATCC 17056,
X87219, Ch.marismo | CCM 3518 | DSM 6770 | IAM 14437 | NCIMB 8731
Chromohalobacter canadensis VP (Huval et al. 1996) Arahal et al. 2001 <- Halomonas
canadensis (basonym) HX | ATCC 43984, AJ295143 | CCM 4920 | CECT 5287 |
CIP 105571 | DSM 6769, AF211861 | NCIMB 13766 | NRCC 41227
Chromohalobacter israelensis VP (Huval et al. 1996) Arahal et al. 2001 <- Halomonas
israelensis (basonym) BA1 | ATCC 43985, AJ295144 | CCM 4920 | CECT 5287 |
CIP 106853 | DSM 6768, AF211862 | SAN 6768 | NCIMB 13766
Chromohalobacter salexigens VP Arahal et al. 2001 1H11 | ATCC BAA-138 | CCM 4921
| CECT 5384 | CIP 106854 | DSM 3043, AJ295146 | NCIMB 13768
Genus V. Deleya VP
Deleya aesta VP (T) (Baumann et al. 1972) Baumann et al. 1983 = Deleya aquamarina
(senior heterotypic synonym) <- Alcaligenes aestus (basonym) 134 | ATCC 27128
Deleya aquamarina VP (ZoBell and Upham 1944) Akagawa and Yamasato 1989 = Al-
caligenes faecalis homari (junior heterotypic synonym) = Deleya aesta (junior het-
erotypic synonym) <- Alcaligenes aquamarinus (basonym) -> Halomonas aqua-
marina ZoBell and Upham 558 | DSM 30161 | NCMB 557
Deleya cupida VP (Baumann et al. 1972) Baumann et al. 1983 <- Alcaligenes cupidus
(basonym) -> Halomonas cupida 79 | ATCC 2712
Deleya halophila VP Quesada et al. 1984 -> Halomonas halophila F5-7 | CCM 3662 |
DSM 4770, M93353
Deleya marina VP (Cobet et al. 1970) Baumann et al. 1983 <- Pseudomonas marina
(basonym) -> Halomonas marina 219 | ATCC 25374, M93354, Hlm.marina
Deleya paci?ca VP (Baumann et al. 1972) Baumann et al. 1983 <- Alcaligenes paci?cus
(basonym) -> Halomonas paci?ca 62 | DSM 4742, L42616
Deleya salina VP Valderrama et al. 1991 -> Halomonas salina F8-11, X87217, L42617
| ATCC 49509
Deleya venusta VP (Baumann et al. 1972) Baumann et al. 1983 <- Alcaligenes venustus
(basonym) -> Halomonas venusta 86
Genus VI. Zymobacter VP
Zymobacter palmae VP (T) Okamoto et al. 1995 T109, D14555, Zyb.palmae | ATCC
51623 | DSM 10491 | IAM 14233
Family V. Oleiphilaceae VP
Genus I. Oleiphilus VP (T)
Oleiphilus messinensis VP (T) Golyshin et al. 2002 ME102, AJ295154 | DSM 13489 |
LMG 20357
Family VI. SaccharospirillaceaeNP
Genus I. Saccharospirillum VP (T)
Saccharospirillum impatiens VP (T) Labrenz et al. 2003 EL-105, AJ315983 | CECT 5721
| DSM 12546
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Pseudomonas aeruginosa AL (T) (Schroeter 1872) Migula 1900 ATCC 10145 | CCEB 481
| DSM 50071, X06684, Ps.aerugi3 | IBCS 277 | ICPB 2523 | LMG 1242, Z76651,
9039 | NCTC 10
Pseudomonas amygdali AL Psallidas and Panagopoulos 1975 = Pseudomonas ?cuserecta
(junior heterotypic synonym) = Pseudomonas meliae (junior heterotypic synonym)
= Pseudomonas savastanoi (junior heterotypic synonym) AL1 | ATCC 33614,
D84007, Ps.amygdal | DSM 7298 | ICMP 3918 | LMG 2123, Z76654, Ps.amygda2 |
NCPPB 2607
Pseudomonas andropogonis AL (Smith 1911) Stapp 1928 -> Burkholderia andropogo-
nis ATCC 23061, X67037, Bur.androp | CFBP 2421 | DSM 9511 | ICMP 2807 | LMG
2129 | NCPPB 934
Pseudomonas anguilliseptica AL Wakabayashi and Egusa 1972 ATCC 33660 | DSM
12111 | NCMB 1949, X99540, Ps.anguill
Pseudomonas antimicrobica VP Attafuah and Bradbury 1990 = Burkholderia gladioli
(senior heterotypic synonym) B | DSM 8361 | NCIB 9898, AB021384
Pseudomonas asplenii AL (Ark and Tompkins 1946) Savulescu 1947 ATCC 23835 |
ICMP 3944 | LMG 2137, Z76655, Ps.aspleni
Pseudomonas aurantiaca AL Nakhimovskaya 1948 NCIB 10068
Pseudomonas aureofaciens AL Kluyver 1956 = Pseudomonas chlororaphis (senior het-
erotypic synonym) ATCC 13985, AF094722
Pseudomonas avellanae VP Janse et al. 1997 F11 | BPIC 631 | DSM 11809 | ICPB 9746 |
NCPPB 3487
Pseudomonas avenae subsp. avenae AL Manns 1909 = Pseudomonas rubrilineans (ju-
nior heterotypic synonym) -> Acidovorax avenae subsp. avenae ATCC 19860,
AF078759, Av.avenave | DSM 7227 | ICMP 3183 | ICPB PA117 | LMG 2117 | NCPPB
Pseudomonas avenae subsp. citrulli VP (Schaad et al. 1978) Hu et al. 1991 <-
Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes subsp. citrulli (basonym) -> Acidovorax avenae
subsp. citrulli ATCC 29625, AF078761, Av.avencit | CCUG 17393 | ICMP 7500 |
LMG 5376 | NCPPB 961, AF078762
Pseudomonas avenae subsp. konjaci VP (Goto 1983) Hu et al. 1991 <- Pseudomonas
pseudoalcaligenes subsp. konjaci (basonym) -> Acidovorax konjaci K2 | ATCC
33996, AF078760, Av.konjaci | CCUG 17394 | DSM 7481 | ICMP 7733 | LMG 5691
| PDDCC 7733
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Pseudomonas citronellolis AL Seubert 1960 ATCC 13674 | CIP 104381 | DSM 50332,
Z76659, Ps.citrone
Pseudomonas cocovenenans AL van Damme et al. 1960 -> Burkholderia cocovenenans
LMAU P25 | ATCC 33664 | DSM 11318 | LMG 11626, U96934, Bur.gladi4 | NCIB
Pseudomonas corrugata VP Roberts and Scarlett 1981 emend. Sutra et al. 1997 ATCC
29736, D84012, Ps.corruga | CFBP 2431 | DSM 7228 | NCPPB 2445
Pseudomonas costantinii VP Munsch et al. 2002 CFBP 5705 | HAMBI 2444 | PS 3a,
Pseudomonas cremoricolorata VP Uchino et al. 2002 246 CC-8 | JCM 11246 | NBRC
16634 | NRIC 0181
Pseudomonas dela?eldii AL Davis 1970 -> Acidovorax dela?eldii FD-6 | Stanier 133 |
ATCC 17505, AF078764, Av.del?di | CCUG 1779 | DSM 64 | LMG 5943
Pseudomonas diminuta AL Leifson and Hugh 1954 -> Brevundimonas diminuta ATCC
11568, M59064, Br.diminu2 | DSM 7234 | IMET 10409
24 4
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
24 5
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
24 6
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Pseudomonas elongata AL Humm 1946 ATCC 10144, AB021368 | DSM 6810 | LMG
2182 | NCIB 1141
Pseudomonas extremorientalis VP Ivanova et al. 2002 KMM 3447 | LMG 19695,
Pseudomonas facilis AL (Schatz and Bovell 1952) Davis 1969 -> Acidovorax facilis
ATCC 11228 | CCUG 2113, AF078765, Av.facilis | DSM 649 | LMG 2193
Pseudomonas ?cuserectae VP Goto 1983 = Pseudomonas amygdali (senior heterotypic
synonym) L7 | ATCC 35104 | CFBP 3224 | DSM 6929 | LMG 5694, Z76661,
Ps.amygda3 | PDDCC 7848
Pseudomonas ?ava AL (Niklewski 1910) Davis 1969 -> Hydrogenophaga ?ava ATCC
33667 | CCUG 1658, AF078771, Hgp.? ava1 | DSM 619 | LMG 2185
Pseudomonas ?avescens VP Hildebrand et al. 1994 B62, U01916, Ps.?avesc | DSM
12071 | NCPPB 3063
Pseudomonas ?ectens AL Johnson 1956 ATCC 12775, AB021400 | ICMP 745 | LMG
Pseudomonas ?uorescens AL Migula 1895 Biovar I | ATCC 13525 | CCEB 546 | DSM
50090, Z76662, Ps.?uore7 | ICPB 3200 | IMET 10619 | NCIB 9046 | NCTC 10038
Pseudomonas fragi AL (Eichholz 1902) Gruber 1905 ATCC 4973, AF094733 | DSM
3456 | IMET 11250 | NRRL B-25
Pseudomonas frederiksbergensis VP Andersen et al. 2000 JAJ28, AJ249382 | DSM
Pseudomonas fulva AL Iizuka and Komagata 1963 IAM 1529, D84015, Ps.fulva1
Pseudomonas fuscovaginae VP Miyajima et al. 1983 6801 | ICMP 5940 | CFBP 2065 |
DSM 7231 | NCPPB 3085 | PDDCC 5940
Pseudomonas gelidicola AL Kadota 1951 IAM 1127
Pseudomonas geniculata AL (Wright 1895) Chester 1901 ATCC 19374, AB021404
Pseudomonas gessardii VP Verhille et al. 1999 CFML 95-251, AF074384 | CIP 105469
Pseudomonas gladioli AL Severini 1913 -> Burkholderia gladioli ATCC 10248,
X67038, Bur.gladi2 | CFBP 2427 | DSM 4285 | ICPB PM 107 | NBRC 13700 |
NCPPB 1891 | NRRL B-793 | PDDCC 3950
Pseudomonas glathei AL Zolg and Ottow 1975 -> Burkholderia glathei ATCC 29195,
Y17052, Bur.glath1 | DSM 50014 | LMG 14190, U96935, Bur.glath2 | LMG 14190,
Y17052, Bur.glath1 | N 15
Pseudomonas glumae AL Kurita and Tabei 1967 -> Burkholderia glumae ATCC 33617
| CFBP 2430 | DSM 7169 | LMG 2196, U96931, Bur.glumae | NCPPB 2981 | NIAES
Pseudomonas graminis VP Behrendt et al. 1999 P 294/08 | DSM 11363, Y11150,
Pseudomonas grimontii VP Bada et al. 2002 ATCC BAA-140 | CFML 97-514,
AF268029 | CIP 106645
Pseudomonas halophila VP Fendrich 1989 II | DSM 3050, AB021383
Pseudomonas hibiscicola AL Moniz 1963 = Pseudomonas beteli (senior heterotypic syn-
onym) = Xanthomonas maltophilia (junior heterotypic synonym) ATCC 19867,
AB021405 | ICMP 3945 | LMG 980
Pseudomonas huttiensis AL Leifson 1962 ATCC 14670, AB021366 | DSM 10281
Pseudomonas indica VP Pandey et al. 2002 DSM 14015 | IMT37, AF302795 | MTCC
Pseudomonas indigofera AL (Voges 1893) Migula 1900 -> Vogesella indigofera ATCC
19706, U45995, Crb.indgfr | DSM 3303 | IMET 10724
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Pseudomonas mandelii VP Verhille et al. 1999 CFML 95-303 | CIP 105273, AF058286
Pseudomonas marginalis AL (Brown 1918) Stevens 1925 ATCC 10844 | CFBP 1387 |
ICMP 3553 | LMG 2210, Z76663, Ps.margina
Pseudomonas marina AL (Cobet et al. 1970) Baumann et al. 1972 -> Deleya marina
219 | ATCC 25374, M93354, Hlm.marina | DSM 4741
Pseudomonas mediterranea VP Catara et al. 2002 CFBP 5447, AF386080 | ICMP 14184
Pseudomonas meliae AL Ogimi 1981 = Pseudomonas amygdali (senior heterotypic syn-
onym) No. 2 | ATCC 33050 | DSM 6759 | ICMP 6289 | LMG 2220 | NCPPB 3033
Pseudomonas mendocina AL Palleroni 1970 CH50 | ATCC 25411, M59154, Ps.mendoci
| DSM 50017 | IMET 11176 | LMG 1223, Z76664, Ps.mendoc7
24 7
Th e ne w comb ina tio n Ch ryseomo nas luteo la was prop ose d by H olm es et al. (19 87). Su bse quen tly, Anz ai et all rep orted that 16S rRNA
sim ilarity be tween C. lut eola an d P se udom ona s aeruginosa is 94 % . Bas ed on thes e re sults , th es e au thors prop ose d th at C . lu teola sho uld
be consid ered a jun ior synon ym o f P se udom ona s lut eola.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Pseudomonas nitroreducens AL Iizuka and Komagata 1964 IAM 1439, D84021,
Pseudomonas oleovorans AL Lee and Chandler 1941 ATCC 8062 | DSM 1045, Z76665,
Ps.oleovo2 | NCIB 6576 | NCTC 10692 | NCTC 6576
Pseudomonas orientalis VP Dabboussi et al. 2002 248 CFML 96-170, AF064457 | CIP
Pseudomonas oryzihabitans VP Kodama et al. 1985 = Flavimonas oryzihabitans (junior
homotypic synonym) 249 AJ 2197 | KS 0036 | L-1 | ATCC 43272 | DSM 6835 | IAM
1568, D84004, Fm.oryzhab | JCM 2942
Pseudomonas palleroniana VP Gardan et al. 2002 CFBP 4389, AY091527 | ICMP 14253
| NCPPB 4278
Pseudomonas pickettii AL Ralston et al. 1973 -> Burkholderia pickettii K-288 | ATCC
27511, S55004, Ral.picket | CIP 73.23 | DSM 6297 | JCM 5969 | NCTC 11149
Pseudomonas pictorum AL Gray and Thornton 1928 ATCC 23328, AB021392
Pseudomonas plantarii VP Azegami et al. 1987 -> Burkholderia plantarii ATCC
43733 | AZ 8201 | DSM 9509 | ICMP 9424 | JCM 5492 | LMG 9035, U96933,
Bur.planta | NIAES 1723
Pseudomonas plecoglossicida VP Nishimori et al. 2000 ATCC 700383 | FPC 951,
Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes subsp. pseudoalcaligenes AL Stanier 1966 X-59 |
ATCC 17440 | DSM 50188 | ICPB 2750-63 | IMET 11177 | JCM 5968 | LMG 1225,
Z76666, Av.avenci2 | NCIB 9946 | NCTC 10860
Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes subsp. citrulli AL Schaad et al. 1978 -> Pseudomonas
avenae subsp. citrulli ATCC 29625, AF078761, Av.avencit | CCUG 17393 | ICMP
7500 | LMG 5376 | NCPPB 961, AF078762
Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes subsp. konjaci VP Goto 1983 -> Pseudomonas ave-
nae subsp. konjaci ATCC 33996, AF078760, Av.konjaci | CCUG 17394 | DSM
7481 | ICMP 7733 | K2 | LMG 5691 | PDDCC 773
Pseudomonas pseudo?ava AL Auling et al. 1978 -> Hydrogenophaga pseudo?ava
GA3 | ATCC 33668, AF078770, | CCUG 13799 | DSM 1034 | LMG 5945
Pseudomonas pseudomallei AL (Whitmore 1913) Haynes 1957 -> Burkholderia pseu-
domallei ATCC 23343 | WRAIR 286
Pseudomonas psychrophila VP Yumoto et al. 2002 251 E-3, AB041885 | JCM 10889
24 8
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
24 9
The ne w co mbination Flavimo nas oryzih abitans was propos ed b y Ho lme s e t al. (1987 ). Su bs eque ntly, Anz ai et al. repo rt ed tha t 16S
rRNA sim ilarity betwe en F. oryzihabitans and P seu dom onas aeruginos a is 93.9% . B as ed on thes e res ults , the se au thors prop os ed that F.
oryzihab itan s sh ould b e considered a junior synonym of Ps eudo mon as ory zihabitan s.
25 0
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
25 1
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Pseudomonas taetrolens AL Haynes 1957 A.3.19 | Stanier 92 | ATCC 4683 | CCEB 381 |
IAM 1653, D84027, Ps.taetrol | NCIB 9396 | NRRL B-14
Pseudomonas testosteroni AL Marcus and Talalay 1956 -> Comamonas testosteroni
KS 0043 | ATCC 11996, M11224, Com.testos | DSM 50244 | IAM 12419 | ICPB
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Pseudomonas tolaasii AL Paine 1919 ATCC 33618, D84028, Ps.tolaasi | CFBP 2068 |
LMG 2342, Z76670, Ps.tolaas2 | NCPPB 2192 | PDDCC 2290
Pseudomonas tremae VP Gardan et al. 1999 CFBP 3229 | ICMP 9151 | NCPPB 3465
Pseudomonas umsongensis VP Kwon et al. 2003 Ps 3-10, AF468450 | KACC 10847 |
LMG 21317
Pseudomonas vancouverensis VP Mohn et al. 1999 DhA-51 | ATCC 700688
Pseudomonas veronii VP Elomari et al. 1996 CFML 92-134 | CIP 104663, AF064460,
Ps.veronii | DSM 11331
Pseudomonas vesicularis AL (Busing et al. 1953) Galarneault and Leifson 1964 -> Bre-
vundimonas vesicularis ACM 2862 | ATCC 11426, AJ007801, Br.vesicu1 | CCM
3398 | CCUG 2032 | CECT 327 | DSM 7226 | IAM 12105, AB021414 | JCM 1477 |
LMG 2350, AJ227780, Br.vesicu2 | NCMB 1945 | NCTC 10900
Pseudomonas viridi?ava AL (Burkholder 1930) Dowson 1939 ATCC 13223 | CFBP 2107
| DSM 6694 | ICMP 2848 | LMG 2352, Z76671, Ps.viridif
Azotobacter beijerinckii AL Lipman 1904 M.B. 2.3 | ATCC 19360 | DSM 378 | NCIB 8948
| VKM B-1615
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Moraxella ovis AL (Lindquist 1960) Bovre 1968 = Neisseria ovis (homotypic synonym)
199/55 | ATCC 33078, AF005186 | NCTC 11227
25 2
Th e n ew com bin ation C hryseom onas lute ola was p ro pos ed by Holme s et a l. (198 7). Su bse que ntly, An zai e t al. repo ted that 16S rRNA
sim ilarity b etwee n C. luteo la and P seu dom onas a eruginos a was 94 % . B as ed on thes e re su lts , thes e authros propos ed tha t C. luteola is a
junior syn onym of Pseu dom onas lute ola .
25 3
The ne w co mbination Flavimo nas oryzih abitans was propos ed b y Ho lme s e t al. (1987 ). Su bs eque ntly, Anz ai et al. repo rt ed tha t 16S
rRNA similarity b etwee n F. o ryziha bit ans and P seudo mona s a eruginos a was 93 .9% . B as ed on thes e res ult s, th es e aut hors p ro pos ed th at F.
oryzihab itan s is a junior synonym of Pseud omo nas o ryziha bita ns .
25 4
The position o f Moraxella cea e in Pseud omon adales might b e ca lled into q ues tio n. Lu dwig note s th at the pla cem ent o f this g enus in trees
is meth od d epe nden t. In PCA plots it m aps to the same gen eral lo cat ion as P se udom ona s
25 5
The subge nera Mo ra xe lla (M oraxella Lwo ff 1 939) B vre 198 4 and M oraxe lla (Branh amella Catlin 19 70) Bv re 1984 h ave been v alid ly
pu blish ed but are n ot use d in this outline . Moraxella (Moraxella) co ntains M. atlanta e, M. bov is , M. lac una ta, M. non liquefa ciens , M. os loe nsis ,
an d M . ph enylpyruvica; Moraxella (Branh amella ) co ntains M. c atarrhalis , M . c av iae , a nd M . o vis.
25 6
Jun i indica tes that the t ype ma terial for M oraxella lacunat a s ubs p. lac unat a is a ctu ally a s train of M. lac un ata s ubs p. liquifac ie ns.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Moraxella phenylpyruvica AL (Bovre and Henriksen 1967) Bovre 1979 -> Psychrobac-
ter phenylpyruvicus 2863 | ATCC 23333 | NCTC 10526
Moraxella saccharolytica AL Flamm 1956 ATCC 19245
Moraxella urethralis AL Lautrop et al. 1970 -> Oligella urethralis ATCC 17960,
AF227163 | CCUG 13463 | DSM 7531 | LMG 5303
Genus II. Acinetobacter AL
Acinetobacter calcoaceticus AL (T) (Beijerinck 1911) Baumann et al. 1968 ATCC 23055,
Z93434, Acn.calco6 | CIP 81.08 | DSM 30006, X81661, Acn.calco4
Acinetobacter baumannii VP Bouvet and Grimont 1986 ATCC 19606 | CIP 70.34 | DSM
30007, X81660, Acn.bauman
Acinetobacter baylyi VP Carr et al. 2003 B2, AF509820 | CIP 107474 | DSM 14961
Acinetobacter bouvetii VP Carr et al. 2003 4B02, AF509827 | CIP 107468 | DSM 14964
Acinetobacter gerneri VP Carr et al. 2003 9A01, AF509829 | CIP 107464 | DSM 14967
Acinetobacter grimontii VP Carr et al. 2003 17A04, AF509828 | CIP 107470 | DSM
Acinetobacter haemolyticus VP Bouvet and Grimont 1986 B40 | Mannheim 2446/60 |
ATCC 17906 | CIP 64.3 | DSM 6962, X81662, Acn.haemol | NCTC 10305
Acinetobacter johnsonii VP Bouvet and Grimont 1986 B8 | Mannheim 3865/60 | ATCC
17909 | CIP 64.6 | DSM 6963, X81663, Acn.johnsn | NCTC 10308
Acinetobacter junii VP Bouvet and Grimont 1986 B10 | Mannheim 2723/59 | ATCC
17908 | CIP 64.5 | DSM 6964, X81664, Acn.junii | NCTC 10307
Acinetobacter lwof?i AL (Audureau 1940) Brisou and Prvot 1954 emend. Bouvet and
Grimont 1986 ATCC 15309 | CIP 644.10 | DSM 2403, X81665, Acn.lwoff4 | IMET
10416 | NCTC 5866
Acinetobacter radioresistens VP Nishimura et al. 1988 FO-1 | ATCC 43998 | DSM 6976,
X81666, Acn.radres | IAM 13186
Acinetobacter schindleri VP Nemec et al. 2001 LUH 5832, AJ278311 | CNCTC 6736 |
LMG 19576 | NIPH 1034
Acinetobacter tandoii VP Carr et al. 2003 4N13, AF509830 | CIP 107469 | DSM 14670
Acinetobacter tjernbergiae VP Carr et al. 2003 7N16, AF509825 | CIP 107465 | DSM
Acinetobacter towneri VP Carr et al. 2003 AB1110, AF509823 | CIP 107472 | DSM
Acinetobacter ursingii VP Nemec et al. 2001 LUH 3792, AJ275038 | CNCTC 6735 |
LMG 19575 | NIPH 137
Genus III. Psychrobacter VP
Psychrobacter immobilis VP (T) Juni and Heym 1986 14 | A351 | ATCC 43116, U39399,
Psy.immobl | CCUG 9708 | DSM 7229 | LMG 7091 | LMG 7203 | NCIB 12350
Psychrobacter faecalis VP Kmpfer et al. 2002 Iso-46, AJ421528 | CIP 107288 | DSM
Psychrobacter fozii VP Bozal et al. 2003 NF23, AJ430827 | CECT 5889 | LMG 21280
Psychrobacter frigidicola VP Bowman et al. 1996 ACAM 304, U46143, Psy.frgdcl |
CCUG 34377
Psychrobacter glacincola VP Bowman et al. 1997 ACAM 483, U46145, Psy.glacin |
DSM 12194
Psychrobacter jeotgali VP Yoon et al. 2003 YKJ-103, AF441201 | JCM 11463 | KCCM
Psychrobacter luti VP Bozal et al. 2003 NF11, AJ430828 | CECT 5885 | LMG 21276
Psychrobacter marincola VP Lyudmila et al. 2002 KMM 277, AJ309941 | DSM 14160 |
Psychrobacter okhotskensi VP Yumoto et al. 2003 MD17, AB094794 | JCM 11840 |
NCIMB 13931
Psychrobacter paci?censis VP Maruyama et al. 2000 NBRC 16270, AB016057 | NIBH
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Family I. Alteromonadaceae VP
Genus I. Alteromonas AL (T)
Alteromonas macleodii AL (T) (Baumann et al. 1972) emend. Yi et al. 2004 107, Y18228
| ATCC 27126 | DSM 6062
25 7
Ju ni a rg ues that th ere are signi?can t bio log ical d ifferen ces tha t sug ges t Ps yc hrob ac ter p heny lpyruv icus (Morax ella p heny lp yruv ic us ) is
mispla ced an d p ro bab ly wa rran ts eleva tio n to a separat e, new genu s.
25 8
Lu dwig in dicate s tha t the A eromo nada les , A lte ro mona dales , Ente ro bac teria les , P ast eurellales , and V ib riona les clus ter tog ether in both
the A RB a nd RDP t re es.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Alteromonas putrefaciens VP (ex Derby and Hammer) Lee et al. 1981 -> Shewanella
putrefaciens Hammer 95 | ATCC 8071, X82133, She.putre3 | DSM 6067 | ICPB 352
| NCIB 10471
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Marinobacterium jannaschii VP (Bowditch et al. 1984) Satomi et al. 2002 261 <-
Oceanospirillum jannaschii (basonym) 207, AB006765 | ATCC 27135 | NBRC
Marinobacterium stanieri VP (Baumann et al. 1983) Satomi et al. 2002 262 <- Pseu-
domonas stanieri (basonym) 146 | ATCC 27130, AB021367
Genus X. Microbulbifer VP 263
Microbulbifer hydrolyticus VP (T) Gonzlez et al. 1997 IRE-31, U58338, Mbf.hylyts |
ATCC 700072 | CIP 105235 | DSM 11525
Microbulbifer salipaludis VP Yoon et al. 2003 SM-1, AF479688 | JCM 11542 | KCCM
Genus XI. Moritella VP
Moritella marina VP (T) (Baumann et al. 1984) Urakawa et al. 1999 <- Vibrio marinus
(basonym) ATCC 15381, X74709, Mrt.marin3
Moritella abyssi VP Xu et al. 2003 2693, AJ252022 | JCM 11436 | LMG 21258
Moritella japonica VP Nogi et al. 1999 DSK1, D21224, Mrt.japoni | JCM 10249
Moritella profunda VP Xu et al. 2003 2674, AJ252023 | JCM 11435 | LMG 21259
Moritella viscosa VP (Lunder et al. 2000) Benediktsdttir et al. 2000 <- Vibrio viscosus
(basonym) NCIMB 13584 | NVI 88/478, AJ132226
Moritella yayanosii VP Nogi and Kato 1999 DB21MT-5, AB008797 | JCM 10263
Genus XII. Pseudoalteromonas VP
Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis subsp. haloplanktis VP (T) (ZoBell and Upham 1944)
Gauthier et al. 1995 <- Alteromonas haloplanktis (basonym) 215 | ATCC 14393,
X67024, Pal.halopl | DSM 6060
Pseudoalteromonas haloplanktis subsp. tetraodonis VP (Simidu et al. 1990) Gauthier et
al. 1995 <- Alteromonas tetraodonis (basonym) -> Pseudoalteromonas tetraodo-
nis ATCC 51193 | DSM 9166 | GFC | IAM 14160, X82139, Pal.haltet | NCIMB
Pseudoalteromonas agarivorans VP Romanenko et al. 2003 DSM 14585 | KMM 255,
Pseudoalteromonas antarctica VP Bozal et al. 1997 NF3, AF045560 | CECT 4664,
X98336, Pal.antarc
Pseudoalteromonas atlantica VP (Akagawa-Matsushita et al. 1992) Gauthier et al. 1995
<- Alteromonas atlantica (basonym) ATCC 19262 | IAM 12927, X82134,
lant | NCIMB 301
Pseudoalteromonas aurantia VP (Gauthier and Breittmayer 1979) Gauthier et al. 1995 <-
Alteromonas aurantia (basonym) Cerbom 208 | ATCC 33046, X82135, Pal.aurant
| DSM 6057 | NCIMB 2052
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Pseudoalteromonas citrea VP (Gauthier 1977) Gauthier et al. 1995 emend. Ivanova et al.
1998 <- Alteromonas citrea (basonym) ATCC 29719 | DSM 6058 | NCIMB 1889,
X82137, Pal.citrea
Pseudoalteromonas denitri?cans VP (Enger et al. 1987) Gauthier et al. 1995 <-
Alteromonas denitri?cans (basonym) Nygaard 1977 | ATCC 43337, X82138,
Pal.denitr | DSM 6059 | IAM 14445
Pseudoalteromonas distincta VP (Romanenko et al. 1995) Ivanova et al. 2000 <- Al-
teromonas distinca (basonym) ATCC 700518 | KMM 638, AF043742
Pseudoalteromonas elyakovii VP (Ivanova et al. 1997) Sawabe et al. 2000 <- Al-
teromonas elyakovii (basonym) 40MC | ATCC 700519 | KMM 162, AF082562,
Altm.elyak | VKPM B3905
Pseudoalteromonas espejiana VP (Chan et al. 1978) Gauthier et al. 1995 <- Al-
teromonas espejiana (basonym) ATCC 29659 | CCUG 16147 | DSM 9414 | IAM
12640 | NCIMB 2127, X82143, Pal.espeji
Pseudoalteromonas ?avipulchra VP Ivanova et al. 2002 KMM 3630 | LMG 20361 |
NCIMB 2033, AF297958
Pseudoalteromonas issachenkonii VP Ivanova et al. 2002 CIP 106858 | KMM 3549,
AF316144 | LMG 19697
Pseudoalteromonas luteoviolacea VP (Gauthier 1982) Gauthier et al. 1995 <- Al-
teromonas luteoviolacea (basonym) CH 130 | ATCC 33492 | DSM 6061 | NCIMB
1893, X82144, Pal.luteov
Pseudoalteromonas maricaloris VP Ivanova et al. 2002 KMM 636, AF144036 | CIP
106859 | LMG 19692
Pseudoalteromonas mariniglutinosa VP (ex Berland et al. 1969) Romanenko et al. 2003
nom. rev. KMM 3635 | NCIMB 1770, AJ507251
Pseudoalteromonas nigrifaciens VP (Baumann et al. 1984) Gauthier et al. 1995 emend.
Ivanova et al. 1996 <- Alteromonas nigrifaciens (basonym) 217 | ATCC 19375 |
DSM 6063 | NCIMB 8614, X82146, Pal.nigrif
Pseudoalteromonas paragorgicola VP Ivanova et al. 2002 ATCC BAA-322 | KMM
3548, AY040229 | LMG 19694
Pseudoalteromonas peptidolytica VP Venkateswaran and Dohmoto 2000 F12-50-A1,
AF007286 | MBICC F1250A1
Pseudoalteromonas phenolica VP Isnansetyo and Kamei 2003 O-BC30, AF332880 |
IAM 14989 | KCTC 12086
Pseudoalteromonas piscicida VP (Bein 1954) Gauthier et al. 1995 ATCC 15057,
X82215, Pal.pisci2
Pseudoalteromonas prydzensis VP Bowman 1998 ACAM 620
Pseudoalteromonas rubra VP (Gauthier 1976) Gauthier et al. 1995 <- Alteromonas rubra
(basonym) ATCC 29570, X82147, Pal.rubra | DSM 6064
Pseudoalteromonas ruthenica Ivanova et al. 2002 CIP 106857 | KMM 300, AF316891
| LMG 19699
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Psychromonas antarctica VP (T) Mountfort et al. 1998 star-1, Y14697 | DSM 10704
Psychromonas arctica VP Groudieva et al. 2003 Pull 5.3, AF374385 | CECT 5674 | DSM
Psychromonas kaikoae VP Nogi et al. 2002 JT7304, AB052160 | ATCC BAA-353 | JCM
Psychromonas marina VP Kawasaki et al. 2002 4-22, AB023378 | IAM 14899 | JCM
10501 | NCIMB 13792
Psychromonas profunda VP Xu et al. 2003 2825, AJ416756 | JCM 11437 | LMG 21260
Genus XIV. Shewanella VP
Shewanella putrefaciens VP (T) (Lee et al. 1981) MacDonell and Colwell 1986 <- Al-
teromonas putrefaciens (basonym) Hammer 95 | ATCC 8071, X82133, She.putre3
| DSM 6067 | ICPB 352 | LMG 2268 | NCIB 10471
Shewanella algae VP Simidu et al. 1990 emend. Nozue et al. 1992 OK-1 | ACAM 541 |
ATCC 51192, AF005249, She.algaVe | IAM 14159, U91546, She.algae4
Shewanella amazonensis VP Venkateswaran et al. 1998 SB2B, AF005248, She.amznen
| ATCC 700329
Shewanella baltica VP Ziemke et al. 1998 CECT 323 | DSM 9439 | IAM 1477 | LMG
2250 | NCTC 10735, AJ000214, She.baltic
Shewanella benthica VP MacDonell and Colwell 1986 W 145 | ATCC 43992, X82131,
She.benthi | DSM 8812
Shewanella colwelliana VP (Weiner et al. 1988) Coyne et al. 1990 <- Alteromonas col-
welliana (basonym) ATCC 39565
Shewanella denitri?cans VP Brettar et al. 2002 OS217, AJ311964 | DSM 15013 | LMG
Shewanella ?delis VP Ivanova et al. 2003 ATCC BAA-318 | KMM 3582, AF420312 |
LMG 20551
Shewanella frigidimarina VP Bowman et al. 1997 ICP1, U85903, She.frgmar | ACAM
591, U85903, She.frgmar | DSM 12253
Shewanella gaetbuli VP Yoon et al. 2004 TF-27, AY190533 | JCM 11814 | KCCM 41648
Shewanella gelidimarina VP Bowman et al. 1997 ICP6 | ACAM 456, U85907, She.gel-
Shewanella hanedai VP (Jensen et al. 1981) MacDonell and Colwell 1986 <- Al-
teromonas hanedai (basonym) 281 | ATCC 33224, U91590, She.haned2 | CIP
103207, X82132, She.haneda | DSM 6066
Shewanella japonica VP Ivanova et al. 2001 CIP 106860 | KMM 3299, AF145921 | LMG
Shewanella livingstonensis VP Bozal et al. 2002 NF22, AJ300834 | CECT 5933 | LMG
Shewanella marinintestina VP Satomi et al. 2003 IK-1, AB081757 | JCM 11558 | LMG
Shewanella olleyana VP Skerratt et al. 2002 ACAM 644 | ACEM 9, AF295592 | LMG
Shewanella oneidensis VP Venkateswaran et al. 1999 MR-1, AF005251, She.oneidn |
ATCC 700550
Shewanella pealeana VP Leonardo et al. 1999 ANG-SQ1, AF011335 | ATCC 700345
Shewanella sairae VP Satomi et al. 2003 JCM 11563 | LMG 21408 | SM2-1, AB081762
Shewanella schlegeliana VP Satomi et al. 2003 HRKA1, AB081760 | JCM 11561 | LMG
Shewanella violacea VP Nogi et al. 1999 DSS12, D21225, She.violac | JCM 10179
Shewanella woodyi VP Makemson et al. 1997 MS32, AF003549, She.woody2 | ATCC
51908 | DSM 12036
Genus XV. Thalassomonas VP
Thalassomonas viridans VP (T) Macin et al. 2001 XOM25, AJ294748 | CECT 5083 |
DSM 13754
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Vibrio chagasii VP Thompson et al. 2003 R-3712, AJ316199 | CAIM 431 | LMG 21353
Vibrio cincinnatiensis VP Brayton et al. 1986 ATCC 35912, X74698, V.cincnati
Vibrio coralliilyticus VP Ben-Haim et al. 2003 YB1, AJ440005 | ATCC BAA-450 | LMG
Vibrio costicola AL Smith 1938 emend. Garcia et al. 1987 -> Salinivibrio costicola
ATCC 33508, X74699, Sav.costic | DSM 11403 | NCMB 701
Vibrio cyclitrophicus VP Hedlund and Staley 2001 P-2P44, U57919 | ATCC 700982 | CIP
Vibrio damselae VP Love et al. 1982 265 -> Listonella damselae ATCC 33539,
AB032015 | CDC 2588-80
Vibrio diabolicus VP Raguns et al. 1997 HE800, X99762, V.diabolic | CNCM I-1629
Vibrio diazotrophicus VP Guerinot et al. 1982 NS1 | ATCC 33466, X56577, V.diazotro |
ATCC 33466, X74701, V.diazotr3 | DSM 2604 | IAM 14402
Vibrio ?scheri AL (Beijerinck 1889) Lehmann and Neumann 1896 = Photobacterium
?scheri (homotypic synonym) ATCC 7744 | DSM 507 | NCMB 1281, X70640,
V.? scher4
Vibrio ?uvialis VP Lee et al. 1981 266 = Allomonas enterica (junior homotypic synonym)
VL 5125 | ATCC 33809, X74703, V.? uviali | IMET 11293 | NCTC 11327, X76335,
V.? uvial3
Vibrio furnissii VP Brenner et al. 1984 ATCC 35016, X74704, V.furnissi | ATCC 35016,
X76336, V.furniss2 | CDC B3215
Vibrio gazogenes VP (Harwood et al. 1980) Baumann et al. 1981 <- Beneckea gazogenes
(basonym) PB1 | ATCC 29988, X74705, V.gazogene
26 5
Farme r e t al cont end th at the corrected e pith et da msela e is unn ece ss ary a s th e the o riginal form da ms ela is f ormed p ro perly as a nou n in
op position (sic) and is co nsistent with R ule 12c(2 ) o f the Code. Us ers of the O utlin e s hould als o be a ware tha t the re are c on?ic tin g v iews on
the tran sfe r of Vibrio da msela to the g enus Pho tobacterium.
26 6
Allom onas enterica is a subjective synon ym of Vibrio ?u vialis ac c ordin g to Farme r.
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Vibrio halioticoli VP Sawabe et al. 1998 A431 | IAM 14596, AB000390, V.haliotic
Vibrio harveyi VP (Johnson and Shunk 1936) Baumann et al. 1981 <- Beneckea harveyi
(basonym) <- Lucibacterium harveyi (basonym) = Vibrio carchariae (junior het-
erotypic synonym) = Vibrio trachuri (junior heterotypic synonym) ATCC 14126,
X56578, V.harveyi4 | ATCC 14126, X74706, V.harveyi6 267
Vibrio hispanicus VP Gomez-Gil et al. 2004 CAIM 525 | LMG 13240, AY254039 | VIB
Vibrio hollisae VP Hickman et al. 1982 -> Grimontia hollisae ATCC 33564, X56583,
V.hollisae | ATCC 33564, X74707, V.hollisa3 | CDC 0075-80 | IMET 12291
Vibrio ichthyoenteri VP Ishimura et al. 1996 F-2 | NBRC 15847
Vibrio iliopiscarius VP Onarheim et al. 1995 -> Photobacterium iliopiscarium PS1 |
PT1 | ATCC 51760, AB000278, Phb.iliopi | DSM 9896
Vibrio kanaloae VP Thompson et al. 2003 CAIM 485 | INCO 191 | LMG 20539,
Vibrio lentus VP Macian et al. 2001 4OM4, AJ278881 | CECT 5110 | DSM 13757
Vibrio logei VP (Harwood et al. 1980) Baumann et al. 1981 <- Photobacterium logei
(basonym) 584 | ATCC 29985
Vibrio marinus VP Baumann et al. 1984 -> Moritella marina ATCC 15381, X74709,
Vibrio mediterranei VP Pujalte and Garay 1986 50 | ATCC 43341 | CECT 621 | CIP
103203, X74710, V.mediterr | LMG 11258 | NCTC 11946
Vibrio metschnikovii AL Gamaleia 1888 P.6915, X74711 | CCUG 3280 | CIP 69.15 | ICPB
3552 | LMG 4417 | NCTC 8443
Vibrio mimicus VP Davis et al. 1982 1721-77 | ATCC 33653, X74713, V.mimicus
Vibrio mytili VP Pujalte et al. 1993 165 | CECT 632
Vibrio natriegens VP (Payne et al. 1961) Baumann et al. 1981 <- Beneckea natriegens
(basonym) ATCC 14048, X74714, V.natrieg4 | DSM 759 | IMET 11297 | NCMB
Vibrio navarrensis VP Urdaci et al. 1991 1397-6 | CIP 103381, X74715, V.navarren
Vibrio neptunius VP Thompson et al. 2003 CAIM 532 | LMG 20536, AJ316171
Vibrio nereis VP (Harwood et al. 1980) Baumann et al. 1981 <- Beneckea nereis (ba-
sonym) 80 | ATCC 25917, X74716, V.nereis
Vibrio nigripulchritudo VP (Baumann et al. 1971) Baumann et al. 1981 <- Beneckea
nigrapulchrituda (basonym) ATCC 27043, X74717, V.nigripul
Vibrio ordalii VP Schiewe et al. 1982 DF3K | ATCC 33509, X70641, V.ordalii5 | ATCC
33509, X74718, V.ordalii
Vibrio orientalis VP Yang et al. 1983 717 | ATCC 33934, X74719, V.oriental
Vibrio parahaemolyticus AL (Fujino et al. 1951) Sakazaki et al. 1963 = Beneckea para-
haemolytica (homotypic synonym) EB 101 | ATCC 17802, M59161, V.phaemoly |
ATCC 17802, X56580, V.phaemol2 | ATCC 17802, X74720, V.phaemol5 | CIP 75.2
| DSM 10027 | NCMB 1902 | NCTC 10903
Vibrio pectenicida VP Lambert et al. 1998 A365, Y13830, V.pectenic | CIP 105190
Vibrio pelagius VP (Baumann et al. 1971) Mandel Baumann et al. 1981 <- Beneckea
pelagia (basonym) -> Listonella pelagia 99 | ATCC 25916, X74722
Vibrio penaeicida VP Ishimaru et al. 1995 KH-1 | NBRC 15640 | JCM 9123
Vibrio pomeroyi VP Thompson et al. 2003 CAIM 578 | INCO 62 | LMG 20537, AJ491290
Vibrio proteolyticus VP (Merkel et al. 1964) Baumann et al. 1982 <- Aeromonas hy-
drophila subsp. proteolytica (basonym) ATCC 15338, X56579, V.proteoly | ATCC
15338, X74723, V.proteol3 | CIP 73.06 | DSM 30189 | NBRC 13287 | NCMB 1326
Vibrio ruber VP Shieh et al. 2003 VR1 | CCRC 17186 | JCM 11486, AF462458
Vibrio rumoiensis VP Yumoto et al. 1999 S-1, AB013297 | FERM P-14531
Vibrio salmonicida VP Egidius et al. 1986 HI 7751 | NCMB 2262, X70643, V.salmoni4
Vibrio scophthalmi VP Cerd-Cullar et al. 1997 A089, U46579, V.scophtha | CECT
4638, U46579, V.scophtha
26 7
B ene ke a ha rveyi a nd L uciba cte rium harveyi are objectiv e s yn ony ms an d bo th are con sidered bas ony ms o f Vibrio harv eyi.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Vibrio shilonii VP Kushmaro et al. 2001 AK1, AF007115 | ATCC BAA-91 | DSM 13774
Vibrio splendidus VP (Beijerinck 1900) Baumann et al. 1981 <- Beneckea splendida
(basonym) ATCC 33125, X74724, V.splendid | NCMB 1
Vibrio succinogenes AL Wolin et al. 1961 -> Wolinella succinogenes ATCC 29543,
M88159, Wln.succi2 | DSM 1740
Vibrio superstes VP Hayashi et al. 2003 IAM 15009, | LMG 21323, AY155585
Vibrio tapetis VP Borrego et al. 1996 B1090 | CECT 4600, Y08430, V.tapetis1
Vibrio tasmaniensis VP Thompson et al. 2003 VIB 836 | CAIM 634 | LMG 20012,
Vibrio trachuri VP Iwamoto et al. 1996 = Vibrio harveyi (senior heterotypic synonym)
T9210 | JCM 9677
Vibrio tubiashii VP Hada et al. 1984 ATCC 19109, X74725, V.tubiashi
Vibrio viscosus VP Lunder et al. 2000 -> Moritella viscosa NVI 88/478, AJ132226 |
NVI 88/478, Y17574 | NCIMB 13584
Vibrio vulni?cus VP (Reichelt et al. 1979) Farmer 1980 <- Beneckea vulni?ca (basonym)
324 | ATCC 27562, X56582, V.vulni?c | ATCC 27562, X74726, V.vulni?T | ATCC
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Aeromonas culicicola VP Pidiyar et al. 2002 269 MTCC 3249, AF170914 | NCIM 5147
Aeromonas encheleia VP Esteve et al. 1995 emend. Huys et al. 1997 S181 | CECT 4342
| DSM 11577 | LMG 16330
Aeromonas enteropelogenes VP Schubert et al. 1991 J11 | ATCC 49803 | DSM 6394,
X71121, Arm.epelog | JCM 8355
Aeromonas eucrenophila VP Schubert and Hegazi 1988 emend. Huys et al. 1997 Popoff
546 | ATCC 23309, X74675, Arm.eucre2 | CDC-RH63 | NCMB 74
Aeromonas ichthiosmia VP Schubert et al. 1991 115/II | ATCC 49904 | DSM 6393,
X71120, Arm.ichthi | JCM 8354 | NCIMB 13205
26 9
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Aeromonas jandaei VP Carnahan et al. 1992 ATCC 49568, X74678, Arm.janda2 | CDC
0787-80, U88662, Arm.janda3 | DSM 7311
Aeromonas media VP Allen et al. 1983 RM | ATCC 33907, X74679, Arm.media3 | DSM
Aeromonas popof?i VP Huys et al. 1997 LMG 17541, AJ224308, Arm.popoff
Aeromonas punctata subsp. punctata AL (Zimmermann 1890) Snieszko 1957 =
Aeromonas caviae (junior homotypic synonym) ATCC 15468
Aeromonas punctata subsp. caviae AL (Scherago 1936) Schubert 1964 = Aeromonas
caviae (junior homotypic synonym) ATCC 15468 | IMET 11045
Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. salmonicida AL (Lehmann and Neumann 1896) Grif-
?n et al. 1953 ATCC 33658, X74681, Arm.salmo6 | IMET 11051 | NCMB 1102,
X60405, Arm.salmo3 | NCMB 1102, X71836, Arm.salmo9
Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. achromogenes AL (Smith 1963) Schubert 1967 NCMB
Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. masoucida AL Kimura 1969 ATCC 27013, X74680,
Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. pectinolytica VP Pavan et al. 2000 34mel, AF134065 |
DSM 12609
Aeromonas salmonicida subsp. smithia VP Austin et al. 1989 138 | CCM 4103,
AJ009859, Arm.salm11
Aeromonas schubertii VP Hickman-Brenner et al. 1989 ATCC 43700, X74682,
Arm.schub2 | CDC 2446-81 | DSM 4882
Aeromonas sobria VP Popoff and Veron 1981 208 | ATCC 43979, X74683, Arm.sobri2 |
CDC 9358-7b | CIP 7433 | NCIB 12065
Aeromonas simiae VP Harf-Monteil et al. 2004 IBS S6874, AJ536821 | CIP 107798,
CCUG 47378 | , | ,
Aeromonas trota VP Carnahan et al. 1992 AH2 | ATCC 49657 | DSM 7312
Aeromonas veronii VP Hickman-Brenner et al. 1988 ATCC 35624, X74684,
Arm.veron3 | CDC 1169-83 | DSM 7386
Genus II. Oceanimonas VP
Oceanimonas doudorof?i VP (T) (Baumann et al. 1972) Brown et al. 2001 <- Pseu-
domonas doudorof?i (basonym) 70 | DSM 7028 | ATCC 27123, AB019390
Oceanimonas baumannii VP Brown et al. 2001 GB6 | ATCC 700832, | NCIMB 13685,
Genus III. Oceanisphaera VP
Oceanisphaera litoralis VP Romanenko et al. 2003 DSM 15406 | KMM 3654, AJ550470
Genus IV. Tolumonas VP
Tolumonas auensis VP (T) Fischer-Romero et al. 1996 TA 4, X92889, Tlm.auensi | DSM
Family II. Incertae sedis: Succinivibrionaceae VP 270
Genus I. Succinivibrio AL (T)
Succinivibrio dextrinosolvens AL (T) Bryant and Small 1956 554 | ATCC 19716 | DSM
3072, Y17600
Genus II. Anaerobiospirillum AL 271
Anaerobiospirillum succiniciproducens AL (T) Davis et al. 1976 S411 | ATCC 29305,
U96412, Abs.sucprd | DSM 6400 | NCTC 11536
Anaerobiospirillum thomasii VP Malnick 1997 A273/88 | DSM 11806, AJ420985 |
NCTC 12467
Genus III. Ruminobacter VP
Ruminobacter amylophilus VP (T) (Hamlin and Hungate 1956) Stackebrandt and Hippe
1987 <- Bacteroides amylophilus (basonym) H 18 | ATCC 29744, Y15992,
Rum.amylo2 | DSM 1361, Y15992, Rum.amylo2 | VPI 2502 B
Genus IV. Succinimonas VP
27 0
P la cem ent of th e Su ccin ivib riona cea e is b ase d on Ludw igs rec om men dation. N o s eque nc e dat a av ailab le f or the t ype st ra in in th e RDP.
27 1
P la ce ment of A nae ro bio sp irillu m is based o n Lu dwig s rec omm enda tion and ma pping o f s eque nce dat a in P CA p lots .
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Succinimonas amylolytica AL (T) Bryant et al. 1958 B24 | ATCC 19206 | DSM 2873,
Y17599 | VPI 13846
Order XIII. EnterobacterialesNP
Family I. Enterobacteriaceae AL
Genus I. Escherichia AL (T)
Escherichia coli AL (T) (Migula 1895) Castellani and Chalmers 1919 , E.coli1775
O1:K1:H7 | ATCC 11775, X80725 | CCM 5172 | CIP 54.8 | DSM 30083 | IAM 12119
| JCM 1649 | NCDO 1989 | NCTC 9001
Buttiauxella brennerae VP Mller et al. 1996 S1/6-571 | ATCC 51605 | DSM 9396,
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Buttiauxella ferragutiae VP Mller et al. 1996 ATCC 51602 | CDC 1180-81 | CUETM
78-31 | DSM 9390, AJ233402
Buttiauxella gaviniae VP Mller et al. 1996 S1/1-984 | ATCC 51604 | DSM 9393,
Buttiauxella izardii VP Mller et al. 1996 S3/2-161 | ATCC 51606 | DSM 9397,
Buttiauxella noackiae VP Mller et al. 1996 NSW 11, AJ293689 | ATCC 51607 | DSM
9401, AJ233405
Buttiauxella warmboldiae VP Mller et al. 1996 NSW 326 | ATCC 51608 | DSM 9404,
Genus VIII. Calymmatobacterium VP
Calymmatobacterium granulomatis AL (T) Aragao and Vianna 1913 -> Klebsiella
granulomatis, AF010251, Cmb.granu1, AF010252, Cmb.granu2, AF010253,
Genus IX. Cedecea VP
Cedecea davisae VP (T) Grimont et al. 1981 5 | ATCC 33431 | CDC 3278-77 | CIP 80.34
| DSM 4568, AF493976
Cedecea lapagei VP Grimont et al. 1981 4 | ATCC 33432 | CDC 0485-76 | CIP 80.35
Cedecea neteri VP Farmer et al. 1983 002 of Grimont | ATCC 33855 | CDC 0621-75
Genus X. Citrobacter AL
Citrobacter freundii AL (T) (Braak 1928) Werkman and Gillen 1932 ATCC 8090 | DSM
30039, AJ233408 | NBRC 12681 | NCTC 9750
Citrobacter amalonaticus VP (Young et al. 1971) Brenner and Farmer 1982 <- Levinea
amalonatica (basonym) ATCC 25405aeCIP 82.89 | DSM 4593 | NCTC 10805
Citrobacter braakii VP Brenner et al. 1993 ATCC 51113 | CDC 80-58, AF025368,
Citrobacter diversus (Burkey 1928) Werkman and Gillen 1932 nom. rej. 272 = Citrobac-
ter koseri (senior heterotypic synonym) ATCC 27156 | CDC 3613-63, AF025372,
Cit.koseri | CIP 82.94 | DSM 4570
Citrobacter farmeri VP Brenner et al. 1993 ATCC 51112 | CDC 2991-81, AF025371,
Citrobacter gillenii VP Brenner et al. 2000 ATCC 51117 | CCUG 30796 | CDC 4693-86
Citrobacter koseri AL Frederiksen 1970 = Levinea malonatica (junior heterotypic syn-
onym) = Citrobacter diversus (junior heterotypic synonym) ATCC 27028 | CCM
2537 | CDC 3613-63, AF025372 | CIP 82.87 | DSM 4595 | NCTC 10786
Citrobacter murliniae VP Brenner et al. 1999 ATCC 51118 | CCUG 30797 | CDC
2970-59, AF025369
Citrobacter rodentium VP Schauer et al. 1996 ATCC 51116 | CDC 1843-73, AF025363,
Citrobacter sedlakii VP Brenner et al. 1993 ATCC 51115 | CDC 4696-86, AF025364,
Citrobacter werkmanii VP Brenner et al. 1993 ATCC 51114 | CDC 876-58, AF025373,
Citrobacter youngae VP Brenner et al. 1993 ATCC 29935 | CDC 460-61
Genus XI. Edwardsiella AL
Edwardsiella tarda AL (T) Ewing and McWhorter 1965 K349 | ATCC 15947, AB050827
| ATCC 23656 | CCM 2238 | CDC 1483-59 | DSM 30052 | NCDC 1483-59 | NCTC
Edwardsiella anguillimortifera AL (Hoshina 1962) Sakazaki and Tamura 1975 ATCC
Edwardsiella hoshinae VP Grimont et al. 1981 28522 | ATCC 33379 | CIP 78.56 | JCM
1679, AB050825
Edwardsiella ictaluri VP Hawke et al. 1981 ATCC 33202 | CDC 1976-78 | JCM 1680,
AB050826 | SECFDL GA77-52
27 2
Citroba cte r diversus was included in the A pproved List o f Ba cte rial Nam es but h as sinc e be en plac ed o n th e lis t of n omina rejic ienda .
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Enterobacter asburiae VP Brenner et al. 1988 1497-78 | ATCC 35953 | CDC 1497-78 |
JCM 6051, AB004744, Enb.asburi
Enterobacter cancerogenus VP (Urosevic 1966) Dickey and Zumoff 1988 <- Erwinia
cancerogena (basonym) = Enterobacter taylorae (junior heterotypic synonym)
ATCC 33241 | ICMP 5706 | LMG 2693, Z96078, Enb.cancer | NCPPB 2176
Enterobacter cowanii VP Inoue et al. 2001 273 88876 | CIP 107300, AJ508303 | JCM
Enterobacter dissolvens VP (Rosen 1922) Brenner et al. 1988 <- Erwinia dissolvens
(basonym) ATCC 23373 | ICMP 1570 | LMG 2683, Z96079, Enb.dissol | NCPPB
Enterobacter gergoviae VP Brenner et al. 1980 ATCC 33028 | CDC 604-77 | CIP 76.01 |
DSM 9245 | JCM 1234, AB004748, Enb.gergov | NCTC 11434
Enterobacter hormaechei VP OHara et al. 1990 0992-77 | ATCC 49162 | CIP 103441,
AJ508302 | DSM 12409
Enterobacter intermedius VP Izard et al. 1980 E86 | Gavini E 86 | ATCC 33110 | CIP 79-27
| CUETM 77-130 | DSM 4581 | IAM 14238 | JCM 1238, AB004747, Enb.interm
Enterobacter kobei VP Kosako et al. 1997 CIP 105566, AJ508301 | JCM 8580 | NIH
Enterobacter nimipressuralis VP (Carter 1945) Brenner et al. 1988 <- Erwinia nimipres-
suralis (basonym) ATCC 9912 | ICMP 1577 | LMG 10245, Z96077, Enb.nimipr
Enterobacter pyrinus VP Chung et al. 1993 ATCC 49851 | CDC G6570 | DSM 12410 |
ICMP 1 | KCTC 2520, AJ010486, Enb.pyrinu
Enterobacter sakazakii VP Farmer et al. 1980 Ct2 | ATCC 29544 | CDC 4562-70 | DSM
4485 | JCM 1233, AB004746, Enb.sakaza
Enterobacter taylorae VP Farmer et al. 1985 = Enterobacter cancerogenus (senior het-
erotypic synonym) ATCC 35317 | CDC 2126-81
Genus XIII. Erwinia AL
Erwinia amylovora AL (T) (Burrill 1882) Winslow et al. 1920 emend. Hauben et al. 1998
ATCC 15580, U80195, Er.amylovr | ATCC 15580 | CCM 1114 | CFBP 1232 | DSM
30165 | ICMP 1540 | NBRC 12687 | LMG 2024, Z96088, Er.amylov2 | NCPPB 683 |
PDDCC 1540
Erwinia alni VP Surico et al. 1996 -> Brenneria alni PVFi 20 | DSM 11811 | ICMP
12481, AJ223468, Bn.alni1 | NCPPB 3934
Erwinia ananatis AL Serrano 1928 = Erwinia uredovora (junior heterotypic synonym)
-> Pantoea ananatis ATCC 11530 | DSM 30070 | NCPPB 1846
Erwinia aphidicola VP Harada et al. 1998 X 001 | IAM 14479
Erwinia billingiae VP Mergaert et al. 1999 Billing E63 | LMG 2613, Y13249, Er.bllingi
| NCPPB 661
27 3
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Erwinia rubrifaciens AL Wilson et al. 1967 -> Brenneria rubrifaciens 533c | Dye FC1 |
ATCC 29291, U80207, Bn.rubrifa | CFBP 1283 | DSM 4483 | ICMP 1915 | ICPB ER
103 | LMG 2709, Z96098, Bn.rubrif2 | NCPPB 2020 | PDDCC 1915
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Erwinia salicis AL (Day 1924) Chester 1939 -> Brenneria salicis BS 1027 | EX2 |
ATCC 15712, U80210, Bn.salicis | CFBP 802 | DSM 30166 | ICMP 1587 | LMG
2698, Z96097, Bn.salici2 | NCPPB 447
Erwinia stewartii AL (Smith 1898) Dye 1963 -> Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii
SS11 | ATCC 8199, U80208, Pn.stewstw | DSM 30176 | IMET 11187
Erwinia tracheiphila AL (Smith 1895) Bergey et al. 1923 emend. Hauben et al. 1998
ATCC 33245 | CFBP 2355 | LMG 2906, Y13250, Y13250, Er.trachep | NCPPB 2452
Erwinia uredovora AL (Pon et al. 1954) Dye 1963 = Erwinia ananatis (senior het-
erotypic synonym) ATCC 19321, U80209, Pn.ananas1 | DSM 30080 | NCPPB 800
Genus XIV. Ewingella VP
Ewingella americana VP (T) Grimont et al. 1984 ATCC 33852 | CCUG 14506 | CDC
1468-78 | CIP 81.94 | CIP 8194 | DSM 4580 | JCM 5911 | LMG 7869
Genus XV. Hafnia AL
Hafnia alvei AL (T) Moller 1954 ATCC 13337, M59155, Haf.alvei | CIP 57.31 | DSM
30163 | NCDC 434-68 | NCTC 8105
Genus XVI. Klebsiella AL
Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae AL (T) (Schroeter 1886) Trevisan 1887
Serovar 3 | ATCC 13883, Y17656, K.pneupneu | DSM 30104, X87276, K.pneumoni
| IAM 14200 | JCM 1662, AB004753, K.pneumon4 | NCDC 298-53 | NCTC 9633
Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. ozaenae VP (Abel 1893) Oerskov 1984 <- Klebsiella oza-
enae (basonym) ATCC 11296, Y17654, K.pneuozae | NCTC 5050
Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. rhinoscleromatis VP (Trevisan 1887) Oerskov 1984 <-
Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis (basonym) ATCC 13884, Y17657, K.pneurhin |
NCTC 5046
Klebsiella granulomatis VP (Arago and Vianna 1913) Carter et al. 1999 <- Calym-
matobacterium granulomatis (basonym) no strain extant, AF009171, AF010251,
AF010252, AF010253
Klebsiella mobilis AL Bascomb et al. 1971 = Enterobacter aerogenes (homotypic syn-
onym) ATCC 13048
Klebsiella ornithinolytica VP Sakazaki et al. 1989 274 -> Raoultella ornithinolytica
DSM 7464 | JCM 6096, AJ251467 | NIH 90-72
Klebsiella oxytoca AL (Flgge 1886) Lautrop 1956 479-2 | ATCC 13182, Y17655,
K.oxytoca2 | DSM 5175 | IAM 14201 | JCM 1665, AB004754, K.oxytoca1
Klebsiella ozaenae AL (Abel 1893) Bergey et al. 1925 -> Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp.
ozaenae ATCC 11296, Y17654, K.pneuozae
Klebsiella planticola VP Bagley et al. 1982 275 = Klebsiella trevisanii (junior heterotypic
synonym) -> Raoultella planticola -> V-236 | ATCC 33531, Y17659, K.plantic4
| CDC 4245-72 | DSM 3069, X93215, K.plantico | IAM 14202 | NBRC 14939 | JCM
27 4
G rim ont indicat es th at the tran sfe r o f Klebsiella ornith ino ly tic a, K . plantico la an d K. te rrigena t o Raou ltella is not s uppo rt ed in p hy log enet ic
trees based o n rp oB.
27 5
G rim ont indicat es th at the tran sfe r o f Klebsiella ornith ino ly tic a, K . plantico la an d K. te rrigena t o Raou ltella is not s uppo rt ed in p hy log enet ic
trees based o n rp oB.
27 6
G rim ont indicat es th at the tran sfe r o f Klebsiella ornith ino ly tic a, K . plantico la an d K. te rrigena t o Raou ltella is not s uppo rt ed in p hy log enet ic
trees based o n rp oB.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Kluyvera cochleae VP Mller et al. 1996 S3/1-49 | ATCC 51609, AF047187, Klu.cochle
| DSM 9406
Kluyvera cryocrescens VP Farmer et al. 1981 ATCC 33435, AF310218 | CDC 2065-78 |
CIP 82.96 | DSM 4588 | IAM 14204
Kluyvera georgiana VP Mller et al. 1996 ATCC 51603, AF047186, Klu.georgi | CDC
2891-76 | CDC enteric group 36/37 | DSM 9409
Genus XVIII. Leclercia VP
Leclercia adecarboxylata VP (T) (Leclerc 1962) Tamura et al. 1987 <- Escherichia ade-
carboxylata (basonym) ATCC 23216 | DSM 5077 | IAM 14240 | JCM 1667
Genus XIX. Leminorella VP
Leminorella grimontii VP (T) Hickman-Brenner et al. 1985 81H-380 | ATCC 33999 | CDC
1944-81 | DSM 5078, AJ233421
Leminorella richardii VP Hickman-Brenner et al. 1985 ATCC 33998 | CDC 0978-82
Genus XX. Moellerella VP
Moellerella wisconsensis VP (T) Hickman-Brenner et al. 1984 2896-78 | ATCC 35017 |
DSM 5076
Genus XXI. Morganella AL
Morganella morganii subsp. morganii AL (T) (Winslow et al. 1919) Fulton 1943 = Pro-
teus morganii (homotypic synonym) M 11 | ATCC 25830 | CIP A231, AJ301681 |
DSM 30164 | JCM 1672, AB089243 | NBRC 3848 | NCIB 235 | NCTC 235
Morganella morganii subsp. sibonii VP Jensen et al. 1992 8103-85 | AB 2048 | ATCC
Genus XXII. Obesumbacterium AL
Obesumbacterium proteus AL (T) Shimwell 1963 42 | ATCC 12841 | DSM 2777,
AJ233422 | NCIB 8771
Genus XXIII. Pantoea VP
Pantoea agglomerans VP (T) (Ewing and Fife 1972) Gavini et al. 1989 <- Enterobacter
agglomerans (basonym) ATCC 27155 | CDC 1461-67 | DSM 3493 | ICPB 3435 |
JCM 1236, AB004691, Pn.agglomr | LMG 1286 | NCTC 9381
Pantoea ananatis VP (Serrano 1928) Mergaert et al. 1993 <- Erwinia ananatis (ba-
sonym) ATCC 33244, U80196, Pn.ananat2 | LMG 2665, Z96081, Pn.ananati |
NCPPB 1846 | PDDCC 1850
Pantoea citrea VP Kageyama et al. 1992 SHS 2003 | ATCC 31623
Pantoea dispersa VP Gavini et al. 1989 ATCC 14589 | DSM 30073 | LMG 2603
Pantoea punctata VP Kageyama et al. 1992 SHS 2006 | ATCC 31626
Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii VP (Smith 1898) Mergaert et al. 1993 <- Erwinia
stewartii (basonym) ATCC 8199 | DSM 30176 | IMET 11187 | LMG 2715, Z96080,
Pantoea stewartii subsp. indologenes VP Mergaert et al. 1993 ICMP 77 | LMG 2632,
Y13251, Pn.stewind | NCPPB 2280
Pantoea terrea VP Kageyama et al. 1992 SHS 2008 | ATCC 31628
Genus XXIV. Pectobacterium AL
Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. carotovorum VP (T) (Jones 1901) Hauben et al. 1999
<- Erwinia carotovora subsp. carotovora (basonym) 904 | BS 1008 | ATCC 15713,
U80197, Pcb.carcar | CCM 1008 | DSM 30168 | LMG 2404, Z96089, Pcb.carca2 |
Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. atrosepticum VP (van Hall 1902) Hauben et al.
1999 <- Erwinia carotovora subsp. atroseptica (basonym) -> Pectobacterium
atrosepticum ATCC 33260 | LMG 2386, Z96090, Pcb.caratr | NCPPB 549
Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. betavasculorum VP (Thomson et al. 1984) Hauben
et al. 1999 <- Erwinia carotovora subsp. betavasculorum (basonym) -> Pecto-
bacterium betavasulorum ATCC 43762, U80198, Pcb.carbe2 | CFBP 1539 | LMG
2464, Z96091, Pcb.carbet | NCPPB 2795
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Pectobacterium cacticida VP (Alcorn et al. 1991) Hauben et al. 1999 <- Erwinia cacti-
cida (basonym) 1 12 | ATCC 49481, AJ223409 | ICPB EC186 | LMG 17936
Pectobacterium carnegieana AL (Standring 1942) Brenner et al. 1973 -> Erwinia
carnegieana NCPPB 439
Pectobacterium chrysanthemi AL (Burkholder et al. 1953) Brenner et al. 1973 emend.
Hauben et al. 1998 = Erwinia chrysanthemi (homotypic synonym) ATCC 11663,
U80200, Pcb.chrysn | CIP 82.99 | DAR 35625 | DSM 4610 | EC17 | LMG 2804,
Z96093, Pcb.chrys2 | NCPPB 402 | PDDCC 5703
Pectobacterium cypripedii AL (Hori 1911) Brenner et al. 1973 emend. Hauben et
al. 1998 = Erwinia cypripedii (homotypic synonym) ATCC 29267, U80201,
Pcb.cyprip | DSM 3873 | ICMP 1591 | LMG 2657, Z96094, Pcb.cypri2 | NCPPB
3994 | PDDCC 1591
Pectobacterium rhapontici AL (Millard 1924) Patel and Kulkarni 1951 -> Erwinia
rhapontici CP/28 | ATCC 29283, U80206, Er.rhapont | DSM 4484 | ICMP 1582 |
ICPB ER 102 | LMG 2688, Z96087, Er.rhapon2 | NCPPB 1578
Pectobacterium wasabiae VP (Goto and Mazumoto 1987) Gardan et al. 2003 <- Erwinia
carotovora subsp. wasabiae (basonym) SR 91 | ATCC 43316, U80199 | CFBP
3304 | ICMP 9121, AJ223408 | LMG 8404 | NCPPB 3701 | PDDCC 9121
Genus XXV. "Phlomobacter"
Candidatus "Phlomobacter fragariae" U91515
Genus XXVI. Photorhabdus VP
Photorhabdus luminescens subsp. luminescens VP (T) (Thomas and Poinar 1979) Boe-
mare et al. 1993 <- Xenorhabdus luminescens (basonym) Hb | ATCC 29999,
D78005, Pr.lumine4 | DSM 3368, X82248, Pr.lumines
Photorhabdus luminescens subsp. akhurstii VP Fischer-Le Saux et al. 1999 FRG04 |
CIP 105564, AJ007359
Photorhabdus luminescens subsp. laumondii VP Fischer-Le Saux et al. 1999 TT01 | CIP
105565, AJ007404
Phororhabdus asymbiotica VP Fischer-Le Saux et al. 1999 3265-86, Z76755 | ATCC
Photorhabdus temperata VP Fischer-Le Saux et al. 1999 XlNach | CIP 105563,
Genus XXVII. Plesiomonas AL
Plesiomonas shigelloides AL (T) (Bader 1954) Habs and Schubert 1962 M51 | RH 798
| ATCC 14029, M59159, Ple.shigel | ATCC 14029, X74688, Ple.shige4 | CDC
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
27 7
In a Requ est f or a n O pin ion published in 1 987, L e Minor and Pop off propo sed re pla cem ent o f the ty pe s pe cies o f Salmo nella (S alm onella
choleraesuis subsp. choleraesuis) with S almon ella ente rica a s the f ormer was c on sidered to be a s ou rc e of c onfus ion. A lth ough t he Requ es t
was d enied b y the Jud icial Co mmission, their propo sal resulted in an a lterna tiv e n aming co nve ntion wh ic h h as foun d wides pread end orse men t
in the public hea lth co mmu nity. Th is mat ter was revisited in July 2002 by the J udic ial Com mis s ion during the IUMS Con gress in res pons e to
several new Requ est s for an O pinio n, a nd will likely result in a dec is io n to replac e th e ty pe s tra in Sa lm onella c holeraes uis s ub sp. c ho lerae su is
with Salmon ella ente rica subsp ente rica stain LT2, while pres erv ing th e fo rm er rath er th an pla cing it on the lis t o f rejec ted nam es . We v iew the
six subspecie s o f Sa lm onella ch ole ra esu is as de preca ted, as ind ic ated by the dagg er sy mb ol ( ) prece din g the se nam es . Rea ders are also
ad vise d that na mes Sa lmo nella en teritidis, S almon ella parat yph i, S alm one lla typ hi an d Sa lmo nella p araty phi a re s y nony ms of S alm onella
en terica subsp. ente rica an d refer to speci?c se ro vars. The se nam es hav e n ot be en d eprec ated at t his time as they rem ain in us e by s ome
pu blic he alt h re portin g agen cies.
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Salmonella enterica subsp. arizonae (Borman 1957) Le Minor and Popoff 1987 <-
Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. arizonae (basonym) ATCC 13314 | CCUG 6322 |
CIP 82.30 | DSM 9386 | NCTC 8297
Salmonella enterica subsp. bongori Le Minor et al. 1985) Le Minor and Popoff 1987
<- Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. bongori (basonym) -> Salmonella bongori,
AF029227, S.bongori1 ATCC 43975 | CIP 82.33
Salmonella enterica subsp. diarizonae (Le Minor et al. 1985) Le Minor and Popoff
1987 <- Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. diarizonae (basonym) ATCC 43973 |
CCUG 30040 | CIP 82.31 | NCTC 10060
Salmonella enterica subsp. houtenae (Le Minor et al. 1985) Le Minor and Popoff 1987
<- Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. houtenae (basonym) ATCC 43974 | CCUG
30041 | CIP 82.32 | DSM 9221 | NCTC 12418
Salmonella enterica subsp. indica (Le Minor et al. 1985) Le Minor and Popoff 1987 <-
Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. indica (basonym) K1240 | ATCC 43976 | CCUG
30038 | CIP 102501 | NCTC 12420
Salmonella enterica subsp. salamae (Le Minor et al. 1985) Le Minor and Popoff 1987
<- Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. salamae (basonym) ATCC 43972 | CCUG
30039 | CIP 8229 | DSM 9220 | NCTC 5773
Salmonella bongori VP (Le Minor et al. 1985) Reeves et al. 1989 <- Salmonella choler-
aesuis subsp. bongori (basonym) 66:z41:-, AF029227, S.bongori1 | ATCC 43975
| CIP 82.33
Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. choleraesuis AL (Smith 1894) Weldin 1927 <- (ba-
sonym) = Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica (heterotypic synonym) ATCC
13312 | ATCC 13314 | CIP 55-133 | NCTC 5735
Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. arizonae VP (Borman 1957) Le Minor et al. 1985 <-
Salmonella arizonae (basonym) -> Salmonella enterica subsp. arizonae Serovar
51:z4,z23 | ATCC 13314 | CIP 82.30 | DSM 9386 | NCTC 8297
Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. bongori VP Le Minor et al. 1985 -> Salmonella bon-
gori CIP 82.33
Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. diarizonae VP Le Minor et al. 1985 -> Salmonella
enterica subsp. diarizonae CIP 82.31 | NCTC 10060
Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. houtenae VP Le Minor et al. 1985 -> Salmonella en-
terica subsp. houtenae Serovar 45:g,z51 | ATCC 43974 | CIP 82.32 | DSM 9221
Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. indica VP Le Minor et al. 1987 -> Salmonella enterica
subsp. indica K1240 | CIP 102501
Salmonella choleraesuis subsp. salamae VP Le Minor et al. 1985 -> Salmonella enter-
ica subsp. salamae CIP 82.29 | DSM 9220 | NCTC 5773
Salmonella arizonae AL (Bowman 1957) Kauffman 1964 -> Salmonella choleraesuis
subsp. arizonae ATCC 13314 | NCTC 8297
Salmonella enteritidis AL (Gaertner 1888) Castellani and Chalmers 1919 = Salmonella
enterica subsp. enterica (heterotypic synonym) ATCC 13076
Salmonella paratyphi VP Ezaki et al. 2000 = Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica (het-
erotypic synonym) KI 1015 | NCTC 5702
Salmonella typhi AL (Schroeter 1886) Warren and Scott 1930 = Salmonella enterica
subsp. enterica (heterotypic synonym) ATCC 19430, Z47544, S.typhi2
Salmonella typhimurium AL (Loef? er 1892) Castellani and Chalmers 1919 = Salmonella
enterica subsp. enterica (heterotypic synonym) ATCC 13311, X80681, S.ty-
murium | NCTC 74
Genus XXXV. Samsonia VP
Samsonia erythrinae VP (T) Sutra et al. 2001 CFBP 5236, AF273037 | ICMP 13937
Genus XXXVI. Serratia AL
Serratia marcescens subsp. marcescens AL (T) Bizio 1823 ATCC 13880, M59160,
Ser.marces | CCM 303 | DSM 30121 | DSM 47 | NCDC 813-60 | NCIB 9155 | NCTC
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Xenorhabdus poinarii VP (Akhurst 1983) Akhurst and Boemare 1993 <- Xenorhabdus
nematophila subsp. poinarii (basonym) 61 | G1 | ATCC 3527 | DSM 4768, D78010,
Xen.poina2 | DSM 4768, X82253, Xen.poinar | UQM 2216
Genus XLIII. Yersinia AL
Yersinia pestis AL (T) (Lehmann and Neumann 1896) van Loghem 1944 ATCC 19428 |
NCTC 5923, AF366383
Yersinia aldovae VP Bercovier et al. 1984 Al 19955 | IP 6005 | ATCC 35236, X75277,
Yer.aldova | CDC 669-83 | CNY 6005
Yersinia bercovieri VP Wauters et al. 1988 ATCC 43970, AF366377 | CDC 2475-87 |
CNY 7506 | WAIP 208
Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. enterocolitica AL (Schleifstein and Coleman 1939) Fred-
eriksen 1964 Biovar 1b | ATCC 9610, M59292, Yer.entero | DSM 4780
Yersinia enterocolitica subsp. palearctica VP Neubauer et al. 2000 Y11 | DSM 13030
Yersinia frederiksenii VP Ursing et al. 1981 6175 | ATCC 33641, AF366379 | CIP 80-29
Yersinia intermedia VP Brenner et al. 1981 3953 | Bottone 48 | Chester 48 | ATCC 29909,
Yersinia kristensenii VP Bercovier et al. 1981 105 | ATCC 33638, AF366381 | CIP 80-30
Yersinia mollaretii VP Wauters et al. 1988 ATCC 43969, AF366382 | CDC 2465-87 |
CNY 7263 | WAIP 204
Yersinia philomiragia AL Jensen et al. 1969 -> Francisella philomiragia ATCC 25015
| DSM 7535
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Pasteurella anatis VP Mutters et al. 1985 -> Gallibacterium anatis F149 | ATCC 43329,
M75054, Pas.anatis | CCUG 15563 | NCTC 11413
Pasteurella avium VP (Hinz and Kunjara 1977) Mutters et al. 1985 <- Haemophilus
avium (basonym) ATCC 29546 | CCUG 12833 | IPDH 2654
Pasteurella bettyae VP Sneath and Stevens 1990 A271 | A99 | ATCC 23273 | CCUG 2042,
L06088, Pas.bettya | CDC 41-5568 | NCTC 10535
Pasteurella caballi VP Schlater et al. 1990 83851 | ATCC 49197
Pasteurella canis VP Mutters et al. 1985 ATCC 43326, M75049, Pas.canis | NCTC
Pasteurella dagmatis VP Mutters et al. 1985 ATCC 43325, M75051, Pas.dagmat | NCTC
Pasteurella gallicida AL (Burrill 1883) Buchanan 1925 NCTC 10322
Pasteurella gallinarum AL Hall et al. 1955 ATCC 13361 | NCTC 11188, M75059,
Pasteurella granulomatis VP Ribeiro et al. 1990 -> Mannheimia granulomatis 26 |
ATCC 49244, AF053902
Pasteurella haemolytica AL Newsome and Cross 1932 -> Mannheimia haemolytica
Biovar A | serovar 2 | DSM 10531 | NCTC 9380, M75080, Mnh.haeml9
Pasteurella langaaensis VP Mutters et al. 1985 ATCC 43328, M75053, Pas.langaa |
NCTC 11411
Pasteurella lymphangitidis VP Sneath and Stevens 1990 71 | A82 | Jayaraman strain I |
NCTC 10547
Pasteurella mairii VP Sneath and Stevens 1990 68 | A10 | D1187 | CCUG 27189,
AF024532, Pas.mairii | CCUG 27189, L06089, Pas.mair89 | LPHL 5143/70 | NCTC
Pasteurella pneumotropica AL Jawetz 1950 NCTC 8141, M75083, Pas.pneumo
Pasteurella skyensis VP Birkbeck et al. 2002 95A1, AJ243202 | NCIMB 13593 | NCTC
Pasteurella stomatis VP Mutters et al. 1985 ATCC 43327, M75050, Pas.stomat | NCTC
Pasteurella testudinis VP Snipes and Biberstein 1982 ATCC 33688 | CCUG 19802,
L06090, Pas.testud | NCTC 12150 | UCD 90-23-79n
Pasteurella trehalosi VP Sneath and Stevens 1990 A92 | S110 | serovar 3/T15 | ATCC
29703 | NCTC 10370
Pasteurella ureae AL Jones 1962 -> Actinobacillus ureae Henrikson 3520/59, M75075
| ATCC 25976 | DSM 5568 | NCTC 10219
Pasteurella volantium VP Mutters et al. 1985 Lovell 6 | ATCC 14385 | NCTC 3438,
M75070, Pas.volant
Genus II. Actinobacillus AL
Actinobacillus lignieresii AL (T) Brumpt 1910 NCTC 4189, M75068, Acb.lignie
Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans AL (Klinger 1912) Topley and Wilson 1929 ->
Haemophilus actinomycetemcomitans Serovar c | ATCC 33384, M75039, H.acti-
nomy | DSM 8324 | NCTC 9710
Actinobacillus arthritidis VP Christensen et al. 2002 CCUG 24862, AF247712 | ATCC
Actinobacillus capsulatus AL Arseculeratne 1962 22586 | Frederiksen P243 | ATCC
51571 | CCUG 12396, M75069, Acb.cap396 | CIP 103283 | NCTC 11408, M75062,
Actinobacillus delphinicola VP Foster et al. 1996 M906/93, X89378 | DSM 11374 |
NCTC 12870
Actinobacillus equuli subsp. equuli AL (van Straaten 1918) Haupt 1934 278 PM 30/53 |
ATCC 19392 | NCTC 8529, M75072, Acb.equuli
Actinobacillus equuli subsp. haemolyticus VP Christensen et al. 2002 F 154, AF247716
| CCUG 19799 | NCTC 13195
27 8
Th is subspec ie s was aut omat ically cre ated und er Rule 4 0d (fo rm erly Rule 46, IJS EM 50: 22 392 244)
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Haemophilus segnis AL Kilian 1977 ATCC 33393, M75043, H.segnis | NCTC 10977
Haemophilus vaginalis AL Gardner and Dukes 1955 -> Gardnerella vaginalis ATCC
14018, M58744 | CCUG 3717 | DSM 4944 | NCTC 10915
Genus V. Lonepinella VP
Lonepinella koalarum VP (T) Osawa et al. 1996 LX-1 | ACM 3666, Y17189, Lp.koalaru
| DSM 10053 | UQM 3666
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
28 1
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
28 2
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
28 6
Kue ver et a l. treat Desulfonat ro num as a mem ber o f the Des ulfov ib riona les in t he S y ste matics .
28 7
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Desulfococcus multivorans VP (T) Widdel 1981 1be1 | Gttingen | ATCC 33890, M34405,
Dcc.multiv | DSM 2059
Desulfococcus biacutus VP Platen et al. 1991 KMRActs | DSM 5651, AJ277887
Genus VIII. Desulfofaba VP
Desulfofaba gelida VP (T) Knoblauch et al. 1999 emend. Abildgaard et al. 2004 PSv29,
AF099063 | DSM 12344
Desulfofaba fastidiosa VP Abildgaard et al. 2004 P2 | ATTC BAA-815, AY268891 |
DSM 15249
Desulfofaba hansenii VP <- Desulfomusa hansenii (basonym) P2 | DSM 15249,
AY268891 | ATCC BAA-815, AY268891
Genus IX. Desulfofrigus VP
Desulfofrigus oceanense VP (T) Knoblauch et al. 1999 ASv26, AF099064 | DSM 1234
Desulfofrigus fragile VP Knoblauch et al. 1999 LSv21, AF099065 | DSM 12345
Genus X. Desulfomusa VP
Desulfomusa hansenii VP (T) Finster et al. 2001 -> Desulfofaba hansenii P1, AF321820
| ATCC 700811 | DSM 12642 288
Desulfobulbus mediterraneus VP Sass et al. 2002 290 86FS1, AF354663 | DSM 13871
Desulfobulbus rhabdoformis VP Lien et al. 1998 M16, U12253, Dbb.rhabdo | DSM 8777
Genus II. Desulfocapsa VP
Desulfocapsa thiozymogenes VP (T) Janssen et al. 1997 Bra2, X95181, Dsc.thiozy | DSM
Desulfocapsa sulfexigens VP Finster et al. 2000 SB164P1, Y13672 | DSM 10523
Genus III. Desulfofustis VP
28 8
R ule 37a (1 ) sta tes tha t the nam e of a ta xo n m ust be cha nged if the nom enc la tural typ e of the tax on is ex clude d.
28 9
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
29 0
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Desulfofustis glycolicus VP (T) Friedrich et al. 1996 PerGlyS, X99707, Dfs.glycol | DSM
Genus IV. Desulforhopalus VP
Desulforhopalus vacuolatus VP (T) Isaksen and Teske 1999 1tk 10, L42613, Drp.vacuol
| DSM 9700
Desulforhopalus singaporensis VP Lie et al. 2000 S pore T1, AF118453 | DSM 12130
Genus V. Desulfotalea VP
Desulfotalea psychrophila VP (T) Knoblauch et al. 1999 LSv54, AF099062 | DSM 12343
Desulfotalea arctica VP Knoblauch et al. 1999 LSv514, AF099061 | DSM 12342
Family III. NitrospinaceaeNP 291
Genus I. Nitrospina AL (T)
Nitrospina gracilis AL (T) Watson and Waterbury 1971 , L35503, Nts.gracil, L35504,
Order IV. DesulfarcalesNP
Family I. DesulfarculaceaeNP
Genus I. DesulfarculusNP
Desulfarculus baarsii NP Kuever et al. 2004 <- Desulfovibrio baarsii (basonym) 2st
14 | ATCC 33931 | DSM 2075, M34403, Dsv.baarsi | VKM B-1802
Order V. DesulfuromonalesNP 292
Family I. DesulfuromonaceaeNP
Genus I. Desulfuromonas AL (T)
Desulfuromonas acetoxidans AL (T) Pfennig and Biebl 1977 DSM 684, M26634
Desulfuromonas acetexigens VP Finster et al. 1997 2873 | DSM 1397
Desulfuromonas chloroethenica VP Krumholz 1997 TT4B, U49748 | ATCC 700295 |
DSM 12431
Desulfuromonas palmitatis VP Coates et al. 2000 SDBY1, U28172 | ATCC 51701 | DSM
Desulfuromonas thiophila VP Finster et al. 1997 NZ27, Y11560, Dsm.thioph | DSMZ
8987, Y11560, Dsm.thioph
Genus II. Desulfuromusa VP
Desulfuromusa kysingii VP (T) Liesack and Finster 1994 Kysw2, X79414, Dsu.kysngi |
DSM 7343, X79414, Dsu.kysngi
Desulfuromusa bakii VP Liesack and Finster 1994 Gyprop, X79412, Dsu.bakii | DSM
7345, X79412, Dsu.bakii
Desulfuromusa succinoxidans VP Liesack and Finster 1994 Gylac, X79415, Dsu.succin
| DSM 8270, X79415, Dsu.succin
29 1
In the ?rst version of the ta xon omic ou tline, this fa mily ap peared u nder the nam e Des ulf oarcu lac ea e a nd in cluded th e genu s Des ulfoarc ula
. However, as of A pril 20 01, that genu s h as not been validly o r effec tiv ely publis he d. Th e grou p ha s b een re tain ed in t he o utline as a fa mily
an d is rena med Nitrospin ace ae based on p riority.
29 2
Th ere are currently co mpet ing views ab out th e na ture of this o rd er. Noting th at P elo bac ter is p araphy letic , L onerga n et al. hav e g ro uped
all mem bers of th e Desulfuromo dales into a single fam ily: G eoba cte ra cea e. K uev er e t al. g ro up th es e ge nera into two s ep arate families
ba sed upo n bo th p hysiolo gical and phylogen etic a nalyses and reco mme nd t hat a berrant Peloba cte r spe cies s hould b e rec las s i?ed into one
or m ore new gene ra . Neither viewpo int is current ly re?ected in a formal p ro pos al.
29 3
By 16 S rDNA sequ ence a nalysis, this spe cies grou ps wit h s pec ie s of the Des ulfu ro mon as.
29 4
By 16 S rDNA sequ ence a nalysis, this spe cies grou ps wit h s pec ie s of the Des ulfu ro mon as.
29 5
By 16 S rDNA sequ ence a nalysis, this spe cies grou ps wit h s pec ie s of the Des ulfu ro mon as.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Geobacter chapellei VP Coates et al. 2001 172, U41561 | ATCC 51744 | DSM 13688
Geobacter grbiciae VP Coates et al. 2001 TACP-2, AF335182 | ATCC BAA-45 | DSM
Geobacter hydrogenophilus VP Coates et al. 2001 H2, U28173 | ATCC 51590 | DSM
Geobacter pelophilus VP Straub and Buchholz-Cleven 2001 Dfr2, U96918 | DSM 12255
| OCM 797
Geobacter sulfurreducens VP Caccavo et al. 1995 PCA, U13928, Gb, \c.slfred | ATCC
51573 | DSM 12127
Genus II. Trichlorobacter VP
Trichlorobacter thiogenes VP (T) De Wever et al. 2001 299 K1 | ATCC BAA-34, AF223382
Order VI. SyntrophobacteralesNP
Family I. SyntrophobacteraceaeNP
Genus I. Syntrophobacter VP (T)
Syntrophobacter wolinii VP (T) Boone and Bryant 1984 DBT | Desulfovibrio sp. G-11 |
DSM 2805, X70905, Snp.wolini
Syntrophobacter fumaroxidans VP Harmsen et al. 1998 MPOB, X82874, Snp.fumrox |
DSM 10017
Syntrophobacter pfennigii VP Wallrabenstein et al. 1996 KoProp1, X82875, Snp.pfnngi
| DSM 10092
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bdellovibrio starrii AL Seidler et al. 1972 -> Bacteriovorax starrii A3.12, AF084852
| ATCC 15145
Bdellovibrio stolpii AL Seidler et al. 1972 -> Bacteriovorax stolpii UKi2, M34125,
Bde.stolpi | ATCC 27052 | DSM 50722 | ICPB 3291
Genus II. Bacteriovorax VP
Bacteriovorax stolpii VP (T) Baer et al. 2000 <- Bdellovibrio stolpii (basonym) UKi2,
M34125 | ATCC 27052 | DSM 50722 | ICPB 3291
Bacteriovorax starrii VP Baer et al. 2000 <- Bdellovibrio starrii (basonym) A3.12,
AF084852 | ATCC 15145
Genus III. Micavibrio VP
Micavibrio admirandus VP (T) Lambina et al. 1989 ARL-14 | VKM B-1619
Genus IV. Vampirovibrio VP
Vampirovibrio chlorellavorus VP (T) Gromov and Mamkayeva 1980 ATCC 29753 | ICPB
3707 | NCIB 11383
Order VIII. Myxococcales AL
Suborder I. CystobacterineaeNP
Family I. Cystobacteraceae AL
Genus I. Cystobacter AL (T)
Cystobacter fuscus AL (T) Schroeter 1886 M29 | ATCC 25194, M94276, Cys.fuscus
| DSM 2262
30 1
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Campylobacter cinaedi VP Totten et al. 1988 -> Helicobacter cinaedi 165 | ATCC
35683 | CCUG 18818, M88150, Hlb.cinaed | DSM 5359 | LMG 7543
Campylobacter coli AL (Doyle 1948) Veron and Chatelain 1973 = Campylobacter hyoilei
(junior heterotypic synonym) serovar 4 | ATCC 33559, M59073, Cam.coli | CCUG
11283, L04312, Cam.coli83 | CIP 7080 | DSM 4689 | LMG 6440 | LMG 8847 | NCTC
Campylobacter concisus VP Tanner et al. 1981 ATCC 33237, L04322, Cam.concis
| CCUG 13144 | DSM 5360 | FDC 484, L04322, Cam.concis | LMG 7788 | NCTC
Campylobacter cryaerophilus VP Neill et al. 1985 -> Arcobacter cryaerophilus 2766 |
A 169/B | ATCC 43158 | CCUG 17801, L14624, Aob.cryaer | DSM 7289 | LMG 7536
| NCTC 11885
Campylobacter curvus VP (Tanner et al. 1984) Vandamme et al. 1991 <- Wolinella curva
(basonym) ATCC 35224, L04313, Cam.curvus | CCUG 13146 | DSM 6644 | LMG
7609 | NCTC 11649 | VPI 9584
Campylobacter fennelliae VP Totten et al. 1988 -> Helicobacter fennelliae 231 | ATCC
35684 | CCUG 18820, M88154, Hlb.fennel | DSM 7491 | LMG 7546 | NCTC 11612
Campylobacter fetus venerealis AL (Florent 1959) Veron and Chatelain 1973 ATCC
19483, L14633, Cam.fetus | ATCC 19483, M65011, Cam.fetus1
Campylobacter gracilis VP (Tanner et al. 1981) Vandamme et al. 1995 <- Bacteroides
gracilis (basonym) ATCC 33236, L04320, Cam.gracil | CCUG 27720 | FDC 1084
| NCTC 12738
Campylobacter helveticus VP Stanley et al. 1993 ATCC 51209 | CCUG 30682 | NCTC
12470, U03022, Cam.helvet
Campylobacter hominis VP Lawson et al. 2001 CH001A, AJ251584 | LMG 19568 |
NCTC 13146
Campylobacter hyoilei VP Alderton et al. 1995 = Campylobacter coli (senior het-
erotypic synonym) CCUG 33450 | RMIT 32A, L19738, Cam.coli4
Campylobacter hyointestinalis subsp. hyointestinalis VP Gebhardt et al. 1985 emend.
On et al. 1995 80-4577-4 | ATCC 35217, M65010, Cam.hyoin2 | CCUG 14169 |
LMG 7817 | NCTC 11608, AF097689
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Campylobacter rectus VP (Tanner et al. 1981) Vandamme et al. 1991 <- Wolinella recta
(basonym) ATCC 33238, L04317, Cam.rectu2 | CCUG 20446 | DSM 3260 | FDC
371 | NCTC 11489
Campylobacter showae VP Etoh et al. 1993 SU A4 | ATCC 51146 | CCUG 30254,
L06974, Cam.show54
Campylobacter sputorum subsp. sputorum AL (Prvot 1940) Vron and Chatelain 1973
emend. On et al. 1998 Forsyth ER33 | ATCC 35980 | CCUG 9728 | CIP 103749 |
DSM 10535 | LMG 7795, X67775, Cam.sputo3 | NCTC 11528 | VPI S-17
Campylobacter sputorum subsp. bubulus AL (Florent 1953) Vron and Chatelain 1973
CCUG 11289 | CIP 53103 | DSM 5363 | LMG 6447 | NCTC 11367
Campylobacter sputorum subsp. mucosalis VP (ex Lawson and Rowland 1974) Lawson
et al. 1981 -> Campylobacter mucosalis NCTC 11000
Campylobacter upsaliensis VP Sandstedt and Ursing 1991 C231 | ATCC 43954 | CCUG
14913, L14628, Cam.upsali | DSM 5365 | LMG 8850 | NCTC 11541
Genus II. Arcobacter VP
Arcobacter nitro?gilis VP (T) (McClung et al. 1983) Vandamme et al. 1991 <-
Campylobacter nitro?gilis (basonym) CI | ATCC 33309 | CCUG 15893, L14627,
Aob.n?gil | DSM 7299 | LMG 7604 | NCTC 12251
Arcobacter butzleri VP (Kiehlbauch et al. 1991) Vandamme et al. 1992 <- Campylobac-
ter butzleri (basonym) ATCC 49616 | CCUG 30485 | CDC D2686 | DSM 8739 |
LMG 10828
Arcobacter cryaerophilus VP (Neill et al. 1985) Vandamme et al. 1991 <- Campy-
lobacter cryaerophilus (basonym) 2766 | A 169/B | Neill A 169/B | CCUG 17801,
L14624, Aob.cryaer | DSM 7289 | LMG 7536 | NCTC 11885
Arcobacter skirrowii VP Vandamme et al. 1992 449/80 | Skirrow 449/80 | CCUG 10374,
L14625, Aob.skirro | DSM 7302 | LMG 6621
Genus III. "Dehalospirillum"
Dehalospirillum multivorans AL (T) Scholz-Muramatsu et al. 2002 -> Sulfurospirillum
multivorans K, X82931 | DSM 12446 310
31 0
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Helicobacter bilis VP Fox et al. 1997 Hb1, U18766, Hlb.bilis1 | ATCC 51630
Helicobacter bizzozeronii VP Hnninen et al. 1996 CCUG 35045, Y09404, Hlb.bizzoz
Helicobacter canadensis VP Fox et al. 2002 314 MIT 98-5491 | ATCC 700968 | NLEP-
16143, AF262037
Helicobacter canis VP Stanley et al. 1994 ATCC 51401 | NCTC 12739, L13464,
Helicobacter cholecystus VP Franklin et al. 1997 Hkb-1, U46129, Hlb.cholec
Helicobacter cinaedi VP (Totten et al. 1985) Vandamme et al. 1991 <- Campylobac-
ter cinaedi (basonym) 165 | Fennell 165 | ATCC 35683 | CCUG 18818, M88150,
Hlb.cinaed | DSM 5359 | LMG 7543
Helicobacter felis VP Paster et al. 1991 CS1, M57398, Hlb.felCS1 | ATCC 49179,
M57398, Hlb.felCS1
Helicobacter fennelliae VP (Totten et al. 1985) Vandamme et al. 1991 <- Campylobacter
fennelliae (basonym) 231 | Fennell 231 | ATCC 35684 | CCUG 18820, M88154,
Hlb.fennel | DSM 7491 | LMG 7546 | NCTC 11612
Helicobacter hepaticus VP Fox et al. 1994 Hh-2, U07574, Hlb.hepat4 | ATCC 51448
Helicobacter ganmani VP Robertson et al. 2001 CMRI H02, AF000221 | CCUG 43526
| CIP 106846
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Wolinella recta VP Tanner et al. 1981 -> Campylobacter rectus ATCC 33238, L04317
| CCUG 20446 | DSM 3260 | FDC 371 | NCTC 11489
31 5
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
31 6
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
31 7
R obertson et al. pla ce Thio vulum in to th e Helicob act eriac eae rathe r than the Camp ylobac teriac eae. The tre e wh ic h is prese nted in their
chapt er su ggests th at Thiovulu m, A lvin ella an d several therma l v en t c lon es may fo rm a sep arate line o f de sc ent.
31 8
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
31 9
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
32 0
L udwig n otes th at th e E ubacteriaceae and Pep tostreptoc oc c ace ae are s is ter grou ps within the Clo stridia les .
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Clostridium aerotolerans VP van Gylswyk and van der Toorn 1987 X8A62 | ATCC
43524 | DSM 5434, X76163, C.aerotole
Clostridium akagii VP Kuhner et al. 2000 CK58, AJ237755 | DSM 12554
Clostridium aldrichii VP Yang et al. 1990 OGI 112 | P-1 | ATCC 49358 | DSM 6149,
X71846, C.aldrichi
Clostridium algidicarnis VP Lawson et al. 1995 NCFB 2931, X77676, C.algidcrn
Clostridium algidixylanolyticum VP Broda et al. 2000 SPL73, AF092549 | DSM 12273
Clostridium aminophilum VP Paster et al. 1993 F, L04165, C.aminophi | ATCC 49906 |
DSM 10710
Clostridium aminovalericum AL Hardman and Stadtman 1960 ATCC 13725 | DSM 1283,
X73436, C.aminova2 | NCIB 10631
Clostridium arcticum VP (ex Jordan and McNicol 1979) Cato et al. 1988 Jordan and
McNicol no.III
Clostridium argentinense VP Suen et al. 1988 ATCC 27322, X68316, C.argenti2
Clostridium aurantibutyricum AL Hellinger 1944 ATCC 17777 | DSM 793 | NCIB 10659,
S46736, C.auranti2 | NCIB 10659, X68183, C.aurantib
Clostridium baratii AL (Prevot 1938) Holdeman and Moore 1970 = Clostridium parap-
erfringens (junior heterotypic synonym) = Clostridium perenne (junior heterotypic
synonym) ATCC 27638, X68174, C.barati3 | DSM 601
Clostridium barkeri AL Stadtman et al. 1972 -> Eubacterium barkeri ATCC 25849,
M23927, Eub.barker | DSM 1223 | NCIB 10623 | VKM B-1775 | VPI 5359
Clostridium beijerinckii AL Donker 1926 ATCC 25752 | DSM 791, X68179, C.beijeri2 |
NCIB 9362, X68180, C.beijeri3 | VPI 5481
Clostridium bifermentans AL (Weinberg and Seguin 1918) Bergey et al. 1923 ATCC
638, X75906, C.biferm_M
Clostridium bolteae VP Song et al. 2003 WAL 16351, AJ508452 | ATCC BAA-613 |
CCUG 46953
Clostridium botulinum AL (van Ermengem 1896) Bergey et al. 1923 ATCC 25763,
L37585, C.botuliA3
Clostridium bowmanii VP Spring et al. 2003 A-1/C-an/C1 | ATCC BAA-581 | DSM
14206, AJ506119, AJ506120 (two clones from same strain)
Clostridium bryantii VP Stieb and Schink 1985 -> Syntrophospora bryantii CuCa1 |
DSM 3014 | DSM 3014A
Clostridium cadaveris AL (Klein 1899) McClung and McCoy 1957 T4 | ATCC 25783,
M59086, C.cadavers | DSM 1284 | NCIB 10676 | VPI 2718
Clostridium caminithermale VP Brisbarre et al. 2003 DVird3 | CIP 107654 | DSM 15212,
Clostridium carnis AL (Klein 1904) Spray 1939 ATCC 25777, M59091, C.carnis | CDC
KA 84 | DSM 1293 | NCIB 10670 | VPI 1635 B
Clostridium celatum AL Hauschild and Holdeman 1974 ATCC 27791 | DSM 1785,
X77844, C.celatum | VPI 8759-1
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Clostridium celerecrescens VP Palop et al. 1989 18A | CECT 954 | DSM 5628, X71848,
Clostridium cellobioparum AL Hungate 1944 ATCC 15832 | DSM 1351, X71856, C.cel-
biopa | NCIB 10669
Clostridium cellulofermentans VP Yanling et al. 1991 AS 1.1775
Clostridium cellulolyticum VP Petitdemange et al. 1984 H10 | ATCC 35319, X71847,
C.cellulol | DSM 5812 | JCM 6584
Clostridium cellulosi VP Yanling et al. 1991 AS 1.1777
Clostridium cellulovorans VP Sleat et al. 1985 743B | ATCC 35296 | DSM 3052, X71849,
C.celluvor | DSM 3052, X73438, C.celluvo2 | OCM 3
Clostridium chartatabidum VP Kelly et al. 1996 163 | DSM 5482, X71850, C.chartata
Clostridium chauvoei AL (Arloing et al. 1887) Scott 1928 ATCC 10092, U51843,
C.chauvoei | DSM 7528 | NCIMB 10665
Clostridium clostridioforme AL (Burri and Ankersmit 1906) Kaneuchi et al. 1976 ATCC
25537, M59089 | DSM 933 | VPI 0316
Clostridium coccoides AL Kaneuchi et al. 1976 CLC-1 | ATCC 29236 | DSM 935 | NCTC
Clostridium cochlearium AL (Douglas et al. 1919) Bergey et al. 1923 = Clostridium
lentoputrescens (junior heterotypic synonym) ATCC 17787, M59093, C.cochlear
| DSM 1285 | NCIB 10633
Clostridium colicanis VP Greetham et al. 2003 3WC2 | CCUG 44556 | DSM 13634,
Clostridium cocleatum AL Kaneuchi et al. 1979 I50, Y18188 | ATCC 29902 | DSM 1551
| NCTC 11210
Clostridium colinum VP Berkhoff 1985 72042 | ATCC 27770 | DSM 6011, X76748,
C.colinum | JCM 5831
Clostridium collagenovorans VP Jain and Zeikus 1988 SG | ATCC 49001 | DSM 3089,
X73439, C.colgenvo
Clostridium cylindrosporum VP Andreesen et al. 1985 HC-1, Y18179 | ATCC 7905 |
DSM 605 | IMG 1641
Clostridium dif?cile AL (Hall and OToole 1935) Prevot 1938 90556-M6S | ATCC 9689
| DSM 1296 | NCIB 10666 | NCTC 11209, X73450, C.dif?cil
Clostridium diolis VP Biebl and Sprer 2003 88-273 | ATCC BAA-557 | DSM 15410 |
SH1, AJ458418
Clostridium disporicum VP Horn 1987 DS1, Y18176 | ATCC 43838 | DSM 5521 | NCIB
Clostridium durum AL Smith and Cato 1974 -> Paenibacillus durus ATCC 27763,
Clostridium estertheticum subsp. estertheticum VP Collins et al. 1993 emend. Spring et
al. 2003. MT1 | ATCC 51377 | CIP 105093 | DSM 8809 | NCIMB 12511, X68181,
S46734, C.esterthe, C.esterth2
Clostridium estertheticum subsp. laramiense VP (Kalchayanand et al. 1993) Spring et
al. 2003 <- Clostridium laramiense (basonym) NK1 | ATCC 51254 | DSM 14864,
Clostridium fallax AL (Weinberg and Seguin 1915) Bergey et al. 1923 ATCC 19400,
M59088, C.fallax | DSM 2631 | NCTC 8380 | VPI 5729
Clostridium felsineum AL (Carbone and Tombolato 1917) Bergey et al. 1939 541 | ATCC
17788 | DSM 794, X77851, C.felsineu | NCIB 10690
Clostridium fervidum VP Patel et al. 1987 -> Caloramator fervidus Rt4-B1 | ATCC
43204, L09187, Clr.fervid | DSM 5463
Clostridium ?metarium VP Kotsyurbenko et al. 1997 DSM 9179 | Z-2189, AF126687
Clostridium formicaceticum AL Andreesen et al. 1970 A1, X77836 | ATCC 27076 | DSM
Clostridium frigidicarnis VP Broda et al. 1999 SPL77A | DSM 12271, AF069742
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Clostridium frigoris VP Spring et al. 2003 D-1/D-an/II | ATCC BAA-579 | DSM 14204,
AJ506116, AJ506117
Clostridium gasigenes VP Broda et al. 2000 DB1A, AF092548 | DSM 12272
Clostridium ghonii AL Prevot 1938 ATCC 25757
Clostridium glycolicum AL Gaston and Stadtman 1963 ATCC 14880 | DSM 1288,
X76750, C.glycolic | NCIB 10632
Clostridium grantii VP Mountfort et al. 1996 A-1, X75272, C.grantii | DSM 8605
Clostridium haemolyticum AL (Hall 1929) Scott et al. 1935 ATCC 9650, AB037910 |
DSM 5565, Y18173 | NCIB 10664
Clostridium halophilum VP Fendrich et al. 1991 M1 | ATCC 49637 | DSM 5387, X77837,
Clostridium hastiforme AL MacLennan 1939 ATCC 33268 | DSM 5675, X77848, C.has-
tifor | DSM 5675, X80841, C.hastifo2 | VPI 12193
Clostridium hathewayi VP Steer et al. 2002 1313, AJ311620 | CCUG 43506 | DSM 13479
Clostridium herbivorans VP Varel et al. 1995 54408, L34418 | ATCC 49925
Clostridium hiranonis VP Kitahara et al. 2001 TO-931, AB023970 | DSM 13275 | JCM
Clostridium histolyticum AL (Weinberg and Seguin 1916) Bergey et al. 1923 ATCC
19401, M59094, C.histolyt | DSM 2158 | NCIB 503 | NCTC 503
Clostridium hungatei VP Monserrate et al. 2001 321 AD, AF020429 | ATCC 700212
Clostridium hylemonae VP Kitahara et al. 2000 TN-271 | JCM 10539, AB023973
Clostridium homopropionicum VP Drner and Schink 1991 LuHBu1 | DSM 5847,
X76744, C.homoprop
Clostridium hydroxybenzoicum VP Zhang et al. 1994 -> Sedimentibacter hydroxyben-
zoicus JW/Z-1, L11305, C.hybenzoi | ATCC 51151 | DSM 7310
Clostridium indolis AL McClung and McCoy 1957 ATCC 25771, Y18184 | DSM 755 |
NCIB 9731
Clostridium innocuum AL Smith and King 1962 B-3, M23732, C.innocuum | ATCC
14501, M23732, C.innocuum | DSM 1286 | NCIB 10674
Clostridium intestinale VP Lee et al. 1989 Catt39 | ATCC 49213 | DSM 6191, X76740,
C.intestin | JCM 7506
Clostridium irregulare AL (Choukevitch 1911) Prevot 1938 ATCC 25756 | DSM 2635,
X73447, C.irregulr | VPI 4428
Clostridium isatidis VP Padden et al. 1999 Wv6, X98395 | NCFB 3071
Clostridium josui VP Sukhumavasi et al. 1988 III | FERM P-9684, AB011057, C.josui1
Clostridium kluyveri AL Barker and Taha 1942 K1 | ATCC 12489 | ATCC 8527, M59092,
C.kluyveri | DSM 555 | NCIB 10680
Clostridium lactatifermentans VP van der Wielen et al. 2002 G17, AY033434 | DSM
14214 | LMG 20954
Clostridium lacusfryxellense VP Spring et al. 2003 C/C-an/B1 | ATCC BAA-580 | DSM
14205, AJ506118
Clostridium laramiense VP Kalchayanand et al. 1993 -> Clostridium estertheticum
subsp. laramiense NK1 | ATCC 51254
Clostridium lentocellum VP Murray et al. 1987 RHM5 | DSM 5427, X71851, C.lentocel
| DSM 5427, X76162, C.lentoce2 | NCIB 11756
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Clostridium lituseburense AL (Laplanche and Saissac 1948) McClung and McCoy 1957
A25K | ATCC 25759, M59107, C.litusebu | DSM 797 | NCIB 10637 | VPI 2751
Clostridium ljungdahlii VP Tanner et al. 1993 ATCC 49587 | PETC, M59097, C.ljung-
Clostridium lortetii VP Oren 1984 -> Sporohalobacter lortetii MD-2 | ATCC 35059,
M59122, Shb.lortet | DSM 3070
Clostridium magnum VP Schink 1984 Wo Bd P1 | ATCC 49199 | DSM 2767, X77835,
Clostridium malenominatum AL (Weinberg et al. 1937) Spray 1948 ATCC 25776,
M59099, C.malenomi | DSM 1127 | NCIB 10667 | Prvot 1503 | VPI 2721
Clostridium mangenotii AL (Prvot and Zimms-Chaverou 1947) McClung and McCoy
1957 ATCC 25761, M59098, C.mangenot | DSM 1289 | NCIB 10639 | VPI 4622
Clostridium mayombei VP Kane et al. 1992 SFC-5 | ATCC 51428 | DSM 6539
Clostridium methoxybenzovorans VP Mechichi et al. 1999 SR3, AF067965 | DSM 12182
Clostridium methylpentosum VP Himelbloom and Canale-Parola 1989 R2, Y18181 |
ATCC 43829 | DSM 5476
Clostridium neopropionicum VP Tholozan et al. 1995 X4 | DSM 3847, X76746, C.neo-
Clostridium nexile AL Holdeman and Moore 1974 ATCC 27757 | DSM 1787, X73443,
C.nexile | VPI C48-37
Clostridium novyi AL (Migula 1894) Bergey et al. 1923 151 | ATCC 17861, L37594,
C.novyi3 | ATCC 17861, M59100, C.novyi
Clostridium oceanicum AL Smith 1970 ATCC 25647, M59101, C.oceanicm | DSM 1290
| NCIB 10625
Clostridium orbiscindens VP Winter et al. 1991 265, Y18187 | ATCC 49531 | DSM 6740
Clostridium oroticum AL (Wachsman and Barker 1954) Cato et al. 1968 ATCC 13619,
M59109, C.oroticum | DSM 1287 | NCIB 10650
Clostridium oxalicum VP Dehning and Schink 1990 -> Oxalophagus oxalicus Alt Ox1
| DSM 5503, X77840, Oxl.oxalic
32 2
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Clostridium populeti VP Sleat and Mah 1985 743A | ATCC 35295, X71853, C.populeti
| DSM 5832 | OCM 2
Clostridium propionicum AL Cardon and Barker 1946 ATCC 25522 | DSM 1682,
X77841, C.propioni | NCIB 10656
Clostridium proteoclasticum VP Attwood et al. 1996 B316, U37378, C.proteocl | ATCC
Clostridium proteolyticum VP Jain and Zeikus 1988 CG | DSM 3090, X73448, C.prote-
Clostridium psychrophilum VP Spring et al. 2003 A-1/C-an/I | ATCC BAA-582 | DSM
14207, AJ297443
Clostridium puniceum VP Lund et al. 1981 ATCC 43978 | BL 70/20 | DSM 2619,
X71857, C.punecium | DSM 2619, X73444, C.puneciu2 | NCIB 11596
Clostridium purinilyticum VP Drre et al. 1981 WA-1 | ATCC 33906, M60491 | DSM
Clostridium putrefaciens AL (McBryde 1911) Sturges and Drake 1927 ATCC 25786,
Y18177, AF127024 | DSM 1291 | NCTC 9836 | VPI 5395
Clostridium putri?cum (Trevisan 1889) Reddish and Rettger 1922 nom. rej. ATCC
25784 | DSM 1734, X73442, C.putri? c | NCIB 10677 | Prvot 2318 | VPI 4440-1
Clostridium quercicolum AL Stankewich et al. 1971 -> Dendrosporobacter quercicolus
ATCC 25974, M59110, C.quercico | DSM 1736
Clostridium quinii VP Svensson et al. 1995 BS1 | DSM 6736, X76745, C.quinii
Clostridium ramosum AL (Veillon and Zuber 1898) Holdeman et al. 1971 ATCC 25582
| DSM 1402, X73440, C.ramosum2 | NCIB 10673 | VPI 0427
Clostridium rectum AL (Heller 1922) Holdeman and Moore 1972 ATCC 25751 | DSM
1295 | NCIB 10651, X77850, C.rectum | VPI 2488
Clostridium roseum VP (McCoy and McClung 1935) Cato et al. 1988 ATCC 17797 |
DSM 51, Y18171
Clostridium saccharobutylicum VP Keis et al. 2001 NCP 262, U16147 | ATCC BAA-117
| DSM 13864
Clostridium saccharolyticum VP Murray et al. 1982 WM1 | ATCC 35040, Y18185 | DSM
2544 | NRC 2533
Clostridium sardiniense AL Prevot 1938 ATCC 33455, X73446 | DSM 2632 | VPI 2971
Clostridium sartagoforme AL Partansky and Henry 1935 ATCC 25778, Y18175 | DSM
1292 | NCIB 10668 | VPI 3195
Clostridium scatologenes AL (Weinberg and Ginsbourg 1927) Prevot 1948 ATCC
25775, M59104, C.scatolog | DSM 757 | NCIB 8855 | VPI 5393
Clostridium scindens VP Morris et al. 1985 Bokkenheuser 19, Y18186, AF262238 |
ATCC 35704 | DSM 5676 | VPI 13733
Clostridium septicum AL (Mace 1889) Ford 1927 Pasteur III | ATCC 12464, U59278,
C.septicum | CIP 61.10 | DSM 7534 | NCIMB 547 | NCTC 547
Clostridium sordellii AL (Hall and Scott 1927) Prvot 1938 ATCC 9714, M59105, C.sor-
delli | DSM 2141 | NCIB 10717
Clostridium sphenoides AL (Douglas et al. 1919) Bergey et al. 1923 ATCC 19403 | DSM
632, X73449, C.sphenoid | NCIB 10627 | NCTC 507
Clostridium spiroforme AL Kaneuchi et al. 1979 ATCC 29900, X75908, C.spirofo2 |
DSM 1552 | NCTC 11211 | VPI C28-23-1A
Clostridium sporogenes AL (Metchnikoff 1908) Bergey et al. 1923 McClung 2004
| ATCC 25781 | ATCC 3584, M59115, C.sporogen | ATCC 3584, X68189,
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Clostridium stercorarium subsp. stercorarium VP Madden 1983 324 DSM 6239 | NCIB
11754, L09174, C.stercora
Clostridium stercorarium subsp. leptospartum VP (Toda et al. 1989) Fardeau et al.
2001 325 <- Thermobacteroides leptospartum (basonym) 326 C1770 | ATCC 35414,
AF266461 | DSM 9219
Clostridium stercorarium subsp. thermolacticum VP (Le Ruyet et al. 1988) Fardeau et
al. 2001 327 <- Clostridium thermolacticum (basonym) TX41, X72870 , C.thlacti3
| ATCC 43739 | DSM 2910
Clostridium sticklandii AL Stadtman and McClung 1957 HF | ATCC 12662 | DSM 519 |
NCIB 10654
Clostridium subterminale AL (Hall and Whitehead 1927) Spray 1948 ATCC 25774,
L37595, C.subterm4 | ATCC 25774, M59106, C.subtermi | CDC KA152 | DSM 6970
| VPI 2023
Clostridium symbiosum AL (Stevens 1956) Kaneuchi et al. 1976 ATCC 14940, M59112,
C.symbiosm | DSM 934
Clostridium termitidis VP Hethener et al. 1992 CT1112 | ATCC 51846 | DSM 5398
Clostridium tertium AL (Henry 1917) Bergey et al. 1923 ATCC 14573, Y18174,
AJ245413 | DSM 2485 | IAM 14196 | NCIB 10697
Clostridium tetani AL (Flgge 1886) Bergey et al. 1923 ATCC 19406 | NCTC 279,
X74770, C.tetani
Clostridium tetanomorphum VP Wilde et al. 1989 259E.III | ATCC 49273 | DSM 4474 |
NCTC 543
Clostridium thermaceticum AL Fontaine et al. 1942 -> Moorella thermoacetica ATCC
35608 | DSM 521
Clostridium thermautotrophicum VP Wiegel et al. 1982 -> Moorella thermoautotroph-
ica JW 701/3, X58354, Mrl.thaut5 | ATCC 33924 | DSM 1974
Clostridium thermoalcaliphilum VP Li et al. 1994 JW/YL23-2, L11304, C.thalcali |
ATCC 51508 | DSM 7309
Clostridium thermobutyricum VP Wiegel et al. 1989 ATCC 49875 | DSM 4928 | JW171K
Clostridium thermocellum AL Viljoen et al. 1926 ATCC 27405 | DSM 1237, L09173,
C.thcellum | NCIB 10682
Clostridium thermocopriae VP Jin et al. 1988 -> Thermoanaerobacter thermocopriae
JT3-3 | IAM 13577, L09167, Tab.thcop2
32 4
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
32 5
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
32 6
The basonym Thermob acteroid es le ptospartu m b ecame in valid up on tra ns fer of the ty pe spe cies , T. ac etoet hylic us b y Rainey, et a l. (199 3)
J. Bact., 1 45: 4772 .
32 7
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Clostridium tyrobutyricum AL van Beynum and Pette 1935 ATCC 25755, M59113, C.ty-
robuty | DSM 2637 | NCIB 10635 | VPI 5392
Clostridium uliginosum VP Matthies et al. 2001 CK55, AJ276992 | ATCC BAA-53 |
DSM 12992
Clostridium ultunense VP Schnrer et al. 1996 BS, Z69293, C.ultunens | DSM 10521
Clostridium villosum AL Love et al. 1979 -> Filifactor villosus ATCC 33388 | DSM
1645, X73452, Flf.villos | NCTC 11220 | VPB 3349
Clostridium vincentii VP Mountfort et al. 1997 lac-1, X97432 | DSM 10228
Clostridium viride VP Buckel et al. 1995 T2-7, X81125, C.viride | ATCC 43977 | DSM
6836, X81125, C.viride
Clostridium xylanolyticum VP Rogers and Baecker 1991 ATCC 49623, X71855, C.xy-
lanoly | DSM 6555, X76739, C.xylanol2
Clostridium xylanovorans VP Mechichi et al. 2000 HESP1, AF116920 | DSM 12503
Genus II. Acetivibrio VP
Acetivibrio cellulolyticus VP (T) Patel et al. 1980 = Acetivibrio cellulosolvens (junior
heterotypic synonym) CD2 | ATCC 33288, L35516, Acv.cellyt | DSM 1870 | NRC
Acetivibrio cellulosolvens VP Khan et al. 1984 = Acetivibrio cellulolyticus (senior het-
erotypic synonym) BAS | ATCC 35928, L35515, Acv.celly2 | NRC 2936
Acetivibrio ethanolgignens VP Robinson and Ritchie 1981 77-6 | ATCC 33324 | DSM
Acetivibrio multivorans VP Tanaka et al. 1992 PeC1 | ATCC 49731 | DSM 6139
Genus III. Acidaminobacter VP
Acidaminobacter hydrogenoformans VP (T) Stams and Hansen 1985 glu 65, AF016691,
Aab.hydfor | DSM 2784
Genus IV. Alkaliphilus VP
Alkaliphilus transvaalensis VP (T) Takai et al. 2001 SAGM1, AB037677, AB037677 |
ATCC 700919 | JCM 10712
Alkaliphilus crotonatoxidans VP Cao et al. 2003 strain B11-2, AF467248 | AS 1.2897 |
JCM 11672
Genus V. Anaerobacter VP
Anaerobacter polyendosporus VP (T) Duda et al. 1996 PS-1, Y18189 | DSM 5272 | VKM
Genus VI. Anaerotruncus VP
Anaerotruncus colihominis VP (T) Lawson et al. 2004 WAL 14565, AJ315980 | CCUG
45055 | CIP 107754
Genus VII. Bryantella VP
Bryantella formatexigens VP (T) Wolin et al. 2004 I-52, AJ318527 | CCUG 46960 | DSM
Genus VIII. Caminicella VP
Caminicella sporogenes VP (T) Alain et al. 2002 AM1114, AJ320233 | CIP 107141 | DSM
Genus IX. Caloramator VP
Caloramator fervidus VP (T) (Patel et al. 1987) Collins et al. 1994 <- Clostridium fer-
vidum (basonym) Rt4-B1 | ATCC 43204, L09187, Clr.fervid | DSM 5463
Caloramator coolhaasii VP Plugge et al. 2000 Z, AF104215 | DSM 12679
Caloramator indicus VP Chrisostomos et al. 1996 IndiB4, X75788, Clr.indicu | ACM
Caloramator proteoclasticus VP Tarlera et al. 1997 U, X90488 | DSM 10124
Caloramator viterbiensis VP Seyfried et al. 2002 JW/MS-VS5, AF181848 | DSM 13723
| ATCC PTA 584
Genus X. Caloranaerobacter VP
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
32 8
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
32 9
Th e type strain de signa tion in the sp ecies de scription (111 35) d iffers from the t ype s tra in des ig nation in G en Ban k (III -3 5)
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Tindallia californiensis VP Pikuta et al. 2003 APO, AF373919 | ATCC BAA-393 | CIP
107910 | DSM 14871
Family II. "Lachnospiraceae"
Genus I. Lachnospira AL
Lachnospira multipara AL (T) Bryant and Small 1956 D32 | ATCC 19207 | DSM 3073
Lachnospira pectinoschiza VP Cornick et al. 1994 150-1, L14675, Lcn.pectin | ATCC
Genus II. Acetitomaculum VP
Acetitomaculum ruminis VP (T) Greening and Leedle 1995 139B, M59083, Acm.rumini
| ATCC 43876, M59083, Acm.rumini | DSM 5522
Butyrivibrio crossotus AL Moore et al. 1976 ATCC 29175 | DSM 2876 | VPI T9-40A
Butyrivibrio hungatei VP Kopecny et al. 2003 JK 615, AJ428553 | ATCC BAA-456 |
DSM 14810
Genus VI. Catenibacterium VP
Catenibacterium mitsuokai VP (T) Kageyama and Benno 2000 RCA14-39 | JCM 10609,
Genus VII. Catonella VP
Catonella morbi VP (T) Moore and Moore 1994 ATCC 51271, X87151, Cn.morbi | VPI
Genus VIII. Coprococcus AL
Coprococcus eutactus AL (T) Holdeman and Moore 1974 ATCC 27759, D14148,
tact | VPI C33-22
Coprococcus catus AL Holdeman and Moore 1974 ATCC 27761 | NCTC 11835 | VPI
C6-61, AB038359
Coprococcus comes AL Holdeman and Moore 1974 ATCC 27758 | VPI C1-38,
Genus IX. Johnsonella VP
Johnsonella ignava VP (T) Moore and Moore 1994 ATCC 51276, X87152, Jhn.ignava |
VPI D94B-12
Genus X. Lachnobacterium VP
Lachnobacterium bovis VP (T) Whitford et al. 2001 YZ 87 | ATCC BAA-151, AF298663
| DSM 14045 | LRC 5382
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Anaerococcus octavius VP (Murdoch et al. 1997) Ezaki et al. 2001 332 <- Peptostrepto-
coccus octavius (basonym) Davey 1 | DSM 11663 | NCTC 9810, Y07841, Pps.oc-
Anaerococcus tetradius VP (Ezaki et al. 1983) Ezaki et al. 2001 <- Peptostreptococcus
tetradius (basonym) ATCC 35098 | CCM 3634 | DSM 2951 | GIFU 7672, D14142,
Pps.tetrad | JCM 1964
Anaerococcus vaginalis VP (Li et al. 1992) Ezaki et al. 2001 <- Peptostreptococcus
vaginalis (basonym) ATCC 51170 | DSM 7457 | GIFU 12669, D14146, Pps.vagnls
| JCM 8138, D14146, Pps.vagnls
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Filifactor villosus VP (T) (Love et al. 1979) Collins et al. 1994 <- Clostridium villosum
(basonym) ATCC 33388 | DSM 1645, X73452, Flf.villos | NCTC 11220 | VPB 3349
Filifactor alocis VP (Cato et al. 1985) Jalava and Eerola 1999 <- Fusobacterium alocis
(basonym) ATCC 35896, AJ006962 | ATCC 35896, X55406 | VPI D40B-5
Genus IV. Finegoldia VP
Finegoldia magna VP (T) (Prevot 1933) Murdoch and Shah 2000 <- Peptostreptococcus
magnus (basonym) ATCC 15794, D14149 | DSM 20470 | NCTC 11804 | GIFU 7629
Genus V. Fusibacter VP
Fusibacter paucivorans VP (T) Ravot et al. 1999 SEBR 4211, AF050099 | DSM 12116
Genus VI. Gallicola VP
Gallicola barnesae VP (T) (Schiefer-Ullrich and Andreesen 1986) Ezaki et al. 2001 333
<- Peptostreptococcus barnesae (basonym) HKB-5 | ATCC 49795 | DSM 3244,
Genus VII. Helcococcus VP 334
Helcococcus kunzii VP (T) Collins et al. 1993 n 22 | ATCC 51366 | DSM 10548 | NBRC
15552 | NCFB 2900, X69837, Hlc.kunzii
Helcococcus ovis VP Collins et al. 1999 S840-96-1 | CCUG 37441, Y16279
Genus VIII. Micromonas VP 335
Micromonas micros VP (T) (Prevot 1933) Murdoch and Shah 2000 <- Peptostreptococcus
micros (basonym) ATCC 33270, AF542231, AY323523 | DSM 20468
Genus IX. Peptoniphilus VP
Peptoniphilus asaccharolyticus VP (T) (Distaso 1912) Ezaki et al. 2001 336 <- Peptostrep-
tococcus asaccharolyticus (basonym) BAI | ATCC 14963, D14138, Pps.asaclt |
DSM 20463 | GIFU 7656 | NCIB 10074 | UW 228
Peptoniphilus harei VP (Murdoch et al. 1997) Ezaki et al. 2001 337 <- Peptostreptococ-
cus harei (basonym) SBH 432, Y07839, Pps.harei1 | CIP 105323 | DSM 10020,
Y07839, Pps.harei1
Peptoniphilus indolicus VP (Christiansen 1934) Ezaki et al. 2001 338 <- Peptostrepto-
coccus indolicus (basonym) R13 | ATCC 29427, D14147, Pps.indoli | CCM 5987 |
DSM 20464
Peptoniphilus ivorii VP (Murdoch et al. 1997) Ezaki et al. 2001 339 <- Peptostreptococ-
cus ivorii (basonym) SBH 093, Y07840, Pps.ivorii | CIP 105325 | DSM 10022,
Y07840, Pps.ivorii
Peptoniphilus lacrimalis VP (Li et al. 1992) Ezaki et al. 2001 <- Peptostreptococcus
lacrimalis (basonym) DSM 7455 | GIFU 7667, D14141, Pps.lacrim | JCM 8139,
D14141, Pps.lacrim
Genus X. Sedimentibacter VP
Sedimentibacter hydroxybenzoicus VP (T) (Zhang et al. 1994) Breitenstein et al. 2002 <-
Clostridium hydroxybenzoicum (basonym) JW/Z-1, L11305, C.hybenzoi | ATCC
51151 | DSM 7310
Sedimentibacter saalensis VP Breitenstein et al. 2002 ZF2, AJ404680 | ATCC BAA-283
| DSM 13558
33 3
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
33 4
P la ce ment of H elcococcu s is based on L udwigs recom mend ation. This plac eme nt is not con sist ent w ith PCA plots .
33 5
Th e n ame Microm onas is ille gitima te b eca use of precede nce of the fung al gen us Microm onas .
33 6
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
33 7
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
33 8
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
33 9
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Eubacterium exiguum VP Poco et al. 1996 -> Slackia exigua S-7 | ATCC 700122,
AF101240, Slk.exigua
Eubacterium ?ssicatena AL Taylor 1972 AzA | ATCC 33661 | DSM 3598 | NCIB 10446
Eubacterium formicigenerans AL Holdeman and Moore 1974 -> Dorea formicigener-
ans ATCC 27755, L34619, Eub.formic | DSM 3992 | JCM 10342 | VPI C8-13
Eubacterium fossor VP Bailey and Love 1986 -> Atopobium fossor ATCC 43386,
L34620, Eub.fossor | NCTC 11919 | VPB 2127
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Eubacterium hadrum AL Moore et al. 1976 ATCC 29173 | DSM 3319 | VPI B2-52
Eubacterium hallii AL Holdeman and Moore 1974 ATCC 27751, L34621, Eub.hallii |
DSM 3353 | JCM 7789 | VPI B4-27
Eubacterium in?rmum VP Cheeseman et al. 1996 NCTC 12940 | NCTC 12940, U13039,
Eubacterium lentum AL (Eggerth 1935) Prevot 1938 -> Eggerthella lenta ATCC
25559, AF292375 | DSM 2243 | VPI 0255
Eubacterium minutum VP Poco et al. 1996 = Eubacterium tardum (junior heterotypic
synonym) M-6 | ATCC 700079, AB020885, Eub.minut1 | ATCC 700079,
AJ005636, Eub.minut2
Eubacterium moniliforme AL (Repaci 1910) Holdeman and Moore 1970 ATCC 25546,
L34622, Eub.monili | DSM 3984 | VPI 0142B
Eubacterium multiforme AL (Distaso 1911) Holdeman and Moore 1970 ATCC 25552 |
DSM 20694 | JCM 6484, AB018184 | VPI 4154
Eubacterium nitritogenes AL Prevot 1940 ATCC 25547 | DSM 3985 | JCM 6485,
AB018185 | VPI 0263
Eubacterium nodatum VP Holdeman et al. 1980 ATCC 33099, U13041, Eub.nodat2 |
ATCC 33099, Z36274, Eub.nodatm | DSM 3993 | VPI D6A-5
Eubacterium oxidoreducens VP Krumholz and Bryant 1986 G41 | DSM 3217
Eubacterium plautii VP (Seguin 1928) Hofstad and Aasjord 1982 <- Fusobacterium
plauti (basonym) Pr S1 | ATCC 29863 | DSM 4000 | VPI 0310
Eubacterium plexicaudatum AL Wilkins et al. 1974 VPI 7582
Eubacterium pyruvativorans VP Wallace et al. 2003 I-6, AJ310135 | ATCC BAA-574 |
NCIMB 13911
Eubacterium ramulus AL Moore et al. 1976 ATCC 29099, L34623, Eub.ramulu | DSM
Eubacterium rectale AL (Hauduroy et al. 1937) Prevot 1938 ATCC 33656, L34627,
Eub.rectal | DSM 3377 | VPI 0989
Eubacterium ruminantium AL Bryant 1959 GA 195, AB008552, Eub.rumina | ATCC
17233 | DSM 20704
Eubacterium saburreum AL (Prevot 1966) Holdeman and Moore 1970 ATCC 33271 |
DSM 3986 | VPI 11763
Eubacterium saphenum VP Uematsu et al. 1993 U 164-47 | ATCC 49989, U65987,
Eubacterium siraeum AL Moore et al. 1976 ATCC 29066, L34625, Eub.siraeu | DSM
3996 | VPI T9-50-2
Eubacterium suis VP Wegienek and Reddy 1982 -> Actinomyces suis ATCC 33144 |
DSM 20639, S83623, Abl.suis | Soltys 50052
Eubacterium sulci VP (Cato et al. 1985) Jalava and Eerola 1999 <- Fusobacterium sulci
(basonym) ATCC 35585, AJ006963 | VPI D45A-29A
Eubacterium tarantellae AL Udey et al. 1977 ATCC 29255, L34624, Eub.tarant | DSM
Eubacterium tardum VP Cheeseman et al. 1996 = Eubacterium minutum (senior het-
erotypic synonym) NCTC 12941 | NCTC 12941, U13037, Eub.tardum
Eubacterium tenue AL (Bergey et al. 1923) Holdeman and Moore 1970 ATCC 25553,
M59118, Eub.tenue | DSM 20695
Eubacterium timidum VP Holdeman et al. 1980 -> Mogibacterium timidum ATCC
33093, U13042, Eub.timid2 | ATCC 33093, Z36296, Eub.timidm | VPI D1B-22
Eubacterium tortuosum AL (Debono 1912) Prevot 1938 ATCC 25548, L34683, Eub.tor-
tuo | DSM 3987 | VPI 1084B
Eubacterium uniforme VP van Gylswyk and van der Toorn 1985 X3C39 | ATCC 35992,
L34626, Eub.unifor
Eubacterium ventriosum AL (Tissier 1908) Prevot 1938 ATCC 27560, L34421,
Eub.ventri | DSM 3988 | VPI 1013B
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Eubacterium xylanophilum VP van Gylswyk and van der Toorn 1985 X6C58 | ATCC
35991, L34628, Eub.xylano
Eubacterium yurii subsp. yurii VP Margaret and Krywolap 1986 SM14 | ATCC 43714
Eubacterium yurii subsp. margaretiae VP Margaret and Krywolap 1986 SM65
Eubacterium yurii subsp. schtitka VP Margaret and Krywolap 1986 SMN | ATCC 43716
Genus II. Acetobacterium AL
Acetobacterium woodii AL (T) Balch et al. 1977 WB1 | ATCC 29683 | DSM 1030, X96954,
Atb.woodii | JCM 2381
Acetobacterium bakii VP Kotsyurbenko et al. 1997 Z-4391 | Z-S11 | DSM 8239, X96960,
Acetobacterium carbinolicum VP Eichler and Schink 1985 WoProp 1 | DSM 2925,
X96956, Atb.carbin
Acetobacterium ?metarium VP Kotsyurbenko et al. 1997 Z-4290 | Z-M13 | DSM 8238,
X96959, Atb.?metr
Acetobacterium malicum VP Tanaka and Pfennig 1990 MuME1 | DSM 4132, X96957,
Acetobacterium paludosum VP Kotsyurbenko et al. 1997 Z-4092 | Z-B12 | DSM 8237,
X96958, Atb.paludo
Acetobacterium tundrae VP Simankova et al. 2001 340 Z-4493 | DSM 9173, AJ297449
Acetobacterium wieringae VP Braun and Gottschalk 1983 C | DSM 1911, X96955,
Atb.wierin | JCM 2380
Genus III. Anaerovorax VP
Anaerovorax odorimutans VP (T) Matthies et al. 2000 NorPut1, AJ251215 | DSM 5092
Genus IV. Mogibacterium VP
Mogibacterium pumilum VP (T) Nakazawa et al. 2000 D2-18 | ATCC 700696, AB021701
Mogibacterium diversum VP Nakazawa et al. 2002 HM-7 | ATCC 700923, AB037874
| JCM 11205
Mogibacterium timidum VP (Holdeman et al. 1980) Nakazawa et al. 2000 <- Eubac-
terium timidum (basonym) ATCC 33093, U13042 | ATCC 33093, Z36296 | VPI
Mogibacterium vescum VP Nakazawa et al. 2000 D5-2 | ATCC 700697, AB021702
Genus V. Pseudoramibacter VP
Pseudoramibacter alactolyticus VP (T) (Prevot and Taffanel 1942) Willems and Collins
1996 <- Eubacterium alactolyticum (basonym) DO-4 | ATCC 23263, AB036759 |
DSM 3980 | VPI 0416
Family V. Peptococcaceae AL 341
Genus I. Peptococcus AL (T)
Peptococcus niger AL (T) (Hall 1930) Kluyver and van Niel 1936 ATCC 27731 | DSM
20475, X55797 | VPI 7953
Peptococcus asaccharolyticus AL (Distaso 1912) Douglas 1957 -> Peptostreptococcus
asaccharolyticus UW 228 | ATCC 14963, D14138, Pps.asaclt | DSM 20463 | NCIB
Peptococcus glycinophilus AL (Cardon and Barker 1946) Douglas 1957 = Peptostrep-
tococcus micros (senior heterotypic synonym) ATCC 23195
Peptococcus heliotrinreducens VP Lanigan 1983 -> Peptostreptococcus heliotrinire-
ducens RHS1 | ATCC 29202 | DSM 20476 | NCTC 11029
Peptococcus indolicus AL (Christiansen 1934) Sorensen 1975 -> Peptostreptococcus
indolicus R13 | ATCC 29427, D14147, Pps.indoli | CCM 5987 | DSM 20464
34 0
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
34 1
S tr mple and Tin dall su ggest tha t the orig ina l placemen t of Ana eroarc us, A nae ro sinus , An aerov ib rio, Cen tip eda, De ndros porob act er, Mit-
sukella, Prop ion ispira, an d S uccinisp ira were m isplaced with in the Pe ptoc oc ca ce ae. Th es e g enera hav e been m ove d t o th e Ac ido minoc o-
caceae on the ba se d o f com bin ed se quen ce an d lip id dat a.
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Peptococcus magnus AL (Prevot 1933) Holdemann and Moore 1972 -> Peptostrepto-
coccus magnus ATCC 15794, D14149, Pps.magnus | DSM 20470
Peptococcus prevotii AL (Foubert and Douglas 1948) Douglas 1957 -> Peptostrepto-
coccus prevotii PC 1 | ATCC 9321, D14139, Pps.prevot | DSM 20548
Peptococcus saccharolyticus AL (Foubert and Douglas 1948) Douglas 1957 -> Staphy-
lococcus saccharolyticus S1 | ATCC 14953, L37602, Stp.sacly2 | DSM 20359
Genus II. Carboxydothermus VP
Carboxydothermus hydrogenoformans VP (T) Svetlichny et al. 1991 Z-2901 | DSM 6008
Genus III. Dehalobacter VP
Dehalobacter restrictus VP (T) Holliger et al. 1998 PER-K23, U84497, U84497 | DSM
Genus IV. Desul?tobacterium VP
Desul?tobacterium dehalogenans VP (T) Utkin et al. 1994 JW/IU-DC1, L28946, D? .de-
halo | ATCC 51507 | DSM 9161
Desul?tobacterium chlororespirans VP Sanford et al. 2001 342 Co23, U68528 | ATCC
700715 | DSM 11544
Desul?tobacterium frappieri VP Bouchard et al. 1996 PCP-1, U40078, D?.frappi
Desul?tobacterium hafniense VP Christiansen and Ahring 1996 DCB-2, X94975,
D? .hafnie | DSMZ 10664
Desul?tobacterium metallireducens VP Finneran et al. 2002 343 853-15A | ATCC BAA-
636, AF297871
Genus V. Desulfonispora VP
Desulfonispora thiosulfatigenes VP (T) Denger et al. 1999 GKNTAU, Y18214 | ATCC
700533 | DSM 11270
Genus VI. Desulfosporosinus VP
Desulfosporosinus orientis VP (T) (Campbell and Postgate 1965) Stackebrandt et al. 1997
<- Desulfotomaculum orientis (basonym) Singapore I, M34417, Dfm.orient |
ATCC 19365 | DSM 765, Y11570, Ds.orienti | NCIB 8382, M34417, Dfm.orient |
VKM B-1628
Desulfosporosinus meridiei VP Robertson et al. 2001 S10, AF076527 | DSM 13257 |
NCIMB 13706
Genus VII. Desulfotomaculum AL
Desulfotomaculum nigri?cans AL (T) (Werkman and Weaver 1927) Campbell and Post-
gate 1965 Delft 74 | ATCC 19858 | ATCC 19998 | DSM 574 | NBRC 13698 | NCIB
8395, X62176, Dfm.nigrif
Desulfotomaculum acetoxidans AL Widdel and Pfennig 1977 5575 | ATCC 49208 | DSM
771, Y11566, Dfm.acetox | VKM B-1644
Desulfotomaculum aeronauticum VP Hagenauer et al. 1997 9 | DSM 10349, X98407,
Desulfotomaculum alkaliphilum VP Pikuta et al. 2000 S1 | DSM 12257, AF097024
Desulfotomaculum antarctica VP (ex Iizuka et al. 1969) Campbell and Singleton 1988
IAM 64
Desulfotomaculum auripigmentum VP Newman et al. 2000 OREX-4, U85624 | DSM
13351, AJ493051
Desulfotomaculum australicum VP Love et al. 1993 AB33, M96665, Dfm.austra | ACM
Desulfotomaculum geothermicum VP Daumas et al. 1990 BSD | ATCC 49053 | DSM
3669, X80789, Dfm.geothr | DSM 3669, Y11567, Dfm.geoth2
Desulfotomaculum gibsoniae VP Kuever et al. 1999 Groll, Y11576 | DSM 7213
Desulfotomaculum guttoideum VP Gogotova and Vainstein 1986 50 | DSM 4024,
Y11568, Dfm.guttoi | VKM B-1591 | VKM B-T591
34 2
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
34 3
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Anaerovibrio glycerini VP Schauder and Schink 1996 -> Anaerosinus glycerini LGS 4
| ATCC 51177 | DSM 5192, AJ010960
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Sporomusa sphaeroides VP (T) Mller et al. 1985 E | ATCC 35900 | DSM 2875, AJ279801
Sporomusa acidovorans VP Ollivier et al. 1990 Mol | ATCC 49682 | DSM 3132,
Sporomusa malonica VP Dehning et al. 1990 WoG12 | ATCC 49684 | DSM 5090,
Sporomusa ovata VP Mller et al. 1985 H1 | ATCC 35899 | DSM 2662, AJ279800
Sporomusa paucivorans VP Hermann et al. 1987 X | DSM 3697
Sporomusa silvacetica VP Kuhner et al. 1997 DG-1, Y09976, Spm.silvac | DSMZ 10669
Sporomusa termitida VP Breznak et al. 1990 JSN-2, M61920, Spm.termit | ATCC 49683
| DSM 4440
Veillonella parvula subsp. rodentium AL Rogosa 1965 -> Veillonella rodentium ATCC
17743 | DSM 20737
Veillonella alcalescens subsp. alcalescens AL Prevot 1933 = Veillonella parvula (senior
heterotypic synonym) B13-0-1 D | ATCC 17745
Veillonella alcalescens subsp. criceti AL Rogosa 1965 -> Veillonella criceti ATCC
17747, AF186072 | DSM 20734
Veillonella alcalescens subsp. dispar AL Rogosa 1965 -> Veillonella dispar ATCC
17748 | DSM 20735, X84006, Vln.dispar
Veillonella alcalescens subsp. ratti AL Rogosa 1965 -> Veillonella ratti ATCC 17746,
AF186071 | DSM 20736
Veillonella atypica VP (Rogosa 1965) Mays et al. 1982 <- Veillonella parvula subsp.
atypica (basonym) KON | ATCC 17744 | DSM 20739, X84007, Vln.atypic
Veillonella caviae VP Mays et al. 1982 Rogosa PV1 | ATCC 33540 | DSM 20738,
AY355140 | VPI 12140
Veillonella criceti VP (Rogosa 1965) Mays et al. 1982 <- Veillonella alcalescens subsp.
criceti (basonym) HV-1 | Serogroup I | ATCC 17747, AF186072 | DSM 20734
Veillonella dispar VP (Rogosa 1965) Mays et al. 1982 <- Veillonella alcalescens subsp.
dispar (basonym) ERN | Serogroup VII | ATCC 17748 | DSM 20735, X84006,
Veillonella ratti VP (Rogosa 1965) Mays et al. 1982 <- Veillonella alcalescens subsp.
ratti (basonym) RV-12x | ATCC 17746 | DSM 20736, AY355138
Veillonella rodentium VP (Rogosa 1965) Mays et al. 1982 <- Veillonella parvula subsp.
rodentium (basonym) HV 19 | ATCC 17743 | DSM 20737
Genus XXVI. Zymophilus VP
Zymophilus raf?nosivorans VP (T) Schleifer et al. 1990 SH2 | ATCC 49691 | DSM 20765
Zymophilus paucivorans VP Schleifer et al. 1990 AA1 | ATCC 49689 | DSM 20756,
Family VIII. Syntrophomonadaceae VP 355
Genus I. Syntrophomonas VP (T)
Syntrophomonas wolfei subsp. wolfei VP (T) McInerney et al. 1982 emend. Lorowitz et
al. 1989 G G311 | DSM 2245 | OCM 41
Syntrophomonas wolfei subsp. saponavida VP Lorowitz et al. 1989 SD2 | DSM 4212
35 5
Hu genh oltz not es th at the S yntroph omon adacea e is polyp hyletic a nd repres ents a ph ylum-leve l line age d is tin ct from the Firm ic utes . Tha t
line age sho uld c onsist o f Syntrop hom onas, A minob act erium , A min omo nas , A naerob ac ulu m an d De thiosu lfo vibrio
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
37 0
Ludw ig in dicate s that the po sitio n o f The rm oana erobium is u nc ertain .
37 1
Lu dwig st ates tha t the position o f Haloan aerobiales is s tro ngly in?uen ced by the tre ein g me thod . Large sc ale P CA p lot s (G arrity and
Lilb urn) d o not p ro vide mu ch resolution, pe rh aps because of th e high le ve l of div ersity within the c lass . L udwig in dic ate s tha t the two families
are p hylog enetically coh erent a nd sug gests the p ossibility th at the y m ig ht be mem bers of a se parate phy lum . Hug enho ltz s uppo rts t he v ie w
tha t t he Haloana erobiale s are a phylum -level lin eage .
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Halanaerobacter lacunaris VP (Zhilina et al. 1992) Rainey et al. 1995 <- Halobac-
teroides lacunaris (basonym) Z-7888, L37421, Hla.lacuna | Z-7888, U32593,
Hla.lacun2 | ATCC 49944 | DSM 6640, X89075, Hla.lacun3
Halanaerobacter salinarius VP Moun et al. 1999 SG3903, Y14212, Hla.salinr
Genus IV. Halonatronum VP
Halonatronum saccharophilum VP (T) Zhilina et al. 2001 Z-7986, AY014858 | DSM
13868 | UNIQEM 211
Genus V. Natroniella VP 372
Natroniella acetigena VP (T) Zhilina et al. 1996 Z-7937, X95817 | DSM 9952
Genus VI. Orenia VP
Orenia marismortui VP (T) (Oren et al. 1988) Rainey et al. 1995 <- Sporohalobacter
marismortui (basonym) DY-1 | ATCC 35420 | DSM 5156, X89073, O.marismor
Orenia salinaria VP Moun et al. 2000 SG 3902, Y18485 | ATCC 700911
Orenia sivashensis VP Zhilina et al. 2000 Z-7191, AF152595 | DSM 12596
Genus VII. Selenihalanaerobacter VP
Selenihalanaerobacter shriftii VP (T) Switzer Blum et al. 2001 373 DSSe-1 | ATCC
BAA-73, AF310247
Genus VIII. Sporohalobacter VP
Sporohalobacter lortetii VP (T) (Oren 1984) Oren et al. 1988 <- Clostridium lortetii (ba-
sonym) MD-2 | ATCC 35059, M59122, Shb.lortet | DSM 3070
Sporohalobacter marismortui VP Oren et al. 1988 -> Orenia marismortui DY-1 | ATCC
35420 | DSM 5156, X89073, O.marismor
37 2
In version 1.0 o f the Be rg eys O utlin e Natroniella wa s plac ed in t he Haloana erobiac eae. Bot h Switze r B loo m et. a l. a nd Zhalin a et al.
ha ve placed this gen us in the Halobacteroidiaceae.
37 3
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
37 4
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
37 5
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Mycoplasma columbinasale VP Jordan et al. 1982 694, AF221112 | ATCC 33549 | NCTC
Mycoplasma columbinum AL Shimizu et al. 1978 MMP 1 , AF221113 | ATCC 29257
Mycoplasma columborale AL Shimizu et al. 1978 MMP 4 , AF412975 | ATCC 29258
Mycoplasma conjunctivae AL Barile et al. 1972 HRC/581 | ATCC 25834 | NCTC 10147
Mycoplasma corogypsi VP Panangala et al. 1993 BV1, L08054, M.corogyps | ATCC
Mycoplasma cottewii VP DaMassa et al. 1994 VIS, U67945, M.cottewii | ATCC 51347
| NCTC 11732
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
37 9
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Mycoplasma pirum VP Del Giudice et al. 1985 HRC 70-159, M23940, M.pirum | ATCC
25960, M23940, M.pirum
Mycoplasma pneumoniae AL Somerson et al. 1963 FH, M29061, M.pneumoni | ATCC
15531, M29061, M.pneumoni
Mycoplasma primatum AL Del Giudice et al. 1971 HRC/292, AF221118 | ATCC 25948
Mycoplasma pullorum VP Jordan et al. 1982 CKK, U58504, M.pullorum | ATCC 33553
| NCTC 10187
Mycoplasma pulmonis AL (Sabin 1941) Freundt 1955 ATCC 19612, M23941, M.pul-
Mycoplasma putrefaciens AL Tully et al. 1974 C30 KS-1, U26055, M.putrefa2 | ATCC
Mycoplasma salivarium AL Edward 1955 H110 | PG 20, M24661, M.salivari | ATCC
23064, M24661, M.salivari | NCTC 10113
Mycoplasma simbae VP Hill 1992 LX | ATCC 49888, U16323, M.simbae | NCTC 11725
Mycoplasma somnilux VP Williamson et al. 1990 -> Entomoplasma somnilux PYAN-1
| ATCC 49194, AY157871
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Ureaplasma cati VP Harasawa et al. 1990 F2, D78649, Upl.cati | ATCC 49228 | NCTC
Ureaplasma diversum VP Howard and Gourlay 1982 A417, D78650, Upl.divers | NCTC
Ureaplasma felinum VP Harasawa et al. 1990 FT2-B, D78651, Upl.felinu | ATCC 49229
| NCTC 11709
Ureaplasma gallorale VP Koshimizu et al. 1987 D6-1 | ATCC 43346, U62937,
lor | NCTC 11707
Ureaplasma parvum VP Robertson et al. 2002 27 | ATCC 27815, AF073456 | NCTC
Order II. Entomoplasmatales VP
Family I. Entomoplasmataceae VP
Genus I. Entomoplasma VP (T)
Entomoplasma ellychniae VP (T) (Tully et al. 1989) Tully et al. 1993 <- Mycoplasma elly-
chniae (basonym) ELCN-1, M24292, Enp.ellych | ATCC 43707, M24292, Enp.el-
Entomoplasma freundtii VP Tully et al. 1998 BARC 318, AF036954 | ATCC 51999
Entomoplasma lucivorax VP (Williamson et al. 1990) Tully et al. 1993 <- Mycoplasma
lucivorax (basonym) PIPN-2, AF547212 | ATCC 49196
Entomoplasma luminosum VP (Williamson et al. 1990) Tully et al. 1993 <- Mycoplasma
luminosum (basonym) PIMN-1 | ATCC 49195, AY155670
Entomoplasma melaleucae VP (Tully et al. 1990) Tully et al. 1993 <- Mycoplasma
melaleucae (basonym) M1, M24478, Enp.melale | ATCC 49191, M24478,
Entomoplasma somnilux VP (Williamson et al. 1990) Tully et al. 1993 <- Mycoplasma
somnilux (basonym) PYAN-1 | ATCC 49194, AY157871
Genus II. Mesoplasma VP
Mesoplasma ?orum VP (T) (McCoy et al. 1984) Tully et al. 1993 <- Acholeplasma ?orum
(basonym) L1, AF300327 | ATCC 33453
Mesoplasma chauliocola VP Tully et al. 1994 CHPA-2 | ATCC 49578, AY166704
Mesoplasma coleopterae VP Tully et al. 1994 BARC 779 | ATCC 49583
Mesoplasma corruscae VP Tully et al. 1994 ELCA-2 | ATCC 49579, AY168929
Mesoplasma entomophilum VP (Tully et al. 1988) Tully et al. 1993 <- Acholeplasma
entomophilum (basonym) TAC, M23931, Mes.entomo | ATCC 43706, M23931,
Mesoplasma grammopterae VP Tully et al. 1994 GRUA-1 | ATCC 49580, AY174170
Mesoplasma lactucae VP (Rose et al. 1990) Tully et al. 1993 <- Mycoplasma lactucae
(basonym) 831-C4, M24479, Mes.lactuc | ATCC 49193, M24479, Mes.lactuc
Mesoplasma photuris VP Tully et al. 1994 PUPA-2 | ATCC 49581, AY177627
Mesoplasma pleciae VP Tully et al. 1994 PS-1 | ATCC 49582, AY257485
Mesoplasma seiffertii VP (Bonnet et al. 1991) Tully et al. 1993 <- Acholeplasma seiffertii
(basonym) F7 | ATCC 49495, AY351331
Mesoplasma syrphidae VP Tully et al. 1994 YJS | ATCC 51578, AY231458
Mesoplasma tabanidae VP Tully et al. 1994 BARC 857, AY187288 | ATCC 49584
Family II. Spiroplasmataceae VP
Genus I. Spiroplasma AL (T)
Spiroplasma citri AL (T) Saglio et al. 1973 Morocco-R8-A2, X63781, Spp.cit2HP | ATCC
27556, M23942, Spp.citri | NCPPB 2647
Spiroplasma alleghenense VP Adams et al. 1997 PLHS-1 | ATCC 51752, AY189125
Spiroplasma apis VP Mouches et al. 1984 B 31, M23937, Spp.apis | ATCC 33834,
M23937, Spp.apis
Spiroplasma cantharicola VP Whitcomb et al. 1993 CC-1 | ATCC 43207
Spiroplasma chinense VP Guo et al. 1990 CCH | ATCC 43960, AY189126
Spiroplasma chrysopicola VP Whitcomb et al. 1997 DF-1 | ATCC 43209, AY189127
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Spiroplasma clarkii VP Whitcomb et al. 1993 CN-5, M24474, Spp.clarki | ATCC 33827,
M24474, Spp.clarki
Spiroplasma corruscae VP Hackett et al. 1996 EC-1 | ATCC 43212, AY189128
Spiroplasma culicicola VP Hung et al. 1987 AES-1 | ATCC 35112, AY189129
Spiroplasma diabroticae VP Carle et al. 1997 DU-1, M24482, Spp.diabro | ATCC 43210
Spiroplasma diminutum VP Williamson et al. 1996 CUAS-1 | ATCC 49235, AY189130
Spiroplasma ?oricola VP Davis et al. 1981 23-6 | ATCC 29989, AY189131
Spiroplasma gladiatoris VP Whitcomb et al. 1997 TG-1, M24475, Spp.gladia | ATCC
43525, M24475, Spp.gladia
Spiroplasma helicoides VP Whitcomb et al. 1997 TABS-2 | ATCC 51746, AY189132
Spiroplasma insolitum VP Hackett et al. 1993 M55 | ATCC 33502, AY189133
Spiroplasma ixodetis VP Tully et al. 1995 Y32, M24477, Spp.ixodet | ATCC 33835,
M24477, Spp.ixodet
Spiroplasma kunkelii VP Whitcomb et al. 1986 E275 | ATCC 29320
Spiroplasma lampyridicola VP Stevens et al. 1997 PUP-1 | ATCC 43206, AY189134
Spiroplasma leptinotarsae VP Hackett et al. 1996 LD-1 | ATCC 43213, AY189305
Spiroplasma lineolae VP French et al. 1997 TALS-2 | ATCC 51749
Spiroplasma litorale VP Konai et al. 1997 TN-1 | ATCC 43211, AY189306
Spiroplasma melliferum VP Clark et al. 1985 BC-3, AY325304 | ATCC 33219
Spiroplasma mirum VP Tully et al. 1982 SMCA, M24662, Spp.mirum | ATCC 29335,
M24662, Spp.mirum
Spiroplasma monobiae VP Whitcomb et al. 1993 MQ-1, M24481, Spp.monobi | ATCC
Spiroplasma montanense VP Whitcomb et al. 1997 HYOS-1 | ATCC 51745, AY189307
Spiroplasma phoeniceum VP Saillard et al. 1987 P40 | ATCC 43115
Spiroplasma platyhelix VP Williamson et al. 1997 PALS-1 | ATCC 51748
Spiroplasma poulsonii VP Williamson et al. 1999 DW-1, M24483, Spp.sp.DW1 | ATCC
Spiroplasma sabaudiense VP Abalain-Colloc et al. 1987 Ar-1343 | ATCC 43303,
Spiroplasma syrphidicola VP Whitcomb et al. 1996 EA-1 | ATCC 33826, AY189309
Spiroplasma tabanidicola VP Whitcomb et al. 1997 TAUS-1 | ATCC 51747
Spiroplasma taiwanense VP Abalain-Colloc et al. 1988 CT-1, M24476 | ATCC 43302,
M24476, Spp.taiwan, Spp.taiwan
Spiroplasma turonicum VP Hlias et al. 1998 Tab4c | ATCC 700271, AY189310
Spiroplasma velocicrescens VP Konai et al. 1995 MQ-4 | ATCC 35262, AY189311
Order III. Acholeplasmatales VP
Family I. Acholeplasmataceae AL
Genus I. Acholeplasma AL
Acholeplasma laidlawii AL (T) (Freundt 1955) Edward and Freundt 1970 PG8, U14905,
Acp.laidl2 | ATCC 23206, U14905, Acp.laidl2 | IMET 10894 | NCTC 10116
Acholeplasma axanthum AL Tully and Razin 1970 , S-743 , AF412968 ATCC 25176
Acholeplasma brassicae VP Tully et al. 1994 502 | ATCC 49388
Acholeplasma cavigenitalium VP Hill 1992 GP3 | NCTC 11727
Acholeplasma entomophilum VP Tully et al. 1988 -> Mesoplasma entomophilum TAC,
M23931, Mes.entomo | ATCC 43706, M23931, Mes.entomo
Acholeplasma equifetale AL Kirchoff 1974 ATCC 29724
Acholeplasma ?orum VP McCoy et al. 1984 -> Mesoplasma ?orum L1, AF300327 |
ATCC 33453
Acholeplasma granularum AL (Switzer 1964) Edward and Freundt 1970 ATCC 19168
Acholeplasma hippikon AL Kirchoff 1974 ATCC 29725
Acholeplasma modicum AL Leach 1973 PG 49, M23933, Acp.modicu | ATCC 29102,
M23933, Acp.modicu
Acholeplasma morum VP Rose et al. 1980 72-043 | PN525 | ATCC 33211
Acholeplasma multilocale VP Hill et al. 1992 NCTC 11723
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Acholeplasma oculi AL Al-Aubaidi et al. 1973 19-L, U14904, Acp.oculi | ATCC 27350,
U14904, Acp.oculi
Acholeplasma palmae VP Tully et al. 1994 J233, L33734, Acp.spJ233 | ATCC 49389,
L33734, Acp.spJ233
Acholeplasma parvum VP Atobe et al. 1983 H23M | ATCC 29892
Acholeplasma seiffertii VP Bonnet et al. 1991 -> Mesoplasma seiffertii F7 | ATCC
Acholeplasma vituli VP Angulo et al. 2000 FC 097-2, AF031479 | ATCC 70067,
Genus II. "Phytoplasma"
Candidatus "Phytoplasma ulmi" Lee et al. 2004 AY197655
Order IV. Anaeroplasmatales VP
Family I. Anaeroplasmataceae VP
Genus I. Anaeroplasma AL (T) 383
Anaeroplasma abactoclasticum AL (T) Robinson et al. 1975 ATCC 27879, M25050,
Anaeroplasma bactoclasticum AL (Robinson and Hungate 1973) Robinson and Allison
1975 ATCC 27112, M25049, Anp.bactoc
Anaeroplasma intermedium VP Robinson and Freundt 1987 7LA | ATCC 43166
Anaeroplasma varium VP Robinson and Freundt 1987 A-2, M23934, Anp.varium |
ATCC 43167, M23934, Anp.varium
Genus II. Asteroleplasma VP
Asteroleplasma anaerobium VP (T) Robinson and Freundt 1987 161, M22351,
Ast.anaero | ATCC 27880, M22351, Ast.anaero
38 3
Th e type stra in s for all four spe cies of An aeroplama ha ve bee n fo und to be non-v iab le.
38 4
The ATC C d eposit is no nexisten t.
38 5
Lud wig states that a clear resolution amo ng the families o f B ac illales c ann ot b e a ch iev ed. Tax a hav e been rearrang ed to follow the broad er
top olo gy o f th e RDP an d ARB t re es.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Bacillus amyloliquefaciens VP (ex Fukumoto 1943) Priest et al. 1987 Fukumoto strain
F | ATCC 23350, X60605, B.amylique | DSM 7 | LMG 9814
Bacillus amylolyticus VP (ex Choukvitch 1911) Nakamura 1984 -> Paenibacillus amy-
lolyticus 290 | ATCC 9995 | DSM 3034 | LMG 11153 | NRRL B-377 | NRRL NRS-
290, D85396
Bacillus aneurinolyticus VP (ex Kimura and Aoyama 1952) Shida et al. 1994 ->
Aneurinibacillus aneurinilyticus NRS 1589 | ATCC 12856, D78455, Ab.anurly3 |
CIP 104007 | DSM 5562, X94194, Ab.anurly2 | IAM 1077 | NBRC 1552 | JCM 9024
Bacillus anthracis AL Cohn 1872 ATCC 14578
Bacillus arseniciselenatis VP Switzer Blum et al. 2001 386 E1H, AF064705 | ATCC
Bacillus atrophaeus VP Nakamura 1989 ATCC 49337 | CCUG 28524 | CIP 107159 | DSM
7364 | JCM 9070, AB021181 | LMG 16797 | NRRL NRS-213
Bacillus azoto?xans VP Seldin et al. 1984 -> Paenibacillus azoto?xans P3L-5 | ATCC
35681, X60608, Pae.azo? 2 | DSM 5976 | LMG 14658
Bacillus azotoformans VP (ex Pichinoty et al. 1976) Pichinoty et al. 1983 ATCC 29788,
X60609, B.azotofor | CCM 2849 | CIP R925 | DSM 1046, D78309, B.azotofo2
Bacillus badius AL Batchelor 1919 ATCC 14574, D78310, B.badius3 | ATCC 14574,
X77790, B.badius2 | CCM 2113 | DSM 23 | NCIB 9364 | NCTC 10333
Bacillus barbaricus VP Tubel et al. 2003 V2-BIII-A2, AJ422145 | CCM 4982 | DSM
Bacillus bataviensis VP Heyrman et al. 2004 R-16315 | DSM 15601 | IDA1115,
AJ542508 | LMG 21833
Bacillus benzoevorans VP Pichinoty et al. 1987 B1 | ATCC 49005 | CCM 3364 | DSM
5391, D78311, B.benzoev2 | LMD 79.7 | NCIB 12555
Bacillus borstelensis VP (ex Porter) Shida et al. 1995 -> Brevibacillus borstelensis B4 |
ATCC 51668 | CIP 104545 | DSM 6347 | NBRC 15714 | JCM 9022 | NRRL NRS-818,
D78456, Bb.borstel
Bacillus brevis AL Migula 1900 -> Brevibacillus brevis 27B | ATCC 8246, M10111,
Bb.brevis1 | CCM 2050 | DSM 30 | JCM 2503, D78457, Bb.brevis3 | LMG 16703 |
NCIB 9372, X60612, Bb.brevis | NCTC 2611
Bacillus carboniphilus VP Fujita et al. 1996 Kasumi 6 | JCM 9731, AB021182
Bacillus centrosporus VP (ex Ford 1916) Nakamura 1993 -> Brevibacillus centrosporus
120 | ATCC 51661 | DSM 8445 | NRRL NRS-664, D78458, Bb.centspr
Bacillus cereus AL Frankland and Frankland 1887 ATCC 14579 | CCM 2010 | DSM 31 |
LMG 6923 | NCIB 9373 | NCTC 2599
38 6
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bacillus chitinolyticus VP Kuroshima et al. 1996 EAG-3 | DSM 11030 | NBRC 15660,
Bacillus chondroitinus VP Nakamura 1987 -> Paenibacillus chondroitinus DSM 5051,
D82064, Pae.chndro | NRRL NRS-1351
Bacillus choshinensis VP Takagi et al. 1993 -> Brevibacillus choshinensis HPD 52,
D78459, Bb.choshin | ATCC 51359 | CIP 103838 | DSM 8552 | JCM 8505
Bacillus circulans AL Jordan 1890 26 | ATCC 4513 | CCM 2048 | DSM 11 | IMET 11259
| JCM 2504 | LMG 13261 | NCDO 1775, X60613, B.circulan | NCIB 9374 | NCTC
Bacillus clarkii VP Nielsen et al. 1995 PN-102 | VP 395 | DSM 8720, X76444, B.sp7
Bacillus clausii VP Nielsen et al. 1995 C 360 | PN-23 | CIP 104718 | DSM 8716, X76440,
B.sp3 | NCIMB 10309
Bacillus coagulans AL Hammer 1915 ATCC 7050 | CCM 2013 | DSM 1 | IAM 1115,
D16267, B.coagula2 | IMET 10993 | JCM 2257, D78313, B.coagula3 | NCDO 1761,
X60614, B.coagulan | NCIB 9365 | NCTC 10334
Bacillus cohnii VP Spanka and Fritze 1993 RSH | ATCC 5122 | CCM 4369 | DSM 6307,
X76437, B.cohnii | NBRC 15565
Bacillus curdlanolyticus VP Kanzawa et al. 1995 -> Paenibacillus curdlanolyticus
DSM 10247 | NBRC 15724, D78466, Pae.curdly | YK9
Bacillus cycloheptanicus VP Deinhard et al. 1988 -> Alicyclobacillus cycloheptanicus
SCH, X52489 | ATCC 49028 | DSM 4006 | NBRC 15310
Bacillus decolorationis VP Heyrman et al. 2003 DSM 14890 | LMG 19507, AJ315075
Bacillus dipsosauri VP Lawson et al. 1996 -> Gracilibacillus dipsosauri DD1,
X82436, Grb.dipsau | DSM 11125 | NCFB 3027
Bacillus drentensis VP Heyrman et al. 2004 R-16337 | DSM 15600 | IDA1967 | LMG
21831, AJ542506
Bacillus edaphicus VP Shelobolina et al. 1998 T7, AF006076, B.edaphicu | VKPM
Bacillus ehimensis VP Kuroshima et al. 1996 EAG-5 | DSM 11029 | NBRC 15659,
Bacillus endophyticus VP Reva et al. 2002 2DT, AF295302 | CIP 106778 | UCM B-5715
Bacillus fastidiosus AL den Dooren de Jong 1929 ATCC 29604 | Delft LMD 29-14 | DSM
91, X60615, B.fastidio | LMD 29-14 | NCIB 11326
Bacillus ?rmus AL Bredemann and Werner 1933 ATCC 14575 | CCM 2213 | DSM 12 |
IAM 12464, D16268, B.?rmus2 | NBRC 15306 | JCM 2512, D78314, B.?rmus3 |
LMG 7125 | NCIB 9366, X60616, B.?rmus | NCTC 10335
Bacillus ?exus VP (ex Batchelor 1919) Priest et al. 1989 NRS 665 | ATCC 49095 | DSM
1320 | NBRC 15715, AB021185
Bacillus formosus VP (ex Porter) Shida et al. 1995 -> Brevibacillus formosus F12 | NRS
863, D78460, Bb.formosu | DSM 9885 | NBRC 15716 | JCM 9169 | NRRL NRS-863
Bacillus fumarioli VP Logan et al. 2000 Rcp Sm1 | LMG 17489, AJ250056
Bacillus funiculus VP Ajithkumar et al. 2002 NAF001, AB049195 | JCM 11201 | CIP
Bacillus fusiformis VP (ex Meyer and Gottheil 1901) Priest et al. 1989 ATCC 7055,
L14013, B.fusifor2 | DSM 2898
Bacillus galactosidilyticus VP Heyndrickx, 2004 Logan B2188 | LMG 17892, AJ535638
| DSM 15595 | MB 800
Bacillus galactophilus VP Takagi et al. 1993 = Bacillus agri (senior heterotypic syn-
onym) JCM 8507 | NRRL NRS-616
Bacillus gibsonii VP Nielsen et al. 1995 PN-109 | CIP 104720 | DSM 8722, X76446,
Bacillus globisporus subsp. globisporus AL Larkin and Stokes 1967 -> Sporosarcina
globispora W 25, X54967, B.globisp2 | ATCC 23301 | CCM 2119 | DSM 4, X68415,
B.globisp3 | NCIB 11434, X60644, B.globispr
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Bacillus globisporus subsp. marinus AL Rger and Richter 1979 -> Bacillus marinus
ATCC 29841 | DSM 1297, AJ237708
Bacillus glucanolyticus VP Alexander and Priest 1989 -> Paenibacillus glucanolyticus
B0030 | S93 | ATCC 49278 | DSM 5162, D78470, Pae.glulyt | NBRC 15330 | NCIMB
Bacillus gordonae VP Pichinoty et al. 1987 -> Paenibacillus gordonae Q1 | ATCC
29948, X60617, Pae.valid2
Bacillus halmapalus VP Nielsen et al. 1995 PN-118 | DSM 8723, X76447, B.sp10
Bacillus haloalkaliphilus VP Fritze 1996 WN13 | DSM 5271, X72876, B.spWN13
Bacillus halodenitri?cans VP Denariaz et al. 1989 ATCC 49067, AB021186 | DSM
Bacillus halodurans VP (ex Boyer 1973) Nielsen et al. 1995 PN-80 | ATCC 27557 | DSM
497, AJ302709 | NRRL B-3881
Bacillus halophilus VP Ventosa et al. 1990 N23-2 | ATCC 49085 | CCM 4074 | DSM 4771,
AJ243920, AB021188
Bacillus horikoshii VP Nielsen et al. 1995 JP 277 | PN-121 | DSM 8719, X76443, B.sp6
Bacillus horti VP Yumoto et al. 1998 K13, D87035, B.horti1 | JCM 9943
Bacillus infernus VP Boone et al. 1995 TH-23, U20385, B.infernu2 | DSM 10277 | OCM
459 | SMCC/W 479
Bacillus insolitus AL Larkin and Stokes 1967 W16B | ATCC 23299 | CCM 2175 | DSM
5, X60642, B.insolitu | NCIB 11433
Bacillus jeotgali VP Yoon et al. 2001 YKJ-10, AF221061 | JCM 10885 | KCCM 41040
Bacillus kaustophilus VP (ex Prickett 1928) Priest et al. 1989 -> Geobacillus
kaustophilus NRS 7281 | ATCC 8005 | DSM 7263 | NCIMB 8547, X60618,
B.kaustoph | NRRL-NRS 81
Bacillus kobensis VP Kanzawa et al. 1995 -> Paenibacillus kobensis YK205 | DSM
10249 | NBRC 15729, D78471, Pae.kobens
Bacillus laevolacticus VP (ex Nakayama and Yanoshi 1967) Andersch et al. 1994 M 8 |
ATCC 23492 | DSM 442 | IAM 12321, D16270, B.lvolacti | JCM 2513 | NCIB 10269
Bacillus larvae AL White 1906 -> Paenibacillus larvae Med-540 | ATCC 9545,
X60619, Pae.larvae | DSM 7030 | LMG 9820 | NRRL B-2605
Bacillus laterosporus AL Laubach 1916 -> Brevibacillus laterosporus AMC 797 |
AMNH 797 | ATCC 64 | CCM 2116 | DSM 25, X57307, Bb.lateros | IAM 12465,
D16271, Bb.latero3 | NBRC 15654 | JCM 2496, D78461, Bb.latero4 | LMG 16000 |
NCIB 9367 | NCTC 6357
Bacillus lautus VP (ex Batchelor 1919) Nakamura 1984 -> Paenibacillus lautus ATCC
43898 | DSM 3035 | LMG 11157 | NCIMB 12780, X60621, Pae.lautus | NRRL NRS-
666, D78473, Pae.lautu2
Bacillus lentimorbus AL Dutky 1940 -> Paenibacillus lentimorbus ATCC 14707,
AF071861, Pae.lenti3 | ATCC 14707, X60622, Pae.lentim
Bacillus lentus AL Gibson 1935 ATCC 10840 | CCM 2214 | DSM 9 | IAM 12466, D16272,
B.lentus2 | NBRC 15655 | JCM 2511, D78315, B.lentus3 | NCIB 8773 | NCTC 4824
Bacillus licheniformis AL (Weigmann 1898) Chester 1901 ATCC 14580 | CCM 2145 |
DSM 13, X68416, B.licheni2 | NBRC 12200 | NCDO 1772, X60623, B.lichenif |
NCIB 9375 | NCTC 10341
Bacillus luciferensis VP Logan et al. 2002 SSI061 | CIP 107105 | LMG 18422, AJ419629
Bacillus macerans AL Schardinger 1905 -> Paenibacillus macerans ATCC 8244,
X57306, Pae.macer2 | CCM 2012 | DSM 24, X57306, Pae.macer2 | IAM 1227 |
LMG 13281 | NCIB 9368 | NCTC 6355
Bacillus macquariensis AL Marshall and Ohye 1966 -> Paenibacillus macquariensis
ATCC 23464, X57305, Pae.macqri | DSM 2 | LMG 13289 | NCIB 9934 | NCTC
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bacillus mojavensis VP Roberts et al. 1994 RO-H-1 | ATCC 51516 | DSM 9205 | NBRC
15718, AB021191 | NRRL B-14698
Bacillus mucilaginosus VP Avakyan et al. 1998 emend. Shelobolina et al. 1998 1480D,
AF006077, B.mucilagi | VKPM B-7519
Bacillus mycoides AL Flgge 1886 ATCC 6462, AF155956, AB021192 | DSM 2048
Bacillus naganoensis VP Tomimura et al. 1990 D 39 | ACM 5005 | ATCC 53909,
AB021193, AB021193 | DSM 10191
Bacillus nealsonii VP Venkateswaran et al. 2003 FO-92, AF234863 | ATCC BAA-519 |
DSM 15077
Bacillus neidei VP Nakamura et al. 2002 JCM 11077 | NRRL BD-87, AF169520
Bacillus niacini VP Nagel and Andreesen 1991 DSM 2923 | NBRC 15566, AB021194
Bacillus novalis VP Heyrman et al. 2004 R-15439 | DSM 15603 | IDA3307 | LMG 21837
| AJ542512
Bacillus odysseyi VP La Duc et al. 2004 34hs-1, AF526913 | ATCC PTA-4993 | NBRC
100172 | NRRL B-30641
Bacillus oleronius VP Kuhnigk et al. 1996 Rt 10 | CIP 104972 | DSM 9356, X82492,
Bacillus okuhidensis VP Zhiyu et al. 2002 GTC 854, AB047684 | JCM 10945 | DSM
Bacillus pabuli VP (ex Schieblich 1923) Nakamura 1984 -> Paenibacillus pabuli
ATCC 43899 | DSM 3036 | LMG 11158 | NCIMB 12781, X60630, Pae.pabuli |
Bacillus pallidus VP Scholz et al. 1988 ATCC 51176 | DSM 3670, Z26930, B.pallidus |
Bacillus pantothenticus AL Proom and Knight 1950 -> Virgibacillus pantothenticus B
21 | CN 3028 | ATCC 14576 | CCM 2049 | DSM 26 | NCIB 8775 | NCTC 8162
Bacillus parabrevis VP Takagi et al. 1993 -> Brevibacillus parabrevis ATCC 10027 |
CIP 103840 | DSM 8376 | NBRC 12334, D78463, Bb.prbrevi | JCM 8506
Bacillus pasteurii AL (Miquel 1889) Chester 1898 -> Sporosarcina pasteurii 22 | ATCC
11859 | CCM 2056 | DSM 33 | NCIMB 8841, X60631, B.pasteuri | NCTC 4822
Bacillus peoriae VP Montefusco et al. 1993 -> Paenibacillus peoriae 11.B.9 | BD-57 |
DSM 8320 | NBRC 15541, D78476, Pae.peoria | LMG 14832 | NRRL B-14750
Bacillus polymyxa AL (Prazmowski 1880) Mace 1889 -> Paenibacillus polymyxa
ATCC 842 | BUCSAV 162 | CCM 1459 | DSM 36, X57308, Pae.plymyx | IAM
13419, D16276, Pae.plymy3 | NBRC 15309 | JCM 2507 | LMG 13294 | NCIB 8158 |
NCTC 10343
Bacillus popilliae AL Dutky 1940 -> Paenibacillus popilliae ATCC 14706, AF071859,
Pae.popill | ATCC 14706, X60633, Pae.popil2
Bacillus pseudalcaliphilus VP Nielsen et al. 1995 PN-137 | DSM 8725, X76449, B.sp12
Bacillus pseudo?rmus VP Nielsen et al. 1995 C 324 | PN-3 | DSM 8715, X76439, B.sp2
| NCIMB 10283
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Bacillus pulvifaciens VP (ex Katznelson 1950) Nakamura 1984 -> Paenibacillus pulv-
ifaciens ATCC 49843 | DSM 3615 | LMG 6911 | NCIMB 11201 | NRRL B-3685
Bacillus pumilus AL Meyer and Gottheil 1901 ATCC 7061 | CCM 2144 | DSM 27,
AY456263 | NBRC 12092 | JCM 2508 | NCIB 9369 | NCTC 10337
Bacillus pycnus VP Nakamura et al. 2002 JCM 11075 | NRRL NRS-1691, AF169531
Bacillus reuszeri VP Shida et al. 1995 -> Brevibacillus reuszeri Army strain 39 | ATCC
51665 | CIP 104543 | DSM 9887 | NBRC 15719 | JCM 9170 | NRRL NRS-1206,
D78464, Bb.reuszer
Bacillus salexigens VP Garabito et al. 1997 -> Salibacillus salexigens C-20Mo,
Y11603, Sa.salexig | ATCC 700290 | CCM 4646 | DSM 11483
Bacillus schlegelii VP Schenk and Aragno 1981 MA 48 | ATCC 43741 | DSM 2000,
Z26934, B.schlegel
Bacillus selenitireducens VP Switzer Blum et al. 2001 387 MLS10, AF064704 | ATCC
Bacillus shackletonii VP Logan et al. 2004 CIP 107762 | LMG 18435, AJ250318
Bacillus silvestris VP Rheims et al. 1999 HR3-23, AJ006086, B.silvestr | DSM 12223
Bacillus simplex VP (ex Meyer and Gottheil 1901) Priest et al. 1989 NRS 960 | ATCC
49097 | DSM 1321, D78478, B.simplex3 | DSM 1321, X60638, B.simplex
Bacillus siralis VP Pettersson et al. 2000 171544, AF071856 | CIP 106295 | DSM 13140,
| NCIMB 13601
Bacillus smithii VP Nakamura et al. 1988 DSM 4216, X60643, B.smithii | DSM 4216,
Z26935, B.smithii2 | NBRC 15311 | JCM 9076, D78316, B.smithii3 | NRRL NRS-
Bacillus soli VP Heyrman et al. 2004 R-16300 | LMG 21838, AJ542513 | DSM 15604 |
Bacillus sonorensis VP Palmisano et al. 2001 L8710 | DSM 13779 | NRRL B-23154,
Bacillus sphaericus AL Meyer and Neide 1904 ATCC 14577, L14010, B.sphaeri7 | CCM
2120 | DSM 28 | IAM 13420, D16280, B.sphaeri8 | JCM 2502 | LMG 7134 | NCIB
9370 | NCTC 10338
Bacillus sporothermodurans VP Petterson et al. 1996 GmbH | M215, U49078,
B.sporther | M215, U49079, B.sporthe2 | M215, U49080, B.sporthe3 | UHT-milk |
DSMZ 10599
Bacillus stearothermophilus AL Donk 1920 -> Geobacillus stearothermophilus NCA
26 | ATCC 12980 | CCM 2062 | CCUG 26241 | DSM 22, AJ294817 | IAM 11062 |
NBRC 12550 | NCIB 8923 | NCTC 10339
Bacillus subterraneus VP Kanso et al. 2002 COOI3B, AY007244 | ATCC BAA-136 |
DSM 13966
Bacillus thermantarcticus VP Nicolaus et al. 2002 M1 | DSM 9572 388
Bacillus thermoaerophilus VP Meier-Stauffer et al. 1996 -> Aneurinibacillus ther-
moaerophilus L420-91, X94196, B.thaeroph | DSM 10154, X94196, B.thaeroph
Bacillus thermoamylovorans VP Combet-Blanc et al. 1995 DKP | CNCM I-1378,
Bacillus thermocatenulatus VP Golovacheva 1991 -> Geobacillus thermocatenulatus
178 | DSM 730, Z26926, B.thcatenu | NBRC 15316 | VKM B-1259
Bacillus thermocloacae VP Demharter and Hensel 1989 S6025, Z26939 | ATCC 49805 |
DSM 5250
38 7
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
38 8
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
DSM 22, AJ294817 | IAM 11062 | NBRC 12550 | NCDO 1768, X60640 | NCIB 8923
NCTC 10339
Geobacillus caldoxylosilyticus VP (Ahmad et al. 2000) Fortina et al. 2001 <- Saccha-
rococcus caldoxylosilyticus (basonym) S1812, AF067651 | ATCC 700356 | DSM
97-987 | DSM 12041
Geobacillus kaustophilus VP (Priest et al. 1989) Nazina et al. 2001 390 <- Bacillus
kaustophilus (basonym) NRS 7281 | ATCC 8005 | DSM 7263 | NCIMB 8547,
X60618, B.kaustoph | NRRL-NRS 81
Geobacillus subterraneus VP Nazina et al. 2001 34, AF276306 | AS12673 | DSM 13552
| VKM B-2226
Geobacillus thermodenitri?cans VP (Manachini et al. 2000) Nazina et al. 2001 391 <-
Bacillus thermodenitri?cans (basonym) DSM 465, Z26928
Geobacillus thermoglucosidasius VP (Suzuki 1984) Nazina et al. 2001 392 <- Bacillus
thermoglucosidasius (basonym) KP 1006 | ATCC 43742, X60641, B.thglucos |
DSM 2542 | NCIB 11955
Geobacillus thermoleovorans VP (Zarilla and Perry 1988) Nazina et al. 2001 393 <- Bacil-
lus thermoleovorans (basonym) LEH-1 | ATCC 43513, M77488, B.thleovo2 | DSM
5366, Z26923, B.thleovor
Geobacillus toebii VP Sung et al. 2002 BK-1, AF326278 | DSM 14590 | KCTC 0306BP
Geobacillus uzenensis VP Nazina et al. 2001 U, AF276304 | AS 12674 | DSM 13551 |
VKM B-2229
Genus VII. Gracilibacillus VP
Gracilibacillus halotolerans VP (T) Wain et al. 1999 NN, AF036922, Grb.haltol | DSM
Gracilibacillus dipsosauri VP (Lawson et al. 1996) Wain et al. 1999 <- Bacillus dip-
sosauri (basonym) DD1, X82436, Grb.dipsau | DSM 11125 | NCFB 3027
Genus VIII. Halobacillus VP
Halobacillus halophilus VP (T) (Claus et al. 1984) Spring et al. 1996 <- Sporosarcina
halophila (basonym) 3 | ATCC 35676 | DSM 2266
Halobacillus karajensis VP Amoozegar et al. 2003 MA-2, AJ486874 | DSM 14948 |
LMG 21515
Halobacillus litoralis VP Spring et al. 1996 SL-4, X94558, Hbl.litora | DSM 10405
Halobacillus salinus VP Yoon et al. 2003 HSL-3, AF500003 | JCM 11546 | KCCM 41590
Halobacillus trueperi VP Spring et al. 1996 SL-5 | DSM 10404, AJ310149
Genus IX. Jeotgalibacillus VP
Jeotgalibacillus alimentarius VP (T) Yoon et al. 2001 YKJ-13, AF281158 | JCM 10872 |
KCCM 80002
Genus X. Lentibacillus VP
Lentibacillus salicampi VP (T) Yoon et al. 2002 SF-20, AY057394 | JCM 11462 | KCCM
Genus XI. Marinibacillus VP
Marinibacillus marinus VP (T) (Rger and Richter 1979) Yoon et al. 2001 394 <- Bacillus
marinus (basonym) ATCC 29841 | DSM 1297, AJ237708
39 0
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
39 1
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
39 2
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
39 3
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
39 4
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Salibacillus marismortui VP (Arahal et al. 1999) Arahal et al. 2000 <- Bacillus maris-
mortui (basonym) -> Virgibacillus marismortui 123, AJ009793 | DSM 12325
Genus XVI. Ureibacillus VP
Ureibacillus thermosphaericus VP (T) (Andersson et al. 1996) Fortina et al. 2001 <-
Bacillus thermosphaericus (basonym) P-11, X90640, B.thsphaer | DSM 10633 |
HAMBI 1900
Ureibacillus terrenus VP Fortina et al. 2001 TH9A, AJ276403 | DSM 12654 | LMG
Genus XVII. Virgibacillus VP
Virgibacillus pantothenticus VP (T) (Proom and Knight 1950) Heyndrickx et al. 1999
<- Bacillus pantothenticus (basonym) B 21 | CN 3028 | ATCC 14576 | CCM 2049
| DSM 26 | LMG 7129 | NCDO 1765, X60627, Vr.pantoth | NCIMB 8775 | NCTC
Virgibacillus carmonensis VP Heyrman et al. 2003 DSM 14868 | LMG 20964, AJ316302
Virgibacillus marismortui VP (Arahal et al. 1999) Heyrman et al. 2003 <- Salibacillus
marismortui (basonym) 123, AJ009793 | ATCC 700626 | CECT 5066 | CIP 105609
| DSM 12325
Virgibacillus necropolis VP Heyrman et al. 2003 DSM 14866 | LMG 19488, AJ315056
Virgibacillus picturae VP Heyrman et al. 2003 DSM 14867 | LMG 19492, AJ315060
Virgibacillus proomii VP Heyndrickx et al. 1999 LMG 12370, AJ012667
Virgibacillus salexigens VP (Garabito et al. 1997) Heyrman et al. 2003 <- Salibacillus
salexigens (basonym) C-20Mo, Y11603 | ATCC 700290 | CCM 4646 | DSM 11483
Family II. "Alicyclobacillaceae" 395
Genus I. Alicyclobacillus VP
Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius subsp. acidocaldarius VP (T) (Darland and Brock 1971)
Wisotzkey et al. 1992 <- Bacillus acidocaldarius (basonym) 104-1A | ATCC
27009, AB042056 | DSM 446, X60742, AJ496806, Alb.acical | NBRC 15652 | IMET
11356 | JCM 5260
Alicyclobacillus acidocaldarius subsp. rittmannii VP Nicolaus et al. 2002 396 MR1 | DSM
11297, AB089859
Alicyclobacillus acidiphilus VP Matsubara et al. 2002 TA-67, AB076660 | DSM 14558
| IAM 14935 | NRIC 6496
39 5
Within the A RB tre e, t he A licyclo bacillacea e represen t a deep bran ch wit hin the order Bac illa les .
39 6
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Listeria murrayi AL Welshimer and Meredith 1971 = Listeria grayi (senior heterotypic
synonym) ATCC 25401 | CIP 76124 | DSM 20596 | NCTC 10812, X56154,
Listeria seeligeri VP Rocourt and Grimont 1983 1120 | ATCC 35967 | CIP 100100 | DSM
20751 | NCTC 11856, X56148, Lis.seelig | SLCC 3954
Listeria welshimeri VP Rocourt and Grimont 1983 V8 | ATCC 35897, X98532,
Lis.welsh2 | CIP 8149 | DSM 20650 | SLCC 5334
Genus II. Brochothrix AL
Brochothrix thermosphacta AL (T) (McLean and Sulzbacher 1953) Sneath and Jones 1976
SW 26 | ATCC 11509, M58798, Bro.thermo | DSM 20171 | IMET 11238 | NCDO
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Paenibacillus curdlanolyticus VP (Kanzawa et al. 1995) Shida et al. 1997 <- Bacillus
curdlanolyticus (basonym) YK9 | ATCC 51898 | CIP 104575 | DSM 10247 | HSCC
491 | NBRC 15724, D78466, Pae.curdly
Paenibacillus daejeonensis VP Lee et al. 2002 AP-20, AF290916 | JCM 11237 | KCTC
Paenibacillus dendritiformis VP Tcherpakov et al. 1999 BGSC 30A1 | T168
Paenibacillus durus VP (Smith and Cato 1974) Collins et al. 1994 <- Clostridium du-
rum (basonym) = Paenibacillus azoto?xans (junior heterotypic synonym) ATCC
27763, X77846 | DSM 1735
Paenibacillus favisporus VP Velzquez et al. 2004 GMP01, AY208751 | CECT 5760 |
LMG 20987
Paenibacillus glucanolyticus VP (Alexander and Priest 1989) Shida et al. 1997 <- Bacil-
lus glucanolyticus (basonym) B0030 | S93 | ATCC 49278 | DSMZ 5162, D78470,
Pae.glulyt | NBRC 15330 | NCIMB 12809
Paenibacillus glycanilyticus VP Dasman et al. 2002 DS-1, AB042938 | NBRC 16618 |
JCM 11221 | NRRL B-23455
39 9
The fam ily Pae nib acillaceae presents som e prob lem s. Lu dwig s tate s t hat Brev iba cillus and P aenibac illu s group toge ther, as do A m-
mo nip hilus, A neurinib acillus, an d O xalo phag us. Further rea rran geme nts are lik ely to tak e pla ce as work on Volum e III progres se s.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Paenibacillus jamilae VP Aguilera et al. 2001 B.3 | CECT 5266, AJ271157 401 | DSM
Paenibacillus kobensis VP (Kanzawa et al. 1995) Shida et al. 1997 <- Bacillus koben-
sis (basonym) YK205 | ATCC 51900 | CIP 104576 | DSM 10249 | NBRC 15729,
D78471, Pae.kobens
Paenibacillus koleovorans VP Takeda et al. 2002 TB, AB041720 | IAM 14926 | JCM
11186 | KCTC 13912
Paenibacillus koreensis VP Chung et al. 2000 YC300, AF130254 | KCTC 2393 | KCCM
Paenibacillus kribbensis VP Yoon et al. 2003 AM49, AF391123 | JCM 11465 | KCTC
Paenibacillus larvae subsp. larvae VP (White 1906) Ash et al. 1994 emend. Heyndrickx
et al. 1996 <- Bacillus larvae (basonym) Med-540 | ATCC 9545, X60619, Pae.lar-
vae | DSM 7030 | LMG 9820 | NRRL B-2605
Paenibacillus larvae subsp. pulvifaciens VP (Nakamura 1984) Heyndrickx et al. 1996
<- Paenibacillus pulvifaciens (basonym) ATCC 13537, AY030080 | DSM 3615 |
LMG 15974 | LMG 6911 | NCIMB 11201 | NRRL B-3685
Paenibacillus lautus VP (Nakamura 1984) Heyndrickx et al. 1996 <- Bacillus lautus (ba-
sonym) ATCC 43898 | DSM 3035 | LMG 11157 | NCIMB 12780, X60621, Pae.lau-
tus | NRRL NRS 666, D78473, Pae.lautu2
Paenibacillus lentimorbus VP (Dutky 1940) Pettersson et al. 1999 <- Bacillus lentimor-
bus (basonym) ATCC 14707, AF071861, Pae.lenti3
Paenibacillus macerans VP (Schardinger 1905) Ash et al. 1994 <- Bacillus macerans
(basonym) ATCC 8244, X57306, Pae.macer2 | CCM 2012 | DSM 24, X57306,
Pae.macer2 | IAM 1227 | JCM 2500, D78319, Pae.macern | LMG 13281 | NCDO
1764, X60624, Pae.macer3 | NCIB 9368 | NCTC 6355
Paenibacillus macquariensis VP (Marshall and Ohye 1966) Ash et al. 1994 <- Bacil-
lus macquariensis (basonym) ATCC 23464, X57305, Pae.macqri | DSM 2 | LMG
13289 | NCIB 9934 | NCTC 10419, X60625, Pae.macqr2
Paenibacillus naphthalenovorans VP Daane et al. 2002 PR-N1, AF353681 | ATCC
BAA-206 | DSM 14203
Paenibacillus nematophilus VP Enright et al. 2003 NEM1a, AF480935 | DSM 13559 |
NCIMB 13845
Paenibacillus odorifer VP Berge et al. 2002 TOD45, AJ223990 | ATCC BAA-93 | LMG
Paenibacillus pabuli VP (Nakamura 1984) Ash et al. 1994 <- Bacillus pabuli (basonym)
ATCC 43899 | DSM 3036 | LMG 11158 | NCIMB 12781, X60630, Pae.pabuli | NRRL
NRS 924
Paenibacillus peoriae VP (Montefusco et al. 1993) Heyndrickx et al. 1996 <- Bacillus
peoriae (basonym) 11.B.9 | BD-57 | DSM 8320 | NBRC 15541, D78476, Pae.peoria
| LMG 14832 | NRRL B-14750
Paenibacillus popilliae VP (Dutky 1940) Pettersson et al. 1999 <- Bacillus popilliae
(basonym) ATCC 14706, AF071859, Pae.popill
40 0
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
40 1
Ge nBa nk accession num ber rep orted in correctly in IJSE M.
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Paenibacillus pulvifaciens VP (Nakamura 1984) Ash et al. 1994 <- Bacillus pulv-
ifaciens (basonym) -> Paenibacillus larvae subsp. pulvifaciens ATCC 49843,
Paenibacillus terrae VP Yoon et al. 2003 AM141, AF391124 | JCM 11466 | KCCM
Paenibacillus thiaminolyticus VP (Nakamura 1990) Shida et al. 1997 <- Bacillus thi-
aminolyticus (basonym) AHU 1393 | DSM 7262 | HSCC 148 | NBRC 15656 | JCM
8360, D78475, Pae.thiamn | NRRL B-4156
Paenibacillus turicensis VP Bosshard et al. 2002 MOL722, AF378694 | DSM 14349 |
NCCB 100011
Paenibacillus validus VP (Nakamura 1984) Ash et al. 1994 emend. Heyndrickx et al.
1995 <- Bacillus validus (basonym) = Paenibacillus gordonae (junior heterotypic
synonym) ATCC 43897 | DSM 3037, D78320, Pae.validu | LMG 11161 | NRRL
NRS 1000
Genus II. Ammoniphilus VP 402
Ammoniphilus oxalaticus VP (T) Zaitsev et al. 1998 RAOx-1 | DSM 11538 | HAMBI 2283,
Ammoniphilus oxalivorans VP Zaitsev et al. 1998 RAOx-FS, Y14580, Amm.oxaliv |
DSM 11537 | HAMBI 2284
Genus III. Aneurinibacillus VP
Aneurinibacillus aneurinilyticus VP (T) (Shida et al. 1994) Shida et al. 1996 emend.
Heyndrickx et al. 1997 <- Bacillus aneurinolyticus (basonym) NRS 1589 | ATCC
12856, D78455, Ab.anurly3 | CIP 104007 | DSM 5562, X94194, Ab.anurly2 | IAM
1077 | NBRC 15521 | JCM 9024 | NCIMB 10056, X60645, Ab.anurlyt
Aneurinibacillus danicus VP Goto et al. 2004 IAM 15048 | NCIMB 13288, AB112725
Aneurinibacillus migulanus VP (Takagi et al. 1993) Shida et al. 1996 emend. Heyndrickx
et al. 1997 <- Bacillus migulanus (basonym) ATCC 9999, D78462, Ab.migulan
| CIP 10381 | DSM 2895, X94195, Ab.migula2 | NBRC 15520 | JCM 8504 | NCIB
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
X57307, Bb.lateros | IAM 12465, D16271, Bb.latero3 | NBRC 15654 | JCM 2496,
D78461, Bb.latero4 | LMG 16000 | NCDO 1763, X60620, Bb.latero2 | NCIB 9367 |
NCTC 6357
Brevibacillus limnophilus VP Goto et al. 2004 DSM 6472, AB112717 | NRRL NRS-887
Brevibacillus parabrevis VP (Takagi et al. 1993) Shida et al. 1996 <- Bacillus parabre-
vis (basonym) ATCC 10027 | CIP 103840 | DSM 8376 | NBRC 12334, D78463,
Bb.prbrevi | JCM 8506
Brevibacillus reuszeri VP (Shida et al. 1995) Shida et al. 1996 <- Bacillus reuszeri
(basonym) Army strain 39 | ATCC 51665 | CIP | CIP 104543 | DSM 9887 | NBRC
15719 | JCM 9170 | NRRL NRS 1206, D78464, Bb.reuszer
Brevibacillus thermoruber VP (Manachini et al. 1985) Shida et al. 1996 <- Bacillus
thermoruber (basonym) BT2 | MIM 30.8.38 | DSMZ 7064, Z26921, Bb.thruber
Genus V. Oxalophagus VP
Oxalophagus oxalicus VP (T) (Dehning and Schink 1990) Collins et al. 1994 <- Clostrid-
ium oxalicum (basonym) Alt Ox1 | DSM 5503, X77840, Oxl.oxalic | DSM 5503,
Y14581, Oxl.oxali2
Genus VI. Thermicanus VP
Thermicanus aegyptius VP (T) Gner et al. 2000 ET-5b | DSM 12793, AJ242495
Genus VII. Thermobacillus VP
Thermobacillus xylanilyticus VP (T) Touzel et al. 2000 XE, AJ005795 | CNCM I-1017
Family VI. Planococcaceae AL
Genus I. Planococcus AL (T)
Planococcus citreus AL (T) Migula 1894 628 | ATCC 14404 | CCM 316 | DSM 20549 |
NCMB 1493, X62172, Plc.citreu
Planococcus alkanoclasticus VP Engelhardt et al. 2001 403 MAE2, AF029364 | NCIMB
Planococcus antarcticus VP Reddy et al. 2002 CMS 26or, AJ314745 | DSM 14505 |
MTCC 3854
Planococcus halophilus AL Novitsky and Kushner 1976 -> Marinococcus halophilus
ATCC 27964 | CCM 2706 | DSM 20408, X90835 | JCM 2479 | NRCC 14033
Planococcus kocurii VP Hao and Komagata 1986 AJ 3345 | HK 701 | CCM 1849 | DSM
20747 | IAM 12847 | JCM 2569 | NCMB 629, X62173, Plc.kocuri
Planococcus maitriensis VP Alam et al. 2004 S1, AJ544622 | DSM 15305 | MTCC 4827
Planococcus maritimus VP Yoon et al. 2003 TF-9, AF500007 | JCM 11543 | KCCM
Planococcus mcmeekinii VP Junge et al. 1998 -> Planomicrobium mcmeekinii S23F2,
AF041791, Plc.mcmeek | ATCC 700539
Planococcus okeanokoites VP (ZoBell and Upham 1944) Nakagawa et al. 1996 <-
Flavobacterium okeanokoites (basonym) -> Planomicrobium okeanokoites CCM
320 | NBRC 12536, D55729, Plc.okeano | NCIMB 561
Planococcus psychrophilus VP Reddy et al. 2002 CMS 53or, AJ314746 | DSM 14507 |
MTCC 3812
Planococcus ri?etoensis VP Romano et al. 2003 ATCC BAA-790 | DSM 15069 | M8,
Genus II. Filibacter VP
Filibacter limicola VP (T) Maiden and Jones 1985 1SS101 | NCIB 11923
Genus III. Kurthia AL
Kurthia zop?i AL (T) (Kurth 1883) Trevisan 1885 F 64/100 | ATCC 33403, M58800,
Kur.zop? i | DSM 20580 | NCIB 9878, X70321, Kur.zop?2 | NCTC 10597
Kurthia gibsonii VP Shaw and Keddie 1983 S8 | ATCC 43195 | DSM 20636 | NCIB 9758,
X70320, Kur.gibson
Kurthia sibirica VP Belikova et al. 1988 13-22 | CCM 3477 | DSM 4747 | VKM B-1549
Genus IV. Planomicrobium VP
40 3
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Planomicrobium koreense VP (T) Yoon et al. 2001 JG07, AF144750 | JCM 10704 | KCTC
Planomicrobium mcmeekinii VP (Junge et al. 1998) Yoon et al. 2001 404 <- Planococcus
mcmeekinii (basonym) S23F2, AF041791, Plc.mcmeek | ATCC 700539
Planomicrobium okeanokoites VP (ZoBell and Upham 1944) Yoon et al. 2001 405
<- Planococcus okeanokoites (basonym) CCM 320 | NBRC 12536, D55729,
Plc.okeano | NCIMB 561
Genus V. Sporosarcina AL
Sporosarcina ureae AL (T) (Beijerinck 1901) Kluyver and van Niel 1936 ATCC 6473 |
CCM 684 | DSM 2281 | NCIB 9251, X62175, Spo.ureae
Sporosarcina aquimarina VP Yoon et al. 2001 SW28, AF202056 | JCM 10887 | KCCM
Sporosarcina globispora VP (Larkin and Stokes 1967) Yoon et al. 2001 406 <- Bacillus
globisporus subsp. globisporus (basonym) W 25, X54967, B.globisp2 | ATCC
23301 | CCM 2119 | DSM 4, X68415, B.globisp3 | NCIB 11434, X60644, B.globispr
Sporosarcina halophila VP Claus et al. 1984 -> Halobacillus halophilus 3 | ATCC
35676 | DSM 2266
Sporosarcina pasteurii VP (Miquel 1889) Yoon et al. 2001 407 <- Bacillus pasteurii (ba-
sonym) 22 | ATCC 11859 | CCM 2056 | DSM 33 | NCIMB 8841, X60631, B.pasteuri
| NCTC 4822
Sporosarcina psychrophila VP (Nakamura 1984) Yoon et al. 2001 408 <- Bacillus
psychrophilus (basonym) W16A, X54968, B.psycphi2 | ATCC 23304, X60634,
B.psycphil | CCM 2117 | DSM 3 | IAM 12468, D16277 | NRRL NRS 1530
Family VII. "Sporolactobacillaceae"
Genus I. Sporolactobacillus AL
Sporolactobacillus inulinus AL (T) (Kitahara and Suzuki 1963) Kitahara and Lai 1967 EU
| ATCC 15538, M58838, Spl.inulin | CIP 103279 | DSM 20348 | IAM 12543 | NBRC
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Staphylococcus aureus subsp. aureus AL (T) Rosenbach 1884 533 R4 | ATCC 12600,
D83357, Stp.aure10 | ATCC 12600, L36472, Stp.aureu4 | ATCC 12600, L37597,
Stp.aureu5 | ATCC 12600, X68417, Stp.aureus | CCM 885 | DSM 20231 | NCDO
949, X70648, Stp.aureu2 | NCTC 8532
Staphylococcus aureus subsp. anaerobius VP De La Fuente et al. 1985 MVF-7 | ATCC
35844, D83355, Stp.aureu8 | DSM 20714
Staphylococcus arlettae VP Schleifer et al. 1985 BP47 | ATCC 43957, AB009933,
Stp.arlet2 | DSM 20672
Staphylococcus auricularis VP Kloos and Schleifer 1983 WK 811M | ATCC 33753,
D83358, Stp.auric4 | ATCC 33753, L37598, Stp.auric3 | DSM 20609
Staphylococcus capitis subsp. capitis AL Kloos and Schleifer 1975 LK 499 | ATCC
27840, L37599, Stp.capit2 | CCM 2734 | DSM 20326
Staphylococcus capitis subsp. urealyticus VP Bannerman and Kloos 1991 MAW 8436 |
ATCC 49326, AB009937, Stp.capit3 | DSM 6717
Staphylococcus caprae VP Devriese et al. 1983 143.22 | ATCC 35538, AB009935,
Stp.capra2 | CCM 3573 | DSM 20608, Y12593, Stp.capra3
Staphylococcus carnosus subsp. carnosus VP Schleifer and Fischer 1982 361 | ATCC
51365, AB009934, Stp.carno2 | DSM 20501
Staphylococcus carnosus subsp. utilis VP Probst et al. 1998 LTH 3728 | SK 11 | DSM
11676 | JCM 6067
Staphylococcus caseolyticus VP Schleifer et al. 1982 -> Macrococcus caseolyticus
ATCC 13548, D83359, Mac.caseo2 | ATCC 13548, Y15711, Mac.caseol | DSM
Staphylococcus chromogenes VP (Devriese et al. 1978) Hajek et al. 1987 <- Staphy-
lococcus hyicus subsp. chromogenes (basonym) 1462 | ATCC 43764, D83360,
Stp.chromo | CCM 3387 | DSM 20454 | NCTC 10530
Staphylococcus cohnii subsp. cohnii AL Schleifer and Kloos 1975 GH 137 | ATCC
29974, D83361, Stp.cohni2 | CCM 2736 | DSM 20260
Staphylococcus cohnii subsp. urealyticus VP Kloos and Wolfshohl 1991 CK27 | ATCC
49330, AB009936, Stp.cohni3 | DSM 6718
Staphylococcus condimenti VP Probst et al. 1998 F-2 | LTH 3734 | DSM 11674, Y15750,
Stp.cndmnt, Y15750, Stp.cndmnt | JCM 6074
Staphylococcus delphini VP Varaldo et al. 1988 Heidy | ATCC 49171, AB009938,
Stp.delphn | DSM 20771
Staphylococcus epidermidis AL (Winslow and Winslow 1908) Evans 1916 Fussel | ATCC
14990, D83363, Stp.epide9 | ATCC 14990, L37605, Stp.epide5 | CCM 2124 | DSM
Staphylococcus equorum VP Schleifer et al. 1985 PA231 | ATCC 43958, AB009939,
Stp.equor2 | ATCC 43958, AF041363, Stp.equor3 | DSM 20674, AF041363,
Staphylococcus felis VP Igimi et al. 1989 GD521 | SG521 | ATCC 49168, D83364, Stp.fe-
lis1 | DSM 7377 | JCM 7469
Staphylococcus ?eurettii VP Vernozy-Rozand et al. 2000 241 | CIP 106114 | DSM 13212
Staphylococcus gallinarum VP Devriese et al. 1983 VIII1 | ATCC 35539, D83366,
Stp.gallin | CCM 3572 | DSM 20610
Staphylococcus haemolyticus AL Schleifer and Kloos 1975 SM 131 | ATCC 29970,
L37600, Stp.haemo3 | ATCC 29970, D83367, Stp.haemo4 | CCM 2737, X66100,
Stp.haemo2 | DSM 20263
Staphylococcus hominis subsp. hominis AL Kloos and Schleifer 1975 emend. Kloos et
al. 1998 DM 122 | ATCC 27844, L37601, Stp.homin3 | DSM 20328, X66101,
Staphylococcus hominis subsp. novobiosepticus VP Kloos et al. 1998 R22 | ATCC
Staphylococcus hyicus subsp. hyicus AL (Sompolinsky 1953) Devriese et al. 1978 1 |
ATCC 11249, D83368, Stp.hyicus | CCM 2368 | DSM 20459 | NCTC 10350
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Staphylococcus nepalensis NP Spergser et al. 2003 CCM 7045 | CW1, AJ517414 | DSM
Staphylococcus pasteuri VP Chesneau et al. 1993 BM9357 | ATCC 51129, AB009944,
Stp.pasteu | ATCC 51129, AF041361, Stp.paste2 | CCM 4389 | DSM 10656
Staphylococcus piscifermentans VP Tanasupawat et al. 1992 SK03, Y15754, Stp.pisci2 |
ATCC 51136, AB009943, Stp.piscif | DSM 7373 | JCM 6057 | NCIMB 13277 | NRIC
1817 | TISTR 824
Staphylococcus pulvereri VP Zakrzewska-Czerwinska et al. 1995 = Staphylococcus vi-
tulinus (senior heterotypic synonym) NT215, U12764, Stp.pulver | ATCC 51698,
AB009942, Stp.pulve2 | DSM 9930 | PCM 2443
Staphylococcus saccharolyticus VP (Foubert and Douglas 1948) Kilpper-Blz and
Schleifer 1984 <- Peptococcus saccharolyticus (basonym) S1 | ATCC 14953,
L37602, Stp.sacly2 | DSM 20359
Staphylococcus saprophyticus subsp. saprophyticus AL (Fairbrother 1940) Shaw et al.
1951 S-41 | ATCC 15305, D83371, Stp.sapro4 | ATCC 15305, L37596, Stp.sapro3
| CCM 883 | DSM 20229 | NCIB 8711 | NCTC 7292
Staphylococcus succinus subsp. casei VP Place et al. 2003 SB72, AJ320272 | CIP
107658 | DSM 15096
Staphylococcus vitulinus VP Webster et al. 1994 = Staphylococcus pulvereri (junior het-
erotypic synonym) DD 756 | ATCC 51145, AB009946, Stp.vitulu
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
M77491, Ta.vulgari
Thermoactinomyces candidus AL Kurup et al. 1975 T-106 | ATCC 27868 | DSM 43352 |
KCTC 9557, AF138732
Thermoactinomyces dichotomicus AL (Krassilnikov and Agre 1964) Cross and Goodfel-
low 1973 N1595 | ATCC 49854 | CUB 581 | INMI 114 | NCIMB 10211, L16902,
Thermoactinomyces intermedius VP Kurup et al. 1981 T-323 | ATCC 33205, AJ251775
| DSM 43846
Thermoactinomyces thalpophilus VP Lacey and Cross 1989 ATCC 49855 | CBS 319.66
| CUB 808 | DSM 43354 | KCTC 9789, AF138738 | NBRC 15852 | JCM 3217
40 9
L udwig indica tes tha t within the ARB tree, the Thermoa ctino my cet ace ae rep re se nts dee p line age w ith in t he B ac illales .
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
41 0
Th is fam ily was cre ated to a ccomm oda te Tu ricibacter san guinis wh ic h wa s re ported by Bo ss hard et a l. as being equidista nt from P aeni-
ba cillus a nd G eme lla.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Lactobacillus bulgaricus AL (Orla-Jensen 1919) Rogosa and Hansen 1971 -> Lacto-
bacillus delbrueckii bulgaricus ATCC 11842, AY050171 | DSM 20081 | IMET
Lactobacillus carnis VP Shaw and Harding 1986 = Lactobacillus piscicola (senior het-
erotypic synonym) LV61 | ATCC 43225 | NCDO 2764 | DSM 20722, M58812
Lactobacillus casei subsp. casei AL (Orla-Jensen 1916) Hansen and Lessel 1971 ATCC
393, D16551, L.casei_ca | ATCC 393, M23928, L.casei | DSM 20011 | NCDO 161,
D16551, L.casei_ca | NCDO 161, X61135, L.casei1
Lactobacillus casei subsp. alactosus AL Mills and Lessel 1973 = Lactobacillus paraca-
sei subsp. paracasei (senior heterotypic synonym) ATCC 27216, D16548, L.prca-
sei2 | DSM 20020
Lactobacillus casei subsp. pseudoplantarum AL Abo-Elnaga and Kandler 1965 =
Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei (senior heterotypic synonym) ATCC
25598, D16549, L.prcasei3 | DSM 20008 | NCIB 9713
Lactobacillus casei subsp. rhamnosus AL Hansen 1968 -> Lactobacillus rhamnosus
ATCC 7469, D16552, L.rhamnos2 | CCM 1825 | DSM 20021, M58815, L.rhamnosu
| IMET 10691 | NCDO 243, D16552, L.rhamnos2 | NCIB 6375
Lactobacillus casei subsp. tolerans AL Abo-Elnaga and Kandler 1965 -> Lactobacillus
paracasei subsp. tolerans 27211 | ATCC 25599, D16550, L.prcas_to | DSM 20258
| NCIB 9709
Lactobacillus catenaformis AL (Eggerth 1935) Moore and Holdeman 1970 1871 | ATCC
25536, M23729, L.catenafo | DSM 20559 | VPI 2933
Lactobacillus cellobiosus AL Rogosa et al. 1953 19 LC 3 | ATCC 11739 | CECT 562,
AJ575812 | DSM 20055 | NCDO 928
Lactobacillus coleohominis VP Nikolaitchouk et al. 2001 CIP 106820 | CCUG 44007 |
DSM 14060
Lactobacillus collinoides AL Carr and Davies 1972 Cl3a | ATCC 27612 | DSM 20515
| JCM 1123, AB005893, L.collinoi | JCM 1123, D31683, L.collino2 | LMG 9149 |
NCIB 10925
Lactobacillus confusus AL (Holzapfel and Kandler 1969) Sharpe et al. 1972 -> Weis-
sella confusa 548-D | ATCC 10881 | DSM 20196, M23036, Wei.confus | NCDO
1586, X52567, Wei.confu2 | NCIB 9311
Lactobacillus coryniformis subsp. coryniformis AL Abo-Elnaga and Kandler 1965 34 |
ATCC 25602 | DSM 20001, M58813, L.corynifo | NCIB 9711
Lactobacillus coryniformis subsp. torquens AL Abo-Elnaga and Kandler 1965 30 | ATCC
25600 | CECT 4129, AJ575741 | DSM 20004 | NCIB 9712
Lactobacillus crispatus AL (Brygoo and Aladame 1953) Moore and Holdeman 1970
ATCC 33820 | DSM 20584, Y17362, L.crispat2 | VPI 3199
Lactobacillus curvatus subsp. curvatus AL (Troili-Petersson 1903) Abo-Elnaga and Kan-
dler 1965 emend. Klein et al. 1996 1 | ATCC 25601 | DSM 20019 | NCIB 9710
Lactobacillus curvatus subsp. melibiosus VP Torriani et al. 1996 R 60 | CCUG 34545,
Lactobacillus cypricasei VP Lawson et al. 2001 LMK3, AJ251560 | CCUG 42961 | CIP
Lactobacillus diolivorans VP Krooneman et al. 2002 JKD6, AF264701 | DSM 14421 |
LMG 19667
Lactobacillus divergens VP Holzapfel and Gerber 1984 -> Carnobacterium divergens
66 | ATCC 35677 | DSM 20623, M58816, Crn.diverg | NCDO 2763
Lactobacillus durianis VP Leisner et al. 2002 CCUG 45405 | LMG 19193, AJ315640
Lactobacillus equi VP Morotomi et al. 2002 YIT 0455, AB048833 | ATCC BAA-261 |
JCM 10991
Lactobacillus farciminis VP Reuter 1983 Rv4 | ATCC 29644, M58817, L.farcimin | DSM
20184 | IMET 11462 | NCIB 11717
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Lactobacillus ferintoshensis VP Simpson et al. 2002 411 R7-84, AF275311 | CIP 106749
Lactobacillus fornicalis VP Dicks et al. 2000 TV 1018, Y18654 | ATCC 70934 | DSM
Lactobacillus fructivorans AL Charlton et al. 1934 ATCC 8288 | DSM 20203, M58818,
L.fructivo | DSM 20203, X76330, L.fructiv2 | IMET 11463 | NCIB 8039
Lactobacillus fructosus AL Kodama 1956 -> Leuconostoc fructosum 353 | ATCC 13162
| DSM 20349 | NBRC 3516 | NCDO 2345, X61140, L.fructosu | NCINMB 10784
Lactobacillus frumenti VP Mller et al. 2000 TMW 1.666, AJ250074 | DSM 13145 |
LMG 19473
Lactobacillus fuchuensis VP Sakala et al. 2002 B5M10, AB063479 | JCM 11249 | DSM
Lactobacillus gallinarum VP Fujisawa et al. 1992 ATCC 33199, AJ242968 | DSM 10532
| NCFB 2235 | VPI 1294
Lactobacillus gasseri VP Lauer and Kandler 1980 63 AM | ATCC 33323 | DSM 20243,
M58820, L.gasseri | NCDO 2233, X61137, L.gasseri1 | NCIB 11718
Lactobacillus graminis VP Beck et al. 1989 G90 (1) | ATCC 51150 | CIP 105164 | DSM
20719 | NCIB 12808
Lactobacillus halotolerans VP Kandler et al. 1983 -> Weissella halotolerans G1 | R61
| ATCC 35410 | DSM 20190, M23037, Wei.haltol
Lactobacillus hamsteri VP Mitsuoka and Fujisawa 1988 Ha5F1 | ATCC 43851 | DSM
5661, AJ306298 | JCM 6256
Lactobacillus helveticus AL (Orla-Jensen 1919) Bergey et al. 1925 Lh12 | ATCC 15009
| DSM 20075 | IMET 10709 | NCDO 2712, X61141, L.helvetic
Lactobacillus jensenii AL Gasser et al. 1970 62G | ATCC 25258, AF243176 | DSM 20557
Lactobacillus johnsonii VP Fujisawa et al. 1992 ATCC 33200, AJ002515, L.johnsoni |
DSM 10533 | NCFB 2241 | VPI 7960
Lactobacillus kandleri VP Holzapfel and van Wyk 1983 -> Weissella kandleri L250 |
ATCC 51149 | DSM 20593, M23038, Wei.kandlr | NCFB 2753
Lactobacillus ke?ranofaciens VP Fujisawa et al. 1988 WT-2B | ATCC 43761 | DSM
5016 | JCM 6985 | LMG 19149, AJ575259
Lactobacillus ke?ranofaciens subsp. ke?ranofaciens VP (Fujisawa et al. 1988) Van-
canneyt et al. 2004 <- Lactobacillus ke?ranofaciens (basonym) LMG 19149,
AJ575259 | R-14703, AJ575260
Lactobacillus ke?ranofaciens subsp. ke?rgranum VP (Takizawa et al. 1994) Vancanneyt
et al. 2004 <- Lactobacillus ke?rgranum (basonym) LMG 15132, AJ575261 |
R-12929, AJ575262
Lactobacillus ke?rgranum VP Takizawa et al. 1994 -> GCL 1701 | DSM 10550 | JCM
Not e th at a subculture of the typ e strain is only de posite d in one pub lic co llect ion or may o therwise be in v io lation of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
41 2
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Lactobacillus ke?ri VP Kandler and Kunath 1983 A/K | ATCC 35411 | DSM 20587
Lactobacillus kimchii VP Yoon et al. 2000 MT-1077, AF183558 | JCM 10707 | KCTC
Lactobacillus kitasatonis VP Mukai et al. 2003 JCM 1039, AB107638 | KCTC 3155
Lactobacillus kunkeei VP Edwards et al. 1998 YH-15, Y11374 | ATCC 700308 | DSM
Lactobacillus lactis AL (Orla-Jensen 1919) Bergey et al. 1934 -> Lactobacillus del-
brueckii subsp. lactis ATCC 12315 | DSM 20072, M58823, L.delbruc4
Lactobacillus leichmannii AL (Henneberg 1903) Bergey et al. 1923 ATCC 4797
Lactobacillus lindneri VP Back et al. 1997 KPA | DSM 20690, X95421, L.lindneri
Lactobacillus malefermentans VP Farrow et al. 1989 D2 MF1 | ATCC 49373 | DSM 5705
| NCDO 1410
Lactobacillus mali AL Carr and Davies 1970 = Lactobacillus yamanashiensis mali (ju-
nior homotypic synonym) = Lactobacillus yamanashiensis yamanashiensis (junior
heterotypic synonym) -> Lactobacillus yamanashiensis mali J12 | ATCC 27053 |
DSM 20444, M58824, L.mali | NCIB 10560
Lactobacillus maltaromicus AL Miller et al. 1974 MX 5 | ATCC 27865 | DSM 20342,
M58825, L.maltarom | JCM 1154, X54420, L.maltaro2 | LMG 6903
Lactobacillus manihotivorans VP Morlon-Guyot et al. 1998 OND 32, AF000162,
L.manihotv | LMG 18010
Lactobacillus mindensis VP Ehrmann et al. 2003 TMW 1.80, AJ313530 | DSM 14500 |
LMG 21508
Lactobacillus minor VP Kandler et al. 1983 -> Weissella minor 3 | ATCC 35412 | DSM
20014, M23039, Wei.minor
Lactobacillus minutus AL (Hauduroy et al. 1937) Moore and Holdeman 1972 -> Atopo-
bium minutum ATCC 33267 | DSM 20586 | VPI 9428
Lactobacillus mucosae VP Roos et al. 2000 S32, AF126738
Lactobacillus murinus VP Hemme et al. 1982 313 | ATCC 35020 | CNRZ 220 | DSM
20452, M58826, L.murinus
Lactobacillus nagelii VP Edwards et al. 2000 LuE10 | ATCC 700692, Y17500
Lactobacillus oris VP Farrow and Collins 1988 5A1 | ATCC 49062 | DSM 4864, X94229,
L.oris2 | NCDO 2160, X61131, L.oris | NCIB 8831
Lactobacillus panis VP Wiese et al. 1996 ST1 | DSM 6035, X94230, L.panis1
Lactobacillus pantheris VP Liu and Dong 2002 A24-2-1 | AS 1.2826 | LMG 21017,
Lactobacillus parabuchneri VP Farrow et al. 1989 ATCC 49374 | DSM 5707 | LMG
11457 , AY026751 | NCDO 2748 | NCIB 8838
Lactobacillus paracasei subsp. paracasei VP Collins et al. 1989 = Lactobacillus ca-
sei subsp. alactosus (junior heterotypic synonym) = Lactobacillus casei subsp.
pseudoplantarum (junior heterotypic synonym) RO94 | ATCC 25302 | DSM 5622
| NBRC 15889 | JCM 8130, D79212, L.prcasei | NCDO 151
Lactobacillus pentosus VP Zanoni et al. 1987 124-2 | ATCC 8041 | DSM 20314 | JCM
1558, D79211 | NCDO 363 | NCIB 8026
Lactobacillus perolens VP Back et al. 2000 L 532, Y19167 | LMG 18936 | DSM 12744
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Lactobacillus piscicola VP Hiu et al. 1984 -> Carnobacterium piscicola B270 = Lac-
tobacillus carnis (junior heterotypic synonym) | ATCC 35586 | DSM 20730 | NCDO
Lactobacillus plantarum AL (Orla-Jensen 1919) Bergey et al. 1923 Lp 39 | ATCC 14917
| DSM 20174 | JCM 1149, D79210, L.plantar3 | LMG 6907 | NCDO 1752, X52653,
Lactobacillus pontis VP Vogel et al. 1994 LTH 2587, X76329, L.pontis | DSM 8475 |
LMG 14187
Lactobacillus psittaci VP Lawson et al. 2001 CCUG 42378, AJ272391 | CIP 106492
Lactobacillus reuteri VP Kandler et al. 1982 F 275 | ATCC 23272 | DSM 20016, L23507,
L.reuteri | DSM 20016, X76328, L.reuteri3
Lactobacillus rhamnosus VP (Hansen 1968) Collins et al. 1989 <- Lactobacillus casei
subsp. rhamnosus (basonym) ATCC 7469 | CCM 1825 | DSM 20021, M58815,
L.rhamnosu | NCDO 243 | NCIB 6375
Lactobacillus rimae VP Olsen et al. 1991 -> Atopobium rimae ATCC 49626,
AF292371 | DSM 7090 | VPI D140H-11A
Lactobacillus rogosae AL Holdeman and Moore 1974 VPI C37-38
Lactobacillus ruminis AL Sharpe et al. 1973 RFl | ATCC 27780 | DSM 20403, M58828,
Lactobacillus sakei subsp. sakei AL Katagiri et al. 1934 emend. Klein et al. 1996 =
Lactobacillus bavaricus (junior heterotypic synonym) ATCC 15521 | DSM 20017,
M58829, L.sakeisak
Lactobacillus sakei subsp. carnosus VP Torriani et al. 1996 R 14b/a | CCUG 31331,
Lactobacillus salivarius subsp. salivarius AL Rogosa et al. 1953 ATCC 11741,
AF089108, L.salivar2 | DSM 20555 | H066 | NCDO 929
Lactobacillus salivarius subsp. salicinius AL Rogosa et al. 1953 ATCC 11742 | DSM
20554, M59054, L.salivari | HO268 | NCDO 1555
Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis VP Weiss and Schillinger 1984 L-12 | ATCC 27651,
X76327, L.sanfran2 | DSM 20451 | NRRL B-3934
Lactobacillus sharpeae VP Weiss et al. 1982 71 | ATCC 49974 | DSM 20505, M58831,
L.sharpeae | JCM 1186 | NCDO 2590 | NCIB 11720
Lactobacillus suebicus VP Kleynmans et al. 1989 I | ATCC 49375 | CCUG 32233,
AJ306403 | DSM 5007
Lactobacillus thermotolerans VP Niamsup et al. 2003 G35, AF317702 | DSM 14792 |
JCM 11425
Lactobacillus trichodes AL Fornachon et al. 1949 ATCC 27394
Lactobacillus uli VP Olsen et al. 1991 -> Olsenella uli ATCC 49627, AY005814,
AF292373 | DSM 7084 | VPI D76D-27C
Lactobacillus vaccinostercus VP Kozaki and Okada 1983 TUA 055B | X-94 | ATCC
33310 | DSM 20634
Lactobacillus vaginalis VP Embley et al. 1989 ATCC 49540 | DSM 5837 | Lac 19 | NCTC
12197, X61136, L.vaginali
Lactobacillus versmoldensis VP Krckel et al. 2003 KU-3, AJ496791 | ATCC BAA-478
| DSM 14857 | NCCB 100034
Lactobacillus viridescens AL Niven and Evans 1957 -> Weissella viridescens S38A |
ATCC 12706 | CCM 56 | DSM 20410, M23040, Wei.viride | NCDO 1655, X52568,
Wei.virid1 | NCIB 8965
Lactobacillus vitulinus AL Sharpe et al. 1973 RL 2 | ATCC 27783, M23727, L.vitulinu |
DSM 20405, M23727, L.vitulinu | JCM 8228
Lactobacillus xylosus AL Kitahara 1938 = Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis (senior het-
erotypic synonym) ATCC 15577
Lactobacillus yamanashiensis subsp. yamanashiensis VP Nonomura 1983 = Lacto-
bacillus mali (senior heterotypic synonym) 239 | ATCC 27304
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Facklamia sourekii VP Collins et al. 1999 STR 2/84 | CCUG 28783A, Y17312,
Facklamia tabacinasalis VP Collins et al. 1999 CCUG 30090, Y17820
Genus VI. Globicatella VP
Globicatella sanguinis VP (T) Collins et al. 1995 1152-78 | ATCC 51173 | DSM 7447 |
NCFB 2835
Globicatella sul?difaciens VP Vandamme et al. 2001 GEM 604 | CCUG 44365 | LMG
18844, AJ297627
Genus VII. Ignavigranum VP
Ignavigranum ruof?ae VP (T) Collins et al. 1999 CCUG 37658, Y16426, Ig.ruof?a
Family III. "Carnobacteriaceae"
Genus I. Carnobacterium VP
Carnobacterium divergens VP (T) (Holzapfel and Gerber 1983) Collins et al. 1987 <- Lac-
tobacillus divergens (basonym) 66 | ATCC 35677 | DSM 20623, M58816, Crn.di-
verg | NCDO 2763, X54270, Crn.diver1
Carnobacterium alterfunditum VP Franzmann et al. 1993 pf4 | ACAM 313 | ATCC 49837
| DSM 5972
Carnobacterium mobile VP Collins et al. 1987 MT37L | ATCC 40516 | DSM 4848 | NCFB
2765, X54271,
Carnobacterium piscicola VP (Hiu et al. 1984) Collins et al. 1987 <- Lactobacillus pis-
cicola (basonym) -> Carnobacterium piscicola B270 | ATCC 35586 | DSM 20730
| NCDO 2762, X54268, Crn.pisci1
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Granulicatella balaenopterae VP (Lawson et al. 1999) Collins and Lawson 2000 <-
Abiotrophia balaenopterae (basonym) M1975/96/1 | CCUG 37380, Y16547
Granulicatella elegans VP (Roggenkamp et al. 1999) Collins and Lawson 2000 <-
Abiotrophia elegans (basonym) B1333, AF016390 | DSM 11693
Genus IX. Isobaculum VP
Isobaculum melis VP (T) Collins et al. 2002 M577-94 | CCUG 37660, AJ302648 | DSM
Genus X. Lactosphaera VP 414
Lactosphaera pasteurii VP (T) (Schink 1985) Janssen et al. 1995 <- Ruminococcus pas-
teurii (basonym) -> Trichococcus pasteurii KoTa2, X87150, Lcs.paster | ATCC
35945 | DSM 2381, L76599, Lcs.paste2
Genus XI. Marinilactibacillus VP
Marinilactibacillus psychrotolerans VP (T) Ishikawa et al. 2003 M13-2, AB083406 |
IAM 14980 | NBRC 100002 | NCIMB 13873 | NRIC 0510
Genus XII. Trichococcus VP
Trichococcus ?occuliformis VP (T) Scheff et al. 1984 Echt, Y17301 | ATCC 51221 | DSM
Trichococcus palustris VP (Zhilina et al. 1997) Jian-Rong et al. 2002 <- Ruminococcus
palustris (basonym) Z-7189 | DSM 9172, AJ296179
Trichococcus pasteurii VP (T) (Schink 1985) Jian-Rong et al. 2002 <- Lactosphaera pas-
teurii (basonym) KoTa2, X87150, Lcs.paster | ATCC 35945 | DSM 2381, L76599,
Family IV. "Enterococcaceae"
Genus I. Enterococcus VP
Enterococcus faecalis VP (T) (Andrewes and Horder 1906) Schleifer and Kilpper-Blz
1984 <- Streptococcus faecalis (basonym) ATCC 19433 | DSM 20478 | JCM 5803,
AB012212, Eco.faeca1 | NCDO 581 | NCIB 775 | NCTC 775
Enterococcus asini VP de Vaux et al. 1998 AS2, Y11621, Eco.asini1 | DSM 11492
Enterococcus avium VP Collins et al. 1984 Guthof E6844 | ATCC 14025 | CIP 103019,
AF133535 | DSM 20679 | IMET 3257 | LMG 10744, AJ301825 | NCDO 2369 | NCTC
Enterococcus canis VP De Graef et al. 2003 CCUG 46666 | LMG 12316, X76177
Enterococcus casseli?avus VP Collins et al. 1984 <- Streptococcus casseli?avus (ba-
sonym) MUTK 20, Y18161 | ATCC 25788 | CCM 2478 | DSM 20680 | NCDO 2372
| NCIB 11449
Enterococcus cecorum VP (Devriese et al. 1983) Williams et al. 1989 <- Streptococcus
cecorum (basonym) A60, Y18355, AF061009 | ATCC 43198 | DSM 20682 | NCDO
Enterococcus columbae VP Devriese et al. 1993 STR 345, X56422, Eco.columb | ATCC
51263 | DSM 7374 | NCIMB 13013, X56422, Eco.columb
Enterococcus dispar VP Collins et al. 1991 E18-1, Y18358, AF061007 | ATCC 51266 |
DSM 6630 | NCFB 2821 | NCIMB 13000
Enterococcus durans VP Collins et al. 1984 = Streptococcus durans (junior homotypic
synonym) 98D | ATCC 19432 | CCM 5612 | CECT 411, AJ420801 | DSM 20633,
AJ276354 | NCDO 596 | NCTC 8307
Enterococcus faecium VP (Orla-Jensen 1919) Schleifer and Kilpper-Blz 1984 <- Strep-
tococcus faecium (basonym) ATCC 19434 | DSM 20477, AJ276355 | JCM 5804,
AB012213, Eco.faeci3 | NCDO 942 | NCTC 7171
Enterococcus ?avescens VP Pompei et al. 1992 CA 2 | ATCC 49996 | CCM 4239, | CCUG
30567 | DSM 7370 | LMG 13518, AJ301832
Enterococcus gallinarum VP (Bridge and Sneath 1982) Collins et al. 1984 <- Strepto-
coccus gallinarum (basonym) F87/276 | PB21 | ATCC 35038 | CCUG 18658 | CECT
970, AJ420805 | DSM 20628 | LMG 13129, AJ301833 | NCDO 2313 | NCTC 11428
41 4
R ule 37a (1 ) sta tes tha t the nam e of a ta xo n m ust be cha nged if the nom enc la tural typ e of the tax on is ex clude d.
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Enterococcus gilvus VP Turrell et al. 2002 PQ1, AY033814 | ATCC BAA-350 | CCUG
Enterococcus haemoperoxidus VP Svec et al. 2001 440 | CCM 4851, AF286832 | LMG
Enterococcus hirae VP Farrow and Collins 1985 R | ATCC 8043 | CCM 2423 | CCM 2424 |
DSM 20160, AJ276356, Y17302 | IMET 11742 | NCDO 1258 | NCFB 1258, Y18354
| NCIB 6459
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Vagococcus salmoninarum VP Wallbanks et al. 1990 OS1-68 | ATCC 51200 | DSM 6633
| NCFB 2777, X54272, Vag.salmon
Family V. "Leuconostocaceae"
Genus I. Leuconostoc AL
Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides AL (T) (Tsenkovskii 1878) van Tieghem
1878 37 Y | ATCC 8293 | CCM 1803 | DSM 20343, M23035, Lc.mesente | NCDO
523, X95978, Lc.mesent2 | NCIB 8023
Leuconostoc inhae VP Kim et al. 2003 IH003, AF439560 | DSM 15101 | KCTC 3774
Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris VP (Knudsen and Srensen 1929) Garvie
1983 <- Leuconostoc cremoris (basonym) ATCC 19254 | CCM 2078 | DSM 20346
| IMET 10694 | NCDO 543
Genus III. Weissella VP
41 7
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Weissella viridescens VP (T) (Niven and Evans 1957) Collins et al. 1994 <- Lactobacil-
lus viridescens (basonym) S38A | ATCC 12706 | CCM 56 | DSM 20410, M23040,
Wei.viride | NCDO 1655, X52568, Wei.virid1 | NCIB 8965
Weissella cibaria VP Bjrkroth et al. 2002 = Weissella kimchii (junior heterotypic syn-
onym) II-I-59 | CCUG 41967 | LMG 17699, AJ295989
Weissella confusa VP (Holzapfel and Kandler 1969) Collins et al. 1994 <- Lactobacillus
confusus (basonym) 548-D | ATCC 10881 | DSM 20196, M23036, Wei.confus |
NCDO 1586, X52567, Wei.confu2 | NCIB 9311
Weissella halotolerans VP (Kandler et al. 1983) Collins et al. 1994 <- Lactobacillus
halotolerans (basonym) G1 | R61 | ATCC 35410 | DSM 20190, M23037, Wei.haltol
Weissella hellenica VP Collins et al. 1994 LV346 | ATCC 51523 | DSM 7378 | NCFB
2973, X95981, Wei.helle2
Weissella kandleri VP (Holzapfel and van Wyk 1983) Collins et al. 1994 <- Lactobacil-
lus kandleri (basonym) L250 | ATCC 51149 | DSM 20593, M23038, Wei.kandlr |
NCFB 2753
Weissella kimchii VP (Choi et al. 2002) emend. Ennahar and Cai 2004 = Weissella
cibaria (senior heterotypic synonym) CHJ3, AF312874 | DSM 14295 | KCTC 3746
| KCCM 41287
Weissella koreensis VP Lee et al. 2002 S-5623 | KCTC3621 | KCCM 41516 | JCM 11263,
Weissella minor VP (Kandler et al. 1983) Collins et al. 1994 <- Lactobacillus minor
(basonym) 3 | ATCC 35412 | DSM 20014, M23039, Wei.minor
Weissella paramesenteroides VP (Garvie 1967) Collins et al. 1994 <- Leuconostoc
paramesenteroides (basonym) R 80 | ATCC 33313 | DSM 20288, M23033,
Wei.pmesen | IMET 10704 | NCDO 803, X95982, Wei.pmese2
Weissella soli VP Magnusson et al. 2002 Mi268, AY028260 | DSM 14420 | LMG 20113
Weissella thailandensis VP Tanasupawat et al. 2000 FS61-1, AB023838 | PCU 210 |
NRIC 0298 | HSCC 1412 | JCM10695 | TISTR 1384
Family VI. Streptococcaceae AL
Genus I. Streptococcus AL (T)
Streptococcus pyogenes AL (T) Rosenbach 1884 SF 130 | T1 | ATCC 12344, AB002521,
Stc.pyoge3 | DSM 20565 | IMET 3002 | NCTC 8198
Streptococcus acidominimus AL Ayers and Mudge 1922 ATCC 51725 | CCUG 27296 |
DSM 20622 | NCDO 2025 | NCDO 2025, X58301, Stc.acidom
Streptococcus adjacens VP Bouvet et al. 1989 -> Abiotrophia adiacens GaD | ATCC
49175, D50540, Abt.adiacn | CIP 103243 | DSM 9848
Streptococcus agalactiae AL Lehmann and Neumann 1896 G 19 | ATCC 13813,
AB002479, Stc.agala4 | DSM 2134 | NCDO 1348, X59032, Stc.agalac | NCTC
8181, AB002479, Stc.agala4
Streptococcus alactolyticus VP Farrow et al. 1985 = Streptococcus intestinalis (junior
heterotypic synonym) GP2 | ATCC 43077 | DSM 20728 | NCDO 1091, X58319,
Streptococcus anginosus AL Andrewes and Horder 1906 emend. Whiley and Beighton
1991 Havill III | ATCC 12395 | ATCC 33397 | DSM 20563 | NCTC 10713, X58309,
Streptococcus australis VP Willcox et al. 2001 AI-1 | ATCC 700641, AY485604,
AF184974 | NCTC 13166
Streptococcus bovis AL Orla-Jensen 1919 = Streptococcus equinus (senior heterotypic
synonym) Pearl 11 | ATCC 33317, AB002482, Stc.bovis3 | ATCC 33317, M58835,
Stc.bovis | DSM 20480 | NCDO 597, AB002482, Stc.bovis3 | NCDO 597, X58317,
Stc.bovis1 | NCTC 8177
Streptococcus canis VP Devriese et al. 1986 STR-T1 | ATCC 43496, AB002483,
nis2 | DSM 20715, AB002483, Stc.canis2 | DSM 20715, X59061, Stc.canis
Streptococcus caprinus VP Brooker et al. 1996 = Streptococcus gallolyticus (senior
heterotypic synonym) TPC 2.3 | ACM 3969, Y10868, Stc.gallyt
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
NCIB 8662
Streptococcus criceti AL Coykendall 1977 HS6 | ATCC 19642 | DSM 20562 | NCDO
2720, X58305, Stc.cricet
Streptococcus cristatus VP Handley et al. 1991 CR311 | DSM 8249 | NCTC 12479,
AB008313, Stc.crstat
Streptococcus defectivus VP Bouvet et al. 1989 -> Abiotrophia defectiva SC10 | ATCC
49176, D50541, Abt.defect | CIP 103242 | DSM 9849
Streptococcus didelphis VP Rurangirwa et al. 2000 W94-11374-1 | ATCC 700828,
Streptococcus dif?cilis VP Eldar et al. 1995 ND 2-22 | ATCC 51487 | CIP 103768 | LMG
Streptococcus downei VP Whiley et al. 1988 MFe28 | ATCC 33748 | DSM 5635 | NCTC
11391, X58306, Stc.downei
Streptococcus durans VP Knight et al. 1984 = Enterococcus durans (senior homotypic
synonym) ATCC 19432
Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. dysgalactiae VP Garvie et al. 1983 emend. Vieira et
al. 1998 134 | ATCC 43078, AB002485, Stc.dysga3 | DSM 20662 | NCDO 2023 |
NCDO 2023, X59030, Stc.dysgal
Streptococcus dysgalactiae subsp. equisimilis VP Vandamme et al. 1996 emend. Vieira
et al. 1998 LMG 16026 | NCFB 1356, AB008926, Stc.dysga4
Streptococcus entericus VP Vela et al. 2002 CCUG 44616 | CECT 5353, AJ409287
Streptococcus equi subsp. equi AL Sand and Jensen 1888 C 15 | ATCC 33398,
AB002515, Stc.equi3 | DSM 20561 | NCDO 2493, X58314, Stc.equi | NCTC 9682,
AB002515, Stc.equi3
Streptococcus equi subsp. zooepidemicus VP Farrow and Collins 1985 S 34 | ATCC
43079, AB002516, Stc.equi4 | DSM 20727 | NCDO 1358 | NCTC 7023
Streptococcus equinus AL Andrewes and Horder 1906 Hl2B = Streptococcus bovis
(junior heterotypic synonym) | ATCC 9812 | DSM 20558 | NCDO 1037, X58318,
Streptococcus faecalis AL Andrewes and Horder 1906 -> Enterococcus faecalis ATCC
19433 | DSM 20478 | NCDO 581 | NCIB 775 | NCTC 775
Streptococcus faecium AL Orla-Jensen 1919 -> Enterococcus faecium ATCC 19434 |
DSM 20477, AJ276355 | NCDO 942 | NCTC 7171
Streptococcus ferus VP Coykendall 1983 8S1, AJ420197 | ATCC 33477 | DSM 20646 |
LMG 16520, AY058218
Streptococcus gallinaceus VP Collins et al. 2002 CCUG 42692, , AJ307888 | CIP
Streptococcus gallinarum VP Bridge and Sneath 1982 -> Enterococcus gallinarum
F87/276 | PB21 | ATCC 35038 | DSM 20628 | NCDO 2313 | NCTC 11428
Streptococcus gallolyticus VP Osawa et al. 1996 = Streptococcus caprinus (junior het-
erotypic synonym) ACM 3611, X94337
Streptococcus gallolyticus subsp. gallolyticus VP Schlegel et al. 2003 <- Streptococcus
gallolyticus (basonym) = Streptococcus caprinus (junior heterotypic synonym)
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
ACM 3611, X94337 | CCUG 35224 | CIP 105428 | HDP 98035 | JCM 10005 | LMG
Streptococcus gallolyticus subsp. macedonicus VP (Tsakalidou et al. 1998) Schlegel et
al. 2003 <- Streptococcus caprinus (basonym) ACA-DC 206 | ATCC BAA-249 |
CCUG 39970 | CIP 105683 | HDP 98362 | JCM 11119 | LAB 617 | , Z94012
Streptococcus gallolyticus subsp. pasteurianus VP (Poyart et al. 2002) Schlegel et al.
2003 <- Streptococcus pasteurianus (basonym) 418 <- Streptococcus pasteurianus
(basonym) CIP 107122 | NEM 1202, not available from type
Streptococcus garvieae VP Collins et al. 1984 -> Lactococcus garvieae 159 | ATCC
43921 | DSM 20684 | JCM 10343 | NCDO 2155
Streptococcus gordonii VP Kilian et al. 1989 ATCC 10558, AF003931, Stc.gordo3 |
DSM 6777 | NCTC 7865, D38483, Stc.gordon | SK3
Streptococcus hansenii AL Holdeman and Moore 1974 -> Ruminococcus hansenii
ATCC 27752, D14155, Ruc.hanse2 | ATCC 27752, M59114, Ruc.hansen | DSM
20583 | VPI C7-24
Streptococcus hyointestinalis VP Devriese et al. 1988 S93 | ATCC 49169, AB002518,
Stc.hyoin2 | DSM 20770, AB002518, Stc.hyoin2 | DSM 20770, X58313, Stc.hyoint
Streptococcus hyovaginalis VP Devriese et al. 1997 SHV515, Y07601, Stc.hyovag |
DSM 12219 | LMG 14710
Streptococcus infantarius subsp. infantarius VP ( Schlegel et al. 2000) Schlegel et al.
2003 419 HDP 90056, AF429762 | ATCC BAA-102 | CCUG 43820 | CIP 103233 |
NCDO 599, AF177729
Streptococcus infantarius subsp. coli Schlegel et al. 2003 420 -> Streptococcus lute-
tiensis HDP 90246, AF429763 | CCUG 47831 | NCDO 964 | NEM 1867
Streptococcus infantis VP Kawamura et al. 1998 GTC 849, AB008315, Stc.infant |
O-122 | JCM 10157
Streptococcus iniae AL Pier and Madin 1976 = Streptococcus shiloi (junior heterotypic
synonym) PW | ATCC 29178, AF335572 | DSM 20576
Streptococcus intermedius AL Prvot 1925 emend. Whiley and Beighton 1991 ATCC
27335, AF104671 | CIP 103248 | DSM 20573 | NCDO 2227 | VPI 3372A
Streptococcus intestinalis VP Robinson et al. 1988 = Streptococcus alactolyticus (senior
heterotypic synonym) 76-84-1 | ATCC 43492, AB002519, Stc.alact2 | DSM 5199
Streptococcus lactis subsp. lactis AL (Lister 1873) Lohnis 1909 -> Lactococcus lactis
subsp. lactis ATCC 19435, M58837, Lcc.lactis | DSM 20481 | IMET 10699 | NCDO
Streptococcus lactis subsp. cremoris VP (Orla-Jensen 1919) Garvie and Farrow 1982 <-
Streptococcus cremoris (basonym) -> Lactococcus lactis subsp. cremoris ATCC
19257, M58836, Lcc.laccre | IMET 10707 | NCDO 607
Streptococcus lactis subsp. diacetilactis VP (Matuszewski et al. 1936) Garvie and Far-
row 1982 = Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis (senior heterotypic synonym) NCDO
Streptococcus lutetiensis VP Poyart et al. 2002 421 HDP 90246, AF429763 | NCDO 964 |
NEM 1867
Streptococcus macacae VP Beighton et al. 1984 25-1 | ATCC 35911 | DSM 20724 | NCTC
11558, X58302, Stc.macaca
Streptococcus macedonicus VP Tsakalidou et al. 1998 = Streptococcus waius (junior
heterotypic synonym) ACA-DC 206, Z94012, Stc.macedn | LAB 617, Z94012,
41 8
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
41 9
There are a nu mbe r of defe cts in the prop osa l of Strep toc occ us infa ntariu s, includ ing a failure of the au thors to de signat e a ty pe s train .
This is co mplicate d by the nam e ap pearing in th e no ti?ca tio n lis ts, and co mpet ing propos als that call int o que stion is su es of p riority.
42 0
Strept oco ccus infan tarius sub sp . co liis illegitim ate as a typ e s train was not des ign ated .
42 1
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Streptococcus minor VP Vancanneyt et al. 2004 ON59 | LMG 21734, AY232832 | CCUG
Streptococcus mitis AL Andrewes and Horder 1906 MAFF 911479 | NS 51, AB002520,
Stc.mitis2 | ATCC 49456, AF003929, Stc.mitis3 | NCTC 12261, AB002520, Stc.mi-
tis2 | NCTC 12261, D38482, Stc.mitis
Streptococcus morbillorum AL (Prevot 1933) Holdeman and Moore 1974 -> Gemella
morbillorum 2917 B | ATCC 27824, L14327, Gem.morbil | DSM 20572 | VPI 5424
Streptococcus mutans AL Clarke 1924 ATCC 25175 | DSM 20523 | NBRC 13955 | NCDO
2062 | NCTC 10449, X58303, Stc.mutans
Streptococcus oligofermentans VP Tong et al. 2003 AS 1.3089 | LMG 21535, AY099095
Streptococcus oralis VP Bridge and Sneath 1982 LVG 1 | PB182 | ATCC 35037,
AF003932, Stc.orali3 | DSM 20627 | NCTC 11427, S70359, Stc.orali2 | NCTC
11427, X58308, Stc.oralis
Streptococcus orisratti VP Zhu et al. 2000 A63, AF124350 | ATCC 700640
Streptococcus ovis VP Collins et al. 2001 S369/98/1, Y17358 | CCUG 39485 | LMG
Streptococcus parasanguinis VP Whiley et al. 1990 55898 | SS 898 | ATCC 15912,
AF003933 | DSM 6778
Streptococcus parauberis VP Williams and Collins 1990 BC45 RH | DSM 6631 | NCDO
Streptococcus parvulus VP (Weinberg et al. 1937) Cato 1983 <- Peptostreptococcus
parvulus (basonym) -> Atopobium parvulum IPP 1246 | ATCC 33793 | DSM 20469
| VPI 0546
Streptococcus pasteurianus VP Poyart et al. 2002 422 -> Streptococcus gallolyticus pas-
teurianus NEM782 | CIP 107122
Streptococcus peroris VP Kawamura et al. 1998 GTC 848, AB008314, Stc.perori | O-66
| JCM 10158
Streptococcus phocae VP Skaar et al. 1994 8399 H1, AF235052 | NCTC 12719
Streptococcus plantarum VP Collins et al. 1984 -> Lactococcus plantarum 5L | ATCC
43199 | DSM 20686 | NCDO 1869, X54259, Lcc.planta
Streptococcus pluranimalium VP Devriese et al. 1999 T70, | ATCC 700864 | CCUG
43803 | CIP 106120 | LMG 14177
Streptococcus pleomorphus AL Barnes et al. 1979 EBF 61/608 | ATCC 29734, M23730,
Stc.pleomo | DSM 20574 | NCTC 11087
Streptococcus pneumoniae AL (Klein 1884) Chester 1901 SV 1 | ATCC 33400,
AF003930, Stc.pneum4 | DSM 20566 | NCTC 7465, X58312, Stc.pneumo
Streptococcus porcinus VP Collins et al. 1985 ATCC 43138, AB002523, Stc.porci2
| DSM 20725 | NCDO 600, X58315, Stc.porcin | NCTC 10999, AB002523,
Streptococcus raf?nolactis AL Orla-Jensen and Hansen 1932 -> Lactococcus raf?no-
lactis 23.C.5 | ATCC 43920 | DSM 20443 | NCDO 617, X54261, Lcc.raf?n
Streptococcus ratti AL Coykendall 1977 FA1 | ATCC 19645, AJ420201 | DSM 20564 |
IMET 3280
Streptococcus saccharolyticus VP Farrow et al. 1985 -> Enterococcus saccharolyticus
HF 62 | ATCC 43076 | DSM 20726 | NCDO 2594, X55767, Eco.saclyt
Streptococcus salivarius subsp. salivarius AL Andrewes and Horder 1906 ATCC 7073
| DSM 20560 | NCTC 8618
Streptococcus sanguinis AL White and Niven 1946 ATCC 10556, AF003928 | DSM
42 2
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Lactococcus piscium VP Williams et al. 1990 HRIA 68, X53905, Lcc.piscum | CIP
104371 | DSM 6634 | NCFB 2778
Lactococcus plantarum VP (Collins et al. 1984) Schleifer et al. 1986 <- Streptococ-
cus plantarum (basonym) 5L | ATCC 43199 | DSM 20686 | NCDO 1869, X54259,
Lactococcus raf?nolactis VP (Orla-Jensen and Hansen 1932) Schleifer et al. 1988 <-
Streptococcus raf?nolactis (basonym) 23.C.5 | ATCC 43920 | DSM 20443 | NCDO
617, X54261, Lcc.raf?n
Family VII. Incertae sedis 423
Genus I. Acetoanaerobium VP
Acetoanaerobium noterae VP (T) Sleat et al. 1985 NOT-3 | ATCC 35199
Genus II. Oscillospira AL
Oscillospira guilliermondii AL (T) Chatton and Perard 1913
Genus III. Syntrophococcus VP
Syntrophococcus sucromutans VP (T) Krumholz and Bryant 1986 S195, AF202264 | DSM
3224, Y18191
Phylum BXIV. Actinobacteria NP
42 3
Lud wig ma kes no ment ion of any o f th e g enera in ce rta e s edis . Seq uenc es a re no t av aila ble from the RDP s o pos ition c anno t be c on?rmed .
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
42 4
The Actinoba cte ria are a un iqu e lin e o f d escen t. The lineag es of Coriobac teridae, Rub ro bac teridae, an d A cidom ic obidae are dee p branc h-
ing an d well sepa ra ted in th e PCA plots, with the former ap pearing e mbed ded in th e out ly ing re gio ns of the Clo stridia . Lud wig notes s upp ort
for the sep aration of th e Kineospo riaceae (sic Kineococcace ae) as we hav e no ted with our own unpu blish ed s eque nc e data . The lac k o f
a st able b ra nch ing pa ttern with in the m ajo r taxa of t he Actin obac teria is borne ou t b y the in cred ibly tight clus terin g in the PCA p lots . While
the 16S da ta m igh t sugge st t hat t he ta xa of A ct ino bacteria are o verc la ss i?ed, there is am ple su pport f or the cu rren t sc he me b as ed o n oth er
fea tures.
Lu dwig ha s also calle d into que stion the se paration of b i?dob act eria int o a se parate c las s . Althou gh h e n otes s ome pe cu lia rities in the
seque nces, he ha s n ot recogn ized th ese as a separat e linea ge. P CA plo ts c learly de mons trate a s eparation of this group f ro m the main line
of de scent . More importa ntly, th e adjacent group s in the plots a re c on siste nt wit h the adjac ent grou ps in the RDP tree. W hile this c an be
argu ed as an artifact of the tree ing , it m igh t also indicat e so me add itiona l s uppo rt fo r th e se paration prop os ed by Sta ck ebran dt et al. This will
likely be reso lved as w ork on Volume IV p ro gresses.
42 5
Se quen ce da ta became a vaila ble sub seq uent to initial pla ce ment of th is g enu s wit hin th e Ps eudo mon adac ea e. It is n ow app arent tha t
this placeme nt was in e rror (Yakim ov e t al., IJSE M 53:37 738 0).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
42 6
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
42 7
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
42 8
Ge nBa nk accession num ber not curre ntly va lid.
42 9
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Micrococcus lylae AL Kloos et al. 1974 JL 178 | ATCC 27566 | CCM 2693 |
DSM 20315, X80750, Mic.lylae | IMET 11368
Micrococcus nishinomiyaensis AL Oda 1935 -> Dermacoccus nishi-
nomiyaensis 59 | OUT 809 | ATCC 29093 | CCM 2140 | DSM 20448 |
IMET 11365
Micrococcus roseus AL Flgge 1886 -> Kocuria rosea ATCC 186 | CCM
679 | DSM 20447 | IMET 11363 | NCTC 7523
Micrococcus sedentarius AL ZoBell and Upham 1944 -> Kytococcus
sedentarius 54 | ATCC 14392 | CCM 314 | DSM 20547, X87755,
Ky.sedntrs | IMET 11362
Micrococcus varians AL Migula 1900 -> Kocuria varians G 33 | ATCC
15306 | CCM 884 | DSM 20033, X87754, Kc.varians | IMET 11364 |
NCDO 777 | NCTC 7564
Genus II. Arthrobacter AL
Arthrobacter globiformis AL (T) (Conn 1928) Conn and Dimmick 1947 168 |
ATCC 8010 | DSM 20124, M23411, Arb.globif | DSM 20124, X80736,
Arb.globi2 | IMET 11240 | NCIB 8907
Arthrobacter agilis VP (Ali-Cohen 1889) Koch et al. 1995 <- Micrococcus
agilis (basonym) W.O. 219 | ATCC 966 | CCM 2390 | DSM 20550,
X80748, Arb.agilis | IMET 11266 | NCDO 983 | NCTC 7509
Arthrobacter albus VP Wauters et al. 2000 CF43, AJ243421 | DSM 13068
Arthrobacter atrocyaneus AL Kuhn and Starr 1960 A 9.2 | ATCC 13752 |
CCM 1645 | DSM 20127, X80746, Arb.atcyan | IMET 10432 | NCIB
Arthrobacter aurescens AL Phillips 1953 579 | ATCC 13344 | CCM 1647 |
DSM 20116, X83405, Arb.auresc | IMET 11247 | NCIB 8912
Arthrobacter chlorophenolicus VP Westerberg et al. 2000 A6, AF102267 |
DSM 12829
Arthrobacter citreus AL Sacks 1954 C7 | ATCC 11624 | CCM 1647 | DSM
20133, X80737, Arb.citrus | IMET 10680 | NCIB 8915
Arthrobacter creatinolyticus VP Hou et al. 1998 GIFU 12498, D88211,
Arb.creati | JCM 10102
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Arthrobacter cumminsii VP Funke et al. 1997 DMMZ 445 | DSM 10493
Arthrobacter duodecadis AL Lochhead 1958 541 | CDA 859 | ATCC 13347
Arthrobacter ?avescens AL Lochhead 1958 -> Aureobacterium ?avescens
401, Y17232 | ATCC 13348 | DSM 20643 | IMET 10367 | NCIB 9221
Arthrobacter luteolus VP Wauters et al. 2000 CF25, AJ243422 | DSM 13067
Arthrobacter methylotrophus VP Borodina et al. 2002 TGA, AF235090 |
ATCC BAA-111 | DSM 14008
Arthrobacter mysorens AL Nand and Rao 1972 ATCC 33408 | DSM 12798,
AJ617482 | NCIB 10583
Arthrobacter nasiphocae VP Collins et al. 2002 M597/99/10, AJ292364 |
CCUG 42953 | CIP 107054
Arthrobacter nicotianae AL (Giovannozzi-Sermanni 1959) emend. Gel-
somino et al. 2004 = Brevibacterium liquifaciens (senior heterotypic
synonym) 94 | ATCC 15236 | ATCC 14929 | CCM 1648 | DSM 20123,
X80739, Arb.nicnae | IMET 10353 | LMG 16159 | NCIB 9458 | NCIMB
Arthrobacter nicotinovorans VP Kodama et al. 1992 ATCC 49919 | DSM
420, X80743, Arb.nicvor | JCM 3874
Arthrobacter oxydans AL Sguros 1954 Xanthum | ATCC 14358 | DSM
20119, X83408, Arb.oxydan | IMET 10684 | NCIB 9333
Arthrobacter pascens AL Lochhead and Burton 1953 B89 | ATCC 13346 |
CCM 1653 | DSM 20545, X80740, Arb.pascns | IMET 10355 | NCIB
Arthrobacter picolinophilus AL Tate and Ensign 1974 = Rhodococcus ery-
thropolis (senior heterotypic synonym) ATCC 27854 | DSM 20665 |
IMET 11248
Arthrobacter polychromogenes AL Schippers-Lammertse et al. 1963 2568
| ATCC 15216 | DSM 20136, X80741, Arb.plychr | IMET 11071 | NCIB
Arthrobacter protophormiae VP (Lysenko 1959) Stackebrandt et al. 1984
<- Brevibacterium protophormiae (basonym) M-570 | ATCC 19271 |
CCEB 282 | DSM 20168, X80745, Arb.protph
Arthrobacter psychrolactophilus VP Loveland-Curtze et al. 2000 B7,
AF134179 | ATCC 700733
Arthrobacter radiotolerans AL Yoshinaka et al. 1973 -> Rubrobacter ra-
diotolerans ATCC 51242 | DSM 46359, X87134, Rbb.radtol | DSM
5868, X98372, Rbb.radto3 | IAM 12072 | IMET 11468 | JCM 2153,
U65647, Rbb.radto2 | NCIMB 11766
Arthrobacter ramosus AL Jensen 1960 I Gm 25 | ATCC 13727 | CCM 1646 |
DSM 20546, X80742, Arb.ramosu | IMET 10685 | NCIB 9066
Arthrobacter rhombi VP Osorio et al. 1999 F98.3HR69, Y15885 | CCUG
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Kocuria kristinae VP (Kloos et al. 1974) Stackebrandt et al. 1995 <- Micro-
coccus kristinae (basonym) PM 129 | ATCC 27570 | CCM 2690 | DSM
20032, X80749, Kc.kristin | IMET 11367
Kocuria palustris VP Kovcs et al. 1999 TAGA27, Y16263 | DSM 11925
Kocuria polaris VP Reddy and al. 2003 CMS 76or, AJ278868 | DSM 14382
| MTCC 3702
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Agreia pratensis VP (Behrendt et al. 2002) Schumann et al. 2003 <- Subter-
cola pratensis (basonym) P 229/10, AJ310412 | DSM 14246 | LMG
Genus III. Agrococcus VP
Agrococcus jenensis VP (T) Groth et al. 1996 2002-39/1 | ATCC 700087 |
DSM 9580, X92492, Ac.jenensi | NBRC 16126
Agrococcus baldri VP Zlamala et al. 2002 V-108, AJ309928 | DSM 14215
| CCM 4953
Aureobacterium barkeri VP (ex Dias et al. 1962) Collins et al. 1983 ->
Microbacterium barkeri 7 | ATCC 15954 | CCM 1928 | DSM 20145,
X77446, Mbm.barker | IMET 10688 | NCIB 9658
Aureobacterium esteraromaticum VP (Omelianski 1923) Yokota et al.
1993 <- Flavobacterium esteraromaticum (basonym) -> Microbac-
terium esteraromaticum ATCC 8091, Y17231 | CCM 4371 | DSM
8609 | NBRC 3751
Aureobacterium ?avescens VP (Lochhead 1958) Collins et al. 1983 <-
Arthrobacter ?avescens (basonym) -> Microbacterium ?avescens
401, Y17232 | ATCC 13348 | DSM 20643 | NBRC 15039, AB004716,
Mbm.?aves | IMET 10367 | NCIB 9221
Aureobacterium keratanolyticum VP Yokota et al. 1993 -> Microbac-
terium keratanolyticum ATCC 35057 | CCM 4375 | CIP 103815 | DSM
8606, Y14786, Mbm.kerly2 | NBRC 13309, AB004717, Mbm.kerlyt
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
PDDCC 7221
43 4
Brevib act erium sape rd ae and Curtob acterium sape rd ae are o bje ctiv e s y nony ms and both are c ons id ered bas ony ms o f A ureob act erium
saperda e.
43 5
B re vibacterium testaceu m and Cu rt obacterium testaceu m are objec tiv e s yn ony ms and bo th are c ons id ered bas on ym s of A ureob act erium
testaceu m.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Genus XII. Mycetocola VP
Mycetocola saprophilus VP (T) Tsukamoto et al. 2001 CM-01, AB012647 |
NBRC 16274 | MAFF 211324 | NRRL B-24119
Mycetocola lacteus VP Tsukamoto et al. 2001 CM-10, AB012648 | NBRC
16278 | MAFF 211326 | NRRL B-24121
Mycetocola tolaasinivorans VP Tsukamoto et al. 2001 CM-05, AB012646
| NBRC 16277 | MAFF 211325 | NRRL B-24120
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Rathayibacter toxicus VP (Riley and Ophel 1992) Sasaki et al. 1998 <- Clav-
ibacter toxicus (basonym) CS14 | ATCC 49908 | DSM 7488 | ICMP
9525, D84127, Rtb.toxicu | JCM 9669, D84127, Rtb.toxicu | NCPPB
Rathayibacter tritici VP (Carlson and Vidaver 1982) Zgurskaya et al. 1993
<- Clavibacter tritici (basonym) CT102 | ATCC 11403 | DSM 7486,
X77438, Rtb.tritic | ICMP 2626 | NCPPB 1857 | VKM Ac-1603
Genus XVI. Rhodoglobus VP
Rhodoglobus vestalii VP (T) Sheridan et al. 2003 LV3, AJ459101 | ATCC
BAA-534 | CIP 107482
Genus XVII. Salinibacterium VP
Salinibacterium amurskyense VP (T) Han et al. 2003 KCTC 9931 | KMM
3673 | AF539697
Genus XVIII. Subtercola VP
Subtercola boreus VP (T) Mannisto et al. 2000 CCUG 43135 | DSM 13056,
Subtercola frigoramans VP Mannisto et al. 2000 CCUG 43136 | DSM
13057, AF224723
Subtercola pratensis VP Behrendt et al. 2002 -> Agreia pratensis P
229/10, AJ310412 | DSM 14246 | LMG 21000
Family XIII. "Beutenbergiaceae" 436
Genus I. Beutenbergia VP (T)
Beutenbergia cavernae VP (T) Groth et al. 1999 DSM 12333 | HKI 0122,
Genus II. Georgenia VP
Georgenia muralis VP (T) Altenburger et al. 2002 1A-C, X94155 | CCM
4963 | DSM 14418
Genus III. Salana VP
Salana multivorans VP (T) von Wintzingerode et al. 2001 Se-3111,
AJ400627 | DSM 13521 | NRRL B-24118
Family XIV. Promicromonosporaceae VP
Genus I. Promicromonospora AL (T)
Promicromonospora citrea AL (T) Krassilnikov et al. 1961 ATCC 15908
| DSM 43110, Prm.entphl | DSM 43110, X83808, Prm.citrea | IMET
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
43 8
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
donicus C-1 | ATCC 33113 | CFBP 2049 | DSM 20744 | ICMP 2535 |
ICPB CS101 | LMG 2889, U09764 | NCPPB 2137
Corynebacterium michiganense subsp. tessellarius VP Carlson and
Vidaver 1982 -> Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. tessellarius
78181 | ATCC 33566, U30254, Clv.mich10 | ATCC 33566, U96181,
Clv.mich13 | DSM 20741 | ICMP 7221 | PDDCC 7221
Corynebacterium minutissimum VP Collins and Jones 1983 ATCC 23348 |
DSM 20651 | IMET 11144 | NCTC 10288, X82064, Cor.minsi3 | NCTC
10288, X84678, Cor.minsim | NCTC 10288, X84679, Cor.minsi2
Corynebacterium mooreparkense VP Brennan et al. 2001 440 DPC 5298 |
LMG S-19265, AF267148 | NCIMB 30131
Corynebacterium mucifaciens VP Funke et al. 1997 CCUG 36878 | CIP
105129 | CIP 55.51, X82066, Cor.mycet2 | DMMZ 2278, Y11200,
Cor.mucifa | DSM 44265
Corynebacterium mycetoides VP Collins 1983 ATCC 43995 | DSM 20632 |
NCTC 9864, X84241, Cor.mycetd
Corynebacterium nebraskense AL Vidaver and Mandel 1974 ->
Corynebacterium michiganense subsp. nebraskense II296 | ATCC
27794 | CFBP 2405 | DSM 7483, X77434, Clv.michgn | ICMP 3298 |
LMG 3700 | LMG 5627, U09763, Clv.michg9 | NCPPB 2581
Corynebacterium nigricans VP Shukla et al. 2004 CN-1, AF220220 | ATCC
700975 | CCUG 48176 | CIP 107346
Corynebacterium oortii AL Saaltink and Maas Geesteranus 1969 ->
Corynebacterium ?accumfaciens subsp. oortii ATCC 25283
Corynebacterium paurometabolum AL Steinhaus 1941 = Rhodococcus
aurantiacus (junior heterotypic synonym) -> Tsukamurella pau-
rometabola ATCC 8368 | DSM 20162, X53206, Tsu.pauro2 | NBRC
16083 | IMET 11082 | IMET 7373
Corynebacterium phocae VP Pascual et al. 1998 M408/89/1, Y10076 |
CCUG 38205
Corynebacterium pilosum AL Yanagawa and Honda 1978 46 | ATCC 29592,
D37915, Cor.pilosm | ATCC 29592, X81908, Cor.pilos3 | DSM 20521
| IMET 11382
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Corynebacterium sundsvallense VP Collins et al. 1999 CCUG 36622,
Y09655, Cor.sundsv
Corynebacterium suicordis VP Vela et al. 2003 P81/02 | CCUG 46963 |
CECT 5724, AJ504424
Corynebacterium terpenotabidum VP Takeuchi et al. 1999 Y-11 | NBRC
14764, AB004730
Corynebacterium testudinoris VP Collins et al. 2001 M935/96/4 | CCUG
41823, AJ295841 | CIP 106763
Corynebacterium thomssenii VP Zimmermann et al. 1998 Tho 218/95 |
DSM 44276, AF010474
Corynebacterium tritici VP (ex Hutchinson) Carlson and Vidaver 1982
-> Clavibacter tritici CT102 | ATCC 11403 | DSM 7486, X77438,
Rtb.tritic | ICMP 2626 | NCPPB 1857 | VKM Ac-1603
Corynebacterium ulcerans VP Riegel et al. 1995 ATCC 51799 | CCUG
2708, X81911, Cor.ulcern | DSM 46325 | IMET 11148 | NCTC 7910,
X84256, Cor.ulcer2
Corynebacterium urealyticum VP Pitcher et al. 1992 ATCC 43042,
X81913, Cor.urealy | DSM 7109, X84439, Cor.ureal2 | NCTC 12011
Corynebacterium variabile VP (Mller 1961) Collins 1987 <- Arthrobacter
variabilis (basonym) = Caseobacter polymorphus (junior heterotypic
synonym) FK 31 | ATCC 15753 | CCM 1565 | DSM 20132, AJ222815
| IMET 10350 | NCDO 2097, X53185, Cor.variab | NCIB 9455
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Skermania piniformis VP (T) (Blackall et al. 1989) Chun et al. 1997 <-
Nocardia pinensis (basonym) DSM 43998 | NBRC 15059, Z35435,
Sk.pinifrm | UQM 3063
Family IV. Mycobacteriaceae AL
Genus I. Mycobacterium AL (T)
Mycobacterium tuberculosis subsp. tuberculosis AL (T) (Zopf 1883)
Lehmann and Neumann 1896 H37Rv, X55588, Myb.tuber3 | ATCC
Mycobacterium tuberculosis subsp. caprae VP Aranaz et al. 1999 -> My-
cobacterium bovis subsp. caprae gM-1, AJ131120 | CIP 105776
Mycobacterium abscessus VP (Moore and Frerichs 1953) Kusunoki and
Ezaki 1992 <- Mycobacterium chelonae subsp. abscessus (basonym)
ATCC 19977, X82235, Myb.absces | DSM 43491
44 1
Th is subspec ie s was aut omat ically cre ated und er Rule 4 0d (fo rm erly Rule 46, IJS EM 50: 22 392 244)
44 2
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
NCTC 10955
Mycobacterium ?avescens AL Bojalil et al. 1962 SN 1900 | ATCC 14474,
M29561, Myb.?aves | ATCC 14474, X52932, Myb.?ave2 | DSM 43219
Mycobacterium fortuitum subsp. fortuitum AL da Costa Cruz 1938 ATCC
6841, X52933, Myb.fortui | DSM 46621 | IMET 10605 | NCTC 10394 |
TMC 1529
Mycobacterium fortuitum subsp. acetamidolyticum VP Tsukamura et al.
1986 ATCC 35931 | DSM 44220 | JCM 6368 | NCH E11620
Mycobacterium frederiksbergense VP Willumsen et al. 2001 FAn9 | DSM
44346, AJ276274 | NRRL B-24126
Mycobacterium gadium AL Casal and Calero 1974 ATCC 27726, M61663,
Myb.gadium | ATCC 27726, X55594, Myb.gadiu2 | DSM 44077
Mycobacterium gastri AL Wayne 1966 W-417 | ATCC 15754, X52919,
Myb.gastri | ATCC 15980 | DSM 43505 | IMET 10662 | TMC 1456
Mycobacterium genavense VP Bttger et al. 1993 2289, X60070 | ATCC
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
44 3
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
44 4
Ge nBa nk acce ssio n n umb er for ATCC 700 505 reporte d a s bank it3787 24.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
44 6
G en bank a ccession num ber repo rte d incorre ctly in IJSE M. S train des ignation reported in co rrec tly in G en Ba nk.
44 7
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
44 8
G en bank a ccession num ber repo rte d incorre ctly in IJSE M. S train des ignation reported in co rrec tly in G en Ba nk.
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
CBS 716.72 | DSM 40501 | DSM 43304 | NBRC 13415 | IMET 7651 |
ISP 5501 | JCM 4789 | KCC S-0789 | LBG A 3136 | NCIB 9613 | NRRL
B-3240 | RIA 1376 | VKM Ac-798
Nocardia neocaledoniensis VP Saintpierre-Bonaccio et al. 2004 SBHR
OA6, AY282603 | DSM 44717 | NCIMB 13955
Nocardia niigatensis VP Kaneyama et al. 2004 IFM 0330, AB092563 |
DSM 4470 | JCM 11894 | NBRC 100131
Nocardia nova VP Tsukamura 1983 R.E. Gordon R443 | Tsukamura 23095
| ATCC 33726, X80593, Noc.nova2 | JCM 6044, Z36930, Noc.nova
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Rhodococcus rubropertinctus AL (Hefferan 1904) Tsukamura 1974 =
Rhodococcus corallinus (junior heterotypic synonym) -> Gordonia
rubropertincta 154 | ATCC 14352, X81915, Grd.rubpe2 | DSM 43197,
X80632, Grd.rubper | JCM 3204 | KCC A-0204 | NCIB 9664
Rhodococcus sputi VP (ex Tsukamura 1978) Tsukamura and Yano 1985
-> Gordonia sputi 3884 | Nagura 8539 | ATCC 29627, X81923,
Grd.sputi2 | CIP 100849 | DSM 43896, X80634, Grd.sputi | IMET 7569
| JCM 3228 | KCC A-0228
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
NBRC 16125 | IMET 8216 | INA 9442 | JCM 3232 | KCC A-0232 |
NRRL B-16091 | VKM Ac-613
Micromonospora brunnea AL Sveshnikova et al. 1969 = Micromonospora
purpureochromogenes (senior heterotypic synonym) ATCC 27334 |
CBS 130.76 | DSM 43814, X92605, Mms.brnnea | NBRC 14069 | IMET
8304 | INA 166 | JCM 3233 | NRRL B-16079 | VKM Ac-614
Micromonospora carbonacea subsp. carbonacea AL Luedemann and Brod-
sky 1965 ATCC 27114 | DSM 43168, X92599, Mms.carbon | JCM
3139 | KCC A-0139 | NRRL 2972
Micromonospora carbonacea subsp. aurantiaca AL Luedemann and Brod-
sky 1965 ATCC 27115 | DSM 43815, X92606, Mms.carbo2 | NBRC
14107 | JCM 3168 | KCC A-0168 | NRRL 2997
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Actinoplanes capillaceus VP Matsumoto et al. 2001 451 K955561,
AB013495 | NBRC 16408 | JCM 10268
Actinoplanes consettensis VP Goodfellow et al. 1990 LA 97 | ATCC 49799
| DSM 43942 | NBRC 14913, AB036996 | NCIB 20027
Actinoplanes lobatus VP (Couch 1963) Stackebrandt and Kroppenstedt 1988
<- Ampullariella lobata (basonym) ATCC 15350 | CBS 192.64 | DSM
43150 | NBRC 12513, AB037006 | KCC A-0061 | UNCC 72
Actinoplanes minutisporangius VP Ruan et al. 1986 -> Cryptosporangium
minutisporangium A-60 | NBRC 15962, AB037007 | IMRU LL-A-6
Actinoplanes missouriensis AL Couch 1963 ATCC 14538 | CBS 188.64 |
DSM 43046 | NBRC 13243, AB037008 | IMET 9249 | KCC A-0121
Actinoplanes palleronii VP Goodfellow et al. 1990 LA 83 | ATCC 49797 |
DSM 43940 | NBRC 14916, AB037009 | NCIB 20021
45 1
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
45 2
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
45 3
Pa tent stra in, restricted a va ilability.
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Propionibacterium freudenreichii subsp. shermanii AL (van Niel 1928)
Holdeman and Moore 1970 E11.1 | ATCC 9614 | DSM 4902, Y10819,
Prp.freud4 | NCDO 853 | NCIB 8099 | VPI 0405
45 4
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
45 5
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
X53212, Ncr.luteus
Nocardioides nitrophenolicus VP Yoon et al. 1999 NSP41, AF005024,
Ncr.nitrph | KCTC 0457BP
Nocardioides plantarum VP Collins et al. 1994 Grainger J70 | DSM 11054,
Z78211, Ncr.plant2 | NCIMB 12834, AF005008, Ncr.plant3 | NCIMB
12834, X69973, Ncr.planta
Nocardioides pyridinolyticus VP Yoon et al. 1997 OS4, U61298, Ncr.pyrlyt
| KCTC 0074B
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Kribbella koreensis VP (T) (Lee et al. 2000) Sohn et al. 2003 <- Hongia
koreensis (basonym) LM 161 | IMSNU 50530, Y09159 | JCM 10977
Kribbella sandramycini VP Park et al. 1999 ATCC 39419, AF005020,
Kr.sndrmyc | KCTC 9609
Genus VII. Micropruina VP
Micropruina glycogenica VP (T) Shintani et al. 2000 Lg2 | JCM 10248,
Genus VIII. Marmoricola VP
Marmoricola aurantiacus VP (T) Urz et al. 2000 BC 361, Y18629 | DSM
Genus IX. Propionicimonas VP
Propionicimonas paludicola VP (T) Akasaka et al. 2003 DSM 15597 | JCM
11933 | Wd, AB078858
Suborder XIII. Pseudonocardineae VP
Family I. Pseudonocardiaceae VP
Genus I. Pseudonocardia AL (T)
Pseudonocardia thermophila AL (T) Henssen 1957 A18 | ATCC 19285,
X53195, Psc.therm2 | CBS 277.66 | DSM 43832 | IAM 14290 | JCM
3095 | NCIB 10079
Pseudonocardia alaniniphila VP (Xu et al. 1999) Huang et al. 2002 <-
Actinobispora alaniniphila (basonym) CCTCC AA97001 | Y-16303,
AF056708, Abi.alniph
Pseudonocardia alni VP (Evtushenko et al. 1989) Warwick et al. 1994 <-
Amycolata alni (basonym) 3LS | DSM 44104, Y08535, Psc.alni2 |
NBRC 14991 | VKM Ac-901, X76954, Psc.alni
Pseudonocardia asaccharolytica VP Reichert et al. 1998 580 | DSM 44247,
Y08536, Psc.asacch | NBRC 16224
Pseudonocardia aurantiaca (Xu et al. 1999) Huang et al. 2002 <- Acti-
nobispora aurantiaca (basonym) CCTCC AA97002, AF056707,
AF056707, Abi.aurant | Y-14860
Pseudonocardia autotrophica VP (Takamiya and Tubaki 1956) Warwick et
al. 1994 <- Amycolata autotrophica (basonym) 394 | ATCC 19727 |
CBS 466.68 | DSM 40011 | DSM 43210, X54288, Psc.autotr | DSM 535
| NBRC 12743 | IMET 7646 | ISP 5011 | KCC S-0348 | RIA 1008
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
IMET 7650 | IMRU 3760 | JCM 3193 | KCC A-0193 | NCIB 8926 | NRRL
Amycolatopsis sacchari VP Goodfellow et al. 2001 K24, AF223354 | DSM
44468 | KCTC 9863
Amycolatopsis sulphurea VP (ex Oliver and Sinclair 1964) Lechevalier et
al. 1986 = Nocardia sulphurea (homotypic synonym) ATCC 27624
| DSM 46092, AF051343, Amy.sulphu | NBRC 13270 | IMET 7649 |
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
727.72 | DSM 40517 | DSM 41036 | NBRC 13426 | ISP 5517 | JCM 4026
| JCM 4748 | NCIB 8594 | NRRL 2338, X53198, Scp.erythr | RIA 1387
NCIMB 13403
Thermocrispum agreste VP Korn-Wendisch et al. 1995 CHB77 | ATCC
51797 | DSM 44070, X79183, Th.agreste | NBRC 15805 | NCIMB
Family II. Actinosynnemataceae VP
Genus I. Actinosynnema AL (T)
Actinosynnema mirum AL (T) Hasegawa et al. 1978 101 | ATCC 29888 | DSM
43827, X84447, Asy.mirum | IAM 14280 | NBRC 14064, D85475,
Asy.mirum2 | IMET 9740 | IMRU 3971 | JCM 3225 | KCC A-0225
Actinosynnema pretiosum subsp. pretiosum VP Hasegawa et al. 1983
C-15003 (N-1) | RCTI C-15003 (N-1) | ATCC 31281 | DSM 44132 |
FERM-P 3992 | JCM 7344 | NBRC 13726 | NRRL B-16060, AF114800
Actinosynnema pretiosum subsp. auranticum VP Hasegawa et al. 1983
C-14482 (N-1001) | RTCI C-14482 | ATCC 31309 | DSM 44131
Genus II. Actinokineospora VP
Actinokineospora riparia VP (T) Hasegawa 1988 C-39162 | ATCC 27300 |
CCRC 13450 | DSM 44259 | NBRC 14541, X76953, Ack.ripari | JCM
7471 | MTCC 2712 | NCIMB 13255 | NRRL B-16432
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Saccharothrix mutabilis subsp. mutabilis VP (Shearer et al. 1983) Labeda
and Lechevalier 1989 <- Nocardiopsis mutabilis (basonym) AAA-
0025 | ATCC 31520 | DSM 43853, X76966, Sct.mutabm | NBRC 14310
| JCM 3380 | NRRL B-16077 | SKF-AAA025
Saccharothrix tangerinus VP Kinoshita et al. 2000 MK27-91F2,
AB020031 | FERM P-16053 | NBRC 16184 | JCM 10302
Saccharothrix texasensis VP Labeda and Lyons 1989 LL-37U-77 | ATCC
51593 | DSM 44231 | NBRC 14971 | JCM 9113 | NCIMB 13186 | NRRL
B-16134, AF114814
Saccharothrix violacea VP Lee et al. 2000 -> Lentzea violacea LM 036,
AJ242633 | IMSNU 50388
Saccharothrix waywayandensis VP Labeda and Lyons 1989 -> Lentzea
waywayandensis LL-37Z-15 | ATCC 51594 | DSM 44232 | NBRC
14970 | JCM 9114, AB020029 | NCIMB 13164 | NRRL B-16159,
Suborder XIV. Streptomycineae VP
Family I. Streptomycetaceae AL
Genus I. Streptomyces AL (T)
Streptomyces albus subsp. albus AL (T) (Rossi Doria 1891) Waksman and
Henrici 1943 ATCC 25426 | ATCC 3004 | CBS 924.69 | DSM 40313,
AJ621602, X53163, Stm.albus | NBRC 13014 | IMET 40241 | ISP 5313
| NRRL B-1811 | RIA 12C6
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Streptomyces anthocyanicus AL (Krassilnikov et al. 1965) Pridham 1970
69 | ATCC 19821 | DSM 41422 | INMI 69 | NRRL B-12341
Streptomyces antibioticus AL (Waksman and Woodruff 1941) Waksman and
Henrici 1948 ATCC 23879 | ATCC 8663 | CBS 659.68 | DSM 40234 |
NBRC 12838 | IMET 40227 | IMRU 3435 | ISP 5234 | RIA 1174
Streptomyces antimycoticus AL Waksman 1957 ATCC 23880 | CBS 660.68
| DSM 40284 | NBRC 12839 | ISP 5284 | JCM 4228 | NRRL 2421 | RIA
Streptomyces anulatus AL (Beijerinck 1912) Waksman 1953 ATCC 27416
| CBS 100.18 | CBS 670.72 | DSM 40361 | NBRC 13369 | IMET 43334 |
45 7
Rule 37a (1 ) state s tha t the nam e of a ta xon must be c hang ed if t he nom enc la tural t ype o f the tax on is e xc lu ded. The s tatus of S tre p-
tom yces albosporeu s subsp. labilom yceticu s is u nclear fo llowin g the com bination of Strept omy ce s a lbo spo re us sub sp . a lbo sp oreus with
S tre ptom yces aurantiacus
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Streptomyces beijiangensis VP Li et al. 2002 AS 4.1718 | CCTCC 99005 |
DSM 41794 | YIM6, AF385681
Streptomyces bellus AL Margalith and Beretta 1960 A/870 | ATCC 14925 |
ATCC 23886 | CBS 666.68 | DSM 40185 | NBRC 12844 | IMET 42062 |
JCM 4292 | JCM 4625 | RIA 1139
Streptomyces bikiniensis AL Johnstone and Waksman 1947 ATCC 11062 |
DSM 40581, X79851, Stm.bikini | ETH 14303 | IMET 41362 | IMRU
3514 | ISP 5581 | JCM 4011 | NRRL B-1049
Streptomyces biverticillatus VP (Preobrazhenskaya 1957) Witt and Stacke-
brandt 1991 = Streptomyces roseoverticillatus (senior heterotypic
synonym) <- Streptoverticillium biverticillatum (basonym) ATCC
23615 | ATCC 23888 | CBS 668.68 | DSM 40272 | NBRC 12845 | INA
10204/54 | ISP 5272 | RIA 1190
Streptomyces blastmyceticus VP (Watanabe et al. 1957) Witt and Stacke-
brandt 1991 <- Streptoverticillium blastmyceticum (basonym) 445
D1 | ATCC 19731 | CBS 470.68 | DSM 40029 | NBRC 12747 | ISP 5029
| RIA 1012
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
IMRU 3312 | IMRU 3313 | ISP 5058 | KCC S-0015 | KCC S-0567 | NRRL
B-2285 | RIA 1015 | RIA 63
Streptomyces calvus AL Backus et al. 1957 T-3018 | ATCC 13382 | ATCC
23890 | CBS 676.68 | DSM 40010 | NBRC 13200 | ISP 5010 | JCM 4326
| JCM 4628 | RIA 1103
| NRRL 12279
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
| NBRC 12852 | IMRU 3664 | IPV 1776 | IPV 2013 | IPV 936 | ISP
5005, X53171, Stm.cincin | JCM 4152 | JCM 4633 | KCC S-0152 | KCC
S-0633 | NCIB 8851 | NRRL B-1285 | RIA 1102 | RIA 360
Streptomyces cinnamoneus subsp. albosporus VP (Thirumalachar 1968)
Witt and Stackebrandt <- Streptoverticillium cinnamoneum subsp.
albosporum (basonym) HA-145 | ATCC 25186 | DSM 40897 | IPV
Streptomyces cinnamoneus subsp. lanosus VP (Thirumalachar 1968) Witt
and Stackebrandt 1991 <- Streptoverticillium cinnamoneum subsp.
lanosum (basonym) HA-176 | ATCC 25187 | DSM 40898 | IPV 2067
Streptomyces cinnamoneus subsp. sparsus VP (Thirumalachar 1968) Witt
and Stackebrandt 1991 <- Streptoverticillium cinnamoneum subsp.
sparsum (basonym) HA-106 | ATCC 25185 | DSM 40899 | IPV 2068
Streptomyces cirratus AL Koshiyama et al. 1963 ATCC 14699 | CBS 699.72
| DSM 40479 | NBRC 13398 | ISP 5479 | JCM 4738 | RIA 1359
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
45 8
Kitasatospo ria cystargin ea was transferred to Strep tomy c es a s S. c ys targineu s. S ubs eq uently, Zhang e t a l. (199 7) h ave p ro pos ed the
revival of the ge nus K ita sa tospora and the specie s K. cystarginea.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
NBRC 12771 | NBRC 3412 | IMET 40280 | IMRU 3320 | ISP 5062 | KCC
S-0035 | RIA 1038
Streptomyces ?avoviridis VP Preobrazhenskaya 1986 ATCC 19759 | ATCC
19903 | CBS 497.68 | DSM 4015 | NBRC 12772 | IMET 42058 | INA
2314 | ISP 5153 | RIA 1039
Streptomyces ?occulus AL (Duche 1934) Waksman and Henrici 1948 LCP
373 | ATCC 25453 | CBS 686.69 | DSM 40327 | ETH 24454 | NBRC
13041 | IMET 43522 | ISP 5327 | KCC S-0476 | NRRL B-2843 | RIA 1233
Streptomyces ?oridae AL Bartz et al. 1951 CBS 308.55 | DSM 40938 | ETH
20731 | NCIB 9345 | NRRL 2423
Streptomyces ?uorescens AL (Krassilnikov 1958) Pridham 1970 ATCC
15860 | ATCC 23907 | CBS 803.68 | DSM 40203 | NBRC 12861 | INMI
592 | ISP 5203 | RIA 647
Streptomyces fradiae AL (Waksman and Curtis 1916) Waksman and Henrici
1948 ATCC 10745 | ATCC 19760 | CBS 498.68 | DSM 40063 | ETH
13363 | ETH 13472 | ETH 28510 | NBRC 12773 | IMET 42051 | IMRU
3535 | ISP 5063 | JCM 4133 | JCM 4579 | NCIB 8233 | NRRL B-1195 |
RIA 1040
Streptomyces fragilis AL Anderson et al. 1956 PD 04926 | ATCC 23908
| CBS 804.68 | DSM 40044 | NBRC 12862 | IMET 43575 | ISP 5044 |
NBRC 12865 | NBRC 13974 | NBRC 3385 | IMET 7182 | IMRU 3834
| ISP 5064 | JCM 3004 | JCM 4375 | KCC A-0004 | KCC S-0375 | RIA
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
| NBRC 12774 | IMET 43584 | INA 8731 | ISP 5155 | JCM 4377 | KCC
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
NBRC 13044 | NBRC 13046 | IMET 43530 | ISP 5456 | KCC S-0479 |
RIA 1236
Streptomyces griseofuscus AL Sakamoto et al. 1962 1068 | ATCC 23916 |
CBS 837.68 | DSM 40191 | NBRC 12870 | IMET 42068 | ISP 5191 | JCM
4276 | JCM 4641 | RIA 1145
Streptomyces griseoincarnatus AL (Preobrazhenskaya et al. 1957) Pridham
et al. 1958 ATCC 23623 | ATCC 23917 | CBS 838.68 | DSM 40274 |
NBRC 12871 | INA 9673/55 | ISP 5274 | RIA 1192
Streptomyces griseoloalbus AL (Kudrina 1957) Pridham et al. 1958 ATCC
23624 | ATCC 25458 | CBS 691.69 | DSM 40468 | NBRC 13046 | INA
1875/54 | ISP 5468 | RIA 1238
Streptomyces griseolosporeus VP Wellington et al. 1992 <- Kitasatospora
griseola (basonym) -> Kitasatospora griseola AM-9660 | DSM
43859, M55221, Kts.griseo | NBRC 14371 | JCM 3339 | NRRL
B-16229 459
Streptomyces griseolus AL (Waksman 1923) Waksman and Henrici 1948
ATCC 19764 | ATCC 3325 | CBS 502.68 | DSM 40067 | NBRC 12777 |
NBRC 3415 | IMET 42053 | IMRU 3325 | ISP 5067 | KCC S-0042 | KCC
S-0043 | KCC S-0581 | NRRL B-1062 | RIA 1044
Streptomyces griseoluteus AL Umezawa et al. 1950 PSA 207 | ATCC 12768
| CBS 676.72 | CCM 3242 | DSM 40392 | DSM 41141 | ETH 24459 |
NBRC 13375 | IMRU 3729 | ISP 5392 | JCM 4041 | JCM 4765 | KCC
S-0041 | NIHJ 22 | NRRL B-1315 | RIA 1336
Streptomyces griseomycini AL (Preobrazhenskaya et al. 1957) Pridham et al.
1958 ATCC 19765 | ATCC 23625 | CBS 503.68 | DSM 40159 | NBRC
12778 | INA 13984 | ISP 5159 | RIA 1045
Streptomyces griseoplanus AL Backus et al. 1957 AA-223 | ATCC 19766 |
CBS 504.68 | DSM 40009 | NBRC 12779 | ISP 5009 | RIA 1046
Streptomyces griseorubens AL (Preobrazhenskaya et al. 1957) Pridham et al.
1958 ATCC 19767 | ATCC 19909 | CBS 505.68 | DSM 40160 | NBRC
12780 | INA 6124/54 | ISP 5160 | RIA 1047
Streptomyces griseoruber AL Yamaguchi and Saburi 1955 H-4650 | ATCC
23919 | CBS 903.68 | DSM 40281 | NBRC 12873 | ISP 5281 | KCC
S-0200 | KCC S-0642 | RIA 1195
Streptomyces griseorubiginosus AL (Ryabova and Preobrazhenskaya 1957)
Pridham et al. 1958 ATCC 23627 | ATCC 25459 | CBS 692.69 | DSM
40469 | NBRC 13047 | INA 7712 | ISP 5469, AJ399488 | RIA 1239
45 9
Kitasatospo ria griseo la was transferred to S treptom yces as S . gris eolos poreu s. Sub seq uent ly, Zhan g et al. (1997 ) ha ve p ro pos ed the
revival of the ge nus K it asa tospora and the species K. grise ola .
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
NBRC 3430 | IMRU 3463 | ISP 5236, AY094371 | KCC S-0047 | KCC
S-0644 | NCIB 8232 | NCIB 8506 | NCTC 6961 | RIA 1176
Streptomyces griseus subsp. alpha AL (Ciferri 1927) Pridham 1970 CBS
219.25 | DSM 40937 | NRRL B-2249
Streptomyces griseus subsp. cretosus AL Pridham 1970 ATCC 27903 |
ATCC 3005 | CBS 137.21 | CBS 758.72 | DSM 40561 | ETH 13488 |
NBRC 13457 | ISP 5561 | KCC S-0742 | RIA 1418
Streptomyces griseus subsp. solvifaciens AL Pridham 1970 DSM 40933 |
NBRC 13689 | NRRL B-1561
Streptomyces hachijoensis VP (Hosoya et al. 1952) Witt and Stackebrandt
1991 <- Streptoverticillium hachijoense (basonym) ATCC 19769 |
CBS 507.68 | DSM 2011 | NBRC 12782 | ISP 5114 | RIA 1049
Streptomyces halstedii AL (Waksman and Curtis 1916) Waksman and
Henrici 1948 ATCC 10897 | ATCC 19770 | CBS 508.68 | DSM 40068
| NBRC 12783 | IMET 40322 | IMRU 3328 | ISP 5068 | KCC S-0052
| RIA 1050
Streptomyces humiferus VP (Krasilnikov 1962) Goodfellow et al. 1986 <-
Actinopycnidium caeruleum (basonym) ATCC 15719 | DSM 43030,
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
AF503491 | NBRC 12244 | IMET 43409 | JCM 3037 | KCC 3044 | KCC
A-0037 | RIA 729
Streptomyces hydrogenans AL Lindner et al. 1958 FHP 678 | ATCC 19631 |
CBS 776.72 | DSM 40586 | NBRC 13475 | IMET 43766 | ISP 5586 | RIA
Streptomyces hygroscopicus subsp. hygroscopicus AL (Jensen 1931) Waks-
man and Henrici 1948 M5-13184 | ATCC 27438 | CBS 773.72 | DSM
40578 | DSM 41148 | ETH 28553 | NBRC 13472 | ISP 5578 | JCM 4772 |
NRRL 2387, AJ391820 | RIA 1433
Streptomyces hygroscopicus subsp. angustmyceticus AL Yuntsen et al. 1956
ATCC 15484 | DSM 41683 | IAM 6A-704 | NBRC 3934 | JCM 4053 |
KCC S-0053
Streptomyces hygroscopicus subsp. decoyicus AL Vavra et al. 1959 DSM
41427 | NBRC 13977 | JCM 4550 | KCC S-0550 | NCIB 9752 | NRRL
Streptomyces hygroscopicus subsp. glebosus AL Ohmori et al. 1962 BJ 6 |
ATCC 14607 | DSM 40823 | JCM 4954
Streptomyces hygroscopicus subsp. ossamyceticus AL Schmitz et al. 1965
BL-703 | ATCC 15420 | DSM 40824 | JCM 4965
Streptomyces iakyrus AL de Querioz and Albert 1962 IAUR 3923 | ATCC
15375 | CBS 702.72 | DSM 40482 | NBRC 13401 | ISP 5482, AJ399489
| JCM 4254 | JCM 4773 | RIA 1362
Streptomyces indiaensis VP (Gupta 1965) Kudo and Seino 1987 <- Strep-
tosporangium indianense (basonym) ATCC 33330 | CBS 560.75 |
DSM 43803 | NBRC 13964 | JCM 3053 | KCC A-0053 | NCIB 9794
Streptomyces indigoferus AL Shinobu and Kawato 1960 ATCC 23924 | CBS
908.68 | DSM 40124 | NBRC 12878 | IMET 42938 | ISP 5124 | OEU 709
| RIA 1127
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Streptomyces katrae AL Gupta and Chopra 1963 RRL 5036 | ATCC 27440
| CBS 748.72 | DSM 40550 | NBRC 13447 | IMET 43361 | ISP 5550 |
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
| IPV 1945 | ISP 55555 | JCM 4322 | JCM 4781 | KCC S-0322 | KCC
S-0781 | NRRL B-3446 | RIA 1413
Streptomyces libani subsp. rufus AL Baldacci and Grein 1966 Fi 2501 | CMI
130 | ATCC 23731 | DSM 41230 | IMRU 3918 | IPV 1942 | JCM 4325 |
KCC S-0325 | NCIB 10976 | NRRL B-3445
Streptomyces lienomycini VP Gauze and Maksimova 1986 ATCC 43687 |
DSM 41475 | INA 478 | JCM 6925
Streptomyces lilacinus VP (Nakazawa et al. 1956) Witt and Stackebrandt
1991 <- Streptoverticillium lilacinum (basonym) ATCC 23930 | CBS
914.68 | DSM 40254 | ETH 24214 | NBRC 12884 | NBRC 3944 | IPV
1999 | ISP 5254 | JCM 4188 | JCM 4648 | RIA 1180
Streptomyces limosus AL Lindenbein 1952 B Br 136 | ATCC 19778 | CBS
531.68 | DSM 40131, Z76679, Stm.limosu | NBRC 12790 | ISP 5131 |
JCM 4393 | RIA 1058
Streptomyces lincolnensis AL Mason et al. 1963 2376 | ATCC 25466 | CBS
630.70 | DSM 2013 | DSM 40355 | NBRC 13054 | ISP 5355 | JCM 4287 |
KCC S-0287 | NCIB 9413 | NRRL 2936, X79854, Stm.lincln | RIA 1246
Streptomyces lipmanii AL (Waksman and Curtis 1916) Waksman and Henrici
1948 ATCC 19779 | ATCC 3331 | CBS 532.68 | DSM 40070 | NBRC
12791 | IMET 40336 | IMRU 3331 | ISP 5070 | RIA 1059
Streptomyces litmocidini AL (Ryabova and Preobrazhenskaya 1957) Prid-
ham et al. 1958 ATCC 19914 | CBS 533.68 | DSM 40164 | NBRC
12792 | INA 1823/55 | ISP 5164 | JCM 4394 | RIA 1060
Streptomyces lomondensis AL Johnson and Dietz 1969 UC 5022 | ATCC
25299 | DSM 41428 | JCM 4866 | KCC S-0866 | NCIB 10094 | NRRL
Streptomyces longisporo?avus AL Waksman 1953 ATCC 19915 | CBS
915.68 | DSM 40165 | NBRC 12886 | IMET 43506 | INA 81/53 | ISP
5165 | RIA 1133
Streptomyces longispororuber AL Waksman 1953 ATCC 27443 | CBS
789.72 | DSM 40599 | NBRC 13488 | INA 11668/54 | ISP 5599 | KCC
S-0784 | RIA 1449
Streptomyces longisporus AL (Krassilnikov 1941) Waksman 1953 ATCC
23931 | CBS 916.68 | DSM 40166 | NBRC 12885 | IMET 43090 | INA
4417/56 | ISP 5166, AJ399475, AJ399475 | JCM 4395 | RIA 1134
Streptomyces longwoodensis VP Prosser and Palleroni 1981 X-14537 |
ATCC 29251 | DSM 41677 | NBRC 14251 | JCM 4976 | KCC S-0976
Streptomyces lucensis AL Arcamone et al. 1957 ATCC 17804 | FI 1163 |
ATCC 25468 | CBS 701.69 | DSM 40317 | NBRC 13056 | ISP 5317 | JCM
4490 | RIA 1248
Streptomyces luridiscabiei VP Park et al. 2003 KACC 20252 | LMG 21390
| S63, AF361784
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
B-16109 460
Streptomyces mediolani AL Arcamone et al. 1968 2215/74 FI | IMI 134886
| MS 1487 | ATCC 33021 | DSM 41058 | DSM 41647 | IMRU 3934 | IPV
46 0
Kitasatosporia m ediocidica wa s transferred to Strep tomy c es as S . medioc id ic us . S ubs eque ntly, Zhan g et a l. (1 997) hav e propos ed the
revival of the ge nus K ita sa tospora and the specie s K. me dio cidic a.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Streptomyces nashvillensis AL McVeigh and Reyes 1961 V-8 | ATCC 25476
| CBS 886.69 | DSM 40314 | NBRC 13064 | ISP 5314 | NRRL B-2606 |
RIA 1256
Streptomyces netropsis VP (Finlay et al. 1951) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991
<- Streptoverticillium netropsis (basonym) = Streptomyces distalli-
cus (junior heterotypic synonym) = Streptomyces ?avopersicus (ju-
nior heterotypic synonym) = Streptomyces kentuckensis (junior het-
erotypic synonym) 4779 | ATCC 23940 | CBS 924.68 | DSM 40259 |
ETH 15974 | NBRC 12893 | IPV 1720 | IPV 880 | ISP 5259 | JCM 4063 |
JCM 4655 | NRRL 2268 | RIA 1184
Streptomyces neyagawaensis AL Yamamoto et al. 1960 ATCC 27449,
D63869, D63869, Stm.neygaw | CBS 778.72 | DSM 40588 | NBRC
13477 | NBRC 3784 | ISP 5588, AJ399493 | JCM 4796 | NRRL B-3092
| RIA 1438
NBRC 13362 | ISP 5302 | JCM 3158 | KCC 3158 | RIA 1323
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
11886 | ETH 14310 | ETH 9517 | NBRC 13067 | IMET 40352 | IMRU
3336 | ISP 5451 | KCC S-0163 | KCC S-0500 | NRRL B-1341 | RIA 1259
Streptomyces olivomycini VP (Gauze and Sheshnikova 1986) Witt and
Stackebrandt 1991 <- Streptoverticillium olivomycini (basonym)
INA 16749
Streptomyces olivoreticuli subsp. olivoreticuli VP (Arai et al. 1957) Witt
and Stackebrandt 1991 <- Streptoverticillium olivoreticuli subsp. oli-
voreticuli (basonym) ATCC 23943 | CBS 927.68 | DSM 40105 | IFM
1018 | NBRC 12896 | ISP 5105 | JCM 4176 | JCM 4657 | RIA 1122
Streptomyces olivoreticuli subsp. cellulophilus VP (Locci and Scho?eld
1989) Witt and Stackebrandt 1991 <- Streptoverticillium olivoreticuli
subsp. cellulophilum (basonym) MK-33 | ATCC 21632 | DPDU 0278,
X53166, Stm.olivor | DSM 41687
Streptomyces olivoverticillatus VP (Shinobu 1956) Witt and Stackebrandt
1991 <- Streptoverticillium olivoverticillatum (basonym) ATCC
25480 | CBS 890.69 | DSM 40250 | ETH 28537 | NBRC 13068 | ISP
5250 | JCM 4100 | JCM 4501 | NRRL B-1994 | OEU 383 | RIA 1260 |
RIA 551
Streptomyces olivoviridis AL (Kuchaeva et al. 1960) Pridham 1970 ATCC
15882 | ATCC 23944 | CBS 928.68 | DSM 40211 | NBRC 12897 | INMI
1475 | ISP 5211 | JCM 4432 | JCM 4658 | RIA 1157 | RIA 661
Streptomyces omiyaensis AL Umezawa and Okami 1950 ATCC 27454 | CBS
750.72 | DSM 40552 | NBRC 13449 | IMET 43362 | ISP 5552 | JCM 4806
| NRRL B-1587 | RIA 1410
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
NBRC 12898 | IMET 40355 | IMRU 3338 | ISP 5073 | KCC S-0070 |
46 1
K itasato sp oria ph osala cinea wa s transferred to S trepto my ces as S . pho salac in eus . Su bs eque ntly, Zha ng et al. (1997 ) ha ve p ro pos ed the
revival of the ge nus K ita sa tospora and the specie s K. pho sa lac in ea.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
| ISP 5341 | JCM 4434 | KCC S-0434 | RIA 1268 | RIA 832
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
| NBRC 12814 | IMRU 3658 | ISP 5133 | JCM 4409 | NRRL 2290 | RIA
Streptomyces reticuliscabiei VP Bouchek-Mechiche et al. 2000 CFBP
4531, AJ007428 | ICMP 13716 | NCPPB 4041
Streptomyces rhizosphaericus VP Sembiring et al. 2001 A10P1, AJ391834
| DSM 41760 | NCIMB 13674
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
| IMRU 3750 | ISP 5269 | JCM 3039 | JCM 4828 | KCC A-0039 | KCC
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
772.72 | DSM 40577 | NBRC 13471 | ISP 5577 | KCC S-0547 | KCC
S-0829 | NRRL 2974 | RIA 1432
Streptomyces setae VP (Omura et al. 1983) Wellington et al. 1992 <-
Kitasatospora setae (basonym) -> Kitasatospora setae KM-6054 |
ATCC 33774 | DSM 43861 462 , M55220, Kts.setae1 | NBRC 14216 | JCM
3304 | KCC A-0304
Streptomyces setonii AL (Millard and Burr 1926) Waksman 1953 ATCC
25497, D63872, Stm.setoni | CBS 105.72 | CBS 957.69 | DSM 40395
| ICMP 12543 | NBRC 13085 | NBRC 13085 | IMRU 3375 | ISP 5395 |
Streptomyces speibonae VP Meyers et al. 2003 PK-Blue, AF452714 | ATCC
BAA-411 | DSM 41797
Streptomyces speleomycini VP Preobrazhenskaya and Szabo 1986 B-23
Streptomyces spheroides AL Wallick et al. 1956 = Streptomyces caeruleus
(senior heterotypic synonym) MA-319 | ATCC 23965 | CBS 491.62 |
CBS 948.68 | DSM 40292 | NBRC 12917 | ISP 5292 | JCM 4252 | NRRL
2449 | RIA 1200, | RIA 700
Streptomyces spinoverrucosus VP Diab and Al-Gounaim 1982 Diab
163MA | MS 1488 | ATCC 33692 | DSM 41648 | NBRC 14228 | NBRC
14250 | JCM 5077 | KCC S-1077 | NCIB 11666
Streptomyces spiralis VP (Falcao de Morais 1970) Goodfellow et al. 1986
<- Elytrosporangium spirale (basonym) Mc 9H | ATCC 25664 | DSM
43836 | NBRC 14215 | JCM 3302 | KCC 3302
Streptomyces spiroverticillatus AL Shinobu 1958 ATCC 19811 | CBS
564.68 | DSM 40036 | NBRC 12821 | IMET 42050 | ISP 5036 | OEU 508
| RIA 1091 | RIA 549
46 2
Kitasatosporia set ae was tran sfe rred to S tre ptom yces a s S. s etae . S ubs equ ently, Zh ang et al. (199 7) h ave p ro pos ed the rev iv al of the
ge nus K ita sa tospora and th e spe cies K . set ae.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Streptomyces vastus AL Szabo and Marton 1958 A-10 | ATCC 25506 | CBS
290.60 | CBS 648.69 | DSM 40309 | NBRC 13094 | ISP 5309 | RIA 1286
Streptomyces venezuelae AL Ehrlich et al. 1948 A-65 | PD 04745 | ATCC
10712 | ATCC 25508 | CBS 650.69 | DSM 40230 | DSM 41109 | ETH
26169 | NBRC 12595 | NBRC 13096 | IMET 41356 | IMRU 3534 | IMRU
3625 | ISP 5230 | JCM 4526, AB045890 | KCC S-0526 | NIHJ 38 | NRRL
2277 | RIA 1288 | VKM Ac-589
Streptomyces vinaceus AL Jones 1952 8542-1 | ATCC 27476 | CBS 726.72 |
DSM 40515 | ETH 28394 | NBRC 13425 | ISP 5515 | NRRL 2382 | RIA
Streptomyces vinaceusdrappus AL Pridham et al. 1958 D-13 | UC 2007
| ATCC 25511 | CBS 653.69 | DSM 40470 | NBRC 13099 | ISP 5470 |
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
ETH 9447 | NBRC 12826 | IMET 40270 | IMRU 3030 | ISP 5049 | JCM
4423 | RIA 1069
Streptomyces violaceorubidus VP Terekhova 1986 ATCC 43697 | DSM
41478 | INA 770 | JCM 6931
Streptomyces violaceus AL (Rossi Doria 1891) Waksman 1953 emend.
Lanoot et al. 2002 = Streptomyces violatus (junior heterotypic
synonym) ATCC 15888 | ATCC 25515 | CBS 657.69 | DSM 40082 |
NBRC 13103 | IMET 43085 | INMI 1 | ISP 5082 | JCM 4533 | RIA 1295
| RIA 656
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Streptomyces yunnanensis VP Zhang et al. 2003 CGMCC 4.1004 | DSM
41793 | YIM 41004, AF346818
Streptomyces zaomyceticus AL Hinuma 1954 MTHU N-187 | ATCC 27482 |
CBS 649.72 | DSM 40196 | NBRC 13348 | IMET 43841 | ISP 5196 | JCM
4179 | JCM 4864 | KCC S-0179 | KCC S-0864 | NRRL B-2038 | RIA 1309
Genus II. Kitasatospora VP 463
Kitasatospora setae VP (T) Omura et al. 1983 -> Streptomyces setae <-
Streptomyces setae (basonym) KM-6054 | ATCC 33774 | DSM 43861,
M55220, Kts.setae1 | NBRC 14216 | JCM 3304 | JCM 3304, U93332,
Kts.setae2 | KCC A-0304
Kitasatospora azatica VP (Nakagaito et al. 1993) Zhang et al. 1997 <-
Streptomyces azaticus (basonym) OS-3256 | ATCC 51237 | DSM
41650 | NBRC 13803 | NBRC 13803, U93312, Kts.azatic
46 3
The typ e sp ecies of K ita sa tospora, K . se tae, w as t ra nsf erre d to S tre ptom yc es , along w ith K . c ys targinea , K. g rise ola , K. m edioc idica , and
K . ph osala cinea, as S. se tae, S. cystargineu s, S. griseo lospo re us, S . m edioc idicu s, an d S . p hos alacineu s, res pec tiv ely. Sub se quen tly, Zhang
et a l. (19 97) hav e propo se d the revival of the g enus Kitasato spo ra and th e sp ec ies K. s eta e, K. c y sta rg ine a, K. g ris eola, K. m edioc idic a, and
K . p hosalacine a.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Streptoverticillium aureoversile AL Locci et al. 1969 -> Streptomyces au-
reoversilis ATCC 15853 | ATCC 25433 | CBS 664.69 | DSM 40387 |
NBRC 13021 | ISP 5387 | JCM 4457 | KCC S-0457 | RIA 1213 | RIA 681
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
46 4
Th e nam e S treptoverticilliu m reticu lum subsp. p ro tomyc ic um is illeg itimat e be cau se neither S trepto verticilliu m reticu lum nor S trepto ve rti-
cillium re ticulum su bsp . re ticulum appe ared on t he A pp ro ved List or s ubs eq uent va lidation lists .
46 5
The n ames St re ptoverticillium verticilliu m su bsp. qu intu m and S trepto ve rt ic illium v ertic illium s ub sp. tsu kus hiens e are illegitim ate be ca use
the na mes S trepto verticilliu m verticilliu m and Strep toverticillium v ertic illium v ertic illium did n ot a ppea r on the Ap prov ed L is t a nd hav e nev er
be en va lidly pub lish ed.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
9534 | IMRU 3757 | JCM 3006 | KCC A-0006 | NCIB 9560 | RIA 477 |
RIA 763
Microbispora rosea subsp. aerata VP (Gerber and Lechevalier 1964)
Miyadoh et al. 1991 <- Microbispora aerata (basonym) P 132
| ATCC 15448, U48984, Mbsp.rose2 | DSM 43176 | NBRC 12581 |
Microbispora bispora AL (Henssen 1957) Lechevalier 1965 -> Thermobis-
pora bispora R51 | ATCC 19993, U58523, Ths.bispo5 | ATCC 19993,
U83909, Ths.bispo2 | ATCC 19993, U83910, Ths.bispor | ATCC
19993, U83911, Ths.bispo3 | ATCC 19993, U83912, Ths.bispo4 | CBS
139.67 | DSM 43833 | DSM 43833 | NBRC 14880
Microbispora chromogenes AL Nonomura and Ohara 1960 M-22 | DSM
43165 | JCM 3022 | KCC A-0022 | NRRL B-2634
Microbispora corallina VP Nakajima et al. 1999 DF-32, AB018046 | JCM
Microbispora diastatica AL Nonomura and Ohara 1960 KCC A-0023
Microbispora echinospora AL Nonomura and Ohara 1971 -> Actino-
madura echinospora Mb3-1, U49004 | ATCC 27300 | DSM 43163 |
NBRC 14042 | JCM 3148
Microbispora indica VP Rao et al. 1987 ATCC 35926 | SKF-I-101055
Microbispora karnatakensis VP Rao et al. 1987 ATCC 35927 | SKF-I-58261
Microbispora mesophila VP (Nonomura and Ohara 1971) Zhang et al. 1998
<- Thermomonospora mesophila (basonym) T-1 | ATCC 27303 | DSM
43048 | JCM 3151, AF002266, Mbsp.mphil | KCC A-0151
Microbispora parva AL Nonomura and Ohara 1960 KCC A-0024 | ATCC
33326, U48985
Microbispora thermodiastatica AL Nonomura and Ohara 1969 FYU M2-59
| ATCC 27098, U48986, Mbsp.rose7 | CBS 799.70 | DSM 43166 | KCC
Microbispora thermorosea AL Nonomura and Ohara 1969 ATCC 27099,
U48987, Mbsp.rose8
Microbispora viridis VP Miyadoh et al. 1985 -> Actinomadura rugato-
bispora SF-2240 | DSM 44130 | NBRC 14382, U49010, Amd.rugato |
JCM 3366 | NRRL B-16566
Genus V. Microtetraspora AL
Microtetraspora glauca AL (T) Thiemann et al. 1968 T 158 | ATCC 23057
| DSM 43311, X97891, Mtt.glauca | IAM 14286 | NBRC 14761,
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Nonomuraea fastidiosa VP (Soina et al. 1975) Zhang et al. 1998 <- Microte-
traspora fastidiosa (basonym) ATCC 33516 | DSM 43674 | NBRC
14680, U48844, Nm.fastidi | INMI 104 | JCM 3321 | VKM Ac-804
Nonomuraea ferruginea VP (Meyer 1981) Zhang et al. 1998 <- Microte-
traspora ferruginea (basonym) 487-2 | ATCC 35575 | DSM 43553 |
NBRC 14094, U48845, Nm.ferrugi | IMET 9567 | JCM 3283 | NCIB
11630 | NRRL B-16096
Nonomuraea ?exuosa VP (Meyer 1989) Zhang et al. 1998 <- Microte-
traspora ?exuosa (basonym) 435 | ATCC 35864 | DSM 43186 | NBRC
14349 | JCM 3056 | KCC A-0056
Nonomuraea helvata VP (Nonomura and Ohara 1971) Zhang et al. 1998 <-
Microtetraspora helvata (basonym) FYU A-105 | ATCC 27295 | DSM
43142 | IMET 9584 | KCC A-0143
Nonomuraea longicatena VP Chiba et al. 1999 K-252 | NRRL 15532,
Nonomuraea polychroma VP (Galatenko et al. 1987) Zhang et al. 1998 <-
Microtetraspora polychroma (basonym) ATCC 49500 | DSM 43925 |
NBRC 14345, U48977, Nm.plychrm | IMET 9743 | INA 2755 | NRRL
B-16243 | VKM Ac 1084
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
46 6
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
JCM 6844
Nocardiopsis trehalosi VP Evtushenko et al. 2000 NBRC 14201 | JCM 3357
| NRRL 12026 | VKM Ac-942, AF105972
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
VKM Ac 1095
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Actinomadura fastidiosa AL Soina et al. 1975 -> Microtetraspora fastid-
iosa ATCC 33516 | DSM 43674 | NBRC 14680, U48844, Nm.fastidi |
INMI 104 | JCM 3321 | VKM Ac-804
Actinomadura ferruginea VP Meyer 1981 -> Microtetraspora ferruginea
487-2 | ATCC 35575 | DSM 43553 | NBRC 14094, U48845, Nm.ferrugi
| IMET 9567 | JCM 3283 | NCIB 11630 | NRRL B-16096
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Actinomadura malachitica AL Lavrova et al. 1972 = Actinomadura viridis
(senior heterotypic synonym) ATCC 27888 | DSM 43462 | IMET 9581
| INA 1920
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Order II. Bi?dobacteriales VP 470
Family I. Bi?dobacteriaceae VP
Genus I. Bi?dobacterium AL (T)
46 8
L udwig indica tes that ARB tree may no t suppo rt this p lac em ent. Unpu blish ed d ata o f G arrity and Se arles s upp orts this fa mily.
46 9
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
47 0
Althou gh Ludw ig has exp re ssed some reserva tio ns ab out the plac eme nt o f t he Bifdob act eriales , PCA p lots (G arrity and Lilb urn) c le arly
show the Bi?doba cte ria a re rem ove d f ro m t he main lin eage s of Ac tin obac teria.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
47 1
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Actinocorallia glomerata VP (Itoh et al. 1996) Zhang et al. 2001 472 <- Actino-
madura glomerata (basonym) I-226, D50660, Amd.glomer | DSM 44360 |
NBRC 15960 | JCM 9376, AF134068, D50660, Amd.glomer
Actinocorallia libanotica VP (Meyer 1981) Zhang et al. 2001 473 <- Actinomadura
libanotica (basonym) 828-21 | ATCC 35576 | DSM 43554 | NBRC 14095,
U49007, Amd.libano | IMET 9616 | JCM 3284 | KCC A-0284 | NCIB 11686 |
NRRL B-16097
Actinocorallia longicatena VP (Itoh et al. 1996) Zhang et al. 2001 474 <- Acti-
nomadura longicatena (basonym) I-497 | CIP 105488 | DSM 44361 | NBRC
15961 | JCM 9377, AF163117, AF163117
Genus III. Excellospora AL
Excellospora viridilutea AL (T) Agre and Guzeva 1975 -> Actinomadura viridi-
lutea ATCC 33925 | DSM 43934 | NBRC 14480, D86943, Exs.viridi | IMET
9742 | INMI 187 | JCM 3398 | JCM 7346
Genus IV. Pelczaria VP
Pelczaria aurantia VP (T) Poston 1994 ATCC 49321
Genus V. Turicella VP
Turicella otitidis VP (T) Funke et al. 1994 GF 234/92, X73976, Tur.otitid | ATCC
51513 | DSM 8821
Phylum BXV. " Planctomycetes " 475
Class I. "Planctomycetacia"
Order I. Planctomycetales VP
Family I. Planctomycetaceae VP
Genus I. Planctomyces AL (T)
Planctomyces beke?i AL (T) Gimesi 1924
Planctomyces brasiliensis VP Schlesner 1990 ATCC 49424, X85247, Pln.brasi2 | DSM
5305, X81949, Pln.brasil | DSM 5305, AJ231190, Pln.brasi3 | IFAM 1448
Planctomyces guttaeformis VP (ex Hortobagyi 1965) Starr and Schmidt 1984
Planctomyces limnophilus VP Hirsch and Mller 1986 290 | ATCC 43296 | DSM 3776 |
IFAM 1008, X62911, Pln.limnop
Planctomyces maris VP Bould and Staley 1980 534-30 | ATCC 29201, X62910,
Pln.maris | DSM 8797, AJ231184, Pln.maris2
Planctomyces stranskae VP (ex Warwick 1952) Starr and Schmidt 1984
Genus II. Gemmata VP
Gemmata obscuriglobus VP (T) Franzmann and Skerman 1985 DSM 5831 | DSM 5831,
AJ231191, Gmt.obscu4 | UQM 2246, X54522, Gmt.obscu2 | UQM 2246, X56305,
Genus III. Isosphaera VP
Isosphaera pallida VP (T) Giovannoni et al. 1995 IS1B | ATCC 43644 | DSM 9630,
AJ231195, Iso.palli3
Genus IV. Pirellula VP
Pirellula staleyi VP (T) (Schlesner and Hirsch 1984) Schlesner and Hirsch 1987 <- Pirella
staleyi (basonym) ATCC 27377, M34126, Pir.staley | DSM 6068, AJ231183,
Pir.stale3 | DSM 940
Pirellula marina VP (Schlesner 1987) Schlesner and Hirsch 1987 <- Pirella marina (ba-
sonym) ATCC 49069 | DSM 3645 | IFAM 1313, X62912, Pir.marina
Phylum BXVI. "Chlamydiae "
47 2
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
47 3
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
47 4
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
47 5
The re is suppo rt in th e AR B an d RDP trees for the phylu m Planc tom yc ete s. Ludwig n otes that the P la nct omy ce s/ Pire llu la group to geth er
as do G em mat a/Isospharea . In P CA p lot s G arrity and Lilbu rn sho w the latte r t o be f ar re mov ed. Th e s pread o f points se ems c ons is tent with
Lu dwig s vie w t hat the ph ylum is dive rse.
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Class I. Chlamydiae VP
Order I. Chlamydiales AL (T)
Family I. Chlamydiaceae AL
Genus I. Chlamydia AL (T)
Chlamydia trachomatis AL (T) (Busacca 1935) Rake 1957 emend. Everett et al. 1999
A/HAR-13, U68438, Clm.trach2 | A/HAR-13, D89067, Clm.trach4 | ATCC VR 571
| ATCC VR 571B
47 6
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Spirochaeta stenostrepta AL (T) Zuelzer 1912 Z1, M88724, Spi.stenos | ATCC 25083 |
DSM 2028
Spirochaeta africana VP Zhilina et al. 1996 Z-7692, X93928, | DSM 8902
Spirochaeta alkalica VP Zhilina et al. 1996 Z-7491, X93927, Spi.alkali | DSM 8900
Spirochaeta americana VP Hoover et al. 2003 ASpG1 | ATCC BAA-392 | DSM 14872,
Spirochaeta asiatica VP Zhilina et al. 1996 Z-7591, X93926, Spi.asiati | DSM 8901
Spirochaeta aurantia subsp. aurantia VP Canale-Parola 1980 J1 | ATCC 25082,
M57740, Spi.aurant | DSM 1902
Spirochaeta aurantia subsp. stricta VP Canale-Parola 1984 J4T
Spirochaeta caldaria VP Pohlschroeder et al. 1995 ATCC 51460 | DSM 7334 | H1
Spirochaeta halophila AL Greenberg and Canale-Parola 1977 RS1, M88722, Spi.haloph
| ATCC 29478 | DSM 10522
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Class I. "Fibrobacteres"
Order I. "Fibrobacterales"
Family I. "Fibrobacteraceae"
Genus I. Fibrobacter VP
Fibrobacter succinogenes subsp. succinogenes VP (T) (Hungate 1950) Montgomery et al.
1988 <- Bacteroides succinogenes (basonym) S85, M62696, Fib.sucS85 | ATCC
Fibrobacter succinogenes subsp. elongatus VP Montgomery et al. 1988 HM2, M62689,
Fib.sucHM2 | ATCC 43856
48 0
The na mes Serpu lina in termed ia a nd Se rp ulina m urdoc hii were pu blish ed in IJS B prior to va lidation of th e trans fer of the t ype spe cies
S erpulina h yod ysent eriae to t he gen us B ra ch yspira , but afte r th e e ffec tiv e pub lica tion o f the pap er in which th is tra ns fer w as prop os ed. A
prop osa l to t ra nsf er S . interme dia an d S . m urdochii to h as not y et been pub lish ed.
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bacteroides acidifaciens VP Miyamoto and Itoh 2000 A40, AB021164 | JCM 10556
Bacteroides amylophilus AL Hamlin and Hungate 1956 -> Ruminobacter amylophilus
H 18 | ATCC 29744, Y15992, Rum.amylo2 | DSM 1361, Y15992, Rum.amylo2 |
VPI 2502 B
Bacteroides asaccharolyticus AL (Holdeman and Moore 1970) Finegold and Barnes
1977 -> Porphyromonas asaccharolytica ATCC 25260, L16490, Ppm.asacch |
DSM 20707 | VPI 4198
Bacteroides bivius AL Holdeman and Johnson 1977 -> Prevotella bivia 653C | ATCC
29303, L16475, Prv.bivia | DSM 20514 | NCTC 11156 | VPI 6822
Bacteroides buccae VP Holdeman et al. 1982 = Bacteroides capillus (junior heterotypic
synonym) = Bacteroides pentosaceus (junior heterotypic synonym) -> Prevotella
buccae ATCC 33574, L16477, Prv.buccae | DSM 20615 | VPI D3A-6
Bacteroides buccalis VP Shah and Collins 1982 -> Prevotella buccalis HS4 | ATCC
35310, L16476, Prv.buccls | DSM 20616 | NCDO 2354
Bacteroides caccae VP Johnson et al. 1986 ATCC 43185, X83951, Bac.caccae | VPI
Bacteroides capillosus AL (Tissier 1908) Kelly 1957 ATCC 29799, AY136666
Bacteroides capillus VP Kornmann and Holt 1982 = Bacteroides buccae (senior het-
erotypic synonym) 938.11 | ATCC 33690, L16478, Prv.bucca2
Bacteroides cellulosolvens VP Murray et al. 1984 WM2 | ATCC 35603, L35517,
Bac.cellul | DSM 2933 | NRCC 2944
Bacteroides coagulans AL Eggerth and Gagnon 1933 EUH 581-73 | ATCC 29798 | DSM
20705 | VPI 8755
Bacteroides corporis VP Johnson and Holdeman 1983 -> Prevotella corporis Lambe
532-70A | ATCC 33547, L16465, Prv.corpor | VPI 9342
Bacteroides denticola VP Shah and Collins 1982 emend. Holdeman and Johnson 1982
-> Prevotella denticola 1210 | ATCC 35308, L16467, Prv.dentic | DSM 20614 |
NCDO 2352
Bacteroides disiens VP Holdeman and Johnson 1977 -> Prevotella disiens 1304-72B |
ATCC 29426, L16483, Prv.disien | DSM 20516 | NCTC 11157 | VPI 8057
Bacteroides distasonis AL Eggerth and Gagnon 1933 ATCC 8503, M86695, Bac.distas
| DSM 20701 | NCTC 11152
Bacteroides eggerthii AL Holdeman and Moore 1974 ATCC 27754 | DSM 20697 | NCTC
11155, L16485, Bac.eggert | VPI T5-42B-1
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bacteroides pentosaceus VP Shah and Collins 1982 = Bacteroides buccae (senior het-
erotypic synonym) NCDO 2353
Bacteroides pneumosintes AL (Olitsky and Gates 1921) Holdeman and Moore 1970 ->
Dialister pneumosintes Cal 4692-1-74 | ATCC 33048, X82500, Di.psintes | CCUG
21025 | DSM 11619 | VPI 9415
Bacteroides polypragmatus VP Patel and Breuil 1982 GP4 | NRC 2288
Bacteroides praeacutus AL (Tissier 1908) Holdeman and Moore 1970 -> Tissierella
praeacuta ATCC 25539, X80833, Tss.praea2 | NCTC 11158
Bacteroides putredinis AL (Weinberg et al. 1937) Kelly 1957 ATCC 29800, L16497,
Bacteroides pyogenes VP Benno et al. 1983 P 39-88 | ATCC 35418 | DSM 20611
Bacteroides ruminicola subsp. ruminicola AL Bryant et al. 1958 -> Prevotella rumini-
cola ATCC 19189, L16482, Prv.rumcol
Bacteroides ruminicola subsp. brevis AL Bryant et al. 1958 -> Prevotella ruminicola
subsp. brevis GA33, AJ011682, Prv.brevis | ATCC 19188
Bacteroides salivosus VP Love et al. 1987 -> Porphyromonas salivosa NCTC 11632,
L26103, Ppm.macac2 | VPB 157
Bacteroides splanchnicus AL Werner et al. 1975 1651/6 | ATCC 29572 | DSM 20712 |
NCTC 10825, L16496, Bac.splanc
Bacteroides stercoris VP Johnson et al. 1986 ATCC 43183, X83953, Bac.stercr | VPI
Bacteroides succinogenes AL Hungate 1950 -> Fibrobacter succinogenes subsp. suc-
cinogenes S85, M62696, Fib.sucS85 | ATCC 19169
Bacteroides suis VP Benno et al. 1983 P 38024 | ATCC 35419 | DSM 20612
Bacteroides tectus VP Love et al. 1986 160 | NCTC 11853
Bacteroides termitidis AL (Sebald 1962) Holdeman and Moore 1970 -> Sebaldella ter-
mitidis ATCC 33386, M58678, Sbd.termit | NCTC 11300
Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron AL (Distaso 1912) Castellani and Chalmers 1919 E50 |
ATCC 29148, L16489, Bac.theta2 | ATCC 29148, M58763, Bac.thetai | DSM 2079
| NCTC 10582 | VPI 5482
Bacteroides uniformis AL Eggerth and Gagnon 1933 ATCC 8492, L16486, Bac.unifor |
DSM 6597
Bacteroides ureolyticus AL Jackson and Goodman 1978 EDMH-1 | ATCC 33387,
L04321, Bac.ureoly | CCUG 7319 | DSM 20703 | LMG 6451 | NCTC 10941
Bacteroides veroralis VP Watabe et al. 1983 -> Prevotella veroralis ATCC 33779,
L16473, Prv.verora | VPI D22A-7
Bacteroides vulgatus AL Eggerth and Gagnon 1933 ATCC 8482, M58762, Bac.vulgat |
DSM 1447
Bacteroides xylanolyticus VP Scholten-Koerselman et al. 1988 X5-1 | DSM 3808
Bacteroides zoogleoformans VP (Weinberg et al. 1937) Cato et al. 1982 <- Capsularis
zoogleoformans (basonym) -> Prevotella zoogleoformans ATCC 33285, L16488,
Prv.zoofor | VPI D28K-1
Genus II. Aceto?lamentum VP
Aceto?lamentum rigidum VP (T) Dietrich et al. 1989 MN | DSM 20769
Genus III. Acetomicrobium VP
Acetomicrobium ?avidum VP (T) Soutschek et al. 1985 ATCC 43122 | DSM 20664
Acetomicrobium faecale VP Winter et al. 1988 DSM 20678
Genus IV. Acetothermus VP
Acetothermus paucivorans VP (T) Dietrich et al. 1988 TN | DSM 20768
Genus V. Anaerophaga VP
Anaerophaga thermohalophila VP (T) Denger et al. 2002 Fru22, AJ418048 | DSM 12881
| OCM 798
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Porphyromonas crevioricanis VP Hirasawa and Takada 1994 ATCC 55563 | NUM 402
Porphyromonas endodontalis VP (van Steenbergen et al. 1984) Shah and Collins 1988 <-
Bacteroides endodontalis (basonym) HG370 | ATCC 35406, L16491, Ppm.endodo
Porphyromonas gingivalis VP (Coykendall et al. 1980) Shah and Collins 1988 <- Bac-
teroides gingivalis (basonym) 2561 | ATCC 33277, L16492, Ppm.gingiv | DSM
20709, X73964, Ppm.gingi2
Porphyromonas gingivicanis VP Hirasawa and Takada 1994 ATCC 55562 | NUM 301
Porphyromonas gulae VP Fournier et al. 2001 Loup 1 | ATCC 51700, AF208290 | NCTC
Porphyromonas levii VP (Johnson and Holdeman 1983) Shah et al. 1995 <- Bacteroides
levii (basonym) LEV | ATCC 29147, L16493, Ppm.levii | VPI 10450 | VPI 3300
Porphyromonas macacae VP (Slots and Genco 1980) Love 1995 <- Bacteroides macacae
(basonym) = Porphyromonas salivosa (junior heterotypic synonym) 7728-L6C |
ATCC 33141, L16494, Ppm.macaca | DSM 20710
Porphyromonas salivosa VP (Love et al. 1987) Love et al. 1992 = Porphyromonas
macacae (senior heterotypic synonym) <- Bacteroides salivosus (basonym) VPB
157 | NCTC 11632, L26103, Ppm.macac2
Genus II. Dysgonomonas VP
48 1
Th e p ublished seque nce is not cu rren tly a vaila ble fo r this typ e s train/ty pe sp ecies .
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Dysgonomonas gadei VP (T) Hofstad et al. 2000 CCUG 42882, Y18530 | CIP 106420
Dysgonomonas capnocytophagoides VP Hofstad et al. 2000 , U41355 CCUG 17996 |
LMG 11519
Dysgonomonas mossii VP Lawson et al. 2002 CCUG 43457, AJ319867 | CDC F9489 |
CIP 107079
Genus III. Tannerella VP
Tannerella forsythensis VP (T) (Tanner et al. 1986) Sakamoto et al. 2002 <- Bacteroides
forsythus (basonym) FDC 338 , L16495, Bac.fsyths | ATCC 43037 | JCM 10827
Family IV. "Prevotellaceae"
Genus I. Prevotella VP
Prevotella melaninogenica VP (T) (Oliver and Wherry 1921) Shah and Collins 1990
emend. Wu et al. 1992 <- Bacteroides melaninogenicus subsp. melaninogenicus
(basonym) B282 | ATCC 25845, L16469, Prv.melani | DSM 7089 | JCM 6325 | VPI
Prevotella albensis VP Avgustin et al. 1997 M384, AJ011683, Prv.albens | DSM 11370
Prevotella bivia VP (Holdeman and Johnson 1977) Shah and Collins 1990 <- Bacteroides
bivius (basonym) 653C | ATCC 29303, L16475, Prv.bivia | DSM 20514 | NCTC
11156 | VPI 6822
Prevotella brevis VP (Bryant et al. 1958) Avgustin et al. 1997 <- Prevotella ruminicola
subsp. brevis (basonym) GA33, AJ011682, Prv.brevis | ATCC 19188
Prevotella bryantii VP Avgustin et al. 1997 B14, AJ006457, Prv.bryant | DSM 11371,
AJ006457, Prv.bryant
Prevotella buccae VP (Holdeman et al. 1982) Shah and Collins 1990 <- Bacteroides
buccae (basonym) ATCC 33574, L16477, Prv.buccae | VPI D3A-6
Prevotella buccalis VP (Shah and Collins 1982) Shah and Collins 1990 <- Bacteroides
buccalis (basonym) HS4 | ATCC 35310, L16476, Prv.buccls | DSM 20616 | NCDO
Prevotella corporis VP (Johnson and Holdeman 1983) Shah and Collins 1990 <- Bac-
teroides corporis (basonym) Lambe 532-70A | ATCC 33547, L16465, Prv.corpor
| VPI 9342
Prevotella dentalis VP (Haapasalo et al. 1986) Willems and Collins 1995 <- Mitsuokella
dentalis (basonym) ES 2772 | ES2645 | ATCC 49559 | DSM 3688, X81876,
Prevotella denticola VP (Shah and Collins 1982) Shah and Collins 1990 emend. Wu et al.
1992 <- Bacteroides denticola (basonym) 1210 | ATCC 35308, L16467, Prv.dentic
| DSM 20614 | NCDO 2352
Prevotella disiens VP (Holdeman and Johnson 1977) Shah and Collins 1990 <- Bac-
teroides disiens (basonym) 1304-72B | ATCC 29426, L16483, Prv.disien | DSM
20516 | NCTC 11157 | VPI 8057
Prevotella enoeca VP Moore et al. 1994 ATCC 51261, AJ005635, Prv.enoeca | VPI
Prevotella heparinolytica VP (Okuda et al. 1985) Shah and Collins 1990 <- Bacteroides
heparinolyticus (basonym) HEP | ATCC 35895, L16487, Prv.heplyt
Prevotella intermedia VP (Holdeman and Moore 1970) Shah and Collins 1990 <- Bac-
teroides intermedius (basonym) B422 | ATCC 25611, L16468, Prv.interm | ATCC
25611, X73965, Prv.inter2 | DSM 20706 | VPI 4197
Prevotella loescheii VP (Holdeman and Johnson 1982) Shah and Collins 1990 emend.
Wu et al. 1992 <- Bacteroides loescheii (basonym) 8B | ATCC 15930, L16481,
Prv.loesch | NCTC 11321 | VPI 9085
Prevotella nigrescens VP Shah and Gharbia 1992 Lambe 729-74 | ATCC 33563, L16471,
Prv.nigres | NCTC 9336, X73963, Prv.nigre3 | VPI 8944
Prevotella oralis VP (Loesche et al. 1964) Shah and Collins 1990 <- Bacteroides oralis
(basonym) ATCC 33269, L16480, Prv.oralis | DSM 20702 | NCTC 11459 | VPI
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Prevotella oris VP (Holdeman et al. 1982) Shah and Collins 1990 <- Bacteroides oris
(basonym) ATCC 33573, L16474, Prv.oris | VPI DIA-1A
Prevotella oulorum VP (Shah et al. 1985) Shah and Collins 1990 <- Bacteroides oulorum
(basonym) ATCC 43324, L16472, Prv.oulora | NCTC 11871 | WPH 179
Prevotella pallens VP Knnen et al. 1998 AHN 10371, Y13105, Prv.pallen | NCTC
Prevotella ruminicola subsp. ruminicola VP (Bryant et al. 1958) Shah and Collins 1990
emend. Avgustin et al. 1997 <- Bacteroides ruminicola subsp. ruminicola (ba-
sonym) ATCC 19189, L16482, Prv.rumcol
Prevotella ruminicola subsp. brevis VP (Bryant et al. 1958) Shah and Collins 1990
<- Bacteroides ruminicola subsp. brevis (basonym) -> Prevotella brevis ATCC
Prevotella tannerae VP Moore et al. 1994 ATCC 51259, AJ005634, Prv.tanner | VPI
Prevotella veroralis VP (Watabe et al. 1983) Shah and Collins 1990 emend. Wu et al.
1992 <- Bacteroides veroralis (basonym) ATCC 33779, L16473, Prv.verora | VPI
Prevotella zoogleoformans VP (Weinberg et al. 1937) Shah and Collins 1990 emend.
Moore et al. 1994 <- Bacteroides zoogleoformans (basonym) ATCC 33285,
L16488, Prv.zoofor | VPI D28K-1
Class II. Flavobacteria VP
Order I. "Flavobacteriales"
Family I. Flavobacteriaceae VP
Genus I. Flavobacterium AL (T)
Flavobacterium aquatile AL (T) (Frankland and Frankland 1889) Bergey et al. 1923
emend. Bernardet et al. 1996 F 36 | ATCC 11947, M62797, F.aquatile | CIP
55.141 | DSM 1132 | DSM 30095 | NCIB 8694
Flavobacterium acidi?cum AL Steinhaus 1941 NCIB 9891
Flavobacterium acidurans AL Millar 1973 ATCC 27383
Flavobacterium balustinum AL Harrison 1929 -> Chryseobacterium balustinum LA
724 | ATCC 33487, M58771, Csb.balust | NBRC 15053, D14016, Csb.balus2 |
NCTC 11212
Flavobacterium branchiophilum VP Wakabayashi et al. 1989 emend. Bernardet et al.
1996 BGD-7721 | ATCC 35035 | CIP 103527 | NBRC 15030, D14017
Flavobacterium breve VP Holmes and Owen 1982 -> Empedobacter brevis CL88/76 |
ATCC 43319 | NCTC 11099
Flavobacterium capsulatum AL Leifson 1962 -> Sphingomonas capsulata ATCC
14666 | DSM 30196 | GIFU 11526, D16147, Spg.capsu2 | IAM 14271 | NBRC
12533 | JCM 7508 | LMG 2830 | NCIB 9890
Flavobacterium columnare VP (Bernardet and Grimont 1989) Bernardet et al. 1996 <-
Flexibacter columnaris (basonym) ATCC 23463 | LMG 13035 | NCIMB 2248,
D12659, F.columnar
Flavobacterium devorans AL (Zimmermann 1890) Bergey et al. 1923 ATCC 10829 |
CCM 72 | DSM 30198 | NCIB 8195 | NRRL B 54
Flavobacterium degerlachei VP Van Trappen et al. 2004 DSM 15718 | LMG 21915,
Flavobacterium esteraromaticum AL (Omelianski 1923) Bergey et al. 1930 -> Au-
reobacterium esteraromaticum ATCC 8091, Y17231 | CCM 4371 | DSM 8609 |
NBRC 3751
Flavobacterium ferrugineum AL Sickles and Shaw 1934 3576 | ATCC 13524, M62798,
F.ferrugin | DSM 30193
Flavobacterium ?evense VP (van der Meulen et al. 1974) Bernardet et al. 1996 <- Cy-
tophaga ?evensis (basonym) A-34 | ATCC 27944, M58767, F.?evense | DSM 1076
| IAM 14303 | LMG 8328
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Flavobacterium resinovorum AL Delaporte and Daste 1956 ATCC 33545 | DSM 7478 |
NCIB 8767
Flavobacterium saccharophilum VP (Reichenbach 1989) Bernardet et al. 1996 <-
Cytophaga saccharophila (basonym) 24 | DSM 1811 | IAM 14309 | LMG 8384 |
NCIMB 2072, D12671, F.sacchar2
Flavobacterium salegens VP Dobson et al. 1993 -> Salegentibacter salegens ACAM
48, M92279, F.salegens | ATCC 51522 | DSM 5424, M92279, F.salegens
Flavobacterium scophthalmum VP Mudarris et al. 1994 -> Chryseobacterium scoph-
thalmum MM1 | CCM 4109 | LMG 13028
Flavobacterium spiritivorum VP Holmes et al. 1982 -> Sphingobacterium spiritivorum
KM 2138 | ATCC 33861, M58778, Sph.sprvo2 | CDC E7288 | DSM 2582 | GIFU
Aequorivita crocea VP Bowman and Nichols 2002 Y12-2, AY027806 | ACAM 642 |
DSM 14293
Aequorivita lipolytica VP Bowman and Nichols 2002 Y10-2, AY027805 | ACAM 641 |
DSM 14236
Aequorivita sublithincola VP Bowman and Nichols 2002 9-3, AF170749 | ACAM 643 |
DSM 14238
Genus III. Arenibacter VP 482
Arenibacter latericius VP (T) Ivanova et al. 2001 CIP 106861 | KMM 426, AF052742 483 |
LMG 19694 | VKM B 2137D
Genus IV. Bergeyella VP
Bergeyella zoohelcum VP (T) (Holmes et al. 1987) Vandamme et al. 1994 <- Weeksella
zoohelcum (basonym) CL 544/80 | D658 | ATCC 43767, M93153, Brg.zoohel | CDC
D658 | NCTC 11660
Genus V. Capnocytophaga VP
Capnocytophaga ochracea VP (T) (Prevot et al. 1956) Leadbetter et al. 1982 <- Bac-
teroides ochraceus (basonym) ATCC 27872, U41350, Cap.ochra3 | DSM 7271 |
VPI 2845
Capnocytophaga canimorsus VP Brenner et al. 1990 7120 | ATCC 35979, L14637,
Cap.canimo | ATCC 35979, X97246, Cap.canim2
Capnocytophaga cynodegmi VP Brenner et al. 1990 E6447 | ATCC 49044, L14638,
Cap.cynode | ATCC 49044, X97245, Cap.cynod2
48 2
Place men t o f A re nib acter within t he Flavoba cte riaceae is ques tionab le
48 3
Ge nBa nk acce ssio n nu mbe r for strain K MM 426 (AF05 2740 ) re ported in co rrec tly in IJS EM .
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
DSM 3290
Capnocytophaga granulosa VP Yamamoto et al. 1994 B0611 | ATCC 51502, X97248,
Cap.granu3 | DSM 11449 | JCM 8566
Capnocytophaga haemolytica VP Yamamoto et al. 1994 A0404 | ATCC 51501, X97247,
Cap.haemo2 | DSM 11385 | JCM 8565 | LMG 16021, U41349, Cap.haemol
Capnocytophaga sputigena VP Leadbetter et al. 1982 4 | ATCC 33612, L14636,
Cap.sputi3 | ATCC 33612, X67609, Cap.sputi2 | DSM 3292
Genus VI. Cellulophaga VP 484
Cellulophaga lytica VP (T) (Lewin 1969) Johansen et al. 1999 <- Cytophaga lytica (ba-
sonym) ATCC 23178, D12666, M62796, M28058
Cellulophaga algicola VP Bowman 2000 IC166, AF001366
Cellulophaga baltica VP Johansen et al. 1999 NN015840, AJ005972 | LMG 18535
Cellulophaga fucicola VP Johansen et al. 1999 NN015860, AJ005973 | LMG 18536
Cellulophaga paci?ca VP Nedashkovskaya et al. 2004 KMM 3664, AB100840 | JCM
11735 | LMG 21938
Genus VII. Chryseobacterium VP
Chryseobacterium gleum VP (T) (Holmes et al. 1984) Vandamme et al. 1994 <- Flavobac-
terium gleum (basonym) F93 | ATCC 35910, M58772, Csb.gleum | NBRC 15054 |
JCM 2410 | NCTC 11432
Chryseobacterium balustinum VP (Harrison 1929) Vandamme et al. 1994 <- Flavobac-
terium balustinum (basonym) LA 724 | ATCC 33487, M58771, Csb.balust | NBRC
15053, D14016, Csb.balus2 | NCTC 11212
Chryseobacterium de?uvii VP Kmpfer et al. 2003 B2, AJ309324 | CIP 107207 | DSM
Chryseobacterium indologenes VP (Yabuuchi et al. 1983) Vandamme et al. 1994 <-
Flavobacterium indologenes (basonym) RH542 | ATCC 29897, M58773, Csb.ind-
log | CDC 3716 | GIFU 1347 | NCTC 10796
Chryseobacterium indoltheticum VP (Campbell and Williams 1951) Vandamme et
al. 1994 <- Flavobacterium indoltheticum (basonym) ATCC 27950, M58774,
Chryseobacterium joostei VP Hugo et al. 2003 CCUG 46665 | Ix 5a | LMG 18212,
Chryseobacterium meningosepticum VP (King 1959) Vandamme et al. 1994 <-
Flavobacterium meningosepticum (basonym) 14 | ATCC 13253, M58776,
Csb.mening | DSM 2800 | NCTC 10016
Chryseobacterium miricola VP Li et al. 2004 W3-B1, AB071953 | DSM 14571 | JCM
Chryseobacterium scophthalmum VP (Mudarris et al. 1994) Vandamme et al. 1994
<- Flavobacterium scophthalmum (basonym) MM1 | CCM 4109 | LMG 13028,
Genus VIII. Coenonia VP
Coenonia anatina VP (T) Vandamme et al. 1999 1502-91 | LMG 14382, Y17612,
Genus IX. Croceibacter VP
Croceibacter atlanticus VP (T) Cho and Giovannoni 2003 HTCC2559 | ATCC BAA-628,
AY163576 | KCTC 12090
Genus X. Empedobacter VP
Empedobacter brevis VP (T) (Holmes and Owen 1982) Vandamme et al. 1994 <-
Flavobacterium breve (basonym) CL88/76 | ATCC 43319 | NCTC 11099
Genus XI. Gelidibacter VP
Gelidibacter algens VP (T) Bowman et al. 1997 ACAM 536, U62914 | ATCC 700364 |
DSM 12408
48 4
Place men t of Cellu lop hag a is based on the recomm enda tio n o f L udwig.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Gelidibacter mesophilus VP Macian et al. 2002 2SM29, AJ344133 | CECT 5103 | DSM
Genus XII. Gillisia VP
Gillisia limnaea VP (T) Van Trappen et al. 2004 LMG 21470, AJ440991
Genus XIII. Mesonia VP
Mesonia algae VP (T) Nedashkovskaya et al. 2003 CCUG 47092 | KCTC 12089 | KMM
3909, AF536383
Genus XIV. Muricauda VP
Muricauda ruestringensis VP (T) Bruns et al. 2001 B1, AF218782 | DSM 13258 | LMG
48 8
NCIMB a ccession num ber is tran sp ose d in the G enB ank rec ord.
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Tenacibaculum mesophilum VP Suzuki et al. 2001 DSM 13764 | NBRC 16307 | MBIC
1140, AB032501
Tenacibaculum ovolyticum VP (Hansen et al. 1992) Suzuki et al. 2001 489 <- Flexibacter
ovolyticus (basonym) EKD002 | IAM 14318, AB032506 | NCIMB 13127
Tenacibaculum skagerrakense VP Frette et al. 2004 D30, AF469612 | ATCC BAA-458 |
DSM 14836
Genus XXIII. Weeksella VP
Weeksella virosa VP (T) Holmes et al. 1987 ATCC 43766, M93152, Wee.virosa | CDC
9751 | NCTC 11634
Weeksella zoohelcum VP Holmes et al. 1987 -> Bergeyella zoohelcum CL 544/80 |
D658 | ATCC 43767, M93153, Brg.zoohel | CDC D658 | NCTC 11660
Genus XXIV. Zobellia VP
Zobellia galactanivorans VP (T) Barbeyron et al. 2001 Dsij, AF208293 | CIP 106680 |
DSM 12802
Zobellia uliginosa VP (ZoBell and Upham 1944) Barbeyron et al. 2001 490 <- Cytophaga
uliginosa (basonym) 553 | ZoBell 553 | ATCC 14397, M62799 | ATCC 14397,
M28238 | DSM 2061 | IAM 14312 | NBRC 14962 | NCMB 1863, D12674
Family II. "Blattabacteriaceae"
Genus I. Blattabacterium AL
Blattabacterium cuenoti AL (T) (Mercier 1906) Hollande and Favre 1931
Class III. Sphingobacteria"
Order I. "Sphingobacteriales"
Family I. Sphingobacteriaceae VP
Genus I. Sphingobacterium VP (T)
Sphingobacterium spiritivorum VP (T) (Holmes et al. 1982) Yabuuchi et al. 1983 <-
Flavobacterium spiritivorum (basonym) = Flavobacterium yabuuchiae (junior
heterotypic synonym) ATCC 33861, M58778, Sph.sprvo2 | CDC E7288 | GIFU
3101 | IAM 14210 | JCM 1277, D14026, Sph.sprvor | NCTC 11386
Sphingobacterium antarcticum VP Shivaji et al. 1992 4BY | MTCC 675
Sphingobacterium faecium VP Takeuchi and Yokota 1993 KS 0470 | DSM 11690,
AJ438176 | NBRC 15299
Sphingobacterium heparinum VP (Payza and Korn 1956) Takeuchi and Yokota 1993
<- Cytophaga heparina (basonym) -> Pedobacter heparinus HIM 762-3 | ATCC
13125 | DSM 2366 | NBRC 12017 | LMG 10339 | NCIB 9290
Sphingobacterium mizutaii VP Yabuuchi et al. 1983 -> Flavobacterium mizutaii ATCC
33299, M58796, F.mizutaii | GIFU 1203 | KC1794
Sphingobacterium multivorum VP (Holmes et al. 1981) Yabuuchi et al. 1983 <-
Flavobacterium multivorum (basonym) B 5533 | LRA 260776 | ATCC 33613 |
DSM 6175 | GIFU 2812 | NBRC 14947, D14025 | NCTC 11343
Sphingobacterium piscium VP Takeuchi and Yokota 1993 -> Pedobacter piscium DSM
11725 | NBRC 14985 | JCM 7454
Sphingobacterium thalpophilum VP (Holmes et al. 1983) Takeuchi and Yokota 1993
<- Flavobacterium thalpophilum (basonym) CL413/81 | K-1173 | ATCC 43320,
M58779, Sph.thalpo | NBRC 14963, D14020, Sph.thalp3 | NCTC 11429
Genus II. Pedobacter VP
Pedobacter heparinus VP (T) (Payza and Korn 1956) Steyn et al. 1998 <- Sphingobac-
terium heparinum (basonym) HIM 762-3 | ATCC 13125 | DSM 2366, AJ438172 |
NBRC 12017 | LMG 10339 | NCIB 9290
Pedobacter africanus VP Steyn et al. 1998 DSM 12126, AJ438171 | LMG 10353
48 9
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
49 0
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Pedobacter piscium VP (Takeuchi and Yokota 1993) Steyn et al. 1998 <- Sphingob-
acterium piscium (basonym) DSM 11725, AJ438174 | NBRC 14985 | JCM 7454 |
LMG 14023
Pedobacter saltans VP Steyn et al. 1998 DSM 12145, AJ438173 | LMG 10337
Family II. "Saprospiraceae"
Genus I. Saprospira AL
Saprospira grandis AL (T) Gross 1911 WH | ATCC 19586 | ATCC 23119, M58795,
Genus II. Haliscomenobacter AL
Haliscomenobacter hydrossis AL (T) van Veen et al. 1973 O | ATCC 27775, M58790,
Hal.hydros | DSM 1100
Genus III. Lewinella VP
Lewinella cohaerens VP (T) (Lewin 1970) Sly et al. 1998 <- Herpetosiphon cohaerens
(basonym) II-2 | ATCC 23123, AF039292, Lew.cohaer
Lewinella nigricans VP (Lewin 1970) Sly et al. 1998 <- Herpetosiphon nigricans (ba-
sonym) SS-2 | ATCC 23147, AF039294, Lew.nigric
Lewinella persica VP (Lewin 1970) Sly et al. 1998 <- Herpetosiphon persicus (basonym)
T-3 | ATCC 23167, AF039295, Lew.persic
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Cytophaga uliginosa VP (ZoBell and Upham 1944) Reichenbach 1989 <- Flavobac-
terium uliginosum (basonym) -> Zobellia uliginosa 553 | ATCC 14397, M62799
| ATCC 14397, M28238 | DSM 2061 | IAM 14312 | NBRC 14962 | NCMB 1863,
Cytophaga xylanolytica VP Haack and Breznak 1993 XM3 | ATCC 51429 | DSM 6779
Genus V. Dyadobacter VP
Dyadobacter fermentans VP (T) Chelius and Triplett 2000 NS114, AF137029 | ATCC
Genus VI. Flectobacillus AL
Flectobacillus major AL (T) (Gromov 1963) Larkin et al. 1977 ATCC 29496, M62787,
Flc.major | DSM 103 | VKM B-859
Flectobacillus glomeratus VP McGuire et al. 1988 -> Polaribacter glomeratus ACAM
171 | ACM 3055 | ATCC 43844, M58775, Plr.glomer | UQM 3055
Flectobacillus marinus AL (Raj 1976) Borrall and Larkin 1978 -> Cyclobacterium mar-
inum ATCC 25205 | ATCC 43824, M62788 | DSM 745, AY533665
Genus VII. Hongiella VP
Hongiella mannitolivorans VP (T) Yi and Chun 2004 DSM 15301 | IMSNU 14012 |
JC2050, AY264838 | KCTC 12050
Hongiella halophila VP Yi and Chun 2004 DSM 15292, | IMSNU 14013 | JC2051,
AY264839 | KCTC 12051
Hongiella ornithinivorans VP Yi and Chun 2004 DSM 15282 | IMSNU 14014 | JC2052,
AY264840 | KCTC 12052
Genus VIII. Hymenobacter VP 491
Hymenobacter roseosalivarius VP (T) Hirsch et al. 1999 AA-718, Y18833 | DSM 11622
Hymenobacter aerophilus VP Buczolits et al. 2002 I/26-Cor1, AJ276901 | DSM 13606 |
LMG 19657
Hymenobacter actinosclerus VP Collins et al. 2000 CCUG 39621, Y17356
Genus IX. Meniscus AL
Meniscus glaucopis AL (T) Irgens 1977 ATCC 29398
Genus X. Microscilla AL
Microscilla marina AL (T) (Pringsheim 1951) Lewin 1969 SIO-8 | ATCC 23134, M58793,
Msc.marina | DSM 4236 | NCMB 1400
Genus XI. Reichenbachia VP
Reichenbachia agariperforans VP (T) Nedashkovskaya et al. 2003 NBRC 16625 | JCM
11238 | KMM 3525, AB058919
Genus XII. Runella AL
Runella slithyformis AL (T) Larkin and Williams 1978 ATCC 29530, M62786, Run.slithy
| LSU 4
Runella zeae VP Chelius et al. 2002 NS12, AF137381 | ATCC BAA-293 | LMG 21438
Genus XIII. Spirosoma AL
Spirosoma linguale AL (T) Migula 1894 ATCC 33905 | DSM 74 | LMG 10896
Genus XIV. Sporocytophaga AL
Sporocytophaga myxococcoides AL (T) (Krzemieniewska 1933) Stanier 1940 NRS 142 |
ATCC 10010 | DSM 11118, AJ310654 | NCIMB 9920
Family IV. "Flammeovirgaceae"
Genus I. Flammeovirga VP
Flammeovirga aprica VP (T) (Reichenbach 1989) Nakagawa et al. 1997 <- Cytophaga
aprica (basonym) JL-4 Lewin | ATCC 23126, D12655, Flv.aprica
Genus II. Flexithrix AL 492
Flexithrix dorotheae AL (T) Lewin 1970 Ft d1 | QQ-3 | ATCC 23163, AF039296, Flt.doroth
| DSM 6795 | NBRC 15987
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Persicobacter dif?uens VP (T) (Reichenbach 1989) Nakagawa et al. 1997 <- Cytophaga
dif?uens (basonym) B-1 Lewin | DSM 3658 | IAM 14117 | NCMB 1402, D12660,
Genus IV. Thermonema VP
Thermonema lapsum VP (T) Hudson et al. 1989 23/9 | ATCC 43542 | DSM 5718
Thermonema rossianum VP Nobre et al. 1997 NR-27, Y08956 | DSM 10300
Family V. Crenotrichaceae AL
Genus I. Crenothrix AL (T)
Crenothrix polyspora AL (T) Cohn 1870
Genus II. Chitinophaga VP
Chitinophaga pinensis VP (T) Sangkhobol and Skerman 1981 ACM 2034, AF078775,
Cht.pinens | ATCC 43595 | DSM 2588 | NBRC 15968 | NCIB 11800 | UQM 2034
Genus III. Rhodothermus VP 493
Rhodothermus marinus VP (T) Alfredsson et al. 1995 = Rhodothermus obamensis (ju-
nior heterotypic synonym) R-10, X80994, Rht.marin2 | ATCC 43812 | DSM 4252,
X80994, Rht.marin2
Rhodothermus obamensis VP Sako et al. 1996 = Rhodothermus marinus (senior het-
erotypic synonym) OKD7, X95071, Rht.obamen | DSM 12399 | JCM 9785
Genus IV. Salinibacter VP
Salinibacter ruber VP (T) Antn et al. 2002 M31, AF323500 | CECT 5946 | DSM 13855
Genus V. Toxothrix AL
Toxothrix trichogenes AL (T) (Cholodny 1924) Beger 1953
Phylum BXXI. "Fusobacteria"
Class I. "Fusobacteria "
Order I. "Fusobacteriales"
Family I. "Fusobacteriaceae"
Genus I. Fusobacterium AL
Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. nucleatum AL (T) Knorr 1922 ATCC 25586, M58683,
Fus.nuclea | ATCC 25586, X55401, Fus.nucle2 | VPI 4355
Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. animalis VP Gharbia and Shah 1992 DSM 8253 |
NCTC 12276, X55404, Fus.nucle5
Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. fusiforme VP Gharbia and Shah 1992 DSM 8252 |
NCTC 11326, X55403, Fus.nucle6
Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. polymorphum VP Dzink et al. 1990 555A | ATCC
10953, X55402, Fus.nucle4 | DSM 20482 | NCTC 10562
Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. vincentii VP Dzink et al. 1990 ATCC 49256,
AJ006964, Fus.nucle7
Fusobacterium alocis VP Cato et al. 1985 -> Filifactor alocis ATCC 35896, AJ006962,
Fus.aloci2 | ATCC 35896, X55406, Fus.alocis | VPI D40B-5
Fusobacterium equinum VP Dorsch et al. 2001 NCTC 13176 | JCM 11174 | VPB 4027,
Fusobacterium gonidiaformans AL (Tunnicliff and Jackson 1925) Moore and Holdeman
1970 ATCC 25563, X55410, Fus.gonid2
Fusobacterium mortiferum AL (Harris 1901) Moore and Holdeman 1970 ATCC 25557,
M58680, Fus.mortif | ATCC 25557, X55414, Fus.morti2
Fusobacterium naviforme AL (Jungano 1909) Moore and Holdeman 1970 ATCC 25832
Fusobacterium necrogenes AL (Weinberg et al. 1937) Moore and Holdeman 1970
ATCC 25556, X55408, Fus.necgen
Fusobacterium necrophorum subsp. necrophorum AL (Flgge 1886) Moore and Holde-
man 1969 ATCC 25286, X55411, Fus.necpho | JCM 3718 | VPI 2891
Fusobacterium necrophorum subsp. funduliforme VP (ex Hall 1898) Shinjo et al. 1991
Fn524 | JCM 3724
49 3
The ge nus Rhodo thermu s ap pears t o be parap hyletic. It re pres ents a d eep bran ch within the ph ylum, a nd me mber s pec ies app ear as two
well-sepa ra ted points t hat are re moved from th e m ain g ro up of Ba cte ro ide tes . Silv a et al no te that the re is an error with th e s eq uenc e X9 5071
which m aps close to th e S phingo bacteria les. The se quen ce for Rh odot hermus m arin us, on the othe r han d, m aps to a loc ation dis tan t from
the o ther mem bers o f t he fam ily.
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Fusobacterium perfoetens AL (Tissier 1905) Moore and Holdeman 1973 ATCC 29250,
M58684, Fus.perfoe
Fusobacterium periodonticum VP Slots et al. 1984 EK1-15 | ATCC 33693, X55405,
Fusobacterium plautii AL Seguin 1928 -> Eubacterium plautii Pr S1 | ATCC 29863 |
DSM 4000 | VPI 0310
Fusobacterium polysaccharolyticum VP van Gylswyk 1981 -> Clostridium polysaccha-
rolyticum B | ATCC 33142 | DSM 1801, X71858, C.polsacch | DSM 1801, X77839,
Fusobacterium prausnitzii AL (Hauduroy et al. 1937) Moore and Holdeman 1970 ->
Faecalibacterium prausnitzi ATCC 27768, AJ413954
Fusobacterium pseudonecrophorum VP (ex Prevot 1940) Shinjo et al. 1990 = Fusobac-
terium varium (senior heterotypic synonym) Fn521 | JCM 3722
Fusobacterium russii AL (Hauduroy et al. 1937) Moore and Holdeman 1970 ATCC
25533, M58681, Fus.russi | ATCC 25533, X55409, Fus.russi2
Fusobacterium simiae VP Slots and Potts 1982 7511 R2-13 | ATCC 33568, M58685,
Fus.simiae | ATCC 33568, X55407, Fus.simia2
Fusobacterium sulci VP Cato et al. 1985 -> Eubacterium sulci ATCC 35585,
AJ006963, Fus.sulci1 | VPI D45A-29A
Fusobacterium ulcerans VP Adriaans and Shah 1988 NCTC 12111, X55412, Fus.ulcera
Fusobacterium varium AL (Eggerth and Gagnon 1933) Moore and Holdeman 1969 =
Fusobacterium pseudonecrophorum (junior heterotypic synonym) ATCC 8501,
M58686, Fus.varium
Genus II. Ilyobacter VP 494
Ilyobacter polytropus VP (T) Stieb and Schink 1985 CuHbu 1 | DSM 2926, AJ307981
Ilyobacter dela?eldii VP Janssen and Harfoot 1991 10cr1 | ATCC 49679 | DSM 5704 495
Ilyobacter insuetus VP Brune et al. 2002 VenChi2 | ATCC BAA-291 | DSM 6831,
Ilyobacter tartaricus VP Schink 1985 GraTa2 | DSM 2382, AJ307982
Genus III. Leptotrichia AL
Leptotrichia buccalis AL (T) (Robin 1853) Trevisan 1879 C-1013-b | ATCC 14201 | DSM
1135 | NCTC 10249, X90831, Lpt.bucca3
Leptotrichia goodfellowii VP Eribe et al. 2004 LB 57, AY029807 | CCUG 32286 | CIP
Leptotrichia hofstadii VP Eribe et al. 2004 LB 23, AY029803 | CCUG 47504 | CIP
Leptotrichia shahii VP Eribe et al. 2004 LB 37, AY029806 | CCUG 47503 | CIP 107916
Leptotrichia trevisanii VP Tee et al. 2002 496 "Wee Tee" 1999, AF206305 | ATCC 700907
Leptotrichia wadei VP Eribe et al. 2004 LB 16, AY029802 | CCUG 47505 | CIP 107918
Genus IV. Propionigenium VP
Propionigenium modestum VP (T) Schink and Pfennig 1983 Gra Succ 2, X54275 | DSM
Propionigenium maris VP Janssen and Liesack 1996 10succ1, X84049, Prg.maris | DSM
Genus V. Sebaldella VP
Sebaldella termitidis VP (T) (Sebald 1962) Collins and Shah 1986 <- Bacteroides termi-
tidis (basonym) ATCC 33386, M58678, Sbd.termit | NCTC 11300
Genus VI. Streptobacillus AL
49 4
Place men t o f Ilyo bacter is ba sed on th e recom men dation of Ludwig.
49 5
B rune et a l. in dicate that Ilyob acter dela?eldii is m isid enti?e d an d s hou ld be t ra nsf erre d to the genu s Clos trid ium
49 6
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
49 7
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Streptobacillus moniliformis AL (T) Levaditi et al. 1925 9901 | ATCC 14647, Z35305,
Stb.monili | DSM 12112
Genus VII. Sneathia VP
Sneathia sanguinegens VP (T) Collins et al. 2002 CCUG 41628, AJ344093 | CIP 106906
Family II. Incertae sedis VP
Genus I. Cetobacterium VP
Cetobacterium ceti VP (T) Foster et al. 1996 M-3333, X78419, Cb.ceti1 | NCFB 3026
Phylum BXXII. Verrucomicrobia "
Genus I. Xiphinematobacter VP
Candidatus "Xiphinematobacter brevicollii" Vandekerckhove et al. 2000 AF217462
Candidatus "Xiphinematobacter americanii" Vandekerckhove et al. 2000 AF217460
Candidatus "Xiphinematobacter revesi" Vandekerckhove et al. 2000 AF217461
Phylum BXXIII. "Dictyoglomi " 501
Class I. "Dictyoglomi"
Order I. "Dictyoglomales"
Family I. "Dictyoglomaceae"
Genus I. Dictyoglomus VP
Dictyoglomus thermophilum VP (T) Saiki et al. 1985 H-6-12 | ATCC 35947 | DSM 3960,
X69194, Dgl.thmoph
Dictyoglomus turgidum VP Svetlichny and Svetlichnaya 1988 Z-1310 | DSM 6724
Phylum BXXIV. Gemmatimonadetes VP
Class I. Gemmatimonadetes VP
Order I. Gemmatimonadales VP (T)
Family I. Gemmatimonadaceae VP
49 8
Both the A RB and RDP trees supp ort placeme nt o f the Verruc omic ro bia les into a s ep arate phy lum , c lo se to the Chlamy dia. This is also
bo rn e out in t he PCA plo ts.
49 9
Note that a su bcultu re of the type st ra in is o nly d eposited in one pu blic c ollec tio n o r may o therwise be in v io lat ion of Rules 27 (3 ) and /or
30 (3 a-b,4) a s eme nded by th e Jud icial Co mmission in 199 9 (IJ SE M 50: 223 922 44).
50 0
Misplaced in Dict yog lom aceae. A lth ough Zoe tenda l et al. plac e this genu s in to the Verruc omicrob ia, G arrity e t a l. sh ow a muc h clos er
af?liation with Chalma ydiae.
50 1
L udwig recom mend s pla ce ment of Dictyoglomu s int o a s eparate ph ylum. It ha s been m ove d from Volum e III to Volu me V to p ermit
ad equa te t ime fo r resolu tion of prob lem s asso ciated with this tax on.
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Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
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Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
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Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
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Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
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Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
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Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
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Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
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Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
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Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
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Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition
Taxonomic Outline of the Procaryotes
Bergeys Manual of Systematic Bacteriology, 2nd Edition