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The key takeaways are that the document discusses the Uniform Building Code and provides an index of terms related to wood frame construction.

The Uniform Building Code is dedicated to developing better building construction and greater safety to the public through uniformity in building laws. It aims to use broad performance principles to allow for new materials and construction systems.

The first Uniform Building Code was enacted in 1927 by the International Conference of Building Officials at their sixth annual business meeting in Phoenix, Arizona.



1982 Edition
Fifth Printing

Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 81-86609


International Conference of Building Officials



THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE is dedicated to the development of
better building construction and greater safety to the public by uniformity m
building laws. The code is founded on broad-based performance principles that
make possible the usc of new materials and new construction systems.
THE UNIFORM BULDING CODE was first enacted by the International
Conference of Building Officials at the Sixth Annual Business Meeting held in
Phoenix, Arizona, October 18-21. 1927. Revised editions of this code have been
published since that time at approximate three-year intervals. New edition>
incorporate changes approved since the last edition.
THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE is designed to be compatible with
related publications listed on the following pages to provide a complete set of
documents for regulatory use.
Anyone may propose amendments to this code. For more information. write to
the International Conference of Building Officials at the address on the copyright
Changes to the code are processed each year and published in supplements in a
form permitting ready adoption by local communities. These changes arc care-
fully reviewed in public hearings by profc5'ional experts in the field of building
construction and fire and life safety.
Vertical lines in the margins indicate changes from the 1979 edition except
where the entire chapter was revised. a new chapter was added or the change was
minor. Where an entire chapter is changed or new chapter was added. a notation
appears at the beginning of that chapter. Deletion indicators (. . ) arc provided in
the margin where a paragraph or item listing has been deleted.
An analysis of changes between editions is publi,hed in pamphlet form by the
Known widely for its Uniform Building Code, the International Conference of
Building Officials publishes other related codes as well as textbooks to enable the
user to improve his knowledge of code enforcement and the administration of a
building inspection program. Publications are continually being added, so inquir-
ies should be directed to Conference headquarters for a list of those available. At
the time of this publication, the following publications were available:
Uniform Building Code. Covers the fire, life and structural safety aspects of
all buildings and related structures.
Uniform Building Code Standards. Presents in a compact and concise man-
ner national test, material and special design standards referred to in the Uniform
Building Code.
Uniform Mechanical Code. Contains requirements for the installation and
maintenance of heating, ventilating, cooling and refrigeration systems. This
publication is sponsored jointly by the the International Conference of Building
Officials and the International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical
Uniform Plumbing Code. Published by the International Association of
Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, the Uniform Plumbing Code covers all
aspects of plumbing, including requirements for plumbing materials, and
IAPMO installation standards. It is endorsed by the Conference as a companion
document to ICBO's model codes and is available from either organization.
Uniform Housing Code. Provides complete requirements affecting conserva-
tion and rehabilitation ofhousing.lts regulations are compatible with the Uniform
Building Code.
Uniform Code for the Abatement of Dangerous Buildings. Sets forth
orderly procedures for remedying dangerous buildings. Follows due process
provisions which reflect the latest court decisions in such matters. This code
covers all structures and may be used to supplement the Uniform Housing Code
and the Uniform Building Code.
Uniform Sign Code. Dedicated to the development of better sign regulation.
Its requirements pertain to all signs and sign construction attached to buildings.
Uniform Administrative Code. This code covers administration areas in
connection with adoption of the Uniform Building Code, Uniform Mechanical
Code and related codes by a jurisdiction. It contains provisions which relate to site
preparation, construction, alteration, moving, repair and use and occupancies of
buildings or structures and building service equipment including plumbing,
electrical and mechanical. The code is compatible with the administrative provi-
sions of all codes published by the Conference.
Uniform Building Security Code. This code establishes minimum standards
to make dwelling units resistant to unlawful entry. It regulates swinging doors,
sliding doors, windows and hardware in connection with dwelling units of
apartment houses or one- and two-family dwellings. The code gives consideration
to the concerns of police, fire and building officials in establishing requirements
for resistance to burglary which arc compatible with fire and life safety.
Dwelling Construction under the Uniform Building Code. Designed to
acquaint the home builder with basic Building Code requirements relating to
dwelling construction. A useful text for apprentice training programs.
Uniform Fire Code. Sets out provisions necessary for fire prevention while
achieving uniformity in terms and requirements with other codes published by the
Conference. This code is sponsored jointly by the Western Fire Chiefs Associa-
tion and the International Conference of Building Officials.
Uniform Fire Code Standards. This publication is a companion to the Uni-
form Fire Code. It contains standards of the American Society for Testing and
Materials and of the National Fire Protection Association referenced by tbe
Uniform Fire Code.
U.B.C. Supplements. Between new editions of the codes, changes approved
each year are incorporated in the supplements.
Analysis or Revisions. Discusses the changes included in the latest codes
published by the Conference as compared to the prior editions.
CABO One and 1\vo Family Dwelling Code. This code is jointly sponsored
by the International Conference of Building Officials, Building Officials and
Code Administrators International, Inc., and Southern Building Code Congress
International, Inc. It eliminates conflicts and duplications among the model codes
to achieve national uniformity. Covers mechanical and plumbing requirements as
well as construction and occupancy.
Application and Commentary CABO One and 1\vo Family Dwelling Code.
An interpretive commentary on the CABO One and Two Family Dwelling Code
intended to enhance uniformity of interpretation and application of the code
nationwide. Developed by the three model code organizations under contract with
the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and in cooperation
with the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB).
CABO Model Energy Code. This code sets forth minimum requirements for
effective use of energy in the design of new buildings and structures and additions
to existing buildings. It is based on ASHRAE Standard 90A-1980 and was
originally developed jointly by ICBO, BOCA, SBCCI and the National Confer-
ence of States on Building Codes and Standards (NCSBCS) under a contract
funded by the U.S. Department of Energy. The code is now maintained by the
Council of American Building Officials (CABO) and is adopted by reference in
the Uniform Building Code.
Uniform Disaster Mitigation Plan. A plan developed to aid building depart-
ments in coping with major disasters such as fires, floods and earthquakes.
Defines standard operating procedures for initiating disaster assessment and
mitigation and includes samples of records, reports, entry signs, etc.
National Electrical Code. The National Electrical Code is the electrical code
for the majority of states, counties and cities in the United States. Researched and
published every three years by the National Fire Protection Association, it is an
indispensable aid to every electrician, electrical inspector, electrical equipment
manufacturer, architect, builder, consulting engineer, contractor, fire marshal, fire
chief, building inspector and anyone who must specify or certify electrical
Building Department Administration. An excellent guide for improvement
of skills in departmental management and in the enforcement and application of
the Building Code and other regulations administered by a building inspection
department. Recommended for both undergraduate and advanced study.
Uniform Building Code Application/Interpretation Manual. A manual
discussing sections of the 1982 Uniform Building Code with a question/answer
format, providing a comprehensive analysis of the intent of the code section.
Most sections include illustrative examples. The manual is in loose-leaf form so
that code interpretations published in Building Standards may be inserted.
Plan Review Manual. Provides an understanding of the extent of Building
Code provisions and illustrates application to given situations. Covers nonstruc-
tural aspects as well as providing an insight into the basic engineering considera-
tions a plan examiner or checker must utilize.
Field Inspection Manual. Designed to improve inspection skills and tech-
niques. A fundamental important text for courses of study at the community
college and trade or technical school level.
Building Official Management Manual. This manual addresses the unique
nature of code administration and the managerial duties of the building official. A
supplementary insert addresses the budgetary and financial aspects of a building
department. It is also an ideal resource for those preparing for the management
module of the CABO Building Official Certification Examination.
Illustrated Mechanical Manual. Contains a series of illustrations with
explanatory text covering requirements in the Uniform Mechanical Code which
respond to graphic treatment. It is highly useful for code application and for
training purposes.
Solar Systems Code Review Manual. A completely illustrated manual to
facilitate approval of solar systems, from plan check to field inspection. Specifi-
cally addresses needs of building departments, and is equally valuable to all
departments dealing with housing and commercial structures. Developed by
California Building Officials, Inc., (CALBO) under contract with the California
Energy Commission.
Solar Swimming Pool/Spa Code Review Manual. A completely illustrated
manual to assist local officials in identifying, understanding and completing a
code analysis of solar pool and spa heating systems presented for permit approval.
Developed by the California Building Officials, Inc., (CALBO) under contract to
the California Energy Commission.
Concrete Inspection Manual. A publication on concrete to be used for
reference or as a text on concrete inspection. Of particular interest to inspectors, it
is also useful to concrete technicians and craftsmen who are more concerned with
the physical and practical aspects of concrete than the design.
You Can Build It! Sponsored by the Council of American Building Officials
(CABO), this booklet contains information and advice to aid "do-it-yourselfers"
with building projects. Provides guidance in necessary procedures such as pennit
requirements, codes, plans, cost estimation, etc.
Installation and Operation of Solid-fuel-burning Appliances. A fully illus-
trated manual designed to provide information on the proper installation and
operation of listed solid-fuel-burning appliances. Intended to supplement the
detailed installation and operating instructions normally supplied with these types
of appliances. An aid to building officials administering ICBO codes and stan-
dards and/or utilizing research reports.
Recommended Provisions and Commentary for Existing High-rise Build-
ings. A booklet setting forth uniform guidelines for the building official to follow
in regulating the retrofitting of existing high-rise buildings. The booklet also
includes a commentary briefly explaining the conceptual basis of the provisions.
Guidelines for Manufactured Housing Installation. A guideline in code
fonn implementing the Uniform Building Code and its companion code docu-
ments to regulate the permanent installation of a manufactured home on a
privately owned nonrental site. A commentary is included to explain specific
provisions, and codes applying to each component part are defined.
Effective Use ol the Uniform Building Code ... 19
Sample Ordinance lor Adoption ol the Uniform
Building Code and Uniform Building Code Standards .. 20
Unit Conversion Tables. 21

Part !-Administrative
CHAPTER 1. Title, Scope and General
SEC. 101. Title ............... . 25
102. Purpose . 25
103. Scope. 25
104. Application to Existing Buildings and Structures .. . 25
105. Alternate Materials and Methods of Construction ... . 27
106. Modifications . 27
107. Tests .... 27
CHAPTER 2. Organization and Enforcement
SEC. 201. Creation of Enforcement Agency ... 28
202. Powers and Duties of Building Official ......... . 28
203. Unsafe Buildings or Structures .. 29
204. Board of Appeals. 29
205. Violations ... 30

CHAPTER 3. Permits and Inspections

SEC. 301. Permit ................ . 31
302. Application for Permit. . 31
303. Permits Issuance .. 32
304. Fees. 34
305. Inspections 35
306. Special Inspections . 36
307. Certificate of Occupancy 39

Part 11-Definltlons and Abbreviations

CHAPTER 4. Definitions and Abbreviations 41

Part Ill-Requirements Based on Occupancy

CHAPTER 5. Classification of All Buildings by Use or
Occupancy and General Requirements for All
SEC. 501. Occupancy Classified .. 50
502. Change in Use .. 50
503. Mixed Occupancy .. 50
504. Location on Property ... 52
505. Allowable Floor Areas . 53
506. Allowable Area Increases ...... . 54
507. Maximum Height of Buildings and Increases .. . 55
508. Fire-resistive Substitution . . ......... . 56
509. Arcades . . .......... . 56
510. Sanitation ...... . 56
511. Access to Toilets and Other Facilities .... 57
512. Compressed Gases ..... . 58
513. Premises Identification .. 58

CHAPTER 6. Requirements for Group A Occupancies

SEC. 601. Group A Occupancies Defined .... - . __ ... 65
602. Construction, Height and Allowable Area _ 65
603. Location on Property . ... 66
604. Exit Facilities. . . . . . . . . .............. . 66
605. Light, Ventilation and Sanitation 66
606. Shaft Enclosures . 67
607. Sprinkler Systems _ 67
608. Special Hazards . . 67
609. Modifications 68

CHAPTER 7. Requirements for Group B Occupancies

SEC. 701. Group B Occupancies Defined . . ... . 69
702. Construction, Height and Allowable Area .... . 69
703. Location on Property ............ . 70
704. Exit Facilities........ . .. . 70
705. Light, Ventilation and Sanitation 70
706. Shaft Enclosures ... . 71
707. Sprinkler Systems ... . 72
708. Special Hazards .. 72
709 _ Open Parking Garages .. 72
710. Helistops .... 74

CHAPTER 8. Requirements for Group E Occupancies

SEC. 80 l. GroupE Occupancies Defined ... __ ...... _. 76
802. Construction, Height and Allowable Area .. 76
803. Location on Property ...... . 77
804. Exit Facilities .............. . 77
805. Light, Ventilation and Sanitation 77
806. Shaft Enclosures . 78
807. Sprinkler Systems .. 78
808. Special Hazards. 78
809. Fire Alarms .... 78

CHAPTER 9. Requirements for Group H Occupancies

SEC. 901. Group H Occupancies Defined .......... . 79
902. Construction, Height and Allowable Area .. 79
903. Location on Property . . 81
904. Exit Facilities . ........... . 81
905. Light, Ventilation and Sanitation 81
906. Shaft Enclosures _ 82
907. Sprinkler Systems .. . 82
908. Special Hazards ..... . 82
909. Fire Alarms _. _.. 83
910. Explosion Venting ... 83

CHAPTER 10. Requirements for Group 1Occupancies

SEC. 1001. Group I Occupancies Defined . ........ . 85
1002. Construction, Height and Allowable Area 85
1003. Location on Property ..... . 85
1004. Exit Facilities . .............. . 86
1005. Light, Ventilation and Sanitation 86
1006. Shaft Enclosures . 86
1007. Sprinkler Systems .. 86
1008. Special Hazards . . 86
1009. Fire Alarms .............. . 86
CHAPTER 11. Requirements for Group M Occupancies
SEC. 1101. Group M Occupancies Defined ..... 87
1102. Construction, Height and Allowable Area . 87
1103. Location on Property . .. . 87
1104. Special Hazards ...... . 87
1105. Garage Floor Surfaces . . 88
1106. Agricultural Buildings .... 88

CHAPTER 12. Requirements for Group R Occupancies

SEC. 1201. Group R Occupancies Defined ..... . 89
1202. Construction, Height and Allowable Area .. 89
1203. Location on Property .......... . 89
1204. Exit Facilities . .............. . 90
1205. Light, Ventilation and Sanitation 90
1206. Yards and Courts . .. ...... . 91
1207. Room Dimensions . ...... . 91
1208. Efliciency Dwelling Units .. 92
1209. Shaft Enclosures ........... . 92
1210. Fire-warning and Sprinkler Systems .. 92
1211. Heating ............. . 93
1212. Special Hazards .. 93
1213. Access to Buildings and Facilities. 94
1214. Modifications . . . . . . . ........ . 94
CHAPTERS 13-16 (No Requirements)

Part IV-Requirements Based on 1\'pes of Construction

CHAPTER 17. ClassHicatlon of All Buildings by Types of
Construction and General Requirements
SEC. 1701. General . . . . ....... . 95
1702. Structural Frame ........ . 95
1703. Usable Space Under Floors. 95
1704. Roofs ..... 95
1705. Exceptions to Table No. 17-A .. 96
1706. Shaft Enclosures .... . 97
1707. Weather Protection ...................... . 98
1708. Members Carrying Masonry or Concrete ... . 99
1709. Parapets. . . ........... . ....... . 99
1710. Projections . ........... . 99
1711. Guardrails ..... . 100
1712. Foam Plastic Insulation ...... . 100
1713. Insulation. . ......... . 102
1714. Solar Energy Collectors .. . 103
1715. Atriums. . ............. . 103
1716. Mezzanines ... 105

CHAPTER 1B. Type I Fire-resistive Buildings

SEC. 1801. Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
1802. Structural Framework. . . . . . . . . . . . 109
1803. Exterior Walls and Openings. . . . . . . .. . ... .. ... 109
1804. Floors . . . ......... ............. 109
1805. Stair Construction . . . ......... II 0
1806. Roofs. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 110
1807. Special Provisions for Group B, Division 2 Office
Buildings and Group R, Division 1 Occupancies . 110

CHAPTER 19. Type II Buildings

SEC. 190 I. Definition 116
1902. Structural Framework . 116
1903. Exterior Walh and Openings .. 116
1904. Floors .. 117
1905. Stair Construction . 117
1906. Rcxlf Construction. . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 117
1907. Special Provisions for Group B. Division 2 Office
Buildings and Group R, Division 1 Occupancies . 117
CHAPTER 20. Type Ill Buildings
SEC. 200 I. Definition . 118
2002. Structural Framework . 118
2003. Exterior Walls, Openings and Partitions .... . 118
2004. Stair Construction . . ......... . 118
2005. Roofs. 119
CHAPTER 21. Type IV Buildings
SEC. 2101. Definition . . . . . . ............... . 120
2102. Structural Framework .. 120
2103. Exterior Walls, Openings and Partitions .. 120
2104. Stair Construction .. 120
2105. Roofs 121
2106. Heavy Timber Con:-.trudiun ... 121
CHAPTER 22. Type V Buildings
SEC. 220 I. Definition . 123
2202. Structural Framework ............ . 123
2203. Exterior Walls and Openings. 123
2204. Stair Construction . 123

Part V-Engineering Regulations-Quality and Design of the

Materials of Construction
CHAPTER 23. General Design Requirements
SEC. 2301. Scope. 124
2302. Definitions . .. 124
2303. Design Methods 124
2304. Floor Design . 125
2305. Roof Design 126
2306. Reduction of Live Loads. 127
2307. Deflection 128
2308. Special Design. 128
2309. Walls and Structural Framing 129
2310. Anchorage of Concrete or Masonry Walls .. 129
2311. Wind Design . 129
2312. Earthquake Regulations 131
CHAPTER 24. Masonry
SEC. 2401. Scope ...... . 153
2402. Definitions. 153
2403. Materials. 153
2404. Tests ........ . 156
2405. Unburned Clay Masonry. 158
2406. Reinforced Gypsum Concrete . 159
2407. Glass Masonry 15Q
2408. Stone Masonry .. 160
2409. Cavity Wall Masonry ..... 160
2410. Hollow t.:nit Masonry. 161
2411. Solid Masonry. . . ....... . 161
2412. Grouted Masonry .. . 162
2413. Reinforced Grouted Masonry ..... . 163
2414. Reinforced Hollow Unit Masonry .... . 163
2415. General Construction Requirements . 165
2416. General Design .... 166
2417. Reinforced Masonry Design ... 167
2418. Bearing Walls .. 175
2419. Nonbearing Walls ... 183
CHAPTER 25. Wood
SEC. 250 I . General ......... . 190
2502. Definitions and Symbols .. 190
2503. Size of Structural Members ... 193
2504. Stres~es , ..... 193
2505. Identification .. 197
2506. Horizontal Member Design .. 197
2507. Column Design .. 200
2508. Flexural and Axial Loading Combined. 201
2509. Compression at Angle to Grain. 202
2510. Timber Connections and Fastenings ... 203
2511. Structural Glued-laminated Timber Design 204
2512. Design of Glued Built-up Members .. 209
2513. Wood Diaphragms .. 209
2514. Fiberboard Sheathing Diaphragms .... 211
2515. Wood Combined with Masonry or Concrete. 211
2516. General Construction Requirements .... 211
2517. Conventional Construction Provisions . 219
CHAPTER 26. Concrete
SEC. 2601. Scope. . ........ . 329
2602. Definitions .. . 329
2603. Specifications for Tests and Materials. 332
2604. Construction Requirements--Concrete Quality .. 335
2605. Mixing and Placing Concrete . . ........ . 339
2606. Fonnwork, Embedded Pipes and Construction Joints. 340
2607. Details of Reinforcement 343
2608. Analysis and Design . . . .......... . 350
2609. Strength and Serviceability Requirements 355
2610. Flexure and Axial Loads . 360
2611. Shear and Torsion ..... . 371
2612. Development and Splices of Reinforcement ... 389
2613. Slab Systems with Multiple Square or Rectangular Panels. 397
2614. Walls... 408
2615. Footings ....... . 409
2616. Precast Concrete 413
2617. Composite Concrete Flexural Members .. 414
2618. Prestressed Concrete .............. . 416
2619. Shells and Folded Plate Members .. . 424
2620. Strength Evaluation of Existing Structures .. 427
2621. Pneumatically Placed Concrete . .. 429
2622. Plain Concrete ... 429
2623. Minimum Slab Thickness . 430
2624. Bolts ..... . 430
2625. Ductile Moment-resisting Space Frames 430
2626. Ductile Moment-resisting Space Frames-Alternate
Provisions for Seismic Zones No. I and No. 2 . .... 435

2627. Earthquake-resisting Concrete Shear Walls and Braced

Frmcs.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 436
2628. Alternate Design Method . . . .. . .. . .. ... ... .. ... . . 437
CHAPTER 27. Steel
SEC. 2701. Material Standards and Symbols. 450
2702. Allowable Unit Stresses 455
2703. Combined Stresses .. 462
2704. Stress Reversal .......... . 464
2705. Stability and Slenderness Ratios . 464
2706. Width-Thickness Ratios 464
2707. Plate Girders and Rolled Beams ............... . 465
2708. Composite Construction . 471
2709. Simple and Continuous Spans . ................ . 475
2710. Detlections, Vibrations and Ponding 476
2711. Gross and N ct Area ............. . 476
2712. Connections. . . . . . . .......... . 478
2713. Rivets and Bolts 482
2714. Welds. 483
2715. Built-up Members . ...................... . 485
2716. Camber ..................................... . 487
2717. Expansion. 487
2718. Column Bases ......... . 487
2719. Anchor Bolts .. 487
2720. Fabrication ... 488
2721. Plastic Design . 488
2722. Steel Ductile Moment-resisting Space Frames, Seismic
Zones Nos. 3 and 4 ... 492
2723. Steel Ductile Moment-resisting Space Frames, Seismic
Zones Nos. I and 2 493
2724. Steel Storage Racks. 493
2725. Steel Cables. 493
CHAPTER 28. Aluminum
SEC. 280 I . Material Standards and Symbols. . . ....... . 500
2802. Allowable Stresses for Members and Fasteners 503
2803. Design . 504
2804. Fabrication and Erection ... 504

Part VI-Detailed Regulations

CHAPTER 29. Excavations, Foundations and Retaining Walls
SEC. 2901. Scope... .. ................... .. 513
2902. Quality and Design . . . . . . . .. 513
2903. Excavations and Fills .................... . 513
2904. Soil Classification-Expansive Soil . 514
2905. Foundation Investigation . ............. . 514
2906. Allowable Foundation and Lateral Pressures 515
2907. Footings. 515
2908. Piles-General Requirements. 517
2909. Specific Pile Requirements .. 519
CHAPTER 30. Veneer
SEC. 3001. Scope .... 524
3002. Definitions. 524
3003. Materials ... . 524
3004. Design . .... . 524
3005. Adhered Veneer. 525

3006. Anchored Veneer. .. 526

CHAPTER 31. (No Requirements)
CHAPTER 32. Root Construction and Covering
SEC. 3201. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ . 529
3202. Roof Construction and Materials ........... . 529
3203. Roof Coverings . . . . . .......... . 530
3204. Roof Insulation ............. . 535
3205. Attics: Access, Draft Stops and Ventilation 538
3206. Smoke and Heat Venting. 538
3207. Roof Drainage. . ........... . 539
3208. Flashing. . ............ . 540
CHAPTER 33. Exits
SEC. 3301. General ...... . 543
3302. Occupant Load . . ........ . 544
3303. Exits Required .. 545
3304. Doors .............................. . 547
3305. Corridors and Exterior Exit Balconies .. . 549
3306. Stairways ................ . 551
3307. Ramps ............... . 554
330M. Horizontal Exit ....... . 554
3309. Stairway. Ramp and Escalator Enclosures 555
3310. Smoke proof Enclosures 555
3311. Exit Courts .... 558
3312. Exit Passageways 558
3313. Exit Illumination. 558
3314. Exit Signs .. 559
3315. Aisles. 560
3316. Seat Spacing .. 561
3317. Group A. Division I Occupancies ... 561
3318. Group A, Divisions 2, 2.1. 3 and 4 Occupancies 562
3319. GroupEOccupancies 562
3320. Group H Occupancies. 564
3321. Group l Occupancies. 564
3322. Special Hazards......... . ..... 565
332.1. Reviewing Stands. Grandstands and Bleachers 565
3324. Folding and Telescoping Seating. 56M
CHAPTER 34. Skylights
SEC. 3401. Skylights. 572
CHAPTER 35. Sound Transmission Control (See Appendix
Chapter 35)
CHAPTER 36. Penthouses and Roof Structures
SEC. 3601. Penthouses and Roof Structures ..... . 573
3602. Towers and Spires ...... . 573
CHAPTER 37. Masonry or Concrete Chimneys, Fireplaces and
SEC. 3701. Scope ... 574
3702. Definitions. 574
3703. Chimneys. General .... 575
3704. Masonry Chimneys . 575
3705. Factory-built Chimneys. 576
3706. Metal Chimneys 576
3707. Hreplaccs and Barbecues . 576

CHAPTER 38. Fire-extinguishing Systems

SEC. 3801. Scope. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......... . 582
3802. Automatic Fire-extinguishing Systems. . . ....... . 583
3803. Sprinkler System Alarms ... 585
3804. Permissible Sprinkler Omissions 585
3805. Standpipes ..... . 586
3806. Buildings Under Construction. 586
3807. Basement Pipe Inlets ......... . 587
CHAPTER 39. Stages and Platforms
SEC. 3901. Stage Ventilators . 588
3902. Gridirons. 588
3903. Rooms Accessory to Stage .. 589
3904. Proscenium Walls ... 589
3905. Stage Floors .. 589
3906. Platforms. 589
3907. Stage Exits ........ . 590
3908. Miscellaneous . 590
CHAPTER 40. Motion Picture Projection Rooms
SEC. 4001. General . 591
4002. Construction ......... . 591
4003. Exits ....... . 591
4004. Projection Ports and Openings .. 591
4005. Ventilation. . . . . . . . . . ....... . 591
4006. Miscellaneous Equipment. 592
4007. Sanitary Facilities .. 592

CHAPTER 41. (See Uniform Building Security Code)

Part VII-Fire-resistive Standards for Fire Protection

CHAPTER 42. Interior Wall and Ceiling Finish
SEC. 420 I. General . . . ..................... . 593
4202. Testing and Classification of Materials ......... . 593
4203. Application of Controlled Interior Finish 593
4204. Maximum Allowable Flame Spread ............. . 594
CHAPTER 43. Fire-resistive Standards
SEC. 430 I. General .............. .. 596
4302. Fire-resistive Materials . 596
4303. Protection of Structural Members .. 597
4304. Walls and Partitions ............ . 598
4305. Floor-Ceilings or Roof-Ceilings . 599
4306. Fire-resistive Assemblies for Protection of Openings . . 600
4307. Roof Coverings ......... . 602

Part VIII-Regulations for Use of Public Streets and

Projections Over Public Property
CHAPTER 44. Protection of Pedestrians During Construction or
SEC. 4401. General ....... . 642
4402. Temporary Use of Streets and Alleys 642
4403. Storage on Public Property ....... . 642
4404. Mixing Mortar on Public Property .. 642

4405. Protection of Utilities . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . 642

4406. Walkway........... . ......... . 643
4407. Pedestrian Protection ........................ . 643
4408. Maintenance and Removal of Protective Devices ........ . 644
4409. Demolition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . 644
CHAPTER 45. Permanent Occupancy of Public Property
SEC. 4501. General.. .. . ... .. ... ... . ......... . 645
4502. Projection into Alleys . . . ............ . 645
4503. Space Below Sidewalk . . ............ . 645
4504. Balconies and Appendages . . ......... . 645
4505. Marquees..... . .......... . 646
4506. Awnings.. . ....... . 646
4507. Doors ...... , .... . 647
CHAPTER 46. (No Requirement&)

Part IX-Wall and Ceiling Coverings

CHAPTER 47. Installation of Wall and Ceiling Coverings
SEC. 4701. Scope.... . ........................ . 648
4702. Materials . . . . . . . . . . . ................ . 649
4703. Vertical Assemblies. . . . . . .............. . 649
4704. Horizontal Assemblies . . . . . . ............. . 650
4705. Interior Lath . . . . . .......................... . 650
4706. Exterior Lath . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 651
4707. Interior Plaster. . . .......... . 652
4708. Exterior Plaster . . .................. . 653
4709. Exposed Aggregate Plaster ........... . 654
4710. Pneumatically Placed Plaster (Gunite) ....... . 655
4711. Gypsum Wallboard ................... . 655
4712. Softwood Plywood Paneling ............ . 656
4713. Shear-resisting Construction with Wood Frame .... 656

Part X-Speclal Subjects

CHAPTER 48. Cellulose Nitrate
SEC. 4801. Cellulose Nitrate .. 671
CHAPTER 49. (No Requirement&) (See Page 722-Appendlx)
CHAPTER 50. Prefabrlceted Construction
SEC. 5001. General . . . . .. .. . . . . . . ............... . 672
5002. Tests of Materials . . . . . . .................. . 672
5003. Tests of Assemblies. . . . . . . . . . . ....... . 672
5004. Connections. . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . 672
5005. Pipes and Conduits . . ........... . 672
5006. Certificate and Inspection . . . . . ............ . 672

CHAPTER 51. Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Eacaletore and Moving

SEC. 5101. Scope..... . . . . .. .. . . . . . . ......... . 674
5102. Elevator Enclosures. . . . . . .......... . 674
5103. Emergency Operation and Special Provisions 674
5104. Emergency Communications . . . .......... . 676
5105. Emergency Signs. . . . ....... . 676

CHAPTER 52. Light-transmitting Plastics

SEC. 5201. Scope. 677
5202. Definitions. 677
5203. Design and Installation 678
5204. Glazing of Unprotected Openings .. 678
5205. Light-transmitting Exterior Wall Panels . 678
5206. Roof Panels ................... . 679
5207. Skylights .......... . 679
5208. Light-diffusing Systems .. 680
5209. Diffusers in Electrical Fixtures 681
5210. Partitions . . ....... . 681
5211. Awnings annd Patio Covers. 681
5212. Greenhouses ... 681
5213. Canopies 681
5214. Solar Collectors. 681
CHAPTER 53. (See Appendix Chapter 53)
CHAPTER 54. Glass and Glazing
SEC. 5401. Scope .................. . 683
5402. Jdentification . 683
5403. Area Limitations ... 683
5404. Glazing Support . 683
5405. Louvered Windows . 684
5406. Safety Glazing .. 684
5407. Hinged Shower Doors ........... . 685
CHAPTERS 5559. (No Requirements)

Part XI-Uniform Building Code Standards

CHAPTER 60. Uniform Building Code Standards
SEC. 6001. Scope ................. . 689


CHAPTER 1. Life Safety Requirements for Existing Buildings

SEC. 108. General .. . ... ... .. ... ... .. ... . ... .. 701
109. Exits . . . . . . . . . . . . ........ 70 I
110. Enclosure of Vertical Shafts........ 703
Ill. Basement Access or Sprinkler Protection. . . . . . . 704
112. Standpipes. 704
113. Smoke Detectors . . . 704
114. Separation of Occupancies... 704
CHAPTER 7. Part !-Covered Mall Buildings
SEC. 711. General ........................................ . 705
712. Types of Construction and Required Yards for Unlimited
Area.... .... . ........ . 705
713. Special Provisions ........................... . 706
714. Exits ................. . 708
715. Occupancy . 710

CHAPTER 7. Part 11-Avlatlon Control Towers

SEC. 716. General . . ............. . 710
717. Construction, Height and Allowable Area . . ....... . 711
718. Exit Facilities .. 711
719. Fire Alarms . 711
720. Access for Handicapped . 711
721. Standby Power and Emergency Generation Systems .. 711

CHAPTER 11. Agricultural Buildings

SEC. 1107. Scope. . ...... .. 712
1108. Construction, Height and Allowable Area 712
1109. Occupancy Separations .. 712
1110. Exterior Walls and Openings. 712
\\II. Exit Facilities. 713

CHAPTER 12. Requirements for Group R, Division 3 Occupancies

SEC. 1201. General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 715
1202. One and Two Family Dwelling Code Adopted .. 715
CHAPTER 23. Earthquake Instrumentation
SEC. 2312. Earthquake Recording Instrumentation...... 716
Seismic Zone Tabulation for Areas Outside the United
States.. 716
CHAPTER 32. Re-roofing
SEC. 3209. General .. 717
3210. Inspections .. 717
3211. Built-up Roofs. 717
3212. Shingles and Shakes ... 718

CHAPTER 35. Sound Transmission Control

SEC. 350 I. Sound Transmission Control. 719
3502. Sound Transmission Control Systems . . 720
CHAPTER 38. Basement Pipe Inlets
SEC. 3807. Basement Pipe Inlets .. 721
CHAPTER 49. Pallo Covers
SEC. 4901. Patio Covers Defined. 722
4902. Design Loads ...... . 722
4903. Light and Ventilation. 722
4904. Footings. . . . ........ . 722

CHAPTER 51. Elevators, Dumbwaiters, Escalators and Moving

Walks-(No Requirements)
CHAPTER 53. Energy Conservation In New Building
SEC. 530 I . General ..... . 723

CHAPTER 55. Membrane Structures

SEC. 5501. General . . . . . .. . . . . . .. . ................. . 724
5502. l)ipe of Construction and General Requirements .. 725
5503. Inflation Systems. . . . . ....... . 725
5504. Section Provisions. 726
5505. Engineering Design. 726
CHAPTER 57. Regulations Governing Fallout Shelters
SEC. 5701. Purpose ........... . 727
5702. Scope ...................................... . 727
5703. Definitions. . . . ............................... . 727
5704. Occupancy Requirements .. 727
5705. Exits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . 728
5706. Flame-spread Rating of Interior Surfaces ... . 728
5707. Minimum Design Loads . 728
5708. Sanitation ........................... . 728
CHAPTER 70. Excavation and Grading
SEC. 7001. Purpose .. 729
7002. Scope ........ . 729
7003. Permits Required .................... . 729
7004. Hazards. 729
7005. Definitions ....... . 730
7006. Grading Permit Requirements . . 731
7007. Grading Fees ......... . 732
7008. Bonds ... 734
7009. Cuts .......... . 734
7010. Fills .... . 734
7011. Setbacks .... 735
7012. Drainage and Terracing .. 736
7013. Erosion Control .... . 737
7014. Grading Inspection .... . 737
7015. Completion of Work .... . 739
INDEX ........... . 740
The following procedure may be helpful in using the Uniform Building Code:
1. Classify the building:
A. OCCUPANCY GROUP: Determine the occupancy group which the
use of the building most nearly resembles. Sec the '01 sections of
Chapters 6 through 12. See Section 503 for buildings with mixed
B. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: Determine the type of construction of
the building by the building materials used and the fire resistance of the
parts of the building. See Chapters 17 through 22.
C. I"OCATION ON PROPERTY: Determine the location of the building
on the site and clearances to properly lines and other buildings from the
plot plan. See Table No. 5-A and '03 sections of Chapters l8through 22
for exterior wall and wall opening requirements based on proximity to
property lines. See Section 504 for buildings located on the same site.
D. FLOOR AREA: Compute the floor area of the building. Sec Table No.
5-C for basic allowable t1oor area based on occupancy group and type
of construction. Sec Section 506 for allowable increases based on
location on property and installation of an approved automatic fire-
sprinkler system. See Section 505 (b) for allowable floor area of
multistory buildings.
E. HEIGHT AND NUMBER OF STORIES: Compute the height of the
building, Section 409, from grade, Section 408, and for the number of
stories, Section 420. See Table No. 5-D for the allowable height and
number of stories based on occupancy group and type of construction.
See Section 507 for allowable story increase based on the installation of
an approved automatic fire-sprinkler system.
F. OCCUPANT LOAD: Compute the occupant toad of the building. Sec
Section 3302 (a) and Table No. 33-A.
2. Verify compliance of the building with detailed occupancy requirements.
See Chapters 6 through 12.
3. Verify compliance of the building with detailed type of construction
requirements. See Chapters 17 through 22.
4. Verify compliance of the building with exit requirements. See Chapter 33.
5. Verify compliance of the building with detailed code regulations. See
Chapters 29 through 43, Chapters 47 through 54. and Appendix.
6. Verify compliance of building with engineering regulations and require-
ments for materials of construction. See Chapte" 23 through 29.

The following is a sample form for adoption of the Uniform Building Code and
Uniform Building Code Standards.


An ordinance of the (Jurisdiction) regulating the erection, construction,

enlargement, alteration, repair, moving, removal, demolition, conversion, occu-
pancy, equipment, usc, height, area and maintenance of all buildings or structures
in the Qurlodletlon) :providing for the issuance of permits and collection of
fees therefor; repealing Ordinance No. ___ of the (Jurlodletlon) and all
other ordinances and parts of the ordinances in contlict therewith.
The _ _,..ta,o..
=rn"'ln,g._,b,od,yl.Jic__ of the _ _,("'!uecrl,od,let=lo,_,n)L___ does ordain as follows:
Section I. That certain documents, three (3) copies of which are on file in the
office of the Qurladlctlon' kHper ot recorda) and the (!urladlcllon) ,
being marked and designated as "Uniform Building Code," including Appendix
Chapter ___ (jill in the applicable appendix chapters; see Uniform Building
Code Section 103, last paragraph), 19B2 edition, and the "Uniform Building
Code Standards," 1982 edition, published by the International Conference of
Building Officials, be and the same is hereby adopted as the code of the (!uri
dletlonl for regulating the erection, construction. enlargement, alteration,
repair, moving. removal, demolition. conversion, occupancy, equipment, use,
height. area and maintenance of all buildings or structures in the (!urlodle
lion) providing for issuance of permits and collection of fees therefor; and
each and all of the regulations, provisions, conditions and terms of such "Uni-
form Building Code," 1982 edition, and the "Uniform Building Code Stan-
dards," 1982 edition, published by the International Conference of Building
Officials, on file in the office of the Uurlodletlonl are hereby referred to,
adopted and made a part hereof as if fully set out in this ordinance.
Section 2. That Ordinance No. _ _ _ of (Jurlodlctlonl entitled (fill in
here the complete title of the present building ordinance or ordinances in ejfect at
the present time m that they will be repealed by definite mention) and all other
ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith are hereby repealed.
Section 3. That the l]urlsdletlon's keeper or records) shall certify to the
adoption of this ordinance and cause the same to be published.
Section 4. That if any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this
ordinance is, for any reason, held to be unconstitutional, such decision shall not
affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The !governing
body) hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance, and each
section, subsection, clause or phrase thereof, irrespective of the fact that any one
or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses and phrases be declared
Section 5. That this ordinance shall be and is hereby declared to be in full force
and effect, from after ltlmo period) from this date of final passage and



Quantity Unit Symbol
Length Meter m
Mass Kilogram kg
Time Second s
Electric current Ampere A
Thermodynamic temperature Kelvin K
Amount of substance Mole mol
Luminous intensity Candela cd

Quontlly UnH Symbol
Plane angle Radian rad
Solid angle Steradian sr

Multlpttcetlon Foetor Prwllx Symbol
I 000 000 000 000 000
000 - I 018 ex a E
I 000 000 000 000
000 = 10" pet a p
I 000 000 000
000 = 1012 tera T
I 000 000
000 = 1Q9 giga G
I 000
000 = 10 mega M
000 = 10 3 kilo k
100 = 102 hecto h
10 = 10 1 dcka da
0.1 =JOI deci d
0.01 =10 2 centi c
0.001 = J03 milli m
0.000001 =10 6 micro ~
0.000 000 001 = 10 9 nano n
0.000 000 000 001 =IQ-12 pi co p
0. 000 000 000 000 00 I = 10"" femto f
0. 000 000 000 000 000 00 I = J0-18 atto a

Ouontlly Un~ Symbol Formula
Frequency (of a periodic phenomenon) hertz Hz lis
Force newton N kgmls 2
Pressure, stress pascal Pa Nlm 2
Energy, work, quantity of heat joule J Nm
Power, radiant flux watt w Jls
Quantity of electricity, electric charge coulomb c As
Electric potential, potential difference,
electromotive force volt v WIA
Capacitance farad F C!V
Electric resistance ohm n VIA
Conductance siemens s A!V
Magnetic flux weber Wb Vs
Magnetic flux density tesla T Wblm 2
Inductance henry H WbiA
Luminous flux lumen lm cdsr
Illuminance lux lx lmlm2
Activity (of radionuclides) becquerel Bq lis
Absorbed dose gray Gy Jlkg
Toconwrt to mu~lply by
I mile (U.S. statute) km 1.609 347
I yd m 0.9144
1ft m 0.3048
mm 304.8
lin mm 25.4
I mile' (U.S. statute) km' 2.589 99
I acre (U.S. survey) ha 0.404 687
m' 4046.87
I yd 2 m' 0.836 127
I ft2 m' 0.092 903
l in 2 mm 2 645.16
I acre ft m' 1233.49
I yd' m' 0.764 555
100 board ft m' 0.235 974
I ft 3 m' O.o28 316 8
L (dm 3 ) 28.3168
I in 3 mm 3 16 387.1
mL (cm 3 ) 16.3871
I barrel (42 U.S. gallons) m3 .158 987
To convert to multiply by
I gal (U.S. liquid)** L* 3.7~5 41
I qt (U.S. liquid) mL 946.353
I pt (U.S. liquid) mL 473.177
I noz(U.S.) mL 29.5735
I gal (U.S.liquid) m' 0.003 785
"'"'I gallon (UK) approx. 1.2 gal (U.S.)
"'1 liter approx. 0.001 \:ubi~: meter~
I in4 mm4 416 231
m4 0.416 231 X 10-<>
I' (degree) rad 0.017 453 3
mrad 17.4533
I' (minute) urad 290.888
l"(second) urad 4.848 14
I fli< m/s 0.3048
I mile/h kmih 1.609 344
mls 0.447 04
I ft 3 /s m:-ls 0.028 316 8
1 ft 3/min Us 0.471 947
I gal/min Us 0.063 090 2
I gal/min rn 3 /min 0.0038
I gal/h mL/s 1.051 50
I million galid L/s 43.8126
1 acre ft!s m 3/s 1233.49
I'F "CorK 0.555 556
519'C ~ 519 K
!oF I 1 9:s ~o,. + 32
I ton (short***) metric ton 0.907 185
kg 907.185
lib kg 0.453 592
I oz g 28.3495
""""' 1 long tun (2240 lb) kg 1016.05
I lb/ftZ kglm' 4.882 43
I o7.iytF gim 2 33.9057
I o7./ft 2 glm2 305.152


To conv.rt to multiply by
I lbift3 kg/m 3 16.0185
I lb/yd3 kgim3 0.593 276
I ton/yd3 tJm3 1.186 55
I tonf (ton-force) kN 8.896 44
I kip (I 000 lbf) kN 4.448 22
I lbf (pound-force) N 4.448 22
llbHt Nm 1.355 82
I lbf-in Nm 0.112985
I tonHt kNm 2.711 64
I kipft kNm 1.355 82
llbf/ft Nlm 14.5939
I lbf/in N/m 175.127
I tonf/ft kN/m 29.187 8
I tonf/in2 MPa 13.7895
I tonf/ft2 kPa 95.7605
1 kiplin2 MPa 6.894 76
I lbf/in2 kPa 6.894 76
I lbf/ft2 Pa 47.8803
Atmosphere kPa 101.3250
I inch mercury kPa 3.376 85
I foot (water column @32'F) kPa 2.988 98
I kWh (550 ftlbf/s) Mj 3.6
I Btu (Int. Table) kJ 1.055 06
J 1055.06
I ftlbf J 1.355 82
I Btu/(ft2h'F) W/(m2K) 5.678 26
I Btul(fth'F) W/(mK) 1.730 73
I lntlft2 (footcandle) lx (lux) 10.7639
I cdlft2 cdlm2 10.7639
I foot lambert cdlm2 3.426 26
I lambert kcdlm 2 3.183 01

1982 EDITION 101-104

Chapter 1
Sec.101. These regulations shall be known as the "Unifonn Building Code,"
may be cited as such and will be referred to herein as "this code.''
Sec. 102. The purpose of this code is to provide minimum standards to
safeguard life or limb, health, property and public welfare by regulating and
controlling the design. construction, quality of materials, use and occupancy,
location and maintenance of all buildings and structures within this jurisdiction
and certain equipment specifically regulated herein.
Sec. 103. The provisions of this code shall apply to the construction, alteration,
moving, demolition, repair and use of any building or structure within this
jurisdiction, except work located primarily in a public way, public utility towers
and poles, mechanical equipment not specifically regulated in this code, and
hydraulic flood control structures.
Additions, alterations, repairs and changes of use or occupancy in all buildings
and structures shall comply with the provisions for new buildings and structures
except as otherwise provided in Sections I 04, 307 and 502 of this code.
Where, in any specific case, different sections of this code specify different
materials, methods of construction or other requirements, the most restrictive
shall govern. Where there is a conflict between a general requirement and a
specific requirement, the specific requirement shall be applicable.
Wherever in this code reference is made to the appendix, the provisions in the
appendix shall not apply unless specifically adopted.
Application to Existing Buildings and Structures
Sec. 104. (a) General. Buildings and structures to which additions, alterations
or repairs are made shall comply with all the requirements of this code for new
facilities except as specifically provided in this section. See Section 1210 for
provisions requiring installation of smoke detectors in existing Group R, Division
3 Occupancies.
(b) Additions, Alterations or Repairs. Additions, alterations or repairs may
be made to any building or structure without requiring the existing building or
structure to comply with all the requirements of this code, provided the addition,
alteration or repair conforms to that required for a new building or structure.
Additions, alterations or repairs shall not cause an existing building or structure to
become unsafe or overloaded. Any building so altered, which involves a change


in use or occupancy, shall not exceed the height, number of stories and area
permitted for new buildings. Any building plus new additions shall not exceed the
height, number of stories and area specified for new buildings.
Alterations or repairs to an existing building or structure which are nonstruc-
tural and do not adversely affect any srructural member or any part of the building
or structure having required tire resistance may be made with the same materials
of which the building or structure is constructed.
EXCEYfiON: The installation or replacement of glass shall be as required for
new installations.
(c) Existing Installations_ Buildings in existence at the time of the adoption of
this code may have their existing use or occupancy continued, if such use or
occupancy was legal at the time of the adoption of this code, provided such
continued use is not dangerous to life.
Any change in the use or occupancy of any existing building or structure shall
comply with the provisions of Sections 307 and 502 of this code.
II! For existing buildings, see Appendix Chapter I.
(d) Maintenance. All buildings and structures, both existing and new, and all
parts thereof, shall be maintained in a safe and sanitary condition. All devices or
safeguards which are required by this code shall be maintained in conformance
with the code edition under which installed. The owner or his designated agent
shall be responsible for the maintenance of buildings and structures. To determine
compliance with this subsection, the building official may cause any structure to
be reinspected.
(e) Moved Buildings and Temporary Buildings_ Buildings or structures
moved into or within the jurisdiction shall comply with the provisions of this code
for new buildings or structures.
Temporary structures such as reviewing stands and other miscellaneous struc-
tures, sheds, canopies or fences used for the protection of the public around and in
conjunction with construction work may be erected by special permit from the
building official for a limited period oftime. Such buildings or structures need not
comply with the type of construction or fire-resistive time periods required by this
code. Temporary buildings or structures shall be completely removed upon the
expiration of the time limit stated in the permit.

(f) Historic Buildings. Repairs, alterations and additions necessary for the
preservation, restoration, rehabilitation or continued use of a building or structure
may be made without conformance to all the requirements of this code when
authorized by the building official, provided:
I . The building or structure has been designated by official action of the
legally constituted authority of this jurisdiction as having special historical
or architectural significance.
2. Any unsafe conditions as described in this code are corrected.
3. The restored building or structure will be no more hazardous based on life
safety, fire safety and sanitation than the existing building.

1982 EDITION 105-107

Alternate Materials and Methods of Construction

Sec. lOS. The provisions ofthis code are not intended to prevent the use of any
material or method of construction not specifically prescribed by this code,
provided any alternate has been approved and its use authorized by the building
The building official may approve any such alternate, provided he finds that the
proposed design is satisfactory and complies with the provisions of this code and
that the material. method or work offered is, for the purpose intended, at least the
equivalent of that prescribed in this code in suitability, strength, effectiveness,
fire resistance, durability, safety and sanitation.
The building official shall require that sufficient evidence or proof be submitted
to substantiate any claims that may be made regarding its use. The details of any
action granting approval of an alternate shall be recorded and entered in the files of
the code enforcement agency.
Sec. 106. Whenever there are practical difficulties involved in carrying out the
provisions of this code, the building official may grant modifications for individu-
al cases, provided he shall first find that a special individual reason makes the
strict letter of this code impractical and that the modification is in conformity with
the intent and purpose of this code and that such modification does not lessen any
fire protection requirements or any degree of structural integrity. The details of
any action granting modifications shall be recorded and entered in the files of the
code enforcement agency.
Sec. 107. Whenever there is insufficient evidence of compliance with any of
the provisions of this code or evidence that any material or construction does not
conform to the requirements of this code, the building official may require tests as
proof of compliance to be made at no expense to this jurisdiction.
Test methods shall be as specified by this code or by other recognized test
standards. If there are no recognized and accepted test methods for the proposed
alternate, the building official shall determine test procedures.
All tests shall be made by an approved agency. Reports of such tests shall be
retained by the building official for the period required for the retention of public


Creation of Enforcement Agency
Sec. 201. There is hereby established in this jurisdiction a code enforcement
agency which shall be under the administrative and operational control of the
building official.

Powers and Duties of Building Official

Sec. 202. (a) General. The building official is hereby authorized and directed
to enforce all the provisions of this code. For such purposes, he shall have the
powers of a law enforcement officer.
(b) Deputies. In accordance with prescribed procedures and with the approval
of the appointing authority, the building official may appoint a chief plans
examiner, a chief building inspector and other related technical officers and
inspectors and other employees as shall be authorized from time to time.
(c) Right of Entry. Whenever necessary to make an inspection to enforce any
of the provisions of this code, or whenever the building official or his authorized
representative has reasonable cause to believe that there exists in any building or
upon any premises any condition or code violation which makes such building or
premises unsafe, dangerous or hazardous, the building official or his authorized
representative may enter such building or premises at all reasonable times to
inspect the same or to perform any duty imposed upon the building official by this
code, provided that if such building or premises be occupied, he shall first present
proper credentials and request entry; and if such building or premises be unoc-
cupied, he shall first make a reasonable effort to locate the owner or other persons
having charge or control of the building or premises and request entry. If such
entry is refused, the building official or his authorized representative shall have
recourse to every remedy provided by law to secure entry.
When the building official or his authorized representative shall have first
obtained a proper inspection warrant or other remedy provided by law to secure
entry, no owner or occupant or any other persons having charge, care or control of
any building or premises shall fail or neglect, after proper request is made as
herein provided, to promptly permit entry therein by the building official or his
authorized representative for the purpose of inspection and examination pursuant
to this code.
(d) Stop Orders. Whenever any work is being done contrary to the provisions
of this code, the building official may order the work stopped by notice in writing
served on any persons engaged in the doing or causing such work to be done, and
any such persons shall forthwith stop such work until authorized by the building
official to proceed with the work.
(e) Occupancy Violations. Whenever any building or structure or equipment
therein regulated by this code is being used contrary to the provisions of this code,
the building official may order such use discontinued and the structure, or portion
thereof, vacated by notice served on any person causing such use to be continued.

1982 EDITION 202-204

Such person shall discontinue the use within the time prescribed by the building
official after receipt of such notice to make the structure, or portion thereof,
comply with the requirements of this code.
(f) Liability. The building official, or his authorized representative charged
with the enforcement of this code, acting in good faith and without malice in the
discharge of his duties, shall not thereby render himself personally liable for any
damage that may accrue to persons or property as a result of any act or by reason of
any act or omission in the discharge of his duties. Any suit brought against the
building official or employee because of such act or omission performed by him in
the enforcement of any provision of this code shall be defended by legal counsel
provided by this jurisdiction until final termination of such proceedings.
This code shall not be construed to relieve from or lessen the responsibility of
any person owning, operating or controlling any building or structure for any
damages to persons or property caused by defects, nor shall the code enforcement
agency or its parent jurisdiction be held as assuming any such liability by reason
of the inspections authorized by this code or any certificates of inspection issued
under this code.
(g) Cooperation of Other Officials and Officers. The building official may
request, and shall receive so far as is required in the discharge of his duties. the
assistance and cooperation of other officials of this jurisdiction.
Unsafe Buildings or Structures
Sec. 203. All buildings or structures regulated by this code which are struc-
turally unsafe or not provided with adequate egress, or which constitute a fire
hazard, or are otherwise dangerous to human life are, for the purpose of this
section, unsafe. Any use of buildings or structures constituting a hazard to safety,
health or public welfare by reason of inadequate maintenance, dilapidation.
obsolescence, fire hazard, disaster, damage or abandonment is, for the purpose of
this section, an unsafe use. Parapet walls, cornices, spires, towers, tanks, statuary
and other appendages or structural members which are supported by, attached to,
or a part of a building and which are in deteriorated condition or otherwise unable
to sustain the design loads which are specified in this code are hereby designated
as unsafe building appendages.
All such unsafe buildings, structures or appendages are hereby declared to be
public nuisances and shall be abated by repair, rehabilitation, demolition or
removal in accordaoce with the procedures set forth in the Dangerous Buildings
Code or such alternate procedures. as may have been or as may be adopted by this
jurisdiction. As an alternative, the building official, or other employee or official
of this jurisdiction as designated by the governing body, may institute any other
appropriate action to prevent, restrain, correct or abate the violation.
Board of Appeals
Sec. 204. In order to determine the suitability of alternate materials and
methods of construction and to provide for reasonable interpretations of this code,
there shall be and is hereby created a Board of Appeals consisting of members
who are qualified by experience and training to pass upon matters pertaining to
building construction. The building official shall be an ex officio member and


shall act as secretary of the board. The Board of Appeals shall be appointed by the
governing body and shall hold office at its pleasure. The board shall adopt
reasonable rules and regulations for conducting its investigations and shall render
all decisions and findings in writing to the building official with a duplicate copy
to the appellant.
Sec. 205. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect,
construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move, improve, remove, convert or demolish,
equip, use, occupy or maintain any building or structure or cause or permit the
same to be done in violation of this code.

1982EDinON 301-302

Sec. 301. (a) Permits Required. It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or
corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, move. improve, remove,
convert or demolish any building or structure regulated by this code, except as
specified in Subsection (b) of this section, or cause the same to be done without
first obtaining a separate permit for each building or structure from the building
(b) Exempted Work. A building permit shall not be required for the following:
1. One-story detached accessory buildings used as tool and storage sheds,
playhouses and similar uses, provided the projected roof area does not
exceed 120 square feet.
2. Fences not over 6 feet high.
3. Oil derricks.
4. Movable cases, counters and partitions not over 5 feet high.
5. Retaining walls which are not over 4 feet in height measured from the
bottom of the footing to the top of the wall, unless supporting a surcharge
or impounding flammable liquids.
6. Water tanks supported directly upon grade if the capacity does not exceed
5000 gallons and the ratio of height to diameter or width does not exceed
two to one.
7. Platforms, walks and driveways not more than 30 inches above grade and
not over any basement or story below.
8. Painting, papering and similar finish work.
9. Temporary motion picture, television and theater stage sets and scenery.
10. Window awnings supported by an exterior wall of Group R, Division 3,
and Group M Occupancies when projecting not more than 54 inches.
II. Prefabricated swimming pools accessory to a Group R, Division 3 Occu-
pancy in which the pool walls are entirely above the adjacent grade and if
the capacity does not exceed 5000 gallons.
Unless otherwise exempted, separate plumbing, electrical and mechanical
permits will be required for the above exempted items.
Exemption from the permit requirements of this code shall not be deemed to
grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the
provisions of this code or any other laws or ordinances of this jurisdiction.
Application for Permit
Sec. 302. (a) Application. To obtain a permit, the applicant shall first file an
application therefor in writing on a form furnished by the code enforcement
agency for that purpose. Every such application shall:
I. Identify and describe the work to be covered by the permit for which
application is made.


2. Describe the land on which the proposed work is to be done by legal

description, street address or similar description that will readily identify and
definitely locate the proposed building or work.
3. Indicate the use or occupancy for which the proposed work is intended.
4. Be accompanied by plans, diagrams, computations and specifications and
other data as required in Subsection (b) of this section.
5. State the valuation of any new building or structure or any addition,
remodeling or alteration to an existing building.
6. Be signed by permittee, or his authorized agent, who may be required to
submit evidence to indicate such authority.
7. Give such other data and information as may be required by the building
(b) Plans and Specifications. Plans, engineering calculations, diagrams and
other data shall be submitted in one or more sets with each application for a
permit. The building official may require plans, computations and specifications
to be prepared and designed by an engineer or architect licensed by the state to
practice as such.
EXCEPTION: The building official may waive the submission of plans. cal
culations, etc., if he tlnds that the nature of the work applied for is such that
reviewing of plans is not necessary to obtain compliance with this code.
(c) Information on Plans and Specifications. Plans and specifications shall
be drawn to scale upon substantial paper or cloth and shall be of sufficient clarity
to indicate the location, nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail
that it will conform to the provisions of this code and all relevant laws, ordi-
nances, rules and regulations.

Plans for buildings more than two stories in height of other than Groups R,
Division 3 and M Occupancies shall indicate how required structural and fire-
resistive integrity will be maintained where a penetration will be made for
electrical, mechanical, plumbing and communication conduits, pipes and similar
Permits Issuance
Sec. 303. (a) Issuance. The application, plans and specifications, and other
data, filed by an applicant for permit shall be reviewed by the building official.
Such plans may be reviewed by other departments of this jurisdiction to verify
compliance with any applicable laws under their jurisdiction. If the building
official finds that the work described in an application for a permit and the plans,
specifications and other data filed therewith conform to the requirements of this
code and other pertinent laws and ordinances, and that the fees specified in
Section 304 have been paid, he shall issue a permit therefor to the applicant.
When the building official issues the permit where plans are required, he shall
endorse in writing or stamp the plans and specifications "APPROVED." Such
approved plans and specifications shall not be changed, modified or altered
without authorizations from the building official, and all work shall be done in
accordance with the approved plans.
The building official may issue a permit for the construction of part of a

1982 EDITION 303

building or structure before the entire plans and specifications for the whole
building or structure have been submitted or approved, provided adequate infor-
mation and detailed statements have been filed complying with all pertinent
requirements of this code. The holder of such permit shall proceed at his own risk
without assurance that the permit for the entire building or structure will be
(b) Retention of Plans. One set of approved plans, specifications and com-
putations shall be retained by the building official for a period of not less than 90
days from date of completion of the work covered therein; and one set of approved
plans and specifications shall be returned to the applicant, and said set shall be
kept on the site of the building or work at all times during which the work
authorized thereby is in progress.
(c) Validity of Permit. The issuance or granting of a permit or approval of
plans and specifications shall not be construed to be a permit for, or an approval of,
any violation of any of the provisions of this code or of any other ordinance of the
jurisdiction. No permit presuming to give authority to violate or cancel the
provisions of this code shall be valid.
The issuance of a permit based upon plans, specifications and other data shall
not prevent the building official from thereafter requiring the correction of errors
in said plans, specifications and other data, or from preventing building opera-
tions being carried on thereunder when in violation of this code or of any other
ordinances of this jurisdiction.
(d) Expiration. Every permit issued by the building official under the provi-
sions of this code shall expire by limitation and become null and void if the
building or work authorized by such permit is not commenced within 180 days
from the date of such permit, or if the building or work authorized by such permit
is suspended or abandoned at any time after the work is commenced for a period
of 180 days. Before such work can be recommenced, a new permit shall be first
obtained so to do, and the fee therefor shall be one half the amount required for a
new permit for such work, provided no changes have been made or will be made
in the original plans and specifications for such work; and provided further that
such suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one year.
Any permittee holding an unexpired permit may apply for an extension of the
time within which he may commence work under that permit when he is unable to
commence work within the time required by this section for good and satisfactory
reasons. The building official may extend the time for action by the permittee for a
period not exceeding 180 days upon written request by the permittee showing that
circumstances beyond the control of the permittee have prevented action from
being taken. No permit shall be extended more than once. In order to renew action
on a permit after expiration, the permittee shall pay a new full permit fee.

(e) Suspension or Revocation. The building official may, in writing, suspend

or revoke a permit issued under the provisions of this code whenever the permit is
issued in error or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or in violation of
any ordinance or regulation or any of the provisions of this code.


Sec. 304. (a) Permit Fees. The fee for each permit shall be as set forth in Table
No. 3-A.
The determination of value or valuation under any of the provisions of this code
shall be made by the building official. The value to be used in computing the
building permit and building plan review fees shall be the total value of all
construction work for which the permit is issued as well as all finish work,
painting, roofing, electrical, plumbing, heating, air conditioning, elevators, fire-
extinguishing systems and any other permanent equipment.
(b) Plan Review Fees. When a plan or other data are required to be submitted
by Subsection (b) of Section 302, a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of
submitting plans and specifications for review. Said plan review fee shall be 65
percent of the building permit fee as shown in Table No. 3-A.
Where plans are incomplete or changed so as to require additional plan review,
an additional plan review fee shall be charged at the rate shown in Table No. 3-A.
(c) Expiration of Plan Review. Applications for which no permit is issued
within 180 days following the date of application shall expire by limitation, and
plans and other data submitted for review may thereafter be returned to the
applicant or destroyed by the building official. The building official may extend
the time for action by the applicant for a period not exceeding 180 days upon
request by the applicant showing that circumstances beyond the control of the
applicant have prevented action from being taken. No application shall be
extended more than once. In order to renew action on an application after
expiration, the applicant shall resubmit plans and pay a new plan review fee.
(d) Investigation Fees: Work Without a Permit. I. Investigation. Whenever
any work for which a permit is required by this code has been commenced without
first obtaining said permit, a special investigation shall be made before a permit
may be issued for such work.
2. Fee. An investigation fee, in addition to the permit fee, shall be collected
whether or not a permit is then or subsequently issued. The investigation fee shall
be equal to the amount of the permit fee required by this code. The minimum
investigation fee shall be the same as the minimum fee set forth in Table No. 3-A.
The payment of such investigation fee shall not exempt any person from compli-
ance with all other provisions of this code nor from any penalty prescribed by law.
(e) Fee Refunds. I. The building official may authorize the refunding of any
fee paid hereunder which was erroneously paid or collected.
2. The building official may authorize the refunding of not more than 80
percent of the permit fee paid when no work has been done under a permit issued
in accordance with this code.
3. The building official may authorize the refunding of not more than 80
percent of the plan review fee paid when an application for a permit for which a
plan review fee has been paid is withdrawn or canceled before any plan reviewing
is done.
The building official shall not authorize the refunding of any fee paid except

1982 EDITION 304-305

upon written application filed by the original permittee not later than 180 days
after the date of fee payment.

Sec. 305. (a) General. All construction or work for which a permit is required
shall be subject to inspection by the building official, and certain types of
construction shall have continuous inspection by special inspectors as specified in
Section 306.
A survey of the lot may be required by the building official to verify that the
structure is located in accordance with the approved plans. It shall be the duty of
the permit applicant to cause the work to be accessible and exposed for inspection
purposes. Neither the building official nor the jurisdiction shall be liable for
expense entailed in the removal or replacement of any material required to allow
(b) Inspection Requests. It shall be the duty of the person doing the work
authorized by a permit to notify the building official that such work is ready for
inspection. The building official may require that every request for inspection be
filed at least one working day before such inspection is desired. Such request may
be in writing or by telephone at the option of the building official.
It shall be the duty of the person requesting any inspections required by this
code to provide access to and means for proper inspection of such work.
(c) Inspection Record Card. Work requiring a permit shall not be commenced
until the permit holder or his agent shall have posted an inspection record card in a
conspicuous place on the premises and in such position as to allow the building
official conveniently to make the required entries thereon regarding inspection of
the work. This card shall be maintained in such position by the permit holder until
final approval has been granted by the building official.
(d) Approval Required. No work shall be done on any part of the building or
structure beyond the point indicated in each successive inspection without first
obtaining the approval of the building official. Such approval shall be given only
after an inspection shall have been made of each successive step in the con-
struction as indicated by each of the inspections required in Subsection (e).
There shall be a final inspection and approval on all buildings and structures
when completed and ready for occupancy or use.
(e) Required Inspections. Reinforcing steel or structural framework of any
part of any building or structure shall not be covered or concealed without first
obtaining the approval of the building official.
The building official, upon notification from the permit holder or his agent,
shall make the following inspections and shall either approve that portion of the
construction as completed or shall notify the permit holder or his agent wherein
the same fails to comply with this code:
I. FOUNDATION INSPECTION: To be made after trenches are excavated
and forms erected and when all materials for the foundation are delivered on the
job. Where concrete from a central mixing plant (commonly termed "transit
mixed") is to be used. materials need not be on the job.



after all in-slab or under-floor building service equipment, conduit, piping
accessories and other ancillary equipment items are in place but before any
concrete is poured or floor sheathing installed, including the subfloor.
3. FRAME INSPECTION: To be made after the roof, all framing, fire
blocking and bracing are in place and all pipes, chimneys and vents are complete
and the rough electrical, plumbing, and heating wires, pipes, and ducts are
lathing and gypsum board, interior and exterior, is in place but before any
plastering is applied or before gypsum board joints and fasteners are taped and
5. FINAL INSPECTION: To be made after finish grading and the building is
completed and ready for occupancy.
(f) Other Inspections. In addition to the called inspections specified above,
the building official may make or require other inspections of any construction
work to ascertain compliance with the provisions of this code and other laws
which are enforced by the code enforcement agency.
(g) Reinspections. A reinspection fee may be assessed for each inspection or
reinspection when such portion of work for which inspection is called is not
complete or when corrections called for are not made.
This subsection is not to be interpreted as requiring reinspection fees the first
time a job is rejected for failure to comply with the requirements of this code, but
as controlling the practice of calling for inspections before the job is ready for
such inspection or reinspection.
Reinspection fees may be assessed when the permit card is not properly posted
on the work site, the approved plans are not readily available to the inspector, for
failure to provide access on the date for which inspection is requested, or for
deviating from plans requiring the approval of the building official.
To obtain a reinspection, the applicant shall file an application therefor in
writing upon a form furnished for that purpose and pay the reinspection fee in
accordance with Table No. 3-A.
In instances where rcinspection fees have been assessed, no additional inspec-
tion of the work will be performed until the required fees have been paid.

Special Inspections
Sec. 306. (a) General. In addition to the inspections required by Section 305,
the owner shall employ a special inspector during construction on the following
types of work:
I. CONCRETE: During the taking of test specimens and placing of all
reinforced concrete and pneumatically placed concrete.

EXCEPTIONS: I. Concrete for foundations confonning to minimum require-
ments of Table No. 29-A or for Group R, Division 3 or Group M, Division I
O~cupancies, provided the building official finds that a special hazard does not

2. For foundation concrete when the structural design is based on af'c no greater
than 2000 psi.
3. Nonstructural slabs on grade, including prestressed slabs on grade when
effective prestress in concrete is less than 150 pounds per square inch.
4. Site work concrete full-supported on earth and concrete where no special
hazard exists.
by Section 2625 (h) of this code.
stressing and grouting of prestressed concrete.
B. During placing of reinforcing steel, placing of tendons and prestressing steel
for all concrete required to have special inspection by Item No. 1.
EXCEPTION: The special inspector need not be present during entire reinforc-
ing steel-and prestressing steel-placing operations, provided he has inspected for
conformance with the approved plans, prior to the closing of forms or the delivery of
concrete to the job site.
4. WELDING: A. Ductile moment-resisting steel frames. As required by
Section 2722 (t) of this code.
B. All structural welding, including welding of reinforcing steel.
EXCEPTIONS: I. When welding is done in an approved fabricator's shop.
2. When approved by the building official, single-pass fillet welds when stressed
to less than 50 percent of allowable stresses and floor and roof deck welding and
welded studs when used for structural diaphragm or composite systems may have
periodic inspections in accordance with Section 306 (e) of this code. For periodic
inspection, the inspector shall check qualifications of welders at the start of work
and then make final inspection of all welds for compliance prior to completion of
5. HIGH-STRENGTH BOLTING: During all bolt installations and tighten-
ing operations.
EXCEPTIONS: I. The special inspector need not be present during the entire
installation and tightening operation, provided he has:
(i) Inspected the surfaces and boll type for conformance to plans and specifica-
tions prior to start of bolting,
(ii) And will, upon completion of all bolting, verify the minimum specified bolt
tension for 10 percent of the bolts for each "type" of connection, for a representa-
tive number of total connections established by the plans and specifications.
2. In bearing-type connections when threads are not required by design to be
excluded from the shear plane, inspection prior to or during installation will not be
6. STRUCTURAL MASONRY: During preparation of masonry wall prisms,
sampling and placing of all masonry units, placement of reinforcement, inspec-
tion of grout space, immediately prior to closing of cleanouts, and during all
grouting operations. Where thef'm is less than 2600 psi and special inspection
stresses are used, test specimens may consist of either one prism test for each 5000
square feet of wall area or a series of tests based on both grout and mortar for the
first three consecutive days and each third day thereafter.


EXCEPTION: Special inspection will not be required for structures designed in

accordance with the values in appropriate tables for noncontinuous inspection.
7. REINFORCED GYPSUM CONCRETE: When cast-in-place Class B
gypsum concrete is being mixed and placed.
8. INSULATING CONCRETE FILl~: During the application of insulating
concrete fill when used as part of a structural system.
EXCEPTION: The special inspections may be limited to an initial inspection to
check the deck surface and placement of reinforcing. The special inspector shall
supervise the preparation of compression test specimens during this initial
9. SPRAY-APPLIED FIREPROOFING: As required by U.B.C. Standard
No. 43-8.
10. PILING, DRILLED PIERS AND CAISSONS: During driving and testing
of piles and construction of cast-in-place drilled piles or caissons. See Items Nos.
I and 3 for concrete and reinforcing steel inspection.
work excavations, grading and filling operations inspection to satisfy require-
ments of Chapter 29 and Chapter 70 (Appendix) of this code.
12. SPECIAL CASES: Work which, in the opinion of the building official,
involves unusual hazards.
(b) Special Inspector. The special inspector shall be a qualified person who
shall demonstrate his competence, to the satisfaction of the building official, for
inspection of the particular type of construction or operation requiring special
(c) Duties and Responsibilities of the Special Inspector. I. The special
inspector shall observe the work assigned to be certain it conforms to the design
drawings and specifications.
2. The special inspector shall furnish inspection reports to the building official,
the engineer or architect of record, and other designated persons. All discrepan-
cies shall be brought to the immediate attention of the contractor for correction,
then, if uncorrected, to the proper design authority and to the building official.
3. The special inspector shall submit a final signed report stating whether the
work requiring special inspection was, to the best of his knowledge, in con-
formance with the approved plans and specifications and the applicable work-
manship provision of this code.
(d) Waiver of Special Inspection. The building official may waive the require-
ment for the employment of a special inspector if he finds that the construction is
of minor nature.
(e) Periodic Special Inspection. Some inspections may be made on a periodic
basis and satisfy the requirements of continuous inspection, provided this period-
ic scheduled inspection is performed as outlined in the project plans and specifica-
tions and approved by the building official.
([) Approved Fabricators. Special inspections required by this section and
elsewhere in this code shall not be required where the work is done on the

1982 EDITION 306-307

premises of a fabricator registered and approved by the building official to

perform such work without special inspection. The certificate of registration shall
be subject to revocation by the building official if it is found that any work done
pursuant to the approval is in violation of this code. The approved fabricator shall
submit a Certificate of Compliance that the work was performed in accordance
with the approved plans and specifications to the building official and to the
engineer or architect of record. The approved fabricator's qualifications shall be
contingent on compliance with the following:
1. The fabricator has developed and submitted a detailed fabrication procedural
manual reflecting key quality control procedures which will provide a basis for
inspection control of workmanship and the fabricator plant.
2. Verification of the fabricator's quality control capabilities. plant and person-
nel as outlined in the fabrication procedural manual shall be by an approved
inspection or quality control agency.
3. Periodic plant inspections shall be conducted by an approved inspection or
quality control agency to monitor the effectiveness of the quality control
4. It shall be the responsibility of the inspection or quality control agency to
notify the approving authority in writing of any change to the procedural manual.
Any fabricator approval may be revoked for just cause. Reapproval of the
fabricator shall be contingent on compliance with quality control procedures
during the past year.
Certificate of Occupancy
Sec. 307. (a) Use or Occupancy. No building or structure of Group A, E. I, H,
B orR, Division 1 Occupancy. shall be used or occupied, and no change in the
existing occupancy classification of a building or structure or portion thereof shall
be made until the building official has issued a Certificate of Occupancy therefor
as provided herein.
(b) Change in Use. Changes in the character or use of a building shall not be
made except as specified in Section 502 of this code.
(c) Certificate Issued. After final inspection when it is found that the building
or structure complies with the provisions of this code and other laws which are
enforced by the code enforcement agency, the building official shall issue a
Certificate of Occupancy which shall contain the following:
1. The building permit number.
2. The address of the building.
3. The name and address of the owner.
4. A description of that portion of the building for which the certificate is
5. A statement that the described portion of the building complies with the
requirements of this code for the group and division of occupancy and the
use for which the proposed occupancy is classified.
6. The name of the building official.
(d) Temporary Certificate. If the building official finds that no substantial


hazard will result from occupancy of any building or portion thereof before the
same is completed, he may issue a temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the use
of a portion or portions of a building or structure prior to the completion of the
entire building or structure.
(e) Posting. The Certificate of Occupancy shall be posted in a conspicuous
place on the premises and shall not be removed except by the building official.
(f) Revocation. The building official may, in writing, suspend or revoke a

Certificate of Occupancy issued under the provisions of this code whenever the
certificate is issued in error, or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or
when it is determined that the building or structure or portion thereof is in
violation of any ordinance or regulation or any of the provisions of this code.


$1.00 to $500.00 $10.00
$501.00 to $2,000.00 $10.00 for the first $500.00 plus $1.50 for each additional
$100.00 or fraction thereof, to and including $2,000.00
$2.001.00 to $25,000.00 $32.50 for the first $2,000.00 plus $6.00 for each addi
tional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including
$25,001.00 to $50,000.00 $170.50 for the first $25,000.00 plus $4.50 for each
additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including
$50,001.00 to $100,000.00 $283.00 for the first $50,000.00 plus $3.00 for each
additional $1,000.00 or fraction thereof, to and including
$100,001.00 and up $433.00 for the first $100,000.00 plus $2.50 for each
additional $1 ,000.00 or fraction thereof

Other Inspections and Fees:

I. Inspections outside of normal business hours . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. ... $15 .00 per hour
(minimum charge-two hours)
2. Reinspection fee assessed under provisions of
Section 305 (g) ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ................ $15.00each
3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically
indicated ............... . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. ......... . $15.00perhour
(minimum charge-one-half hour)
4. Additional plan review required by changes, additions
or revisions to approved plans ......... , ........... . . . ... ' .. . $15.00 per hour
(minimum charge-one-half hour)

1982 EDITION 401-402

Part II
Sec. 401. General. For the purpose of this code, certain terms, phrases, words
and their derivatives shall be construed as specified in this chapter. Words used in
the singular include the plural and the plural the singular. Words used in the
masculine gender include the feminine and the feminine the masculine.
Where terms are not defined, they shall have their ordinary accepted meanings
within the context with which they are used. Webster's Third New International
Dictionary of the English Language, Unabridged, copyright 1961, shall be
considered as providing ordinarily accepted meanings.
Sec. 402. ADDITION is an extension or increase in floor area or height of a
building or structure.
AGRICULTURAL BUILDING is a structure designed and constructed to
house farm implements, hay, grain, poultry, livestock or other horticultural
products. This structure shall not be a place of human habitation or a place of
employment where agricultural products are processed, treated or packaged; nor
shall it be a place used by the public.
ALLEY is any public space or thoroughfare less than 16 feet but not less than
10 feet in width which has been dedicated or deeded to the public for public use.
ALTER or ALTERATION is any change, addition or modification in con-
struction or occupancy. ..
APARTMENT HOUSE is any building or portion thereof which contains Ill
three or more dwelling units. Iii
APPROVED, as to materials and types of construction, refers to approval by
the building official as the result of investigation and tests conducted by him, or
by reason of accepted principles or tests by recognized authorities, technical or
scientific organizations.
APPROVED AGENCY is an established and recognized agency regularly
engaged in conducting tests or furnishing inspection services, when such agency
has been approved by the building official.
APPROVED FABRICATOR is an established and qualified person, firm or
corporation approved by the building official pursuant to Section 306 (f) of this
AREA. (See "Floor Area.'')
ASSEMBLY BUILDING is a building or portion of a building used for the
gathering together of 50 or more persons for such purposes as deliberation,


education, instruction, worship, entertainment, amusement, drinking or dining or

awaiting transportation.

ATRIUM is an opening through two or more floor levels other than enclosed
stairways, elevators, hoistways. escalators, plumbing, electrical, air-conditioning
or other equipment, which is closed at the top and not defined as a mall.
AUTOMATIC, as applied to fire protection devices, is a device or system
providing an emergency function without the necessity of human intervention and
activated as a result of a predetermined temperature rise, rate of rise of tempera-
ture or increase in the level of combustion products such as is incorporated in an
automatic sprinkler system, automatic fire door, etc.

Sec. 403. BALCONY is that portion of the seating space of an assembly room,
the lowest part of which is raised 4 feet or more above the level of the main floor.
BALCONY, EXTERIOR EXIT. See Section 3301 (b).
BASEMENT is any floor level below the first story in a building, except that a
floor level in a building having only one floor level shall be classified as a
basement unless such floor level qualifies as a first story as defined herein.
BOILER, HIGH PRESSURE, is a boiler furnishing steam at pressures in
excess of 15 pounds per square inch or hot water at temperatures in excess of
250F., or at pressures in excess of 160 pounds per square inch.
STEAM, is a boiler furnishing hot water at pressures not exceeding 160 pounds
per square inch and at temperatures not more than 250F., or steam at pressures
not more than 15 pounds per square inch.
BOILER ROOM is any room containing a steam or hot-water boiler.
BUILDING is any structure used or intended for supporting or sheltering any
use or occupancy.
BUILDING, EXISTING, is a building erected prior to the adoption of this
code, or one for which a legal building permit has been issued.
BUILDING OFFICIAL is the officer or other designated authority charged
with the administration and enforcement of this code, or his duly authorized

Sec. 404. CAST STONE is a precast building stone manufactured from
portland cement concrete and used as a trim, veneer or facing on or in buildings or
CENTRAL HEATING PLANT is comfort heating plant equipment installed
in such a manner to supply heat by means of ducts or pipes to areas other than the
room in which the equipment is located.
CHIEF OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT is the head of the fire department or
his regularly authorized deputy.

1982 EDITION 404-407

CO URI' is a space, open and unobstructed to the sky, located at or above grade
level on a lot and bounded on three or more sides by walls of a building.

Sec. 405. DANGEROUS BUILDINGS CODE is the Uniform Code for the
Abatement of Dangerous Buildings promulgated by the International Conference

of Building Officials, as adopted by this jurisdiction.
DISPERSAL AREA, SAFE. See Section 3323 (b)
DORMITORY is a room occupied by more than two guests.
DWELLING is any building or portion thereof which contains not more than
two dwelling units.
DWELLING UNIT is any building or portion thereof which contains living
facilities, including provisions for sleeping, eating. cooking and sanitation, as
required by this code, for not more than one family.

Sec 406. EFFICIENCY DWELLING UNIT is a dwelling unit containing
only one habitable room.
ELECTRICAL CODE is the National Electrical Code promulgated by the
National Fire Protection Association, as adopted by this jurisdiction.
EXISTING BUILDINGS. (See "Building, Existing.")
EXIT. See Section 3301 (b).
EXIT COURf. See Section 3301 (b).
EXIT PASSAGEWAY. Sec Section 3301 (b).

Sec. 407. FAMILY is an individual or two or more persons related by blood or
marriage or a group of not more than five persons (excluding servants) who need
not be related by blood or marriage living together in a dwelling unit.

FIRE ASSEMBLY. See Section 4306 (b).

FIRE CODE is the Uniform Fire Code promulgated jointly by the Western Fire
Chiefs Association and the International Conference of Building Officials, as
adopted by this jurisdiction.
struction to resist the spread of fire, details of which are specified in this code.
FIRE-RETARDANT TREATED WOOD is lumber or plywood impregnated
with chemicals and which, when tested in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No.
42-1 for a period of30 minutes, shall have a flame spread of not over 25 and show
no evidence of progressive combustion. Materials which may be exposed to the
weather shall maintain this fire-retardant classification when tested in accordance


with the rain and weathering tests ofU.B.C. Standard No. 32-7.
All materials shall bear identification showing the fire performance rating
thereof and, if intended for exterior use, shall be further identified to indicate
suitability for exposure to the weather. Such identifications shall be issued by an
approved agency having a service for inspection of materials at the factory.
FLOOR AREA is the area included within the surrounding exterior walls of a
building or portion thereof, exclusive of vent shafts and courts. The floor area of a
building, or portion thereof, not provided with surrounding exterior walls shall be
the usable area under the horizontal projection of the roof or floor above.
FOOTING is that portion of the foundation of a structure which spreads and
transmits loads directly to the soil or the piles.
FRONT OF LOT is the front boundary line of a lot bordering on the street and,
in the case of a corner lot, may be either frontage.

Sec. 408. GARAGE is a building or portion thereof in which a motor vehicle
containing flammable or combustible liquids or gas in its tank, is stored, repaired
or kept.
GARAGE, PRIVATE, is a building or a portion of a building, not more than
1000 square feet in area, in which only motor vehicles used by the tenants of the
building or buildings on the premises are stored or kept. (See Section II 0 I . )
GARAGE, PUBLIC, is any garage other than a private garage.
GRADE (Adjacent Ground Elevation) is the lowest point of elevation of the
finished surface of the ground, paving or sidewalk within the area between the
building and the property line or, when the property line is more than 5 feet from
the building. between the building and a line 5 feet from the building.
GRADE (Lumber) is the classification of lumber in regard to strength and
GUEST is any person hiring or occupying a room for living or sleeping
GUEST ROOM is any room or rooms used or intended to be used by a guest
for sleeping purposes. Every 100 square feet of superficial floor area in a
dormitory shall be considered to be a guest room.
Sec. 409. HABITABLE SPACE (ROOM) is space in a structure for living,
sleeping, eating or cooking. Bathrooms, toilet compartments, closets, halls,
storage or utility space, and similar areas, are not considered habitable space.
HEIGHT OF BUILDING is the vertical distance above a reference datum
measured to the highest point of the coping of a flat roof or to the deck line of a
mansard roof or to the average height of the highest gable of a pitched or hipped
roof. The reference datum shall be selected by either of the following, whichever
yields a greater height of building:
I. The elevation of the highest adjoining sidewalk or ground surface within a

1982 EDITION 409-413

5-foot horizontal distance of the exterior wall of the building when such
sidewalk or ground surface is not more than 10 feet above lowest grade.
2. An elevation 10 feet higher than the lowest grade when the sidewalk or
ground surface described in Item I above is more than 10 feet above lowest
The height of a stepped or terraced building is the maximum height of any
segment of the building.
HELIPORT. A heliport is an area of land or water or a structural surface which
is used, or intended for use, for the landing and takeoff of helicopters, and any
appurtenant areas which are used, or intended for use, for heliport buildings and
other heliport facilities.
HELISTOP. A helistop is the same as a heliport, except that no refueling,
maintenance, repairs or storage of helicopters is permitted.
HORIZONTAL EXIT. See Section 3301 (b).
HOTEL is any building containing six or more guest rooms intended or
designed to be used, or which are used, rented or hired out to be occupied, or
which are occupied for sleeping purposes by guests.

Sec. 410. No definitions.

Sec. 411. JURISDICTION, as used in this code, is any political subdivision
which adopts this code for administrative regulations within its sphere of
Sec. 412. No definitions.

Sec. 413. LINTEL is a structural member placed over an opening or a recess in
a wall and supporting construction above.
LIQUID is any material which has a fluidity greater than that of 300 penctra
tion asphalt when tested in accordance with the Uniform Fire Code Standards.
When not otherwise identified, the term "liquid" is both flammable and combus-
tible liquids.
LIQUID STORAGE ROOM is a Group H, Division 2 Occupancy in which
the quantities of flammable or combustible liquids do not exceed the limits set
forth in the Fire Code.
LIQUID STORAGE WAREHOUSE is a Group H, Division 2 Occupancy
used for the storage of flammable or combustible liquids in an unopened con-
dition only in unlimited quantities.
LISTED and LISTING arc terms referring to equipment and materials which
are shown in a list published by an approved testing agency, qualified and
equipped for experimental testing and maintaining an adequate periodic inspec-


tion of current productions and whose listing states that the equipment complies
with recognized safety standards.
LOADS. See Chapter 23.

LODGING HOUSE is any building or portion thereof containing not more
than five guest rooms which are used by not more than five guests where rent is
paid in money, goods, labor or otherwise.
Sec. 414. MARQUEE is a permanent roofed structure attached to and sup
ported by the building and projecting over public property. Marquees are regu-
lated in Chapter 45.
MASONRY is that form of construction composed of stone, brick, concrete,
gypsum, hollow clay tile, concrete block or tile or other similar building units or
materials or combination of these materials laid up unit by unit and set in mortar.
MASONRY, SOLID, is masonry of solid units built without hollow spaces.
MECHANICAL CODE is the Uniform Mechanical Code promulgated jointly
by the International Conference of Building Officials and the International Asso-
ciation of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials, as adopted by this jurisdiction.
II MEZZANINE or MEZZANINE FLOOR is an intermediate floor placed
II within a room.
MOTEL shall mean hotel as defined in this code.
Sec. 415. NONCOMBUSTIBLE as applied to building construction material
means a material which, in the form in which it is used, is either one of the
I. Material of which no part will ignite and burn when subjected to fire. Any
material conforming to U.B.C. Standard No. 4-1 shall be considered
noncombustible within the meaning of this section.
2. Material having a structural base of noncombustible material as defined in
Item No. I above, with a surfacing material not over 1/s inch thick which
has a flame-spread rating of 50 or less.
"Noncombustible" does not apply to surface finish materials. Material
required to be noncombustible for reduced clearances to flues, heating appliances
or other sources of high temperature shall refer to material conforming to Item
No. I. No material shall be classed as noncombustible which is subject to increase
in combustibility or flame-spread rating, beyond the limits herein established,
through the effects of age, moisture or other atmospheric condition.
Flame-spread rating as used herein refers to rating obtained according to tests
conducted as specified in U.B.C. Standard No. 42-1.
Sec. 416. OCCUPANCY is the purpose for which a building, or part thereof,
is used or intended to be used.
ORIEL WINDOW is a window which projects from the main line of an
enclosing wall of a building and is carried on brackets or corbels.

1982 EDITION 416-420

OWNER is any person, agent, firm or corporation having a legal or equitable

interest in the property.
Sec. 417. PANIC HARDWARE. See Section 3301 (b).
PERMIT is an official document or certificate issued by the building official
authorizing performance of a specified activity.
PERSON is a natural person, his heirs, executors, administrators or assigns,
and also includes a firm, partnership or corporation, its or their successors or
assigns, or the agent of any of the aforesaid.
PLATFORM, ENCLOSED, is a partially enclosed portion of an assembly
room the ceiling of which is not more than 5 feet above the proscenium opening
and which is designed or used for the presentation of plays, demonstrations or
other entertainment wherein scenery, drops, decorations or other effects may be
installed or used.
PLUMBING CODE is the adopted plumbing code of the jurisdiction. 1
PUBLIC WAY. See Section 3301 (b).
Sec. 418. No definitions.
Sec. 419. REPAIR is the reconstruction or renewal of any part of an existing
building for the purpose of its maintenance.

Sec. 420. SHAFT is a vertical opening through a building for elevators,
dumbwaiters, mechanical equipment or similar purposes.
SHALL, as used in this code, is mandatory.
SMOKE DETECTOR is an approved detector which senses visible or invisi-
ble particles of combustion. The detector shall bear a label or other identification
issued by an approved testing agency having a service for inspection of materials
and workmanship at the factory during fabrication and assembly.
STAGE is a partially enclosed portion of an assembly building which is
designed or used for the presentation of plays, demonstrations or other entertain-
ment wherein scenery, drops or other effects may be installed or used, and where
the distance between the top of the proscenium opening and the ceiling above the
stage is more than 5 feet. ttl
STORY is that portion of a building included between the upper surface of any
floor and the upper surface of the floor next above, except that the topmost story
shall be that portion of a building included between the upper surface of the
topmost floor and the ceiling or roof above. If the finished floor level directly
above a usable or unused under-floor space is more than 6 feet above grade as
defined herein for more than 50 percent of the total perimeter or is more than 12
feet above grade as defined herein at any point, such usable or unused under-floor
space shall be considered as a story.


STORY, FIRST, is the lowest story in a building which qualifies as a story, as

defined herein, except that a floor level in a building having only one floor level
shall be classified as a first story, provided such floor level is not more than 4 feet
below grade, as defined herein, for more than 50 percent of the total perimeter, or
not more than 8 feet below grade, as defined herein, at any point.
STREET is any thoroughfare or public space not less than 16 feet in width
which has been dedicated or deeded to the public for public use.
STRUCTURE is that which is built or constructed, an edifice or building of
any kind, or any piece of work artificially built up or composed of parts joined
together in some definite manner.
Sec. 421. No definitions.
Sec. 422. U.B.C. STANDARDS is the Uniform Building Code Standards
promulgated by the International Conference of Building Officials, as adopted by
this jurisdiction. (See Chapter 60.)
Sec. 423. VALUE or VALUATION, of a building shall be the estimated cost to
replace the building and structure in kind, based on current replacement costs, as
determined in Section 304 (a).
VENEER. See Section 3002.
VENTILATING CEILING is a suspended ceiling containing many small
apertures through which air, at low pressure, is forced downward from an
overhead plenum dimensioned by the concealed space between suspended ceiling
and the floor or roof above.
Sec. 424. WALLS shall be defined as follows:
Bearing Wall is any wall meeting either of the following classifications:
l. Any metal or wood stud wall which supports more than 100 pounds per
lineal foot of superimposed load.
2. Any masonry or concrete wall which supports more than 200 pounds per
lineal foot superimposed load, or any such wall supporting its own weight
for more than one story.
Exterior Wall is any wall or element of a wall, or any member or group of
members, which defines the exterior boundaries or courts of a building and which
has a slope of 60 degrees or greater with the horizontal plane.
Faced Wall is a wall in which the masonry facing and backing are so bonded as
to exert a common action under load.
Nonbearing Wall is any wall that is not a bearing wall.
Parapet Wall is that part of any wall entirely above the roof line.
Retaining Wall is a wall designed to resist the lateral displacement of soil or
other materials.

1982 EDITION 424-427

WATER HEATER is an appliance designed primarily to supply hot water and

is equipped with automatic controls limiting water temperature to a maximum of
WEATHER-EXPOSED SURFACES are all surfaces of walls, ceilings,
floors, roofs, soffits and similar surfaces exposed to the weather, excepting the
I. Ceilings and roof soffits enclosed by walls or by beams which extend a
minimum of 12 inches below such ceiling or roof soffits.
2. Walls or portions of walls within an unenclosed roof area, when located a
horizontal distance from an exterior opening equal to twice the height of
the opening.
3. Ceiling and roof soffits beyond a horizontal distance of 10 feet from the
outer edge of the ceiling or roof soffits.
Sec. 425. No definitions.
Sec. 426. YARD is an open, unoccupied space, other than a court, unob-
structed from the ground to the sky, except where specifically provided by this
code, on the lot on which a building is situated.
Sec. 427. No definitions.


Part III
Occupancy Classified
Sec. 501. Every building, whether existing or hereafter erected, shall be
classified by the building official, according to its use or the character of its
occupancy, as a building of Group A, B, E, H, I, M orR as defined in Chapters 6,
7, 8. 9, 10, II and 12. (See Table No. 5-A.)
Any occupancy not mentioned specifically or about which there is any question
shall be classified by the building official and included in the group which its use
most nearly resembles, based on the existing or proposed life and fire hazard.
Change In Use
Sec. 502. No change shall be made in the character of occupancies or use of any
building which would place the building in a different division of the same group
of occupancy or in a different group of occupancies. unless such building is made
to comply with the requirements of this code for such division or group of
EXCEPTION: The character of the occupancy of existing buildings may be
changed subject to the approval of the building official, and the building may be
occupied for purposes in other groups without conforming to all the requirements of
this code for tho>e groups, provided the new or proposed use is less hazardous,
based on life and fire risk, than the existing use.
No change in the character of occupancy of a building shall be made without a
Certificate of Occupancy, as required in Section 307 of this code. The building
official may issue a Certificate of Occupancy pursuant to the intent of the above
exception without certifying that the building complies with all provisions of this
Mixed Occupancy
Sec. 503. (a) General. When a building is used for more than one occupancy
purpose, each part of the building comprising a distinct "Occupancy," as
described in Chapters 5 through 12, shall be separated from any other occupancy
as specified in Section 503 (d).
When a building houses more than one occupancy, each portion of the building
shall conform to the requirements for the occupancy housed therein. The area of
the building shall be such that the sum of the ratios of the actual area divided by the
allowable area for each separate occupancy shall not exceed one.
Where minor accessory uses do not occupy more than 10 percent of the area of
any floor of a building, nor more than the basic area permitted in the occupancy by

1982EDinON 503

Table No. 5-C for such minor use, for the purpose of determining allowable area
the major use of the building shall determine the occupancy classification,
provided the uses are separated as specified in Section 503 (d). Except for
buildings containing Group H. Division I through Division 4 Occupancies, the
provisions of this paragraph are applicable to buildings constructed under the
provisions of Section 506 (b) for unlimited area.
An occupancy shall not be located above the story or height set forth in Table
No. 5-D, except as provided in Section 507.
(b) Forms of Occupancy Separations. Occupancy separations shall be verti-
cal or horizontal or both or, when necessary, of such other form as may be required
to afford a complete separation between the various occupancy divisions in the
Where the occupancy separation is horizontal, structural members supporting
the separation shall be protected by equivalent fire-resistive construction.
(c) Types of Occupancy Separations. Occupancy separations shall be classed
as "four-hour fire-resistive," "three-hour fire-resistive,' "two-hour fire-resis-
tive," and "one-hour fire-resistive." (See U.B.C. Standard No. 43-7 for fire
dampers in air ducts piercing occupancy separations.)
I. A "four-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation" shall have no openings
therein and shall be of not less than four-hour fire-resistive construction.
2. A "three-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation'' shall be of not less than
three-hour fire-resistive construction. All openings in walls forming such separa-
tion shall be protected by a fire assembly having a three-hour fire-protection
rating. The total width of all openings in any three-hour fire-resistive occupancy
separation wall in any one story shall not exceed 25 percent of the length of the
wall in that story and no single opening shall have an area greater than 120 square
All openings in floors forming a "three-hour fire-resistive occupancy separa-
tion" shall be protected by vertical enclosures extending above and below such
openings. The walls of such vertical enclosures shall be of not less than two-hour
fire-resistive construction and all openings therein shall be protected by a fire
assembly having a one and one-half-hour fire-protection rating.
3. A "two-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation" shall be of not less than
two-hour fire-resistive construction. All openings in such separation shall be
protected by a fire assembly having a one and one-half-hour fire-protection rating.
4. A "one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation" shall be of not less than
one-hour fire-resistive construction. All openings in such separation shall be
protected by a fire assembly having a one-hour fire-protection rating.
(d) Fire Ratings for Occupancy Separations. Occupancy separations shall be
provided between the various groups and divisions of occupancies as set forth in
Table No. 5-B.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Where an approved spray booth constructed in accordance
with the Fire Code is installed, such booth need not be separated from other Group H
Occupancies or from Group B Occupancies.
2. In Groups A, Division 1, E and I Occupancies a three-hour occupancy


separation is permitted from a Group 8, Division I Occupancy used only as a garage

for the parking of passenger motor vehicles having a capacity of not more than nine
persons per vehicle and provided no repair or fueling is done.
3. In Group R, Division 1 Occupancies, a one-hour occupancy separation is
permilled from a Group B, Division I Occupancy used only as a garage for the
parking of passenger motor vehicles having a capacity of not more than nine persons
per vehicle and provided no repair or fueling is done and the area does not exceed
3000 square feet in a building.
4. In the one-hour occupancy separation between a Group R, Division 3 and M
Occupancy, the separation may be limited to the installation of materials approved
for one-hour fire-resistive construction on the garage side and a self-closing, tight-
fitting solid wood door 13fs inches in thickness will be pennitted in lieu of a one-hour
fire assembly. Fire dampers shall not be required in ducts piercing this separation for
ducts constructed of not less than No. 26 gauge galvanized steel.
5. The following occupancies need not be separated from the uses to which they
are accessory: assembly rooms having a floor area of not over 750 square feet;
adminstrative and clerical offices and similar rooms which in the aggregate do not
exceed 25 percent of the floor area of the major use when not related to Group H,
Division 1 and Group H, Division 2 Occupancies.

Location on Property
Sec. 504. (a) General. Buildings shall adjoin or have access to a public space,
yard or street on not less than one side. Required yards shall be permanently
For the purpose of this section, the center line of an adjoining street or alley
shall be considered an adjacent property line.
Eaves over required windows shall be not less than 30 inches from the side and
rear property lines. For eaves, see Section 1710.
(b) Fire Resistance of Walls. Exterior walls shall have fire resistance and
opening protection as set forth in Table No. 5-A, Part JII, and in accordance with
such additional provisions as are set forth in Part IV and Part VI!. Distance shall
be measured at right angles from the property line. The above provisions shall not
apply to walls at right angles to the property line.
Projections beyond the exterior wall shall not extend beyond:
I. A point one third the distance to the property line from an exterior wall: or
2. A point one third the distance from an assumed vertical plane located
where fire-resistive protection of openings is first required due to location
on property, whichever is the least restrictive.
When openings in exterior walls are required to be protected due to distance
from property line, the sum of the area of such openings shall not exceed 50
percent of the total area of the wall in each story.
(c) Buildings on Same Property and Buildings Containing Courts. For the

I purposes of determining the required wall and opening protection and roof-
covering requirements, buildings on the same property and court walls of build-
ings over one story in height shall be assumed to have a properly line between

1982 EDITION 504-505

EXCEPTION: In court walls where opening protection is required such protec-~

tion may be omiued, provided (I) not more than two levels open into the court, (2)
the aggregate area of the building including the court is within the allowable area and
(3) the building is not classified as a Group I Occupancy.
When a new building is to be erected on the same property with an existing
building, the assumed property line from the existing building shall be the
distance to the property line for each occupancy as set forth in Table No. 5-A and
Part IV.
EXCEPTION: Two or more buildings on the same property may be considered
as portions of one building if the aggregate area of such buildings is within the limits
specified in Section 505 for a single building.
When the buildings so considered house different occupancies or are of different
types of construction, the area shall be that allowed for the most restricted occupan-
cy or construction.

Allowable Floor Areas

Sec. SOS. (a) One-story Areas. The area of a one-story building shall not
exceed the limits set forth in Table No. 5-C except as provided in Section 506.
(b) Areas of Buildings Over One Story. The total combined floor area for
multistory buildings may be twice that permitted by Table No. 5-C for one-story

buildings, and the floor area of any single story shall not exceed that permitted for
a one-story building.
(c) Mezzanines. Unless considered as a separate story, the floor area of all
mezzanines shall be included in calculating the allowable floor area of the stories
in which the mezzanines are located.
(d) Basements. A basement need not be included in the total allowable area,
provided such basement does not qualify as a story nor exceed the area permitted
for a one-story building.
(e) Area Separation Walls. Each portion of a building separated by one or
more area separation walls may be considered a separate building, provided the
area separation walls meet the following requirements:
1. Area separation walls shall be not less than four-hour fire-resistive con-
struction in Types I, 11-F.R., IJJ and IV buildings and two-hour fire-resistive
construction in Types II One-hour, 11-N or V buildings. The total width of all
openings in such walls shall not exceed 25 percent of the length of the wall in each
story. All openings shall be protected by a fire assembly having a three-hour fire-
protection rating in four-hour fire-resistive walls and one and one-half-hour fire-
protection rating in two-hour fire-resistive walls.
2. Area separation walls shall extend to the outer edges of horizontal projecting
elements such as balconies, roof overhangs, canopies, marquees or architectural
EXCEPTION: When horizontal projecting elements do not contain concealed
spaces, the area separation wall may tenninate at the exterior wall.
When the horizontal projecting elements contain concealed spaces, the area
separation wall need only ex.tend through the concealed space to the outer edges of
the projecting elements.


The exterior walls and the projecting elements above shall be of not less than one-

I hourfrre-resistive construction fora distance not less than the depth of the projecting
elements on both sides of the area separation wall. Openings within such widths
shall be protected by fire assemblies having a fire-protection rating of not less than
three-fourths hour.
3. Area separation walls shall extend from the foundation to a point at least 30
inches above the roof.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Area separation walls may terminate at the underside of the
roof sheathing, deck or slab, provided the roof-ceiling assembly is of at least two-
hour fire-resistive construction.
2. 1\vo-hour area separation walls may terminate at the underside of the roof
sheathing, deck or slab, provided:
A. Where the roof-ceiling framing elements are parallel to the walls, such framing
and elements supporting such framing shall be of not less than one-hour fire-
resistive construction for a width of not less than 5 feet on each side of the wall.
B. \Vherc roof-ceiling framing elements are perpendicular to the wall, the entire
span of such framing and elements supporting such framing shall be of not less
than one-hour fire-resistive construction.
C. Openings in the roof shall not be located within 5 feet of the area separation wall.
3. Two-hour area separation walls may terminate at roofs of entirely noncombusti-
ble construction.

I 4. Parapets of area separation walls shall have noncombustible faces including

counterflashing and coping materials.
5. Where an area separation wall separates portions of a building having
different heights, such wall may terminate at a point 30 inches above the lower
roof level, provided the exterior wall for a height of I 0 feet above the lower roof is
of one-hour fire-resistive construction with openings protected by assemblies
having a three-fourths-hour fire-protection rating.
EXCEPTION: The area separation wall may terminate at the underside of the
roof sheathing, deck or slab of the lower roof, provided;
A. 'Where the roof-ceiling framing elements are parallel to the wall, such framing
and elements supporting such framing shall be of not less than one-hour fire-
resistive construction for a width of 10 feet along the wall at the lower roof.
B. \Vhere the lower roof-ceiling framing elements are perpendicular to the wall, the
entire span of such framing and elements supporting such framing shall be of not
less than one-hour fire-resistive construction.
C. Openings in the lower roof shall not be located within 10 feet of the area
separation wall.
See Chapters 6 to 12 inclusive for special occupancy provisions.

Allowable Area Increases

Sec. 506. (a) General. The floor areas specified in Section 505 may be
increased by one of the following:
1. Separation on two sides. Where public space, streets or yards more than 20
feet in width extend along and adjoin two sides of the building, floor areas may be
increased at a rate of I 'I percent for each foot by which the minimum width
exceeds 20 feet, but the increase shall not exceed 50 percent.

1982 EDITION 506-507

2. Separation on three sides. Where public space, streets or yards more than
20 feet in width extend along and adjoin three sides of the building, floor areas
may be increased at a rate of 2 Yz percent for each foot by which the minimum
width exceeds 20 feet, but the increase shall not exceed 100 percent.
3. Separation on all sides. Where public space, streets or yards more than 20
feet in width extend on all sides of a building and adjoin the entire perimeter, floor
areas may be increased at a rate of 5 percent for each foot by which the minimum
width exceeds 20 feet. Such increases shall not exceed 100 percent, except for
buildings not exceeding two stories in height of Group B, Division 4 Occupancy
and one-story buildings housing aircraft storage hangars and as further limited in
Section 902 (b) for aircraft repair hangars.
(b) Unlimited Area. The area of any one- or two-story building of Group B and
Group H, Division 5 Occupancies shall not be limited, if the building is provided
with an approved automatic sprinkler system throughout, as specified in Chapter
38, and entirely surrounded and adjoined by public space, streets or yards not less
than 60 feet in width.
The area of a Group B, Division 4 Occupancy in a one-story Type 11, Type Ill
One-hour or Type IV building shall not be limited if the building is entirely
surrounded and adjoined by public space, streets or yards not less than 60 feet in
(c) Automatic Sprinkler Systems. The areas specified in Table No. 5-C and
Section 505 (b) may be tripled in one-story buildings and doubled in buildings of
more than one story if the building is provided with an approved automatic
sprinkler system throughout. The area increases permitted in this subsection may
be compounded with that specified in paragraphs I, 2 or3 of Subsection (a) of this
section. The increases permitted in this subsection shall not apply when automatic
sprinkler systems are installed under the following provisions:
I. Section 507 for an increase in allowable number of stories.
2. Section 3802 (t) for Group H, Divisions I and 2 Occupancies.
3. Substitution for one-hour fire-resistive construction pursuant to Section 508.
4. Section 1715, Atriums. I
Maximum Height of Buildings and Increases
Sec. 507, The maximum height and number of stories of every building shall be
dependent upon the character of the occupancy and the type of construction and
shall not exceed the limits set forth in Table No. 5-D, except as provided in this
section and as specified in Section 503 (a) for mixed occupancy buildings.
The story limits set forth in Table No. 5-D may be increased by one story if the
building is provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system throughout.
The increase in the number of stories for automatic sprinkler systems shall not
apply when the automatic sprinkler systems throughout are installed under the
following provisions:
I. Section 3802 (t) for Group H, Divisions I and 2 Occupancies.
2. Section 506, for an increase in allowable area.
3. Substitution for one-hour fire-resistive construction pursuant to Section 508.


EXCEPTIONS: I. Towers, spires and steeples erected as a part of a building and

not used for habitation or storage are limited as to height only by structural design if
completely of noncombustible materials, or may extend not to exceed 20 feet above
the height limit in Table No. 5-D if of combustible materials.
2. The height of one-story aircraft hangars shall not be limited if the building is
provided with automatic sprinkler systems throughout as specified in Chapter 38 and
is entirely surrounded by public space, streets or yards not less in width than one and
one-half times the height of the building.
Ill 4. Section 1715, Atriums.
See Chapters 6 to 12 inclusive for special occupancy provisions.

Fire-resistive Substitution
Sec. 508, Where one-hour fire-resistive construction throughout is required by
this code, an approved automatic sprinkler system, as specified in Chapter 38,

I may be substituted, provided such system is not otherwise required throughout

the building.
EXCEPTION: Such substitution shall not waive nor reduce required fire-resis-
tive construction for:
I. Occupancy separations [Section 503 (c)].
2. Exterior wall protection due to proximity of property lines [Section 504 (b)].
3. Area separations [Section 505 (e)].
4. Shaft enclosures (Section 1706).
S. Corridors [Section 3305 (g) and (h)].
6. Stair enclosures (Section 3309).
7. Exit passageways [Section 3312 (a)].
8. 'JYpe of construction separation (Section 1701).
9. Atriums constructed in accordance with Section 1715.
Sec. 509. Arcades connecting buildings and used exclusively as passageways
need not be considered as adjacent buildings for the provisions of this chapter,
provided that the walls of the building adjoining the arcades are finished with the
same construction as required for the exterior walls of the building, with no
communicating openings between the arcades and the building, except doors; and
provided that the arcades are of not Jess than one-hour fire-resistive construction
or of noncombustible materials, fire-retardant treated wood or of heavy timber
construction with 2-inch nominal sheathing.
Sec. 510. (a) Water Closet Room Separation. A room in which a water closet
is located shall be separated from food preparation or storage rooms by a tight-
fitting door.
(b) Floors and Walls in Water Closet Compartment and Showers. In other
than dwelling units, toilet room floors shall have a smooth, hard, nonabsorbent
surface such as portland cement, concrete, ceramic tile or other approved material
which extends upward onto the walls at least 5 inches. Walls within water clnsct
compartments and walls within 2 feet of the front and sides of urinals shall be

1982 EDITION 510-511

similarly finished to a height of 4 feet and, except for structural elements. the
materials used in such walls shall be of a type which is not adversely affected by
In all occupancies, accessories such as grab bars, towel bars, paper dispensers 1

and soap dishes, etc., provided on or within walls, shall be installed and scaled to
protect structural elements from moisture.
Showers in all occupancies shall be finished as specified above to a height of
not less than 70 inches above the drain inlet. Materials other than structural
elements used in such walls shall be of a type which is not adversely affected by

Access To Toilets and Other Facilities

Sec. Sll. (a) Access to Water Closets. Each water closet stool shall he located
in a clear space not less than 30 inches in width and have a clear space in front of
the water closet stool of not less than 24 inches.
Where toilet facilities are provided on any floor where access by the physically m:
handicapped is required by Table No. 33-A, at least one such facility for each sex ~
or a separate facility usable by either sex shall comply with the requirement of this ~!:
section. Except in dwelling units and guest rooms, such facilities must be l!i
available to all occupants and both sexes. All doorways leading to such toilet lJ
rooms shall have a clear and unobstructed width of not less than 32 inches. Each 1J
such toilet room shall have the following: ill
I. A clear space of not less than 44 inches on each side of doors providing
access to toilet rooms. This distance shall be measured at right angles to the
face of the door when in the closed position. Not more than one door may
encroach into the 44-inch space.
2. Except in dwelling units and guest rooms, a clear space within the toilet
room of sufficient size to inscribe a circle with a diameter not less than 60
inches. Doors in any position may encroach into this space by not more
than 12 inches.
3. A clear space not less than 42 inches wide and 48 inches long in front of at
least one water closet stool for the use of the handicapped. When 'uch
water closet stool is within a compartment, entry to the compartment shall
have a clear width of 32 inches when located at the end and a clear width of ~
34 inches when located at the side. A door, if provided, shall not encroach
into the required space in front of the water closet. Except for door 'wing. a
clear unobstructed access not less than 48 inches in width shall be provided @:
to toilet compartments designed for use by the handicapped.
4. Grab bars near each side or one side and the back of the toilet stool securely
attached 33 inches to 36 inches above and parallel to the floor. Grah hars at
the side shall be 42 inches long with the front end positioned 24 inches in
front of the water closet stool. Grab bars at the back shall be not less than 24 W
inches long for room installations and 36 inches long where the water itJ
closet is installed in a stall. Grab bars shall have an outside diameter of not @
less than I 'I inch nor more than I '12 inches and shall provide a clearance of


I Yz inches between the grab bar and adjacent surface. Grab bars need not be
provided in Group R, Division I apartment houses.
5. When it can be established that the facilities arc usable by a person in a
wheelchair, dimensions other than those above shall be acceptable.
(b) Access to Lavatories, Mirrors and Thwel Fixtures. In other than Group
R, Division 3; Group M; Group R, Division I apartment houses and Group B,
Divisions 2 and 4 storage occupancies, toilet room facilities shall be as follows:
I. Except for the projection of bowls and waste piping, a clear unobstructed
space 30 inches in width, 29 inches in height and 17 inches in depth shall be
provided under at least one lavatory.
2. Where mirrors are provided, at least one shall be installed so that the
bottom of the mirror is within 40 inches of the floor.
3. Where towel and disposal fixtures are provided, they shall be accessible to
the physically handicapped and at least one shall be within 40 inches of the
(c) Water Fountains. Where water fountains are provided, at least one shall
have a spout within 33 inches of the floor and shall have up-front, hand-operated
controls. When fountains are located in an alcove, the alcove shall be not less than
32 inches in width.
(d) Telephones. Where public telephones are provided, at least one shall be
installed so that the handset, dial and coin receiver are within 54 inches of the
floor. Unobstructed access within 12 inches of the telephone shall be provided.
Such access shall be not less than 30 inches in width.
Compressed Gases
Sec. 512. The storage and handling of compressed gases shall comply with the
Fire Code.

Premises Identification
Sec. 513. Approved numbers or addresses shall be provided for all new
buildings in such a position as to be plainly visible and legible from the street or
road fronting the property.

TYPES II ONE-HOUR, IIN AND V CONSTRUCTION: For exterior wall and opening_ protection of Types II One-hour, 11-N and V
buildings, see table below. Exceptions to limitation for Types II One-hour, 11-N and Type V construction, as provided In Sections :!;
709, 1903 and 2203 apply. For Types 1,11-F.R.,III and IV construction, see Sections 1803, 1903,2003 and 2103. :::j
1-Any assembly building with a stage and an occupant load of 1000 or more
in the building Not applicable (See Sections 602 and 603)
2-Any building or portion of a building having an assembly room with an
occupant load ofless than l 000 and a stage Not pennitted less
2.1-Any building or portion of a building having an assembly room with an 2 hours less than l 0 than 5 feet
occupant load of 300 or more without a stage, including such buildings feet, I hour elsewhere Protected less than
used for educational purposes and not classed as a Group E 10 feet
or Group B, Division 2 Occupancy
See also
Section 3-Any building or portion of a building having an assembly room with an 2 hours less than 5 feet, Not permitted less than
602 occupant load of less than 300 without a stage, including such buildings used l hour less than 40 feet 5 feet
for educational purposes and not classed as a GroupE or Group B, Division Protected less than l 0 feet
2 Occupancy
4--Stadiums, reviewing stands and amusement park structures not included l hour less than 10 feet Protected less than 10 feet
within other Group A Occupancies
1---Gasoline service stations, garages where no repair work is done except
exchange of parts and maintenance requiring no open flame, welding, or use
of flammable liquids
2-Drinking and dining establishments having an occupant load of less than 50, Not pennitted less than 5
See also wholesale and retail stores, office buildings, printing plants, municipal l hour less than 20 feet feet
Section police and fire stations, factories and workshops using material not highly
702 Protected less than 10 feet
flammable or combustible, storage and sales rooms for combustible goods,
paint stores without bulk handling
Buildings or portions of buildings having rooms used for educational
putpases, beyond the 12th grade, with less than 50 occupants in any room

TABLE NO. 5-A-Contlnued


B 3--Aircraft hangars where no repair work is done except exchange of parts and I hour less than 20 feet Not permitted less than
maintenance requiring no open flame, welding, or the u"" of highly 5 feet
flammable liquids Protected less than 20 feet
Open parking garages (Forrequirements, See Section 709.)
4-lce plants, power plants, pumping plants, cold storage and creameries I hour less than 5 feet Not permitted less than
Factories and workshops using noncombustible and nonexplosive materials 5 feet
Storage and sales rooms of noncombustible and nonexplosive materials
E !-Any building used for educational purposes through the 12th grade by 50 or 2 hours less than 5 feet, Not permitted less than
more persons for more than 12 hours per week or four hours in any one day I hour less than 10 feet' 5 feet
See also Protected less than I 0
Section 2-Any building used for educational purposes through the 12th grade by less feet 1
802 than 50 persons for more than 12 hours per week or four hours in any one day
3--Any building used for day-care purposes for more than six children
H !-Storage, handling, use or sale of hazardous and highly flammable or
explosive materials other than flammable liquids [See also Section 901 (a), See Chapter 9 and the Fire Code
See also
Division 1.]
Sections c:
902 and 2-Storage, handling, use or sale of Classes I, II and III-A liquids; dry cleaning 4 hours less than 5 feet, Not permitted less than z
903 plants using Class I, II or III-A liquids; paint stores with bulk handling; paint
shops and spray-painting rooms and shops [See also Section 901 (a),
2 hours less than lO 5 feet
feet, l hour less than 20 Protected less than 20 feet ~
Division 2.] feet ;c
3--Woodworking establishments, planing mills, box factories, buf!mg rooms ID
for tire-rebuilding plants and picking rooms; shops, factories or warehouses c:
where loose combustible fibers ur dust are manufactured, processed, !i!
generated or stored: and pin-refinishing rooms z
4-Repair garages not classified as a Group B, Division l Occupancy
. -.
'GroupE, Dovosoons 2 and 3 Occupanctes havong an occupant load of not more than 20 may have extenor wall and opemng protectJon as requored for 8
Group R, Division 3 Occupancies. Iii
H 5-Aircraft repair hangars l hour less than 60 feet Protected less than 60 feet
I !-Nurseries for the full-time care of children under the age of six (each 2 hours less than 5 feet, 0
accommodating more than five persons) l hour elsewhere z
See also
Section Hospitals, sanitariums, nursing homes with nonambulatory patients and Not permitted less than 5
1002 similar buildings (each accommodating more than five persons)
Protected less than lO feet
2-Nursing homes for ambulatory patients, homes for children six years of age l hour
or over (each accommodating more than five persons)

3-Mental hospitals, mental sanitariums, jails, prisons, reformatories and 2 hours less than 5 feet, Not permitted less than 5
buildings where personal liberties of inmates are similarly restrained I hour elsewhere feet, protected less than
lO feet
M' !-Private garages, carports, sheds and agricultural buildings I hour less than 3 feet Not permitted less than 3
(See also Section 1101, Division 1.) (or may be protected on feet
the exterior with
materials approved for
1-hour fire-resistive
2-Fences over 6 feet high, tanks and towers Not regulated for fire resistance
R !-Hotels and apartment houses I hour less than 5 feet Not permitted less than
See also Convents and monasteries (each accommodating more than 10 persons) 5 feet
3-Dwellings and lodging houses I hour less than 3 feet Not permitted less than
3 feet
2For agncultural butldmgs, see AppendiX Chapter II.

NOTES: (I) See Section 504 for types of walls affected and requirements covering percentage of openings permitted in exterior walls.
(2) For additional restrictions, see chapters under Occupancy and Types of Construction.
(3) For walls facing streets, yards and public ways, see Part IV.
~ (4) Openings shall be protected by a fire assembly having a three-fourths-hour fire-protection rating.
(In Hours)

A-1 A-2 A-2.1 A-3 A-4 B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 E H1 H-2 H3 H-4-5 I M2 R1 R-3
A1 --......... N N N N 4 3 3 3 N 4 4 4 4 3 I I I
A-2 N ............ N N N 3 I I I N 4 4 4 4 3 I I I
A-2.1 N N --......... N N 3 I I I N 4 4 4 4 3 I I I
A-3 N N N --......... N 3 N I N N 4 4 4 4 3 I I I
A-4 N N N N --......... 3 I I I N 4 4 4 4 3 I I I
B-1 4 3 3 3 3 --......... I I I 4 2 I I I 4 I 3' I
B-2 3 I I N I I """'-.... I I I 2 I I I 2 I I N
B-3 3 I I I I I I .~ I I 2 I I I 4 I I N
B-4 3 I I N I I I I ............ I 2 I I I 4 N I N
E N N N N N 4 I I I '"-...._ 4 4 4 4 I I I I
H-1 4 4 4 4 4 2 2 2 2 4 ~ I I I 4 I 4 4
H-2 4 4 4 4 4 I I I I 4 I '"-...._ I I 4 I 3 3
H-3 4 4 4 4 4 I I I I 4 I I ~ I 4 I 3 3 c:
H-4-5 4 4 4 4 4 I I I I 4 I I I '"-...._ 4 I 3 3
I 3 3 3 3 3 4 2 4 4 I 4 4 4 4 '"-...._ I I I :XI
M2 I I I I I I I I N I I I I I I ............ I I al
R1 I I I I I 3' I I I I 4 J J J I I ~ N
R-3 I I I I 1 I N N N I 4 J 3 3 I I N '"-...._ z
Note: For detailed requirements and exceptions. see Section 503. 0
llbe three-hour separation may be reduced to two hours where the Group B, Division I Occupancy is limited to the storage of passenger motor 0
vehicles having a capacity of not more than nine persons. This shall not apply where provisions of Section 702 (a) apply. lil
2for agricultural buildings. see also Appendix Chapter II.
(In Square Feet)
I II JL Ill II IY H v z
A-I Unlimited 29,900 Not Permitted
A}2-2.1 Unlimited 29,900 13,500 Not 13,500 Not 13,500 10,500 Not
Permitted Permitted Permitted
A}3-4 Unlimited 29,900 13,500 9,100 13,500 9,100 13,500 10,500 6,000
B}l-2-3 1 Unlimited 39,900 18,000 12,000 18,000 12,000 18,000 14,000 8,000
B-4 Unlimited 59,900 27,000 18,000 27,000 18,000 27,000 21,000 12,000
E Unlimited 45,200 20,200 13,500 20,200 13,500 20,200 15,700 9,100
H) 1-2 2 15 000 12 400 5 600 3 700 5 600 3,700 5 600 4 400 2 500
H)3-4-5 Unlimited 24,800 11,200 7,500 11,200 7,500 11,200 8,800 5,100
n 1-2 Unlimited 15,100 6,800 Not 6,800 Not 6,800 5,200 Not
Permitted Permitted Permitted
1-3 Unlimited 15,100 Not Permitted3
M4 See Chapter II
R-1 Unlimited I 29,900 I 13,500 9, 100' II 13,soo I 9,100' Jlt3,soo I 10,500 L 6,000 5
R-3 Unlimited
1For open parking garages, see Section 709.
2See Section 903.
3See Section I 002 (b) N-No requirements for fire resistance
4For agricultural buildings, see also Appendix Chapter 11.
F.R.-Fire resistive
5For limitations and c~ceptiom, see Section 1202 (b). H. T.-Heavy Timber
6 For multistory buildings, see Section 505 (b).

Unlimited n 160 65 55 I 65 55 II 65 II 50 40


A-I Unlimited 4 Not Permitted
A) 2-2.1 Unlimited 4 2 Not 2 Not 2 2 Not
Permitted Permitted Permitted
A) 3-4 Unlimited 12 2 1 2 1 2 2 1
B)l-2-3 1 Unlimited 12 4 2 4 2 4 3 2
B-4 Unlimited 12 4 2 4 2 4 3 2
E2 Unlimited 4 2 I 2 1 2 2 1
H-1 Unlimited 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
H) 2-3-4-5 Unlimited 5 2 I 2 I 2 2 1
11 Unlimited 3 1 Not 1 Not 1 1 Not
Permitted Permitted Permitted
12 Unlimited 3 2 Not 2 Not 2 2 Not
Permitted Permitted Permitted
1-3 Unlimited 2 Not Permitted 3
M See Chanter 1 1
R-1 Unlimited 12 4 2' 4 2' 4 3 2'
R-3 Unlimited 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
1For open parking garages. see Section 709.
N-No requirements for fire resistance
2See Section 802 (c). F.R.-Fire resistive
'See Section 1002 (b) H.T.-Heavy Timber
4 For agricultural buildings. see also Appendix Chapter 11.

Sfor limitations and exceptions. see Section 1202 (b).

1982 EDITION 601-602

Group A Occupancies Defined
Sec. 601. Group A Occupancies shall be:
Division I. Any assembly building with a stage and an occupant load of 1000
or more in the building.
Division 2. Any building or portion of a building having an assembly room
with an occupant load ofless than 1000 and a stage.
Division 2.1. Any building or portion of a building having an assembly room
with an occupant load of 300 or more without a stage, including such buildings
used for educational purposes and not classed as a GroupE or Group B. Division 2
Division 3. Any building or portion of a building having an assembly room
with an occupant load of less than 300 without a stage, including such buildings
used for educational purposes and not classed as a GroupE or Group B, Division 2
Division 4. Stadiums, reviewing stands and amusement park structures not
included within other Group A Occupancies. Specific and general requirements
for grandstands, bleachers and reviewing stands are to be found in Chapter 33.
For occupancy separations, see Table No. 5-B.

Construction, Height and Allowable Area

Sec. 602. (a) General. Buildings or parts of buildings classed in Group A
because of the use or character of the occupancy shall be limited to the types of
construction set forth in Thbles No. 5-C and No. 5-D and shall not exceed, in area
or height. the limits specified in Sections 505, 506 and 507.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Division 4 structures of open skeleton-frame type without
roof, cover or enclosed usable spaces shall not be limited in area or height.
2. A fire-resistive ceiling for the roof-ceiling assembly in one-story portions of
buildings of Type II One-hour, Type 1II One-hour or Type V One-hour construction
may be omitted, provided the roof framing system is open to the room and does not
contain concealed spaces.

(b) Special Provisions. Stages and enclosed platforms as defined in Sections
417 and 420 shall be constructed in accordance with Chapter 39.
The slope of the main floor of the assembly room shall not exceed the slopes
permitted by Section 3307.
Division 2.1 Occupancies with an occupant load of 1000 or more shall be of
'IYpe I, 'IYpe II-F.R., 'IYpe II One-hour, 'IYpe Ill One-hour or 'IYpe IV con-
struction, except that the roof framing system for one-story portions of buildings
of 'IYpe II One-hour or "IYpe Ill One-hour construction may be of unprotected
construction when such roof framing system is open to the room and does not
contain concealed spaces.
Division 3 Occupancies located in a basement or above the first story shall be of
not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction.


Group A assembly rooms having an occupant load of I 000 or more shall not be
located in the basement.
EXCEPTION: Basements of buildings of'!Ype 1 or 11-F.R. construction.
Division 3 Occupancies with an occupant load of 50 or more, which are located
over usable space, shall be separated from such space by not less than one-hour
fire-resistive construction.
For attic space partitions and draft stops, see Section 2516 (f).
(c) Division 4 Provisions. Erection and structural maintenance of structures
housing Division 4 Occupancies shall confonn to the requirements of this code.
Structures housing Division 4 Occupancies, other than those of open skeleton-
frame type, when more than one story in height or400 square feet in area, shall be
of not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction.
When the space under a Division 4 Occupancy is used for any purpose,
including exits, it shall be separated from all parts of such Division 4 Occupancy,
including exits, by walls, floor and ceiling of not less than one-hour fire-resistive
EXCEPTIONS: 1. Exits under temporary grandstands need not be separated.
2. The underside of continuous steel deck grandstands when erected outdoors
need not be fire protected when occupied for public toilets.
The building official may cause all Division 4 structures to be reinspected at
least once every six months.

Location on Property
Sec. 603. Buildings housing Group A Occupancies shall front directly upon or
have access to a public street not less than 20 feet in width. The access to the
public street shall be a minimum 20-foot-wide right-of-way, unobstructed and
maintained only as access to the public street. The main entrance to the building
shall be located on a public street or on the access way. The main assembly floor of
Division I Occupancies shall be located at or near the adjacent ground level.
For fire-resistive protection of exterior walls and openings, as detennined by
location on property, see Section 504 and Part IV.

Exit Facilities
Sec. 604. (a) General. Stairs, exits and smokeproof enclosures shall be
provided as specified in Chapter 33. (See also Sections 3317 and 3318.)
(b) Amusement Structures. Exits and exit signs for Division 4, Amusement
Structures, shall be approved by the building official and, where practicable, shall
comply with the requirements specified in Chapter 33.

Light, Ventilation and Sanitation

Sec. 605. All enclosed portions of Group A Occupancies customarily used by
human beings and all dressing rooms shall be provided with natural light by
means of exterior glazed openings with an area not less than one tenth of the total
floor area, and natural ventilation by means of openable exterior openings with an
area of not less than one twentieth of the total floor area or shall be provided with

1982 EDITION 605-608

artificial light and a mechanically operated ventilating system. The mechanically

operated ventilating system shall be capable of supplying a minimum of 5 cubic
feet per minute of outside air with a total circulated of not less than 15 cubic feet
per minute per occupant in all portions of the building during such time as the
building is occupied. If the velocity of the air at the register exceeds 10 feet per
second, the register shall be placed more than 8 feet above the floor directly
Toilet rooms shall be provided with a fully openable exterior window at least 3
square feet in area; or a vertical duct not less than l 00 square inches in area for the
toilet facility, with 50 additional inches for each additional facility; or a mechan-
ically operated exhaust system capable of providing a complete change of air
every 15 minutes. Such systems shall be connected directly to the outside. and the
point of discharge shall be at least 5 feet from any openable window.
Exit lighting in portions of buildings other than the stage shall be on a separate
circuit from that of the stage. Such exit lighting shall be controlled from the box
office or other approved central control center located in a portion of the building
other than the stage.
All registers or vents supplying air backstage shall be equipped with automatic
closing devices with fusible links. Such closing devices shall be located where the
vents or ducts pass through the proscenium walls and shall be operated by fusible
links located on both sides of the proscenium wall and both inside of and outside
of the vent or duct.
There shall be provided in an approved location at least one lavatory for each
two water closets for each sex, and at least one drinking fountain for each floor
For other requirements on water closets, see Sections 510 and 511.
Shaft Enclosures
Sec. 606. Exits shall be enclosed as specified in Chapter 33.
Elevator shafts, vent shafts and other vertical openings shall be enclosed and
the enclosure shall be as specified in Section 1706.
Sprinkler Systems
Sec. 607. When required by other provisions of this code, automatic sprinkler
systems and standpipes shall be installed as specified in Chapter 38.

Special Hazards
Sec. 608. Stages shall be equipped with automatic ventilators as required in
Section 3901.
Chimneys and heating apparatus shall conform to the requirements of Chapter
37 of this code and the Mechanical Code.
Motion picture machine booths shall conform to the requirements of Chapter
Proscenium curtains shall conform to the requirements set forth in U.B.C.
Standard No. 6-1.
Flammable liquids shall not be placed or stored in any Group A Occupancy.


All exterior openings in a boiler room or room containing central heating

equipment if located below openings in another story or if less than I0 feet from
other doors or windows of the same building shall be protected by a fire assembly
having a three-fourths-hour fire-protection rating. Such fire assemblies shall be
fixed, automatic or self-closing. Every room containing a boiler or central heating
plant shall be separated from the rest of the building by not less than a one-hour
fire-resistive occupancy separation.
EXCEPTION: Boilers or central heating plants where the largest piece of fuel
equipment does not exceed 400,000 Btu per hour input.
Sec. 609. Gymnasiums and similar occupancies may have running tracks
constructed of wood or unprotected steel or iron.
In gymnasiums or in multipurpose schoolrooms having an area not greater than
3200 square feet, l-inch nominal tight tongue-and-grooved or 3/4-inch plywood
wall covering may be used on the inner side in lieu of fire-resistive plaster.

1982 EDITION 701-702

Chapter 7

Group B Occupancies Defined
Sec. 701. Group B Occupancies shall be:
Division 1. Gasoline service stations. garages where no repair work is done
except exchange of parts and maintenance requiring no open flame, welding or
use of flammable liquids.
Division 2. Drinking and dining establishments having an occupant load of less
than 50, wholesale and retail stores, office buildings, printing plants, municipal
police and fire stations, factories and workshops using materials not highly
flammable or combustible, storage and sales rooms for combustible goods, paint
stores without bulk handling. (See Section 402 for definition of assembly
Buildings or portions of buildings having rooms used for educational purposes
beyond the 12th grade with less than 50 occupants in any room.
Division 3. Aircraft hangars where no repair work is done except exchange of
parts and maintenance requiring no open flame, welding or the use of highly
flammable liquids.
Open parking garages.
Division 4. Ice plants, power plants, pumping plants, cold storage and
Factories and workshops using noncombustible and nonexplosive materials.
Storage and sales rooms of noncombustible and nonexplosive materials.
For occupancy separations, see Table No. 5-B.
Construction, Height and Allowable Area
Sec. 702. (a) General. Buildings or parts of buildings classed in Group B
Occupancy because of the use or character of the occupancy shall be limited to the
types of construction set forth in Tables No. 5-C and No. 5-D and shall not
exceed, in area or height, the limits specified in Sections 505, 506 and 507.
Other provisions of this code notwithstanding, a Group B, Division I Occupan-
cy located in the basement or first story of a building housing a Group B, Division
2 or a Group R, Division I Occupancy may be classed as a separate and distinct
building for the purpose of area limitation, limitation of number of stories and
type of construction, when all of the following conditions are met:
I. The Group B, Division I Occupancy is of '!ype l construction.
2. There is a three-hour occupancy separation between the Group B, Division
I Occupancy and all portions of tbe Group B, Division 2 or Group R,
Division l Occupancy.
3. The basement or first story is restricted to the storage of passenger vehicles
(having a capacity of not more than nine persons per vehicle), but may
contain laundry rooms and mechanical equipment rooms incidental to the
operation of the building.


4. The maximum building height in feet shall not exceed the limits set forth in
Table No. 5-D for the least type of construction involved.
(b) Special Provisions. Marine or motor vehicle service stations including
canopies and supports over pumps shall be of noncombustible, fire-retardant
treated wood or of one-hour fire-resistive construction.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Roofs of one-story service stations may be of heavy-timber
2. Canopies conforming to Section 5213 may be erected over pumps.
In areas where motor vehicles, boats or airplanes are stored, and in gasoline
service stations, floor surfaces shall be of noncombustible, nonabsorbent mate-
rials. Floors shall drain to an approved oil separator or trap discharging to sewers
in accordance with the Plumbing Code.
EXCEPTION: Floors may be surfaced or waterproofed with asphaltic paving
materials. in areas where motor vehicles or airplanes are stored or operated.
Stordge areas in excess of 1000 square feet in connection with wholesale or
retail sales in Division 2 Occupancies shall be separated from the public areas by a
one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation as defined in Chapter 5. Such areas
may be increased to 3000 square feet when sprinklers, not otherwise required, are
installed in the storage area.
EXCEPTION: A one~hour fire-resistive occupancy separation is not required
where an approved automatic sprinkler system is installed throughout the building.
Area increases also shall be permitted as specified in Section 506 (c).
Storage garages in connection with Group R, Division I Occupancies shall
have an unobstructed headroom clearance of not less than 6 feet 6 inches above the
finish floor to any ceiling, beam, pipe or similar construction, except for wall-
mounted shelves, storage surfaces, racks or cabinets.
In Division 4 Occupancies, fire protection of the underside of roof framing may
be omitted in all types of construction.
For attic space partitions and draft stops, see Section 2516 (f).
For smoke and heat venting, see Section 3206.

Location on Property
Sec. 703. For fire-resistive protection of exterior walls and openings, as
determined by location on property, see Section 504 and Part IV.
Exit Facilities
Sec. 704. Stairs, exits and smokeproof enclosures shall be provided as spec-
ified in Chapter 33.
Light, Ventilation and Sanitation
Sec. 705. All portions of Group B Occupancies customarily used by human
beings shall be provided with natural light by means of exterior glazed openings
with an area equal to one tenth of the total floor area, and natural ventilation by
means of exterior openings with an area not less than one twentieth of the total
floor area, or shall be provided with artificial light and a mechanically operated
ventilating system as specified in Section 605.

1982 EDITION 705-706

In all buildings or portions thereof where flammable liquids arc used. exhaust
ventilation shall be provided sufficient to produce four air changes per hour. Such
exhaust ventilation shall be taken from a point at or ncar the fl<lOr level.
In all enclosed parking garages used for storing or handling of automobiles
operating under their own power and on all loading platforms in bus terminals,
ventilation shall be provided capable of exhausting a minimum of I . 5 cfm per
square foot of gross floor area. The building official may approve an alternate
ventilation system designed to exhaust a minimum of 14.000 dm for each
operating vehicle. Such system shall be based upon the anticipated instantaneous
movement rate of vehicles but not less than 2.5 percent tor nne vehicle) of the
garage capacity. Automatic CO sensing devices may be employed to modulate the
ventilation system to maintain a maximum average concentration of C'O of 50
ppm during any eight-hour period. with a maximum concentration not greater
than 200 ppm for a period not exceeding one hour. Connecting offices, waiting
rooms, ticket booths, etc., shall be supplied with conditioned air under positive
EXCEPTION: In gasoline service stations without lulxi~atiun pit-.. -:toragc
garages and aircraft hangars not exceeding an area of 5000 square feet. the huilJing
official may authorize the omission of such ventilating equipment where. in his
opinion, the building is supplied with unobstructed openings tn the outer air which
are sufficient to provide the necessary ventilation.
Every building or portion thereof where persons arc employed shall be pro-
vided with at least one water closet. Separate facilities shall be provided for each
sex when the number of employees exceeds four and both sexes arc employed.
Such toilet facilities shall be located either in such building or conveniently in a
building adjacent thereto on the same property.
Such water closet rooms in connection with food establishments where food is
prepared, stored or served shall have a nonabsorbent interior finish as specified in
Section 510 (b), shall have hand-washing facilities therein or adjacent thereto. and
shall be separated from food preparation or storage rooms as specified tn Section
510 (a).
Toilet rooms shall be provided with a fully openabk exterior window at least
square feet in area; or a vertical duct not less than I 00 square inches in area for the
toilet facility, with 50 additional inches for each additional facJiity: or a mechan-
ically operated exhaust system capable of providing a complete change nf air
every 15 minutes. Such systems shall be connected directly to the outside. and the
point of discharge shall be at least 5 feet from any open able window.
For other requirements, on water closets, see Section 5 I 0.

Shaft Enclosures
Sec. 706. Exits shall be enclosed as specified in Chapter 33.
Elevator shafts, vent shafts and other vertical openings shall be enclosed. and
the enclosure shall be as specified in Section 1706.
EXCEPTION: In Group B, Divi<;.ion 4 Occupamics. exit~ ~hall he enclosed as
specified in Chapter 33, but other vertical opening::-. need not be I.!IK(t1~1.."d.

Sprinkler Systems
Sec. 707. When required by other provisions of this code. automatic sprinkler
systems and standpipes shall be installed as specified in Chapter 38.
Special Hazards
Sec. 708. Chimneys and heating apparatus shall conform to the requirements of
Chapter 37 of this code and the Mechanical Code.
Storage of volatile flammable liquids shall not be allowed in Group B. Divi-
sions I, 2 and 3 Occupancies and the handling and use of gasoline, fuel oil and
other flammable liquids shall not be permitted in any Group B Occupancy unless
such use and handling comply with the Fire Code.
Devices generating a glow or flame capable of igniting gasoline vapor shall not
be installed or used within 18 inches of the floor in any room in which volatile
flammable liquids or gas are used or stored.
Every room containing a boiler or central heating plant shall be separated from
the rest of the building by not less than a one-hour fire-resistive occupancy
EXCEPTION: Boilers or central heating plants where the largest piece of fuel
equipment does not exceed 400,000 Btu per hour input.
Buildings erected or converted to house high-piled combustible stock shall
comply with the Fire Code.
Open Parking Garages
Sec. 709. (a) Scope. Except where specific provisions are made in the follow-
ing subsections, other requirements of this code shall apply.
(b) Defmition. For the purpose of this section, an open parking garage is a
structure of Type I or II construction which is open on two or more sides totaling
not less than 40 percent of the building perimeter and which is used exclusively
for parking or storage of private pleasure cars. For a side to be considered open.
the total area of openings distributed along the side shall be not less than 50
percent of the exterior area of the side at each tier. The area of openings may be
reduced below the minimum 50 percent for 40 percent of the perimeter, provided
the percentage of the perimeter in which the openings are contained is increased
EXCEPTION: The grade-level tier may contain an office, waiting and toilet
rooms having a total area of not more than 1000 square feet and such area need not be
separated from the open parking garage.
Open parking garages are further classified as either ramp-access or mechan-
ical-access. Ramp-access open parking garages are those employing a series of
continuously rising floors or a series of interconnecting ramps between floors
permitting the movement of vehicles under their own power from and to the street
level. Mechanical-access parking garages are those employing parking machines,
lifts, elevators or other mechanical devices for vehicles moving from and to street
level and in which public occupancy is prohibited above the street level.
(c) Construction. Construction shall be of noncombustible materials. Open
parking garages shall meet the design requirements of Chapter 23. Adequate

1982 EDITION 709

curbs and railings shall be provided at every opening.

(d) Area and Height. Area and height of open parking garages shall be limited
as set forth in Table No. 7-A except for increases allowed by Subsection (e).
In structures having a spiral or sloping floor, the horizontal projection of the
structure at any cross section shall not exceed the allowable area per parking tier.
In the case of a structure having a continuous spiral floor, each 9 feet 6 inches of
height or portion thereof shall be considered as a tier.
The clear height of a parking tier shall be not less than 7 feet, except that a lesser
clear height may be permitted in mechanical-access open parking garages when
approved by the building official.
(e) Area and Height Increases. The area and height of structures with cross
ventilation throughout may be increased in accordance with provisions of this
subsection. In structures with sides open las defined in Subsection (b)] three
fourths of the building perimeter may be increased 25 percent in area and one tier
in height. Structures with sides open las defined in Subsection (b)] around the
entire building perimeter may be increased 50 percent in area and one tier in
Open parking garages constructed to heights less than the maximums estab-
lished by Table No. 7-A may have individual tier areas exceeding those otherwise
permitted, provided the gross tier area of the structure docs not exceed that
permitted for the higher structure. At least three sides of each such larger tier shall
have continuous horizontal openings not less than 30 inches in clear height
extending for at least 80 percent of the length of the sides, and no part of such

larger tier shall be more than 200 feet horizontally from such an opening. In
addition, each such opening shall face a street or yard accessible to a street with a
width of at least 30 feet for the full length of the opening, and standpipes shall be
provided in each such tier.
Structures ofType 11-F.R.; Type II One-hour or Type 11-N construction, with all
sides open. may be unlimited in area when the height does not exceed 75 feet. For
a side to be considered open, the total area of openings along the side shall be not
less than 50 percent of the exterior area of the side at each tier, and such openings
shall be equally distributed along the length of the tier. All portions of tiers shall
be within 200 feet horizontally from such openings.
(f) Location on Property. When located adjacent to interior property lines,
exterior walls shall be of the degree of fire resistance set forth in Table No. 7-B
and such walls shall be without openings.
(g) Stairs and Exits. Where persons other than parking attendants are permit-
ted, stairs and exits shall meet the requirements of Chapter 33, based on an
occupant load of 200 square feet per occupant. Where no persons other than
parking attendants are permitted there shall be not less than two stairs 3 feet wide.
Lifts may be installed for use of employees only, provided they are completely
enclosed by noncombustible materials.
(h) Standpipes. Standpipes shall be installed when required by the provisions
of Chapter 38.
(i) Sprinkler Systems. When required by other provisions of this code.


automatic sprinkler systems and standpipes shall be installed in accordance with

the provisions of Chapter 38.
Ul Enclosure of Vertical Openings. Enclosure shall not be required for
vertical openings except as specified in Subsection (g) for stairs. exits and lifts.
(k) Ventilation. Ventilation, other than the percentage of openings specified in
Subsection (b). shall not be required.
(1) Prohibitions. The following uses and alterations are not permitted:
1. Automobile repair work.
2. Parking of busses, trucks and similar vehicles.
3. Partial or complete closing of required openings in exterior walls by
tarpaulins or any other means.

Sec. 710. (a) General. Helistops may be erected on buildings or other locations
if they are constructed in accordance with this section.
(b) Size. The touchdown or landing area for helicopters of less than 3500
pounds shall be a minimum of20 feet by 20 feet in size. The touchdown area shall
be surrounded on all sides by a clear area having a minimum average width at roof
level of 15 feet but with no width less than 5 feet.
(c) Design. Helicopter landing areas and supports therefor on the roof of a
building shall be of noncombustible construction. Landing areas shall be
designed to confine any flammable liquid spillage to the landing area itself and
provision shall be made to drain such spillage away from any exit or stairway
serving the helicopter landing area or from a structure housing such exit or
(d) Exits and Stairways. Exits and stairways from helistops shall comply with
the provisions of Chapter 33 of this code, except that all landing areas located on
buildings or structures shall have two or more exits. For landing platforms or roof
areas less than 60 feet in length, or less than 2000 square feet in area, the second
exit may be a fire escape or ladder leading to the floor he low.
(e) Federal Aviation Approval. Before operating helicopters from helistops,
approval must be obtained from the Federal Aviation Administration.

1982 EDITION 7-A, 7B



(Squ1re Feet) No Yoa
I Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited Unlimited
II- F.R. 125,000 12 Tiers 12 Tiers 18 Tiers
II- 1-hour 50,000 10 Tiers 10 Tiers 15 Tiers
U-N 30,000 8 Tiers 8 Tiers 12 Tiers


0' -20' One-hour


Group E Occupancies Defined
Sec. 801. GroupE Occupancies shall be:
Division 1. Any building used for educational purposes through the 12th grade
by 50 or more persons for more than 12 hours per week or four hours in any one
Division 2. Any building used for educational purposes through the 12th grade
by less than 50 persons for more than 12 hours per week or four hours in any one
Division 3. Any building used for day-care purposes for more than six
For occupancy separations, see Table No. 5-B.
Construction, Height and Allowable Area
Sec. 802. (a) General. Buildings or parts of buildings classed in Group E
because of the use or character of the occupancy shall be limited to the types of
construction set forth in Tables No. 5-C and No. 5-D and shall not exceed, in area
or height, the limits specified in Sections 505, 506 and 507, except that the area
may be increased by 50 percent when the maximum travel distance specified in
Section 3303 (d) is reduced by 50 percent.
(b) Atmospheric Separation Requirements. I . Definitions. For the purpose
of this chapter, the following definitions are applicable:
COMMON ATMOSPHERE. A common atmosphere exists between rooms,
spaces or areas within a building, which are not separated by an approved smoke
and draft-stop barrier.
SEPARATE ATMOSPHERE. A separate atmosphere exists between rooms,
spaces or areas that are separated by an approved smoke and draft-stop barrier.
SMOKE AND DRAFT BARRIER. A smoke and draft barrier consists of
walls, partitions, floors and openings therein of such construction as will prevent
the transmission of smoke or gases through the construction.
2. General Provisions. The provisions of this subsection shall apply only to
the requirements for providing separate atmospheres.
Walls, partitions and floors forming all of, or part of, an atmospheric separation
shall be of materials consistent with the requirements for the type of construction,
but of construction not less effective than a smoke or draft-stop barrier. Glass
lights of approved wired glass set in steel frames may be installed in such walls or
Every door opening therein shall be protected with a fire assembly as required
elsewhere in the code, but not Jess than a self-closing or automatic-closing, tight-
fitting smoke barrier and fire assembly having a fire-protection rating of not less
than 20 minutes when tested in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 43-2
without the hose stream test.
Ducts penetrating atmospheric separation walls, partitions or floors shall be

1982 EDITION 802-805

equipped with an approved automatic-closing smoke damper when having open-

ings into more than one atmosphere.
All automatic-closing fire assemblies installed in the atmospheric separation
shall be activated by approved smoke detectors.
The specific requirements of this section are not intended to prevent the design
or usc of other systems, equipment or techniques which will effectively prevent
the products of combustion from breaching the atmospheric separation.
(c) Special Provisions. Rooms in Divisions 1 and 2 Occupancies used for day-
care purposes, kindergarten, first or second grade pupils and Division 3 Occupan-
cies shall not be located above the first story.
Storage and janitor closets shall be of one-hour fire-resistive construction.
Stages and enclosed platforms shall be conHructed in accordance with Chapter
39. For attic space partitions and draft stops, see Section 2516 (f).
(d) Special Hazards. Rooms or groups of rooms in which flammable liquids,
combustible dust or similar hazardous materials are used. stored, developed or
handled shall be separated from other portions of the building by not less than a
one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation.
Equipment in rooms or groups of rooms sharing a common atmosphere where
flammable liquids, combustible dust or hazardous materials are used, stored,
developed or handled shall conform to the requirements of the Fire Code.
Location on Property
Sec. 803. All buildings housing GroupE Occupancies shall front directly upon
or have access to a public street not less than 20 feet in width. The access to the
public street shall be a minimum 20-foot-wide right-of-way, unobstructed and
maintained only as access to the public street. At least one required exit shall be
located on the public street or on the access way.
For fire-resistive protection of exterior walls and openings, as determined by
location on property, see Section 504 and Part IV.

Exit Facilities
Sec. 804. Stairs, exits and smokeproof enclosures shall be provided as spec-
ified in Chapter 33. (See also Section 3319.)
Light, Ventilation and Sanitation
Sec. 805. All portions of GroupE Occupancies shall be provided with light and
ventilation, either natural or artificial, as specified in Section 605.
Water closets shall be provided on the basis of the following ratio of water
closets to the number of students:
Boys Girls
Elementary Schools ............................... . 1:100 1:35
Secondary Schools ........................ . 1:100 1:45

In addition, urinals shall be provided for boys on the basis of I :30 in elementary
and secondary schools.


There shall be provided at least one lavatory for each two water closets or
urinals, and at least one drinking fountain on each floor for elementary and
secondary schools.
For other requirements on water closets, see Section 510.

Shaft Enclosures
Sec. 806. Exits shall be enclosed as specified in Chapter 33. Elevator shafts,
vent shafts and other vertical openings shall be enclosed, and the enclosure shall
be as specified in Chapter 17.

Sprinkler Systems
Sec. 807, Where required, automatic sprinkler systems and standpipes shall be
installed as specified in Chapter 38.

Special Hazards
Sec. 808. Chimneys and heating apparatus shall conform to the requirements of
Chapter 37 of this code and the Mechanical Code.
Motion picture machine rooms shall conform to the requirements of Chapter
All exterior openings in a boiler room or rooms containing central heating
equipment, if located below openings in another story or if less than I 0 feet from
other doors or windows of the same building, shall be protected by a fire assembly
having a three-fourths-hour fire-protection rating. Such fire assemblies shall be
fixed, automatic- or self-closing. Every room containing a boiler or central
heating plant shall be separated from the rest of the building by not less than a one-
hour fire-resistive occupancy separation.
EXCEPTION: Boilers or central heating plants where the largest piece of fuel
equipment does not exceed 400,000 Btu per hour input.
When the opening for a heater or equipment room is protected by a pair of ftre
doors, the inactive leaf shall be normally secured in the closed position and shall
be openable only by the use of a tool. An astragal shall be provided and the active
leaf shall be self-closing.
Flammable liquids shall not be placed, stored or used in any GroupE Occupan-
cies, except in approved quantities as necessary in laboratories and approved
utility rooms, and such liquids shall be kept in tight or sealed containers when not
in actual use and shall be stored within a storage cabinet for flammable liquid
approved by the fire department.

Firs Alarms
Sec. 809. Approved fire alarms shall be provided for all Group E Occupancies
with an occupant load of more than 50 persons. In every Group E Occupancy
provided with an automatic sprinkler or detection system, the operation of such
system shall automatically activate the school fire alarm system, which shall
include an alarm mounted on the exterior of the building.

1982 EDITION 901-902

Group H Occupancies Defined
Sec. 901. (a) General. Group H Occupancies shall be:
Division l. Storage, handling, use or sale of hazardous and highly flammable
or explosive materials other than flammable liquids.
EXCEYfiON: The storage, handling, use or sale of hazardous materials or
chemicals that do not exceed the quantities listed in 'Thble No. 9-A are pennitted in
other occupancies, provided the storage, handling, use or sale of such hazardous
materials or chemicals is in compliance with the Fire Code.
Division 2. Storage, handling, use or sale of Classes I, II and III-A liquids; dry
cleaning plants using Class I, II or III-A liquids; paint stores with bulk handling;
paint shops and spray-painting rooms and shops.
EXCEYfiON: The storage. handling, use or sale of liquids in quantities that do
not exceed those set forth in Table No. 9-A are pennitted in other occupancies,
provided the storage, handling, use or sale is in compliance with the provisions of
the Fire Code.
Division 3. Woodworking establishments, planing mills, box factories, buff-
ing rooms for tire-rebuilding plants and picking rooms; shops, factories or
warehouses where loose combustible fibers or dust are manufactured, processed,
generated or stored; and pin-refinishing rooms.
Division 4. Repair garages not classified as a Group B, Division I . I
DivisionS. Aircraft repair hangars.
(b) Special Provisions. In buildings used for educational purposes, vocational
shops, laboratories and similar areas need not be classified as Group H Occupan-
cies, provided:
I. Such areas are separated from classrooms other than the classroom directly
related to the use by not less than a one-hour fire-resistive occupancy
2. Such areas are separated from each other by not less than a one-hour fire-
resistive occupancy separation unless the uses are determined to be
3. The requirements of Sections 908, 910 and the Fire Code shall be met
when applicable.
For occupancy separations, see Table No. 5-B.
Where an approved spray booth constructed as specified in the Fire Code is
installed, such booth need not be separated from other Group H or Group B

Construction, Height and Allowable Area

Sec. 902. (a) General. Buildings or parts of buildings classed in Group H
because of the use or character of the occupancy shall be limited to the types of
construction set forth in Tables No. 5-C and No. 5-D and shall not exceed, in area
or height, the limits specified in Sections 505, 506 and 507.


(b) Special Provisions. Division 5 Occupancies shall have exterior walls of not
less than one-hour fire-resistive construction or shall be surrounded by public
space, streets or yards not less than 60 feet in width.
The area increases allowed by Section 506 (a) shall not exceed 500 percent for
aircraft repair hangars.
In areas where motor vehicles, boats or airplanes are stored, repaired or
operated and where flammable liquids are stored or used, floor surfaces shall be of
noncombustible nonabsorbent materials.
EXCEPTION: Floors may be surfaced or waterproofed with asphaltic paving
materials where no repair work is done.
For special provisions and hazardous chemicals and magnesium, see also the
Fire Code.
A Division 4 Occupancy having a floor area not exceeding 2500 square feet
shall have exterior walls of not less than two-hour fire-resistive construction when
less than 5 feet from a property line and of not less than one-hour fire-resistive
construction when more than 5 feet but less than lO feet from a property line.
For smoke and heat venting, see Section 3206.
(c) Special Occupancies. I. Liquid storage rooms. The design and con-
struction of liquid storage rooms in which Class I, II or III-A liquids are stored
shall be in accordance with the requirements for a Group H, Division 2 Occupan-
cy and the following:
A. Floors shall be of noncombustible liquid-tight construction designed to
prevent liquids from flowing to adjacent rooms by any of the following
(i) Recessing the floor at least 4 inches lower than the floor of adjacent
(ii) Installation of liquid-tight sills at least 4 inches in height. Sills may be
omitted at openings when trenches are constructed in accordance with
Item (iii) below.
(iii) Installation of an open-grate trench which drains to an approved
B. Shelving, racks, dunnage, scuffboards, floor overlay and similar installa-
tions shall be of noncombustible construction or wood not less than l-inch
nominal thickness.
2. Inside liquid rooms. Rooms that do not have an exterior wall may be used
for the storage or the storage and use, dispensing or mixing of Class I, II or III-A
liquids, provided they do not exceed 500 square feet in area and are separated
from other areas by occupancy separations having a fire-resistive rating not less
than one hour for rooms up to 150 square feet in area and not less than two hours
where the room is more than 150 square feet in area. Separations from other
occupancies shall be not less than required by Table No. 5-B.
3. Liquid storage warehouses. The design and construction of liquid storage
warehouses in which flammable or combustible liquids are stored shall be in
accordance with the requirements for a Group H, Division 2 Occupancy and this

1982 EDITION 902-905

section. Liquid storage warehouses shall be used for the storage of flammable or
combustible liquids only and shall be separated from all other uses by a four-hour
area separation wall.
All liquid storage warehouses shall be provided with adequate drainage.
Drainage systems shall be sized and designed to carry off any anticipated spill,
plus the minimum calculated fire flow of the sprinkler system to a safe location. If
connected to a public drain or sewer system, a clarifier shall be installed.
Floors and equipment in liquid storage warehouses shall comply with the
applicable provisions of Subsection (c) I, Items A and B, above.
Location on Property
Sec. 903. For fire-resistive protection of exterior walls and openings, as
determined by location on property, see Section 504 and Part IV.
Group H, Division 1 Occupancies shall be located 60 feet from all property
lines including property lines adjacent to public ways.
Group H, Division 2 Occupancies containing hazardous materials in excess of
the amounts listed in Table No. 9-A shall not exceed 1500 square feet in area

unless there is more than 30 feet from all property lines including property lines
adjacent to public ways.
When a building is of mixed occupancy and contains a Group H, Division 2
Occupancy, the Group H, Division 2 Occupancy shall be separated from the other
occupancy as required in Table No. 5-B. Such Group H, Division 2 Occupancies
shall be on the outer perimeter of the building and all walls of the Group H,
Division 2 Occupancy shall be located a minimum of 30 feet from property line.
EXCEPTION: Inside liquid rooms that comply with the limitations in Section
902 (c) 2.

Exit Facilities
Sec. 904. Stairs, exits and smokeproof enclosures shall be provided as spec-
ified in Chapter 33. (See also Section 3320.)

Light, Ventilation and Sanitation

Sec. 905. All portions of Group H Occupancies customarily used by human
beings shall be provided with natural light by means of exterior glazed openings
with an area equal to one tenth of the total floor area, and natural ventilation by
means of exterior openings with an area not less than one twentieth of the total
floor area, or shall be provided with artificial light and a mechanically operated
ventilating system as specified in Section 605.
In all buildings or portions thereof where flammable liquids are used, exhaust
ventilation shall be provided sufficient to produce four complete air changes per
hour. Such exhaust ventilation shall be taken from a point at or near the floor leveL
In all buildings used for the repair or handling of automobiles operating under
their own power, ventilation shall be provided capable of exhausting a minimum
of 1 cfm per square foot. Additionally, each engine repair stall shall be equipped
with an exhaust pipe extension duct, extending to the outside of the building,
which, if over 10 feet in length, shall mechanically exhaust 300 cubic feet per


minute. Connecting offices and waiting rooms shall be supplied with conditioned
air under positive pressure.
EXCEPTION: In public repair garages and aircraft hangars not exceeding an
area of 5000 square feet, the building official may authorize the omission of such
ventilating equipment where, in his opinion, the building is supplied with unob-
structed openings to the outer air which are sufficient to provide the necessary
Every building or portion thereof where persons are employed shall be pro-
vided with at least one water closet. Separate facilities shall be provided for each
sex when the number of employees exceeds four and both sexes are employed.
Such toilet facilities shall be located either in such building or conveniently in a
building adjacent thereto on the same property.
Toilet rooms shall be provided with a fully openable exterior window at least 3
square feet in area; or a vertical duct not less than I 00 square inches in area for the
toilet facility, with 50 additional inches for each additional facility; or a mechan-
ically operated exhaust system capable of providing a complete change of air
every 15 minutes. Such systems shall be connected directly to the outside, and the
point of discharge shall be at least 5 feet from any openable window.
For other requirements on water closets, see Sections 510 and 511.

Shaft Enclosures
Sec. 906. Exits shall be enclosed as specified in Chapter 33.
Elevator shafts, vent shafts and other vertical openings shall be enclosed, and
the enclosure shall be as specified in Section 1706.
Doors which are a part of an automobile ramp enclosure shall be equipped with
automatic closing devices.

Sprinkler Systems
Sec. 907. When required by other provisions of this code, automatic sprinkler
systems and standpipes shall be installed as specified in Chapter 38.

Special Hazards
Sec. 908. Chimneys and heating apparatus shall conform to the requirements of
Chapter 37 of this code and the Mechanical Code.
Every boiler or central heating plant shall be separated from the rest of the
building by a two-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation.
In Divisions I and 2, there shall be no openings in such occupancy separations
except for necessary ducts and piping.
In any room in a Group H, Division I, 2 or 3 Occupancy in which volatile,
flammable liquids or hazardous materials are stored or used, energy-consuming
equipment shall not be used unless such equipment has been listed specifically for
the hazardous atmosphere that may develop.
In Division 4 Occupancies, devices which generate a spark or glow capable of
igniting gasoline vapors shall not be installed or used within I8 inches of the floor.

1982 EDITION 908-910

The use, handling and sale of Classes I, II and III-A liquids shall be in
accordance with the Fire Code.
Dry-cleaning plants shall comply with the Fire Code.
Equipment or machinery which generates or emits combustible or explosive
dust or fibers shall be provided with an adequate dust-collecting and exhaust
system installed in conformance with the Mechanical Code.
The storage and handling of cellulose nitrate plastics other than film shall be in
accordance with the Fire Code. Storage and handling of combustible fiber in
amounts beyond the exemptions of Table No. 9-A shall be in accordance with the
Fire Code.
Combustible fiber storage rooms or vaults having a capacity exceeding 500
cubic feet shall be separated from the remainder of the building by a two-hour fire-
resistive occupancy separation.

Buildings erected or converted to house high-piled combustible stock shall
comply with the Fire Code.

Fire Alarms
Sec. 909. An approved fire alarm system shall be installed in Group H, .
Division 2 Occupancies used for the manufacturing of organic coatings as
specified in the Fire Code.

Explosion Venting
Sec. 910. (a) Flammable Dusts. Rooms or portions of a building wherein
flammable dusts are stored, manufactured, processed or used and may be in
suspension in the air continuously or intermittently, shall conform with the
1. Wall and ceiling surfaces shall be smooth. Ledges shall be beveled at 60
degrees to the horizontal to prevent the accumulation of dust.
2. Every dust-producing process shall be provided with a dust-collection
system adequate in capacity to prevent hazardous concentrations of dust within
the room.
3. Effective venting devices equal in area to at least I square foot for each 80
cubic feet of volume shall be provided for every flammable dust-collection or
storage container having a volume exceeding 250 cubic feet.
The venting devices shall be of light noncombustible construction and shall
vent directly to the exterior of the building. Venting devices shall be located in
walls facing yards 30 feet or more in width, or located in roofs where there are no
snow loads.
(b) Flammable Liquids. Rooms used for dispensing of Class I-B liquids and
rooms used for storage or dispensing of Class 1-A liquids shall have roofs or walls
designed to relieve internal explosion forces.
Group H, Division 2 Occupancies involving chemical operations such as
oxidation, reduction, polygenization, hydrogenation, alcoholization, polymer-
ization and similar chemical processes shall have roofs or walls designed to
relieve explosion forces.



I I. Flammable liquids t
Class 1-A 30 gal.'
Class 1-B 60 gal. 2
Class 1-C 90 gal.'
I 2. Combustible liquids 1
Class II 120gal. 2
Class JJJ-A 250 gal.'
3. Combination flammable liquids' 120 gal.'
4. Flammable gases 3000 cu. ft. at one atmosphere of
pressure at 700F.
5. Liquefied flammable gases 60 gal.
6. Aammable fibers--loose 100 cu. ft.
7. Aammable fibers--baled 1000 cu. ft.
8. Aammable solids 500 lbs.
9. Unstable materials No exemptions
10. Corrosive liquids 55 gal.
II. Oxidizing material-gases 6000 cu. ft.
12. Oxidizing material-liquids 50 gal.
13. Oxidizing material-solids 500 lbs.
14. Organic peroxides lO lbs.
15. Nitromethane (unstable materials) No exemptions
16. Ammonium nitrate 1000 lbs.
17. Ammonium nitrate compound
mixtures containing more than 60%
nitrate by weight 1000 lbs.
18. Highly toxic material and poisonous
gas No exemptions

I 19. Smokeless powder

20. Black sporting powder
20 lbs. 4

'The quantities of alcoholic beverages in retail sales or storage uses are unlimited, provided
the liquids are packaged in individual containers not exceeding 4liters.
The quantities of medicines, foodstuffs and cosmetics, containing not more than 50
percent by volume of water-miscible liquids and with the remainder of the solution not
being flammable, in retail sales or storage occupancies are unlimited when packaged in
individual containers not exceeding 4 liters.
'Quantities may be increased by 100 percent in areas which are not accessible to the public.
In buildings where automatic fire-extinguishing systems are installed, the quantities may
be increased 100 percent in areas accessible to the public.
'Containing not more than the exempt amounts of Class 1-A, 1-B or 1-C flammable liquids.
"Quantities of smokeless powder may be increased to a maximum of l 00 pounds, providing

those amounts exceeding 20 pounds are stored in an approved Class II magazine as
specified in the Uniform Fire Code.
'Quantities of black sporting powder may be increased to a maximum of 5 pounds,
providing said amount is stored in an approved Class II magazine as specified in the
Uniform Fire Code.

1982 EDITION 1001-1003

Chapter 10

Group I Occupancies Defined

Sec. 1001. Group I Occupancies shall be:
Division 1. Nurseries for the full-time care of children under the age of six
(each accommodating more than five persons).
Hospitals, sanitariums, nursing homes with nonambulatory patients and simi-
lar buildings (each accommodating more than five persons).
Division 2. Nursing homes for ambulatory patients, homes for children six
years of age or over (each accommodating more than five persons).
Division 3. Mental hospitals, mental sanitariums, jails, prisons, reformatories
and buildings where personal liberties of inmates are similarly restrained.
For occupancy separations, see Table No. 5-B.
EXCEPTION: Group I Occupancies shall not include buildings used only for
private residential purposes for a family group.

Construction, Height and Allowable Area

Sec. 1002. (a) General. Buildings or parts of buildings classed in Group I
because of the use or character of the occupancy shall be limited to the types of
construction set forth in Tables No. 5-C and No. 5-D and shall not exceed, in area
or height, the limits specified in Sections 505, 506 and 507.
(b) Special Provisions. Division 3 Occupancies shall be housed in buildings of
"JYpe I or "JYpe II-F.R. construction.
EXCEPTION: One-story buildings of1)!pe li One-hour. 1Ype III One-hour, or V
One-hour construction may be permitted, provided the floor area does not exceed
3900 square feet between separation walls of two-hour fire-resistive construction
with openings protected by fire assemblies having one and one-half-hour fire-
protection rating. See Section 3321 (g) for limitation on locking devices.
Every story of a Group I, Division I Occupancy accommodating more than five
nonambulatory persons, unless provided with a horizontal exit, shall be divided
into not less than two compartments accommodating approximately the same
number of nonambulatory persons in each compartment by a smoke-stop parti-
tion meeting the requirements of a one-hour occupancy separation so as to provide
an area of refuge within the building. Corridor openings in the smoke-stop
partition shall be protected with doors as required in Section 3305 (h). Other
openings shall be limited to ducts which have smoke-detector-activated fire
dampers in the plane of the wall.
Rooms occupied by inmates or patients whose personal liberties are restrained
shall have noncombustible floor surfaces.

location on Property
Sec. 1003. For fire-resistive protection of exterior walls and openings, as
determined by location on property, see Section 504 and Part IV.


Exit Facilities
Sec. 1004. Stairs, exits and smokeproof enclosures customarily used by human
beings shall be provided as specified in Chapter 33. (See also Section 3321.)

Light, Ventilation and Sanitation

Sec. 1005. All portions of Group I Occupancies shall be provided with natural
light by means of exterior glazed openings with an area equal to one tenth of the
total floor area, and narural ventilation by means of exterior openings with an area
not less than one twentieth of the total floor area, or shall be provided with
artificial light and a mechanically operated ventilating system as specified in
Section 605.
For other requirements on water closets, see Section 510.

Shaft Enclosures
Sec. 1006. Exits shall be enclosed as specified in Chapter 33.
Elevator shafts, vent shafts and other vertical openings shall be enclosed, and
the enclosure shall be as specified in Section 1706.

Sprinkler Systems
Sec. 1007. When required by other provisions of this code, automatic sprinkler
systems and standpipes shall be installed as specified in Chapter 38.

Special Hazards
Sec. 1008. Chimneys and heating apparatus shall conform to the requirements
of Chapter 37 of this code and the Mechanical Code.
Motion picture projection rooms shall conform to the requirements of Chapter
Storage of volatile flammable liquids shall not be allowed in Group I Occupan-
cies and the handling of such liquid shall not be permitted in any Group I
Occupancies in quantities of more than one gallon unless such handling complies
with the Fire Code.
All exterior openings in a boiler room or room containing central heating
equipment if located below openings in another story, or if less than I 0 feet from
the other doors or windows of the same building, shall be protected by a fire
assembly having a three-fourths-hour fire-protection rating. Such fire assemblies
shall be fixed, automatic- or self-closing. Every room containing a boiler or
central heating plant shall be separated from the rest of the building by not less
than a one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation.
EXCEPTION: Boilers or central heating plants where the largest piece of fuel
equipment does not exceed 400,000 Btu-per-hour input.

Fire Alarms
Sec. 1009. An approved fire alarm system shall be provided for all Group I
Occupancies. Audible alarm devices shall be used in all nonpatient areas. Visible
alarm devices may be used in lieu of audible devices in patient-occupied areas.

1982 EDITION 1101-1104

Chapter 11

Group M Occupancies Defined

Sec. 1101. Group M Occupancies shall be:
Division 1. Private garages, carports, sheds and agricultural buildings.
EXCEPTION: Where applicable (see Section 103) for agricultural buildings,
see Appendix Chapter 11.
Division 2. Fences over 6 feet high, tanks and towers.
For occupancy separations, see Table No. 5-B.

Construction, Height and Allowable Area

Sec. 1102. (a) General. Buildings or parts of buildings classed in Group M,
Division I because of the usc or character of the occupancy shall not exceed I 000
square feet in area or one story in height except as provided in this section. Any
building or portion thereof that exceeds the limit specified in this chapter shall be
classed in the occupancy group other than Group M, Division I that it most nearly
For a mixed occupancy building, the total area of private garages used
exclusively for the parking of passenger motor vehicles having a capacity of not
more than nine persons per vehicle may be 3000 square feet, provided the exterior
wall and opening protection are as required for the major occupancy of the
building. The allowable floor area of the building shall be as permitted for the
major occupancy of the building. Each portion of a building separated as spec-
ified in Section 505 may be considered a separate building. Such increase in area
may apply to a single-occupancy building, provided the use of the building is as
specified and the exterior wall and opening protection are as required for a Group
R, Division I Occupancy building.
(b) Special Provisions. Garages in connection with Group R, Division I
Occupancies shall have an unobstructed headroom clearance of not less than 6
feet 6 inches above the finish floor to any ceiling, beam, pipe or similar con-
struction except for wall-mounted shelves, storage surfaces, racks or cabinets.

Location on Property
Sec. 1103. For fire-resistive protection of exterior walls and openings, as
determined by location on property, see Section 504 and Part IV.

Special Hazards
Sec. 1104. Chimneys and heating apparatus shall conform to the requirements
of Chapter 37 and the Mechanical Code.
Under no circumstances shall a private garage have any opening into a room
used for sleeping purposes.
Flammable liquids shall not be stored, handled or used in Group M Occupan-
cies unless such storage or handling shall comply with the Fire Code.


Garage Floor Surfaces

Sec. 1105. In areas where motor vehicles are stored or operated, floor surfaces
shall be of noncombustible materials or asphaltic paving materials.
Agricultural Buildings
Sec. 1106. Where applicable (see Section 103) for agricultural buildings, see
Appendix Chapter II .

1982EDinON 12011203


Group R Occupancies Defined

Sec. 12:01. Group R Occupancies shall be:
Division 1. Hotels and apartment houses.
Convents and monasteries (each accommodating more than 10 persons).

Division 2. Not used.
Division 3. Dwellings and lodging houses.
For occupancy separations, see Thble No. 5-B.
A complete code for construction of detached one- and two-family dwellings is
in Appendix Chapter 12 of this code. When adopted, as set forth in Section 103, it
will take precedence over the requirements set forth in Parts I through X and
Chapter 60 of this code.

Construction, Height and Allowable Area

Sec. 1202. (a) General. Buildings or parts of buildings classed in Group R
because of the use or character of the occupancy shall be limited to the types of
construction set forth in Thbles No. 5-C and No. 5-D and shall not exceed, in area
or height, the limits specified in Sections 505, 506 and 507.
(b) Special Provisions. Group R, Division I Occupancies more than two
stories in height or having more than 3000 square feet of floor area above the first
story shall be not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction throughout except
as provided in Section 1705 (b) 2.
Storage or laundry rooms that are within Group R, Division I Occupancies that
are used in common by tenants shall be separated from the rest of the building by
not less than one-hour frre-resistive occupancy separation.
Every apartment house three stories or more in height or containing more than
15 dwelling units and every hotel three stories or more in height or containing 20
or more guest rooms shall have an approved frre alarm system as specified in the
Fire Code.
EXCEPTION: An alann system need not be installed in buildings not over two
stories in height when all individual dwelling units and contiguous attic and crawl
spaces are separated from each other and from public or common areas by at least
one-hour fife-resistive occupancy separations and each individual dwelling unit bas
an exit direct to a yard or public way.
For Group R, Division I Occupancies with a Group B, Division I parking
garage in the basement or first floor, see Section 702 (a).
For attic space partitions and draft stops, see Section 2516 (f).

Location on Property
Sec. 1203. For frre-resistive protection of exterior walls and openings. as
determined by location on property, see Section 504 and Part IV.


Exit Facilities
Sec. 1204. Stairs, exits and smokeproof enclosures shall be as specified in
Chapter 33.
Every sleeping room below the fourth story shall have at least one operable
m window or exterior door approved for emergency escape orrescue. The units shall
be operable from the inside to provide a full clear opening without the use of
separate tools.
II All escape or rescue windows from sleeping rooms shall have a minimum net
clear opening of 5.7 square feet. The minimum net clear opening height dimen-
sion shall be 24 inches. The minimum net clear opening width dimension shall be
II 20 inches. Where windows are provided as a means of escape or rescue they shall
have a finished sill height not more than 44 inches above the floor.
Bars, grilles, grates or similar devices may be installed on an emergency escape
or rescue windows or doors, provided:
I. Such devices are equipped with approved release mechanisms which are
openable from the inside without the use of a key or special knowledge or
effort; and
2. The building is equipped with smoke detectors installed in accordance with
Section 1210.

Light, Ventilation and Sanitation

Sec. 1205. (a) Light and Ventilation. All guest rooms, dormitories and
habitable rooms within a dwelling unit shall be provided with natural light by
means of exterior glazed openings with an area not less than one tenth of the floor
area of such rooms with a minimum of I0 square feet. All bathrooms, water closet
compartments, laundry rooms and similar rooms shall be provided with natural
ventilation by means of openable exterior openings with an area not less than one
twentieth of the floor area of such rooms with a minimum of I V2 square feet.
All guest rooms, dormitories and habitable rooms within a dwelling unit shall
be provided with natural ventilation by means of openable exterior openings with
an area of not less than one twentieth of the floor area of such rooms with a
minimum of 5 square feet.
In lieu of required exterior openings for natural ventilation, a mechanical
ventilating system may be provided. Such system shall be capable of providing
two air changes per hour in all guest rooms, dormitories, habitable rooms and in
public corridors. One fifth of the air supply shall be taken from the outside. In
bathrooms, water closet compartments, laundry rooms and similar rooms a
mechanical ventilation system connected directly to the outside, capable of
providing five air changes per hour, shall be provided.
For the purpose of determining light and ventilation requirements, any room
may be considered as a portion of an adjoining room when one half of the area of
the common wall is open and unobstructed and provides an opening of not less
than one tenth of the floor area of the interior room or 25 square feet, whichever is
Required exterior openings for natural light and ventilation shall open directly

1982 EDITION 1205-1207

onto a street or public alley or a yard or court located on the same lot as the
EXCEPTION: Required windows may open into a roofed porch where the
I. Abuts a street, yard or court; and
2. Has a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet; and
3. Has the longer side at least 65 percent open and unobstructed.
(b) Sanitation. Every building shall be provided with at least one water closet.
Every hotel or subdivision thereof where both sexes are accommodated shall

contain at least two separate toilet facilities which are conspicuously identified for
male or female use, each of which contains at least one water closet.
Additional water closets shall be provided on each floor for each sex at the rate
of one for every additional 10 guests, or fractional part thereof, in excess of 10.
Every dwelling unit shall be provided with a kitchen equipped with a kitchen
sink. Every dwelling unit and every lodging house shall be provided with a
bathroom equipped with facilities consisting of a water closet, lavatory and either
a bathtub or shower. Each sink, lavatory and either a bathtub or shower shall be
equipped with hot and cold running water necessary for its normal operation.
For other requirements on water closets, see Section 510.
Yarda and Courts
Sec. 1206. (a) Scope. This section shall apply to yards and courts having
required windows opening therein.
(b) Yards. Every yard shall be not less than 3 feet in width for one-story and
two-story buildings. For buildings more than two stories in height, the minimum
width of the yard shall be increased at the rate of I foot for each additional story.
For buildings exceeding 14 stories in height, the required width of yard shall be
computed on the basis of 14 stories.
(c) Courts. Every court shall be not less than 3 feet in width. Courts having
windows opening on opposite sides shall be not less than 6 feet in width. Courts
bounded on three or more sides by the walls of the building shall be not less than
10 feet in length unless bounded on one end by a street or yard. For buildings more
than two stories in height, the court shall be increased I foot in width and 2 feet in
length for each additional story. For buildings exceeding 14 stories in height, the
required dimensions shall be computed on the basis of 14 stories.
Adequate access shall be provided to the bottom of all courts for cleaning
purposes. Every court more than two stories in height shall be provided with a
horizontal air intake at the bottom not less than 10 square feet in area and leading
to the exterior of the building unless abutting a yard or public space. The
construction of the air intake shall be as required for the court walls of the
building, but in no case shall be less than one-hour fire resistive.

Room Dimensions
Sec. 1207. (a) Ceiling Heights. Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of
not less than 7 feet 6 inches except as otherwise permitted in this section.
Kitchens, halls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have a ceiling height of


not less than 7 feet measured to the lowest projection from the ceiling. Where
exposed beam ceiling members are spaced at less than 48 inches on center, ceiling
height shall be measured to the bottom of these members. Where exposed beam
ceiling members are spaced at 48 inches or more on center, ceiling height shall be
measured to the bottom of the deck supported by these members, provided that
the bottom of the members is not less than 7 feet above the floor.
If any room in a building has a sloping ceiling, the prescribed ceiling height for
the room is required in only one half the area thereof. No portion of the room
measuring less than 5 feet from the finished floor to the finished ceiling shall be
included in any computation of the minimum area thereof.
If any room has a furred ceiling, the prescribed ceiling height is required in two
thirds the area thereof, but in no case shall the height of the furred ceiling be less
than 7 feet.
(b) Floor Area. Every dwelling unit shall have at least one room which shall
have not less than 150 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except
kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet. Efficiency dwelling
units shall comply with the requirements of Section 1208.
(c) Width. Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall be not less than 7 feet in
any dimension.
Efficiency Dwelling Units
Sec. 1208. An efficiency dwelling unit shall conform to the requirements of the
code except as herein provided:
I. The unit shall have a living room of not less than 220 square feet of
superficial floor area. An additionai!OO square feet of superficial floor area shall
be provided for each occupant of such unit in excess of two.
2. The unit shall be provided with a separate closet.
3. The unit shall be provided with a kitchen sink, cooking appliance and
refrigeration facilities, each having a clear working space of not less than 30
inches in front. Light and ventilation conforming to this code shall be provided.
4. The unit shall be provided with a separate bathroom containing a water
closet, lavatory and bathtub or shower.
Shaft Enclosures
Sec. 1209. Exits shall be enclosed as specified in Chapter 33.
Elevator shafts, vent shafts, dumbwaiter shafts, clothes chutes and other
vertical openings shall be enclosed and the enclosure shall be as specified in
Section 1706.
Fire-warning and Sprinkler Systems
Sec. 1210 (a) Fire-warning Systems. Every dwelling unit and every guest
room in a hotel or lodging house used for sleeping purposes shall be provided with
smoke detectors conforming to U.B.C. Standard No. 43-6. In dwelling units,
detectors shall be mounted on the ceiling or wall at a point centrally located in the
corridor or area giving access to rooms used for sleeping purposes. In an
efficiency dwelling unit, hotel sleeping room and in hotel suites, the detector shall

1982 EDITION 1210-1212

be centrally located on the ceiling of the main room or hotel sleeping room. Where
sleeping rooms are on an upper level, the detector shall be placed at the center of
the ceiling directly above the stairway. All detectors shall be located in accordance
with approved manufacturer's instructions. When actuated, the detector shall
provide an alarm in the dwelling unit or guest room.
When alterations, repairs or additions requiring a permit and having a valuation
in excess of $1000 occur, or when one or more sleeping rooms are added or
created in existing Group R, Division 3 Occupancies, the entire building shall be
provided with smoke detectors located as required for new Group R, Division 3
In new construction, required smoke detectors shall receive their primary
power from the building wiring when such wiring is served from a commercial
source. Wiring shall be permanent and without a disconnecting switch other than
those required for overcurrent protection. Smoke detectors may be battery oper-

ated when installed in existing buildings, or in buildings without commercial
power, or in buildings which undergo alterations, repairs or additions regulated by
the second paragraph of this section.
A smoke detector shall be installed in the basement of dwelling units having a
stairway which opens from the basement into the dwelling. Such detector shall be
connected to a sounding device or other detector to provide an alarm which will be
audible in the sleeping area.
(b) Sprinkler Systems. When required by other provisions of this code,
automatic sprinkler systems and standpipes shall be installed as specified in
Chapter 38.

See. 1211. Every dwelling unit and guest room shall be provided with heating
facilities capable of maintaining a room temperature of 70F. at a point 3 feet
above the floor in all habitable rooms.

Special Hazards
See. 1212. Chimneys and heating apparatus shall conform to the requirements
of Chapter 37 and the Mechanical Code.
The storage and handling of gasoline, fuel oil or other flammable liquids in
Division I Occupancies shall be in accordance with the Fire Code.
In Division I Occupancies, doors leading into rooms in which volatile flam-
mable liquids are stored or used shall be protected by a fire assembly having a one-
hour fire-protection rating. Such fire assembly shall be self-closing and shall be
posted with a sign on each side of the door in l-inch block letters stating: FIRE
Every room containing a boiler or central heating plant in Division 1 Occupan-
cies shall be separated from the rest of the building by not less than a one-hour
fire-resistive occupancy separation.
EXCEPTION: A separation shall not be required for such rooms with equip-
ment serving only one dwelling unit.


Access to Buildings and Facilities

Sec. 1213. Buildings containing more than 20 dwelling units or 20 guest rooms
shall be accessible to the physically handicapped by a level entry, ramp or
elevator. The number of dwelling units or guest rooms accessible to the physically
handicapped shall be not less than the following:

21 through 99- one unit

100 and over- one, plus one for each additional 100
units or fraction thereof

To determine the total number of accessible units, more than one structure on a

building site shall be considered as one building. Habitable rooms, bathrooms,
toilet compartments, halls and utility rooms in units that are required to be
accessible to the physically handicapped shall be accessible by level floors, ramps
or elevators, and doorways to such rooms shall have a clear unobstructed width of
not less than 32 inches.
Toilet facilities in accessible units shall comply with Section 511.

Sec. 1214. A one-story carport entirely open on two or more sides need not
have a fire separation between the carport and the dwelling.
Windows between the carport and the dwelling shall not be openable. Doors

.. may be of any type, provided that any sash used in a door be fixed; doors between
a dwelling and a carport shall be self-closing .

Chapters 1316

1982 EDITION 1701-1704

Part IV
Chapter 17
Sec. 1701. The requirements of Part IV are for the various types of construction
and represent varying degrees of public safety and resistance to fire. Every
building shall be classified by the building official into one of the types of
construction set forth in Table No. 17-A. Any building which does not entirely
conform to a type of construction set forth in Table No. 17-A shall be classified by
a building official into a type having an equal or lesser degree of fire resistance.
A building or portion thereof shall not be required to conform to the details of a
type of construction higher than that type which meets the minimum requirements
based on occupancy (Part Ill) even though certain features of such building
actually conform to a higher type of construction.
Where specific materials, types of construction or fire-resistive protection are
required, such requirements shall be the minimum requirements, and any mate-
rials, types of construction or fire-resistive protection which will afford equal or
greater public safety or resistance to fire, as specified in this code, may be used.
Portions of buildings separated as specified in Section 505 (e) may be consid-
ered a separate building for classification of types of construction. When there is
no such separation, the area of the entire building shall not exceed the least area
permitted for the types of construction involved.
Structural Frame
Sec. 1702. The structural frame shall be considered to be the columns and the
girders, beams, trusses and spandrels having direct connections to the columns
and all other members which are essential to the stability of the building as a
whole. The members of floor or roof panels which have no connection to the
columns shall be considered secondary members and not a part of the structural
Usable Space Under Floors
Sec. 1703. Usable space under the first story shall be enclosed except in Groups
R, Division 3 and M Occupancies, and such enclosure when constructed of metal
or wood shall be protected on the side of the usable space as required for one-hour
fire-resistive construction. Doors shall be self-closing, of noncombustible con-
struction or solid wood core, not Jess than I '14 inches in thickness.
Sec. 1704. Roof coverings shall be as specified in Section 3202 (b).


Exceptions to Table No. 17A

Sec. 1705. (a) General. The provisions of this section are exceptions to the
construction requirements of Table No. 17-A, Chapters 5 through 12 and 18
through 22.
(b) Fixed Partitions. 1. Stores and offices. Interior nonload-bearing parti-
tions dividing portions of stores, offices or similar places occupied by one tenant
only and which do not establish a corridor serving an occupant load of 30 or more
may be constructed of:
A. Noncombustible materials.
8. Fire-retardant treated wood.
C. One-hour fire-resistive construction.
D. Wood panels or similar light construction up to three fourths the height of
the room in which placed; when more than three fourths the height of the
room, such partitions shall have not less than the upper one fourth of the
partition constructed of glass.
2. Hotels and apartments. Interior nonload-bearing partitions within individ-
ual dwelling units in apartment houses and guest rooms or suites in hotels when
such dwelling units, guest rooms or suites are separated from each other and from
corridors by not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction may be constructed
A. Noncombustible materials or fire-retardant treated wood in buildings of
any type of construction; or
B. Combustible framing with noncombustible materials applied to the fram-
ing in buildings of Type III or V construction.
Openings to such corridors shall be equipped with doors conforming to Section
3305 (h) regardless of the occupant load served.
For use of plastics in partitions, see Section 52!0.
(c) Folding, Portable or Movable Partitions. Approved folding, portable or
movable partitions need not have a fire-resistive rating, provided:
l . They do not block required exits (without providing alternative conforming
exits) and they do not establish an exit corridor.
2. Their location is restricted by means of permanent tracks, guides or other
approved methods.
3. Flammability shall be limited to materials having a flame-spread classi-
fication as set forth in Table No. 42-B for rooms or areas.
(d) Walls Fronting on Streets or Yards. Regardless of fire-resistive require-
ments for exterior walls, certain elements of the walls fronting on streets or yards
having a width of 40 feet may be constructed as follows:
l. Bulkheads below show windows, show-window frames, aprons and show-
cases may be of combustible materials, provided the height of such
construction does not exceed 15 feet above grade.
2. Wood veneer of boards not less than l-inch nominal thickness or exterior-
type panels not less than 3/s-inch nominal thickness may be applied to
walls, provided the veneer does not exceed 15 feet above grade, and further

1982 EDITION 1705-1706

provided such veneer shall be placed either directly against noncombusti-

ble surfaces or furred out from such surfaces not to exceed I% mchcs with
all concealed spaces fire-stopped as provided in Section 2516 (f). Where
boards. panels and furring as described above comply with Section 407 as
fire retardant treated wood suitable for exterior exposure. the height above
grade may be increased to 35 feet.
(e) Trim. Trim. picture molds, chair rails, baseboard, handrails and show
window backing may be of wood. Foam plastic trim covering not more than I0
percent of the wall or ceiling area may be used, provided such trim (I) has a
density of no less than 20 pounds per cubic foot, (2) has a maximum thickness of
Yo inch and a maximum width of 4 inches and (3) has a tlamespread rating no
greater than 75. Unprotected wood doors and windows may he used except where
openings are required to be fire protected.
Materials used for interior finish of walls and ceilings, including wainscoting,
shall he as specified in Chapter 42.
(f) Loading Platforms. Exterior loading platforms may be of noncombustible
construction or heavy timber construction with wood floors not less than 2inch
nominal thickness. Such wood construction shall not be carried through the
exterior walls.
(g) Insulating Boards. Combustible insulating boards may be used under
finished flooring.

Shaft Enclosures
Sec. 1706. (a) General. Openings extending vertically through floors shall he
enclosed in a shaft of fire-resistive construction having the time period set forth in
Table No. 17A for "Shaft Enclosures." Protection for stairways shall be as
specified in Sections 3309 and 3310.
EXCEPTIONS: 1. In other than Group I Occupancies, an enclosure will not be
required for openings which serve only one adjacent floor and are not connected
with opening~ serving other floors and which are not concealed within the building
2. In buildings housing Group B Occupancies equipped with automatic sprinkler
systems throughout, enclosures shall not be required for escalators where the top of
the escalator opening at each story is provided with a draft curtain and automati~ fire
sprinklers are installed around the perimeter of the opening within 2 feet of the draft
curtain. The draft curtain shall enclose the perimeter of the unenclosed opl'ning and
extend from the ceiling downward at least 12 inches on all side~. The ~pacing
between sprinklers shall not exceed 6 feet.
3. In Type V buildings, chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area
of nul more than 9 square feet may be unenclosed if lined on the inside with lath and
plaster or gypsum wallboard, with such lining covered with not leo;.:-. than No. 26
galvanized sheet metal gauge with all joints in such :-.hcct metal locklapped. All
openings into any such enclosure shall be protected by metal or metal-dad door~
with either metal or metal-cladjambs, casings or frames.
4. Exit enclosures shall conform to the applicable provision~ of Sections 3309 ami
5. In one- and two-story buildings of other than Group I Occupancies. ~hafts fm


gas vents and for ducts or piping which extend through not more than two floors need
not comply with Table No. 17-A.

6. Gas vents and noncombustible piping installed in walls of buildings passing
through three floors or less need not comply with Table No. 17-A. Such shafts shall
be effectively draft-stopped at each floor or ceiling.
(b) Protection of Openings. Every opening into a shaft enclosure shall be
protected by a self-closing fire assembly conforming to Section 4306 and having a
fire-protection rating of one hour for openings through one-hour walls and one
and one-half hours for openings through two-hour walls.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Openings to the exterior may be unprotected when so permit-
ted by Table No. 5-A.
2. Openings produced by air ducts piercing shaft enclosure walls may be pro-
tected by fire dampers conforming to C .B.C. Standard No. 43-7.

(c) Rubbish and Linen Chutes. In other than Group R. Division 3 Occupan-
cies, rubbish and linen chutes shall terminate in rooms separated from the
remainder of the building by a one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation.
Openings into the chutes and termination rooms shall not be located in exit
corridors or stairways.
(d) Elevator Shafts. Shafts housing elevators and extending through more than
two stories shall be vented to the outside. The area of vents shall be not less than
3 1/, percent of the area of the elevator shaft, with a minimum of 3 square feet per

Weather Protection
Sec. 1707. (a) Weather-resistive Barriers. All weather-exposed surfaces shall
have a weather-resistive barrier to protect the interior wall covering. Such barrier
shall be equal to that provided for in U.B.C. Standard No. 17-1 for kraft
waterproof building paper or U .B.C. Standard No. 32-1 for asphalt-saturated rag
felt. Building paper and felt shall be free from holes and breaks other than those
created by fasteners and construction system due to attaching of the building
paper. and shall be applied over studs or sheathing of all exterior walls. Such felt
or paper shall be applied over studs or sheathing of all exterior walls. Such felt or
paper shall be applied weatherboard fashion, lapped not less than 2 inches at
horizontal joints and not less than 6 inches at vertical joints.
Weather-protective barrier may be omitted in the following cases:
I. When exterior covering is of approved weatherproof panels.
2. In back-plastered construction.
3. When there is no human occupancy.
4. Over water-repellent panel sheathing.
5. Under approved paperbacked metal or wire fabric lath.
6. Behind lath and portland cement plaster applied to the underside of roof
and eave projections.
(b) Flashing and Counterflashing. Exterior openings exposed to the weather
shall be flashed in such a manner as to make them weatherproof.
All parapets shall be provided with coping of approved materials. All flashing,

1982 EDITION 1707-1710

counterflashing and coping, when of metal, shall be of not less than No. 26 U.S.
gauge corrosion-resistant metal.
(c) Waterproofing Weather-exposed Areas. Balconies, landings, exterior
stairways and similar surfaces exposed to the weather and sealed underneath shall
be waterproofed.
(d) Dampproofing Foundation Walls. Unless otherwise approved by the
building official, foundation walls enclosing a basement below finished grade
shall be dampproofed outside by approved methods and materials.

Members Carrying Masonry or Concrete

Sec. 1708. All members carrying masonry or concrete walls in buildings over
one story in height shall be fire protected with not less than one-hour fire
EXCEPTION: Fire protection may be omitted from the bottom flange of lintels
spanning not over 6 feet, shelf angles, or plates that are not a part of the structural

Sec. 1709. (a) General. Parapets shall be provided on all exterior walls of
EXCEPTIONS: I. Walls which are not required to be of fire-resistive
2. Walls which terminate at roofs of not less than two-hour fire-resistive con-
struction or roofs constructed entirely of noncombustible materials.
3. Walls where, due to location on property, unprotected openings are permitted.
4. Walls on all buildings having a floor area of not more than 1000 square feet per
(b) Construction. Parapets shall have the same degree of fire resistance
required for the wall upon which they are erected. The height of the parapet shall
be not less than 30 inches above the point where the roof surface and the wall
intersect. Where the roof slopes toward a parapet at slopes greater than 2: 12, the
parapet shall extend to the same height as any portion of the roof that is within the
distance where protection of wall openings would be required, but in no case shall
the height be less than 30 inches.
Sec. 1710. Cornices, eave overhangs, exterior balconies and similar architec-~
tural appendages extending beyond the floor area as defined in Section 407 shall
conform to the requirements of this section. (See Section 3305 for additional
requirements applicable to exterior exit balconies.)
Projections from walls of 1Ype I or II construction shall be of noncombustible
Projections from walls of Type III, IV or V construction may be of noncombus-
tible or combustible materials.
Combustible projections located where openings are not permitted or where
protection of openings is required shall be of one-hour frre-resistive or heavy
timber construction conforming to Section 2106.


Projections shall not extend more than 12 inches into the areas where openings
are prohibited.
For projections extending over public property, see Chapter 45.
For combustible ornamentation, see Section 1705 (d).
Sec. 1711. All unenclosed floor and roof openings, open and glazed sides of
landings and ramps, balconies or porches which are more than 30 inches above
grade or floor below, and roofs used for other than service of the building shall be
protected by a guardrail. Guardrails shall be not less than 42 inches in height.
Open guardrail and stair railings shall have intermediate rails or an ornamental
I pattern such that a sphere 6 inches in diameter cannot pass through. The height of
stair railings on open sides may be as specified in Section 3306 (j) in lieu of
providing a guardrail. Ramps shall, in addition, have handrails when required by
Section 3307.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Guardrails need not be provided on the loading side of
loading docks.
2. Guardrails for Group R, Division 3 and Group M, Division I Occupancies may
be 36 inches in height.
3. Interior guardrails within individual dwelling units or guest rooms of Group R,
Division l Occupancies may be 36 inches in height.
4. The open space between the intermediate rails or ornamental pattern of
guardrails in areas of commercial and industrialtype occupancies which are not
accessible to the public may be increased such that a 12-inch-diameter sphere cannot
pass through.
5. Guardrails on a balcony immediately in front ofthe first row of fixed seats and
which are not at the end of an aisle may be 26 inches in height.

I 6. Guardrails need not be provided on the auditorium side of a stage or enclosed


Foam Plastic Insulation

Sec. 1712. (a) General. The prov1s1ons of this section shall govern the
requirements and uses of foam plastic in buildings and structures. For trim, see
Section 1705 (e).
Except where otherwise noted in this section, all foam plastics used in building
construction shall have a flame-spread rating of not more than 75 and shall have a
smoke-developed rating of not more than 450 when tested in the maximum
thickness intended for use in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 42-1. All
packages and containers of foam plastic and foam plastic ingredient' shall bear
the label of an approved agency showing either the flame-spread rating and
smoke-developed rating of the product at the thickness tested or the use for which
the product has been listed. The interior of the building shall be separated from the
foam plastic by an approved thermal barrier having an index of 15 when tested
over calcium silicate board in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 17-3. The
thermal barrier shall be installed in such a manner that it will remain in place for
the time of its index classification based upon approved diversified tests.
(b) Specific Requirements. Unless otherwise specifically approved as pro-

1982 EDITION 1712

vided by Section 1712 (c) or by other sections of this code, foam plastics may be
used as follows:
I. Masonry or concrete construction. Foam plastics may be used without the
thennal barrier described above, regardless of the type of construction, when the
foam plastic is covered by a minimum of l-inch thickness of masonry or concrete
in a wall, floor or roof system.
2. Attics and crawl spaces. Within an attic or crawl space where entry is made
only for service of utilities, foam plastics shall be protected against ignition by
1Y2-inch-thick mineral fiber insulation, '!-inch-thick plywood, hardboard or
gypsum wallboard, corrosion-resistant sheet metal having a base metal thickness
not less than 0.0160 inch at any point, or other approved material installed in such
a manner that the foam plastic is not exposed.
3. Cold storage construction. Foam plastic installed and meeting the require-
ments of (a) above when tested in a thickness of 4 inches may be used in a
thickness up to 10 inches in cold storage buildings, ice plants, food-processing
rooms and similar areas. For rooms within a building, the foam plastic shall be
protected by a thermal barrier on both sides having an index of 15.
Foam plastic insulation may be used in freestanding coolers and freezers
without the thermal barrier when the foam plastic has a flame-spread rating of 25
or less when tested in the thickness intended for use, is covered by not less than
0.032 inch of aluminum or corrosion-resistant steel having a base metal thickness
not less than 0.0160 inch at any point and is protected by an automatic sprinkler
system. When such a cooler or freezer is within a building, both the cooler or
freezer and that part of the building in which the room is located shall be
EXCEPTION: Freestanding walk-in coolers and freezer units having an aggre
gate floor area less than 400 square feet need meet only the flame-spread and smoke
requirements of Section 1712 (a) above.

4. Metal-clad building units. Foam plastic insulation having a flame spread of

25 or less may be used without the thermal barrier in or on walls in a thickness of
not more than 4 inches when the foam plastic is covered by a thickness of not less
than 0.032-inch aluminum or corrosion-resistant steel having a base metal thick-
ness not less than 0.0160 inch at any point and the area is protected with automatic
sprinklers. Such walls shall not be used where noncombustible or fire-resistive
construction is required.
5. Roofing. Foam plastics meeting the requirements of Section 1712 (a) may be
used as part of a roof covering assembly, provided the assembly with the foam
plastic insulation is a Class A, B or C roof covering when tested in accordance
with U.B.C. Standard No. 32-7. Foam plastic which is a part of a Class A, B orC
roof covering assembly need not meet the requirements of Section 1712 (a),
provided the assembly with the foam plastic also meets the requirements of
U.B.C. Standard No. 17-4.
Any roof covering installed in accordance with this code and the manufac-
turer's instructions may be applied over foam plastic when the foam is separated
from the interior of the building by plywood sheathing not less than Yo inch in


thickness bonded with exterior glue, with edges supported by blocking, tongue-
and-groove joints or other approved type of edge support, or an equivalent
material. The thermal barrier requirement is waived.
For all roof applications, the smoke-developed rating shall not be limited.
6. Doors. Where doors are permitted without a fire-resistive rating, foam
plastic having a flame-spread rating of 75 or less may be used as a core material
when the door facing is metal having a minimum thickness of 0.032-inch alumi-
numor steel having a base metal thickness not less than 0.0160 inch at any point.
The thermal barrier requirement is waived.
7. Siding backer board. Foam plastic of not more than 2000 Btu per square
foot as determined by U.B.C. Standard No. 17-2 may be used as siding backer
board with a maximum thickness of V2 inch, provided it is separated from the
interior of the building by not less than 2 inches of mineral fiber insulation or
equivalent in lieu of the thermal barrier, or when it is applied as residing over
existing wall construction.
(c) Specltlc Approval. Plastic foam or assemblies using foam plastics may be
specifically approved based on approved tests such as, but not limited to, tunnel
tests conducted in accordance with U .B.C. Standard No. 42-1, fire tests related to
actual end use such as a set forth in U.B.C. Standard No. 17-5 and an ignition
temperature test establishing a minimum self-ignition temperature of 650F.
underU.B.C. Standard No. 52-3. The specific approval may be based on the end
use, quantity, location and similar considerations where such tests would not be
applicable or practical.

Sec. 1713. (a) General. Thermal and acoustical insulation located on or within
floor-ceiling and roof-ceiling assemblies, crawl spaces, walls, partitions and
insulation on pipes and tubing shall comply with this section. Duct insulation and
insulation in plenums shall conform to the requirements of the Uniform Mechan-
ical Code.
EXCEPTION: Roof insulation shall comply with Section 3204.
(b) Insulation and Covering on Pipe and Thbing. Insulation and covering on
pipe and tubing shall have a flame-spread rating not to exceed 25 and a smoke
density not to exceed 450 when tested in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No.
EXCEPTION: Foam plastic insulation shall comply with Section 1712.
(c) Insulation. All insulation materials including facings, such as vapor barri-
ers or breather papers installed within floor-ceiling assemblies, roof-ceiling
assemblies, walls, crawl spaces or attics shall have a flame-spread rating not to
exceed 25 and a smoke density not to exceed 450 when tested in accordance with
U.B.C. Standard No. 42-1.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Foam plastic insulation shall comply with Section 1712.
2. When such materials are installed in concealed spaces oflYpes III, IV and V
construction, the flame-spread and smoke-developed limitations do not apply to

1982 EDITION 17131715

facings, provided that the facing is installed in substantial contact with the unex-
posed surface of the ceiling, floor or wall finish.
Solar Energy Collectors
Sec. 1714. Collectors which function as building components shall comply
with the applicable provisions of the code.
Collectors located above or upon a roof and not functioning as building
components shall not reduce the required fire resistance nor fire-retardancy
classification of the roof covering materials.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Collectors installed on one- and two-family dwellings.
2. Noncombustible collectors located on buildings not over three stories in height
or 9000 square feet in total floor area.
3. Collectors that comply with the provisions of Section 5214.
Sec. 1715. (a) General. Buildings of other than Group H Occupancy with
automatic sprinkler protection throughout may have atriums complying with the
provisions of this section. Such atriums shall have a minimum opening area and
dimension as set forth in Table No. 17-B.
(b) Smoke-control System. A mechanically operated air-handling system
shall be installed that will exhaust smoke either entering or developed within the
atrium. Exhaust openings shall be located in the ceiling or in a smoke trap area
immediately adjacent to the ceiling of the atruim. The lowest level of the exhaust
openings shall be located above the top of the highest portion of door openings
into the atrium. Supply openings sized to provide a minimum of 50 percent of the
exhaust volume shall be located at the lowest level of the atrium.
When the height of the atrium is 55 feet or Jess, supply air may be introduced by
gravity, provided smoke control is accomplished. When the height of the atrium is
more than 55 feet, supply air shall be introduced mechanically from the floor of
the atrium and be directed vertically toward the exhaust outlets. In atriums over
six stories in height or where tenant spaces above the second story are open to the
atrium, supplemental supply air may be introduced at upper levels. The exhaust
and supply system for the atrium shall operate automatically upon the actuation of
the automatic sprinkler system within the atrium or areas open to the atrium or by
the actuation of two or more smoke detectors required by this section. The exhaust
and supply equipment shall also be manually operable by controls designed for
ftre department use. The smoke-control system may be separate or integrated
with other air-handling systems. When the smoke-control mode is actuated, air-
handling systems which would interfere with the smoke-control system shall be
automatically shut down.
Enclosed tenant spaces shall be provided with a smoke-control system comply-
ing with the requirements of a sprinklered building in Section 1807 (g), Item No.
2or 3.
The atrium smoke-control system shall exhaust not Jess than the following
quantities of air:
I. For atriums having a volume of not more than 600,000 cubic feet, includ-
ing the volume of any levels not physically separated from the atrium, not


less than six air changes per hour nor less than 40,000 cfm. A lesser cfm is
acceptable if it can be shown by test that smoke will not migrate beyond the
perimeter of the atrium.
2. For atriums having a volume of more than 600,000 cubic feet, including
the volume of any levels not physically separated from the atrium. not less
than four air changes per hour.
Smoke detectors which will automatically operate the atrium smoke-control
system shall be installed at the perimeter and on the ceiling of the atrium and on
the ceiling of each floor level that is open to the atrium. In floor levels open to the
atrium, such detectors shall be within 15 feet of the atrium. Detectors shall be
located in accordance with their listing.
(c) Enclosure or Atriums. Atriums shall be separated from adjacent spaces by
not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction.
EXCEPTION: Open exit balconies are permitted within the atrium.
Openings in the atrium enclosure other than fixed glazing shall be protected by
tight-filling doors which are maintained automatic closing, in accordance with
Section 4306 (b). by actuation of a smoke detector, or self-closing.
Fixed glazed openings in the atrium cnclo~ure shall be equipped with fire
windows having a fire-resistive rating of not less than three-fourths hour, and the
total area of such openings shall not exceed 25 percent of the area of the common
wall between the atrium and the room into which the opening is provided.
EXCEPTIONS: 1. In Group R. Division I Occupancies, openings may he
unprotected when the floor area of each guest room or dwelling unit does not exceed
1000 square feet and each room or unit has an approved exit not entering the atrium.
2. In occupancies other than Group R, Division I, the tenant space may be
separated from the atrium by a wired, tempered or laminated glass wall. subject to
the following:
A. The glass shall be protected by a sprinkler system equipped with 135F. heads.
The sprinkler system shall completely wet the entire surface of the glass wall
when actuated. Where there are walking surfaces on both sides of the glass, both
sides ofthe glass shall be so protected.
B. The glass shall be in a gasketed frame so installed that the glazing system may
deflect without breaking (loading) the glass before the sprinkler system
C. Obstructions such as curtain rods, drapery traverse rods, curtains, drapes or
similar materials, shall not be installed between the sprinkler and the glass.
The separation between the tenant space and the atrium as specified within
Exception 2 may be omitted on a maximum of any three floor levels, provided the
remaining floor levels are separated as specified herein.
(d) Travel Distance. When a required exit enters the atrium space, the travel
distance from the doorway of the tenant space to an enclosed stairway, horizontal
exit, exterior door or exit passageway shall not exceed 100 feet.
(e) Group I Occupancy Exits. In Group I Occupancies, other than jails,
prisons and reformatories, sleeping rooms shall not be permitted to have required
exits through the atrium.
(t) Occupancy Separation Exceptions. The vertical portion ofthe occupancy

1982 EDITION 1715-1716

separation which is adjacent to the atrium may be omitted between a Group B,

Division 2 Occupancy office or sales area or Group A, Division 3 Occupancy and
Group R, Division I apartment or guest room located on another level.
(g) Standby Power. The smoke-control system for the atrium and the smoke-
control system for the tenant space are to be provided with standby power as
required in Section 1807 (i).
(h) Interior Finish. The interior finish of walls and ceilings of the atrium and
all unseparated tenant spaces allowed under the last paragraph of Subsection (c)
above shall be Class I with no reduction in class for sprinkler protection.
(i) Acceptance of the Smoke-control System. Before the Certificate of
Occupancy is issued, the smoke-control systems shall be tested in an approved
manner and shall show compliance with the requirements of this section.
(j) Inspection of the Smoke-control System. All operating parts of the
smoke-control systems shall be tested by an approved inspection agency or by the
owner or his representative when so approved. Such inspections shall be made
every three months and a log of the tests be kept by the testing agency. The log
shall be on the premises and available for examination by fire department
(k) Combustible Furnishings in Atriums. The quantity of combustible fur-
nishings in atriums shall not exceed that specified in the Fire Code.
Sec. 1716. Rooms may contain mezzanine floors when constructed in accor-
dance with the following:
I. The construction of a mezzanine shall be consistent with the requirements
for the type of construction in which the mezzanine is located, but the fire-
resistive time period need not exceed one hour for unenclosed mezzanines
constructed in accordance with Item No. 4 below. The clear height above and
below the mezzanine floor construction shall be not less than 7 feet.
2. There shall be not more than two levels of mezzanines in a room. However,
there is no limitation on the number of mezzanines within a room.
3. The aggregate area of mezzanines within a room shall not exceed one third
the area of the room in which they are located. Intermediate floor levels that arc 6
or more feet above grade shall be considered a story when the area of such level
exceeds one third the area of the room in which it is located.
4. All portions of a mezzanine shall be open to the room in which it is located.
The side of the mezzanine which is open to the room shall be unobstructed except
for columns and posts and protective walls or railings not more than 42 inches in
EXCEPTIONS: I. Partitioning may be installed, provided the aggregate floor
area of the enclosed space does not exceed 10 percent of the area of the mezzanine ur
an occupant load not exceeding 10, \'-''hichever is greater.
2. Mezzanines having two or more exits need not open into the story in which they
arc located, provided at least one of the exits gives direct access to a protected exit
corridor, an exit court, enclosed exit stairway, exterior exit, exterior exil balcony or
exit passageway.


3. In industry facilities, mezzanines used for control equipment may be glazed on

all sides.
5. 1\vo exits shall be provided from mezzanines having an occupant load of
more than 10 or when the area of the mezzanine exceeds 2000 square feet,
whichever is the more restrictive.
6. The occupant load of the mezzanine shall be added to the occupant load of
the story or room in which it is located.

(In Hours)
For Details see Chapters under Occupancy and Types of Construction and for Exceptions see Section 1705. !m
Fire Fire-
BUILDING ELEMENT Realatlve Realsllwe 1-Hr. N 1-Hr. N H.T. 1Hr. N

4 4 4 4
Exterior Bearing Walls Sec. 1903 (a) I N 2103(a) I N
1803 (a) 2003 (a) 2003 (a)
Interior Bearing \Valls 3 2 1 N 1 N 1 1 N

Exterior Nonhearing "I 4 4 4 4

Sec. 19m (a) 1 N 2103(a) I N
Walls IR03 (a) 2003 (a) 2003 (a)

S tructnral F mme 1 2 1 N N 1 or
3 1 H.T. 1 N
Partitions - Permanent 1' 1' 12 N 1 N H.T. l N
Shaft Enclosures 2 2 1 I 1 l 1 1706 1706
Floors 2 2 l N l N H.T. 1 N

Roofs 2 l 1 N N H.T. l N
Sec. 1806 1906 1906 1

Exterior Doors and Sec. l903(b) 1903 (b) 1903(b 2l0.1(b) 2203 220:1
Windows 1803 (b) 2003 (b) 2003 (b)

N-No general requirements for fire resistance. H. I.-Heavy Timber.

1Structural frame elements in the exterior wall shall be protected against external fire exposure as required for exterior bearing
walls or the structural frame, whichever is greater.
2 Fire-retardant treated
wood (see Section 407) may be used in the assembly, provided fire-resistance requirements are maintained.
See Sections 1801 and 1901. respectively.



3-4 20 400
5-7 30 900
8 or more 40 1600
1The specified dimensions are the diameters of inscribed circles whose centers fall on a
common axis for the full height of the atrium.

1982 EDITION 18011804

Chapter 18
Sec. 1801. The structural elements in TYpe I fire-resistive buildings shall be of
steel, iron, concrete or masonry.
Walls and permanent partitions shall be of noncombustible fire-resistive con-
struction except that permanent nonbearing partitions of one-hour or two-hour
fire-resistive construction, which are not part of a shaft enclosure, may have fire-
retardant treated wood (see Section 407) within the assembly.
Materials of construction and fire-resistive requirements shall be as specified in
Chapter 17.

Structural Framework
Sec. 1802. Structural framework shall be of structural steel or iron as specified
in Chapter 27, reinforced concrete as in Chapter 26, or reinforced masonry as in
Chapter 24.
For additional requirements for Group H Occupancies, see Section 902.

Exterior Walls and Openings

Sec. 1803. (a) Exterior Walls. Exterior walls and all structural members shall
comply with the requirements specified in Section 504 and the fire-resistive
provisions set forth in Table No. 17-A.
EXCEPTIONS: l. Nonbearing walls fronting on streets or yards having a width
of at least 40 feet may be of unprotected noncombustible construction.
2. In Groups R, Division I, and B Occupancies, exterior bearing walls may be of
two-hour fire-resistive noncombustible construction where openings are permitted.
3. In other than Group H Occupancies, exterior nonbearing walls may be of one-
hour fire-resistive noncombustible construction where unprotected openings are
permitted and two-hour fire-resistive noncombustible construction where fire pro-
tection of openings is required.
(b) Openings in Walls. All openings in exterior walls shall conform to the
requirements of Section 504 (b) and shall be protected by a fire assembly having a
three-fourths-hour fire-protection rating when they are less than 20 feet from an
adjacent property line or the center line of a street or public space.
No openings shall be permitted in exterior walls of Groups A, E, I, Hand B,
Divisions 1, 2 and 3 Occupancies less than 5 feet from the property line, and no
openings in Groups B, Division 4, R and M Occupancies less than 3 feet from the
property line.

Sec. 1804. Where wood sleepers are used for laying wood flooring on masonry
or concrete fire-resistive floors, the space between the floor slab and the underside
of the wood flooring shall be filled with noncombustible material or fire-stopped
in such a manner that there will be no open spaces under the flooring which will
exceed 100 square feet in area and such space shall be filled solidly under all


permanent partitions so that there is no communication under the flooring

between adjoining rooms.

.. EXCEPI'ION: Firestopping need not be provided in such floors when at or

below grade level in gymnasiums .

Stair Construction
Sec. 1805. Stairs and stair platforms shall be constructed of reinforced con-
crete, iron or steel with treads and risers of concrete, iron or steel. Brick, marble,
tile or other hard noncombustible materials may be used for the finish of such
treads and risers.
Stairs shall be designed and constructed as specified in Chapter 33.
Sec. 1806. Roofs and their members other than the structural frame more than
25 feet above any floor, balcony or gallery may be of unprotected noncombustible
materials. Heavy timber members in accordance with Section 2106 may be used
for such unprotected members in one-story buildings.
When every part of the structural framework of the roof of a Group A or E
Occupancy is not less than 25 feet above any floor, balcony or gallery, fire
protection of all members of the roof construction including those of the structural
frame may be omitted. Heavy timber members in accordance with Section 2106
may be used for such unprotected members in one-story buildings.
Where every part of the structural steel framework of the roof of a Group A orE
Occupancy is more than 18 feet and less than 25 feet above any floor, balcony or
gallery, the roof construction shall be protected by a ceiling of not less than one-
hour fire-resistive construction.
Roof covering shall be fire-retardant roofing as specified in Section 3202 (b).

Special Provisions for Group B, Division 2 Office Buildings and

Group R, Division 1 Occupancies
Sec. 1807. (a) Scope. This section shall apply to all Group B, Division 2 office
buildings and Group R, Division 1 Occupancies, each having floors used for
human occupancy located more than 75 feet above the lowest level of fire
department vehicle access. Such buildings shall be provided with either an
approved automatic sprinkler system in accordance with Section 1807 (c), or safe
areas of refuge (compartmentation) in accordance with Section 1807 (1).
(b) Certificate of Occupancy. All mechanical and electrical equipment and
other required life safety systems shall be approved and installed in accordance
with approved plans and specifications pursuant to this section and shall be tested
and proved to be in proper working condition to the satisfaction of the building
official before issuance of the Certificate of Occupancy.
(c) Automatic Sprinkler System. When provided as required in Section 1807
(a), the automatic sprinkler system shall be provided throughout the building. The
sprinkler system shall be designed using the parameters set forth in U. B.C.
Standard No. 38-1 and the following:
1. Shutoff valves and a water flow device shall be provided for each floor. The

1982 EDITION 1807

sprinkler riser may be combined with the standpipe riser.

2. In Seismic Zones No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4, in addition to the main water
supply, a secondary on-site supply of water equal to the hydraulically
calculated sprinkler design demand plus 100 gallons per minute additional
for the total standpipe system shall be provided. This supply shall be
automatically available if the principal supply fails and shall have a dura-
tion of 30 minutes.
(d) Smoke Detection Systems. At least one approved smoke detector suitable
for the intended use shall be installed:
I. In every mechanical equipment, electrical, transformer, telephone equip-
ment, elevator machine or similar room.
2. In the main return and exhaust air plenum of each air-conditioning system
and located in a serviceable area downstream of the last duct inlet.
3. At each connection to a vertical duct or riser serving two or more stories
from a return-air duct or plenum of an air-conditioning system. In Group
R, Division I Occupancies, an approved smoke detector may be used in
each return-air riser carrying not more than 5000 cfm and serving not more
than 10 air inlet openings.
The actuation of any detector required by this section shall operate the voice
alarm system and shall place into operation all equipment necessary to prevent the
recirculation of smoke.
(e) Alarm and Communication Systems. The alarm and communication
systems shall be designed and installed so that damage to any terminal unit or
speaker will not render more than one zone of the system inoperative.
The voice alarm and public address system may be a combined system. When
approved, the fire department communications system may be combined with the
voice alarm system and the public address system.
Three communication systems which may be combined as set forth above shall
be provided as follows:
I. Voice alarm system. The operation of any smoke detector, sprinkler, water
flow device or manual fire alarm station shall automatically sound an alert signal
to the desired areas followed by voice instructions giving appropriate information
and direction to the occupants.
The central control station shall contain controls for the voice alarm system so
that a selective or general voice alarm may be manually initiated.
The system shall be supervised to cause the activation of an audible trouble
signal in the central control station upon interruption or failure of the audiopath
including amplifiers, speaker wiring, switches and electrical contacts and shall
detect opens, shorts and grounds which might impair the function of the system.
The alarm shall be designed to be heard clearly by all occupants within the
building or designated portions thereof as is required for the public address
2. Public address system. A public address communication system designed
to be clearly heard by all occupants of the building shall operate from the central


control station. It shall be established on a selective or general basis to the

following terminal areas:
A. Elevators.
B. Elevator lobbies.
C. Corridors.
D. Exit stairways.
E. Rooms and tenant spaces exceeding 1000 square feet in area.
F. Dwelling units in apartment houses.
G. Hotel guest rooms or suites.
3. Fire department communication system. A two-way fire department
communication system shall be provided for flre department use. It shall operate
between the central control station and every elevator, elevator lobby and entry to
every enclosed exit stairway.
(f) Central Control Station. A central control station for flre department
operations shall be provided in a location approved by the flre department. It shall
1. The voice alarm and public address system panels.
2. The fire department communications panel.
3. Fire detection and alarm system annunciator panels.

I 4. Annunciator visually indicating the location of the elevators and whether

they are operational.
5. Status indicators and controls for air-handling systems.
6. Controls for unlocking all stairway doors simultaneously.
7. Sprinkler valve and water-flow detector display panels.
8. Standby power controls and status indicators.
9. A telephone for fire department use with controlled access to the public
telephone system.
(g) Smoke Control. Natural or mechanical ventilation for the removal of
products of combustion shall be provided in every story and shall consist of one of
the following:
1. Panels or windows in the exterior walls which can be opened remotely from
an approved location other than the flre floor. Such venting facilities shall be
provided at the rate of 20 square feet per 50 lineal feel of exterior wall in each story
and shall be distributed around the perimeter at not more than 50-foot intervals.
Such windows or panels and their controls shall be clearly identified.
EXCEPTION: When a complete automatic sprinkler system is installed, win-
dows or panels manually openable from within the fire floor or approved fixed
tempered glass may be used in lieu of the remotely operated openable panels and
windows. Such windows shall be clearly identified and shall be of the size and
spacing called for in Section 1807 (g) I.
2. When a complete and approved automatic sprinkler system is installed, the
mechanical air-handling equipment may be designed to accomplish smoke
removal. Under fire conditions, the return and exhaust air shall be moved directly
to the outside without recirculation to other sections of the building. The air-

1982 EDITION 1807

handling system shall provide a minimum of one exhaust air change each 10
minutes for the area involved.
3. Any other approved design which will produce equivalent results.
(h) Elevators. Elevators and elevator lobbies shall comply with the provisions
of Chapter 51 and the following:
NOTE: A bank of elevators is a group of elevators or a single elevator controlled
by a common operating system; that is, all those elevators which respond to a single
call button constitute a bank of elevators. There is no limit on the number of cars
which may be in a bank or group but there may be not more than four cars within a
common hoistway.
I . Elevators on all floors shall open into elevator lobbies which are separated
from the remainder of the building, including corridors and other exits, by walls
extending from the floor to the underside of the fire-resistive floor or roof above.
Such walls shall be of not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction. Openings
through such walls shall conform to Section 3305 (h).
EXCEPTIONS: I. The main entrance level elevator lobby in office buildings.
2. Elevator lobbies located within an atrium complying with the provisions of
Section 1715.
2. Each elevator lobby shall be provided with an approved smoke detector
located on the lobby ceiling. When the detector is activated, elevator doors shall
not open and all cars serving that lobby are to return to the main floor and be under
manual control only. If the main floor detector or a transfer floor detector is
activated, all cars serving the main floor or transfer floor shall return to a location
approved by the fire department and building official and be under manual control
only. The smoke detector is to operate before the optical density reaches 0.03 per
foot. The detector may serve to close the lobby doors.
3. Elevator hoistways shall not be vented through an elevator machine room.
Cable slots entering the machine room shall be sleeved beneath the machine room
floor and extend to not less than 12 inches below the shaft vent to inhibit the
passage of smoke into the machine room.
(i) Standby Power, Light and Emergency Systems. I. Standby power.
Standby power generating system conforming to U. B.C. Standard No. 18-1 shall
be provided. The system shall be equipped with suitable means for automatically
starting the generator set upon failure of the normal electrical supply systems and
for automatic transfer of all functions required by this section at full power within
60 seconds of such normal service failure. System supervisions with manual start
and transfer features shall be provided at the central control station.
An on-premise fuel supply sufficient for not less than two hours full demand
operation of the system shall be provided.
The standby system shall have a capacity and rating that would supply all
equipment required to be operational at the same time. The generating capacity
need not be sized to operate all the connected electrical equipment
All power, lighting, signal and communication facilities specified in (d), (e),
(f), (g), (h), (i) and (j) as applicable; fire pumps required to maintain pressure,


standby lighting and normal circuits supplying exit signs and exit illumination
shall be transferable to the standby source.
2. Standby lighting. Standby lighting shall be provided as follows:
A. Separate lighting circuits and fixtures sufficient to provide light with an
intensity of not less than one footcandle measured at floor level in all exit
corridors, stairways, smokeproof enclosures, elevator cars and lobbies and
other areas which are clearly a part of the escape route.
B. All circuits supplying lighting for the central control station and mechan-
ical equipment room.
3. Emergency systems. The following are classified as emergency systems
and shall operate within 10 seconds of failure of the normal power supply:
A. Exit sign and exit illumination as required by Sections 3313 and 3314.
B. Elevator car lighting.
G) Exits. Exits shall comply with other requirements of this code and the
1. All stairway doors which are to be locked from the stairway side shall have
the capability of being unlocked simultaneously without unlatching upon a signal
from the central control station.
2. A telephone or other two-way communications system connected to an
approved emergency service which operates continuously shall be provided at not

less than every fifth floor in each required stairway where other provisions of this
code permit the doors to be locked .
(k) Seismic Considerations. In Seismic Zones No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4, the
anchorage of mechanical and electrical equipment required for life safety sys-
tems, including fire pumps and elevator drive and suspension systems, shall be
designed in accordance with the requirements of Section 2312.
(1) Areas of Refuge (Compartmentation) Alternate. Areas of refuge con-
forming to the following may be provided as an alternate to the automatic
sprinkler system:
1. Every story shall be divided into two or more areas of approximately the
same size with no single area exceeding 15,000 square feet. The wall and door
shall be constructed as required for a horizontal exit in Section 3308.
2. Each area of refuge (compartment) shall contain one elevator to the main
floor and a minimum of one enclosed exit stairway.
3. Openings in exterior walls, where such openings are within 5 feet of each
other horizontally on vertically adjacent floors, shall be protected by approved
flame barriers either extending 30 inches beyond the exterior wall in the plane of
the floor or by approved vertical panels not less than 3 feet in height above the
4. Horizontal exit walls used for compartmenting a building shall have a fire-
resistance rating of not less than two hours. Duct penetrations of this wall shall not
be permitted. Ferrous or copper piping and conduit may penetrate or pass through
the wall only if the openings are caulked with impervious noncombustible
materials sufficiently tight to prevent the transfer of smoke or combustion gases

1982 EDITION 1807

from one side of the wall to the other and are so maintained. The fire door serving
as the horizontal exit between compartments shall be so installed, fitted and
gasketed that it will provide a substantial barrier to the passage of smoke.
5. The fire-resistive floor or the floor-ceiling construction shall extend to and be
tight against the exterior wall so that the fire-resistive integrity between stories is
maintained. No penetrations or other installations which will impair the fire-
resistive integrity of the floor or floor-ceiling assembly shall be permitted.
6. A manual fire alarm system (pull boxes) shall be installed in accordance with
U.B.C. Standard No. 18-1.
(m) Automatic Sprinkler System Alternatives. When a complete approved
automatic sprinkler system complying with this section is installed in a building,
the following modifications of code requirements are permitted:
1. The fire-resistive time periods set forth in Table No. 17-A may be reduced by
one hour for interior bearing walls, exterior bearing and nonbearing walls, roofs
and the beams supporting roofs, provided they do not frame into columns.
Vertical shafts other than stairway enclosures and elevator shafts may be reduced
to one hour when sprinklers are installed within the shafts at alternate floors.
2. Except for corridors in Group B, Division 2 and Group R, Division 1
Occupancies and partitions separating dwelling units or guest rooms, all interior
nonbearing partitions required to be one-hour fire-resistive construction by Table
No. 17-A may be of noncombustible construction without a fire-resistive time
3. Fixed tempered glass may be used in lieu of openable panels for smoke
control purposes.
4. 'fravel distance from the most remote point in the floor area to a horizontal
exit or to an enclosed stairway may be 300 feet.
5. The manually operated fire alarm system required in the compartmented
building is not required.
6. Spandrel walls, eyebrows and compartmentation are not required; however,
the fire resistance of the floors and juncture of exterior walls with each floor must
be maintained.
7. Fire dampers, other than those needed to protect floor-ceiling assemblies to
maintain the fire resistance of the assembly, are not required except for those
which may be necessary to bypass smoke to the outside, those provided to convert
from recirculated air to 100 percent outside air, and those which may be required
to protect the fresh air supply intake against smoke which may be outside the
8. Emergency windows required by Section 1204 are not required.


Chapter 19
Sec. 1901. The structural elements in 1Ype II fire-resistive buildings shall be of
steel, iron, concrete or masonry.
The structural elements of 'IYpe II One-hour or 11-N buildings shall be of
noncombustible materials.
Walls and permanent partitions of 'IYpe 11-F.R. buildings shall be of noncom-
bustible fire-resistive construction except that permanent nonbearing partitions of
one-hour or two-hour fire-resistive construction, which are not part of a shaft
enclosure, may have fire-retardant treated wood (see Section 407) within the
'IYpe II One-hour buildings shall be of noncombustible construction and one-
hour fire resistive throughout except that permanent nonbearing partitions may
use fire-retardant treated wood (see Section 407) within the assembly, provided
fire-resistive requirements are maintained.
Walls and permanent partitions of'IYpe 11-N buildings shall be of noncombusti-
ble materials.
Materials of construction and fire-resistive requirements shall be as specified in
Chapter 17.
For requirements due to occupancy, see Chapters 6 to 12 inclusive.
Structural Framework
Sec. 1902. Structural framework shall be as specified in Chapter 27 for iron and
steel, Chapter 26 for concrete and Chapter 24 for masonry.
Exterior Walls and Openings
Sec. 1903. (a) Exterior Walls. Exterior walls and all structural members shall
comply with the requirements specified in Section 504 and the fire-resistive
provisions set forth in Table No. 17-A. For fire protection of exterior walls as
determined by location on property, see Table No. 5-A for 1Ype II One-hour and
1Ype 11-N buildings.
EXCEPTIONS: 1. Nonbearing walls fronting on streets or yards having a width
of at least 40 feet may be of unprotected noncombustible construction.
2. In Groups R, Division I, and B Occupancies, exterior bearing walls ofJYpeii-
F.R. buildings may be of two-hour fire-resistive noncombustible construction where
openings are permitted.
3. In other than Group H Occupancies, exterior nonbearing walls ofJype II-F.R.
buildings may be of one-hour fire-resistive noncombustible construction where
unprotected openings are permitted and two-hour fire-resistive noncombustible
construction where fire protection of openings is required.
4. In a Group B Occupancy a fire-resistive time period will not be required for an
exterior wall of a one-story JYpe li-N building, provided the floor area of the
building does not exceed I 000 square feet and such wall is located not less than 5 feet
from a property line.
(b) Openings in Walls. All openings in exterior walls of 1Ype II-F. R. buildings

1982 EDITION 19031907

shall conform to the requirements of Section 504 (b) and shall be protected by a
fire assembly having a three-fourths-hour fire-protection rating when they are less
than 20 feet from an adjacent property line or the center line of a street or public
No openings shall be permitted in exterior walls of 'JYpe II-F.R. buildings
housing Groups A, E, I, Hand B, Divisions 1, 2 and 3 Occupancies less than 5
feet from the property line, and no openings in Groups B, Division 4, R, and M
Occupancies less than 3 feet from the property line.
For fire protection of exterior wall openings of'JYpe II One-hour and 'JYpe 11-N
buildings as determined by location on property, see Section 504 and Table
No. 5-A.
Sec. 1904. Where wood sleepers are used for laying wood flooring on masonry
or concrete fire-resistive floors of 'JYpe II-F.R. buildings, the space between the
floor slab and the underside of the wood flooring shall be filled with noncombusti-
ble material or fire-stopped in such a manner that there will be no open spaces
under the flooring which will exceed 100 square feet in area and such space shall
be filled solidly under all permanent partitions so that there is no communication
under the flooring between adjoining rooms.
EXCEPTION: Firestopping need not be provided in such floors when at or
below grade level in gymnasiums.
Floor construction of 'JYpe II One-hour and 'JYpe 11-N buildings shall be of
noncombustible material, provided, however, that a wood surface or finish may be
applied over such noncombustible material.

Stair Construction
Sec. 1905. Stairs and stair platforms of 'JYpe 11-F.R. buildings shall be con-
structed of reinforced concrete, iron or steel with treads and risers of concrete,
iron or steel. Brick, marble, tile or other hard noncombustible materials may be
used for the finish of such treads and risers. Stairs of 'JYpe II One-hour and 'JYpe
li-N buildings shall be of noncombustible construction.
Stairs shall be designed and constructed as specified in Chapter 33.

Roof Construction
Sec. 1906. Roofs shall be of noncombustible construction, except that in 'JYpe
II-F.R. and 'JYpe II One-hour buildings, roofs may be as specified in Section
Roof covering shall be a fire-retardant roofing as specified in Section 3202 (b).

Special Provisions for Group B, Division 2 Office Buildings and

Group R, Division 1 Occupancies
Sec. 1907. 1Ype II-F.R. buildings shall comply with the special provisions on
high-rise buildings in Section 1807.
EXCEPTION: The reduction provisions for roofs in Section 1807 (m),ltem No.
l, are not permitted.


Sec. 20CU. Structural elements in '!Ype III buildings may be of any materials
permitted by this code.
'!Ype III One-hour buildings shall be of one-hour fire-resistive construction
Structural Framework
Sec. 2002. Structural framework shall be of steel or iron as specified in Chapter
27, concrete as in Chapter 26, masonry as in Chapter 24, or wood as in Chapter 25
and this chapter.
Exterior Walls, Openings and Partitions
Sec. 2003. (a) Exterior Walls. Exterior walls shall be constructed of noncom-
bustible materials and shall comply with the fire-resistive requirements set forth
in Section 504 and Table No. 17-A.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Nonbearing walls fronting on streets, or yards having a width
of at least 40 feet may be unprotected when entirely of noncombustible material.
2. In other than Groups Hand I Occupancies, exterior nonbearing walls may be
noncombustible one-hour fire resistive where unprotected openings are permitted
and noncombustible two-hour fire resistive where protection of openings is
3. In Groups R, Division I, and B Occupancies exterior noncombustible bearing
walls may be two-hour fire resistive where openings are permitted.
4. Approved fire-retardant treated wood framing may be used within the assembly
of exterior walls as permitted by Exceptions I , 2 and 3, provided the required fire
resistance is maintained and the exposed outer and inner faces of such walls are
5. Wood columns and arches conforming to heavy timber sizes may be used
externally where exterior walls are permitted to be unprotected, noncombustible
construction or where one-hour fire-resistive noncombustible exterior walls are
(b) Openings in Walls. Openings in exterior walls shall conform to the
requirements of Section 504 (b) and shall be protected by a fire assembly having a
three-fourths-hour fire-resistive rating when they are less than 20 feet from an
adjacent property line or the center line of a street or public space.
No openings shall be permitted in exterior walls of Groups A, E, I, Hand B,
Divisions 1, 2 and 3 Occupancies less than 5 feet from the property line, and no
openings in Groups B, Division 4, Rand M Occupancies less than 3 feet from the
property line.

I (c) Partitions. Bearing partitions, when constructed of wood, shall comply

with Section 2516 (d).
Stair Construction
Sec. 2004. Stairs in buildings not exceeding three stories in height may be
constructed of any material permitted by this code.

1982 EDITION 2004-2005

In buildings more than three stories in height, stairs shall be constructed as

required for 'JYpe I buildings.
Stairs shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 33.
Sec.l005. Roof coverings shall be as specified in Chapter 32.


Chapter 21
Sec. 2101. Structural elements of 1Ype IV buildings may be of any materials
permitted by this code.
1Ype IV construction shall conform to Section 2106 except that permanent
partitions and members of the structural frame may be of other materials,
provided they have a fire resistance of not less than one hour.
Structural Framework
Sec. 2102. Structural framework shall be of steel or iron as specified in Chapter
27, concrete as in Chapter 26, masonry as in Chapter 24, or wood as in Chapter 25
and this chapter.
Exterior Walls, Openings and Partitions
Sec. 2103. (a) Exterior Walls. Exterior walls shall be constructed of noncom-
bustible materials and shall comply with the fire-resistive requirements set forth
in Section 504 and Table No. 17-A.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Nonbearing walls fronting on streets, or yards having a width
of at least 40 feet may be unprotected when entirely of noncombustible material.
2. In other than Groups H and I Occupancies exterior nonbearing walls may be
noncombustible one-hour fire resistive where unprotected openings are permitted
and noncombustible two-hour fire resistive where protection of openings is
3. In Groups R, Division I, and B Occupancies exterior noncombustible bearing
walls may be two-hour fire resistive where openings are permitted.
4. Approved fire-retardant treated wood framing may be used within the assembly
of exterior walls as permitted by Exceptions I , 2 and 3, provided the required fire
resistance is maintained and the exposed outer and inner faces of such walls are
5. Wood columns and arches conforming to heavy timber sizes may be used
externally where exterior walls are permitted to be unprotected, noncombustible
construction or where one-hour frre-resistive noncombustible exterior walls are
(b) Openings in Walls. Openings in exterior walls shall conform to the
requirements of Section 504 (b) and shall be protected by a fire assembly having a
three-fourths-hour fire-resistive rating when they are less than 20 feet from an
adjacent property line or the center line of a street or public space.
No openings shall be permitted in exterior walls of Groups A, E, I, H and B,
Divisions 1, 2 and 3 Occupancies less than 5 feet from the property line and no
openings in Groups B, Division 4, Rand M Occupancies less than 3 feet from the
property line.

I (c) Partitions. Bearing partitions, when constructed of wood, shall comply

with Section 2516 (d).
Stair Construction
Sec. 2104. Stairs shall be constructed as specified in Section 2106.

1982 EDITION 2104-2106

In buildings more than three stories in height, stairs shall be constructed as

required for 1Ype I buildings.
Stairs shall comply with the requirements of Chapter 33.
Sec. 2105. Roof coverings shall be as specified in Chapter 32.
Heavy Timber Construction
Sec. 2106. (a) General. Details of heavy timber construction shall be in
accordance with the provisions of this section. Unless otherwise specified, all
dimensions are nominal as defined in Section 2502.
(b) Columns. Wood columns may be of sawn timber or structural glued-
laminated timber not less than 8 inches in any dimension when supporting roof or
floor loads except as specified in Section 2106 (d).
Columns shall be continuous or superimposed and connected in an approved
(c) Floor Framing. Beams and girders may be of sawn timber or structural
glued-laminated timber and shall be not less than 6 inches in width and not less
than lO inches in depth.
Framed sawn timber or structural glued-laminated timber arches, which spring
from the floor line and support floor loads, shall be not less than 8 inches in any
Framed lumber or structural glued-laminated timber trusses supporting floor
loads shall have members of not less than 8 inches in any dimension.
(d) Roof Framing. Framed sawn timber arches or structural glued-laminated
timber arches for roof construction, which spring from the floor line and do not
support floor loads, shall have members not less than 6 inches in width and not
less than 8 inches in depth for the lower half of the height and not less than 6 inches
in depth for the upper half.
Framed sawn timber or structural glued-laminated timber arches for roof
construction which spring from the top of walls or wall abutments, framed lumber
or structural glued-laminated timber trusses, and other roof framing which does
not support floor loads, shall have members not less than 4 inches in width and not
less than 6 inches in depth. Spaced members may be composed of two or more
pieces not less than 3 inches in thickness, when blocked solidly throughout their
intervening spaces, or when such spaces are tightly closed by a continuous wood
cover plate of not less than 2 inches in thickness, secured to the underside of the
members. Splice plates shall be not less than 3 inches in thickness. When
protected by an approved automatic sprinkler system under the roof deck, framing
members shall be not less than 3 inches in thickness.
(e) Floors. Floors shall be without concealed spaces. Floors shall be of planks,
splined or tongue and groove, of not less than 3 inches in thickness covered with
l-inch tongue-and-groove flooring laid crosswide or diagonally, or Y2-inch
plywood, or of plank not less than 4 inches in width set on edge close together and
well spiked, and covered with l-inch flooring or Y2-inch plywood. The lumber
shall be laid so that no continuous line of joints will occur except at points of


support. Floors shall not extend closer than IJ2 inch to walls. Such 1/2-inch space
shall be covered by a molding fastened to the wall and so arranged that it will not
obstruct the swelling or shrinkage movements of the floor. Corbeling of masonry
walls under floors may be used in place of such molding.
(f) Roof Decks. Roofs shall be without concealed spaces and roof decks shall
be of planks, splined or tongue and groove, of not less than 2-inch thickness, or
IIJs-inch tongue-and-groove plywood with exterior glue, or of a double thickness
of l-inch boards with tongue-and-groove joints, or with staggered joints, of
lumber not less than 3 inches nominal in width, set on edge close together and laid
as required for floors.
(g) Construction Details. Approved wall plate boxes or hangers shall be
provided where wood beams, girders or trusses rest on masonry or concrete walls.
Girders and beams shall be closely fitted around columns, and adjoining ends
shall be cross tied to each other, or intertied by caps or ties, to transfer horizontal
loads across the joints. Wood bolsters may be placed on top of columns which
support roof loads only.
Where intermediate beams are used to support a floor, they shall rest on top of
the girders, or shall be supported by ledgers or blocks securely fastened to the
sides of the girders, or they may be supported by approved metal hangers into
which the ends of the beams shall be closely fitted.
In heavy timber roof construction, every roof girder and at least every alternate
roof beam shall be anchored to its supporting member; roof decks, where
supported by a wall, shall be anchored to such wall at intervals not exceeding 20
feet; every monitor and every sawtooth construction shall be anchored to the main
roof construction. Such anchors shall consist of steel or iron bolts of sufficient
strength to resist vertical uplift of the roof.
(h) Mechanically Laminated Floors and Roof Decks. Mechanically lami-
nated floors and roof decks conforming to Section 2516 (I) may be used as heavy
timber floors or roof decks, provided the minimum thickness and other applicable
requirements of the section are followed.
(i) Partitions. Partitions shall be of solid wood construction formed by not less
than two layers of l-inch matched boards or laminated construction of 4-inch
thickness, or of one-hour fire-resistive construction.
(j) Stairs. Stairs shall be constructed with wood treads and risers of not less
than 2-inch thickness, except where built on laminated or plank inclines as
required for floors, when they may be of l-inch thickness or may be constructed
as required in 'tYpe I buildings. Stair stringers shall be a minimum of 3 inches in
I thickness and not less than 10 inches in depth.

1982 EDITION 2201-2204

Sec. 2201. 'JYpe V buildings may be of any materials allowed by this code.
'JYpe V One-hour buildings shall be of one-hour fire-resistive construction
Materials of construction and ftre-resistive requirements shall be as specified in
Chapter 17.
For requirements due to occupancy, see Chapters 6 to 12 inclusive.
Structural Framework
Sec. 2202. Structural framework shall be of steel or iron as specified in Chapter
27, concrete as in Chapter 26, masonry as in Chapter 24, or wood as in Chapter 25
and this chapter.
Exterior Walls and Openings
Sec. 2203. For ftre protection of exterior walls and openings as determined by
location on property, see Section 504 and Table No. 5-A.
EXCEPTION: Exterior walls of a 'fYpe V nonrated building fronting on streets
or yards having a width of at least 40 feet may be of unprotected construction.
Stair Construction
Sec. 2204. Stair construction may be of any type permitted in this code and
shall conform to the requirements of Chapter 33.


Sec. 2301. This chapter prescribes general design requirements applicable to
all structures regulated by this code.
Sec. 2302. The following definitions give the meaning of certain terms used in
this chapter:
DEAD LOAD is the vertical load due to the weight of all permanent structural
and nonstructural components of a building, such as walls, floors, roofs and fixed
service equipment.
LIVE LOAD is the load superimposed by the use and occupancy of the
building not including the wind load, earthquake load or dead load.
LOAD DURATION is the period of continuous application of a given load, or
the aggregate of periods of intermittent application of the same load.
Design Methods
Sec. 2303. (a) General. All buildings and portions thereof shall be designed
and constructed to sustain, within the stress limitations specified in this code, all
dead loads and all other loads specified in this chapter or elsewhere in this code.
Impact loads shall be considered in the design of any structure where impact loads
EXCEPTION: Unless otherwise required by the building official, buildings or
portions thereof which are constructed in accordance with the conventional framing
requirements specified in Chapter 25 of this code shall be deemed to meet the
requirements of this section.
(b) Rationality. Any system or method of construction to be used shall be
based on a rational analysis in accordance with well-established principles of
mechanics. Such analysis shall result in a system which provides a complete load
path capable of transferring all loads and forces from their point of origin to the
load-resisting elements. The analysis shall include but not be limited to the
1. Distribution of horizontal shear. The total lateral force shall be distributed
to the various vertical elements of the lateral force-resisting system in proportion
to their rigidities considering the rigidity of the horizontal bracing system or
diaphragm. Rigid elements that are assumed not to be part of the lateral force-

1982 EDITION 2303-2304

resisting system may be incorporated into buildings, provided that their effect on
the action of the system is considered and provided for in the design.
2. Horizontal torsional moments. Provision shall be made for the increased
forces induced on resisting elements of the structural system resulting from
torsion due to eccentricity between the center of application of the lateral forces
and the center of rigidity of the lateral force-resisting system. Forces shall not be
decreased due to torsional effects. For accidental torsion requirements for seismic
design, see Section 2312 (e) 4.
3. Stability against overturning. Every building or structure shall be designed
to resist the overturning effects caused by the lateral forces specified in this
chapter. See Section 2311 (e) for wind and Section 2312 (f) for seismic.
4. Anchorage. Anchorage of the roof to walls and columns, and of walls and
columns to foundations, shall be provided to resist the uplift and sliding forces
which result from the application of the prescribed forces. For additional require-
ments for masonry or concrete walls, see Section 2310.
(c) Critical Distribution of Live Loads. Where structural members are
arranged so as to create continuity, the loading conditions which would cause
maximum shear and bending moments along the member shall be investigated.
(d) Stress Increases. All allowable stresses and soil-bearing values specified in
this code for working stress design may be increased one-third when considering
wind or earthquake forces either acting alone or when combined with vertical
loads. No increase will be allowed for vertical loads acting alone.
(e) Load Factors. Load factors for ultimate strength design of concrete and
plastic design of steel shall be as indicated in the appropriate chapters on the
(f) Load Combinations. Every building component shall be provided with
strength adequate to resist the most critical effect resulting from the following
combination of loads (floor live load shall not be included where its inclusion
results in lower stresses in the member under investigation):
I. Dead plus floor live plus roof live (or snow). 1
2. Dead plus floor live plus wind I (or seismic).
3. Dead plus floor live plus wind plus snow/2. 1
4. Dead plus floor live plus snow plus wind/2. 1
5. Dead plus floor live plus snow2 plus seismic.
!Crane hook loads need not be combined with roof live load nor with more than three
fourths of the snow load or one-half wind load.
2Snow loads over 30 psf may be reduced 75 percent upon approval of the building official,
and snow loads 30 psf or less need not be combined with seismic.

Floor Design
Sec. 2304. (a) General. Floors shall be designed for the unit loads set forth in
Table No. 23-A. These loads shall be taken as the minimum live loads in pounds
per square foot of horizontal projection to be used in the design of buildings for
the occupancies listed, and loads at least equal shall be assumed for uses not listed
in this section but which create or accommodate similar loadings.


EXCEPTION: In designing floors to be used for industrial or commercial

purposes, the actual live load caused by the use to which the building or part of the
building is to be put shall be used in the design of such building or part thereof, and
special provision shall be made for machine or apparatus loads when such machine
or apparatus would cause a greater load than specified for such use.
(b) Distribution of Uniform Floor Loads. Where uniform floor loads are
involved, consideration may be limited to full dead load on all spans in combina-
tion with full live load on adjacent spans and on alternate spans.
(c) Concentrated Loads. Provision shall be made in designing floors for a
concentrated load as set forth in Table No. 23-A placed upon any space 2Y2 feet
square, wherever this load upon an otherwise unloaded floor would produce
stresses greater than those caused by the uniform load required therefor.
Provision shall be made in areas where vehicles are used or stored for concen-
trated loads consisting of two or more loads spaced 5 feet nominally on center
without uniform live loads. Each load shall be 40 percent of the gross weight of
the maximum size vehicle to be accommodated. The condition of concentrated or
uniform live load producing the greater stresses shall govern. Garages for the
storage of private pleasure cars shall have the floor system designed for a
concentrated wheel load of not less than 2000 pounds without uniform live loads.
The condition of concentrated or uniform live load producing the greater stresses
shall govern.
Provision shall be made for special vertical and lateral loads as set forth in Table
No. 23-B.
(d) Partition Loads. Floors in office buildings and in other buildings where
partition locations are subject to change shall be designed to support, in addition
to all other loads, a uniformly distributed dead load equal to 20 pounds per square
(e) Live Loads Posted. The live loads for which each floor or part thereof of a
commercial or industrial building is or has been designed shall have such
designed live loads conspicuously posted by the owner in that part of each story in
which they apply, using durable metal signs, and it shall be unlawful to remove or
deface such notices. The occupant of the building shall be responsible for keeping
the actual load below the allowable limits.

Roof Design
Sec. 2305. (a) General. Roofs shall sustain, within the stress limitations ofthis
code, all "dead loads" plus unit "live loads" as set forth in Table No. 23-C. The
live loads shall be assumed to act vertically upon the area projected upon a
horizontal plane.
(b) Distribution of Loads. Where uniform roof loads are involved in the
design of structural members arranged so as to create continuity, consideration
may be limited to full dead loads on all spans in combination with full live loads
on adjacent spans and on alternate spans.
EXCEPTION: Alternate span loading need not be considered where the uniform
roof live load is 20 pounds per square foot or more and the provisions of Section
.. 2305 (d) are met.

1982 EDITION 2305-2306

(c) Unbalanced Loading. Unbalanced loads shall be used where such loading
will result in larger members or connections. Trusses and arches shall be designed
to resist the stresses caused by unit live loads on one half of the span if such
loading results in reverse stresses, or stresses greater in any portion than the
stresses produced by the required unit live load upon the entire span. For roofs
whose structure is composed of a stressed shell, framed or solid, wherein stresses
caused by any point loading are distributed throughout the area of the shell, the
requirements for unbalanced unit live load design may be reduced 50 percent.
(d) Snow Loads. Snow loads full or unbalanced shall be considered in place of
loads set forth in Table No. 23-C, where such loading will result in larger
members or connections.
Potential accumulation of snow at valleys, parapets, roof structures and offsets
in roofs of uneven configuration shall be considered. Where snow loads occur, the
snow loads shall be determined by the building official.
Snow loads in excess of 20 pounds per square foot may be reduced for each
degree of pitch over 20 degrees by R s as determined by the following formula:
R=.J_ _ _!_
s 40 2

R s = Snow load reduction in pounds per square foot per degree of pitch over
20 degrees.
S = Total snow load in pounds per square foot.
(e) Special-purpose Roofs. Roofs to be used for special purposes shall be
designed for appropriate loads as approved by the building official.
Greenhouse roof bars, purlins and rafters shall be designed to carry a 100-
pound-minimum concentrated load in addition to the live load.
(f) Water Accumulation. All roofs shall be designed with sufficient slope or
camber to assure adequate drainage after the long-time deflection from dead load
or shall be designed to support maximum loads including possible ponding of
water due to deflection. See Section 2307 for deflection criteria.
Reduction of Live Loads
Sec. 2306. The design live load determined using the unit live loads as set forth
in Table No. 23-A for floors and Table No. 23-C, Method 2, for roofs may be
reduced on any member supporting more than 150 square feet, including flat
slabs, except for floors in places of public assembly and for live loads greater than
100 pounds per square foot, in accordance with the following formula:
R=r(A-150) .................... (6-1)

The reduction shall not exceed 40 percent for members receiving load from one
level only, 60 percent for other members, nor R as determined by the following
R = 23.1 (1 + DIL) ................... (6-2)


R = Reduction in percent.
r = Rate of reduction equal to .08 percent for floors. See Table No. 23-C for
A Area of floor or roof supported by the member.
D = Dead load per square foot of area supported by the member.
L = Unit live load per square foot of area supported by the member.
For storage live loads exceeding l 00 pounds per square foot, no reduction shall
be made, except that design live loads on columns may be reduced 20 percent.
The live load reduction shall not exceed 40 percent in garages for the storage of
private pleasure cars having a capacity of not more than nine passengers per
Sec. 2307. The deflection of any structural members shall not exceed the values
set forth in Table No. 23-D, based upon the factors set forth in Table No. 23-E.
The deflection criteria representing the most restrictive condition shall apply.
Deflection criteria for materials not specified shall be developed in a manner
consistent with the provisions of this section. See Section 2305 (f) for camber
requirements. Span tables for light wood frame construction as specified in
Sections 2517 (d) and 2517 (h) 2 shall conform to the design criteria contained
therein, except that where the dead load exceeds 50 percent of the live load, Table
No. 23-D shall govern. (For aluminum, see Section 2803.)
Special Design
Sec. 2308. (a) General. In addition to the design loads specified in this chapter,
the design of all structures shall consider the special loads set forth in Table No.
23-B and in this section.
(b) Retaining Walls. Retaining walls shall be designed to resist the lateral
pressure of the retained material in accordance with accepted engineering prac-
tice. Walls retaining drained earth may be designed for pressure equivalent to that
exerted by a fluid weighing not less than 30 pounds per cubic foot and having a
depth equal to that of the retained earth. Any surcharge shall be in addition to the
equivalent fluid pressure.
(c) Heliport and Helistop Landing Areas. In addition to other design require-
ments of this chapter, heliport and helistop landing or touchdown areas shall be
designed for the maximum stress induced by the following:
l . Dead load plus actual weight of the helicopter.
2. Dead load plus a single concentrated impact load covering l square foot of
0. 75 times the fully loaded weight of the helicopter if it is equipped with
hydraulic-type shock absorbers, or 1.5 times the fully loaded weight of the
helicopter if it is equipped with a rigid or skid-type landing gear.
3. The dead load plus a uniform live load of 100 pounds per square foot. The
required live load may be reduced in accordance with the formula in
Section 2306.

1982 EDITION 2309-2311

Walls and Structural Framing

Sec. 2309. (a) General. Walls and structural framing shall be erected true and i
plumb in accordance with the design. 5
(b) Interior Walls. Interior walls, permanent partitions, and temporary parti-
tions which exceed 6 feet in height shall be designed to resist all loads to which
they are subjected but not less than a force of 5 pounds per square foot applied
perpendicular to the walls. The deflection of such walls under a load of 5 pounds
per square foot shall not exceed Yz40 of the span for walls with brittle finishes and
Y12o of the span for walls with flexible finishes. See Table No. 23-J for earthquake
design requirements where such requirements are more restrictive.
EXCEPTION: Flexible, folding or portable partitions are not required to meet
the load and deflection criteria but must be anchored to the supporting structure to
meet the provisions of this code.
Anchorage of Concrete or Masonry Walls
Sec. 2310. Concrete or masonry walls shall be anchored to all floors and roof\,
which provide lateral support for the wall. Such anchorage shall provide a
positive direct connection capable of resisting the horizontal forces specified in
this chapter or a minimum force of 200 pounds per lineal foot of wall. whichever
is greater. Walls shall be designed to resist bending between anchors where the
anchor spacing exceeds 4 feet. Required anchors in masonry walls of hollow units
or cavity walls shall be embedded in a reinforced grouted structural element of the
wall. Sec Sections 2312 (j) 2 C and 2312 (j) 3 A.
Wind Design
Sec. 2311. (a) General. Every building or structure and every portion thereof
shall be designed and constructed to resist the wind effects determined in accor-
dance with the requirements of this section. Wind shall be assumed to come from
any horizontal direction. No reduction in wind pressure shall be taken for the
shielding effect of adjacent structures.
Structures sensitive to dynamic effects, such as buildings with a height-width
ratio greater than five, structures sensitive to wind-excited oscillations, such as
vortex shedding or icing, and buildings over 400 feet in height, shall be, and any
structure may be, designed in accordance with approved national standards.
(b) Basic Wind Speed. The minimum basic wind speed for determining design
wind pressure shall be taken from Figure No.4. Where terrain features and local
records indicate that 50-year wind speeds at standard height are higher than those
shown in Figure No. 4, these higher values shall be the minimum basic wind
(c) Exposure. An exposure shall be assigned at each site for which a building or
structure is to be designed. Exposure C represents the most severe exposure and
has terrain which is flat and generally open, extending one-half mile or more from
the site. Exposure B has terrain which has buildings, forest or surface irreg-
ularities 20 feet or more in height covering at least 20 percent of the area extending
one mile or more from the site.
(d) Design Wind Pressures. Design wind pressures for structures or elements
of structures shall be determined for any height in accordance with the following


P = c, cq qJ ....................... (ll-I)
p = Design wind pressure.
C, = Combined height, exposure and gust factor coefficient as given in Table
No. 23-G.
C q = Pressure coefficient for the structure or portion of structure under
consideration as given in Table No. 23-H.
qs = Wind stagnation pressure at the standard height of 30 feet as set forth in
Table No. 23-F.
I = Importance factor as set forth in Section 2311 (h).
(e) Primary Frames and Systems. The primary frames or load-resisting
system of every structure shall be designed for the pressures calculated using
Formula (Il-l) and the pressure coefficients, C , of either Method lor Method 2.
In addition, design of the overall structure anlits primary load-resisting system
shall conform to Section 2303.
The base overturning moment for the entire structure, or for any one of its
individual primary lateral resisting elements, shall not exceed two thirds of the
dead-load-resisting moment. The weight of earth superimposed over footings
may be used to calculate the dead-load-resisting moment.
l. Method 1 (Normal Force Method). Method l shall be used for the design
of gabled rigid frames and may be used for any structure. In the Normal Force
Method, the wind pressures shall be assumed to act simultaneously normal to all
exterior surfaces. For pressures on leeward walls, C, shall be evaluated at the
mean roof height.
2. Method 2 (Projected Area Method). Method 2 may be used for any
structure less than 200 feet in height except those using gabled rigid frames. This
method may be used in stability determinations for any structure less than 200 feet
high. In the Projected Area Method, horizontal pressures shall be assumed to act
upon the full vertical projected area of the structure, and the vertical pressures
shall be assumed to act simultaneously upon the full horizontal projected area.
(f) Elements and Components of Structures. Design wind pressures for each
element or component of a structure shall be determined from Formula ( 11-1) and
C values from Table No. 23-H, and shall be applied perpendicular to the surface.
Fcir outward acting forces the value of C e shall be obtained from Table No. 23-G
based on the mean roof height and applied for the entire height of the structure.
Each element or component shall be designed for the more severe of the following
l. The pressures determined using C values for elements and components
acting over the entire tributary area of theqelement.
2. The pressures determined using C values for local areas at discontinuities
such as comers, ridges and eaves. Thes~ local pressures shall be applied over a
distance from a discontinuity of 10 feet or 0.1 times the least width of the
structure, whichever is less.

1982 EDITION 2311-2312

The wind pressures from Subsections (e) and (f) need not be combined.
(g) Miscellaneous Structures. Greenhouses, lath houses, agricultural build-
ings or fences 12 feet or Jess in height shall be designed in accordance with
Section 2311. However, three fourths of qs, but not Jess than 10 pounds per square
foot, may be substituted for q, in Formula (11-1). Pressures on local areas at
discontinuities need not be considered.
(h) Importance Factor. A factor of 1.15 shall be used for essential facilities
which must be safe and usable for emergency purposes after a windstorm in order
to preserve the health and safety of the general public. Such facilities shall
I. Hospitals and other medical facilities having surgery or emergency treat-
ment areas.
2. Fire and police stations.
3. Municipal government disaster operation and communication centers
deemed to be vital in emergencies.
4. Buildings where the primary occupancy is for assembly use for more than
300 people.
A factor of 1.0 shall be used for all other buildings.

Earthquake Regulations
Sec. 2312. (a) General. Every building or structure and every portion thereof
shall be designed and constructed to resist stresses produced by lateral forces as
provided in this section. Stresses shall be calculated as the effect of a force applied
horizontally at each floor or roof level above the base. The force shall be assumed
to come from any horizontal direction.
Structural concepts other than set forth in this section may be approved by the
building official when evidence is submitted showing that equivalent ductility and
energy absorption are provided.
Where prescribed wind loads produce higher stresses, such loads shall be used
in lieu of the loads resulting from earthquake forces.
(b) Definitions. The following definitions apply only to the provisions of this
BASE is the level at which the earthquake motions are considered to be
imparted to the structure or the level at which the structure as a dynamic vibrator is
BOX SYSTEM is a structural system without a complete vertical load-
carrying space frame. In this system the required lateral forces are resisted by
shear walls or braced frames as hereinafter defined.
BRACED FRAME is a truss system or its equivalent which is provided to
resist lateral forces in the frame system and in which the members are subjected
primarily to axial stresses.
space frame complying with the requirements for a ductile moment-resisting
space frame as given in Section 2312 (j).


ESSENTIAL FACILITIES-See Section 2312 (k).

LATERAL FORCE-RESISTING SYSTEM is that part of the structural
system assigned to resist the lateral forces prescribed in Section 2312 (d).
MOMENT-RESISTING SPACE FRAME is a vertical load-carrying space
frame in which the members and joints are capable of resisting forces primarily by
SHEAR WALL is a wall designed to resist lateral forces parallel to the wall.
SPACE FRAME is a three-dimensional structural system without bearing
walls, composed of interconnected members laterally supported so as to function
as a complete self-contained unit with or without the aid of horizontal diaphragms
or floor-bracing systems.
VERTICAL LOAD-CARRYING SPACE FRAME is a space frame designed
to carry all vertical loads.
(c) Symbols and Notations. The following symbols and notations apply only
to the provisions of this section:
C = Numerical coefficient as specified in Section 2312 (d).
CP = Numerical coefficient as specified in Section 2312 (g) and as set
forth in Table No. 23-J.
D The dimension of the structure, in feet, in a direction parallel to the
applied forces.
Deflection at level i relative to the base, due to applied lateral forces,
L.f;, for use in Formula ( 12-3).
Laterial force applied to level i, nor x, respectively.
Lateral forces on a part of the structure and in the direction under
F1 = That portion of V considered concentrated at the top of the structure
in addition to F n .
Distributed portion of a total lateral force at level i for use in
Formula (12-3).
g Acceleration due to gravity.
h;hnhx = Height in feet above the base to level i, n or x respectively.
I = Occupancy Importance Factor as set forth in Table No. 23-K.
K= Numerical coefficient as set forth in Table No. 23-1.
l = Level of the structure referred to by the subscript i.
I designates the first level above the base.
Leveln That level which is uppermost in the main portion of the structure.
Levelx That level which is under design consideration.
x = I designates the first level above the base.
N = The total number of stories above the base to level n.
S = Numerical coefficient for site-structure resonance.

1982 EDITION 2312

T = Fundamental elastic period of vibration of the building or structure

in seconds in the direction under consideration.
Ts = Characteristic site period.
V = The total lateral force or shear at the base.
W = The total dead load as defined in Section 2302 including the parti-
tion loading specified in Section 2304 (d) where applicable.
EXCEPTION: W shall be equal to the total dead load plus 25 percent of the floor
live load in storage and warehouse occupancies. Where the design snow load is 30
psf or less, no part need be included in the value of W. Where the snow load is greater
than 30 psf, the snow load shall be included; however, where the snow load duration
warrants, the building official may allow the snow load to be reduced up to 75
w; wx = That portion of W which is located at or is assigned to level i or x
WP = The weight of a portion of a structure or nonstructural component.
Z = Numerical coefficient dependent upon the zone as determined by
Figures No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 in this chapter. For locations in Zone
No. 1, Z = :Y16. For locations in Zone No. 2, Z = 3fs. For locations
in Zone No. 3, Z = %. For locations in Zone No. 4, Z = 1.
(d) Minimum Earthquake Forces for Structures. Except as provided in
Section 2312 (g) and (i), every structure shall be designed and constructed to resist
minimum total lateral seismic forces assumed to act nonconcurrently in the
direction of each of the main axes of the structure in accordance with the
following formula:

V = ZIKCSW ....................... (12-1)

The value of K shall be not less than that set forth in Thble No. 23-1. The value
of C and S are as indicated hereafter except that the product of CS need not exceed
The value of C shall be determined in accordance with the following formula:
c= 1svr ....................... (12-2)

The value of C need not exceed 0.12.

The period T shall be established using the structural properties and deforma-
tional characteristics of the resisting elements in a properly substantiated analysis
such as the following formula:

T= 2nV(tw,6,') + (g it;6,) .................. (12-3)

t-1 t-1

where the values of .f; represent any lateral force distributed approximately in
accordance with the principles of Formulas (12-5), (12-6) and (12-7) or any other


rational distribution. The elastic deflections, I>;, shall be calculated using the
applied lateral forces,!; .
In the absence of a determination as indicated above, the value of T for
buildings may be determined by the following formula:
T = VD ....................... (12-3A)

Or in buildings in which the lateral force-resisting system consists of ductile

moment-resisting space frames capable of resisting 100 percent of the required
lateral forces and such system is not enclosed by or adjoined by more rigid
elements tending to prevent the frame from resisting lateral forces:

T = 0.10N . ....................... (12-38)

The value of S shall be determined by the following formulas, but shall be not
less than 1. 0:

for TIT = 1.0 or less S = l.O + -T - 0.5 [-T ]2 ......... (12-4)

s Ts Ts

forT/T5 greaterthan 1.0 S = 1.2 T [ T ]2

+ 0.6--0.3- ..... (12-4A)
Ts Ts
Tin Formulas (12-4) and (12-4A) shall be established by a properly substanti-
ated analysis but Tshall be not less than 0.3 second.
The range of values of T5 may be established from properly substantiated
geotechnical data, in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 23-1, except that Ts
shall not be taken as less than 0.5 second nor more than 2.5 seconds. Ts shall be
that value within the range of site periods, as determined above, that is nearest to
When T, is not properly established, the value of S shall be 1.5.
EXCEPTION: Where Thas been established by a properly substantiated analy-
sis and exceeds 2.5 seconds, the value of S may be determined by assuming a value
of 2.5 seconds forT,.
(e) Distribution of Lateral Forces. 1. Structures having regular shapes or
framing systems. The total lateral force V shall be distributed over the height of
the structure in accordance with Formulas (12-5), (12-6) and (12-7).

+ L F; ..................... (12-5)
v= F,
i =I

The concentrated force at the top shall be determined according to the following
F, = 0.077V ........................ (12-6)

1982 EDITION 2312

F1 need notexceed0.25Vand may be considered as 0 where Tis 0.7 second or

less. The remaining portion of the total base shear V shall be distributed over the
height of the structure including level n according to the following formula:

F = (V- F,) w)l,,.

,,. n
~ I ..................... (12-7)
~ lC;l;
i = l
At each level designated as x, the force F x shall be applied over the area of the
building in accordance with the mass distribution on that level.
2. Setbacks. Buildings having setbacks wherein the plan dimension of the
tower in each direction is at least 75 percent of the corresponding plan dimension
of the lower part may be considered as uniform buildings without setbacks,
provided other irregularities as defined in this section do not exist.
3. Structures having irregular shapes or framing systems. The distribution

of the lateral forces in structures which have highly irregular shapes, large
differences in lateral resistance or stiffness between adjacent stories, or other
unusual structural features, shall be determined considering the dynamic charac-
teristics ofthe structure.
4. Accidental torsion. In addition to the requirements of Section 2303 (b) 2,
where the vertical resisting elements depend on diaphragm action for shear
distribution at any level, the shear-resisting elements shall be capable of resisting
a torsional moment assumed to be equivalent to the story shear acting with an
eccentricity of not less than 5 percent of the maximum building dimension at that
(f) Overturning. At any level the incremental changes of the design overturn-
ing moment, in the story under consideration, shall be distributed to the various
resisting elements in the same proportion as the distribution of the shears in the
resisting system. Where other vertical members are provided which are capable
of partially resisting the overturning moments, a redistribution may be made to
these members if framing members of sufficient strength and stiffness to transmit
the required loads are provided.
Where a vertical resisting element is discontinuous, the overturning moment
carried by the lowest story of that element shall be carried down as loads to the
(g) Lateral Force on Elements of Structures and Nonstructural Compo
nents. Parts or portions of structures, nonstructural components and their
anchorage to the main structural system shall be designed for lateral forces in
accordance with the following formula:

FP = ZICPVVP ...................... . (12-8)

The values of CP are set forth in Table No. 23-J. The value of the I coefficient
shall be the value used for the building.


EXCEPTIONS: 1. The value of I for panel connectors shall be as given in

Section 2312 (j) 3 C.
2. The value of I for anchorage of machinery and equipment required for life
safety systems shall be l. 5.
The distribution of these forces shall be according to the gravity loads pertain-
ing thereto.
For applicable forces on diaphragms and connections for exterior panels, refer
to Sections 2312 (j) 2 C and 2312 (j) 3 C.
(h) Drift and BuDding Separations. Lateral deflections or drift of a story
relative to its adjacent stories shall not exceed 0.005 times the story height unless
it can be demonstrated that greater drift can be tolerated. The displacement
calculated from the application of the required lateral forces shall be multiplied by
( 1. 0/K) to obtain the drift. The ratio ( 1.0/K) shall be not less than 1. 0.
All portions of structures shall be designed and constructed to act as an integral
unit in resisting horizontal forces unless separated structurally by a distance
sufficient to avoid contact under deflection from seismic action or wind forces.
(i) Alternate Determination and Distribution of Seismic Forces. Nothing in
Section 2312 shall be deemed to prohibit the submission of properly substantiated
technical data for establishing the lateral forces and distribution by dynamic
analyses. In such analyses the dynamic characteristics of the structure must be
(j) Structural Systems. 1. Ductility requirements. A. All buildings designed
with a horizontal force factor K = 0.67 or 0.80 shall have ductile moment-
resisting space frames.
B. Buildings more than 160 feet in height shall have ductile moment-resisting
space frames capable of resisting not Jess than 25 percent of the required seismic
forces for the structure as a whole.
EXCEPTION: Buildings more than 160 feet in height in Seismic Zones Nos. I
and 2 may have concrete shear walls designed in accordance with Section 2627 or
braced frames designed in conformance with Section 2312 (j) I G of this code in lieu
of a ductile moment-resisting space frame, provided a K value of 1.00 or 1.33 is
utilized in the design.
C. In Seismic Zones No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 all concrete space frames required
by design to be part of the lateral force-resisting system and all concrete frames
located in the perimeter line of vertical support shall be ductile moment-resisting
space frames.
EXCEPTION: Frames in the perimeter line of the vertical support of buildings
designed with shear walls taking 100 percent of the design lateral forces need only
confonn with Section 2312 (j) 1 D.
D. In Seismic Zones No.2, No.3 and No.4 all framing elements not required
by design to be part of the lateral force-resisting system shall be investigated and
shown to be adequate for vertical load-carrying capacity and induced moment due
to 3/K times the distortions resulting from the code-required lateral forces. The
rigidity of other elements shall be considered in accordance with Section
2303 (b) l.
E. Moment-resisting space frames and ductile moment-resisting space frames

1982 EDITION 2312

may be enclosed by or adjoined by more rigid elements which would tend to

prevent the space frame from resisting lateral forces where it can be shown that the
action or failure of the more rigid elements will not impair the vertical and lateral
load-resisting ability of the space frame.
F. Necessary ductility for a ductile moment-resisting space frame shall be
provided by a frame of structural steel with moment-resisting connections (com-
plying with Section 2722 for buildings in Seismic Zones No. 3 and No. 4 or
Section 2723 for buildings in Seismic Zones No. 1 and No. 2) or by a reinforced
concrete frame (complying with Section 2625 for buildings in Seismic Zones No.
3 and No. 4 or Section 2626 for buildings in Seismic Zones No. 1 and No. 2).
EXCEPTION: Buildings with ductile moment-resisting space frames in Seis-
mic Zones No. I and No. 2 having an importance factor I greater than 1.0 shall
comply with Section 2625 or 2722.
G. In Seismic Zones No. 3 and No. 4 and for buildings having an importance
factor I greater than 1.0 located in Seismic Zone No. 2, all members in braced
frames shall be designed for 1.25 times the force determined in accordance with

Section 2312 (d). Connections shall be designed to develop the full capacity of the
members or shall be based on the above forces without the one-third increase
usually permitted for stresses resulting from earthquake forces.
Braced frames in buildings shall be composed of axially loaded bracing
members of A36, A441, A500 Grades 8 and C, A501, A572 (Grades 42, 45, 50
and 55) or A588 structural steel, or reinforced concrete members conforming to
the requirements of Section 2627.
H. Reinforced concrete shear walls for all buildings shall conform to the
requirements of Section 2627.
I. In structures where K = 0.67 and K = 0.80, the special ductility require-
ments for structural steel or reinforced concrete specified in Section 2312 (j) 1 F,
shall apply to all structural elements below the base which are required to transmit
to the foundation the forces resulting from lateral loads.
2. Design requirements. A. Minor alterations. Minor structural alterations
may be made in existing buildings and other structures, but the resistance to lateral
forces shall be not less than before such alterations were made, unless the building
as altered meets the requirements of this section.
8. Reinforced masonry or concrete. All elements within structures located in
Seismic Zones No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 which are of masonry or concrete shall be
reinforced so as to qualify as reinforced masonry or concrete under the provisions
of Chapters 24 and 26. Principal reinforcement in masonry shall be spaced 2 feet
maximum on center in buildings using a moment-resisting space frame.
C. Diaphragms. Floor and roof diaphragms and collectors shall be designed to
resist the forces determined in accordance with the following formula:
~F, .................. (12-9)
F,.. = ----=-1--=x_ _ w,..



F1 = the lateral force applied to Ievell.
w1 = the portion of W at Ievell.
wpx = the weight of the diaphragm and the elements tributary thereto at
level x, including 25 percent of the floor live load in storage and
warehouse occupancies.
The force Fpx determined from Formula (12-9) need not exceed 0.30Ziwpx.
When the diaphragm is required to transfer lateral forces from the vertical
resisting elements above the diaphragm to other vertical resisting elements below
the diaphragm due to offsets in the placement of the elements or to changes in
stiffness in the vertical elements, these forces shall be added to those determined
from Formula (12-9).
However, in no case shall lateral force on the diaphragm be less than
Diaphragms supporting concrete or masonry walls shall have continuous ties
between diaphragm chords to distribute, into the diaphragm, the anchorage forces
specified in this chapter. Added chords may be used to form subdiaphragms to
transmit the anchorage forces to the main cross ties. Diaphragm deformations
shall be considered in the design ofthe supported walls. See Section 2312 (j) 3 A
for special anchorage requirements of wood diaphragms.
3. Special requirements. A. Wood diaphragms providing lateral support
for concrete or masonry walls. Where wood diaphragms are used to laterally
support concrete or masonry walls the anchorage shall conform to Section 2310.
In Zones No.2, No.3 and No.4 anchorage shall not be accomplished by use of
toenails or nails subjected to withdrawal; nor shall wood framing be used in cross-
grain bending or cross-grain tension.
B. Pile caps and caissons. Individual pile caps and caissons of every building
or structure shall be interconnected by ties, each of which can carry by tension and
compression a minimum horizontal force equal to 10 percent of the larger pile cap
or caisson loading, unless it can be demonstrated that equivalent restraint can be
provided by other approved methods.
C. Exterior elements. Precast or prefabricated nonbearing, nonshear wall
panels or similar elements which are attached to or enclose the exterior shall be
designed to resist the forces determined from Formula ( 12-8) and shall accommo-
date movements of the structure resulting from lateral forces or temperature
changes. The concrete panels or other similar elements shall be supported by
means of cast-in-place concrete or mechanical connections and fasteners in
accordance with the following provisions:
Connections and panel joints shall allow for a relative movement between
stories of not less than two times story drift caused by wind or (3.0/K) times the
calculated elastic story displacement caused by required seismic forces, or Y2
inch, whichever is greater. Connections to permit movement in the plane of the
panel for story drift shall be properly designed sliding connections using slotted or
oversized holes or may be connections which permit movement by bending of
steel or other connections providing equivalent sliding and ductility capacity.

1982 EDITION 2312

Bodies of connectors shall have sufficient ductility and rotation capacity so as

to preclude fracture of the concrete or brittle failures at or near welds.
The body of the connector shall be designed for one and one-third times the
force determined by Formula (12-8). Fasteners attaching the connector to the
panel or the structure such as bolts, inserts, welds, dowels, etc., shall be designed
to ensure ductile behavior of the connector or shall be designed for four times the
load determined from Formula ( 12-8).
Fasteners embedded in concrete shall be attached to or hooked around reinforc-
ing steel or otherwise terminated so as to effectively transfer forces to the
reinforcing steel.
The value of the coefficient I shall be 1.0 for the entire connector assembly in
Formula (12-8).
(k) Essential FacUlties. Essential facilities are those structures or buildings
which must be safe and usable for emergency purposes after an earthquake in
order to preserve the health and safety of the general public. Such facilities shall
include but not be limited to:
1. Hospitals and other medical facilities having surgery or emergency treat-
ment areas.
2. Fire and police stations.
3. Municipal government disaster operation and communication centers
deemed to be vital in emergencies.
The design and detailing of equipment which must remain in place and be
functional following a major earthquake shall be based upon the requirements of
Section 2312 (g) and Table No. 23-J. In addition, their design and detailing shall
consider effects induced by structure drifts of not less than (2. 0!K) times the story
drift caused by required seismic forces nor less than the story drift caused by
wind. Special consideration shall also be given to relative movements at separa-
tion joints.
(I) Earthquake-recording Instrumentations. For earthquake-recording
instrumentations see Appendix, Section 2312 (1).



I. Armories ISO 0
2. Assembly areas 4 and Fixed seating areas so 0
auditoriums and Movable seating and
balconies therewith other areas 100 0
Stage areas and
enclosed platforms 12S 0
3. Cornices, marquees and 1

residential balconies 1 60 0
4. Exit facilities s 100 os
S. Garages General storage and/ or repair 100 3

Private pleasure car storage so 3

6. Hospitals Wards and rooms 40 1000 2

7. Libraries Reading rooms 60 10002
Stack rooms 12S 1S00 2
8. Manufacturing Light 7S 2000 2
Heavy 12S 30002
9. Offices so 2000 2
10. Printing plants Pressrooms ISO 2S00 2
Composing and linotype rooms 100 2000 2
II. Residential6 40 os
12. Rest rooms 7
13. Reviewing stands,
grandstands and
bleachers 100 0
14. Roof deck Same as area served or for the
type of occupancy
1S. Schools Classrooms 40 1000 2
16. Sidewalks and
driveways 3
Public access 2SO
17. Storage Light 12S
Heavy 2SO
18. Stores Retail 7S 2000 2
Wholesale 100 3000 2
1See Section 2306 for live load reductions.
2See Section 2304 (c), first paragraph, for area of load application.
3See Section 2304 (c). second paragraph, for concentrated loads.
4 Assembly areas include such occupancies as dance halls, drill rooms, gymnasiums, play-

1982 EDITION 23-A, 238

grounds, plazas, terraces and similar occupancies which are generally accessible to the public.
'Exit facilities shall include such uses as corridors serving an occupant load of I0 or more per-
sons, exterior exit balconies, stairways, fire escapes and similar uses.
6 Residential occupancies include private dwellings, apartments and hotel guest rooms.
7Rest room loads shall be not less than the load for the occupancy with which they are associ-
ated, but need not exceed SO pounds per square foot.
8Individual stair treads shall be designed to support a 30Q-pound concentrated load placed in a
position which would cause maximum stress. Stair stringers may be designed for the uniform
load set forth in the table.


(Pounds per S~uara Foot
Category Deacrlptlon Unless Dtherw se Noted)
I. Construction, public Walkway, See Sec. 4406 !50
access at site (live
load) Canopy, See Sec. 4407 150
2. Grandstands, Seats and footboards 1202 See
reviewing stands and Footnote
bleachers (live load) 3
3. Stage accessories, Gridirons and fly
see Sec. 3902 (live galleries 75
Loft block wells4 250 250
Head block wells and
sheave beams 4 250 250
4. Ceiling framing (live Over stages 20
All uses except over
stages J05
5. Partitions and
interior walls, see
Sec. 2309 (live
load) 5
6. Elevators and 2 by Total
dumbwaiters (dead loads
and live load)
7. Mechanical and Total loads
electrical equipment
(dead load)
8. Cranes (dead and live Total load including 1.25 by Total 0.10 by Total
load) 6 impact increase load6 load 7
9. Balcony railings, Exit facilities serving an
guardrails and occupant load greater
handrails than 50 50 8
Other 20 8
I 0. Storage racks Over 8 feet high Total loads9 See Table No.
(Footnotes onfollowmg page)



1The tabulated loads are minimum loads. Where other vertical loads required by this code or required by
the design would cause greater stresses they shall be used.
'Pounds per lineal foot.
3Lateral sway bracing loads of 24 pounds per foot parallel and I0 pounds per foot perpendicular to seat
and footboards.
4 Allloads are in pounds per lineal foot. Head block wells and sheave beams shall be designed for all loft
block well loads tributary thereto. Sheave blocks shall be designed with a factor of safety of five.
'Does not apply to ceilings which have sufficient total access from below, such that access is not required
within the space above the ceiling. Does not apply to ceilings if the attic areas above the ceiling are not
provided with access. This live load need not be considered acting simultaneously with other live loads
imposed upon the ceiling framing or its supporting structure.
"The impact factors included are for cranes with steel wheels riding on steel rails. They may be modified
if substantiating technical data acceptable to the building official are submitted. Live loads on crane
support girders and their connections shall be taken as the maximum crane wheel loads. For pendant-
operated traveling crane support girders and their connections, the impact factors shall be 1.10.
7 This applies in the direction parallel to the runway rails (longitudinal). The factor for forces perpendicu-
lar to the rail is 0.20 x the transverse traveling loads (trolly, cab, hooks and lifted loads). Forces shall
be applied at top of rail and may be distributed among rails of multiple rail cranes and shall be
distributed with due regard for lateral stiffness of the structures supporting these rails.
8 A load per lineal foot to be applied horizontally at right angles to the top rail.

9 Verticalmembers of storage racks shall be protected from impact forces of operating equipment or racks
shall be designed so that failure of one vertical member will not cause collapse of more than the bay or
bays directly supported by that member.

1982 EDITION 23-C


ROOF SLOPE Oto 200 201 to600 Over600 LOAD2 (Percent) (Percent)
I. Flat or rise less
than 4 inches
per fool. Arch
or dome with 20 16 12 20 .OR 40
ri~c less than
one eighth of
2. Rise 4 inches
per fool to less
than 12 inches
per fool. Arch
or dome with 16 14 12 16 .06 25
rise one eighth
of span to les;
than three
eighths of span
3. Rise 12 inches
per foot and
greater. Arch
or dome with 12 12 12 12
ri~c three
eighths of span
or greater

4. Awnings except 5 5 5 5 No Reductions

cloth covered Permilled
5. Greenhouses,
lath houses and 10 10 10 10
buildings 4

I Where snow loads occur, the roof structure shall be designed for such
loads as determined by the building official. See Section 2305 (d). For
special purpose roofs, see Section 2305 (e).
2See Section 2306 for live load reductions. The rate of reduction r in Section
2306 Formula (6-1) shall be as indicated in the table. The maximum
reduction R shall not exceed the value indicated in the table.
3As defined in Section 4506.
4 See Section 2305 (e) for concentrated load rec'";rements for greenhouse
roof members.





nPE OF MEMBER (L.l.) (L.L. + K D.L.)

Roof Member Supporting

Plaster or Floor Member L/360 L/240

sufficient slope or camber shall be provided for flat roofs in accordance

with Section 2305 (f).
L. L. Live load
D. L. Dead load
K Factor as determined by Table No. 23-E
L Length of member in same units as deflection


I 0 . .'5 [2- 1.2 (A'jAJ] ~ 0.6 ()

I Seasoned lumber is lumber having a moisture content of less than 16 percent

at time of installation and used under dry conditions of use such as in
covered structures.
2 See also Section 2609.
Aj = Area of compression reinforcement.
A, = Area of nonprestressed tension reinforcement.


Basic wind speed (mph) 1
Pressure qs (psf)
Wind speed from Section 2311 (b).


0- 20 1.2 0.7
20- 40 1.3 0.8
40-60 1.5 1.0
60-100 1.6 1.1
100-150 1.8 1.3
150-200 1.9 1.4
200-300 2.1 1.6
300-400 2.2 1.8

1982 EDITION 23-H



Primary frames Method 1 (Normal Force Method)

and systems Windward wall 0.8 inward
Leeward wall 0.5 outward
Leeward roof or flat roof 0.7 outward
Windward roof
Slope<9:12 0.7 outward
Slope 9:12 to 12:12 0.4 inward
Slope>l2:12 0.7 inward
Wind parallel to ridge
Enclosed structures 0.7 outward
Open structures I 1.2 outward
Method 2 (Projected Area Method)
On vertical projected area
Structures 40 feet or I. 3 horizontal
less in height any direction
Structures over 40 feet I .4 horizontal
in height any direction
On horizontal projected area
Enclosed structure 0.7 upward
Open structure 1 1.2 upward

Elements and Wall elements

components All structures 1.2 inward
Enclosed structures 1.1 outward
Open structures 1.6 outward
Parapets 1.3 inward or
Roof elements
Enclosed structures
Slope<9:12 1.1 outward
Slope 9:12 to 12:12 1.1 outward or
0.8 inward
Slope>l2:12 1.1 outward or
Open structures I
Slope<9:12 1.6 outward
Slope 9:12 to 12:12 1.6 outward or
0.8 inward
Slope> 12:12 1.6 outward or
1.1 inward

Local areas at Wall comers 2.0 outward

discontinuities2 Canopies or overhangs at eaves
or rakes 2.8 upward
Roof ridges at ends of buildings
or eaves and roof edges at
building comers 3.0 upward





Eaves or rakes without overhangs

away from building comers
and ridges away from ends
of building 2.0 upward
Cladding connections
Add 0.5 to outward or upward
Cq for appropriate location
Chimneys, tanks Square or rectangular I .4 any direction
and solid towers Hexagonal or octagonal 1.1 any direction
Round or elliptical 0. 8 any direction

towers' 4 2.0 any direction

Signs, flagpoles,
lightpoles, minor
structures 1.4 any direction
1A structure with more than 30 percent of any one side open shall be considered an open
structure. Nonimpact-resistant glazing shall be considered as an opening.
2Local pressures shall apply over a distance from the discontinuity of 10 feet orO.! times the
least width of the structure, whichever is smaller.
3 The area to which the design pressure shall be applied shall be the projected area of all
elements other than those in planes parallel to the direction of application.
4 For radio and transmission towers, the area shall be the projected area of the members on
one face multiplied by 2.0 for rectangular towers and 1.8 for triangular towers.

1982 EDITION 23-1


I. All building framing systems except as hereinafter classified 1.00
2. Buildings with a box system as specified in Section 2312 (b)
EXCEPTION: Buildings not more than three stories in height with
stud wall framing and using plywood horizontal diaphragms and
plywood vertical shear panels for the lateral force system may use
K = 1.0.
3. Buildings with a dual bracing system consisting of a ductile moment-
resisting space frame and shear walls or braced frames using the

following design criteria:
a. The frames and shear walls or braced frames shall resist the total
lateral force in accordance with their relative rigidities considering the
interaction of the shear walls and frames 0.80
b. The shear walls or braced frames acting independently of the ductile
moment-resisting portions of the space frame shall resist the total
required lateral forces
c. The ductile moment-resisting space frame shall have the capacity to
resist not less than 25 percent of the required lateral force
4. Buildings with a ductile moment-resisting space frame designed in
accordance with the following criteria: The ductile moment-resisting
space frame shall have the capacity to resist the total required 0.67
lateral force
5. Elevated tanks plus full contents, on four or more cross-braced legs and
not supported by a building 2.5 3

6. Structures other than buildings and other than those set forth in Table
No. 23-J 2.00

'Where wind load as specified in Section 2311 would produce higher stresses, this load
shall be used in lieu of the loads resulting from earthquake forces.
2See Figures Nos. I, 2 and 3 in this chapter and definition of Z as specified in Section
2312 (c).
3The minimum value of KC shall be 0.12 and the maximum value of KC need not exceed
The tower shall be designed for an accidential torsion of 5 percent as specified in
Section 2312 (e) 4. Elevated tanks which are supported by buildings or do not conform to
type or arrangement of supporting elements as described above shall be designed in
accordance with Section 2312 (g) using CP = . 3.



I. Exterior bearing and nonbearing walls, interior Normal to 0.3 6
bearing walls and partitions, interior non bearing flat
walls and partitions--see also Section 2312 (j) 3 C. surface
Masonry or concrete fences over 6 feet high
2. Cantilever elements: Normal to
a. Parapets flat
b. Chimneys or stacks Any
3. Exterior and interior ornamentations and Any 0.8
appendages direction
4. When connected to, part of, or housed within a
a. Penthouses, anchorage and supports for
chimneys, stacks and tanks, including contents Any 0.32 3
b. Storage racks with upper storage level at more direction
than 8 feet in height, plus contents
c. All equipment or machinery

5. Suspended ceiling framing systems (applies to Any 0.34 7
Seismic Zones Nos. 2, 3 and 4 only)--see also direction
Section 4701 (e)
6. Connections for prefabricated structural elements Any 0.3 5
other than walls, with force applied at center of direction
gravity of assembly
1CP for elements laterally self-supported only at the ground level may be two thirds of value
2 W, for storage racks shall be the weight of the racks plus contents. The value ofC, for racks
over two storage support levels in height shall be 0.24 for the levels below the top two
levels. In lieu of the tabulated values steel storage racks may be designed in accordance
with U.B.C. Standard No. 27-11.
Where a number of storage rack units are interconnected so that there are a minimum of
four vertical elements in each direction on each column line designed to resist horizontal
forces, the design coefficients may be as for a building with K values from Table No. 23-1,
CS = 0.2 for use in the formula V = Z!KCSWand Wequal to the total dead load plus 50
percent of the rack-rated capacity. Where the design and rack configurations are in
accordance with this paragraph, the design provisions in U .B.C. Standard No. 27-11 do
not apply.
3 For flexible and flexibly mounted equipment and machinery, the appropriate values of c,
shall be determined with consideration given to both the dynamic properties of the
equipment and machinery and to the building or structure in which it is placed but shall be
not less than the listed values. The design of the equipment and machinery and their
anchorage is an integral part of the design and specification of such equipment and
For essential facilities and life safety systems, the design and detailing of equipment
which must remain in place and be functional following a major earthquake shall consider
drifts in accordance with Section 2312 (k).

1982 EDITION 23-J, 23-K

"Ceiling weight shall include all light fixtures and other equipment which is laterally
supported by the ceiling. For purposes of determining the lateral force, a ceiling weight of
not less than 4 pounds per square foot shall be used.
5The force shall be resisted by positive anchorage and not by friction.
6 See also Section 2309 (b) for minimum load and deflection criteria for interior partitions.

7Does not apply to ceilings constructed of lath and plaster or gypsum board screw or nail
attached to suspended members that support a ceiling at one level extending from wall to


Essential facilities J 1.5
Any building where the primary occupancy is for assembly use 1.25
for more than 300 persons (in one room)
All others 1.0

See Section 2312 (k) for definition and additional requirements for essential facilities.

- ,,. ... ...
.,...,.. ... ...~
{II ...

iS: I
CD en
- 0
'tim c:
--1 ZONE 0 No damage. :D
)Cm ,.., ZONE 1 - Minor damage; distant earthquakes may causa 3:
oc damage to structures with fundamental periods ID
::ren grester than 1.0 second; corresponds to c:
Intensities V and VI of the M.M.' Scale.
ZONE 2 - Moderete damage; corresponds to Intensity VII of
the M.M.' Scale.
-+- -J j \ ----r- ;=
ZONE 3 - Major damage; corresponds to Intensity VII and
~en higher of the M.M.' Scale.
ZONE 4 - Thosa areas within Zone No. 3 determined by the 0
proximity to certain major fault systems. 0
- -
'Modified Mercalll Intensity Scale of 1931

.... 110' ...

1982 EDITION 23-2, 23-3



.. rreoopo ALASKA







~ f

1 H- '
r.,..j ..s

! c:

f 2j
c .' c:
tf l f
"(! l t I

[ ] Basic wm speed 70 mpll IIJ Special wind reg<>n c

11: 1.
VBJues are fastest mikt speeds at 33 feet a:boYe ground for Exposure Category C aJ'ld are associated with an annual
probability of 0.02. j z
2. _,wind
1.."-r inlerpolalion speed cootours is~
......... ~-t-j 3.
Caution in use of wind speed contours in ITIOUfltainous regtons of Alaska is advised.
Wind speed fof- is 80 and Puerto Rico is 95.
-.o1oca1 records or terrain indicate higher wind speeds. they shall be used.
Wind speed may be assumed to be constant between the coastline and lhe nearest inland contour.
1982 EDITION 24012403

Chapter 24
Sec. 2401. All masonry shall conform to the regulations of this code.
Sec. 2402. For the purpose of this chapter, certain terms are defined as follows:
DIMENSIONS. Dimensions given are nominal; actual dimensions of unit
masonry may not be decreased by more than Y2 inch.
including cells of a section perpendicular to the direction of loading. Re-entrant
spaces are included in the gross area, unless these spaces are to be occupied in
masonry by portions of adjacent units.
GROUT LIFT is an increment of grout height within the total pour; a pour may
consist of one or more lifts.
GROUT POUR is the total height of masonry wall to be poured prior to the
erection of additional masonry. A pour will consist of one or more lifts.
MASONRY CLEANOUT is an aperture at the bottom of cells or walls to be
grouted of such frequency and size as to permit removal of debris or obstructions
from the wall which might prevent proper grouting.
MASONRY UNIT, any brick, tile, stone or block conforming to the require-
ments specified in Section 2403.
sectional area of a section minus the average area of ungrouted cores of cellular
VIRTUAL ECCENTRICITY, the eccentricity of a resultant axial load
required to produce axial and bending stresses equivalent to those produced by
applied axial loads and moments.
Sec. 2403. (a) General. The quality, testing and design of masonry used
structurally in buildings or structures shall conform to the requirements specified
in this chapter and to the applicable standards listed in Chapter 60.
(b) Brick Made from Clay or Shale. Building brick of clay or shale shall be
of a quality at least equal to the requirements set forth in U.B.C. Standard
No. 24-1. When in contact with the ground, brick shall be of at least Grade MW.
Where severe frost action occurs in the presence of moisture, brick shall be at least
Grade SW.
(c) Brick Made from Sand-lime. Building brick made from sand-lime shall
be of a quality at least equal to the requirements set forth in U.B.C. Standard
No. 24-2. When in contact with the ground, brick shall be of at least Grade MW.
Where severe frost action occurs in the presence of moisture, brick shall be at least
Grade SW.
(d) Concrete Brick. Building brick of concrete shall be of a quality at least


equal to the requirements set forth in U .B.C. Standard No. 24-3.

(e) Concrete Masonry Units. Concrete masonry units shall be of a quality at
least equal to the requirements set forth in U.B.C. Standard No. 24-4or No. 24-5
when used for bearing walls or piers or when in contact with ground or exposed to
the weather; or equal to the requirements set forth in U .B.C. Standard No. 24-6
when used for nonbearing purposes and not exposed to the weather. Solid units
subject to the action of weather or soil shall be Grade N. Concrete masonry units
shall be tested as set forth in U .B.C. Standard No. 24-7.
(f) Structural Clay Tile. Structural clay tile shall be of a quality at least equal
to the requirements set forth in U.B.C. Standard No. 24-8, Grade LB, when used
for bearing walls or piers, or Grade LBX when exposed to the weather or soil; or
equal to the requirements set forth in U.B.C. Standard No. 24-9 when used for
interior nonload-bearing purposes; or equal to the requirements set forth in
U .B.C. Standard No. 24-10 when used for floor construction.
.. (g) Cast Building Stone. Cast building stone shall be equal to the require-
ments set forth in U .B.C. Standard No. 24-13. Every concrete unit more than 18
inches in any dimension shall conform to the requirements for concrete in Chapter
(h) Stabilized Unburned Clay Brick. Stabilized unburned clay brick shall be
stabilized with emulsified asphalt and shall conform to the requirements specified
in U.B.C. Standard No. 24-14.
(i) Stone. Natural stone shall be sound, clean, and in conformity with other
provisions of this chapter.
(j) Structural Glass Block. Structural glass block shall have unglazed sur-
faces to allow adhesion on all mortared faces.
(k) Glazed Building Units. Glazed brick shall conform to the structural
requirements for building brick of clay or shale, and glazed structural tile shall
conform to the structural requirements for structural clay tile. Glazed structural
clay facing tile shall conform to the requirements set forth in U.B.C. Standard
No. 24-25.
(I) Reinforcing Steel. Reinforcing steel shall conform to the physical and
chemical requirements for metal reinforcement in concrete, as specified in
U.B.C. Standard No. 26-4.
(m) Masonry Joint Reinforcement. Wire reinforcement shall conform to
U.B.C. Standard No. 24-15.
(n) Water. Water used in mortar, grout or masonry work shall be clean and free
from injurious amounts of oil, acid, alkali, organic matter or other harmful
(o) Cement. Cement for mortar shall be '!ype I, II or III portland cement as set
forth in U.B.C. Standard No. 26-l, or '!ype I-A, II-A or III-A air-entraining
portland cement as set forth in U.B.C. Standard No. 26-l, or masonry cement as
set forth in U.B.C. Standard No. 24-16.
EXCEPTION: Approved types of plasticizing agents may be added to portland
cement 1Ype I or II in the manufacturing process, but not in excess of 12 percent of

1982 EDITION 2403

the total volume. Plastic or waterproofed cements so manufactured shall meet the
requirements for portland cement as set forth in U.B.C. Standard No. 26-1 except
in respect to the limitations on insoluble residue, air-entrainment and additions
subsequent to calcination.
(p) Lime. Quicklime shall conform to U.8.C Standard No. 24-17. Hydrated
lime shall conform to the requirements of U.8.C. Standard No. 24-18. Lime
putty shall be made from quicklime or hydrated lime.
If made from other than processed pulverized quicklime, the lime shall be
slaked and then screened through a No. 16 mesh sieve. After slaking, screening,
and before using, it shall be stored and protected for not Jess than 10 days. The
resulting lime putty shall weigh not Jess than 83 pounds per cubic foot.
Processed pulverized quicklime conforming to U.8.C. Standard No. 24-19
shall be slaked for not Jess than 48 hours and shall be cool when used.
(q) Mortar. I. General. Mortar used in masonry construction shall be classi- I
tied in accordance with (a) the materials and proportions set forth in Table
No. 24-A, or (b) the properties as established by laboratory tests as set forth in
U.8.C. Standard No. 24-20. Tests made to classify mortar by compressive
strength shall be as set forth in U. 8. C. Standard No. 24-20, using the proportions
and materials proposed for use. Aggregates for mortar shall conform to the
provisions set forth in U.8.C. Standard No. 24-21.
2. Admixtures. Admixtures shall not be added to the mortar unless approved
by the building official.
Only pure mineral oxide colors shall be used for color.
3. Strength. The strength of mortar using cementitious materials set forth in
Table No. 24-A shall meet the minimum compressive strength shown in U.8.C.
Standard No. 24-20. The building official may require field tests to verify
compliance with this section. Such tests shall be made in accordance with U. 8. C.
Standard No. 24-22.
(r) Grout. l. General. Grout shall be proportioned by volume and shall have
sufficient water added to produce consistency for pouring without segregation.
Aggregate shall conform to the requirements set forth in U. 8. C. Standard
No. 24-23.
2. TYpe. Fine grout shall be composed of one part portland cement, to which
may be added not more than one-tenth part hydrated lime or lime putty, and two
and one-fourth to three parts sand.
Coarse grout shall be composed of one part portland cement to which may be
added not more than one-tenth part hydrated lime or lime putty, and two to three
parts sand, and not more than two parts gravel.
EXCEPTION: "JYpe M or S mortar may be used for grout in fireplaces and their
Coarse grout may be used in grout spaces in brick masonry 2 inches or more in
horizontal dimension and in grout spaces in filled-cell construction 4 inches or
more in both horizontal dimensions.
3. Strength. Grout shall attain a minimum compressive strength of 2000
pounds per square inch at 28 days. The building official may require a compres-


sive field strength test of grout made in accordance with U .B.C. Standard
No. 24-22.
4. Aluminum equipment. Grout shall not be handled nor pumped utilizing
aluminum equipment unless it can be demonstrated with the materials and
equipment to be used that there will be no deleterious effect on the strength of the
(s) Mortar Limitations. Masonry units used in foundation walls and footings
shall be laid up in 'iype S or 'iype M mortar. 'iype 0 mortar may be used only in
interior nonstructural walls. See Sections 2412 (b), 2414 (a) and 2418 (a).
(t) Aggregates. Aggregates for mortar shall be of a quality at least equal to that
set forth in U.B.C. Standard No. 24-21.
(u) Rate of Absorption. At the time of laying, burned clay units and sand-
lime units shall have a rate of absorption not exceeding 0.025 ounce per square
inch during a period of one minute. In the absorption test the surface of the unit
shall be held Vs inch below the surface of the water.
(v) Reuse of Masonry Units. Masonry units may be reused when clean,
whole and conforming to the other requirements of this section, except that the
allowable working stresses shall be 50 percent of that permitted for new masonry
units. Such units may not be used under the provisions of Section 2418 (c) 2 B.
Sec. 2404. (a) General. Tests of materials shall be made in accordance with
the standard method prescribed for the material in question.
(b) Load Tests. When a load test is required, the member or portion of the
structure under consideration shall be subject to a superimposed load equal to
twice the design live load plus one half of the dead load. This load shall be left in
position for a period of 24 hours before removal. If, during the test or upon
removal of the load, the member or portion of the structure shows evidence of
failure, such changes or modifications as are necessary to make the structure
adequate for the rated capacity shall be made; or where lawful, a lower rating shall
be established. A flexural member shall be considered to have passed the test if the
maximum deflection D at the end of the 24-hour period neither exceeds

L L2
D= -norD=
200 - - . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. . . . . (41)
4000t -

and the beams and slabs show a recovery of at least 75 percent of the observed
deflection within 24 hours after removal of the load.
L = span of the member in feet.
t = thickness or depth of the member in feet.
(c) Determination of Masonry Design Strength. 1. General. The value of
f' shall be determined by tests of masonry assemblies in accordance with the
pr';;visions of paragraph 2 of this subsection or shall be assumed in accordance

1982 EDITION 2404

with the provisions of paragraph 3 of this subsection. When approved by the

building official, assembly or unit strength tests may be analyzed statistically
considering the variability of test results.
2. Thsts. A. General. When the strengthf'm is established by tests, they shall
be made using prisms built of the same material and under the same conditions as
for the structure. The moisture content of the units at the time of laying,
consistency of mortar and workmanship shall be the same as will be used in the
structure. The prism may be built in stack bond. The value off'm shall be the
average of a given sampling of the specimens tested but shall be not more than 125
percent of the minimum value determined by test, whichever is less.
Testing shall include tests in advance of beginning operations and at least one
field test during construction per each 5000 square feet of wall but not less than
three such tests for any building.
The compressive strengthf'm shall be computed by dividing the ultimate load
by the net area of the masonry used in the construction of the prisms. The gross
area may be used in the determination off'm for solid masonry units as defined in
U.B.C. Standard No. 24-1.
B. Prisms. Prisms shall be not less than 12 inches high and shall have a height-
to-thickness minimum dimension ratio of not less than 1.5 nor more than 5.
Hollow masonry unit prisms shall be not less than one masonry unit in length and
solid masonry unit prisms or solid-filled prisms shall be not less than 4 inches in
length. The thickness and type of construction of the specimen shall be represen-
tative of the masonry element under consideration. Cores in hollow masonry shall
not be filled, except for solid-filled construction. The strengthf'm shall be taken
as the compressive strength of the specimens multiplied by the following correc-
tion factor:

Ratio of Hid 1.5 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0

Correction factor 0.86 1.00 1.20 1.30 1.37

H = height of specimen, in inches.
d = minimum dimension of specimen, in inches.
Intermediate values may be interpolated.
C. Storage of test prisms. Test prisms shall be stored for seven days in air at a
temperature of 70 degrees, plus or minus 5 degrees, in a relative humidity
exceeding 90 percent, and then in air at a temperature of70 degrees, plus or minus
5 degrees, at a relative humidity of 30 percent to 50 percent until tested. Those
constructed in the field shall be stored undisturbed for from 48 to 96 hours under
wet material to simulate 90 percent humidity, then transported to laboratory for
continued curing as above. Prisms shall be capped and tested in compression
similar to tests for molded concrete cylinders as specified in U.B.C. Standard
No. 26-13.
D. Sampling. Not less than five specimens shall be made for each initial
preliminary test to establishf'm Not less than three shall be made for each field


test to confirm that the materials are as assumed in the design. The standard age of
test specimens shall be 28 days, but seven-day tests may be used, provided the
relation between the seven-day and 28-day strengths of the masonry is established
by adequate test data for the materials used.
3. Assumed ultimate compressive strength. When prism tests are not made
as in paragraph 2./'m may be assumed as:
Solid Clay Units-14,000 psi gr:Jss ....................... f'm = 5300
Solid Clay Units-10,000 psi gross ....................... f'm = 4000
Solid Clay Units--6000 psi gross ........................ I'm = 2600
Solid Units-3000 psi gross ............................. f'm = 1800
Solid Units-2500 psi gross ............................. f'm = 1500
Solid Load-bearing Concrete Masonry Units-
Grade N ........................................... f'm = 1080
Hollow Concrete Units-Grade N ......................... f'm = 1350
Hollow Concrete Units-Grade N
grouted solid ....................................... f'm = 1500
Concrete Building Brick-Grade N
(3500 psi units) ..................................... I'm = 2100
Hollow Clay Units-Grade LB
(llf4-inch minimum face shell) ......................... I'm = 1350
Hollow Clay Units-Grade LB
(llf4-inch minimum face shell) grouted ................... f'm = 1500
Hollow Clay Units-T)'pe I
5000 psi net ........................................ f'm = 2500
I (grout used shall equal or exceed 1.33/'m)
For solid units, intermediate values may be interpolated.
Compressive tests of solid clay units shall be conducted in accordance with
U.B.C. Standard No. 24-24.
Where the assumedf'm exceeds 2600 pounds per square inch, field tests in
accordance with Section 2404 (c) 2 shall be required.

Unburned Clay Masonry

Sec. 2405. (a) General. Masonry of stabilized unburned clay units shall not
be used in any building more than one story in height. The unsupported height of
every wall of unburned clay units shall be not more than ten times the thickness of
such walls. Bearing walls shall in no case be less than 16 inches. All footing walls
which support masonry of unburned clay units shall extend to an elevation not less
than 6 inches above the adjacent ground at all points.
(b) Units. At the time oflaying, all units shall be clean and damp at the surface
and shall have been stabilized with emulsified asphalt in accordance with U.B.C.
Standard No. 24-14.
(c) Laying. All joints shall be solidly filled with T)'pe M or S mortar. Bond
shall be provided as specified for masonry of hollow units in Section 2410.

1982 EDITION 2405-2407

(d) Stresses. All masonry of unburned clay units shall be so constructed that
the unit stresses do not exceed those set forth in Table No. 24-B. Bolt values shall
not exceed those set forth in Table No. 24-C.
Reinforced Gypsum Concrete
Sec. 2406. (a) General. Reinforced gypsum concrete shall conform to
U.B.C. Standard No. 24-12.
Reinforced gypsum concrete shall develop the minimum ultimate compressive
strength in pounds per square inch set forth in Table No. 24-D when dried to
constant weight, with tests made on cylinders 2 inches in diameter and 4 inches
long or on 2-inch cubes.
Tests, when required, shall follow the procedure set forth in U.B.C. Standard
No. 47-17.
For special inspection, see Section 306.
(b) Design. The minimum thickness of reinforced gypsum concrete shall be 2
inches except the thickness may be reduced to l Y2 inches, provided all of the
following conditions are satisfied:
1. The overall thickness including the formboard is not less than 2 inches.
2. The clear span of the gypsum concrete between supports does not exceed 2
feet 9 inches.
3. Diaphragm action is not required.
4. The design live load does not exceed 40 pounds per square foot.
(c) Stresses. The maximum allowable unit working stresses in reinforced
gypsum concrete shall not exceed the values set forth in Table No. 24-E except as
specified in Chapter 23. Bolt values shall not exceed those set forth in Table No.
Allowable shear in poured-in-place reinforced gypsum concrete diaphragms
using standard hot-rolled bulb tee subpurlins shall be determined by U .B.C.
Standard No. 24-12. (See Table No. 24-12-A in the standard for values for
commonly used roof systems.)
Glass Masonry
Sec. 2407. (a) General. Masonry of glass blocks may be used in nonload-
bearing exterior or interior walls and in openings which might otherwise be filled
with windows, either isolated or in continuous bands, provided the glass block
panels have a minimum thickness of 3 inches at the mortar joint and the mortared
surfaces of the blocks are treated for mortar bonding.
(b) Horizontal Forces. The panels shall be restrained laterally to resist the
horizontal forces specified in Chapter 23 for bearing walls.
(c) Size of Panels. Glass block panels for exterior walls shall not exceed 144
square feet of unsupported wall surface nor 15 feet in any dimension. For interior
walls, glass block panels shall not exceed 250 square feet of unsupported area nor
25 feet in any dimension.
(d) Mortar. Glass block shall be laid in TYpe S mortar. Both vertical and
horizontal mortar joints shall be at least Y4 inch and not more than % inch thick
and shall be completely filled.


(e) Expansion Joints. Every exterior glass block panel shall be provided with
Y2-inch expansion joints at the sides and top. Expansion joints shall be entirely
free of mortar and shall be filled with resilient material.
Stone Masonry
Sec. 2408. (a) General. Stone masonry is that form of construction made
with natural or cast stone in which the units are laid and set in mortar, with all
joints thoroughly filled.
(b) Construction. In ashlar masonry, bond stones uniformly distributed shall
be provided to the extent of not less than 10 percent of the area of exposed facets.
Rubble stone masonry 24 inches or less in thickness shall have bond stones with
a maximum spacing of3 feet vertically and 3 feet horizontally and, if the masonry
is of greater thickness than 24 inches, shall have one bond stone for each 6 square
feet of wall surface on both sides.
(c) Minimum Thickness. Stone masonry walls shall in no case have a mini-
mum thickness of less than 16 inches.
(d) Stresses. The allowable unit working stresses in stone masonry shall not
exceed the values set forth in Table No. 24-B. Bolt values shall not exceed those
set forth in Table No. 24-G.

Cavity Wall Masonry

Sec. 2409. (a) General. Cavity wall masonry is that type of construction
made with brick, structural clay tile or concrete masonry units or any combination
of such units in which facing and backing are completely separated except for the
metal ties which serve as bonding.
(b) Cavity Wall Construction. In cavity walls neither the facing nor the
backing shall be less than 4 inches in thickness and the cavity shall be not less than
l-inch net in width nor more than 4 inches in width. The backing shall be at least
as thick as the facing.
EXCEPTION: Where both the facing and backing are constructed with clay or
shale brick, the facing and backing may be 3 inches in thickness.
The facing and backing of cavity walls shall be bonded with 3!16-inch-diameter
steel rods or metal ties of equivalent strength and stiffness embedded in the
horizontal joints. There shall be one metal tie for not more than each 4 1/2 square
feet of wall area for cavity widths up to 3 Y2 inches net in width. Where the cavity
exceeds 3 Y2 inches net in width, there shall be one metal tie for not more than each
3 square feet of wall area. Ties in alternate courses shall be staggered and the
maximum vertical distance between ties shall not exceed 24 inches and the
maximum horizontal distance shall not exceed 36 inches. Rods bent to rectangular
shape shall be used with hollow masonry units laid with the cells vertical; in other
walls the ends of ties shall be bent to 90-degree angles to provide hooks not less
than 2 inches long. Additional bonding ties shall be provided at all openings,
spaced not more than 3 feet apart around the perimeter and within 12 inches of the
opening. Ties shall be of corrosion-resistant metal, or shall be coated with a
corrosion-resistant metal or other approved protective coating.
(c) Maximum Height. The maximum height of cavity walls shall be as

1982 EDITION 2409-2411

specified in Section 2418 (b) 2.

(d) Stresses. The allowable unit working stresses in cavity wall construction
shall not exceed the values set forth in Table No. 24-B. Bolts fully embedded shall
have values not to exceed those set forth in Table No. 24-G for solid masonry.
Hollow Unit Masonry
Sec. 2410. (a) General. Hollow unit masonry is that type of construction
made with hollow masonry units in which the units are all laid and set in mortar.
All units shall be laid with full face shell mortar beds. All head and end joints
shall be filled solidly with mortar for a distance in from the face of the unit or wall
not less than the thickness of the longitudinal face shells.
(b) Construction. Where two or more hollow units are used to make up the
thickness of a wall, the stretcher courses shall be bonded at vertical intervals not
exceeding 34 inches by lapping at least 4 inches over the unit below or by lapping
at vertical intervals not exceeding 17 inches with units which are at least 50
percent greater in thickness than the units below; or by bonding with corrosion-
resistant metal ties conforming to the requirements for cavity walls. There shall be
one metal tie for not more than each 4 1/2 square feet of wall area. Ties in alternate
courses shall be staggered, and the maximum vertical distance between ties shall
not exceed 18 inches, and the maximum horizontal distance shall not exceed 36
inches. Walls bonded with metal ties shall conform to the requirements for
allowable stress, lateral support, thickness (excluding cavity), height, and mortar
for cavity walls.
(c) Stresses. All hollow unit masonry shall be so constructed that the unit
stresses do not exceed those set forth in Table No. 24-B. Bolt values shall not
exceed those set forth in Table No. 24-G.

Solid Masonry
Sec. 2411. (a) General. Solid masonry shall be brick, concrete brick or solid
load-bearing concrete masonry units laid contiguously in mortar.
All units shall be laid with full shoved mortar joints, and all head, bed and wall
joints shall be solidly filled with mortar.
(b) Construction. In each wythe of bearing and nonbearing walls, except
masonry veneer, not less than 75 percent of the units in any transverse vertical
plane shall lap the ends of the units above and below a distance not less than 1 Y2
inches or one half the height of the units, whichever is greater, or the masonry
shall be reinforced longitudinally as required in Section 2416 (I) for masonry laid
in stack bond. Adjacent wythes in bearing and nonbearing walls shall be bonded
by either of the following methods:
1. Headers. The facing and backing shall be bonded so that not less than 4
percent of the exposed face area is composed of solid headers extending not less
than 4 inches into the backing. The distance between adjacent full-length headers
shall not exceed 24 inches vertically or horizontally. Where the backing consists
of two or more wythes the headers shall extend not less than 4 inches into the most
distant wythe, or the backing wythes shall be bonded together with separate
headers whose area and spacing conform to the foregoing.


2. Metal ties. The facing and backing shall be bonded with corrosion-resistant
unit metal ties or cross wires of approved joint reinforcement conforming to the
requirements of Section 2409 (b) for cavity walls. Unit ties shall be of sufficient
length to engage all wythes, with ends embedded not less than l inch in mortar, or
shall consist of two lengths, the inner embedded ends of which are hooked and
lapped not less than 2 inches.
Where the space between metal tied wythes is solidly filled with mortar the
allowable stresses and other provisions for masonry bonded walls shall apply.
Where the space is not filled, metal tied walls shall conform to the allowable
stress, lateral support, thickness (excluding cavity), height, and mortar require-
ments for cavity walls.
(c) Moisture Content. For moisture content, see Section 2403 (u).
(d) Stresses. All solid masonry shall be so constructed that the unit stresses do
not exceed those set forth in Table No. 24-B. Bolt values shall not exceed those set
forth in Table No. 24-G.

Grouted Masonry
Sec. 2412. (a) General. Grouted masonry is that form of construction made
with brick or solid concrete brick units in which interior joints of masonry are
filled by pouring grout therein as the work progresses.
(b) Materials. At the time of laying, all masonry units shall be free of
excessive dust and dirt. For moisture content, see Section 2403 (u). Only TYpe M
or TYpe S mortar consisting of a mixture of portland cement, hydrated lime and
aggregate shall be used.
(c) Low-lift Grouted Construction. Requirements for construction shall be as
I . All units in the two outer tiers shall be laid with full-shoved head and bed
mortar joints. Masonry headers shall not project into the grout space.
2. All longitudinal vertical joints shall be grouted and shall be not less than%
inch in thickness. In members of three or more tiers in thickness, interior bricks
shall be embedded into the grout so that at least % inch of grout surrounds the
sides and ends of each unit. All grout shall be puddled with a grout stick
immediately after pouring.
3. One exterior tier may be carried up 18 inches before grouting, but the other
exterior tier shall be laid up and grouted in lifts not to exceed six times the width of
the grout space with a maximum of 8 inches.
4. If the work is stopped for one hour or longer, the horizontal construction
joints shall be formed by stopping all tiers at the same elevation and with the grout
l inch below the top.
(d) High-lift Grouted Construction. Requirements for construction shall be
as follows:
I. All units in the two tiers shall be laid with full head and bed mortar joints.
2. The two tiers shall be bonded together with wall ties. Ties shall be not less
than No. 9 wire in the form of rectangles 4 inches wide and 2 inches in length less
than the overall wall thickness. Kinks, water drips or deformations shall not be

1982 EDITION 24122414

permitted in the ties. One tier of the wall shall be built up not more than 16 inches
ahead of the other tier. Ties shall be laid not to exceed 24 inches on center
horizontally and 16 inches on center vertically for running bond and not more than
24 inches on center horizontally and 12 inches on center vertically for stack bond.
3. Cleanouts shall be provided for each pour by leaving out every other unit in
the bottom tier of the section being poured, or by cleanout openings in the
foundation. During the work, mortar fins and any other foreign matter shall be
removed from the grout space. The cleanouts shall be sealed after inspection and
before grouting.
4. The grout space (longitudinal vertical joint) shall be not less than 3 inches in
width and not less than the thickness required by the placement of steel with the
required clearances and shall be poured solidly with grout. Masonry walls shall
cure at least three days to gain strength before pouring grout.
EXCEPTION: If the grout space contains no horizontal steel, it may be reduced
to 2 inches.
5. Vertical grout barriers or dams shall be built of solid masonry across the
grout space the entire height of the wall to control the flow of the grout horizon-
tally. Grout barriers shall be not more than 30 feet apart.
6. Grout shall be a plastic mix suitable for pumping without segregation ofthe
constituents and shall be mixed thoroughly. Grout shall be placed by pumping or
by an approved alternate method and shall be placed before any initial set occurs
and in no case more than one and one-half hours after water has been added.
7. Grouting shall be done in a continuous pour, in lifts not exceeding 6 feet. It
shall be consolidated by puddling or mechanical vibrating during placing and
reconsolidated after excess moisture has been absorbed but before plasticity is
lost. The grouting of any section of a wall between control barriers shall be
completed in one day with no interruptions greater than one hour.
8. Special inspection during grouting shall be provided in accordance with
Section 306; however, the work shall not qualify for the stresses entitled "Special
Inspection" in Table No. 24-H unless fully inspected.
(e) Stresses. All grouted masonry shall be so constructed that the unit stresses
do not exceed those set forth in Table No. 24-B. Bolt values shall not exceed those
set forth in Table No. 24-G.
Reinforced Grouted Masonry
Sec. 2413. (a) General. Reinforced grouted masonry shall conform to all of
the requirements for grouted masonry specified in Section 2412 and also the
requirements of this section.
(b) Construction. The thickness of grout or mortar between masonry units and
reinforcement shall be not Jess than lf4 inch, except that lf4-inch bars may be laid in
horizontal mortar joints at least lf2 inch thick and steel wire reinforcement may be
laid in horizontal mortar joints at least twice the thickness of the wire diameter.
(c) Stresses. See Section 2417 (a).
Reinforced Hollow Unit Masonry
Sec. 2414. (a) General. Reinforced hollow unit masonry is that type of


construction made with hollow masonry units in which certain cells are continu-
ously filled with concrete or grout and in which reinforcement is embedded.
Requirements for construction shall be as follows:
1. All units shall be laid with full mortar beds on the face shells. All head joints
shall be filled solidly with mortar for a distance in from the face of the unit not less
than the thickness of the longitudinal face shells.
2. Only JYpe M or JYpe S mortar consisting of portland cement, lime and
aggregate shall be used.
3. End walls and cross webs forming cells to be filled shall be full bedded in
mortar to prevent leakage of grout unless the wall is to be poured solid.
4. Bond shall be provided by lapping units in successive vertical courses or by
equivalent mechanical anchorage.
5. Vertical cells to be filled shall have vertical alignment sufficient to maintain
a clear, unobstructed continuous vertical cell measuring not less than 2 inches by 3
inches. If walls are battered or if alignment is offset, the 2-inch by 3-inch clear
opening shall be maintained as measured from course to course. Excessive mortar
fins and any other obstructions shall be removed from the cells to be grouted.
6. At the time of laying, all masonry units shall be free of excessive dust and
7. All cells containing reinforcement shall be filled solidly with grout. Grout
shall be a workable mix suitable for pumping without segregation and shall be
thoroughly mixed. Grout shall be placed by pumping or an approved alternate
method and shall be placed before initial set or hardening occurs. Grout shall be
consolidated by puddling or mechanical vibration during placing and reconsoli-
dated after excess moisture has been absorbed but before workability is lost. The
grouting of any section of a wall shall be completed in one day with no interrup-
tions greater than one hour.
8. Where the grout pour exceeds 4 feet in height, cleanouts shall be provided by
suitable openings in the face shells in the bottom course of each cell to be grouted,
or other approved locations. The cleanouts shall be sealed after inspection and
before grouting.
9. When the grouting is stopped for one hour or longer, horizontal construction
joints shall be formed by stopping the pour of grout approximately Y2 inch above
or below a bed joint.
10. All reinforcing shall be in place prior to grouting. Vertical reinforcing bars
shall be held in position at the top, bottom and at intervals not farther apart than
192 bar diameters.

(b) Low-lift Grouted Construction. Units may be laid to a height not to

exceed 8 feet. If the height exceeds 4 feet, cleanouts must be used.

(c) High-lift Grouted Construction. Units may be laid to the full height ofthe
wall and grouts shall be placed in 4-foot (maximum) lifts, and special inspection
shall be provided during grouting. Special inspection at time of grouting shall not
qualify the work for the stresses entitled "Special Inspection" in Table No. 24-H
unless fully inspected.

1982 EDITION 2415

General Construction Requirements

Sec. 2415. (a) Cold Weather Construction. No masonry shall be laid when
the temperature of the outside air is below 40F. , unless approved methods are
used during construction to prevent damage to the masonry. Such methods shall
include protection of the masonry for a period of at least 48 hours where masonry
cement or 1.ype I portland cement is used in the mortar and grout and for a period
of at least 24 hours where 1)'pe III portland cement is used. Materials to be used
and materials to be built upon shall be free from ice or snow.
(b) Corbeling. Corbels may be built only into solid masonry wall 12 inches or
more in thickness. The projection for each course in such corbel shall not exceed I
inch, and the maximum projection shall not exceed one third the total thickness of
the wall when used to support structural members, and not more than 6 inches
when used to support a chimney built into the wall. The top course of all corbels
shall be a header course.
(c) Wood. Masonry shall not be supported by wood members except as
provided for in Section 2515.
(d) Masonry Foundations. In one-story buildings having wood frame exterior
walls, foundations not over 24 inches high may be constructed of masonry units
without mortared head joints, provided the masonry units permit horizontal flow
of the grout to adjacent units.
(e) Minimum Bar Spacing. The minimum clear distance between parallel
bars, except in columns, shall be not less than the diameter of the bar except that
lapped splices may be wired together. The center-to-center spacing of bars within
a column shall be not less than two and one-half times the bar diameter.
(0 Splices in Reinforcement. Splices may be made only at such points and in
such manner that the structural strength of the member will not be reduced.
Lapped splices shall provide sufficient lap to transfer the working stress of the
reinforcement by bond and shear but in no case shall the lap be less than 30 bar
diameters. Welded or mechanical connections shall develop the strength of the
Wire joint reinforcement used in the design as principal reinforcing in hollow
unit construction shall be continuous between all supports unless splices are made
by lapping:
I. Fifty-four wire diameters in a grouted cell, or
2. Seventy-five wire diameters in the mortared bed joint, or
3. In alternate bed joints of running bond masonry a distance not less than 54
diameters plus twice the spacing ofthe bed joints, or
4. As required by calculation and specific location in areas of minimum
stress, such as points of inflection.
(g) Protection for Reinforcement. All bars shall be completely embedded in
mortar or grout. Joint reinforcement embedded in horizontal mortar joints shall
have not less than %-inch mortar coverage from the exposed face. All other
reinforcement shall have a minimum coverage of one bar diameter over all bars,
but not less than 3!4 inch except where exposed to weather or soil in which cases the
minimum coverage shall be 2 inches.


General Design
Sec. 2416. (a) General. Masonry shall be designed to withstand all vertical
and horizontal loads as specified in Chapter 23, and with due allowance for the
effect of eccentric loads.
(b) Combination of Units. In walls or other structural members composed of
different kinds or grades of units, materials or mortars, the maximum stress in any
portion shall not exceed the allowable stress permitted for the material of that
portion. The net thickness of any facing unit which is used to resist stress shall be
not less than 1Y2 inches.
(c) Thickness of Walls. For thickness limitations of walls as specified in this
chapter, nominal thickness shall be used. Stresses shall be determined on the basis
of the net thickness of the masonry, with consideration for reduction such as raked
The thickness of masonry walls shall be designed so that allowable maximum
stresses specified in this chapter are not exceeded and so that all masonry walls
shall not exceed the height- or length-to-thickness ratio nor the minimum thick-
ness as specified in this chapter and as set forth in Table No. 24-1.
EXCEPTION: The height- or length-to-thickness ratio may be increased and the
minimum thickness may be decreased when data are submitted which justify a
reduction in the requirements specified in this section.
(d) Piers. Every structural pier whose width is less than three times its
thickness shall be designed and constructed as required for columns.
(e) Chases and Recesses. Chases and recesses in masonry walls shall be
designed and constructed so as not to reduce the required strength or required fire
resistance of the wall.

(f) Pipes and Conduits Embedded in Masonry. Pipe or conduit shall not be
embedded in any masonry so as to reduce the capacity to less than that necessary
for required stability or required fire protection.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Rigid electric conduits may be embedded in structural
masonry when their location has been detailed on the approved plan.
2. Any pipe or conduit may pass vertically or horizontally through any masonry
by means of a sleeve at least large enough to pass any hub or coupling on the pipe
line. Such sleeves shall be placed not closer than three diameters, center to center,
nor shall they unduly impair the strength of construction.
3. Placement of pipes or conduits in unfilled cores of hollow unit masonry shall
not be considered as embedment.
(g) Arches and Lintels. Members supporting masonry shall be of noncombus-
tible materials.
(h) Anchorage. Masonry walls that meet or intersect shall be bonded or
anchored as required in Section 2310.
Structural members framing into or supported by walls or columns shall be
(i) End Support. Beams, girders or other concentrated loads supported by a
wall or pier shall have bearing at least 3 inches in length upon solid masonry not
less than 4 inches thick or upon a metal bearing plate of adequate design and

1982 EDITION 2416-2417

dimensions to distribute the loads safely on the wall or pier, or upon a continuous
reinforced masonry member projecting not less than 3 inches from the face of the
wall, or by other approved methods.
Joists shall have bearing at least 3 inches in length upon solid masonry at least
2 Y4 inches thick; or other provisions shall be made to distribute safely the loads on
the wall or pier.
(j) Distribution of Concentrated Loads. In calculating wall stresses, concen-
trated loads may be distributed over a maximum length of wall not exceeding the
center-to-center distance between loads.
Where the concentrated loads are not distributed through a structural element,
the length of wall considered shall not exceed the width of the bearing plus four
times the wall thickness.
Concentrated loads shall not be considered as distributed by metal ties nor
distributed across continuous vertical joints.
(k) Bolt Values. The allowable loads on bolts shall not exceed the values set
forth in Table No. 24-G.
(I) Stack Bond. In unreinforced masonry where masonry units are laid in stack
bond, longitudinal reinforcement consisting of not less than two continuous wires
each with a minimum aggregate cross-sectional area of .017 square inch shall be
provided in horizontal bed joints spaced not more than 16 inches on center
(m) Bed Joints. The initial bed joint thickness shall be not less than V4 inch nor
more than 1 inch; subsequent bed joints shall be not less than V4 inch nor more
than Sfs inch in thickness. See Section 3707 (c) for firebrick.

Reinforced Masonry Design

Sec. 2417. (a) General. All reinforced masonry shall be so designed and
constructed that the unit stresses do not exceed those set forth in Table No. 24-H.
All plans submitted for approval shall clearly show the assumed strength of
masonry for which all parts of the structure were designed.
(b) Allowable Steel Stresses. Stresses in reinforcement shall not exceed the

For deformed bars with a yield strength of 60,000 pounds per square
inch or more and in sizes No. 11 and smaller .................. . 24,000
Joint reinforcement, 50 percent of the minimum yield point specified in
U.B.C. Standards for the particular kind and grade of steel used, but in
no case to exceed ........................................ . 30,000
For all other reinforcement ................................. . 20,000


40 percent of the minimum yield strength, but not to exceed 24,000



For compression reinforcement in flexural members, the allowable stress shall not
be taken as greater than the allowable tensile stress shown above.
(c) Symbols and Notations. The symbols and notations used in this section
are defined as follows:
a = Angle between inclined web bars and axis of beam.
Av = Total area of web reinforcement in tension within a distance of s, or the
total area of all bars bent up in any one plane.
b = Width of rectangular section or width of flange of I or T sections.
d = Depth from compression face of beam or slab to centroid of longitudi-
nal tensile reinforcement.
Em Modulus of elasticity of masonry in compression.
E5 Modulus of elasticity of steel in tension or compression (30,000,000
pounds per square inch).
fm Allowable compressive unit stress in extreme fiber in flexure.
f'm Ultimate compressive strength, usually at age of 28 days, as specified
in Section 2404 (c).
fv Allowable tensile unit stress in web reinforcement.
j Ratio of distance between centroid of compression and centroid of
tension to the depth d.
n = Ratio of modulus of elasticity of steel to that of
Io Sum of perimeters of bars in one set.
s = Spacing of stirrups or of bent bars in a direction parallel to that of the
main reinforcement.
u = Bond stress per unit of surface area of bar.
v = Shearing unit stress.
vm = Allowable unit shearing stress in the masonry.
V = Total shear.
(d) Reinforced Masonry Flexural Design. The design of reinforced masonry
shall be in accordance with the following principal assumptions:
l. A section that is plane before bending remains plane after bending.
2. Moduli of elasticity of the masonry and of the reinforcement remain
3. Tensile forces are resisted only by the tensile reinforcement.
4. Reinforcement is completely surrounded by and bonded to masonry mate-
rial so that they will work together as a homogenous material within the
range of working stresses.
(e) Flexural Computations. l. General. All members shall be designed to
resist at all sections the maximum bending moment and shears produced by dead

1982 EDITION 2417

load, live load and other forces as determined by the principle of continuity and
relative rigidity.
2. Distance between lateral supports. The clear distance between lateral
supports of a beam shall not exceed 32 times the least width of the compression
flange or face.
(f) Width in Flexural Computation. In computing flexural stresses for
masonry where reinforcement occurs, the effective width b shall be not greater

than six times the wall thickness in running bond nor more than three times the
wall thickness in stacked bond.
(g) Combined Axial and Flexural Stresses. Members subject to combined
axial and flexural stresses shall be designed in accordance with accepted princi-
ples of mechanics or in accordance with the following formula:

Ffa + Ffb hi
s a I not exceed l
a b

fa Computed axial unit stress, determined from total axial load and effec-
tive area.
Fa Axial unit stress permitted by this code at the point under consideration,
if member were carrying axial load only, including any increase in
stress allowed by this section.
fb = Computed flexural unit stress.
F b = Flexural unit stress permitted by this code if member were carrying
bending load only, including any increase in stress allowed by this
(h) Shear and Diagonal Thnsion. l. Shearing unit stress. The shearing unit
stress v in reinforced masonry flexural members shall be computed by

bjd ......................... (18-l)

b = The width of a rectangular section or the width of the web in I or T
Where the values of the shearing unit stress computed by Formula ( 18-l)
exceeds the shearing unit stress vm permitted on masonry, web reinforcement shall
be provided to carry the entire stress.
2. Types of web reinforcement. Web reinforcement may consist of:
A. Stirrups or web reinforcement bars perpendicular to the longitudinal steel,
B. Stirrups or web reinforcement bars welded or otherwise rigidly attached to
the longitudinal steel and making an angle of 30 degrees or more thereto, or
C. Longitudinal bars bent so that the axis of the inclined portion of the bar


makes an angle of 15 degrees or more with the axis of the longitudinal

portion of the bar, or
D. Special arrangements of bars with adequate provisions to prevent slip of
bars or splitting of masonry by the reinforcement.
Stirrups or other bars to be considered effective as web reinforcement shall be
anchored at both ends.
3. Stirrups. The area of steel required in stirrups placed perpendicular to the
longitudinal reinforcement shall be computed by Formula (18-2):

Av = fvid ......... , .......... (18-2)

Inclined stirrups shall be proportioned in accordance with the provisions of

paragraph 4 of this subsection.
4. Bent bars. Only the center three fourths of the inclined portion of any
longitudinal bar that is bent up for web reinforcement shall be considered effec-
tive for that purpose, and such bars shall be bent around a pin having a diameter
not less than six times the bar size.
When the web reinforcement consists of a single bent bar or of a single group of
parallel bars all bent up at the same distance from the support, the required area of
such bars shall be computed by Formula (18-3):

= -vSin
f. , . .................... (18-3)
v 01

Where there is a series of parallel bars or groups of bars bent up at different

distances from the support, the required area shall be determined by Formula

Av = --:----,;....::._
Vs ____ ................. (18-4)
fvjd (sin 01 + cos 01)

5. Spacing of web reinforcement. Where web reinforcement is required it

shall be so spaced that every 45-degree line (representing a potential crack)
extending from the middepth of the beam to the longitudinal tension bars shall be
crossed by at least one line of web reinforcement.
(i) Bond and Anchorage. 1. Computation of bond stress in beams. In
flexural members in which the tensile reinforcement is parallel to the compression
face, the bond stress at any cross section shall be computed by Formula (18-5):

u= "i.ojd
...................... (18-5)

in which V is the shear at that section and Lo is taken as the perimeter of all

1982 EDITION 2417

effective bars crossing the section on the tension side. To be effective the bars
must be properly developed by hooks, lap or embedment on each side of the
section. Bent-up bars that are not more than d/3 from the level of the main
longitudinal reinforcement may be included. Critical sections occur at the face of
the support, at each point where tension bars terminate within a span and at the
point of inflection.
Bond shall be similarly computed on compressive reinforcement, but the shear
used in computing the bond shall be reduced in the ratio of the compressive force
assumed in the bars to the total compressive force at the section. Anchorage shall
be provided by embedment past the section to develop the assumed compressive
force in the bars at the bond stress in Table No. 24-H.
2. Anchorage requirements. Tensile negative reinforcement in any span of a
continuous, restrained or cantilever beam, or in any member of a rigid frame shall
be adequately anchored by bond, hooks or mechanical anchors in or through the
supporting member. Within any such span every reinforcing bar except in a
lapped splice whether required for positive or negative moment shall be extended
at least 12 diameters beyond the point at which it is no longer needed to resist
No flexural bar shall be terminated in a tension zone unless one of the following
conditions is satisfied:
A. The shear is not over one half that normally permitted, including allowance
for shear reinforcement, if any.
B. Additional stirrups in excess of those required are provided each way from
the cutoff, a distance equal to the depth of the beam. The stirrup spacing
shall not exceed d/8rb where rb is the ratio of the area of bars cut off to the
total area of bars at the section.
C. The continuing bars provide double the area required for flexure at that
point or double the perimeter required for flexural bond.
At least one third of the total reinforcement provided for negative moment at
the support shall be extended beyond the extreme position of the point of
inflection a distance sufficient to develop by bond one half the allowable stress in
such bars, not Jess than one sixteenth of the clear span length or not less than the
depth of the member, whichever is greater. The maximum tension in any bar must
be developed by bond on a sufficient straight or bent embedment or by other
The bar may be bent across the web at an angle of not less than 15 degrees with
the longitudinal portion of the bar and be made continuous with the reinforcement
which resists moment of opposite sign.
Of the positive reinforcement in continuous beams not less than one fourth the
area shall extend along the same face of the beam into the end support a distance
of6 inches.
In simple beams, or at the freely supported end of continuous beams, at least
one third the required positive reinforcement shall extend along the same face of
the beam into the support a distance of 6 inches.
Compression steel in beams and girders shall be anchored by ties or stirrups not


less than Y4 inch in diameter, spaced not farther apart than 16 bar diameters or 48
tie diameters. Such ties or stirrups shall be used throughout the distance where
compression steel is required.
3. Plain bars in tension. Plain bars in tension shall terminate in standard
hooks except that hooks shall not be required on the positive reinforcement at
interior supports of continuous members.
4. Anchorage of web reinforcement. Single separate bars used as web rein-
forcement shall be anchored at each end by one of the following methods:
A. Welding to longitudinal reinforcement.
B. Hooking tightly around the longitudinal reinforcement through at least 180
C. Embedment above or below the mid-depth of the beam on the compression
side, a distance sufficient to develop the stress to which the bar will be
subject at a bond stress of not to exceed the bond stresses permitted in Table
No. 24-H.
D. By a standard hook, considered as developing 7500 pounds per square
inch, plus embedment sufficient to develop by bond the remaining stress in
the bar at the unit stress set forth in Table No. 24-H. The effective
embedded length shall not be assumed to exceed the distance between the
mid-depth of the beam and the tangent of the hook.
The extreme ends of bars forming a simple U-stirrup or multiple U-stirrups
shall be anchored by one of the methods of this subsection or shall be bent through
an angle of at least 90 degrees tightly around a longitudinal reinforcing bar not less
in diameter than the stirrup bar, and shall project beyond the bend at least 12
diameters of the stirrup bar.
The loops or closed ends of such stirrups shall be anchored by bending around
the longitudinal reinforcement through an angle of at least 90 degrees or by being
welded or otherwise rigidly attached thereto.
Between the anchored ends, each bend in the continuous portion of aU- or
multiple U-stirrup shall be made around a longitudinal bar. Hooking or bending
stirrups around the longitudinal reinforcement shall be considered effective only
when these bars are perpendicular to the longitudinal reinforcement.
Longitudinal bars bent to act as web reinforcement shall, in a region of tension,
be continuous with the longitudinal reinforcement. The tensile stress in each bar
shall be fully developed in both the upper and the lower half of the beam by
adequate anchorage through bond or hooks.
5. Hooks. The term "hook" or "standard hook" as used herein shall mean
A. A complete semicircular tum with a radius of bend on the axis ofthe bar of
not less than three and not more than six bar diameters, plus an extension of
at least four bar diameters at the free end of the bar.
B. A 90-degree bend having a radius of not less than four bar diameters plus an
extension of 12 bar diameters.
C. For stirrup anchorage only, a 135-degree tum with a radius on the axis of
the bar of three diameters, plus an extension of at least six bar diameters at

1982 EDITION 2417

the free end of the bar.

D. For tie anchorage in Seismic Zones No. 3 and No. 4, a minimum tum of
135 degrees plus an extension of at least six bar diameters but not less than
4 inches at the free end of the bar.
EXCEPTION: Where the ties are placed in the horizontal bed joints, when
permitted by Section 2413 (b), the hook shall consist of a 90-degree bend having a
radius of not Jess than four bar diameters plus an extension of 32 bar diameters.
Hooks having a radius of bend of more than six bar diameters shall be
considered merely as extensions to the bars.
In general, hooks shall not be permitted in the tension portion of any beam
except at the ends of simple or cantilever beams or at the freely supported ends of
continuous or restrained beams.
No hooks shall be assumed to carry a load which would produce a tensile stress
in the bar greater than 7500 pounds per square inch.
Hooks shall not be considered effective in adding to the compressive resistance
of bars.
Any mechanical device capable of developing the strength of the bar without
damage to the masonry may be used in lieu of a hook. Tests must be presented to
show the adequacy of such devices.
(j) Reinforced Masonry Walls. l. Minimum thickness. The minimum
nominal thickness of reinforced masonry bearing walls shall be 6 inches, except
as provided in Table No. 24-1, and the ratio of height or length to thickness shall
not exceed 25, except as specified in Section 2416 (c).
2. Stresses. The axial stress in reinforced masonry bearing walls shall not
exceed the value determined by the following formula:

F. = 0.20/' m [1 - ( ~t )'] ............ (18-6)

Compressive unit axial stress in masonry wall.
Ultimate compressive masonry stress as determined by Section
2404 (c). The value of f'm shall not exceed 6000 pounds per square
t = Thickness of wall in inches.
h = Clear unsupported distance in inches between supporting or enclosing
members (vertical or horizontal stiffening elements).
3. Reinforcement. All walls using stresses permitted for reinforced masonry
shall be reinforced with both vertical and horizontal reinforcement. The sum of
the areas of horizontal and vertical reinforcement shall be at least 0.002 times the
gross cross-sectional area of the wall, and the minimum area of reinforcement in
either direction shall be not less than 0.0007 times the gross cross-sectional area
of the wall. The reinforcement shall be limited to a maximum spacing of 4 feet on
center. The minimum diameter of reinforcement shall be 3fs inch except that joint


reinforcement may be considered as part of the required minimum reinforcement.

Horizontal reinforcement shall be provided in the top of footings, at the top of
wall openings, at structurally connected roof and floor levels and at the top of
parapet walls. Only horizontal reinforcement which is continuous in the wall shall
be considered in computing the minimum area of reinforcement.
If the wall is constructed of more than two units in thickness, the minimum area
of required reinforcement shall be equally divided into two layers, except where
designed as retaining walls. Where reinforcement is added above the minimum
requirements such additional reinforcement need not be so divided.
In bearing walls of every type of reinforced masonry there shall be not less than
one Y2-inch bar or two %-inch bars on all sides of, and adjacent to, every opening
which exceeds 24 inches in either direction, and such bars shall extend not less
than 40 diameters, but in no case less than 24 inches beyond the comers of the
opening. The bars required by this paragraph shall be in addition to the minimum
reinforcement elsewhere required.
When the reinforcement in bearing walls is designed, placed and anchored in
position as for columns, the allowable stresses shall be as for columns. The length
of the wall to be considered effective shall not exceed the center-to-center distance
between loads nor shall it exceed the width of the bearing plus four times the wall
(k) Reinforced Masonry Columns. l. Limiting dimensions. The least
dimension of every reinforced masonry column shall be not less than 12 inches.
No masonry column shall have an unsupported length greater than 20 times its
least dimension.
EXCEPTION: The minimum column dimension may be reduced to not less than
8 inches, provided the design is based upon one half the allowable stresses for axial
load. Bending stresses need not be so reduced.
2. AUowable loads. The axial load on columns shall not exceed:

p =A" (.18 rm + o.65 p,, fs) [ 1 -( 4~trJ .......... os-7)

P = Maximum concentric column axial load.
A 8 = The gross area of the column.
I'm = Ultimate compressive masonry strength as determined by Section
2404 (c). The value of f'm shall not exceed 6000 pounds per square
p8 Ratio of the effective cross-sectional area of vertical reinforcement
to A 8
f. = Allowable stress in reinforcement [See Section 2417 (b)].
t = Least thickness of columns in inches.
h = Clear height in inches.

1982 EDITION 24172418

3. Reinforcement. A. Vertical reinforcement. The ratio p g shall be not less

than 0.5 percent nor more than 4 percent. The number of bars shall be not less than
four, nor the diameter less than s inch. The maximum size of bar shall be No. 10.
Where lapped splices are used, the amount of lap shall be sufficient to transfer
the working stress by bond but in no case shall the length of lapped splice be less
than 30 bar diameters, and welded splices shall be full butt welded.
B. Ties. All longitudinal bars for tied columns shall be enclosed by lateral ties.
Lateral support shall be provided to the longitudinal bars, as specified below, by
the comer of a complete tie having an included angle of not more than 135 degrees
or by a hook at the end of a tie. The comer longitudinal bars shall have such
support provided by a complete tie enclosing the longitudinal bars. In addition, in
Seismic Zones No. 3 and No. 4, alternate longitudinal bars shall have such lateral
support provided by ties and no bar shall be farther than 6 inches from such
laterally supported bars.
Lateral ties shall be placed not less than 1Y2 inches and not more than 5 inches
from the surface of the column and may be against the vertical bars or placed in the
horizontal bed joints where permitted by Section 2413 (b).
In Seismic Zones No. 3 and No. 4, maximum tie spacing shall be as follows: 8
inches the full height for columns stressed by tensile or compressive axial
overturning forces due to the seismic loads of Section 2312; 8 inches for the tops
and bottoms of all other columns for a distance of one sixth of the clear column
height, but not less than 18 inches nor the maximum column dimension. Tie
spacing for the remaining column height for columns in Seismic Zones No. 3 and
No. 4, and for the full column hei'ght for all columns in Seismic Zone No. 0, 1 or
2, shall be not more than 16 bar diameters, 48 tie diameters or the least column
dimension, but not more than 18 inches.
Ties shall be at least Y4 inch in diameter for No. 7 or smaller longitudinal bars
and No. 3 bars for No. 8, No. 9 or No. 10 longitudinal bars.
EXCEPTION: Ties placed in the horizontal bed joints, where permitted by
Section 2413 (b), may be smaller in diameter than required above, but not less than
V4 inch in diameter, provided that the total cross-sectional area of such smaller ties
crossing a vertical plane is equal to the area of the larger ties at their required
Structural members framing into or supported by a column shall be anchored
thereto. Additional ties shall be provided around anchor bolts which are set in the
top of a column for buildings located in Seismic Zones No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4.
Such ties shall engage at least four bolts or, alternatively, at least four vertical
column bars or a combination of bolts and bars totaling four in number. Such ties
shall be located within the top 5 inches of the column and shall consist of two
No. 4 or three No. 3 ties.

Bearing Walls
Sec. 2418. (a) Partially Reinforced Masonry. Partially reinforced masonry
shall be designed as unreinforced masonry, except that reinforced areas or
elements may be considered as resisting stresses in accordance with the design
criteria specified in Section 2417, provided such elements fully comply with the


design and construction requirements for reinforced masonry except as herein

noted. Only '!ype M or S mortar shall be used.
The minimum area of reinforcement required in Section 2417 (j) 3 shall not
apply to partially reinforced masonry walls. Maximum spacing of vertical rein-
forcement in exterior partially reinforced masonry walls shall be 8 feet. Rein-
forcement shall be provided each side of each opening and at each corner of all
walls. Horizontal reinforcement not less than 0.2 square inch in area shall be
provided at the top of footings, at the bottom and top of wall openings, near roof
and floor levels and at the top of parapet walls.
Partially reinforced masonry walls shall be considered as reinforced masonry
for the purpose of applying Table No. 24-1.
(b) Unreinforced Masonry. I. General. Except for brick masonry designed
in accordance with the applicable requirements of Subsection (c) ofthis section,
unreinforced masonry walls shall comply with the empirical requirements set
forth in this subsection and Table No. 24-1.
2. Empirical requirements. A. Ratio of height or length to thickness. The
ratio of unsupported height to thickness or the ratio of unsupported length to
thickness (one or the other but not both) for solid masonry walls or bearing
partitions shall not exceed 20, and shall not exceed 18 for walls of hollow masonry
or cavity walls. In computing the ratio for cavity walls, the value for thickness
shall be the sum of the nominal thicknesses of the inner and outer widths of the
masonry. In walls composed of different kinds or classes of units or mortars, the
ratio of height or length to thickness shall not exceed that allowed for the weakest
of the combination of units and mortars of which the member is composed.
B. Minimum thickness. The minimum thickness of bearing walls of plain
masonry shall be 12 inches for the uppermost 35 feet of their height, and shall be
increased 4 inches in thickness for each successive 35 feet or fraction thereof
measured downward from the top of the wall.
EXCEPTIONS: I. The thickness of unreinforced grouted brick masonry walls
may be 2 inches less than required by this subsection, but in no case less than 6
2. In buildings not more than three stories or 35 feet in height, masonry walls may
be of 8-inch nominal thickness. Solid masonry walls in one-story buildings may be
of 6-inch nominal thickness when not over 9 feet in height, provided that when gable
construction is used an additional 6 feet are permitted to the peak of the gable.
When a change in thickness due to minimum thickness requirements occurs
between floor levels, the greater thickness shall be carried to the higher floor
C. Stresses. The stress in unreinforced bearing walls, or portions thereof,
shall not exceed the values set forth in Table No. 24-B. Bolt values shall not
exceed those set forth in Table No. 24-G.
(c) Engineered Unreinforced Brick Masonry. 1. General. A. Design. The
design of unreinforced brick masonry walls or columns constructed of solid
masonry units made from clay or shale may be based on a general structural
analysis and the requirements of this subsection. Where required there shall be
special inspection as specified in Section 306 to ensure that the construction and

1982 EDITION 2418

workmanship requirements of this subsection and chapter are satisfied.

In determining the stresses in brick masonry, the effects of all dead and live
loads shall be taken into account. Eccentricity of vertical load, the effects of
lateral load, temperature changes and other forces shall be considered. Stresses
shall be calculated on actual rather than nominal dimensions.
B. Combination of dissimilar units. In composite or faced walls or other
structural members composed of different kinds or grades of units or mortars, the
maximum stresses shall not exceed the allowable for the weakest of the combina-
tion of units and mortars of which the member is composed.
In cavity walls composed of different kinds or grades of units or mortars, the
maximum stress shall not exceed the allowable stresses for the combinations of
units and mortars of the particular wythe under consideration.
2. Materials. Except as may be otherwise provided herein, materials used in
brick masonry shall conform to the standards and requirements specified in this
A. Brick and solid clay or shale masonry units. Brick and solid clay or shale
masonry units shall comply with the requirements of Section 2403 (b).
Brick used in load-bearing or shear walls shall comply with the dimension and
distortion tolerances specified for 'JYpe FBS of U.B.C. Standard No. 24-1.
Where such brick do not comply with these requirements, the compressive
strength of brick masonry shall be determined by prism tests. See
Section 2418 (c) 3 B.
B. Used brick. Used or salvaged brick shall not be permitted under the
provisions of this subsection.
C. Mortar. Mortar for use in engineered brick masonry shall conform to
U.B.C. Standard No. 24-20, 'JYpe M, S or N, except that it shall consist of a
mixture of portland cement ('JYpe I, II or III), hydrated lime (JYpe nonair-
entrained S) and aggregate where values given in Tables No. 24-J and No. 24-K
are used.
3. Brick masonry strength. A. General. The value off'm used for determin-
ing the allowable stresses shall be based on the specified minimum 28-day
compressive strength of the masonry or on the specified minimum compressive
strength at the earlier age at which the masonry may be expected to receive its full
load. All plans submitted for approval or used on the job shall clearly show the
specified strength of masonry if'm) at an age for which all parts of the structure
were designed.
B. Determination of brick masonry strength. The determination of the
compressive strength of brick masonry if'm) shall be made by one of the
following methods:
Method No. 1 - Prism Tests. When the compressive strength of brick
masonry is to be established by tests, the tests shall be made in accordance with
the requirements of Section 2404 (c) 2, except they shall have a height-to-
thickness ratio (hit) of not less than 2 nor more than 5. If the h/tofthe prism tested
is less than 5, the strength f'm shall be determined by multiplying the prism


compressive strength by the following correction factor:

Ratio of height to thickness (hit) 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 4.5 5.0
Correction factor 1 0.82 0.85 0.88 0.91 0.94 0.98 1.00
1Interpolate to obtain intermediate values.

In no case, however, shall a value off'min excess of 6000 pounds per square inch
be used in the design.
Method No. 2 - Brick Tests. When the compressive strength of the brick
masonry is not determined by prism tests and the units, mortar and workmanship
conform to all applicable requirements of this subsection, the allowable stresses
may be based upon an assumed value off'm interpolated from the values in Table
No. 24-J. Compressive strength tests of brick shall be conducted in accordance
with U.B.C. Standard No. 24-24.
4. AUowable stresses. Except as provided elsewhere in this code, the allow-
able stresses in unreinforced brick masonry shall not exceed the values set forth in
Table No. 24-K.
5. Design. A. Notations. The following notations are used forthe engineered
design of unreinforced brick masonry:
A8 = Gross cross-sectional area.
c. Eccentricity coefficient.
C, Slenderness coefficient.
e = Virtual eccentricity [see Section 2418 (c) 5 G].
e1 Smaller virtual eccentricity at lateral supports (at either top or bottom of
e2 Larger virtual eccentricity at lateral supports (at either top or bottom of
fm Allowable compressive or bearing stress in masonry.
f'm Compressive strength of masonry at 28 days, unless otherwise
!, = Allowable flexural tensile stress in masonry.
h = Effective height [see Section 2418 (c) 5 D and E].
P = Allowable vertical load.
r = Radius of gyration.
t = Effective thickness [see Section 2418 (c) 5 F].

B. Slenderness ratio. The slenderness ratio of a load-bearing wall shall be

taken as the ratio of its effective height h to the effective thickness t and shall not
exceed the value computed by

~ ~ 10 ( 3- :: ) ................... (19-1)

1982 EDITION 2418

NOTE: Value of e11e2 is positive where member is bent in single curvature, and
negative where member is bent in double or reverse curvature. Where e 1 and e 2 are
both equal to zero, e 11e 2 shall be assumed to be zero.
The slenderness ratio of a column shall be the greater value obtained by
dividing the effective height h in any direction by the effective thickness t in the
corresponding direction and shall not exceed the value computed by

~ ~ 5 (4- :;) ................... (19-2)

Where walls or columns meet all other requirements of this code, limits on
slenderness ratios may be waived when approved after a review of a written
C. Slenderness coefficient. The slenderness coefficient C s shall be computed
by the following formula:

c.= 1.20- ~~ (s.7 +(u +:JJ~I.o ......... (19-3)

D. Effective height of walls. Where a wall is laterally supported top and

bottom, its effective height shall be taken as the actual height of the wall.
Where there is no lateral support at the top of a wall, its effective height shall be
taken as twice the height of the wall above the bottom lateral support.
E. Effective height of columns. Where a column is provided with lateral
supports in the directions of both principal axes at both top and bottom, the
effective height in any direction shall be taken as the actual height. The actual
height shall be taken as not less than the clear distance between the floor surface
and the underside of the deeper beam framing into the column in each direction at
the next higher floor level.
Where a column is provided with lateral support in the directions of both
principal axes at the bottom and in the direction of one principal axis at the top, its
effective height relative to the direction of the top support shall be taken as the
height between supports, and its effective height at right angles to this shall be
taken as twice its height above the lower support.
In the absence of lateral support at the top, the effective height of a column
relative to both principal axes shall be taken as twice its height above the lower
F. Effective thickness. For solid walls, the effective thickness shall be taken
as the actual thickness. For metal-tied walls, the effective thickness shall be
determined as for cavity watls unless the collar joints in such walls are filled with
mortar or grout.
For cavity walls loaded on both wythes, each wythe shall be considered to act
independently and the effective thickness of each wythe shall be taken as its actual

For cavity walls loaded on one wythe only, the effective thickness shall be taken
as the actual thickness of the loaded wythe.
For rectangular columns, the effective thickness shall be taken as its actual
thickness in the direction considered.
For nonrectangular columns, the effective thickness shall be taken as equal to
3.464 times its radius of gyration r about the axis considered.
Where raked mortar joints are used, the thickness of the member shall be
reduced in accordance with the depth of the raking.
G. Eccentricity normal to plane of member. In calculating the virtual
eccentricity of loads on walls or columns, consideration shall be given to the
effects of lateral load, eccentricity of vertical load, and the deflection, thermal
and other movements of members.
(i) Bending in one direction. In solid walls and columns, the eccentricity of
the load shall be considered with respect to the centroidal axis of the member.
In cavity walls loaded on one wythe, the eccentricity shall be considered with
respect to the centroidal axis of the loaded wythe.
In cavity walls loaded on both wythes, the load shall be distributed to each
wythe according to the eccentricity of the load about the centroidal axis of the
For members composed of different kinds or grades of units or mortar, the
variation in the moduli of elasticity shall be taken into account and the eccentricity
shall be considered with respect to the center of resistance or the centroidal axis of
the transformed area of the member.
(ii) Eccentricity coefficient. Where the maximum virtual eccentricity e is
equal to or less than t/20, the eccentricity coefficient C e shall be taken as 1. 0.
Where the maximum virtual eccentricity e exceeds t/20 but is equal to or less
than t/6, C, shall be computed by the following formula:

c -
1 +6~
+ _!_
k -_!_XI
\1 20
- e,)
e, ........... (19-4)

Where the maximum virtual eccentricity e exceeds t/6 but is equal to or less
than t/3, C, shall be computed by the following formula:

c.= t.9S (~ - ~)+ ~ (~- io)~- :;) ........ (19-5)

For members subject to transverse loads greater than 10 pounds per square foot
between lateral supports, c.
shall be based on Formula (19-6) or (19-5), which-
ever is applicable, except e/e 2 shall be taken as + 1.0.
(iii) Bending about both principal axes. Where walls and columns are sub-
ject to bending about both principal axes and e 1 b + ebt is equal to or less than
bt/20, the eccentricity coefficient C, shall be taken as 1.0 where e, = virtual

1982 EDITION 2418

eccentricity about the principal axis which is normal to the thickness t of the
member and eb = virtual eccentricity about the principal axis which is normal to
the width b of the member.
Where e1b + ebt exceeds bt/20 but is equal to or less than bt/6, the eccentricity
coefficient C. shall be computed by Formula(l9-6), except that e1 b + ebtlbt shall
be substituted for e/t.
Where e,b + ebt exceeds bt/6 but does not exceed bt/3, C, shall be computed
by Formula (19-5), except that e,b + ebt shall be substituted for eft.
H. Cross-sectional area. For solid walls and columns, A$ shall be taken as the
actual gross cross-sectional area of the member. For metal-tied walls, A shall be
determined as for cavity walls unless the collar joints in such walls are fiiled with
mortar or grout.
For cavity walls loaded on one wythe, A 8 shall be taken as the actual gross
cross-sectional area of the loaded wythe.
For cavity walls loaded on both wythes, A~ shall be taken as the actual gross
cross-sectional area of the wythe under consioeration.
Where raked mortar joints are used, the thickness used in determining A 8 shall
be reduced accordingly.
I. Allowable vertical loads on unreinforced walls and columns. Allowable
vertical loads P on unreinforced walls and columns shall be computed as follows:
Where the maximum virtual eccentricity e does not exceed t/3,

P = C, CJmA 8 . . . . . . . . . . (19-6)

Ce = eccentricity coefficient.
C, = slenderness coefficient.
fm = allowable axial compressive stress.
A8 = gross cross-sectional area.
NOfE: The value of C, C, fm is the average allowable compressive stress
permitted in the member. Accordingly, this value should not be taken as the
maximum compressive stress permitted in the extreme fiber.
Where the maximum virtual eccentricity e exceeds t/3, the maximum tensile
stress in the masonry, assuming linear stress distribution, shall not exceed the
values given in Table No. 24-K. Where these values are exceeded, the member
shall be designed in accordance with the requirements of Section 2417.
Allowable vertical loads on rectangular unreinforced walls and columns sub-
ject to bending about both principal axes shall be computed as follows:
Where e,b + ebt does not exceed bt/3, the allowable vertical load shall be
computed in accordance with the above formula, except that the eccentricity
coefficient C, shall be determined in accordance with Section 2418 (c) 5 G.
Where e,b + ebt exceeds bt/3, walls and columns shall be reinforced and
designed in accordance with Section 2417.
J. Concentrated loads. The bearing stress under beams, lintels and girders


and from similar concentrated loads supported on unreinforced masonry shall not
exceed the values set forth in Table No. 24-K.
K. Shear walls. (i) Eccentricity. In unreinforced shear walls, the virtual
eccentricity e1 about the principal axis which is normal to the length l of the shear
wall shall not exceed an amount which will produce tension. In unreinforced shear
walls subject to bending about both principal axes, e,l + e1t shall not exceed tl/3
where e, = virtual eccentricity about the principal axis which is normal to the
thickness t of the shear wall. Where the virtual eccentricity exceeds the values
given in this section, shear walls shall be designed in accordance with Section
2417 or 2418 (a).
(ii) Allowable vertical loads. Allowable vertical loads on unreinforced shear
walls shall be determined in accordance with Section 2418 (c) 5 I, except that the
value of h used in determining C5 shall be taken as the minimum vertical or
horizontal distance between lateral supports.
(iii) Allowable shear stress. The allowable shear stresses in unreinforced shear
walls shall be taken as the allowable stresses given in Table No. 24-K, plus one
fifth of the average compressive stress due to dead load at the level being
analyzed. In no case, however, shall the allowable shear stresses exceed the
maximum values given in Table No. 24-K.
(iv) Intersecting waDs. Where shear walls intersect a wall or walls to form
symmetrical Tor I sections, the effective flange width shall not exceed one sixth
of the total wall height above the level being analyzed, and its overhanging width
on either side of the shear wall shall not exceed six times the actual thickness of the
intersected wall. Where shear walls intersect a wall or walls to form L or C
sections, the effective overhanging flange width shall not exceed one sixteenth of
the total wall height above the level being analyzed nor six times the actual
thickness of the intersected wall. Limits on effective flange width may be waived
when approved after a review of a written justification.
In computing the shear resistance of the wall, only the web shall be considered.
L. Anchorage of diaphragms. Anchorage of diaphragms to walls shall be in
accordance with Section 2310 and shall be sufficient to transmit all forces.
6. Construction. A. General. In addition to the construction requirements of
Sections 2409 (b), 2411 (b) and (c) and 2415, unreinforced brick masonry
designed in accordance with Section 2418 (c) shall also comply with the require-
ments of this subsection.
8. Mortar joints. All brick shall be laid with full head and bed joints and all
interior joints that are designed to receive mortar shall be filled. The average
thickness of head and bed joints shall not exceed V2 inch.
C. Bonding unreinforced load-bearing walls and shear walls. Where two
unreinforced load-bearing walls meet or intersect, or where shear walls intersect a
wall [see Section 2418 (c) 5 K], the intersections shall be bonded by laying in a
true bond at least 50 percent of the units at the intersection, or the intersecting
walls shall be regularly toothed or blocked with 8-inch maximum offsets and the
joints provided with metal anchors having a minimum section of 1/4 inch by 1112
inches with ends bent up at least 2 inches, or with cross pins to form anchorage.

1982 EDITION 24182419, 24A

Such anchors shall be at least 2 feet long and the maximum spacing shall be 4 feet.
Nonbearlng Walls
Sec. 2419. (a) General. Nonbearing walls may be constructed of any masonry
as specified in this chapter. Reinforced masonry nonbearing walls shall be
reinforced as specified in Section 2417 U) 3.
(b) Thickness. Every nonbearing masonry wall shall be so constructed and
have a sufficient thickness to withstand all vertical loads and horizontal loads,
where specifically required by Chapter 23, but in no case shall the thickness of
such walls (including plaster when applied) be less than the values set forth in
Table No. 24-1.
(c) Anchorage. All nonbearing partitions shall be anchored along the top edge
to a structural member or a suspended ceiling, or shall be provided with equiv-
alent anchorage along the sides.




I I -
I - ~ Not less than 2 ~

s !lz 1
- to !1:! and not more
than 3 times the
1 - sum of the
-1 1 - volumes of the
- over !1:! to 1 ~ cements and lime
0 - 1 -
1 - over 1 ~to 2!/z
1When plastic or waterproof cement is used as specified in Section 2403 (o), hydrated lime
or putty may be added but not in excess of one tenth the volume of cement.



Com Com Shnror Com Shuror
prea- pre Tenelon In Tenelon In prea- -.-nelon In
MATERIAL elon 1 elon 1 Flexure23 Flexu,... elon1 Flexure23
I. Special
inspection No No Yes No Yes No No Yes No
2. Solid brick
4500 plus psi 250 225 20 10 40 20 200 15 7.5
2500-4500 psi 175 160 20 10 40 20 140 15 7.5
1500-2500 psi 125 115 20 10 40 20 100 15 7.5
3. Solid concrete
unit masonry
GradeN 175 160 12 6 24 12 140 12 6
GradeS 125 115 12 6 24 12 100 12 6
4. Grouted masonry
4500 plus psi 350 275 25 12.5 50 25
2500-4500 psi 275 215 25 12.5 50 25
1500-2500 psi 225 175 25 12.5 50 25
5. Hollow unit
masonry 5 170 150 12 6 24 12 140 10 5
6. Cavity wall
masonry solid
GradeN or
2500 psi plus 140 130 12 6 30 15 110 10 5
Grade Sor
1500-2500 psi 100 90 12 6 30 15 80 10 5
Hollow unitsS 70 60 12 6 30 15 50 10 5

.. 7. Stone masonry
Cast stone
Natural stone
8. Unburned clay






- -


1 Allowable axial or flexural compressive stresses in pounds per square inch gross cross-
sectional area (except as noted). The allowable working stresses in bearing directly under
concentrated loads may be 50 percent greater than these values.
2This value of tension is based on tension across a bed joint, i.e., vertically in the normal
masonry work.
3No tension allowed in stack bond across head joints.
4The values shown here are for tension in masonry in the direction of running bond, i.e.,
horizontally between supports.
SNet area in contact with mortar or net cross-sectional area.

1982 EDITION 24-C, 24-D, 24-E


Masonry of Unburned Clay Units


(Inches) (Inches) (Pounds)
' - -
% 12 200

*% 1.'5
1 21 500
1% 24 600




A 500 200,000 150 .36E

B 1000 600,000 50 .40E



TYPE OF STRESS FACTOR (Pounds per Sq. Inch)

Flexural Compression ................ .25f. 125 250

Axial Compression or Bearing .... .20f. 100 200
Bond for Plain Bars and Shear 1.. .02f. 10 20
Bond for Deformed Bars and 1
Electrically Welded Wire l\fesh .03f. 15 30

Electrically welded wire mesh reinforcement shall be considered as meeting the

bond and shear requirements of this section. In no case shall the area of
principal reinforcement be less than 0.26 square inch per foot of slab width.





(Inches) (Inches) (Pounds)

% Bolt 4 325
% Bolt 5 450
% Bolt 5 650
% Deformed Dowel 6 325
% Deformed Dowel 6 450
The bolts or dowels shall be spaced not closer than 6 inches on center.
2The tabulated values may be increased one third for bolts or dowels resisting
wind or seismic forces.




(Inches) (Shear In Pounds) (Shear in Pounds)

% 4 .'350 550
% 4 500 750
5 750 1100
*% 6 1000 1500
1850 2
1 7 1250
1% 8 1500 2250 2
I Anadditional 2 inches of embedment shall be provided for anchor bolts located
in the top of columns for buildings located in Seismic Zones Nos. 2, 3 and 4.
2Permitted only with not less than 2500 pounds per square inch units.

1982 EDITION 24-H


I. Compression, axial: See Section 2417 One half of the values
Walls permitted under Section
2. Compression, axial: See Section 2417 One-half of the values
Columns permitted under Section
3. Compression, flexural 0.33 f'm but not to exceed O.l66f'm but not to exceed
900 450
4. Shear:
a. No shear
FlexuraJ2 1.1 v:f:, 50 Max. 25
Shear walls3
M!Vd;::, 14 .9 v:f:, 34 Max. 17
M!Vd = Q4 2.0 v:f:, 50 Max. 25
b. Reinforcing taking
all shear:
Flexural 3.0 V]', !50 Max. 75
Shear walls3
M!Vd;::, 14 1.5 v:f:, 75 Max. 35
M!Vd = Q4 2.0 v:f:, 120 Max. 60
5. Modulus of elasticitys lOOOf'm but not to exceed 500f'm but not to exceed
3,000,000 1,500,000
6. Modulus of rigidityS 400f'm but not to exceed 200 f' m but not to exceed
1,200,000 600,000
7. Bearing on full area6 0.25f'm but not to exceed 0.125f'm but not to exceed
900 450
8. Bearing on one-third 0.30f'm but not to exceed 0.15 f'm but not to exceed
area or less6 1200 600
9. Bond-Plain bars 60 30
10. Bond-Deformed bars 140 100
1Stresses for hollow unit masonry are based on net section.
2Web reinforcement shall be provided to carry the entire shear in excess of 20 pounds per
square inch whenever there is required negative reinforcement and for a distance of one
sixteenth the clear span beyond the point of inflection.
3When calculating shear or diagonal tension stresses, shear walls which resist seismic forces
shall be designed to resist 1.5 times the forces required by Section 2312 (d).
4M is the maximum bending moment occurring simultaneously with the shear load V at the
section under consideration. Interpolate by straight line for M!Vd values between 0 and I.
SWhere determinations involve rigidity considerations in combination with other materials
or where deflections are involved, the moduli of elasticity and rigidity under columns
entitled "yes" for special inspection shall be used.
6This increase shall be permitted only when the least distance between the edges of the
loaded and unloaded areas is a minimum of one fourth of the parallel side dimension of
the loaded area. The allowable bearing stress on a reasonably concentric area greater than
one third, but less than the full area, shall be interpolated between the values given.



I. Unburned Clay Masonry 10 16
2. Stone Masonry 14 16
3. Cavity Wall Masonry 18 8
4. Hollow Unit Masonry 18 8
5. Solid Masonry 20 8
6. Grouted Masonry 20 6
7. Reinforced Grouted Masonry 25 6
8. Reinforced Hollow Unit Masonry 25 41
9. Exterior Unreinforced Walls 20 2
10. Exterior Reinforced Walls 30 2
II. Interior Partitions Unreinforced 36 2
12. Interior Partitions Reinforced 48 2
1Nominal 4-inch-thick load-bearing reinforced hollow clay unit masonry walls
with a maximum unsupported height or length to thickness of 27 may be
permitted, provided net area unit strength exceeds 8000 psi, units are laid in
running bond, bar sizes do not exceed Vz inch with no more than two bars or one
splice in a cell, and joints are flush cut, concave or a protruding V section.
Minimum bar coverage where exposed to weather may be I Vz inches.




14,000plus 3200 3900 4600
12,000 2800 3400 4000
10,000 2400 2900 3400
8,000 2000 2400 2800
6,000 1600 1900 2200
4,000 1200 1400 1600
2,000 800 900 1000
see Section 2418 (c) I.

1982 EDITION 24-K


DESCRIPTION Without lnepectlon With Inspection
I. Compression, axiaJ:2 9
Walls fm O.!Of'm 0.20f'm
Columns fm 0.08/'m 0.!6f'm
2. Compression, flexuraJ:2
Walls fm O.i6f'm 0.32f'm
Columns fm 0.!3f'm 0.26f'm
3. Tensile, flexuraJ:5 6 9
Normal to bed joints2
MorS mortar j, 18 36
N mortar j, 14 28
Parallel to bed joints3
MorS mortar j, 36 72
N mortar j, 28 56
4. Shear: 7
MorS mortar Vm 0.3 VJ', but not to 0.3 Vf, but not to
exceed 40 exceed 80
Nmortar Vm 0.3 Vf, but not to 0.3 VJ', but not to
exceed 28 exceed 56
5. Bearing:
On full area 0.!25f'm 0.25 f'm
One one-third area
or less4 fm 0.188/'m 0.375f'm
6. Modulus of elasticityB 500f'm but not to exceed I 000 f' m but not to exceed
Em I ,500,000 psi 3,000,000 psi
7. Modulus of elasticityB 200 f' m but not to exceed 400f'm but not to exceed
Ev 600,000 psi I ,200,000 psi
1See Section 2418 (c) 3. Wheref'm is determined in accordance with brick tests, values of
f'm shall be based on Table No. 24-J.
2Direction of stress is normal to bed joints; vertically in normal masonry construction.
3Direction of stress is parrallel to bed joints; horizontally in normal masonry construction. If
masonry is laid in stack bond, tensile stresses in the horizontal direction shall not be
permitted in the masonry.
4 This increase shall be permitted only when the least distance between the edges of the
loaded and unloaded areas is a minimum of one fourth of the parallel side dimension of
the loaded area. The allowable bearing stress on a reasonably concentric area greater than
one third but less than the full area shall be interpolated between the values given.
5for computing the flexural resistance of cavity walls, the lateral load shall be distributed to
the wythes according to their respective flexural rigidities.
6Jn the use of these allowable stresses, consideration shall be given to the influence of
unusual vibration and impact forces.
7See Section 2418 (c) 5 K (iii).
8Where determinations involve rigidity or relative stiffness considerations in combination
with other materials or where deflections are involved, the moduli of elasticity and
rigidity given for "With Inspection" shall be used.
9 Allowable compression and tensile stresses for the conditions of ''Without Inspection'' can
be increased to two thirds of the allowable compression and tensile stresses for the
conditions of "With Inspection" when supported by tests.


Chapter 25
Sec. 2501. (a) Quality and Design. The quality and design of wood members
and their fastenings shall conform to the provisions of this chapter and to the
applicable standards listed in Chapter 60.
(b) Workmanship. All members shall be framed, anchored, tied and braced
so as to develop the strength and rigidity necessary for the purposes for which they
are used.
(c) Fabrication. Preparation, fabrication and installation of wood members
and their fastenings shall conform to accepted engineering practices and to the
requirements ofthis code.
(d) Rejection. The building official may deny permission for the use of a wood
member where permissible grade characteristics or defects are present in such a
combination that they affect the serviceability of the member.
(e) Minimum Quality. Minimum capacity of structural framing members may
be established by performance tests. When tests are not made, capacity shall be
based upon allowable stresses and design criteria specified in this code.
Studs, joists, rafters, foundation plates or sills, planking 2 inches or more in
depth, beams, stringers, posts, structural sheathing and similar load-bearing
members shall be of at least the minimum grades set forth in Table No. 25-A-1 or
No. 25-A-2. Approved end-jointed lumber may be used interchangeably with
solid-sawn members of the same species and grade. Such use shall include, but
not be limited to, light framing joists, planks and decking.
Plywood shall be of species Group I, 2, 3 or 4 and shall be one of the grades
specified in U.B.C. Standard No. 25-9.
I Particleboard shall conform to U .B.C. Standard No. 25-25.
Approved fire-retardant treated wood shall be dried, following treatment, to a
maximum moisture content as follows: solid-sawn lumber 2 inches in thickness or
less to 19 percent, and plywood to 15 percent.
(f) Shrinkage. Consideration shall be given in the design to the possible effect
of cross-grain dimensional changes considered vertically which may occur in
lumber fabricated in a green condition.
Definitions and Symbols
Sec. 2502. (a) Definitions. The following terms used in this chapter shall have
the meanings indicated in this section:
FIBERBOARD is a fibrous-felted, homogeneous panel made from lig-
nocellulosic fibers (usually wood or cane) and having a density of less than 31
pounds per cubic foot but more than 10 pounds per cubic foot, conforming to
U.B.C. Standard No. 25-24.
GLUED BUILT-UP MEMBERS are structural elements, the sections of
which are composed of built-up lumber, plywood or plywood in combination with
lumber, all parts bonded together with adhesives.

1982 EDITION 2502

GRADE (Lumber), the classification of lumber in regard to strength and

utility i.n accordance with the grading rules of an approved lumber grading
HARDBOARD is a fibrous-felted, homogeneous panel made from ligno-
cellulosic fibers consolidated under heat and pressure in a hot press to a density
not less than 31 pounds percubicfoot conforming to U .B.C. Standard No. 25-26.
NOMINAL SIZE (Lumber), the commercial size designation of width and
depth, in standard sawn lumber and glued-laminated lumber grades; somewhat
larger than the standard net size of dressed lumber, in accordance with U. B.C.
Standard No. 25-1 for sawn lumber and U .B.C. Standard No. 25-10 for structural
glued-laminated timber.
NORMAL WADING, a design load that stresses a member or fastening to the

full allowable stress tabulated in this chapter. This loading may be applied for
approximately 10 years, either continuously or cumulatively, and 90 percent of
this load may be applied for the remainder of the life of the member or fastening.
PARTICLEBOARD is a mat-formed panel consisting of particles of wood or
combinations of wood particles and wood fibers bonded together with synthetic
resins or other suitable bonding system by a bonding process in accordance with
U.B.C. Standard No. 25-25.
PLYWOOD, a built-up panel of laminated veneers conforming to U.B.C.
Standard No. 25-9.
ing an assembly of laminations of lumber in which the grain of all laminations is
approximately parallel longitudinally, in which the laminations are bonded with
adhesives, and which is fabricated in accordance with U .B.C. Standards No.
25-10 and No. 25-ll.
TREATED WOOD, wood treated with an approved preservative under the
treating and quality control requirements specified in U.B.C. Standard No.
cypress, black locust, black walnut, the cedars and redwood.
(b) Symbols. The symbols used in this chapter have the following definitions:
A = area of cross section.
b breadth (width) of rectangular member.
C = coefficient, constant or factor.
Cc = curvature factor.
C F = size effect factor.
C1 = form factor.
Cs = slenderness factor.
c = distance from neutral axis to extreme fiber.
D = diameter.
d = depth of rectangular member, or least dimension of compression


E = modulus of elasticity.
e = eccentricity.
F b = allowable unit stress for extreme fiber in bending.
F'b = allowable unit stress for extreme fiber in bending, adjusted for
fb = actual unit stress for extreme fiber in bending.
Fe = allowable unit stress in compression parallel to grain.
F'c = allowable unit stress in compression parallel to grain adjusted for lid
ratio where dis the least dimension.
fc = actual unit stress in compression parallel to grain.
Fc.l... = allowable unit stress in compression perpendicular to grain.
fc.l... = actual unit stress in compression perpendicular to grain.
F n = allowable unit stress acting perpendicular to the inclined surface psi
(Hankinson's Formula).
Fr = allowable unit radial stress.
fr = actual unit radial stress.
Frc = allowable unit radial stress in compression.
frc = actual unit radial stress in compression.
Frr = allowable unit radial stress in tension.
frr = actual unit radial stress in tension.
F, = allowable unit stress in tension parallel to grain.
f, = actual unit stress in tension parallel to grain.
Fv = allowable unit horizontal shear stress.
fv = actual unit horizontal shear stress.
h = rise.
I = moment of inertia.
L = span length of beam, or unsupported length of column, feet.
l = span length of beam, or unsupported length of column, inch.
12 distance from center of connector in end blocks to center of spacer
M bending moment.
m unit bending moment.
N = acting perpendicular to the inclined surface "lb" (Hankinson's Formu-
P = total concentrated load, or axial compression load.
PIA = induced axial load per unit of cross-sectional area.
Q = statical moment of an area about the neutral axis.
R = radius of curvature.
RH = horizontal reaction.
Rv = vertical reaction.

1982 EDITION 2502-2504

r = radius of gyration.
S = section modulus.
T = total axial tension load.
t = thickness.
V = total vertical shear.
W = total uniform load.
w = uniform load per unit of length .
.:lA = allowable deformation or deflection .
.:la = actual deformation or deflection.
(} = angle between the direction of load and the direction of grain, degrees
(Hankinson's Formula).
Size of Structural Members
Sec. 2503. Sizes of lumber and structural glued-laminated timber referred to in
this code are nominal sizes. Computations to determine the required sizes of
members shall be based on the net dimensions (actual sizes) and not the nominal

Sec. 2504. (a) General. Except as hereinafter provided, stresses shall not
exceed the allowable unit stresses for the respective species and grades or
fabricated products as set forth in Tables No. 25-A-1 and No. 25-A-2 for lumber,
and Tables No. 25-C and No. 25-D for structural glued-laminated timber.
The values for Fb and Fe tabulated in Table No. 25-A-1 for visually stress-rated
lumber and in Table No. 25-A-2 for machine stress-rated lumber are for the design
of structures when the strength of an individual member is premised on the
assumption that each individual piece carries its design load.
The repetitive member design values for F b tabulated in Table No. 25-A-1 and
Table No. 25-A-2 may be used for the design of an assembly of repetitive framing
such as joists, rafters and studs not over 4 inches in thickness spaced not more than
24 inches, not less than three in number and joined by transverse load-distributing
elements adequate to support the design load.
Values for species and grades not tabulated shall be approved by the building
Values for plywood shall be in accordance with Table No. 25-B. All plywood
when designed to be exposed in outdoor applications shall be ofthe exterior type,
except as provided in Sections 2516 (i) and 2517 (h) 7. I
(b) Wood Poles or Piles. The values tabulated in Table No. 25-E shall be used
for the design of round timber poles and piles.
Poles and piles shall conform to the requirements set forth in U. B. C. Standards
No. 25-13 and No. 25-14.
(c) Adjustment of Stresses. 1. General. The allowable unit stresses specified
in this chapter shall be subject to the adjustments set forth in the footnotes to the
appropriate stress tables and to the requirements of this subsection.


2. Preservative treatment. The values for wood pressure impregnated with an

approved process and preservative need no adjustment for treatment but are
subject to other adjustments.
3. Fire-retardant treatment. The values shall be reduced 10 percent for
lumber pressure impregnated with approved fire-retardant chemicals. The values
for plywood so treated shall be reduced 16 percent except for modulus of
elasticity, which shall be reduced 10 percent. Other adjustments are applicable.
Where structural glued-laminated timber is fire-retardant treated, values shall
be reduced as approved by the building official.
4. Duration of load. Values for wood and mechanical fastenings (when the
wood determines the load capacity) are subject to the following adjustments for
the various durations of loading:
(i) Where a member is fully stressed to the maximum allowable stress, either
continuously or cumulatively, for more than 10 years under the conditions of
maximum design load, the values shall not exceed 90 percent of those in the
(ii) When the duration of the full maximum load during the life of the member
does not exceed the period indicated below, the values may be increased in the
tables as follows:
15 percent for two months' duration, as for snow
25 percent for seven days' duration, as for roof loads
33 1/3 percent for wind or earthquake
100 percent for impact
The foregoing increases are not cumulative. For combined duration of loadings
the resultant structural members shall not be smaller than required for the longer
duration of loading.
(iii) Values for normal loading conditions may be used without regard to
impact if the stress induced by impact does not exceed the values for normal
5. Size factor adjustment. When the depth of a rectangular sawn bending
member exceeds 12 inches, the allowable unit stress in bending F b shall be
multiplied by the size factor, CF, as determined by the formula:

CF = (12/d)l/9

CF = size factor.
d = depth of beam in inches.
For beams of circular cross section that have a diameter greater than 13.5
inches, or 12-inch or larger square beams loaded in the plane of the diagonal, the
size factor CF may be determined on the basis of an equivalent conventionally
loaded square beam of the same cross-sectional area.
Size factor adjustments are cumulative with form factor adjustments specified
in Section 2504 (c) 7, except for lumber I beams and box beams, but are not

1982 EDITION 2504

cumulative with slenderness factor adjustments specified in Section 2504 (c) 6.

Size factor adjustments for glued-laminated members shall be in accordance with
Section 2511 (d) 5.
6. Slenderness factor adjustments for beams. When the depth of a beam
exceeds its breadth, lateral support is required and the slenderness factor Cs shall
be calculated by the following formula:

cs = f!?-
in which
Cs = slenderness factor.
le = effective length of beam, inches, from the following table.
d = depth of beam, inches.
b = breadth of beam, inches.


Single-span beam, load concentrated at center 1.61/u
Single-span beam, uniformly distributed load 1.92/u
Single-span beam, equal end moments 1.84/u
Cantilever beam, load concentrated at unsupported end 1.69/u
Cantilever beam, uniformly distributed load 1.06/u
Single-span or cantilever beam, any other load 1.92/u
lu = unsupported length of beam, inches.

When the slenderness factor C5 does not exceed 10, the full allowable unit
stress in bending F b may be used.
When the slenderness factor Cs is greater than lO but does not exceed Ck, the
allowable unit stress in bending F' b shall be determined from the following

in which
ck = V3Et5Fb
E = modulus of elasticity.
When the slenderness factor Cs is greater than Ck but less than 50, the allowable
unit stress in bending F' b shall be determined by the following formula:

F' b

In no case shall C5 exceed 50.


When the compression edge of a beam is supported throughout its length to

prevent its lateral displacement, and the ends at points of bearing have lateral
support to prevent rotation, the unsupported length lu may be taken as zero.
When lateral support is provided to prevent rotation at the points of end bearing
but no other lateral support is provided throughout the length of the beam, the
unsupported length luis the distance between such points of end bearing, or the
length of cantilever.
When a beam is provided with lateral support to prevent rotational and lateral
displacement at intermediate points as well as at the ends, the unsupported length
lu is the distance between such points of intermediate lateral support.
Slenderness factor adjustments are not cumulative with size factor
7. Form factor adjustments. The allowable unit stress in bending for non-
prismatic members shall not exceed the value established by multiplying such
stress by the form factor C1 determined as follows:
Beam Section Form Factor (C1 )
Circular 1. 180
Square (with
diagonal vertical) 1.414
Lumber I Beams
and Box Beams o.81 [1 + ( d2 + 143 - l)cg]
d2 + 88
cf = form factor.
cg = support factor = p2 (6 - 8p + 3p2)(l - q) + q.
p = ratio of depth of compression flange to full depth of beam.
q = ratio of thickness of web or webs to the full width of beam.
The form factor adjustment shall be cumulative with the size factor adjustment,
except for lumber I beams and box beams.
8. Modulus of elasticity adjustment. The use of average modulus of elasticity
E values are appropriate for the design of normal wood structural members and
assemblies. In special applications where deflections are critical to the stability of
structures or structural components, and where exposed to varying temperature
and relative humidity under sustained loading conditions, the average values of
the modulus of elasticity E listed in Tables Nos. 25-A-1, 25-A-2, 25-C-1, 25-C-2,
25-D and 25- E shall be reduced to account for variability. Coefficients of variation
Cv in the modulus of elasticity E for lumber and glued-laminated timber are as
Visually graded sawn lumber 0.25
Machine stress-rated sawn lumber 0.11
Glued-laminated timber 0.10*
*Applies to six or more laminations.

1982 EDITION 2504-2506

The average modulus of elasticity E values listed in the tables shall be multi-
plied by I - Cv or 1 - 1.65 Cv to obtain a modulus of elasticity E value exceeded
by 84 percent or 95 percent individual pieces, respectively.
The duration-of-load adjustments specified in Item No. 4 do not apply to
modulus of elasticity values.
9. Temperature. The allowable unit stresses specified in this chapter and as
modified in this section apply to uses within the range of climatic temperature
ordinarily encountered in buildings. When manufacturing or equipment pro-
cesses subject members to prolonged temperatures above this range, but not
exceeding l50F., the allowable design stresses shall be decreased by the appro-
priate reduction factors specified in U. B.C. Standard No. 25-27. Wood members
shall not be used in areas subject to temperatures above 150F. unless the exposure
is infrequent and any permanent loss in strength is accounted for in the design.
Sec. 2505. All lumber, plywood, particleboard, structural glued-laminated
timber, end-jointed lumber, fiberboard sheathing (when used structurally),
hardboard siding (when used structurally), piles and poles regulated by this I

chapter shall conform to the applicable standards or grading rules specified in this
code and shall be so identified by the grade mark or a Certificate of Inspection
issued by an approved agency.
All lumber, timber, plywood and poles required to be Treated Wood under
Section 2516 (c) shall be identified by the quality mark of an approved inspection
agency which maintains continued supervision, testing and inspection over the
quality of the product as specified in U .B.C. Standard No. 25-12.

Horizontal Member Design

Sec. 2506. (a) Beam Span. For simple beams, the span shall be taken as the
distance from face to face of supports, plus one half the required length of bearing
at each end; for continuous beams, the span is the distance between centers of
bearings on supports over which the beam is continuous.
(b) Flexure. l. Circular cross section. A beam of circular cross section may
be assumed to have the same strength in flexure as a square beam having the same
cross-sectional area. If a circular beam is tapered, it shall be considered a beam of
variable cross section.
2. Notching. If possible, notching of beams should be avoided. Notches in
sawn lumber bending members shall not exceed one sixth the depth of the member
and shall not be located in the middle third of the span. Where members are
notched at the ends, the notch depth shall not exceed one fourth the beam depth.
The tension side of sawn lumber bending members of 4 inches or greater nominal
thickness shall not be notched except at ends of members. Cantilevered portions
of beams less than 4 inches in nominal thickness shall not be notched unless the
reduced section properties and lumber defects are considered in the design. For
effects of notch on shear strength, see Section 2506 (d).
3. Lateral moment distribution. Lateral moment distribution of a concen-


trated load from a critically loaded beam to adjacent parallel beams shall be
(c) Horizontal Shear. The maximum horizontal shear stress in a solid-sawn or
glued-laminated wood beam shall not exceed that calculated by means of the

The actual unit shear stressfv shall not exceed the allowable for the species and
grade as given in Table No. 25-A for solid-sawn lumber and in Tables No. 25-C
and No. 25-D for glued-laminated lumber, adjusted for duration of loading, as
provided in Section 2504 (c) 4.
When calculating the total vertical shear V, distribution of load to adjacent
parallel beams by flooring or other members may be considered and all loads
within a distance from either support equal to the depth of the beam may be
(d) Horizontal Shear in Notched Beams. Where girders, beams or joists are
notched at points of support, they shall meet design requirements for net section in
bending and in shear. The shear at such point shall not exceed the value calculated
by the following formula:

d' = actual depth of beam at the notch.
d = total depth of beam.

(e) Design of Eccentric Joints and of Beams Supported by Fastenings.

Allowable unit stresses in shear for joints involving bolts or connectors loaded
perpendicular to grain may be 50 percent greater than the horizontal shear values
as set forth in Tables Nos. 25-A, 25-C and 25-D, provided that the joint occurs at
least five times the depth of the member from its end. Where joints occur within
five times the depth of the member from its end, the strength of the joint shall be
evaluated not only for the bolt or connector load but also as a notched beam,
considering the notch to extend from the unloaded edge of the member to the
center of the nearest bolt or the nearest edge of the nearest connector.
(f) Compression Perpendicular to Grain. The allowable unit stresses for
compression perpendicular to grain in Tables No. 25-A, No. 25-C and No. 25-D
apply to bearings of any length at the ends of the beam and to all bearings 6 inches
or more in length at any other location.
For bearings of less than 6 inches in length and not nearer than 3 inches to the
end of a member, the maximum allowable load per square inch may be obtained
by multiplying the allowable unit stresses in compression perpendicular to grair.

1982 EDITION 2506

by the following factor:

lb + .375
in which lb is the length of bearing in inches measured along the grain of the
The multiplying factors for indicated lengths of bearing on such small areas as
plates and washers may be:
(In lnchea) 1,.2 1 11-2 2 3 4 MORE
Factor 1.75 1.38 1.25 1.19 1.13 1.10 1.00

In using the preceding formula and table for round washers or bearing areas,
use a length equal to the diameter.
In joists supported on a ribbon or ledger board and spiked to the studding, the
allowable stress in compression perpendicular to grain may be increased 50
(g) Lateral Support. Solid-sawn rectangular lumber beams, rafters and joists
shall be supported laterally to prevent rotation or lateral displacement in accor-
dance with the following:
If the ratio of depth to thickness, based on nominal dimensions, is:
1. 1\vo to 1, no lateral support is required.
2. Three to 1 or 4 to 1, the ends shall be held in position, as by full-depth solid
blocking, bridging, nailing or bolting to other framing members, approved
hangers or other acceptable means.
3. Five to 1, one edge shall be held in line for its entire length.
4. Six to 1, bridging, full-depth solid blocking or cross bracing shall be
installed at intervals not exceeding 8 feet unless both edges are held in line.
5. Seven to I, both edges shall be held in line for their entire length.
If a beam is subject to both flexure and compression parallel to grain, the ratio
may be as much as 5 to I if one edge is held firmly in line. If the dead load is

sufficient to induce tension on the underside of the rafters, the ratio for the beam
may be 6to 1.
In lieu of providing lateral support by the methods specified in Items Nos. 2
through 5 above, the allowable stresses shall be reduced by the slenderness factor
set forth in Section 2504 (c) 6.
(h) Lateral Deflection - Arches and Thp Chords of Trusses. Where roof
joists, not purlins, are used between arches or the top chords of trusses, the depth,
rather than the breadth, of the arch or top chord member (compression member)
may be taken as its least dimension in determining the IId. The roof joists shall be
placed so that their upper edges are at least Yz inch above the tops of the arch or
chord but also placed low enough to provide adequate lateral support.
When roof joists or planks are placed on top of an arch or top chord of a truss


and are well spiked or otherwise securely fastened to the arch or top chord and to
blocking placed between the joists, or when sheathing is nailed properly to the top
chord of trussed rafters, the depth of the arch or individual chord members may be
used as the least dimension din determining lid.
Column Design
Sec. 2507. (a) Column Classifications. l. Simple solid wood columns.
Simple columns consist of a single piece or of pieces properly glued together to
form a single member.
2. Spaced columns, connector joined. Spaced columns are formed of two or
more individual members with their longitudinal axes parallel, separated at the
ends and middle points of their length by blocking and joined at the ends by timber
connectors capable of developing the required shear resistance. See U. B.C.
Standard No. 25-15 for design.
3. Built-up columns. Built-up columns, other than connector-joined spaced
columns and glued-laminated columns, shall not be designed as solid columns.
(b) Limitation on lid Ratios. For simple solid columns, lid shall not exceed
For individual members of a spaced column, lid shall not exceed 80, nor shall
12 /d exceed 40.
(c) Simple Solid-column Design. These formulas for simple solid columns are
based on pin-end conditions but may be applied also to square-end conditions.
The effective length of the column for design purposes shall be increased where
column-end conditions provide less stability than pin-end conditions and may be
reduced where column-end conditions provide greater stability.
Allowable unit stresses in pounds per square inch of cross-sectional area of
square or rectangular simple solid columns shall be determined by the following
formulas, but such unit stresses shall not exceed values for compression, parallel
to grain Fein Tables Nos. 25-A, 25-C, 25-D and 25-E adjusted in accordance with
provisions of Section 2504.

Short columns (lid of 11 or Jess):

Intermediate columns (lid greater than 11 but less thanK):

K = 0.671 Vf. c

Long columns (lid of K or greater):

F' c =

1982EDmON 25072508

Where machine stress-unit lumber is used as provided for in Table No. 25-A-2,
stresses may be determined in accordance with the following formula:
Intermediate columns:
K = 0.792 \~iii;

Long columns:
F' = 0.418
c (l/d)2

Adjustments to allowable unit stresses, as provided in Section 2504 or

elsewhere, shall be applied to values ofFc and E used in these formulas and shall
not be applied to the formula ofF' c obtained from the formulas.
The coefficients in the long column design formulas include a 1- 1.65 Cv
reduction for variability as defined in Section 2504 (c) 8.
Duration of load adjustment from Section 2504 (c) 4 is applied to F c but not
to E.
(d) Tapered Columns. In determining the d for tapered column design, the
diameter of a round column or the least dimension of a column of rectangular
section, tapered at one or both ends, shall be taken as the sum of the minimum
diameter or least dimension and one third the difference between the minimum
and maximum diameters or lesser dimensions.
Flexural and Axial Loading Combined
Sec. 2508. (a) Flexure and Axial Thnsion. Members subjected to both flex-
ure and axial tension shall be so proportioned that

!, + fb does not exceed ONE

(b) Flexure and Axial Compression. Members subjected to both flexure
and axial compression shall be so proportioned that

WhereO~J~ 1

fc + fb does not exceed ONE

F'c Fb-Jfc
J = lid- 11

(c) Spaced Columns. In the case of spaced columns, this combined stress

formula may be applied only if the bending is in a direction parallel to the greater d
of the individual member.
(d) Truss Compression Chords. Effects of buckling of a 2 by 4 or smaller
truss compression chord having effective buckling lengths of 96 inches or less and
with %-inch or thicker plywood sheathing nailed to the narrow face of the chord in


accordance with Table No. 25-P shall be determined from the formula:

Cr = I + 0.002 le

Cr = buckling stiffness factor.
t. = effective buckling length used in design of chord for compression
The values of Cr determined from this formula are for wood seasoned to a
moisture content of 19 percent or less at the time the plywood is nailed to the
chord. For wood that is unseasoned or partially seasoned at the time of plywood
attachment, Cr shall be determined from the formula:

Cr = I + 0.0011.
For chords with an effective buckling length greater than 96 inches, Crshall be
taken as the value for a chord having an effective length of 96 inches.
The buckling stiffness factor does not apply to short columns or to trusses used
under wet conditions. The allowable unit compressive stress shall be modified by
the buckling stiffness factor when a truss chord is subjected to combined flexure
and compression and the bending moment is in the direction that induces com-
pression stresses in the chord face to which the plywood is attached.
The buckling stiffness factor Cr shall be applied as follows:
Short columns (lid of II or less):

Intermediate columns (lid greater than II but less thanK):

Long columns (lid of K or greater):

F' = 0.30ECr
c (lld)2

Compression at Angle to Grain

Sec. 2509. The allowable unit stress in compression at an angle ofload to grain
between oo and 90 shall be computed from the Hankinson Formula as follows:

1982 EDITION 2510

Timber Connections and Fastenings

Sec. 2510. (a) Timber Connectors. Timber connectors may be used to
transmit stress between wood members and between wood and metal members.
The allowable loads and installation of timber connectors shall be as set forth in
U.B.C. Standard No. 25-17.
Safe loads and design practices for types of connectors not mentioned or fully
covered in U.B.C. Standard No. 25-17 may be determined in a manner approved
by the building official.
(b) Bolts. Bolted joints wherein bolts are used to resist or transfer stresses in
wood structures shall be designed in accordance with the provisions set forth in
U.B.C. Standard No. 25-17 except as specified in this subsection. Safe loads in
pounds for bolts in shear in seasoned lumber of Douglas fir-larch and southern
pine shall not exceed the values set forth in Table No. 25-F. (For other species, see
U.B.C. Standard No. 25-17.)
Allowable shear values used to connect a wood member to concrete or masonry
are permitted to be determined as one half the tabulated double shear values for a
wood member twice the thickness of the member attached to the concrete or
(c) Drift Bolts or Pins. Connections of wood structural members involving
the use of drift bolts or drift pins shall be designed in accordance with the
provisions set forth in U.B.C. Standard No. 25-17.
(d) Wood Screws. Connections involving the use of wood screws shall be
designed in accordance with the provisions set forth in U.B.C. Standard No.
(e) Lag Screws. Connections involving the use of lag screws shall be
designed in accordance with the provisions set forth in U.B.C. Standard No.
(f) Nails and Spikes. 1. Safe lateral strength. A common wire nail driven
perpendicular to grain of the wood, when used to fasten wood members together,
shall not be subjected to a greater load causing shear and bending than the safe
lateral strength of the wire nail or spike as set forth in Table No. 25-G.
A wire nail driven parallel to the grain of the wood shall not be subjected to
more than two thirds of the lateral load allowed when driven perpendicular to the
grain. Toenails shall not be subjected to more than five sixths of the lateral load
allowed for nails driven perpendicular to the grain.
2. Safe resistance to withdrawal. A wire nail driven perpendicular to grain
of the wood shall not be subjected to a greater load, tending to cause withdrawal,
than the safe resistance of the nail to withdrawal, as set forth in Table No. 25-H.
Nails driven parallel to grain of the wood shall not be allowed for resisting
withdrawal forces.
3. Spacing and penetration. Common wire nails shall have penetration into
the piece receiving the point as set forth in Table No. 25-G. Nails or spikes for
which the wire gauges or lengths are not set forth in Table No. 25-G shall have a
required penetration of not less than 11 diameters, and allowable loads may be


For wood-to-wood joints, the spacing center to center of nails in the direction of
stress shall be not less than the required penetration. Edge or end distances in the
direction of stress shall be not less than one half of the required penetration. All
spacing and edge and end distances shall be such as to avoid splitting of the wood.
Holes for nails, where necessary to prevent splitting, shall be bored of a
diameter smaller than that of the nails.
(g) Joist Hangers and Framing Anchors. Connections depending upon
joist hangers or framing anchors, ties, and other mechanical fastenings not
otherwise covered may be used where approved.
(h) Metal Plate Connectors. The material and workmanship during fabrica-
tion and the design of metal plate connectors employed as joint connectors for
light wood trusses shall conform with the requirements of U.B.C. Standard No.
Each truss manufacturer shall retain an approved agency having no financial
interest in the plant being inspected to make nonscheduled inspections of truss
fabrication and delivery and operations. The inspection shall cover all phases of
truss operation, including lumber storage, handling, cutting, fixtures, presses or
rollers, fabrication, bundling and banding, handling and delivery.

Structural Glued-laminated Timber Design

Sec. 2511. (a) General Provisions. l. Design requirements. Except as oth-
erwise provided in this section, structural glued-laminated timber members shall
be designed in accordance with the applicable engineering formulas used for sawn
2. Fastenings. The pertinent provisions and allowable loads for fastenings
given in this chapter shall apply to structural glued-laminated timber members.
3. Allowable unit stresses. The allowable unit stresses for structural glued-
laminated timber shall be in accordance with Thbles No. 25-C and No. 25-D and
as modified by this section.
(b) Standard Sizes. Standard finished widths of laminated members shall be
as set forth in U.B.C. Standard No. 25-10.
Depth of straight and curved members, length of all members and net dimen-
sions shall be specified on the plans.
(c) Specifications. For structural glued-laminated timber, the following shall
be specified on the plans:
Whether for dry or wet conditions of use.
Species and applicable standard.
Stress requirements.
If the temperature of the timber exceeds 150F. in service.
(d) Design Stresses. l. Dry conditions of use. Allowable stress values for
dry conditions of use shall be applicable for normal loading when the moisture
content in service is less than 16 percent, as in most covered structures.
2. Wet conditions of use. Allowable stress values for wet conditions of use
shall be applicable for normal loading when the moisture content in service is 16

1982 EDITION 2511

percent or more, as may occur in exterior and submerged construction.

3. Curvature factor. For the curved portion of members, the allowable unit
stress in bending shall be modified by multiplication by the following curvature

in which
t = thickness of lamination in inches.
R = radius of curvature of inside face of lamination in inches, and t/R shall
not exceed Ywo for hardwoods and southern pine, or Ym for other
No curvature factor shall be applied to stress in the straight portion of an assembly,
regardless of curvature elsewhere.
4. Radial tension or compression. The maximum radial stress induced in a
curved member of constant rectangular cross section by a bending moment is:
!, = 2Rbd

f, = radial stress in pounds per square inch.
M = bending moment in inch pounds.
R = radius of curvature at center line of member in inches.
b = width of cross section in inches.
d = depth of cross section in inches.
For curved bending members having a varying cross section, the maximum radial
stress induced,f,, is given by:
f, = K, bd2

M = bending moment at midspan in inch-pounds.
b = width of cross section, inches.
d = depth of cross section at the apex in inches.
K, = radial stress factor determined from the following relationship:

Rm + c(...!L)
K = A+ B(..JL) 2
r Rm

Rm = radius of curvature at the center line of the member at midspan in


A, Band C = constants as follow:

(2) (3) (4)
(0.0) (0.0) (0.2500) (0.0)
2.5 0.0079 0.1747 0.1284
5.0 0.0174 0.1251 0.1939
7.5 0.0279 0.0937 0.2162
10.0 0.0391 0.0754 0.2119
15.0 0.0629 0.0619 0.1722
20.0 0.0893 0.0608 0.1393
25.0 0.1214 0.0605 0.1238
30.0 0.1649 0.0603 0.1ll5

and 13 = angle between the upper edge of the member and the horizontal in
Values of K r for intermediate values of 13 may be interpolated linearly.
When M is in the direction tending to decrease the curvature (increase the
radius), the stress in tension across the grain (Fr,) is limited to:
A. One third the allowable unit stress in horizontal shear of all species for
wind and earthquake loads.
B. Fifteen psi for Douglas fir, larch, hem-fir, western woods and other soft-
woods for other types of loading.
C. One third the allowable unit stress in horizontal shear for southern pine,
redwood and hardwoods for all types of loading.
When M is in the direction tending to increase curvature (decrease the radius),
the radial stress is in compression and shall be limited to the allowable stress in
compression perpendicular to the grain.
When the beam is loaded with a uniform load, Kr may be modified by
multiplying by the reduction factor C r as calculated by the following formula:

cr =A + B(~,) + c( ::) + v( Lr
+ E( :: r F( :: )( ~' )

+ G( ~, r H( :: r
cr = reduction factor
L = span of beam
L, = length of beam between tangent points
A,B, ... H
= constants for a given 13 as follows:
1982 EDITION 2511

/3 A B c D E F G H
2.3 -.142 .418 -2.358 -.053 - - .002 -
9.7 .143 .376 - .541 -.060 - - .003 -
14.9 .406 .293 - .927 -.041 - - .002 -
20.0 .423 .364 -1.022 -.067 - .146 - -
25.ZO .540 .360 -1.061 -.070 - .156 - -
29.8 .502 .372 - -.076 -3.712 .138 .004 4.336

and f3 = angle between the upper edge of the member and the horizontal in
degrees. Values of C, for intermediate values may be interpolated linearly.



5. Size factor for beams. When the depth of a rectangular glued-laminated

beam is 12 inches or greater, the allowable unit stress in bending Fb shall be
multiplied by the size factor as determined by the formula:

C F = size factor.
d = depth of beam in inches.
The values obtained from this formula are based on a uniformly loaded beam
simply supported with an lid ratio of 21. Tabular values for three conditions of
loading are given as follows:



Uniformly Single
Dletrlbuted Concentrated Third Point
(d) Load Load Loading

12 1.00 1.08 .97

19 .95 1.02 .92
31 .90 .97 .87
52 .85 .92 .82
90 .80 .86 .77

For intennediate depths, straight line interpolation may be used. For continu-
ous beams or beams cantilevered over a support, determine the size factor
assuming the members to be equivalent to simply supported members with a
uniformly distributed load, the length of the equivalent span being the actual
distance between supports.
Values as detennined above will be sufficiently accurate for most design
situations. For lid ratios other than 21 and other conditions of loading where
greater accuracy may be desired, see U .B.C. Standard No. 25-11.
6. Ponding. Roof framing members shall be designed for the deflection criteria
and ponding requirements specified in Sections 2305 (f) and 2307. In no case
shall the roof slope provide a positive vertical displacement less than that equiv-
alent to Y4 inch per foot of horizontal distance between the level of the drain and
the high point of the roof for drainage. Such slope shall be in addition to the
camber in glued-laminated timbers of one and one-half times the calculated dead
load deflection. The calculation of the required slope shall not include any
vertical displacement created by short taper cuts.
Roofs having insufficient slope for drainage shall be investigated by a rational
analysis to assure stability under ponding conditions, but in no case shall the
deflection of such glued-laminated timbers exceed Y2 inch for a 5-pound-per-
square-foot unifonn load.
(e) Thpered Faces. No sawn tapered cuts shall be pennitted on the tension face
of any simple beam. Pitched or curved beams shall be so fabricated that the
laminations are parallel to the tension face. Straight, pitched or curved beams may
have sawn tapered cuts on the compression face.
For other members subject to bending, the slope of tapered faces, measured
from the tangent to the lamination of the section under consideration, shall be not
steeper than 1:24 on the tension side.
EXCEPTIONS: I. This requirement shall not apply to arches.
2. Taper may be steeper at sections increased in size beyond design requirements
for architectural projections.
(f) Manufacture and Fabrication. The manufacture and fabrication of struc-
tural glued-laminated timber shall be in accordance with U.B.C. Standard
No. 25-10. All work shall be under the supervision of qualified personnel.

I (g) Exposed Structural Glued-laminated Timber. Those portions of glued-

laminated timbers which fonn the structural supports of a building or other

1982 EDITION 2511-2513

structure and are exposed to weather and not properly protected by a roof, eave
overhangs or similar covering shall be pressure treated with an approved preserva-
tive or be manufactured from wood of natural resistance to decay.
Design of Glued Built-up Members
Sec. 2512. Plywood components shall be designed, fabricated and identified
in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 25-18.
Wood Diaphragms
Sec. 2513. (a) General. Lumber and plywood diaphragms may be used to
resist horizontal forces in horizontal and vertical distributing or resisting ele-
ments, provided the deflection in the plane of the diaphragm, as determined by
calculations, tests or analogies drawn therefrom, does not exceed the permissible
deflection of attached distributing or resisting elements. See U.B.C. Standard
No. 25-9 for a method of calculating the deflection of a blocked plywood
Permissible deflection shall be that deflection up to which the diaphragm and
any attached distributing or resisting element will maintain its structural integrity
under assumed load conditions, i.e., continue to support assumed loads without
danger to occupants of the structure.
Connections and anchorages capable of resisting the design forces shall be
provided between the diaphragms and the resisting elements. Openings in dia-
phragms which materially affect their strength shall be fully detailed on the plans
and shall have their edges adequately reinforced to transfer all shearing stresses.
Size and shape of diaphragms shall be limited as set forth in Table No. 25-1.
In buildings of wood frame construction where rotation is provided for, the
depth of the diaphragm normal to the open side shall not exceed 25 feet nor two
thirds the diaphragm width, whichever is the smaller depth. Straight sheathing
shall not be permitted to resist shears in diaphragms acting in rotation.
EXCEPTIONS: I. One-story, wood-framed structures with the depth normal to
the open side not greater than 25 feet may have a depth equal to the width.
2. Where calculations show that diaphragm deflections can be tolerated, the
depth normal to the open end may be increased to a depth-to-width ratio not greater
than I \12: I for diagonal sheathing or 2: I for special diagonal sheathed or plywood
In masonry or concrete buildings, lumber and plywood diaphragms shall not be
considered as transmitting lateral forces by rotation.
Diaphragm sheathing nails or other approved sheathing connectors shall be
driven flush but shall not fracture the surface of the sheathing.
(b) Diagonally Sheathed Diaphragms. 1. Conventional construction. Such
lumber diaphragms shall be made up of l-inch nominal sheathing boards laid at an
angle of approximately 45 degrees to supports. Sheathing boards shall be directly
nailed to each intermediate bearing member with not less than two 8d nails for l-
inch by 6-inch nominal boards and three 8d nails for boards 8 inches or wider;
and, in addition, three 8d nails and four 8d nails shall be used for 6-inch and 8-
inch boards, respectively, at the diaphragm boundaries. End joints in adjacent
boards shall be separated by at least one joist or stud space, and there shall be at


least two boards between joints on the same support. Boundary members at edges
of diaphragms shall be designed to resist direct tensile or compressive chord
stresses and shall be adequately tied together at corners.
Conventional lumber diaphragms of Douglas fir-larch or southern pine may be
used to resist shear due to wind or seismic forces not exceeding 300 pounds per
lineal foot of width. The allowable strength shall be adjusted by the factors 0.82
and 0. 65 where nails are used with sheathing and framing of Group III or IV wood
species as listed in Table No. 25-17-J ofU.B.C. Standard No. 25-17.
2. Special construction. Special diagonally sheathed diaphragms shall con-
form to conventional construction and, in addition, shall have all elements
designed in conformance with the provisions of this code.
Each chord or portion thereof may be considered as a beam loaded with a
uniform load per foot equal to 50 percent of the unit shear due to diaphragm
action. The load shall be assumed as acting normal to the chord, in the plane of the
diaphragm and either toward or away from the diaphragm. The span of the chord,
or portion thereof, shall be the distance between structural members of the
diaphragm, such as the joists, studs and blocking, which serve to transfer the
assumed load to the sheathing.
Special diagonally sheathed diaphragms shall include conventional dia-
phragms sheathed with two layers of diagonal sheathing at 90 degrees to each
other and on the same face of the supporting members.
Special diagonally sheathed diaphragms of Douglas fir-larch or southern pine
may be used to resist shears due to wind or seismic loads, provided such shears do
not stress the nails beyond their allowable safe lateral strength and do not exceed
600 pounds per lineal foot of width. The allowable strength shall be adjusted by
the factors 0.82 and 0.65 where nails are used with sheathing and framing of
Group III or IV wood species as listed in Table No. 25-17-J ofU.B.C. Standard
No. 25-17.
(c) Plywood Diaphragms. Horizontal and vertical diaphragms sheathed with
plywood may be used to resist horizontal forces not exceeding those set forth in
Table No. 25-J for horizontal diaphragms and Table No. 25-K for vertical dia-
phragms, or may be calculated by principles of mechanics without limitation by
using values of nail strength and plywood shear values as specified elsewhere in
this code. Plywood for horizontal diaphragms shall be as set forth in Table
No. 25-S for corresponding joist spacing and loads. Plywood in shear walls shall
be at least 5/16 inch thick for studs spaced 16 inches on center and 3fs inch thick
where studs are spaced 24 inches on center.
Maximum spans for plywood subfloor underlayment shall be as set forth in
Table No. 25-T. Plywood used for horizontal and vertical diaphragms shall
conform to U.B.C. Standard No. 25-9.
All boundary members shall be proportioned and spliced where necessary to
transmit direct stresses. Framing members shall be at least 2-inch nominal in the
dimension to which the plywood is attached. In general, panel edges shall bear on
the framing members and butt along their center lines. Nails shall be placed not
Jess than 3fs inch in from the panel edge, shall be spaced not more than 6 inches on

1982 EDITION 25132516

center along panel edge bearings, and shall be firmly driven into the framing
members. No unblocked panels less than 12 inches wide shall be used.
Fiberboard Sheathing Diaphragms
Sec. 2514. Wood stud walls sheathed with fiberboard sheathing complying
with U.B.C. Standard No. 25-24 may be used to resist horizontal forces not
exceeding those set forth in Table No. 25-P. The fiberboard sheathing, 4 feet by 8
feet, shall be applied vertically to wood studs not less than 2-inch nominal in
thickness spaced 16 inches on center. Nailing shown in Table No. 25-P shall be
provided at the perimeter of the sheathing board and at intermediate studs.
Blocking not less than 2-inch nominal in thickness shall be provided at horizontal
joints when wall height exceeds length of sheathing panel, and sheathing shall be
fastened to the blocking with nails sized as shown in Table No. 25-P spaced 3
inches on centers each side of joint. Nails shall be spaced not less than Ys inch
from edges and ends of sheathing. Marginal studs of shear walls or shear-resisting
elements shall be adequately anchored at top and bottom and designed to resist all
forces. The maximum height-width ratio shall be 11/z: I.
Wood Combined with Masonry or Concrete
Sec. 2515. (a) Dead Load. Wood members shall not be used to permanently
support the dead load of any masonry or concrete.
EXCEPTIONS: I . Masonry or concrete nonstructural floor or roof surfacing
not more than 4 inches thick may be supported by wood members.
2. Any structure may rest upon wood piles constructed in accordance with the
requirements of Chapter 29.
3. Masonry or concrete fireplace with a factory-built chimney conforming to
Chapter 37 may be supported by wood framing.
4. Veneer of brick, concrete or stone applied as specified in Section
3006 (b) may be supported by approved treated wood foundations when the maxi-
mum height of veneer does not exceed 25 feet above the foundation. Such veneer
used as an interior wall finish may also be supported on wood floors which are
designed to support the additional load, and be designed to limit the deflection and
shrinkage to V.1oo of the span of the supporting members.
(b) Horizontal Force. Wood members shall not be used to resist horizontal
forces contributed by masonry or concrete construction in buildings over one
story in height.
EXCEPTION: Wood floor and roof members may be used in horizontal trusses
and diaphragms to resist horizontal forces imposed by wind, earthquake or earth
pressure, provided such forces are not resisted by rotation of the truss or diaphragm.
General Construction Requirements
Sec. 2516. (a) General. The requirements in this section apply to all wood
frame construction.
(b) Preparation of Building Site. All stumps and roots shall be removed from
the soil to a depth of at least 12 inches below the surface of the ground in the area
to be occupied by the building.
All wood forms which have been used in placing concrete, if within the ground
or between foundation sills and the ground, shall be removed before a building is
occupied or used for any purpose. Before completion, loose or casual wood shall
be removed from direct contact with the ground under the building.


(c) Protection Against Decay and Thrmites. 1. Wood support embedded in

ground. Wood embedded in the ground or in direct contact with the earth and
used for the support of permanent structures shall be treated wood unless continu-
ously below the groundwater line or continuously submerged in fresh water.
Round or rectangular posts, poles and sawn timber columns supporting perma-
nent structures which are embedded in concrete or masonry in direct contact with
earth or embedded in concrete or masonry exposed to the weather shall be treated
wood. 'freatment shall conform to U.B.C. Standard No. 25-12, Tables Nos.
25-12-B through 25-12-F, for ground contact.
2. Under-floor clearance. When wood joists or the bottom of wood structural
floors without joists are located closer than 18 inches or wood girders are located
closer than 12 inches to exposed ground in crawl spaces or unexcavated areas
located within the periphery of the building foundation, the floor assembly
including posts, girders, joists and subfloor, shall be approved wood of natural
resistance to decay as listed in Section 2516 (c) 3 or treated wood.
Accessible under-floor areas shall be provided with an 18-inch by 24-inch
access crawl hole. Pipes, ducts and other nonstructural construction shall not
interfere with the accessibility to or within under-floor areas.
3. Plates, sills and sleepers. All foundation plates or sills and sleepers on a
concrete or masonry slab, which is in direct contact with earth, and sills which
rest on concrete or masonry foundations, shall be treated wood or Foundation
redwood, all marked or branded by an approved agency. Foundation cedar or
No. 2 Foundation redwood marked or branded by an approved agency may be
used for sills in territories subject to moderate hazard, where termite damage is
not frequent and when specifically approved by the building official. In territories
where hazard of termite damage is slight, any species of wood permitted by this
code may be used for sills when specifically approved by the building official.
4. Columns and posts. Columns and posts located on concrete or masonry
floors or decks exposed to the weather or to water splash or in basements and
which support permanent structures shall be supported by concrete piers or metal
pedestals projecting above floors unless approved wood of natural resistance to
decay or treated wood is used. The pedestals shall project at least 6 inches above
exposed earth and at least 1 inch above such floors.
Individual concrete or masonry piers shall project at least 8 inches above
exposed ground unless the columns or posts which they support are of approved
wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood is used.
5. Girders entering masonry or concrete walls. Ends of wood girders
entering masonry or concrete walls shall be provided with a Y2-inch air space on
tops, sides and ends unless approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated
wood is used.
6. Foundation ventilation. Under-floor areas shall be ventilated by an

approved mechanical means or by openings in exterior foundation walls. Such
openings shall have a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square
feet of under-floor area. Openings shall be located as close to comers as practical
and shall provide cross ventilation. The required area of such openings shall be
approximately equally distributed along the length of at least two opposite sides.

1982 EDITION 2516

They shall be covered with corrosion-resistant wire mesh with mesh openings of
V4 inch in dimension. Where moisture due to climate and groundwater conditions
is not considered excessive, the building official may allow operable louvers and .
may allow the required net area of vent opening to be reduced to 10 percent of the
above, provided the under-floor ground surface area is covered with an approved
vapor barrier.
7. Wood and earth separation. Protection of wood against deterioration as set
forth in the previous paragraphs for specified applications is required. In addition,
wood used in construction of permanent structures and located nearer than 6
inches to earth shall be treated wood or wood of natural resistance to decay, as
defined in Section 2502 (a). Where located on concrete slabs placed on earth,
wood shall be treated wood or wood of natural resistance to decay. Where not
subject to water splash or to exterior moisture and located on concrete having a
minimum thickness of 3 inches with an impervious membrane installed between
concrete and earth, the wood may be untreated and of any species.
Where planter boxes are installed adjacent to wood frame walls a 2-inch-wide
air space shall be provided between the planter and the wall. Flashings shall be
installed when the air space is less than 6 inches in width. Where flashing is used
provisions shall be made to permit circulation of air in the air space. The wood
frame wall shall be provided with an exterior wall covering conforming to the
provisions of Subsection (g) of this section.
8. Wood supporting roofs and floors. Wood structural members supporting
moisture permeable floors or roofs which are exposed to the weather such as
concrete or masonry slabs shall be approved wood of natural resistance to decay
or treated wood unless separated from such floors or roofs by an impervious
moisture barrier.
9. Moisture content of treated wood. When wood pressure treated with a
water-borne preservative is used in enclosed locations where drying in service
cannot readily occur, such wood shall be at a moisture content of 19 percent or less
before being covered with insulation, interior wall finish, floor covering or other
10. Retaining walls. Wood used in retaining or crib walls shall be treated
11. Weather exposure. In geographical areas where experience has demon-
strated a specific need, approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated
wood shall be used for those portions of wood members which form the structural
supports of buildings, balconies, porches or similar permanent building appurte-
nances when such members are exposed to the weather without adequate protec-
tion from a roof, eave, overhang or other covering to prevent moisture or water
accumulation on the surface or at joints between members. Depending on local
experience, such members may include: horizontal member such as girders, joists
and decking; or vertical members such as posts, poles and columns; or both
horizontal and vertical members.
(d) Wall Framing. The framing of exterior and interior walls shall be in
accordance with provisions specified in Section 2517 unless a specific design is


Wood stud walls and bearing partitions shall not support more than two floors
and a roof unless an analysis satisfactory to the building official shows that
shrinkage of the wood framing will not have adverse effects upon the structure nor
any plumbing, electrical, mechanical systems nor other equipment installed
therein due to excessive shrinkage or differential movements caused by
shrinkage. The analysis shall also show that the roof drainage system and the
foregoing systems or equipment will not be adversely affected or, as an alternate,
such systems shall be designed to accommodate the differential shrinkage or
(e) Floor Framing. Wood-joisted floors shall be framed and constructed and
anchored to supporting wood stud or masonry walls as specified in Chapter 23.
(f) Fire and Draft Stops. I. General. In combustible construction, firestop-
ping and draftstopping shall be installed to cut off all concealed draft openings
(both vertical and horizontal) and shall form an effective barrier between floors,
between a top story and a roof or attic space, and shall subdivide attic spaces,
concealed roof spaces and floor-ceiling assemblies. The integrity of all fire and
draft stops shall be maintained.
2. Fire stops, where required. Firestopping shall be provided in the following
A. In concealed spaces of stud walls and partitions, including furred spaces, at
the ceiling and floor levels and at 10-foot intervals along the length of the wall.
EXCEPTION: Fire stops may be omitted at floor and ceiling levels when
approved smoke-actuated fire dampers are installed at these levels.

B. At all interconnections between concealed vertical and horizontal spaces

such as occur at soffits, drop ceilings and cove ceilings;
C. In concealed spaces between stair stringers at the top and bottom of the run
and between studs along and in line with the run of stairs if the walls under the
stairs are unfinished;
D. In openings around vents, pipes, ducts, chimneys, fireplaces and similar
openings which afford a passage for fire at ceiling and floor levels, with noncom-
bustible materials.
3. Fire stop construction. Except as provided in Item D above, firestopping
shall consist of 2 inches nominal lumber or two thicknesses of l-inch nominal
lumber with broken lap joints or one thickness of %-inch plywood with joints
backed by %-inch plywood.
Fire stops may also be of gypsum board, cement asbestos board, mineral wool
or other approved materials securely fastened in place.
Walls having parallel or staggered studs for sound transmission control shall
have fire stops of mineral wool or other approved nonrigid material.
4. Draft stops, where required. Draftstopping shall be provided in the
following locations:
A. Floor-ceiling assemblies. (i) Single-family dwellings. When there is
usable space above and below the concealed space of a floor-ceiling assembly in a
single-family dwelling, draft stops shall be installed so that the area of the

1982 EDITION 2516

concealed space does not exceed 1,000 square feet. Draftstopping shall divide the
concealed space into approximately equal areas.
(ii) 1\vo or more dwelling units and hotels. Draft stops shall be installed in
floor-ceiling assemblies of buildings having more than one dwelling unit and in
hotels. Such draft stops shall be in line with walls separating tenants from each
other and separating tenants from other areas.
(iii) Other uses. Draft stops shall be installed in floor-ceiling assemblies of
buildings or portions of buildings used for other than dwelling or hotel occupan-
cies so that the area of the concealed space does not exceed 1,000 square feet and
so that the horizontal dimension between stops does not exceed 60 feet.
EXCEPTION: Where approved automatic sprinklers are installed within the
concealed space, the area between draft stops may be 3,000 square feet and the
horizontal dimension may be 100 feet.
B. Attics. (i) Single-family dwellings. None required.
(ii) 1\voormore dwelling units and hotels. Draft stops shall be installed in the
attics, mansards, overhangs, false fronts set out from walls and similar concealed
spaces of buildings containing more than one dwelling unit and in hotels. Such
draft stops shall be above and in line with the walls separating tenant spaces from
each other and from other uses.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Draft stops may be omitted along one of the corridor walls,
provided draft stops at tenant separation walls extend to the remaining corridor draft
2. Where approved sprinklers are installed, draftstopping may be as specified in
the exception to Item (iii) below.
(iii) Other uses. Draft stops shall be installed in attics, mansards, overhangs,
false fronts set out from walls and similar concealed spaces of buildings having
uses other than dwellings or hotels so that the area between draft stops does not
exceed 3,000 square feet and the greatest horizontal dimension does not exceed 60
EXCEPTION: Where approved automatic sprinklers are installed the area
between draft stops may be 9,000 square feet and the greatest horizontal dimension
may be 100 feet.
5. Draft stop construction. Drafts topping materials shall be not less than 1/z-
inch gypsum board, Ys-inch plywood or other approved materials adequately
Openings in the partitions shall be protected by self-closing doors with auto-
matic latches constructed as required for the partitions.
Ventilation of concealed roof spaces shall be maintained in accordance with
Section 3205.
6. Draft or fire stops in other locations. Firestopping of veneer on noncom-
bustible walls shall be in accordance with Item No.2 A above.
For firestopping of wood floors on masonry or concrete floors, see Sections
1804 and 1904.
For firestopping ceilings applied against noncombustible construction, see
Section 4203, Item No. I.


For firestopping penetrations in walls required to have protected openings, see
Section 4304 (e).
For firestopping penetrations through floors, see Section 4305 (a).
(g) Exterior Wall Coverings. 1. General. Exterior wood stud walls shall be
covered on the outside with the materials and in the manner specified in this
section or elsewhere in this code. Studs or sheathing shall be covered on the
outside face with a weather-resistive barrier when required by Section 1707 (a).
Exterior wall coverings of the minimum thickness specified in this section are
based upon a maximum stud spacing of 16 inches unless otherwise specified.
2. Siding. Siding shall have a minimum thickness of 3fs inch unless placed
over sheathing permitted by this code.
Siding patterns known as rustic, drop siding or shiplap shall have an average
thickness in place of not less than 19/32 inch and shall have a minimum thickness of
not less than 3fs inch. Bevel siding shall have a minimum thickness measured at
the butt section of not less than 7/16 inch and a tip thickness of not less than
3Jt6 inch. Siding of lesser dimensions may be used, provided such wall covering is
placed over sheathing which conforms to the provisions specified elsewhere in
this code.
All weatherboarding or siding shall be securely nailed to each stud with not less
than one nail, or to solid l-inch nominal wood sheathing or Y2-inch plywood
sheathing with not less than one line of nails spaced not more than 24 inches on
center in each piece of the weatherboarding or siding.
3. Plywood. Where plywood is used for covering the exterior of outside walls,
it shall be of the Exterior type not less than 3fs inch thick. Plywood panel siding
shall be installed in accordance with Table No. 25-M. Unless applied over l-inch
wood sheathing or Y2-inch plywood sheathing, joints shall occur over framing
members and shall be protected with a continuous wood batten, approved caulk-
ing, flashing, vertical or horizontal shiplaps; or joints shall be lapped horizontally
or otherwise made waterproof.
4. Shingles or shakes. Wood shingles or shakes and asbestos cement shingles
may be used for exterior wall covering, provided the frame of the structure is
covered with building paper as specified in Section 1707 (a). All shingles or
shakes attached to sheathing other than wood sheathing shall be secured with
approved corrosion-resistant fasteners or on furring strips attached to the studs.
Wood shingles or shakes may be applied over fiberboard shingle backer and
sheathing with annular grooved nails. The thickness of wood shingles or shakes
between wood nailing boards shall be not less than 3fs inch. Wood shingles or
shakes and asbestos shingles or siding may be nailed directly to approved
I fiberboard nailbase sheathing not less than Y2-inch nominal thickness with annu-
lar grooved nails. Fiberboard nail base sheathing and shingle backer shall comply
with U.B.C. Standard No. 25-24.
The weather exposure of wood shingle or shake siding used on exterior walls
shall not exceed maximums set forth in Table No. 25-L.

I 5. Particleboard. Where particleboard is used for covering the exterior of

outside walls it shall be of the Exterior TYpe 2-M grades conforming to U .B.C.

1982 EDITION 2516

Standard No. 25-25, not less than % inch thick when applied over approved
sheathing, not less than 5fs inch thick when applied directly to framing spaced 16
inches on center and not less than % inch thick when applied directly to framing
spaced 24 inches on center. Panels shall be gapped Ys inch and nails shall be
spaced not less than% inch from edges and ends of sheathing. Unless applied over
%-inch net wood sheathing or Y2-inch plywood sheathing or 1/2-inch particleboard
sheathing, joints shall occur over framing members and shall be covered with a
continuous wood batt; or joints shall be lapped horizontally or otherwise made
waterproof to the satisfaction of the building official. Particleboard shall be sealed
and protected with exterior quality finishes.
6. Hardboard. Where hardboard siding is used for covering the outside of
exterior walls, it shall conform to U .B.C. Standard No. 25-26 and Table No. 25-
0. Lap siding shall be installed horizontally direct to studs. Comer bracing shall
be installed in conformance with Section 2517 (g) 3. A weather-resistive barrier
shall be installed under the lap siding as required by Section 1707 (a).
Square-edged nongrooved panels and shiplap grooved or nongrooved siding
shall be applied vertically to sheathed or unsheathed walls. Siding that is grooved
shall be not less than Y4 inch thick in the groove.
Nail size and spacing shall follow Table No. 25-0 and shall penetrate framing
! 1/2 inches. Lap siding shall overlap I inch minimum and be nailed through both
courses and into framing members with nails located 1/2 inch from bottom of the
overlapped course. Square-edged nongrooved panels shall be nailed% inch from
the perimeter of the panel and intermediately into studs. Shiplap edge panel siding
with %-inch shiplap shall be nailed % inch from the edges on both sides of the
shiplap. The %-inch shiplap shall be nailed% inch from the edge and penetrate
through both the overlap and under lap. Top and bottom edges of the panel shall be
nailed % inch from the edge.
Shiplap and lap siding shall not be force fit. Square-edged panels shall maintain
a Yl6-inch gap at joints. All joints and edges of siding shall be over framing
members and shall be made resistant to weather penetration with battens, horizon-
tal overlaps or shiplaps to the satisfaction of the building official. A Ys-inch gap
shall be provided around all openings.
7. Nailing. All fasteners used for the attachment of siding shall be of a
corrosion-resistant type.
(h) Structural Floor Sheathing. Structural floor sheathing shall be designed
in accordance with the general provisions of this code and the special provisions
in this subsection.
Sheathing used as subflooring shall be designed to support all loads specified in
this code and shall be capable of supporting concentrated loads of not less than
300 pounds without failure. The concentrated load shall be applied by a loaded
disc, 3 inches or smaller in diameter.
Flooring, including the finish floor, underlayment and subfloor, where used,
shall meet the following requirements:
Deflection under uniform design load limited to 11360 of the span between
supporting joists or beams.


Deflection of flooring relative to joists under a l-inch-diameter concen-

trated load of 200 pounds limited to 0.125 inch or less when loaded
midway between supporting joints or beams not over 24 inches on center
and YJ60 of the span for spans over 24 inches.
Floor sheathing conforming to the provisions of Table No. 25-R or No. 25-S
shall be deemed to meet the requirements of this subsection.

(i) Structural Roof Sheathing. Structural roof sheathing shall be designed in

accordance with the general provisions of this code and the special provisions in
this subsection. Structural roof sheathing shall be designed to support all loads
specified in this code and shall be capable of supporting concentrated loads of not
less than 300 pounds without failure. The concentrated load shall be applied by a
loaded disc, 3 inches or smaller in diameter. Structural roof sheathing shall meet
the following requirement:
Deflection under uniform design live and dead load limited to Y1so ofthe
span between supporting rafters or beams and Y24o under live load only.
Roof sheathing conforming to the provisions of Tables No. 25-R-1 and No. 25-
R-2 or No. 25-S-1 and No. 25-S-2 shall be deemed to meet the requirements of
this subsection.
Plywood roof sheathing shall be bonded by intermediate or exterior glue.

I Plywood roof sheathing exposed on the underside shall be bonded with exterior
(j) Fastenings. 1. Nailing requirements. The number and size of nails con-
necting wood members shall be not less than that set forth in Table No. 25-Q.
Other connections shall be fastened so as to provide equivalent strength. End and
edge distances and nail penetrations shall be in accordance with the applicable

provisions of Section 2510. Fasteners required to be corrosion resistant shall be
either zinc-coated fasteners conforming to U.B.C. Standard No. 25-17, Section
25.1717 (a), aluminum alloy wire fasteners conforming to U.B.C. Standard No.
25-17, Section 25.1716 (e), or stainless steel fasteners conforming to U.B.C.
Standard No. 25-17, Section 25.1716 (h).
2. Joist hangers and framing anchors. Connections depending upon joist
hangers or framing anchors, ties and other mechanical fastenings not otherwise
covered may be used where approved.
(k) Water Splash. Where wood frame walls and partitions are covered on the
interior with plaster, tile or similar materials and are subject to water splash, the
framing shall be protected with approved waterproof paper conforming to Section
1707 (a).
(I) Mechanically Laminated Floors and Decks. A laminated lumber floor or
deck built up of wood members set on edge, when meeting the following
requirements, may be designed as a solid floor or roof deck of the same thickness,
and continuous spans may be designed on the basis of the full cross section using
the simple span moment coefficient.
Nail length shall be not less than two and one-half times the net thickness of
each lamination. When deck supports are 4 feet on center or less, side nails shall

1982 EDITION 2516-2517

be spaced not more than 30 inches on center and staggered one third of the spacing
in adjacent laminations. When supports are spaced more than 4 feet on center, side
nails shall be spaced not more than 18 inches on center alternately near top and
bottom edges, and also staggered one third of the spacing in adjacent laminations.
1\vo side nails shall be used at each end of butt-jointed pieces.
Laminations shall be toenailed to supports with 20d or larger common nails.
When the supports are 4 feet on center or less, alternate laminations shall be
toenailed to alternate supports; when supports are spaced more than 4 feet on
center, alternate laminations shall be toenailed to every support.
A single-span deck shall have all laminations full length.
A continuous deck of two spans shall have not more than every fourth lamina-
tion spliced within quarter points adjoining supports.
Joints shall be closely butted over supports or staggered across the deck but
within the adjoining quarter spans.
No lamination shall be spliced more than twice in any span.
(m) Post-beam Connections. Where post and beam or girder construction is
used, the design shall be in accordance with the provisions ofthis code. Positive
connection shall be provided to ensure against uplift and lateral displacement.
Conventional Construction Provisions
Sec. 2517. (a) General. The requirements contained in this section are
intended for conventional, light-frame construction. Light-frame construction of
unusual shape, size or split levels shall, when located within Seismic Zones No.
2, No. 3 and No. 4, be designed to resist lateral forces in accordance with other
provisions of this code. Other methods may be used, provided a satisfactory
design is submitted showing compliance with other provisions of this code.
(b) Foundation Plates or Sills. Foundations and footings shall be as specified
in Chapter 29. Foundation plates or sills resting on concrete or masonry founda-
tions shall be bolted as required by Section 2907 (e).
(c) Girders. Girders shall be designed to support the loads specified in this
code. Girder end joints shall occur over supports. When a girder is spliced over a
support, an adequate tie shall be provided. The end of beams or girders supported
on masonry or concrete shall have not less than 3 inches of bearing.
(d) Floor Joists. 1. General. Spans for joists shall be in accordance with
Table No. 25-U-J-1.
2. Bearing. Except where supported on a l-inch by 4-inch ribbon strip and
nailed to the adjoining stud, the ends of each joist shall have not less than
1Y2 inches of bearing on wood or metal, nor less than 3 inches on masonry.
3. Framing details. Joists shall be supported laterally at the ends and at each
support by solid blocking except where the ends of joists are nailed to a header,
band or rim joist or to an adjoining stud or by other approved means. Solid
blocking shall be not less than 2 inches in thickness and the full depth of joist.
Notches on the ends of joists shall not exceed one fourth the joist depth. Holes
bored in joists shall not be within 2 inches of the top or bottom of the joist, and the
diameter of any such hole shall not exceed one third the depth of the joist. Notches


in the top or bottom of joists shall not exceed one sixth the depth and shall not be
located in the middle third ofthe span.
Joists framing from opposite sides of a beam, girder or partition shall be lapped
at least 4 inches or the opposing joists shall be tied together in an approved
Joists framing into the side of a wood girder shall be supported by framing
anchors or on ledger strips not Jess than 2 inches by 2 inches.
4. Framing around openings. Trimmer and header joists shall be doubled, or
of lumber of equivalent cross section, when the span of the header exceeds 4 feet.
The ends of header joists more than 6 feet long shall be supported by framing
anchors or joist hangers unless bearing on a beam, partition or wall. Tail joists
over 12 feet long shall be supported at header by framing anchors or on ledger
strips not less than 2 inches by 2 inches.
5. Supporting bearing partitions. Bearing partitions perpendicular to joists
shall not be offset from supporting girders, walls or partitions more than the joist
Joists under and parallel to bearing partitions shall be doubled.
6. Blocking. Floor joists shall be blocked when required by the provisions of
Sections 2506 (g) and 2517 (d) 3.
(e) Subflooring. I. Lumber subfloor. Sheathing used as a structural subfloor
shall conform to the limitations set forth in Tables No. 25-R-1 and No. 25-R-2.
Joints in subflooring shall occur over supports unless end-matched lumber is
used, in which case each piece shall bear on at least two joists.
Subflooring may be omitted when joist spacing does not exceed 16 inches and
l-inch nominal tongue-and-grooved wood strip flooring is applied perpendicular
to the joists.
2. Plywood. Where used as structural subflooring, plywood shall be as set
forth in Tables No. 25-S-1 and No. 25-S-2. Plywood combination subfloor-
underlayment shall have maximum spans as set forth in Table No. 25-T.
When plywood floors are glued to joists with an adhesive conforming to
U.B.C. Standard No. 25-19, in accordance with the adhesive manufacturer's
directions, fasteners may be spaced a maximum of 12 inches on center at all
3. Plank flooring. Plank flooring shall be designed in accordance with the
general provisions of this code.
In lieu of such design, 2-inch tongue-and-groove planking may be used in
accordance with Table No. 25-U. Joints in such planking may be randomly
spaced, provided the system is applied to not less than three continuous spans,
planks are center-matched and end-matched or splined, each plank bears on at
least one support and joints are separated by at least 24 inches in adjacent pieces.
One-inch nominal strip square-edged flooring, Y2-inch tongue-and-groove floor-
ing, or %-inch plywood shall be applied over random-length decking used as a
floor. The "strip'' and tongue-and-groove flooring shall be applied at right angles
to the span of the planks. The %-inch plywood shall be applied with the face grain
at right angles to the span of the planks.

1982 EDITION 2517

(f) Particleboard Underlayment. Particleboard floor underlayment shall con- I

form to 1)rpe 1-M grades ofU.B.C. Standard No. 25-25. Underlayment shall be
not less than 1/4 inch in thickness and shall be identified by the grademark of an
approved inspection agency. Underlayment shall be installed in accordance with
this code and as recommended by the manufacturer.
(g) Wall Framing. 1. Size, height and spacing. The size, height and spacing
of studs shall be in accordance with Table No. 25-R-3 except that Utility grade
studs shall not be spaced more than 16 inches on center, nor support more than a
roof and ceiling, nor exceed 8 feet in height for exterior walls and load-bearing
walls or lO feet for interior nonload-bearing walls.
2. Framing details. Studs shall be placed with their wide dimension perpen-
dicular to the wall. Not less than three studs shall be installed at each corner of an
exterior wall.
EXCEPTION: At comers a third stud may be omitted through the use of wood
spacers or backup cleats of %-inch-thick plywood, l-inch-thick lumber or other
approved devices which will serve as an adequate backing for the attachment of
facing materials.
Bearing and exterior wall studs shall be capped with double top plates installed
to provide overlapping at corners and at intersections with other partitions. End
joints in double top plates shall be offset at least 48 inches.
EXCEPTION: A single top plate may be used, provided the plate is adequately
tied at joints, comers and intersecting walls by at least the equivalent of 3-inch by 6-
inch by 0.036-inch-thick galvanized steel that is nailed to each wall or segment of
wall by six Sd nails or equivalent, provided the rafters, joists or trusses are centered
over the studs with a tolerance of no more than I inch.
When bearing studs are spaced at 24-inch intervals and top plates are less than
two 2 by 6 or two 3 by 4 members and when the floor joists, floor trusses or roof
trusses which they support are spaced at more than 16-inch intervals, such joists
or trusses shall bear within 5 inches of the studs beneath or a third plate shall be
Interior nonbearing partitions may be capped with a single top plate installed to
provide overlapping at corners and at intersections with other walls and partitions.
The plate shall be continuously tied at joints by solid blocking at least 16 inches in
length and equal in size to the plate or by 1/s-inch by 1Y2-inch metal ties with
spliced sections fastened with two 16d nails on each side of the joint.
Studs shall have full bearing on a plate or sill not less than 2 inches in thickness
having a width not less than that of the wall studs.
3. Bracing. All exterior walls and main cross-stud partitions shall be effec-
tively and thoroughly braced at each end, or as near thereto as possible, and at
least every 25 feet of length by one of the following methods:
A. Nominal l-inch by 4-inch continuous diagonal braces let into top and
bottom plates and intervening studs, placed at an angle not more than 60
degrees nor less than 45 degrees from the horizontal, and attached to the
framing in conformance with Table No. 25-Q.
B. Wood boards of %-inch net minimum thickness applied diagonally on
studs spaced not over 24 inches on center.


C. Plywood sheathing with a thickness not less than 5/16 inch for 16-inch stud
spacing and not less than 3fs inch for 24-inch stud spacing in accordance
with Tables No. 25-M and No. 25-N.
I D. Fiberboard sheathing 4-foot by 8-foot panels not less than lf2 inch thick
applied vertically on studs spaced not over 16 inches on center when
installed in accordance with Section 2514 and Table No. 25-P.
E. Gypsum sheathing panels not less than lf2 inch thick on studs spaced not
over 16 inches on center when installed in accordance with Table No. 47-1.

I F. Particleboard Exterior TYpe 2-M-l sheathing panels not less than 3fs inch
thick on studs spaced not more than 16 inches on center.
G. Gypsum wallboard not less than lf2 inch thick on studs spaced not over 24
inches on center when installed in accordance with Table No. 47-1.
H. Portland cement plaster on studs spaced 16 inches on center installed in
accordance with Table No. 47-1.

I I. Hardboard panel siding when installed in accordance with Section

2516 (g) 6 and Table No. 25-0.
For methods B, C, D, E, F, G, Hand I, the braced panel must be at least 48
inches in width, covering three stud spaces where studs are spaced 16 inches apart
and covering two stud spaces where studs are spaced 24 inches apart.
Solid sheathing of one of the materials specified in Items B through F, gypsum
wallboard in Item G applied to supports at 16 inches on center, portland cement
I plaster in Item H, or hardboard panel siding in Item I, shall be applied to the
exterior walls of the first story of all wood framed buildings three stories in height.
In Seismic Zones Nos. 3 and 4 such braced wall sections shall be located at each
end, or as near thereto as possible, and shall comprise at least 40 percent of the
linear length of the wall.
Solid sheathing of one of the materials specified in Items B through F, gypsum
wallboard in Item G applied to supports at 16 inches on center, portland cement
I plaster in Item H, or hardboard panel siding in Item I, shall be applied on either
face of the exterior walls of the first story of all wood framed, two-story buildings
and the second story of three-story buildings located in Seismic Zones No. 3 and
No. 4. Braced wall sections shall be located at each end or as near thereto as
possible and comprise at least 25 percent of the linear length of the wall.
All vertical joints of panel sheathing shall occur over studs. Horizontal joints
shall occur over blocking equal in size to the studding except where waived by the
installation requirements for the specific sheathing materials.
4. Cripple walls. Foundation cripple walls shall be framed of studs not less in
size than the studding above with a minimum length of 14 inches, or shall be
framed of solid blocking. When exceeding 4 feet in height, such walls shall be
framed of studs having the size required for an additional story.
Such walls having a stud height exceeding 14 inches shall be considered to be
first-story walls for the purpose of determining the bracing required by Section
2517 (g) 3. Solid blocking may be used to brace cripple walls having a stud height
of 14 inches or less.
5. Headers. Headers and lintels shall conform to the requirements set forth in

1982 EDITION 2517

this paragraph and together with their supporting systems shall be designed to
support the loads specified in this code. All openings 4 feet wide or less in bearing
walls shall be provided with headers consisting of either two pieces of 2-inch
framing lumber placed on edge and securely fastened together or 4-inch lumber of
equivalent cross section. All openings more than 4 feet wide shall be provided
with headers or lintels. Each end of a lintel or header shall have a length of bearing
of not less than 11/2 inches for the full width of the lintel.
6. Pipes in walls. Stud partitions containing plumbing, heating, or other pipes
shall be so framed and the joists underneath so spaced as to give proper clearance
for the piping. Where a partition containing such piping runs parallel to the floor
joists, the joists underneath such partitions shall be doubled and spaced to permit
the passage of such pipes and shall be bridged. Where plumbing, heating or other
pipes are placed in or partly in a partition, necessitating the cutting of the soles or
plates, a metal tie not less than Ys inch thick and 1Y2 inches wide shall be fastened
to the plate across and to each side ofthe opening with not less than four 16d nails.
7. Bridging. Unless covered by interior or exterior wall coverings or sheathing
meeting the minimum requirements of this code, all stud partitions or walls with
studs having a height-to-least-thickness ratio exceeding 50 shall have bridging not
less than 2 inches in thickness and of the same width as the studs fitted snugly and
nailed thereto to provide adequate lateral support.
8. Cutting and notching. In exterior walls and bearing partitions, any wood
stud may be cut or notched to a depth not exceeding 25 percent of its width.
Cutting or notching of studs to a depth not greater than 40 percent of the width of
the stud is permitted in nonbearing partitions supporting no loads other than the
weight of the partition.
9. Bored holes. A hole not greater in diameter than 40 percent of the stud width
may be bored in any wood stud. Bored holes not greater than 60 percent of the
width of the stud are permitted in nonbearing partitions or in any wall where each
bored stud is doubled, provided not more than two such successive doubled studs
are so bored.
In no case shall the edge of the bored hole be nearer than % inch to the edge of
the stud. Bored holes shall not be located at the same section of stud as a cut or
(h) Roof and Ceiling Framing. 1. General. The framing details required in
this subsection apply to roofs having a minimum slope of 3: 12 or greater. When
the roof slope is less than 3:12, members supporting rafters and ceiling joists such
as ridge board, hips and valleys shall be designed as beams.
2. Spans. Allowable spans for ceiling joists shall be in accordance with Table
No. 25-U-J-6. Allowable spans for rafters shall be in accordance with Tables No.
25-U-R-1 through No. 25-U-R-14, where applicable.
3. Framing. Rafters shall be framed directly opposite each other at the ridge.
There shall be a ridge board at least 1-inch nominal thickness at all ridges and not
less in depth than the cut end of the rafter. At all valleys and hips there shall be a
single valley or hip rafter not less than 2-inch nominal thickness and not less in
depth than the cut end of the rafter.


4. Rafter ties. Rafters shall be nailed to adjacent ceiling joists to form a

continuous tie between exterior walls when such joists are parallel to the rafters.
Where not parallel, rafters shall be tied to l-inch by 4-inch (nominal) minimum-
size cross ties. Rafter ties shall be spaced not more than 4 feet on center.
5. Purlins. Purlins to support roof loads may be installed to reduce the span of
rafters within allowable limits and shall be supported by struts to bearing walls.
The maximum span of 2-inch by 4-inch purlins shall be 4 feet. The maximum
span of the 2-inch by 6-inch purlin shall be 6 feet but in no case shall the purl in be
smaller than the supported rafter. Struts shall be not smaller than 2-inch by 4-inch
members. The unbraced length of struts shall not exceed 8 feet and the minimum
slope of the struts shall be not less than 45 degrees from the horizontal.

6. Blocking. Roof rafters and ceiling joists shall be supported laterally to
prevent rotation and lateral displacement when required by Section 2506 (g). Roof
trusses shall be supported laterally at points of bearing by solid blocking to
prevent rotation and lateral displacement.
7. Roof sheathing. Roof sheathing shall be in accordance with Tables No. 25-
S-1 and No. 25-S-2 for plywood or No. 25-R-1 and No. 25-R-2 for lumber.
Joints in lumber sheathing shall occur over supports unless approved end-
matched lumber is used. in which case each piece shall bear on at least two
Plywood used for roof sheathing shall be bonded by intermediate or exterior

I glue. Plywood roof sheathing exposed on the underside shall be bonded with
exterior glue.
8. Roof planking. Planking shall be designed in accordance with the general
provisions of this code.
In lieu of such design. 2-inch tongue-and-groove planking may be used in
accordance with Table No. 25-U. Joints in such planking may be randomly
spaced, provided the system is applied to not less than three continuous spans,
planks are center-matched and end-matched or splined, each plank bears on at
least one support, and joints are separated by at least 24 inches in adjacent pieces.

Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber-VISUAL GRADING
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504) 0

Compnts Compnts-
Eng!- Tension sion per sion MODULUS U.B.C. STDS.
SIZE neered Repetitive Parallel Horizontal pendlcuier Parallel OF UNDER
SPECIES AND CLASSIFI Uses member to Grain Shear to Grain to Grain ELASTICITY WHICH

ASPEN (BIGTOOTH-QUAKING) (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 190Jo max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1300 1500 775 60 185 850 1,100,000
No.I 2" to 4" IIOO 1300 650 60 185 675 1,100,000
No.2 thick 925 1050 525 60 185 550 1,000,000
No.3 2" to 4" 500 575 300 60 185 325 900,000
Appearance wide IIOO 1300 650 60 185 825 1,100,000 25-4
Stud 500 575 300 60 185 325 900,000 25-5
Construction 2" to 4" 650 750 400 60 185 625 900,000 (See footnotes
Standard thick 375 425 225 60 185 500 90j),OOO 2 through 8,
Utility 4" wide 175 200 100 60 185 325 900,000 13, 15 and 16)
Select Structural II 50 1300 750 60 185 750 1,100,000
No.I 2" to 4" 950 1100 650 60 185 675 1,100,000
No.2 thick 775 900 425 60 185 575 1,000,000
No. 3 and Stud 5" and 450 525 250 60 195 375 900,000
Appearance wider 950 IIOO 650 60 185 825 1,100,000


Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber-VISUAL GRADING
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504)

Design values in pounds per square inch }~.

Extreme fiber in M
bending Fb Tension Compression Compression Modulus U.B.C.STDS =~::
Horizontal UNDER f
Size parallel perpendicular parallel of

Spacias and commercial grade Single- shaar WHICH
classification Repetitiw to grain to grain to grain elasticity
member member Fv GRADED
F, F .L F. E
uses uses
BALSAM FIR (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 19% max. m.c.) i.
Select Structural 2'"to 4'' 1750 2000 1000 70 185 1350 1,500,000

No.1 thick 1450 1700 850 70 185 1050 1,500,000
No.2 2'" to 4'" 1200 1400 700 70 185 850 1,300,000
No.3 wide 675 775 400 70 185 525 1,200,000
Appearance 1450 1700 850 70 185 1250 1,500,000 25-5
Stud 675 775 400 70 185 525 1,200,000 25-8 :::::
(See footnotes ~=~==
Construction 2'" to4'" 875 1000 525 70 185 950 1,200,000 1 through 9)
4'" wide
1,200,000 tlt
Select Structural 2'" to 4'" 1500 1700 1000 70 185 1200 1,500,000
5'" and
1,300,000 I c:z
No.3 wider 600 700 325 70 185 575 1,200,000 ::::: :;;
Appearance 1250 1450 850 70 185
1250 1,500,000 r 0
Stud 600 700 325 70 575 1,200,000 if ::D
Select Structural Beams and 1350 -- 900 65 185 950 1,400,000
No.1 Stringers 1100 -- 750 65 185 800 1,400,000 Ill
Select Structural Posts and 1250 -- 825 65 185 1000 1,400,000 j=
No.1 Timbers 1000 -- 675 65 185 875 1,400,000 0
Select Decking -- 1650 -- -- -- -- 1,500,000 25-8 z
Commercial -- 1400 -- -- -- -- 1,300,000 (See footnotes
1 through 9)
BLACK COTIONWOOD (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 190Jo max. m.c.) z
Select Structural 1000 1200 600 50 100 725 1,200,000
No.I 2" to 4" 875 1000 500 50 100 575 1,200,000
No.2 thick 725 825 425 50 100 450 1,100,000
No.3 2" to 4" 400 450 225 50 100 275 900,000
Appearance wide 875 1000 500 50 100 700 1,200,000
Stud 400 450 225 50 100 275 900,000
Construction 2" to 4" 525 600 300 50 100 525 900,000 (See footnotes
Standard thick 300 325 175 50 100 425 900,000 2 through 9,
Utility 4" wide 150 150 75 50 100 275 900,000 II, 13,
15 and 16)
Select Structural 875 1000 600 50 100 650 1,200,000
No.I 2" to 4" 750 875 500 50 100 575 1,200,000
No.2 thick 625 700 325 50 100 475 1,100,000
No. 3 and Stud 5" and 350 425 175 50 100 300 900,000
Appearance wider 750 875 500 50 100 700 1,200,000

CALIFORNIA REDWOOD (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 190Jo max. m.c.)
4" & less
Clear Heart Structural thick, any 2300 2650 1500 145 425 2150 1,400,000 25-7
Clear Structural width 2300 2650 1500 145 425 2150 1,400,000 (See footnotes
2 through 7
2" to 4" 9, 13, 15
Select Structural thick 2050 2350 1200 80 425 1750 1,400,000 and 16)
Select Structural, Open 2" to 4" 1600 1850 950 80 270 1300 1,100,000
gram wide

Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber- VISUAL GRADING
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504)
Com pres Com pres
Eng~ Tension sion per sion MODULUS U.B.C.STDS
SIZE neered Repetitlv Parallel ~orizontal pendicular Parallel OF UNDER
SPECIES AND CLASSIFI- Uses member to Grain Shear to Grain to Grain ELASTICITY WHICH

No. I 1700 1950 975 80 425 1400 1,400,000

No. I, Open grain 1350 1550 775 80 270 1050 1,100,000
No.2 2" to 4" 1400 1600 800 80 425 1100 1,250,000
No. 2, Open grain thick 1100 1250 625 80 270 825 1,000,000
No.3 2" to 4" 800 900 475 80 425 675 1,100,000
No. 3, Open grain wide 625 725 375 80 270 500 900,000
Stud 625 725 375 80 270 500 900,000

Construction 2" to 4. 825 950 475 80 270 925 900,000

Standard thick 450 525 250 80 270 775 900,000
Utility 4" wide 225 250 125 80 270 500 900,000

Select Structural 1750 2000 1150 80 425 1550 1,400,000 25-7

Select Structural, Open 1400 1600 92S 80 270 1150 1,100,000 (See footnotes ~
grain 2 through 7, 9,
No.I 2" to 4" 1500 1700 97S 80 425 1400 1,400,000 13, IS and 16) ~

No. I, Open grain thick 1150 1350 775 80 270 1050 1,100,000
No. 2, Open grain
s and 1200
80 425
wider 80 1,000,000
No. 3 and Stud 700 800 375 80 425 725 1,100,000
No.3, Open grain 550 650 3SO 80 270 525 900,000

Clear Heart Structural 1850 - 1250 135 425 1650 1,300,000

Clear Structural 5" by 5.
1850 - 1250 135 425 1650 1,300,000
Select Structural and larger 1400 - 950 95 425 1200 1,300,000
No.I 1200 - 800 95 425 105U 1,300,000
No.2 975 - 650 95 425 900 1,100,000
No.3 550 - 375 95 425 550 1,000,000
Select Decking, Close grain Decking 1850 2150 - - - - 1,400,000 25-7 z
Select Decking 2" thick 1450 1700 - - - - 1,100,000 (See footnotes
Commercial Decking 6" &wider 1200 1350 - - - - 1,000,000 2, 5 and6)
COAST SITKA SPRUCE (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 190Jo max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1500 1700 875 65 290 1100 1,700,000
No.I 2" to 4" 1250 1450 750 65 290 875 1,700,000
No.2 thick 1050 1200 625 65 290 700 1,500,000
No.3 2" to 4" 575 675 350 65 290 425 1,300,000
Appearance wide 1250 1450 725 65 290 1050 1,700,000
Stud 600 67~ 350 65 290 425 1,300,000

Construction 2" to 4" 750 875 450 65 290 800 1,300,000 25-2
Standard thick 425 500 250 65 290 650 1,300,000 (See footnotes
Utility 4" wide 200 225 125 65 290 425 1,300,000 2 through 9, II,
13, 15 and 16)
Select Structural 1300 1500 850 65 290 975 1,700,000
No.I 2" to 4" 1100 1250 725 65 290 875 1,700,000
No.2 thick 900 1050 475 65 290 750 1,500,000
No. 3 and Stud 5" and 525 575 275 65 290 475 1,300,000
Appearance wider 1100 1250 725 65 290 1050 1,700,000

Select Structural Beams and 1150 - 675 60 290 775 1,500,000

No. I Stringers 950 - 475 60 290 650 1,500,000

Select Structural Posts and 1100 - 725 60 290 825 1,500,000

No.I Timbers 875 - 575 60 290 725 1,500,000
Select Decking 1250 1450 - - 290 - 1,700,000
Commercial 1050 1200 - - 290 - 1,500,000

Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber-VISUAL GRADING
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504)
Com pres Compres
Engl- Tension slonper slon MODULUS U.B.C.STDS
SIZE nee reel Repetltlv Pat'llllel Horizontal pendlcular Pat'llllel OF UNDER

COAST SPECIES (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 190fo max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1500 1700 850 65 235 1100 1,500,000
1250 1450 65 875
No.I 2" to 4" 750 235 1,500,000
2" to 4"
Appearance wide 1250 1450 725 65 235 1050 1,500,000
Stud 575 675 350 65 235 425 1,200,000 '
Construction 2" to 4" 750 875 450 65 235 800 1,200,000
Standard thick 425 500 250 65 235 650 1,200,000 :

Utility 4" wide 200 225 125 65 235 425 1,200,000 25-2 .
(See footnotes :
Select Structural 1300 1500 875 65 235 975 1,500,000 2 through 9,
No.I 2" to 4" 1100 1250 725 65 235 875 1,500,000 II, 13,
No.2 thick 900 1050 .r15 65 235 750 1,400,000 15and 16)
No. 3 and Stud 5" and 525 600 Z15 65 235 475 1,200,000
Appearance wider 1100 1250 725 65 235 1050 1,500,000

Select Decking 1250 1450 - - 235 - 1,500,000

Commercial 1050 1200 - - 235 - 1,400,000
Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber-VISUAL GRADING
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504)
Com pre Compre
SIZE ~ ........,.,.
Petallel Horizontal
slon per-
pendlcular p.,.,.,
(Sinflle) u...
toG .. rn Shear toG,.In toG .. rn ELASTICITY
F, F. F.-1- Fe

Dense Select Structural 1900 - 1100 85 455 1300 1,700,000

Select Structural
Dense No.I
Beams and
Stringers 12
-- 950
No.I 1300 - 675 85 385 925 1,600,000 25-3
(See footnotes
Dense Select Structural
Select Structural Posts and
-- 1150
1,600,000 2 through 9)
Dense No.I Timbersl2 1400 - 950 85 455 1200 1,700,000
No.I 1200 - 825 85 385 1000 1,600,000

Select Dex Decking 1750 2000 - - 385 - 1,800,000

Commercial Dex 1450 1650 - - 385 - 1,700,000

Dense Select Structural 1900 - 1250 85 455 1300 1,700,000 c

Select Structural Beams and 1600 - 1050 85 385 1100 1,600,000 z
Dense No.I Stringers 12 1550 - 1050 85 455 1100 1,700,000
No.I 1350 - 900 85 385 925 1,600,000
Dense Select Structural 1750 - 1150 85 455 1350 1,700,000 (See footnotes 3:::
Select Structural Posts and 1500 - 1000 85 385 1150 1,600,000 2 through I 0) Ill
Dense No.I Timbersl2 1400 - 950 85 455 1200 1,700,000 c
No.I 1200 - 825 85 385 1000 1,600,000 ;=
Selected Decking Decking -- 2000 - - - - 1,800,000 zC)
Commercial Decking 1650 - - - - 1.700.000
Selected Decking Decking - 2150 (Surfaced at l$'1'o max. m.c. and 1,900,000 0
Commercial Decking - 1800 med at l$'1'o mu. m.c.) 1,700,000 ~

CarTONWOOD (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 19% max. m.c.) ~

2" to 3"
2" to 4" 25-5 z
Stud wide 525 600 300 65 195 350 1,000,000 (See footnotes
I through 9)
Construction 2" to 4" 675 775 400 65 195 650 1,000,000
Standard thick 375 425 225 65 195 525 1,000,000
Utility 4"wide 175 200 100 65 195 350 1,000,000

DOUGLAS FIR- LARCH (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 19"7o max. m.c.)
Dense Select Structural 2450 2800 1400 95 455 1850 1,900,000
Select Structural 2100 2400 1200 95 385 1600 1,800,000
Dense No. I 2050 2400 1200 95 455 1450 1,900,000
No.I 2" to 4" 1750 2050 1050 95 385 1250 1,800,000
Dense No.2 thick 1700 1950 1000 95 455 1150 1,700,000
No.2 2" to 4" 1450 1650 850 95 385 1000 1,700,000
No.3 wide 800 925 475 95 385 600 1,500,000 25-2
Appearance 1750 2050 1050 95 385 1500 1,800,000 25-3
Stud 800 925 475 95 385 600 1,500,000 and
Construction 1050 1200 625 95 385 1150 1,500,000 (See footnotes
2" to 4
Standard 600 615 350 95 385 925 1,500,000 2 through 9,
Utility 275 325 175 95 385 600 1,500,000 II, 13,
4" wide 15 and 16)
Dense Select Structural 2100 2400 1400 95 455 1650 1,900,000
Select Structural 1800 2050 1200 95 385 1400 1,800,000
Dense No. I 2" to 4" 1800 2050 1200 95 455 1450 1,900,000
No.I thick 1500 1750 1000 95 385 1250 1,800,000
Dense No.2 5" and 1450 1700 775 95 455 1250 1,700,000
No.2 wider 1250 1450 650 95 385 1050 1,700,000
No. 3 and Stud 725 850 375 95 385 675 1,500,000
Appearance 1500 1750 1000 95 385 1500 1,800,000

Dense Select Structural 1900 - 1100 8S 455 1300 1,700,000 25-2
Select Structural Beams and 1600 - 950 8S 385 1100 1,600,000 (See footnotes
Dense No. I Stringers 1550 - 715 85 4.55 1100 1,700,000 2 through 9
No.I 1300 - 615 8S 385 925 1,600,000 and II)
Dense Select Structural 1750 - 1150 8S 455 1350 1,700,000 0
Select Structural Posts and 1500 - 1000 8S 385 1150 1,600,000 25-2
Dense No.I TID!bers 1400 - 950 8S 455 1200 1,700,000 (See footnotes
No.I 1200 - 825 8S 385 1000 1,600,000 2 through 9
Select Decking 1750 ;roo - - 385 - 1,800,000 and II)
Commercial 1450 1650 - - 385 - 1,700,000
DOUGLAS FIR SOUTH (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 190Jo max. m.c.)
Select Structural z
to 4. 2000 2300 1150 90 335 1400 1,400,000
No. I & Appearance thick 1700 1950 915 90 335 1150 1,400,000 25-4
No.2 2" to 4" 1400 1600 825 90 335 900 1,300,000 (See footnotes
No.3 wide 775 875 450 90 335 550 1,100,000 2 through 10,
Stud 715 875 450 90 335 550 1,100,000 13, 15 and 16)
Construction 2" to 4" 1000 1150 600 90 335 1000 1,100,000
Standard thick 550 650 325 90 335 850 1,100,000
Utility 4" wide 275 300 150 90 335 550 1,100,000
Select Structural 2" to 4" 1700 1950 1150 90 335 1250 1,400,000
No. I & Appearance thick 1450 16.50 915 90 335 1150 1,400,000
No.2 5" and 1200 1350 625 90 335 950 1,300,000
No. 3 and Stud wider 700 800 3.50 90 335 600 1,100,000
Select Structural Beams and 1550 - 1050 85 335 1000 1,200,000
No.I Stringers 1300 - 850 85 335 850 1,200,000
Select Structural Posts and 1400 - 950
85 335 1050 1,200,000
No.I Timbers ll50 - 85 335 925 1,200,000
Selected Decking Decking - 1900 - - - - 1,400,000
Commercial ~king - 1600 - - - - 1,300,000
Selected Decking Decking - 2050 (Stresses for Decking apply at 1,500,000
Commercial ~>.:!~king - 1750 150Jo moisture content) 1,300,000

Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber-VISUAL GRADING
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504)

Design values in pounds per square inch

E><treme fiber in
bending F Tension Compression Compression Modulus U.B.C.STDS
Species and parallel Horizontal
Size perpendicular parallel of UNDER
classification Single- Repetitive- to grain shear to grain to grain elasticity WHICH
commercial grade Fv GRADED
member member F, Fci- Fe E
uses uses

EASTERN HEMLOCK (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 19% ma><. m.c.l
Select Structrual 1750 2050 1050 85 360 1350 1,200,000
No.1 2" to 4" 1500 1750 875 85 360 1050 1,200,000
No.2 thick 1250 1450 725 85 360 850 1,100,000
No.3 2" to 4" 675 800 400 85 360 525 1,000,000
Appearance wide 1500 1750 875 85 360 1250 1,200,000
Stud 675 800 400 85 360 525 1,000,000
Construction 2" to 4" 900 1050 525 85 360 950 1,000,000
Standard thick 500 575 300 85 360 800 1,000,000 25-8
Utility 4" wide 250 275 150 85 360 525 1,000,000 (See footnotes
Select Structural 2" to 4" 1550 1750 1000 85 360 1200 1,200,000 1 through 9)
No.1 thick 1300 1500 875 85 360 1050 1,200,000
No.2 5" and 1050 1250 550 85 360 900 1,100,000 c:
No.3 wider 625 700 325 85 360 575 1.000,000 z
Appearance 1300 1500 875 85 360 1250 1,200,000 :;;
Stud 625 700 325 85 360 575 1.000,000 0
Select Structural Beams and 1350 -- 925 80 360 950 1,200,000 ::D
No.1 Stringers 1150 -- 775 80 360 800 1,200,000 3:
Select Structural Posts and 1250 - 850 80 360 1000 1,200,000 c:
No.1 Timbers 1050 -- 700 80 360 875 1,200,000 F
EASTERN HEMLOCK-TAMARACK (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 19% max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1800 2050 1050 85 365 1350 1,300,000 c
No.I 1500 1750 900 85 365 1050 1,300,000 3
No.2 2" to 4" 1250 1450 725 85 365 850 1,100,000 0
No.3 thick 700 800 400 85 365 525 1,000,000 z
Appearance 2" to 4" 1300 1500 875 85 365 1300 1,300,000
wide 525 1,000,000 25-2
Stud 700 800 400 85 365
Construction 2" to 4" 900 1050 525 85 365 975 1,000,000 and
Standard thick 500 575 300 85 365 800 1,000,000 25-8
Utility 4" wide 250 275 150 85 365 525 1,000,000 (See footnotes
2 through 9,
Select Structural 1550 1750 1050 85 365 1200 1,300,000 11, 13,
No.I 2" to 4" 1300 1500 875 85 365 1050 1,300,000
S7S 85 365 900 1,100,000 IS and 16)
No.2 thick 1050 1200
No. 3 and Stud s and 625
325 85
Appearance wider 875

Select Structural Beams and 1400 -- 925 80 365 950 1,200,000

No. I Stringers 1150 -- 775 80 365 800 1,200,000

1,200,000 25-2
Select Structural Posts and 1300 -- 875 80 365 1000 (See footnotes
No.I Timbers 1050 -- 700 80 365 875 1,200,000
I through 9
and 11)
Select Decking 1500 1700 -- -- -- -- 1,300,000
Commercial 1250 1450 -- -- -- -- 1,100,000



Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber-VISUAL GRADING
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504)


c_... c......,...
Eng~ T-lon slonpsr slon MODULUS U.B.C.STOS
SIZE R-Utl- P...llel Hortzonllll pendlcular Per811el OF UNDER
SPECIES AND CLASSIFI- u... to Groin 5"- to Groin to Groin ELASTICITY WHICH

Select Structural Beams and 1400 - 925 80 365 950 1.200,000 25-5
No.I Stringers 1150 - 775 80 365 800 1,200,000 25-8
(See footnotes
Select Structural Posts and 1300 - 875 80 365 1000 1,200,000
No.I Timbers 1050 - 700 80 365 875 1,200,000 2 through 9)

Select Decking 1500 1700 -
- -
1,300,000 (See footnotes
Commercial 1250 1450 - 1,100,000 2 through 9)

Select Structural Beams and 1450 - 850 85 405 950 1,300,000 c:

No.I Stringers 1200 - 600 85 405 800 1,300,000 25-2 z
Select Structural
Posts and
1300 -
875 fK) 365 1000
(See footnotes
1,200,000 2through9 ~
1050 iOO fK) 365 875 1,200,000 and II) 31:
Select Decking ISOO 1700 - - 365 - 1,300,000 m
Commercial 1250 1450 - - 365 - 1,100,000 c:
EASTERN SOFTWOODS (Surfaced dry or surfaced green, Used at 19% max. m.c.l
Setec:t Structural 2"to4" 1350 1550 800 70 185 1050 1,200,000 25-5
No_ 1 thick 1150 1350 675 70 185 825 1,200,000 (See footnotes
No.2 2" to4" 950 1100 550 70 185 650 1,100,000 1 through 9)
No.3 wide 525 600 300 70 185 400 1,000,000
Stud 2" to4" 525 600 300 70 185 400 1,000,000 25-5
thick 25-8
2" to4" (See footnotes
wide 1 through 8)
Construction 2" to4" 700 BOO 400 70 185 750 1,000,000
Standard thick 375 450 225 70 185 625 1,000,000
Utility 4" wide 175 200 100 70 185 400 1,000,000 25-5
Select Structural 2"to4" 1150 1350 775 70 185 925 1,200,000 (See footnotes
No.1 thick 1000 1150 675 70 185 825 1,200,000 1 through 9)
No.2 5" and 825 950 425 70 185 700 1,100,000
No.3 wider 475 550 250 70 185 450 1,000,000
Appearance 1000 1150 675 70 185 1000 1,200,000
Stud 2" to4" 475 550 250 70 185 450 1,000,000 25-5
thick 25-8
5"and (See footnotes
wider 1 through 9)



Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber- VISUAL GRADING Y'
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504) ...~
Design values in pounds per square inch ~~=

Extreme fiber in
Species and commercial grade Size bending Fb Tension Horizontal Compression Compresston Modulus U.B.C. STDS
classification parallel shear perpendicular parallel of UNDER
Single Repetitive- to grain F. to grain to grain elasticity GRADED
member member F. Fc.l. Fe E

uses uses
EASTERN SPRUCE (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 19% mu. m.c.l
Select Structural 2" to 4" 1400 1600 800 70 230 1050 1,500,000
2" to4"
No.3 wide 550 625 325 70 230 400 1,200,000 =~:

Appearance 1200 1350 700 70 230 1000 1,500,000

Stud 550 325 70 230 400 1,200,000 25-5 ill!
25-8 !~!!
Construction 2" to4" 700 800 400 70 230 750 1,200,000 f
(See footnotes
Standard thick 400 450 225 70 230 625 1,200,000
Utility 4"wide 100 1,200,000 1 through 9) !iii
175 225 70 230 400
Select Structural
2" to 4"
1,500,000 I
No.2 5" and 825 950 425 70 230 700 1,400,000 c
No.3 wider 475 550 250 70 230 450 1,200,000 z
Appearance 1000 1150 675 70 230 1000 1,500,000 :;;
Stud 475 550 250 70 230 450 1,200,000 0
Select Structural Beams and 1050 -- 725 65 230 750 1,400,000 s:
No.1 Stringers 900 -- 600 65 230 625 1,400,000
Select Structural Posts and 1000 -- 675 65 230 775 1,400,000 c
No.1 Timbers 800 -- 550 65 230 675 1,400,000
Select Decking -- 1300 -- -- -- -- 1,500,000 25-8 c
Commercial -- 1100 -- -- -- -- 1,400,000 (See footno'll_s
1 throuqh 9
EASTERN WHITE PINE (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 19"7o max. m.c.) 3
Select Structural 1350 1550 800 65 220 1050 1,200,000 25-2 z
No.I 2" to 4" liSO 1350 675 65 220 850 1,200,000 and25-8
No.2 thick 950 liOO 550 65 220 675 1,100,000 (See footnotes
No.3 2" to 4" 525 600 300 65 220 400 1,000,000 2 through 9,
Appearance wide l150 1350 675 65 220 1000 1,200,000 I2and 14)

Stud 2" to 4 thick 525 600 300 65 220 400 1,000,000 25-2,25-5
2" to 4" wide and25-8
(See footnotes
Construction 2" to 4" 700 800 400 65 220 750 1,000,000 2 through 9,11
Standard thick 375 450 225 65 220 625 1,000,000 12, 13 and 14)
Utility 4" wide 175 200 100 65 220 400 1,000,000

Select Structural 1150 1350 775 65 220 950 1,200,000 25-2

No.I 2" to4" 1000 1150 675 65 220 850 1,200,000 and25-8
No.2 thick 825 950 450 65 220 700 1,100,000 (See footnotes
No. 3 and Stud 5" and 475 550 250 65 220 450 1,000,000 2 through 9,
Appearance wider 1000 1150 675 65 220 1000 1,200,000 11, 12 and 14)

Select Structural Beams and 1050 - 700 65 220 675 1,100,000 25-8
No.I Stringers 875 - 600 65 220 575 1,100,000 (See footnotes
2 through 9)
Select Structural Posts and 975 - 650 65 220 725 1,100,000
No.I Timbers 800 - 525 65 220 625 1,100,000



Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber-VISUAL GRADING
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504) ~.....
Compres Com pre
Eng~ Tension slonper slon MODULUS U.B.C.STDS
SIZE neered Repelltlv Perallal Horizonl81 pendlculer Parella! OF UNDER
SPECIES AND CLASSifl. Uses member to Grein Shur to Grein to Grein ELASTICITY WHICH

Select Decking 900 1050 - - - - 1,200,000 (See footnotes
Commercial 775 875 -- - - - 1,100,000 2 through 9,
11 and 12)
EASTERN WOODS (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 190Jo max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1300 1500 775 60 185 850 1,100,000
No.I 2" to 4 1100 1300 650 60 185 675 1,100,000
No.2 thick 925 1050 525 60 185 550 1,000,000
No.3 2" to 4" 500 515 300 60 185 325 900,000 25-5
Stud wide 500 575 300 60 185 325 900,000 and25-8
(See footnotes

Construction 2" to 4 650 750 400 60 185 625 900,000 2 through9
Standard thick 375 425 225 60 185 500 900,000 13, IS and 16)
Utility 4" wide 175 200 100 60 185 325 900,000
Appearance 2" to 4" thick 1100 1300 650 60 185 825 1,100,000
2 to 4" wide

Select Structural 1150 1300 750 60 185 750 1,100,000
No.I 2" to4" 950 1100 650 60 185 675 1,100,000 25-S
No.2 thick 775 900 425 60 185 575 1,000,000 (See footnotes
No. 3 and Stud 5" and 450 525 250 60 185 375 900,000 2 through 9,
Appearance wideT 950 1100 650 60 185 825 1,100,000 15 and 16)
ENGELMANN SPRUCE-ALPINE FIR (ENGELMANN SPRUCE-LODGEPOLE PINE) (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 191Jo max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1350 1550 800 70 195 950 1,300,000
No.I 2" to 4 1150 1350 675 70 195 750 1,300,000 m
No.2 thick 950 1100 550 70 195 600 1,100,000 0
No.3 2" to 4"
600 300
Appearance 1350 0
Stud 525 600 300 70 195 375 1,000,000 z
Construction 2" to 4" 700 800 400 70 195 675 1,000,000
Standard thick 375 450 225 70 195 550 1,000,000
Utility 4" wide 175 200 100 70 195 375 1,000,000

Select Structural 1200 1350 775 70 195 850 1,300,000 25-4

No.I 2" to 4" 1000 1150 675 70 195 750 1,300,000 (See footnotes
No.2 thick 825 950 425 70 195 625 1,100,000 2 through 10,
No. 3 and Stud 5" and 475 550 250 70 195 400 1,000,000 13, 15 and 16)
Appearance wider 1000 1150 675 70 195 900 1,300,000

Select Structural Beams and 1050 - 700 65 195 675 1,100,000

No.I Stringers 875 - 600 65 195 550 1,100,000

Select Structrual Posts and 975 - 650 65 195 700 1,100,000

No.I Timbers 800 - 525 65 195 625 1,100,000

Selected Decking Decking - 1300 - - - - 1,300,000

Commercial Decking - 1100 - - - - 1,100,000

Selected Decking Decking - 1400 (Surfaced at 151Jo max. m.c. and 1,300,000
Commercial Decking - 1200 used at 151Jo max. m.c.) 1,200,000


Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber-VISUAL GRADING
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504)


Compres- Compres-
Eng I Tension sionper- sion MODULUS U.B.C.STDS
SIZE nee red Repetitive- Parallel Horizontal pendicular Parallel OF UNDER
SPECIES AND CLASSIFI Uses member to Grain Shear to Grain to Grain ELASTICITY WHICH

HEM-FIR (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 19"1o max. m.c.)

Select Structural 1650 1900 975 75 245 1300 1,500,000

No.I 2" to 4" 1400 1600 825 75 245 1050 1,500,000
No.2 thick 1150 1350 675 75 245 825 1,400,000
No.3 2" to 4" 650 725 375 75 245 500 1,200,000
Appearance wide 1400 1600 825 75 245 1250 1,500,000 25-2,25-3
Stud 650 725 375 75 245 500 1,200,000 and 25-4
(See footnotes
Construction 2" to 4" 825 975 500 75 245 925 1,200,000 2 through 9,
Standard thick 475 550 275 75 245 775 1,200,000 II, 12, 13
Utility 4" wide 225 250 125 75 245 500 1,200,000 15 and 16)

Select Structural 1400 1650 950 75 245 1150 1,500,000

No.I 2" to 4" 1200 1400 ll)() 75 245 1050 1,500,000 c:
No.2 thick 1000 1150 525 75 245 875 1,400,000 z
No. 3 and Stud
5" and
1,500,000 ~
Select Structural Beams and 1300 - 750 70 245 925 1,300,000
No. I Stringers 1050 - 525 70 245 750 1,300,000 m
Select Structural Posts and 1200 - 800 70 245 975 1,300,000
(See footnotes
No. I Timbers 975 - 650 70 245 850 1,300,000 2 through 9,
15 and 16)
Select Dex Decking 1400 1600 - - 245 - 1,500,000 0
Commercial Dex 1150 1350 - - 245 - 1,400,000 0
Com pres- Com pres-
Eng I Tension slon per- sion MODULUS U.B.C.STDS
SIZE neered Repetitive- Parallel Horizontal pendicular Parallel OF UNDER
SPECIES AND CLASSIFI Uses member to Grain Shear to Grain to Grain ELASTICITY WHICH

Select Structural Beams and 1250 - 850 70 245 925 1,300,000

No.I Stringers 12 1050 - 725 70 245 775 1,300,000
Select Structural Posts and 1200 - 800 70 245 975 1,300,000 and 25-4
No.I Timbers 950 - 650 70 245 850 1,300,000 (See footnotes
2 through 12)
Selected Decking Decking - 1600 - - - - 1,500,000
Commercial Decking - 1350 - - - - 1,400,000

Selected Decking Decking - 1700 (Surfaced at 15"7o max. m.c. and 1,600,000
Commercial Decking - 1450 used at 15"7o max. m.c.) 1,400,000

Select Decking 1350 1550 - - 245 - 1,500,000

Commercial 1150 1300 - - 245 - 1,400,000

Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber-VISUAL GRADING
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504)

Design values in pounds per square inch

Extreme fiber in
bending Fb Tension Compression Compression Modulus U.B.C.STDS
Species and Size parallel Horizontal
perpendicular parallel of UNDER
commercial grade classification Single- Repetitive to grain
to grain to grain elasticity WHICH
member member F, F. E GRADED
Fci- F.
uses uses

HEM-FIR (NORTH I (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 19% max. m.c.l
Select Structural 2" to 3" 1600 1800 925 75 235 1300 1,500,000
No.1 thick 1350 1550 800 75 235 1050 1,500,000
No.2 2" to 4" 1100 1300 650 75 235 800 1,400,000
No.3 wide 625 700 350 75 235 500 1,200,000
Appearance 1350 1550 800 75 235 1250 1,500,000
Stud 625 700 350 75 235 500 1,200,000
Construction 2" to 4" 800 925 475 75 235 925 1,200,000
Standard thick 450 525 275 75 235 775 1,200,000
4"wide 125 235 1,200,000 25-2
Utility 225 250 75 500
(See footnotes
Select Structural 2" to4" 1350 1550 900 75 235 1150 1,500,000 1 through 9
No.1 thick 1150 1350 775 75 235 1050 1,500,000 and 11)
No.2 5" and 950 1100 500 75 235 850 1,400,000
No.3 wider 550 650 300 75 235 550 1,200,000
Appearance 1150 1350 775 75 235 1250 1,500,000
Stud 550 650 300 75 235 550 1,200,000
Select Structural Beams and 1250 -- 725 70 235 900 1,300,000
No. 1 Stringers 1000 -- 500 70 235 750 1,300,000
Select Structural Posts and 1150 -- 775 70 235 950 1,300,000
No.1 Timbers 925 -- 625 70 235 850 1,300,000
Select Decking 1350 1500 -- -- 235 -- 1,500,000 '
Commercial 1100 1300 -- -- 235 -- 1,400,000
IDAHO WHITE PINE (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 190Jo max. m.c.)
Select structural 1350 1550 715 70 190 IIOO 1,400,000
No.I 2" to 4" 1150 1300 650 70 190 875 1,400,000
No.2 thick 925 1050 550 70 190 675 1,300,000
No.3 2" to 4" 525 600 300 70 190 425 1,200,000
Appearance wide II 50 1300 650 70 190 1050 1,400,000
Stud 525 600 300 70 190 425 1,200,000

Construction 2" to 4" 675 775 400 70 190 775 1,200,000

Standard thirk 375 425 225 70 190 650 1,200,000
Utility 4" "ide 175 200 100 70 190 425 1,200,000

Select Structural 1150 1300 775 70 190 950 1,400,000 25-4

No.I 2" to 4" 975 IIOO 650 70 190 875 1,400,000 (See footnotes
No.2 thick 800 925 425 70 190 725 1,300,000 2 through 10
No.3 and Stud 5" and 475 550 250 70 190 450 1,200,000 13, 15 and 16)
Appearance wider 975 IIOO 650 70 190 1050 1,400,000

Select Structural Beams and 1000 - 700 65 190 775 1,300,000

No. I Stringers 850 - 575 65 190 650 1,300,000

Select Structural Posts and 950 - 650 65 190 800 1,300,000

No. I Timbers 775 - 525 65 190 700 1,300,000

Selected Decking Decking - 1300 - - - - 1,400,000

Commercial Deding - 1050 - - - - 1,300,000
Selected Decking Decking - 1400 (Surfaced at 150Jo max. m.c. and 1,500,000
Commercial Decking - II 50 used at 15"1o max. m.c.) 1,400,000

Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber-VISUAL GRADING
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504)
Com pres- Compres
Eng I Tension slonper slon MODULUS U.B.C.STDS
SIZE nee red Repetltlv Parallel Horizontal pendlcular Persllel OF UNDER
SPECIES AND CLASSIFI u... member toGrsln Shear toGrsln toGrsln ELASTICITY WHICH
LODGEPOLE PINE (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 190Jo max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1500 1750 875 70 250 1150 1,300,000
No.I 2" to 4" 1300 1500 750 70 250 900 1,300,000
No.2 thick 1050 1200 625 70 250 700 1,200,000
No.3 2" to 4 600 675 350 70 250 425 1,000,000
Appearance wide 1300 1500 750 70 250 1050 1,300,000
Stud 600 675 350 70 250 425 1,000,000

Construction 2" to 4" 775 875 450 70 250 800 1,000,000

Standard thick 425 500 250 70 250 675 1,000,000
Utility 4" wide 200 225 125 70 250 425 1,000,000

Select Structural 1300 1500 875 70 250 1000 1,300,000 25-4

No.I 2" to4" 1100 1300 750 70 250 900 1,300,000 (See footnotes.
2 through 10, c:
No. 3 and Stud
5" and
1,000,000 13, 15 and 16)
Appearance wider 1100 1300 750 70 250 1050 1,300,000 ~
Select Structural Beams and 1150 - 775 65 250 800 1,100,000 3:
No.I Stringers 975 - 650 65 250 675 1,100,000 ID
Select Structural Posts and 1100 - 725 65 250 850 1,100,000 r=c
Timbers 875 - 600 65 250 725 1,100,000
Selected Decking Decking - 1450 - - - - 1,300,000
Commercial Decking - 1200 - - - - 1,200,000 0
Selected Decking Decking - 1550 (Surfaced at 150Jo max. m.c. and 1,400,000 lil
Commercial Decking - 1300 used at 150Jo max. m.c.) 1,200,000
MOUNTAIN HEMLOCK (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 19% max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1750 2(XX) 1000 95 370 1250 1,300,000 iN
No.I 2" to 4" 1450 1700 850 95 370 1000 1,300,000 m
No.2 thick 1200 1400 700 95 370 775 1,100,000 0
2" to 4" 675
wide 0
Stud 675 775 400 95 370 475 1,000,000 25-3
Construction 875 1000 525 95 370 900 1,000,000 (See footnotes
2" to 4" 2 through 9,
Standard thick 500 575 275 95 370 725 1,000,000
Utility 225 275 125 95 370 475 1,000,000 13, 15 and 16)
4" wide
Select Structural 1500 1700 1000 95 370 1100 1,300,000
No.I 2" to 4" 1250 1450 850 95 370 1000 1,300,000
No.2 thick 1050 1200 550 95 370 825 1,100,000
No. 3 and Stud 5" and 625 700 325 95 370 525 1,000,000
Appearance wider 1250 1450 850 95 370 1200 1,300,000
Select Structural Beams and 1350 - 775 90 370 875 1,100,000
No.I Stringers 1100 - 550 90 370 725 1,100,000
Select Structural Posts and 1250 - 825 90 370 925 1,100,000 (See footnotes
No.I Timbers 1000 - 675 90 370 800 1,100,000 2 through 9)
Select Dex Decking 1450 1650 - - 370 - 1,300,000
Commercial Dex 1200 1400 - - 370 - 1,100,000
Select Structural Beams and 1350 - 900 90 370 875 1,100,000
No.I Stringers 1100 - 750 90 370 750 1,100,000
Select Structural Posts and 1250 - 825 90 370 925 1,100,000 25-4
No.I Timbers 1000 - 675 90 370 800 1,100,000 (See footnotes
2 through I 0)
Selected Decking Decking - 1650 - - - - 1,300,000
Commercial Dec king - 1400 - - - - 1,100,000
Selected Decking Decking - 1800 (Surfaced at 150Jo max. m.c. and 1,300,000
Commercial Decking - 1500 used at 150Jo max. m.c.) 1,200,000

Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber-VISUAL GRADING
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504)
Com pres Compres-
Eng!- Tension slonper sion MODULUS U.B.C.STDS
SIZE nee red Repetillv Parallel Horizontal pendicular Parallel OF UNDER
SPECIES AND CLASSIFI Uses member to Grain Shear to Grein to Grein ELASTICITY WHICH

MOUNTAIN HEMLOCK-HEM-FIR (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 19"7o max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1650 1900 975 75 245 1250 1,300,000
No. I 2" to 4" 1400 1600 825 75 245 1000 1,300,000
No.2 thick 1150 1350 675 75 245 775 1,100,000
No.3 2" to 4" 650 725 375 75 245 475 1,000,000
Appearance wide 1400 1600 825 75 245 1200 1,300,000
Stud 650 725 375 15 245 475 1,000,000

Construction 2" to 4" 825 975 500 75 245 900 1,000,000

Standard thick 475 550 275 75 245 725 1,000,000
Utility 4" wide 225 250 125 75 245 475 1,000,000

Select Structural 2" to 4" 1400 1650 950 75 245 1100 1,300,000 25-4
No.I 1200 1400 *10 75 245 1000 1,300,000 (See footnotes
No.2 S"and 1000 1150 525 75 245 825 1,100,000 2 through 10,
No. 3 and Stud 575 675 300 75 245 525 1,000,000 13, IS and 16) c:
Appearance 1200 1400 *10 75 245 1200 1,300,000 z
Select Structural Beams and 1250 - 850
70 245 875 1,100,000 ~
No. I Stringers 1050 - 70 245 750 1,100,000 :D
Select Structural Posts and 1200 - 800 70 245 925 1,100,000 ID
No. I Timbers 950 - 650 70 245 800 1,100,000 c:
- - -
Selected Decking
Commercial Decking
1350 - -
1,100,000 z
Selected Decking Decking - 1700 (Surfaced at 15"7o max. m.c. and 1,300,000 0
Commercial Decking - 1450 used at 15"7o max. m.c.) 1,200,000

NORTHERN ASPEN (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 19'1o max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1300 1500 750 60 195 850 1,400,000
No.I 2" to 4" 1100 1250 650 60 195 675 1,400,000
No.2 thick 900 1050 525 60 195 525 1,200,000
No.3 2" to 4" 500 575 275 60 195 325 1,100,000
Appearance wide 1100 1250 650 60 195 800 1,400,000
Stud 500 575 275 60 195 325 1,100,000 25-2
(See footnotes
Construction 2" to 4 650 750 375 60 195 600 !,100,000 2 through 9
Standard thick 350 425 200 60 195 500 1,100,000 11, 13
Utility 4" wide 175 200 100 60 195 325 1,100,000 15 and 16)

Select Structural 1100 1250 750 60 195 750 1,400,000

No.I 2"to4" 950 1100 625 60 195 615 1,400,000
No.2 thick 775 900 400 60 195 575 1,200,000
No. 3 and Stud 5" and 450 525 250 60 195 350 1,100,000
Appearance wider 950 1100 625 60 195 1m 1,400,000

Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber- VISUAL GRADING
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504)
Compres Com pres-
Engi Tension sion per sion MODULUS U.B.C.STDS
SIZE nee red Repelilive- Parallel Horizontal pendlcular Parallel OF UNDER
SPECIES AND CLASSIFI Uses member to Grain Shear to Grain to Grain ELASTICITY WHICH

NORTHERN PINE (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 19o/o max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1650 1850 950 70 280 1200 1.400.000
No.I 2" to 4" 1400 1600 825 70 280 975 1.400.000
No.2 thick 1150 1300 675 70 280 775 1,300,000
No.3 2" to 4" 625 725 375 70 280 475 1,100,000
Appearance wide 1200 1400 800 70 280 1150 1,400,000
Stud 625 725 375 70 280 475 1,100,000
Construction 2" to 4" 825 950 475 70 280 875 1,100,000 25-5
Standard thick 450 525 275 70 280 725 1,100,000 and25-8
Utility 4" wide 225 250 125 70 280 475 1,100,000 (See footnotes
2 through 9,
Select Structural 1400 1600 950 70 280 13, 15 and 16) c
2" to4"
1200 1400 m 70 280
No.2 s and 950 1100 525 70 280 825 1,300,000
No. 3 and Stud wider 575 650 300 70 280 525 1,100,000 %1
Appearance 1200 1400 m 70 280 1150 1,400,000 3:
Select Structural Beams and 1250 - 850 65 280 850 1,300,000 c
No. I Stringers 1050 - 700 65 280 725 1,300,000 ;=
Select Structural
Posts and
1150 -
800 65 280 900 1,300,000 z
950 650 65 280 800 1,300,000
Select Decking 1350 1550 - - - - 1,400,000 25-8 0
Commercial 1150 1300 - - - - 1,300,000 (See footnotes
2 through 9) ~
NORTHERN SPECIES (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at I 90Jo max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1350 1550 775 65 220 1050 1,100,000
No.I 2"to 3" 1150 1300 675 65 220 825 1,100,000 :~
No.2 thick 925 1050 550 65 220 650 1,000,000 '
No.3 2"to4" 525 600 300 65 220 400 900,000
Appearance wide 1150 1300 675 65 220 975 1,100,000
Stud 525 600 300 65 220 400 900,000
Construction 2" to 4" 675 775 400 65 220 750 900,000 (See footnotes
Standard thick 375 425 225 65 220 600 900,000 2 through 9,
Utility 4" wide 175 200 100 65 220 400 900,000 II, 13,
IS and 16)
Select Structural 1150 1300 775 65 220 900 1,100,000
No. I 2" to4" 975 1150 650 65 220 825 1,100,000
No.2 thick goo 925 425 65 220 675 1,000,000
No. 3 and Stud s and 475 550 250 65 220 425 900,000
Appearance wider 975 1150 650 65 220 850 1,100,000

Select Decking 900 1050 - - 220 - 1,100,000

Commercial 775 875 - - 220 - 1,000,000

Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber-VISUAL GRADING
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504)

Com pres Compres
Engl. Tension sion per sion MODULUS U.B.C.STDS
SIZE nee red Repellllve Parallel Horizontal pendk:ular Parallel OF UNDER
SPECIES AND CLASSIFJ. Uses member to Grain Shear to Grain to Grain ELASTICITY WHICH

NORTHERN WHITE CEDAR (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 19% max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1150 1350 700 65 205 875 800,000
No.I 2" to 4" 1000 1150 600 65 205 675 800,000
No.2 thick 825 950 500 65 205 550 700,000
No.3 2" to 4" 450 525 275 65 205 325 600,000
Appearance wide 850 1000 575 65 205 825 800,000
Stud 450 525 275 65 205 325 600,000

Construction 2" to 4" 600 675 350 65 205 625 600,000

Standard thick 325 375 200 65 205 500 600,000
Utility 4" wide 150 175 100 65 205 325 600,000 25-8
(See footnotes
Select Structural 1000 1150 675 65 205 775 800,000 2 through 9, c:
No.I 2" to 4" 850 1000 S7S 65 205 675 800,000 13, 15 and 16) z
No.3 and Stud
5" and
Appearance wider 850 1000 575 65 205 825 800,000 3:
Select Structural Beams and 900 - 600 60 205 600 700,000 c:
No.I Stringers 750 - 500 60 205 500 700,000 rc
Select Structural Posts and 850 - 575 60 205 650
No.I Timbers 675 - 450 60 205
Select Decking 975 1100 - - - - 800,000 0
Commercial 825 950 - - - - 700,000 ~
Select Structural
1400 1650
PINE) (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 1'1"7o max. m.c.)
825 70 235
1050 1,200,<XXJ
No.I 2" to 4" 1200 1400 700 70 235 850 1,200,000 3
thick 0
No.3 2" to 4"
675 1,100,000 z
400 1,000,000
Appearance wide 1200 1400 700 70 235 1000 1,200,000 25-2
Stud 550 625 325 70 235 400 1,000,000 and2S-4
(See footnotes
Construction 2" to 4" 725 825 425 70 235 775 1,000,000 2 through 13,
Standard thick 400 450 225 70 235 625 1,000,000 IS and 16)
Utility 4" wide 200 225 100 70 235 400 1,000,000
Select Structural 1200 1400 825 70 235 950 1,200,000
No.I 2" to 4" IOSO 1200 700 70 235 850 1,200,000
No.2 thick 850 975 450 70 235 700 1,100,000
No. 3 and Stud 5" and 500 575 250 70 235 450 1,000,000
Appearance wider 1050 1200 700 70 235 1000 1,200,000
Select Structural Beams and 1100 - 725 65 235 750 1,100,000
No.I Stringers 925 - 625 65 235 625 1,100,000
Select Structural Posts and 1000 - 675 65 235 800 1,100,000
No.I Timbers 825 - 550 65 235 700 1,100,000
Selected Decking Decking - 1350 - - - - 1,200,000 and 25-4
Commercial Decking - 1150 - - - - 1,100,000 (See footnotes
2 through 13)
Selected Decking Decking - 1450 (Surfaced at 15"7o max. m.c. and 1,300,000
Commercial Decking - 1250 used at 15"7o max. m.c.) 1,100,000
Select Decking 120020 1450 - - 23520 - 1,300,000
Commercial 100020 1250 - - 23520 - 1,100,000


Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber-VISUAL GRADING
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504)

Com pres Compres
Engi Tension sion per sion MODULUS U.B.C.STDS
SIZE neared Repetitive Parallel Horizontal pendicular Parallel OF UNDER
SPECIES AND CLASSIFI- Uses member to Grain Shear to Grain to Grain ELASTICITY WHICH

RED PINE (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at I9"1o max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1400 1600 800 70 280 1050 1,300,000
No.I 1200 1350 700 70 280 825 1,300,000
2" to 3" 975 575 70 280 1,200,000
No.2 1100 650
thick 525 625 325 70 280 1,000,000
No.3 2" to 4" 400
Appearance 1200 1350 700 70 280 975 1,300,000
wide 525 625 325 70 280 1,000,000
Stud 400

Construction 2" to 4" 700 800 400 70 280 750 1,000,000

Standard thick 400 450 225 70 280 600 1,000,000
Utility 175 225 100 70 280 400 1,000,000 25-2
4" wide (See footnotes
Select Structural 1200 1350 775 70 280 900 1,300,000 2 through9,
2" to4" II, 13, 15
No.I thick 1000 II 50 675 70 280 825 1,300,000
No.2 825 950 425 70 280 675 1,200,000 and 16)
5" and
No. 3 and Stud wider 500 550 250 70 280 425 1,000,000
Appearance 1000 1150 675 70 280 975 1,300,000

Select Structural Beams and 1050 - 625 65 280 725 1,100,000

No.I Stringers 875 - 450 65 280 600 1,100,000

Select Structural Posts and 1000 - 675 65 280 775 1,100,000

No.I Timbers 800 - 550 65 280 675 1,100,000

Select Decking 1150 1350 - - 280 - 1,300,000

Commercial 975 1100 - - 280 - 1,200,000
SITKA SPRUCE (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 190Jo max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1550 1800 925 75 280 1150 1,500,000
No.I 2" to 4" 1350 1550 775 75 280 925 1,500,000
No.2 thick 1100 1250 650 75 280 725 1,300,000
No.3 2" to 4" 600 700 350 75 280 450 1,200,000
Appearance wide 1350 150 750 75 280 1100 1,500,000
Stud 600 700 350 75 280 450 1,200,000

Construction 2" to 4" 800 925 475 75 280 825 1,200,000

Standard thick 450 500 250 75 280 675 1,200,000
Utility 4" wide 200 250 125 75 280 450 1,200,000 25-3
(See footnotes
Select Structural 1350 1550 900 75 280 1000 1,500,000 2 through9,
No.I 2" to 4" 1150 1300 775 75 280 925 1,500,000 13, 15 and 16)
No.2 thick 925 1050 500 75 280 775 1,300,000
No. 3 and Stud 5" and 525 600 275 75 280 500 1,200,000
Appearance wider 1150 1300 750 75 280 1100 1,500,000

Select Structural Beams and 1200 - 675 70 280 825 1,300,000

No. I Stringers 1000 - 500 70 280 675 1,300,000

Select Structural Posts and 1150 - 750 70 280 875 1,300,000

No. I Timbers 925 - 600 70 280 750 1,300,000

Select Dex Decking 1300 1500 - - 280 - 1,500,000

Commercial Dex 1100 1250 - - 280 - 1,300,000


Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber-VISUAL GRADING N
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504)
Com pres- Compres-
Eng~ Tension sionper- sion MODULUS U.B.C.STDS
SIZE neered Repelilive- Perallel Horizonlal pendlcular Parallel OF UNDER
SPECIES AND CLASSIFI- Uses member to Grain Sheer to Grain to Grein ELASTICITY WHICH

SOUTHERN PINE (Surfaced at 15"7o moisture content, K.D. Used at 150Jo max. m.c.)
Select Structural 2150 2500 1250 105 405 1800 1,800,000
Dense Select Structural 2500 2900 1500 105 475 2100 1,900,000
No.I 1850 2100 1050 105 405 1450 1,800,000
No.I Dense 2" to 4" 2150 2450 1250 105 475 1700 1,900,000
No.2 thick 1550 1750 900 95 405 1150 1,600,000
No. 2Dense 2" to 4" 1800 2050 1050 95 475 1350 1,700,000
No.3 wide 850 975 500 95 405 675 1,500,000
No.3 Dense 1000 1150 575 95 475 800 1,500,000
Stud 850 975 500 95 405 675 1,500,000
(See footnotes
Construction 2" to4" 1100 1250 650 105 405 1300 1,500,000 3,4, 9,13,
Standard thick 625 725 375 95 405 1050 1,500,000 IS, 16,
Utility 4" wide 275 300 175 9~ 405 675 1,500,000 !Sand 19) c:
Select Structural
Dense Select Structural
1,900,000 ~
No.I 1600 1850 1050 95 405 1450 1,800,000
No.I Dense 2" to 4" 1850 2150 1250 95 475 1700 1,900,000 3:
No.2 thick 1300 1500 675 95 405 1200 1,600,000 Ill
5" and 1750 475 1,700,000
No.2 Dense
No.3 wider
750 875
95 405
725 1,500,000 r=
No.3 Dense
Dense Standard Dec:kina 2"to4" 2150 2450 12SO lOS 475 1700 1,900,000
Select Deckina
Dense Select Dec:kina
Commercial Dec:kina
2" and
IS 50
Dense Commercial Dec:kina Deckina 1800 2050 lOSO 9S 475 13SO 1,700,000 footnotes z
4, 9, 15, 16
Dense Structura116 2800 3250 1900 165 475 2300 1,900,000 18 and 19)
2" to 4" 475 l9SO
Dense Structura172 thick
2400 2750 1600 135 1,900,000
Dense Structural 6S 2150 2450 1450 125 475 1750 1,900,000
SOUTHERN PINE (Surfaced dry. Used at 19'1t max. m.c. l
Select Structural 2000 2300 1150 100 405 1550 1,700,000
Dense Select Structural 2350 2700 1350 100 475 1800 1,800,000
No.I 2" to 4" 1700 1950 1000 100 405 1250 1,700,000
No. I Dense thick 2000 2300 1150 100 475 1450 1,800,000
No.2 2" to 4" 1400 1650 825 90 405 975 1,600,000
No.2 Dense wide 1650 1900 975 90 475 1150 1,600,000
No.3 775 900 450 90 405 575 1,400,000 25-6
No.3 Dense 925 1050 525 90 475 675 1,500,000 See footnotes
Stud 775 900 450 90 405 575 1,400,000 3, 4, 9, 13, IS,
16, 18 and 19)
Construction 2" to 4" 1000 1150 600 100 405 1100 1,400,000
Standard thick 51S 61S 3SO 90 405 900 1,400,000
Utility 4" wide 275 300 ISO 90 405 575 1,400,000

Select Structural 1750 2000 11SO 90 405 1350 1,700,000

Dense Select Structural 20SO 2350 1300 90 475 1600 1,800,000
No.I 2" to4" 1450 1700 975 90 405 12SO 1,700,000
No. I Dense thick 1700 2000 1150 90 475 1450 1,800,000
No.2 5" and 1200 1400 625 90 405 1000 1,600,000
No. 2Dense wider 1400 l6SO 725 90 475 1200 1,600,000
No.3 700 800 3SO 90 405 62S 1,400,000
No.3 Dense 825 925 425 90 475 725 1,500,000
Stud 725 850 350 90 405 625 1,400,000

Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber-VISUAL GRADING
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504)
Compres- Compres
slon per. slon MODULUS
1!d RepetltiY
to Grein
to Grein
to Grein

Dense Standard Decking 2" to4" 2000 2300 1150 100 475 1450 1,800,000
Select Decking thick 1400 1650 825 90 405 975 1,600,000
Dense Select Decking 2" and 1650 1900 975 90 475 1150 1,600,000
Commercial Decking wider 1400 1650 825 90 405 975 1,600,000 25-6
Dense Commercial Decking 1650 1900 975 90 475 1150 1,600,000 (See footnotes
Decking 3,4, 9, 13,
15,16, 17,
Dense Structural 86 2600 3000 1750 155 475 2000 1,800,000 18 and 19)
2" to 4" 1450
Dense Structural 72 2200 2550 130 475 1650 1,800,000
Dense Structural65 2000 2800 1300 115 475 1500 1,800,000

SOUTHERN PINE (Surfaced green. Used any condition)

95 ITO c:
Select Structural 1600
1100 95 315
Dense Select Structural
No.I 2X"to4" 1350 1550 800 95 ITO 825 1,500,000
No.I Dense thick 1600 1800 925 95 315 950 1,600,000 ::u
No.2 2X" to4" 1150 1300 675 8S ITO 650 1,400,000 31:
No. 2Dense wide 1350 ISOO 775 8S 315 750 1,400,000 Ill
No.3 625 725 375 8S ITO 400 1,200,000 c:
No.3 Dense 725 850 425 8S 315 450 1,300,000 ;=
8S ITO c
Stud 625 725 375 400 1,200,000
Construction 2X"to4" 825 925 475 95 ITO 725 1,200,000 0
Standard thick 475 525 ITS 8S ITO 600 1,200,000 0
Utility 4" wide D) 259 125 8S 400 1,200,000
Select Structural 1400 1600 900 85 Z70 900 1,500,000
Dense Select Structural 1600 18SO 1050 8S 315 1050 1,600,000
No.I 1200 13SO 775 8S Z70 825 1,500,000
No.I Dense 2X"to4" 1400 1600 925 8S 315 950 1,600,000
No.2 thick 975 1100 500 85 Z70 675 1,400,000
No.2 Dense 5" and llSO 1300 600 8S 315 800 1,400,000
No.3 wider 550 650 300 8S Z70 425 1,200,000
No.3 Dense 650 750 350 8S 315 475 1,300,000
Stud 575 675 300 8S Z70 425 1,200,000
Dense Standard Decking 2Vz" to4" 1600 1800 925 9S 315 9SO 1,600,000
Select Decking thick 1150 1300 675 8S Z70 6SO 1,400,000
Dense Select Decking 2" and 13SO 1500 775 8S 315 750 1,400,000 25-6
Commercial Decking wider 1150 1300 675 8S Z70 6SO 1,400,000 (See footnotes
Dense Commercial Decking Decking 1350 1500 775 8S 315 750 1,400,000 3,4, 9, 13
15,16, 17,
18 and 19)
No.ISR 1350 - 875 110 Z70 775 1,500,000
No. I Dense SR 5" and 1550 - 1050 110 315 925 1,600,000
No. 2SR thicker 1100 - 725 95 Z70 625 1,400,000
No. 2 Dense SR 1250 - 850 95 315 725 1,400,000

Dense Structural86 2100 2400 1400 145 315 1300 1,600,000

2:1," and 1750 2050 1200 120 315 1100 1,600,000
Dense Structural 72
Dense Structura165 thicker 1600 1800 1050 110 315 1000 1,600,000

Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber-VISUAL GRADING
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504)
Compres- Compres-
Eng!- Tension slonper- slon MODULUS U.B.C.STDS
SIZE neered Repetitive Parallel Horizontal pendicular Parallel OF UNDER
SPECIES AND CLASSIFI Uses member to Grain Shear to Grain to Grain ELASTICITY WHICH

SPRUCE-PINE-FIR (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 19"To max. m.c.)

Select Structural 1450 1650 850 70 265 1100 1,500,000
No.I 2" to 4" 1200 1400 725 70 265 875 1,500,000
No.2 thick 1000 1150 600 70 265 675 1,300,000
No.3 2" to 4" 550 650 325 70 265 425 1,200,000
Appearance wide 1200 1400 700 70 265 1050 1,500,000
Stud 550 650 325 70 265 425 1,200,000

Construction 2" to 4" 725 850 425 70 265 775 1,200,000

Standard thick 400 475 225 70 265 650 1,200,000
Utility 4" wide 175 225 100 70 265 425 1,200,000 25-2
(See footnotes
Select Structural 1250 1450 825 70 265 975 1,500,000 2 through 9, c
No.I 2" to 4" 1050 1200 700 70 265 875 1,500,000 11, 13, z
No.2 thick 875 1000 450 70 265 725 1,300,000 15 and 16)
No. 3 and Stud s and 500 575 Z75 70 265 450 1,200,000 :u
Appearance wider 1050 1200 700 70 265 1050 1,500,000 3:
Select Structural Beams and 1100 - 650 65 265 775 1,300,000 c
No.I Stringers 900 - 450 65 265 625 1,300,000 ;=
Select Structural
Posts and
Select Decking 1200 1400 - - 265 - 1,500,000 0
Commercial 1000 1150 - - 265 - 1,300,000
WESTERN CEDARS (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 1907o max. m.c.) c
Select Structural
2" to 3"
No.3 2" to4" 600 675 350 75 265 450 900,000
Appearance wide 1300 1500 750 75 265 1100 1,100,000
Stud 600 675 350 75 265 450 900,000 25-2,25-3
Construction 2" to 4" 775 875 450 75 265 850 900,000 (See footnotes
Standard thick 425 500 250 75 265 700 900,000 2 through 9,
Utility 4" wide 200 225 125 75 265 450 900,000 11, 12and 13)

Select Structural 1300 1500 825 75 265 1050 1,100,000

No.I 2" to 4" llOO 1300 750 75 265 950 1,100,000
No.2 thick 925 1050 475 75 265 800 1,000,000
No.3 and Stud 5" and 525 625 275 75 265 500 900,000
Appearance wider llOO 1300 750 75 265 1100 1,100,000
Select Structural Beams and 1150 - 675 70 265 875 1,000,000 25-2
No.I Stringers 925 - 475 70 265 725 1,000,000 and25-3 ~
(See footnotes
Select Structural Posts and 1050 - 700 70 265 900 1,000,000 2 through 9,
No.I Timbers 850 - 575 70 265 800 1,000,000 11 and 12)
Select Dex Decking 1200 1400 - - 265 - 1,100,000 (See footnotes
Commercial Dex 1050 1200 - - 265 - 1,000,000 2 through 9)
Select 1200 1400 - - 165 - 1,100,000 (See footnotes
Commercial Decking 1050 1200 - - 165 - 1,000,000 2 through 9

Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber-VISUAL GRADING
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504)
Compras- Compras.
Eng~ Tension sion per sion MODULUS U.B.C.STDS
SIZE neerad Repetitive Parallel Horizontal pendicular Parallel OF UNDER
SPECIES AND CLASSIFI Uses member to Grain Shear to Grain to Grain ELASTICITY WHICH
Select Structural Beams and 1150 - 775 70 265 875 1,000,000
No.I Stringers 975 - 650 70 265 725 1,000,000

Select Structural Posts and 1100 - 725 70 265 925 1,000,000 25-4
No. I Timbers 875 - 600 70 265 800 1,000,000 (See footnotes
2 through I 0)
Selected Decking Decking - 1450 - - - - 1,100,000
Commercial Decking - 1200 - - - - 1,000,000

Selected Decking Decking - 1550 (Surfaced at 15o/o max. m.c. and 1,100,000
Commercial Decking - 1300 used at 15% max. m.c.) 1,000,000
WESTERN HEMLOCK (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 19% max. m.c.)
1800 2100 1050 90 280 1450 1,600,000
Select Structural 25-2
2" to 4" 1550 1800 900 90 280 1150 1,600,000
thick 1300 1450 750 90 280 900 1,400,000 (See
2" to 4" 700 800 425 90 280 550 1,300,000 footnote 11) :~
No.3 25-3 ~
wide 1550 1800 900 90 280 1350 1,600,000
Appearance and 25-4
700 800 425 90 280 550 1,300,000
Stud (See footnotes
Construction 2" to 4" 925 1050 550 90 280 1050 1,300,000 2 through 9,
Standard thick 525 600 300 90 280 850 1,300,000 13. 15 and 16)
Utility 4" wide 250 275 150 90 280 550 1,300,000
Select Structural 1550 1800 IOSO 90 280 1300 1,600,000 2S-3
No.I 2" to4" 13SO 1550 900 90 280 1150 1,600,000 and 2S-4
No.2 thick 1100 1250 S7S 90 280 975 1,400,000 (See footnotes
No. 3 and Stud s and 650 750 32S 90 280 625 1,300,000 2 through 9,
13, IS and 16)
Appearance wider 1350 1550 900 90 280 1350 1,600,000
Select Structural Beams and 1400 - 825 85 280 1000 1,400,000
No.I Stringers 1150 - 575 85 280 850 1,400,000

Select Structural Posts and 1300 - 875 85 280 1100 1,400,000 2S-3
No.I Timbers 1050 - 700 85 280 950 1,400,000 (See footnotes
2 through 9)
Select Dex Decking 1500 1750 - - 280 - 1,600,000
Commercial Dex 1300 1450 - - 280 - 1,400,000

Select Structural Beams and 1400 - 950 85 280 1000 1,400,000

No.I Stringers 1150 - 775 85 280 850 1,400,000

Select Structural Posts and 1300 - 875 85 280 1100 1,400,000

No.I Timbers 1050 - 700 85 280 950 1,400,000
(See footnotes
Selected Decking Decking 1750 1,600,000 2 through I 0)
Commercial Decking 1450 1,400,000

Selected Decking Decking 1900 (Surfaced at 15% max. m.c. 1,700,000

Commercial Decking 1600 and used at 15% max. m.c.) 1,500,000



Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber-VISUAL GRADING
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504)
Com pres Com pres-
Eng~ Tension slon per slon MODULLIS U.B.C.STDS
SIZE neered Repetlllv Par11llal Horizontal pencllcular Par11llal OF UNDER
SPECIES AND CLASSIFI- Uses member toGr11ln Shear toGr11ln toGI'IIIn ELASTICITY WHICH

WESTERN WHITE PINE (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 190fo max. m.c.)
Select Structural 1350 1550 775 65 235 1100 1,400,000
No.I 2" to 4 1150 1300 675 65 235 875 1,400,000
No.2 thick 925 1050 550 65 235 675 1,300,000
No.3 2" to 4" 525 600 300 65 235 425 1,200,000
Appearance wide 1150 1300 650 65 235 1050 1,400,000
Stud 525 600 300 65 235 425 1,200,000

Construction 2" to 4 675 775 400 65 235 775 1,200,000

Standard thick 375 425 225 65 235 650 1,200,000
Utility 4" wide 175 200 100 65 235 425 1,200,000
Select Structural 1150 1300 775 65 235 975 1,400,000 (See footnotes
2 through 9, c:
No.I 2" to4" 975 1150 650 65 235 875 1,400,000 z
No. 3 and Stud
II, 13,
15 and 16) a
Select Structural Beams and 1050 - 600 60 235 775 1,300,000 Ill
No.I Stringers 850 - 425 60 235 625 1,300,000 c:
Select Structural Posts and 975 - 650 60 235 800 1,300,000
No.I Timbers 775 - 525 60 235 700 1,300,000
Select Decking 1100 1300 - - 235 - 1,400,000
Commercial 925 1050 - - 235 - 1,300,000
WHITE WOODS (WESTERN WOODS) (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 190To max. m.c.)
Select Structural
2" to 4"
1350 1550 775 70 190 950 1,100,000 z
No.I 1150 1300 650 70 190 750 1,100,000
No.2 thick 925 1050 sso 70 190 600 1,000,000
No.3 2" to 4" S2S 600 300 70 190 37S 900,000
Appearance wide 1150 1300 6SO 70 190 900 1,100,000
Stud S2S 600 300 70 190 37S 900,000

Construction 2" to 4" 67S 77S 400 70 190 675 900,000

Standard thick 37S 425 225 70 190 550 900,000
Utility 4" wide 175 200 100 70 190 375 900,000

Select Structural 1150 1300 71S 70 190 850 1,100,000

No.I 2" to4" 97S 1100 650 70 190 7SO 1,100,000 25-4
No.2 thick 800 92S 42S 70 190 62S 1,000,000 (See footnotes
No. 3 and Stud s and 475 S50 250 70 190 400 900,000 2 through 10,
Appearance wider 975 1100 650 70 190 900 1,100,000 13, IS and 16)

Select Structural Beams and 1000 - 700 6S 190 675 1,000,000

No.I Stringers 850 - S1S 65 190 S50 1,000,000

Select Structural Posts and 950 - 6SO 6S 190 700 1,000,000

No.I Timbers 77S - S2S 6S 190 62S 1,000,000

Selected Decking Decking - 1300 - - - - 1,100,000

Commercial Decking - 1050 - - - - 1,000,000

Selected Decking Decking - 1400 (Surfaced at ISOTo max. m.c. and 1,100,000
Commercial Decking - 11SO used at ISOTo max. m.c.) 1,000,000


Allowable Unit Stresses for Structural Lumber-VISUAL GRADING
(Normal loading. See also Section 2504)

Extreme fiber in
bending Fb
Design values in pounds per square inch

Horizontal Compression Compression Modulus
Size parallel perpendicular parallel of UNDER
Species and commercial grade shear WHICH
classification Single- Repetitive- to grain to grain to grain elasticity
member member Fv E GRADED
Fr Fc.L Fe
uses uses
YELLOW-POPLAR (Surfaced dry or surfaced green. Used at 19% max. m.c.)
Select Structural 2" to 3" 1500 1700 875 80 270 1050 1,500,000
No.1 thick 1250 1450 750 80 270 825 1,500,000
No.2 2" to 4" 1050 1200 625 75 270 650 1,300,000
No.3 wide 575 675 350 75 270 400 1,200,000
Stud 575 675 350 75 270 400 1,200,000
Construction 2"" to 4" 750 875 450 so 270 750 1,200,000 255
Standard thick 425 500 250 75 270 625 1,200,000 See footnotes
Utility 4"wide 200 225 125 75 270 400 1,200,000 1 through 9)
Select Structural 2" to 4" 1300 1500 850 75 270 925 1,500,000 '
No.1 thick 1100 1250 725 75 270 825 1.500.000
No.2 5" and 900 1050 475 75 270 700 1,300,000
No.3 wider 525 600 275 75 270 425 1,200,000
Appearance 1100 1250 725 75 270 1000 1,500,000
Stud 525 600 275 75 270 425 1,200,000 ,.
'Where eastern spruce and balsam fir are shipped in a combination, the tabulated values for balsam fir shall apply. Cll
2The design values shown in Table No. 25-A-l are applicable to lumber that will be used under dry conditions such as in most covered structures. For 2- m
inch- to 4-inch-thick lumber the DRY surfaced size shall be used. In calculating design values, the natural gain in strength and stiffness that occurs as c
lumber dries has been taken into consideration as well as the reduction in size that occurs when unseasoned lumber shrinks. The gain in load-carrying 3
capacity due to increased strength and stiffness resulting from drying more than offsets the design effect of size reductions due to shrinkage. For 5- z
inch and thicker lumber, the surfaced sizes also may be used because design values have been adjusted to compensate for any loss in size by shrinkage
which may occur.
3Values for Fb F, and Fe for the grades of Construction, Standard and Utility apply only to 4-inch widths.
4The values in Table No. 25-A-1 for dimension 2 inches to 4 inches are based on edgewise use. Where such lumber is used flatwise, the recommended
design values for extreme fiber stress in bending may be multiplied by the following factors:

2" 3" 4"
2 inches to 4 inches 1.10 1.04 1.00
S inches and wider 1.22 1.16 1.11
Values for decking may be increased by 10 percent for 2-inch decking and 4 percent for 3-inch decking.
5When 2-inch- to 4-inch-thick lumber is manufactured at a maximum moisture content of 15 percent and used in a condition where the moisture content
does not exceed 15 percent, the design values shown in Table No. 25-A-1 for surfaced dry and surfaced green may be multiplied by the following
1.08 1.08 1.05 1.00 1.17* 1.05*

*For redwood use 1.15 for Fe and 1.04 for E.

6 When 2-inch- to 4-inch-thick lumber is designed for use where the moisture content will exceed 19 percent for an extended period of time, the values
shown in Table No. 25-A-1 shall be multiplied by the following factors:
0.86 0.84 0.97 0.67 0.70 0.97

(Footnotes continue on following page)

1When lumber 5 inches and thicker is designed for use where the moisture content will exceed 19 percent for an extended period of time, the values
shown in Table No. 25-A-1 shall be multiplied by the following factors:

1.00 1.00 1.00 0.67 0.9I 1.00

8Tbe tabulated horizontal shear values shown herein for lumber 4 inches and thinner shall be multipled by a factor of 0.92 when such lumber is
manufactured unseasoned.
Specific horizontal shear values may be established by using the following tables when the length of split or check is known:


No split .............................................................................. 2.00
'h x wide face .................................................................. 1.67
'\4 x wide face .................................................................... 1.50
I x wide face .................................................................... 1.33 c:
I 'h x wide face or more - 1.00 z
f,. VALUE BY: !!I:
No split .............................................................................. 2.00 c
'h x narrow face ................................................................
I x narrow face ..... ... ... .... .. ...................... ........ ........ ...... ...
l'h x narrow face or more ................................................ 1.00 0
9 Stress-rated
boards of nominal l-inch, I \/-inch and I \12-inch thickness, 2 inches and wider, are permitted the recommended design values shown for
Select Structural, No. I, No.2, No.3, Construction, Standard, Utility, Appearance, Clear Heart Structural and Clear Structural grades as shown in
the 2-inch- to 4-inch-thick categories herein, where graded in accordance with the stress-rated board provisions in the applicable grading rules. 3
IOWben decking is used where the moisture content will exceed 15 percent for an extended period of time, the tabulated design values shall be 0
multiplied by the following factors: Extreme Fiber in Bending F b - 0. 79; Modulus of Elasticity E- 0. 92. z
11 Where lumber is graded underU.B.C. Standard No. 25-2 values shown for Select Structural, No. I, No.2, No.3, and Stud grades are not applicable
to 3-inch x 4-inch and 4-inch x 4-inch sizes.
I2Lumber in the beam and stringer or post and timber size classification may be assigned different working stresses for the same grade name and species
based upon the grading rules of the specific agency involved. It is therefore necessary that the grading rule agency be identified to properly correlate
pennitted design stresses with the grade mark.
13Utility grades of all species may be used only under conditions specifically approved by the building official.
14 A horizontal shear Fv of 70 may be used for eastern white pine graded under U.B.C. Standards No. 25-5 and No. 25-8 (grading rules of Northern
Hardwood and Pine Manufacturers, Inc. and Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association, Inc.).
I5Jabulated tension parallel to grain values for species 5 inches and wider, 2 inches to 4 inches thick (and 2\12 inches to 4 inches thick) size classifications
apply to 5-inch and 6-inch widths only, for grades of Select Structural, No. I, No. 2, No. 3, Appearance and Stud (including dense grades). For
lumber wider than 6 inches in these grades, the tabulated F, values shall be multiplied by the following factors:

(2 lnct.e to 4 Inc'- thick, 5 lnct.e and wider) Multiply tabulated F, values by
(21h Inc'- to 4 Inc'- thick, 5 lnct.e and wider)
(Includes "Dense" grades) 5 lnct.e and& lnct.e wide Slnct.ewlda 10 lnct.e and wider

Select Structural 1.00 0.90 0.80

No. I, No. 2, No. 3 and Appearance 1.00 0.80 0.60

Stud 1.00

(Footnotes on following page.)

FOOTNOTES FOR TABLE NO. 25-A-1--{Continued)

I6Design values for all species of Stud grade in 5-inch and wider size classifications apply to 5-inch and 6-inch widths only.
17Repetitive member design values for extreme fiber in bending for southern pine grades of Dense Structural 86, 72 and 65 apply to 2-inch to 4-inch
thicknesses only.
IBWben 2-inch- to 4-inch-thick southern pine lumber is surfaced dry or at 15 percent maximum moisture content (KD) and is designed for use where the
moisture content will exceed 19 percent for an extended period of time, the design values in Table No. 25-A-l for the corresponding grades of 2Y2-
inch- to 4-inch-thick surfaced green southern pine lumber shall be used. The net green size may be used in such designs.
I9Wben 2-inch- to 4-inch-thick southern pine lumber is surfaced dry or at 15 percent maximum moisture content (KD) and is designed for use under dry
conditions, such as in most covered structures, the net DRY size shall be used in design. For other sizes and conditions of use, the net green size may
be used in design.
20Values apply only to ponderosa pine graded under U .B.C. Standard No. 25-2.

(Values listed are for normal loading conditions. See also Section 2504. )
;; m

Design values In pounds per square Inch 9
i c
Extreme fiber In
Grading rules bending Fb 7 Tension Compression Modulus
U.B.C. Std. No. parallel parallel of
Grade Designation IO ClassHicatlon
(See footnotes Single- Repetitive- to grain to grain elaatlcity E
1,2,3,4) member member F, Fe
uses uses 1
1075 II
1450f-1.3E 1,3,4 1450 1650 800 1150 1,300,000
I 1200
1650f-1.5E 1,2,3,4 1650 1900 1020 1320 1,500,000
lumber 1950 2250 1375
1950f-1.7E 1,2.4
2" thick
1550 1,700,000 i
2100f-1.8E 1,2.3.4 2100 2400 1575 1700 1,800,000
or less
22501-1.6<: 2 All widths 2250 2600 1750 1800 1,600,000
2250f-1.9E 1,2,4 2250 2600 1750 1800 1,900,000
I 2400

25501-2.1 E

2700f-2.2E 1,2,3.4 2700 3100 2150 2150 2,200,000
2850f-2.3E 2 2850 3300 2300 2300 2,300,000
3000f-2.4E 1,2 3000 3450 2400 2400 2,400,000
3150f-2.5E 2 3150 3600 2500 2500 2,500,000
3300f-2.6E 2 3300 3800 2650 2650 2,600,000

900f1.0E 1,2.3 900 1050 350 725 1,000,000

900f-1.2E 1,2,3 900 1050 350 725 1,200,000 :ii
1,2,3 See 1200 1400 600 950 1,500,000
1200f-1.5E footnote
..... 1350f-1.8E 1,2 5 1350 1550 750 1075 1,800,000
1500f-1.8E 3 1500 1750 900 1200 1,800,000
1800f2.1E 1,2.3 1800 2050 1175 1450 2,100.000
Footnotes Applicable to MACHINE STRESS RATED WMBER
(Footnotes on following page.)

1 U.B.C. Standard No. 25-2.

2U.B.C. Standard No. 25-6.
3U.B.C. Standard No. 25-3.
4U.B.C. Standard No. 25-4.
5Size classifications for these grades are:
U.B.C. Standard No. 25-2-Machine Rated Lumber; 2" thick or less, all widths.
U.B.C. Standard No. 25-6-Machine Rated Lumber; 2" thick or less, all widths.
U.B.C. Standard No. 25-3-Machine Rated Joists; 2" thick or less, 6" and wider.
6Stresses apply for lumber used at 19 percent maximum moisture content.
7'fabulated extreme fiber in bending values Fb are applicable to lumber loaded on edge. When loaded flatwise, these values may be increased by
multiplying by the following factors:

width (in.) 3" 4" 5" 6" 8" 10" 12" 14"
Factor 1.06 1.10 1.12 1.15 1.19 1.22 1.25 1.28
Sfootnotes I, 2, 9, II and 19 to Table No. 25-A-1 apply also to machine stress rated lumber. c
9Design values for horizontal shear Fv and compression perpendicular to grain Fc;-1. for lumber used under dry conditions are as follows: z

I Rr-south
Douglas I Hem-Fir
Hemlock Pine
Southern Pine
Horizontal Shear Fv
95 I 90 I 75 90 70 70 75 95 90 70
Compression Perpendicular to Grain Fe_!_

385 I 335 I 245 I 280 j 190 195 265 405 190

*Pme mcludes Idaho while, lodgepole, ponderosa or sugar pme. Cedar mcludes mcense or western red cedar.
tGraded in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 25-3.
For other species, use values shown in Table No. 25-A-1 for visually graded lumber, No. 2 grade, for the appropriate
10 For any given value of fiber stress in bending, Fb, the average modulus of elasticity, E, may vary depending upon species, timber source and other
variables. The E values included in the f-E grade designations are those usually associated with each Fb level. Grade stamps may show higher or
lower Evalues (in increments of I 00,000 psi) if machine rating indicates the assignment is appropriate. When an E value associated with a designated
Flevel is lower or higher than those listed, the tabulated Fb, F,, and Fe values associated with the designated fvalue are applicable. TheE for design
shall be that associated with the E value on the grade stamp.
II When graded under U.B.C. Standard No. 25-3 grading rules, values shall be 1100 psi.
(In Pounds per Square Inch-Normal Loading) Ill
(To be used with section properties in Plywood-Design Specification-See U.B.C. Standard No. 259)

(Use Group 1 Stresses)

(Use Group 3 Stresses)


EXTERIOR AA, A.C, CC (Exterior Glue)

FACE PLY Wet2 Dry3 Wet2 Dry Dry3

I. Extreme fiber stress

in bending (Fb) I 1430 2000 1190 1650 1650
Tension in plane of plies (F1) 2,3 980 1400 820 1200 1200
Face grain parallel or
perpendicular to span 4 940 1330 780 1110 1110
(at 45 to face grain use 1/6 F1) c
2. Compression in plane of
plies (Fe) I 970 1640 900 1540 1540 ~::11
Parallel or perpendicular to 2 730 1200 680 1100 1100
face grain 3 610 1060 580 990 990 3:
(at 45 to face grain use 1/3 Fe) 4 610 1000 580 950 950 c
3. Shear in plane perpendicular ;=
to plies
Parallel or perpendicular to
I 205 250 205 250 210 zG')
face grain 2,3 160 185 160 185 160 0
(at 45 o to face grain use 2 Fv) 4 145 175 145 175 155 0

4. Shear, rolling, in the Marine and i5
plane of plies Structural I 63 75 63 75
Parallel or perpendicular to
face grain Structural II 49 56 49 56
(at 45 to face grain use I '13 FJ All Other 44 53 44 53 48
5. Bearing (on face) I 210 340 210 340 340
Perpendicular to plane 2,3 135 210 135 210 210
of plies 4 105 160 105 160 160
6. Modulus of elasticity I 1,500,000 1,800,000 1,500,000 1,800,000 1,800,000
In bending in plane of plies 2 1,300,000 1,500,000 1,300,000 1,500,000 1,500,000
Face grain parallel or 3 1,100,000 1,200,000 1,100,000 1,200,000 1,200,000
perpendicular to span 4 900,000 1,000,000 900,000 1,000,000 1,000,000

I See U.B.C. Standard No. 25.9forplywood species groups. ForC-C and C- IDENTIFICATION INDEX
D, the combination of Identification Index and panel thickness determines
the species group and therefore the stress permitted, as in the following THICKNESS
(Inches) 1210 1610 20/0 24/0 32/16 42/20 48/24
2Wet condition of use corresponds to a moisture content of 16 percent or Y,, 4 3 I
more. Y. 4 3 I
3Dry condition of use corresponds to a moisture content of less than 16 1
/o 4 I
Y. 3 I
.y. 3 I
!. 4 3
*30/12-1.", and 36/16-Y. "-Use Group 4 stresses.
..., c.n
Members stressed principally In bending with load applied perpendicular to the wide faces of the laminations


LGided Perpendlcuia' l.oldecl Pnllel

I' I'
lo Wide flees at to Wide FIC8I at
t..ninltlonl I.Mninltions
l10N CORE y
11()NS5 EJ1rlme fiber In Bending Compreuion Perpendlcuia'
Fou to Grain Fe l. u
rtn.lcn Ellrlme Compmsion Tenrioll Compmsion
Zone Horizontal Modulus at Fiber in ~leu- Horizonlll Modulus at Pnllel Pnllel at
SM. Bencling6 11 to Grain
~ ~
Stnuedin Streaed In Elasllcily SM. Elasllcily toGnin to Gnln
rtn.Jcnl Tenrion7 Tonsion Face FlfV( E.. F~~yy Felw F.,.. Ey,. F, Fe
pol pol pol psi psi 110 .. psi pol psi psi 110 .. psi pol psi 110 .. psi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9. 10 11 12 13 14 15
Visually Graded Western Species
16F-V1 DFIWW 385 8 9 385 8 140 1.3 950 190 130 1.1 675 975 1.1 z
1600 800
385 8 9
385 8 165
1.5 950
1.3 875 1300 1.3
The following two combinations are lnlltnded for atralght or slightly cambsred members for dry usa and industrial appeara,__, IJI
i6F-V4 joF!N3WW 450 385 8 9010 1.5 900 i90 130 1.3 650 600 1.3 r=
1600 800
16F-V5 DF/M3DF 450 385 8 9013 1.6 1000 270 135 1.5 750 875 1.5 z
The following two combinations are balanced and arelnt8nded for members continuous or c:antlleWnld over supports and provide
equal capacHy In both positive and negative banding.
9 385 8
16F-V6 DF/DF 385 8 165 1.5 1450 385 145 1.4 950 1550 1.5
1600 1600 10
16F-V7 HFIHF 245 245 10 155 1.4 1200 245 135 1.3 850 1350 1.3
20F-V1 DF!WW 450 385 8 140 1.4 1000 190 130 1.2 750 1000 1.2
20F-V2 HFIHF 385 10 245 10 155 1.5 1200 245 135 1.4 975 1350 1.4
2000 1000
20F-V3 DF/DF 450 385 10 165 1.6 1450 385 145 1.5 1000 1550 1.5
4108 9 385 10 165 1.6 1450 145
20F-V4 DFIDF 385 1.6 1000 1550 1.6
The following two comblnlltlons are Intended for lltralght or slightly cambared mambars for dry use and industrial appearance."
20F-V5 pF!N3WW 450 385 10 90" 1.6 1000 190 135 1.3 750 725 1.3
2000 1000
20F-V6 DFIM3DF 450 385 10 90" 1.6 1000 270 135 1.5 775 900 1.5
The following three combinations are balanced and are Intended for mambars continuous or cantilevered over supports and provide
equal c:apacHy In both positive and negative banding.
20F-V7 DF/DF 450 450 165 1.6 1450 385 145 1.6 1000 1600 1.6
9 4108 9
20F-V8 DF/DF 2000 2000 4108 165 1.7 1450 385 145 1.6 1000 1600 1.6
20F-V9 HFIHF 385 10 385 10 155 1.5 1400 245 135 1.4 975 1400 1.4
22F-VI DF!WW 450 385 8 140 1.6 1050 190 130 1.3 850 1100 1.3
22F-V2 HFIHF 385 10 385 10 155 1.5 1250 245 135 1.4 950 1350 1.4
2200 1100
22F-V3 DF/DF 450 385 8 165 1.7 1450 385 145 1.6 1050 1500 1.6
410" 9 385 8 165 1.7 1450 145
22F-V4 DF/DF 385 1.6 1000 1550 1.6
The following two comblnlltlons are Intended for lltralght or slightly cambared members for dry use and lndulltrlal appearance. 11
22F-V5 _Ef!N3WW 450 385 8 90" 1.6 1100 190 135 1.4 800 725 1.4
2200 1100
22F-V6 DF/M3DF 450 385 8 90" 1.7 1250 270 135 1.6 900 925 1.6

Members stressed principally In bending with load applied perpendicular to the wide faces of the laminations


l.olded Perpendicular l.olded Patallel

to Wide flees of to Wide Faces of

Umlnltions LaminationS


l10NSS Extnme F1ber in Bending Compression Perpendicular
Fou to Grain Fe .Lu
Tension eanr:lon Extnme Comp!ISSion TWision Compresalon Modulus
Bending" 18 ~iar
Zone Horizontal Modulus of Fiber in Horizontal Modulus of Patallel Patallel at
sr- Elssticity to Grain sr- Elasticity
Stnaedin Stnaedln Elasticity to Grain to Grain
Tention6 TW1slon7 Tension Face Fvu E.. Fow Fe.Lyy Fvyy Eyy F, Fe E
psi psi psi psi psi 1 tO""psi psi psi psi x10"" psi psi psi x10"" psi
1 2 3 4 s 6 7 8 9 tO 11 12 13 14 15
Visually Graded Western Species -(Continued)
The following three combinations are balanced and are intandad lor members continuous or cantilevered over supports and provide
equal capacity in both positive and nagative bending. c:
22F-V7 DFIDF 450 450 i65 1.8 1450 385 145 1.6 1100 1650 1.6 z
22F-V8 DF/DF 2200 2200 410" 9 4108 9 165 1.7 1450 385 145 1.6 1050 1650 1.6 ~
22F-V9 HFIHF 385 10 385 10 155 1.5 1250 245 135 1.4 975 1400 1.4 3::::
24F-V1 DF/WW 450 450 140 1.7 1250 190 130 1.4 1000 1300 1.4 c:
24F-V2 HFIHF 38510 385 10 155 1.5 1250 245 135 1.4 950 1300 1.4 c
24F-V3 DFIDF 2400 1200 450 385 8 i65 1.7 1500 385 145 1.6 1100 1600 1.6

24F-V4 DFIDF 450 450 165 1.8 1500 385 145 1.6 1150 1650 1.6 0
24F-V5 DFIHF 450 450 155 1.7 i350 245 140 1.5 1100 1450 1.5 Iii
The following two combinations are Intended for straight or slightly cambered members for dry use and Industrial appearance." m
24F-V6 jDFIN3WW 450 385 8 90" 1.7 1200 190 140 1.5 950 800
2400 !200
24F-V7 DF/M3DF\ 450 385 8 9013 1.7 1250 270 135 1.6 900 950 1.6 0
The following threa combinations are balanced an~~re Intended for members continuous or cantilevered over supports and provide
equal ca~ ac In both positive and negative bending.
24F-V8 DF/DF 450 450 165 1.8 1450 385 145 1.6 1100 1650 1.6
24F-V9 HFIHF 2400 2400 385 10 385 10 !55 1.5 1500 245 135 1.4 1000 1450 1.4
24F-VIO DFIHF 450 450 155 1.8 1400 245 140 1.6 1150 1600 1.6
Wet-use factors 2 0.8 0.8 0.667 0.667 0.875 0.833 0.8 0.667 0.875 0.833 0.8 0.73 0.833
E-Rated Western Species
l6F-El WWIWW 19014 19014 140 1.3 1050 190 125 1.2 725 925 1.2
16F-E2 16 HF/HF 1600 800 245 15 245 15 !55 1.4 1250 245 135 1.3 825 1200 1.3
16F-E3 DFIDF 385 15 385 15 165 1.6 1450 385 145 1.5 975 1600 1.5
The following two combinations are Intended tor straight or slightly cambered members for dry use and Industrial appearance.''

16F-E4 jDFIN3WW 385 15 385 15 9012 1.6 900 190 130 1.3 675 675 1.3
1600 800
16F-E5 DF/M3DF 385 15 385 15 9013 1.6 1050 270 135 1.5 700 900 1.5
The following two combinations are balanced and are Intended lor members continuous or cantilevered over supports and provide
equal capacity In both positive and negative bending.

16F-E6 DF/DF 385 15 385 15 165 1.6 1500 385 145 1.5 1000 1600 1.5
1600 1600
!6F-E7 16 HFIHF 245 15 245 15 !55 1.4 1250 245 135 1.3 850 1150 1.3
20F-El WW!WW !9014 !9014 140 1.6 1100 190 125 1.3 800 1050 1.3
20F-E2 16 HFIHF 2000 1000 385 15 385 15 !55 1.6 1400 245 135 1.4 925 1550 1.4
20F-E3 DFIDF 385 15 385 15 165 1.7 1550 385 145 1.6 1050 1650 1.6

Members stressed principally in bending with load applied perpendicular to the wide faces of the laminations
L.olded Perpendicullr loldod Plnllel

I' ~
lo Wide Ftc:el ol to Wide Faces ol
l..aminlllona lMninltions

C()l8ljA. OUTER LAlli-
Exlnme Fiber in Bending Compression Pelpondicullr
to Gl1in Fc.lu

Tenlioll Extreme Compression Tension Compression Modulus
Zalle Horizonlal llodulusol Fiber in ~icullr Horizonlal Modulus of Parallel Parallel ol
Stlwuedln SIIWued In
g_. Ellsllcily Bending' 18 to Gnlin g_. Ellsllcily to Grain to Gl1in Elllllcily

Tension' Tension Flee
psi psi psi '"""
110-" psi
110-" psi
psi '
110-" psi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
E-Rated Western Species-(Continued)
The following two combinations are lnlanded for straight or slightly cambered members for dry use and Industrial appearance. 11
20F-E4 joFIN3WW 450 385 15 9()12 !.6 1100 190 130 1.4 800 700 1.4 z
20F-E5 DF!N3DF
2000 1000
385 15 385 15 9()13 1.7 1300 270 135 1.6 825 975 1.6 ~
The following two combinations are balanced and are intended for members continuous or cantilevered over supports and provide 3:::
equal capacity in both poaithre and negative bending. Ill
20F-E6 OF/OF 385 15 385 15 165 1.7 1600 385 145 1.6 1150 i650 1.6 c
2000 2000 r=
20F-E7 16 HFIHF 385 15 385 15 155 1.6 1500 245 135 1.4 1050 1550 1.4
22F-EI OF/OF 450 385 15 165 1.7 i550 385 145 1.6 1050 1600 1.6
2200 1100 0
22F-E2 16 HFIHF 385 15 385 15 155 1.6 1400 245 135 1.4 950 1400 1.4 0
The following two combinations are lntandad for straight or slightly cambered members for dry usa and Industrial appearance. 11 .....
22F-E3 jDFINJWW! 450 385" 9012 1.7 1250 190 135 1.4 825 750 1.4
22f-E4 DFIN3Df
2200 1100
450 1.8 1350 270 1.6 950 950 1.6
385" 90" 135 0
The following two combinations are balanced and are Intended for members continuous or cantilevered over supports and provide ::::j
aqual capacity In both posltfw and negatfw banding. 5
22F-E5 DFIDF 450 450 165 1.7 1650 385 145 1.6 1100 1650 1.6
2200 2200
22f-E6 16 Hf!HF 385" 385" 155 1.7 1550 245 135 1.5 1050 1500 1.5
24f-E1 Df/Df 450 450 165 1.8 1550 385 145 1.6 1100 1600 1.6
24f-E2 16 HFIHF 385" 385" 155 1.7 1450 245 135 1.5 1000 1400 1.5
24f-E3 Df!HF 450 385" 155 1.8 1500 245 135 1.5 1050 1550 1.5
2400 1200
24f-E4 DF/DF 450 450 165 1.8 1650 385 145 1.7 1100 1700 1.7
24F-E5 Df/DF 450 385" 165 1.8 1650 385 145 1.6 1100 1550 1.6
24F-E6 16HFIWW 385" 385" 140 1.8 1250 190 130 1.4 925 1350 1.4
The following th- combinations arelnllended for straight or slightly cambered members for dry usa and Industrial appearance. 11
24F-E7 pFIN3WW 450 450 9012 1.9 1400 190 135 1.6 975 875 1.6
24F-E8 DFIN3DF 2400 1200 450 450 90" 1.9 1400 270 135 1.7 1000 1050 1.7
24f-E9 16 HFIN3HF 385" 385" 9012 1.8 1350 245 135 1.6 950 825 1.6
The following four combinations are balanced and are lntanded for members continuous or cantilevered ovar supports and provide
equal capacity In both positive and negative bending.
24F-EIO Df/DF 450 450 165 1.9 1850 385 145 1.7 1300 1750 1.7
24F-EI1 16 HFIHF 385" 385" 155 1.8 1600 245 135 1.5 1150 1550 1.5
2400 2400
24F-EI2 Df!HF 450 450 155 1.9 1750 245 135 1.6 1200 1600 1.6
24F-E13 DF/DF 450 450 165 1.8 1950 385 145 1.7 1250 1700 1.7
Wet-use factor.; 2 0.8 0.8 0.667 0.667 0.875 0.833 0.8 0.667 0.875 0.833 0.8 0.73 0.833

..... (Continued)
Members stressed principally in bending with load applied perpendicular to the wide faces of the laminations


LOided l'lrpendlcuia' LOided Pnllll

I' I'
toWidt~of toWidt~of
Lllninlliona Uminlliona
110N NAl10NSI
TJONS5 Eitr.M Fllllr In Bending Comp'lulon f'llpendicuia'
Fbu to Gnlin Fe .1.""

~ ~
Tension Eitr.M Compnulon Tension lladulus
Zone Horizolllll lladulus of Aberln ~icu- Horizontlll Modulus of Pnllll of
Elllticlty Bending' 11 toGnln
Stnaedln Stnaed In Sllelr Sllelr Elllticlty to Gnln to Gnln Elllticlty
TIIISicJn8 Tension' Tension Flee Fona E.x F~~yy Fe.LYI' F.,. fyy F, Fe E
poi poi poi poi poi 110 ... poi poi poi poi 110 ... poi poi poi 110 ... poi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Visually Graded Southern Pine
16F-V1 SPISP 385 8 9 3858 200 1.4 1450 385 175 1.3 950 1450 1.3 c:
385 8 385 8
16F-V2 SP/SP 1600 9 200 1.4 1600 175 1.4 1.4
800 385 1000 1550
16F-V3 SPISP 450 450 200 1.4 1450 385 175 1.3 975 1450 1.3 ::u
The following combination Is Intended for atl'lllght or slightly cambered members for dry use and Industrial appearance." ID
16F-V4 SP/SP 1600 800 385 8 9 385 8 90" 1.3 975 270 150 1.2 650 950 1.2 c:
The lot lowing combination Ia balanced and lnlendecllor members continuous or cantllewred over supports and provideS equal capacity IN
In both positive and negative banding.
16F-V5 SP/SP 1600 1600 385 8 9 385 8 9 200 1.4 1600 385 175 1.4 1000 1550 1.4 c
20F-Vl SP/SP 450 385 8 200 1.5 1450 385 175 1.4 1000 1450 1.4 3
20F-V2 SP/SP 2000 1000 450 385 8 200 1.6 1450 385 175 1.4 1050 1550 1.4 z
9 200 175
20F-V3 SPISP 385 8 385 8 1.4 1600 385 1.4 1000 1500 1.4
The fOllowing combination Is lnlendecllor straight or slightly cambarad members lor dry usa and Industrial appearance."
20F-V4 SP/SP 2000 1000 450 385 8 9()17 1.5 1100 270 !50 1.3 725 950 1.3
The fOllowing combination Is balanced and lntandecllor members continuous or cantilevered over supports and provideS equal capacity
In both positive and negative banding.
20F-V5 SP/SP 2000 2000 450 450 200 1.6 1450 385 175 1.4 1050 1550 1.4
22F-Vl SPISP 450 450 200 1.6 1600 385 175 1.5 1050 1650 1.5
22F-V2 SP/SP 2200 1100 385 8 9 385 8 200 1.4 1600 385 175 1.4 1000 1500 1.4
22F-V3 SP/SP 450 385 8 200 1.6 1500 385 175 1.4 1050 1500 1.4
The fOllowing combination Is lnlendecllor straight or slightly cambered membara lor dry usa and Industrial appearance.''
22F-V4 SP/SP 2200 1100 450 385 8 9()17 1.6 1250 270 !55 1.4 825 1000 1.4
The lotlowtng combination Is balanced and lnlendecllor members continuous or cantilevered over supports and provideS equal capacity
In both positive and negative banding.
22F-V5 SP/SP 2200 2200 450 450 200 1.6 1600 385 175 1.5 1050 1600 1.5
24F-Vl SP/SP 450 385 8 200 1.7 1500 385 175 1.5 1100 1350 1.5
24F-V2 SP/SP 2400 1200 450 450 200 1.7 1600 385 175 1.5 1100 1600 1.5
24F-V3 SP/SP 450 450 200 1.8 1600 385 175 1.6 [[50 1700 1.6
The lotlowtng combination Is lnlendecllor straight or slightly cambered members lor dry usa and Industrial appearance.''
SP/SP 2400 1200 450 385 8 9()17 1.7 1250 270 !55 1.4 1.4
24F-V4 850 1050

Members stressed principally In bending with load applied perpendicular to the wide faces of the laminations


.CJ I'
Loeded l'lrplndlc:ullr Loeded Pnllll
to Wide "-of to W"ode " - of
LlrnirllticJIIs LlrnirllticJIIs
l1()N55 Exnme Fiber in Bending Compmslon l'lrplndlc:ullr
Fbu to Grain Fciu

~ ~
Tension Tension Modulus
Zone Horizontal Modulus of Rber in Horizon1al Modulus of Pnllll of
Slnaedin Slnaedin Compmslon ~ Elasticity Bendtngl' to Grain ~ Elalticity to Grain to Grain Elulicily
Tension" Tension' Tension Face Face FVJVt E.. F~~yy Fc.l.yy Fvyy fyy F, Fe E
psi psi psi psi psi 110"" psi psi psi psi 110"" psi psi psi 110"" psi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Visually Graded Southern Pine -{Continued)
The following combination Is balanced and Intended for members continuous or cantlleverad over supports and provides equal capacity
In both poaltlve and negative banding.
24F-V5 SP/SP 2400 2400 450 450 200 1.7 1600 385 175 1.5 1150 1700 1.5 z
Wet-use factor2 0.8 0.8 0.667 0.667 0.875 0.833
E-Rated Southern Pine
0.8 0.667 0.875 0.833 0.8 0.73 0.833 a
16F-E1 SP/SP 1600 800 385 15 385 15 200 1.6 1550 385 175 1.5 1050 1600 1.5 al
The following combination Is Intended for straight or slightly cambarad members for dry usa and Industrial appearance.'' r=
16F-E2 SPISP 1600 800 385 15 385 1' 9()17 1.6 950 270 145
The following combination Is balanced and Intended for members continuous or cantlleverad over supports and provides equal capacity
1.3 700 1050 1.3 z
In both poaltlve and negative banding. 0
16F-E3 SP/SP 1600 1600 385 1' 385 1' 200 1.6 1700 385 175 1.5 1100 1650 1.5
20F-E1 SP/SP 2000 1000 385 1' 385 1' 200 1.7 1600 385 175 1.5 1050 1600 1.5
The following combination Ia lnlended for straight or slightly cambered membars for dry u.. and Industrial appearance.'' c
20F-E2 SPISP 2000 1000 450 385" 90" 1.6 1100 270 150 1.4 750 1000 1.4 3
The following combination Ia balanced and inllllnded for membara continuous or cantllewred over supports and provides equal capacity
In both poaltlw and negatiw banding.
20F-E3 SPISP 2000 2000 385" 385" 200 1.7 1800 385 175 1.5 1150 1700 1.5
22F-EI SP/SP 2200 1100 450 385" 200 1.7 1600 385 175 1.5 1050 1650 1.5
The following combination Ia lnlended for straight or slightly cambered membara for dry u.. and industrial appearance.''
22F-E2 SPISP 2200 1100 450 385" 90" 1.6 1250 270 155 1.4 850 1050 1.4
The following combination Ia balanced and lnlended for mambars continuous or cantl'-red over supports and provides equal capacity
In both poaltlw and negative banding.
22F-E3 SP/SP 2200 2200 450 450 200 1.7 1750 385 175 1.5 1150 1650 1.5
24F-E1 SPISP 450 385" 200 1.8 1600 385 175 1.6 1100 1750 1.6
2400 1200
24F-E2 SP/SP 450 450 200 1.9 1700 385 175 1.6 1150 1700 1.6
The following combination Ia lnlended for straight or slightly cambered members for dry u.. and industrial appearance.''
24F-E3 SP/SP 2400 1200 450 450 90" 1.8 1300 270 155 1.5 950 1100 1.5
The following combination Ia balanced and lnllllnded for mambars continuous or cantil-red over supports and provides equal capacity
In both poaltlw and negative banding.
24F-E4 SP/SP 2400 2400 450 450 200 1.8 2000 385 175 1.6 1250 1750 1.6
Wet-use facto~ 2 0.8 0.8 0.667 0.667 0.875 0.833 0.8 0.667 0.875 0.833 0.8 0.73 0.833



I The combinations in this table are applicable to members consisting of four or more laminations and are intended primarily for members stressed in
bending due to loads applied perpendicular to the wide faces of the laminations. Design values are tabulated, however, for loading both perpendicular
and parallel to the wide faces of the laminations. For combinations and design values applicable to members loaded primarily axially or parallel to the
wide faces of the laminations, see Table No. 25-C-1, Part B. For members oftwo or three laminations, see Table No. 25-C-1, Part B.
2The tabulated design values are for dry conditions of use. To obtain wet-use design values, multiply the tabulated values by the factors shown at the end
of the table.
3Tbe tabulated design values are for normal duration of loading. For other durations of loading, see Section 2504 (c) 4.
4The 22F and 24F combinations for members 15 inches and less in depth may not be readily available and the designer should check on availability prior
to specifying. The 16F and 20F combinations are generally available for members 15 inches and less in depth.
5Tbe symbols used for species are DF =Douglas fir-larch, HF =hem-fir, WW =western woods or Canadian softwood species, and SP =southern pine.
(N3 refers to No. 3 structural joists and planks or structural light framing grade.)
6Tbe tabulated design values in bending are applicable to members 12 inches or less in depth. For members greater than 12 inches in depth, the
requirements of Section 2511 (d) 5 apply.
7Design values in this column are for extreme fiber stress in bending when the member is loaded such that the compression zone laminations are
subjected to tensile stresses. The values in this column may be increased 200 psi where end joint spacing restrictions are applied to the compression
zone when stressed in tension.
SWhere specified, this value may be increased to 450 psi by providing in the bearing area at least one dense 2-inch nominal thickness lamination of
Douglas fir-larch for western species combinations, or southern pine for southern pine combinations. These dense laminations must be backed by a
medium grain lamination of the same species.
9For bending members greater than 15 inches in depth, the design value for compression stress perpendicular to grain is 450 psi on the tension face. c:
IOWhere specified, this value may be increased by providing at least two 2-inch nominal thickness Douglas fir-larch laminations in the bearing area.
The compression perpendicular to grain design values for Douglas fir-larch are 385 psi for medium grain and 450 psi for dense. ~
II These combinations are for dry conditions of use only because they may contain wane. They are recommended for industrial appearance grade and for 3:
straight or slightly cambered members only. If wane is omitted these restrictions do not apply. IJI
12Where specified, this value may be increased from 90 psi to 140 psi for western woods and from 90 psi to 155 psi for hem-fir by eliminating wane. c:
13Wbere specified, this value may be increased from 90 psi to 140 psi by eliminating either coarse grain material or wane throughout the member, and
from 90 psi to 165 psi by eliminating both coarse grain material and wane. z
14The compression perpendicular to grain design value of 190 psi is based on the lowest strength species of the western woods group. If at least one 2- ....
inch nominal thickness lamination of -rated hem-fir with the same E value, or -rated Douglas fir-larch 200,000 psi higher in modulus of elasticity I
()than that specified is used in the bearing area on the face of the member subjected to the compression perpendicular to grain stress, Fc..L may be
increased to 245 psi. If at least two 2-inch nominal thickness laminations of -rated hem-fir with the same E value, or -rated Douglas fir-larch m
200,000 psi higher in modulus of elasticity than that specified are used in the bearing area on the face of the member subjected to the compression ::::;
perpendicular to grain stress, Fc..L may be increased to 385 psi. 0
I5Where specified, this value may be increased to 450 psi by providing in the bearing area at least one 2-inch nominal thickness lamination of Douglas z
fir-larch for western species combinations, or one 2-inch nominal thickness lamination of southern pine for southern pine combinations having a
modulus of elasticity() value 200,000 psi higher than theE value specified.
16-rated Douglas fir-larch 200,000 psi higher in modulus of elasticity may be substituted for the specified -rated hem-fir.
I7Where specified, this value may be increased from 90 psi to 140 psi by eliminating either coarse grain material or wane throughout the member, and
from 90 psi to 200 psi by eliminating both coarse grain material and wane.
ISfootnote 6 to Table No. 25-C-1, Part B, also applies.

Members stressed principally in axial tension or compression or In bending with load applied parallel
to the wide faces of the laminations


l.olded Pnllel l.oodld
to Wide Feces ~'~!pen-

I? I'
oll..aminations dic:ullr

Tension Comprtssion
. l.Mnlna-

Pnllelto Pnllel Exlnme Fiber

COII'RfS. Grain to Grain Exlnme Fiber in Bending" F~~yy Horizontal ~7 F..., in Bending& Fbu
F0 1
2or 111ant
4or 111ant
Llml 2or 3 Llml
Llml 3 Llml 2Liml
l.ant 3 l.ant 2 Llml
to 15 in.
SYIIIOI. SPCIES4 GRAJE5 x10~ pel psi psi psi psi psi psi psi psi psi psi psi psi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Visually Graded Western Species
385 11 c:
- A-2 L3 1.5 900 1550 1200 1450 1250 1000 145 135 125 1250 1500 165 z
- A-3
385 11
- A-4 LICL 1.9 410 11 1400 2100 1900 2200 2000 1650 145 135 125 1900 2200 165
- A-5 Ll 2.0 450 1600 2400 2100 2400 2100 1800 145 135 125 2200 2400 165
- A-6 N3C 1.4 270 350 875 550 550 550 550 120 115 105 450 - 140
- A-7 OF N3M 1.5 385 900 1550 700 1450 1250 1000 145 135 125 1000 - 165
r- 0
A-8 N2 1.6 385 11 1000 1550 1150 1600 1550 1300 145 135 125 1350 1600 165
A-9 N2D 1.8 450 1150 1800 1350 1850 1800 1500 145 135 125 1600 1850 165 c
A-10 Nl 1.8 385 11 1300 1950 1450 1950 1750 1500 145 135 125 1750 2100 165
A-ll DF NID 2.0 450 1500 2300 1700 2300 2100 1750 145 135 125 2100 2400 165
A-12 ss 1.8 385 11 1400 1950 1650 2100 1950 1650 145 135 125 1900 2200 165
A-13 SSD 2.0 450 1600 2300 1950 2400 2300 1950 145 135 125 2200 2400 165
A-14 L3 1.3 245 11 800 1100 975 1200 1050 850 135 130 115 1100 1300 155
A-15 L2 1.4 245 11 1050 1350 1300 1500 1350 1100 135 130 115 1450 1700 155
A-16 Ll 1.6 245 11 1200 1500 1450 1750 1550 1300 135 130 115 1600 1900 155
A-11 LID 1.7 385 1400 1750 1700 2000 1850 1550 135 130 115 1900 2200 155
~ HF
A-18 N3 1.3 245 425 900 575 700 700 700 135 130 115 575 - 155
A-19 N2 1.4 245 11 850 1300 975 1350 1300 1100 135 130 115 1150 1350 155
A-20 Nl 1.6 245 11 975 1450 1250 1550 1500 1250 135 130 115 1350 1550 155
A-21 ss 1.6 245 11 l!OO 1450 1350 1750 1650 1400 135 130 115 1500 1750 155
A-22 L3 1.0 190 525 850 675 800 700 550 120 115 105 725 850 140
A-23 N3 1.0 190 275 625 450 450 450 450 120 115 105 400 - 140
A-24 ww N2 1.1 190 550 900 700 900 875 725 120 115 105 775 900 140
- A-25 Nl 1.2 190 650 1000 875 1050 1000 850 120 115 105 875 1050 140
- A-26 ss 1.2 190 750 1000 1000 !150 1100 925 120 !15 105 1000 1150 140

Members stressed principally in axial tension or compression or in bending with load applied parallel
to the wide faces of the laminations


Looded Parallel Looded
to W"Jdo Faces
I' I'
of lAminations
Faces of
l y

Tension Compression
Parallel to Parallel Exlrlme Fiber
COMPRES. Grain to Grain Exlrlme Fiber in Bending& F0 yy Horizontal Shear7 Fvrt in Bending' F0 . , Horizon.
SIONPER F, Fe tal Shear
OF ULAR TO 2lsms 4or 2or
COIIBINA- ELASTICITY GRAIN 2 or Mole 4 or Mole 4or Mole 4 or Mole to 15in. Mole Mole
nON E Fcl_ Lama Lama 2 or 3 lAms Lama 3 Lama 2 lAms Lama 3 lAms 2Lams Deep" Lama Lama
SYIIBDL SPECIES4 GRADE X 10-<lpsl psi psl psl psl psl psl psl psl psl psl psi psl psl
t 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
E-Rated Western Species z
V2-1.8E 1.8 385 900 1750 1200 1450 1250 1000 145 135 125 1250 1500 165 ~
A-28 V2-2.0E 2.0 450 1100 2000 1400 1450 1250 1000 145 135 125 1500 1750 165 3:
I-- Ill
A-29 12-2.2E
1 2.2 450 1250 2300 1550 1650 1400 1150 145 135 125 1700 2000 165 c:
I-- DF r=
A-30 '/-l.8E 1.8 385 1550 2100 1700 2400 2400 2100 145 135 125 1800 2100 165
'16-2.0E 2.0 450 1800 2400 1900 2400 2400 2400 145 135 125 2100 2400 165 z
A-32 1
/-2.2E 2.2 450 1800 2400 2100 2400 2400 2400 145 135 125 2300 2400 165 0
A-33 12-1.5E
1 1.5 245 800 1050 950 1200 1050 850 135 130 115 1100 1300 155 m
- c
- A-35
'IJ-1.8E 1.8 385 900 1300 1200 1450 1250 1000 135 130 115 1250 1500 155 3
12-2 OE
1 2.0 385 1100 1550 1400 1450 1250 1000 135 130 115 1500 1750 155 z
V-l.5E 1.5 245 1200 1450 1300 2100 1900 1700 135 130 115 1400 1650 155
- A-37 V-1.8E 1.8 385 1550 1950 1700 2400 2400 2100 135 130 115 1800 2100 155
A-38 /-2.0E
1 2.0 385 1800 2400 1900 2400 2400 2400 135 130 115 2100 2400 155
A-39 V2-1.5E 1.5 190 800 1200 950 1200 1050 850 120 115 105 1100 1300 140
A-40 '12-1.8E 1.8 190 900 1500 1200 1450 1250 1000 120 115 105 1250 1500 140
A-41 V2-2.0E 2.0 190 1100 1750 1400 1450 1250 1000 120 115 105 1500 1750 140
f---- ww
A-42 V-l.5E 1.5 190 1200 1550 1300 2100 1900 1700 120 115 105 1400 1650 140
A-43 1.8 190 1550 1950 1700 2400 2400 2100 120 115 105 1800 140
'I-1.8E 2100
A-44 Vrr2.0E 2.0 190 1800 2200 1900 2400 2400 2400 120 115 105 2100 2400 140
Visually Graded Southern Pine
A-45 N3C 1.1 270 325 850 550 550 550 550 120 115 105 450 - 140
A-46 N3M 1.3 385 900 1500 675 1450 1250 1000 175 165 150 1000 - 200
A-47 N2M 12 1.4 385 11 1200 1900 1150 1750 1550 1300 175 150
165 1400 1600 200
A-48 N2D 12 1.7 450 1400 2200 1350 2000 1800 1500 175 165 150 1600 1900 200
f---- SP
A-49 NIM 12 1.7 385 11 1350 2100 1450 1950 1750 1500 175 165 150 1800 2100 200
A-50 NID 12 1.9 450 1550 2300 1700 2300 2100 1750 175 165 150 2100 2400 200
A-51 SSM 1.7 385 11 1300 1900 1600 2100 1950 1650 175 165 150 1750 2100 200
A-52 SSD 1.9 450 11 1500 2200 1850 2400 2300 1950 175 165 150 2100 2400 200

Members stressed principally in axial tension or compression or in bending with load applied parallel
to the wide faces of the laminations


Loaded Parallel Loaded

I' t'
toWideFoces Perpen-
of Laminations dicular
Faces of
X y

Tension Parallel Extreme Fiber
Parallel to to Grain Extreme Fiber in Bending& Foyy Horizontal Shear7 Fvyy in Bending& Fou
COMPRES. Grain Fe Horizon-
SIONPER Fr tal Shear
MODULUS PENDtC. ! - - - - F,.,
OF ULAR TO 2Lams 4or 2or
COMBINA ELASTICITY GRAIN 2 Of More 4 or More 4or More 4or More to 15 in. More More
T10N E F0 1 Lams Lams 2or 3 Lams Lams 3 Lams 2 Lams Lams 3 Lams 2Lams Deep!' Lams'" Lams
SYMBOL SPECIES4 GRAOE5 X 10-6psi psl psi psi psi psi psi psi psi psi psi psi psi psi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
E-Rated Southern Pine z
lfz-1.8E 1.8 385 900 1900 1200 1450 1250 1000 175 165 150 1250 1500 200 ~
A-54 lfz-2.0E 2.0 450 1100 2300 1400 1450 1250 1000 175 165 150 1600 1750 200 3:
f--- CD
A-55 'lz-2.2E 2.2 450 1250 2400 1550 1650 1400 1150 175 165 150 1700 2000 200 c
lf-l.8E !.8 385 1550 1850 1700 2400 2400 2100 175 165 150 1800 2100 200 r=0
A-57 lf2.0E 2.0 450 1800 2400 1900 2400 2400 2400 175 165 150 2100 2400 200 z
A-58 'lo-2.2E 2.2 450 1800 2400 2100 2400 2400 2400 175 165 150 2300 2400 200 0
Wet-use factors' - 0.833 0.667 0.8 0.73 0.73 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.8 0.875 0.875
1The combinations in this table are intended primarily for members loaded either axially or in bending with the loads acting parallel to the wide faces of C
the laminations. Design values for bending due to loading applied perpendicular to the wide faces of the laminations are also included; however, the z
combinations in Table No. 25-C-1 Part A are usually better suited for this condition of loading. The design values for bending about the X-X axis
(Fbxx) shown in Column 15 are for members from two laminations to 15 inches deep without tension laminations. Design values approximately 15
percent higher for members with four or more laminations are shown in Column 16. These higher design values, however, require special tension
laminations which may not be readily available.
2The tabulated design values are for dry conditions of use. To obtain wet-use design values, multiply the tabulated values by the factors shown at the end
of the table.
3 The tabulated design values are for normal duration of loading. For other durations of loading, see Section 2504 (c) 4.
4 The symbols used for species are DF =Douglas fir-larch, HF =hem-fir, WW =western woods and Canadian softwood species, and SP =southern
5Grade designations are as follows:
VIsually Graded Southern Pine
Ll is Ll laminating grade (dense for Douglas fir-larch).
LID is Ll dense laminating grade for hem-fir.
Ll CL is L1 close grain laminating grade.
L2D is L2laminating grade (dense).
L2 is L2 laminating grade (medium grain).
L3 is L3laminating grade (medium grain for Douglas fir-larch and hem-fir).
SSD is dense select structural, structural joists and planks, or structural light framing grade (dense).
SS is select structural, structural joists and planks, or structural light framing grade (medium grain for Douglas fir-larch).
NID is dense No. I structural joists and planks, or structural light framing grade (dense).
Nl is No. I structural joists and planks, or structural light framing grade (medium grain for Douglas fir-larch).
N2D is dense No. 2 structural joists and planks, or structural light framing grade (medium grain for Douglas fir-larch).
N3M is No. 3 structural joists and planks, or structural light framing grade (medium grain).
N3C is No. 3 structural joists and planks, or structural light framing grade (coarse grain).
N3 is No. 3 structural joists and planks, or structural light framing grade.
VIsually Graded Southern Pine
SSD is dense select structural, structural joists and planks, or structural light framing grade (dense). ....
SSM is select structural, structural joists and planks, or structural light framing grade (medium grain).
NID is No. I dense structural joists and planks, or structural light framing grade or No. I boards graded as dense.
NIM is No. I structural joists and planks, or structural light framing grade or No. I boards all with a medium grain rate of growth.
N2D is No. 2 dense structural joists and planks, or structural light framing grade or No. 2 boards graded as dense.
N2M is No. 2 structural joists and planks, or structural light framing grade or No. 2 boards all with a medium grain rate of growth.
N3M is No. 3 structural joists and planks, or structural light framing grade or No. 3 boards all with a medium grain rate of growth.
N3C is No. 3 structural joists and planks, or structural light framing grade or No. 3 boards all with coarse grain rate of growth.
ERated Grades-All Species
V6-2.2E has \16 edge characteristic with 2.2E.
\16-2.0E has \16 edge characteristic with 2.0E.
\16-l. 8E has 1/6 edge characteristic with I. 8E.
V.-1.5E has V. edge characteristic with 1.5E.
~-2.2E, ~-2.0E, \12-I.SE, 112-1.5E are E-rated grades with edge characteristics occupying up to one half of cross section.
6'fhe values ofFlryy were calculated based on members 12 inches in depth (bending about Y-Y axis). When the depth is less than 12 inches, the values of
F byy can be increased by multiplying by the following factors:
Depth, Inches Multiplying Factor
10.75 1.01
8.75 1.04 c
6.75 1.07 z
1.14 ~
7The design values in horizontal shear contained in this table are based on members without wane. 3:
8The tabulated design values in bending are applicable to members 12 inches or less in depth. For members greater than 12 inches in depth, the ID
requirements of Section 2511 (d) 5 apply. j=
9'fhe design values in Column 15 are for members of from two laminations to 15 inches in depth without tension laminations. c
1<YJ'he design values in Column 16 are for members of four or more laminations in depth and require special tension laminations. When these values are z
used in design and the member is specified by combination symbol, the designer should also specify the required design value in bending. 0
II When tension laminations are used to obtain the design value for Fbu shown in Column 16, the compression perpendicular to grain value, Fc.l.., for
the tension face may be increased to 450 psi for Douglas fir-larch and southern pine, and to 385 psi for hem-fir because the tension laminations are
required to be dense. ~
12Combinations 47, 48, 49 and 50 have more restrictive slope of grain requirements than the basic slope of grain of the grades of lumber used in order to m
obtain highertension parallel to grain values and design values in bending when loaded perpendicular to the wide faces of the laminations. The slopes
of grain used to calculate the design values in Table No. 25-C-1, Part B, were: Combination 47, 1:14; Combination 48, I: 14; Combination 49, 1:16;
and Combination 50, I: 14. When design stresses are lower than the design values shown, or when a less restrictive slope of grain provides the same z
design value, a less restrictive slope of grain may be used. The following table gives the design values of these combinations for various slopes of
grain: Values of Fbxx in column 5 are for members of two laminations to 15 inches in depth without tension laminations, and values in Column 6 are
for members of four or more laminations with tension laminations.


SLOPE OF 20R3LAMS 40RMORE 2Lams 4 or More 4 or More
GRAIN to !Sin. Lams 2 Lams 3Lams Lams
psi psi psi psi psi psi
psi psi
1 3 4
5 6 7 8 9

47 1200 1150 1900 1400 1600 1300 1550 1750

48 1400 1350 2200 1600 1900 1500 1800 2000
49 1300 1450 1900 1750 2100 1500 1750 1950
50 1550 1700 2200 2100 2400 1750 2100 2300
47 1150 1150 1700 1400 1600 1300 1550 1750
48 1350 1350 2000 1600 1900 1500 1800 2000
49 1150 1450 1700 1550 1850 1500 1750 1850
50 1350 1700 2000 1800 2100 1750 2100 2100
47 1000 1150 1500 1350 1600 1300 1550 1600
48 1150 1350 1750 1600 1850 1500 1800 1850
49 - - - - - - - -
U1 50 - - - - - - - -
Members stressed principally In axial tension or compression or In bending with load applied perpendicular
to the wide faces of the laminations

Bending About XX Ails Bending About y.y Alii

La.dld Pnllelto Wide l'8col of the LMninmions LOided l'elpendlcular to Wide l'8col of LMniMtions Axially LOided
Extrame Fiber In Bending Compmsion Pwpen- eo...,...
dlculw 1D Grain
Tenllon Extreme Compreulon Tension lion
Modulus Aber l'elpendlcular Modulus Parallel Parallel Modulus
Comb!- LMnlnallonsl In TensicJn5
Tension eo...,...
of in
Elntlclty Bending
to Grain
ftlllon Cora Fbu Fbu Fclu Fcl.u Fvu F., F~~yy Fc!yy Fvyy fyy F, Fe E
Symbol l..am1Mtions4 psi psi psi psi psi 1111"" psi psi psi psi x11t"psl psi psi x11t"psl
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
VI CRICR 1600 800 270 270 125 1.1 1400 270 110 1.1 900 1400 1.1
Wet-use factors2 0.8 0.8 0.667 0.667 0.875 0.833 0.8 0.667 0.875 0.833 0.8 0.73 0.833
I The combmatlons in this table are mtended pnmanly for members stressed m bendmg due to loads apphed perpend1cular to the w1de faces of the
laminations for members with four or more laminations. Stresses are tabulated, however, for loading both perpendicular and parallel to the wide faces
of the laminations. For combinations and stresses applicable to members loaded primarily axially or parallel to the wide faces of the laminations, see
Table No. 25-C-2, Part B. For members of two or three laminations, see Table No. 25-C-2, Part B. c:
2The tabulated design values are for dry conditions of use. To obtain wet-use design values, multiply the tabulated values by the factors shown at the end z
of the table.
3Tbe tabulated design values are for normal duration of loading. For other durations of loading, see Section 2504 (c) 4.
"CR =California redwood.
5Tbe tabulated design values in bending are applicable to members 12 inches or less in depth. For members greater than 12 inches in depth, the c:
requirements of Section 2511 (d) 5 apply. r=
6Design values in this column are for extreme fiber stress in bending when the member is loaded such that the compression zone laminations are
subjected to tensile stresses. The values in this column may be increased to 1200 psi when end-joint spacing restrictions are applied to the
compression zone when stresses in tension. 0
Members stressed principally in axial tension, axial compression or in bending with load applied parallel
to the wide faces of the laminations 0
Axially Loaded Bending About XX Axis 0
Bending About YY Axis Loaded Perpendicular to Wide z
Loaded Parallel to Wide Faces of Laminations Faces of Laminations
Tension ComP1811ion
Compm- Parallel Parallel Extreme Fiber Horizontal
lion To Grain To Grain Extreme Fiber in Bending" Horizontal Shear in Bending Shear
Comb!- Modulus Perpen
lillian of dlcular 2 or More 4 or More 2or3 4 or Mono 3 2 4or More 3 2 2 Lams 2or More
SymDol Species' Grade5 ElaSticity to Grain Lams Lams Lams Lams Lams Lams Lams Lams Lams to 15 in. deep Lams
X 10'4 psi Fel. F, Fe Fe Fbyy Fbyy Fbyy Fvyy Fvyy Fvyy Fbxx Fvxx
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
B-1 CR L5 1.0 270 875 1350 1350 1450 1300 1100 110 105 95 1200 125
B-2 CR L4 l.O 270 875 1350 1350 1450 1300 1100 110 105 95 1200 125
B-3 CR L3 1.2 270 1000 1550 1550 1450 1300 1100 110 105 95 1350 125
B-4 CR L2 1.2 270 1000 1600 1600 1500 1350 1150 110 105 95 1350 125
B-5 CR Ll 1.2 270 1000 1600 1600 1600 1500 1250 110 lOS 95 1350 125
Wet -use factors2 0.833 0.667 0.8 0.73 0.73 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.875 0.875 0.875 0.8 0.875
'The tabulated combinations in this table are intended primarily for members loaded either axially or in bending with the loads acting parallel to the
wide faces of the laminations. Design values for bending due to loading applied perpendicular to the wide faces of the laminations are also included;
however, the combination in Table No. 25-C-2, Part A, is usually better suited for this condition of loading for members with four or more
2The tabulated design values are for dry conditions of use. To obtain wet -use design values, multiply the tabulated values by the factors shown at the end
of the table.
3The tabulated values are for normal duration of loading. For other durations of loading, see Section 2504 (c) 4.
4CR=Califomia redwood.


SGrade designations are as follows:

Visually Graded-California redwood
Ll is Lllaminating grade (close grain).
L2 is L2laminating grade (close grain).
L3 is L3laminating grade (close grain).
L4 is L4laminating grade (close grain).
L5 is L5laminating grade (close grain).
6The values ofF byy were calculated based on members 12 inches in depth (bending about Y-Y axis). When the depth is less than 12 inches, the values of
F byy can be increased by multiplying by the following factors:
10.75 1.01
8.75 1.04
6.75 1.07
5.125 1.10
3.125 1.16
7The tabulated design values for bending are applicable to members 12 inches or less in depth. For members greater than 12 inches in depth the
requirements of Section 2511 (d) 5 apply.
8The combinations in this table are not intended for deep bending members when loaded perpendicular to the wide faces of the laminations. However, if z
members over 15 inches in depth are necessary, AITC 302-24 tension laminations are required and the designer must specify that the member is for
use in bending about the X-X axis, in which case, the design value F b= is 1400 psi for combinations B-1 and B-2 and 1600 psi forB-3, B-4 and B-5. ~:D
STRESS FOR: (Pounds par Square Inch)
SPECIES Extreme Fiber
1n Bendl:fct'
or lena n CompNSSion Modulus of CompNSSion
Parallel to Parallel to Elasticity Horizontal Paa:;:!lculllr
Grain (F1) Graln(F0 ) (E) Shear (F.) to rain (F0 l)
I. Hickory, true and pecan 3.85 3.05 1.80 260 730
2. Beech, American 3.05 2.45 1.70 230 610
3. Birch, sweet and yellow 3.05 2.45 1.90 230 610
4. Elm, rock 3.05 2.45 1.40 230 610
5. Maple, black and sugar (hard maple) 3.05 2.45 1.70 230 610
6. Ash, commercial white 2.80 2.20 1.70 230 610
7. Oak, commercial red and white 2.80 2.05 1.60 230 610
8. Elm, American and slippery (white or soft elm) 2.20 1.60 1.40 190 310
9. Sweet gum (red or sap gum) 2.20 1.60 1.40 190 370
10. Thpelo, black (black gum) 2.20 1.60 1.20 190 370
11. Thpelo, water 2.20 1.60 1.30 190 370
12. Ash, black 2.00 1.30 1.30 170 370
13. Poplar, yellow 2.00 1.45 1.50 !50 270
14. Cottonwood, eastern !.55 1.20 1.20 110 180
(Footnotes on following page.) c
WIDTH OF Stress Steepest Stress Steepest Stress Steepest Stress
Module Grain Slope Module Grain Slope Module Grain Slope Module

4 to 14 800 1:16 500 1:16 970 l: 15

A 0.1 15 or more l: 16 1,000,000
800 500 1:16 970 1:15
4 to 14 770 1:16 500 1:16 920 1:15
B .2 1,000,000
15 or more 800 1:16 500 1:16 930 1:15
4 to 14 600 1:12 450 1:15 860 l: 14
c .3 15 or more 660 1:12 450 1:16 870 1:14 900,000

4 to 14 450 1:8 350 1:10 780 1:12

D .4 1:8 800,000
1.5 or more 520 350 1:12 810 l: 12
4 to 14 300 1:8 300 1:8 690 1:10
E ..5 1.5 or more 380 1:8 1:8 1:10 800,000
300 730

1The allowable unit stresses in bending obtained from Table No. 25-D apply when the wide faces of the laminations are normal to the direction of the c
load. z
2 AIIowable stresses for dry conditions of use shall be applicable when the moisture content in service is 16 percent or less as in most covered structures.
For wet conditions of use the following maximum percentage of the dry-use stresses shall be permitted: ::D
Fb (bending) and F, (tension) 80 percent FY (horizontal shear 88 percent 3:
Fe (compression parallel to grain) 70 percent Fcl.. (compression perpendicular to grain) 67 percent c
E (modulus of elasticity) 83 percent ;=
3for modification of allowable unit stresses for structural glued-laminated lumber, see Section 2504.
4 Factors for knot sizes of 0.1 and 0.2 are identical in case of extreme fiber in bending and in tension parallel to grain because slope of grain of I: 16 is a
greater limitation than knot size. The smaller knot size may be specified for reasons other than strength. 0
5When laminations of different thicknesses are used, divide the depth of the member by the thickest lamination used and then assume the quotient to be
the number of laminations in the member for use in determining the allowable stress. ~
1982 EDITION 25-E


(Values for normal load duration and wet conditions of use,
pounds per square Inch)

Compression Extreme Compression Modulus

Parallel to Fiber In Horizontal Perpendicular of
Graln 7 Bendlng 7 Shear to Grain Elasticity
Spec lea Fe Fo Fv Fe ..L E

I. Pacific
Fir 1 2 1250 2450 115 230 1,500,000

2. Southern
Pine 1 3 1200 2400 110 250 1,500,000

3. Red Oak4 1100 2450 135 350 1,250,000

4. Red Pine5 900 1900 85 !55 1,280,000

t Destgn values m compresston parallel to the gram for Pact ftc Coast Douglas ftr
and southern pine may be increased 0.20 percent for each foot of length from
the tip of the pile to the critical section. The increase shall not exceed 10
percent for any single pile; however, the increase is cumulative with the
increase in section properties due to taper from the pile tip to the critical
2Pacific Coast Douglas fir includes Douglas fir from west of the crest of the
Cascade Mountains in Oregon, Washington and Northern California and west
of the crest of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the rest of California. For
fastener design, use Douglas fir-larch design values.
3Southern pine values apply to longleaf, slash, loblolly and shortleaf pines.
4Red oak values apply to northern and southern red oak.
5Red pine values apply to red pine grown in the United States. For fastener
design, use northern pine design values.
6The form factor of Section 2504 (c) 7 for bending members of circular cross
section is incorporated in the allowable unit stresses for extreme fiber in
bending as listed within the table.
7The allowable values listed in Table No. 25-E for compression parallel to grain
and extreme fiber in bending are based on load-sharing principles such as
occur in a pile cluster. For piles which support their own specific load, an
additional safety factor of I. 25 shall be used with compression parallel to
grain values and an additional safety factor of I. 30 shall be used with extreme
fiber in bending values.

(See U.B.C. Standard No. 25-17 where members are not of equal size and for values In other species.)

p = Safe loads parallel to grain in pounds

q = Safe loads perpendicular to grain in pounds
LAngill of Bolt In
...,n Wood Membef3
7111 1 ,,._ 1V4 1~
(In lnclws)
Singlep 325 470 590 710 830 945
Shear q 135 215 245 270 300 325
Doublep 650 940 1180 1420 1660 1890
Shear q 370 430 490 540 600 650
Singlep 630 910 1155 1370 1575
Shear q 360 405 450 495 540
Doublep 710 1260 1820 2310 2740 3150
Shear q 620 720 810 900 990 1080
Singlep 990 1400 1790 2135 2455 2740 3305 c:
Shear q 565 630 695 760 825 895 1020 z
Shear q
Singlep 1950 2535 3190 3820 4975 aJ
Shear q 1090 1190 1300 1395 1605 ;:::
51-1 c
Doublep 1270 1990 2860 3900 5070 6380 7640 9950 z
Shear q 930 1410 1880 2180 2380 2600 2790 3210 0
p = Safe loads parallel to grain in pounds iN
q = Safe loads perpendicular to grain in pounds
Length of Bolt In
Main Wood Member'
(In Inches) ~ If.! !i'8 718 1 11/a 1V4 111.!
Singlep 3975 5680 z
Shear q 1900 2185
7 112
Doublep 1990 2860 3890 5080 6440 7950 11,360
Shear q 1260 1820 2430 3030 3500 3800 4370
Singlep 5730
Shear q 2765
Doublep 2860 3900 5080 6440 7950 11,460
Shear q 1640 2270 2960 3710 4450 5530
Shear q
Doublep 3900 5080 6440 7950 II ,450
Shear q 2050 2770 3540 4360 6150
Shear q
Doublep 5100 6440 7960 11,450
Shear q 2530 3310 4160 6040
I Tabulated values are on a normal load-duration basis and apply to joints made of seasoned lumber used in dry locations. See U.B.C. Standard No.
25- I 7 for other service conditions.
2Double shear values are for joints consisting of three wood members in which the side members are one half the thickness of the main member. Single
shear values are for joints consisting of two wood members having a minimum thickness not less than that specified.
3The length specified is the length of the bolt in the main member of double shear joints or the length of the bolt in the thinner member of single shear
4SeeU.B.C. Standard No. 25-17forwood-to-metalbolted oints.


LOADS (Pounde)'
PENETRA- Douglee Fir
NAIL (lnche8) GAUGE (Inches) Pine Spec lee

6d 2 12Vz I Vs 51
8d 2Vz IIVz IV. 63
IOd 3 IOVz IVz 76 See
12d 3V IOVz I Vz 76
16d 3 1/z 10 IVz 82 No.
20d 4 9 1'/s 94
30d 4Vz 9 1'/s 94
40d 5 8 1% 108

6d 2 IIVz IV 63
8d 2 1/z IOV I Vz 78
IOd 3 9 1'/s 94 See
12d 3V 9 1'/s 94
16d 3Vz 8 13!4 108 No.
20d 4 6 2Vs 139
30d 4 1/z 5 2'/ 155
40d 5 4 2Vz 176
50d 5Vz 3 23!4 199
60d 6 2 27!s 223

I Thesafe lateral strength values may be increased 25 percent where metal side
plates are used.
2For wood diaphragm calculations these values may be increased 30 percent.
(See U.B.C. Standard No. 25-17.)

1982 EDITION 25-H, 25-1


Inserted Perpendicular to Grain of the Wood, In Pounds per Linear
Inch of Penetration Into the Main Member
KIND OF WOOD 6d Bd 10d 12d 16d 20d 30d 40d SOd 60d
I. Douglas Fir, Larch 29 34 38 38 42 49 53 58 63 67
2. Southern Pine 35 41 46 46 50 59 64 70 76 81
3. Other Species See U.B.C. Standard No. 25-17


MATERIAL Maximum Maximum
Span-Width HeightWidth
Ratios Ratios

1. Diagonal sheathing, conventional 3 1 1

2. Diagonal sheathing, special 4 1 3' 1
3. Plvwood, nailed all edges 4 1 3~ 1
4. PlYwood, blocking omitted at 4 I 1
intermediate joints



Nail spacln~ at diaphragm r
Minimum Minimum Minimum boundaries (a 1cases), at con Nails spaced 6" max. at
Nominal Nominal Nominal tlnuous panel edges parallel supported end
Penetration In Plywood Width of to load (Cases 3 and 4) and at Load parpen- I, Other
Common Framing Thickness Framing
PLYWOOD GRADE Nail Size all panel edges (Cases 5 and 6) dlcular to un~conflguratlons
(In Inches) (In Inches) Member
(In Inches) s 1 4 1 211z2 ~ 22 blocked edges
nd eontlnuou
(Cases 2,
3 & 4)
. Nail spacing at ot er
' plywood panel edges panel joints i
: 6 I 6 : 4 I 3
(Case 1) j
i Gd 1', , 0
18.51250 ,17,') 4:20 16.S lI 12.5
'" 3 210 280 420 475 185 140

ild 11 c ~.~ -1 210 I 360 530 600 240 1il0
'3 '300 400 600 675 265 200
lOcl 1 ;,, 12 2 320 425 640 730 2 285 215
3 '360 480 720 820 320 240
-1 170 225 ' 335 380 150 110
1 190 250 i .380 4.30 170 12.5
I Gel 1'
3S 2 11l5 1 250 1 '375 420 165 12S
i j 210 280 i 420 475 185 i 140 c
~ ..... I

! 480
i 540
:240 I
180 ~
and other grade' CO\ cred Sd J 1" s:::
in U.B.C. Standard No. 25-9 1:.! 0 :270 , 360 S30 600
j :240 I ISO Ill
3 ! '300 1 4001 600 67S 265 200 c
12 I
0 290 ! 38.5 .S75 65.S 2 2.55 190 c
JOel Is . . I 3
I 'J25 I 430 ' 6.50 I 73.S
I 290 215 z
' '
I 32o 425 I 64o ! 730 2
1360 480
720 ! 820
240 I) "c
I These values are for short-time loads due to wind or earthquake and must be reduced 25 percent for normal loading. Space nails 10 inches on center for
floors and 12 inches on center for roofs along intermediate framing members.
Allowable shear values for nails in framing members of other species set forth in Table No. 25-17 -J of U. B.C. Standards shall be calculated for all 0
grades by multiplying the values for nails in STRUCTURAL I by the following factors: Group III, 0.82 and Group IV, 0.65.
2framing shall be 3-inch nominal or wider and nails shall be staggered where nails are spaced 2 inches or 2 Y2 inches on center, and where I Od nails
having penetration into framing of more than I 'Is inches are spaced 3 inches on center.
I 0z


Case 5 Case 6
L oad+ + Framing L oad Framing

: ""fJ; --
: Blocking
' Blocking --
'- /v
' 77
~ Continuous Panel Joints ,;;;

NOTE: Framing may be located in either direction for blocked diaphragms.

Nail Spacing at Plywood Panel Edges Nail Spacing at Plywood Panel Edges
TIONIN or or
FRAMING Galvanized Galvanized
PLYWOOD GRADE (Inches) (Inches) Box) 6 4 3 2' Box) 6 4 3 2'
;llt. II/.- 6d 200 JOO 390 510 8d 200 300 390 510
STRCCTCRAL I "/k 11/o 8d 230' 360' -+60' 610' IOd 280 -+30 55(F 730 "

'/o IYx IOd 3-+0 510 665' 870 - - - - -


STRl'CTCRAL YJr. 1'/, 6d !80 270 350 450 8d 180 270 350 450
II and other
covered in -YR 11/o 8d 220 3 320-' 410-' 5303 J()d 260 380 490' 640
Standard No. X

25-9. 1
/o !Yx !Od 310 460 600' 770 - - - - -


(Galvanized (Galvanized z
Casing) Casing)
Plywood panel ::tJ
siding in grades Y1o 1'/ 6d 140 210 275 360 8d 140 210 275 360 3C
covered in Ill
U.B.C. !:
Standard No. r
25-9 Yx 1'/' 8d 130' 200' 260 1 340' IOd 160 240 310 2 410 z
1All panel edges backed with 2-inch nominal or wider framing. Plywood installed either horizontally or vertically. Space nails at 6 inches on center ....
along intermediate framing members for 3/s-inch plywood installed with face grain parallel to studs spaced 24 inches on center and 12 inches on center IN
for other conditions and plywood thicknesses. These values are for short-time loads due to wind or earthquake and must be reduced 25 percent for m
nonnalloading. 0
Allowable shear values for nails in framing members of other species set forth in Table No. 25-17-J of U .B.C. Standards shall be calculated for all 3
grades by multiplying the values for common and galvanized box nails in STRUCTURAL I and galvanized casing nails in other grades by the 0
following factors: Group III, 0.82 and Group IV, 0.65.
2framing shall be 3-inch nominal or wider and nails shall be staggered where nails are spaced 2 inches on center, and where IOd nails having penetration
into framing of more than !Ys inches are spaced 3 inches on center.
3The values for lis-inch-thick plywood applied direct to framing may be increased 20 percent, provided studs are spaced a maximum of 16 inches on
center or plywood is applied with face grain across studs or if the plywood thickness is increased to 1/2 inch or greater.




Single-coursing Double-Coursing
Length and Type No. 1 No.2 No. 1 No.2

1. 16-inch Shingles 71;~" 7%" 12" 10"

2. 18-inch Shingles 8%" 8%" 14" ll"
3. 24-inch Shingles 11%" 11%" 16" 14"
4. 18-inch Resawn Shakes 81;," - 14" -
5. 18-inch Straight-Split 1)1:," - 16" - N
6. 24-inch Resawn Shakes 11'2 " - 20" - N




I.%" 3 16 2

2. '12'' 4 24

'Thickness of grooved panels is measured al bottom of grooves.

2 May be 24 inches if plywood siding applied with face grain perpendicular to studs or over
one of the following: (a) l-inch board sheathing, (b) \12-inch plywood sheathing, (c) y,.
inch plywood sheathing with face grain of sheathing perpendicular to studs.


(Not Exposed to the Weather, Face Grain Parallel or
Perpendicular to Studs)


AND CONSTRUCTION INDEX Studs Specified In Section 2517 (g) 4
Sheathing Sheath In~
Parallel Perpendlcu ar
to Studs to Studs

I. Y1o" 12/0, 16/0, 20/0 16 - 16

2. W', '12''-3 ply 16/0, 20/0, 24/0, 32/16 24 16 24

3. '12''--4 and 5 ply 24/0, 32/16 24 24 24

'In reference to Section 2517 (g) 3, blocking of horizontal JOints ts not requued.

1982 EDITION 250





Direct to studs Ys" 16" o.c. 8d 1 16" o.c. Not


Over sheathing Ys" 16" o.c. 10d 1 16" o.c. Not



Direct to studs Ys" 24" o.c. 6d2 6" o.c. 4" o.c.
edges; edges;
12" o.c. at 8" o.c.
intermed. intermed.
supports supports

Over sheathing Ys" 24" o.c. 8d 2 6" o.c. 4" o.c.

edges; edges;
12" o.c. at 8" o.c.
in termed. intermed.
supports supports


Direct to studs Ys" 16" o.c. 6d2 6"o.c. 4" o.c.

edges; edges;
12" o.c. at 8" o.c.
in termed. intermed.
supports supports

Over sheathing Ys" 16" o.c. 8d 2 6" o.c. 4" o.c.

edges; edges;
12" o.c. at 8" o.c.
intermed. intermed.
supports supports

1Siding nail.

2Corrosion-resistant box nail.

'When used to comply with Section 2517 (g) 3.




I I. !/2'' X 4' X 8' No. II gauge galvanized

roofing nail I W' long, 7/16" head
No. II gauge galvanized
125 2

2. 2lf32" X 4' X 8' 175

roofing nail!%'' long, V16" head
1F1berboard sheathmg diaphragms shall not be used to brace concrete or masonry walls.
2The shear value may be 175 for !12-inch x 4-foot x 8-foot fiberboard nail-base sheathing.


I. Joist to sill or girder, toenail 3-8d
2. Bridging to joist, toenail each end 2-8d
3. I" x 6" subfloor or less to each joist, face nail 2-8d
4. Wider than I" x 6" subfloor to each joist, face nail 3-8d
5. 2" subfloor to joist or girder, blind and face nail 2-16d
6. Sole plate to joist or blocking, face nail 16d at 16" o.c.
7. Top plate to stud, end nail 2-16d
8. Stud to sole plate 4-8, toenail or
2-16d, end nail
9. Double studs, face nail 16d at 24" o.c.
10. Doubled top plates, face nail 16d at 16" o.c.
II. Top plates, laps and intersections, face nail 2-16d
12. Continuous header, two pieces 16d at 16" o.c.
along each edge
13. Ceiling joists to plate, toenail 3-8d
14. Continuous header to stud, toenail 4-8d
15. Ceiling joists, laps over partitions, face nail 3-16d
16. Ceiling joists to parallel rafters, face nail 3-16d
17. Rafterto plate, toenail 3-8d
18. I" brace to each stud and plate, face nail 2-8d
19. I" x 8" sheathing or less to each bearing, face nail 2-8d
20. Wider than I" x 8" sheathing to each bearing, face nail 3-8d
21. Built-up comer studs 16d at 24" o.c.
22. Built-up girder and beams 20d at 32" o.c. at top
and bottom and staggered
2-20d at ends and at
each splice
1982 EDITION 25-Q

23. 2" planks 2-16d at each bearing
24. Particleboard:5
Wall Sheathing (to framing):
Ys"-V2" 6d 3
Sfg"-3f4" 8d3
25. Plywood:5
Subftoor, roof and wall sheathing (to framing):
W' and less 6d 2
Ys"-Y4" 8d 3 or 6d 4
7jg"-lll 8d 2
IW'-IV4' IOd3 or 8d4
Combination Subftoor-underlayment (to framing):
.Y." and less 6d 4
8d 4
IW'-Iv.'' 10d3 or 8d4
26. Panel Siding (to framing):
W' or less 6d 6
'Is" 8d 6
27. Fiberboard Sheathing: 7
V2" No. II ga 8
6d 3
No. 16ga 9
2Yl2 11 No. llga 8
8d 3
No. 16 ga 9

1Common or box nails may be used except where otherwise stated.

2Common or deformed shank.

4Deformed shank.
5 Nails spaced at 6 inches on center at edges, 12 inches at intermediate supports (10 inches at
intermediate supports for floors), except 6 inches at all supports where spans are 48
inches or more. For nailing of plywood diaphragms and shear walls, refer to Section 2513
(c). Nails for wall sheathing may be common, box or casing.
6Corrosion-resistant siding or casing nails conforming to the requirements of Section
2516(j) I.
7 Fasteners spaced 3 inches on center at exterior edges and 6 inches on center at intermediate
scorrosion-resistant roofing nails with 7/1-inch-diameter head and I V2-inch length for 1/2-
inch sheathing and 13/-inch length for "/12-inch sheathing conforming to the require-
ments of Section 2516 (j) I.
9 Corrosion-resistant staples with nominal 7/16-inch crown and I Vs-inch length for V2-inch
sheathing and l'h-inch length for 2'132-inch sheathing conforming to the requirements of
Section 2516 (j) I.





Surfaced Dry
I Surfaced
Surfaced Dry2
I Surfaced

I. 24
2. 16 *
% 1 .2=>


% I

3. 24 %
* I ~3

'Installation details shall confonn to Sections 2517 (e) I and 2517 (h) 7 for
floor and roof sheathing, respectively.
2Maximum 19 percent moisture content.
3 Floor or roof sheathing confonning with this table shall be deemed to meet
the design criteria of Section 2516.




I. Utility Standard 25-2, 25-3 or 25-4
2. 4 Common or 25-2, 25-3, 25-4
3 Common or Standard 25-5 or 25-8
3. No.3 No.2 25-6
4. Merchantable Construction Common 25-7

1982 EDITION 25-R-3, 25-S-1


(Inches) (Feel) (Inches) (Inches) (Inches) (Feel) (Inches)

I. 2 X 32 10 - - - 10 16
2. 2X 4 10 24 16 - 14 24
3. 3X 4 10 24 24 16 14 24
4. 2X 5 10 24 24 - 16 24
5. 2X 6 10 24 24 16 20 24

'Utility grade studs shall not be spaced more than 16 inches on center, nor support more than
a roof and ceiling, nor exceed 8 feet in height for exterior walls and load bearing or I 0 feet
for interior nonload-bearing walls.
2Shall not be used in exterior walls.



Span Load (In Pounds
(In Inches) per Square Foot) FLOOR
INDEX3 (Inch) Blocked Unblocked Load Load (In Inches)
I. 1210 Y16 12 155 150 0
2. 16/0 Y16, 3fs 16 95 75 0
3. 20/0 5/16, 3jg 20 75 65 0
4. 24/0 3jg 24 16 65 50 0
5. 24/0 y, 24 24 65 50 0
6. 30/12 y, 30 26 70 50 12 5
7. 32116 y,, 5jg 32 28 55 40 167
8. 36/16 3!4 36 30 55 50 167
9. 42120 %, 3!4, 7/g 42 32 406 35 6 207, 8
10. 48124 3!4, 7jg 48 36 406 35 6 24
'These values apply for C-C, C-D, Structural I and II grades only. Spans shall be hm1ted to
values shown because of possible effect of concentrated loads.
2Uniform load deflection limitations: Y18o of the span under live load plus dead load, '/240
under live load only. Edges may be blocked with lumber or other approved type of edge

3 Jdentification index appears on all panels in the construction grades listed in Footnote
No. I.
4 Plywood edges shall have approved tongue-and-groove joints or shall be supported with
blocking unless V-inch minimum thickness underlayment, or I Y2 inches of approved

cellular or lightweight concrete is placed over the subfloor, or finish floor is 25/32-inch
wood strip. Allowable uniform load based on deflection of V360 of span is 165 pounds per
square foot.
5 May be 16 inches if'Y32-inch wood strip flooring is installed at right angles to joists.
6 For roof live load of 40 pounds per square foot or total load of 55 pounds per square foot,

decrease spans by 13 percent or use panel with next greater identification index.
7 May be 24 inches if2 5/32-inch wood strip flooring is installed at right angles to joists.
8 May be 24 inches where a minimum of I y, inches of approved cellular or lightweight
concrete is placed over the subfloor and the plywood sheathing is manufactured with
exterior glue.
9 Floor or roof sheathing conforming with this table shall be deemed to meet the design
criteria of Section 2516.




y, 4 24 35 25
STRUCTURAL I y, 5 24 55 40
Other grades y, 5 24 30 25
covered in U.B.C.
Standard No. 25-9 Ys 4 24 40 30
Ys 5 24 60 45
'Uniform load deflection limitations: Vtso of span under hve load plus dead load, 1/240 under
live load only. Edges shall be blocked with lumber or other approved type of edge
2Roof sheathing conforming with this table shall be deemed to meet the design criteria of
Section 2516.

1982 EDITION 25-T, 25-U


Plywood Continuous over TINo or More Spans and
Face Grain Perpendicular to Supports


SPECIES GROUPS' 16" 20" 24"
]! , 51 ,
1 ,2 /8 %"
2,3 %" %" %"
71 ,
4 %" i.S 1"
1Applicable to Underlayment grade, C-C (plugged) and all grades of sanded
exterior-type plywood. Spans limited to values shown because of possible
effect of concentrated loads. Allowable uniform load based on deflection of
V160 of span is 125 pounds per square foot. Plywood edges shall have
approved tongue-and-groove joints or shall be supported with blocking,
unless V-inch minimum thickness underlayment is installed, or finish floor
is 2Y32-inch wood strip. If wood strips are perpendicular to supports, thick-
nesses shown for 16- and 20-inch spans may be used on 24-inch span.
Except for V2 inch, Underlayment grade and C-C (plugged) panels may be
of nominal thicknesses V12 inch thinner than the nominal thicknesses shown
when marked with the reduced thickness.
2See U .B.C. Standard No. 25-9 for plywood species groups.




(In Feet) LOAD LIMIT (psi) (psi)

l/240 170,000
20 I fiO 2.'5(),000
l/240 256,000
4 .30 l/.3()0 210 884,000
l/240 :140,000
40 l/.'3()0 270 .)12,000
l /240 242,000
20 200 :)0.'5,000
l /:360
l/240 ;)():),000
4.5 .'30 l/:3()0 270 10.'5,000
l /240 :)50 ll->4,000
40 l /.'3()0 725,000
l/240 .'3.32,000
20 2.'50
l /360 500,000
1/240 495,000
5.0 .30 l/3()0 330
l/240 660,000
40 420
1/.360 1,000,000




(In Feet)

20 l/240 442,000
l/360 300 660,000
5.5 30 l/240 400 662,000
l/360 998,000
40 l/240 500 884,000
l/360 1,330,000

20 l/240 360 575,000

l/360 862,000
6.0 30 l/240 480 862,000
l/360 1,295,000
l/240 600 1,150,000
40 l/.'360 1,730,000
l/240 420 595,000
20 l/360 892,000
6.5 30 l/240 .5()0 892,000
l/360 1,340,000
l/240 700 1,190,000
40 1/360 1,730,000
l/240 910,000
20 490 1,360,000
7.0 .'30 l/240 ().50 1,370,000
1/360 2,000,000
40 l/240 810 1,820,000
1/360 2,725,000

20 l/240 560 1,125,000

l/360 1,685,000
7.5 30 l/240 750 1,685,000
l/360 2,530,000
40 l/240 ~no
l/.'360 3,380,000

20 l/240 640 1,.'360,000

1/360 2,040,000
8.0 l/240 2,040,000
30 1/360 850 3,060,000
4 840 1,000,000
4.5 40 1/.'360 950 1,300,000
5.0 1060 1,600,000
1Spans are based on simple beam action with 10 pounds per square foot dead
load and provisions for a 300-pound concentrated load on a 12-inch width of
floor decking. Random lay-up permitted in accordance with the provisions
of Section 2517 (e) 3 or 2517 (h) 8. Lumber thickness assumed at l\12
inches, net.

DESIGN CRITERIA: Deflection-For 40 lbs. per sq. ft. live load. Umited to span in inches divided by 360. Strength-Live load of 40 lbs.
per sq. ft. plus dead load of 10 lbs. per sq. ft. determines the required fiber stress value. -
JOIST Modulus of E.. stlclty, E,ln 1,000,000 pal m
(Ill) (IN) 0.8 0.9 1.0
1.1 1.2
10-9 10-11
1.7 1.8
2.0 2.2
8-6 8-10 9-6 11-7 0
12.0 720 780 830 890 940 990 1040 1090 1140 1190 1230 1280 1320 1410 z
7-9 8-0 8-4 8-7 8-10 9-1 9-4 9-6 9-9 9-11 10-2 10-4 10-6 10-10
2x6 16.0 790 860 920 980 1040 1090 1150 1200 1250 1310 1360 1410 1460 1550
6-9 7-0 7.3 7-6 7-9 7-11 8-2 8-4 8-6 8-8 8-10 9-0 9-2 9-6
24.0 900 980 1050 ll20 1190 1250 1310 1380 1440 1500 1550 1610 1670 1780
11-3 ll-8 12-1 12-6 12-10 13-2 13-6 13-10 14-2 14-5 14-8 15-0 15-3 15-9
12.0 720 780 830 890 940 990 1040 1090 ll40 1190 1230 1280 1320 1410
10-2 10-7 11-0 ll-4 11-8 12-0 12-3 12-7 12-10 13-1 13-4 13-7 13-10 14-3
2x8 16.0 790 850 920 980 1040 1090 1150 1200 1250 1310 1360 1410 1460 1550
8-11 9-3 9-7 9-11 10-2 10-6 10-9 11-0 ll-3 11-5 11-8 11-11 12-1 12-6
24.0 900 980 1050 1120 1190 1250 1310 1380 1440 1500 1550 1610 1670 1780
14-4 14-ll 15-5 15-11 16-5 16-10 17-3 17-8 18-0 18-5 18-9 19-1 19-5 20-1
12.0 720 780 830 890 940 990 1040 1090 ll40 1190 1230 1280 1320 1410
13-0 13-6 14-0 14-6 14-11 15-3 15-8 16-0 16-5 16-9 17-0 17-4 17-8 18-3
2x10 16.0 790 850 920 980 1040 1090 1150 1200 1250 1310 1360 1410 1460 1550
ll-4 11-10 12-3 12-8 13-0 13-4 13-8 14-0 14-4 14-7 14-11 15-2 15-5 15-11
24.0 900 980 1050 ll20 1190 1250 1310 1380 1440 1500 1550 1610 1670 1780
17-5 18-1 18-9 19-4 19-11 20-6 21-0 21-6 21-11 22-5 22-10 23-3 23-7 24-5
12.0 720 780 830 890 940 990 1040 1090 1140 1190 1230 1280 1320 1410
15-10 16-5 17-0 17-7 18-1 18-7 19-1 19-6 19-11 20-4 20-9 21-1 21-6 22-2
2x12 16.0 790 860 920 980 1040 1090 1150 1200 1250 1310 1360 1410 1460 1550
13-10 14-4 14-11 15-4 15-10 16-3 16-8 17-0 17-5 17-9 18-1 18-5 18-9 19-4
24.0 900 980 1050 1120 1190 1250 1310 1380 1440 1500 1550 1610 1670 1780
(!)The required extreme fiber stress in bending (Fb) in pounds per square inch is shown below each span.
(2)Use single or repetitive member bending stress values (Fb) and modulus of elasticity values() from Tables Nos. 25-A-1 and 25-A-2.
(3)For more comprehensive tables covering a broader range of bending stress values (F b) and modulus of elasticity values(). other spacing of members and
other conditions of loading, see U.B.C. Standard No. 25-21.
(4)The spans in these tables are intended for use in covered structures or where moisture content in use does not exceed 19 percent.
(Drywall Ceiling)
0 DESIGN CRITERIA: Deflection-For 10 lbs. per sq. ft. live load. Limited to span in inches divided by 240. Strength-Live load of 10
lbs. per sq. ft. plus dead load of Sibs. per sq. ft. determines the required fiber stress value.
JOIST Modulus of Elasticity, E, In 1,000,000 psi
(IN) (IN) 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.0 2.2
9-10 10-3 10-7 10-11 11-3 11-7 11-10 12-2 12-5 12.8 12-11 13-2 13-4 13-9
12.0 710 770 830 880 930 980 1030 1080 1130 1180 1220 1270 1310 1400
8-11 9-4 9-8 9-11 10-3 10-6 10-9 11-0 11-3 11-6 11-.: 11-11 12-2 12-6
2x4 16.0 780 850 910 970 1030 1080 1140 1190 1240 1290 1340 1390 1440 1540
7-10 8-1 8-5 8-8 8-11 9-2 9-5 9-8 9-10 10-0 10-3 10-5 10-7 10-11
24.0 900 970 1040 1110 1170 1240 1300 1360 1420 1480 1540 1600 1650 1760
15-6 16-1 16-8 17-2 17-8 18-2 18-8 19-1 19-6 19-ll 20-3 20-8 2!-0 21-8
12.0 710 770 830 880 930 980 1030 1080 1130 1180 1220 1270 1310 1400
14-1 14-7 15-2 15-7 16-1 16-6 16-11 17-4 17-8 18-1 18-5 18-9 19-1 19-8
2x6 16.0 780 850 910 970 1030 1080 1140 1190 1240 1290 1340 1390 1440 1540
12-3 12-9 13-3 13-8 14-1 14-5 14-9 15-2 15-6 15-9 16-1 16-4 16-8 17-2
24.0 900 970 1040 1110 1170 1240 1300 1360 1420 1480 1540 1600 1650 1760
20-5 21-2 21-1 22-8 23-4 24-0 24-7 25-2 25-8 26-2 26-9 27-2 27-8 28-7
12.0 710 770 830 880 930 980 1030 1080 1130 1180 1220 1270 1310 1400
18-6 19-3 19-1 20-7 21-2 21-9 22-4 22-10 23-4 23-10 24-3 24-8 25-2 25-11
2x8 16.0 780 850 910 970 1030 1080 1140 1190 1240 1290 1340 1390 1440 1540
16-2 16-H 17-5 18-0 18-6 19-0 19-6 19-11 20-5 20-10 21-2 21-7 21-11 22-8
24.0 900 970 1040 1110 1170 1240 1300 1360 1420 1480 1540 1600 1650 1760
26-0 27-1 28-0 28-11 29-9 30-7 31-4 32-1 32-9 33-5 34-1 34-8 35-4 36-5 c
12.0 710 770 830 880 930 980 1030 1080 1130 1180 1220 1270 1310 1400
2xl0 16.0
24-7 25-5
30-5 31-0 31-6 32-1 33-1 ~
850 1290 1340 1390 1440 1540
20-8 21-6 22-3 22-11 23-8 24-3 24-10 25-5 26-0 26-6 27-1 27-6 28-0 28-11 i:
24.0 900 970 1040 1110 1170 1240 1300 1360 1420 1480 1540 1600 1650 1760 tD
( 1)The required extreme fiber stress in bending (F b) in pounds per square inch is shown below each span.
(2)Use single or repetitive member bending stress values (Fb) and modulus of elasticity values() from Tables Nos. 25-A-1 and 25-A-2.
(3)For more comprehensive tables covering a broader range of bending stress values (F b) and modulus of elasticity values(). other spacing of members and 0
other conditions of loading. see U.B.C. Standard No. 25-21 0
(4)The spans in tbese tables are intended for use in covered structures or where moisture content in use does not exceed 19 percent. ~
20 LBS. PER SQ. FT. LIVE LOAD (Supporting Drywall Ceiling) ....
DESIGN CRITERIA: Strength-15 lbs. per sq. ft. dead load plus 20 lbs. per sq. ft. live load determines required fiber stress. II)
Deflection-For 20 lbs. per sq. ft. live load. Limited to span in inches divided by 240. RAFTERS: Spans are measured along the co
horizontal projection and loads are considered as applied on the horizontal projection. m
Allowable Extreme Fiber Stress In Bending fb(psl). 3
(IN) (IN) 600 llOO 0
500 700 BOO 900 1000 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900
1>-6 9-4 10-0 10-9 11-5 12-0 12-7 !.1-2 11-8 1-!-2 !Hi 15-2 !5-R 16-1 16-7
12.0 0.26 0-..1.5 0.4-! 0.54 0.6-! 0.75 0.86 0.98 !.II 1.24 1.17 !.51 1.66 -1.81 1.96
r.-- - --
--- ---
7-4 1>-1
8-8 9-4- 9-10 rro-.5

11-5 11-10 12-4

12-9 11-2 13-7 11-11 14-4
2.x6 16.0 0.21 0.30 0.38 0.46 0.55 0.6.5 0.75 0.85 0.97 1.07 1.19 1.11 U-! !.56 1.70
---- 1-:c---- f-o-. - -- -_---
6~ 6-7 7-1 7-7 8-1 ll=-6- 8-11 9-4 9=-a- 10-0 10-5 10-Y Ii-i- !l-5 11-8-
24.0 0.19 0.25 0.31 0.38 0.45 0 .53 061 0.70 0.78 0.88 0.97 1.07 1.17 1.28 1.39
11-2 12 ..1 13-3 14-2 15-0 15-10 16.7 17--! 18-0 18-9 19-5 20-0 20-8 21-3 21-10
12.0 0.26 0.35 - 0.44 - 0.54 0.64 -0.75 0.86 0.9R- - 1.11 1.24 1.17 LSI 1.66 1.81 1.96
-- - --- - ----- ---
9-8 fo-7 11-6 12-3 13-0 11-R ll-4 15-0 !5-"7- 16-3 16-9 11-r 17-10 IR-5 IR-11
2x8 16.0 0.23 -0.30 0.3R 0.46 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.8.5 0.96 1.07 1.19 1.11 1.44 1.56 1.70
7-ll 8-8
9-4- W-o
-1oT ~- lT-9 12-.'3 ~ 13~:3- !3-8 14-2 14-7 15-0 15-5
24.0 0.19 0.25 0.31 0 ..38 0.45 0.53 0.61 0.70 0.78 0.88 () 97 107 1.17 128 1.39
1-!-3 15-8 16-11 18-l 19-2 20-2 21-2 22-l 23-0 2.'3-11 24-9 25-6 26-4 27-l 27-10
12.0 0.26 0.35 0.44 0.54 0.64 0.75 0.86 0.98 !.II 1.24 I.:3i 151 166 1.81 1.96
12-4 ~6- ]4:'8 Ts-:-8 '16-7 17-6 18-4 19-2 19-11 zo=-s- :n-5- 22-=-i- 22-10 23-5 24-1
2x!O 16.0 0.23 0 ..'30 0.3R 0.46 0.55 0.6.5 0.75 O.R5 0.96 1.07 1.19 1.11 144 1.56 170
10-1 "TI-l 11-11 12-9 13-6 14-3 15-0 15-8 16-3- 16-11 !7-6 18:[ !R-7 !9-2 19-8
24.0 0.19 0.25 0.31 0 ..38 0.45 0.5.'3 0.61 0.70 0.78 0.88 O.'l7 107 1.17 128 1.39
17-4 19-0 20-6 21-11 23-3 2-!-7 25-9 26-11 28-0 29-1 10-l .'31-1 32-0 .32-11 .'33-10
12.0 0.26 0.35 0.44 0.54 0.64 0.75 0.86 0.98 1.11 1.24 1.17 151 1.66 1.81 1.96
CzD- -- ---- --co,---
15-0 16-6 17-9- '19-0 ~2- 21-3
25-2 26-0 26-ll 27-=9 28-6 29-4

2:'3-3 24-3
2,12 16.0 0.23 0.30 0.38 0.46 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.97 1.07 1.19 1.11 144 !.56 !.70
20-6- '2r::3 ~f'il 22-8- 2'3 ..1 23-11
12-3 13-5 14-6 15-6 16-6 r-17-4 l8T 19-0 19-10
24.0 0.19 0.25 0.31 0.38 0.45 0.53 0.61 0.70 0.78 0.88 097 107 1.17 1.28 1.39
(!)The required modulus of elasticity() in I ,000,000 pounds per square inch is shown below each span.
(2)Use single or repetitive member bending stress values (Fb) and modulus of elasticity values() from Tables Nos. 25-A-1 and 25-A-2. For duration of load
stress increases, see Section 2504 (c) 4.
(3)For more comprehensive tables covering a broader range of bending stress values (F b) and modulus of elasticity values(), other spacing of members and
other conditions of loading, see U.B.C. Standard No. 25-21.
(4)The spans in these tables are intended for use in covered structures or where moisture content in use does not exceed 19 percent.
30 LBS. PER SQ. FT. LIVE LOAD (Supporting Drywall Ceiling)
DESIGN CRITERIA: Strength-15 lbs. per sq. ft. dead load plus 30 lbs. per sq. ft. live load determines required fiber stress.
Deflection-For 30 lbs. per sq. ft. live load. Limited to span in inches divided by 240. RAFTERS: Spans are measured along the
horizontal projection and loads are considered as applied on the horizontal projection.
RAFTER Allowable Extreme Fiber Stress In Bending Fb (psi).
(IN) (IN) 500 600 700 800 900 1000 llOO 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900
7-6 8-28-10 9-6 !0-0 10-7 11-1 11-7 12-1 12-6 11-0 1.'3-5 1'3-10 14-2 14-7
12.0 0.27 0.45 0.55 0.66
0.'36 0.77 0.89 l.OI 1.14 1.28 lA! !.56 1.7 I 1.86 2.02
- ---- -- --
~T ~ f--8~ 8-8 ~g:z- 9~ 10-0 10~5- W-iO 11-'3 IT-7- II~ IT '12~4 12-8
2x6 160 0.24 0 ..39 0.48 0.57
0 ..31 1-c----1-cc--- 0.67 0.77 0.88 0.99 1.10 1.22 I.'35 1.48 1.61 1.75
- - 5~4 c-5~10" ----
7~1 7-6-- 7-10 8-2
- - -
8~6- s:-1o 9-2
>)~{,- CJ.9

6-.3 6-8 10-0 10-4

24.0 0.19 0.25 0.'32 0 ..39 0.46 0.54 0.63 0.72 0.81 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.21 1.'31 1.4.3
9-10 10-10 ll-8 12.6 1.3-.'3 11-1 I 14-8 1.5-'3 I5-ll 16-6 17-J 17-8 I8-2 I8-9 19-.'3
12.0 0.27 0 ..36 0.45 0.55 0.66 0.77 0.89 1.01 1.14 1.28 I.41 !.56 1.71 1.86 2.02
. --;;---
8-7 9-4 10-1- 'lo~IO 'll=6 12-I 12-8 1'3-3 !.'3-9 14-4 r-f:t-io 15-.3 ~9 16-.3 '16-8-

2x8 16.0 0.24 0 ..31 0.39 0.48 0.57 0.67 0.77 0.88 0.99 1.10 1.22 1.'3.5 1.48 1.61 1.75
7-0 'i.8 8-3 8-To 9-4 c-q:-fo- r-w=-4- 10-10 ~ 11='8 1z:-i 12~6- I2-io 1'3-3 13-7
24.0 0.19 0.25 0 ..32 0 ..'39 0.46 0.54 0.6.'3 0 72 0.81 0.90 1.00 J.IO 1.2 I 1..31 1.43
12-7 I3-9 14-11 15-11 16-11 17-10 18-8 Hl-6 20-4 21-1 21-10 22-6 2'3 . .3 23-11 24-6
!2.0 0.27 0 ..36 0.45 0.55 0.66 0.77 0.89 1.01 1.14 1.28 1.41 ] ..56 1.71 1.86 2.02
-- f-c- 1 --
10-11 11-11 12-11 1'3-9 ITs -TS-5- "!6~2- !6Ji 17-7 18-3 Iii~ J-9-:6- 20:1- 'w~s 21-=:3
2xl0 -16.0 0.24 0.31 0.'39 0.48 0.57 0.67 077 0.88 0.99 1.10 1.22 1..1.5 1.48 1.61 1.75
-- --- ~-----
s:-f! 9-9 16-:.6 11-3- 11-11 l'f""f "1.3-2- "!3-9- 14-4 14-II 15-.5 1-5-11 16--5 ]6:11 17-4
24.0 O.I9 0.25 0 ..32 0.39 0.46 (J..5.J 0.63 0.72 0.81 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.21 1.31 1.43 c::
15-4 16-9 18-1 19-4 20-6 21-8 22-8 23.9 24-8 2.5-7 26-6 27-5 213-3 29-1 29-10 z
12.0 0.27 0.36 0.45 0.55 0.66 0.77 0.89 1.01 -1.14 --
1.28 f-_--1.41
1.3-3- ~4-6 15-8 16.917-9 1--Js:9- !9:s- 20-6 21-5 22-2- 23-0 23:9- 24-5 25-2 25-10
!.56 1.7 I 1.86 2.02
2xl2 16.0 0.24 0 ..31 0.39 .0.48 0.57 0.67 0.77 0.88 0.99 1.10 1.22 1..'35 1.48 1.61 1.75 3:::
10-10 11-10 12-10 1.3-8 I4T f-15-4 16-1 161l l7-5 18-1 IH-9 '!9-4 20-0 20-6 21-1 Ill
24.0 0.19 0.25 0.32 0 ..39 0.46 0.54 0.6.3 0.72 0.81 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.21 1.31 1.43 !:
NOTES: (1 )The required modulus of elasticity() in 1.000,000 pounds per square inch is shown below each span. c
(2)Use single or repetitive member bending stress values (Fb) and modulus of elasticity values() from Tables Nos. 25-A-1 and 25-A-2. For duration of load zC)
stress increases, see Section 2504 (c) 4.
(3)For more comprehensive tables covering a broader range of bending stress values (Fb) and modulus of elasticity values(). other spacing of members and 0
other conditions of loading, see U.B.C. Standard No. 25-21. 0
(4 )The spans in these tables are intended for use in covered structures or where moisture content in use does not exceed 19 percent. ~
20 LBS. PER SQ. FT. LIVE LOAD (No Ceiling Load) ....
DESIGN CRITERIA: Strength-10 lbs. per sq. ft. dead load plus 20 lbs. per sq. ft. live load determines required fiber stress. IN
Deflection-For 20 lbs. per sq. ft. live load. Limited to span in inches divided by 240. RAFTERS: Spans are measured along the
horizontal projection and loads are considered as applied on the horizontal projection. m
RAffiR ::::;
Allowable Extreme Fiber Stress In Bending Fb(psl).
(IN) (IN) 500 600 700 800 900 1000 llOO 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900
9-2 10-0 10-10 11-7 12-4 J.1-0 1.'3-7 14-2 14-9 15-4 1.5-11 16-5 16-11 17-5 17-10
12.0 0 .."3"3 0.44 0.55 0.67 0.80 0.94 1.09 1.24 1.40 1.56 1.71 1.91 2.09 2.28 2.47
-r.-c- -
10-0 10-8 11-.'3 11-9 12-4- 12-IO J.1-.3 n:9-
- --
7-11 8-8 9-5 14~2- 14-8 15-1 15-6
2x6 16.0 0.29 0 ..'38 0.48 0.58 0.70 0.82 0.94 .. --
1.07 1.21 1.15 ISO 1.6.5 - 1.81 1.97 2.14
8-8 !--~ 9-7 i0-0- 1o:s-- 10-10 11-:3 -

6-6 7-1 7-8 8-2 ll-7 11-11 12T 12:8-

24.0 0.24 0.31 0.39 0.48 0.57 0.67 0.77 0.88 0.99 1.10 1.22 1..3.5 148 1.61 1.7.5
12-1 1.'3-.'3 14-4 15-3 16-3 17-1 17-11 18.9 19-6 20-.'3 20-11 21-7 22-.1 22-11 23-7
12.0 0 ..'3.'3 0.44 0.55 0.67 0.80 0 94 1.09 1.24 lAO 1.56 1.71 1.91 2.09 2.28 2.47
1--c ---
10-6 11-6- r-u-:.s ~-::,- 14-0- 14-10 15-6 16-.'3 16-10 17..6- 18-2- lH-9 19-4 19-io 20-5

2x8 16.0 0.29 0.38 0.48 0.58 0.70 0.82 0.94 1.07 1.21 1.15 1..50 1.65 1.81 1.97 2.14 -
10-1 10-10 U-6~ l--i2-l 1--12-ll- 1.3 ..3 lf-9 14-4 14-1-0

8-7 9-4 15-.3 [.5-9 16-.3 16-8

24.0 0.24 0.31 0 ..39 0.48 0.57 0.67 0.77 0.88 0 99 1.10 1.22 1.35 1.48 1.61 1.75
15-5 16-11 18-.3 19-6 20-8 21-10 22-10 2.3-11 24-10 25-10 2G-H 27-7 2H-5 29-.3 .30-1
12.0 0 ..33 0.44 0.55 0.67 0.80 0.94 1.09 - 1.24 1.40 1.56 -1.7:1 1.91 2.09 2.28 2.47
- - --- - - -
14-8 15-10 16-11 Ti-u ~H:U 19:-10 20.8 21:6 22::-4- 21-2
-- --=-~
J.1-4 21-(1 24-7- 25-4 26-0
2xl0 16.0 0.29 0 ..38 0.48 0.58 0.70 0.82 0.94 1.07 1.21 1..35 1..50 1.6.5 1.81 1.97 2.14
----,;- r-: --- --- ---- ----

10-11 11-11 12-11 1.3-9 14-8 15-5 ](3:2 ~6=-11 17-=-7- Hl:::f r8:TI 19-6 20-1 20-8 21-3
24.0 0.24 0 ..31 0.:39 0.48 0.57 0.67 0.77 0.88 0.99 1.10 1.22 1.1.5 1.48 1.61 1.75
18-9 20-6 22-2 2.'3-9 25-2 26-6 27-10 29-1 .'30-.3 .31-4 12-6 .'33-G 14-7 .'35-7 .36-7
12.0 0 ..3.'3 0.44 0 ..55 0.67 0.80 0.94 1.09 1.24 1.40 1.56 1.7:3 1.91 2.09 2.28 2.47
-.-:o- 1--.--
17:9 19-.3 ~o-=-6 it=-9 21-0 24="1 2.5=2 26-2
16-1 '27-2 -2~2 29-1 -2!i--ll 36-16 .31-"8-
2xl2 16.0 0.29 0 ..38 0.48 0.58 0.70 O.H2 0.94 1.07 1.21 1.15 150 1.6.5 1.81 1.97 2.14
1-o-c-.-- - --
2.3-9 24-5- 25T zs:ro
J.1-.3 14-6 15.8 16=-9- I f f 18-9 19-8 20-6- 21-.) 22-2 2:3-0
24.0 0.24 0 ..31 0 ..'39 0.48 0.57 0.67 0.77 0.88 0.99 1.10 1.22 1..35 1.48 1.61 1.75
NOTES: (!)The required modulus of elasticity() in 1.000.000 pounds per square inch is shown below each span.
(2)Use single or repetitive member bending stress values (Fb) and modulus of elasticity values() from Tables 1\ios. 25-A-1 and 25-A-2. For duration of load
stress increases, see Section 2504 (c) 4.
(3)For more comprehensive tables covering a broader range of bending stress values (Fb) and modulus of elasticity values(). other spacing of membe" and
other conditions of loading. see U.B.C. Standard No. 25-21.
(4)The spans in these tables are intended for use in covered structures or where moisture content in use does not exceed 19 percent.
30 LBS. PER SQ. FT. LIVE LOAD (No Ceiling Load)
DESIGN CRITERIA: Strength-10 lbs. per sq. ft. dead load plus 30 lbs. per sq. ft. live load determines required fiber stress. en
Oeflectio~For 30 lbs. per sq. ft. live load. Limited to span in inches divided by 240. RAFTERS: Spans are measured along the C::
horizontal projection and loads are considered as applied on the horizontal projection.
RAFTER Allowable Extreme Fiber Stress In Bending Fo (psi). c!o
(IN) (IN) 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1!00 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900
7-11 8-8 9-5 10-0 10-8 11-.3 11-9 12--1 12-10 1.3-3 1.3-9 14-2 14-8 15-1 15-6
12.0 0.32 0.4.3 0.54 0.66 0.78 0.92 1.06 1.21 1..36 !.52 1.69 1.86 2.04 2.22 2.41
6-11 1-6 8-2 8-8 9-3 9-9 10~2 To-8 ll-1 11-6 11-11 liT 12-8 13-1 13-5
2x6 16.0 0.28 0.37 0.47 0.57 0.68 0.80 0.92 1.05 1.18 1..32 JA6 1.61 1.76 1.92 2.08
5-7 6-2 6-8 7-1 7-6 i-ll 8-4 8-8 9-1 9.:-s- 9-9 ~0-0- ~---.-
10-4 To:8 10-11
24.0 0.23 0 ..30 0.38 0.46 0.55 0.6.5 0.75 0.85 0.96 1.08 1.19 1..31 1.44 1.57 1.70
10-6 11-6 12-5 13-3 14-0 14-10 15-6 16-.3 16-10 17-6 18-2 18-9 19-4 19-10 20-5
12.0 0.32 0.4.3 0.54 0.66 0.78 0.92 1.06
1.36 1.52 1.69 1.86 2.04 2.22 2.41
9-1 9-11 10-9 11-6 12-2 12-10 13-5 14-0 14-7 15-2 15-8 16-3 16-9 11:2 17-8
2x8 16.0 0.28 0.37 0.47 0.57 0.68 0.80 0.92 1.05 1.18 1.32 1.46 1.61 1.76 1.92 2.08
7-5 8-1 8-9 9-4 9-11 10-6 11-0 11-6 11-11 12-5 12-10 13-3 13-8 14-0 14-5
24.0 0.23 0 ..'30 0.38 0.46 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.96 1.08 1.19 1..31 1.44 1.57 1.70
13-4 14-8 15-10 16-11 17-11 18-11 19-10 20-8 21-6 22-4 23-2 2.'3-11 24-7 25-4 26-0
12.0 0.32 0.43 0.54 0.66 0.78 0.92 1.06 1.21 1.36 1.52 1.69 1.86 2.04 2.22 2.41
11-7 12-8 13-8 14-8 15-6 16-4 17-2 17-11 18-8 19-;C ~0- 'zo~8 2-1-4 21-11 22-6
2x10 16.0 0.28 0.37 0.47 0.57 0.68 0.80 0.92 1.05 1.18 1..32 1.46 1.61 1.76 1.92 2.08
9-5 10-4 11-2 11-11 12-8 13-4 14-0 14-8 15-3 15-10 16-4 16-11 17-5 17-ll 18-5
24.0 0.23 0.30 0.38 0.46 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.96 1.08 1.19 1..'31 1.44 1.57 1.70 c:
24-1 25-2
1.06 1.21
20-10 21-9
27-2 28-2 29-1
1.52 1.69 1.86
23-6 24-4 25-2
30-10 31-8
2.22 2.41
2x12 16.0 0.28 0.37 0.47 0.57 0.68 0.80 0.92 1.05 1.18 1.32 1.46 1.61 1.76 1.92 2.08
11-6 12-7 13-7 14-6 15-5 16-3 17-0 17-9 18-6 19-3 19-11 20-6 21-2 21-9 22-5 c:
24.0 0.23 0.30 0.38 0.46 0.55 0.6.5 0.75 0.85 0.96 1.08 1.19 1..31 1.44 1.57 1.70 r0
NafES: (I )The required modulus of elasticity ()in I ,000,000 pounds per square inch is shown below each span.
(2)Use single or repetitive member bending stress values (F b) and modulus of elasticity values() from Tables Nos. 25-A-1 and 25-A-2. For duration of load
stress increases. see Section 2504 (c) 4. 0
(3 )For more comprehensive tables covering a broader range of bending stress values (Fb) and modulus of elasticity values (), other spacing of members and 0
other conditions of loading. see U .B.C. Standard No. 25-21.
(4 )The spans in these tables are intended for use in covered structures or where moisture content in use does not exceed 19 percent.
20 LBS. PER SQ. FT. LIVE LOAD (Heavy Roof Covering) ....
DESIGN CRITERIA: Strength--15 lbs. per sq. ft. dead load plus 20 lbs. per sq. ft. live load determines required fiber stress.
Deflection-For 20 lbs. per sq. ft. live load. Limited to span In inches divided by 180. RAFTERS: Spans are measured along the
horizontal projection and loads are considered as applied on the horizontal projection. 0
RAfTER Allowable Extreme FlberStresaln Bending fb(pal). 3
(Ill) (Ill) 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 z
5-5 5-ll 6-5 6-10 7-3 7-8 8-0 8-4 8-8 9-0 9-4 9-8 9-ll 10-3 10-6
12.0 0.20 0.26 0.33 0.40 0.48 0.56 0.65 0.74 0.83 0.93 1.03 1.14 1.24 1.36 1.47
4-8 5-1 5-6 5-11 6-3 6-7 6-ll 7-3 7-6 7-10 8-1 8-4 8-7 8-10 9-1
2x4 16.0 0.17 0.23 0.28 0.35 0.41 0.49 0.56 0.64 0.72 0.80 0.89 0.98 1.08 1.17 1.27
3-10 4-2 4-6 4-10 5-1 5-5 5-8 5-11 6-2 6-5 6-7 6-10 7-0 7-3 7-5
24.0 0.14 0.18 0.23 0.28 0.34 0.40 0.46 0.52 0.59 0.66 0.73 0.80 0.88 0.96 1.04
8-6 9-4 10-0 10-9 11-5 12-0 12-7 13-2 13-8 14-2 14-8 15-2 15-8 16-1 16-7
12.0 0.20 0.26 0.33 0.40 0.48 0.56 0.65 0.74 0.83 0.93 1.03 1.14 1.24 1.36 1.47
7-4 8-1 8.8 9-4 9-10 10-5 10-11 ll-5 11-10 12-4 12-9 13-2 13.7 13-11 14-4
2x6 16.0 0.17 0.23 0.28 0.35 0.41 0.49 0.56 0.64 0.72 0.80 0.89 0.98 1.08 1.17 1.27
6-0 6-7 7-1 7-7 8-1 8-6 8-ll 9-4 9-8 10-0 10-5 10-9 11-1 11-5 11-8
24.0 0.14 0.18 0.23 0.28 0.34 0.40 0.46 0.52 0.59 0.66 0.73 0.80 0.88 0.96 1.04
11-2 12-3 13-3 14-2 15-0 15-10 16-7 17-4 18-0 18-9 19-5 20-0 20-8 21-3 21-10
12.0 0.20 0.26 0.33 0.40 0.48 0.56 0.65 0.74 0.83 0.93 1.03 1.14 1.24 1.36 1.47
9-8 10-7 11-6 12-3 13-0 13-8 14-4 15-0 15-7 16-3 16-9 17-4 17-10 18-5 18-11
2x8 16.0 0.17 0.23 0.28 0.35 0.41 0.49 0.56 0.64 0.72 0.80 0.89 0.98 1.08 1.17 1.27
7-11 8-8 9-4 10-0 10-7 ll-2 11-9 12.3 12-9 13-3 13-8 14-2 14-7 15-0 15-5
24.0 0.14 0.18 0.23 0.28 0.34 0.40 0.46 0.52 0.59 0.66 0.73 0.80 0.88 0.96 1.04
14-3 15-8 16-ll 18-1 19-2 20-2 21-2 22-1 23-0 23-11 24-9 25.6 26-4 27-1 27-10
12.0 0.20 0.26 0.33 0.40 0.48 0.56 0.65 0.74 0.83 0.93 1.03 1.14 1.24 1.36 1.47
12-4 13-6 14-8 15-8 16-7 17-6 18-4 19-2 19-11 20-8 21-5 22-1 22-10 23-5 24-1
2x10 16.0 0.17 0.23 0.28 0.35 0.41 0.49 0.56 0.64 0.72 0.80 0.89 0.98 1.08 1.17 1.27
10-1 11-1 11-11 12-9 13-6 14-3 15-0 15-8 16-3 16-11 17-6 18-1 18-7 19-2 19-8
24.0 0.14 0.18 0.23 0.28 0.34 0.40 0.46 0.52 0.59 0.66 0.73 0.80 0.88 0 96 1.04
!'IOTES: (I )The required modulus of elasticity ()in 1,000.000 pounds per square inch is shown below each span. U1

(2)Use single or repetitive member bending stress values (Fb) and modulus of elasticity values() from Tables Nos. 25-A-1 and 25-A-2. For duration of load C:
stress increases. see Section 2504 (c) 4. :p....
(})For more comprehensive tables covering a broader range of bending stress values (Fb) and modulus of elasticity values(). other spacing of members and 0
other conditions of loading, see U.B.C. Standard No. 25-21.
(4 )The spans in these tables are intended for use in covered structures or where moisture content in use does not exceed 19 percent.
30 LBS. PER SQ. FT. LIVE LOAD (Heavy Roof Covering)
DESIGN CRITERIA: Strength-15 lbs. per sq. ft. dead load plus 30 lbs. per sq. ft. live load determines required fiber stress.
Deflection-For 30 lbs. per sq. ft. live load. Limited to span in inches divided by 180. RAFTERS: Spans are measured along the
horizontal projection and loads are considered as applied on the horizontal projection.
RAFTER Allowable Extreme Fiber Stress In Bending Fb (psi).
(IN) (IN) 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900
4-9 5-3 5-8 6-0 6-5 6-9 7-1 7-5 7.8 8-0 ll-3 8-6 8-9 9-0 9-3
12.0 0.20 0.27 0.34 0.41 0.49 0.58 0.67 0.76 0.86 0.96 1.06 1.17 1.28 1.39 1.51
4-1 4.6 4-11 5-3 5-6 5-10 6-1 6-5 6-8 6-11 7-2 7-5 7-7 7-10 8-0
2x4 16.0 0.18 0.23 0.29 0.36 0.43 0.50 0.58 0.66 0.74 0.8.3 0.92 1.01 11.1 . 1.21 1.31
.3-4 3-8 4-0 4-3 4-6 4-9 5.0 5-3 5-5 5-8 5-10 6-0 6-.3 6.5 6-7
24.0 0.14 0.19 0.24 0.29 0.35 0.41 0.47 0.54 0.61 0.68 I 0.75 0.8.3 0.90 0.99 1.07
7-6 8-2 8-10 9.6 10-0 10-7 11-1 11-7 12-1 12-6 1.3-0 1.3-5 1.3-10 14-2 14-7
12.0 0.20 0.27 0.34 0.41 0.49 0.58 0.67 0.76 0.86 0.96 1.06 1.17 1.28 1.39 1.51
6-6 7-1 7-8 8-2 8-8 9-2 9-:r- To-o 10-5 ioTo 11-.3 11-7 11-11 12-4 12-8
2x6 16.0 0.18 0.2.3 0.29 0 ..36 0.43 0.50 0.58 0.66 0.74 0.83 0.92 1.01 1.11 1.21 1..31
5-4 5.10 6-3 6-8 7-1 7-6 7.10 8-2 8-6 8-10 9-2 9.6 9-9 10-0 10-4
24.0 0.14 0.19 0.24 0.29 0.35 0.41 0.47 0.54 0.61 0.68 0.75 0.8.3 0.90 0.99 1.07
9-10 10-10 11-8 12-6 1.3-.3 1.3-1114-8 15-.3 15-11 16-6 17-1 17-8 18-2 18-9 19-3
12.0 0.20 0.27 0 ..34 0.41 0.49 0.58 0.67 0.76 0.86 0.96 1.06 1.17 1.28 1..39 1.51
8-7 9-4 10-1 10.10 11-6 12-1 "12-8 1.3-.3 1:3-9 14-4 J.l-1 0 15-3 15-9 16-3 16-8
2x8 16.0 0.18 0.2.3 0.29 0 ..36 0.4.3 0.50 0.58 0.66 0.74 0.83 0.92 1.01 1.11 1.21 1.31
7-0 7-8 8-3 8-10 9-4 9-10 10.4 10-10 11-.3 11-8 12-1 12-6 12-10 13-3 13-7
24.0 0.14 0.19 0.24 0.29 0.35 0.41 0.47 0.54 0.61 0.68 0.75 0.8.3 0.90 0.99 1.07 c
12-7 13.9 14-11 15-11 16-11 17-10 18-8 19-6 20-4 21-1 21-10 22-6 23-3 23-11 24-6 z
12.0 0.20 0.27
10-11 11-11
0.34 0.41
12-11 1.3-9
058 0.67
15-5 16-2
0_:9~- 1.06
18-.3 '18-11
1.28 1..39
20-1 20-8
21-3 ~:n
2x10 16.0 0.18 0.2.3 0.29 0.36 0.43 0.50 0.58 0.66 0.74 0.8.3 0.92 1.01 1.11 1.21 1.31 3:
8-11 9.9 10-6 11-3 11-11 12-7 1.3-2 13-9 14-4 14-11 15-5 15-11 16-5 16-11 17-4 ID
24.0 0.14 0.19 0.24 0.29 0.35 0.41 0.47 0.54 0.61 0.68 0.75 0.83 0.90 0.99 1.07 c
N<ITES: (I )The required modulus of elasticity() in 1.000.000 pounds per square inch is shown below each span.
(2)Use single or repetitive member bending stress values (Fb) and modulus of elasticity values() from Tables Nos. 25-A-1 and 25-A-2. For duration of load
stress increases. see Section 2504 (c) 4.
(3)For more comprehensive tables covering a broader range of bending stress values (F b) and modulus of elasticity values(). other spacing of members and 0
other conditions of loading. see U.B.C. Standard No. 25-21. 0
(4)The spans in these tables are intended for use in covered structures or where moisture content in use does not exceed 19 percent. ~
20 LBS. PER SQ. FT. LIVE LOAD (Light Roof Covering) ...
DESIGN CRITERIA: Strength--7 lbs. per sq. ft. dead load plus 20 lbs. per sq. ft. live load determines required fiber stress. co
Deflection-For 20 lbs. per sq. ft. live load. Limited to span in inches divided by 180. RAFTERS: Spans are measured along the m
horizontal projection and loads are considered as applied on the horizontal projection. c
Allowable Extreme Fiber Stress In Bending Fb (psi).
(IN) (IN) 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 z
6-2 6-9 7-3 7.9 8-3 8-8 9-1 9-6 9-11 10-3 10-8 11-0 11-4 11-8 12-0
12.0 0.29 o.:j8 0.49 0.590.71 0.83 0.96 1.09 1.23 1.37 1.52 1.68 1.84 2.00 2.17
5-4 5-10 6~ '6:9 7-2 7-6 7-i 1 8-3 8-7 8-11 9-3 9-6 9-10 10-1 10-5"
2x4 16.0 0.25 0.33 0.42 0.51 0.61 0.72 0.83 0.94 1.06 1.19 1..'32 1.4.5 1.59 1.73 1.88
4-4 4-9 5-2 5-6 5-10 6-2 6-5 6-9 7-0 7-3 7-6 7-9- 8-0 ~ 8~
24.0 0.21 0.27 0.34 0.42 0.50 0.59 0.68 0.77 0.87 0.97 1.08 1.19 1..'30 1.41 1.53
9-8 10-7 11-5 12-3 13-0 1'3-8 14-4 15-0 15-7 16-2 16-9 17-3 17-10 18-4 18-10
12.0 0.29 0 ..'38 0.49 0.59 0.71 0.83 0.96 1.09 1.23 1..'37 1.52 1.68 1.84 2.00 2.17
8-4 9-2 9-11 10-7 11-3 11-10 12-5 13-0 13-6 14-0 14-6 15-0 15-5 15-11 16-4
2x6 16.0 0.25 0.33 0.42 0.51 0.61 0.72 0.83 0.94 1.06 1.19 1..'32 1.45 1.59 1.73 1.88
-~-- -- - - - ~

6-10 7-6 8-1 8-8 9-2 9-8 10-2 10-7 11-0 11-5 11-10 12-3 12_--7 13-0 1.3-4
24.0 0.21 0.27 0.34 0.42 0.50 0.59 0.68 0.77 0.87 0.97 1.08 1.19 1..30 1.41 1.53
12-9 13-11 15-1 16-1 17-1 18-0 18-11 19-9 20-6 21-4 22-1 22-9 2.'3-6 24-2 24-10
12.0 0.29 0.38 0.49 0.59 0.71 0.83 0.96 1.09 1.23 1 ..37 1..52 1.68 1.84 2.00 2.17
11-0 12-1 1.3-1 13-11 14-10 15-7 16-4 17-1' !i-ff 18--5 f--]g::--1~ i9T 20-4 20-11 21-6
2x8 16.0 0.25 0 ..3.'3 0.42 0.51 0.61 0.72 0.83 0.94 1.06 1.19 1..32 1.45 1.59- - 1.73 1.88

9-0 9-10
0.21 0.27
10-8 11-5 12-1
0.34 0.42 0.50
1'lT 1.3-11
0.68 0.77
14-6 15-1
0.87 0.97
rs--=r f-;-;---

1.08 1.19
16-7 17-1
1.30 1.41
16-'3 17-10 19-3 20-7 21-10 23-0 24-1 25-2 26-2 27-2 28-2 29-1 30-0 .'30.10 31-8
12.0 0.29 0.38 0.49 0.59 0.71 0.8.3 0.96 1.09 1.2.'3 1.37 1..52 1.68 1.84 2.00 2.17
14-1 15-5 16-8 17-10 18-11 19-11 20-10 21-10 22:8 23-7- 24~.5 25-2 25-11 26_--8 27---:5
2x10 16.0 0.25 0.3.'3 0.42 0.51 0.61 0.72 0.83 0.94 1.06 1.19 1.12 1.45 1.59 1.73 1.88
11-6 12.7 13-7 14-6 15-5 16-3 l7.i- 17:-10 _1s-=-6 19-=:3' f--yg: 11 20-7 21-2 21-10 22-5
24.0 0.21 0.27 0 ..'34 0.42 0.50 0.59 0.68 0.77 0.87 0.97 1.08 1.19 1..'30 1.41 1.-'53
N<ITES: (I )The required modulus of elasticity() in 1.000.000 pounds per square inch is shown below each span.
(2)l!se single or repetitive member bending stress values iFb) and modulus of elasticity values i) from Tables :\'os. 25-A-1 and 25-A-2. For duration of load
stress increases. see Section 2504 (c) 4.
(3 )for more comprehensive tables covering a broader range of bending stress values (Fh) and modulus of elasticity values(). other spacing of members and
other conditions of loading. see C .B.C. Standard No. 25-21.
(4)The spans in these tables are intended for use in covered structures or where moisture content in use does not exceed 19 percent.
30 LBS. PER SQ. FT. LIVE LOAD (Light Roof Covering)
DESIGN CRITERIA: Strength-7 lbs. per sq. ft. dead load plus 30 lbs. per sq. ft. live load determines required fiber stress.
Deflection-For 30 lbs. per sq. ft. live load. Limited to span in inches divided by 180. RAFTERS: Spans are measured along the
horizontal projection and loads are considered as applied on the horizontal projection.
Allowable Extreme Fiber Stress In Bending Fb (psi).
(IN) (IN) 500 600 700 800 900 1000 llOO 1200 1300 1400 1500 1600 1700 1800 100
5-3 5-9 6-3 6-8 7-1 7-5 7-9 8-2 8-6 8-9 9-1 9-5 9-8 10-0 10-3
12.0 0.27 0.36 0.45 0.55 0.66 0.77 0.89 1.02 1.15 1.28 1.42 1..57 1.72 1.87 2.03
1-o;-- --
4-7 5-0 5-5 53'1 6-r- 6-5- 6-9 rr:-r- 7-4-- 7~ 7-ll 8-2 8-5 8-8 8-10
2x4 16.0 0.24 0.:31 0.39 0.48 0.57 0.67 0.77 0.88 0.99 1.11 1.2.'3 !..'36 1.49 1.62 1.76
3-9 4-1 4-5

4-8 5-0 '5=3-- rs=-6--- ~9 6-0 6-.'3 G-5 6-8

G-!0 7-1
24.0 0.19 0.25 0.:32 0 ..'39 0.47 0 ..55 0.6:3 0.72 0.81 0.91 1.01 !.II 1.21 !..32 1.4:3
8-:3 9-1 9-9 10-5 11-1 ll-ll 12-.'3 12-9 1:3-4 l-'3-10 14-4 14-9 !5-:3 15-8 16-1
12.0 0.27 0.:36 0.45 0.55 0.66 0.77 0.89 1.02 !.!5 1.28 1.42 !.57 1.72 1.87 2.0:3
7-2 7-10 8-5 9-1 9-7 I]{)T ro:7 'TJ:j' --

-- --
12-0 !2-.5 12-9

1:3-7 T:WT
2x6 16.0 0.24 0.:31 0.39 0.48 0.57 0.67 0.77 0.88 0.99 1.11 - - 1.23 1..'36 1.49 1.62 1.76
9-9 1o-r' ~-
5-10 6-5 6-11 1-5 1=-Io- '8::'3 ll-ll 9-1 9-5 10-9 11-1 11-5
24.0 0.!9 0.25 0.:32 0.39 0.47 0 ..5.5 0.63 0.72 0.81 0.9! 1.01 !.II 1.21 1..'32 1.4:3
10-!1 11-11 12-10 13-9 14-7 !5-.5 16-2 16-10 17-7 !8-2 18-10 19-G 20-l 20-8 21-:3
12.0 0.27 0.36 0.45 0.5.5 0.66 0.77 ----;-
0.84 1.02 !.!.5 1.28 1.42 !..57 1.72 1.87 2.0:3
ll-2 11TI 12-8 11-4 14-:() r4-::r 1.5-2 I iT

9-5 10-4 15-:-9 16-4 IG-lO f7-II 18-4

2x8 16.0 0.24 0.31 0.:39 0.41l 0.57 0.67 0.77 O.llll 0.99 1.11 1.23 1.'36 1.49 1.62 1.76
9-1 rg~ -lOA- lO-ll 'TI-=5- 11-ll 12-.5 r2:ro n::t- 1:3-9
7-8 8-5 r4T 14~7 15-0 -
24.0 0.!9 0.25 0.32 0 ..'39 0.47 0 ..5.5 O.G3 0.72 0.81 0.91 1.01 !.II 1.21 1.:32 1.43
13-ll 1.5-2 !6-.5 17-7 18-7 !4-ll 20-7 21-6 22-5 23-:3 24-1 24-10 2.5-7 2G-4 27-I c:
12.0 0.27 0.36 0.45 0.55 O.G6 0.77 0.89 1.02 1.1.5 1.28 1.-12 1..57 1.72 1.87 2.03
12-0 1-1-2 14-.'3 !5-2 16T 17-0 !7-io ~7 trg:s
20-1- To:ro 21-G 22=2
22-10 21-5 ~
2xl0 16.0 0.26 0.34 0.43 0.53 0.63 0.74 o,8~ 0.97 !.09 1.'3.5 !.44
1.22 --c=--- !.63 !.78 !.93
9-10 1:3-2 ~--
'1'0-9 r---u---7-1-12:5- ~-- 1.'3-ll 1-1-7 1's-2- ~5-To IG-5- 17-0 ~7 18-I 18-7- !9-2
24.0 0.!9 0.25 0.32 0.39 0.47 0 ..5.5 O.G.'3 0.72 0.81 0.91 !.01 !.II !.21 !.32 !.4:3 c:
NOfES: (I )The reqmred modulus of elastiCity (E) m 1.000.000 pounds per square mch IS shown below each span. r=
(2)Use single or repetitive member bending stress values (Fh) and modulus of elasticity values (E) from Tables !'os. 25-A-1 and 25-A-2. For duration of load
stress increases. see Section 2504 (c) 4.
(3)For more comprehensive tables covering a broader range of bending stress values (Fh) and modulus of elasticity values IE). other spacing of members and
other conditions of loading, see U.B.C. Standard No. 25-21. "
(4)The spans in these tables are intended for use in covered structures or where moisture content in use does not exceed 19 percent.
1982 EDITION 2601-2602

Chapter 26
NOTE: This chapter has been revised In Its entirety.
Sec. 2601. The design of structures in concrete of cast-in-place or precast
construction, plain, reinforced or prestressed, shall conform to the rules and
principles specified in this chapter.
Sec. 2602. The following terms are defined for general use in this code.
Specialized definitions appear in individual chapters.
ADMIXTURE is material other than water, aggregate, or hydraulic cement
used as an ingredient of concrete and added to concrete before or during its mixing
to modify its properties.
AGGREGATE is inert material that is mixed with hydraulic cement and water
to produce concrete.
AGGREGATE, LIGHTWEIGHT, is aggregate with a dry, loose weight of
70 pounds per cubic foot or less.
AIR-DRY WEIGHT is the unit weight of a lightweight concrete specimen
cured for seven days with neither loss nor gain of moisture at 60 to 80F. and dried
for 21 days in 50 7 percent relative humidity at 73.4 2F.
ANCHORAGE. See Section 2612. Also, the means by which the prestress
force is permanently transferred to the concrete.
BONDED TENDON is a prestressing tendon that is bonded to concrete either
directly or through grouting.
COLUMN is a member with a ratio of height-to-least-lateral dimension of 3 or
greater used primarily to support axial compressive load.
ural members of precast and cast-in-place concrete elements or both constructed
in separate placements but so interconnected that all elements respond to loads as
a unit. See Section 2617.
CONCRETE is a mixture of portland cement or any other hydraulic cement,
fine aggregate, coarse aggregate and water, with or without admixtures.
lightweight aggregate which conforms to Section 2603 (d) and having an air-dry
unit weight as determined by definition above, not exceeding 115 pcf. In this
code, a lightweight concrete without natural sand is termed "all-lightweight
concrete" and lightweight concrete in which all fine aggregate consists of normal
weight sand is termed "sand-lightweight concrete."
CURVATURE FRICTION is friction resulting from bends or curves in the
specified prestressing tendon profile.
DEFORMED REINFORCEMENT is deformed reinforcing bars, bar and
rod mats, deformed wire, welded smooth wire fabric and welded deformed wire


fabric conforming to Section 2603 (f) 2.

DEVELOPMENT LENGTH is the length of embedded reinforcement
required to develop the design strength of reinforcement at a critical section. See
Section 2609 (d), last paragraph.
EFFECTIVE DEPTH OF SECTION (d) is the distance measured from
extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension reinforcement.
EFFECTIVE PRESTRESS is the stress remaining in concrete due to pres-
tressing after all calculated losses have been deducted, excluding effects of
superimposed loads and weight of member; stress remaining in prestressing
tendons after all losses have occurred, excluding effects of dead loads and
superimposed load.
EMBEDMENT LENGTH is the length of embedded reinforcement provided
beyond a critical section.
EMBEDMENT LENGTH, EQUIVALENT (le), is the length of embedded
reinforcement that can develop the same stress as that which can be developed by
a hook or mechanical anchorage.
END ANCHORAGE is the length of reinforcement, or mechanical anchor, or
hook, or combination thereof, beyond point of zero stress in reinforcement;
mechanical device to transmit prestressing force to concrete in a posttensioned
JACKING FORCE is the temporary force exerted by device that introduces
tension into prestressing tendons in prestressed concrete.
LOAD, DEAD, is the dead weight supported by a member, as defined by
Section 2302 (without load factors).
LOAD, FACTORED, is the load, multiplied by appropriate load factors, used
to proportion members by the strength design method of this code. See Sections
2608 (b) and 2609 (c).
LOAD, LIVE, is the live load specified by Section 2302 (without load factors).
LOAD, SERVICE, is the live and dead loads (without load factors).
MODULUS OF ELASTICITY is the ratio of normal stress to corresponding
strain for tensile or compressive stresses below proportional limit of material. See
Section 2608 (f).
PEDESTAL is an upright compression member with a ratio of unsupported
height to average least lateral dimension of 3 or less.
PLAIN CONCRETE is concrete that does not conform to definition of
reinforced concrete.
PLAIN REINFORCEMENT is reinforcement that does not conform to
definition of deformed reinforcement. See Section 2603 (f) 3.
POSTTENSIONING is a method of prestressing in which tendons are ten-
sioned after concrete has hardened.
PRECAST CONCRETE is plain or reinforced concrete element cast in other
than its final position in the structure.
PRESTRESSED CONCRETE is reinforced concrete in which internal

1982 EDITION 2602

stresses have been introduced to reduce potential tensile stresses in concrete

resulting from loads.
PRETENSIONING is a method of prestressing in which tendons are ten-
sioned before concrete is placed.
REINFORCED CONCRETE is concrete containing adequate reinforce-
ment, prestressed or non prestressed, and designed on the assumption that the two
materials act together in resisting forces.
REINFORCEMENT is material that conforms to Section 2603 (f), excluding
prestressing tendons unless specifically included.
SPAN LENGTH. See Section 2608 (h).
specified compressive strength of concrete in pounds per square inch (see Section
2604). Wherever this quantity is under a radical sign, the square root of the
numerical value only is intended, and the resultant is in pounds per square inch.
SPIRAL REINFORCEMENT is continously wound reinforcement in the
form of a cylindrical helix.
SPLITTING TENSILE STRENGTH ifct) is the tensile strength of concrete
determined in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 26-3. See Section 2604 (b),
last paragraph.
STIRRUP is reinforcement used to resist shear and torsion stresses in a
structural member; typically bars, wires, or welded wire fabric (smooth or
deformed) bent into L, U or rectangular shapes and located perpendicular to or at
an angle to longitudinal reinforcement. (The term "stirrups'' is usually applied to
lateral reinforcement in flexural members and the term "ties" to those in com-
pression members.) See TIE.

STRENGTH, DESIGN, is the nominal strength multiplied by a strength

reduction factor c/J. See Section 2609 (d).
STRENGTH, NOMINAL, is the strength of a member or cross section
calculated in accordance with provisions and assumptions of the strength design
method of this code before application of any strength reduction factors. See
Section 2609 (d), first paragraph.
STRENGTH, REQUIRED, is the strength of a member or cross section
required to resist factored loads or related internal moments and forces in such
combinations as are stipulated in this code. See Section 2609 (b).
STRESS is the intensity of force per unit area.
TENDON is a steel element such as wire, cable, bar, rod or strand used to
impart prestress to concrete when element is tensioned.
TIE is a loop of reinforcing bar or wire enclosing longitudinal reinforcement.
TRANSFER is the act of transferring stress in prestressing tendons from jacks
or pretensioning bed to concrete member.
WALL is an element used to enclose or separate spaces and may act as a
structural member.


WOBBLE FRICTION in prestressed concrete, is friction caused by unin-

tended deviation of prestressing sheath or duct from its specified profile.
YIELD STRENGTH is the specified minimum yield strength or yield point of
reinforcement in pounds per square inch. Yield strength or yield point shall be
determined in a manner acceptable to the building official or in compliance with
Section 2603 (f).
Specifications for Tests and Materials
Sec. 2603. (a) Notations.
db = nominal diameter of bar, inches.
fv = specified yield strength of nonprestressed reinforcement, psi.
(b) Thsts of Materials. The building official may require the testing of any
materials used in concrete construction to determine if materials are of quality
Tests of materials and of concrete shall be made by an approved agency and at
no expense to the jurisdiction. Such tests shall be made in accordance with the
standards listed in Section 2603 (i).
A complete record of tests of materials and of concrete shall be available for
inspection during progress of work and for two years thereafter, and shall be
preserved by inspecting engineer or architect for that purpose.
(c) Cements. Cement shall conform to U.B.C. Standard No. 26-1 and shall
correspond to that on which the selection of concrete proportions was based [see
Section 2604 (c)].
(d) Aggregates. Concrete aggregates shall conform to U .B.C. Standard No.
26-2 or U.B.C. Standard No. 26-3, except that aggregates failing to meet these
specifications but which have been shown by special test or actual service to
produce concrete of adequate strength and durability may be used where autho-
rized by the building official.
The nominal maximum size of coarse aggregate shall be not larger than:
I. One fifth the narrowest dimension between sides of forms, nor
2. One third the depth of slabs, nor
3. Three fourths the minimum clear spacing between individual reinforcing
bars or wires, bundles of bars, or prestressing tendons or ducts.
These limitations may be waived if, in the judgment of the building official,
workability and methods of consolidation are such that concrete can be placed
without honeycomb or voids.
(e) Water. Water used in mixing concrete shall be clean and free from injurious
amounts of oils, acids, alkalis, salts, organic materials or other substances that
may be deleterious to concrete or reinforcement.
In addition, mixing water for prestressed concrete or for concrete that will
contain aluminum embedments, including that portion of mixing water contrib-
uted in the form of free moisture on aggregates, shall not contain deleterious
amounts of chloride ions.
Nonpotable water shall not be used in concrete unless the following are

1982 EDITION 2603

I. Selection of concrete proportions shall be based on concrete mixes using

water from the same source.
2. Mortar test cubes made with nonpotable mixing water shall have 7-day and
28-day strengths equal to at least 90 percent of strengths of similar specimens
made with potable water. Strength test comparison shall be made on mortars,
identical except for the mixing water, prepared and tested in accordance with
approved standards.
(f) Metal Reinforcement. I. General. Reinforcement shall be deformed
reinforcement, except that plain reinforcement may be used for spirals or tendons,
and reinforcement consisting of structural steel. steel pipe or steel tubing may be
used as specified in this chapter.
Reinforcement to be welded shall be indicated on the drawings and welding
procedure to be used shall be specified. Steel specifications, except for A 706,
shall be supplemented to require a report of material properties necessary to
conform to welding procedures specified in U .B.C. Standard No. 26-8.
2. Deformed reinforcement. Deformed reinforcing bars shall conform to
U .B.C. Standard No. 26-4, except as follows:
A. For A615, A616 and A617, yield strength shall correspond to that deter-
mined by tests on full-size bars.
B. For A615, A616 and A617, bend test requirements for all bar sizes No.3
through No. II shall be based upon 180-degree bends of full-size bars around pins
with diameters specified in Table No. 26-C-1. If No. 14 or No. 18 bars meeting
these specifications are to be bent, full-size bar specimens shall be bend tested 90
degrees, at a minimum temperature of 60F. around a 9db pin without cracking of
the bar. However, if No. 14 and No. 18 bars as used in the structure are required to
have bends exceeding 90 degrees, specimens shall be bend tested 180 degrees
with other criteria the same as for 90 degrees.
Deformed reinforcing bars with a specified yield strengthfv exceeding 60,000
psi may be used, providedfv shall be the stress corresponding to a strain of 0.35
percent and the bars otherwise conform to U.B.C. Standard No. 26-4, including
additional requirements of Section 2603 (f) 2 A and the first paragraph of Section
2603 (f) 2 B. See Section 2609 (e).
Bar and rod mats for concrete reinforcement shall conform to U. B.C. Standard
No. 26-5.
Deformed wire for concrete reinforcement shall conform to U. B. C. Standard
No. 26-6, except that wire shall be not smaller than size D4 and, for wire with a
specified yield strengthfv exceeding 60,000 psi,JY shall be the stress correspond-
ing to a strain of0.35 percent.
Welded smooth wire fabric for concrete reinforcement shall conform to U. B.C.
Standard No. 26-6, except that welded intersections shall be spaced not farther
apart than 12 inches in direction of primary flexural reinforcement and, for wire
with a specified yield strength~ exceeding 60,000 psi, !y shall be the stress
corresponding to a strain of0.35 percent.
Welded deformed wire fabric for concrete reinforcement shall conform to
U.B.C. Standard No. 26-6, except that welded intersections shall be spaced not


farther apart than 16 inches in direction of primary flexural reinforcement and, for
wire with a specified yield strengthfv exceeding 60,000 psi,JY shall be the stress
corresponding to a strain of0.35 percent.
3. Plain reinforcement. Plain bars for spiral reinforcement shall conform to
the specification for A615, A616 and A617 contained in U.B.C. Standard No.
26-4, including additional requirements of Section 2603 (f) 2 A and the first
paragraph of Section 2603 (f) 2 B.
Smooth wire for spiral reinforcement shall conform to U.B.C. Standard No.
24-15 except that for wire with a specified yield strengthfy exceeding 60,000 psi,
fv shall be the stress corresponding to a strain of0.35 percent.
4. Prestressing tendons. Wire, strands and bars for tendons in prestressed
concrete shall conform to U .B.C. Standard No. 26-7.
Wire, strands and bars not specifically listed in U .B.C. Standard No. 26-7 may
be used, provided they conform to minimum requirements of these specifications
and do not have properties that make them less satisfactory than those listed.
5. Structural steel, steel pipe or tubing. Structural steel used with reinforc-
ing bars in composite compression members meeting requirements of Section
2610 (o) 7 or 2610 (o) 8 shall conform to U.B.C. Standard No. 27-1, Grades A36,
A242, A441, A572 and A588.
Steel pipe or tubing for composite compression members composed of a steel-
encased concrete core meeting requirements of Section 2610 (o) 6 shall conform
to U.B.C. Standard No. 27-1, Grades A53, A500 and A501.
(g) Admixtures. Admixtures to be used in concrete shall be subject to prior
approval by the building official.
An admixture shall be shown capable of maintaining essentially the same
composition and performance throughout the work as the product used in estab-
lishing concrete proportions in accordance with Section 2604 (c).
Admixtures containing chloride ions shall not be used in prestressed concrete
or in concrete containing aluminum embedments if their use will produce a
deleterious concentration of chloride ions in the mixing water.
Air-entraining admixtures shall conform to U.B.C. Standard No. 26-9.
Water-reducing admixtures, retarding admixtures, accelerating admixtures,
water-reducing and retarding admixtures, and water-reducing and accelerating
admixtures shall conform to U.B.C. Standard No. 26-9.
Fly ash or other pozzolans used as admixtures shall conform to U.B.C.
Standard No. 26-9.
(h) Storage of Materials. Cement and aggregate shall be stored in such manner
as to prevent deterioration or intrusion of foreign matter. Any material that has
deteriorated or has been contaminated shall not be used for concrete.
(i) Material and Test Standards. The quality, testing and design of concrete
used structurally in buildings or structures shall conform to the requirements
specified in this chapter and the applicable standards listed in Chapter 60.
The welding of reinforcing steel, metal inserts and connections in reinforced
concrete construction shall conform to U .B.C. Standard No. 26-8.

1982 EDITION 2604

Construction Requirements-Concrete Quality

Sec. 2604. (a) Notations.
f' c = specified compressive strength of concrete, psi
J,., = average splitting tensile strength of lightweight aggregate concrete, psi
(b) General. Concrete shall be proportioned and produced to provide an
average compressive strength sufficiently high to minimize frequency of strength
tests below the value of the specified compressive strength of concrete,f'c See
Sections 2604 (d) I and 2604 (i) 2 C.
Requirements for f',. shall be based on tests of cylinders made and tested as
prescribed in Section 2604 (i).
Unless otherwise specified,f'c shall be based on 28-day tests. For high-early-
strength concrete, the test age for f' c shall be as indicated in the plans or
Plans submitted for approval shall show the specified compressive strength of
concrete!',. for which each part of the structure is designed.
Where design criteria in Sections 2609 (f) 2 C, 2611 (c) and 2612 (c) provide
for use of a splitting tensile strength value of concrete, laboratory tests shall be
made in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 26-3 to establish value of fer
corresponding to specified value off'c Splitting tensile strength tests shall not be
used as a basis for field acceptance of concrete.
(c) Selection of Concrete Proportions. I. Proportions of materials for con-
crete shall be established to provide:
A. Adequate workability and proper consistency to permit concrete to be
worked readily into the forms and around reinforcement under conditions of
placement to be employed, without excessive segregation or bleeding.
B. Resistance to freezing and thawing and other aggressive actions, as required
by Section 2604 (g).
C. Conformance with strength test requirements of Section 2604 (i).
2. Where different materials are to be used for different portions of the work,
each combination shall be evaluated separately.
3. Concrete proportions, including water-cement ratio, shall be established on
the basis of field experience [Section 2604 (d)] or laboratory trial batches [Section
2604 (e)] with materials to be employed, except as permitted in Section 2604 (f) or
required by Section 2604 (g).
(d) Proportioning on the Basis of Field Experience. 1. Where a concrete
production facility has a record, based on at least 30 consecutive strength tests that
represent similar materials and conditions to those expected, required average
compressive strength used as the basis for selecting concrete proportions shall
exceed requiredf'c at designated test age by at least:
400 psi if standard deviation is less than 300 psi
550 psi if standard deviation is 300 to 400 psi
700 psi if standard deviation is 400 to 500 psi
900 psi if standard deviation is 500 to 600 psi


If standard deviation exceeds 600 psi, concrete proportions shall be selected to

produce an average strength at least 1200 psi greater than required f' c .
2. Strength test data for determining standard deviation shall be considered to
comply with Section 2604 (d) 1 if data represent either a group of at least 30
consecutive tests or a statistical average for two groups totaling 30 or more tests.
3. Strength tests used to establish standard deviation shall represent concrete
produced to meet a specified strength or strengths within 1000 psi of that specified
for the proposed work.
4. Changes in materials and proportions within the population of background
tests used to establish standard deviation shall not have been more closely
restricted than for the proposed work.
(e) Proportioning by Laboratory Trial Batches. 1. When laboratory trial
batches are used as the basis for selecting concrete proportions, strength tests
shall be made in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 26-10.
2. When laboratory trial batches are made, air content shall be within 0.5
percent and slump within 0. 75 inch of maximums permitted by the
3. A curve shall be established showing relationship between water-cement
ratio (or cement content) and compressive strength. Curve shall be based on at
least three points representing batches which produce strengths above and below
required average compressive strength specified in Section 2604 (d) I. If concrete
construction facility does not have a record based on 30 consecutive strength tests
representing similar materials and conditions to those expected, required average
compressive strength shall be 1200 psi greater thanf' c. Each point shall represent
the average of at least three cylinders tested at 28 days or the specified earlier age.
4. Maximum permissible water-cement ratio (or minimum cement content) for
concrete to be used in the structure shall be that shown by the curve to produce the
average strength indicated in Section 2604 (d) 1 or 2604 (e) 3 unless a lower water-
cement ratio or higher strength is required by Section 2604 (g).
(f) Proportioning by Water-Cement Ratio. I. If suitable data from a record
of 30 consecutive tests [Section 2604 (d)] or from laboratory trial batches [Section
2604 (e)] are not available, permission may be granted to base concrete propor-
tions on water-cement ratio limits in Table No. 26-A.
2. Table No. 26-A shall be used only for concrete to be made with cements
meeting strength requirements for JYpes I, lA, II, IIA, III, IliA, V; or JYpes IS,
IS-A, IS(MS), IS-A(MS), IP, IP-A or P of U .B.C. Standard No. 26-1, and shall
not be applied to concrete containing lightweight aggregates or admixtures other
than those for entraining air.
3. Concrete proportioned by water-cement ratio limits prescribed in Table No.
26-A shall also conform to special exposure requirements of Section 2604 (g) and
to compressive strength test criteria of Section 2604 (i).
(g) Special Exposure Requirements. I. Concrete that, after curing, will be
exposed to freezing temperatures while wet shall contain entrained air within
limits of Table No. 26-B and, in addition:

1982 EDITION 2604

A. For concrete made with normal-weight aggregate, water-cement ratio shall

not exceed 0.53 by weight.
B. For concrete made with lightweight aggregate, specified compressive
strength!' c shall be at least 3000 psi.
2. Concrete that is intended to be watertight shall conform to the following:
A. For concrete made with normal-weight aggregate, water-cement ratio shall
not exceed 0.50 by weight for exposure to fresh water and 0.45 by weight for
exposure to seawater.
B. For concrete made with lightweight aggregate, specified compressive
strengthf'c shall be at least 3750 psi for exposure to fresh water and 4000 psi for
exposure to seawater.
3. Concrete that will be exposed to injurious concentrations of sulfate-contain-
ing solutions shall be made with sulfate-resisting cement and, in addition:
A. For concrete made with normal-weight aggregate, water-cement ratio shall
not exceed 0.50 by weight.
B. For concrete made with lightweight aggregate, specified compressive
strength f' c shall be at least 3750 psi.
(h) Average Strength Reduction. After sufficient compressive test data
become available from the job, methods of U .B.C. Standard No. 26-11 may be
used to reduce the amount by which the average strength must exceedf'c below
that indicated in Section 2604 (d) I, provided:
I . Probable frequency of strength tests more than 500 psi below f', will not
exceed I in 100.
2. Probable frequency of an average of three consecutive strength tests below
f'c will not exceed I in 100, and
3. Special exposure requirements of Section 2604 (g) are met.
(i) Evaluation and Acceptance of Concrete. I. Frequency of testing. A.
Samples for strength tests of each class of concrete placed each day shall be taken
not less than once a day, nor less than once for each !50 cubic yards of concrete,
nor less than once for each 5000 square feet of surface area for slabs or walls.
B. On a given project, if total volume of concrete is such that frequency of
testing as required by Section 2604 (i) I A would provide less than five strength
tests for a given class of concrete, tests shall be made from at least five randomly
selected batches or from each batch if fewer than five batches are used.
C. When total quantity of a given class of concrete is less than 50 cubic yards,
strength tests may be waived by the building official if, in his judgment, adequate
evidence of satisfactory strength is provided.
D. Average strength of two cylinders from the same sample, tested at 28 days or
the specified earlier age, is required for each strength test.
2. Thsts of laboratory-cured specimens. A. Samples for strength tests shall
be taken in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 26-10.
B. Cylinders for strength tests shall be molded and laboratory cured in accor-
dance with U.B.C. Standard No. 26-10.


C. Strength level of an individual class of concrete shall be considered satisfac-

tory if both of the following requirements are met:
(i) The average of all sets of three consecutive strength tests equals or exceeds
required f' c
(ii) No individual strength test (average of two cylinders) falls below required
f' c by more than 500 psi.
D. If either of the requirements of Section 2604 (i) 2 Care not met, steps shall
be taken immediately to increase the average of subsequent strength test results.
Additionally, requirements of Section 2604 (j) shall be observed if the require-
ment of Section 2604 (i) 2 C (ii) is not met.
3. Tests of field-cured specimens. The building official may require strength
tests of cylinders cured under field conditions to check adequacy of curing and
protection of concrete in the structure. Field-cured cylinders shall be cured under
field conditions in accordance with U .B.C. Standard No. 26-10.
Field-cured test cylinders shall be molded at the same time and from the same
samples as laboratory-cured test cylinders.
Procedures for protecting and curing concrete shall be improved when strength
of field-cured cylinders at the test age designated for measuringf'c is Jess than 85
percent of that of companion laboratory-cured cylinders. When laboratory-cured
cylinder strengths are appreciably higher thanf'c, field-cured cylinder strengths
need not exceedf'c by more than 500 psi even though the 85 percent criterion is
not met.
(j) Investigation of Low-strength Test Results. If any strength test [Section
2604 (i) l D] of laboratory-cured cylinders falls below required!' c by more than
500 psi [Section 2604 (i) 2 C (ii)] or if tests of field-cured cylinders indicate
deficiencies in protection and curing, steps shall be taken to assure that load-
carrying capacity of the structure is not jeopardized.
If the likelihood of low-strength concrete is confirmed and computations
indicate that load-carrying capacity may have been significantly reduced, tests of
cores drilled from the area in question may be required in accordance with U. B.C.
Standard No. 26-10. In such case, three cores shall be taken for each strength test
more than 500 psi below requiredf'c
If concrete in the structure will be dry under service conditions, cores shall be
air dried (temperature 60F. to 80F., relative humidity Jess than 60 percent) for 7
days before test and shall be tested dry. If concrete in the structure will be more
than superficially wet under service conditions, cores shall be immersed in water
for at least 48 hours and be tested wet.
Concrete in an area represented by core tests shall be considered structurally
adequate if the average of three cores is equal to at least 85 percent off' c and if no
single core is less than 75 percent off'c To check testing accuracy, locations
represented by erratic core strengths may be retested.
If criteria of the preceding paragraph are not met, and if structural adequacy
remains in doubt, the building official may order load tests as outlined in Section
2620 for the questionable portion of the structure, or take other action appropriate
to the circumstances.

1982 EDITION 2605

Mixing and Placing Concrete

Sec. 2605. (a) Preparation of Equipment and Place of Deposit. Preparation
before concrete placement shall include the following:
I. All equipment for mixing and transporting concrete shall be clean.
2. All debris and ice shall be removed from spaces to be occupied by concrete.
3. Forms shall be properly coated.
4. Masonry filler units that will be in contact with concrete shall be well
5. Reinforcement shall be thoroughly clean of ice or other deleterious coatings.
6. Water shall be removed from place of deposit before concrete is placed
unless a tremie is to be used or unless otherwise permitted by the building official.
7. Alllaitance and other unsound material shall be removed before additional
concrete is placed against hardened concrete.
(b) Mixing. All concrete shall be mixed until there is a uniform distribution of
materials and shall be discharged completely before mixer is recharged. Ready-
mixed concrete shall be mixed and delivered in accordance with requirements set
forth in U.B.C. Standard No. 26-13.
Job-mixed concrete shall be mixed in accordance with the following:
I. Mixing shall be done in a batch mixer of an approved type.
2. Mixer shall be rotated at a speed recommended by the manufacturer.
3. Mixing shall be continued for at least I Y2 minutes after all materials are in
the drum, unless a shorter time is shown to be satisfactory by the mixing
uniformity tests of U.B.C. Standard No. 26-13.
(c) Conveying. Concrete shall be conveyed from mixer to place of final deposit
by methods that will prevent separation or loss of materials.
Conveying equipment shall be capable of providing a supply of concrete at site
of placement without separation of ingredients and without interruptions suffi-
cient to permit loss of plasticity between successive increments.
(d) Depositing. Concrete shall be deposited as nearly as practicable in its final
position to avoid segregation due to rehandling or flowing.
Concreting shall be carried on at such a rate that concrete is at all times plastic
and flows readily into spaces between reinforcement.
Concrete that has partially hardened or been contaminated by foreign materials
shall not be deposited in the structure.
Retempered concrete or concrete that has been remixed after initial set shall not
be used unless approved by the building official.
After concreting is started, it shall be carried on as a continuous operation until
placing of a panel or section, as defined by its boundaries or predetermined joints,
is completed, except as permitted or prohibited by Section 2606 (d).
Top surfaces of vertically formed lifts shall be generally level.
When construction joints are required, joints shall be made in accordance with
Section 2606 (d).
All concrete shall be thoroughly consolidated by suitable means during place-


ment and shall be thoroughly worked around reinforcement and embedded

fixtures and into corners of forms.
(e) Curing. I. General. Concrete (other than high-early-strength) shall be
maintained above 50F. and in a moist condition for at least the first 7 days after
placement, except when cured in accordance with Section 2605 (e) 3.
2. High-early-strength. High-early-strength concrete shall be maintained
above 50F. and in a moist condition for at least the first 3 days, except when cured
in accordance with Section 2605 (e) 3.
3. Accelerated curing. Curing by high-pressure steam, steam at atmospheric
pressure, heat and moisture or other accepted processes, may be employed to
accelerate strength gain and reduce time of curing. Accelerated curing shall
provide a compressive strength of the concrete at the load stage considered at least
equal to required design strength at that load stage.
Curing process shall be such as to produce concrete with a durability at least
equivalent to the curing method of Section 2605 (e) I or 2605 (e) 2.
Supplementary strength tests in accordance with Section 2604 (i) 3 may be
required to assure that curing is satisfactory.
(f) Cold Weather Requirements. Adequate equipment shall be provided for
heating concrete materials and protecting concrete during freezing or near-freez-
ing weather. All concrete materials and all reinforcement, forms, fillers and
ground with which concrete is to come in contact shall be free from frost. Frozen
materials or materials containing ice shall not be used.
(g) Hot Weather Requirements. During hot weather, proper attention shall be
given to ingredients, production methods, handling, placing, protection and
curing to prevent excessive concrete temperatures or water evaporation that may
impair required strength or serviceability of the member or structure.
Formwork, Embedded Pipes and Construction Joints
Sec. 2606. (a) Design ofFormwork. Forms shall result in a final structure that
conforms to shapes, lines and dimensions of the members as required by the
design drawings and specifications.
Forms shall be substantial and sufficiently tight to prevent leakage of mortar.
They shall be properly braced or tied together to maintain position and shape.
Forms and their supports shall be designed so as not to damage previously placed
Design of form work shall include consideration of the following factors:
I. Rate and method of placing concrete.
2. Construction loads, including vertical, horizontal and impact loads.
3. Special form requirements for construction of shells, folded plates, domes,
architectural concrete or similar types of elements.
Forms for prestressed concrete members shall be designed and constructed to
permit movement of the member without damage during application of prestress-
ing force.
(b) Removal of Forms and Shores. Construction loads shall not be supported
on, nor any shoring removed from, any part of the structure under construction

1982 EDITION 2606

except when that portion of the structure in combination with remaining forming
and shoring system has sufficient strength to support safely its weight and loads
placed thereon.
Sufficient strength may be demonstrated by field-cured test cylinders and by a
structural analysis considering proposed loads in relation to field-cured cylinder
strengths and strength of the forming and shoring system. Such analysis and
strength test data shall be furnished by the contractor to the building official when
so required.
Construction loads exceeding the combination of superimposed dead load plus
specified live load shall not be supported on any unshored portion of the structure
under construction, unless analysis indicates adequate strength to support such
additional loads.
Forms shall be removed in such manner as not to impair safety and ser-
viceability of the structure. All concrete to be exposed by form removal shall have
sufficient strength not to be damaged thereby.
Form supports for prestressed concrete members may be removed when suffi-
cient prestressing has been applied to enable prestessed members to carry their
dead load and anticipated construction loads.
(c) Conduits and Pipes Embedded in Concrete. 1. Conduits, pipes and
sleeves of any material not harmful to concrete and within limitations of this
subsection may be embedded in concrete with approval of the building official,
provided they are not considered to replace structurally the displaced concrete.
2. Conduits and pipes of aluminum shall not be embedded in structural con-
crete unless effectively coated or covered to prevent aluminum-concrete reaction
or electrolytic action between aluminum and steel.
3. Conduits, pipes and sleeves passing through a slab, wall or beam shall not
impair significantly the strength of the construction.
4. Conduits and pipes, with their fittings, embedded within a column shall not
displace more than 4 percent of the area of cross section on which strength is
calculated or which is required for fire protection.
5. Except when plans for conduits and pipes are approved by the building
official, conduits and pipes embedded within a slab, wall or beam (other than
those merely passing through) shall satisfy the following:
A. They shall be not larger in outside dimension than one third the overall
thickness of slab, wall or beam in which they are embedded.
8. They shall be spaced not closer than three diameters or widths on center.
C. They shall not impair significantly the strength of the construction.
6. Conduits, pipes and sleeves may be considered as replacing structurally in
compression the displaced concrete, provided:
A. They are not exposed to rusting or other deterioration,
B. They are of uncoated or galvanized iron or steel not thinner than standard
Schedule 40 steel pipe, and
C. They have a nominal inside diameter not over 2 inches and are spaced not
less than three diameters on centers.


7. In addition to other requirements of this subsection, pipes that will contain

liquid, gas or vapor may be embedded in structural concrete under the following
A. Pipes and fittings shall be designed to resist effects of the material, pressure
and temperature to which they will be subjected.
B. Temperature ofliquid, gas or vapor shall not exceed 150F.
C. Maximum pressure to which any piping or fittings shall be subjected shall
not exceed 200 psi above atmospheric pressure.
D. All piping and fittings, except as provided in Subsection E, shall be tested as
a unit for leaks before concrete placement. Testing pressure above atmospheric
pressure shall be 50 percent in excess of pressure to which piping and fittings may
be subjected, but minimum testing pressure shall not be less than 150 psi above
atmospheric pressure. Pressure test shall be held for four hours with no drop in
pressure except that which may be caused by air temperature.
E. Drain pipes and other piping designed for pressures of not more than l psi
above atmospheric pressure need not be tested as required in the preceding
Subsection D.
F. Pipes carrying liquid, gas or vapor that is explosive or injurious to health
shall again be tested as specified in Subsection Dafter concrete has hardened.
G. Liquid, gas or vapor, except water not exceeding 90F. nor 50 psi pressure,
shall not be placed in the pipes until the concrete has attained its design strength.
H. Piping in solid slabs, unless used for radiant heating or snow melting, shall
be placed between top and bottom reinforcement.
I. Concrete cover for pipes and fittings shall be not less than P/2 inches for
concrete exposed to earth or weather, nor % inch for concrete not exposed to
weather or in contact with ground.
J. Reinforcement with an area not less than 0.002 times the area of concrete
section shall be provided normal to the piping.
K. Piping and fittings shall be assembled by welding, brazing, solder-sweating
or other equally satisfactory method. Screw connections shall not be permitted.
Piping shall be so fabricated and installed that cutting, bending or displacement of
reinforcement from its proper location will not be required.
(d) Construction Joints. Where a construction joint is to be made, the surface
of concrete shall be thoroughly cleaned and all laitance and standing water
removed. Vertical construction joints shall be thoroughly wetted immediately
before new concrete placement.
Construction joints not indicated on the design drawings shall be so made and
located as not to impair significantly the strength of the structure.
Construction joints in floors shall be located near the middle of spans of slabs,
beams or girders, unless a beam intersects a girder at the middle location, in which
case joints in the girders shall be offset a distance equal to twice the width of the
beam. Provision shall be made for transfer of shear and other forces through
construction joints.
Beams, girders or slabs supported by columns or walls shall not be cast or

1982 EDITION 2606-2607

erected until concrete in the vertical support members is no longer plastic.

Beams, girders, column capitals and haunches shall be considered as part of a slab
system and shall be placed monolithically therewith.
Details of Reinforcement
Sec. 2607. (a) Notations.
d = distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension rein-
forcement, inches
db = nominal diameter of bar, wire or prestressing strand, inches
!y = specified yield strength of nonprestressed reinforcement, psi
ld = development length, inches. See Section 2612.
(b) Standard Hooks. The term "standard hook" as used in this code shall
mean either:
I. A 180-degree bend plus an extension of at least 4db but not less than 2 Y2
inches at free end of bar, or
2. A 90-degree bend plus an extension of at least 12db at free end of bar, or
3. For stirrup and tie hooks only, either a 90-degree or a 135-degree bend plus
an extension of a least 6db but not less than 2 1/2 inches at free end of bar.
4. For stirrup and tie hooks only, in Seismic Zones No.2, No. 3 and No.4, a
minimum turn of 135 degrees plus an extension of at least six bar diameters but
not less than 4 inches at the free end of the bar.
(c) Minimum Bend Diameters. Diameter of bend measured on the inside of
the bar, other than for stirrups and ties, shall be not less than the values in Table
No. 26-C-2, except that for Grade 40 bars in sizes No. 3 through No. II with 180-
degree bends only, diameter of bend shall be not less than 5db.
Inside diameter of bends for stirrups and ties shall be not less than 4db for No.5
bar and smaller. For bars larger than No. 5, diameter of bend shall be in
accordance with Table No. 26-C-2.
Inside diameter of bends in welded wire fabric (smooth or deformed) for
stirrups and ties shall be not less than 4db for deformed wire larger than 06 and
2db for all other wires. Bends with inside diameterofless than 8db shall be not less
than 4db from nearest welded intersection.
(d) Bending. All reinforcement shall be bent cold, unless otherwise permitted
by the building official. Reinforcement partially embedded in concrete shall not
be field bent, except as shown on the design drawings or permitted by the building
(e) Surface Conditions of Reinforcement. When concrete is placed, metal
reinforcement shall be free from mud, oil or other nonmetallic coatings that
adversely affect bonding capacity.
Metal reinforcement, except prestressing tendons, with rust, mill scale or a
combination of both, shall be considered satisfactory, provided the minimum
dimensions (including height of deformations) and weight of a hand-wire-
brushed test specimen are not less than applicable specification requirements.
Prestressing tendons shall be clean and free of oil, dirt, scale, pitting and
excessive rust. A light oxide is permissible.


(f) Placing Reinforcement. Reinforcement, prestressing tendons and ducts

shall be accurately placed and adequately supported before concrete is placed,
and shall be secured against displacement within tolerances of this section.
Unless otherwise approved by the building official, reinforcement, prestress-
ing tendons and prestressing ducts shall be placed within the following tolerances:
l. Tolerance for depth d, and minimum concrete cover in flexural members,
walls and compression members shall be as follows:

d~S in. 3!s in. -3! in.

d>S in. Yz in. - Yz in.
except that tolerance for the clear distance to formed soffits shall be minus 114 inch
and tolerance for cover shall not exceed minus one third the minimum concrete
cover required by the approved plans or specifications.
2. Tolerance for longitudinal location of bends and ends of reinforcement shall
be 2 inches except at discontinuous ends of members where tolerance shall be
1l2 inch.
3. Welded wire fabric (with wire size not greater than W5 or 05) used in slabs
not exceeding l 0 feet in span may be curved from a point near the top of slab over
the support to a point near the bottom of slab at midspan, provided such reinforce-
ment is either continuous over, or securely anchored at, support.
Welding of crossing bars shall be not permitted for assembly of reinforcement.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Reinforcing steel not required by design.
2. When specifically approved by the building official, welding of crossing bars
for assembly purposes in Seismic Zones Nos. 0, I and 2 may be permitted, provided
that data are submitted to the building official to show that there is no detrimental
effect upon the action of the structural member as a result of welding of the crossing
(g) Spacing Limits for Reinforcement. l . General. Clear distance between
parallel bars in a layer shall be not less than db nor I inch. See also the second
paragraph of Section 2603 (d).
Where parallel reinforcement is placed in two or more layers, bars in the upper
layers shall be placed directly above bars in the bottom layer with clear distance
between layers not less than l inch.
In spirally reinforced or tied reinforced compression members, clear distance
between longitudinal bars shall be not less than !.5db nor l 1l2 inches. See also the
second paragraph of Section 2603 (d).
Clear distance limitation between bars shall apply also to the clear distance
between a contact lap splice and adjacent splices or bars.
In walls and slabs other than concrete joist construction, primary flexural
reinforcement shall not be spaced farther apart than three times the wall or slab
thickness, nor 18 inches.
2. Bundled bars. Groups of parallel reinforcing bars bundled in contact to act
as a unit shall be limited to 4 bars in one bundle. Bundled bars shall be enclosed
within stirrups or ties. Bars larger than No. II shall not be bundled in beams.

1982 EDITION 2607

Individual bars within a bundle terminated within the span of flexural members
shall terminate at different points with at least 40db stagger.
Where spacing limitations and minimum concrete cover are based on bar
diameter db, a unit of bundled bars shall be treated as a single bar of a diameter
derived from the equivalent total area.
3. Prestressing tendons and ducts. Clear distance between pretensioning
tendons at each end of a member shall be not less than 4db for wire, nor 3db for
strands. See also the second paragraph of Section 2603 (d). Closer vertical
spacing and bundling of strands may be permitted in the middle portion of a span.
Posttensioning ducts may be bundled if it is shown that concrete can be
satisfactorily placed and if provision is made to prevent the tendons, when
tensioned, from breaking through the duct.
(h) Concrete Protection for Reinforcement. 1. Cast-in-place concrete
(nonprestressed). The following minimum concrete cover shall be provided for

A. Concrete cast against and

permanently exposed to earth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
B. Concrete exposed to earth or weather:
No.6 through No. 18 bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
No. 5 bar, W31 or 031 wire, and smaller . . . . . 1Y2
C. Concrete not exposed to weather or
in contact with ground:
Slabs, walls, joists:
No. 14andNo. 18bar.................. 1Y2
No. 11 bar and smaller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . %
Beams, columns:
Primary reinforcement, ties, stirrups, spirals 1Y2
Shells, folded plate members:
No. 6 bar and larger. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . %
No. 5 bar, W31 or 031 wire, and smaller . . . Y2

2. Precast concrete (manufactured under plant control conditions). The

following minimum concrete cover shall be provided for reinforcement:

A. Concrete exposed to earth or weather:

Wall panels:
No. 14andNo. 18bar.................. Jl/2
No. 11 bar and smaller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . %
Other members:
No. 14 and No. 18 bar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
No. 6 through No. 11 bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Yz
No. 5 bar, W31 or 031 wire, and smaller. . . 1Y4


B. Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact

with ground:
Slabs, walls, joists:
No. 14andNo. 18bar ................ ..
No. II bar and smaller ................ .
Beams, columns:
Primary reinforcement db but not less than Ys
and need not exceed
Ties, stirrups, spirals .................. . -Ys
Shells, folded plate members:
No. 6 bar and larger ................... .
No. 5 bar, W31 or 031 wire, and smaller .. .

3. Prestressed concrete. A. The following minimum concrete cover shall be

provided for prestressed and nonprestressed reinforcement, ducts and end fit-
tings, except as provided in Section 2607 (h) 3 B and C:

(i) Concrete cast against and permanently

exposed to earth .......................... . 3
(ii) Concrete exposed to earth or weather:
Wall panels, slabs, joists ................. .
Other members ........................ .
(iii) Concrete not exposed to weather
or in contact with ground:
Slabs, walls, joists ...................... .
Beams, columns:
Primary reinforcement ................ .
Ties, stirrups, spirals .................. .
Shells, folded plate members:
No.5 bars, W31 or 031 wire, and smaller .. Ys
Other reinforcement .................... . db but not
less than .lJ4
B. For prestressed concrete members exposed to earth, weather or corrosive
environments, minimum concrete cover shall be increased 50 percent if the
tensile stress of Section 2618 (e) 2 B is exceeded.
C. For prestressed concrete members manufactured under plant control condi-
tions, minimum concrete cover for nonprestressed reinforcement shall be as
required in Section 2607 (h) 2.
4. For bundled bars, minimum concrete cover shall be equal to the equivalent
diameter of the bundle, but need not be greater than 2 inches; except for concrete
cast against and permanently exposed to earth, minimum cover shall be 3 inches.
5. In corrosive environments or other severe exposure conditions, amount of

1982 EDITION 2607

concrete protection shall be suitably increased, and denseness and nonporosity of

protecting concrete shall be considered, or other protection shall be provided.
6. Exposed reinforcement, inserts, and plates intended for bonding with future
extensions shall be protected from corrosion.
7. When a thickness of cover for fire protection greater than the minimum
concrete cover specified in Section 2607 (h) is required, such greater thickness
shall be used.
(i) Special Reinforcing Details for Columns. I. Offset bars. Offset bent
longitudinal bars shall conform to the following:
A. Slope of inclined portion of an offset bar with axis of column shall not
exceed I in 6.
B. Portions of bar above and below an offset shall be parallel to axis of column.
C. Horizontal support at offset bends shall be provided by lateral ties, spirals or
parts of the floor construction. Horizontal support provided shall be designed to
resist one and one-half times the horizontal component of the computed force in
the inclined portion of an offset bar. Lateral ties or spirals, if used, shall be placed
not more than 6 inches from points of bend.
D. Offset bars shall be bent before placement in the forms. See Section 2607
E. Where a column face is offset 3 inches or greater, longitudinal bars shall not
be offset bent. Separate dowels, lap spliced with the longitudinal bars adjacent to
the offset column faces, shall be provided. Lap splices shall conform to Section
2612 (s).
2. Steel cores. Load transfer in structural steel cores of composite compres-
sion members shall be provided by the following:
A. Ends of structural steel cores shall be accurately finished to bear at end
bearing splices, with positive provision for alignment of one core above the other
in concentric contact.
B. At end bearing splices, bearing shall be considered effective to transfer not
more than 50 percent of the total compressive stress in the steel core.
C. Transfer of stress between column base and footing shall be designed in
accordance with Section 2615 (i).
D. Base of structural steel section shall be designed to transfer the total load
from the entire composite member to the footing; or, the base may be designed to
transfer the load from the steel core only, provided ample concrete section is
available for transfer of the portion of the total load carried by the reinforced
concrete section to the footing by compression in the concrete and by
U) Connections. At connections of principal framing elements (such as beams
and columns), enclosure shall be provided for splices of continuing reinforcement
and for end anchorage of reinforcement terminating in such connections.
Enclosure at connections may consist of external concrete or internal closed
ties, spirals or stirrups.
(k) Lateral Reinforcement for Compression Members. 1. General. Lateral


reinforcement for compression members shall conform to the provisions of

Subsections 2607 (k) 2 and 2607 (k) 3 and, where shear or torsion reinforcement
is required, shall also conform to provisions of Section 2611.
Lateral reinforcement requirements for composite compression members shall
conform to Section 2610 (o ). Lateral reinforcement requirements for prestressing
tendons shall conform to Section 2618 (1).
Lateral reinforcement requirements of Sections 2607 (k), 2610 (o) and 2618 (I)
may be waived where tests and structural analysis show adequate strength and
feasibility of construction.
2. Spirals. Spiral reinforcement for compression members shall conform to
Section 2610 (j) 3 and to the following:
A. Spirals shall consist of evenly spaced continuous bar or wire of such size
and so assembled to permit handling and placing without distortion from
designed dimensions.
B. For cast-in-place construction, size of spirals shall be not less than %-inch-
C. Clear spacing between spirals shall not exceed 3 inches nor be less than I
inch. See also Section 2603 (d).
D. Anchorage of spiral reinforcement shall be provided by one and one-half
extra turns of spiral bar or wire at each end of a spiral unit.
E. Splices in spiral reinforcement shall be lap splices of 48db, but not less than
12 inches or welded.
F. Spirals shall extend from top of footing or slab in any story to level of lowest
horizontal reinforcement in members supported above.
G. Where beams or brackets do not frame into all sides of a column, ties shall
extend above termination of spiral to bottom of slab or drop panel.
H. In columns with capitals, spirals shall extend to a level at which the
diameter or width of capital is two times that of the column.
I. Spirals shall be held firmly in place and true to line by vertical spacers.
J. For spiral bar or wire smaller than %-inch-diameter, a minimum of two
spacers shall be used for spirals less than 20 inches in diameter, three spacers for
spirals 20 to 30 inches in diameter and four spacers for spirals greater than 30
inches in diameter.
K. For spiral bar or wire %-inch-diameter or larger, a minimum of three
spacers shall be used for spirals 24 inches or less in diameter, and four spacers for
spirals greater than 24 inches in diameter.
3. Ties. Tie reinforcement for compression members shall conform to the
A. All nonprestressed bars shall be enclosed by lateral ties, at least No. 3 in
size for longitudinal bars No. 10 or smaller, and at least No.4 in size for No. II,
No. 14, No. 18 and bundled longitudinal bars. Deformed wire or welded wire
fabric of equivalent area may be used.
B. In Seismic Zones Nos. 0 and I, vertical spacing of ties shall not exceed 16
longitudinal bar diameters, 48 tie bar or wire diameters, or least dimension of the

1982 EDITION 2607

compression member. In Seismic Zones Nos. 2. :1 and 4. lateral tics shall he

placed at top and bottom of the column for a distance of one sixth of the clear
column height, or the maximum column dimension. whichever is l!rcatcr. but not
less than 18 inches. The tic spacing shall be not greater than X bardi:unctcrs. 24tie
diameters or one half the least column dimension. Tics for the remaininl! column
height may be spaced as required in Seismic Zones Nos. 0 and I. L

EXCEPTION: In regions of columns confined hy special transverse rcinlorcc-

ment conforming to the provisions of Section 2h25 (f) 4. supplementary cTo"tiL'S
engaging the hoops only may he considered as meeting this reLJuircmcnt.

C. Ties shall be arranged such that every corner and alternate longitudinal bar
shall have lateral support provided by the corner of a tic with an included angle of
not more than 135 degrees and a bar shall be not farther than o inches clear on each
side along the tie from such a laterally supported bar. Where longitudinal bars arc
located around the perimeter of a circle, a complete circular tic may be used.
D. In Seismic Zones Nos 0 and I, column lateral tics shall be as specified in
Section 2607 (b) 3. In Seismic Zones Nos. 2, 3 and 4. lateral tic'> shall have a IJ'i-
degree minimum tum plus an extension of at least six bar diameters. but not less
than 4 inches at the free end.
Additional ties which engage at least four vertical column bars shall be
provided around anchor bolts which arc set in the top of a column for buildings
located in Seismic Zones Nos. 2. 3 and 4. Such tics shall be within 'i inches of the
top of the column and shall consist of two No.4 or three No.3 bars.
E. Ties shall be located vertically not more than half a tic spacing above the top
of footing or slab in any story and shall be spaced as provided herein to not more
than half a tie spacing below the lowest horizontal reinforcement in members
supported above.
F. Where beams or brackets frame into all sides of a column. tics may be
terminated not more than 3 inches below the lowest reinforcement in such bcatm
or brackets.
(I) Lateral Reinforcement for Flexural Members. Compression reinforce-
ment in beams shall be enclosed by tics or stirrups satisfying the size and spacing
limitations in Section 2607 (k) 3 or by welded wire fabric of equivalent area. Such
ties or stirrups shall be provided throughout the distance where compn.:ssion
reinforcement is required.
Lateral reinforcement for flexural framing members subject to stress reversals
or to torsion at supports shall consist of closed tics. closed stirrups. or spirab
extending around the flexural reinforcement.
Closed ties or stirrups may be formed in one piece by overlapping standard
stirrup or tie end hooks around a longitudinal bar. or formed in one or two pieces
lap spliced with a Class C splice (lap of 1.7/"). or anchored in accordance with
Section 2612 (o).
(m) Shrinkage and Temperature Reinforcement. Reinforcement for
shrinkage and temperature stresses normal to flexural reinforcement shall be
provided in structural floor and roof slabs where the flexural reinforcement
extends in one direction only.


Area of shrinkage and temperature reinforcement shall provide at least the

following ratios of reinforcement area to gross concrete area, but not less than
Slabs where Grade 40 or Grade 50 deformed
bars are used .......................... . 0.0020
Slabs where Grade 60 deformed
bars or welded wire fabric
(smooth or deformed) are used ............ . 0.0018
Slabs where reinforcement with
yield strength exceeding 60,000
psi measured at a yield
strain of0.35 percent is used ............. .

Shrinkage and temperature reinforcement shall be spaced not farther apart than
five times the slab thickness nor 18 inches. At all sections where required,
reinforcement for shrinkage and temperature stresses shall develop the specified
yield strengthfv in tension in accordance with Subsection 2612 (b) or 2612 (q).

Analysis and Design

Sec. 2608. (a) Notations.
A, area of nonprestressed tension reinforcement, square inches.
A's = area of compression reinforcement, square inches.
b = width of compression face of member, inches.
d= distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension rein-
forcement, inches.
modulus of elasticity of concrete, psi. See Section 2608 (f).
Es = modulus of elasticity of reinforcement, psi. See Section 2608 (f).
!',. = specified compressive strength of concrete, psi.
fv specified yield strength of nonprestressed reinforcement, psi.
clear span for positive moment or shear and average of adjacent clear
spans for negative moment.
nominal shear strength provided by concrete.
factored load per unit length of beam or per unit area of slab.
unit weight of concrete, pounds per cubic foot.
{3 1 = factor defined in Section 2610 (c) 7.
p = ratio of nonprestressed tension reinforcement.
= AJbd.
p' = ratio of nonprestressed compression reinforcement.
= A',.lbd.
pb reinforcement ratio producing balanced strain conditions. See Section
2610 (d) 2.
cf> = strength reduction factor. See Section 2609 (d).

1982 EDITION 2608

(b) Design Methods. In design of reinforced concrete structures, members

shall be proportioned for adequate strength in accordance with provisions of this
code, using load factors and strength reduction factors cjJ specified in Section
Alternatively, nonprestressed reinforced concrete members may be designed
using service loads and permissible service load stresses in accordance with
provisions of Section 2628, Alternate Design Method.
(c) Loading. Design provisions of this code are based on the assumption that
structures shall be designed to resist all applicable loads.
Service loads shall be in accordance with Chapter 23 with appropriate live load
reductions as permitted therein.
In design for wind and earthquake loads, integral structural parts shall be
designed to resist the total lateral loads.
Consideration shall be given to effects of forces due to prestressing, crane
loads, vibration, impact, shrinkage, temperature changes, creep and unequal
settlement of supports.
(d) Methods of Analysis. All members of frames or continuous construction
shall be designed for the maximum effects of factored loads as determined by the
theory of elastic analysis, except as modified by this section. Simplifying
assumptions of Section 2608 (g) through Section 2608 U) may be used.
Except for prestressed concrete, approximate methods of frame analysis may
be used for buildings of usual types of construction, spans and story heights.
In lieu of a more accurate method of frame analysis, the following approximate
moments and shears may be used in design of continuous beams and one-way
slabs (slabs reinforced to resist flexural stresses in only one direction), provided:
I . There are two or more spans,
2. Spans are approximately equal, with the larger of two adjacent spans not
greater than the shorter by more than 20 percent,
3. Loads are uniformly distributed, and
4. Unit live load does not exceed three times unit dead load.
Positive moment:
End spans
Discontinuous end unrestrained ......................... w u In 21I I
Discontinuous end integral with support .................. wu 1/114
Interior spans ........................................ wu 1/116
Negative moment at exterior face of first interior support:
Two spans ............................................. w u In 219
More than two spans .................................... w u 1,,1110
Negative moment at other faces of interior supports .............. w u In 2111
Negative moment at face of all supports for:
Slabs with spans not exceeding 10 feet, and beams where
ratio of sum of column stiffnesses to beam stiffness
exceeds eight at each end of the span ....................... w u In 2112

Negative moment at interior face of exterior support for

members built integrally with supports:
Where support is a spandrel beam ......................... w u In 2f24
Where support is a column ............................... wu l/116
Shear in end members at face of first interior support .......... 1.15 w u ln/2
Shear at face of all other supports ............................. wu ln/2
(e) Redistribution of Negative Moments in Continuous Nonprestressed
Flexural Members. Except where approximate values for moments are used,
negative moments calculated by elastic theory at supports of continuous flexural
members for any assumed loading arrangement may each be increased or
decreased by not more than

20 (I - P ;b p' ) percent
The modified negative moments shall be used for calculating moments at
sections within the spans.
Redistribution of negative moments shall be made only when the section, at
which moment is reduced, is so designed that p or p - p' is not greater than
0.50 pb, where
87,000 +!y ................ (8- 1)

For criteria on moment redistribution for prestressed concrete members, see

Section 2618.
(f) Modulus of Elasticity. Modulus of elasticity Ec for concrete may be taken
as w1.5.J3v:T:: (in psi) for values of we between 90 and 155j!Qunds per cubic foot.
For normal-weight concrete, Ec may be taken as 57,000Vf'c.
Modulus of elasticity E, for nonprestressed reinforcement may be taken as
29,000,000 psi. Modulus of elasticity 5 for prestressing tendons shall be deter-
mined by tests or supplied by the manufacturer.
(g) Stiffness. Any reasonable assumptions may be adopted for computing
relative flexural and torsional stiffnesses of columns, walls, floors and roof
systems. Assumptions shall be consistent throughout analysis.
Effect of haunches shall be considered both in determining moments and in
design of members.
(h) Span Length. Span length of members not built integrally with supports
shall be considered the clear span plus depth of member but need not exceed
distance between centers of supports.
In analysis of frames or continuous construction for determination of moments,
span length shall be taken as the distance center-to-center of supports. For beams
built integrally with supports, moments at faces of support may be used for

1982 EDITION 2608

Solid or ribbed slabs built integrally with supports, with clear spans not more
than 10 feet, may be analyzed as continuous slabs on knife edge supports with
spans equal to the clear spans of the slab and width of beams otherwise neglected.
(i) Columns. Columns shall be designed to resist the axial forces from factored
loads on all floors or roof and the maximum moment from factored loads on a
single adjacent span of the floor or roof under consideration. Loading condition
giving the maximum ratio of moment to axial load shall also be considered.
In frames or continuous construction, consideration shall be given to the effect
of unbalanced floor or roof loads on both exterior and interior columns and of
eccentric loading due to other causes.
In computing moments in columns due to gravity loading, far ends of columns
built integrally with the structure may be considered fixed.
Resistance to moments at any floor or roof level shall be provided by distribut-
ing the moment between columns immediately above and below the given floor in
proportion to the relative column stiffnesses and conditions of restraint.
U) Arrangement of Live Load. Live load may be considered to be applied
only to the floor or roof under consideration, and far ends of columns built
integrally with the structure may be considered fixed.
Arrangement of live load may be limited to combinations of:
I. Factored dead load on all spans with full-factored live load on two adjacent
spans, and
2. Factored dead load on all spans with full-factored live load on alternate
(k) T-beam Construction. l. In T-beam construction, the flange and web shall
be built integrally or otherwise effectively bonded together.
2. Width of slab effective as aT-beam flange shall not exceed one fourth the
span length of the beam, and the effective overhanging slab width on each side of
the web shall not exceed:
A. Eight times the slab thickness, nor
B. One halfthe clear distance to the next web.
3. For beams with a slab on one side only, the effective overhanging flange
width shall not exceed:
A. One twelfth the span length of the beam,
B. Six times the slab thickness, nor
C. One half the clear distance to the next web.
4. Isolated beams, in which the T-shape is used to provide a flange for
additional compression area, shall have a flange thickness not less than one half
the width of web and an effective flange width not more than four times the width
of web.
5. Where primary flexural reinforcement in a slab that is considered as a T-
beam flange (excluding joist construction) is parallel to the beam, reinforcement
perpendicular to the beam shall be provided in the top of the slab in accordance
with the following:


A. Transverse reinforcement shall be designed to carry the factored load on the

overhanging slab width assumed to act as a cantilever. For isolated beams, the full
width of overhanging flange shall be considered. For other T-beams, only the
effective overhanging slab width need be considered.
B. Transverse reinforcement shall be spaced not farther apart than five times
the slab thickness nor 18 inches.
(I) Joist Construction. 1. Joist construction consists of a monolithic combina-
tion of regularly spaced ribs and a top slab arranged to span in one direction or two
orthogonal directions.
Ribs shall be not less than 4 inches in width and shall have a depth of not more
than three and one-half times the minimum width of rib. Clear spacing between
ribs shall not exceed 30 inches.
Joist construction not meeting the limitations of the preceding two paragraphs
shall be designed as slabs and beams.
2. When permanent burned clay or concrete tile fillers of material having a unit
compressive strength at least equal to that of the specified strength of concrete in
the joists are used:
A. Vertical shells of fillers in contact with the ribs may be included in strength
computations for shear and negative moment. Other portions of fillers shall not be
included in strength computations.
B. Slab thickness over permanent fillers shall be not less than one twelfth the
clear distance between ribs nor less than one and one-half inches.
C. In one-way joists, reinforcement normal to the ribs shall be provided in the
slab as required by Section 2607 (m).
3. When removable forms or fillers not complying with Section 2608 (I) 2 are
A. Slab thickness shall not be less than one twelfth the clear distance between
ribs, nor less than 2 inches.
B. Reinforcement normal to the ribs shall be provided in the slab as required for
flexure, considering load concentrations, if any, but not less than required by
Section 2607 (m).
4. Where conduits or pipes as permitted by Section 2603 (c) are embedded
within the slab, slab thickness shall be at least 1 inch greater than the total overall
depth of the conduits or pipes at any point. Conduits or pipes shall not impair
significantly the strength of the construction.
5. Shear strength provided by concrete Vc for the ribs may be taken as 10
percent greater than provided in Section 2611 . Shear strength may be increased by
use of shear reinforcement or by widening the ends of the ribs.

(m) Separate Floor Finish. A floor finish shall not be included as part of a
structural member unless placed monolithically with the floor slab or designed in
accordance with requirements of Section 2617. All concrete floor finishes may be
considered as part of required cover or total thickness for nonstructural

1982 EDITION 2609

Strength and Serviceability Requirements

Sec. 2609. (a) Notations.
gross area of section, square inches.
area of nonprestressed tension reinforcement, square inches.
area of compression reinforcement, square inches.
distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of compression
reinforcement, inches.
distance from extreme tension fiber to centroid of tension reinforce-
ment, inches.
D dead loads, or related internal moments and forces.
E load effects of earthquake, or related internal moments and forces.
modulus of elasticity of concrete, psi. See Section 2608 (f).
specified compressive strength of concrete, psi.
square root of specified compressive strength of concrete, psi.
f.., average splitting tensile strength oflightweight aggregate concrete, psi.
modulus of rupture of concrete, psi.
specified yield strength of nonprestressed reinforcement, psi.
lateral pressure of liquids, or related internal moments and forces.
overall thickness of member, inches.
H lateral earth pressure, or related internal moments and forces.
moment of inertia of cracked section transformed to concrete.
effective moment of inertia for computation of deflection.
moment of inertia of gross concrete section about centroidal axis,
neglecting reinforcement.
span length of beam or one-way slab, as defined in Section 2608 (h);
clear projection of cantilever, inches.
length of clear span in long direction of two-way construction, mea-
sured face-to-face of supports in slabs without beams and face-to-face
of beams or other supports in other cases.
L live loads, or related internal moments and forces.
maximum moment in member at stage deflection is computed.
cracking moment. See Formula (9-8).
nominal axial load strength at balanced strain conditions. See Section
2610 (d) 2.
Pn = nominal axial load strength at given eccentricity.
Pu = factored axial load at given eccentricity ~ cf> Pn.
T = cumulative effects of temperature, creep, shrinkage and differential
U = required strength to resist factored loads or related internal moments
and forces.


w,. weight of concrete, pounds per cubic foot.

W = wind load, or related internal moments and forces.
y, distance from centroidal axis of gross section, neglecting reinforce-
ment, to extreme fiber in tension.
a = ratio of flexural stiffness of beam section to flexural stiffness of a width
of slab bounded laterally by center line of adjacent panel (if any) on
each side of beam. See Section 2613.
am = average value of a for all beams on edges of a panel.
f3 = ratio of clear spans in long-to-short direction of two-way slabs.
/3., = ratio of length of continuous edges to total perimeter of a slab panel.
4> = strength reduction factor. See Section 2609 (d).
(b) General. Structures and structural members shall be designed to have
design strengths at all sections at least equal to the required strengths calculated
for the factored loads and forces in such combinations as are stipulated in this
Members also shall meet all other requirements of this code to ensure adequate
performance at service load levels.
(c) Required Strength. I. Required strength U to resist dead load D and live
load L shall be at least equal to

U = !AD+ !.7L ...................... (9-1)

2. If resistance to structural effects of a specified wind load Ware included in

design, the following combinations of D, L and W shall be investigated to
determine the greatest required strength U

U = 0.75 (1.4D + 1.7L + 1.7W) ............... (9-2)

where load combinations shall include both full value and zero value of L to
determine the more severe condition, and

U = 0.9D + l.3W .................... (9-3)

but for any combination of D, Land W. required strength U shall be not less than
Formula (9-1 ).
3. If resistance to specified earthquake loads or forces E are included in design,
load combinations of Section 2609 (c) 2 shall apply, except that !.IE shall be
substituted for W. Load factors contained in Sections 2625 and 2627 shall be used
where applicable.
4. If resistance to lateral earth pressure H is included in design, required
strength U shall be at least equal to

U =!AD+ 1.7L + 1.7H .................. (9-4)

except that where D or L reduces the effect of H, 0.9D shall be substituted for

1982 EDITION 2609

1.4D and zero value of L shall be used to determine the greatest required strength
U. For any combination of D, L and H, required strength U shall be not less than
Formula (9-l ).
5. If resistance to lateral liquid pressure F is included in design, load combina-
tions of Section 2609 (c) 4 shall apply, except that 1.4F shall be substituted for
l. 7H. Vertical liquid pressure shall be considered as dead load D, with due regard
to variation in liquid depth.
6. If resistance to impact effects is taken into account in design, such effects
shall be included with live load L.
7. Where structural effects T of differential settlement, creep, shrinkage or
temperature change may be significant in design, required strength U shall be at
least equal to

U = 0.75 (l.4D + 1.4T + l.7L) ............... (9-5)

but required strength U shall be not less than

u= 1A<D + n ...................... (9-6)

Estimations of differential settlement, creep, shrinkage or temperature change
shall be based on a realistic assessment of such effects occurring in service.
(d) Design Strength. Design strength provided by a member or cross section in
terms of load, moment, shear or stress shall be taken as the nominal strength
calculated in accordance with requirements and assumptions of this code, multi-
plied by a strength reduction factor cf>.
Strength reduction factor cf> shall be as follows:
l. Flexure, with or without axial tension .......................... 0. 90
2. Axial tension ............................................. 0.90
3. Axial compression, with or without flexure:
A. Members with spiral reinforcement conforming to
Section 2610 (j) 3 ......................................... 0.75
B. Other reinforced members .................................. 0. 70
except that for low values of axial load, cf> may be increased in accordance with the
For members in whichfy does not exceed 60,000 psi, with symmetric reinforce-
ment, and with (h - d' - d. )lh not less than 0. 70, cf> may be increased linearly to
0.90 as c/>P" decreases from O.IOf'cA 8 to zero.
For other reinforced members, cf> may be increased linearly to 0.90 as c/>P"
decreases from 0. lO f' cA 8 or cf> Pb, whichever is smaller, to zero.
4. Shear and torsion .......................................... 0.85
5. Bearing on concrete [See also Section 2618 (n)] .................. 0. 70
6. Flexure in plain concrete .................................... 0.65
Development lengths specified in Section 2612 do not require a cf> factor.


(e) Design Strength for Reinforcement. Designs shall not be based on a yield
strength of reinforcement fy in excess of 80,000 psi, except for prestressing
(f) Control of Deflections. l. General. Reinforced concrete members subject
to flexure shall be designed to have adequate stiffness to limit deflections or any
deformations that may adversely affect strength or serviceability of a structure at
service loads. (See Section 2307 for deflection limits.)
2. One-way construction (nonprestressed). A. Minimum thickness stipu-
lated in Table No. 26-D shall apply for one-way construction not supporting or
attached to partitions or other construction likely to be damaged by large deflec-
tions, unless computation of deflection indicates a lesser thickness may be used
without adverse effects.
B. Where deflections are to be computed, deflections that occur immediately
on application of load shall be computed by usual methods or formulas for elastic
deflections, considering effects of cracking and reinforcement on member
C. Unless stiffness values are obtained by a more comprehensive analysis,
immediate deflection shall be computed with the modulus of elasticity Ec for
concrete as specified in Section 2608 (f) (normal weight or lightweight concrete)
and with the effective moment of inertia as follows, but not greater than I 8 .
3 3
/e = ( Mer
Ma ) /g +[ l -(Mer
Ma ) ] fer .............. . (9-7)

Mer- fJg ........................ (9-8)
and for normal-weight concrete

f, = 7.5 Yl'c ........................ (9-9)

When lightweight aggregate concrete is used, one of the following modifications
shall apply:
(i) When fer is specified and concrete is proportioned in accordance with
Section 2604 (c), f, shall be modified,Qy substitutingfc,f6. 7 for Yl'c.but
the value offj6.7 shall not exceed Vf'e
(ii) When fer is not specified, f, shall be multiplied by 0.75 for "all-light-
weight'' concrete, and 0. 85 for "sand-lightweight'' concrete. Linear inter-
polation may be used when partial sand replacement is used.
D. For continuous spans, effective moment of inertia may be taken as the
average of values obtained from Formula (9-7) for the critical positive and
negative moment sections.
E. Unless values are obtained by a more comprehensive analysis, additional
long-time deflection for flexural members (normal-weight or lightweight con-

1982 EDITION 2809

crete) shall be obtained by multiplying the immediate deflection caused by the

sustained load considered, by the factor.

[2- 1.2 (A'/A.)];;;;. 0.6

F. Deflection computed in accordance with this section shall not exceed limits
stipulated in Section 2307.
3. 1\vo-way construction (nonprestressed). Minimum thickness of slabs of
other two-way construction designed in accordance with provisions of Section
2613 and having a ratio of long to short span not exceeding 2 shall be governed by
Formulas (9-10), (9-ll) and (9-12) and the other provisions ofthis section.
In (800 + 0.005/,)
h == [ ( )] ..... (9-10)
36,000 + 5000{3 am - 0.5 (l - /3
) l +~
but not less than

and need not be more than

In (800 + 0.005/)
h == 36,000 ................... (9-12)

However, the thickness shall be not less than the following values:
For slabs without beams or drop panels ...................... 5 inches
For slabs without beams, but with drop
panels conforming to the following paragraph ............... 4 inches
For slabs with beams on all four edges
with a value of am at least equal to 2.0 ................... 3Y2 inches
For slabs without beams, but with drop panels extending in each direction from
center line of support, a distance not less than one sixth the span length in that
direction measured center-to-center of supports, and a projection below the slab at
least one fourth the slab thickness beyond the drop, thickness required by Formula
(9-10), (9-ll) or (9-12) may be reduced by l 0 percent.
At discontinuous edges, an edge beam shall be provided with a stiffness ratio a
not less than 0.80; or the minimum thickness required by Formula (9-10), (9-11),
(9-12) or the previous paragraph, shall be increased by at least 10 percent in the
panel with a discontinuous edge.
Slab thickness less than the minimum thickness required by this section may be
used if shown by computation that deflection will not adversely affect strength or
serviceability of a structure at service loads. Deflections shall be computed taking
into account size and shape of panel, conditions of support, and nature of
restraints at panel edges. For deflection computations, modulus of elasticity Ec
for concrete shall be as specified in Section 2608 (f). Effective moment of inertia


shall be that given by Formula (9-7); other values may be used if computed
deflection is in reasonable agreement with results of comprehensive tests. Addi-
tional long-time deflection shall be computed in accordance with Section 2609 (f)
4. Prestressed concrete construction. For flexural members designed in
accordance with provisions of Section 2618, immediate deflection shall be
computed by usual methods or formulas for elastic deflections, and the moment
of inertia of the gross concrete section may be used for uncracked sections.
Additional long-time deflection of prestressed concrete members shall be
computed taking into account stresses in concrete and steel under sustained load
and including effects of creep and shrinkage of concrete and relaxation of steel.
Deflection shall not exceed limits stipulated in Section 2307.
5. Composite construction. A. Shored construction. If composite flexural
members are supported during construction so that, after removal of temporary
supports, dead load is resisted by the full composite section, the composite
member may be considered equivalent to a monolithically cast member for
computation of deflection. For nonprestressed members, the portion of the
member in compression shall determine whether values in Table No. 26-D for
normal-weight or lightweight concrete shall apply. If deflection is computed,
account should be taken of curvatures resulting from differential shrinkage of
precast and cast-in-place components, and of axial creep effects in a prestressed
concrete member.
Deflection shall not exceed limits stipulated in Section 2307.
B. Unshored construction. If the thickness of a nonprestressed precast flex-
ural member meets the requirements of Table No. 26-D, deflection need not be
computed. If the thickness of a nonprestressed composite member meets the
requirements of Table No. 26-D, deflection occurring after the member becomes
composite need not be computed, but the long-time deflection of the precast
member should be investigated for magnitude and duration of load prior to
beginning of effective composite action.
Deflection shall not exceed limits stipulated in Section 2307.
Flexure and Axial Loads
Sec. 2610. (a) Notations.
a = depth of equivalent rectangular stress block as defined in Section 2610
(c) 7.
A = effective tension area of concrete surrounding the flexural tension
reinforcement and having the same centroid as that reinforcement,
divided by the number of bars or wires, square inches. When the
flexural reinforcement consists of different bar or wire sizes, the num-
ber of bars or wires shall be computed as the total area of reinforcement
divided by the area of the largest bar or wire used.
Ac = area of core of spirally reinforced compression member measured to
outside diameter of spiral, square inches.
A 8 = gross area of section, square inches.

1982 EDITION 2610

area of nonprestressed tension reinforcement, square inches.

total area of longitudinal reinforcement (bars or steel shapes), square
At = area of structural steel shape, pipe or tubing in a composite section,
square inches.
loaded area.
maximum area of the portion of the supporting surface that is geo-
metrically similar to and concentric with the loaded area.
b width of compression face of member, inches.
distance from extreme compression fiber to neutral axis, inches.
a factor relating actual moment diagram to an equivalent uniform
moment diagram.
d= distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension rein-
forcement, inches.
thickness of concrete cover measured from extreme tension fiber to
center of bar or wire located closest thereto, inches.
E,. modulus of elasticity of concrete, psi. See Section 2608 (f).
Es modulus of elasticity of reinforcement, psi. See Section 2608 (f).
El flexural stiffness of compression member. See Formulas ( 10-9) and
specified compressive strength of concrete, psi.
calculated stress in reinforcement at service loads, ksi.
specified yield strength of nonprestressed reinforcement, psi.
overall thickness of member, inches.
moment of inertia of gross concrete section about centroidal axis,
neglecting reinforcement.
moment of inertia of reinforcement about centroidal axis of member
cross section.
Jr moment of inertia of structural steel shape, pipe or tubing about
centroidal axis of composite member cross section.
effective length factor for compression members.
unsupported length of compression member.
factored moment to be used for design of compression member.
value of smaller factored end moment on compression member calcu-
lated by conventional elastic frame analysis, positive if member is bent
in single curvature, negative if bent in double curvature.
value of larger factored end moment on compression member calcu-
lated by conventional elastic frame analysis, always positive.
nominal axial load strength at balanced strain conditions. See Section
2610 (d) 2.
critical load. See Formula ( 10-7).


Pn nominal axial load strength at given eccentricity.

P0 nominal axial load strength at zero eccentricity.
Pu factored axial load at given eccentricity ,:;; 1/JP n .
r = radius of gyration of cross section of a compression member.
z = quantity limiting distribution of flexural reinforcement. See Section
2610 (g).
{3 1 factor defined in Section 2610 (c).
{3d ratio of maximum factored dead load moment to maximum factored
total load moment, always positive.
8 moment magnification factor. See Section 2610 (I) 5, 6 and 7.
p = ratio of non prestressed tension reinforcement.
= As!bd.
ph reinforcement ratio producing balanced strain conditions. See Section
2610 (d) 2.
Ps = ratio of volume of spiral reinforcement to total volume of core (out-to-
out of spirals) of a spirally reinforced compression member.
= strength reduction factor. See Section 2609 (d).
(b) Scope. Provisions of Section 2610 shall apply for design of members
subject to flexure or axial loads or to combined flexure and axial loads.
(c) Design Assumptions. I. Strength design of members for flexure and axial
loads shall be based on assumptions given in Section 2610 (c) 2 through 7, and on
satisfaction of applicable conditions of equilibrium and compatibility of strains.
2. Strain in reinforcement and concrete shall be assumed directly proportional
to the distance from the neutral axis, except, for deep flexural members with
overall depth to clear span ratios greater than two fifths for continuous spans and
four fifths for simple spans, a nonlinear distribution of strain shall be considered.
See Section 2610 (g).
3. Maximum usable strain at extreme concrete compression fiber shall be
assumed equal to 0.003.
4. Stress in reinforcement below specified yield strengthf;, for grade of rein-
forcement used shall be taken as Es times steel strain. For strams greater than that
corresponding to fy, stress in reinforcement shall be considered independent of
strain and equal tofv
5. Tensile strength of concrete shall be neglected in flexural calculations of
reinforced concrete, except when meeting requirements of Section 2618 (e).
6. Relationship between concrete compressive stress distribution and concrete
strain may be assumed to be rectangular, trapezoidal, parabolic or any other shape
that results in prediction of strength in substantial agreement with results of
comprehensive tests.
7. Requirements of Section 2610 (c) 6 may be considered satisfied by an
equivalent rectangular concrete stress distribution defined by the following:
A. Concrete stress of 0.85f'c shall be assumed uniformly distributed over an

1982 EDITION 2610

equivalent compression zone bounded by edges of the cross section and a straight
line located parallel to the neutral axis at a distance a = {3 1c from the fiber of
maximum compressive strain.
8. Distance c from fiber of maximum strain to the neutral axis shall be
measured in a direction perpendicular to the axis.
C. Factor {3 1 shall be taken as 0.85 for concrete strengthsf'c up to and including
4000 psi. For strengths above 4000 psi, {3 1 shall be reduced continuously at a rate
of 0.05 for each 1000 psi of strength in excess of 4000 psi, but {3 1 shall not be
taken less than 0.65.
(d) General Principles and Requirements. 1. Design of cross section subject
to flexure or axial loads or to combined flexure and axial loads shall be based on
stress and strain compatibility using assumptions in Section 2610 (c).
2. Balanced strain conditions exist at a cross section when tension reinforce-
ment reaches the strain corresponding to its specified yield strength f,. just as
concrete in compression reaches its assumed ultimate strain of0.003.
3. For flexural members, and for members subject to combined flexure and
compressive axial load when the design axial load strength cpP n is less than the
smaller of 0. 10f' c A!( or cpP b , the ratio of reinforcement p provided shall not
exceed 0.75 of the ratio pb that would produce balanced strain conditions for the
section under flexure without axial load. For members with compression rein-
forcement, the portion of Pb equalized by compression reinforcement need not be
reduced by the 0. 75 factor.
4. Compression reinforcement in conjunction with additional tension rein-
forcement may be used to increase the strength of flexural members.
5. Design axial load strength cpP n of compression members shall not be taken
greater than the following:
A. For nonprestressed members with spiral reinforcement conforming to
Section 2607 (k) 2 or composite members conforming to Section 2610 (o):

8. For nonprestressed members with tie reinforcement conforming to Section

2607 (k) 3:

cpPn (max.)= 0.80cp[0.85f'c (A 11 - Aft)+ fyA 51 ] (10-2)

C. For prestressed members, design axial load strength cpP n shall not be taken
greater than 0.85 (for members with spiral reinforcement) or 0.80 (for members
with tie reinforcement) of the design axial load strength at zero eccentricity cpP 0
6. Members subject to compressive axial load shall be designed for the
maximum moment that can accompany the axial load. The factored axial load P u
at given eccentricity shall not exceed that given in Section 2610 (d) 5. The
maximum factored moment M u shall be magnified for slenderness effects in
accordance with Section 2610 (k).
(e) Distance Between Lateral Supports of Flexural Members. Spacing of


lateral supports for a beam shall not exceed 50 times the least width b of
compression flange or face.
Effects of lateral eccentricity of load shall be taken into account in determining
spacing of lateral supports.
(f) Minimum Reinforcement of Flexural Members. I. At any section of a
flexural member, except as provided in Sections 2610 (f) 2 and 2610 (f) 3 where
positive reinforcement is required by analysis, the ratio p provided shall be not
less than that given by:

pmin. = T200 ....................... (10-3)

In T-beams and joists where the web is in tension, the ratio p shall be computed for
this purpose using width of web.
2. Alternatively, area of reinforcement provided at every section, positive or
negative, shall be at least one-third greater than that required by analysis.
3. For structural slabs of uniform thickness, minimum area and maximum
spacing of reinforcement in the direction of the span shall be as required for
shrinkage and temperature according to Section 2607 (m).
(g) Distribution of Flexural Reinforcement in Beams and One-way Slabs.
I . This section prescribes rules for distribution of flexural reinforcement to
control flexural cracking in beams and in one-way slabs (slabs reinforced to resist
flexural stresses in only one direction).
2. Distribution of flexural reinforcement in two-way slabs shall be as required
by Section 2613 (e).
3. Flexural tension reinforcement shall be well distributed within maximum
flexural tension zones of a member cross section as required by Section
2610 (g) 4.
4. When design yield strengthfy for tension reinforcement exceeds 40,000 psi,
cross sections of maximum positive and negative moment shall be so propor-
tioned that the quantity z given by

Z = fs-\fd;A. ..................... (10-4)

does not exceed 175 kips per inch for interior exposure and 145 kips per inch for
exterior exposure. Calculated stress in reinforcement at service loadfs (kips per
square inch) shall be computed as the moment divided by the product of steel area
and internal moment arm. In lieu of such computations,fs may be taken as 60
percent of specified yield strengthfv
5. Provisions of Section 2610 (g) 4 may not be sufficient for structures subject
to very aggressive exposure or designed to be watertight. For such structures,
special investigations and precautions are required.
6. Where flanges of T-beam construction are in tension, part of the flexural
tension reinforcement shall be distributed over an effective flange width as
defined in Section 2608 (k), or a width equal to one tenth the span, whichever is

1982 EDITION 2610

smaller. If the effective flange width exceeds one tenth the span, some longitudi-
nal reinforcement shall be provided in the outer portions of the flange.
7. If the depth of the web exceeds 3 feet longitudinal reinforcement having a
total area equal to at least I 0 percent of the area of the flexural tension, reinforce-
ment shall be placed near the side faces of the web and distributed in the zone of
flexural tension with a spacing not more than the web width nor 12 inches. Such
reinforcement may be included in strength computations only if a strain com-
patibility analysis is made to determine stresses in the individual bars or wires.
(h) Deep Flexural Members. I. Flexural members with overall depth to clear
span ratios greater than two fifths for continuous spans, or four fifths for simple
spans, shall be designed as deep flexural members, taking into account nonlinear
distribution of strain and lateral buckling.
2. Design of deep flexural members for shear effects shall be in accordance
with Section 2611 (i).
3. Minimum flexural tension reinforcement shall conform to Section 2610 (f).
4. Minimum horizontal and vertical reinforcement in the side faces of deep
flexural members shall be the greater of the requirements of Section 2611 (i) 8 or
Section 2614 (c) 9.

(i) Design Dimensions for Compression Members. I. Isolated compression

member with multiple spirals. Outer limits of the effective cross section of a
compression member with two or more interlocking spirals shall be taken at a
distance outside the extreme limits of the spirals equal to the minimum concrete
cover required by Section 2607 (h).
2. Compression member built monolithically with wall. Outer limits of the
effective cross section of a spirally reinforced compression member built mono-
lithically with a concrete wall or pier shall be taken either as a circle at least I Y2
inches outside the spiral, or as a square or rectangle with sides at least I Y2 inches
outside the spiral.
3. Equivalent circular compression member. In lieu of using full gross area
for design, a compression member with a square, octagonal or other shaped cross
section may be considered as a circular section with a diameter equal to the least
lateral dimension of the actual shape. Cross area considered, required percentage
of reinforcement, and design strength shall be based on that circular section.
4. Limits of section. For a compression member with a larger cross section
than required by considerations of loading, a reduced effective area AI? not less
than one half the total area may be used to determine minimum reinforcement and
design strength.
(j) Limits for Reinforcement of Compression Members. I. Area of long-
itudinal reinforcement for noncomposite compression members shall be not less
than 0. 0 I nor more than 0. 08 times gross area A 8 of section.
2. Minimum number of longitudinal reinforcing bars in compression members
shall be six for bars in a circular arrangement and four for bars in a rectangular


3. Ratio of spiral reinforcement p5 shall be not less than the value given by

Ps = 0.45 (~- I ) f' f: ................... (10-5)

where fY is the specified yield strength of spiral reinforcement but not more than
60,000 psi.
(k) Slenderness Effects in Compression Members. 1. Design of compres-
sion members shall be based on forces and moments determined from analysis of
the structure. Such analysis shall take into account influence of axial loads and
variable moment of inertia on member stiffness and fixed-end moments, effect of
deflections on moments and forces and the effects of duration of loads.
2. In lieu of the procedure prescribed in Section 2610 (k) 1, slenderness effects
in compression members may be evaluated in accordance with the approximate
procedure presented in Section 2610 (1).
3. The detailed requirements of Section 2610 (I) need not be applied if
slenderness effects in compression members are evaluated in accordance with
Section 2610 (k) I .
(I) Approximate Evaluation of Slenderness Effects. 1. Unsupported length
of compression members. A. Unsupported length lu of a compression member
shall be taken as the clear distance between floor slabs, beams or other members
capable of providing lateral support for that compression member.
8. Where column capitals or haunches are present, unsupported length shall be
measured to the lower extremity of capital or haunch in the plan considered.
2. Effective length of compression members. A. For compression members
braced against sidesway, effective length factor k shall be taken as 1.0, unless
analysis shows that a lower value may be used.
8. For compression members not braced against sides way, effective length
factor k shall be determined with due consideration of cracking and reinforcement
on relative stiffness, and shall be greater than 1.0.
3. Radius of gyration. Radius of gyration r may be taken equal to 0. 30 times
the overall dimension in the direction stability is being considered for rectangular
compression members and 0.25 times the diameter for circular compression
members. For other shapes, r may be computed for the gross concrete section.
4. Consideration of slenderness effects. A. For compression members braced
against sides way, effects of slenderness may be neglected when kl)r is less than
34- 12M/M2 .
B. For compression members not braced against sidesway, effects of slender-
ness may be neglected when kl)r is less than 22.
C. For all compression members with kl)r greater than 100, an analysis as
defined in Section 2610 (k) I shall be made.
5. Moment magnification. A. Compression members shall be designed using
the factored axial load P u from a conventional frame analysis and a magnified

1982 EDITION 2610

factored moment M c defined by:

Me = 5M2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (10-6)


5 =
---,1,..--(--P-=-1"':-P-)- ~ l.O ................. (l 0-7)
- u ' c

p c = (klu )2 ....... (10-8)

B. In lieu of a more accurate calcuation, E/ in Formula (10-8) may be taken

either as
/ = (EJ 8 15) + Es/se O
E l +{3d ................... (l -9)

or conservatively

E/ = ~c~~~: ........... (10-10)

C. In Formula ( 10-7). for members braced against sides way and without
transverse loads between supports, em
may be taken as

em= 0.6 + OAM .................... 00-ll)

but not less than 0.4. For all other cases, emshall be taken as 1.0.
D. If computations show that there is no moment at both ends of a compression
member or that computed end eccentricities are less than (0.6 + 0.03h) inches,
M 2 in Formula (10-6) shall be based on a minimum eccentricity of (0.6 + 0.03h)
inches about each principal axis separately. RatioM 1 1M2 in Formula (lO-ll) shall
be determined by either of the following:
(i) When computed end eccentricities are less than (0.6 + 0.03h) inches,
computed end moments may be used to evaluate M 1 1M 2 in Formula
(ii) If computations show that there is essentially no moment at both ends of a
compression member, the ratio M 1 IM 2 shall be taken equal to one.
6. Moment magnifier 5 for unbraced frames. A. In frames not braced
against sides way, the value of 5 shall be computed for an entire story, assuming all
columns to be loaded.
B. In Formula ( 10-7), P u and P c shall be replaced by the summations "i.P u and
"i.P c for all columns in a story.


C. For design of each column within a story, 8shall be taken as the larger of the
values computed for the entire story according to Section 2610 (I) 6 B or as
computed for the individual column assuming column ends to be braced against
sides way.
D. In frames not braced against sidesway, flexural members shall be designed
for the total magnified end moments of the compression members at the joint.
7. Moment magnifier 8 for biaxial bending. For compression members
subject to bending about both principal axes, moment about each axis shall be
magnified by 8, computed from corresponding conditions of restraint about that
(m) Axially Loaded Members Supporting Slab System. Axially loaded
members supporting slab system included within the scope of Section 2613 (b)
shall be designed as provided in Section 2610 and in accordance with the
additional requirements of Section 2613.
(n) Transmission of Column Loads Through Floor System. When the
specified compressive strength of concrete in a column is greater than I .4 times
that specified for a floor system, transmission of load through the floor system
shall be provided by one of the following:
I. Concrete of strength specified for the column shall be placed in the floor
about the column for an area four times the column area. Column concrete shall
be well integrated into floor concrete and shall be placed in accordance with
Section 2606 (d).
2. Strength of a column through a floor system shall be based on the lower value
of concrete strength with vertical dowels and spirals as required.
3. For columns laterally supported on four sides by beams of approximately
equal depth or by slabs, strength of the column may be based on an assumed
concrete strength in the column joint equal to 75 percent of column concrete
strength plus 35 percent of floor concrete strength.
(o) Composite Compression Members. I. Composite compression members
shall include all such members reinforced longitudinally with structural steel
shapes, pipe or tubing with or without longitudinal bars.
2. Strength of a composite member shall be computed for the same limiting
conditions applicable to ordinary reinforced concrete members.
3. Any axial load strength assigned to concrete of a composite member shall be
transferred to the concrete by members or brackets in direct bearing on the
composite member concrete.
4. All axial load strength not assigned to concrete of a composite member shall
be developed by direct connection to the structural steel shape, pipe or tube.
5. For evaluation of slenderness effects, radius of gyration of a composite
section shall be not greater than the value given by:

(EJg!5) + EJ,
r = E A 15) E A .................. (I0-!2)
( c g + s I
For computing P c in Formula ( 10-8), E/ of the composite section shall be not

19112 I:IJITION 2610

greater than
_ EJ !5
El- I +8 {3d + EJ,. ................... (10-13)

6. Structural steel encased concrete core. A. For a composite member with

concrete core encased by structural steel, thickness of the steel encasement shall
be not less than

b ~, for each face of width b


h ~, for circular sections of diameter h

B. Longitudinal bars located within the encased concrete core may be consid-
ered in computing A, and / 1
7. Spiral reinforcement around structural steel core. A composite member
with spirally reinforced concrete around a structural steel core shall conform to
the following:
A. Specified compressive strength of concretef'c shall be not less than 2500
B. Design yield strength of structural steel core shall be the specified minimum
yield strength for grade of structural steel used but not to exceed 50,000 psi.
C. Spiral reinforcement shall conform to Section 2610 (j) 3.
D. Longitudinal bars located within the spiral shall be not less than 0.01 nor
more than 0.08 times net area of concrete section.
E. Longitudinal bars located within the spiral may be considered in computing
8. Tie reinforcement around structural steel core. A composite member
with laterally tied concrete around a structural steel core shall conform to the
A. Specified compressive strength of concrete f', shall be not less than 2500
B. Design yield strength of structural steel core shall be the specified minimum
yield strength for grade of structural steel used but not to exceed 50,000 psi.
C. Lateral ties shall extend completely around the structural steel core.
D. Lateral ties shall be at least No. 5 bars, or smaller bars with a diameter not
less than Vso times the greatest side dimension of the composite member, but not
smaller than No. 3. Welded wire fabric of equivalent area may be used.
E. Vertical spacing of lateral ties shall not exceed 16 longitudinal bar diame-
ters, 48 tie bar diameters, or one half times the least side dimension of the
composite member.
F. Longitudinal bars located within the ties shall be not less than 0.01 nor more


than 0.08 times net area of concrete section.

G. A longitudinal bar shall be located at every corner of a rectangular cross
section, with other longitudinal bars spaced not farther apart than one half the
least side dimension of the composite member.
H. Longitudinal bars located within the ties may be considered in computing A,
for strength but not in computing I, for evaluation of slenderness effects.
(p) Special Provisions for Walls. 1. Walls may be designed by provisions of
Section 2610 with limitations and exceptions of this subsection or by provisions
of Section 2614.
2. Minimum ratio of vertical reinforcement area to gross concrete area shall be:
A. 0.0012 for deformed bars not larger than No. 5 with a specified yield
strength not less than 60,000 psi, or
B. 0.0015 for other deformed bars, or
C. 0.0012 for welded wire fabric (smooth or deformed) not larger than W31 or
3. Vertical reinforcement shall be spaced not farther apart than three times the
wall thickness, nor 18 inches.
4. Vertical reinforcement need not be enclosed by lateral ties if vertical
reinforcement area is not greater than 0.01 times gross concrete area, or where
vertical reinforcement is not required as compression reinforcement.
5. Minimum ratio of horizontal reinforcement area to gross concrete area shall
A. 0.0020 for deformed bars not larger than No. 5 with a specified yield
strength not less than 60,000 psi, or
B. 0.0025 for other deformed bars, or
C. 0.0020 for welded wire fabric (smooth or deformed) not larger than W31 or
6. Horizontal reinforcement shall be spaced not farther apart than three times
the wall thickness, nor 18 inches.
7. The minimum requirements for horizontal and vertical steel of Section 2610
(p) 2 and 2610 (p) 5 may be interchanged for precast panels which are not
restrained along vertical edges to inhibit temperature expansion or contraction.

(q) Bearing Strength. 1. Design bearing strength on concrete shall not exceed
<f>(0.85f'cA 1 ), except as follows:
A. When the supporting surface is wider on all sides than the loaded area,
design bearing strength on the loaded area may be multiplied by YA;iA"1 , but not
more than 2.
B. When the supporting surface is sloped or stepped, A 2 may be taken as the
area of the lower base of the largest frustum of a right pyramid or cone contained
wholly within the support and having for its upper base the loaded area, and
having side slopes of 1 vertical to 2 horizontal.
2. Section 2610 (q} does not apply to posttensioning anchorages.

1982 EDITION 2611

Shear and Torsion

Sec. 2611. (a) Notations.
a = shear span, distance between concentrated load and face of supports.
area of concrete section resisting shear transfer, square inches.
gross area of section, square inches.
area of shear reinforcement parallel to flexural tension reinforcement,
square inches.
total area oflongitudinal reinforcement to resist torsion, square inches.
area of prestressed reinforcement in tension zone, square inches.
area of nonprestressed tension reinforcement, square inches.
area of one leg of a closed stirrup resisting torsion within a distance s,
square inches.
area of shear reinforcement within a distance s, or area of shear
reinforcement perpendicular to flexural tension reinforcement within a
distance s for deep flexural members, square inches.
area of shear-friction reinforcement, square inches.
area of shear reinforcement parallel to flexural tension reinforcement
within a distance s2 , square inches.
width of compression face of member, inches.
perimeter of critical section for slabs and footings, inches.
web width, or diameter of circular section, inches.
size of rectangular or equivalent rectangular column, capital or bracket
measured in the direction of the span for which moments are being
determined, inches.
size of rectangular or equivalent rectangular column, capital or bracket
measured transverse to the direction of the span for which moments are
being determined, inches.
c, factor relating shear and torsional stress properties.

d= distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of longitudinal

tension reinforcement, but need not be less than 0.80h for prestressed
members, inches. (For circular sections, d need not be less than the
distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension rein-
forcement in opposite half of member.)
specified compressive strength of concrete, psi.
square root of specified compressive strength of concrete, psi.
average splitting tensile strength oflightweight aggregate concrete, psi.
stress due to unfactored dead load, at extreme fiber of section where
tensile stress is caused by externally applied loads, psi.
compressive stress in concrete (after allowance for all prestress losses)


at centroid of cross section resisting externally applied loads or at

junction of web and flange when the centroid lies within the flange, psi.
(In a composite member,Jpc is resultant compressive stress at centroid
of composite section, or at junction of web and flange when the centroid
lies within the flange, due to both prestress and moments resisted by
precast member acting alone.)
compressive stress in concrete due to effective prestress forces only
(after allowance for all prestress losses) at extreme fiber of section
where tensile stress is caused by externally applied loads, psi.
specified tensile strength of prestressing tendons, psi.
specified yield strength of nonprestressed reinforcement, psi.
overall thickness of member, inches.
total depth of shearhead cross section, inches.
total height of wall from base to top, inches.
moment of inertia of section resisting externally applied factored loads.
clear span measured face-to-face of supports.
length of shearhead arm from centroid of concentrated load or reaction,
horizontal length of wall, inches.
moment causing flexural cracking at section due to externally applied
loads. See Section 2611 (e) 2 A.
modified moment.
maximum factored moment at section due to externally applied loads.
required plastic moment strength of shearhead cross section.
factored moment at section.
moment resistance contributed by shearhead reinforcement.
factored axial load normal to cross section occurring simultaneously
with Vu; to be taken as positive for compression, negative for tension,
and to include effects of tension due to creep and shrinkage.
factored tensile force on bracket or corbel acting simultaneously with
Vu, to be taken as positive for tension.
s = spacing of shear or torsion reinforcement in direction parallel to long-
itudinal reinforcement, inches.
spacing of vertical reinforcement in wall, inches.
spacing of shear or torsion reinforcement in direction perpendicular to
longitudinal reinforcement--or spacing of horizontal reinforcement in
wall, inches.
nominal torsional moment strength provided by concrete.
nominal torsional moment strength.
nominal torsional moment strength provided by torsion reinforcement.
See Section 2611 (g) 9 A.
factored torsional moment at section.

1982 EDITION 2611

Vc nominal shear strength provided by concrete.

Vci nominal shear strength provided by concrete when diagonal cracking
results from combined shear and moment.
Vcw = nominal shear strength provided by concrete when diagonal cracking
results from excessive principal tensile stress in web.
Vd = shear force at section due to unfactored dead load.
V; = factored shear force at section due to externally applied loads occurring
simultaneously with Mmax.
vn = nominal shear strength.
VP vertical component of effective prestress force at section.
v. = nominal shear strength provided by shear reinforcement.
Vu factored shear force at section.
x = shorter overall dimension of rectangular part of cross section.
y = longer overall dimension of rectangular part of cross section.
;uzy = torsional section properties. See Sections 2611 (g) 1 A and 2611 (g) 1
x1 shorter center-to-center dimension of closed rectangular strirrup.
y1 longer center-to-center dimension of closed rectangular stirrup.
y, = distance from centroidal axis of gross section, neglecting reinforce-
ment, to extreme fiber in tension.
a = angle between included stirrups and longitudinal axis of member.
a, = coefficient as a function of y 1 1x 1 See Section 2611 (g) 9 A.
av = ratio of stiffness of shearhead arm to surrounding composite slab
section. See Section 2611 (I) 4 E.
f3c = ratio of long side to short side of concentrated load or reaction area.
IL = coefficient offriction. See Section 2611 (h) 5.
'YJ = fraction of unbalanced moment transferred by flexure at slab-column
connections. See Section 2613 (d) 4.
'Yv = fraction of unbalanced moment tranferred by eccentricity of shear at
slab-column connections. See Section 2611 (m) 2 C.
1 - 'Yt
p = ratio of nonprestressed tension reinforcement.
= A.fbd.
ph ratio of horizontal shear reinforcement area to gross concrete area of
vertical section.
Pn ratio of vertical shear reinforcement area to gross concrete area of
horizontal section.
Pv = (As + Ah)lbd.
p.., = A.lb..,d.
fjJ = strength reduction factor. See Section 2609 (d).


(b) Shear Strength. 1. Design of cross sections subject to shear shall be based
vu ~ cfNn ......................... (I 1-1)
where V u is factored shear force at section considered and V n is nominal shear
strength computed by

vn = vc + vs ....................... (11-2)
where Vc is nominal shear strength provided by concrete in accordance with
Section 2611 (d) or Section 2611 (e), and v. is nominal shear strength provided by
shear reinforcement in accordance with Section 2611 (f) 6. When determining Vn
the effect of openings shall be taken into consideration.
2. In determining shear strength Vc, whenever applicable, effects of axial
tension due to creep and shrinkage in restrained members shall be considered and
effects of inclined flexural compression in variable-depth members may be
3. When the reaction, in direction of applied shear, introduces compression into
the end regions of a member, calculation of maximum factored shear force V u
shall be as follows:
A. For nonprestressed members, sections located less than a distanced from
face of support may be designed for the same shear Vu as that computed at a
distance d.
8. For prestressed members, sections located less than a distance h 12 from face
of support may be designed for the same shear vu as that computed at a distance
4. For deep flexural members, brackets and corbels, walls and slabs and
footings, the special provisions of Section 2611 (i) through (I) shall apply.
(c) Lightweight Concrete. 1. Provisions for shear strength V c and torsional
moment strength Tc apply to normal-weight concrete. When lightweight aggre-
gate concrete is used, one of the following modifications shall apply:
A. When fer is specified and concrete is proportioned in accordance with
Section 2604 (c), provisions for Vc and Tc shall be modified by substitutingfc,/6.7
for v'J':.,
but the value offc,/6. 7 shall not exceed v'J':..
B. When fer is not specified, all values of v'J':.
affecting Vc, Tc, and Mer shall
be multiplied by 0.75 for "all-lightweight" concrete and 0.85 for "sand-light-
weight" concrete. Linear interpolation may be used when partial sand replace-
ment is used.
(d) Shear Strength Provided by Concrete for Nonprestressed Members. 1.
Shear strength Vc shall be computed by provisions of Section 2611 (d) 1 A
through D unless a more detailed calculation is made in accordance with Section
2611 (d) 2.
A. For members subject to shear and flexure only,

Vc = 2Wcbwd ..................... . (11-3)

1982 EDITION 2611

B. For members subject to axial compression,

Vc = 2 (1 + 2~A )w:b,.d ......... ..... (11-4)

Quantity N)Ag shall be expressed in psi.
C. For members subject to significant axial tension, shear reinforcement shall
be designed to carry total shear.
D. At sections where factored torsional moment Tu exceeds cf>(0.5v'l'c~2y ),

2. Shear strength Vc may be computed by the more detailed calculation of

Section 2611 (d) 2 A through C.
A. For members subject to shear and flexure only,

Vc = ( 1.9 y'?; + 2500p,. ~~) b,.d .......... (11-6)

but not greater than 3.5v'l'c bw d. Quantity Vu d!Mu shall not be taken greater
than 1.0 in computing Vc by Formula (11-6), where Mu is factored moment
occuring simultaneously with Vu at section considered.
B. For members subject to axial compression, Formula (11-6) may be used to
compute Vc withMm substituted for Mu and Vud!Mu not then limited to 1.0, where

However, Vc shall not be taken greater than

Quantity Nu/A$ shall be expressed in psi. When Mm as computed by Formula

(11-7) is negative, Vc shall be computed by Formula (11-8).


C. For members subject to significant axial tension,

Vc = 2(1 + S~~~) Vf'":b.,d ............ (11-9)

where N u is negative for tension. Quantity N)A 8 shall be expressed in psi.
(e) Shear Strength Provided by Concrete for Prestressed Members. I. For
members with effective prestress force not less than 40 percent of the tensile
strength of flexural reinforcement, unless a more detailed calculation is made in
accordance with Section 2611 (e) 2.

Vc = 10.6
\' ..VJ'J''
c +
700 Vud
M, ) b .,d ......... (11-10)

but Vc need not be taken less than 2Yf'c bwd nor shall Vc be taken greater than
sYf'c bwdnorthe value given in Section 2611 (e) 2 D. The quantity Vud!Mu shall
not be taken greater than 1.0, where Mu is factored moment occurring simul-
taneously with V u at section considered. When applying Formula (Il-l 0), din the
term Vud!M u shall be the distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of
prestressed reinforcement.
2. Shear strength Vc may be computed in accordance with Section 2611 (e) A
and 8, where Vc shall be the lesser of Vci or Vcw.
A. Shear strength Vci shall be computed by

but vci need not be taken less than 1.7~. bw d, where

Mer= (1/y,) (6Yf'c + fpe- fd) ................ (11-12)

and values of Mmax and V; shall be computed from the load combination causing
maximum moment to occur at the section.
8. Shear strength V cw shall be computed by

Alternatively, Vcw may be computed as the shear force corr~nding to dead load
plus live load that results in a principal tensile stress of 4 V f' c at centroidal axis of

1982 EDITION 2611

member, or at intersection of flange and web when centroidal axis is in the flange.
In composite members, principal tensile stress shall be computed using the cross
section that resists live load.
C. In Formulas (11-11) and ( 11-13), d shall be the distance from extreme
compression fiber to centroid of prestressed reinforcement of 0. 8h , whichever is
D. In a pretensioned member in which the section at a distance h/2 from face of
support is closer to end of member than the transfer length of the prestressing
tendons, the reduced prestress shall be considered when computing Vcw. This
value of Vcw shall also be taken as the maximum limit for Formula (11-10).
Prestress force may be assumed to vary linearly from zero at end of tendon to a
maximum at a distance from end of tendon equal to the transfer length, assumed to
be 50 diameters for strand and 100 diameters for single wire.

(f) Shear Strength Provided by Shear Reinforcement. 1. 'JYpes of shear

reinforcement. A. Shear reinforcement may consist of:
(i) Stirrups perpendicular to axis of member.
(ii) Welded wire fabric with wires located perpendicular to axis of member.
B. For nonprestressed members, shear reinforcement may also consist of:
(i) Stirrups making an angle of 45 degrees or more with longitudinal tension
(ii) Longitudinal reinforcement with bent portion making an angle of 30
degrees or more with the longitudinal tension reinforcement.
(iii) Combinations of stirrups and bent longitudinal reinforcement.
(iv) Spirals.
2. Design yield strength of shear reinforcement shall not exceed 60,000 psi.
3. Stirrups and other bars or wires used as shear reinforcement shall extend to a
distance d from extreme compression fiber and shall be anchored at both ends
according to Section 2612 (o) to develop the design yield strength of
4. Spacing limits for shear reinforcement. A. Spacing of shear reinforce-
ment placed perpendicular to axis of member shall not exceed d/2 in non-
prestressed members and (3/4)h in prestressed members nor 24 inches.
B. Inclined stirrups and bent longitudinal reinforcement shall be so spaced that
every 45-degree line, extending toward the reaction from middepth of member
d/2 to longitudinal tension reinforcement, shall be crossed by at least one line of
shear reinforcement.
C. When V5 exceeds4~bwd, maximumspacingsgivenin Section2611 (f)4
A and B shall be reduced by one half.
5. Minimum shear reinforcement. A. A minimum area of shear reinforce-
ment shall be provided in all reinforced concrete flexural members (prestressed
and nonprestressed) where factored shear force Vu exceeds one half the shear
strength provided by concrete t/JVc, except:
(i) Slabs and footings.


(ii) Concrete joist construction defined by Section 2608 (1).

(iii) Beams with total depth not greater than 10 inches, two and one half times
thickness of flange or one-half the width of web, whichever is greater.
B. Minimum shear reinforcement requirements of Section 2611 (f) 5 A may be
waived if shown by test that required ultimate flexural and shear strength can be
developed when shear reinforcement is omitted.
C. Where shear reinforcement is required by Section 2611 (f) 5 A or by
analysis and where factored torsional moment Tu does not exceed
r/1(0. 5~.kx2y ), minimum area of shear reinforcement for prestressed [except as
provided in Section 2611 (f) 5 D] and nonprestressed members shall be computed

A. = SO bj,s ................ (11-14)

where bw and s are in inches.

D. For prestressed members with effective prestress force not less than 40
percent of the tensile strength of flexural reinforcement, minimum area of shear
reinforcement may be computed by Formula (11-14) or ( 11-15).

A. = ~ ~ !_ (d ............. (11-15)
so /y d Vii;,

E. Where factored torsional moment Tu exceeds cf>(0.5'\/f';,kxzy ), and where

web reinforcement is required by Section 2611 (f) 5 A or by analysis, minimum
area of closed stirrups shall be computed by

A. + 2A, = SO bwS
................ (11-16)

6. Design of shear reinforcement. A. Where factored shear force V u exceeds

shear strength cfNc, shear reinforcement shall be provided to satisfy Formulas
(11-l) and (11-2), where shear strength V5 shall be computed in accordance with
Section 2611 (f) 6 B through H.
B. When shear reinforcement perpendicular to axis of member is used,

V5 = A./fl
.................... (11-17)

where Av is the area of shear reinforcement within a distance s.

C. When inclined stirrups are used as shear reinforcement,

1982 EDITION 2611

v. -_ AJ. (sin a+cosa)d .............. (ll-18)

D. When shear reinforcement consists of a single bar or a single group of
parallel bars, all bent up at the same distance from the support,

v. = A,J,sina ................... (11-19)

but not greater than 3v7',bwd.

E. When shear reinforcement consists of a series of parallel bent-up bars or
groups of parallel bent-up bars at different distances from the support, shear
strength v. shall be computed by Formula (11-18).
F. Only the center three fourths of the inclined portion of any longitudinal bent
bar shall be considered effective for shear reinforcement.
G. Where more than one type of shear reinforcement is used to reinforce the
same portion of a member, shear strength v. shall be computed as the sum of the
V, values computed for the various types.
H. Shear strength v. shall not be taken greater than 8v7',bwd.
(g) Combined Shear and Thrsion Strength for Nonprestressed Members
with Rectangular or Flanged Sections. I. Torsion effects shall be included with
shear and flexure where factored torsional moment Tu exceeds cfJ(0.5v7',"2:x2y).
Otherwise, torsion effects may be neglected.
A. For members with rectangular or flanged sections, the sum "2:x2y shall be
taken for the component rectangles of the section, but the overhanging flange
width used in design shall not exceed three times the flange thickness.
B. A rectangular box section may be taken as a solid section, provided wall
thickness h is at least x/4. A box section with wall thickness less than x/4 but
greater than x/10 may also be taken as a solid section, except that "2:x2y shall be
multiplied by 4hlx. When his less thanx/10, stiffness of wall shall be considered.
Fillets shall be provided at interior corners of all box sections.
2. If the factored torsional moment Tu in a member is required to maintain
equilibrium, the member shall be designed to carry that torsional moment in
accordance with Section 2611 (g) 4 through 10.
3. In a statically indeterminate structure where reduction of torsional moment
in a member can occur due to redistribution of internal forces, maximum factored
torsional moment Tu may be reduced to cfJ(4v7',"2:xZyf3).
A. In such a case the correspondingly adjusted moments and shears in adjoin-
ing members shall be used in design.
B. In lieu of more exact analysis, torsional loading from a slab shall be taken as
uniformly distributed along the member.
4. Sections located Jess than a distance d from face of support may be designed


for the same torsional moment Tu as that computed at a distance d.

5. Thrsional moment strength. Design of cross sections subject to torsion
shall be based on

Tu ~ cpTn ......................... (11-20)

Where Tu is factored torsional moment at section considered and T" is nominal

torsional moment strength computed by

T" = Tc + Ts ....................... (11-21)

where Tc is nominal torsional moment strength provided by concrete in accor-

dance with Section 2611 (g) 6 and T5 is nominal torsional moment strength
provided by torsion reinforcement in accordance with Section 2611 (g) 9.
6. Thrsional moment strength provided by concrete. A. Torsional moment
strength Tc shall be computed by

0.8 vfc""ix'y

+ ( 0.4 Vu
)l ............. (11-22)

B. For members subject to significant axial tension, torsion reinforcement shall

be designed to carry the total torsional moment, unless a more detailed calculation
is made in which Tc is given by Formula (11-22) and Vc given by Formula (11-5)
shall be multiplied by (1 + N )500Ag), where Nu is negative for tension.
7. Thrsion reinforcement requirements. A. Torsion reinforcement, where
required, shall be provided in addition to reinforcement required to resist shear,
flexure and axial forces.
8. Reinforcement required for torsion may be combined with that required for
other forces, provided the area furnished is the sum of individually required areas
and the most restrictive requirements for spacing and placement are met.
C. Torsion reinforcement shall consist of closed stirrups, closed ties or spirals,
combined with longitudinal bars.
D. Design yield strength of torsion reinforcement shall not exceed 60,000 psi.
E. Stirrups and other bars and wires used as torsion reinforcement shall extend
to a distanced from extreme compression fiber and shall be anchored according to
Section 2612 (o) to develop the design yield strength of reinforcement.
F. Torsion reinforcement shall be provided at least a distance (d + b) beyond
the point theoretically required.
8. Spacing limits for torsion reinforcement. A. Spacing of closed stirrups
shall not exceed the smaller of (x 1 + y 1 )/4 or 12 inches.
B. Spacing of longitudinal bars, not less than No. 3, distributed around the

1982 EDITION 2611

perimeter of the closed stirrups, shall not exceed 12 inches. At least one longitudi-
nal bar shall be placed in each comer of the closed stirrups.
9. Design of torsion reinforcement. A. Where factored torsional moment Tu
exceeds torsional moment strength cf>Tc, torsion reinforcement shall be provided
to satisfy Formulas (II-20) and (II-21 ), where torsional moment strength T5 shall
be computed by
_ A,a,x 1 Ydy
Ts- ..................... (11-23)

where A, is the area of one leg of a closed stirrup resisting torsion within a distance
s, and a, = [0.66 + 0.33 (y 1/x 1 )] but not more than 1.50. Longitudinal bars
distributed around the perimeter of the closed stirrups A, shall be provided in
accordance with Section 2611 (g) 9 C.
B. A minimum area of closed stirrups shall be provided in accordance with
Section 2611 (f) 5 E.
C. Required area of longitudinal bars A 1 distributed around the perimeter of the
closed stirrups A, shall be computed by

A I-
_ 2A I ( X1 +S Y1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11-24)
or by

whichever is greater. Value of A1 computed by Formula (11-25) need not exceed

that obtained by substituting

~ 2A
SObws .or
D. Torsional moment strength Ts shall not exceed 4Tc.
(h) Shear Friction. Provisions of this section may be applied where it is
appropriate to consider shear transfer across a given plane such as an existing or
potential crack, an interface between dissimilar materials or an interface between
two concretes cast at different times.
1. A crack shall be assumed to occur along the shear plane, with relative
displacement along the assumed crack resisted by friction maintained by shear-
friction reinforcement across the assumed crack. Shear-friction reinforcement
shall be placed approximately perpendicular to the assumed crack.
2. Design of cross sections subject to shear transfer shall be based on Formula


(11-l) where shear strength vn shall be computed by

Vn = Avffy JL ................ (ll-26)

where A\fis area of shear-friction reinforcement, and JL is coefficient of friction in

accordance with Section 2611 (h) 4.
3. Shear strength vn shall not be taken greater than 0.2f'~c nor 800Ac, where
Ac is area of concrete section resisting shear transfer. Quantity 800 Ac is in
4. Coefficient of friction 11- in Formula ( 11-26) shall be

Concrete placed monolithically ................................ 1 .4

Concrete placed against hardened concrete.

[See Section 2611 (h) 8] .................................... 1.0

Concrete placed against as-rolled structural steel.

[See Section 2611 (h) 9] .................................... 0. 7

5. Design yield strength of shear-friction reinforcement shall not exceed

6. Direct tension across the assumed crack shall be provided for by additional
7. Shear-friction reinforcement shall be well distributed across the assumed
crack and shall be adequately anchored on both sides by embedment, hooks or
welding to special devices.
8. For the purpose of Section 2611 (h), when concrete is placed against
previously hardened concrete, the interface for shear transfer shall be clean, free
of laitance and intentionally roughened to a full amplitude of approximately Y4
9. When shear is transferred between as-rolled steel and concrete, steel shall be
clean and free of paint.
(i) Special Provisions for Deep Flexural Members. Provisions of this section
shall apply for members with ln!d less than 5 and loaded at top or compression
1. Design of deep flexural members for shear shall be based on Formulas
(11-l) and (11-2), where shear strength Vc shall be in accordance with Section
2611 (i) 4 or 2611 (i) 5, and shear strength V 5 shall be in accordance with Section
2611 (i) 6.
2. Shear strength Vn for deep flexural members shall not be taken greater than
8v'l':,bwd when ln!d is less than 2. When ln!d is between 2 and 5,

Vn = 32 ( 10 + dIn ) vfcbwd
r::;- ............... (11-27)

1982 EDITION 2611

3. Critical section for shear measured from face of support shall be taken at a
distance 0.15/n for uniformly loaded beams and 0.50a for beams with concen-
trated loads, but not greater than d.
4. Unless a more detailed calculation is made in accordance with Section
2611 (i) 5,

Vc = 2vF)wd ...................... (11-28)

5. Shear strength Vc may be computed by

Mu ) ( fr1 Vud) bwd .... . (11-29)

Vc = (3.5-2.5 Vud 1.9vf c + 2500pw Mu

except that the term

(3.5 - 2.5 ~d)

shall not exceed 2.5, and Vc shall not be taken greater than 6V'j')wd. Mu is
factored moment occurring simultaneously with Vu at the critical section defined
in Section 2611 (i) 3.
6. Where factored shear force Vu exceeds shear strength <f>Vc, shear reinforce-
ment shall be provided to satisfy Formulas (11-1) and (11-2), where shear strength
Vs shall be computed by

Vs = [ Av S
(1 +12 ~) + ~(11-12 ~)] /yd
Sz ....... (11-30)

where Av is area of shear reinforcement perpendicular to flexural tension rein-

forcement within a distance s, and Avh is area of shear reinforcement parallel to
flexural reinforcement within a distance s2
7. Area of shear reinforcement Av shall be not less than 0. 0015 bs, and s shall
not exceed d/5 nor 18 inches.
8. Area of shear reinforcement Avh shall be not less than 0.0025 bs 2 , and s2
shall not exceed d/3 nor 18 inches.
9. Shear reinforcement required at the critical section defined in Section 2611
(i) 3 shall be used throughout the span.
(j) Special Provisions for Brackets and Corbels. Provisions of this section
shall apply to brackets and corbels with a shear-span-to-depth ratio aid of unity or
less. Distanced shall be measured at a section adjacent to face of support, but


shall not be taken greater than twice the depth of bracket or corbel at outside edge
of bearing area.
Brackets and corbels with a shear-span-to-depth ratio aid of one half or less,
may be designed in accordance with provisions of Section 2611 (h), except that all
limitations on quantity and spacing of reinforcement in this section shall apply.
I. Design of brackets and corbels shall be based on Formula (Il-l), where
shear strength V n shall be computed in accordance with Section 2611 (j) 2 or 2611
(j) 3.
2. For brackets and corbels subject to tension due to restrained creep and

Y. [6.l- l.l~ [I- OS;]

X ( 1 + [ 64 + lfiO Jfi!J' p )v'J';b,d ....... (11-31)

where p shall not exceed 0. 13 f' Jfv and N uc!Vu shall not be taken less than 0. 20.
Tensile force N uc shall be regarded as a live load even when tension results from
creep, shrinkage or temperature change.
3. When provisions are made to avoid tension due to restrained creep and
shrinkage, so that bracket or corbel is subject to shear and moment only,

Vn = 6.5~- 0.5 ~)( l + 64p)\I.Tcbwd ..... .... (ll-32)

A,+ Ab
Pv = bd

but not greater than

0.20 f:r

and Ah shall not exceed As.

4. Closed stirrups of ties parallel to flexural tension reinforcement with a total
areaAh not less than O.SOA. shall be uniformly distributed within two thirds of the
effective depth adjacent to flexural tension reinforcement.
5. Ratio p = A,lbd shall be not less than 0.04 if')fy).
(k) Special Provisions for Walls. I. Design for shear forces perpendicular to
face of wall shall be in accordance with provisions for slabs in Section 2611 (1).

1982 EDITION 2611

Design for horizontal shear forces in plane of wall shall be in accordance with
Section 2611 (k) 2 through 8.
2. Design of horizontal section for shear in plane of wall shall be based on
Formulas (11-1) and (ll-2), where shear strength Vc shall be in accordance with
Section 2611 (k) 5 or 2611 (k) 6 and shear strength Vs shall be in accordance with
Section 2611 (k) 9.
3. Shear strength V" at a!!Y horizontal section for shear in plane of wall shall not
be taken greater than IOVf'chd.
4. For design for horizontal shear forces in plane of wall, d shall be taken equal
to 0.8 lw. A larger value of d, equal to the distance from extreme compression
fiber to center of force of all reinforcement in tension may be used when
determined by a strain compatibility analysis.
5. Unless a more detailed calculation is made in accordance with Section 2611
(k) 6, shear strength Vc shall not be taken greater than 2 Yl'chd for walls subject to
N u in compression, or Vc shall not be taken greater than the value given in Section
2611 (d) 2 C for walls subject toN u in tension.
6. Shear strength Vc may be computed by Formulas (ll-33) and (ll-34), where
V,. shall be the lesser of Formula (11-33) or (11-34).

~ Iii;
Vc = 3.3y'/ chd +
41 w
.............. (11-33)


Vc= 0.6v.r:-+
lw (!.25v.f;+
0.2-fh-)~ hd ....... (l!-34)
....:..:=.JL- .!.ll
[ VM 2

where Nu is negative for tension. When (M)Vu - [w/2) is negative, Formula

(ll-34) shall not apply.
EXCEPTION: Nu when in compression shall be taken as zero for buildings
located in Seismic Zones No.3 and No.4 when considering earthquake load.
7. Sections located closer to wall base than a distance lw 12 or one half the wall
height, whichever is less, may be designed for the same Vc as that computed at a
distance lj2 or one half the height.
8. When factored shear force Vu is less than cfNc/2, reinforcement shall be
provided in accordance with Section 2611 (k) 9 or in accordance with Section
2614. When Vu exceeds cfN)2, wall reinforcement for resisting shear shall be
provided in accordance with Section 2611 (k) 9.
9. Design of shear reinforcement for walls. A. Where factored shear force
Vu exceeds shear strength cfN,.. horizontal shear reinforcement shall be provided
to satisfy Formulas (Il-l) and (11-2). where shear strength Vs shall be computed


s s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (11-35)

where Av is area of horizontal shear reinforcement within a distance s 2 and

distanced is in accordance with Section 2611 (k) 4. Vertical shear reinforcement
shall be provided in accordance with Section 2611 (k) 9 D.
B. Ratio ph of horizontal shear reinforcement area to gross concrete area of
vertical section shall be not less than 0.0025.
C. Spacing of horizontal shear reinforcement s 2 shall not exceed lw/5, 3h nor 18
D. Ratio p, of vertical shear reinforcement area to gross concrete area of
horizontal section shall be not less than

P, = 0.0025 + 0.5 (2.5 - ~: ) (ph - 0.0025) ........ (11-36)

nor 0.0025, but need not be greater than the required horizontal shear
E. Spacing of vertical shear reinforcement s 1 shall not exceed lw/3, 3h nor 18
(I) Special Provisions for Slabs and Footings. 1 . Shear strength of slabs and
footings in the vicinity of concentrated loads or reactions is governed by the more
severe of two conditions:
A. Beam action for slab or footing, with a critical section extending in a plane
across the entire width and located at a distance d from face of concentrated load
or reaction area. For this condition, the slab or footing shall be designed in
accordance with Section 2611 (b) through (f).
B. Tho-way action for slab or footing, with a critical section perpendicular to
plane of slab and located so that its perimeter b0 is a minimum, but need not
approach closer than d/2 to perimeter of concentrated load or reaction area. For
this condition, the slab or footing shall be designed in accordance with Section
2611 (I) 2 through 4.
2. Design of slab or footing for two-way action shall be based on Formula
( 11-1 ), where shear strength V, shall not be taken greater than shear strength Vc
given by Formula ( 11-37), unless shear reinforcement is provided in accordance
with Section 2611 (I) 3 or 4.

Vc = ( + ;c )~b,d ............. ..
2 (11-37)

but not greater than 4Yf'cb 0 d. f3c is the ratio of long side to short side of
concentrated load or reaction area and bo is perimeter of critical section defined in
Section 2611 (1).

1982 EDITION 2611

3. Shear reinforcement consisting of bars or wires may be used in slabs and

footings in accordance with the following provisions:
A. Shear strength Vn shall be computed by Formula (11-2), where shear
strength Vc shall be in accordance with Section 2611 (I) 3D, and shear strength V5
shall be in accordance with Section 2611 (I) 3 E.
B. Shear strength Vn shall not be taken greater than 6Yf'c b0 d, where b0 is
perimeter of critical section defined in Section 2611 (I) 3 C.
C. Shear strength shall be investigated at the critical section defined in Section
2611 (I) I Band at successive sections more distant from the support.
D. Shear strength Vc at any section shall not be taken greater than 2Yf'cb0 d,
where b0 is perimeter of critical section defined in Section 2611 (I) 3 C.
E. Where factored shear force Vu exceeds shear strength cfNc as given in
Section 2611 (I) 3 D, required area A. and shear strength V5 of shear reinforce-
ment shall be calculated in accordance with Section 2611 (f) and anchored in
accordance with Section 2612 (o ).
4. Shear reinforcement consisting of steel I or channel shapes (shearheads)
may be used in slabs. Provisions of Section 2611 (I) 4 A through I shall apply
where shear is transferred at interior column supports. Where shear is transferred
at edge or corner column supports, special designs are required.
A. Each shearhead shall consist of steel shapes fabricated by welding into four
identical arms at right angles. Shearhead arms shall be continuous through the
column section.
B. Shearhead shall be not deeper than 70 times the web thickness of the steel
C. Ends of each shearhead arm may be cut at angles not less than 30 degrees
with the horizontal, provided the plastic moment strength of the remaining
tapered section is adequate to resist the shear force attributed to that arm of the
D. All compression flanges of steel shapes shall be located with 0.3d of
compression surface of slab.
E. Ratio a. between the stiffness for each shearhead arm and that for surround-
ing composite cracked slab section of width (c2 + d) shall be not less than 0.15.
F. Plastic moment strength MP required for each arm of the shearhead shall be
computed by

4>Mp = ~~~ [h. +a.(l.- )] ................ (11-38)

where c/J is strength reduction factor for flexure and 1. is minimum length of each
shearhead arm required to comply with requirements of Section 2611 (I) 4 G and
G. Critical slab section for shear shall be perpendicular to plane of slab and
shall cross each shearhead arm three fourths the distance [l. - (c 1 /2)] from


column face to end of shearhead arm. Critical section shall be located so that its
perimeter b0 is a minimum, but need not approach closer than d/2 to perimeter of
column section.
H. Shear strength Vn shall not be taken greater than 4v'f'c b0 d, on the critical
section defined in Section 2611 (I) 4 G. When shearhead reinforcement is
provided, shear strength vn shall not be taken greater than 7v'f'cbod on the
critical section defined in Section 2611 (I) I B.
I. A shearhead may be assumed to contribute a moment resistance Mv to each
slab column strip computed by

M,. = paHV,, (t,.- ~') .................. (11-39)

where is the strength reduction factor for flexure and lv is the length of each
shearhead arm actually provided. However, Mv shall not be taken larger than the
smaller of:
(i) Thirty percent of total factored moment required for each slab column
(ii) Change in column strip moment over length lv.
(iii) Value of MP computed by Formula (11-38).
5. Openings in slabs. When openings in slabs are located at a distance less
than I 0 times the slab thickness from a concentrated load or reaction area, or when
openings in flat slabs are located within column strips as defined in Section 2613,
the critical slab section for shear defined in Sections 2611 (I) 1 Band 2611 (I) 4 G
shall be modified as follows:
A. For slabs without shearheads, that part ofthe perimeter ofthe critical section
that is enclosed by straight lines, projecting from the centroid of the load or
reaction area and tangent to the boundaries of the openings, shall be considered
B. For slabs with shearheads, the ineffective portion of the perimeter shall be
one half of that defined in A.
(m) Transfer of Moments to Columns. 1. General. A. When gravity load,
wind, earthquake or other lateral forces cause transfer of moment at connections
of framing elements to columns, shear resulting from moment transfer shall be
considered in design of lateral reinforcement in columns.
B. Lateral reinforcement not less than that required by Formula ( 11-14) shall be
provided within connections of framing elements to columns, except for connec-
tions not part of a primary seismic load-resisting system that are restrained on four
sides by beams or slabs of approximately equal depth.
2. Special provisions for slabs. A. When gravity load, wind, earthquake or
other lateral forces cause transfer of moment between slab and column, a fraction
of the unbalanced moment shall be transferred by eccentricity of shear in accor-
dance with Section 2611 (m) 2 C and D.

1982 EDITION 2611-2612

B. Fraction of unbalanced moment not transferred by eccentricity of shear shall

be transferred by flexure in accordance with Section 2613 (d) 4.
C. A fraction of the unbalanced moment given by

'Yv =I -
I + 213 Jc C]
1 + d ............ (11-40)

shall be considered transferred by eccentricity of shear about centroid of a critical

section perpendicular to plane of slab and located so that its perimeter is a
minimum, but need not approach closer than d/2 to perimeter of column.
D. Shear stresses resulting from moment transfer by eccentricity of shear shall
be assumed to vary linearly about centroid of critical section defined in Section
2611 (m) 2 C. Maximum shear stress due to factored shear forces and moments
shall not exceed (2 + 41f3YVf'c nor cfJ4Yl'c.
Development and Splices of Reinforcement
Sec. 2612. (a) Notations.
a = depth of equivalent rectangular stress block as defined in Section 2610
(c) 7.
Ah area of an individual bar, square inches.
A, area of non prestressed tension reinforcement, square inches.
A,. area of shear reinforcement within a distance s, square inches.
A.,. area of an individual wire to be developed or spliced, square inches.
h.,. web width, or diameter of circular section, inches.
d = distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension rein-
forcement, inches.
dh nominal diameter of bar, wire or prestressing strand inches.
f' specified compressive strength of concrete, psi.
~: square root of specified compressive strength of concrete, psi.
!,., average splitting tensile strength of lightweight aggregate concrete, psi.
j~ tensile stress developed by standard hook, psi.
JP, stress in prestressed reinforcement at nominal strength, ksi.
f,,. effective stress in prestressed reinforcement (after allowance for all
prestress losses), ksi.
J,. specified yield strength of nonprestressed reinforcement, psi.
h overall thickness of member, inches.
1, additional embedment length at support or at point of inflection,
ld development length, inches.


l~ = equivalent embedment length of a hook, inches.

Mn = nominal moment strength at section, inch-pounds.
= A.fy(d - a/2).
s = spacing of stirrups or ties, inches.
sw = spacing of wire to be developed or spliced, inches.
V" = factored shear force at section.
{3b = ratio of area of reinforcement cut off to total area of tension reinforce-
ment at section.
~ = constant for standard hook.
(b) Development of Reinforcement-General. Calculated tension or com-
pression in reinforcement at each section of reinforced concrete members shall be
developed on each side of that section by embedment length or end anchorage or a
combination thereof. Hooks may be used in developing bars in tension.
(c) Development of Deformed Bars and Deformed Wire in Tension. Devel-
opment length ld, in inches, for deformed bars and deformed wire in tension shall
be computed as the product of the basic development length and the applicable
modification factor or factors as defined in this section, but ld shall be not less than
12 inches except in computation of lap splices by Section 2612 (q) and develop-
ment of web reinforcement by Section 2612 (o ).
Basic development length shall be:
No. ll bar and smaller ............................ 0.04AJ/VJ':*
but not less than ................................... 0.0004dJY t
No. 14 bar ....................................... 0.085//~t
No. 18 bar ........................................ O.llf/Vf':.t
Deformed wire .................................... 0.03dJvl~
*Constant carries the unit of 1/inch.
tConstant carries the unit of inch2fpound.
:Constant carries the unit of inch.
Basic development length shall be multiplied by applicable factor or factors
Top reinforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l .4
Reinforcement withfy greater than 60,000 psi .............. 2 - ~~
Lightweight aggregate concrete.
Whenfct is specified and concrete is proportioned
in accordance with Section 2604 (c) .................... 6. 7VJ':. lfc,
but not less
than 1.0

Top reinforcement is horizontal reinforcement so placed that more than 12 inches of

concrete is cast in the member below the reinforcement.

1982 EDITION 2612

Whenfc, is not specified

"all-lightweight" concrete ................................... 1.33
"sand-lightweight" concrete ................................. 1.18

Linear interpolation may be applied when partial sand replacement is used.

Basic development length, modified by appropriate factors for lightweight
aggregate concrete noted above may be multiplied by applicable factor or factors
Reinforcement being developed in length under consideration
and spaced laterally at least 6 inches on center with at least 3
inches clear from face of member to edge bar, measured
in direction of spacing ....................................... 0.8
Reinforcement in a flexural member
in excess of that required by analysis ......... (A 5 required)/(As provided)
Reinforcement enclosed within spiral reinforcement
not less than Y4-inch diameter and not more
than 4-inch pitch ........................................... 0.75
(d) Development of Deformed Bars in Compression. Development length
ld, in inches, for deformed bars in compression shall be computed as the product
of the basic development length and applicable modification factors as defined in
this section, but ld shall be not less than 8 inches.
Basic development length shall be .................... 0.02dbfy!Vl':
but not less than ..................................... 0.0003dJY t
Basic development length may be multiplied by applicable factors for:
Reinforcement in excess of that required
by analysis ............................. (As required)/(A 5 provided)
Reinforcement enclosed within spiral reinforcement not less
than Y4-inch diameter and not more than 4-inch pitch .............. 0. 75
(e) Development of Bundled Bars. Development length of individual bars
within a bundle, in tension or compression, shall be that for the individual bar,
increased 20 percent for 3-bar bundle, and 33 percent for 4-bar bundle.
(f) Standard Hooks in Thnsion. Standard hooks shall be considered to develop
a tensile stress in bar reinforcement

where~ is not greater than values in Table No. 26-E.

An equivalent embedment length 1, of a standard hook may be computed using
provisions of Section 2612 (c) by substitutingfh forfy and 1, for Id.
Hooks shall not be considered effective in developing reinforcement in
(g) Mechanical Anchorage. Any mechanical device capable of developing the
strength of reinforcement without damage to concrete may be used as anchorage.


Test results showing adequacy of such mechanical devices shall be presented to

the building official.
(h) Combination Development Length. Development length ld in tension
may consist of a combination of equivalent embedment length of a hook or
mechanical anchorage plus additional embedment length of reinforcement.
(i) Development of Welded Deformed Wire Fabric in Thnsion. Development
length ld, in inches, of welded deformed wire fabric measured from point of
critical section to end of wire shall be computed as the product of either of the
basic development lengths noted in this section and applicable modification factor
or factors of Section 2612 (c), but ld shall be not less than 8 inches except in
computation of lap splices by Section 2612 (t) and development of web reinforce-
ment by Section 2612 (o).
Basic development length of welded deformed wire fabric, with at least one
cross wire within the development length not less than 2 inches from point of
critical section, shall be

0.03dNY. - 20,000)/ v7'c

*The 20,000 has units of psi.

but not less than

0.20 ~ _b_
Basic development length of welded deformed wire fabric, with no cross wires
within the development length, shall be determined as for deformed wire.
(j) Development of Welded Smooth Wire Fabric in Thnsion. Yield strength
of welded smooth wire fabric shall be considered developed by embedment of two
cross wires with the closer cross wire not less than 2 inches from point of critical
section. However, development length ld measured from point of critical section
to outermost cross wire shall be not less than
0.27 Aw ...:b._
Sw \JF':-
modified by (A, required)/(A, provided) for reinforcement in excess of that
required by analysis and by factor of Section 2612 (c) for lightweight aggregate
concrete, but ld shall be not less than 6 inches except in computation of lap splices
by Section 2612 (u).
(k) Development of Prestressing Strand. Three- or seven-wire pretensioning
strand shall be bonded beyond the critical section for a development length, in
inches, not less than

tExpression in parenthesis used as a constant without units.

1982 EDITION 2612

where db is strand diameter in inches, andfps andfse are expressed in kips per
square inch.
Investigation may be limited to cross sections nearest each end of the member
that are required to develop full design strength under specified factored loads.
Where bonding of a strand does not extend to the end of a member, bonded
development length specified in above shall be doubled.
(I) Development of Flexural Reinforcement-General. 1. Tension rein-
forcement may be developed by bending across the web to be anchored or made
continuous with reinforcement on the opposite face of member.
2. Critical sections for development of reinforcement in flexural members are
at points of maximum stress and at points within the span where adjacent
reinforcement terminates or is bent. Provisions of Section 2612 (m) 3 must be
3. Reinforcement shall extend beyond the point at which it is no longer
required to resist flexure for a distance equal to the effective depth of member or
12db, whichever is greater, except at supports of simple spans and at free end of
4. Continuing reinforcement shall have an embedment length not less than the
development length ld beyond the point where bent or terminated tension rein-
forcement is no longer required to resist flexure.
5. Flexural reinforcement shall not be terminated in a tension zone unless one
of the following conditions is satisfied:
A. Shear at the cutoff point does not exceed two thirds that permitted, including
shear strength of shear reinforcement provided.
B. Stirrup area in excess of that required for shear and torsion is provided along
each terminated bar or wire over a distance from the termination point equal to
three fourths the effective depth of member. Excess stirrup area Av shall be not
less than 60bws lfy Spacings shall not exceed d!8{3b where {3b is the ratio of area of
reinforcement cut off to total area of tension reinforcement at the section.
C. For No. 11 bar and smaller, continuing reinforcement provides double the
area required for flexure at the cutoff point and shear does not exceed three fourths
that permitted.
6. Adequate end anchorage shall be provided for tension reinforcement in
flexural members where reinforcement stress is not directly proportional to
moment, such as: sloped, stepped or tapered footings; brackets; deep flexural
members; or members in which tension reinforcement is not parallel to compres-
sion face.
(m) Development of Positive Moment Reinforcement. 1. At least one third
the positive moment reinforcement in simple members and one fourth the positive
moment reinforcement in continuous members shall extend along the same face
of member into the support. In beams, such reinforcement shall extend into the
support at least 6 inches.
2. When a flexural member is part of a primary lateral load-resisting system,
positive moment reinforcement required to be extended into the support by
Section 2612 (m) I shall be anchored to develop the specified yield strengthfy in


tension at the face of support.

3. At simple supports and at points of inflection, positive moment tension
reinforcement shall be limited to a diameter such that ld computed for f, by
Section 2612 (c) satisifies the following: Y

Id <
- M.n
Vu + Ia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (12-l)

M n is nominal strength assuming all reinforcement at the section to be
stressed to the specified yield strengthfy.
V u is factored shear force at the section.
la at a support shall be the sum of the embedment length beyond the center
of support and the equivalent embedment length of any hook or
mechanical anchorage provided.
Ia at a point of inflection shall be limited to the effective depth or member
of 12 db, whichever is greater.

Value of Mn/Vu may be increased 30 percent when the ends of reinforcement

are confined by a compressive reaction.
(n) Development of Negative Moment Reinforcement. Negative moment
reinforcement in a continuous, restrained or cantilever member, or in any member
of a rigid frame, shall be anchored in or through the supporting member by
embedment length, hooks or mechanical anchorage.
Negative moment reinforcement shall have an embedment length into the span
as required by Sections 2612 (b) and 2612 (I) 3.
At least one third the total tension reinforcement provided for negative moment
at a support shall have an embedment length beyond the point of inflection not less
than effective depth of member, 12 db, or 1/16 the clear span, whichever is greater.

(o) Development of Web Reinforcement. Web reinforcement shall be carried

as close to compression and tension surfaces of member as cover requirements
and proximity of other reinforcement will permit.
Ends of single leg, simple U- or multiple U-stirrups shall be anchored by one of
the following means:
I. A standard hook plus an embedment of 0.5/d. The 0.5/d embedment of a
stirrup leg shall be taken as the distance between middepth of member d/2 and
start of hook (point of tangency).
2. Embedment d/2 above or below middepth on the compression side of the
member for a full development length ld but not less than 24db; or for deformed
bars or deformed wire, 12 inches.
3. For No. 5 bar and 031 wire, and smaller, bending around longitudinal
reinforcement through at least 135 degrees and, in addition, for stirrups with
design stress exceeding 40,000 psi, an embedment of 0.33/d shall be provided.
The 0.33ld embedment of a stirrup leg shall be taken as the distance between

1982 EDITION 2612

middepth of member d/2 and start of hook (point of tangency).

4. For each leg of welded smooth wire fabric forming simple U -stirrups, either:
A. l'wo longitudinal wires spaced at a 2-inch spacing along the member at the
top of the U.
B. One longitudinal wire located not more than d/4 from the compression face
and a second wire closer to the compression face and spaced not less than 2 inches
from the first wire. The second wire may be located on the stirrup leg beyond a
bend, or on a bend with an inside diameter of bend not less than 8db.
Between anchored ends, each bend in the continuous portion of a simple U-
stirrup or multiple U-stirrups shall enclose a longitudinal bar.
Longitudinal bars bent to act as shear reinforcement, if extended into a region
of tension, shall be continuous with longitudinal reinforcement and, if extended
into a region of compression, shall be anchored beyond middepth d/2 as specified
for development length in Section 2612 (c) for that part offy required to satisfy
Formula (ll-18).
Pairs of U-stirrups or ties so placed as to form a closed unit shall be considered
properly spliced when lengths of laps are 1. 71d . In members at least 18 inches
deep, such splices with Ab/, not more than 9000 pounds per leg may be consid-
ered adequate if stirrup leg/extend the full available depth of member.
(p) Splices of Reinforcement. 1. General. Splices of reinforcement shall be
made only as required or permitted on approved plans, or specifications or as
authorized by the building official.
2. Lap splices. A. Lap splices shall not be used for bars larger than No. 11,
except as provided in Section 2615 (i) 6.
B. Lap splices of bundled bars shall be based on the lap splice length required
for individual bars within a bundle, increased 20 percent for a 3-bar bundle and 33
percent for a 4-bar bundle. Individual bar splices within a bundle shall not
C. Bars spliced by non contact lap splices in flexural members shall not be
spaced transversely farther apart than one fifth the required lap splice length, nor
6 inches.
3. Welded splices and mechanical connections. A. Welded splices and other
mechanical connections may be used.
B. Except as provided in this code, all welding shall conform to U.B.C.
Standard No. 26-8.
C. A full welded splice shall have bars butted and welded to develop in tension
at least 125 percent of specified yield strengthfy of the bar.
D. A full mechanical connection shall develop in tension or compression, as
required, at least 125 percent of specified yield strengthfy of the bar.
E. Welded splices and mechanical connections not meeting requirements of
Section 2612 (p) 3 CorD may be used in accordance with Section 2612 (q) 4.
(q) Splices of Deformed Bars and Deformed Wire in Thnslon. 1. Minimum
length of lap for tension lap splices shall be as required for Class A, B or C splice,
but not less than 12 inches, where:


Class A splice ........................................ 1.0/"

Class B splice ........................................ I. 3/"
Class C splice ........................................ I. 7/"
where ld is the tensile development length for the specified yield strength f., in
accordance with Section 2612 (c).
2. Lap splices of deformed bars and deformed wire in tension shall conform to
Table No. 26-H
3. Welded splices or mechanical connections used where area of reinforcement
provided is less than twice that required by analysis shall meet requirements of
Section 2612 (p) 3 C and D.
4. Welded splices or mechanical connections used where area of reinforcement
provided is at least twice that required by analysis shall meet the following:
A. Splices shall be staggered at least 24 inches and in such manner as to develop
at every section at least twice the calculated tensile force at that section but not less
than 20,000 psi for total area of reinforcement provided.
B. In computing tensile force developed at each section, spliced reinforcement
may be rated at the specified splice strength. Unspliced reinforcement shall be
rated at that fraction of f., defined by the ratio of the shorter actual development
length to I" required to develop the specified yield strength f.,.
C. Splices in "tension tie members" shall be made with a full welded splice or
full mechanical connection in accordance with Section 2612 (p) 3 C and D and be
staggered at least I .7 /".
(r) Splices of Deformed Bars in Compression. I. Lap Splice. Minimum
length of lap for compression lap splices shall be the development length in
compression computed in accordance with Section 2612 (d) but not less than
O.OOOSJ,.dh, nor (0.0009!, - 24) dh for f., greater than 60,000 psi, nor 12 inches.
Forf',. less than 3000 psi, length of lap shall be increased by one third.
In tied reinforced compression members, where ties throughout the lap splice
length have an effective area not less than 0.0015hs, lap splice length may be
multiplied by 0.83, but lap length shall be not less than 12 inches. Tie legs
perpendicular to dimension h shall be used in determining effective area.
In spirally reinforced compression members, lap splice length of bars within a
spiral may be multiplied by 0.75, but lap length shall be not less than 12 inches.
2. End bearing splices. In bars required for compression only, compressive
stress may be transmitted by bearing of square cut ends held in concentric contact
by a suitable device.
Bar ends shall terminate in flat surfaces within l 1/2 degrees of a right angle to
the axis of the bars and shall be fitted within 3 degrees of full bearing after
End bearing splices shall be used only in members containing closed ties,
closed stirrups or spirals.
3. Welded splices. Welded splices or mechanical connections used in compres-
sion shall meet requirements of Section 2612 (p) 3 C and D.
(s) Special Splice Requirements for Columns. I. Where factored load stress
in longitudinal bars in a column, calculated for various loading combinations,

1982 EDITION 2612-2613

varies fromfy in compression to one half !y or less in tension, lap splices, butt
welded splices, mechanical connections or end bearing splices may be used. Total
tensile strength provided in each face of the column by splices alone or by splices
in combinations with continuing unspliced bars at specified yield strengthfv shall
be at least twice the calculated tension in that face of the column but not less than
required by Section 2612 (s) 3.
2. Where factored load stress in longitudinal bars in a column, calculated for
any loading combination, exceeds one halffy in tension, lap splices designed to
develop the specified yield strengthfv in tension, or full-welded splices or full
mechanical connections in accordance with Section 2612 (p) 3 C and D.
3. At horizontal cross sections of columns where splices are located, a mini-
mum tensile strength in each face of the column equal to one fourth the area of
vertical reinforcement in that face multiplied by !y shall be provided.
(t) Splices of Welded Deformed Wire Fabric in Thnsion. Minimum length of
lap for lap splices of welded deformed wire fabric measured between the ends of
each fabric sheet shall be not less than 1. 71d nor 8 inches, and the overlap
measured between outermost cross wires of each fabric sheet shall be not less than
2 inches, ld shall be the development length for the specified yield strengthfv in
accordance with Section 2612 (i).
Lap splices of welded deformed wire fabric, with no cross wires within the lap
splice length, shall be determined as for deformed wire.
(u) Splices of Welded Smooth Wire Fabric in Thnsion. Minimum length of
lap for lap splices of welded smooth wire fabric shall be in accordance with the
I. When area of reinforcement provided is less than twice that required by
analysis at splice location, length of overlap measured between outermost cross
wires of each fabric sheet shall be not less than one spacing of cross wires plus 2
inches, nor less than I . 5 Id nor 6 inches, Id shall be the development length for the
specified yield strengthfy in accordance with Section 2612 U).
2. When area of reinforcement provided is at least twice that required by
analysis at splice location, length of overlap measured between outermost cross
wires of each fabric sheet shall be not less than 1.5 ld2, nor 2 inches, ld shall be the
development length for the specified yield strengthfv in accordance with Section
2612 U). .

Slab Systems with Multiple Square or Rectangular Panels

Sec. 2613. (a) Notations:
c 1 = size of rectangular or equivalent rectangular column, capital or bracket
measured in the direction of the span for which moments are being
determined, inches.
c2 size of rectangular or equivalent rectangular column, capital or bracket
measured transverse to the direction of the span for which moments are
being determined, inches.
C cross-sectional constant to define torsional properties. See Formula


d = distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension rein-

forcement, inches.
Ecb modulus of elasticity of beam concrete.
Ecc modulus of elasticity of column concrete.
Ecs modulus of elasticity of slab concrete.
h = overall thickness of member, inches.
Ib = moment of inertia about centroidal axis of gross section of beam as
defined in Section 2613 (c) 4.
lc = moment of inertia of gross section of column.
15 = moment of inertia about centroidal axis of gross section of slab.
= h3 /12 times width of slab defined in notations a and {3,.
Kb = flexural stiffness of beam; moment per unit rotation.
Kc = flexural stiffness of column; moment per unit rotation.
Kec = flexural stiffness of equivalent column; moment per unit rotation. See
Formula (13-6).
K5 = flexural stiffness of slab; moment per unit rotation.
K, = torsional stiffness of torsional member; moment per unit rotation.
In length of clear span in direction that moments are being determined,
measured face-to-face of supports.
11 length of span in direction that moments are being determined, mea-
sured center-to-center of supports.
12 length of span transverse to 11 , measured center-to-center of supports.
See also Section 2613 (h) 2 C and D.
M0 = total factored static moment.
wu = factored load per unit area.
wd = factored dead load per unit area.
w1 = factored live load per unit area.
x = shorter overall dimension of rectangular part of cross section.
y = longer overall dimension of rectangular part of cross section.
a = ratio of flexural stiffness of beam section to flexural stiffness of a width
of slab bounded laterally by centerlines of adjacent panels (if any) on
each side of the beam.
= Ecblb
ac = ratio of flexural stiffness of columns above and below the slab to
combined flexural stiffness of the slabs and beams at a joint taken in the
direction of the span for which moments are being determined.

a.c = ratio of flexural stiffness of equivalent column to combined flexural

1982 EDITION 2613

stiffness of the slabs and beams at a joint taken in the direction of the
span for which moments are being determined.
L (Ks + Kb)
amin minimum acto satisfy Section 2613 (h) 10 A.
a1 a in direction of / 1
a2 a in direction of /2
{30 ratio of dead load per unit area to live load per unit area (in each case
without load factors).
{31 = ratio of torsional stiffness of edge beam section to flexural stiffness of a
width of slab equal to span length of beam, center-to-center of supports.
Bs factor defined by Formula (13-5). See Section 2613 (h) 10.
'Y, = fraction of unbalanced moment transferred by flexure at slab-column
connections. See Section 2613 (d) 6.

(b) Scope. 1. The provisions of this section shall apply for design of slab
systems reinforced for flexure in more than one direction with or without beams
between supports.
2. A slab system may be supported on columns or walls. If supported by
columns, no portion of a column capital shall be considered for structural
purposes that lies outside the largest right circular cone or pyramid with a 90-
degree vertex that can be included within the outlines of a supporting element.
3. Solid slabs and slabs with recesses or pockets made by permanent or
removable fillers between ribs or joists in two directions are included within the
scope of this section.
4. Slabs with paneled ceilings are included within the scope of this section,
provided the panel of reduced thickness lies entirely within middle strips, and is
not less than two thirds the thickness ofthe remainder of the slab, exclusive of the
drop panel, nor less than 4 inches thick.
5. Minimum thickness of slabs designed in accordance with this section shall
be as required by Section 2609 (f) 3.
(c) Definitions. 1. Column strip is a design strip with a width on each side of a
column center line equal to 0.25/2 or 0.2511 , whichever is less. Column strip
includes beams, if any.
2. Middle strip is a design strip bounded by two column strips.
3. A panel is bounded by column, beam or wall center lines on all sides.
4. For monolithic or fully composite construction, a beam includes that portion
of slab on each side of the beam extending a distance equal to the projection of the
beam above or below the slab, whichever is greater, but not greater than four times
the slab thickness.
(d) Design Procedures. I. A slab system may be designed by any procedure
satisfying conditions of equilibrium and geometrical compatibility if shown that


the design strength at every section is at least equal to the required strength
considering Section 2609 (c), and that all serviceability conditions, including
specified limits on deflections, are met.
2. A slab system, including the slab and beams (if any) between supports, and
supporting columns or walls may be designed by either the direct design method
[Section 2613 (h)] or the equivalent frame method [Section 2613 (i)].
3. The slab and beams (if any) between supports shall be proportioned for
factored moments prevailing at every section.
4. When gravity load, wind, earthquake or other lateral forces cause transfer of
moment between slab and column, a fraction of the unbalanced moment shall be
transferred by flexure in accordance with Section 2613 (b) 5.
The fraction of unbalanced moment not transferred by flexure shall be trans-
ferred by eccentricity of shear in accordance with Section 2611 (m) 2.
5. The fraction of the unbalanced moment given by
y1 =
1 + ?:_~c 1 + d ................. (13-1)
3 c~ +d
shall be considered transferred by flexure over an effective slab width between
lines that are one and one-half slab or drop panel thickness ( 1.5h) outside opposite
faces of the column or capital.
Concentration of reinforcement over the column by closer spacing or additional
reinforcement may be used to resist moment on the effective slab width.
6. Design for transfer of load from slab to supporting columns or walls through
shear and torsion shall be in accordance with Section 2611 .
(e) Slab Reinforcement. I. Area of reinforcement in each direction for two-
way slab systems shall be determined from moments at critical sections but shall
be not less than required by Section 2607 (m).
Spacing of reinforcement at critical sections shall not exceed two times the slab
thickness, except for portions of slab area that may be of cellular or ribbed
construction. In the slab over cellular spaces, reinforcement shall be provided as
required by Section 2607 (m).
2. Positive moment reinforcement perpendicular to a discontinuous edge shall
extend to the edge of slab and have embedment, straight or hooked, at least 6
inches in spandrel beams, columns or walls.
3. Negative moment reinforcement perpendicular to a discontinuous edge
shall be bent, hooked or otherwise anchored, in spandrel beams, columns or
walls, to be developed at face of support according to provisions of Section 2612.
4. Where a slab is not supported by a spandrel beam or wall at a discontinuous
edge or where a slab cantilevers beyond the support, anchorage of reinforcement
may be within the slab.
5. In slabs with beams between supports with a value of a greater than 1.0,
special top and bottom slab reinforcement shall be provided at exterior comers in
accordance with the following:

1982 EDITION 2613

A. The special reinforcement in both top and bottom of slab shall be sufficient
to resist a moment equal to the maximum positive moment (per foot of width) in
the slab.
8. Direction of moment shall be assumed parallel to the diagonal from the
comer in the top of the slab and perpendicular to the diagonal in the bottom of the
C. The special reinforcement shall be provided for a distance in each direction
from the comer equal to one fifth the longer span.
D. In either the top or bottom of the slab, the special reinforcement may be
placed in a single band in the direction of the moment or in two bands parallel to
the sides of the slab.
6. Where a drop panel is used to reduce amount of negative moment reinforce-
ment over the column of a flat slab, size of drop panel shall be in accordance with
the following:
A. Drop panel shall extend in each direction from center line of support a
distance not less than one sixth the span length measured from center-to-center of
supports in that direction.
8. Projection of drop panel below the slab shall be at least one fourth the slab
thickness beyond the drop.
C. In computing required slab reinforcement, thickness of drop panel below
the slab shall not be assumed greater than one fourth the distance from edge of
drop panel to edge of column or column capital.
(f) Details of Reinforcement in Slabs Without Beams. In addition to the other
requirements of Section 2613 (e), reinforcement in slabs without beams shall have
minimum bend point locations and extensions for reinforcement as prescribed in
Figure No. 26-l.
Where adjacent spans are unequal, extension of negative reinforcement beyond
the face of support as prescribed in Figure No. 26-1 shall be based on require-
ments oflonger span. Bent bars may be used only when depth-span ratio permits
use of bends 45 degrees or less.
For slabs in frames not braced against sidesway and for slabs resisting lateral
loads, lengths of reinforcement shall be determined by analysis but shall be not
less than those prescribed in Figure No. 26-1.
(g) Openings in Slab Systems. I . Openings of any size may be provided in
slab systems if shown by analysis that the design strength is at least equal to the
required strength considering Section 2609 (c) and (d), and that all serviceability
conditions, including the specified limits on deflections, are met.
2. In lieu of special analysis as required by Section 2613 (g) I, openings may
be provided in slab systems without beams when in accordance with the
A. Openings of any size may be located in the area common to intersecting
middle strips, provided total amount of reinforcement required for the panel
without the opening is maintained.
B. In the area common to intersecting column strips, not more than one eighth
the width of column strip in either span shall be interrupted by openings. An


amount of reinforcement equivalent to that interrupted by an opening shall be

added on the sides ofthe opening.
C. In the area common to one column strip and one middle strip, not more than
one fourth the reinforcement in either strip shall be interrupted by openings. An
amount of reinforcement equivalent to that interrupted by an opening shall be
added on the sides of the opening.
D. Shear requirements of Section 2611 (I) 5 shall be satisfied.
(h) Direct Design Method. l. Slab systems within the following limitations
may be designed by the direct design method:
A. There shall be a minimum of three continuous spans in each direction.
8. Panels shall be rectangular with a ratio of longer to shorter span within a
panel not greater than 2.
C. Successive span lengths in each direction shall not differ by more than one
third the longer span.
D. Columns may be offset a maximum of I 0 percent of the span (in direction of
offset) from either axis between center lines of successive columns.
E. All loads shall be due to gravity only and uniformly distributed over an entire
panel. Live load shall not exceed three times dead load.
F. For a panel with beams between supports on all sides, the relative stiffness of
beams in two perpendicular directions

a 1l/
a 2[ 2

shall be not less than 0.2 nor greater than 5.0.

G. Moment redistribution as permitted by Section 2608 (e) shall not be applied
for slab systems designed by the direct design method. See Section 2613 (h) 7.
H. Variations from the limitations of this section may be considered acceptable
if demonstrated by analysis that requirements of Section 2613 (d) 1 are satisfied.
2. Thtal factored static moment for a span. A. Total factored static moment
for a span shall be determined in a strip bounded laterally by center line of panel
on each side of center line of supports.
B. Absolute sum of positive and average negative factored moments in each
direction shall be not less than

M = wltl,.2 .................... (13-3)

() 8

C. Where the transverse span of panels on either side of the center line of
supports varies, /2 in Formula (13-3) shall be taken as the average of adjacent
transverse spans.
D. When the span adjacent and parallel to an edge is being considered, the
distance from edge to panel center line shall be substituted for 12 in Formula
E. Clear span In shall extend from face to face of columns, capitals, brackets or

1982 EDITION 2613

walls. Value of In used in Formula (13-3) shall be not less than 0.651 1 . Circular or
regular polygon-shaped supports shall be treated as square supports with the same
3. Negative and positive factored moments. Negative factored moments
shall be located at face of rectangular supports. Circular or regular polygon-
shaped supports shall be treated as square supports with the same area.
In an interior span, total static moment M 0 shall be distributed as follows:
Negative factored moment ................................... 0.65
Positive factored moment. ................................... 0.35

In an end span, total static moment M0 shall be distributed as follows:

Intenor 10-
. f actored moment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 . 75 - - -
. negative
1 +1-

. . f actored moment ..................... 0.63- -0 28

Posltlve --
1 + _!___

. negative
Extenor . f actored moment ......................... -0.65

where aec is computed in accordance with Section 2613 (i) 7 for the exterior
Negative moment sections shall be designed to resist the larger of the two
interior negative factored moments determined for spans framing into a common
support unless an analysis is made to distribute the unbalanced moment in
accordance with stiffness of adjoining elements.
Edge beams or edges of slab shall be proportioned to resist in torsion their share
of exterior negative factored moments.
4. Factored moments in column strips. Column strips shall be proportioned
to resist the following percentage of interior negative factored moments:

l,jl, 0.5 1.0 2.0

(ai~/l,) =0 75 75 75
( a1l2/li) ~ 1.0 90 75 45

Linear interpolations shall be made between values shown.

Column strips shall be proportioned to resist the following percentage of
exterior negative factored moments:


1:/11 0.5 1.0 2.0

{3t =0 100 100 100

(at~ll,) = 0
{3t :::0: 2.5 75 75 75
{3t =0 100 100 100
( a~l21l!l :::0: 1.0
{3t :::0: 2.5 90 75 45

Linear interpolations shall be made between values shown.

Where supports consist of columns or walls extending for a distance equal to or
greater than three fourths the span length 12 used to compute M 0 , negative
moments shall be considered to be uniformly distributed across 12 .
Column strips shall be proportioned to resist the following percentage of
positive factored moments:

/,;/, 0.5 1.0 2.0

( adz/l,) = 0 60 60 60
( atlzllt) :::0: 1.0 90 75 45

Linear interpolations shall be made between values shown.

For slabs with beams between supports, the slab portion of column strips shall
be proportioned to resist that portion of column strip moments not resisted by
5. Factored moments in beams. Beams between supports shall be propor-
tioned to resist 85 percent of column strip moments if (a 1/ 2 /l 1) is equal to or
greater than 1.0. For values of (a 1/ 2 /l 1) between 1.0 and zero, proportion of
column strip moments resisted by beams shall be obtained by linear interpolation
between 85 and zero percent. In addition to moments calculated according to this
paragraph, beams shall be proportioned to resist moments caused by loads
applied directly on beams.
6. Factored moments in middle strips. That portion of negative and positive
factored moments not resisted by column strips shall be proportionately assigned
to corresponding half middle strips. Each middle strip shall be proportioned to
resist the sum of the moments assigned to its two half middle strips. A middle strip
adjacent to and parallel with an edge supported by a wall shall be proportioned to
resist twice the moment assigned to the half middle strip corresponding to the first
row of interior supports.
7. Modification of factored moments. Negative and positive factored
moments may be modified by 10 percent, provided the total static moment for a
panel in the direction considered is not less than that required by Formula (13-3).
8. Factored shear in slab systems with beams. Beams with (a 112 I11) equal to
or greater than 1.0 shall be proportioned to resist shear caused by factored loads
on tributary areas bounded by 45-degree lines drawn from the comers of the

1982 EDITION 2613

panels and the center lines of the adjacent panels parallel to the long sides.
Beams with (o: 1/ 2 11 1) less than 1.0 may be proportioned to resist shear obtained
by linear interpolation, assuming beams carry no load at o: = 0. In addition to
shears calculated according to this section, beams shall be proportioned to resist
shears caused by factored loads applied directly on beams.
Slab shear strength may be computed on the assumption that load is distributed
to supporting beams in accordance with the preceding paragraph. Resistance to
total shear occurring on a panel shall be provided.
Shear strength shall satisfy requirements of Section 2611.
9. Factored moments in columns and walls. Columns and walls built inte-
grally with a slab system shall resist moments caused by factored loads on the slab
At an interior support, supporting elements above and below the slab shall
resist the moment specified by Formula (13-4) in direct proportion to their
stiffnesses unless a general analysis is made.

M=O.OH [(tv 11 +0 ..5tv 1) U, 2 -w;t/'2J..LJ.:l ........ (1 3_4 )

1 +-1

where w' d J' 2 and l'n refer to shorter span.

10. Provisions for effects of pattern loadings. Where ratio {30 of dead load to
live load is less than 2, one of the following conditions shall be satisfied:
A. Sum of flexural stiffnesses of the columns above and below the slab shall be
such that o:c is not less than o:min specified in Table No. 26-F.
B. If o:c for the columns above and below the slab is less than o:min specified in
Table No. 26-F, positive factored moments in panels supported by such columns
shall be multiplied by the coefficient 8s determined from Formula (13-5).

!Jja o,,,,
............... (13-5)
where {30 is ratio of dead load to live load, per unit area (in each case without load
(i) Equivalent Frame Method. I. Design of slab systems by the equivalent
frame method shall be based on assumptions given in Section 2613 (i) 2 through
6, and all sections of slabs and supporting members shall be proportioned for
moments and shears thus obtained.
Where metal column capitals are used, account may be taken of their contribu-
tions to stiffness and resistance to moment and to shear.
Change in length of columns and slabs due to direct stress, and deflections due
to shear, may be neglected.
2. Equivalent frame. The structure shall be considered to be made up of


equivalent frames on column lines taken longitudinally and transversely through

the building. Each frame shall consist of a row of equivalent columns or supports
and slab-beam strips, bounded laterally by the center line of panel on each side of
the center line of columns or supports. Frames adjacent and parallel to an edge
shall be bounded by that edge and the center line of adjacent panel.
Each equivalent frame may be analyzed in its entirety, or for vertical loading,
each floor and the roof (slab-beams) may be analyzed separately with far ends of
columns considered fixed. Where slab-beams are analyzed separately, it may be
assumed in determining moment at a given support that the slab-beam is fixed at
any support two panels distant therefrom, provided the slab continues beyond that
3. Slab-beams. Moment of inertia of slab-beams at any cross section outside
of joints or column capitals may be based on the gross area of concrete. Variation
in moment of inertia along axis of slab-beams shall be taken into account.
Moment of inertia of slab-beams from center of column to face of column,
bracket or capital shall be assumed equal to the moment of inertia of the slab-
beam at face of column, bracket or capital divided by the quantity (1 - c 2 /1 2 ) 2
where c2 and 12 are measured transverse to the direction of the span for which
moments are being determined.
4. Equivalent columns. An equivalent column shall be assumed to consist of
the actual columns above and below the slab-beam plus an attached torsional
member [Section 2613 (i) 5] transverse to the direction of the span for which
moments are being determined and extending to bounding lateral panel center
lines on each side of column. Flexibility (inverse of stiffness) of an equivalent
column shall be taken as the sum of the flexibilities of the actual columns above
and below the slab-beam and the flexibility of the attached torsional member as
expressed by Formula (13-6).

_l = _l_ + __!_ ........... (13-6)

K,.,. ~K,. K,

In computing stiffness of columns Kc, moment of inertia of columns at any

cross section outside of joints or column capitals may be based on the gross area of
Variation in moment of inertia along axis of columns shall be taken into
account. Moment of inertia of columns shall be assumed infinite from top to
bottom of the slab-beam at a joint.
5. Attached torsional members. Attached torsional members shall be
assumed to have a constant cross section throughout their length consisting of the
larger of:
A. A portion of slab having a width equal to that of the column, bracket or
capital in the direction of the span for which moments are being determined.
8. For monolithic or fully composite construction, the portion of slab specified
in A above plus that part of the transverse beam above and below the slab.
C. lfansverse beam as defined in Section 2613 (c) 4.

1982 EDITION 2613

Stiffness K, of an attached torsional member shall be calculated by the follow-

ing expression:

,= l 9E'",C
~e(~-~r ................... (l3-7)
where c2 and /2 relate to the transverse spans on each side of column. The constant
C in Formula ( 13-7) may be evaluated for the cross section by dividing it into
separate rectangular parts and carrying out the following summation:

C -_ l ( I - 0.063 x )y -ry3- ............... (13-8)

Where beams frame into columns in the direction of the span for which
moments are being determined, value of K, as computed by Formula (13-6) shall
be multiplied by the ratio of moment of inertia of slab with such beam to moment
of inertia of slab without such beam.
6. Arrangement of live load. When loading pattern is known, the equivalent
frame shall be analyzed for that load.
When live load is variable but does not exceed three fourths the dead load, or
the nature of live load is such that all panels will be loaded simultaneously,
maximum factored moments may be assumed to occur at all sections with full
factored live load on entire slab system.
For loading conditions other than those defined in the preceding paragraph,
maximum positive factored moment near midspan of a panel may be assumed to
occur with three fourths the full factored live load on the panel and on alternate
panels; and maximum negative factored moment in the slab at a support may be
assumed to occur with three fourths the full live load on adjacent panels only.
Factored moments shall not be taken less than those occurring with full factored
live load on all panels.
7. Factored moments. At interior supports, critical section for negative fac-
tored moment (in both column and middle strips) shall be taken at face of
rectilinear supports, but not greater than 0.175/ 1 from center of a column.
At exterior supports provided with brackets or capitals, critical section for
negative factored moment in the span perpendicular to an edge shall be taken at a
distance from face of supporting element not greater than one half the projection
of bracket or capital beyond face of supporting element.
Circular or regular polygon-shaped supports shall be treated as square supports
with the same area for location of critical section for negative design moment.
Slab systems within limitations of Section 2613 (h) l, when analyzed by the
equivalent frame method, may have resulting computed moments reduced in such
proportion that the absolute sum of the positive and average negative moments
used in design need not exceed the value obtained from Formula (13-3).
Moments at critical sections across the slab-beam strip of each frame may be


distributed to column strips, beams and middle strips as provided in Section 2613
(h) 4, 5 and 6 if the requirement of Section 2613 (h) I F is satisfied.
Moments determined for the equivalent columns in the frame analysis shall be
used in design of the actual columns above and below the slab beams.

Sec. 2614. (a) Notations.
AR gross area of section, square inches.
f'c specified compressive strength of concrete, psi.
h overall thickness of member, inches.
(. vertical distance between supports, inches.
Pnw nominal axial load strength of wall designed by Section 2614 (c).
cf> = strength reduction factor. See Section 2609 (d).
(b) Structural Design. Walls shall be designed for any lateral or other loads to
which they are subjected. Proper provisions shall be made for eccentric loads and
lateral forces.
Unless designed in accordance with Section 2614 (c), walls subject to com-
bined flexure and axial loads shall be designed under the provisions of Section
2610 (p).
(c) Empirical Design Method. I. Walls may be designed by the empirical
provisions under this section if resultant of the factored axial load is located within
the middle third of the overall thickness of wall and all limits of this section are
EXCEPTION: Limits of thickness and quantity of reinforcement required by
this section may be waived where structural analysis shows adequate strength and
2. Design axial load strength cf>P nw of a wall within limitations of Section 2614
(c) I shall be computed by

cf>P.w = 0.55cf>f'cA, [I- (4~h f] ............. (14-1)

where cf> = 0.70.
3. Length of wall to be considered as effective for each concentrated load or
reaction shall not exceed center-to-center distance between loads, nor width of
bearing plus four times the wall thickness.
4. Overall thickness of bearing walls shall be not less than V25 the unsupported
height or width, whichever is shorter.
5. Bearing walls shall be not less than 6 inches thick for uppermost 15 feet of
wall height; and for each successive 25 feet downward (or fraction thereof),
minimum thickness shall be increased I inch. Bearing walls of two-story dwell-
ings may be 6 inches thick fortota1 wall height, provided the factored axia11oad P u
does not exceed the design axial load strength cf>P nw computed by Formula ( 14-1 ).

1982 EDITION 2614-2615

6. Exterior basement walls, foundation walls, fire walls and party walls shall
be not less than 8 inches thick.
7. Overall thickness of panel and enclosure walls shall be not less than 4
inches, nor less than YJo the distance between supporting or enclosing members.
8. Walls shall be anchored to floors, roofs, or to columns, pilasters, buttresses
and intersecting walls.
9. Area of horizontal reinforcement shall be not less than 0.0025 times gross
area of wall. For reinforcement with specified yield strength of 60,000 psi or
greater, and not larger than No. 5 bar or W31 or 031 welded wire fabric,
reinforcement ratio may be reduced to 0.0020.
Area of vertical reinforcement shall be not less than 0. 0015 times gross area of
wall. For reinforcement with specified yield strength of 60,000 psi or greater, and
not larger than No. 5 bar or W31 or 031 welded wire fabric, reinforcement ratio
may be reduced to 0.0012.
10. Walls greater than 10 inches thick, except basement walls, shall have
reinforcement for each direction placed in two layers parallel with faces of wall in
accordance with the following:
A. One layer consisting of not less than one half and not more than two thirds
the total reinforcement required for each direction shall be placed not less than 2
inches nor more than one third the thickness of wall from exterior surface.
B. The other layer, consisting of the balance of required reinforcement in that
direction, shall be placed not less than 3f4 inch nor more than one third the
thickness of wall from interior surface.
C. Bars, if used, shall be not less than No.3 and spaced not more than 18 inches
on centers. Welded wire fabric, if used, shall be in flat sheet form.
II. In addition to the minimum reinforcement required by Section 2614 (c) 9,
not less than two No. 5 bars shall be provided around all (window or door)
openings. Such bars shall extend at least 24 inches beyond the corners of
12. Where bearing walls consist of studs or ribs tied together by other rein-
forced concrete members at each floor or roof level, such studs or ribs may be
considered as columns.
(d) Walls as Grade Beams. Walls designed as grade beams shall have top and
bottom reinforcement as required for moment in accordance with provisions of
Section 2610 (c) through (h). Design for shear shall be in accordance with
provisions of Section 2611.
Portions of grade beam walls exposed above grade also shall meet requirements
of Section 261 0 (p) or Section 2614 (c).
Sec. 2615. (a) Notations.
dP = diameter of pile at footing base.
Yf"'c = square root of specified compressive strength of concrete, psi.
{3 = ratio of long side to short side of footing.
cf> = strength reduction factor. See Section 2609 (d).


(b) Scope. Provisions of this section shall apply for design of isolated footings
and, where applicable, to combined footings and mats.
Additional requirements for design of combined footings and mats are given in
Section 2615 (k).
(c) Loads and Reactions. Footings shall be proportioned to resist the factored
loads and induced reactions, in accordance with the appropriate design require-
ments of this code and as provided in this section.
External forces and moments* applied to footings shall be transferred to
supporting soil without exceeding permissible soil pressures.
For footings on piles, computations for moments and shears may be based on
the assumption that the reaction from any pile is concentrated at pile center.
Base area of footing or number and arrangement of piles shall be determined
from the external forces and moments* (transmitted by footing to soil or piles) and
permissible soil pressure or permissible pile capacity selected through principles
of soil mechanics.
(d) Footings Supporting Circular or Regular Polygon-shaped Columns or
Pedestals. Circular or regular polygon-shaped concrete columns or pedestals
may be treated as square members with the same area for location of critical
sections for moment, shear and development of reinforcement in footings.

(e) Moment in Footings. I. External moment on any section of a footing shall

be determined by passing a vertical plane through the footing and computing the
moment of the forces acting over entire area of footing on one side of that vertical
2. Maximum factored moment for an isolated footing shall be computed as
prescribed in Section 2615 (e) 1 at critical sections located as follows:
A. At face of column, pedestal or wall, for footings supporting a concrete
column, pedestal or wall.
B. Halfway between middle and edge of wall, for footings supporting a
masonry wall.
C. Halfway between face of column and edge of steel base, for footings
supporting a column with steel base plates.
3. In one-way footings, and two-way square footings, reinforcement shall be
distributed uniformly across entire width of footing.
4. In two-way rectangular footings, reinforcement shall be distributed as
A. Reinforcement in long direction shall be distributed uniformly across
entire width of footing.
B. For reinforcement in short direction, a portion of the total reinforcement
given by Formula ( 15-1) shall be distributed uniformly over a band width
(centered on center line of column or pedestal) equal to the length of short
side of footing. Remainder of reinforcement required in short direction

*External forces and moments are those resulting from unfactored loads (D, L, Wand E)
specified in Chapter 23.

1982 EDITION 2615

shall be distributed uniformly outside center band width of footing.

Reinforcement in band width 2

Total reinforcement in short direction = ( /3+ 1) ......... (15-1)

(f) Shear in Footings. 1. Computation of shear in footings shall be in accor-

dance with Section 2611 (1).
2. Location of critical section for shear in accordance with Section 2611 shall
be measured from face of column, pedestal or wall, for footings supporting a
column, pedestal or wall. For footings supporting a column or pedestal with steel
base plates, the critical section shall be measured from location defined in Section
2615 (e) 2 C.
3. Computation of shear on any section through a footing supported on piles
shall be in accordance with the following:
A. Entire reaction from any pile whose center is located dp/2 or more outside
the section shall be considered as producing shear on that section.
B. Reaction from any pile whose center is located dP/2 or more inside the
section shall be considered as producing no shear in that section.
C. For intermediate positions of pile center, the portion of the pile reaction to
be considered as producing shear on the section shall be based on straight-
line interpolation between full value at dP/2 outside the section and zero
value at d/2 inside the section.
(g) Development of Reinforcement in Footings. 1. Computation of develop-
ment of reinforcement in footings shall be in accordance with Section 2612.
2. Calculated tension or compression in reinforcement at each section shall be
developed on each side of that section by proper embedment length, end
anchorage, hooks (tension only), or combinations thereof.
3. Critical sections for development of reinforcement shall be assumed at the
same locations as defined in Section 2615 (e) 2 for maximum factored moment,
and at all other vertical planes where changes of section or reinforcement occur.
See also Section 2612 (I) 6.
(h) Minimum Footing Depth. Depth of footing above bottom reinforcement
shall be not less than 6 inches for footings on soil, nor less than 12 inches for
footings on piles.
(i) 'fransfer of Force at Base of Column or Reinforced Pedestal. 1. All
forces and moments applied at base of column or pedestal shall be transferred to
top of supporting pedestal or footing by bearing on concrete and by reinforce-
ment. If required loading conditions include uplift, the total tensile force shall be
resisted by reinforcement.
2. Lateral forces shall be transferred to footings by shear keys, or other means.
3. Bearing on concrete at contact surface between supporting and supported
member shall not exceed concrete bearing strength for either surface as given in
Section 2610 (q).
4. Reinforcement shall be provided across interface between supporting and


supported member either by extending longitudinal bars into supporting member,

or by dowels.
A. Reinforcement across interface shall be sufficient to satisfy both of the
(i) Reinforcement shall be provided to transfer all force that exceeds concrete
bearing strength in supporting or supported member.
(ii) Area of reinforcement shall be not less than 0.005 times the gross area of
supported member, with a minimum of four bars.
B. Diameter of dowels, if used, shall not exceed diameter of longitudinal bars
by more than 0.15 inch, except as required by Section 2615 (i) 6.
5. For transfer of force by reinforcement, development of reinforcement in
supporting and supported member shall be in accordance with Section 2612.
6. At footings, No. 14 and No. 18longitudinal bars, in compression only, may
be lap spliced with footing dowels to provide the required area, but not less than
that required by Section 2615 (i) 4. Dowels shall be not larger than No. 11 and
shall extend into the column a distance not less than the development length of the
No. 14 or No. 18 bars or the splice length of the dowels, whichever is greater, and
into the footing a distance not less than the development length of the dowels.
(j) Sloped or Stepped Footings. In sloped or stepped footings, angle of slope
or depth and location of steps shall be such that design requirements are satisfied
at every section.
Sloped or stepped footings designed as a unit shall be constructed to assure
action as a unit.
(k) Combined Footings and Mats. 1. Footings supporting more than one
column, pedestal or wall (combined footings or mats) shall be proportioned to
resist the factored loads and induced reactions in accordance with appropriate
design requirements of this code.
2. The direct design method of Section 2613 shall not be used for design of
combined footings and mats.
3. Distribution of soil pressure under combined footings and mats shall be
consistent with properties of the soil and the structure and with established
principles of soil mechanics.
(I) Plain Concrete Pedestals and Footings. 1. Design stresses in plain con-
crete pedestals and footings on soil shall not exceed the following:

Flexure--extreme fiber stress in tension ....................... 5cp~

Shear-Beam action ....................................... 2~
-Two-way action .................................... 4~

2. Maximum compressive stress in plain concrete pedestals shall not exceed

concrete bearing strength as given in Section 2610 (q). Where concrete bearing
strength is exceeded, reinforcement shall be provided and the pedestal designed
as a reinforced concrete member.
3. Plain concrete shall not be used for footings on piles.

1982 EDITION 2615-2616

4. Depth of plain concrete footings shall not be Jess than 8 inches.

Precast Concrete
Sec. 2616. (a) Scope. l. Provisions of this section shall apply only to design of
precast concrete members manufactured under plant-controlled conditions.
2. All provisions of this code shall apply to precast concrete members, except
as specifically modified in this section.
(b) Design. 1. Design of precast members shall consider all loading and
restraint conditions from initial fabrication to completion ofthe structure, includ-
ing form removal, storage, transportation and erection.
2. In precast construction that does not behave monolithically, effects at all
interconnected and adjoining details shall be considered to assure proper perfor-
mance of the structural system.
3. Effects of initial and long-time deflections shall be considered including
effects on interconnected elements.
4. Design of joints and bearings shall include effects of all forces to be
transmitted, including shrinkage, creep, temperature, elastic deformation, wind
and earthquake.
5. All details shall be designed to provide for manufacturing and erection
tolerances and temporary erection stresses.
(c) Precast Wall Panels. 1. Precast bearing and nonbearing walls shall be
designed in accordance with provisions of Section 2610 (p) or Section 2614.
Design shall include effects of temperature and shrinkage.
2. Where precast panels are designed to span horizontally to columns or
isolated footings, the ratio of height to thickness shall not be limited, provided the
effect of deep beam action, lateral buckling, vertical buckling (including p-!::..
effects) and deflections are provided for in the design. See Section 2610 (h) and
2610 (k).
(d) Details. l. All details of reinforcement, connections, bearing seats, inserts,
anchors, concrete cover, openings, lifting devices, fabrication and erection toler-
ances shall be shown on the shop drawings.
2. When approved by the building official, embedded items (such as dowels or
inserts) that either protrude from concrete or remain exposed for inspection may
be embedded while concrete is in a plastic state, provided:
A. Embedded items are not required to be hooked or tied to reinforcement
within plastic concrete.
B. Embedded items are maintained in correct position while concrete remains
plastic, and
C. Embedded items are properly anchored to develop required factored loads.
(e) Identification and Marking. Each precast member or element shall be
marked to indicate location in the structure, top surface and date of fabrication.
Identification marks shall correspond to the placing plans.
(f) Transportation, Storage and Erection. During curing, form removal,
storage, transportation and erection, precast members shall not be overstressed,
warped or otherwise damaged or have camber adversely affected.


Precast members shall be adequately braced and supported during erection to

ensure proper alignment and structural integrity until permanent connections are
Composite Concrete Flexural Members
Sec. 2617. (a) Notations.
bv = width of cross section at contact surface being investigated for horizon-
tal shear.
d = distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension rein-
forcement for entire composite section, inches.
vnh = nominal horizontal shear strength.
Vu = factored shear force at section.
cf> = strength reduction factor. See Section 2609 (d).
(b) Scope. Provisions of this section shall apply for design of composite
concrete flexural members defined as precast or cast-in-place concrete elements
or both constructed in separate placements but so interconnected that all elements
respond to loads as a unit.
All provisions of this code shall apply to composite concrete flexural members,
except as specifically modified in this section.
(c) General. 1. An entire composite member or portions thereof may be used in
resisting shear and moment.
2. Individual elements shall be investigated for all critical stages of loading.
3. If the specified strength, unit weight or other properties of the various
elements are different, properties of the individual elements or the most critical
values, shall be used in design.
4. In strength computations of composite members, no distinction shall be
made between shored and unshored members.
5. All elements shall be designed to support all loads introduced prior to full
development of design strength of composite members.
6. Reinforcement shall be provided as required to control cracking and to
prevent separation of individual elements of composite members.
7. Composite members shall meet requirements for control of deflections in
accordance with Section 2609 (f).
(d) Shoring. When used, shoring shall not be removed until supported ele-
ments have developed design properties required to support all loads and limit
deflections and cracking at time of shoring removal.
(e) Vertical Shear Strength. 1. When an entire composite member is assumed
to resist vertical shear, design shall be in accordance with requirements of Section
2611 as for a monolithically cast member of the same cross-sectional shape.
2. Shear reinforcement shall be fully anchored into interconnected elements in
accordance with Section 2612 (o).
3. Extended and anchored shear reinforcement may be included as ties for
horizontal shear.
(f) Horizontal Shear Strength. 1. In a composite member, full transfer of

1982 EDITION 2617

horizontal shear forces shall be assured at contact surfaces of interconnected

2. Full transfer of horizontal shear forces may be assumed when all of the
following are satisfied:
A. Contact surfaces are clean, free of Iaitance, and intentionally roughened to
a full amplitude of approximately Y4 inch,
B. Minimum ties are provided in accordance with Section 2617 (g),
C. Web members are designed to resist total vertical shear, and
D. All shear reinforcement is fully anchored into all interconnected elements.
3. If all requirements of Section 2617 (f) 2 are not satisfied, horizontal shear
shall be investigated in accordance with Section 2617 (f) 4 or 5.
4. Unless calculated in accordance with Section 2617 (f) 5, design of cross
sections subject to horizontal shear shall be based on

Vu,;;; cfNnh .................. ...... (17-1)

where Vu is factored shear force at section considered and Vnh is nominal

horizontal shear strength in accordance with the following:
A. When contact surfaces are clear, free of laitance and intentionally rough-
ened, shear strength Vnh shall not be taken greater than than 80bvd.
B. When minimum ties are provided in accordance with Section 2617 (g) and
contact surfaces are clean and free of Iaitance, but not intentionally rough-
ened, shear strength vnh shall not be taken greater than 80bvd.
C. When minimum ties are provided in accordance with Section 2617 (g) and
contact surfaces are clean, free of laitance, and intentionally roughened to
a full amplitude of approximately Y4 inch, shear strength Vnh shall not be
taken greater than 350bvd.
D. When factored shear force Vu at section considered exceeds c/J(350bvd),
design for horizontal shear shall be in accordance with Section 2611 (h).
5. Horizontal shear may be investigated by computing the actual compressive
or tensile force in any segment, and provisions made to transfer that force as
horizontal shear to the supporting element. The factored horizontal shear force
shall not exceed horizontal shear strength cfNnh as given in Section 2617 (f) 4 A
through D.
6. When tension exists across any contact surface between interconnected
elements, shear transfer by contact may be assumed only when minimum ties are
provided in accordance with Section 2617 (g).
(g) Ties for Horizontal Shear. 1. When ties are provided to transfer horizontal
shear, tie area shall be not less than that required by Section 2611 (f) 5 C and tie
spacing shall not exceed four times the least dimension of supported element, nor
24 inches.
2. Ties for horizontal shear may consist of single bars or wire, multiple leg
stirrups or vertical legs of welded wire fabric (smooth or deformed).
3. All ties shall be fully anchored into interconnected elements in accordance
with Section 2612 (o).


Prestressed Concrete
Sec. 2618. (a) Notations.
A area of that part of cross section between flexural tension face and
center of gravity of gross section, square inches.
area of concrete at cross section considered, square inches.
Aps = area of prestressed reinforcement in tension zone, square inches.
As = area of nonprestressed tension reinforcement, square inches.
A's = area of compression reinforcement, square inches.
b = width of compression face of member, inches.
d= distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of prestressed
reinforcement, or to combined centroid when nonprestressed tension
reinforcement is included, inches.
D dead loads or related internal moments and forces.
base of Napierian logarithms.
specified compressive strength of concrete, psi.
square root of specified compressive strength of concrete, psi; or square
root of compressive strength of concrete at time of initial prestress, psi.
compressive strength of concrete at time of initial prestress, psi.
average compressive stress in concrete due to effective prestress force
only (after allowance for all prestress losses), psi.
fps stress in prestressed reinforcement at nominal strength, psi.
fpu specified tensile strength of prestressing tendons, psi.
!py specified yield strength of prestressing tendons, psi.
!, = modulus of rupture of concrete, psi.
f., = effective stress in prestressed reinforcement (after allowance for all
prestress losses), psi.
fy = specified yield strength of nonprestressed reinforcement, psi.
h overall thickness of member, inches.
K wobble friction coefficient per foot of prestressing tendon.
I length of prestressing tendon element from jacking end to any point x,
feet. See Formulas ( 18-1) and ( 18-2); or length of span of two-way flat
plates in direction parallel to that of the reinforcement being deter-
mined, inches. See Formula (18-7).
live loads or related internal moments and forces.
tensile force in concrete due to unfactored dead load plus live load
(D + L).
prestressing tendon force at jacking end.
prestressing tendon force at any point x.
total angular change of prestressing tendon profile in radians from
tendon jacking end to any point x.

1982 EDITION 2618

J.t = curvature friction coefficient.

p = ratio of nonprestressed tension reinforcement.
= A5 /bd.
p' = ratio of compression reinforcement.
= A's/bd.
Pp = ratio of prestressed reinforcement.
= Apsfbd.
cp = strength reduction factor. See Section 2609 (d).
W = Pf/f'c
w' = p'f/f'c
wP = Pp/pslf'c
ww, wpw' ww
= reinforcement indices for flanged sections computed as for w, w , and
w' except that b shall be the web width, and reinforcement area shall be
that required to develop compressive strength of web only.
(b) Scope. Provisions of this section shall apply to members prestressed with
wire, strands or bars conforming to provisions for prestressing tendons in Section
2603 (f) 4.
All provisions of this code not specifically excluded, and not in conflict with
provisions of this section, shall apply to prestressed concrete.
The following provisions of this code shall not apply to prestressed concrete,
except as specifically noted: Sections 2608 (e), 2608 (k) 2 through 2608 (k) 4,
2608 (!); 2610 (d) 2 and 3, 2610 (f), 2610 U) 1, 2610 U) 2; 2613 and 2614.
(c) General. 1. Prestressed members shall meet the strength requirements
specified in this code.
2. Design of prestressed members shall be based on strength and on behavior at
service conditions at all load stages that may be critical during the life of the
structure from the time prestress is first applied.
3. Stress concentrations due to prestressing shall be considered in design.
4. Provisions shall be made for effects on adjoining construction of elastic and
plastic deformations, deflections, changes in length and rotations due to pres-
tressing. Effects of temperature and shrinkage shall also be included.
5. Possibility of buckling in a member between points where concrete and
prestressing tendons are in contact and of buckling in thin webs and flanges shall
be considered.
6. In computing section properties prior to bonding of prestressing tendons,
effect of loss of area due to open ducts shall be considered.
(d) Design Assumptions. 1. Strength design of prestressed members for
flexure and axial loads shall be based on assumptions given in Section 2610 (c),
except Section 2610 (c) 4 shall apply only to reinforcement conforming to Section
2603 (f) 2.
2. For investigation of stresses at transfer of prestress, at service loads and at


cracking loads, straight-line theory may be used with the following assumptions:
A. Strains vary linearly with depth through entire load range.
B. At cracked sections, concrete resists no tension.
(e) Permissible Stresses in Concrete--Flexural Members. l. Stresses in
concrete immediately after prestress transfer (before time-dependent prestress
losses) shall not exceed the following:
A. Extreme fiber stress in compression ...................... 0.60f'c;
B. Extreme fiber stress in tension except
as permitted in C ...................................... 3Yf'c;
C. Extreme fiber stress in tension at ends of
simply supported members .............................. 6Yf'c;

Where computed tensile stresses exceed these values, bonded auxiliary reinforce-
ment (nonprestressed or prestressed) shall be provided in the tensile zone to resist
the total tensile force in concrete computed with the assumption of an uncracked
2. Stresses in concrete at service loads (after allowance for all prestress losses)
shall not exceed the following:
A. Extreme fiber stress in compression ....................... 0.45f'c
B. Extreme fiber stress in tension in precompressed
tensile zone .......................................... 6Yf'c
C. Extreme fiber stress in tension in precompressed
tensile zone of members (except two-way slab
systems) where analysis based on transformed
cracked sections and on bilinear moment-deflection
relationships show that immediate and long-time
deflections comply with requirements of Section
2609 (f) 4, and where cover requirements comply
with Section 2607 (h) 3 B .............................. 12Yf'c
3. Permissible stresses in concrete of Section 2618 (e) I and 2 may be exceeded
if shown by test or analysis that performance will not be impaired.

(f) Permissible Stresses in Prestressing Tendons. Tensile stress in prestress-

ing tendons shall not exceed the following:
l. Due to tendon jacking force ..................... 0. 80fpu or 0. 94fPY
whichever is smaller, but not greater than maximum value
recommended by the manufacturer of the prestressing
tendons or anchorages.
2. Pretensioning tendons immediately after
prestress transfer ...................................... 0. ?Ofpu
3. Posttensioning tendons immediately after
tendon anchorage ..................................... 0. ?Ofpu
(g) Loss of Prestess. l. To determine effective prestressfu, allowance for the
following sources of loss of prestress shall be considered:

1982 EDITION 2618

A. Anchorage seating loss.

B. Elastic shortening of concrete.
C. Creep of concrete.
D. Shrinkage of concrete.
E. Relaxation of tendon stress.
F. Friction loss due to intended or unintended curvature in posttensioning
2. Friction loss in posttensioning tendons. A. Effect of friction loss in
posttensioning tendons shall be computed by

ps = Pxe(Kl+ !La), . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (18-1)

When (Kl + p..a) is not greater than 0.3, effect of friction loss may be computed
Ps = Px (l + Kl + p..a) ................... (18-2)

B. Friction loss shall be based on experimentally determined wobble K and

curvature p.. friction coefficients and shall be verified during tendon stressing
C. Values of wobble and curvature coefficients used in design, and acceptable
ranges of tendon jacking forces and tendon elongations shall be shown on design
D. Where loss of prestress in a member may occur due to connection of
member to adjoining construction, such loss of prestress shall be allowed for in
(h) Flexural Strength. 1. Design moment strength of flexural members shall
be computed by the strength design methods of this code. For prestressing
tendons,fps shall be substituted forfy in strength computations.
2. In lieu of a more accurate determination offps based on strain compatibility,
the following approximate values offps shall be used iffse is not less than 0.5 fpu
A. For members with bonded prestressing tendons:

B. For members with unbonded prestressing tendons:

fps = fse + 10,000 + !', ............. (18-4)

100 Pp

butfps in Formula (18-4) shall not be taken greater thanfPY nor ifse + 60,000).
3. Nonprestressed reinforcement conforming to Section 2603 (f) 2, if used
with prestressing tendons, may be considered to contribute to the tensile force and


may be included in moment strength computations at a stress equal to the

specified yield strengthfv. Other nonprestressed reinforcement may be included
in strength computations only if a strain compatibility analysis is made to
determine stresses in such reinforcement.
(i) Limits for Reinforcement of Flexural Members. 1. Ratio of prestressed
and nonprestressed reinforcement used for computation of moment strength of a
member, except as provided in Section 2618 (i) 2, shall be such that w , (w + w
- w' ), or (ww + wpw - w',.J, is not greater than 0.30. P P

2. When a reinforcement ratio in excess ofthat specified in Section 2618 (i) 1 is

provided, design moment strength shall not exceed the moment strength based on
the compression portion of the moment couple.
3. Total amount of prestressed and nonprestressed reinforcement shall be
adequate to develop a factored load at least 1.2 times the cracking load computed
on the basis ofthe modulus of rupturefr specified in Section 2609 (f) 2 C.
(j) Minimum Bonded Reinforcement. 1 . A minimum area of bonded rein-
forcement shall be provided in all flexural members with unbonded prestressing
tendons as required by Section 2618 (j) 2 and 3.
2. Except as provided in Section 2618 (j) 3 minimum area of bonded reinforce-
ment shall be computed by

As = 0.004A ........................ (18-5)

A. Bonded reinforcement required by Formula (18-5) shall be uniformly

distributed over precompressed tensile zone as close as practicable to
extreme tension fiber.
B. Bonded reinforcement shall be required regardless of service load stress
One-way, unbonded, posttensioned slabs and beams shall be designed to
carry the dead load of the beam plus 25 percent of the unreduced superim-
posed live load by some method other than the primary unbonded postten-
sioned reinforcement. Design shall be based on the strength method of
design with a load factor and capacity reduction factor of one. All rein-
forcement other than the primary unbonded reinforcement provided to
meet other requirements of this section may be used in the design.
3. For two-way flat plates, defined as solid slabs of uniform thickness, mini-
mum area and distribution of bonded reinforcement shall be as follows:
A. Bonded reinforcement shall not be required in positive moment areas
where computed tensile stress in concrete at service load (after allowance
for prestress losses) does not exceed 2 Vf'c.
B. In positive moment areas where computed tensile stress in concrete at
service load exceeds 2Vf'c, minimum area of bonded reinforcement shall
be computed by
A, = 0.5fy ....................... (18-6)

1982 EDITION 2618

where design yield strengthfy shall not exceed 60,000 psi. Bonded rein-
forcement shall be uniformly distributed over precompressed tensile zone
as close as practicable to extreme tension fiber.
C. In negative moment areas at column supports, minimum area of bonded
reinforcement in each direction shall be computed by

As= 0.00075h/ ....................... (18-7)

where l is length of span in direction parallel to that of the reinforcement

being determined. Bonded reinforcement required by Formula ( 18-7) shall
be distributed within a slab width between lines that are 1.5h outside
opposite faces of the column support. At least four bars or wires shall be
provided in each direction. Spacing of bonded reinforcement shall not
exceed 12 inches.
4. Minimum length of bonded reinforcement required by Section 2618 U) 2
and 3 shall be as follows:
A. In positive moment areas, minimum length of bonded reinforcement shall
be one third the clear span length and centered in positive moment area.
B. In negative moment areas, bonded reinforcement shall extend one sixth the
clear span on each side of support.
C. Where bonded reinforcement is provided for design moment strength in
accordance with Section 2618 (h) 3, or for tensile stress conditions in
accordance with Section 2618 (j) 3 B, minimum length also shall conform
to provisions of Section 2612.
(k) Frames and Continuous Construction. 1. Frames and continuous con-
struction of prestressed concrete shall be designed for satisfactory performance at
service load conditions and for adequate strength.
2. Performance at service load conditions shall be determined by elastic
analysis, considering reactions, moments, shears, and axial forces produced by
prestressing, creep, shrinkage, temperature change, axial deformation, restraint
of attached structural elements and foundation settlement.
3. Moments to be used to compute required strength shall be the sum of the
moments due to reactions induced by prestressing (with a load factor of 1.0) and
the moments due to factored loads including redistribution as permitted in Section
2618 (k) 4.
4. Redistribution of negative moments due to gravity loads in continuous
prestressed flexural members. A. Where bonded reinforcement is provided at
supports in accordance with Section 2618 (j) 2, negative moments calculated by
elastic theory for any assumed loading arrangement, may be increased or
decreased by not more than

+~ -
20 ( 1 - w
0 30 w' ) percent

B. The modified negative moments shall be used for calculating moments at

sections within spans for the same loading arrangement.

C. Redistribution of negative moments shall be made only when the section at

which moment is reduced is so designed that w , (w + w - w' ), or (ww
+ wpw - w'w), whichever is applicable, is no{greater th.fn 0.20.
(I) Compression Members-Combined Flexure and Axial Loads. I. Pre-
stressed concrete members subject to combined flexure and axial load, with or
without nonprestressed reinforcement, shall be proportioned by the strength
design methods of this code for members without prestressing. Effects of pres-
tress, creep, shrinkage and temperature change shall be included.
2. Limits for reinforcement of prestressed compression members. A.
Members with average prestress f. c less than 225 psi shall have minimum
reinforcement in accordance with Sections 2607 (k), and 2609 (j) l and 2 for
columns, or Section 2610 (p) for walls.
B. Except for walls, members with average prestress fpc equal to or greater than
225 psi shall have all prestressing tendons enclosed by spirals or lateral ties in
accordance with the following:
(i) Spirals shall conform to Section 2607 (k) 2.
(ii) Lateral ties shall be at least No. 3 in size or welded wire fabric of equivalent
area, and spaced vertically not to exceed 48 tie bar or wire diameters or
least dimension of compression member.
(iii) Ties shall be located vertically not more than half a tie spacing above top of
footing or slab in any story, and shall be spaced as provided herein to not
more than half a tie spacing below lowest horizontal reinforcement in
members supported above.
(iv) Where beams or brackets frame into all sides of a column, ties may be
terminated not more than 3 inches below lowest reinforcement in such
beams or brackets.
C. For walls with average prestress fpc equal to or greater than 225 psi,
minimum reinforcement required by Section 2610 (p) may be waived where
structural analysis shows adequate strength and stability.
(m) Slab Systems. Prestressed slab systems reinforced for flexure in more than
one direction may be designed by any procedure satisfying conditions of equi-
librium and geometric compatibility. Column stiffnesses, rigidity of slab-column
connections, and effects of prestressing in accordance with Section 2618 (k) shall
be considered in the analysis method.
Moment and shear coefficients used for design of slab systems reinforced with
nonprestressed reinforcement shall not be applied for prestressed slab systems.
(n) Thndon Anchorage Zones. l. Reinforcement shall be provided where
required in tendon anchorage zones to resist bursting, splitting and spalling forces
induced by tendon anchorages. Regions of abrupt change in section shall be
adequately reinforced.
2. End blocks shall be provided where required for support bearing or for
distribution of concentrated prestressing forces.
3. Posttensioning anchorages and supporting concrete shall be designed to
resist maximum jacking force for strength of concrete at time of prestressing.

1982 EDITION 2618

4. Posttensioning anchorage zones shall be designed to develop the guaranteed

ultimate tensile strength of prestressing tendons using a strength reduction factor
cp of 0. 90 for concrete.
(o) Corrosion Protection for U nbonded Prestressing Tendons. I . Unbonded
tendons shall be completely coated with suitable material to ensure corrosion
2. Tendon wrapping shall be continuous over entire length to be unbonded, and
shall prevent intrusion of cement paste or loss of coating materials during concrete
(p) Posttensioning Ducts. 1. Ducts for grouted or unbonded tendons shall be
mortar-tight and nonreactive with concrete, tendons or filler material.
2. Ducts for grouted single wire, strand or bar tendons shall have an inside
diameter at least V4-inch larger than tendon diameter.
3. Ducts for grouted multiple wire, strand or bar tendons shall have an inside
cross-sectional area at least two times net area of tendons.
4. Ducts shall be maintained free of water if members to be grouted are exposed
to temperatures below freezing prior to grouting.
(q) Grout for Bonded Prestressing Tendons. 1. Grout shall consist of port-
land cement and water; or portland cement, sand and water.
2. Materials for grout shall conform to the following:
A. Portland cement shall conform to Section 2603 (c).
B. Water shall conform to Section 2603 (e).
C. Sand, if used, shall conform to U.B.C. Standard No. 24-21 except that
gradation may be modified as necessary to obtain satisfactory workability.
D. Admixtures conforming to Section 2603 (g) and known to have no inju-
rious effects on grout, steel or concrete may be used. Calcium chloride
shall not be used.
3. Selection of grout proportions. A. Proportions of materials for grout shall
be based on either of the following:
(i) Results of tests on fresh and hardened grout prior to beginning grouting
operations, or
(ii) Prior documented experience with similar materials and equipment and
under comparable field conditions.
B. Cement used in the work shall correspond to that on which selection of grout
proportions was based.
C. Water content shall be minimum necessary for proper pumping of grout;
however, water-cement ratio shall not exceed 0.45 by weight.
D. Water shall not be added to increase grout flowability that has been
decreased by delayed use of grout.

4. Mixing and pumping grout. A. Grout shall be mixed in equipment capable

of continuous mechanical mixing and agitation that will produce uniform dis-
tribution of materials, passed through screens, and pumped in a manner that will
completely fill tendon ducts.


B. Temperature of members at time of grouting shall be above 35F. and shall

be maintained above 35F. until field-cured 2-inch cubes of grout reach a mini-
mum compressive strength of 800 psi.
C. Grout temperatures shall not be above 90F. during mixing and pumping.
(r) Protection for Prestressing Tendons. Burning or welding operations in
vicinity of prestressing tendons shall be carefully performed, so that tendons are
not subject to excessive temperatures, welding sparks or ground currents.
(s) Application and Measurement of Prestressing Force. l. Prestressing
force shall be determined by both of the following methods:
A. Measurement of tendo.n elongation. Required elongation shall be deter-
mined from average load-elongation curves for prestressing tendons used.
B. Observation of jacking force on a calibrated gauge or load cell or by use of a
calibrated dynamometer.
Cause of any difference in force determination between A and B that
exceeds 5 percent shall be ascertained and corrected.
2. Where transfer of force from bulkheads of pretensioning bed to concrete is
accomplished by flame cutting prestressing tendons, cutting points and cutting
sequence shall be predetermined to avoid undesired temporary stresses.
3. Long lengths of exposed pretensioned strand shall be cut near the member to
minimize shock to concrete.
4. Total loss of prestress due to unreplaced broken tendons shall not exceed 2
percent of total prestress.
(t) Posttensioning Anchorages and Couplers. l. Anchorages for unbonded
prestressing tendons and couplers shall develop the specified ultimate strength of
the tendons without exceeding anticipated set.
2. Anchorages for bonded prestressing tendons shall develop at least 90 percent
of the specified ultimate strength of the tendons, when tested in an unbonded
condition, without exceeding anticipated set. However, 100 percent of the spec-
ified ultimate strength of the tendons shall be developed after tendons are bonded
in member.
3. Couplers shall be placed in areas approved by the building official and
enclosed in housing long enough to permit necessary movements.
4. In unbonded construction subject to repetitive loads, special attention shall
be given to the possibility of fatigue in anchorages and couplers.
S. Anchorage and end fittings shall be permanently protected against
Shells and Folded Plate Members
Sec. 2619. (a) Notations.
f'c = specified compressive strength of concrete, psi.
Vf'c = square root of specified compressive strength of concrete, psi.
!y = specified yield strength of nonprestressed reinforcement, psi.
h = overall thickness of member, inches
cf> = strength reduction factor. See Section 2609 (d).

1982 EDITION 2619

(b) Scope and Definitions. l. Provisions of this section shall apply to design of
thin-shell concrete structures and only to the thin-shell portions of such
structures .
2. All provisions of this code not specifically excluded, and not in conflict with
provisions of this section shall apply to thin-shell structures.
3. Thin shells are curved or folded slabs whose thicknesses are small compared
to other dimensions. Thin shells are characterized by three-dimensional load-
carrying behavior, determined by geometrical shape, boundary conditions and
nature of applied load.
4. Thin shells are usually bounded by supporting members and edge members
provided to stiffen the shell and distribute or carry load in composite action with
that shell.
5. Elastic analysis of thin shells is any structural analysis involving assump-
tions that are suitable approximations of three-dimensional elastic behavior.
(c) General. I. Elastic behavior shall be the accepted basis for determining
internal forces, displacements and stability of thin shells. Equilibrium checks of
internal forces and external loads shall be made to ensure consistency of results.
2. Approximate methods of analysis that do not satisfy compatibility of strains
or stresses in thin shells may be used where experience has shown such analyses to
provide safe designs.
3. Thin-shell elements shall be proportioned for the required strength in
accordance with provisions of this code.
4. Investigation of thin shells for stability shall include consideration of
possible reduction in buckling capacity caused by large deflections, creep effects
and deviation between actual and theoretical shell surface.
5. Supporting members. A. Supporting members shall be designed in accor-
dance with applicable provisions of this chapter.
B. A portion of the shell equal to the effective flange width as specified in
Section 2608 (k) may be assumed to act with supporting members.
C. Within the effective flange width of shell assumed to act with supporting
members, reinforcement perpendicular to supporting member shall be at least
equal to that required for aT-beam flange as specified in Section 2608 (k) 5.
6. Model analysis. A. Analyses based on results of elastic model tests
approved by the building official shall be considered as valid elastic analyses.
B. When model analysis is used, only those portions of the thin shell structure
that significantly affect items under study need be simulated.
C. Every attempt shall be made to ensure that elastic model tests reveal
quantitative behavior of prototype structure.
(d) Design Assumptions. In elastic analysis of thin shells, material may be
assumed to be ideally elastic, homogeneous and isotropic.
Poisson's ratio may be assumed equal to zero.
(e) Design Strength of Materials. 1. Specified compressive strength of
concretef'c at 28 days shall be not less than 3000 psi.
2. Specified yield strength of reinforcement/Y shall not exceed 60,000 psi.


(f) Shell Reinforcement. l. Area of shell reinforcement in square inches per

foot of shell width shall not exceed 7. 2hf 'c !fy nor 29, OOOh !fy .
2. If deviation of shell reinforcement from lines of principal stress is greater
than l 0 degrees, area of shell reinforcement shall not exceed one half the value
shown above.
3. Shell reinforcement shall not be spaced farther apart than five times the shell
thickness, nor 18 inches.
4. Where computed principal tensile stresses in concrete due to factored loads
exceed 4Yl'c, shell reinforcement shall not be spaced farther apart than 3 times
the shell thickness.
5. Shell reinforcement shall be provided to resist the total principal tensile
stress, but shall be not less than required by Section 2607 (m).
6. Shell reinforcement, assumed to act at middle surfaces of shell, may be
placed either parallel to lines of principal tensile stress, or in two or three
component directions.
7. In regions of high tension, shell reinforcement shall be placed in general
direction of principal stresses.
8. Shell reinforcement may be considered parallel to a line of principal stress
when its direction does not deviate from the line of principal stress by more than
15 degrees.
9. Where excess shell reinforcement is provided, the 15-degree deviation limit
of Section 2619 (t) 8 may be increased I degree for each 5 percent decrease in
stress below specified yield strengthfy.
10. Variations in direction of principal stress over cross section of shell due to
moments need not be considered for determination of maximum deviation.
II. Nonprestressed shell reinforcement placed in more than one direction shall
be proportioned to resist the components of principal tensile stresses in each
12. Where tensile stresses vary greatly in magnitude over the shell (as for long
barrel shells and domes), reinforcement resisting the total tension may be concen-
trated in regions of maximum tensile stress. However, area of shell reinforcement
in any portion ofthe tensile zone shall be not less than 0.0035 times gross cross-
sectional area of shell.
13. Shell reinforcement required for flexure shall be proportioned with due
regard to axial forces.
14. Splices in principal tensile reinforcement shall conform to provisions of
Section 2612.
15. Shell reinforcement at junction of shell and supporting members or edge
members shall be anchored in or through supporting members by embedment
length, hooks or mechanical anchorage in accordance with Section 2612.
(g) Prestressing. Where prestressing tendons are draped within a shell, design
shall take into account force components on the shell resulting from tendon profile
not lying in one plane.
(h) Construction. I. When removal of formwork is based on a specific
modulus of elasticity of concrete for stability or deflection considerations,

1982 EDITION 2619-2620

required modulus of elasticity shall be determined by tests of field-cured beams.

2. Dimensions of test beams and test procedures shall be specified by the
building official.
3. Proportions and loading of test beams shall ensure action that is primarily
Strength Evaluation of Existing Structures
Sec. 2620. (a) Notations.
a = maximum deflection under test load of member relative to a line joining
the ends of the span, or of the free end of cantilever relative to its
support, inches.
D dead loads, or related internal moments and forces.
h = overall thickness of member, inches.
11 = span of member under load test (shorter span of flat slabs and of slabs
supported on four sides). Span of member, except as provided in
Section 2620 (e) 9, is distance between centers of supports or clear
distance between supports plus depth of member, whichever is smaller,
L = live loads, or related internal moments and forces.
(b) Strength Evaluation-General. If doubt develops concerning the safety
of a structure or member, the building official may order a structural strength
investigation by analyses or by means of load tests, or by a combination of
analyses and load tests.
(c) Analytical Investigations--General. If strength evaluation is by analysis,
a thorough field investigation shall be made of dimensions and details of mem-
bers, properties of materials and other pertinent conditions of the structure as
actually built.
Analyses based on investigation required by this subsection shall satisfy the
building official that the load factors meet requirements and intent of this code.
See Section 2620 (g).
(d) Load Thsts--General. If strength evaluation is by load tests, a qualified
engineer acceptable to the building official shall control such tests.
A load test shall not be made until that portion of the structure to be subject to
load is at least 56 days old. When the owner of the structure, the contractor and all
involved parties mutually agree, the test may be made at an earlier age.
When only a portion of the structure is to be load tested, the questionable
portion shall be load tested in such a manner as to adequately test the suspected
source of weakness.
Forty-eight hours prior to application of test load, a load to simulate effect of
that portion of the dead loads not already acting shall be applied and shall remain
in place until all testing has been completed.
(e) Load Thsts of Flexural Members. 1. When flexural members, including
beams and slabs, are load tested, the additional provisions of this subsection shall


2. Base readings (datum for deflection measurements) shall be made imme-

diately prior to application of test load.
3. That portion of the structure selected for loading shall be subject to a total
load, including dead loads already acting, equivalent to 0.85 (l.4D + 1.7L).
Determination of L shall include live load reductions as permitted by Section
4. Test load shall be applied in not less than four approximately equal incre-
ments without shock to the structure and in such a manner as to avoid arching of
loading materials.
5. After test load has been in position for 24 hours, initial deflection readings
shall be taken.
6. Test load shall be removed immediately after initial deflection readings, and
final deflection readings shall be taken 24 hours after removal of the test load.
7. If the portion of the structure tested shows visible evidence of failure, the
portion tested shall be considered to have failed the test and no retesting of the
previously tested portion shall be permitted.
8. If the portion ofthe structure tested shows no visible evidence of failure, the
following criteria shall be taken as indication of satisfactory behavior:
A. If measured maximum deflection a of a beam, floor or roof is less than
B. If measured maximum deflection a of a beam, floor or roof exceeds
1,2120,000h, deflection recovery within 24 hours after removal of the
test load shall be at least 75 percent of the maximum deflection for
nonprestressed concrete, or 80 percent for prestressed concrete.
9. In Sections 2620 (e) 8 A and B, I, for cantilevers shall be taken as two times
the distance from support to cantilever end, and deflection shall be adjusted for
any support movement.
10. Nonprestressed concrete construction failing to show 75 percent recovery
of deflection as required by Section 2620 (e) 8 B may be retested not earlier than
72 hours after removal of the first test load. The portion of the structure tested
shall be considered satisfactory if:
A. The portion of the structure tested shows no visible evidence of failure
in the retest, and
B. Deflection recovery caused by second test load is at least 80 percent of
the maximum deflection in the second test.
II. Prestressed concrete construction shall not be retested.
(f) Members Other Than Flexural Members. Members other than flexural
members preferably shall be investigated by analysis.
(g) Provision for Lower Load Rating. If structure under investigation does
not satisfy conditions or criteria of Section 2620 (c), (e) 8 or (e) 10, the building
official may approve a lower load rating for that structure based on results of the
load test or analysis.
(h) Safety. Load tests shall be conducted in such a manner as to provide for
safety of life and structure during the test.

1982 EDITION 2620-2622

No safety measures shall interfere with load test procedures or affect results.

Pneumatically Placed Concrete

Sec. 2621. (a) General. For the purpose of this chapter all pneumatically
placed concrete shall consist of a mixture of fine aggregate and cement pneu-
matically applied by suitable mechanism and to which water is added immediately
prior to discharge from the applicator.
Except as specified in the following subsections of this section, all pneu-
matically placed concrete shall conform to the regulations of this chapter for
(b) Proportions. The proportion of cement to aggregate, in loose dry vol-
umes, shall be not less than one to four and one half.
(c) Water. The water content at the time of discharge, including any moisture
in the fine aggregate, shall not exceed 3Yz gallons per sack of cement.
(d) Mixing. The cement and aggregate shall be thoroughly mixed prior to the
addition of water. At the time of mixing, the fine aggregate shall contain not less
than 3 percent moisture.
(e) Rebound. Any rebound or accumulated loose aggregate shall be removed
from the surface to be covered prior to placing the initial or any succeeding layers
of pneumatically placed concrete. Rebound may be reused if it conforms to the
requirements for aggregate, but not in excess of 25 percent of the total aggregate
in any batch.
(f) Joints. Unfinished work shall not be allowed to stand for more than 30
minutes unless all abrupt edges are sloped to a thin edge. Before resuming work,
this sloped portion shall be cleaned and wetted.
(g) Damage. Any pneumatically placed concrete which subsides after place-
ment shall be removed.
Plain Concrete
Sec. 2622. (a) General. Plain concrete, other than fill, shall have a minimum
ultimate compressive strength at 28 days of 2000 pounds per square inch, and
material, proportioning and placing shall conform to the requirements of this
chapter. Concrete made with lightweight aggregates may be used with strengths
less than 2000 pounds per square inch if it has been shown by tests or experience
to have sufficient strength and durability.
Provisions shall be made to care for temperature and shrinkage stresses either
by use of reinforcement or by means of joints.
Plain concrete construction shall conform to the detailed minimum require-
ments specified in this chapter.
(b) Wall Thickness. Except where justifying data are submitted, the thickness
of plain concrete walls shall be not less than 6 inches and the ratio of unsupported
height or length (whichever is the lesser) to thickness shall be not greater than 22.
(c) Design. Plain concrete walls shall be designed to withstand all vertical and
horizontal loads as specified in Chapter 23.
(d) Stresses. The allowable working stresses in plain concrete walls shall not


exceed the following percentages of ultimate strength:

I. Compression-.25f'c
2. Tension-l.6Vf'c
3. Shear-.02f'c
Minimum Slab Thickness
Sec. 2623. The minimum thickness of concrete floor slabs supported directly
on the ground shall be not less than 3V2 inches.
Sec. 2624. Bolts shall be solidly embedded in plain or reinforced concrete, and
the connection shall be designed so that the shear or tension on every bolt is no
more than the value set forth in Table No. 26-G.
Ductile Moment-resisting Space Frames
Sec. 2625. (a) General. Design and construction of cast-in-place, monolithic
reinforced concrete framing members and their connections in ductile moment-
resisting space frames shall conform to the requirements of this chapter and all the
requirements of this section.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Precast concrete frame members may be used, if the result-
ing construction complies with all the provisions of this section.
2. Ductile moment-resisting space frames in Seismic Zones Nos. I and 2 may be
designed in accordance with the alternate provisions of Section 2626.
All lateral load-resisting frame members shall be designed by the strength
method of design except that the alternate design method of Section 2608 (j) may
be used, provided that it is shown that the factor of safety is equivalent to that
achieved with the strength design method.
Formulas (9-2) and (9-3) of Section 2609 (d) for earthquake loading shall be
modified to:

U = l.40(D + L +E) ................... (25-l)

U = .90 D + 1.40 ..................... (25-2)

Members of space frames which are designed to resist seismic forces shall be
designed, in accordance with the provisions of this section, so that shear failures
will not occur if the frame is subjected to lateral displacements in excess of yield
(b) Definitions.
CONFINED CONCRETE is concrete which is confined by closely spaced
special transverse reinforcement which is provided to restrain the concrete in
directions perpendicular to the applied stresses.
SPECIAL TRANSVERSE REINFORCEMENT is spirals, stirrup ties or
hoops and supplementary cross ties provided to restrain the concrete to make it
qualify as confined concrete.
STIRRUP TIES OR HOOPS are continuous reinforcing steel of not less than
a No. 3 bar bent to form a closed hoop which encloses the longitudinal reinforcing

1982 EDITION 2625

and the ends of which have a standard 135-degree bend with a I 0-bar-diameter
extension or equivalent.
(c) Symbols and Notations. The following symbols and notations apply only
to the provisions of this section:
Ach area of rectangular or circular core of column measured out-to-out of
hoop or spiral, square inches.
A8 = gross area of column, square inches.
A, effective cross-sectional area of nonprestressed reinforcement, square
A's effective cross-sectional area of nonprestressed compression reinforce-
ment, square inches.
Ash total cross-sectional area of hoop reinforcement, including supplemen-
tary cross ties having a spacing of sh and crossing a section with a core
dimension of he, square inches.
bw = web width, or diameter of circular section, inches.
d = distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension rein-
forcement, inches.
db = nominal diameter of bar, inches.
f' c= specified compressive strength of concrete, psi.
!y specified yield strength of nonprestressed reinforcement, psi.
!yh specified yield strength of hoop reinforcement, psi.
h largest core dimension of rectangular tied column, inches.
Pe maximum design axial load on a column during an earthquake.
p = Aslbd = ratio of nonprestressed tension reinforcement.
p' = A')bd = ratio of nonprestressed compression reinforcement.
sh = center-to-center spacing of hoops, inches.
Vd = applied shear force at section due to dead load.
V1 = applied shear force at section due to live load.
Vu = total applied design shear force at section.
(d) Physical Requirements for Concrete and Reinforcing Steel. I. Con-
crete. The minimum specified 28-day strength of the concretef'c, shall be 3000
pounds per square inch. The maximum specified strength for lightweight concrete
shall be limited to 4000 psi.
2. Reinforcement. All longitudinal reinforcing steel in columns and beams
shall comply with U .B.C. Standard No. 26-4. Reinforcing not conforming to the
low-alloy steel requirements of U .B.C. Standard No. 26-4 shall comply with the
following additional requirements:
A. Reinforcing shall be limited to billet steel, Grade 40 or 60 bars.
B. The actual yield stress, based on mill tests, shall not exceed the minimum
specified yield stress, fy, by more than 18,000 psi. Retests shall not exceed


this value by more than 3000 psi.

C. The ultimate tensile stress shall be not less than 1.33 times the actual yield
stress, based on mill tests.
Grades other than those specified for design shall not be used.
(e) Flexural Members. l. General. Flexural members shall not have a width-
depth ratio of less than 0.3, nor shall the width be less than 10 inches nor more
than the supporting column width plus a distance on each side of the column of
three fourths the depth of the flexural member. Flexural members framing into
columns shall be subject to a rational joint analysis.
2. Reinforcement. All flexural members shall have a minimum reinforcement
ratio, for top and for bottom reinforcement, of
throughout their length. The reinforcement ratio, p, shall not exceed 0.025. The
positive moment capacity at the face of columns shall be not less than 50 percent
of the negative moment capacity provided. A minimum of one fourth of the larger
amount of the negative reinforcement required at either end shall continue
throughout the length of the beam. At least two bars shall be provided both top and
3. Splices. Tensile steel shall not be spliced by lapping in a region of tension or
reversing stress unless the region is confined by stirrup-ties. Splices shall not be
located within the column or within a distance of twice the member depth from the
face of the column. At least two stirrup-ties shall be provided at all splices.
4. Anchorage. Flexural members terminating at a column, in any vertical
plane, shall have top and bottom reinforcement extending, without horizontal
offsets, to the far face of a confined concrete region terminating in a standard 90-
degree hook. Length of required anchorage shall be computed beginning at the
near face of the column. Length of anchorage in confined regions, including hook
and vertical extension, shall be not less than 56 percent of the development length
computed by Section 2612 (f) I, A, B or C, but not less than 24 inches.
EXCEPTION: Where the column resists less than 25 percent of the story-bent
shear, at least 50 percent of such top and bottom reinforcement shall be anchored
within such column cores and the remainder shall be anchored in regions outside the
column core confined as specified herein for columns.
5. Web reinforcement. Vertical web reinforcement of not less than No. 3 bars
shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of Section 2611, except
A. Web reinforcement shall be provided to develop the shears resulting from
shear forces at the end of the member computed as
Ma +Mb
vu;;., L + 1.4 (Vd + VI) .............. (25-3)


where Ma and Mb are the ultimate moment capacities of opposite sense at each
hinge location of the member and Vd + V 1 is the simple span shear. Lab is the

1982 EDITION 2625

distance between Ma and Mb. The ultimate moment capacities shall be computed
without the cfJ factor reduction and assuming the maximum reinforcing yield
strength based on 25 percent over specified yield.
Ultimate shear capacities shall be computed with the cfJ factor reduction.
B. Stirrups shall be spaced at no more than d/2 throughout the length of the
C. Stirrup-ties, at a maximum spacing of not over d/4, eight bar diameters, 24
stirrup-tie diameters or 12 inches, whichever is least, shall be provided in the
following locations:
(i) At each end of all flexural members. The first stirrup-tie shall be located
not more than 2 inches from the face of the column and the last, a distance
of at least twice the member depth from the face of the columns.
(ii) Wherever ultimate moment capacities or plastic hinges may be developed
in the flexural members under inelastic lateral displacement of the frame.
(iii) Wherever required compression reinforcement occurs in the flexural
D. In regions where stirrup-ties are required, longitudinal bars shall have
lateral support conforming to the provisions of ties for tied columns. Single or
overlapping stirrup-ties and supplementary cross-ties may be used.
(f) Columns Subject to Direct Stress and Bending. 1. Dimensional limita-
tions. The ratio of minimum to maximum column thickness shall be not less than
0.4 nor shall any dimension be less than 12 inches.
2. Vertical reinforcement. The reinforcement ratio, p, in tied columns shall be
not less than 0.01 nor greater than 0.06.
3. Splices. Lap splices shall be made within the center half of column height,
and the splice length shall be not less than 30 bar diameters. Continuity may also
be effected by welding or by approved mechanical devices, provided not more
than alternate bars are welded or mechanically spliced at any level and the vertical
distance between these welds or splices of adjacent bars is not less than 24 inches.
4. Special transverse reinforcement. The cores of columns shall be confined
by special transverse reinforcement as specified herein or as required to meet
shear requirements.
A. The volumetric ratio of spiral reinforcement shall be not less than that
required by Formula (10-3) of Section 2610 (j) nor

0.12 ~ ......................... (25-4)

whichever is greater.
B. The total cross-section area (Ash) of rectangular hoop reinforcement shall be
not less than the greater of

Ash = 0.30shhc j~: (::h - 1) .. .. .. ..(25-5)


0.12shhe .,..-- ....................... (25-6)

The center-to-center spacing of hoops, sh, shall not exceed 4 inches.

Single or overlapping hoops may be provided to meet this requirement.
Supplementary cross ties of the same size and spacing as hoops using 135-
degree minimum hooks engaging the periphery hoop and secured to a longitudi-
nal bar may be used. Supplementary cross ties or legs of overlapping hoops shall
be spaced not more than 14 inches on center transversely.
EXCEPTION: Fonnula (25-5) need not be complied with if the column design is
based on the column core only.
C. Special transverse reinforcement shall be provided in that portion of the
column over a length equal to the maximum column dimension or one sixth of the
clear height of the column, but not less than 18 inches from eitherface of the joint.
D. At any section where the ultimate capacity of the column is less than the sum
of the shears (IV") computed by Formula (25-3) for all the beams framing into
the column above the level under consideration, special transverse reinforcement
shall be provided. For beams framing into opposite sides of the column, the
moment components of Formula (25-3) may be assumed to be of opposite sign.
For the purpose of this determination the factor 1.4 in Formula (25-3) may be
changed to 1.1. For determination of the ultimate capacity of the column, the
moments resulting from Formula (25-3) may be assumed to result from deforma-
tion of the frame in any one principal axis.
E. Columns which support discontinuous members, such as shear walls,
braced frames or other rigid elements, shall have special transverse reinforcement
for the full height of the supporting columns.
5. Column shear. The transverse reinforcement in columns subjected to
bending and axial compression shall satisfy the following requirement:
de Vu
AJY - - = ----;;; - Ve .................... (25-7)

V u shall be computed by using the ultimate moment capacity in the ends of

either the beams or columns framing into the connection.
Ultimate moment capacities shall be computed without or other reduction
factors and under all possible vertical loading conditions and assuming the
maximum reinforcing yield strength based on 25 percent over specified yield.
Shear strength shall be computed based on the column core area.
Vc = veAch, where vc shall be in accordance with Section 2611 (e) except that
vc shall be considered zero when

~eg < 0.12f'c

1982 EDITION 2625-2626

s = spacing, ,.; Y2 minimum column dimension.

de dimension of the column core in the direction of load, in inches.
Av total cross-sectional area of special transverse reinforcement in tension
within a distances, except that two thirds of such area shall be used in
the case of circular spirals.
(g) Beam-column Connection. Special transverse reinforcement shall be
provided through the beam-column connection.
I. Analysis. The transverse reinforcement through the connection shall be
proportioned according to the requirements of Section 2625 (f) 4. The transverse
reinforcement thus selected shall be checked according to the provisions specified
in Section 2625 (f) 5, with the exception that the Vu acting on the connection shall
be equal to the maximum shears in the connection computed by a rational analysis
taking into account the column shear and the concentrated shears developed from
the forces in the beam reinforcement at a stress assumed atfy'
Special transverse column reinforcement of one half the amount otherwise
required by Section 2625 (g) I shall be required within the connection, deter-
mined by the depth of the shallowest framing member, where such members
frame into all four sides of a column and whose width is at least three fourths the
column width. When a corner of a tied column, unconfined by flexural members,
exceeds 4 inches, the full special transverse reinforcement shall be provided
through the connection and around bars outside of the connection.
Special transverse beam reinforcing shall be provided through the beam col-
umn connection to provide confinement for longitudinal reinforcement outside
the column core where such confinement is not provided by another beam framing
into the connection.
2. Design limitations. At any beam-column connection where
P,IA 8 ;;.: 0.12f'c the sum of the moment strengths of the columns, at the design
earthquake axial load, shall be greater than the sum of the moment strengths of the
beam, along their principal planes at that connection.
EXCEPTION: Where certain beam-column connections at any level do not
comply with the above limitations, the remaining columns and connected flexural
members shall comply and, further, shall be capable of resisting the entire shear at
that level accounting for the altered relative rigidities and torsion resulting from the
omission of elastic action of the nonconforming beam-column connections.
(h) Inspection. For buildings designed under this section, a specially qualified
inspector under the supervision of the person responsible for the structural design
shall provide continuous inspection of the placement of the reinforcement and
concrete, and shall submit a certificate indicating compliance with the plans and

Ductile Moment-resisting Space Frames-Alternate Provisions for

Seismic Zones No. 1 and No. 2
Sec. 2626. (a) General. Design and construction of earthquake-resisting
reinforced concrete framing members and their connections conforming to the
general requirements of this chapter and the special requirements of this section


shall be deemed to meet the requirements for a ductile moment-resisting space

frame of Section 2312 (j) for buildings in- Seismic Zones No. I and No. 2,
provided the horizontal force factor, K, is not taken less than unity when comput-
ing seismic forces under Section 2312 (d).
(b) Flexural Members. Web reinforcement shall be required throughout the
length of the member. It shall be designed according to Section 2611 except that
such web reinforcement shall be not less than 0.15 percentofthe area computed as
the product of the width of the web and the spacing of web reinforcement along the
longitudinal axis of the member. The first stirrup shall be located 2 inches from the
column face. The next six stirrups shall be spaced not over d/4.
Positive moment reinforcement at the supports of flexural members subject to
reversal of moments shall be anchored by bond, hooks or mechanical anchors in
or through the supporting member to develop the yield strength of the bar.
Lapped splices located in a region of tension or reversing stress shall be
confined by at least two stirrups at each splice.
(c) Columns. Additional lateral reinforcement shall be provided for columns
as prescribed in this subsection. The spacing of ties at the ends of tied columns
shall not exceed 4 inches for a distance equal to the maximum column dimension
but not less than one sixth of the clear height of the column from the face of the
joint. The first such tie shall be located 2 inches from the face of the joint. Joints of
exterior and corner columns shall be confined by lateral reinforcement through
the joint. Such lateral reinforcement shall consist of spirals or ties as required at
the ends of columns.
Earthquake-resisting Concrete Shear Walls and Braced Frames
Sec. 2627. (a) General. Design and construction of earthquake-resisting
reinforced concrete shear walls and reinforced concrete braced frames subjected
primarily to axial stresses for all buildings shall conform to the requirements of
this chapter.
Shear walls and vertical bracing frames shall be designed by the strength design
method except that the alternate design method of Section 2608 (j) may be used,
provided that the factor of safety in shear is equivalent to that achieved with the
strength design method.
Formulas (9-2) and (9-3) of Section 2609 (d) for earthquake loading shall be
modified to:
U = 1.4 (D + L) + 1.4 ................... (27-l)
U = 0.9D + 1.4 ..................... (27-2)

provided, further, that 2.0 shall be used in Formulas (27-1) and (27-2) in
calculating shear and diagonal tension stresses in shear walls of buildings other
than those complying with requirements for buildings with K = 0.67.
(b) Braced Frames. Reinforced concrete members of braced frames subjected
primarily to axial stresses shall have special transverse reinforcing as specified in
Section 2625 (f) 4 throughout the full length of the member. Tension members
shall additionally meet the requirements for compression members.

1982 EDITION 2627-2628

(c) Vertical Boundary Members for Shear Walls. Special vertical boundary
elements shall be provided at the edges of concrete shear walls in buildings whose
lateral force resisting system is as described in Table No. 23-1 for aK of .80. These
elements shall be composed of concrete-encased structural steel elements of A36,
A441 , A500 Grades B and C, A50 I, A572 (except Grades 60 and 65) or A588, or
shall be concrete reinforced as required for columns in Section 2625 (f) with
special transverse reinforcement as described in Section 2625 (f) 4 for the full
length of the element. The longitudinal reinforcing in these concrete boundary
elements shall conform to the requirements of Section 2625 (d) 2.
EXCEPTION: The special transverse reinforcement may be omitted in Seismic
Zones No. I and No.2 when the combined dead load, live load and seismic stresses
are not over one half of those otherwise allowed.
The boundary vertical elements and such other similar vertical elements as may
be required shall be designed to carry all the vertical stresses resulting from the
wall loads in addition to tributary dead and live loads and from the horizontal
forces as prescribed in Section 2312. Horizontal reinforcing in the walls shall be
fully anchored to the vertical elements.
EXCEPTION: In Seismic Zones No. I and No. 2 the vertical boundary ele-
ments may be designed to carry all vertical stresses resulting from tributary dead and
live loads not supported by the shear walls acting as bearing walls.
Similar confinement of horizontal and vertical boundaries at wall openings also
shall be provided unless it can be demonstrated that the unit compressive stresses
at the opening have a load factor two times that required by Formulas (27 -1) and
(27-2) above.
(d) Wall Reinforcement. Wall reinforcement required to resist wall shear
shall be terminated with not less than a 90-degree bend plus a six-bar-diameter
extension beyond the boundary reinforcing at vertical and horizontal end faces of
wall sections. Wall reinforcement terminating in boundary columns or beams
shall be fully anchored into the boundary elements.

Alternate Design Method

Sec. 2628. (a) Notation. The following symbols and notations apply only to
the provisions ofthis section:
A8 gross area of section, square inches.
A1 loaded area.
A2 maximum area of the portion of the supporting surface that is geo-
metrically similar to and concentric with the loaded area.
area of shear reinforcement within a distances, square inches.
width of compression face of member, inches.
perimeter of critical section for slabs and footings, inches.
web width, or diameter of circular section, inches.
distance from extreme compression fiber to centroid of tension rein-
forcement, inches.
Ec = modulus of elasticity of concrete, psi. See Section 2608 (f).

modulus of elasticity of reinforcement, psi. See Section 2608 (f).

specified compressive strength of concrete, psi. See Section 2604.
square root of specified compressive strength of concrete, psi.
fer= average splitting tensile strength of lightweight aggregate concrete, psi.
See Section 2604 (b).
fs = permissible tensile stress in reinforcement, psi.
!y specified yield strength of reinforcement, psi. See Section 2603 (f).
M = design moment.
n = modular ratio of elasticity.
= E/Ec.
N = design axial load normal to cross section occurring simultaneously with
V; to be taken as positive for compression, negative for tension and to
include effects oftension due to creep and shrinkage.
s = spacing of shear reinforcement in direction parallel to longitudinal
reinforcement, inches.
v = design shear stress.
Vc = permissible shear stress carried by concrete, psi.
vh = permissible horizontal shear stress, psi.
V = design shear force at section.
f3c = ratio of long side to short side of concentrated load or reaction area.
a = angle between inclined stirrups and longitudinal axis of member.
p = ratio of tension reinforcement.
= A/bd.
cjJ = strength reduction factor. See Section 2628 (c).
(b) Scope. Nonprestressed reinforced concrete members may be designed
using service loads (without load factors) and permissible service load stresses in
accordance with provisions of this section. For design of members not covered by
this section, appropriate provisions of this code shall apply.
All applicable provisions of this code for nonprestressed concrete, except
Section 2608 (e), shall apply to members designed by the alternate design
method. Flexural members shall meet requirements for deflection control in
Section 2609 (f) and requirements of Sections 2610 (e) through (h) of this code.
(c) General. Load factors and strength reduction factors cjJ shall be taken as
unity for members designed by the alternate design method.
Members may be proportioned for 75 percent of capacities required by other
parts of the section when considering wind or earthquake forces combined with
other loads, provided the resulting section is not less than that required for the
combination of dead and live load.
When dead load reduces effects of other loads, members shall be designed for
85 percent of dead load in combination with the other loads.
(d) Permissible Service Load Stresses. l. Stresses in concrete shall not
exceed the following:

1982 EDITION 2628

A. Flexure.
Extreme fiber stress in compression
B. Shear.+
Beams and one-way slabs and footings:
Shear carried by concrete, vc l.lvfc
Maximum shear carried by
concrete plus shear reinforcement
Shear carried by concrete, v c 1.2vfc
Two-way slabs and footings:
Shear carried by concrete, vet (1 + 21{3)vfc
but not greater than 2vfc
C. Bearing on load area** 0.3f'c

+ For more detailed calculation of shear stress carried by concrete v c and shear values for
lightweight aggregate concrete, see Section 2628 (i).
*Designed in accordance with Section 2608 (I) of this code.
tif shear reinforcement is provided, see Sections 2628 (I) 4 and 2628 (I) 5.
**When the supporting surface is wider on all sides thal!._!he loaded area, permissible
bearing stress on the loaded area may be increased by VAz!A 1 but not more than 2. When
the supporting surface is sloped or stepped, A 2 may be taken as the area of the lower base of
the largest frustum of a right pyramid or cone contained wholly within the support and
having for its upper base the loaded area and having side slopes of I vertical to 2 horizontal.
2. Tensile stress in reinforcementfs shall not exceed the following:
A. Grade 40 or Grade 50 reinforcement 20,000 psi
B. Grade 60 reinforcement or greater and welded wire fabric
(smoothed or deformed) 24,000 psi
C. For flexural reinforcement, 3fs inch or less in diameter,
in one-way slabs of not more than 12-foot span 0.50 fy
but not greater than 30,000 psi
(e) Development and Splices of Reinforcement. Development and splices of
reinforcement shall be as required in Section 2612. In satisfying requirements of
Section 2612 (m), Mn shall be taken as computed moment capacity assuming all
positive moment tension reinforcement at the section to be stressed to the
permissible tensile stressfs, and Vu shall be taken as unfactored shear force at the
(f) Flexure. For investigation of stresses at service loads, straight-line theory
(for flexure) shall be used with the following assumptions:
I. Strains vary linearly as the distance from the neutral axis, except for deep
flexural members with overall depth-span ratios greater than 215 for continuous
spans and 4/5 for simple spans, a nonlinear distribution of strain shall be consid-
ered. [See Section 2610 (h).]
2. Stress-strain relationship of concrete is a straight line under service loads
within permissible service load stresses.


3. In reinforced concrete members, concrete resists no tension.

4. Modular ratio, n = E/Ec, may be taken as the nearest whole number ('out
not less than 6). Except in calculations for deflections, value of n for lightweight
concrete shall be assumed to be the same as for normal-weight concrete of the
same strength.
5. In doubly reinforced flexural members, an effective modular ratio of2 E/Ec
shall be used to transform compression reinforcement for stress computations.
Compressive stress in such reinforcement shall not exceed permissible tensile
(g) Compression Members With or Without Flexure. Combined flexure and
axial load capacity of compression members shall be taken as 40 percent of that
computed in accordance with provisions in Section 2610.
Slenderness effects shall be included according to requirements of Sections
2610 (k) and 2610 (1). In Formula (10-7), the term Pu shall be replaced by 2.5
times the design axial load, and cp shall be taken equal to 1.0.
Walls shall be designed in accordance with Section 2614 with combined flexure
and axial load capacity taken as 40 percent of that computed in accordance with
Section 2614 (c) or Section 261 0 (p ). In Formula ( 14-1 ), cp shall be taken equal to
(h) Shear and Thrsion. Design shear stress v shall be computed by:

v =
v ........................ (28-1)

where Vis design shear force at section considered.

When the reaction, in direction of applied shear, introduces compression into
the end regions of a member, sections located less than a distance d from face of
support may be designed for the same shear vas that computed at a distance d.
Whenever applicable, effects of torsion, in accordance with provisions of
Section 2611, shall be added. Shear and torsional moment strengths provided by
concrete and limiting maximum strengths for torsion shall be taken as 55 percent
of the values given in Section 2611.
(i) Shear Stress Carried by Concrete. 1. For members subject to shear and
flexure only, shear stress carried by concrete vc shall not exceed 1.1 Wc unless a
more detailed calculation is made in accordance with Section 2628 (i) 4.
2. For members subject to axial compression, shear stress carried by concrete
vc shall not exceed 1 . 1 v7':: unless a more detailed calculation is made in
accordance with Section 2628 (i) 5.
3. For members subject to significant axial tension, shear reinforcement shall
be designed to carry total shear, unless a more detailed calculation is made using

vc = 1.1 ( 1 + 0.004 ~ )v'l':: ................ (28-2)

where N is negative for tension. Quantity N!Ag shall be expressed in psi.

1982 EDITION 2628

4. For members subject to shear and flexure only, vc may be computed by

Vc = VJ'; + 1300 Pw M .................. (28-3)
but vc shall not exceed 1.9 VJ';. Quantity Vd/M shall not be taken greater than 1.0
where M is design moment occuring simultaneously with Vat section considered.
5. For members subject to axial compression, vc may be computed by

vc = u( 1 + o.ooo6 ~ )V?:: ................ (28-4)

Quantity N!Ag shall be expressed in psi.
6. Shear stresses carried by concrete vc apply to normal-weight concrete. When
lightweight aggregate concrete is used, one of the following modifications shall
A. When fct is specified and concrete is proportioned in accordance with
Section 2604 (c), fc 1 16.7 shall be substituted for VJ'; but the value of
fc 1 16. 7 shall not exceed VJ';.
B. Whenfc, is not specified, the value of VJ'; shall be multiplied by 0. 75 for
"all-lightweight" concrete and by 0.85 for "sand-lightweight" concrete.
Linear interpolation may be applied when partial sand replacement is used.
7. In determining shear stress carried by concrete vc, whenever applicable,
effects of axial tension due to creep and shrinkage in restrained members shall be
considered and effects of inclined flexural compression in variable depth mem-
bers may be included.
(j) Shear Stress Carried by Shear Reinforcement. l. Types of shear rein-
forcement. Shear reinforcement may consist of:
A. Stirrups perpendicular to axis of member.
B. Welded wire fabric with wires located perpendicular to axis of member
making an angle of 45 degrees or more with longitudinal tension
C. Longitudinal reinforcement with bent portion making an angle of 30
degrees or more with longitudinal tension reinforcement.
D. Combinations of stirrups and bent longitudinal reinforcement.
E. Spirals.
2. Maximum yield strength. Design yield strength of shear reinforcement
shall not exceed 60,000 psi.
3. Anchorage of shear reinforcement. Stirrups and other bars or wires used as
shear reinforcement shall extend to a distance d from extreme compression fiber
and shall be anchored at both ends according to Section 2612 (o) to develop design
yield strength of reinforcement.
4. Spacing limits for shear reinforcement. Spacing of shear reinforcement
placed perpendicular to axis of member shall not exceed d/2 nor 24 inches.
Inclined stirrups and bent longitudinal reinforcement shall be so spaced that


every 45-degree line, extending toward the reaction from middepth of member
d/2 to longitudinal tension reinforcement, shall be crossed by at least one line of
shear reinforcement.
When ( v- v) exceeds 2 VI';, maximum spacing given by this subsection shall
be reduced by one half.
5. Minimum shear reinforcement. A minimum area of shear reinforcement
shall be provided in all reinforced concrete flexural members where design shear
stress v is greater than one half the permissible shear stress vc carried by concrete,
A. Slab and footings.
B. Concrete joist construction defined by Section 2608 (!)of this code.
C. Beams with total depth not greater than 10 inches, two and one-half times
thickness of flange or one half the width of web, whichever is greater.
Minimum shear reinforcement requirements of this subsection may be waived
if shown by test that required ultimate flexural and shear strength can be devel-
oped when shear reinforcement is omitted.
Where shear reinforcement is required by this subsection or by analysis,
minimum area of shear reinforcement shall be computed by
Av = 5 0 T ....................... (28-5)
where bw and s are in inches.
6. Design of shear reinforcement. Where design shear stress v exceeds shear
stress carried by concrete vc, shear reinforcement shall be provided in accordance
with this subsection.
When shear reinforcement perpendicular to axis of member is used,
Av = fs ..................... (28-6)
When included stirrups are used as shear reinforcement,
= f s (sm
. et + cos et ) .................. (28-7)

When shear reinforcement consists of a single bar or a single group of parallel

bars, all bent up at the same distance from the support,
(v-vc) bwd
A =
f s sm
. et . .................... (28-8)

where (v- vc) shall not exceed 1.6VJ';.

When shear reinforcement consists of a series of parallel bent-up bars or groups
of parallel bent-up bars at different distances from the support, required area shall
be computed by Formula (28-7).
Only the center three fourths of the inclined portion of any longitudinal bent bar
shall be considered effective for shear reinforcement.
When more than one type of shear reinforcement is used to reinforce the same

1982 EDITION 2628

portion of a member, required area shall be computed as the sum of the various
types separately. In such computations, vc shall be included only once.
Value of (v- vc) shall not exceed 4.4 V'f'c.
(k) Shear Friction. Where it is appropriate to consider shear transfer across a
given plane such as an existing or potential crack, an interface between dissimilar
materials, or an interface between two concretes cast at different times, shear
friction provisions of Section 2611 (h) may be applied with limiting maximum
stress for shear taken as 55 percent of that given in Section 26II (h) 3. Permissible
stress in shear friction reinforcement shall be that given in Section 2628 (d) 2.
(I) Special Provisions for Slabs and Footings. I. Shear capacity of slabs and
footings in the vicinity of concentrated loads or reactions is governed by the more
severe of two conditions:
A. Beam action for slab or footing with a critical section extending in a plane
across the entire width and located at a distance d from face of concentrated load
or reaction area. For this condition, the slab or footing shall be designed in
accordance with Section 2628 (h) through (j).
B. 'IWo-way action for slab or footing with a critical section perpendicular to
plane of slab and located so that its perimeter is a minimum but need not approach
closer than d/2 to perimeter of concentrated load or reaction area. For this
condition, the slab or footing shall be designed in accordance with Sections 2628
(I) 2 and 2628 (I) 3.
2. Design shear stress v shall be computed by

v ........................ (28-9)

where V and b0 shall be taken at the critical section defined in Section 2628 (I) I B.
3. Design shear stress v shall not exceed vc given by Formula (28-10) unless
shear reinforcement is provided.

vc = (I + *) Yf'c ................... (28-10)

but vc shall not exceed 2 Yf'c. f3c is the ratio of long side to short side of
concentrated load or reaction area. When lightweight aggregate concrete is used,
the modifications of Section 2628 (i) 6 shall apply.
4. If shear reinforcement consisting of bars or wires is provided in accordance
with Section 26II (1) 3, vc shall not exceed Yf'c, and v shall not exceed 3 Yf'c.
5. If shear reinforcement consisting of steel I or channel shapes (shearheads) is
provided in accordance with Section 26II (I) 4 of this code, v on the critical
section defined in Section 2628 (I) I B shall not exceed 3.5 Yf'c and von the
critical section defined in Section 26II (I) 4 G shall not exceed 2 Yf'c. In
Formulas (11-38) and (II-39), design shear force V shall be multiplied by 2 and
substituted for Vu.
(m) Special Provisions for Other Members. For design of deep flexural
members, brackets and corbels and walls, the special provisions of Section 2611


shall be used with shear strengths provided by concrete and limiting maximum
strengths for shear taken as 55 percent of the values given in Section 2611. In
Section 2611 (k) 6, the design axial load shall be multiplied by 1.2 if compression
and 2.0 if tension and substituted for Nu.
(n) Composite Concrete Flexural Members. For design of composite con-
crete flexural members, permissible horizontal shear stress vh shall not exceed 55
percent of the horizontal shear strengths given in Section 2617 (f) 4.

1982 EDITION 26-1

ii' UJ~
... ~-'
t;; ~a:> AT SECTION

~ ~

f.-b-l -1

;;: 3" Max --1 Max 0.1251
...cr ......"'
0 50
Max. 0 125} --:-:-1 _~24 bar d1a or 12" Mtn ,
Q_ "' 0
Rematnder I
all bars 6"-l
~ f.-6"
I ?-'--,J:.~.;;; ;;:>-=""+ I

\--d- b---1 1--e-
8 50 '

--I l+b- ; -e-\-i f--b-- I

I \
'r/-o- ! --o---\1
l MaxO 125/
24bor dto or 12"M1n 6'. ~

. _6"
0 Remamder
3" Max_,
~: Edge af drop """-'""""'"\'

~ ~c-j f--c~'
K1 Q_ f--c- -c---1
~ 100
r~ r"


lu.L6. Max 0 15/
3"Max --+~3" Max

6"- H

~ c(all bars)oj \--c- ~a-1 1-c (all bars)

i5 Q_

*.."' ~
:i 1-a f--c\..J I<:
cr Remotader ! I;
..."'z / I \.

~:~,.:,. ~
0 50
0 i
"' Rematnder
-6" 6"-- ~-
c -clear span-/ n~ c ~earspan-1 n . ~

Face of support
to center span -R
Exterior support
Interior support
Face of support
Center to center span -1 =:j
Exterior support I(
(No slab continuity) (Continuity provided) (No slab continuity)
* Bent bars at uterOf supports
may be used tf a oenerol BAR LENGTH FROM FACE OF SUPPORT
MARK a I b I c I d I e I f I g
LENGTH 014.1'n [o2otnlontn lo 30/n lo33ln 020/n lo24ln I


[See Section 2612 (m) 1 for reinforcement extension Into supports.]





No1111lr-entralned Al,...ntralned
Concrat. Cone rat.
Compraulw Abeotut. u.s. Gal. Per Abeolut. U.S. Gel. Per

Strength, Ratio by Ratio by 94-lb. B8g
f'c peP w.lght Weight of Cement

2500 0.67 7.6 0.54 6.1

3000 0.58 6.6 0.46 5.2
3500 0.51 5.8 0.40 4.5
4000 0.44 5.0 0.35 4.0
4500 0.38 4.3 2 2
5000 2 2 2 2

11\venty-eight-day strength. With most materials, water-cement ratios shown will provide
average strengths greater than indicated in Section 2604 (d) I as being required.
2for strengths above 4500 psi (nonair-entrained concrete) and 4000 psi (air-entrained
concrete), proportions shall be established by methods of Section 2604 (d) or (e).



3,11 6to 10
lf2 5 to9
:v. 4to8
I 3.5 to 6.5
IVz 3 to 6
2 2.5 to 5.5
3 1.5 to4.5

1982 EDITION 26-C-1, 26-C-2, 26-D



Nos. 3, 4 and 5 3\lldb

Nos. 6, 7 and 8 5db
Nos. 9, 10 and II 7db
Nos. 9, 10 and 11 5db
(of Grade 40)



Nos. 3 through 8 6db

Nos. 9, 10 and II 8db
Nos. 14 and 18 !Odb



Member1 not eu~rtlng or Mtlchecl to partition or other
MEMBER conlltructlon II ely to be demged by lerge dellectlon1

Solid one-way slabs 1120 1124 1128 1110

Beams or ribbed one-
way slabs 1116 1118.5 1121 118
1Span length I is in inches.
Values given shall be used directly for members with normal-weight concrete (w c = 145 pcf)
and Grade 60 reinforcement. For other conditions, the values shall be modified as
(a) For structural lightweight concrete having unit weights in the range 90-120 pounds
per cubic foot, the value shall be multiplied by (1.65-0.005wc) but not less than
1.09, where we is the unit weight in pounds per cubic foot.
(b) For/y other than 60,000 psi, the values shall be multiplied by (0.4 + /yi!OO,OOO).



' =80kal ' = 40kal

Nos. 3to5 540 540 360

No.6 450 540 360
Nos. 7 to 9 360 540 360
No. 10 360 480 360
No.I! 360 420 360
No.l4 330 330 330
No. 18 220 220 220

t Values of {may be increased 30 percent where enclosure is provided perpendicular to

of hook. Enclosure may consist of external concrete or internal closed ties, spirals or
stirrups. See Section 2607 (j).



fJ. I:~ II, 0 0.5 1.0 2.0 2.0

2.0 0.5-2.0 0 0 0 0 0
1.0 0.5 0.6 0 0 0 0
0.8 0.7 0 0 0 0
1.0 0.7 0.1 0 0 0
1.25 0.8 0.4 0 0 0
2.0 1.2 0.5 0.2 0 0
0.5 0.5 1.3 0.3 0 0 0
0.8 1.5 0.5 0.2 0 0
1.0 1.6 0.6 0.2 0 0
1.25 1.9 1.0 0.5 0 0
2.0 4.9 1.6 0.8 0.3 0
0.33 0.5 1.8 0.5 0.1 0 0
0.8 2.0 0.9 0.3 0 0
1.0 2.3 0.9 0.4 0 0
1.25 2.8 1.5 0.8 0.2 0
2.0 13.0 2.6 1.2 0.5 0.3

1982 EDITION 26-G, 26-H


(In Pounds)1 2
(In lnchea) (In lnchea) 2000 3000 2000105000
v. 2Y2 500 500 200
% 3 1100 II 00 500
Y2 4 2000 2000 950
% 4 2750 3000 1500
:v. 5 2940 3560 2250
Vs 6 3580 4150 3200
I 7 3580 4150 3200
I Vs 8 3580 4500 3200
IV 9 3580 5300 3200
I Values are for natural stone aggregate concrete and bolts of at least A307 quality. Bolts
shall have a standard bolt head or an equal deformity in the embedded portion.
2Values are based upon a bolt spacing of 12 diameters with a minimum edge distance of 6
diameters. Such spacing and edge distance may be reduced 50 percent with an equal
reduction in value. Use linear interpolation for intermediate spacings and edge margins.
3 An additional 2 inches of embedment shall be provided for anchor bolts located in the top
of columns for buildings located in Seismic Zones Nos. 2, 3 and 4.
4Values shown are for work with or without special inspection.
~Values shown are for work without special inspection. Where special inspection is
provided values may be increased I 00 percent.




50 75 100
Equal lOOT
greater than 2 Class A Class A Class B

Less than 2 Class B Class C Class C

I Ratio of area of reinforcement provided to area of reinforcement required by

analysis at splice location.


Chapter 27

Material Standards and Symbols

Sec. 2701. (a) General. The quality, testing and design of steel used struc-
turally in buildings or structures shall conform to the requirements specified in
this chapter and to the applicable standards listed in Chapter 60.
(b) Identification. Steel furnished for structural load-carrying purposes shall
be properly identified for conformity to the ordered grade as follows:
Structural steels shall be identified in accordance with U. B. C. Standard No.
27-2. Where structural steel is furnished to a specified minimum yield point
greater than 36,000 pounds per square inch, the ASTM or other specification
designation shall be marked thereon in accordance with the requirements of
U.B.C. Standard No. 27-2.
Cold-formed carbon and low-alloy steel shall be identified by the fabricator in
accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 27-9. Where cold-formed steel structural
members are furnished to a specified minimum yield point greater than 33,000
pounds per square inch, the grade and the ASTM specification number or other
specification designation shall be indicated by painting, decal, tagging or other
suitable means on each lift or bundle of fabricated elements. In the case of
members having a yield point of, or in excess of, 33,000 pounds per square inch
obtained through additional treatment, the resulting minimum yield point shall be
indicated in addition to the specification designation.
Cold-formed stainless steel structural elements designed in accordance with
U.B.C. Standard No. 27-10 shall be identified as to grade through mill test
reports, and certification shall be furnished that the yield point of the material
supplied equals or exceeds that considered in the design. Identification shall be by
painting, decal, tagging or other suitable means on each lift or bundle of fab-
ricated elements.
Each lift or bundle of open web steel joists and similar fabricated light
structural load-carrying members shall be identified in accordance with U. B. C.
Standard No. 27-4 as to type, size and manufacturer by tagging or other suitable
means at the time of manufacture or fabrication, and such identification shall be
maintained continuously to the point of their installation in a structure.
The fabricator, in processing steel through his works, shall maintain identity of
the material and shall maintain suitable procedures and records attesting that the
specified grade has been furnished in conformity with the applicable U. B. C.
Standard. Where structural steel is furnished to a specified minimum yield point
greater than 36,000 pounds per square inch, the ASTM or other specification
designation shall be included near the erection mark on each shipping assembly or
important construction component over any shop coat of paint prior to shipment
from the fabricator's plant. The fabricator's identification mark system shall be
established and on record prior to fabrication.
Steel which is not readily identifiable as to grade from marking and test records
shall be tested to determine conformity to such standard. The fabricator shall,

1982 EDITION 2701

when requested, furnish an affidavit of compliance with such standard.

(c) Symbols and Notations. The symbols and notations used in these regula-
tions are defined as follows:
An Nominal body area of a fastener; the area of a rivet before driving or the
area of a bolt or threaded part based upon its major diameter.
An,. Planar area of web at beam to column connection.
A, Actual area of effective concrete flange in composite design as defined
in Section 2708 (a).
A,. Effective net area of an axially loaded tension member.
Ar Area of compression flange.
A, Net area of an axially loaded tension member.
A, Area of steel beam in composite design.
A,, Area of reinforcing steel providing composite action at point of nega-
tive reinforcement within the boundaries specified in Section 2708 (a).
A" Cross-sectional area of stiffener or pair of stiffeners.
Aw Area of girder web.
A1 Bearing area of base plate.
A2 Area of concrete.
C Ratio of bolt tensile strength to tensile strength of connected part.
Ch Bending coefficient dependent upon moment gradient; equal to

1.75 + 1.05 (t) + 0.3 ( ~~ r

Column slenderness ratio separating elastic and inelastic buckling;
equal to
Coefficient for prismatic members applied to bending term in interac-
tion formula and dependent upon column curvature caused by applied
C', Coefficient applied to bending term in interaction formula for tapered
members and dependent upon axial stress at the small end of the
Stiffness factor for primary member in a flat roof.
Stiffness factor for secondary member in a flat roof.
Ratio of "critical" web stress, according to the linear buckling theory,
to the shear yield stress of web material; equal to
JT"Ek\ :3


[See Section 2707(e)J.


D Factor depending upon type of transverse stiffeners.

E Modulus of elasticity of steel (29 ,000 kips per square inch).
E,. Modulus of elasticity of concrete.
F Load factor in plastic design.
Axial compressive stress permitted in the absence of bending moment.
Axial compressive stress, permitted in the absence of bending moment,
for bracing and other secondary members.
Bending stress permitted in the absence of axial force.
Allowable bending stress in compression flange of plate girders as
reduced for hybrid girders or because of large web depth-to-thickness
F' e Euler stress divided by factor of safety; equal to

127T 2 E

Allowable bearing stress.

Allowable axial tensile stress.
Specified minimum tensile strength of the type of steel or fasteners
being used (kips per square inch).
Allowable shear stress.
Specified minimum yield stress of the type of steel being used (kips per
square inch). As used in the specification, "yield stress'' denotes either
the specified minimum yield point (for those steels that have a yield
point) or specified minimum yield strength (for those steels that do not
have a yield point).
Column yield stress (ksi).
Yield stress of reinforcing steel providing composite action at point of
negative moment.
Fyst Stiffener yield stress (ksi).
Hs Length of a stud shear connector.
Id = Moment of inertia of steel deck on a flat roof.
I,ff = Effective moment of inertia of composite sections for deflection com-
Is Moment of inertia of secondary member in flat roof framing; moment
of inertia of steel beam in composite construction.
Irr Moment of inertia of transformed composite section.
K Effective length factor.
L Span length, in feet.
Lr Length of primary member in a flat roof (feet).
L, Length of secondary member in a flat roof (feet).
M Moment.

1982 EDITION 2701

M1 Smaller moment at end of unbraced length of beam-column.

M2 Larger moment at end ofunbraced length of beam-column.
M0 Moment produced by dead load.
ML Moment produced by live load.
Mm Critical moment that can be resisted by a plastically designed member
in absence of axial load.
MP Plastic moment.
N = Length of bearing of applied load.
Number of shear connectors equal to Vh 1q.
Number of shear connectors required where closer spacing is needed
adjacent to point of zero moment.
p Applied load.
pbf = Factored beam flange or connection plate force in a restrained connec-
tion (kips).

7T'El .
P, = - -,- (kips)
py Plastic axial load; equal to profile area times specified minimum yield
stress (kips).
Ratio of effective profile area of an axially loaded member to its total
profile area.
Q,, Axial stress reduction factor where width-thickness ratio of unstiffened
elements exceeds limiting value given in section.
R Reaction or concentrated transverse load applied to beam or girder,
s Spacing of secondary members in a flat roof (feet).
Section modulus of steel beam used in composite design, referred to the
bottom flange.
s,, = Section modulus of transformed composite cross section, referred to
the bottom flange, based upon maximum permitted effective width of
concrete flange, Section 2708 (a).
Tb = Specified pretension of a high strength bolt, in kips.
V = Statical shear on beam.
Vh Total horizontal shear to be resisted by connectors under full composite
V' h Total horizontal shear to be resisted by connectors in providing partial
composite action (kips). See Section 2708 (d).
Vu Statical shear produced by "ultimate" load in plastic design.
Y = Ratio of yield point of web steel to yield point of stiffener steel.
a = Clear distance between transverse stiffeners.


a' Distance required at ends of welded partial length cover plate to develop
b = Effective width of concrete slab; actual width of stiffened compression
be = Effective width of stiffened compression element.
b1 = Flange width of rolled beam or plate girder.
c = Distance from neutral axis to extreme fiber of beam.
d = Depth of beam or girder. Also diameter of roller or rocker bearings, or
major diameter of fastener.
d, Column web depth clear of fillets.
e = Horizontal displacement, in the direction of the span, between top and
bottom of simply supported beam at its ends.
f = Axial compression load on member divided by effective area (kips per
square inch).
fa Computed axial stress.
fb Computed bending stress.
f'c Specified compression strength of concrete.
fp Computed bearing stress.
!,= Computed tensile stress.
fv = Computed shear stress.
fvs Shear between girder web and transverse stiffeners, in kips per linear
inch of single stiffener or pair of stiffeners.
g = Transverse spacing between fastener gauge lines.
h = Clear distance between flanges of a beam or girder.
k = Coefficient relating linear buckling strength of a plate to its dimensions
and condition of edge support. Also, distance from outer face of flange
to web toe of fillet.
I = Actual unbraced length, in inches.
lb = Actual unbraced length in plane of bending, in inches.
Ia = Critical unbraced length adjacent to plastic hinge, in inches.
n = Modular ratio; equal toE lEe.
n, = Number of studs in one rib not to exceed three in calculations.
q = Allowable horizontal shear to be resisted by a shear connector.
r = Governing radius of gyration.
rb = Radius of gyration about axis of concurrent bending.
ry = Lesser radius of gyration.
s = Spacing (pitch) between successive holes in line of stress.
t = Girder, beam or column web thickness.
tb = Beam flange thickness at rigid beam-to-column connection.
r1 = Flange thickness.
t, Thickness of thinner part joined by partial penetration groove weld.
v Poisson's ratio, may be taken as 0.3 for steel.
w Length of channel shear connectors.
x = Subscript relating symbol to strong axis bending.
y = Subscript relating symbol to weak axis bending.
a = Ratio of hybrid girder web yield stress to flange yield stress.
~ = Displacement of the neutral axis of a loaded member from its position
when the member is not loaded.
{3 = Ratio S,,IS5 or S,.ff!S,.
Allowable Unit Stresses
Sec. 2702. (a) General. Except as provided in Sections 2703, 2704, 2707,
2708 and 2721, all components of the structure shall be so proportioned that the
stress in kips per square inch shall not exceed the values specified in this section.
Allowable stresses for web-tapered members may be governed by these provi-
sions or by other approved methods.
(b) Structural Steel. I. Tension. Except for pin-connected members, F,
shall not exceed 0.6F, on the gross area nor 0.5Fu on the effective net area.
For pin-connected members, F, = 0.45F, on the net area.
For tension on threaded parts, see Table No. 27-A.
2. Shear. On the gross section (for shear calculation, the gross section of
rolled and fabricated shapes may be taken as the product of the overall depth and
the thickness of the web).

At beam end connections where the top flange is coped, and similar situations
where failure might occur by shear along a plane through the fasteners or by a
combination of shear along a plane through the fasteners plus tension along a
perpendicular plane, on the area effective in resisting tearing failure:

The effective area is the minimum net surface, bounded by the bolt holes.
See Section 2707 for reduction required for thin webs.
3. Compression. On the gross section of axially loaded compression mem-
bers whose cross sections meet the provisions of Section 2706 when Kllr, the
largest effective slenderness ratio of any unbraced segment as defined in Section
2705, is less than Cc.

. ................. (2-1)


F S _ f.. f. _ 5 3(Kl/r) (Kl/r) 3
. . - actor o sa ety - 3 + ~ - Bc,.:l


On the gross section of axially loaded compression members when Kllr

exceeds Cc.
121r2 E
F, = 23(Kl/r)2 ..................... (2-2)

On the gross section of axially loaded bracing and secondary members, when
II r exceeds 120 (for this case K is taken as unity).

F =Fa [by Formula (2-1) or,(2-2)]

"" . l ............ (2-3)
1. 6 - 200r

On the gross area of plate girder stiffeners

Fa= 0.60FY

On the web of rolled shapes at the toe of the fillet for crippling

Fa= 0.75FY

Web stiffeners shall be provided as specified in Section 2707 (j) when the
compressive stress of the web toe exceeds the allowable stress specified in the
preceding paragraph.
4. Bending. Except for hybrid girders and members of A514 steel, tension
and compression on extreme fibers of compact hot-rolled or built-up members
symmetrical about, and loaded in, the plane of their minor axis and meeting the
requirements of this section shall not exceed:

(i) The flange is continuously connected to the web or webs.
(ii) The width-thickness ratio of unstiffened projecting elements of the com-
pression flange as defined in Section 2706 does not exceed:

1982 EDITION 2702

(iii) The width-thickness ratio of stiffened elements of the compression flange

as defined in Section 2706 does not exceed:
(iv) The depth-thickness ratio of the web or webs does not exceed:

640(1- 3.74 f-) L_ 0 0 0 0 0 .... 0 0 0 (2-4)

~ when.;.:,,; 0.16


> 0.16

(v) The laterally unsupported length of the compression flange of members

other than circular or box members shall not exceed the value 76. Obrlv'F';

(vi) The laterally unsupported length of the compression flange of a box-

shaped member of rectangular cross section whose depth is not more than
six times the width and whose flange thickness is not more than two times
the web thickness shall not exceed the value

1950 + 1200 M,) F~
M, 1

except that it need not be less than 1200 (biF).

(vii) The diameter-thickness ratio of circular sections shall not exceed 3300/FY.
Except as specified in this paragraph, beams and girders, including members
designed for composite action, qualifying for Fb = 0.66FY and which are
continuous over supports or are rigidly framed to columns by means of rivets,
high-strength bolts or welds, may be proportioned for nine-tenths of the negative
moments produced by gravity loading which are maximum at points of support,
provided that, for such members, the maximum positive moment shall be
increased by one-tenth of the average negative moments. This reduction shall not
apply to tapered girders or moments produced by loading on cantilevers or when
including the one-third allowable stress increase for wind or earthquake forces. If
the negative moment is resisted by a column rigidly framed to the beam or girder,
the one-tenth reduction may be used in proportioning the column for the com-
bined axial and bending loading, provided that the unit stress fa due to any
concurrent axial load on the member does not exceed 0.15 Fa.


Members qualj_fying for Fb = 0.66 F,, except that br12trexceeds 65/~ but is
less than 95.0/VF,. may have an allowable bending stress of:

F 1, = F,, [ .79-.002 (~) (VFj J ........ (2-5)

Tension and compression on extreme fibers of doubly symmetrical 1- and H-
shape members with flanges continuously connected to web or webs, unstiffened
projecting elements of the compression flange not exceeding 65/~ and bent
about their minor axis; solid round and square bars; and solid rectangular bars
bent about their weaker axis shall not exceed

Fb = 0.75 F,

This does not include I and H shapes of A514 steel.

Doubly symmetrical 1- and H-shape members bent about their minor axis
(except hybrid girders and members of A514 steel) with the flanMs continuously
connected to the web or webs, except where h/2t1 exceeds 65/VF, but is less than
95. 0/~, may be designed on the basis of an allowable bending stress of

Rectangular tubular sections bent about their minor axis and meeting the
requirements of subparagraphs (i), (iii) and (iv) above may be designed on the
basis of an allowable bending stress of

Fb = 0.66F,

Lateral torsional buckling need not be investigated for a box section whose
depth is less than six times its width. Lateral support requirements for box
sections of larger depth-to-width ratios must be determined by special analysis.
Tension on extreme fibers of flexural members not previously covered in this
subsection on bending shall not exceed Fb = 0.60F,.
Compression on extreme fibers of flexural members included under the preced-
ing paragraph and meeting the requirements of Subsection 2706 (a), having an
axis of symmetry in and loaded in the plane of their web, and compression on
extreme fibers of channels bent about their major axis shall not exceed the larger
of Formulas (2-6a) or (2-6b) and (2-7), when applicable, but not more than
Only Formula (2-7) is applicable to channels. See Section 2707 for further
limitations to plate girder flange stress.

1982 EDITION 2702


102 (i0' ) C/J ~ l/r, ~

.510 (lOa) Cr,
.., F
F1 =
F (l/r,
1.530 (
HJ'l) c/J
] F
.., ............. (2-6a)


510 <10'1) c/J

1/r, ~

Or when the compression flange is solid and approximately rectangular in cross

section and the area is not less than the tension flange:

F _ 12 (10'1 ) Cr,
IJ- ld!At .................... (2-7)

I = distance between cross sections braced against twist or lateral displace-
ment of the compression flange. For cantilevers braced against twist at
the support only "I" may conservatively be taken as the actual length.
r, = radius of gyrations of a section comprising the compression flange plus
one third of the compression web area, taken about an axis in the plane
of the web.

c/J = 1.75 + 1.o.5 (~:) + o.3 (~J ............. (2-8)

but not more than 2.3 (Cb may be conservatively taken as unity) where M 1 is the
smaller and M 2 the larger bending moment at the ends of the unbraced length,
taken about the strong axis of the member, and where M/M2 , the ratio of end
moments, is positive when there is reverse curvature bending and negative when
there is single curvature bending. When the bending moment at any point within
an unbraced length is larger than that at both ends of this length, Cb shall be unity.
When computing F bx and F b to be used in Formula ( 3-1 a), Cb may be computed
by the formula given above for frames subject to joint translation, and it shall be
taken as unity for frames braced against joint translation. c, may be con-
servatively taken as 1.0 for cantilever beams.


For hybrid plate girders, FY in Formulas (2-6a) and (2-6b) is the yield stress of
the compression flange. Formula (2-7) shall not apply to hybrid girders.
Compression on extreme fibers of flexural members not previously covered in
this subsection on bending and meeting the requirements of Section 2706 (a),
which do not qualify for Formulas (2-6a), (2-6b) and (2-7), and provided that
sections bent about their major axis are braced laterally in the region of compres-
sion stress at intervals not exceeding 76. Ob/YF; shall not exceed

5. Bearing (on contact area). Milled surfaces, pins in reamed, drilled or

bored holes and ends of fitted bearing stiffeners:

Expansion rollers and rockers, kips per linear inch I

F - 13 )
FP = ( 20 0.66d

where dis the diameter of roller or rocker in inches.

1When parts in contact have different yield points, Fy shall be the smaller value.

6. Bearing (on concrete).

On the full area of concrete support ....................... FP = 0.35f'c
On less than the full area
of a concrete support ................... FP = 0.35f'c~ :!SO. 7f'c
(c) Rivets, Bolts and Threaded Parts. I. Allowable tension and shear stress
on rivets, bolts and threaded parts (kips per square inch of area of rivets before
driving or the area of threaded portion of bolts and threaded parts based on their
major diameter) shall not exceed the values set forth in Table No. 27-A.
2. High-strength bolts required to support applied loads by direct tension shall
have an average tensile stress, independent of any initial tightening force, not
exceeding the appropriate stress in Table No. 27-A. The applied load shall be the
sum of the external load and any tension resulting from prying action produced by
deformation of the connected parts.
3. The design for rivets, bolts and threaded parts subject to fatigue loading shall
be in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 27-3.
4. Maximum allowable bearing stress on the connected parts produced by
fasteners in shear:

where F u is the minimum tensile strength of the connected parts. Also see Section
2713 (d) and (e).

1982 EDITION 2702

(d) Welds. Except as modified by Section 2704, weld stresses shall comply
with Table No. 27-B.

(e) Effective Areas of Weld Metal. The effective area of groove and fillet
welds shall be considered as the effective length of the weld times the effective
throat thickness.
The effective shearing area of plug and slot welds shall be considered as the
nominal cross-sectional area of the hole or slot in the plane of the faying surface.
The effective area of fillet welds in holes and slots shall be computed as
specified above for fillet welds, using for effective length the length of center line
of the weld through the center of the plane through the throat. However, in the case
of overlapping fillets, the effective area shall not exceed the nominal cross-
sectional area of the hole or slot in the plane of the faying surface.
The effective length of a fillet weld shall be the overall length of full-size fillet
including returns.
The effective length of a groove weld shall be the width of the part joined.
The effective throat thickness of a fillet weld shall be the shortest distance from
the root to the face of the diagrammatic weld. However, for fillet welds made by
the submerged arc process, the effective throat thickness shall be the leg size for
Ys inch and smaller fillet welds and equal to the theoretical throat plus 0.11 inch
for fillet welds over Ys inch.
The effective throat thickness of a complete penetration groove weld (i.e., a
groove weld conforming to the requirements of U .B.C. Standard No. 27-6) shall
be the thickness of the thinner part joined.
The effective throat of a partial joint penetration groove weld shall be the depth
of chamfer, less Ys inch for grooves having an included angle less than 60 degrees,
but not less than 45 degrees at the root of the groove, when deposited by shielded
metal arc or submerged arc welding, or when deposited in vertical or overhead
positions by gas metal arc or flux-cored welding.
The effective throat of a partial joint penetration groove weld shall be the depth
of chamfer for grooves:
(i) having an included angle of 60 degrees or greater at the root of the groove
when deposited by any of the following welding processes; shielded metal
arc, submerged arc, gas metal arc, flux-cored arc orelectrogas welding; or
(ii) having an included angle not less than 45 degrees at the root of the groove
when deposited in flat or horizontal positions by gas metal arc or flux-
cored arc welding.
The effective throat thickness for flare groove welds when flush to the surface
of the solid section of the bar shall be as shown in Table No. 27-F.
l. Random sections of production welds for each welding procedure, or such
test sections as may be required, shall be used to verify that the effective throat is
consistently obtained.
2. Where for a given set of procedural conditions it can be established that
consistently larger effective throats than those shown in Table No. 27-F can be
provided, such larger effective throats may be established by qualification.


3. Qualification required by Item No.2 shall consist of sectioning the radiused

member, normal to its axis, at midlength and terminal ends of the weld. Such
sectioning shall be made on a number of combinations of material sizes represen-
tative of the range used in construction.
(f) Cast Steel and Steel Forgings. The allowable stress for cast steel and steel
forgings shall not exceed the values specified in Section 2702 (b), where

Combined Stresses
Sec. 2703. (a) Axial Compression and Bending. Members subject to both
axial compression and bending stresses shall be proportioned to satisfy the
following requirements:

~ 1.0 ......... (3-la)

__lg_ fbx ~""'

060F +F +F ~1.0 ................. (3-lb)
y bx by


fa/Fa~ 0.15, Formula (3-2) may be used in lieu of Formulas (3-la) and (3-1 b):

fFa + J,Fbx + .&__Fb ~ 1.0 ................... (3-2)

a bx by

em = A coefficient whose value shall be taken as follows:

I. For compression members in frames subject to joint translation (sidesway)
em= 0.85.
2. For restrained compression members in frames braced against joint transla-
tion and not subject to transverse loading between their supports in the
plane of bending, em = 0.6 - 0.4 M/M 2 , but not less than 0.4, where
M 1 IM 2 is the ratio of the smaller to the larger moments at the ends of that
portion of the member, unbraced in the plane of bending, under considera-
tion. M 1 IM 2 is positive when the member is bent in reverse curvature and
negative when bent in single curvature.
3. For compression members in frames braced against joint translation in the
plane of loading and subjected to transverse loading between their sup-
ports, the value of em may be determined by rational analysis. However, in
lieu of such analysis, the following values may be used: (i) for members
whose ends are restrained, em = 0.85; (ii) for members whose ends are
unrestrained, em = I.

1982 EDITION 2703

(b) Axial Thnsion and Bending. Members subject to both axial tension and
bending stresses shall be proportioned at all points along their length to satisfy the
requirements of Formula (3-1 b) where fb is the computed bending tensile stress.
However, the computed compressive stress, taken alone, shall not exceed the
applicable value permitted by Section 2702 (b) 4.
(c) Shear and Thnsion. Rivets and bolts subject to combined shear and tension
shall be so proportioned that the tension stress, in kips per square inch, on the
nominal area Ab produced by forces applied to the connected parts shall not
exceed the following:
For A502 Grade I rivets F, 30- J.3fv~23
For A502 Grade 2 rivets F, 38 - 1.3fv~29
For A307 bolts F, 26 - 1.8fv~20
For A449 bolts over I Vz-inch
diameter and threaded
parts, threads not excluded F 1 = .43fu - 1.8fv~33Fu
For A449 bolts over I Vz-inch
diameter and threaded
parts, threads excluded
For A325 bearing bolts,
threads not excluded
For A325 bearing bolts,
threads excluded
For A490 bearing bolts,
threads not excluded
For A490 bearing bolts,
threads excluded

The shear stressfv produced by the same forces shall not exceed the allowable
value for shear specified in Section 2702 (c). When allowable stresses are
increased for wind or seismic loads in accordance with Section 2303 (d), the
constants in the above formulas may be increased one third, but the factor
coefficient applied tofv shall not be increased.
For bolts in friction-type joints, the shear stress allowed in Section 2702 (c)
shall be reduced so that:

For A325 bolts in standard

For A325 bolts in oversize
and short-slotted holes
For A325 bolts in long-
slotted holes
For A490 bolts in standard


For A490 bolts in oversize

and short-slotted holes
For A490 bolts in long-
slotted holes
J; is the average tensile stress due to a direct load applied to all of the bolts in a
connection, and T" is the specified pretension load of the bolt. When allowable
stresses are increased for wind or seismic loads in accordance with Section 2303
(d), the allowable shear stress{" may be increased one third.
Stress Reversal
Sec. 2704. Members or connections which are subjected to a variation or
reversal of stress shall be designed as set forth in U .B.C. Standard No. 27-3.
Stability and Slenderness Ratios
Sec. 2705. (a) General. General stability shall be provided for the structure as
a whole and for each compression element. In determining the slenderness ratio of
an axially loaded compression member, except as provided by Formula (2-3) the
length I shall be taken as its effective length Kl and r the corresponding radius of
(b) Sidesway Prevented. In frames where lateral stability is provided and in
trusses, the effective length factor K for the compression members shall be taken
as unity.
EXCEPTION: A K value of less than one may be used where substantiating data
justify such a reduction.
(c) Sidesway Not Prevented. In frames where lateral stability is dependent on
the bending stiffness of rigidly connected beams and columns, the effective
length Kl of compression members shall be determined by a rational method and
shall be not less than the actual unbraced length.
(d) Maximum Ratios. The slenderness ratio, Kl!r, of compression members
shall not exceed 200.
The slenderness ratio, l!r, of tension members, other than rods, should not
For main members .......................................... 240
For lateral bracing members and other secondary members .......... 300
Width-Thickness Ratios
Sec. 2706. (a) Unstiffened Elements Under Compression. Unstiffened
(projecting) compression elements are those having one free edge parallel to the
direction of compression stress. The width of unstiffened plates shall be taken
from the free edge to the first row of fasteners or welds; the width of angle legs.
channel and zee flanges and stems of tees shall be taken as the full nominal
dimension; the flanges of !-shaped members and tees shall be taken as one half the
full nominal width. The thickness of a sloping flange shall be measured halfway
between a free edge and the corresponding face of the web.
Unstiffened elements subject to axial compression or compression due to

1982 EDITION 2706-2707

bending shall be considered as fully effective when the ratio of width to thickness
is not greater than the following:
Single-angle struts; double-angle struts with separators ........... 76/YF";
Struts comprising double angles in contact; angles or plates
projecting from girders, columns or other
compression members; compression flanges
of beams; stiffeners on plate girders ......................... 95/v-F:,
Stems of tees ........................................... 127 rVFY
When the actual width-to-thickness ratio exceeds these values, the design shall
be governed by other approved methods.
(b) Stiffened Elements Under Compression. Stiffened compression ele-
ments are those having lateral support along both edges which are parallel to the
direction of the compression stress. The width of such elements shall be the
distance between nearest lines of fasteners or welds, or between the roots of
flanges of rolled sections.
Stiffened elements subject to axial compression or to uniform compression due
to bending, such as the flange of a flexural member [see Section 2707 (b) and (f)],
shall be considered fully effective when the ratio of width to thickness does not
exceed the following:
Flanges of square and rectangular box sections
of uniform thickness ................................... 238/YF";
Unsupported width of cover plates perforated
with a succession of access holes ......................... 317 ;v-F:,
(Assumes net area of plate at widest hole in computing compression
All other uniformly compressed stiffened
elements ............................................. 253/YF";
Except in the case of perforated cover plates, when the actual width-to-
thickness ratio exceeds these values the design shall be governed by other
approved methods.
(c) Circular Thbular Elements. Circular tubular elements subject to axial
compression shall be considered as fully effective when the ratio of diameter to
thickness is not greater than 3300/ FY.
Plate Girders and Rolled Beams
Sec. 2707. (a) Proportions. Riveted and welded plate girders, cover-plated
beams and rolled or welded beams shall be proportioned by the moment of inertia
of the gross section. No deduction shall be made for shop or field rivet or bolt
holes in either flange, except that in cases where the reduction of the area of either
flange by such holes, calculated in accordance with the provisions of Section
2711 (b), exceeds 15 percent of the gross flange area, the excess shall be
Hybrid girders may be proportioned by the moment of inertia of their gross
section (web stresses produced by the bending moment are unlimited except as
regulated in Section 2704 and U.B.C. Standard No. 27-3), subject to the other
provisions of this section, provided they do not resist an axial force exceeding


0. 15F v times the gross section where F is the yield stress of the flange material.
Hybrid girders must have flanges of eq~al areas at any section and have the same
grade of steel.
(b) Web. The clear distance between flanges in inches shall not exceed
14,000 (t)
+ 16 ..5)
VF,, (F,,
F .. = Yield stress of the compression flanges. A limiting value of 2000
(t)l~ may be used, provided there are transverse stiffeners spaced
not more than 1.5 times the girder depth.
(c) Flanges. The thickness of outstanding parts of flanges shall conform to the
requirements of Section 2706 (a).
The total cross-sectional area of cover plates of riveted girders shall not exceed
70 percent of the total flange area. Provision shall be made for stresses resulting
from abrupt changes in flange direction and other conditions that introduce stress
(d) Flange Development. Rivets, high-strength bolts or welds connecting
flange to web, or cover plate to flange, shall be proportioned to resist the total
horizontal shear resulting from the bending forces on the girder. The longitudinal
distribution of these rivets, bolts or of intermittent welds shall be in proportion to
the intensity of the shear. But the longitudinal spacing shall not exceed the
maximum permitted, respectively, for compression or tension members in Sec-
tion 2715 (c) or (d). In addition, rivets or welds connecting flange to web shall be
proportioned to transmit to the web loads applied directly to the flange except
where provision is made to transmit such loads by direct bearing.
Partial length cover plates shall be extended beyond the theoretical cutoff point
and the extended portion shall be attached to the beam or girder by rivets, high-
strength bolts or fillet welds adequate to develop the cover plate's portion of the
flexural stresses in the beam or girder at the theoretical cutoff point. In addition,
for welded cover plates, the welds connecting the cover plate termination to the
beam or girder in the length a', defined below, shall be adequate to develop the
cover plate's portion of the flexural stresses in the beam or girder at the distance a'
from the end of the cover plate. The length a', measured from the end of the cover
plate, shall be:
I. A distance equal to the width of the cover plate when there is a continuous
weld equal to or larger than three fourths of the plate thickness across the
end of the plate and continued welds along both edges of the cover plate in
the length a'.
2. A distance equal to one and one-half times the width of the cover plate
when there is a continuous weld smaller than three fourths of the plate
thickness across the end of the plate and continued welds along both edges
of the cover plate in the length a'.
3. A distance equal to two times the width of the cover plate when there is no
weld across the end of the plate but continuous welds along both edges of

1982 EDITION 2707

the cover plate in the length a'.

(e) Stiffeners. Bearing stiffeners shall be placed in pairs at unframed ends on
the webs of plate girders and, where required [see Section 2707 (j) for welded
plate girders], at points of concentrated loads. Such stiffeners shall have a close
bearing against the flange, or flanges, through which they receive their loads or
reactions and shall extend approximately to the edge of the flange plates or flange
angles. They shall be designed as columns subject to the provisions of Section
2702 (b) 3, assuming the column section to comprise the pair of stiffeners and a
centrally located strip of the web, whose width is equal to not more than 25 times
its thickness at interior stiffeners, or a width equal to not more than 12 times its
thickness when the stiffeners are located at the end of the web. The effective
length shall be taken as not less than three fourths of the length of the stiffeners in
computing the ratio l!r. Only that portion of the stiffener outside of the flange
angle fillet or the flange-to-web welds shall be considered effective in bearing.
Except as provided in this section the average web shear fv in kips per square
inch, shall not exceed:

F, = F,l.~~,) ~ 0.4F,, .................... (7-1)

45,000k 0

C,. = F,,(h/1) 2 when C, IS less than O.H.

C, = ~~~~ *., when C,. is more than O.H.

k = 4.00 + (~iJ1~ 2 when a/his less than 1.0.

k = .5.34 + (~i~:~ 2 when a/h is more than 1.0.

Where intermediate stiffeners are provided at spacings complying with this

section and if Cv " 1.00, girders other than hybrid types may have an allowable
shear of:

,. = ___
2.H9 [c,,. + us VI+ (a/h)z J s:
I - c.
- o4Fu ......... (7-2)

(Recognizes the contribution of tension field action.)

Subject to the limitations of Section 2707 (b), intermediate stiffeners are not
required when the ratio hit is less than 260 and the maximum web shear stressfv is
less than that permitted by Formula (7 -1 ).
The spacing of intermediate stiffeners, when stiffeners are required, shall be


such that the web shear stress will not exceed the value for Fv given by Formula
(7-1) or (7-2), as applicable and the ratio alh shall not exceed:
( hTt nor 3.0.
For girders designed for tension field action, the spacing between stiffeners at
end panels and panels containing large holes and panels adjacent thereto shall be
such thatf,. does not exceed the value given by Formula (7 -1 ).
The moment of inertia of a pair of intermediate stiffeners or a single intermedi-
ate stiffener about an axis in the web plane shall be not less than (h/50)4.
The gross area, in square inches, of intermediate stiffeners spaced in accor-
dance with Formula (7-2) shall be not less than that computed by Formula (7-3).

A ~ I ~C.[!!_~ ] YDh
'' ~ '>
V 1(a/h)2
II .
+(a !)2
t ............ (7-3)

(Total area when stiffeners are furnished in pairs.)

C,. is as defined in Section 2707 (e).
Y = yield stress of web steel/yield stress of stiffener steel.
D 1.0 for stiffeners furnished in pairs.
1.8 for single angle stiffeners.
2.4 for single plate stiffeners.
When the greatest shear stressfv in a panel is less than that permitted by Formula
(7-2), this gross area requirement may be reduced in like proportion.
Intermediate stiffeners required by the provisions of Formula (7-2) shall be
connected for a shear transfer in kips per linear inch of single or pairs of stiffeners
not less than
j,..,=h {fli>F
)'l ................... (7-4)

F" = yield stress of web steel.
This shear transfer may be reduced in the same proportion that the largest
computed shear stress fv in the adjacent panels is less than that permitted by
Formula (7-2). However, rivets and welds in intermediate stiffeners which are
required to transmit to the web an applied concentrated load or reaction shall be
proportioned for not less than the applied load or reaction.
Intermediate stiffeners may be stopped short of the tension flange, provided
bearing is not needed to transmit a concentrated load or reaction. The weld by
which intermediate stiffeners are attached to the web shall be terminated not
closer than four nor more than six times the web thickness from the toe of the web

1982 EDITION 2707

to flange weld. When single stiffeners are used they shall be attached to the
compression flange, if it consists of a rectangular plate, to resist any uplift
tendency due to torsion in the plate. When lateral bracing is attached to a stiffener
or a pair of stiffeners these, in tum, shall be connected to the compression flange
to transmit I percent of the total flange stress, unless the flange is composed only
of angles.
Rivets connecting stiffeners to the girder web shall be spaced not more than 12
inches on center. If intermittent fillet welds are used, the clear distance between
welds shall be not more than 16 times the web thickness nor more than I 0 inches.
(f) Reduction in Flange Stress. When the web depth-to-thickness ratio
exceeds 760/-vfi";,, the maximum stress in the compression flange shall not

F' 1, ~ F1, [1.0- 0.000.5 A,.

~ .............. (7-5)

The maximum stress in either flange of a hybrid girder shall not exceed F 'h in
Formula (7-5) nor

a - a"l)l
fJ [1 :... 12+ (A")
-A (3
+ 2 (A ./A ) .. . . . (7-6)
11 1

o: = ratio of web yield stress to flange yield stress.
(g) Combined Shear and Tension Stress. Plate girder webs shall be so
proportioned that the bending tensile stress due to moment in the plane of the
girder web shall not exceed:

0.6F,, nor (o.H2.5- 0.37.5 ~) F" .............. (7-7)

The allowable shear stress in webs of girders having A514 flanges and webs
shall not exceed that determined by Formula (7 -I) if the flexural stress in the
flange exceeds 0. 75Fh.
(h) Splices. Groove welded splices in plate girders and beams shall develop the
full strength of the smaller spliced section. Other types of splices in cross sections
of plate girders and in beams shall develop the strength required by the stresses at
the point of splice.
(i) Horizontal Forces. The flanges of plate girders supporting cranes or other
moving loads shall be proportioned to resist the horizontal forces produced by
such loads.
The lateral force on crane runways shall be 20 percent of the sum of the weights
of the lifted load and of the crane trolley, applied at the top of rail, one half on each


side of the runway; and shall be considered as acting in either direction normal to
the runway rail.
The longitudinal force shall be 10 percent of the maximum wheel loads of the
crane applied at the top of rail.
(j) Web Crippling. Webs of beams and welded plate girders shall be so
proportioned that the compressive stress at the web toe of the fillets, resulting
from concentrated loads not supported by bearing stiffeners, does not exceed
The compressive stress at the web top of the fillets shall be computed using the
following formulas:
For interior loads:

t(N ~ 2 k) ~ 0.7.5F,, ................. (7-8)

For end reactions:

t(N + k) ~ 0.7.5F,, ................. (7-9)

N = length of bearing in inches (not less thank for end reactions).
Bearing stiffeners shall be provided where the compressive stress exceeds that
determined by Formulas (7-8) and (7-9).
Webs of welded plate girders also shall be so proportioned or stiffened that the
sum of the compression stresses resulting from concentrated and distributed loads
bearing directly on or through a flange plate, upon the compression edge of the
web plate and not supported directly by bearing stiffeners does not exceed the
When the flange is restrained against rotation,

4 ] 10,000
[ .5 ..5 + (a/h)t (h/t)t ................. (7-10)

When the flange is not restrained against rotation,

2 + _4_]
(h/W ................... (7-11)

These stresses shall be computed as follows: concentrated loads shall be

divided by the product of the web thickness and the girder depth or the length of
panel in which the load is placed, whichever is the lesser panel dimension.
Distributed loads in kips per lineal inch of length shall be divided by the web
(k) Rotational Restraint at Points of Support. Beams, girders and trusses
shall be restrained against rotation about their longitudinal axis at points of

Composite Construction
Sec. 2708. (a) Definition. Composite construction shall consist of steel beams
or girders supporting a reinforced concrete slab, so interconnected that the beam
and slab act together to resist bending. When the slab extends on both sides of the
beam, the effective width of the concrete flange shall be taken as no more than one
fourth of the span of the beam, and its effective projection beyond the edge of the
beam shall not be taken as more than one half the clear distance to the adjacent
beam nor more than eight times the slab thickness. When the slab is present on
only one side of the beam. the effective projection of the concrete flange shall be
taken as not more than one twelfth of the beam span nor six times its thickness nor
one half the clear distance to the adjacent beam. Composite construction may also
be permitted using a metal deck with a structural concrete fill and designed by an
approved method of analysis.
Beams totally encased 2 inches or more on their sides and soffit in concrete cast
integrally with the slab may be assumed to be interconnected to the concrete by
natural bond, without additional anchorage, provided the top of the beam is not
less than I Yz inches below the top and 2 inches above the bottom of the slab, and
provided that the encasement has adequate mesh or other reinforcing steel
throughout the depth and across the soffit of the beam. When shear connectors are
provided in accordance with Section 2708 (d), encasement of the beam to achieve
composite action is not required.
(b) Design Assumptions. Encased beams shall be proportioned to support
unassisted all dead loads applied prior to the hardening of the concrete except
where these loads are supported temporarily on shoring. The beams acting in
conjunction with the slab shall support all dead and live loads applied after
hardening of the concrete, without exceeding a computed bending stress of
0.66FY, where FY is the yield stress of the steel beam. The bending stress
produced by loads after the concrete has hardened shall be computed on the basis
of the section properties of the composite section. Concrete tension stress shall be
neglected. Alternatively, the steel beam may be proportioned to resist unassisted
the positive moment produced by all loads, live and dead, using a bending stress
equal to 0. 76FY, in which case temporary shoring is not required.
When shear connectors are used in accordance with Section 2708 (d) the
composite section shall be proportioned to support all of the loads without
exceeding the allowable stress prescribed in Section 2702 (b) 4. This includes
composite sections where the structural steel is not shored during construction.
When using shear transfer devices on a noncompositely designed beam, those
devices must be able to resist the combined effects produced by composite action
plus shear transfer loads. In calculations involving composite sections in positive
moment areas, the steel cross section is exempt from compactness requirements
of subparagraphs (ii), (iii) and (v) of Section 2702 (b) 4.
Reinforcement parallel to the beam within the effective width of the slab, when
anchored in conformance with Chapter 26, may be included in the properties of
composite sections, provided shear connectors comply with Section 2708 (d).
The section properties of the composite section shall be computed in accordance
with the elastic theory. Concrete tension stresses shall be neglected. For stress


computations the compression area of lightweight or normal-weight concrete

shall be treated as an equivalent area of steel by dividing it by the modular ratio, n,
for normal-weight concrete of the strength specified when determining the section
properties. For deflection calculations only, the transformed section properties
shall be based on the appropriate modular ratio, n, for the strength and weight
concrete specified.
Where shear connectors in conformance with Section 2708 (d) are not pro-
vided, the effective section modulus used in stress calculations shall not exceed:

;v;;:- (S,,
= S, + vv::- - S,) ......... (8-1)

For construction without temporary shoring, stress in the steel section may be
computed from the total dead plus live load moment and the actual transformed
section modulus S, except that the numerical value of S, so used shall not exceed
that of Formula (8-2). These stresses shall not exceed the appropriate value of
Section 2702. Section 2303 (d) shall not apply to stresses in the negative moment
area computed under the provisions of this paragraph.

s,,. = ( 1.35 + 0.35 ~)/ s, .................. (8-2)

ML moment caused by loads applied after concrete has attained 75 percent
of its required strength.
M0 moment caused by loads applied prior to this time.
At sections subject to positive bending moment, the stress shall be computed
for the steel tension flange. At sections subject to negative bending moment, the
stress shall be computed for the steel tension and compression flanges. These
stresses shall not exceed the appropriate value of Section 2702.
The steel beam alone, supporting the loads before the concrete has hardened,
shall not be stressed to more than the applicable bending stress given in Section
2702 (b).
Provisions shall be made to prevent cracking of the slab spanning perpendicular
to the beam.
The actual section modulus of the transformed composite section shall be used
in calculating the concrete flexural compression stress and, for construction
without temporary shores, this stress shall be based upon loading applied after the
concrete has reached 75 percent of its required strength. The stress in the concrete
shall not exceed 0.45f' c.
(c) End Shear. The web and the end connections of the steel beam shall be
designed to carry the total reaction.
(d) Shear Connectors. The horizontal shear between the steel beam and
concrete slab shall be transferred by shear connectors welded to the beam and
embedded in the concrete except as specified in Section 2708 (a). For full

1982 EDITION 2708

composite action with concrete subject to flexural compression, the total horizon-
tal shear between the point of maximum positive moment and points of zero
moment shall be the smaller of the following:

v, = o.Hsr.A,....................... (8-3)

V = A{u ........................ (8-4)


A'Jy)2 shall be added to the right hand side of Formula (8-3) if longitudinal
reinforcing steel with area A's located within the effective width of the concrete
flange is included in the properties of the composite section.
In continuous composite beams where longitudinal reinforcing steel is consid-
ered to act compositely with the steel beam in the negative moment regions, the
total horizontal shear resisted by shear connectors between an interior support and
each adjacent point of contraflexure shall be:

Vh = Asr Fyr . ...................... (8-5)


For full composite action, the number of connectors resisting the horizontal shear
obtained from Formula (8-3) or (8-4) shall be not less than that determined by the
following formula:

N 1 = - .......................... (8-6)

Working values for flat soffit concrete slabs with aggregates not conforming
with U.B.C. Standards No. 26-2 and No. 26-3, and for connectors other than
shown in Table No. 27-C, must be established by an approved test program.
For partial composite action with concrete subject to flexural compression, V'h
in Formula (8-1) shall be q multiplied by the number of connectors furnished
between the point of maximum moment and the nearest point of zero moment.
The value of V' h shall be not less than one fourth the smaller value of Formula
(8-3), using the maximum permitted effective width of the concrete flange, and
Formula (8-4). The effective moment of inertia for deflection computations shall
be determined by:

J,.ff =Is+ ~ (1(1.- 1..) ...... .......... (8-7)

I, = moment of inertia of the steel beam (inches4)
lrr = moment of inertia of the transformed composite section (inches 4)


The connectors required on each side of the point of maximum moment in an

area of positive bending may be uniformly distributed between that joint and
adjacent points of zero moment except that N 2 , the number of shear connectors
required between any concentrated load in that area and the nearest point of zero
moment, shall be determined by the following formula:

rM M@(max)
1 J................. (8-8)

M The moment (less than the maximum moment) at a concentrated load
N1 Number of connectors required between point of maximum moment
and point of zero moment determined by the relationship Vh/q or V'hlq,
as applicable.

- s,, ~ .
,B - S, or S" , as applicable.

Connectors required in the region of negative bending on a continuous beam

may be uniformly distributed between the point of maximum moment and each
point of zero moment.
Except for connectors installed in the ribs of formed steel decks, shear con-
nectors shall have at least I inch of concrete cover in all directions. Unless located
directly over the web, the diameter of studs shall be not greater than 2.5 times the
thickness of the flange to which they are welded. The minimum center-to-center
spacing of stud connectors shall be six diameters along the longitudinal axis of the
supporting composite beam and four diameters transverse to the longitudinal axis
of the supporting composite beam. The maximum center-to-center spacing of
stud connectors shall not exceed eight times the total slab thickness.
(e) Composite Beams or Girders with Formed Steel Deck. Composite
construction of concrete slabs on formed steel deck connected to steel beams or
girders shall be designed by the applicable portions of Section 2708 (a) through
(d) with the following modifications:
I. Subsections (e), (f) and (g) are applicable to decks with nominal rib height
not more than 3 inches.
2. The average width of concrete rib, w,, shall be at least 2 inches, but w, shall
not be taken in calculations as more than the minimum clear width near the
top of the steel deck.
3. Concrete shall be connected to the steel member with welded stud shear
connectors % inch or less in diameter. Studs may be welded through the
deck or directly to the steel member.
4. Shear connections as installed shall extend not less than l 1/2 inches above
the top of the steel deck.

1982 EDITION 2708-2709

5. Total slab thickness including ribs shall be used in determining the effec-
tive width of concrete flange.
6. The slab thickness above the steel deck shall be at least 2 inches.
(f) Deck Ribs Oriented Perpendicular to Steel Beam or Girder.
I. Concrete below the top of the steel deck shall be neglected when determin-
ing section properties and in calculating A, for Formula (8-3).
2. The allowable shear load per stud connector determined from Table No.
27-C shall be multipled by the reduction factor

in which H 5 equals length of stud connector after welding (inches) and nr

equals the number of studs in one rib not to exceed three. While more than
three studs may be installed in a rib, no more than three studs per rib shall
be considered in computing the shear capacity of the rib. For reduction
factor calculations, H, shall be taken no more than hr plus 3 inches. The
value of h, shall be taken as the nominal rib height (inches).
3. The slab shall be anchored to the steel beam or girder to resist uplift by
welded studs or a combination of welded studs and arc spot (puddle) welds
or other devices specified by the engineer. Such anchor spacing shall not
exceed 16 inches. The stud spacing shall not exceed 32 inches.
(g) Deck Ribs Oriented Parallel to Steel Beam or Girder.
I. Concrete below the top of the steel deck may be included when determin-
ing section properties and shall be included in calculating A, for Formula
2. The steel deck may be split over the supporting member to form a haunch.
When deck is a nominal I. 5 inch or deeper, the average width. w r. of
haunch or rib over the supporting member shall be at least 2 inches for the
first stud in the transverse row plus four stud diameters for each additional
3. The allowable shear load per stud connector shall be determined from
Table No. 27-C. When w,lh, is less than 1.5, the allowable load shall be
multiplied by the reduction factor

o.6 (~:) ( ~: - t.o)~ 1.0

Simple and Continuous Spans
Sec. 2709. (a) Simple Spans. Beams, girders and trusses shall be designed on
the basis of simple spans whose effective length is equal to the distance between
the centers of gravity of the members to which they deliver their end reactions.
(b) Continuous Spans. Beams, girders and trusses designed on the assump-
tion of full or partial end restraint shall be designed to carry the shears and


moments caused by continuity without exceeding the unit stresses prescribed in

Section 2702 (b), except that some nonelastic but self-limiting deformation of a
part of the connection may be permitted when this is essential to the avoidance of
overstressing of fasteners.
Deflections, VIbrations and Pondlng
Sec. 2710. (a) General. Horizontal framing members shall be designed for the
deflection criteria and ponding requirements specified in Sections 2307 and
2305 (f).
Beams and girders supporting large open floor areas free of partitions or other
sources of damping, where transient vibration due to pedestrian traffic might not
be acceptable, shall be designed with due regard for vibration.
(b) Ponding. Unless a roof surface is provided with sufficient slope toward
points of free drainage or adequate individual drains to prevent the accumulation
of water, the roof system shall be investigated by a rational analysis to assure
stability under ponding conditions. The roof system shall be considered stable
and no further investigation needed, provided the following formulas are


> 25S 4
Id = 1()6

C = 32L_, L/
," HF I,,
3 vSL 4
C =~
' HF I_,

For trusses and joists l, shall be decreased by 15 percent when used in the above
formulas. A steel deck shall be considered a secondary member when it is directly
supported by the primary members.
Total bending stress due to dead loads, live loads and ponding shall not exceed
0.8F v for primary and secondary members. Stresses due to wind or seismic forces
need not be included in the ponding analysis.
Gross and Net Areas
Sec. 2711. (a) General. The gross area of a member at any point shall be
determined by summing the products of the thickness and the gross width of each
element as measured normal to the axis of the member. The net area shall be
determined by substituting for the gross width the net width computed in accor-
dance with Subsections (b) through (e).
(b) Net Area and Effective Net Area. I. In the case of a chain of holes
extending across a part in any diagonal or zigzag line, the net width of the part

1982 EDITION 2711

shall be obtained by deducting from the gross width the sum of the diameters of all
the holes in the chain, and adding, for each gauge space in the chain, the quantity

s = longitudinal spacing (pitch, in inches) of any two consecutive holes.
g = transverse spacing (gauge, in inches) of the same two holes.
The critical net area An of the part is obtained from that chain which gives the
least net width.
In determining the net area across plug or slot welds, the weld metal shall not be
considered as adding to the net area.
2. Unless a larger coefficient can be justified by tests or by other recognized
criteria, the effective net area A, of axially loaded tension members whose profile
consists of segments not in a common plane and which are connected by some,
but not all, of these segments by rivets or bolts, shall be computed as follows:
A. W. M, or S shapes with flange width not less than two thirds the depth, and
structural tees cut from these shapes, Ae = 0.90An, provided the connection is to
the flanges and has no fewer than three fasteners per line.
B. For all other shapes, including built-up cross sections, A, = 0.85An,
provided the connection has no fewer than three fasteners per line.
C. All members whose connections have only two fasteners per line, A, =
3. Riveted and bolted splice and gusset plates and other connection fittings
subject to tensile force shall be designed in accordance with the provisions of
Section 2702 (b) I, where the effective net area shall be taken as the actual net area
except that, for the purpose of design calculations, it shall be taken as not greater
than 85 percent of the gross area.
(c) Angles. The gross width of angles shall be the sum of the widths of the legs
less the thickness. The gauge for holes in opposite legs shall be the sum of the
gauges from back of angles less the thickness.
(d) Size of Holes. In computing net area the width of a rivet or bolt hole shall be
taken as Yt6 inch greater than the nominal dimension of the hole normal to the
direction of applied stress.
(e) Pin-connected Members. Eyebars shall be of uniform thickness without
reinforcement at the pinholes. They shall have "circular" heads in which the
periphery of the head beyond the pinhole is concentric with the pinhole. The
radius of transition between the circular head and the body of the eye bar shall be
equal to or greater than the diameter of the head.
The width of the body of the eye bar shall not exceed eight times its thickness,
and the thickness shall be not less than Yz inch. The net area of the head through
the pinhole, transverse to the axis of the eyebar, shall be not less than 1.33 nor
more than 1.50 times the cross-sectional area of the body of the eyebar. The


diameter of the pin shall be not less than seven eighths the width of the body of the
eye bar. The diameter of the pinhole shall be not more than V32 inch greater than the
diameter of the pin. For steels having a yield stress greater than 70 ksi, the
diameter of the pinhole shall not exceed five times the plate thickness.
In pin-connected plates other than eyebars, the tensile stress on the net area,
transverse to the axis of the member, shall not exceed the stress allowed in Section
2702 (b) 5, and the bearing stress on the projected area of the pin shall not exceed
the stress allowed in Section 2702 (b) 5. The net area beyond the pinhole, parallel
to the axis of the member, shall be not less than two thirds of the net area across the
The corners beyond the pinhole may be cut at 45 degrees to the axis of the
member, provided the net section beyond the pinhole on a plane perpendicular to
the cut is not less than that required beyond the pinhole parallel to the axis of the
The distance transverse to the axis of a pin-connected plate or any individual
element of a built-up member, from the edge of the pinhole to the edge of the
member or element, shall not exceed four times the thickness at the pinhole. The
diameter of the pinhole shall be not less than I . 25 times the smaller of the
distances from the edge of the pin hole to the edge of a pin-connected plate or
separated element of a built-up member at the pinhole. For pin-connected mem-
bers in which the pin is expected to provide for relative movement between
connected parts while under full load, the diameter of the pinhole shall be not
more than V32 inch greater than the diameter of the pin.
The corners beyond the pinhole may be cut at 45 degrees to the axis of the
member, provided the net area beyond the pinhole on a plane perpendicular to the
cut is not less than that required beyond the pinhole parallel to the axis of the
Thickness limitations on both eyebars and pin-connected plates may be waived
whenever external nuts are provided so as to tighten pin plates and filler plates into
snug contact. When the plates are thus contained, the allowable stress in bearing
shall be no greater than as specified in Section 2702 (b) 5.
Sec. 2712. (a) Minimum Connections. Connections shall be designed for all
tributary forces and shall be capable of supporting not less than six kips.
EXCEPTION: Lacing, sag bars and girts may be designed only for tributary
(b) Eccentric Connections. Members and their connections shall be designed
for eccentricity where the gravity axes of the connected members do not meet at a
(c) Placement of Rivets, Bolts and Welds. Except as hereinafter provided,
groups of rivets, bolts or welds at the ends of any member transmitting axial stress
into that member shall have their centers of gravity on the gravity axis of the
member unless provision is made for the effect of the resulting eccentricity.
Except in members subject to repeated variation in stress as defined in U. B. C.
Standard No. 27-3, disposition of fillet welds to balance the forces about the

1982 EDITION 2712

neutral axis or axes for end connections of single angle, double angle and similar-
type members is not required. Eccentricity between the gravity axes of such
members and the gauge lines for their riveted or bolted end connections may be
neglected in statically loaded members and shall be considered in members
subject to fatigue loading.
(d) Unrestrained Members. Beam, girder or truss connections may be pro-
portioned for the reaction shears only where the connections are flexible.
Flexible beam connections shall accommodate end rotations of unrestrained
(simple) beams. To accomplish this, inelastic action in the connection is
(e) Restrained Members. Fasteners or welds for end connections of beams,
girders and trusses shall be designed for the combined effect of forces resulting
from moment and shear induced by the rigidity of the connections.
When flanges or moment connection plates for end connections of beams and
girders are welded to the flange of an 1- or H-shape column, pairs of column-web
stiffeners having an area given by Formula ( 12-1) shall be provided whenever the
calculated value of As, is positive.

Asr > pbf- Fycf(tb + Sk) .............. (12-1)


A,.,= area of pair of column-web stiffeners.
A1 = area of flange delivering concentrated force.
thickness of column web.
k = distance between outerface of column flange and web toe of its fillet, if
column is rolled shape, or equivalent distance if column is welded
thickness of flange or moment connection plate delivering concentrated
tl = thickness of column flange.
de = column-web depth clear of fillets.
pbf = the computed force delivered by the flange or moment connection plate
times 5/1 when the computed force is due to live and dead load only, or 4f3
when the computed force is due to live and dead load in conjunction
with wind or earthquake forces in Seismic Zones Nos. I and 2, except
that for ductile moment-resisting frames in Seismic Zone No. 2 and all
moment-resisting frames in Seismic Zones Nos. 3 and 4, P bf = AfFv,.
beam yield stress.
column yield stress.
F"'' stiffener yield stress.
In addition, stiffeners shall be provided opposite the compression flange when


de> pbf ................... (12-2)

and opposite the tension flange when

t_r<0.4 v'EFycM. ................... (12-3)

When required, the combined width of pair of stiffeners and the thickness of
the column web shall be not less than two thirds the width of the flange or moment
connection plate delivering the concentrated force. The thickness of stiffeners
shall be not less than tb/2. When the concentrated force delivered occurs on only
one column flange, the stiffener need not exceed one half the column depth. The
weld joining stiffeners to the column web shall be sized to carry the force in the
stiffener caused by unbalanced moments on opposite sides of the column.
(f) Fillers. When rivets or bolts carrying computed stress pass through fiilers
thicker than Y4 inch, except in friction-type connections assembled with high-
strength bolts, the fillers shall be extended beyond the splice material, and the
filler extension shall be secured by enough rivets or bolts to distribute the total
stress in the member uniformly over the combined section of the member and the
filler, or an equivalent number of fasteners shall be included in the connection.
In welded construction, fillers Y4 inch or more in thickness shall extend beyond
the edges of the splice plate and shall be welded to the part on which it is fitted
with sufficient weld to transmit the splice plate stress applied at the surface of the
filler as an eccentric load. The welds joining the splice plate to the filler shall be
sufficient to transmit the splice plate stress and shall be long enough to avoid
overstressing the fiiler along the toe of the weld. Fillers less than Y4 inch thick
shall have edges flush with the edges of the splice plate, and the weld size shall be
the sum of the size necessary to carry the splice plate stress plus the thickness of
the filler plate.
(g) Connections of Tension and Compression Members in Trusses. The
connections at ends of tension or compression members in trusses shall develop
the force due to the design load, but not less than 50 percent of the effective
strength of the member based upon the kind of stress that governs the selection of
the member.
(h) Compression Members with Bearing Joints. Where columns bear on
bearing plates or are finished to bear at splices, there shall be sufficient rivets,
bolts or welds to hold all parts securely in place.
Where other compression members are finished to bear, the splice material and
its riveting, bolting or welding shall be arranged to hold all parts in line and shall
be proportioned for 50 percent of the computed stress.
Joints shall be proportioned to resist tension that would be developed by lateral
forces acting in conjunction with 75 percent of the calculated dead load stress and
no live load.
Gaps not exceeding Y16 inch in a contact joint, such as bolted, riveted or partial

1982 EDITION 2712

penetration-welded milled column splice, shall be acceptable with no additional

work required on the joint. Ifthe gap exceeds Y16 inch but is not more than Y4 inch
then the gap shall be filled with nontapered steel shims. Such shims need not be
other than mild steel regardless of the column material.
(i) Combination of Welds. If two or more types of welds are combined in a
joint, the effective capacity of each type weld shall be computed with reference to
the axis of the group, in order to determine the allowable capacity of the
(j) Rivets and Bolts in Combination with Welds. In new work, rivets, A307
bolts or high-strength bolts used in bearing-type connections shall not be consid-
ered as sharing the stress in combination with welds. Welds, if used, shall be
provided to carry the entire stress in the connection. High-strength bolts installed
in accordance with the provisions of Section 2713 (a) as a friction-type connec-
tion prior to welding may be considered as sharing common load with the welds,
provided the connections are not subject to fatigue loading or used in a ductile
moment-resisting frame.
In making welded alterations to structures, existing rivets and friction-type
high-strength bolt connection may be utilized for carrying stresses resulting from
existing dead loads, and the welding need be adequate only to carry all additional
(k) High-strength Bolts (in Friction-type Joints) in Combination with
Rivets. High-strength bolts, installed in accordance with the provisions of Sec-
tion 2713 (a) as friction-type connections, may be considered as sharing the
stresses with rivets in a connection.
(I) Field Connections. Rivets, high-strength bolts or welds shall be used for
the following connections:
Column splices in all tier structures 200 feet or more in height.
Column splices in tier structures 100 feet to 200 feet in height, if the least
horizontal dimension is less than 40 percent of the height.
Column splices in tier structures less than 100 feet in height, if the least
horizontal dimension is less than 25 percent of the height.
Connections of all beams and girders to columns and of any other beams and
girders on which the bracing of columns is dependent, in structures over 125
feet in height.
Roof truss splices and connections of trusses to columns, column splices,
column bracing, knee braces and crane supports, in all structures carrying
cranes of over 5-ton capacity.
Connections for supports of running machinery or of other live loads which
produce impact or reversal of stress.
For the purpose of this section, the height of a tier structure shall be taken as the
vertical distance from the curb level to the highest point of the roof beams, in the
case of flat roofs, or to the mean height of the gable, in the case of roofs having a
rise of more than 2.1:12. Where the curb level has not been established, or where
the structure does not adjoin a street, the mean level of the adjoining land shall be


used instead of curb level. Penthouses may be excluded in computing the height of

Rivets and Bolts

Sec. 2713. (a) Rivets and High-strength Bolts. Structural rivet steel shall
conform to the provisions of U .B.C. Standard No. 27-5. High-strength bolts shall
conform to the provisions of U. B. C. Standard No. 27-7.
(b) Effective Bearing Area. The effective bearing area of rivets and bolts
shall be the diameter multiplied by the length in bearing, except that for counter-
sunk rivets and bolts half the depth of the countersink shall be deducted.
(c) Long Grips. Rivets and A307 bolts which carry calculated stress, and the
grip of which exceeds five diameters, shall have their number increased I percent
for each additional Y16 inch in the grip.
(d) Minimum Spacing. I. The distance between centers of standard, oversized
or slotted fastener holes shall be not less than 22fld nor less than that required by
Subsection 2 below, if applicable.
d = the nominal diameter of the fastener, inches.
2. Along a line of transmitted force, the distance between centers of holes shall
be not less than the following:
A. Standard holes:

P force transmitted by one fastener to the critical connected part, kips.
F u = specified minimum tensile strength of the critical connected part, kips
per square inch.
t = thickness of the critical connected part, inches.
B. Oversized and slotted holes: The distance required for standard holes in
Item A above, plus the applicable increment C 1 in Table No. 27 -D-2, but the clear
distance between holes shall be not less than one bolt diameter.
(c) Minimum Edge Distance. I. The distance from the center of a standard
hole to an edge of a connected part shall be not less than the applicable value in
Table No. 27-D-1 nor the value from Subsection 2 or 3 below, as applicable.
2. Along a line of transmitted force, in the direction of the force, the distance
from the center of a standard hole to the edge of the connected part shall be not less

3. At end connections bolted to the web of a beam and designed for beam shear
reaction only (without use of an analysis which accounts for the effects induced by
fastener eccentricity), the distance from the center of the nearest standard hole to

the end of the beam web shall be not less than

PR = beam reaction, in kips, divided by the number of bolts.
Alternatively, this requirement may be waived, provided the bearing stress
induced by the fastener is limited to not more than 0. 90F u
4. The distance from the center of any oversized or slotted hole to an edge of a
connected part shall be not less than that required for a standard hole by Item No.
I, 2 or 3 above, as applicable, plus the applicable increment C2 in Table No. 27-
(f) Maximum Edge Distance. The maximum distance from the center of any
rivet or bolt to the nearest edge of parts in contact with one another shall be 12
times the thickness of the plate, but shall not exceed 6 inches.

Sec. 2714. (a) General. Welder qualification requirements, welding proce-
dure and welding electrodes for other than sheet steel shall conform to U.B.C.
Standard No. 27-6. Welder qualification requirements, welding procedure and
welding electrodes for sheet steel shall conform to U .B.C. Standard No. 27-13.
(b) Maximum Effective Size of Fillet Welds. The maximum size fillet welds
that may be used along edges of connected parts shall be:
I . Along edges of material less than Y4 inch thick, the maximum size may be
equal to the thickness of the material.
2. Along edges of material Y4 inch or more in thickness, the maximum size
shall be Y16 inch less than the thickness of the material, unless the weld is
especially designated on the drawings to be built out to obtain full throat
(c) Minimum Size of Fillet Welds and Partial Penetration Welds. The
minimum size of fillet weld shall be as shown in Table No. 27-E-1. The minimum
effective throat of partial penetration groove weld shall be as shown in Table No.
27-E-2. Weld size is determined by the thicker of the two parts joined, except that
the weld size need not exceed the thickness of the thinner part joined unless a
larger size is required by calculated stress. For this exception, particular care
should be taken to provide sufficient preheat for weld soundness.
(d) Length of Fillet Welds. The minimum effective length of a strength fillet
weld shall be not less than four times the nominal size, or else the size of the weld
shall be considered not to exceed one fourth of its effective length.
If longitudinal fillet welds are used alone in end connections of flat bar tension
members, the length of each fillet weld shall be not less than the perpendicular
distance between them. The transverse spacing of longitudinal fillet welds used in
end connections shall not exceed 8 inches, except where transverse bending is
provided for in the connection.
(e) Intermittent Fillet Welds. Intermittent fillet welds may be used to transfer


calculated stress across a joint or faying surfaces, when the strength required is
less than that developed by a continuous fillet weld of the smallest permitted size,
and to join components of built-up members. The effective length of any segment
of intermittent fillet welding shall be not less than four times the weld size with a
minimum of ! 1/2 inches.
(f) Lap Joints. The minimum amount of laps on lap joints shall be five times
the thickness of the thinner part joined and not less than I inch. Lap joints joining
plates or bars subjected to axial stress shall be fillet welded along the edge of both
lapped parts except where the deflection of the lapped parts is sufficiently
restrained to prevent opening of the joint under maximum loading.
(g) End Returns of Fillet Welds. Side or end fillet welds terminating at ends
or sides, respectively, of parts or members shall, wherever practicable, be
returned continuously around the corners for a distance not less than twice the
nominal size of the weld. This provision shall apply to side and top fillet welds
connecting brackets, beam scats and similar connections, on the plane about
which bending moments are computed.
(h) Fillet Welds in Holes and Slots. Fillet welds in holes or slots may be used
to transmit shear in lap joints or to prevent the buckling or separation of lapped
parts and to join components of built -up members. Such fillet welds may overlap,
subject to the provisions of Section 2702 (e). Fillet welds in holes or slots shall not
be considered as plug or slot welds.
(i) Plug and Slot Welds. Plug or slot welds may be used to transmit shear in a
lap joint or to prevent buckling of lapped parts and to join component parts of
built-up members.
The diameter of the holes for a plug weld shall be not less than the thickness of
the part containing it plus Y16 inch, rounded to the next greater odd \116 inch, nor
greater than two and one-fourth times the thickness of the weld metal.
The minimum center-to-center spacing of plug welds shall be four times the
diameter of the hole.
The length of slot for a slot weld shall not exceed I 0 times the thickness of the
weld. The width of the slot shall be not less than the thickness of the part
containing it, plus Y16 inch, rounded to the next greater odd 1/16 inch, nor shall it be
greater than two and one-fourth times the thickness of the weld. The ends of the
slot shall be semicircular or shall have the comers rounded to a radius not less than
the thickness of the part containing it, except those ends which extend to the edge
of the part.
The minimum spacing of lines of slot welds in a direction transverse to their
length shall be four times the width of the slot. The minimum center-to-center
spacing in a longitudinal direction on any line shall be two times the length of the
The thickness of plug or slot welds in material % inch or less in thickness shall
be equal to the thickness of the material. In material over% inch in thickness, it
shall be at least one half the thickness of the material but not less than 5fs inch.
(j) Welding Sheet Steel. Arc welding of sheet steels or strip steels, or both,
I including cold-formed members, 0.180 inch or less in thickness shall conform to

1982 EDITION 2714-2715

U.B.C. Standard No. 27-13. I

Built-up Members
Sec. 2715. (a) Open Web Steel Joists, H, LH, and DLH Series, and Joist
Girders. Open web steel joists and joist girders shall be designed as set forth in
U.B.C. Standard No. 27-4.
(b) Open Box-type Beams and Grillages. Where two or more rolled beams or
channels are used side by side to form a flexural member, they shall be connected
together at intervals of not more than 5 feet. Through bolts and separators may be
used, provided that in beams having a depth of 12 inches or more, no fewer than
two bolts shall be used at each separator location. When concentrated loads are
carried from one beam to the other, or distributed between the beams, diaphragms
having sufficient stiffness to distribute the load shall be riveted, bolted or welded
between the beams. Where beams are exposed, they shall be sealed against
corrosion of interior surfaces, or spaced sufficiently far apart to permit cleaning
and painting.
(c) Compression Members. All parts of built-up compression members and
the transverse spacing of their lines of fasteners shall conform to the requirements
of Sections 2705 and 2706.
At the ends of built-up compression members bearing on base plates or milled
surfaces, all components in contact shall be connected by rivets or bolts spaced
longitudinally not more than four diameters apart for a distance equal to one and
one-half times the maximum width of the member or by continuous welds having
a length not less than the maximum width of the member.
The longitudinal spacing for intermediate rivets, bolts or intermittent welds in
built-up members shall be adequate to provide for the transfer of calculated stress.
The spacing of connectors for outside plates of built-up compression members
shall not exceed the values determined by the following formulas.
When rivets or bolts are provided on all gauge lines at each section, or when
intermittent welds are provided along the edges of the components

but not more than 12 inches.
When rivets, bolts or welds are staggered

but not more than 18 inches on each gauge line.
t = thickness of thinner outside plate in inches.
The maximum longitudinal spacing of rivets, bolts or intermittent welds
connecting two rolled shapes in contact with one another shall not exceed 24


Compression members composed of two or more rolled shapes separated by

intermittent fillers shall be connected at intervals such that the slenderness ratio l!r
of either shape, between the fasteners, does not exceed the governing slenderness
ratio of the built-up member. The least radius of gyration r shall be used in
computing the slenderness ratio of each component part.
Open sides of compression members built up from plates or shapes shall be
provided with lacing having tie plates at each end, and at intermediate points if the
lacing is interrupted. In main members carrying calculated stress, the end tie
plates shall have a length of not less than the distance between the lines of rivets,
bolts or welds connecting them to the components of the member. Intermediate tie
plates shall have a length not less than one half of this distance. The thickness of
tie plates shall be not less than one fiftieth of the distance between the lines of
rivets, bolts or welds connecting them to the segments of the members. In riveted
and bolted construction, the pitch in tie plates shall be not more than six diameters
and the tie plates shall be connected to each segment by at least three fasteners. In
welded construction, the welding on each line connecting a tie plate shall aggre-
gate not less than one third the length of the plate.
Lacing, including flat bars, angles, channels or other shapes employed as
lacing, shall be so spaced that the ratio 1/r of the flange included between their
connections shall not exceed the governing ratio for the member as a whole.
Lacing shall be proportioned to resist a shearing stress normal to the axis of the
member equal to 2 percent of the total compressive stress in the member. The ratio
1/r for lacing bars arranged in single systems shall not exceed 140. For double
lacing this ratio shall not exceed 200. Double lacing bars shall be joined at their
intersections. Lacing bars in compression may be treated as secondary members,
with I being taken as the unsupported length of the lacing bar between rivets or
welds connecting it to the components of the built-up member for single lacing
and 70 percent of that distance for double lacing. The inclination of lacing bars to
the axis of the member shall be not less than 60 degrees for single lacing and 45
degrees for double lacing. When the distance between the lines of rivets or welds
in the flanges is more than 15 inches, the lacing shall be double or be made of
Tie plates and lacing bars are not required where the open sides of built-up
compression members are enclosed with cover plates perforated with access
holes. The net width of such plates across holes, as defined in Section 2706 (b), is
assumed to resist axial stress, provided that: the width-to-thickness ratio con-
forms to the requirements of Section 2706 (b); the ratio of length, in direction of
stress, to width of hole does not exceed two; the clear distance between holes in
the direction of stress is not less than the transverse distance between nearest lines
of connecting rivets, bolts or welds; and the periphery of the holes at all points has
a minimum radius of l 1/2 inches.
(d) Tension Members. The longitudinal spacing of rivets, bolts and intermit-
tent fillet welds connecting a plate and a rolled shape in a built-up tension member,
or two plate components, shall not exceed 24 times the thickness of the thinner
plate nor 12 inches. The longitudinal spacing of rivets, bolts and intermittent
welds connecting two or more shapes in a tension member shall not exceed 24

1982 EDITION 2715-2719

inches. Tension members composed of two or more shapes or plates separated by

intermittent fillers shall be connected at intervals such that the slenderness ratio of
either component between the fasteners does not exceed 240.
Either perforated cover plates or tie plates without lacing may be used on the
open sides of built-up tension members. Tie plates shall have a length not less than
two thirds the distance between the lines of rivets, bolts or welds connecting them
to the components of the member. The thickness of such tie plates shall be not less
than one fiftieth of the distance between these lines. The longitudinal spacing of
rivets, bolts or intermittent welds at tie plates shall not exceed 6 inches. The
spacing of tie plates shall be such that the slenderness ratio of any component in
the length between tie plates will not exceed 240.
Sec. 2716. (a) General. Horizontal framing members shall be designed for
the deflection criteria and ponding requirements specified in Sections 2307 and
2305 (f).
(b) Trusses and Girders. Trusses of 80 feet or greater span shall be cambered
for the dead load deflection. Crane girders of 75 feet or greater span shall be
cambered for the dead plus half the live load deflection.
Sec. 2717. Adequate provision shall be made for expansion and contraction
appropriate to the service conditions of the structure.
Column Bases
Sec. 2718. (a) Loads. Adequate provision shall be made to transfer the column
loads and moments, if any, to the footings and foundations.
(b) Alignment. Column bases shall be set level and to correct elevation with
full bearing on the masonry.
(c) Finishing. Column bases shall be finished in accordance with the follow-
ing requirements:
I . Rolled-steel bearing plates 2 inches or less in thickness may be used
without planing, provided a satisfactory contact bearing is obtained;
rolled-steel bearing plates over 2 inches but not over 4 inches in thickness
may be straightened by pressing; or, if presses are not available, by planing
for all bearing surfaces (except as noted under requirement 3 of this
section), to obtain a satisfactory contact bearing; rolled-steel bearing plates
over 4 inches in thickness shall be planed for all bearing surfaces (except as
noted under requirement 3 of this section).
2. Column bases other than rolled-steel bearing plates shall be planed for all
bearing surfaces (except as noted under requirement 3 of this section).
3. The bottom surfaces of bearing plates and column bases which are grouted
to ensure full bearing contact on foundations need not be planed.
Anchor Bolts
Sec. 2719. Anchor bolts shall be designed to provide resistance to all condi-
tions of tension and shear at the bases of columns, including the net tensile


components of any bending moments which may result from fixation or partial
fixation of columns. Provisions shall be made for oversize holes. See U. B.C.
Standard No. 27-2.
Sec. 2720. The fabrication, erection and painting of structural steel shall
conform to U.B.C. Standard No. 27-2.

Plastic Design

Sec. 2721. (a) Scope. Subject to the requirements specified in this section,
simple or continuous beams, braced and unbraced planar rigid frames, and similar
portions of structures rigidly constructed so as to be continuous over at least one
interior support may be proportioned on the basis of their maximum strength,
otherwise known as plastic design. This strength, as determined by rational
analysis, shall be not less than that required to support a factored load of I. 7 times
the live load and dead load or 1.3 times these loads acting in conjunction with 1.3
times wind or earthquake forces.
For one- or two-story frames, the maximum strength may be determined by a
plastic analysis procedure and the frame instability effect Pl:l may be ignored. For
braced multistory frames, provisions should be made to include the frame
instability effect in the design of bracing system and frame members. For
unbraced multistory frames, the frame instability effect shall be included directly
in the calculations for maximum strength.
Plastically designed members of braced multistory steel frames shall not be
part of the required seismic force resisting system in Seismic Zone No.2, No.3 or
Rigid frames shall be assumed to have beam-to-column connections of suffi-
cient rigidity to hold virtually unchanged the original angles between intersecting
members in the plane of the frame. Members between rigid frames may be
connected at ends of shear only and be free to rotate under loads.
Connections joining a portion of a structure designed on the basis of plastic
behavior with a portion not so designed need be no more rigid than seat-and-cap
angle or standard web connections.
Where plastic design is used as the basis for proportioning continuous beams
and structural frames, the provisions relating to allowable stress contained in the
other sections of this chapter are waived. The provisions of this chapter shall
apply except as modified by this section.
Crane runways shall not be designed continuous over interior vertical supports
on the basis of maximum strength. Rigid frame bents supporting crane runways
may be considered as coming within the scope of this section.
(b) Material. Structural steel shall conform to U .B.C. Standard No. 27-1.
(c) Stability of Braced Frames. The vertical bracing system for a plastically
designed braced multistory shall be adequate, as determined by a rational analy-
sis, to prevent buckling of the structure under factored gravity loads and to
maintain the lateral stability of the structure, including the overturning effects of
drift, under factored gravity plus factored horizontal loads.

The vertical bracing system may be considered to function together with in-
plane shear-resisting exterior and interior walls, floor slabs and roof decks, if they
are secured to the structural frames. The columns, girders, beams and diagonal
members, when used as the vertical bracing system, may be considered to
comprise a vertical-cantilever, simply-connected truss in the analyses for frame
buckling and lateral stability. Axial deformation of all members in the vertical
bracing system shall be included in the lateral stability analysis. The axial force in
these members caused by factored gravity plus factored horizontal loads shall not
exceed 0.85PY, where PY is the product of yield stress times area of the member.
Girders and beams included in the vertical bracing system of a braced multisto-
ry frame shall be proportioned for axial force and moment caused by the con-
current factored horizontal and gravity loads, in accordance with Formula (21-2),
with Pcr taken as the maximum axial strength of the beam, based on the actual
slenderness ratio between braced points in the plane of bending.
(d) Stability of Unbraced Frames. The strength of an unbraced multistory
frame shall be determined by a rational analysis which includes the effect of frame
instability and column axial deformation. Such a frame shall be designed to be
stable under (I) factored gravity loads and (2) factored gravity plus factored
horizontal loads. The axial force in the columns at factored load levels shall not
exceed 0.75 Pv.
(e) Columns. In the plane of bending of columns, which would develop a
plastic hinge at ultimate loading, the slenderness ratio 1/r shall not exceed Cc, as
defined in Section 270 I (c).
The maximum strength of an axially loaded compression member shall be:

P,.,. = 1.7 AF, .................... (21-1)

A = gross area of the member
Fa = See Formula (2-1) in Section 2702 (b).
Members subject to combined axial load and bending moment shall satisfy the
following conditions:
~ l 0
+( C"'M
l--p M"'
p) - . ................ (21-2)

P,, _M__
E_+ ~ 1 0 M -~ M ,................. (21-3)

For columns braced in the weak direction:


For columns unbraced in the weak direction:

M," = [ 1.07- (//~do~] 1\1,, :oo; M,, .......... (21-4)

(f) Shear. Unreinforced webs of columns, beams, and girders, including areas
within the boundaries of the connections, shall be so proportioned that:

v,, :oo; o..5.5F.,td .................... (21-5)

(g) Web Crippling. Web stiffeners are required on a member at a point of load
application where a plastic hinge would form.
Web stiffeners arc required at points where concentrated compression loads arc
delivered by the flanges to the web as required by Section 2712 (e).
(h) Minimum Thickness (Width-thickness Ratios). The width-thickness
ratio for flanges of rolled "I,'' wide flange and similar built-up single-web shapes
that would be subjected to compressions involving hinge rotation under ultimate
loading shall not exceed the following values:

F, btl2tt
36 8.5
42 8.0
45 7.4
50 7.0
55 6.6
60 6.3
65 6.0

The thickness of sloping flanges may be taken as their average thickness.

The width-thickness ratio of similarly compressed flange plates in box sections
and cover-plates shall not exceed 1901\/F,. For this purpose the width of a cover-
plate shall be the distance between longitudinal lines of connecting rivets, high-
strength bolts or welds.
The depth-thickness ratio of webs of members subjected to plastic bending
shall not exceed the following:
p :oo; 0.27

1= 4I2 p)
rr;:- ( I - I.4 P, ............... (21-6a)
vF., ,
-p > 0.27

d 2.57
~ .................... (21-6b)

1982 EDITION 2721

(i) Connections. All connections shall be capable of resisting the moments,

shears and axial loads to which they would be subjected by the full-factored
loading or any partial distribution thereof.
Haunch-type connections, tapered or curved for architectural reasons, shall be
so proportioned that the full plastic bending strength of the section adjacent to the
connection can be developed.
Stiffeners shall be used, as required, to preserve the flange continuity of I
interrupted members at their junction with other members in a continuous frame.
Such stiffeners shall be placed in pairs on opposite sides of the web of the member
which extends continuously through the joint.
Rivets, welds and bolts shall be proportioned to resist the forces produced at
factored load using allowable stresses equal to I . 7 times those permitted in other
sections of this chapter.
High-strength bolts may be used in joints having painted contact surfaces when
these joints are of such size that the slip required to produce bearing would not
interfere with the formation at factored loading of the plastic hinges assumed in
the design.
(j) Lateral Bracing. Members shall be adequately braced to resist lateral and
torsional displacements at the plastic hinge locations. The laterally unsupported
distance, /"', shall not exceed:
+ 1.0 > M > - o..5

I,.,.= 13?.'5 + 25 ................. (21-7a)

r.,, F.,,
- 0.5 ~ -M > - 1.0
!,.,. = 137.'5 """ """ "" "" "(21-7b)
''' f,,

rv the radius of gyration of the member about its weak axis.
M the lesser of the moments at the ends of the unbraced segment.
MIMP the end moment ratio, is positive when the segment is bent in reverse
curvature and negative when bent in single curvature.
EXCEPTION: Laterally unsupported lengths greater than specified above may
be justified by an analysis based upon the amount of restraint present at the ends of
the segment in the plane of the computed bending moments.
The foregoing provisions need not apply in the region of the last hinge to form
nor in members oriented with their weak axis normal to the plane of bending.
However, in the region of the last hinge to form and in regions not adjacent to a
plastic hinge, the maximum distance between points of lateral support shall be
such as to satisfy the requirements of Formulas (2-6a), (2-6b), (2-7), (3-la) and


(3-1 b) in this chapter. For this case the value of fa and fb shall be computed from
the moment and axial force at factored loading, divided by the applicable load
Members built into a masonry wall and having their web perpendicular to the
wall can be assumed to be laterally supported with respect to their weak axis of
(k) Fabrication. The provisions of U .B.C. Standard No. 27-2 with respect to
workmanship shall govern the fabrication of structures, or portions of structures,
designed on the basis of maximum strength, subject to the following limitations:
The use of sheared edges shall be avoided in locations subject to plastic
hinge rotation of factored loading. If used they shall be finished smooth by
grinding, chipping or planing.
In locations subject to plastic hinge rotation at factored loading, holes for
rivets or bolts in the tension area shall be subpunched and reamed or drilled full
Steel Ductile Moment-resisting Space Frames-Seismic Zones
Nos. 3and 4
Sec. 2722. (a) General. Design and construction of steel framing in ductile
moment-resisting space frames in Seismic Zones No. 3 and No. 4 shall conform
to the requirements of the code and to all the requirements of this section. Welding
shall comply with U.B.C. Standard No. 27-6.
(b) Definitions. I. Joints. The joint is the entire assemblage at the intersec-
tions of the members.
2. Connections. The connection consists of only those elements that connect
the member to the joint.

I (c) Materials. Structural steel shall conform to A36, A441, A500 (Grades B
and C), A501, A572 (Grades 42, 45, 50 and 55), or A588.
EXCEPTION: Structural steel A283 Grade D may be used for base plates and
anchor bolts.
(d) Connections. Each beam or girder moment connection to a column shall
be capable of developing in the beam the full plastic capacity of the beam or
EXCEPTION: The connection need not develop the full plastic capacity of the
beam or girder if it can be shown that adequately ductile joint displacement capacity
is provided with a lesser connection.
For steel whose specified ultimate strength is less than 1.5 of the specified yield
strength, plastic hinges in beams formed during inelastic deformations of the
frame shall not occur at locations in which the beam flange area has been reduced
such as by holes for bolts.
(e) Local Buckling. Members in which hinges will form during inelastic
displacement of the frames shall comply with the requirement for "plastic design
(f) Nondestructive Testing. Welded connections between the primary mem-
bers of ductile moment-resisting space frames shall be tested by nondestructive

1982 EDITION 2722-2725

methods for compliance with U. B. C. Standard No. 27-6 and job specifications.
This testing shall be a part of the special inspection requirements of Section 306.
A program for this testing shall be established by the person responsible for
structural design and as shown on plans and specifications.
As a minimum, this program shall include the following: I. All complete
penetration groove welds contained in joints and splices shall be tested I 00
percent either by ultrasonic testing or by radiography.
EXCEPTION: When approved, the nondestructive testing rate for an individual
welder or welding operator may be reduced to 25 percent, provided the reject rate is
demonstrated to be 5 percent or less of the welds tested for the welder or welding
operator. A sampling of at least 40 completed welds for a job shall be made for such
reduction evaluation. Reject rate is defined as the number of welds containing
rejectable defects divided by the number of welds completed. For evaluating the
reject rate of continuous welds over 3 feet in length where the effective throat
thickness is I inch or less, each 12-inch increment or fraction thereof shall be
considered as one weld. For evaluating the reject rate on continuous welds over 3 feet
in length where the effective throat thickness is greater than I inch, each 6 inches of
length or fraction thereof shall be considered one weld.
When approved by the building official and outlined in the project plans and
specifications, this nondestructive ultrasonic testing may be performed in the shop
of an approved fabricator utilizing qualified test techniques in the employment of the
2. Partial penetration groove welds when used in column splices shall be tested
either by ultrasonic testing or radiography when required by the plans and
3. Base metal thicker than 11/z inches, when subjected to through-thickness
weld shrinkage strains, shall be ultrasonically inspected for discontinuities
directly behind such welds after joint completion.
Any material discontinuities shall be accepted or rejected on the basis of the
defect rating in accordance with the (larger reflector) criteria of Table No. 27-6-E
ofU.B.C. Standard No. 27-6.
Steel Ductile Moment-resisting Space Frames-Seismic Zones
Nos.1 and 2
Sec. 2723. (a) General. Compliance with this section shall be deemed to meet
the requirements for a ductile moment-resisting space frame of Section 2312 Ul
and Table No. 23-1 for buildings in Seismic Zones No. I and No. 2.
(b) Design and Construction. The design and construction for steel ductile
moment-resisting space frames for buildings located in Seismic Zones No. I and
No. 2 shall conform to all applicable requirements of this code except Section
Steel Storage Racks
Sec. 2724. Steel storage racks may be designed in conformance with U. B. C.
Standard No. 27-11.
Steel Cables
Sec. 2725. Structural use of steel cables shall conform with the provisions of
U.B.C. Standard No. 27-12.


Standard Oversize and Lon~slotted
(FrJ Size Holes Short-slotted olea TIONS

I. A502, Grade I, hot

driven rivets 20.0 1 - - - 17.5
2. A502, Grade 2, hot-
driven rivets 27.0 1 - - - 22.0
3. A307, Type A, bolts 20.0 1 - - - 10.0 2
4. Threaded parts meeting
the requirements of Sec-
tion 2701 and A449 bolts
when threads are not ex-
eluded from the shear
planeR 0.33F u' - - - O.l7Fu
5. Threaded parts meeting
the requirements of Section
2701 and A449 bolts when
threads are excluded from
the shear plane 8 0.33Fu - - - 0.22Fu
6. A325 bolts, when
threading is not excluded
from the shear planes 44.0 4 17.5 15.0 12.5 22.0 6
7. A325 bolts, when
threading is excluded from
the shear planes 44.0 4 17.5 15.0 12.5 30.0 6
8. A490 bolts, when
threading is not excluded
from the shear planes 54.0 4 22.0 19.0 16.0 28.0 6
9. A490 bolts, when
threading is excluded from
the shear planes 54.0 4 22.0 19.0 16.0 40.0 6
I Static loading only.

2Threads permitted in shear planes.

3 'The tensile capacity on the threaded portion of an upset rod shall be larger than the body area
times 0.6Fy
4For A325 and A490 bolts subject to tensile fatigue loading. See U.B.C. Standard No. 27-3, Sec-
tion 27.305.
~When specified by the designer, the working stress, Fv, for friction-type shear connections may
have the applicable value given U.B.C. Standard No. 27 7, Table No. 27-7-B.
oln bearing-type connections whose length between extreme fasteners measured parallel to the
line of axial force exceeds 50 inches, tabulated values shall be reduced 20 percent.
See Section 2303 (d).
R A449 bolts shall be limited to the following applications: Bearing-type high-strength structural
joints requiring diameters greater than 1 X inches, or high-strength material for anchor bolts
or threaded rods.

I. Tension normal to the Same as base metal "Matching" weld metal must be used; see Table
effecti'e area No. 27-6-EofU.B.C. Standard No. 27-6
2. Compression normal to Same as base metal
the effective area
3. Temion or compre"ion Same as base metal Weld metal v. ith a strength le\el equal to or le"
parallel to the axis of than "matching" weld metal may be used
the v.eld
-1. Shear on the 0.30 X nominal tensile strength of weld metal (ksi),
effecti'e area except shear stress on base metal shall not exceed
0.40 X yield stress of base metal

5. Compression normal to Same as base metal

cffecti'e area
6. Tension or compression Same as base metal
parallel to axis of the welds
7. Shear parallel to a\is 0.30 X nominal tensile strength of weld metal (ksi), Weld metal "ith a strength lc'el equal to or bs
of weld except shear stress on base metal shall not exceed than "matching" \\eld metal may be used
0.40 X yield stress of base metal
8. Tension normal to 0.30 X nominal tensile strength of weld metal (ksi).
effecti\l~ area except tensile stress on base metal shall not exceed
0.60 x yield stress of base metal

TABLE NO. 278 (Continued)




9. Shear on effective area 0.30 x nominal tensile strength of weld metal (ksi),
except shear stress on base metal shall not exceed
0.40 X yield stress of base metal Weld metal with a strength level equal to or less
10. Tension or compression than "matching" metal may be used
Same as base metal
parallel to axis of welds
II. Shear parallel to faying 0.30 X nominal tensile strength of weld metal (ksi), Weld metal wirh a strength level equal ro or le"
surfaces (on effective except shear stress on base metal shall not exceed than "marching" weld metal may be used
area) 0.40 x yield stress of base metal

lfor definition of effective area see Section 2702(e).

2for "matching" weld metal, see Table No. 27-6-E ofU.B.C. Standard No. 27-6. c
3Weld metal one strength level stronger than "matching" weld metal will be permitted. z
4See Section 2707(h) for a limitation on use of partial penetration groove-welded joints. ~
5fillet welds and partial penetration groove welds joining the component elements of built-up members, such as flange-to-web connections, may 3:
be designed without regard to the tensile or compressive stress in these elements parallel to the axis of the welds. ID
1982 EDITION 27-C, 27-D-1


(Applicable only to concrete made with
aggregates confonnlng to U.B.C. Standard
CONNECTOR 1 No. 262)2
f'c (kips per square Inch)
3.0 3.5 ~4.0

I. Y," diam. x 2" hooked or headed stud 5.1 5.5 5.9

2. Y." diam. x 2Y," hooked or headed stud 8.0 8.6 9.2
3. Y." diam. x 3" hooked or headed stud 11.5 12.5 13.3
4. ;;, " diam. x 3 Y," hooked or headed stud 15.6 16.8 18.0
5. 3" channel, 4.1lb. 4.3w 4.7w 5.0w
6. 4" channel, 5.4lb. 4.6w 5.0w 5.3w
7. 5" channel, 6.7lb. 4.9w 5.3w 5.6w

w = length of channel m mches.

I The allowablehorizontal loads tabulated may also be used for studs longer than shown.
2For lightweight concrete made with aggregates conforming to U.B.C. Standard No. 26-3,
multiply values above by appropriate reduction coefficient as follows:

Air Dry Unit Weight, pcf. 90 9S 100 lOS 110 liS 120
Coefficient./'c ~ 4.0 ksi. 0.73 0.76 0.78 0.81 0.83 0.86 0.88
Coefficient./' c ~ S.O ksi. 0.82 0.8S 0.87 0.91 0.93 0.96 0.99





V2 'Is .y.
lis I Vs 'Is
'14 I V I
7/s IV2 !Vs
I I.Y. I V
!Vs 2 IV2
IV 2V Pis
Over IV. I% x Diameter I V. x Diameter
1For oversized or slotted holes, see Section 2713 (e) 4.
2AIJ edge distances in this column may be reduced 1/11 inch when the hole is at a point where stress does not
exceed 25 percent of the maximum allowed stress in the element.

27-D-2, 27-D-3, 27-E-1 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE


NOMINAL Perpendicular Perallelto
OF FASTENER HOLES LIMo! Force Short Slota Long Slot.'

,.;;1fs \Is 0 y,. IYui- y,.

I y,. 0 v. p;,.
,.;;I \Is v. 0 y,. I \lUi- y,.

'When length of slO! is less than maximum allowable, C1 may be reduced by the difference between the
maximum and actual slO!lengths.


DIAMETER OF OVERSIZED Perpendicular to Edge
FASTENER HOLES Short Slota Long Slota' EDGE

,.;;7jg y,. Ys
I Ys Ys Y.d 0
;.I Ys Ys y,.
1When length of slot is less than maximum allowable, C 2 may be reduced by one half the
difference between the maximum and actual slot lengths.



JOINED (Inches) (lnchea)

To Y. inclusive Y.
OverY. toY, x.
OverY, toY. Y.
OverY. x.
1Leg dimension of fillet welds.

1982 EDITION 27-E-2, 27-F




JOINED (Inches) (Inches)

To Y. inclusive Yo
OverY. toY, x.
OverY, toY. Y.
OverY. to IY, x.
Over I Y, to 2Y. Y.
Over 2Y. to 6 y,
Over6 r.
1See Section 2702 (e)


All diameter bars
'!..R 1
NOTE: R = radius of bar.
Except Y.R for GMAW (except short circuiting transfer) process with
bar sizes I inch and over.


Chapter 28
Material Standards and Symbols
Sec. 2801. (a) General. The quality, design, fabrication and erection of alu-
minum used structurally in buildings and structures shall conform to the require-
ments of this chapter, to other applicable requirements of this code and to U .B.C.
Standard No. 28-1.
(b) Alloys. The use of aluminum alloys and tempers other than those covered
by this chapter shall be permitted for structural members and assemblies, pro-
vided standards of performance not less than those required by this chapter are
substantiated to the satisfaction of the building official. When required by the
building official, certification that the alloys and tempers called for on the plans
have been furnished shall be provided.
(c) Symbols and Notations. The symbols and notations used in these regula-
tions are defined as follows:
A = area, inches2.
Aw = area of cross section lying within 1.0 inch of a weld, inches2.
a1 shorter dimension of rectangular panel, inches.
a2 = longerdimensionofrectangularpanel, inches.
a, = equivalent width of rectangular panel, inches.
= buckling formula constants, with following subscript:
c - compression in columns
p - compression in flat plates
t - compression in round tubes
tb - bending in round tubes
b - bending in rectangular bars
s - shear in flat plates
b = width of sections, inches.
bit = width-to-thickness ratio or rectangular element of a cross section.
c = distance from neutral axis to extreme fiber, inches.
D = diameter, inches.
d = depth of section or beam, inches.
E = compressive modulus of elasticity, ksi.
f = calculated stress, ksi.
fa average compressive stress on cross section of member produced by
axial compressive load, ksi.
fb maximum bending stress (compressive) caused by transverse loads or
end moments, ksi.
fs = shear stress caused by torsion or transverse shear, ksi.
F = allowable stress, ksi.

1982 EDITION 2801

F., allowable compressive stress for member considered as an axially

loaded column, ksi.
F, allowable compressive stress for member considered as a beam. ksi.
F1, bearing ultimate strength, ksi.
F"""' bearing ultimate strength within 1.0 inch of a weld, ksi.
F,, = bearing yield strength, ksi.
F,,.,. bearing yield strength within 1.0 inch of a weld, ksi.
allowable compressive stress, ksi.
compressive yield strength, ksi.

compressive yield strength across a butt weld (0.2 percent offset in tO-
inch gauge length), ksi.
7T2f[n,(Lir)2]. where Llr is slenderness ratio for member considered as
a column tending to fail in the plane of the applied bending moments,
F" allowable stress for cross section 1.0 inch or more from weld, ksi.
allowable stress on cross section, part of whose area lies within 1.0 inch
of a weld, ksi.
F, allowable shear stress for members subjected only to torsion or shear.
shear ultimate strength, ksi.
shear ultimate strength within 1.0 inch of a weld, ksi.
shear yield strength, ksi.
shear yield strength within 1.0 inch of a weld, ksi.
tensile ultimate strength. ksi.
Ftuw tensile ultimate strength across a butt weld, ksi.
tensile yield strength, ksi.
tensile yield strength across a butt weld (0.2 percent offset in 10-inch
gauge length), ksi.
either F,, or F ... whichever is smaller, ksi.
g spacing of rivet or bolt holes perpendicular to direction of load, inches.
G modulus of elasticity in shear, ksi.
h clear height of shear web, inches.
moment of inertia, inches 4 .
111 moment of inertia of horizontal stiffener, inches 4 .
l, moment of inertia of transverse stiffener to resist shear buckling,
inches 4 .
I, moment of inertia of a beam about axis perpendicular to web, inches 4 .
I, moment of inertia of a beam about axis parallel to web. inches 4 .
J torsion constant, inches 4


k1 coefficient for determining slenderness limit S2 for sections for which

the allowable compressive stress is based on crippling strength.
k2 coefficient for determining allowable compressive stress in sections
with slenderness ratio above S2 for which the allowable compressive
stress is based on crippling strength.
kc = coefficient for compression members.
k, = coefficient for tension members.
L = length of compression member between points of lateral support, or
twice the length of a cantilever column (except where analysis shows
that a shorter length can be used), inches.
L/r = slenderness ratio for columns.
Lh = length of beam between points at which the compression flange is
supported against lateral movement, or length of cantilever beam from
free end to point at which the compression flange is supported against
lateral movement, inches.
Lh total length of portion of column lying within 1.0 inch of a weld
(excluding welds at ends of columns that are supported at both ends),
Lw = increased length to be substituted in column formula to determine
allowable stress for welded column, inches.
M = bending moment, inch-kips.
Me bending moment at center of span resulting from applied bending
loads, inch-kips.
Mm maximum bending moment in span resulting from applied bending
loads, inch-kips.

bending moments at two ends of a beam, inch-kips.

factor of safety on appearance of buckling.
factor of safety on ultimate strength.
factor of safety on yield strength.
local load concentration on bearing stiffener, kips.
r = least radius of gyration of a column, inches.
rL = radius of gyration of lip or bulb about face of flange from which lip
projects, inches.
r y = radius of gyration of a beam (about axis parallel to web), inches. (For
beams that are unsymmetrical about the horizontal axis, rY should be
calculated as though both flanges were the same as the compression
R = outside radius of round tube or maximum outside radius for an oval
tube, inches.
Rh = radius of curvature of tubular members, inches.
s = spacing of transverse stiffeners (clear distance between stiffeners for

1982 EDITION 2801-2802

stiffeners consisting of a pair of members, one on each side of the web,

center-to-center distance between stiffeners consisting of a member on
one side of the web only), inches; spacing of rivet or bolt holes parallel
to direction of load, inches.
S,. = section modulus of a beam, compression side, inches3.
S, = section modulus of a beam, tension side, inches3.
s,, s2 = slenderness limits.
t = thickness of flange, plate, web or tube, inches. (For tapered flanges, tis
the average thickness.)
V = shear force on web at stiffener location, kips.
a = a factor equal to unity for a stiffener consisting of equal members on
both sides of the web and equal to 3.5 for a stiffener consisting of a
member on one side only.
(d) Identification. Aluminum for structural elements shall at all times be
segregated or otherwise handled in the fabricator's plant so that the separate alloys
and tempers are positively identified and, after completion of fabrication, shall be
marked to identify the alloy and temper. Such markings shall be affixed to
complete members and assemblies or to boxed or bundled shipments of multiple
units prior to shipment from the fabricator's plant.

Allowable Stresses for Members and Fasteners

Sec. 2802. (a) Allowable Unit Stresses. Except as modified by U .B.C. Stan-
dard No. 28-1, allowable unit stresses in aluminum alloy structural members
shall be determined in accordance with the formulas of Table No. 28-C utilizing
the safety factors listed in Table No. 28-D and the constants and coefficients
listed in Tables Nos. 28-E, 28-F and 28-G. Where two formulas are given, the
smaller of the resulting stresses shall be used.

(b) Welded Structural Members. Allowable unit stresses for structural mem-
bers whose entire cross-sectional area lies within I inch of the center line of a butt
weld of the heel of a fillet weld shall be determined by means of the formulas of
Table No. 28-C utilizing the applicable minimum expected mechanical proper-
ties for welded aluminum alloys listed in U .B.C. Standard No. 28-1. The tensile
ultimate strength, Fruw, shall be 90 percent of the ASME weld qualification test
value of ultimate strength. Except as modified by U.B.C. Standard No. 28-1,
buckling constants determined in accordance with the formulas of Tables
Nos. 28-E and 28-G shall be calculated using the nonwelded mechanical proper-
ties of the respective aluminum alloys.
If less than 15 percent of the area of a given cross section lies within I inch of
the center line of a butt weld or the heel of a fillet weld, the effect of the weld may
be neglected and allowable stresses for nonwelded structural members may be
If the area of a cross section that lies within I inch of a weld is between 15
percent and 100 percent of the total area of the cross section, the allowable stress


shall be calculated by the following formula:

allowable stress on cross section part of whose area lies within 1.0 inch
of a weld.
Fn allowable stress for cross section 1.0 inch or more from weld.
F w = allowable stress on cross section if entire area were to lie within 1.0 inch
of a weld.
Aw = area of cross section lying within 1.0 inch of a weld.
A = net area of cross section of a tension member or tension flange of a
beam, or gross area of cross section of a compression member or
compression flange of a beam, inches2. (A beam flange is considered to
consist of that portion of the member further than 2c/3 from the neutral
axis, where cis the distance from the neutral axis to the extreme fiber.)
For columns and beams with welds at locations other than at their supported
ends (not farther from the supports than 0.05 L from the ends), and for cantilever
columns and single web beams with transverse welds at or near the supported end,
the effect of welding on allowable stresses shall be determined in accordance with
the provisions of U.B.C. Standard No. 28-1.
(c) Rivets and Bolts. Allowable stresses in aluminum rivets and bolts shall be
as set forth in Table No. 28-A.
(d) Fillet Welds. Allowable sheer stresses in fillet welds shall be as set forth in
Table No. 28-B.
Sec. 2803. (a) Combined Stresses. Members subjected to combinations of
compression and bending or shear, compression and bending shall be propor-
tioned in accordance with the provisions of U .B.C. Standard No. 28-1.
(b) Light Gauge Members. Where the design of light gauge structural mem-
bers is involved, the special provisions of U.B.C. Standard No. 28-1 shall be
(c) Structural Rooting and Siding. The live load deflection of structural
roofing and siding made of formed sheet shall not exceed one sixtieth of the span
(d) Connections. The design of mechanical and welded connections shall be
in accordance with this chapter and the provisions ofU.B.C. Standard No. 28-1.

Fabrication and Erection

Sec. 2804. (a) Cutting. Oxygen cutting of aluminum alloys shall not be
(b) Fasteners. Bolts and other fasteners shall be aluminum, stainless steel or

1982 EDITION 2804

aluminized, hot-dip galvanized or electrogalvanized steel. Double cadmium-

plated AN steel bolts may also be used. Steel rivets shall not be used except where
aluminum is to be joined to steel or where corrosion resistance of the structure is
not a requirement or where the structure is to be protected against corrosion.
(c) Dissimilar Materials. Where aluminum alloy parts are in contact with
dissimilar metals, other than stainless, aluminized or galvanized steel or absor-
bent building materials likely to be continuously or intermittently wet, the faying
surfaces shall be painted or otherwise separated in accordance with U. B. C.
Standard No. 28-l.
(d) Painting. Except as prescribed in Section 2804 (c), painting or coating of
aluminum alloy parts shall be required only when called for on the plans.
(e) Welding. Aluminum parts shall be welded with an inert gas shielded arc or
resistance welding process. No welding process that requires a welding flux shall
be used. Filler alloys complying with the requirements of U.B.C. Standard
No. 28-1 shall be used.
(f) Welder Qualification. All welds of structural members shall be performed
by welders qualified in accordance with the procedures of U. B.C. Standard
No. 28-l.
(g) Erection. During erection, structural aluminum shall be adequately braced
and fastened to resist dead, wind and erection loads.



ll00-H14 Cold, as received 1100-F 9.5 4
2017-T4 Cold, as received 2017-T.3 :14 14.5
2117-T4 Cold, as received 2117-T3 29 12
5056-1132 Cold, as received 5056-11321 26 ll
6053-T61 Cold, as received 6053-T61 20 8.5
6061-T4 Hot, 990 o to 6061-T43 21 9
6061-TG Cold, as received 6061-T6 26 11'




2024-T4 37 16 26
6061-T6 27 12 18
7075-T73 40 17 28
1Also applies to 6061-T6 pins.
2Yalues apply to either turned bolts or unfinished bolts in holes not more than Y,,
inch oversized.


(Shear Stress is Considered to be Equal to the Load Divided by the
Throat Area)

FILLER ALLOY 1100 4043 5554 5556

Parent Alloy
Alclad 3004
.5 7


5052 0
s 7 0




. 8.5
6063 .5 6.5 6.5

*Not permitted.

TENSION. axial, 5
net section
Any tension member:
1 F,,fn,or F,.J(Jc,n.) z
Rcctan&Uiar tubes, structural
shapes bent about strona axis -I -[}-I V'\- 2 F,,Jn, or F,.J(k,n.)
extreme fiber.
net sectlon
Round or oval tubes -o-oo- 3 1.11F11 /rt 1 or 1.24F,./(A:,n.)

Rectangular ban, plates.

shapes bent about weak axis I -1-1
4 1.30F,,/n, or 1.42F,.J(k,ll.)

On rivets and bolts

5 F.,!n,or F,.J(I.Ur.)
On ftat surfaces and pins 6 F.,I(LSn,) or F ../(I.Sn.)

B _ n.F~,
axial, gross
All columns
.!:=~ f.(.B,- D,!)' ;=Cr .-!!3_
n. (Lir)'
section "'" ' D,

Outstanding --lt--lt--11 B _n..Fr, rrl

-'-(s -5w~)

ftanges and legs
I r-r 8
r 5.10,.
n. ' "t
r 5.1 n. (5.lblt)'

Flat plates with f--Ll B _n.Fr,

!'_=~ f.( B, - 160}) !=~
both edges
supported H r\ir
"" I 1.6D..,
r r 1.6D, n,(L6b/r)

Curved plates

~ocp I= (8-~r f.( 8, - D,~~)

F,, 7f2
supported on both
10 R ' k n l!~c,
(.B..~ '-!}ff)'
edges, waJJs of
round or oval tubes "'" --D-,-'-'- r 16n
" r
I +



- ..
benl aboul strona -I-T-E- 11 ~ ~.1.2(11,-F,,l

' D,
~ -uc.

Round or oval
tubes ~64 12

.. -117F"r
~s .. -v..(!)
-;;:-v,.-v, 1
' Same as Spe<ifk:otioa 10

=(.-l.l7F.. r ~8,-D,~)
Curved Sections ~ R
n, I D, I l6n, (~)( l+

.. d
section Solid rectangular
-EE 13 ~ ~Jfi II,- I.JF,,
I 2.30,
.!.(B,- 2.)0,~~)
" d I

Rectangular tubes
d box sectioas -0- 14 ..
~ w-e'- ~'")'
I, 1.60_. !;J.- 1.6D .J) 4f.-
I, 1.6
(f.!)' ..E.
~-; I- -; .......
-t t-
.. .,.. t,v'i;
I [ T\J"
15 !:!. ~- B,-F_.,
I S.ID, ,(S.II>/1) r=
uader uaiform
Flat plates wilb
-;r-- -1t-
Trv- 16 ..
!:!. ~_II,-
1.6D, ..
.!.(II, - 1.60,~), ~- .!o!!..
I 1.6D,
... (1.61>/1)
Root plain with
mmprased ode
17 ..
_!_(s. - J.5o.~)
., I n. (3.5bft)Z

11~ ..
(compoDHt Root plain with
uader bendlaa hothodiOS 18 I.JF,! ~-B.- t.lF,, _!_(s.- o.67o.~) k,v'ii;:E
iaowa !llpporlod I 0.610, " I n, (0.67hlt)
l'lllt plain with

horizontal stiffener, ... s. k, Vii;:E
holhodaes 19 l.lF,,
_!_(s. - o:~o.~)
llr. I
, - 0.290, n, (0.29h/r)

lat webs IDI 20 h
8,- F,,
l.'lSD. n, (1.25h/t)2

section Stiffened ftat webs [tiTII...fi::::fi}
... ..j.;o +0. 7(o, to1)1 21
~ _ __s_
t - 1.25 na ( 1.25a, /1)2

I For F bl t
values greater than S 2 , the allowable bending shall be determined from the formula for tubes in compression, Specification I 0, using the
formula that is appropriate for the particular value of Rblt. Note that in this case Rblt may be either less or greater than the value of S 2 for tubes in



Similar 'I)'pe
I. Tension Members
F.S. on tensile strength, n" ... 1.95
F.S. on yield strength, ny. 1.65
2. Columns
F.S. on buckling strength, n".. . . .......... . 1.95
F.S. on crippling strength of thin sections, n" . . 1.95
F.S. on yield strength for short columns, ny 1.65
3. Beams
F.S. on tensile strength, n" .......... . 1.95
F.S. on tensile yield strength, n,. . . ......... . 1.65
F.S. on compressive yield strength for short beams, n,. 1.65
F.S. on buckling strength, ny ... 1.65
F. S. on crippling strength of thin sections, nY . 1.65
F.S. on shear buckling of webs, na .. 1.20
4. Connections
F.S. on bearing strength ... ... 1.2 X 1.95 = 2.34
F. S. on bearing yield strength. nY .. ................. 1.65
F.S. on shear strength of rivets and bolts. 1.2 X 1.95 = 2.34
F.S. on shear strength of fillet welds .. 1.2 X 1.95 = 2.34
F.S. on tensile strength of butt welds, n". 1.95
F.S. on tensile yield strength of butt welds, n, 1.65


For All Products Whose Temper Designation Begins with -0, -H, -T1, -T2, -T3 or -T4


+~)" ]
I. Compression in Columns 28,
and Beam Flanges B,=F,y[l D,= (6: C,= 3D,

2. Compression in Flat
- [ J!d
BP-F<Y I+ 7.6
1/3] B (68
Dp=To- T r2 _.3z_
CP- 3D"
3. Compression in Round
Thbes Under Axial End
- [
B,-F,, I+
5 8
115] D,= :.1 (i )"' c,
4. Compressive Bending
Bb-l.3F,y [I+ J!d "'] -~(~)1/2 28b
Stress in Solid Rectan- 7 Db- 20 E Cb=JD;
gular Bars
5. Compressive Bending
Stress in Round Thbes
- l.5FY [I+ J!L
B,b- .
5 8
I/'] (BT )"' C,b--(~)'
D,b= 2B~; D,,-D,

6. Shear Stress in Flat [ (F)

B,=F" I +-7;3-
l/3] =~(-68,_) l/2
D, 20 E

7. Crippling of Flat Plates

in Compression or k, = 0.50 k2 = 2.04
*C1 can be found from a plot of the curves of allowable stress based on elastic and inelastic buckling or
by a trial-and-error solution.

1982 EDITION 28-F, 28-G




2014-T6, -T651
1.12 - I
Alclad 2014-T6, -T651 1.25 1.12 - -
6061-T6, -T651 1.0 1.12 1.0 1.0
6063-T5, -T6, -T83 1.0 1.12 1.0 1.0
All Others Listed in
U.B.C. Standard 1.0 1.10 1.0 1.0
No. 28-1
1f the weld yield strength exceeds 0.9 of the parent metal yield strength, the
allowable compressive stress within 1.0 inch of a weld should be taken equal
to the allowable stress for nonwelded material.


For All Products Whose Temper Designation Begins with -TS, -T6, -T7, -T8 or-T9
I. Compression in Columns
B,= F" [ 1 +(2iso) Ji ] =~(~)Ji2 c, = 0.41 D.:"
and Beam Flanges D, 10 E

2. Compression in Flat
BP=r;, I
(F )
+"fft Jill
B (B
Dp=-=.t r
CP-0.41 DP

3. Compression in Round
Tubes Under Axial End
B,-F,,. [ I+ J!d_
D,= :5 (i r, c, *

4. Compressive Bending [ (F)

B b =l 3Fcy 1+-=:.
Jill =~(~)Ji2 2Bb
Stress in Solid Rectan- Db 20 E C"= 3D"
gular Bars

5. Compressive Bending - 1.5f,.[ I+ ~Ji5] _.!!Ez_ (B'") Jil

Stress in Round Thbes B,"- _
87 D,"- 2.7 E C,,= (B,"-B')'
D -D
<b '
6. Shear Stress in Flat
Plates ,-Fsr [ I+ j!d_
B- 9.3
D,= ~0 (-i-f' B,

7. Crippling of Flat Plates

in Compression kJ = 0.35 k2 = 2.27
8. Crippling of Flat Plates
in Bending kJ = 0.50 k2 = 2.04

*C, can be found from a plot of the curves of allowable stress based on elastic and inelastic buckling or
by a trial-and-error solution.

1982 EDITION 2901-2903

Part VI

Sec. 2901. This chapter sets forth requirements for excavation and fills for any
building or structure and for foundations and retaining structures.
Reference is made to Appendix Chapter 70 for requirements governing excava-
tion, grading and earthwork construction, including fills and embankments.
Quality and Design
Sec. 2902. The quality and design of materials used structurally in excava-
tions, footings and foundations shall conform to the requirements specified in
Chapters 23, 24, 25, 26 and 27 of this code.
Excavations and Fills
Sec. 2903. (a) General. Excavation or fills for buildings or structures shall be
so constructed or protected that they do not endanger life or property.
Cut slopes for permanent excavations shall be not steeper than 2 horizontal to I
vertical and slopes for permanent fills shall be not steeper than 2 horizontal to 1
vertical unless substantiating data justifying steeper slopes are submitted. Devia-
tion from the foregoing limitations for slopes shall be permitted only upon the
presentation of a soil investigation report acceptable to the building official.
No fill or other surcharge loads shall be placed adjacent to any building or
structure unless such building or structure is capable of withstanding the addi-
tionalloads caused by the fill or surcharge.
Existing footings or foundations which may be affected by any excavation shall
be underpinned adequately or otherwise protected against settlement and shall be
protected against lateral movement.
Fills to be used to support the foundations of any building or structure shall be
placed in accordance with accepted engineering practice. A soil investigation
report and a report of satisfactory placement of fill, both acceptable to the
building official, shall be submitted.
(b) Protection of Adjoining Property. The requirements for protection of
adjacent property and depth to which protection is required shall be as defined by
prevailing law. Where not defined by law, the following shall apply: Any person
making or causing an excavation to be made to a depth of 12 feet or less below the
grade shall protect the excavation so that the soil of adjoining property will not
cave in or settle, but shall not be liable for the expense of underpinning or
extending the foundation of buildings on adjoining properties where his excava-
tion is not in excess of 12 feet in depth. Before commencing the excavation, the
person making or causing the excavation to be made shall notify in writing the


owners of adjoining buildings not less than I 0 days before such excavation is to be
made that the excavation is to be made and that the adjoining buildings should be
The owners of the adjoining properties shall be given access to the excavation
for the purpose of protecting such adjoining buildings.
Any person making or causing an excavation to be made exceeding 12 feet in
depth below the grade shall protect the excavation so that the adjoining soil will
not cave in or settle and shall extend the foundation of any adjoining buildings
below the depth of 12 feet below grade at his own expense. The owner of the
adjoining buildings shall extend the foundation of these buildings to a depth of 12
feet below grade at his own expense, as provided in the preceding paragraph.
Soil Classification-Expansive Soil
Sec. 2904. (a) Soil Classification: General. For the purposes of this chapter,
the definition and classification of soil materials for use in Table No. 29-B shall
be according to U.B.C. Standard No. 29-1.
(b) Expansive Soil. When the expansive characteristics of a soil are to be
determined, the procedures shall be in accordance with U.B.C. Standard
No. 29-2 and the soil shall be classified according to Table No. 29-C. Founda-
tions for structures resting on soils with an expansion index greater than 20, as
determined by U .B.C. Standard No. 29-2, shall require special design considera-
tion. In the event the soil expansion index varies with depth, the weighted index
shall be determined according to Table No. 29-D.
Foundation Investigation
Sec. 2905. (a) General. The classification of the soil at each building site
shall be determined when required by the building official. The building official
may require that this determination be made by an engineer or architect licensed
by the state to practice as such.
(b) Investigation. The classification shall be based on observation and any
necessary tests of the materials disclosed by borings or excavations made in
appropriate locations. Additional studies may be necessary to evaluate soil
strength, the effect of moisture variation on soil-bearing capacity, compressibility
and expansiveness.
(c) Reports. The soil classification and design bearing capacity shall be
shown on the plans, unless the foundation conforms to Table No. 29-A. The
building official may require submission of a written report of the investigation
which shall include, but need not be limited to, the following information:
I. A plot showing the location of all test borings and/or excavations.
2. Descriptions and classifications of the materials encountered.
3. Elevation of the water table, if encountered.
4. Recommendations for foundation type and design criteria including bear-
ing capacity, provisions to minimize the effects of expansive soils and the
effects of adjacent loads.
5. Expected total and differential settlement.
(d) Expansive Soils. When expansive soils are present, the building official

1982 EDITION 2905-2907

may require that special provisions be made in the foundation design and con-
struction to safeguard against damage due to this expansiveness. He may require a
special investigation and report to provide this design and construction criteria.
(e) Adjacent Loads. Where footings are placed at varying elevations the effect
of adjacent loads shall be included in the foundation design.
(f) Drainage. Provisions shall be made for the control and drainage of surface
water around buildings.
Allowable Foundation and Lateral Pressures
Sec. 2906. The allowable foundation and lateral pressures shall not exceed the
values set forth in Table No. 29-B unless data to substantiate the use of higher
values are submitted. Table No. 29-B may be used for design of foundations on
rock or nonexpansive soil for l)tpes II One-hour, 11-N and V buildings which do
not exceed three stories in height or for structures which have continuous footings
having a load of less than 2000 pounds per lineal foot and isolated footings with
loads of less than 50,000 pounds.
Sec. 2907. (a) General. Footings and foundations, unless otherwise specifi-
cally provided, shall be constructed of masonry, concrete or treated wood in
conformance with U .B.C. Standard No. 29-3 and in all cases shall extend below
the frost line. Footings of concrete and masonry shall be of solid material.
Foundations supporting wood shall extend at least 6 inches above the adjacent
finish grade. Footings shall have a minimum depth below finish grade as indicated
in Table No. 29-A unless another depth is recommended by a foundation
(b) Bearing Walls. Bearing walls shall be supported on masonry or concrete
foundations or piles or other approved foundation system which shall be of
sufficient size to support all loads. Where a design is not provided, the minimum
foundation requirements for stud bearing walls shall be as set forth in Table
No. 29-A.
EXCEPTIONS: I. A one-story wood or metal frame building not used for
human occupancy and not over 400 square feet in floor area may be constructed with
walls supported on a wood foundation plate when approved by the building official.
2. The support of buildings by posts embedded in earth shall be designed as
specified in Section 2907 (f). Wood posts or poles embedded in earth shall be
pressure treated with an approved preservative. Steel posts or poles shall be pro-
tected as specified in Section 2908 (h).
(c) Stepped Foundations. Foundations for all buildings where the surface of
the ground slopes more than l foot in l 0 feet shall be level or shall be stepped so
that both top and bottom of such foundation are level.
(d) Footing Design. Except for special provisions of Section 2909 covering
the design of piles, all portions of footings shall be designed in accordance with
the structural provisions of this code and shall be designed to minimize differen-
tial settlement.
(e) Foundation Plates or Sills. Foundation plates or sills shall be bolted to the
foundation or foundation wall with not less than 1/z-inch nominal diameter steel II

bolts embedded at least 7 inches into the concrete or reinforced masonry or 15

inches into unreinforced grouted masonry and spaced not more than 6 feet apart.
There shall be a minimum of two bolts per piece with one bolt located within 12
inches of each end of each piece. Foundation plates and sills shall be the kind of
wood specified in Section 2516 (c).
(f) Designs Employing Lateral Bearing. Construction employing posts or
poles as columns embedded in earth or embedded in concrete footings in the earth
may be used to resist both axial and lateral loads. The depth to resist lateral loads
shall be determined by means of the design criteria established herein or other
methods approved by the building official.
I. Design criteria: Nonconstrained. The following formula may be used in
determining the depth of embedment required to resist lateral loads where no
constraint is provided at the ground surface, such as rigid floor or rigid ground
surface pavement.


A _ 2.34P
S 1b
p Applied lateral force in pounds.
Allowable lateral soil-bearing pressure as set forth in Table No. 29-B
based on a depth of one third the depth of embedment.
Allowable lateral soil-bearing pressure as set forth in Table No. 29-B
based on a depth equal to the depth of embedment.
b Diameter of round post or footing or diagonal dimension of square post
or footing (feet).
h Distance in feet from ground surface to point of application of "P."
d = Depth of embedment in earth in feet but not over 12 feet for purpose of
computing lateral pressure.
Constrained. The following formula may be used to determine the depth of
embedment required to resist lateral loads where constraint is provided at the
ground surface, such as a rigid floor or pavement.

( - 4 ..25 .!'..!!._
[2 - s1 !! }

Vertical load. The resistance to vertical loads is determined by the allowable

soil-bearing pressure set forth in Table No. 29-B.
2. Construction requirements: Backfill. The backfill in the annular space
around columns not embedded in poured footings shall be by one of the following
1982 EDITION 2907-2908

A. Backfill shall be of concrete with an ultimate strength of 2000 pounds per

square inch at 28 days. The hole shall be not less than 4 inches larger than
the diameter of the column at its bottom or 4 inches larger than the diagonal
dimension of a square or rectangular column.
B. Backfill shall be of clean sand. The sand shall be thoroughly compacted by
tamping in layers not more than 8 inches in depth.
3. Limitations. The design procedure outlined in this subsection shall be
subject to the following limitations:
The frictional resistance for retaining walls and slabs on silts and clays shall be
limited to one half of the normal force imposed on the soil by the weight of the
footing or slab.
Posts embedded in earth shall not be used to provide lateral support for
structural or nonstructural materials such as plaster, masonry or concrete unless
bracing is provided that develops the limited deflection required.
(g) Grillage Footings. When grillage footings of structural steel shapes are
used on soils, they shall be completely embedded in concrete with at least 6 inches
on the bottom and at least 4 inches at all other points.
(h) Bleacher Footings. Footings for open-air seating facilities shall comply
with Chapter 29.
EXCEPTION: Temporary open-air portable bleachers as defined in Sections
3323 and 3324 may be supported upon wood sills or steel plates placed directly upon
the ground surface, provided soil pressure does not exceed 1200 pounds per square

Plies-General Requirements
Sec. 2908. (a) General. Pile foundations shall be designed and installed on
the basis of a foundation investigation as defined in Section 2905 where required
by the building official.
The investigation and report provisions of Section 2905 shall be expanded to
include but not be limited to the following:
I. Recommended pile types and installed capacities.
2. Driving criteria.
3. Installation and field inspection procedures.
4. Pile load test requirements.
The use of piles not specifically mentioned in this chapter shall be permitted,
subject to the approval of the building official upon submission of acceptable test
data, calculations or other information relating to the properties and load-carrying
capacities of such piles.
(b) Determination of Allowable Loads. The allowable axial and lateral loads
on piles shall be determined by an approved formula, by load tests or by a
foundation investigation.
(c) Static Load Thsts. When the allowable axial load of a single pile is
determined by a load test, one of the following methods shall be used:
Method 1. It shall not exceed 50 percent of the yield point under test load. The


yield point shall be defined as that point at which an increase in load produces a
disproportionate increase in settlement.
Method 2. It shall not exceed one half of the load which causes a net settle-
ment, after deducting rebound, of .01 inch per ton of test load which has been
applied for a period of at least 24 hours.
Method 3. It shall not exceed one half of that load under which, during a 40-
hour period of continuous load application, no additional settlement takes place.
(d) Column Action. All piles standing unbraced in air, water or material not
capable of lateral support, shall conform with the applicable column formula as
specified in this code. Such piles driven into firm ground may be considered fixed
and laterally supported at 5 feet below the ground surface and in soft material at I 0
feet below the ground surface unless otherwise prescribed by the building official
after a foundation investigation by an approved agency.
(e) Group Action. Consideration shall be given to the reduction of allowable
pile load when piles are placed in groups. Where soil conditions make such load
reductions advisable or necessary, the allowable axial load determined for a single
pile shall be reduced by any rational method or formula approved by the building
(f) Piles in Subsiding Areas. Where piles are driven through subsiding fills or
other subsiding strata and derive support from underlying firmer materials,
consideration shall be given to the downward frictional forces which may be
imposed on the piles by the subsiding upper strata.
Where the influence of subsiding fills is considered as imposing loads on the
pile, the allowable stresses specified in this chapter may be increased if satisfacto-
ry substantiating data are submitted.
(g) Jetting. Jetting shall not be used except where and as specifically permit-
ted by the building official. When used, jetting shall be carried out in such a
manner that the carrying capacity of existing piles and structures shall not be
impaired. After withdrawal of the jet, piles shall be driven down until the required
resistance is obtained.
(h) Protection of Pile Materials. Where the boring records of site conditions
indicate possible deleterious action on pile materials because of soil constituents,
changing water levels or other factors, such materials shall be adequately pro-
tected by methods or processes approved by the building official. The effective-
ness of such methods or processes for the particular purpose shall have been
thoroughly established by satisfactory service records or other evidence which
demonstrates the effectiveness of such protective measures.
(i) Allowable Loads. The allowable loads based upon soil conditions shall be
established in accordance with Section 2908.
EXCEPTION: Any uncased cast-in-place pile may be assumed to develop a
frictional resistance equal to one sixth of the bearing value of the soil material at
minimum depth as set forth in Table No. 29-B but not to exceed 500 pounds per
square foot unless a greater value is allowed by the building official after a soil
investigation as specified in Section 2905 is submitted. Frictional resistance and
bearing resistance shall not be assumed to act simultaneously unless recommended
after a foundation investigation as specified in Section 2905.

(j) Use of Higher Allowable Pile Stresses. Allowable compressive stresses
greater than those specified in Section 2909 shall be permitted when substantiat-
ing data justifying such higher stresses are submitted to and approved by the
building official. Such substantiating data shall include a foundation investigation
including a report in accordance with Section 2908 (a) by a soil engineer defined
as a civil engineer experienced and knowledgeable in the practice of soil
Specific Pile Requirements
Sec. 2909. (a) Round Wood Piles. I. Material. Except where untreated
piles are permitted, wood piles shall be pressure treated in accordance with
U.B.C. Standard No. 25-12. Untreated piles may be used only when it has been
established that the cutoff will be below lowest groundwater level assumed to exist
during the life of the structure. Every wood pile shall conform to U .B.C. Standard

No. 25-14.
2. Allowable stresses. The allowable unit stresses for round wood piles shall
not exceed those set forth in Table No. 25-E.
The allowable values listed in Table No. 25-E for compression parallel to the
grain at extreme fiber in bending are based on load sharing as occurs in a pile
cluster. For piles which support their own specific load, a safety factor of 1.25
shall be applied to compression parallel to the grain values and 1.30 to extreme
fiber in bending values.
(b) Uncased Cast-in-place Concrete Piles. 1. Material. Concrete piles
cast-in-place against earth in drilled or bored holes shall be made in such a manner
as to ensure the exclusion of any foreign matter and to secure a full-sized shaft.
The length of such pile shall be limited to not more than 30 times the average
diameter. Concrete shall have an ultimate compressive strengthf'c of not less than
2500 pounds per square inch.
2. Allowable stresses. The allowable compressive stress in the concrete shall
not exceed 0.33f'c. The allowable compressive stress of reinforcement shall not
exceed 34 percent of the yield strength of the steel nor 25,500 psi.
(c) Metal-cased Concrete Piles. I. Material. All concrete used in metal-
cased concrete piles shall have an ultimate compressive strengthf'c of not less
than 2500 pounds per square inch.
2. Installation. Every metal casing for a concrete pile shall have a sealed tip
with a diameter of not less than 8 inches.
Concrete piles cast in place in metal shells shall have shells driven for their full
length in contact with the surrounding soil and left permanently in place. The
shells shall be sufficiently strong to resist collapse and sufficiently watertight to
exclude water and foreign material during the placing of concrete.
Piles shall be driven in such order and with such spacing as to ensure against
distortion of or injury to piles already in place. No pile shall be driven within four
and one-half average pile diameters of a pile filled with concrete less than 24
hours old unless approved by the building official.
3. Allowable stresses. Allowable stresses shall not exceed the values specified


in Section 2909 (b) 2, except that the allowable concrete stress may be increased
to a maximum value of 0.40/' c for that portion of the pile meeting the following
1. The thickness of the metal casing is not less than No. 14 gauge.
2. The casing is seamless or is provided with seams of equal strength and is of
a configuration which will provide confinement to the cast-in-place
3. The design/' c shall not exceed 5000 pounds per square inch and the ratio of
metal yield strength shall be not less than 6.
4. The pile diameter is not greater than 16 inches.
(d) Precast Concrete Piles. 1. Material. Precast concrete piles prior to driv-
ing and at 28 days after pouring shall develop an ultimate compressive strengthf 'c
of at least 3000 pounds per square inch.
2. Reinforcement ties. The longitudinal reinforcement in driven precast con-
crete piles shall be laterally tied with steel ties or wire spirals. Ties and spirals
shall be spaced not more than 3 inches apart, center to center, for a distance of 2
feet from the ends and not more than 8 inches elsewhere. The gauge of ties and
spirals shall be as follows:
For piles having a diameter of 16 inches or less, wire shall be not smaller than
No.5 gauge.
For piles having a diameter of more than 16 inches and less than 20 inches, wire
shall be not smaller than No.4 gauge.
For piles having a diameter of 20 inches and larger, wire shall be not smaller
than Y4 inch round or No. 3 gauge.
3. Allowable stresses. Precast concrete piling shall be designed to resist
stresses induced by handling and driving as well as by loads. The allowable
stresses shall not exceed the values specified in Section 2909 (b) 2.
(e) Precast Prestressed Concrete Piles (Pretensioned). 1. Material. Pre-
cast prestressed concrete piles shall develop a compressive strength of not less
than 4000 pounds per square inch before driving and an ultimate compressive
strengthf'c at 28 days after pouring of not less than 5000 pounds per square inch.
2. Reinforcement. The longitudinal reinforcement shall be high-tensile
seven-wire strand conforming to U.B.C. Standard No. 26-7. Longitudinal rein-
forcement shall be laterally tied with steel ties or wire spirals.
Ties or spiral reinforcement shall be spaced not more than 3 inches apart center
to center for a distance of 2 feet from the ends and not more than 8 inches
At each end of the pile, the first five ties or spirals shall be spaced l inch center
to center.
For piles having a diameter of 24 inches or less, wire shall be not smaller than
No. 5 gauge. For piles having a diameter greater than 24 inches but less than 36
inches, wire shall be not smaller than No. 4 gauge. For piles having a diameter
greater than 36 inches, wire shall be not smaller than Y4 inch round or No. 3

1982 EDITION 2909

3. Allowable stresses. Precast prestressed piling shall be designed to resist

stresses induced by handling and driving as well as by loads. The effective
prestress in the pile shall be not less than 400 pounds per square inch for piles up to
30 feet in length, 550 pounds per square inch for piles up to 50 feet in length, and
700 pounds per square inch for piles greater than 50 feet in length.
The compressive stress in the concrete due to externally applied load shall not

fc = 0.33/'c - 0.27 fPc

fpc is the effective prestress stress on the gross section.
Effective prestress shall be based on an assumed loss of 30,000 pounds per
square inch in the prestressing steel. The allowable stress in the prestressing steel
shall not exceed the values specified in Section 2618.
(f) Structural Steel Piles. l. Material. Structural steel piles, steel pipe piles
and fully welded steel piles fabricated from plates shall conform to U .B.C.
Standard No. 27-1 and be identified in accordance with Section 2701 (b).
2. Allowable stresses. The allowable stresses shall not exceed 0.35 of the
minimum specified yield strength F Y , provided such yield strength shall not be
assumed greater than 36,000 pounds per square inch for computational purposes.
EXCEPTION: When justified in accordance with Section 2908 (j), the allow-
able stresses may be increased to 0. 50 FY
Combined stresses shall not exceed those in Chapter 27.
3. Minimum dimensions. Sections of driven H-piles shall comply with the
A. The flange projection shall not exceed 14 times the minimum thickness of
metal in either the flange or the web, and the flange widths shall be not less
than 80 percent of the depth of the section.
B. The nominal depth in the direction of the web shall be not less than 8,
C. Flanges and webs shall have a minimum nominal thickness of 3fs inch.
Sections of driven pipe piles shall have an outside diameter of not less than 10
inches and a minimum thickness of not less than Y4 inch.
(g) Concrete-filled Steel Pipe Piles. l. Material. Steel pipe piles shall
conform to U .B.C. Standard No. 27-l and shall be identified in accordance with
Section 2701 (b). The concrete-filled steel pipe piles shall have an ultimate
compressive strength f' c of not less than 2500 pounds per square inch.
2. Allowable stresses. The allowable stresses shall not exceed 0.35 of the
minimum specified yield strength FY on the steel plus 0.33 of the ultimate
compressive strength/' c of the concrete, provided FY shall not be assumed greater
than 36,000 pounds per square inch for computational purposes.


EXCEPTION: When justified in accordance with Section 2908 UJ, the allow-
able stresses may be increased to 0.50 Fy.
Combined stresses shall not exceed those in Chapter 27.
3. Minimum dimensions. Driven piles of uniform section shall have a nomi-
nal outside diameter of not less than 8 inches.



BY THE UNIT (Inches) (Inches) SURFACE

I 6 6 12 6 12
2 8 8 15 7 18
3 10 10 18 8 24

1Where unusual conditions or frost conditions are found, footings and foundations shall be
as required in Section 2907 (a).
2The ground under the floor may be excavated to the elevation of the top of the footing.

I 3Foundations may support a roof in addition to the stipulated number of floors. Foundations
supporting roofs only shall be as required for supporting one floor.



I. Massive Crystalline Bedrock 4000 1200 .79

2. Sedimentary and Foliated 2000 400 .35
3. Sandy Gravel and/or Gravel 2000 200 .35
4. Sand, Silty Sand, Clayey 1500 !50 .25
Sand, Silty Gravel and Clayey
Gravel (SW, SP, SM, SC, GM
and GC)
5. Clay, Sandy Clay, Silty Clay 10007 100 130
and Clayey Silt (CL, ML, MH
and CH)

I Lateral bearing and lateral sliding resistance may be combined.

2For soil classifications OL, OH and PT (i.e., organic clays and peat), a foundation
investigation shall be required.
'All values of allowable foundation pressure are for footings having a minimum width of 12

1982 EDITION 29-B, 29-C, 29-D

inches and a minimum depth of 12 inches into natural grade. Except as in Footnote 7
below, increase of 20 percent allowed for each additional foot of width and/or depth to a
maximum value of three times the designated value.
4 May be increased the amount of the designated value for each additional foot of depth to a
maximum of 15 times the designated value. Isolated poles for uses such as flagpoles or
signs and poles used to support buildings which are not adversely affected by a \12-inch
motion at ground surface due to short-term lateral loads may be designed using lateral
bearing values equal to two times the tabulated values.
5 Coefficient to be multiplied by the dead load.
6 Lateral sliding resistance value to be multiplied by the contact area. In no case shall the
lateral sliding resistance exceed one half the dead load.
7 No increase for width is allowed.



0-20 Very low

21-50 Low
51-90 Medium
91-130 High
Above 130 Very high



0-1 0.4
12 0.3
2-3 0.2
3-4 0.1
Below 4 0
1The weighted expansion index for nonuniform soils is determined by multiplying the
expansion index for each depth interval by the weight factor for that interval and summing
the products.
2Depth in feet below the ground surface.


Chapter 30
Sec. 3001. (a) General. All veneer and its application shall conform to the
requirements of this code. Wainscots not exceeding 4 feet in height measured
above the adjacent ground elevation for exterior veneer or the finish floor eleva-
tion for interior veneer may be exempted from the provisions of this chapter if
approved by the building official.
(b) Limitations. Exterior veneer shall not be attached to wood frame con-
struction at a point more than 25 feet in height above the adjacent ground elevation
except when approved by the building official considering special construction
designed to provide for differential movement.
Sec. 3002. For the purpose of this chapter, certain terms are defined as
BACKING as used in this chapter is the surface or assembly to which veneer is
VENEER is nonstructural facing of brick, concrete, stone, tile, metal, plastic
or other similar approved material attached to a backing for the purpose of
ornamentation, protection or insulation.
Adhered Veneer is veneer secured and supported through adhesion to an
approved bonding material applied over an approved backing.
Anchored Veneer is veneer secured to and supported by approved mechanical
fasteners attached to an approved backing.
Exterior Veneer is veneer applied to weather-exposed surfaces as defined in
Section 424.
Interior Veneer is veneer applied to surfaces other than weather-exposed
surfaces as defined in Section 424.
Sec. 3003. Materials used in the application of veneer shall conform to the
applicable requirements for such materials as set forth elsewhere in this code.
For masonry units and mortar, see Chapter 24.
For precast concrete units, see Chapter 26.
For portland cement plaster, see Chapter 4 7.
Anchors, supports and ties shall be noncombustible and corrosion resistant.
Sec. 3004. (a) General. The design of all veneer shall comply with the
requirements of Chapter 23 and this section.
Veneer shall support no load other than its own weight and the vertical dead
load of veneer above.
Surfaces to which veneer is attached shall be designed to support the additional
vertical and lateral loads imposed by the veneer.

1982 EDITION 3004-3005

Consideration shall be given for differential movement of supports, including

that caused by temperature changes, shrinkage, creep and deflection.
(b) Adhered Veneer. With the exception of ceramic tile, adhered veneer and
its backing shall be designed to have a bond to the supporting element sufficient to
withstand a shearing stress of 50 pounds per square inch.
(c) Anchored Veneer. Anchored veneer and its attachments shall be designed
to resist a horizontal force equal to twice the weight of the veneer.
Adhered Veneer
Sec. 3005. (a) Permitted Backing. Backing shall be continuous and may be
of any material permitted by this code. It shall have surfaces prepared to secure
and support the imposed loads of veneer.
Exterior veneer, including its backing, shall provide a weatherproof covering.
For additional backing requirements, see Sections 1707 (a) and 510 (b).
(b) Area Limitations. The height and length of veneered areas shall be
unlimited except as required to control expansion and contraction and as limited
by Section 300 I (b).
(c) Unit Size Limitations. Veneer units shall not exceed 36 inches in the
greatest dimension nor more than 720 square inches in total area and shall weigh
not more than 15 pounds per square foot unless approved by the building official.
EXCEPTION: Veneer units weighing less than 3 pounds per square foot shall
not be limited in dimension or area.

(d) Application. In lieu of the design required by Sections 3004 (a) and (b)
adhered veneer may be applied by one of the following application methods:
I . A paste of neat portland cement shall be brushed on the backing and the back
of the veneer unit. Type S mortar then shall be applied to the backing and the
veneer unit. Sufficient mortar shall be used to create a slight excess to be forced
out the edges of the units. The units shall be tapped into place so as to completely
fill the space between the units and the backing. The resulting thickness of mortar
in back of the units shall be not less than 1/2 inch nor more than I \14 inch.
2. Units of tile, masonry, stone or terra cotta, not over I inch in thickness shall
be restricted to 81 square inches in area unless the back side of each unit is ground
or box screeded to true up any deviations from plane. These units and glass
mosaic units of tile not over 2 inches by 2 inches by 3f8 inch in size may be adhered
by means of portland cement. Backing may be of masonry, concrete or portland
cement plaster on metal lath. Metal lath shall be fastened to the supports in
accordance with the requirements of Chapter 47. Mortar as described in Table No.
30-A shall be applied to the backing as a setting bed. The setting bed shall be a
minimum of % inch thick and a maximum of % inch thick. A paste of neat
portland cement or half portland cement and half graded sand shall be applied to
the back of the exterior veneer units and to the setting bed and the veneer pressed
and tapped into place to provide complete coverage between the mortar bed and
veneer unit. A portland cement grout shall be used to point the veneer.
(e) Plastic Veneer. When used within a building, plastic veneer shall comply
with the interior finish requirements of Chapter 42.


Exterior plastic veneer shall be of approved plastics materials as defined in

Chapter 52 and shall comply with the following:
I. Plastic veneer shall not be attached to any exterior wall to a height greater
than 50 feet above grade.
2. Sections of plastic veneer shall not exceed 300 square feet in area.
3. Sections of plastic veneer shall be separated by a minimum of 4 feet
(f) Ceramic Tile. Portland cement mortars for installing ceramic tile on walls,
floors and ceilings shall be as set forth in Table No. 30-A.

Anchored Veneer
Sec. 3006. (a) Permitted Backing. Backing may be of any material permit-
ted by this code. Exterior veneer including its backing shall provide a
weatherproof covering.
(b) Height and Support Limitations. Anchored veneer shall be supported on
footings, foundations or other noncombustible support except as provided under
Section 2515.
Where anchored veneer is applied more than 25 feet above the adjacent ground
elevation, it shall be supported by noncombustible, corrosion-resistant, structural
framing having horizontal supports spaced not over 12 feet vertically above the
25-foot height.
Noncombustible, noncorrosive lintels and noncombustible supports shall be
provided over all openings where the veneer unit is not self-spanning. The
deflections of all structural lintels and horizontal supports required by this
subsection shall not exceed Ysoo of the span under full load of the veneer.
(c) Area Limitations. The area and length of anchored veneer walls shall be
unlimited, except as required to control expansion and contraction and by
Section 300 l (b).
(d) Application. In lieu of the design required by Sections 3004 (a) and (c),
anchored veneer may be applied in accordance with the following:
I. Masonry and stone units (5 inches maximum in thickness). Masonry and
stone veneer not exceeding 5 inches in thickness may be anchored directly to
structural masonry, concrete or studs in one of the following manners:
(i) Anchor ties shall be corrosion resistant, and if made of sheet metal, shall
have a minimum size of No. 22 gauge by I inch or, if of wire, shall be a minimum
of No.9 gauge. Anchor ties shall be spaced so as to support not more than 2 square
feet of wall area but not more than 24 inches on center horizontally. In Seismic
Zones No. 3 and No. 4 anchor ties shall be provided to horizontal joint reinforce-
ment wire of No. 9 gauge or equivalent. The joint reinforcement shall be
continuous with butt splices between ties permitted.
When applied over stud construction, the studs shall be spaced a maximum of
16 inches on centers and approved paper shall first be applied over the sheathing
or wires between studs except as otherwise provided in Section 1707, and mortar
shall be slushed into the l-inch space between facing and paper.

1982 EDITION 3006

As an alternate, an air space of at least I inch may be maintained between the

backing and the veneer in which case temporary spot bedding may be used away
from the ties to align the veneer. Spot bedding at the ties shall be of cement mortar
entirely surrounding the ties.
(ii) Veneer may be applied with l-inch-minimum grouted backing space which
is reinforced by not Jess than 2-inch by 2-inch No. 16 gauge galvanized wire mesh
placed over waterproof paper backing and anchored directly to stud construction.
The stud spacing shall not exceed 16 inches on center. The galvanized wire
mesh shall be anchored to wood studs by galvanized steel wire furring nails at 4
inches on center or by barbed galvanized nails at 6 inches on center with a I \Is-
inch minimum penetration. The galvanized wire mesh may be attached to steel
studs by equivalent wire ties. If this method is applied over solid sheathing the
mesh must be furred for embedment in grout. The wire mesh must be attached at
the top and bottom with not Jess than 8-penny common wire nails. The grout fill
shall be placed to fill the space intimately around the mesh and veneer facing.
2. Stone units (10 inches maximum in thickness). Stone veneer units not
exceeding I 0 inches in thickness may be anchored directly to structural masonry,
concrete or to studs:
(i) With concrete or masonry backing. Anchor ties shall be not less than No.
12 gauge galvanized wire, or approved equal, formed as an exposed eye and
extending not Jess than \12 inch beyond the face of the backing. The legs of the
loops shall be not less than 6 inches in length bent at right angles and laid in the
masonry mortar joint and spaced so that the eyes or loops are 12 inches maximum
on center in both directions. There shall be provided not less than a No. 12 gauge
galvanized wire tie, or approved equal, threaded through the exposed loops for
every 2 square feet of stone veneer. This tie shall be a loop having legs not Jess
than 15 inches in length so bent that it will lie in the stone veneer mortar joint. The
last 2 inches of each wire leg shall have a right angle bend. One inch of cement
grout shall be placed between the backing and the stone veneer.
(ii) With stud backing. A 2-inch by 2-inch No. 16 gauge galvanized wire mesh
with two layers of waterproof paper backing shall be applied directly to wood
studs spaced a maximum of 16 inches on center. On studs the mesh shall be
attached with 2-inch-Jong galvanized steel wire furring nails at 4 inches on center
providing a minimum 11/s-inch penetration into each stud and with 8-penny
common nails at 8 inches on center into top and bottom plates. The galvanized
wire mesh may be attached to steel studs with equivalent wire ties. There shall be
not Jess than a No. 12 gauge galvanized wire, or approved equal, looped through
the mesh for every 2 square feet of stone veneer. This tie shall be a loop having
legs not less than 15 inches in length, so bent that it will lie in the stone veneer
mortar joint.
The last 2 inches of each wire leg shall have a right angle bend. One-inch
minimum thickness of cement grout shall be placed between the backing and the
stone veneer.
3. Slab-type units (2 inches maximum in thickness). For veneer units of
marble, travertine, granite or other stone units of slab form, ties of corrosion-


resistant metal shall engage drilled holes of corrosion-resistant metal dowels

located in the middle third of the edge of the units spaced a maximum of 24 inches
apart around the periphery of each unit with not less than four ties per veneer unit.
Units shall not exceed 20 square feet in area.
If the dowels are not tight fitting, the holes may be drilled not more than 1l11> inch
larger in diameter than the dowel with the hole countersunk to a diameter and
depth equal to twice the diameter of the dowel in order to provide a tight-fitting
key of cement mortar at the dowel locations when the mortar in the joint has set.
All veneer ties shall be corrosion-resistant metal capable of resisting in tension
or compression a force equal to two times the weight of the attached veneer.
If made of sheet metal, veneer ties shall be not smaller in area than No. 22
gauge by I inch or, if made of wire, not smaller in diameter than No.9 gauge wire.
4. Terra cotta or ceramic units. Tied terra cotta or ceramic veneer units shall
be not less than I Y4 inch in thickness with projecting dovetail webs on the back
surface spaced approximately 8 inches on centers. The facing shall be tied to the
backing wall with noncorrosive metal anchors of not less than No. 8 gauge wire
installed at the top of each piece in horizontal bed joints not less than 12 inches nor
more than 18 inches on centers; these anchors shall be secured to 114-inch
galvanized pencil rods which pass through the vertical aligned loop anchors in the
backing wall. The veneer ties shall have sufficient strength to support the full
weight of the veneer in tension. The facing shall be set with not less than a 2-inch
space from the backing wall and the space shall be filled solidly with portland
cement grout and pea gravel. Immediately prior to setting. the backing wall and
the facing shall be drenched with clean water and shall be distinctly damp when
the grout is poured.


I. Walls and I '/' 4 5 Yn" 24 hrs.
I 0 3 4 w 24 hrs.
over 10 %"
sq. ft.
Float or
I 'I'I 4
7 w
24 hrs.
24 hrs.
2. Walls and Scratch w
ceilings and float I '/' 2 1/, 3 24 hrs.
10 sq. ft.
or less
Setting I 0 5 6 IV," -
3. Floors 1/11) I y; -
bed I 5 6

1982 EDITION 3201-3202

Chapter 31

Chapter 32
Sec. 3201. Roofs shall be as specified in this code and as otherwise required by
this chapter.
Roof Construction and Materials
Sec. 3202. (a) Roof Construction and Materials. Roof coverings shall be
securely fastened to the supporting roof construction and shall provide weather
protection for the building at the roof.
Spaced sheathing for wood roofs shall be spaced not to exceed 6 inches clear
nor more than the nominal width of the sheathing board. Sheathing boards shall be
not less than I inch by 4 inches nominal dimensions.
Plywood roof sheathing, unless of exterior type, shall have no surface or edge
exposed to the weather.
Diagonal and sway bracing shall be used to brace all roof trusses.
(b) Fire Retardancy, When Required. Roof coverings shall be fire retardant I
except in 1)'pes III, IV and V buildings, where it may be as follows:
I . Ordinary roof coverings may be used on buildings of Group R, Division 3 or
Group M Occupancies.
2. Ordinary roof coverings may be used on buildings of Group R, Division I
Occupancies which are not more than two stories in height and have not more than
3000 square feet of projected roof area and there is a minimum of I 0 feet from the
extremity of the roof to the property line on all sides except for street fronts.

3. Group A, Division 3; Group B, Divisions I and 2 and Group R, Division I

Occupancies which are not more than two stories in height and have not more than
6000 square feet of projected roof area and there is a minimum of I 0 feet from the
extremity of the roof to the property line or assumed property line on all sides I
except for street fronts may have Class C roof coverings which comply with
U.B.C. Standard No. 32-7 and roofs of No. I cedar or redwood shakes and No. I
shingles constructed in accordance with Section 3203 (g), Special Purpose Roofs. I
Skylights shall be constructed as required in Chapter 34.
Penthouses shall be constructed as required in Chapter 36.
For use of plastics in roofs, see Chapter 52.
For attics, access and area, see Section 3205. For roof drainage, see Section
For solar energy collectors located above or upon a roof, see Section 1714. I

(c) Quality of Materials. The quality and design of roofing materials and their
fastenings shall conform to the applicable standards listed in Chapter 60.
Roof Coverings
Sec. 3203. (a) General. Roof coverings shall be as specified in this section.
(b) Definitions. For purposes of this chapter certain terms are designated as
BASE SHEET is one layer of felt or combination sheet secured to the deck
over which may be applied additional felts, a cap sheet, organic or inorganic fiber
shingles, smooth coating or mineral aggregate.
BUILT-UP ROOF COVERING is two or more layers of roofing consisting of
a base sheet, felts and cap sheet, mineral aggregate, smooth coating or similar
surfacing material.
CAP SHEET is roofing made of organic or inorganic fibers, saturated and
coated on both sides with a bituminous compound, surfaced with mineral gran-
ules, mica, talc, ilmenite, inorganic fibers or similar materials.
CEMENTING is solidly mopped application of asphalt, cold liquid asphalt
compound, coal tar pitch or other approved cementing material.
COMBINATION SHEET is a glass fiber felt integrally attached to kraft
CORROSION-RESISTANT is any nonferrous metal or any metal having an
unbroken surfacing of nonferrous metal, or steel with not less than 10 percent
chromium or with not less than 0.20 percent copper.
FELT is matted organic or inorganic fibers, saturated with bituminous
FELT, NONBITUMINOUS SATURATED, is matted asbestos fibers with

I binder for use with wood shingle and wood shake assemblies as specified in
Section 3203 (g).
GLASS FIBER FELT is a glass fiber sheet coated on both sides with
bituminous compound.
INTERLAYMENT is a layer of felt or non bituminous saturated asbestos felt
not less than 18 inches wide, shingled between each course of roof covering.
INTERWCKING ROOFING TILES are individual units, typically of clay
or concrete, possessing matching ribbed or interlocking vertical side joints that
restrict lateral movement and water penetration.
METAL ROOFING is metal shingles or sheets for application on solid roof
surfaces, and corrugated or otherwise shaped metal sheets or sections for applica-
tion on solid roof surfaces or roof frameworks.
NON-NAILABLE DECK is any deck which is incapable of retaining an
approved fastener.
PREPARED ROOFING is any manufactured or processed roofing material,
other than untreated wood shingles and shakes, as distinguished from built-up
ROOFING SQUARE is 100 square feet ofroofing surface.
1982 EDITION 3203

SPOT CEMENTING is discontinuous application of asphalt, cold liquid

asphalt compound, coal tar pitch or other approved cementing material.
UNDERLAYMENT is one or more layers of felt or nonbituminous saturated
asbestos felt over which finish roofing is applied.
WOOD SHAKES are tapered or nontapered pieces of approved durable wood
of random widths ranging from 4 inches to 14 inches and of the following four
I . Hand-split and resawn; tapered with one sawed and one split face; semi-split;
tapered with partially sawn and split faces both sides, 15 inches, 18 inches or 24
inches in length.
2. Taper-split: tapered with both split faces, 24 inches in length.
3. Straight-split: nontapered with both split faces, either 18 inches or 24 inches
in length.
4. Taper-sawn-sawn both sides-edges sawn or split. Lengths 24 inches and
WOOD SHINGLES are tapered pieces of approved durable wood, sawed both
sides, of random widths ranging from 3 inches to 14 inches and in lengths of 16
inches, 18 inches or 24 inches.
(c) Roofing Materials. I . Materials. Materials shall conform to the standards
listed in Chapter 60.
2. Identification. All material shall be delivered in packages bearing the
manufacturer's label or identifying mark.
Each package of prepared roofing and built-up roof covering materials shall
bear the label of an approved agency having a service for the inspection of
material and finished products during manufacture.
Each bundle of wood shakes, slate shingles and wood shingles shall comply
with U.B.C. Standards Nos. 32-8, 32-10 and 32-11, respectively, and shall bear
the label or identification mark of an approved inspection bureau or agency
showing the grade.
Asphalt or pitch shall be delivered in cartons indicating the name of the
manufacturer and the softening point of the product. Bulk shipments shall be
accompanied by a certification of the softening point by the manufacturer.
3. Metal roofing. Metal roofing exposed to the weather shall be corrosion
Corrugated or ribbed steel shall be not less than No. 30 galvanized sheet gauge.
Flat steel sheets shall be not less than No. 30 galvanized sheet gauge. Other
ferrous sections or shapes shall be not less than No. 26 galvanized sheet gauge.
Flat nonferrous sheets and shingles shall be not less than No. 28 B. & S. gauge.
Other nonferrous sections or shapes shall be not less than No. 25 B. & S. gauge.
Corrugated or otherwise shaped sheets or sections shall be designed to support
the required live load between supporting members.
Ferrous sheets or sections shall comply with U.B.C. Standards Nos. 27-9 and
32-4. Nonferrous sheets or sections shall comply with U.B.C. Standard No.


4. Fasteners. Fasteners shall be as set forth herein or in Table No. 32-B and
shall be long enough to penetrate into the sheathing % inch or through the
thickness of the sheathing, whichever is less.
Built-up roofing nails for wood board deck shall be No. 12 gauge, 7/16-inch
head, driven through tin caps or approved nails with integral caps. For plywood,
use No. II gauge ring shank nails driven through tin caps or approved nails with
integral caps. For gypsum decks, insulating concrete, cementitious wood fiber
and others, fasteners recommended by the deck manufacturer shall be used.
All fasteners except those used in built-up roofing installed on poured gypsum
or insulating concrete roof decks shall be corrosion resistant complying with the
requirements ofU .B.C. Standard No. 25-17, Section 25.1716 (e), 25.1716 (h) or
25.1717 (a).
5. Wire. Attaching wire for slate shingle and clay or concrete tile shall be not
smaller than No. 14 gauge and shall comply with U.B.C. Standards Nos. 32-6
and 32-13.
(d) Application. I. General. Application of roof-covering materials listed in
Table No. 32-B shall be in accordance with the provisions thereof.
2. Built-up roofs. Built-up roofing shall be applied on clean and dry decks in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and this code. Wood nailers shall
be installed at the perimeter of all non-nailable decks and at the top of all curbs.
Adequate attachment shall be provided on all vertical surfaces. Reglets shall be
provided in walls or parapets receiving metal counterflashing. Insulated decks
shall have wood insulation stops at all edges of the deck. Suitable cant strips shall
be used at all vertical intersections.
The base sheet shall be cemented or spot mopped to non-nailable decks as
required by the type of deck material, using not less than 20 pounds per square of
asphalt for solid mopping ( 10 pounds per square for spot mopping), or not less
than I Yz gallons of cold bituminous compound in accordance with manufacturer's
published specifications, or 30 pounds per square of coal tar pitch.
Over approved nailable decks, the base sheet shall be nailed using not less than
one fastener per each 11/3 square foot.
Successive layers shall be cemented using no less cementing material than that
specified for a solidly cemented base sheet.
Mineral aggregate surfaced roofs shall be surfaced with not less than 60 pounds
of asphalt or 70 pounds of pitch in which is embedded not less than 400 pounds of
gravel or other approved surfacing materials or 300 pounds of crushed slag per
roofing square. See Section 3203 (f) 3 for minimum amounts of mineral aggre-
gate and asphalt or pitch on ordinary roofs. (See U.B.C. Standard No. 32-5 for
mineral roofing aggregate weighing less than 60 pounds per cubic foot.)
Cap sheets shall be cemented to the base sheet or felts using no less cementing
material than that specified for solidly cemented base sheets.
Asphalt for use as hot cement and mopping coat for built-up roof covering shall
comply with U.B.C. Standard No. 32-2.
Asphalt shall be applied at a temperature not less than 375F. nor more than
475F. for high-melt types. Low-melt types shall not be applied at a temperature


ofless than 350F. nor more than 400F.

Asphalt shall not be heated to a temperature above 500F. for a high-melt type
nor 400F. for low-melt types. Coal tar pitch shall not be heated to a temperature
above 400F. At no time shall the asphalt be heated to a temperature which will
exceed its flash point at the kettle.
Built-up roofing shall be applied by starting at the low spots and working
toward the ridges, with felts and cap sheets applied in shingle fashion to drain
water. Felts and cap sheets shall be applied in solid uniform moppings of bitumen.
3. Shingle, shake and tile roofs. A. General. Installation shall be in accor-
dance with Table No. 32-B. Underlayment, when required, shall be lapped
horizontally and vertically so as to shed water.
In areas subject to roof ice buildup, underlayment consisting of two layers of
Type 15 felt applied shingle fashion shall be installed and solid mopped together
with approved cementing material between the plies extending from the eave up
the roof to a point 24 inches inside the exterior wall line of the building.
EXCEPTIONS: I. For wood shingle or wood shake roofs the underlayment
shall extend 36 inches inside the exterior wall line of the building.
2. When interlocking tiles are used, the underlayment may consist of one layer of
Type 40 or heavier asphalt -coated base sheet extending from the eave to a point 24
inches inside the exterior wall line of the building. When this method is used, all
horizontal and vertical seams of the base sheet shall be lapped 6 inches and be
continuously sealed with approved cementing material and shall be applied only
over solid sheathing.
B. Asphalt shingles. Asphalt shingles shall comply with U.B.C. Standard
No. 32-3. Asphalt shingles shall be fastened according to manufacturer's instruc-
tions to solidly sheathed roofs. but not less than four nails per each strip shingle
not more than nominal 36 inches wide and two nails per each individual shingle
not more than 18 inches wide shall be used.
Underlayment may be omitted over existing asphalt shingle roofs except where
the roof slope is less than 4 inches in 12 inches.
C. Slate shingles. Slate shingles shall comply with U.B.C. Standard No.
32-10 and shall be installed in an approved manner.
D. Asbestos-cement shingles. Asbestos-cement shingles shall comply with
U.B.C. Standard No. 32-9 and shall be installed in an approved manner.
E. Metal shingles. Metal shingles shall be applied in an approved manner.
F. Clay or concrete tile. Tile of clay or concrete shall comply with U. B. C.
Standard No. 32-12 and shall be installed in accordance with Table No. 32-B and
fastened with corrosion-resistant nails or wire.
Noninterlocking tiles with projecting anchor lugs at the bottom of the tiles shall
be held in position by means of l-inch by 2-inch wood stripping nailed to the roof
sheathing over the underlayment.
Interlocking tiles with projecting anchor lugs may be installed over spaced
sheathing board, l-inch by 2-inch wood stripping nailed to solid roof sheathing or
directly to solid roof sheathing, provided in all cases each tile is attached in
conformance with Table No. 32-B.

Tile roofs shall have an underlayment of not Jess than two layers of Type 15 felt
or one layer of '!Ype 30 felt.
G. Wood shingles. Shingles may be applied to roofs with solid or spaced
Shingles shall be laid with a side lap of not Jess than 1Yz inches between joints in
adjacent courses, and not in direct alignment in alternate courses. Spacing
between shingles shall be not less than Y4 inch nor more than 3fs inch. Each shingle
shall be fastened with two nails only, positioned approximately% inch from each
edge and approximately I inch above the exposure line. Starter course at the eaves
shall be doubled.
Weather exposures shall not exceed those set forth in Table No. 32-A. Hip and
ridge weather exposures shall not exceed those permitted for the field of the roof.
H. Wood shakes. Shakes may be applied to roofs with solid or spaced
sheathing. In wind-driven-snow areas sheathing shall be solid and the shakes shall
be applied over an underlayment of not less than Type 15 felt.
Shakes shall be laid with a side lap of not Jess than 1Yz inches between joints in
adjacent courses. Spacing between shakes shall be not less than 3fs inch nor more
than 5fs inch.
Shakes shall be fastened to the sheathing with two nails only, positioned
approximately 1 inch from each edge and approximately 2 inches above the
exposure line. The starter course at the eaves shall be doubled. The bottom or first
layer may be either shakes or shingles.
Fifteen-inch or 18-inch shakes may be used for the final course at the ridge.
Shakes shall be laid with not Jess than 18-inch-wide strips of not Jess than '!Ype
30 felt shingled between each course in such a manner that no felt is exposed to the
weather below the shake butts.
Weather exposures shall not exceed those set forth in Table No. 32-A. Hip and
ridge weather exposures shall not exceed those permitted for the field of the roof.
4. Other roof coverings. A. Asbestos-cement. Corrugated asbestos-cement
roofing shall be applied in an approved manner.
B. Metal roofing. Flat sheets shall be applied only to solidly sheathed roofs.
Metal roofing shall be applied in an approved manner.
C. Sheet roofing. Sheet roofing shall comply with the provisions of U.B.C.
Standard No. 32-3.
5. Flashing. Roof valley flashings shall be provided for shingles as follows:
A. Asphalt shingles. The roof valley flashing shall be the same as required for
wood shingles or shall be of laced asphalt shingles applied in an approved manner
with an underlayment of not Jess than Type 15 felt extending 18 inches from the
center line each way, or shall be of two layers of 90-pound mineral surfaced cap
sheet cemented together with the bottom layer not Jess than 12 inches wide laid
face down and the top layer not Jess than 24 inches wide laid face up.
B. Metal shingles. The roof valley flashing shall be provided of not Jess than
No. 28 galvanized sheet gauge corrosion-resistant metal applied over an under-
Iayment of not less than Type 15 felt. The metal shall extend at least 8 inches from
the center line each way and shall have a splash diverter rib not less than % inch

1982 EDITION 3203

high at the flow line formed as part of the flashing. Sections of flashing shall have
an end lap of not less than 4 inches.
C. Asbestos-cement shingles, slate shingles, and clay and concrete tile.
The roof valley flashing shall be provided of not less than No. 28 galvanized sheet
gauge corrosion-resistant metal applied over an underlayment of not less than
lYpe 15 felt. The metal shall extend at least II inches from the center line each
way and shall have a splash diverter rib not less than I inch high at the flow line
formed as part of the flashing. Sections of flashing shall have an end lap of not less
than 4 inches.
D. Wood shingles and wood shakes. The roof valley flashing shall be pro-
vided of not less than No. 28 galvanized sheet gauge corrosion-resistant metal
applied over an underlayment of not less than lYpe 15 felt. The metal shall extend
at least 8 inches from the center line each way for wood shingles and II inches
from the center line each way for wood shakes. Sections of flashing shall have an
overlap of not less than 4 inches.
(e) Fire-retardant Roof Coverings. A fire-retardant roof covering shall be
any one of the following roofings:
I. Any Class A orB built-up roofing assembly.
2. Any mineral aggregate surfaced built-up roof for application to roofs
having a slope not more than 3 inches to 12 inches applied as specified in
Section 3203 (d) I consisting of not less than the following:
Roof Deck
Solid surface on noncombustible materials or minimum of 1/z-inch
plywood or l-inch nominal boards or other material approved by the
building official.
Base Sheet and Plies
Four layers oflYpe 15 perforated organic fiber felt, or
Three layers oflYpe 15 organic or inorganic fiber felt, and
Surfacing Material
400 pounds per roofing square of gravel, crushed rock, ceramic or
approved similar surfacing material, or
300 pounds per roofing square of crushed slag.
(See U.B.C. Standard No. 32-5 for mineral roofing aggregate weighing
less than 60 pounds per cubic foot.)
3. Any built-up roof for application to roofs having a slope not less than 1/2
inch to 12 inches applied as specified in Section 3203 (d) I, consisting of
not less than the following:
Roof Deck
Solid surface on noncombustible materials or mm1mum of Vz-inch
plywood or l-inch nominal boards or other material approved by the
building official.
Base Sheet and Plies
Two layers of'fYpe 15 organic fiber felt, or
One layer of 14-pound glass fiber felt base sheet, or combination sheet, or


One layer of Type 30 organic fiber felt, or

One layer of Type 45 asbestos fiber felt base sheet, and
Cap Sheets
One layer of 90-pound mineral surfaced organic fiber felt cap sheet
(requires not less than two layers of organic fiber felt), or
Two layers of 55-pound mineral surfaced organic fiber felt split sheet, or
One layer of 80-pound mineral surfaced asbestos fiber felt cap sheet, or
One layer of 72-pound mineral surfaced glass fiber felt cap sheet, or
Two layers of Type 15 asbestos fiber finishing felts.
4. Any Class A orB prepared roofing.
5. Any Class C mineral surfaced asphalt shingles laid so that there are not less
than two thicknesses at any point and the total weight per roofing square is
not less than 235 pounds.
6. Asbestos-cement shingles or sheets.
7. Concrete slab roof.
8. Metal roof covering.
9. Slate shingles.
10. Clay or concrete roof tile.
II. Any roof covering systems of wood shingles or shakes having a Class B
(f) Ordinary Roof Covering. An ordinary roof covering shall be any one of
the following roofings:
EXCEPTION: Group M, Division I roof coverings shall consist of not less than
one layer of 55-pound smooth-surfaced organic cap sheet, or built-up roofing
consisting of two layers of Type 15 organic fiber felt and one layer of surfacing
material as specified in Section 3203 (f) 3.

I. Any roof covering listed in Section 3203 (e).

2. Any built-up roofing assembly not less than Class C roofing.
3. Any mineral aggregate surface built-up roof for application to roofs having
a slope of not more than 3 inches in 12 inches applied as specified in
Section 3203 (d) 2, consisting of not less than the following:
Base Sheet and Plies
Three layers of Type 15 organic or inorganic fiber felt, and
Surfacing Material
300 pounds per roofing square of gravel or other approved surfacing
material, or
250 pounds per roofing square of crushed slag in 50 pounds of asphalt, or
60 pounds of pitch.
4. Any prepared roofing not less than Class C roofing.
5. Wood shingles (treated or untreated).
6. Wood shakes (treated or untreated).
~ (g) Special Purpose Roofs_ I . Wood shakes. Special purpose wood shake
5 roofing shall conform to grading and application requirements of this chapter. In

1982 EDITION 3203-3204

addition, the deck shall be constructed of %-inch plywood with exterior glue or l-
inch nominal T and G boards, overlaid with a layer of approved asbestos felt
lapped 2 inches on the horizontal and vertical joints. An 18-inch-wide strip of the
same asbestos felt shall be shingled in between each course of shakes in such
manner that no felt is exposed to the weather below the shake butts. As an
alternate, an underlayment of Y2-inch Type X gypsum board shall be placed under
the solid or spaced sheathing.
2. Wood shingles. Special purpose wood shingle roofing shall conform to
grading and application requirements of this chapter. In addition, the deck,
whether of spaced boards or solid, shall be overlaid with a layer of approved
asbestos felt lapped 2 inches on the horizontal and vertical joints or an underlay-
ment of Y2-inch Type X gypsum board shall be placed under the solid or spaced
3. Asbestos felt. Approved asbestos felt for special purpose roofing shall
weigh not less than 12 pounds per 100 square feet, be not less than .022 inch in
thickness, nonbituminous saturated, containing a fire- and water-retardant binder,
and be reinforced with glass fibers running lengthwise of the sheet not more than
Y4 inch apart.
(h) Slope of Roof. Roof covering materials shall be installed as set forth in
Table No. 32-B except as follows:
EXCEPTIONS: I. In addition to the application requirements of Table No. 32-
B, built-up roofing on slopes greater than I inch in 12 inches for gravel surface or 2
inches in 12 inches for smooth or cap sheet surface shall be blind nailed through tin
caps into the deck, wood nailers or wood insulation stops at not more than 18 inches
on center to secure all underlying plies.
Built-up roofing on slopes exceeding 3 inches in 12 inches shall be installed with
plies laid parallel to the slope of the deck, and the surfacing material shall be other
than gravel or slag.
2. Asphalt shingles laid with double coverage may be installed on slopes as low as
2 inches in 12 inches, provided the shingles are approved self-sealing or are hand-
sealed and are installed with an underlayment consisting of two layers of Type 15 felt
applied shingle fashion.
3. Asbestos cement shingles may be installed on slopes as low as 3 inches in 12
inches where the underlayment consists of two layers of Type 15 asbestos felt
applied shingle fashion.
4. Wood shakes may be installed on a slope not less than 3 inches in 12 inches
when installed over an underlayment of not less than Type 15 felt and when approved
by the building official.
5. Interlocking roof tiles may be installed on slopes below 3 inches in 12 inches
where underlayment consists of two layers of Type 15 felt or heavier applied shingle
fashion and solid-mopped together with approved cementing material between the
Roof Insulation
Sec. 3204. The use of combustible roof insulation shall be permitted, provided
it is covered with approved roof covering applied directly thereto. For foam
plastic, see Section 1712.
Insulation shall be of a rigid type suitable for application of a roof covering.


Where fire-retardant roof coverings are required, insulations shall be a type

approved for the type of deck and the built-up roofing applied.
Where built-up roofing is to be applied, vapor barriers shall be installed
between the deck and the insulation where the average January temperature is
below 45F. or where excessive moisture conditions are anticipated within the
Attics: Access, Draft Stops and Ventilation
Sec. 3205. (a) Access. An attic access opening shall be provided in the ceiling
of the top floor of buildings with combustible ceiling or roof construction. The
opening shall be located in a corridor or hallway of buildings of three or more
stories in height and readily accessible in buildings of any height.
The opening shall be not less than 22 inches by 30 inches.
Thirty-inch minimum clear head room shall be provided above the access
Attics with a maximum vertical clear height of less than 30 inches need not be
provided with access openings.

I (b) Draft Stops. Attics, mansards, overhangs and other concealed roof spaces
formed of combustible construction shall be draft stopped as specified in Section
2516 (f).
(c) Ventilation. Where determined necessary by the building official due to
atmospheric or climatic conditions, enclosed attics and enclosed rafter spaces
formed where ceilings are applied direct to the underside of roof rafters shall have
cross ventilation for each separate space by ventilating openings protected against
the entrance of rain and snow. The net free ventilating area shall be not less than
Y15o of the area of the space ventilated, except that the area may be YJoo, provided
at least 50 percent of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators
located in the upper portion of the space to be ventilated at least 3 feet above eave
or cornice vents with the balance of the required ventilation provided by eave or

I cornice vents. The openings shall be covered with corrosion-resistant metal mesh
with mesh openings of 1/4 inch in dimension .

Smoke and Heat Venting

Sec. 3206. (a) When Required. Smoke and heat vents shall be installed in
accordance with the provisions of this section as follows:
I . In single-story Group 8, Divisions 2 and 4 Occupancies having over
50,000 square feet in undivided area.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Office buildings and retail sales areas.
2. Group B, Division 4 Occupancies used for bulk frozen food storage when the
building is protected by a complete automatic sprinkler system.
2. In Group H Occupancies over 15,000 square feet in single floor area.
For requirements on smoke and heat venting in buildings with high-piled
combustible stock, see the Fire Code.
(b) Mixed Occupancies. Venting facilities shall be installed in buildings of
mixed occupancy on the basis of the individual occupancy involved.

1982 EDITION 3206-3207

(c) Types of Vents. Vents shall be fixed in the open position or shall open
automatically in the event of fire and may consist of skylights, exterior wall
windows or other openings leading directly to the exterior of the building. Vents
shall be at or near the highest elevation of the ceiling and in no case lower than the
upper one third of the smoke curtain. Where plain glass is used, provision shall be
made to protect the occupants from glass breakage. In no case shall vents be
located closer than 20 feet to an adjoining property line.
(d) Releasing Devices. Releasing devices for automatically opening vents
shall be activated by temperature. The temperature-releasing device shall be
operated normally at a maximum temperature of 165F.; special circumstances
warranting higher releasing temperatures may be approved by the building offi-
cial. Noncorrodible materials shall be used for hinges, latches and related details
to prevent sticking and consequent failure to open.
(e) Size and Spacing of Vents. I. Effective venting area. The effective
venting area is the minimum cross-sectional area through which the hot gases
must pass en route to atmosphere. The effective venting area shall be not less than
16 square feet with no dimension less than 2 feet.
2. Spacing. The maximum center-to-center spacing between vents within the
building shall be:
A. In Group 8 Occupancies: 120 feet.
B. In Group H Occupancies: 100 feet.
3. Venting ratios. The following ratios of effective area of vent openings to
floor areas shall be:
A. In Group 8 Occupancies: 1: I 00.
8. In Group H Occupancies: 1:50.
(f) Curtain Boards. I. General. Curtain boards shall be provided to subdivide
a vented building in accordance with the provisions of this subsection.
2. Construction. Curtain boards shall be sheet metal, asbestos board, lath and
plaster, gypsum wallboard or other approved materials which provide equivalent
3. Location and depth. Curtain boards shall extend down from the ceiling for
a minimum depth of 6 feet but need not extend closer than 8 feet to the floor. In
Group H Occupancies, the minimum depth shall be 12 feet except that it need not
be closer than 8 feet to the floor, provided the curtain is not less than 6 feet in
4. Spacing. The distance between curtain boards shall not exceed 250 feet and
the curtained area shall be limited to 50,000 square feet. In Group H Occupan-
cies, the distance between curtain boards shall not exceed 100 feet and the
curtained area shall be limited to 15,000 square feet.

Roof Drainage
Sec. 3207. (a) General. Roof systems not designed to support accumulated
water shall be sloped for drainage. See Section 2305 (f).
(b) Roof Drains. Unless roofs are sloped to drain over roof edges or are


designed to support accumulated water, roof drains shall be installed at each low
point of the roof.
Roof drains shall be adequate in size to convey the water tributary to the roof
(c) Overflow Drains and Scuppers. Where roof drains are required, over-
flow drains having the same size as the roof drains shall be installed with the inlet
flow line located 2 inches above the low point of the roof, or overflow scuppers
havmg three times the size of the roof drains may be installed in adjacent parapet
walls with the inlet flow line located 2 inches above the low point of the adjacent
roof and having a minimum opening height of 4 inches.
Overflow drains shall be connected to drain lines independent from the roof
(d) Concealed Piping. Roof drains and overflow drains, when concealed
within the construction of the building, shall be installed in accordance with the
Plumbing Code.
(e) Over Public Property. Roof drainage water from a building shall not be
permitted to flow over public property.
EXCEPTION: Groups R, Division 3, and M Occupancies.
Sec. 3208. At the juncture of the roof and vertical surfaces, flashing and
counterflashing shall be provided as required in Section 1707 (b).
For roof valley flashing see Section 3203 (d).


3" TO LESS THAN 4" IN 12"

No. I 16-inch 3%" 5"

No. 2 1 16-inch 3V2" 4"
No. 3 1 16-inch 3" 3'12''
No. I 18-inch 4V4' 5'12''
No. 21 18-inch 4" 4'12''
No. 3 1 18-inch 3'12'' 4"
No. I 24-inch 5%" 7'12''
No. 21 24-inch 5'12'' 6'12''
No. 31 24-inch 5" 5'12''
18-inch 7'12''3 7'12''
24-inch 10"3 10"

ITo be used only when specifically permitted by the building official.

2Exposure of the 24-inch by 31<-inch resawn handsplit tapered shake type shall not exceed
7 V2 inches on roof slopes less than 8 inches in 12 inches to a minimum of 4 inches in 12
JSee Exception 4 of Section 3203 (h) for restrictions.

BUILT-UP ROOFING (SeeSecllon3203(d}2)



Non-nailable deck cement per 3203 (d) 2 or nailable deck nail with at
I. Base Sheet 0:12 I: 12 least one approved fastener for each I Y, square foot, Section 3203 (c)
2. Felts 0:12 I: 12 3 Cement each sheet with 20 lbs. per sq. asphalt or 30 lbs. per sq.
pitch, Section 3203 (d) 2
3. Glass Fiber Felts 0:12 I: 12 Cement each sheet with 25 lbs. per sq. asphalt, Section 3202 (d) 2
3 Cement with 20 lbs. per sq. asphalt, Section 3203 (d) 2
4. Cap Sheets /::12
2 Embed in 60 lbs. per sq. of asphalt or 70 lbs. per sq. of pitch 2
5. Gravel-4001bs.pcr,q. 0:12 3:12
6. Slag-300 lbs. per sq. 0:12 3:12 Embed in 60 lbs. per sq. of asphalt or 70 lbs. per sq. of pitch 2


SHINGLES-SHAKES-TILE (See Section 3203 (d) 3 A for Ice Conditions(

MINIMUM Minimum Minimum

7. Asphalt Shingles 4:12 3 One Type 15 felt applied 4 per 36 inch strip .j
12 X
per Section 3203 (d) 3 A 2 per 18 inch '>hingle
8. A'>bestos-Cement Shingles 5:12 1 One Type 15 asbestos felt 4 per shingle-' NP 11
applied per Section 3203 (d) 3 A
9. Metal Shingles 3:12 One Type 30 felt applied .j .j
.j .j

per Section 3203 (d) 3 A

10. Slate Shingles 4:12 2 per shingle or wire tie
II. '\:oninterlocking Tile-Flat Two Type 15 or One Type 2 per tile or wire tie 7 4

'"Curved 30 felt applied per Section NP 11

3203 (d) 3 A
12. Interlocking Tile-Flat or 2 per tile or wire tie 5 ,7;6
1:1 \\"ood Shingles 4:12'
2 per shingle .j
Section 3203 (d) 3 G
14. Wood Shakes 4:12 1 One Type 30 felt interlay- 2 per shake .j 13 ;
ment Section 3203 (d) 3H "~
NP-Not Permitted NR-No Requirements "11
1See text of Chapter 32 for specific details and for construction. definitions. materiab. re-roofing. drainage and roof insulation. :II
2See Section 3203 (f) 3 for ordinary roof covering. :!:
3 See Section 3203 (h) for exceptions. Ill
4 Approval of the building official required. r=
son slopes 7:12 and less. tiles with installed weight exceeding 7.5 pounds per square foot having a width no greater than 16 inches may have one lf 0z
fastener. Similar tiles with anchor lugs engaged over horizontal battem may have one fastener on slopes exceeding 7:12. C>
"See Table No. 32-A for exposures on lesser slopes. 0
7Qn slopes 7: 12 and less. tiles with an installed weight exceeding 7.5 pounds per square foot having a" idth no greater than 16 inches may have one 0
fastener. m
1982 EDITION 3301

Chapter 33
NOTE: This chapter has been revised In Its entirety.

Sec. 3301. (a) General. Every building or portion thereof shall be provided
with exits as required by this chapter.
(b) Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, certain terms are defined as
BALCONY, EXTERIOR EXIT, is a landing or porch projecting from the
wall of a building, and which serves as a required exit. The long side shall be at
least 50 percent open, and the open area above the guardrail shall be so distributed
as to prevent the accumulation of smoke or toxic gases.
CONTINENTAL SEATING is the configuration of fixed seating where the
number of seats per row exceeds 14 and required exits from the seating area are
side exits.
EXIT is a continuous and unobstructed means of egress to a public way and
shall include intervening aisles, doors, doorways, corridors, exterior exit bal-
conies, ramps, stairways, smokeproof enclosures, horizontal exits, exit passage-
ways, exit courts and yards.
EXIT COURT is a yard or court providing access to a public way for one or
more required exits.
EXIT PASSAGEWAY is an enclosed exit connecting a required exit or exit
court with a public way.
HORIZONTAL EXIT is an exit from one building into another building on
approximately the same level, or through or around a wall constructed as required
for a two-hour occupancy separation and which completely divides a floor into
two or more separate areas so as to establish an area of refuge affording safety
from fire or smoke coming from the area from which escape is made.
PANIC HARDWARE is a door-latching assembly incorporating an unlatch-
ing device, the activating portion of which extends across at least one half the
width of the door leaf on which it is installed.
PRIVATE STAIRWAY is a stairway serving one tenant only.
PUBLIC WAY is any street, alley or similar parcel of land essentially unob-
structed from the ground to the sky which is deeded, dedicated or otherwise
permanently appropriated to the public for public use and having a clear width of
not less than 10 feet.
SPIRAL STAIRWAY is a stairway having a closed circular form in its plan
view with uniform section shaped treads attached to and radiating about a
minimum diameter supporting column. The effective tread is delineated by the
nosing radius line, the exterior arc (center line of railing) and the overlap radius
line (nosing radius line of tread above). Effective tread dimensions are taken
along a line perpendicular to the center line of the tread.


(c) Exit Obstruction. Obstructions shall not be placed in the required width of
an exit except projections permitted by this chapter.
(d) Changes in Elevation. Within a building, changes in elevation of less than
12 inches along any exit serving an occupant load of I 0 or more shall be by ramps.
EXCEPTION: Group R, Division 3 Occupancies and along aisles adjoining
seating areas.
(e) Building Accessibility. Portions of buildings shall be accessible to the
physically handicapped as required by Table No. 33-A, and at least one primary
entrance to a building which is required to be accessible shall be usable by the
physically handicapped and be on a level that would provide accessibility to the
elevators where provided.
Occupant load
Sec. 3302. (a) Determination of Occupant Load. In determining the occu-
pant load, all portions of a building shall be presumed to be occupied at the same
EXCEPTION: Accessory use areas which ordinarily are used only by persons
who occupy the main areas of an occupancy shall be provided with exits as though
they are completely occupied, but their occupant load need not be included in
computing the total occupant load of the building.
The occupant load for a building shall be determined in accordance with the
I. General. For areas without fixed seats, the occupant load shall be not less
than the number determined by dividing the floor area assigned to that use by the
occupant load factor set forth in Table No. 33-A. Where an intended use is not
listed in Table No. 33-A the building official shall establish an occupant load
factor based on a listed use which most nearly resembles the intended use.
For a building or portion thereof which has more than one use, the occupant
load shall be determined by the use which gives the largest number of persons.
The occupant load for buildings or areas containing two or more occupancies
shall be determined by adding the occupant loads of the various use areas as
computed in accordance with the applicable provisions of this section.
2. Fixed seating. For areas having fixed seat and aisles, the occupant load shall
be determined by the number of fixed seats installed therein. The required width
of aisles serving fixed seats shall not be used for any other purpose.
For areas having fixed benches or pews, the occupant load shall be not less than
the number of seats based on one person for each 18 inches of length of pew or
Where booths are used in dining areas, the occupant load shall be based on one
person for each 24 inches of booth length or major portion thereof.
3. Reviewing stands, grandstands and bleachers. The occupant load for
reviewing stands, grandstands and bleachers shall be calculated in accordance
with this section and the specific requirements contained in Sections 3323 and
(b) Maximum Occupant Load. The maximum occupant load for other than an

1982 EDITION 3302-3303

assembly use shall not exceed the capacity of exits as determined in accordance
with this chapter.
The maximum occupant load for an assembly use shall not exceed the occupant
load as determined in accordance with Section 3302 (a).
EXCEPTION: The occupant load for an assembly building or portion thereof
may be increased, when approved by the building official, if all the requirements of
this code are met for such increased number of persons. The building official may
require an approved aisle, seating or fixed equipment diagram to substantiate such
an increase, and may require that such diagram be posted.
(c) Posting of Room Capacity. Any room having an occupant load of 50 or
more where fixed seats are not installed, and which is used for classroom,
assembly or similar purpose, shall have the capacity of the room posted in a
conspicuous place on an approved sign near the main exit from the room. Such
signs shall be maintained legible by the owner or his authorized agent and shall
indicate the number of occupants permitted for each room use.
(d) Revised Occupant Load. After a building is occupied, any change in use
or increase in occupant load shall comply with this chapter. See Section 502.

Exits Required
Sec. 3303. (a) Number of Exits. Every building or usable portion thereof shall
have at least one exit, not less than two exits where required by Table No. 33-A
and additional exits as required by this subsection.
For purposes of this section, basements and occupied roofs shall be provided
with exits as required for stories.
Floors complying with the provisions for mezzanines as specified in Section
1716 shall be provided with exits as specified therein.
The second story shall be provided with not less than two exits when the
occupant load is 10 or more.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Except as provided in Table No. 33-A, only one exit need be
provided from the second story within an individual dwelling unit. Refer to Section
1204 for emergency escape or rescue requirements from sleeping rooms.
2. Two or more dwelling units on the second story may have access to only one
common exit when the total occupant load does not exceed I 0.
Occupants on floors above the second story and in basements shall have access
to not less than two separate exits from the floor or basement.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Floors and basements used exclusively for service of the
building may have one exit. For the purposes of this exception, storage rooms,
laundry rooms, maintenance offices and similar uses shall not be considered as
providing service to the building.
2. Basements within an individual dwelling unit having an occupant load of less
than 10 may have one exit.
3. Storage rooms, laundry rooms and maintenance offices not exceeding 300
square feet in floor area may be provided with only one exit.
For special requirements see the following sections: Group A, Sections 3317
and 3318; GroupE, Section 3319; Group H, Section 3320; Group I, Section
3321; Boiler, Furnace and Incinerator Rooms and Cellulose Nitrate Handling


Rooms, Section 3322; Reviewing Stands, Grandstands and Bleachers, Sections

3323 and 3324; and Open Parking Garages, Section 709 (g). For stage exits, see
Section 3907.
Every story or portion thereof having an occupant load of 501 to 1000 shall
have not less than three exits.
Every story or portion thereof having an occupant load of 1001 or more shall
have not less than four exits.
The number of exits required from any story of a building shall be determined
by using the occupant load of that story plus the percentages of the occupant loads
of floors which exit through the level under consideration as follows:
I. Fifty percent of the occupant load in the first adjacent story above and the
first adjacent story below, when a story below exits through the level under
2. Twenty-five percent of the occupant load in the story immediately beyond
the first adjacent story.
The maximum number of exits required for any story shall be maintained until
egress is provided from the structure. (See Section 3311.)
(b) Width. The total width of exits in feet shall be not less than the total
occupant load served divided by 50. Such width of exits shall be divided approx-
imately equally among the separate exits. The total exit width required from any
story of a building shall be determined by using the occupant load of that story
plus the percentages of the occupant loads of floors which exit through the level
under consideration as follows:
I . Fifty percent of the occupant load in the first adjacent story above and the
first adjacent story below, when a story below exits through the level under
2. Twenty-five percent of the occupant load in the story immediately beyond
the first adjacent story.
The maximum exit width required from any story of a building shall be
(c) Arrangement of Exits. If only two exits are required, they shall be placed a
distance apart equal to not less than one half of the length of the maximum overall
diagonal dimension of the building or area to be served measured in a straight line
between exits.
EXCEPTION: When exit enclosures are provided as a portion of the required
exit and are interconnected by a corridor conforming to the requirements of Section
3305 (g), exit separations may be measured along a direct line of travel within the
exit corridor. Enclosure walls shall be not less than 30 feet apart at any point in a
direct line of measurement.
When three or more exits are required, they shall be arranged a reasonable
distance apart so that if one becomes blocked the others will be available.
(d) Distance to Exits. The maximum distance of travel from any point to an
exterior exit door, horizontal exit, exit passageway or an enclosed stairway in a
building not equipped with an automatic sprinkler system throughout shall not
exceed 150 feet, or 200 feet in a building equipped with an automatic sprinkler

1982 EDITION 3303-3304

system throughout. These distances may be increased 100 feet when the last 150
feet is within a corridor, complying with Section 3305. See Section 3319 for
GroupE Occupancy and Section 3320 for Group H Occupancy travel distances.
In a one-story Group B, Division 4 Occupancy classified as a factory or
warehouse and in one-story airplane hangars, the exit travel distance may be
increased to 400 feet if the building is equipped with an automatic sprinkler
system throughout and provided with smoke and heat ventilation as specified in
Section 3206.
In an open parking garage, as defined in Section 709, the exit travel distance
may be increased to 250 feet.
(e) Exits Through Adjoining Rooms. Rooms may have one exit through an
adjoining or intervening room which provides a direct, obvious and unobstructed
means of travel to an exit corridor, exit enclosure or until egress is provided from
the building, provided the total distance of travel does not exceed that permitted
by other provisions of this code. In other than dwelling units, exits shall not pass
through kitchens, store rooms, rest rooms, closets or spaces used for similar
EXCEPTIONS: I. Rooms within dwelling units may exit through more than one
intervening room.
2. Rooms with a cumulative occupant load of 10 or less may exit through more
than one intervening room.
Foyers, lobbies and reception rooms constructed as required for corridors shall
not be construed as intervening rooms.

Sec. 3304. (a) General. This section shall apply to every exit door serving an
area having an occupant load of 10 or more, or serving hazardous rooms or areas,
except that Subsections (c), (h) and (i) shall apply to all exit doors regardless of
occupant load. Buildings or structures used for human occupancy shall have at
least one exterior exit door that meets the requirements of Subsection (e).
(b) Swing. Exit doors shall swing in the direction of exit travel when serving
any hazardous area or when serving an area having an occupant load of 50 or
Double-acting doors shall not be used as exits when any of the following
conditions exist:
I. The occupant load served by the door is I 00 or more.
2. The door is part of a fire assembly.
3. The door is part of a smoke- and draft-control assembly.
4. Panic hardware is required or provided on the door.
A double-acting door shall be provided with a view panel of not less than 200
square inches.
(c) Type of Lock or Latch. Exit doors shall be openable from the inside
without the use of a key or any special knowledge or effort.
EXCEPTIONS: I. This requirement shall not apply to exterior exit doors in a
Group B Occupancy if there is a readily visible, durable sign on or adjacent to the



HOURS. The sign shall be in letters not less than I inch high on a contrasting
background. The locking device must be a type that will be readily distinguishable
as locked. The use of this exception may be revoked by the building official for due
2. Exit doors from individual dwelling units and guest rooms of Group R
Occupancies having an occupant load of 10 or less may be provided with a night
latch, dead bolt or security chain, provided such devices are openable from the
inside without the use of a key or tool and mounted at a height not to exceed 48 inches
above the finished floor.
Manually operated edge- or surface-mounted flush bolts and surface bolts are
prohibited. When exit doors are used in pairs and approved automatic flush bolts
are used, the door leaf having the automatic flush bolts shall have no door knob or
surface-mounted hardware. The unlatching of any leaf shall not require more than
one operation.
EXCEPTION: Group R, Division 3 Occupancies.
(d) Panic Hardware. Panic hardware, when installed, shall comply with the
requirements of U.B.C. Standard No. 33-4. The activating member shall be
mounted at a height of not less than 30 inches nor more than 44 inches above the
floor. The unlatching force shall not exceed 15 pounds when applied in the
direction of exit travel.
(e) Width and Height. Every required exit doorway shall be of a size as to
permit the installation of a door not less than 3 feet in width and not less than 6 feet
8 inches in height. When installed, exit doors shall be capable of opening so that
the clear width of the exit is not less than 32 inches. In computing the exit width
required by Section 3303 (b), the net dimension of the exitway shall be used.
(f) Door Leaf Width. A single leaf of an exit door shall not exceed 4 feet in
(g) Special Doors. Revolving, sliding and overhead doors shall not be used as
required exits.
Power-operated doors complying with U .B.C. Standard No. 33-1 may be used
for exit purposes. Such doors when swinging shall have two guide rails installed
on the swing side projecting out from the face of the door jambs for a distance not
less than the widest door leaf. Guide rails shall be not less than 30 inches in height
with solid or mesh panels to prevent penetration into door swing and shall be
capable of resisting a horizontal load at top of rail of not less than 50 pounds per
lineal foot.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Walls or other type separators may be used in lieu of the
above guide rail, provided all the criteria are met.
2. Guide rails in industrial or commercial occupancies not accessible to the public
may conform with Exception 4 to the provision of Section 1711.
3. Doors swinging toward flow of traffic shall not be permitted for use by
untrained pedestrian traffic unless actuating devices start to function at least 8 feet
II inches beyond door in open position and guide rails extend 6 feet 5 inches beyond
door in open position.
Clearances for guide rails shall be as follows:

1982 EDITION 3304-3305

I. Six inches maximum between rails and leading edge of door at the closest
point in its arc of travel.
2. Six inches maximum between rails and the door in open position.
3. Two inches minimum between rail at hinge side and door in open position.
4. Two inches maximum between freestanding rails and jamb or other adjacent
(h) Floor Level at Doors. Regardless of the occupant load, there shall be a
floor or landing on each side of a door. The floor or landing shall be not more than
/2 inch lower than the threshold of the doorway. When doors open over landings,
the landing shall have a length of not less than 5 feet.
EXCEPTIONS: I. When the door opens into a stair of a smokeproof enclosure,
the landing need not have a length of 5 feet.
2. In Group R, Division 3 Occupancies and within individual units of Group R,
Division I Occupancies, a door may open on the top step of a flight of stairs or on an
exterior landing, provided the door does not swing over the top step or exterior
landing and the landing is not more than 7 '12 inches below the floor level.
3. In Group R, Division 3 Occupancies, screen doors and storm doors may swing
over stairs, steps or landings.
4. In Group R, Division 3 Occupancies and private garages and sheds when a door
opens over a landing, the landing shall have a length equal to the width of the door.
(i) Door Identification. Glass doors shall conform to the requirements spec-
ified in Section 5406.
Exit doors shall be so marked that they are readily distinguishable from the
adjacent construction.
(j) Additional Doors. When additional doors are provided for egress purposes,
they shall conform to all provisions of this chapter.
EXCEPTION: Approved revolving doors having leaves which will collapse
under opposing pressures may be used in exit situations, provided:
I. Such doors have a minimum width of 6 feet 6 inches.
2. At least one conforming exit door is located adjacent to each revolving door.
3. The revolving door shall not be considered to provide any exit width.

Corridors and Exterior Exit Balconies

Sec. 3305. (a) General. This section shall apply to every corridor serving as a
required exit for an occupant load of lO or more except as provided in Subsection
(b) for Group R, Divisions I and 3 Occupancies. For the purposes of the section,
the term "corridor" shall include "exterior exit balconies" and any covered or
enclosed exit passageway, including walkways, tunnels and malls. Partitions,
rails, counters and similar space dividers not over 5 feet 9 inches in height above
the floor shall not be construed to form corridors.
Exit corridors shall not be interrupted by intervening rooms.
EXCEPTION: Foyers, lobbies or reception rooms constructed as required for
corridors shall not be construed as intervening rooms.
(b) Width. Every corridor serving an occupant load of I 0 or more shall be not
less than 44 inches in width. Regardless of the occupant load, corridors in Group
R, Division 3 Occupancies and within dwelling units in Group R, Division I


Occupancies shall have a minimum width of 36 inches. For special requirements

for Groups E and I Occupancies, see Sections 3319 and 332 I.
(c) Height. Corridors and exterior exit balconies shall have a clear height of not
less than 7 feet measured to the lowest projection from the ceiling.
(d) Projections. The required width of corridors shall be unobstructed.
EXCEPTION: Handrails and doors, when fully opened, shall not reduce the
required width by more than 7 inches. Doors in any position shall not reduce the
required width by more than one half. Other nonstructural projections such as trim
and similar decorative features may project into the required width I v, inches on
each side.
(e) Access to Exits. When more than one exit is required, they shall be so
arranged that it is possible to go in either direction from any point in a corridor to a
separate exit, except for dead ends not exceeding 20 feet in length.
(f) Changes in Elevation. When a corridor or exterior exit balcony is accessi-
ble to the handicapped, changes in elevation of the floor shall be made by means
of a ramp, except as provided for doors by Section 3304 (h).
(g) Construction. Walls of corridors serving a Group R, Division 1 or Group I
Occupancy having an occupant load of 10 or more and walls of corridors serving
other occupancies having an occupant load of 30 or more shall be of not Jess than
one-hour fire-resistive construction and the ceilings shall be not less than that
required for a one-hour fire-resistive floor or roof system.
EXCEPTIONS: I. One-story buildings housing Group B, Division 4
2. Corridors more than 30 feet in width where occupancies served by such
corridors have at least one exit independent from the corridor. (See Appendix
Chapter 7, Part I, for covered malls.)
3. Exterior sides of exterior exit balconies.
4. In Group I, Division 3 Occupancies such as jails, prisons, reformatories and
similar buildings with open-barred cells forming corridor walls, the corridors and
cell doors need not be fire resistive.
When the ceiling of the entire story is an element of a one-hour fire-resistive
floor or roof system, the corridor walls may terminate at the ceiling. When the
room-side fire-resistive membrane of the corridor wall is carried through to the
underside of a fire-resistive floor or roof above, the corridor side of the ceiling
may be protected by the use of ceiling materials as required for one-hour floor or
roof system construction or the corridor ceiling may be of the same construction
as the corridor walls.
Ceilings of noncombustible construction may be suspended below the fire-
resistive ceiling.
For wall and ceiling finish requirements, see Table No. 42-B.
(h) Openings. I. Doors. When corridor walls are required to be of one-hour
fire-resistive construction by Subsection (g) above, every door opening shall be
protected by a tight-fitting smoke- and draft-control assembly having a fire-
protection rating of not Jess than 20 minutes when tested in accordance with
U.B.C. Standard No. 43-2 without the hose stream test. The door and frame shall

1982 EDITION 3305-3306

bear an approved label or other identification showing the rating thereof, the name
of the manufacturer and the identification of the service conducting the inspection
of materials and workmanship at the factory during fabrication and assembly.
Doors shall be maintained self-closing or shall be automatic closing by actuation
of a smoke detector in accordance with Section 4306 (b). Smoke- and draft-
control door assemblies shall be provided with a gasket so installed as to provide a
seal where the door meets the stop on both sides and across the top.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Viewports may be installed if they require a hole not larger
than I inch in diameter through the door, have at least a Y-inch-thick glass disc and
the holder is of metal which will not melt out when subject to temperatures of
2. Protection of openings in the interior walls of exterior exit balconies is not
2. Openings other than doors. Interior openings for other than doors or ducts
shall be protected by fixed, approved V-inch-thick wired glass installed in steel
frames. The total area of all openings, other than doors, in any portion of an
interior corridor shall not exceed 25 percent of the area of the corridor wall of the
room which it is separating from the corridor. For duct openings, see Section
EXCEPTION: Protection of openings in the interior walls of exterior exit
balconies is not required.
(i) Location on Property. Exterior exit balconies shall not be located in an area
where openings are required to be protected due to location on the property.

Sec. 3306. (a) General. Every stairway having two or more risers serving any
building or portion thereof shall conform to the requirements of this section.
EXCEPTION: Stairs or ladders used only to attend equipment are exempt from
the requirements of this section.
(b) Width. Stairways serving an occupant load of 50 or more shall be not less
than 44 inches in width. Stairways serving an occupant load of 49 or less shall be
not less than 36 inches in width. Private stairways serving an occupant load ofless
than 10 shall be not less than 30 inches in width.
Handrails may project into the required width a distance of 3Y2 inches from
each side of a stairway. Other nonstructural projections such as trim and similar
decorative features may project into the required width lY2 inches on each side.
(c) Rise and Run. The rise of every step in a stairway shall be not less than 4
inches nor greater than ?Y2 inches. Except as permited in Subsections (d) and (f),
the run shall be not less than 10 inches as measured horizontally between the
vertical planes of the furthermost projection of adjacent treads. Except as permit-
ted in Subsections (d), (e) and (f), the largest tread run within any flight of stairs
shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3fs inch. The greatest riser height within
any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3fs inch.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Private stairways serving an occupant load of less than 10
and stairways to unoccupied roofs may be constructed with an 8-inch maximum rise
and 9-inch minimum run.


2. Where the bottom riser adjoins a sloping public way, walk or driveway having
an established grade and serving as a landing, a variation in height of the bottom riser
of not more than 3 inches in every 3 feet of stairway width is permitted.
(d) Winding Stairways. In Group R, Division 3 Occupancies and in private
stairways in Group R, Division 1 Occupancies, winders may be used if the
required width of run is provided at a point not more than 12 inches from the side
of the stairway where the treads are the narrower, but in no case shall any width of
run be less than 6 inches at any point.
(e) Circular Stairways. Circular stairways may be used as an exit, provided
the minimum width of run is not less than 10 inches and the smaller radius is not
less than twice the width of the stairway. The largest tread width or riser height
within any flight of stairs shall not exceed the smallest by more than 3fs inch.
(f) Spiral Stairways. In Group R, Division 3 Occupancies and in private
stairways within individual units of Group R, Division 1 Occupancies, spiral
stairways may be installed. Such stairways may be used for required exits when
the area served is limited to 400 square feet.
The tread must provide a clear walking area measuring at least 26 inches from
the outer edge of the supporting column to the inner edge of the handrail. A run of
at least ?Y2 inches is to be provided at a point 12 inches from where the tread is the
narrowest. The rise must be sufficient to provide 6-foot 6-inch headroom. The
rise shall not exceed 9Y2 inches.
(g) Landings. Every landing shall have a dimension measured in the direction
of travel equal to the width of the stairway. Such dimension need not exceed 4 feet
when the stair has a straight run. A door swinging over a landing shall not reduce
the width of the landing to less than one half its required width at any position in
its swing nor by more than 7 inches when fully open. See Section 3304 (h).
EXCEPTION: Stairs serving an unoccupied roof are exempt from these
(h) Basement Stairways. When a basement stairway and a stairway to an upper
story terminate in the same exit enclosure, an approved barrier shall be provided
to prevent persons from continuing on into the basement. Directional exit signs
shall be provided as specified in Section 3314.
(i) Distance Between Landings. There shall be not more than 12 feet vertically
between landings.
(j) Handrails. Stairways shall have handrails on each side, and every stairway
required to be more than 88 inches in width shall be provided with not less than
one intermediate handrail for each 88 inches of required width. Intermediate
handrails shall be spaced approximately equally across with the entire width of the
EXCEPTIONS: I. Stairways 44 inches or less in width and stairways serving
one individual dwelling unit in Group R, Division I or 3 Occupancies may have one
handrail, except that such stairways open on one or both sides shall have handrails
provided on the open side or sides.
2. Private stairways 30 inches or less in height may have handrails on one side
3. Stairways having less than four risers and serving one individual dwelling unit

1982 EDITION 3306

in Group R. Division or 3. or serving Group M Occupancies need not have

Handrails shall be placed not less than 30 inches nor more than 34 inches above
the nosing of treads. They shall be continuous the full length of the stairs and
except for private stairways at least one handrail shall extend not less than 6 inches
beyond the top and bottom risers. Ends shall be returned or shall terminate in
newel posts or safety terminals.
The handgrip portion of handrails shall be not less than 11/4 inches nor more
than 2 inches in cross-sectional dimension or the shape shall provide an equivalent
gripping surface. The handgrip portion of handrails shall have a smooth surface
with no sharp corners.
Handrails projecting from a wall shall have a space of not less than l 1/2 inches
between the wall and the handrail.
(k) Guardrails. See Section 1711.
(I) Exterior Stairway Protection. All openings in the exterior wall below or
within 10 feet, measured horizontally. of an exterior exit stairway serving a
building over two stories in height shall be protected by a self-closing fire
assembly having a three-fourths-hour fire-protection rating.
EXCEPTION: Openings may be unprotected when two separated exterior stair-
ways serve an exterior exit balcony.
(m) Interior Stairway Construction. Interior stairways shall be constructed
as specified in Part IV of this code.
Except when enclosed usable space under stairs is prohibited by Section 3309
(f), the walls and soffits of the enclosed space shall be protected on the enclosed
side as required for one-hour fire-resistive construction.
All required interior stairways which extend to the top floor in any building four
or more stories in height shall have. at the highest point of the stair shaft, an
approved hatch openable to the exterior not less than 16 square feet in area with a
minimum dimension of 2 feet.
EXCEPTION: The hatch need not be provided on smokeproof enclosures or on
stairways that extend to the roof with an opening onto that roof.
(n) Exterior Stairway Construction. Exterior stairways shall be of noncom-
bustible material except that on Types III and IV buildings not exceeding two
stories in height, and on Type V buildings, they may be of wood not less than 2
inches in nominal thickness.
Exterior stairways shall not project into yards where protection of openings is
Enclosed usable space under stairs shall have the walls and soffits protected on
the enclosed side as required for one-hour fire-resistive construction.
(o) Stairway to Roof. In every building four or more stories in height, one
stairway shall extend to the roof surface, unless the roof has a slope greater than 4
in 12. See Subsection 3306 (m) for roof hatch requirements.
(p) Headroom. Every stairway shall have a headroom clearance of not less than
6 feet 6 inches. Such clearances shall be measured vertically from a plane parallel
and tangent to the stairway tread nosings to the soffit above at all points.


(q) Stairway Numbering System. An approved sign shall be located at each

floor level landing in all enclosed stairways of buildings four or more stories in
height. The sign shall indicate the floor level, the terminus of the top and bottom
of the stairway and the identification of the stairway. The sign shall be located
approximately 5 feet above the floor landing in a position which is readily visible
when the door is in the open or closed position. Signs shall comply with
requirementsofU.B.C. Standard No. 33-2.

Sec. 3307. (a) General. Ramps used as exits shall conform to the provisions of
this section.
(b) Width. The width of ramps shall be as required for stairways.
(c) Slope. The slope oframps required by Table No. 33-A shall be not steeper
than I vertical to 12 horizontal. The slope of other ramps shall not be steeper than
I vertical to 8 horizontal.
When provided with fixed seating, the main floor of the assembly room of a
Group A, Division I, Division 2, 2.1 or 3 Occupancy may have a slope not steeper
than I vertical to 5 horizontal.
(d) Landings. Ramps having slopes steeper than I vertical to 15 horizontal
shall have landings at the top and bottom, and at least one intermediate landing
shall be provided for each 5 feet of rise. Top landings and intermediate landings
shall have a dimension measured in the direction of ramp run of not less than 5
feet. Landings at the bottom of ramps shall have a dimension in the direction of
ramp run of not less than 6 feet.
Doors in any position shall not reduce the minimum dimension of the landing to
less than 42 inches and shall not reduce the required width by more than 3 Y2
inches when fully open.
(e) Handrails. Ramps having slopes steeper than I vertical to 15 horizontal
shall have handrails as required for stairways, except that intermediate handrails
shall not be required. Ramped aisles need not have handrails on sides serving
fixed seating.
(f) Construction. Ramps shall be constructed as required for stairways.
(g) Surface. The surface of ramps shall be roughened or shall be of slip-
resistant materials.

Horizontal Exit
Sec. 3308. (a) Used as a Required Exit. A horizontal exit may be considered
as a required exit when conforming to the provisions of this chapter. A horizontal
exit shall not serve as the only exit from a portion of a building, and when two or
more exits are required, not more than one half of the total number of exits or total
exit width may be horizontal exits.
(b) Openings. All openings in the two-hour fire-resistive wall which provides a
horizontal exit shall be protected by a fire assembly having a fire-protection rating
of not less than one and one-half hours. Such fire assembly shall be automatic
closing as provided in Section 4306 (b) upon actuation of a smoke detector.

1982 EDITION 33083310

(c) Discharge Areas. A horizontal exit shall lead into a floor area having
capacity for an occupant load not less than the occupant load served by such exit.
The capacity shall be determined by allowing 3 square feet of net clear floor area
per ambulatory occupant and 30 square feet per nonambulatory occupant.
Stairway, Ramp and Escalator Enclosures
Sec. 3309. (a) General. Every interior stairway, ramp or escalator shall be
enclosed as specified in this section.
EXCEPTIONS: I. In other than Group I Occupancies, an enclosure will not be
required for a stairway, ramp or escalator serving only one adjacent floor and not
connected with corridors or stairways serving other floors. For enclosure of escala-
tors serving Group B Occupancies, see Chapter 17.
2. Stairs in Group R, Division 3 Occupancies and stairs within individual
apartments in Group R, Division I Occupancies need not be enclosed.
3. Stairs in open parking garages, as defined in Section 709, need not be enclosed.
(b) Enclosure Construction. Enclosure walls shall be of not less than two-
hour fire-resistive construction in buildings more than four stories in height or of
Types I and II fire-resistive construction and shall be of not less than one-hour fire-
resistive construction elsewhere.
(c) Openings into Enclosures. There shall be no openings into exit enclosures
except exit doorways and openings in exterior walls. All exit doors in an exit
enclosure shall be protected by a fire assembly having a fire-protection rating of
not less than one hour where one-hour shaft construction is permitted and one and
one-half hours where two-hour shaft construction is required. Doors shall be
maintained self-closing or shall be automatic closing by actuation of a smoke
detector as provided for in Section 4306 (b). The maximum transmitted tempera-
ture end point shall not exceed 450F. above ambient at the end of 30 minutes of
the fire exposure specified in U .B.C. Standard No. 43-2.
(d) Extent of Enclosure. Stairway and ramp enclosures shall include landings
and parts of floors connecting stairway flights and shall also include a corridor on
the ground floor leading from the stairway to the exterior of the building.
Enclosed corridors or passageways are not required from unenclosed stairways.
Every opening into the corridor shall comply with the requirements of Section
3309 (c).
EXCEPTION: In office buildings classed as a Group B, Division 2 Occupancy,
a maximum of 50 percent of the exits may discharge through a street-floor lobby,
provided the required exit width is free and unobstructed and the entire street floor is
protected with an automatic sprinkler system.
(e) Barrier. A stairway in an exit enclosure shall not continue below the grade
level exit unless an approved barrier is provided at the ground-floor level to
prevent persons from accidentally continuing into the basement.
(f) Use of Space Under Stair. There shall be no enclosed usable space under
stairways in an exit enclosure, nor shall the open space under such stairways be
used for any purpose.
Smokeproof Enclosures
Sec. 3310. (a) General. A smokeproof enclosure shall consist of a vestibule


and continuous stairway enclosed from the highest point to the lowest point by
walls of two-hour fire-resistive construction. The supporting frame shall be
protected as set forth in Table No. 17-A.
In buildings with air-conditioning systems or pressure air supply serving more
than one story, an approved smoke detector shall be placed in the return-air duct or
plenum prior to exhausting from the building or being diluted by outside air. Upon
activation, the detector shall cause the return air to exhaust completely from the
building without any recirculation through the building. Such devices may be
installed in each room or space served by a return-air duct.
(b) When Required. In a building having a floor used for human occupancy
which is located more than 75 feet above the lowest level of fire department
vehicle access, all of the required exits shall be smokeproof enclosures.
EXCEPTION: Smokeproof enclosures may be omitted, provided all enclosed
exit stairways are equipped with a barometric dampered relief opening at the top and
the stairway is supplied mechanically with sufficient air to discharge a minimum of
2500 cubic feet per minute through the relief opening while maintaining a minimum
positive pressure of 0.25-inch water column in the shaft relative to atmospheric
pressure with all doors closed. Activation of the mechanical equipment shall be in
accordance with Section 3310 (g) 6.
(c) Outlet. A smokeproof enclosure shall exit into a public way or into an exit
passageway leading to a public way. The exit passageway shall be without other
openings and shall have walls, floors and ceiling of two-hour fire-resistive
(d) Barrier. A stairway in a smokeproof enclosure shall not continue below the
grade level unless an approved barrier is provided at the ground level to prevent
persons from accidentally continuing into the basement.
(e) Access. Access to the stairways shall be by way of a vestibule or open
exterior exit balcony constructed of noncombustible materials.
(f) Smokeproof Enclosure by Natural Ventilation I. Doors. When a vesti-
bule is provided, the door assembly into the vestibule shall have a one and one-
half-hour fire-protection rating, and the door assembly from the vestibule to the
stairs shall be a smoke- and draft-control assembly having not less than a 20-
minute fire-protection rating. Doors shall be maintained self-closing or shall be
automatic closing by actuation of a smoke detector.
When access to the stairway is by means of an open exterior exit balcony, the
door assembly to the stairway shall have a one and one-half-hour fire-protection
rating and shall be maintained self-closing or shall be automatic closing by
actuation of a smoke detector.
2. Open-air vestibule. The vestibule shall have a minimum dimension of 44
inches in width and 72 inches in direction of exit travel. The vestibule shall have a
minimum of 16 square feet of opening in a wall facing an exterior court, yard or
public way at least 20 feet in width.
(g) Smokeproof Enclosures by Mechanical Ventilation. I. Doors. The door
assembly from the building into the vestibule shall have a one and one-half-hour
fire-protection rating, and the door assembly from the vestibule to the stairway

1982 EDITION 3310

shall be a smoke- and draft-control assembly having not less than a 20-minute
fire-protection rating. The door to the stairways shall be provided with a drop-sill
or other provision to minimize the air leakage. The doors shall be automatic
closing by actuation of a smoke detector or in the event of a power failure.
2. Vestibule size. Vestibules shall have a minimum dimension of 44 inches in
width and 72 inches in direction of exit travel.
3. Vestibule ventilation. The vestibule shall be provided with not less than one
air change per minute, and the exhaust shall be 150 percent of the supply. Supply
air shall enter and exhaust air shall discharge from the vestibule through separate
tightly constructed ducts used only for that purpose. Supply air shall enter the
vestibule within 6 inches of the floor level. The top ofthe exhaust register shall be
down from the top of the smoke trap and shall be entirely within the smoke trap
area. Doors, when in the open position, shall not obstruct duct openings. Duct
openings may be provided with controlling dampers if needed to meet the design
requirements but are not otherwise required.
4. Smoke trap. The vestibule ceiling shall be at least 20 inches higher than the
door opening into the vestibule to serve as a smoke and heat trap and to provide an
upward-moving air column. The height may be decreased when justifed by
engineering design and field testing.
5. Stair shaft air movement system. The stair shaft shall be provided with a
dampered relief opening at the top and supplied mechanically with sufficient air
to discharge a minimum of 2500 cubic feet per minute through the relief opening
while maintaining a minimum positive pressure of 0.05 inch of water column in
the shaft relative to atmosphere with all doors closed and a minimum ofO. 10-inch
water column difference between the stair shaft and the vestibule.
6. Operation of ventilating equipment. The activation of the ventilating
equipment shall be initiated by a smoke detector installed outside the vestibule
door in an approved location. The activation of the closing device on any door
shall activate the closing devices on all doors of the smokeproof enclosure at all
levels. When the closing device for the stair shaft and vestibule doors is activated
by a smoke detector or power failure, the mechanical equipment shall operate at
the levels specified in Items Nos. 3 and 5.
7. Standby power. Standby power for mechanical ventilation equipment shall
be provided by an approved self-contained generator set to operate whenever
there is a loss of power in the normal house current. The generator shall be in a
separate room having a minimum one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation
and shall have a minimum fuel supply adequate to operate the equipment for two
hours. See Section 1807 (i) for standby power requirements for high-rise Group
B, Division 2 offices and Group R, Division I Occupancies.
8. Acceptance testing. Before the mechanical equipment is accepted by the
building official, it shall be tested to confirm that the mechanical equipment is
operating in compliance with these requirements.
9. Emergency lighting. The stair shaft and vestibule shall be provided with
emergency lighting. A standby generator which is installed for the smokeproof
enclosure mechanical ventilation equipment may be used for such stair shaft and

vestibule power supply. See Section 1807 (i) for emergency lighting requirements
for high-rise Group B, Division 2 offices and Group R, Division I Occupancies.
Exit Courts
Sec. 3311. (a) General. Every exit court shall discharge into a public way or
exit passageway.
(b) Width. Exit court minimum widths shall be determined in accordance with
provisions of Section 3303 based on the occupant load and such required width
shall be unobstructed to a height of 7 feet, except for projections permitted in
corridors by Section 3305. The minimum exit court width shall be not less than 44
When the width is reduced from any cause, the reduction shall be affected
gradually by a guardrail at least 3 feet in height and making an angle of not more
than 30 degrees with the axis of the exit court.
(c) Number of Exits. Every exit court shall be provided with exits as deter-
mined by Section 3303.
(d) Construction and Openings. When an exit court serving a building or
portion thereof having an occupant load of 10 or more is less than 10 feet in width,
the exit court walls shall be a minimum of one-hour fire-resistive construction for
a distance of I 0 feet above the floor of the court, and all openings therein shall be
protected by fire assemblies having a fire-protection rating of not less than three-
fourths hour.

Exit Passageways
Sec. 3312. (a) Construction and Openings. The walls of exit passageways
shall be without openings other than required exits and shall have walls, floors and
ceilings of the same period of fire resistance as required for the walls, floors and
ceilings of the building served with a minimum of one-hour fire-resistive con-
struction. Exit openings through the enclosing walls of exit passageways shall be
protected by fire assemblies having a three-fourths-hour fire-protection rating.
(b) Detailed Requirements. Except for construction and opening protection as
specified in Subsection (a) above, exit passageways shall comply with the require-
ments for corridors as specified in Section 3305.
Exit Illumination
Sec. 3313. (a) General. Except within individual dwelling units, guest rooms
and sleeping rooms, exits shall be illuminated at any time the building is occupied
with light having intensity of not less than I footcandle at floor level.
EXCEPTION: In auditoriums, theaters, concert or opera halls and similar
assembly uses, the illumination at floor level may be reduced during performances
to not less than 0. 2 footcandle.
Fixtures required for exit illumination shall be supplied from separate circuits
or sources of power where these are required by Subsection (b).
(b) Power Supply. I. Separate branch circuits. The power supply for exit
illumination shall be provided by two separate branch circuits of the normal
premises wiring system, unless an emergency system is installed, where the

1982 EDITION 3313-3314

occupant load served by the exiting system exceeds the following:

A. One hundred in both Group H Occupancies and in Group R, Division I
B. Fifty in Group I Occupancies.
C. Three hundred in all other occupancies.
One of the required circuits shall supply only fixtures used for exit illumination
or exit signs. The other circuit may supply current to other outlets.
2. Separate sources of power. The power supply for exit illumination shall
normally be provided by the premises wiring system. In the event of its failure,
illumination shall be automatically provided from an emergency system where the
occupant load served by the exiting system exceeds:
A. Nine hundred and ninety-nine in Group A, Division I Occupancies.
B. Five hundred in Group A, Division 2 or 2.1 Occupancies except churches
with an occupant load of less than 750.
C. One hundred in Group I Occupancies.
D. One hundred in Group R, Division I Occupancies having an interior exit
corridor system.
E. Five hundred in Group B, Division 2 Occupancies used for retail sales or
For high-rise buildings, see Section 1807. For smokeproof enclosures, see
Section 3310 (g) 9.
Emergency systems shall be supplied from storage batteries or an on-site
generator set and the system shall be installed in accordance with the requirements
of the Electrical Code.
Exit Signs
Sec. 3314. (a) Where Required. Exit signs shall be installed at required exit
doorways and where otherwise necessary to clearly indicate the direction of
egress when the exit serves an occupant load of 50 or more.
EXCEPTION: Main exterior exit doors which obviously and clearly are identi-
fiable as exits need not be signed when approved by the building official.
(b) Graphics. The color and design of lettering, arrows and other symbols on
exit signs shall be in high contrast with their background. Words on the sign shall
be in block letters 6 inches in height with a stroke of not less than % inch.
(c) Illumination. Signs shall be internally or externally illuminated by two
electric lamps or shall be of an approved self-luminous type. When the luminance
on the face of an exit sign is from an external source, it shall have an intensity of
not less than 5.0 footcandles from either lamp. Internally illuminated signs shall
provide equivalent luminance.
(d) Power Supply. I. Separate branch circuits. When separate branch cir-
cuits are required for exit illumination by Section 3313 (b) I, current supply to one
of the lamps for exit signs shall be from a circuit having outlets only for other exit
signs or exit illumination. Power to the other lamp shall be from a separate circuit
that may supply other outlets.
2. Separate sources of power. When separate sources of power are required for


exit illumination by Section 3313 (b) 2, power to one of the lamps for exit signs
shall be from storage batteries or an on-site generator set and the system shall be
installed in accordance with the Electrical Code. For high-rise buildings, see
Section 1807.

Sec. 3315. (a) General. Aisles leading to required exits shall be provided from
all portions of buildings.
(b) Width. Aisle widths shall be provided in accordance with the following:
I. In areas serving employees only, the minimum aisle width may be 24
inches but not less than the width required by the number of employees
2. In public areas of Group B, Division 2 Occupancies, and in assembly
occupancies without fixed seats, the minimum clear aisle width shall be 36
inches where tables, counters, furnishings, merchandise or other similar
obstructions are placed on one side of the aisle only and 44 inches when
such obstructions are placed on both sides of the aisle.
3. In assembly occupancies with fixed seats.
A. With standard seating, every aisle shall be not less than 3 feet when
serving seats on only one side and not less than 42 inches wide when
serving seats on both sides. Such minimum width shall be measured
from the point furthest from the exit, cross aisle or foyer and such
minimum width shall be increased by I Y2 inches for each 5 feet of
length toward the exit, cross aisle or foyer.
B. With continental seating as specified in Section 3316, side aisles shall
be provided and be not less than 44 inches in width.
(c) Distances to Nearest Exit. In areas occupied by seats and in Group A
Occupancies without seats, the line of travel to an exit door by an aisle shall be not
more than 150 feet. Such travel distance may be increased to 200 feet if the
building is provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system.
(d) Aisle Spacing. With standard seating, aisles shall be so located that there
will be not more than six intervening seats between any seat and the nearest aisle.
With continental seating, the number of intervening seats may be increased,
provided the seating configuration conforms with the requirements specified in
Section 3316.
When benches or pews are used, the number of seats shall be based on one
person for each 18 inches of length of pew or bench.
(e) Cross Aisles. Aisles shall terminate in a cross aisle, foyer or exit. The width
of the cross aisle shall be not less than the sum of the required width of the widest
aisle plus 50 percent of the total required width of the remaining aisles leading
thereto. In Groups A and E Occupancies, aisles shall not have a dead end greater
than 20 feet in length.
(f) Vomitories. Vomitories connecting the foyer or main exit with the cross
aisles shall have a total width not less than the sum of the required width of the
widest aisle leading thereto plus 50 percent of the total required width of the

1982 EDITION 3315-3317

remaining aisles leading thereto.

(g) Slope. The slope portion of aisles shall be not steeper than I vertical in X
horizontal, except as permitted in Section :no? (c).
(h) Steps. Steps shall not be used in an aisle when the change in elevation can be
achieved by a slope conforming to Section :n 15 (g). A single step or riser shall not
be used in any aisle. Steps in aisles shall extend across the full width of the ai,le
and shall be illuminated. Treads and risers in such steps shall comply with Section
3306 (c).
Seat Spacing
Sec. 3316. (a) Standard Seating. With standard seating. the spacing of row'
of scats shall provide a space of not less than 12 inches from the back of one scat to
the front of the most forward projection of the seat immediately behind it a'
measured horizontally between vertical planes.
(b) Continental Seating. The number of scats per row of scats for continental
seating may be increased subject to all of the following conditions:
I. The spacing of unoccupied seats shall provide a clear width between row'
of scats measured horizontally as follows (automatic or self-rising 'cats
shall be measured in the seat-up position, other scats 'hall be measured in
the scat-down position):
I X inches between rows for I to I X scats
20 inches between rows for 19 to 35 scats
21 inches between rows for 36 to 45 scats
22 inches between rows for 46 to 59 scats
24 inches between rows for 60 scats or more
2. Exit doors shall be provided along each side aisle of the row of scats at the
rate of one pair of doors for each five rows of scats.
3. Each pair of exit doors shall provide a minimum clear width of 66 inchc'
discharging into a foyer, lobby or the exterior of the building.
4. There should be not more than five scat rows between pairs of doors.

Group A, Division 1 Occupancies

Sec. 3317. (a) Main Exit. Every Group A, Division I Occupancy shall be
provided with a main exit.
The main exit shall be of sufficient width to accommodate one half of the total
occupant load but shall be not less than the total required width of all aisle,, exit
passageways and stairways leading thereto and shall connect to a stairway or ramp
leading to a public way.
(b) Side Exits. Every auditorium of a Group A, Division I Occupancy shall be
provided with exits on each side. The exits on each side of the auditorium shall be
of sufficient width to accommodate one third of the total occupant load served.
Side exits shall open directly to a public way or into an exit court. approved
stairway. exterior stairway or exit passageway leading to a public way. Side exits
shall be accessible from a cross aisle.
(c) Balcony Exits. Every balcony having an occupant load of II or more shall


be provided with a minimum of two exits. Balcony exits shall open directly to an
exterior stairway or other approved stairway or ramp. When there is more than one
balcony, exits shall open into an exterior or enclosed stairway or ramp. Balcony
exits shall be accessible from a cross aisle. The number and distribution of exits
shall be as otherwise specified in this chapter.
(d) Panic Hardware. An exit door from a Group A, Division I Occupancy
having an occupant load of 50 or more shall not be provided with a latch or lock
unless it is panic hardware.
Group A, Divisions 2, 2.1, 3 and 4 Occupancies
Sec. 3318. (a) Group A, Divisions 2, 2.1 and 3. Group A, Divisions 2 and 2.1
Occupancies shall have exits as required by Section 3317. In Group A, Division 3
Occupancies having an occupant load of 50 or more, exit doors shall not be
provided with a latch or lock unless it is panic hardware.
EXCEPTION: Group A, Divisions 2.1 and 3 Occupancies, such as restaurants,
bars, bowling alleys, auditoriums and similar commercial uses, and in churches,
panic hardware may be omitted from the main exit when the main exit consists of a
single door. A key locking device may be used in place of the panic hardware,
provided there is a readily visible durable sign adjacent to the doorway stating THIS
shall be in letters not less than I inch high on a contrasting background. When
unlocked, the single door must be free to swing without operation of any latching
device. Flush, edge or surface bolts or any other type of device that may be used to
close or restrain the door other than by operation of the locking device are pro-
hibited. The use of this exception may be revoked by the building official for due
(b) Group A, Division 4. In Group A, Division 4 Occupancies having an
occupant load of 50 or more, exit doors shall not be provided with a latch or lock
unless it is panic hardware.
Group E Occupancies
Sec. 3319. (a) Definitions. For the purpose of this section, the following
definitions apply:
INTERIOR ROOM is a room whose only exit is through an adjoining or
intervening room which is not an exit corridor.
ROOM is a space or area bounded by any obstructions to exit passage which at
any time enclose more than 80 percent of the perimeter of the area. In computing
the unobstructed perimeter, openings less than 3 feet in clear width and less than 6
feet 8 inches high shall not be considered.
SEPARATE EXIT SYSTEM is a path of exit travel separated in such a
manner from other required exits as to provide an atmospheric separation which
precludes contamination of both paths by the same fire.
(b) Separate Exit Systems Required. Every room with an occupant load of
more than 300 shall have one of its exits into a separate exit system. When three or
more exits are required from a room, no more than two required exits shall enter
into the same exit system.
(c) Distance to Exits. I. The distance from any point in a room shall be not

more than 75 feet from an exit corridor, an enclosed stairway or the exterior of the
EXCEPTIONS: I. In buildings not more than two stories in height and protected
throughout with smoke detectors, the distance may be increased to 90 feet.
2. In buildings protected throughout by an automatic sprinkler system, the
distance may be increased to II 0 feet.
2. All portions of unsprinklered building shall be not more than !50 feet from
either an exterior exit door, a horizontal exit, an exit passageway or an enclosed
stairway measured along the line of travel. In a building protected throughout with
an automatic sprinkler system such distance may be increased to 225 feet. In
buildings not more than two stories in height protected throughout with smoke
detectors, the distance may be increased to 175 feet.
(d) Exits Through Adjoining Rooms. Interior rooms may exit through adjoin-
ing or intervening rooms, provided the total distance of travel through such rooms
to an exit corridor does not exceed that specified in Subsection (c) I above and is a
direct, obvious and unobstructed path of travel. Such paths of exit travel shall not
pass through kitchens, storerooms, rest rooms, closets, laboratories using haz-
ardous materials, industrial shops or other similar places.
Foyers and lobbies constructed as required for exit corridors shall not be
construed as adjoining or intervening rooms.
When the only means of exit from a room is through an adjoining or intervening
room, smoke detectors shall be installed throughout the area of the common
atmosphere through which the exit must pass. The detectors shall actuate alarms
audible in the interior room and shall be connected to the school fire alarm system.
EXCEPTIONS: I. When the aggregate occupant load of the interior room or
rooms is 10 or less.
2. When the enclosures forming interior rooms are less than two thirds of the
floor-to-ceiling height and do not exceed 8 feet.
3. Rooms used exclusively for mechanical and public utility service to the

(e) Corridors and Exterior Exit Balconies. Corridor walls and ceilings shall
be of not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction with openings protected as
required in Section 3305 (h).
EXCEPTION: When each room used for instruction has at least one exit door
directly to the exterior at ground level and when rooms used for assembly purposes
have at least one half of the required exits directly to the exterior ground level, one-
hour fire-resistive construction of corridor walls and ceilings is not required.
Any change in elevation of less than 2 feet in a corridor or exterior exit balcony
shall be by means of ramps.
The width of a corridor in a GroupE, Division I Occupancy shall be the width
required by Section 3303, plus 2 feet, but not less than 6 feet.
EXCEPTION: When the number of occupants served is 100 or less, the corridor
may be 44 inches wide.
(f) Exit Serving Auditoriums in Group E, Division 1 Occupancy. An exit
serving an auditorium and other rooms need provide only for the capacity of


whichever requires the greater width if the auditorium is not to be used simul-
taneously with the other rooms.
(g) Stairs. Each floor above or below the ground floor level shall have not less
than two exit stairs and the required exit width shall be equally divided between
such stairs, provided that stairs serving an occupant load of 100 or more shall be
not less than 5 feet in clear width.
EXCEPTION: This subsection does not apply to rooms used for maintenance,
storage and similar purposes.
(h) Doors. The width of exit doors shall be sufficient to accommodate the
occupant load served.
(i) Basement Rooms. Exit stairways from a basement shall open directly to the
exterior of the building without entering the first floor corridor.
(j) Panic Hardware. Exit doors from rooms having an occupant load of 50 or
more and from corridors shall not be provided with a latch or lock unless it is panic
(k) Fences and Gates. School grounds may be fenced and gates therein
equipped with locks, provided safe dispersal areas are located not less than 50 feet
from the buildings. Dispersal areas shall be sized to provide an area of not less
than 3 square feet per occupant. Gates shall not be installed across corridors or
passageways leading to such dispersal areas unless they comply with exit require-
ments. See Section 3323 for exits from dispersal areas.
Group H Occupancies
Sec. 3320. Every portion of a Group H Occupancy having a floor area of 200
square feet or more shall be served by at least two separate exits.
In Divisions I and 2, all portions of any room shall be within 75 feet of an exit.
Doors leading to a corridor of fire-resistive construction shall have a minimum
three-fourths-hour fire-protection rating; shall have not more than 100 square
inches of wired glass set in steel frames; shall be maintained self-closing or shall
be automatic closing as defined in Section 4306 (b); and shall open in the direction
of exit travel.

Group I Occupancies
Sec. 3321. (a) Exterior Doors. All required exterior exit doors shall open in
the direction of exit travel.
(b) Minimum Size of Exits. Every exit opening through which patients are
transported in wheelchairs, stretchers or beds shall be of sufficient width to
permit the ready passage of such equipment but shall have a clear width of not less
than 44 inches. There shall be no projections within the 44-inch clear width.
(c) Corridors. The minimum clear width of a corridor shall be 44 inches,
except that corridors serving any area housing one or more nonambulatory
persons shall be not less than 8 feet in width. Any change in elevation of the floor
in a corridor serving nonambulatory persons shall be made by means of a ramp.
(d) Basement Exits. One exit accessible to every room below grade shall lead
directly to the exterior at grade level.

1982 EDITION 3321-3323

(e) Ramps. Group I, Division 1 Occupancies housing nonambulatory patients

shall have access to a ramp leading from the first story to the exterior of the
building at the ground floor level.
(f) Hardware. Exit doors serving an area having an occupant load of 50 or
more shall not be provided with a latch or lock unless it is panic hardware. Patient
room doors shall be readily openable from either side without the use of keys.
EXCEPTION: No requirements of this chapter shall be construed as to prohibit
the construction of cell blocks in jails or prevent the use of any locks or safety
devices where it is necessary to forcibly restrain the inmates.
(g) Locking Devices. In buildings housing occupancies in which the personal
liberties of inmates or patients are restrained within the building and which are
constructed in conformance with the special provisions of Section I 002 (b), the
exterior doors may be fastened with locks, provided that room doors shall not be
fastened by means other than doorknobs or similar devices which can be opened
readily from the corridor side without the use of keys or any special knowledge or
Special Hazards
Sec. 3322. (a) Boiler, Furnace and Incinerator Rooms. Except in Group R,
Division 3 Occupancies, any room containing a boiler, furnace, incinerator or
other fuel-fired equipment shall be provided with two exits when both of the
following conditions exist:
I. The area of the room exceeds 500 square feet, and
2. The largest piece of fuel-fired equipment exceeds 400,000 Btu per hour
input capacity.
If two exits are required, one may be a fixed ladder. Exits shall be separated by a
horizontal distance not less than half the greatest horizontal dimension of the
room. When oil-fired boilers are used, a 6-inch noncombustible sill (dike) shall
be provided. Interior openings between a Group H Occupancy and an incinerator
room are prohibited.
(b) Cellulose Nitrate Handling. When cellulose nitrate is handled in film
laboratories, projection rooms and film processing rooms, two exits shall be
provided. Doors shall be self-closing and have a fire-protection rating of not less
than one hour.
Reviewing Stands, Grandstands and Bleachers
Sec. 3323. (a) Scope. The provisions of this section apply to reviewing stands,
grandstands and bleachers. (See Section 3324 for folding and telescoping
(b) Definitions. For the purpose of this section certain terms are defined as
BLEACHERS are tiered or stepped seating facilities without backrests in
which an area of 3 square feet or less is assigned per person for computing the
occupant load.
DISPERSAL AREA, SAFE, is an area which will accommodate a number of
persons equal to the total capacity of the stand and building which it serves such


that a person within the area will not be closer than 50 feet from the stand or
building. Dispersal area capacity shall be determined by allowing 3 square feet of
net clear area per person.
FOOTBOARDS are that part of a raised seating facility other than an aisle or
cross aisle upon which the occupant walks to reach a seat.
GRANDSTANDS are tiered or stepped seating facilities wherein an area of
more than 3 square feet is provided for each person.
which are located so that the side toward which the audience faces is unroofed and
without an enclosing wall.
PERMANENT STANDS are those seating facilities which remain at a loca-
tion for more than 90 days.
REVIEWING STANDS are elevated platforms accommodating not more than
50 persons. Seating facilities, if provided, are normally in the nature of loose
chairs. Reviewing stands accommodating more than 50 persons shall be regulated
as grandstands.
TEMPORARY SEATING FACILITIES are those which are intended for use
at a location for not more than 90 days.
(c) Height of Grandstands and Bleachers. Grandstands or bleachers employ-
ing combustible members in the structural frame shall be limited to 11 rows or 9
feet in height. Seat boards, toe boards, bearing or base pads and footboards may be
of combustible materials.
(d) Design Requirements. See Chapter 23 and Section 2907 (h).
(e) General Requirements. 1. Row spacing. There shall be a clear space of
not less than 12 inches measured horizontally between the back or backrest of
each seat and the front of the seat immediately behind it. The minimum spacing of
rows of seats measured from back to back shall be:
A. Twenty-two inches for seats without backrests.
B. Thirty inches for seats with backrests.
C. Thirty-three inches for chair seating.
2. Rise between rows. The maximum rise from one row of seats to the next
shall not exceed 16 inches unless the seat spacing from back to back measured
horizontally is 40 inches or more.
3. Seating capacity determination. When bench-type seating is used, the
number of seats shall be based on one person for each 18 inches of length of the
4. Aisles. A. Aisles required. Aisles shall be provided in all seating facilities
except that aisles may be omitted when all of the following conditions exist:
(i) Seats are without backrests.
(ii) The rise from row to row does not exceed 12 inches per row.
(iii) The number of rows does not exceed 11 in height.
(iv) The top seating board is not over 10 feet above grade.
(v) The first seating board is not more than 20 inches above grade.

1982 EDITION 3323

8. Obstructions. No obstruction shall be placed in the required width of any

aisle or exitway.
C. Width. Aisles serving seats on both sides shall have a minimum width of 42
inches. When serving seats on only one side, the aisle shall have a minimum width
of 36 inches.
5. Cross aisles and vomitories. Cross aisles and vomitories shall be not less
than 54 inches in clear width and shall extend to an exit, enclosed stairway or
exterior perimeter ramp.
6. Stairs and ramps. All stairs and ramps shall have a maximum rise and run
as provided in Section 3306 (c) and Section 3307, except those within the seating
area which serve as aisles at right angles to the rows of seats where the rise shall
not exceed 8 inches. When an aisle terminates at an elevation more than 8 inches
above grade, the aisle shall be provided with a stairway or ramp whose width is
not less than the width of the aisle.
7. Guardrails. Perimeter guardrails or enclosing walls or fencing shall be
provided for all portions of elevated seating facilities which are more than 30
inches above grade or floor. Construction of guardrails shall comply with Section
1711 and Table No. 23-B. Guardrails shall be 42 inches above the rear of a seat
board or 42 inches above the rear of the steps in an aisle when the guardrail is
parallel and adjacent to the aisle.
EXCEPTION: Guardrails at the front of the front row of seats, which are not
located at the end of an aisle and where there is no cross aisle, may have a height of
30 inches and need not meet the 6-inch maximum spacing specified in Section 1711;
however, a midrail shall be installed.
The open vertical space between footboards and seats shall not exceed 9 inches
when footboards are more than 30 inches above grade.
8. Toeboards. A 4-inch-high vertical barrier shall be installed along the edge
of walking platforms whenever guardrails are required.
EXCEPTION: Toeboards shall not be required at the ends of footboards.
9. Footboards. Footboards shall be provided for all rows of seats above the
third row or beginning at such a point where the seating plank is more than 2 feet
above grade. When the same platform is used for both seating and footrests,
footrests are not required, provided each level or platform is not less than 24
inches wide. Footboards in bleachers at a level below the seat board it serves are
not to be considered as walking platforms but shall be not less than a structural
grade of 2-inch by 8-inch lumber or equivalent. When aisles are required by
Section 3323 (e) 4, footboards not less than 18 inches in width shall be installed
between each row of seats.
(f) Grandstands and Bleachers Within Buildings. Except as otherwise
provided in this section, grandstands and bleachers within a building shall comply
with the other applicable sections of this chapter.
EXCEPTIONS: I. When seats are without backrests, there may be nine seats
between any seat and an aisle.
2. When seats are without backrests, dead ends in vertical aisles shall not exceed a
depth of 16 rows.


(g) Open-air Grandstands and Bleachers. Except as otherwise provided in

Items Nos. I through 9 below, open-air grandstands and bleachers shall comply
with the other applicable sections of this chapter.
I. Number of seats between aisles. The number of seats between any seat and
an aisle shall be not greater than 20 when the seats are without backrests and nine
if the seats have backrests.
2. Dead ends. Dead ends in vertical aisles shall not exceed a depth of 16 rows
for permanent grandstands and 26 rows for temporary grandstands.
3. Distance to exit. The line of travel from any seat to a safe dispersal area exit
ramp, enclosed stairway or vomitory shall be not more than 200 feet. When the
seats have no backrests, the distance may be a direct line measurement.
4. Safe dispersal area. Each safe dispersal area shall have a minimum of two
exits. If more than 6000 persons are to be accommodated within a dispersal area,
there shall be a minimum of three exits and for more than 9000 persons there shall
be at least four exits. The aggregate clear width of exits from a safe dispersal area
shall be determined on the basis of not less than one exit unit of 22 inches for each
500 persons to be accommodated and no exit shall be less than 44 inches in width.
5. Two exits required. Two exits shall be provided from every stand which
accommodates more than 300 persons.
6. Three exits required. Three exits shall be required when a grandstand or
section thereof accommodates more than I 000 persons.
7. Four exits required. Four exits shall be required when a grandstand or
section thereof accommodates more than 3000 persons.
8. Determination of exit width. The total width of exits in feet shall be not less
than the total occupant load served divided by 150 when exiting by stairs and
divided by 200 when exiting by ramps, corridors, tunnels or vomitories.
9. Minimum exit width. No exit shall be less than 42 inches in width.
Folding and Telescoping Seating
Sec. 3324. (a) Scope. Folding and telescoping seating facilities shall conform
to the provisions of this section.
(b) Definition. For the purpose of this section:
FOLDING AND TELESCOPING SEATING is a structure that is used for
tiered seating of persons, and whose overall shape and size may be reduced,
without being dismantled, for purposes of moving or storing.
(c) Design Requirements. See Chapter 23 and Section 2907 (h).
(d) General Requirements. I . Aisles. Aisles shall be required when any of the
following conditions exist
A. Backrest-type seating is used.
B. Rise from row to row exceeds 12 inches per row.
C. Exiting from seating is restricted by railings or other obstacles.
D. Row spacing exceeds 28 inches unless seat boards and footboards are at the
same elevation.
E. Seat boards are of other than continuous flat surfaces.

1982 EDITION 3324

F. The number ofrows exceeds II in height.

2. Number of seats between aisles. When aisles are provided, aisles shall be
arranged so that the number of seats between any seat and the nearest aisle shall
not exceed:
A. For seating within a building, the number of seats between any seat and an
aisle shall not exceed nine when seats are without backrests and six if seats have
B. For seating not within a building, the number of seats between any seat and
an aisle shall not exceed 20 when seats are without backrests and II if seats have
3. Aisle width. Aisles shall be not less than 34 inches in clear width. When an
aisle is divided by a portal, column or other obstruction, a minimum aisle clear
width of 22 inches shall be provided on each side of such obstructions.
4. Aisle steps. Intermediate aisle steps are not required when the rise per row is
12 inches or less. When the rise per row exceeds 12 inches, an intermediate aisle
step shall be provided; this step shall divide the rise into two or more equal parts of
not more than 12 inches each and have a minimum tread width of I 0 inches. When
the seat board and footboard are not on the same elevation in a bleacher installa-
tion requiring intermediate aisle steps, the rear comer of each seat board adjacent
to the aisle shall be chamfered to a maximum of 41f2 inches by 45 degrees to
provide a minimum of 6 inches of ankle clearance between aisle step and seat
5. Seating. The horizontal distance back to back shall be not less than 22 inches
for seats without backrests. There shall be a space of not less than 12 inches
between the back of each seat and the front of each seat immediately behind it. If
seats are of the chair type, the 12-inch dimension shall be measured to the front
edge of the rear seat in its normal unoccupied position. All measurements shall be
taken between plumb lines.
The width of footboards and seat boards shall be not less than 9 inches. When
the same level is not used for both seat boards and footboards, footboards
independent of seats shall be provided.
6. Guardrails. Perimeter guardrails or enclosing walls or fencing shall be
provided for all portions of elevated seating facilities which are more than 30
inches above grade or floor. Construction of guardrails shall comply with Section
1711 and Table No. 23-B. Guardrails shall be 42 inches above the rear of a seat
board or 42 inches above the rear of the steps in an aisle when the guardrail is
parallel and adjacent to the aisle.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Guardrails at the front of the front row of seats, which are not
located at the end of an aisle and where there is no cross aisle, may have a height of
26 inches and need not meet the 6-inch maximum spacing specified in Section 1711;
however, a midrail shall be installed.
2. When seating is adjacent to wall or fence with 6 inches of seating and of
sufficient height and strength to afford the intended protection, guardrails may be


Cross aisles located within the seating area shall be provided with guardrails
not less than 26 inches high along the front edge of the aisle.
EXCEPTION: When the backs of the seats in front of the cross aisle project 24
inches or more above the surface of the cross aisle, guardrails may be omitted.

Sq. Ft.
I. Aircraft Hangars
(no repair) 10 500 Yes
2. Auction Rooms 30 7 Yes
3. Assembly Areas, Concen-
trated Use (without fixed seats) 50 7 Yes 3 4

Bowling Alleys (Assembly areas)
Churches and Chapels
Dance Floors
Lodge Rooms
Reviewing Stands
4. Assembly Areas, Less-con-
centra ted Use 50 15 Yes3 Jo
Conference Rooms
Dining Rooms
Drinking Establishments
Exhibit Rooms
5. Children's Homes and
Homes for the Aged 6 80 Yes 5
6. Classrooms 50 20 Yes II
7. Dormitories 10 50 Yes 5
8. Dwellings 10 300 No
9. Garage, Parking 30 200 Yes 6
10. Hospitals and Sanitariums-
Nursing Homes 6 80 Yes
II. Hotels and Apartments 10 200 YesH
12. Kitchen-Commercial 30 200 No
13. Library Reading Room 50 50 Yes 3
14. Locker Rooms 30 50 Yes
15. Mechanical Equipment Room 30 300 No
16. Nurseries for Children
(Day-care) 7 35 Yes
1982 EDITION 33-A




17. Offices 30 100 Yes5
18. School Shops and Vocational
Rooms 50 50 Yes
19. Skating Rinks 50 50 on Yes 3
15 on the
20. Stores-Retails Sales Rooms
Basement 7 20 Yes
Ground Floor 50 30 Yes
Upper Floors 10 50 Yes
21. Swimming Pools 50 50 for Yes3
the pool
15 on the
22. Warehouses 30 300 No
23. Lobby Accessory to Assembly
Occupancy 50 7 Yes
24. Malls (see Appendix Chapter 7)
25. All others 50 100
1Refer to Sections 3320 and 3321 for other specific requirements.
2 Elevators shall not be construed as providing a required exit.
3Access to secondary areas on balconies or mezzanines may be by stairs only, except when
such secondary areas contain the only available toilet facilities.
4 Reviewing stands, grandstands and bleachers need not comply.
5 Access to floors other than that closest to grade may be by stairs only, except when the only
available toilet facilities are on other levels.
6 Access to floors other than that closest to grade and to garages used in connection with
apartment houses may be by stairs only.
7See Section 3303 for basement exit requirements.
8See Section 1213 for access to buildings and facilities in hotels and apartments.
9Th is table shall not be used to determine working space requirements per person.
10 Access requirements for conference rooms, dining rooms, lounges and exhibit rooms that
are part of an office use shall be the same as required for the office use.
II When the floor closest to the grade offers the same programs and activities available on
other floors, access to the other floors may be by stairs only, except when the only
available toilet facilities are on other levels.


Chapter 34
Sec. 3401. In other than Types Ill, IV and V buildings, all skylight frames shall
be constructed of noncombustible materials. All skylights shall be designed to
carry all tributary roof loads as specified in Section 2305. All skylights, the
glazing of which is set at an angle of less than 45 degrees from the horizontal,
shall be mounted at least 4 inches above the plane of the roof on a curb constructed
as required for the frame.
Spacing between supports in one direction for flat wired glass in sky lights shall
not exceed 25 inches. Corrugated wired glass may have supports 5 feet apart in the

direction of the corrugation. All glass in skylights shall be wired glass, laminated
glass with an approved interlayer having a minimum thickness of 0.030 inch or
tempered glass, minimum thickness 7/12 inch, except that skylights over vertical
shafts extending through two or more stories shall be glazed with plain glass as
specified in this section, provided that wired glass may be used if ventilation equal
to not less than one-eighth the cross-sectional area of the shaft but never less than
4 square feet is provided at the top of such shaft.
g Any glass not laminated glass with an approved interlayer having a minimum
I thickness of 0.030 inch, wired glass or fully tempered glass shall be protected
above and below with a screen constructed of wire not smaller than No. 12 U.S.
gauge with a mesh not larger than I inch. The screen shall be substantially
supported below the glass.
Ordinary glass may be used in the roofs and skylights for greenhouses,
provided the height of the greenhouse at the ridge does not exceed 20 feet above
the grade. The use of wood in the frames of skylights will be permitted in
greenhouses if the height of the skylight does not exceed 20 feet above the grade,
but in other cases metal frames and metal sash bars shall be used.
Glass used for the transmission of light, if placed in floors or sidewalks, shall be
supported by metal or reinforced concrete frames, and such glass shall be not less
than Y2 inch in thickness. Any such glass over 16 square inches in area shall have
wire mesh embedded in the same or shall be provided with a wire screen
underneath, as specified for skylights in this section. All portions of the floor
lights or sidewalk lights shall be ofthc same strength as is required by this code for
floor or sidewalk construction, except in cases where the floor is surrounded by a
railing not less than 3 feet 6 inches in height, in which case the construction shall
be calculated for not less than roof loads.
For requirements applicable to plastic skylights, sec Section 5207.

Chapter 35

For Sound Transmission Control, see Appendix Chapter 35.

1982 EDITION 3601-3602

Chapter 36
Penthouses and Roof Structures
Sec. 3601. (a) Height. No penthouse or other projection above the roof in
structures of other than Type I construction shall exceed 28 feet in height above the
roof when used as an enclosure for tanks or for elevators which run to the roof and
in all other cases shall not extend more than 12 feet in height above the roof.
(b) Area. The aggregate area of all penthouses and other roof structures shall
not exceed 33 Y3 percent of the area of the supporting roof.
(c) Prohibited Uses. No penthouse, bulkhead or any other similar projection
above the roof shall be used for purposes other than shelter of mechanical
equipment or shelter of vertical shaft openings in the roof. Penthouses or
bulkheads used for purposes other than permitted by this section shall conform to
the requirements of this code for an additional story.
(d) Construction. Roof structures shall be constructed with walls, floors and
roof as required for the main portion of the building.
EXCEPTIONS: I. On Types I and II-F.R. buildings, the exterior walls and roofs
of penthouses which are 5 feet or more from an adjacent property line may be of one-
hour fire-resistive noncombustible construction.
2. On Types III and IV buildings, walls not less than 5 feet from a property line
may be of one-hour fire-resistive noncombustible construction.
3. Enclosures housing only mechanical equipment and located at least 20 feet
from adjacent property lines may be of unprotected noncombustible construction.
4. On one-story buildings, unroofed mechanical equipment screens, fences or simi-
lar enclosures may be of combustible construction when located at least 20 feet from
adjacent property lines and when not exceeding 4 feet in height above the roof surface.
The restrictions of this subsection shall not prohibit the placing of wood flagpoles
or similar structures on the roof of any building.
Towers and Spires
Sec. 3602. Towers or spires when enclosed shall have exterior walls as required
for the building to which they are attached. Towers not enclosed and which extend
more than 75 feet above grade shall have their framework constructed of iron,
steel or reinforced concrete. No tower or spire shall occupy more than one fourth
of the street frontage of any building to which it is attached and in no case shall the
base area exceed 1600 square feet unless it conforms entirely to the type of
construction requirements of the building to which it is attached and is limited in
height as a main part of the building. If the area of the tower or spire exceeds I 00
square feet at any horizontal cross section, its supporting frame shall extend
directly to the ground. The roof covering of spires shall be as required for the main
roof of the rest of the structure.
Skeleton towers used as radio masts and placed on the roof of any building shall
be constructed entirely of noncombustible materials when more than 25 feet in
height and shall be directly supported on a noncombustible framework to the
ground. They shall be designed to withstand a wind load from any direction as
specified in Section 2311 in addition to any other loads.


Chapter 37
Sec. 3701. Chimneys, flues, fireplaces and barbecues, and their connections,
carrying products of combustion shall conform to the requirements of this

Sec. 3702. BARBECUE is a stationary open hearth or brazier, either fuel
fired or electric, used for food preparation.
CHIMNEY is a hollow shaft containing one or more passageways, vertical or
nearly so, for conveying products of combustion to the outside atmosphere.
CHIMNEY, FACTORY-BUILT, is a chimney manufactured at a location
other than the building site and composed of listed factory-built components
assembled in accordance with the terms of the listing to form the completed
MASONRY CHIMNEY is a chimney of masonry units, bricks, stones or
listed masonry chimney units lined with approved flue liners. For the purpose of
this chapter, masonry chimneys shall include reinforced concrete chimneys.
Chimney, Residential Appliance-type, is a factory-built or masonry chimney
suitable for removing products of combustion from residential-type appliances
producing combustion gases not in excess of I 000F. measured at the appliance
flue outlet.
Chimney, Low-heat Industrial Appliance-type, is a factory-built, masonry
or metal chimney suitable for removing the products of combustion from fuel-
burning low-heat appliances producing combustion gases not in excess of I 000F.
under normal operating conditions but capable of producing combustion gases of
1400F. during intermittent forced firing for periods up to one hour. All tempera-
tures are measured at the appliance flue outlet.
Chimney, Medium-heat Industrial Appliance-type, is a factory-built,
masonry or metal chimney suitable for removing the products of combustion from
fuel-burning medium-heat appliances producing combustion gases not in excess
of 2000F. measured at the appliance flue outlet.
Chimney, High-heat Industrial Appliance-type, is a factory-built, masonry
or metal chimney suitable for removing the products of combustion from fuel-
burning high-heat appliances producing combustion gases in excess of 2000F.
measured at the appliance flue outlet.
CHIMNEY CONNECTOR is the pipe or breeching which connects a fuel-
burning appliance to a chimney. (See Chapter 9, Mechanical Code.)
CHIMNEY LINER is a lining material of fireclay or other approved material
that meets the requirements of U. B.C. Standard No. 37-1.

1982 EDITION 3702-3704

FIREBRICK is a refractory brick which meets the requirements of U.B.C.

Standard No. 37-1.
FIREPLACE is a hearth and fire chamber or similar prepared place in which a
fire may be made and which is built in conjunction with a chimney.
Factory-built Fireplace is a fireplace composed of listed factory-built compo-
nents assembled in accordance with the terms of listing to form the completed
Masonry Fireplace is a hearth and fire chamber of solid masonry units such as
bricks, stones, masonry units, or reinforced concrete provided with a suitable

Chimneys, General
Sec. 3703. (a) Chimney Support. Chimneys shall be designed, anchored,
supported and reinforced as required in this chapter and applicable provisions of
Chapters 23, 24, 26, 27 and 29 of this code. A chimney shall not support any
structural load other than its own weight unless designed as a supporting member.
(b) Construction. Each chimney shall be so constructed as to safely convey
flue gases not exceeding the maximum temperatures for the type of construction
as set forth in Table No. 37-B and shall be capable of producing a draft at the
appliance not less than that required for safe operation.
(c) Clearance. Clearance to combustible material shall be as required by Table
No. 37-B.
(d) Lining. When required by Table No. 37-B, chimneys shall be lined with
fireclay flue tile, firebrick, molded refractory units or other approved lining not
less than Ys inch thick as set forth in Table No. 37-B. Chimney liners shall be
carefully bedded in approved mortar with close-fitting joints left smooth on the
(e) Area. Chimney passageways shall be not smaller in area than the vent
connection on the appliance attached thereto nor less than that set forth in Table
No. 37-A, unless engineering methods approved by the building official have
been used to design the system.
(f) Height and Termination. Every chimney shall extend above the roof and
the highest elevation of any part of a building as shown in Table No. 37-B. For
altitudes over 2000 feet, the building official shall be consulted in determining the
height of the chimney.
All incinerator chimneys shall terminate in a substantially constructed spark
arrester having a mesh not exceeding Yz inch.
(g) Cleanouts. Cleanout openings shall be provided at the base of every
masonry chimney.

Masonry Chimneys
Sec. 3704. (a) Design. Masonry chimneys shall be designed and constructed
to comply with Section 3703 (b) and Section 3704 (b).
(b) Walls. Walls of masonry chimneys shall be constructed as set forth in Table
No. 37-B.


(c) Reinforcing and Seismic Anchorage. Unless a specific design is pro-

vided, every masonry or concrete chimney in Seismic Zones No. 2, No. 3 and
No. 4 shall be reinforced with not less than four No. 4 steel reinforcing bars
conforming to the provisions of Chapter 24 or 26 of this code. The bars shall
extend the full height of the chimney and shall be spliced in accordance with the
applicable requirements of Chapters 24 and 26. The bars shall be tied horizontally
at 18-inch intervals with not Jess than Y4-inch-diameter steel ties. Two ties shall
also be placed at each bend in vertical bars. Where the width of the chimney
exceeds 40 inches, two additional No. 4 vertical bars shall be provided for each
additional flue incorporated in the chimney or for each additional 40 inches in
width or fraction thereof.
In Seismic Zones No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4, all masonry and concrete chimneys
shall be anchored at each floor or ceiling line more than 6 feet above grade, except
when constructed completely within the exterior walls of the building. Anchorage
shall consist of two .Y16-inch by l-inch steel straps cast at least 12 inches into the
chimney with a 180-degree bend with a 6-inch extension around the vertical
reinforcing bars in the outer face of the chimney.
Each strap shall be fastened to the structural framework of the building with two
Y2-inch bolts per strap. Where the joists do not head into the chimney the anchor
straps shall be connected to 2-inch by 4-inch ties crossing a minimum of four
joists. The ties shall be connected to each joist with two 16d nails. Metal
chimneys shall be anchored at each roof and ceiling with two ! 1/2-inch by Ys-inch
metal straps looped around the outside of the chimney insulation and nailed with
six 8d nails per strap to the roof or ceiling framing.
(d) Chimney Offset. Masonry chimneys may be offset at a slope of not more
than 4 inches in 24 inches but not more than one third of the dimension of the
chimney in the direction of the offset. Where lined, the lining shall be cut to fit.
(e) Change in Size or Shape. Changes in the size or shape of a masonry
chimney, where the chimney passes through the roof, shall not be made within a
distance of 6 inches above or below the roof joists or rafters.
(f) Separation of Masonry Chimney Passageways. Two or more flues in a
chimney shall be separated by masonry not Jess than 4 inches thick bonded into
the masonry wall of the chimney.
(g) Inlets. Every inlet to any masonry chimney shall enter the side thereof and
shall be of not Jess than Ys-inch-thick metal or %-inch-thick refractory material.
Factory-built Chimneys
Sec. 3705. Factory-built chimneys shall be installed in strict accordance with
the terms of their listings and the manufacturer's instructions as specified in the
Mechanical Code.
Metal Chimneys
Sec. 3706. Metal chimneys shall be constructed and installed to meet the
requirements of the Mechanical Code.
Fireplaces and Barbecues
Sec. 3707. (a) General. Masonry fireplaces, barbecues, smoke chambers

1982 EDITION 3707

and fireplace chimneys shall be of masonry or reinforced concrete and shall

conform to the requirements of this section. Approved factory-built fireplaces I
may be used in accordance with their listings.
(b) Support. Masonry fireplaces shall be supported on foundations designed
as specified in Chapters 23, 24 and 29.
When an approved design is not provided, foundations for masonry and
concrete fireplaces shall be not less than 12 inches thick, extend not less than 6
inches outside the fireplace wall and project below the natural ground surface in
accordance with the depth of foundations set forth in Table No. 29-A.

(c) Fireplace Walls. Masonry walls of fireplaces shall be not less than 8 inches
in thickness. Walls of fireboxes shall be not less than 10 inches in thickness,
except that where a lining of firebrick is used such walls shall be not less than a
total of 8 inches in thickness. The firebox shall be not less than 20 inches in depth.
Joints in firebrick shall not exceed Y4 inch.
(d) Hoods. Metal hoods used as part of a fireplace or barbecue shall be not less
than No. 19 gauge copper, galvanized steel or other equivalent corrosion-resistant
ferrous metal with all seams and connections of smokeproof unsoldered con-
structions. The hoods shall be sloped at an angle of 45 degrees or less from the
vertical and shall extend horizontally at least 6 inches beyond the limits of the
firebox. Metal hoods shall be kept a minimum of 18 inches from combustible
materials unless approved for reduced clearances.
(e) Metal Heat Circulators. Approved metal heat circulators may be installed
in fireplaces.
(f) Smoke Chamber. Front and side walls shall be not less than 8 inches in
thickness. Smoke chamber back walls shall be not less than 6 inches in thickness.
(g) Chimneys. Chimneys for fireplaces shall be constructed as specified in
Sections 3703, 3704 and 3705 for residential-type appliances.
(h) Clearance to Combustible Material. Combustible material shall not be
placed within I inch of fireplace, smoke chamber or chimney walls. Combustible
material shall not be placed within 6 inches of the fireplace opening. No such
combustible material within 12 inches of the fireplace opening shall project more
than Ys inch for each l-inch clearance from such opening.
No part of metal hoods used as part of a fireplace or barbecue shall be less than I
18 inches from combustible material. This clearance may be reduced to the
minimum requirements specified in the Mechanical Code.
(i) Areas of Flues, Throats and Dampers. The net cross-sectional area of the
flue and of the throat between the firebox and the smoke chamber of a fireplace
shall be not less than as set forth in Table No. 37-A. Metal dampers equivalent to
not less than No. 12 gauge steel shall be installed. When fully opened, damper
openings shall be not less than 90 percent of the required flue area.
U) Lintel. Masonry over the fireplace opening shall be supported by a non-
combustible lintel.
(k) Hearth. Masonry fireplaces shall be provided with a brick, concrete, stone
or other approved noncombustible hearth slab. This slab shall be not less than 4


inches thick and shall be supported by noncombustible materials or reinforced to

carry its own weight and all imposed loads. Combustible forms and centering
shall be removed.
(I) Hearth Extensions. Hearths shall extend at least 16 inches from the front
of, and at least 8 inches beyond each side of, the fireplace opening. Where the
fireplace opening is 6 square feet or larger, the hearth extension shall extend at
least 20 inches in front of, and at least 12 inches beyond each side of, the fireplace
I Hearth extensions of approved factory-built fireplaces shall be not less than Ys
inch thick of asbestos, concrete, hollow metal, stone, tile or other approved
noncombustible material. Such hearth extensions may be placed on the sub-
flooring or finish flooring whether the flooring is combustible or not.
Except for fireplaces which open to the exterior of the building, the hearth slab
shall be readily distinguishable from the surrounding or adjacent floor.
(m) Firestopping. Firestopping between chimneys and wooden construction
shall meet the requirements specified in Section 2516.
(n) Noncomforming Fireplaces. Imitation and other fireplaces not con-
forming to the other requirements of this section shall not exceed 6 inches in
depth. Gas-burning appliances may be installed in such nonconforming fire-
places, provided that compliance is made in accordance with the requirements of
the Mechanical Code.




Tlle Lined Lined with Firebrick
Type of Masonry Chimney Round Square or Rectangle or Unlined
I. Residential 50 sq. in. 50 sq. in. 85 sq. in.
2. Fireplace2 of
Y12 Vw of y, of
opening opening opening
Minimum Minimum Minimum
50 sq. in. 64 sq. in. 100 sq. in.
3. Low heat 50 sq. in. 57 sq. in. 135 sq. in.
4. Incinerator
Apartment type
I opening 196 sq. in.
2 to 6 openings 324 sq. in.
7 to 14 openings 484 sq. in. Not applicable
15 or more
openings 484 sq. in. plus 10 sq. in. for each
additional opening
'Areas for mediUm- and high-heat chimneys shall be determmed usmg accepted engmeer-
ing methods and as approved by the building official.
2Where fireplaces open on more than one side, the fireplace opening shall be measured
along the greatest dimension.
Note: For altitudes over 2000 feet above sea level, the building official shall be consulted in
determining the area of the passageway.

Clearance to
Height Height Combustible
Above Above any Part Construction
Thickness Roof of Building (Inches)
(Min. Inches) Opening within (Feet) Int. Ext.
Chimneys Serving Walls Lining (Feet) 10 25 50 lnst. In st.

(Low Btu Input) 43 5/8 fire-
Clay, Shale or Concrete Brick 43 clay tile lor
Reinforced Concrete 48 or 2 fire- 2 2 I y,
Hollow Masonry Units 12 brick gypsum4
8 4% fire-
Unlmrned Clay Units hrick
APPLIANCES I 2 ( Iooo F. operating
temp.-!400F. Maximum) 8 5/8 fire- 3 2 2 2
Clay, Shale or Concrete Brick
Hollow l\fasonry Units 88 clay tile
, or 2 fire-
Reinforced Concrete 8
Stone 12 brick
i I

Height Clearance to
Above any Part Combustible
Height Construction
Thickness Above of Building
(Min. Inches) within (Feet) (Inches)
Opening Int. Ext.
Chimneys Serving Walls Lining (Feet) 10 25 50 In st. In st.

(2000F. Maximum)
Clay, Shale or Concrete Brick 8 10 10 4 4
8 4 1 2 Medium
Hollow Masonry Units duty fire-
(Grouted Solid) brick
Reinforced Concrete 8
Stone 12
APPLIANCES'' (Over zoooF.)
Clay, Shale or Concrete Brick 16 6 7
16 6 4 12 High 20 20 7
Hollow ~1asonry Units duty fire-
(Grouted Solid) brick
Reinforced Concrete 16 6 c
Same as for Residential-Type Appliances as shown above
Clay, Shale or Concrete Brick 4 1 2 :-.tedium
3 2
or Hollow Units duty fire- 2 2
Portion extending to 10 ft. hrick z
above combustion chamber roof 4 5/8 fire-
Portion more than 10ft. above clay tile 0
combustion chamber roof 8 liner
Clay, Shale or Concrete Brick 4% Medium c
or Hollow Units Grouted Solid duty fire- 3
or Reinforced Concrete brick 0
Portion extending to 40 ft. 5/8 fire-
above combustion chamber roof 4 clay tile 10 2 2
Portion more than 40ft. above liner
combustion chamber roof 8 4% ~tedium
Reinforced Concrete 8 duty fire-
laid in medium
duty refract
Clay or Shale Solid Brick 8 4% Medium
Reinforced Concrete 8 duty fire-
laid in medium 10 4 4
duty refract
1See Table No. 9-A of the Mechanical Code for types of appliances to be used with each type of chimney.
2Lining shall extend from bottom to top of chimney.
3Chimneys having walls 8 inches or more in thickness may be unlined.
"Chimneys for residential-type appliances installed entirely on the exterior of the building.
5Lining to extend from 24 inches below connector to 25 feet above.
6'fwo 8-inch walls with 2-inch air space between walls. Outer and inner walls may be of solid masonry units or reinforced concrete or any
combination thereof.
7 Clearance shall be approved by the building official and shall be such that the temperature of combustible materials will not exceed l60F.

BEquivalent thickness including grouted cells when grouted solid. The equivalent thickness may also include the grout thickness between the liner
g: and masonry unit .

Chapter 38
Sec. 3801. (a) General. All fire-extinguishing systems required in this code
shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of this chapter.
Fire hose threads used in connection with fire-extinguishing systems shall be
National Standard hose thread or as approved by the fire department.
(b) Approvals. All fire-extinguishing systems including automatic sprinkler
systems, Classes I, II and III standpipe systems, combined systems, special
automatic extinguishing systems and basement pipe inlets shall be approved and
shall be subject to such periodic tests as may be required. The location of all fire
department hose connections shall be approved by the fire department.
(c) Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, certain terms are defined as
of devices and equipment which automatically detects a fire and discharges an
approved fire-extinguishing agent onto or in the area of a fire.
COMBINED SYSTEM is a system of water piping which serves 2 1/2-inch
hose outlets for use by the fire department and also supplies water to fire
which the fire department can pump water.
STANDPIPE SYSTEM is a wet or dry system of piping, valves, outlets and
related equipment designed to provide water at specified pressures and installed
exclusively for the fighting of fires and classified as follows:
Class I is a dry standpipe system without a directly connected water supply and
equipped with 2 V2-inch outlets for use by the fire department or trained personnel.
Class II is a wet standpipe system directly connected to a water supply and
equipped with I V2-inch outlets intended for use by the building occupants.
Class III is a combination standpipe system directly connected to a water
supply and equipped with both 1V2-inch outlets for use by the building occupants
and 2Vz-inch outlets for use by the fire department or trained personnel.
(d) Standards. Fire-extinguishing systems shall comply with U. B.C. Stan-
dards Nos. 38-1 and 38-2.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Automatic fire-extinguishing systems not covered by
U.B.C. Standard No. 38-1 or 38-2 shall be approved and installed in accordance
with the Fire Code.
2. Automatic sprinkler systems may be connected to the domestic water-supply
main when approved by the building official, provided the domestic water supply is
of adequate pressure, capacity and sizing for the combined domestic and sprinkler
requirements. In such case, the sprinkler system connection shall be made between
the public water main or meter and the building shutoff valve, and there shall not be
intervening valves or connections. The fire department connection may be omitted
when approved by the fire department.

1982 EDITION 3802

Automatic Fire-extinguishing Systems

Sec. 3802. (a) Where Required. An automatic fire-extinguishing system shall
be installed in the occupancies and locations as set forth in this section.
For special provisions on hazardous chemicals and magnesium, and calcium
carbide, see the Fire Code.
(b) All Occupancies Except Group R, Division 3 and Group M. Except for
Group R, Division 3 and Group M Occupancies, an automatic sprinkler system
shall be installed:
I . In every story or basement of all buildings when the floor area exceeds
1500 square feet and there is not provided at least 20 square feet of opening
entirely above the adjoining ground level in each 50 lineal feet or fraction
thereof of exterior wall in the story or basement on at least one side of the
building. Openings shall have a minimum dimension of not less than 30
inches. Such openings shall be accessible to the fire department from the
exterior and shall not be obstructed in a manner that fire fighting or rescue
cannot be accomplished from the exterior.
When openings in a story are provided on only one side and the opposite
wall of such story is more than 75 feet from such openings, the story shall
be provided with an approved automatic sprinkler system, or openings as
specified above shall be provided on at least two sides of an exterior wall of
the story.
If any portion of a basement is located more than 75 feet from openings
required in this section, the basement shall be provided with an approved
automatic sprinkler system.
2. At the top of rubbish and linen chutes and in their terminal rooms. Chutes
extending through three or more floors shall have additional sprinkler
heads installed within such chutes at alternate floors. Sprinkler heads shall
be accessible for servicing.
3. In rooms where nitrate film is stored or handled.
4. In protected combustible fiber storage vaults as defined in the Fire Code.
(c) Group A Occupancies. I. Nightclubs, discos. An automatic sprinkler
system shall be installed in rooms primarily used for entertaining occupants who
are drinking or dining and unseparated accessory uses where the total area of such
unseparated rooms and assembly uses exceeds 5000 square feet. For uses to be
considered as separated, the separation shall be not less than as required for a one-
hour occupancy separation. The area of other uses shall be included unless
separated by at least a one-hour occupancy separation.
2. Basements. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in basements
classified as a Group A Occupancy when the basement is larger than 1500 square
feet in floor area.
3. Exhibition and display rooms. An automatic sprinkler system shall be
installed in Group A Occupancies which have more than 12,000 square feet of
floor area which can be used for exhibition or display purposes.
4. Stairs. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in enclosed usable


space below or over a stairway in Group A, Divisions 2, 2.1, 3 and 4 Occupan-

cies. See Section 3309 (t).
5. Other areas. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in specific
areas of Group A Occupancies as follows: Under the roof and gridiron, in the tie
and fly galleries and in all places behind the proscenium wall of stages; over
enclosed platforms in excess of 500 square feet in area; and in dressing rooms,
workshops and storerooms accessory to such stages or enclosed platforms.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Stages or enclosed platforms open to the auditorium room on
three or more sides.
2. Altars, pulpits or similar platforms and their accessory rooms.
3. Stage gridirons when side-wall sprinklers with 135F. rated heads with heat-
baffle plates are installed around the entire perimeter of the stage at points not more
than 30 inches below the gridiron nor more than 6 inches below the baffle plate.
4. Under stage or under enclosed platform areas less than 4 feet in clear height
used exclusively for chair or table storage and lined on the inside with materials
approved for one-hour fire-resistive construction.
(d) Group B, Division 2 Occupancies. An automatic sprinkler system shall be
installed in retail sales rooms classed as Group B, Division 2 Occupancies where

the floor area exceeds 12,000 square feet on any floor or 24,000 square feet on all
floors or in Group B, Division 2 retail sales occupancies more than three stories in
In buildings used for high-piled combustible storage, fire protection shall be in
accordance with the Fire Code.
(e) Group E Occupancies. I. Basements. An automatic sprinkler system
shall be installed in basements classified as a Group E Occupancy when the
basement is larger than 1500 square feet in floor area.
2. Stairs. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in enclosed usable
space below or over a stairway in GroupE Occupancies. See Section 3309 (t).
(t) Group H Occupancies. I. Division 1. A fire-extinguishing system shall be
installed in Group H, Division I Occupancies larger than 1500 square feet in floor
2. Division 2. A fire-extinguishing system shall be installed in Group H,
Division 2 Occupancies exceeding 1500 square feet in area.
A fire-extinguishing system shall be installed in rooms of Group H, Division 2
Occupancies when flammable or combustible liquids are stored or handled in
excess of the quantities set forth in Table No. 9-A, or any combination of
flammable liquids exceeds 240 gallons.
A fire-extinguishing system shall be installed in paint spray booths or rooms.
3. Division 3. A fire-extinguishing system shall be installed in Group H,
Division 3 Occupancies larger than 3000 square feet in floor area.
4. Division 4. A fire-extinguishing system shall be installed in Group H,
Division 4 Occupancies more than one story in height.
(g) Group I Occupancies. An automatic sprinkler system shall be installed in
Group I Occupancies.
EXCEPTIONS: I. In hospitals of Types I, II Fire-resistive and II One-hour

1982 EDITION 3802-3804

construction, the automatic sprinkler system may be omitted from operating, deliv-
ery, cardiac, X-ray and intensive care rooms and patient sleeping rooms not exceed-
ing 450 square feet in area when each such room is provided with smoke detectors
connected to a continuously attended station or location within the building.
Increases for area and height specified in Sections 506 (c) and 507 shall not apply
when this exception is used.
2. In jails, prisons and reformatories, the piping system may be dry, provided a
manually operated valve is installed at a continuously monitored location. Opening
of the valve will cause the piping system to be charged. Sprinkler heads in such
systems shall be equipped with fusible elements or the system shall be designed as
required for deluge systems in U .B.C. Standard No. 38-1.
Sprinkler System Alarms
Sec. 3803. When serving more than 100 sprinklers, automatic sprinkler sys-
tems shall be supervised by an approved central, proprietary or remote station
service or a local alarm which will give an audible signal at a constantly attended

Permissible Sprinkler Omissions

Sec. 3804. Subject to the approval of the building official and with the
concurrence of the chief of the fire department, sprinklers may be omitted in
rooms or areas as follows:
I. When sprinklers are considered undesirable because of the nature of the
contents or in rooms or areas which are of noncombustible construction with
wholly noncombustible contents and which are not exposed by other areas.
Sprinklers shall not be omitted from any room merely because it is damp or of fire-
resistive construction.
2. Sprinklers shall not be installed when the application of water or flame and
water to the contents may constitute a serious life or fire hazard, as in the
manufacture or storage of quantities of aluminum powder, calcium carbide,
calcium phosphide, metallic sodium and potassium, quicklime, magnesium
powder and sodium peroxide.
3. Safe deposit or other vaults of fire-resistive construction, when used for the
storage of records, files and other documents, when stored in metal cabinets.
4. Communication equipment areas under the exclusive control of a public
communication utility agency, provided:
A. The equipment areas are separated from the remainder of the building by
one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation; and
B. Such areas are used exclusively for such equipment; and
C. An approved automatic smoke detection system is installed in such areas
and is supervised by an approved central, proprietary or remote station
service or a local alarm which will give an audible signal at a constantly
attended location; and
D. Other approved fire-protection equipment such as portable fire
extinguishers or Class II standpipes are installed in such areas.
5. Other approved automatic fire-extinguishing systems may be installed to
protect special hazards or occupancies in lieu of automatic sprinklers.


Sec. 3805. (a) General. Standpipes shall comply with the requirements of this
section and U .B.C. Standard No. 38-2.
(b) Where Required. Standpipe systems shall be provided as set forth in Table
No. 38-A.
(c) Location of Class I Standpipes. There shall be a Class I standpipe outlet
connection at every floor level above the first story of every required stairway and
on each side of the wall adjacent to the exit opening of a horizontal exit. Outlets at
stairways shall be located within the exit enclosure or in the case of smokeproof
enclosures, within the vestibule or exterior balcony, giving access to the stairway.
Risers and laterals of Class I standpipe systems not located within an enclosed
stairway or smokeproof enclosure shall be protected by a degree of fire resistance
equal to that required for vertical enclosures in the building in which they are
EXCEPTION: In buildings equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler
system, risers and laterals which are not located within an enclosed stairway or
smokeproof enclosure need not be enclosed within fire-resistive construction.
There shall be a three-way outlet above the roofline when the roof has a slope of
Jess than 4 inches in 12 inches.
In buildings where more than one standpipe is provided, the standpipes shall be
interconnected at the bottom.
(d) Location of Class II Standpipes. Class II standpipe outlets shall be
accessible and shall be located so that all portions of the building are within 30
feet of a nozzle attached to I 00 feet of hose.
In Group A, Divisions I, 2 and 2.1 Occupancies, with occupant loads of more
than 1000, outlets shall be located on each side of any stage, on each side of the
rear of the auditorium and on each side of the balcony.
Fire-resistant protection of risers and laterals of Class II standpipe systems is
not required.
(e) Location of Class III Standpipes. Class III standpipe systems shall have
outlets located as required for Class I standpipes in Section 3805 (c) and shall have
Class II outlets as required in Section 3805 (d).
Risers and laterals of Class III standpipe systems shall be protected as required
for Class I systems.
EXCEPTIONS: I. In buildings equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler
system, risers and laterals which are not located within an enclosed stairway or
smokeproof enclosure need not be enclosed within fire-resistive construction.
2. Laterals for Class II outlets on Class III systems need not be protected.
In buildings where more than one Class III standpipe is provided, the stand-
pipes shall be interconnected at the bottom.
Buildings Under Construction
Sec. 3806. (a) General. During the construction of a building and until the
permanent fire-extinguishing system has been installed and is in service, fire
protection shall be provided in accordance with this section.
(b) Where Required. Every building six stories or more in height shall be
provided with not less than one standpipe for use during construction. Such
1982 EDITION 3806-3807, 38-A

standpipes shall be installed when the progress of construction is not more than 50
feet in height above grade. Such standpipe shall be provided with fire department
hose connections at accessible locations adjacent to usable stairs and the stand-
pipe outlets shall be located adjacent to such usable stairs. Such standpipe systems
shall be extended as construction progresses to within one floor of the highest
point of construction having secured decking or flooring.
In each floor there shall be provided a 2 Y2-inch valve outlet for fire department
use. Where construction height requires installation of a Class III standpipe, fire
pumps and water main connections shall be provided to serve the standpipe.
(c) Thmporary Standpipes. Temporary standpipes may be provided in place
of permanent systems if they are designed to furnish 75 gallons of water per
minute at 50 pounds per square inch pressure with a standpipe size of not less than
4 inches. All outlets shall be not less than 2 1/2 inches. Pumping equipment
sufficient to provide this pressure and volume shall be available at all times when a
Class III standpipe system is required.
(d) Detailed Requirements. Standpipe systems for buildings under con-
struction shall be installed as required for permanent standpipe systems.
Basement Pipe Inlets
Sec. 3807. For basement pipe inlet requirements, see Appendix Section 3807.
Standpipe Hoaa Standpipe Hoaa
OCCUPANCY' Class Raqulnoment Class Raqulnoment
I. Occupancies exceeding 150ft.
in height and more than one
2. Occupancies 4 stories or more [I and IJ5] 6
but less than 150 ft. in height, l(oriii) No
(or III) Yes
except Group R, Div. 3
3. Group A Occupancies with No
II Yes No
occupant load exceeding 1000 requirement
4. Group A, Div. 2.1
Occupancies over 5000 square II Yes II Yes
feet in area used for exhibition
5. Groups I, H, B, Div. I, 2 or 3
Occupancies less than 4 stories No
in height but greater than
IJ5 Yes
20,000 square feet per floor
'Class II standpipes need not be provided in assembly areas used solely for worship.
'Except as otherwise specified in Item No. 4 of this table, Class II standpipes need not be provided in
basements having an automatic fire-extinguishing system throughout.
3 Combined systems with their related water supplies may be used in sprinklered buildings.
4 Portionsof otherwise sprinklered buildings which are not protected by automatic sprinklers shall have
Class II standpipes installed as required for the unsprinklered portions.
'In open structures where Class II standpipes may be damaged by freezing, the building official may
authorize the use of Class I standpipes which are located as required for Class II standpipes.
"Hose is required for Class II standpipes only.


Chapter 39
Stage Ventilators
Sec. 3901. (a) General. There shall be one or more ventilators constructed of
metal or other noncombustible material near the center and above the highest part
of any working stage raised above the stage roof and having a total ventilation area
equal to at least 5 percent of the floor area within the stage walls. The entire
equipment shall conform to the requirements in Subsections (b) to (i) of this
section or their equivalent.
(b) Opening Action. Ventilators shall open by spring action or force of gravity
sufficient to overcome the effects of neglect, rust, dirt, frost, snow or expansion
by heat or warping of the framework.
(c) Glass. Glass, if used in ventilators, must be protected against falling on the
stage. A wire screen, if used under the glass, must be so placed that if clogged it
cannot reduce the required ventilating area or interfere with the operating mecha-
nism or obstruct the distribution of water from the automatic sprinkler systems.
(d) Design. Ventilators, penthouses and supporting framework shall be
designed in accordance with Chapter 23.
(e) Automatic Openings. Each ventilator shall be arranged to open automat-
ically after the outbreak of fire by the use of an approved automatic closing device
as defined in Chapter 43. The fusible link and operating cable shall hold each door
closed against a minimum 30-pound counterforce exerted by springs or counter-
weights. This minimum counterforce shall be exerted on each door through its
entire arc of travel and for a minimum 115 degrees. A manual control shall be
(f) Spring Actuation. Springs, when employed to actuate ventilator doors,
shall be capable of maintaining full required tension indefinitely. Springs shall not
be stressed more than 50 percent of their rated capacity and shall not be located
directly in the air stream, nor exposed to the elements.
(g) Location of Fusible Links. A fusible link shall be placed in the cable
control system on the underside of the ventilator at or above the roof line, or as
approved by the building official, and shall be so located as not to be affected by
the operation of sprinkler systems.
(h) Control. Remote, manual or electrical control shall provide for both open-
ing and closing of the ventilator doors for periodic testing and shall be located at a
point on the stage designated by the building official. When remote control of
ventilator is electrical, power failure shall not affect its instant operation in the
event of fire. Hand winches may be employed to facilitate operation of manually
controlled ventilators.
(i) Curb Construction. Curbs shall be constructed as required for the roof.
Sec. 3902. Gridirons, fly galleries and pinrails shall be constructed of non-
combustible materials, and fire protection of steel and iron may be omitted.

1982 EDITION 3902-3906

The head block well must be provided with an adequate strongback or lateral
brace to offset torque.
Rooms Accessory to Stage
Sec. 3903. In buildings having a stage, the dressing room sections, workshops
and storerooms shall be located on the stage side of the proscenium wall and shall
be separated from each other and from the stage by not less than a one-hour fire-
resistive occupancy separation, as defined in Chapter 5.
Proscenium Walls
Sec. 3904. A stage as defined in Section 420 shall be completely separated
from the auditorium by a proscenium .wall of not less than two-hour noncombusti-
ble construction. The proscenium wall shall extend not less than 4 feet above the
roof over the auditorium.
Proscenium walls may have, in addition to the main proscenium opening, one
opening at the orchestra pit level and not more than two openings at the stage floor
level, each of which shall be not more than 25 square feet in area.
All openings in the proscenium wall of a stage shall be protected by a fire
assembly having a one and one-half-hour fire-resistive rating. The proscenium
opening, which shall be the main opening for viewing performances, shall be
provided with a self-closing fire-resistive curtain as provided in U .B.C. Standard
No. 6-1.
Stage Floors
Sec. 3905. All parts of stage floors shall be of JYpe I construction except the
part of the stage extending back from and 6 feet beyond the full width of the
proscenium opening on each side, which may be constructed of steel or heavy
timbers covered with a wood floor of not less than 2-inch nominal thickness. No
part of the combustible construction except the floor finish shall be carried
through the proscenium opening. All parts of the stage floor shall be designed to
support not less than 125 pounds per square foot.
Openings through stage floors shall be equipped with tight-fitting trap doors of
wood of not less than 2-inch nominal thickness.

Sec. 3906. (a) Ventilators. Enclosed platforms shall be provided with one or
more ventilators conforming to the requirements of Section 390 l . When more
than one ventilator is provided, they shall be so spaced as to provide proper
exhaust ventilation.
Ventilators shall not be required for enclosed platforms having a floor area of
500 square feet or less.
(b) Construction. Walls and ceiling of an enclosed platform in an assembly
room shall be of not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction.
Any usable space having headroom of 4 feet or more under a raised platform of
an assembly room shall be of not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction.
(c) Accessory Rooms. In buildings having an enclosed platform, the dressing-
room section, workshops, and storerooms shall be separated from each other and


from the rest of the building by not less than a one-hour fire-resistive occupancy
separation as defined in Chapter 5, except that a chair-storage area having
headroom of not more than 4 feet need not be so separated.
Stage Exits
Sec. 3907. At least one exit not less than 36 inches wide shall be provided from
each side of the stage opening directly or by means of a passageway not less than
36 inches in width to a street or exit court. An exit stair not less than 2 feet 6 inches
wide shall be provided for egress from each fly gallery. Each tier of dressing
rooms shall be provided with at least two means of egress each not less than 2 feet
6 inches wide and all such stairs shall be constructed as specified in Chapter 33.
The stairs required in this section need not be enclosed.

.. Sec. 3908. A protecting hood shall be provided over the full length of the stage
switchboard .

1982 EDITION 4001-4005

Chapter 40
Sec. 4001. (a) Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall apply where ribbon-
type cellulose acetate or other safety film is used in conjunction with electric arc,
Xenon or other light-source projection equipment which develops hazardous
gases, dust or radiation. Where cellulose nitrate film is used, projection rooms
shall comply with the Fire Code.
(b) Projection Room Required. Every motion picture machine projecting
film as mentioned within the scope of this chapter shall be enclosed in a projection
room. Appurtenant electrical equipment, such as rheostats, transformers and
generators, may be within the projection room or in an adjacent room of equiv-
alent construction.
There shall be posted on the outside of each projection room door and within
the projection room itself a conspicuous sign with l-inch block letters stating:
Sec. 4002. Every projection room shall be of permanent construction consis-
tent with the construction requirements for the type of building in which the
projection room is located. Openings need not be protected.
The room shall have a floor area of not less than 80 square feet for a single
machine and at least 40 square feet for each additional machine. Each motion
picture projector, floodlight, spotlight or similar piece of equipment shall not be
used unless approved and shall have a clear working space not less than 30 inches
by 30 inches on each side and at the rear thereof, but only one such space shall be
required between two adjacent projectors.
The projection room and the rooms appurtenant thereto shall have a ceiling
height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches.
Sec. 4003. Exits shall be provided as required in Chapter 33.
Projection Ports and Openings
Sec. 4004. The aggregate of openings for projection equipment shall not
exceed 25 percent of the area of the wall between the projection room and the
All openings shall be provided with glass or other approved material so as to
completely close the opening.
Sec. 4005. (a) General. Ventilation shall be provided in accordance with the
provisions of this section.
(b) Projection Booth. I. Supply air. Each projection room shall be provided
with two or more separate fresh-air inlet ducts with screened openings terminating
within 12 inches of the floor and located at opposite ends of the room. Such air


inlets shall be of sufficient size to permit an air change every three minutes. Fresh
air may he supplied from the general building air-conditioning system, but when
this is done it shall be so arranged that the projection booth will continue to receive
one change of air every three minutes, regardless of the status of the general air-
conditioning system.
2. Exhaust air. Each projection room shall be provided with one or more
exhaust-air outlets which may be manifolded into a single duct outside the booth.
Such outlets shall be so located as to ensure circulation throughout the room.
Projection room exhaust-air systems shall be independent of any other air systems
in the buildings. Exhaust-air ducts shall terminate at the exterior ofthe building in
such a location that the exhaust air cannot be readily recirculated into the supply-
air system. The exhaust system shall be mechanically operated and of such a
capacity as to provide a minimum of one change of air every three minutes. The
blower motor shall be outside the duct system. The projection room ventilation
system may also serve appurtenant rooms, such as the generator room and the
rewind room.
(c) Projection Equipment Ventilation. Each projection machine shall be
provided with an exhaust duct which will draw air from each lamp and exhaust it
directly to the outside of the building in such a fashion that it will not be picked up
by supply inlets. Such a duct shall be of rigid materials, except for a continuous
flexible connector approved for the purpose. The lamp exhaust system shall not be
interconnected with any other system.
I. Electric arc projection equipment. The exhaust capacity shall be 200
cubic feet per minute for each lamp connected to the lamp exhaust system, or as
recommended by the equipment manufacturer. Auxiliary air may be introduced
into the system through a screened opening to stabilize the arc.
2. Xenon projection equipment. The lamp exhaust system shall exhaust not
less than 300 cubic feet per minute per lamp nor less than that exhaust volume
required or recommended by the equipment manufacturer, whichever is the
greater. The external temperature of the lamp housing shall not exceed l30F.
when operating.

Miscellaneous Equipment
Sec. 4006. Each projection room shall be provided with rewind and film
storage facilities.
A maximum of four containers for flammable liquids not greater than 16-ounce
capacity and of a nonbreakable type may be permitted in each projection booth.

Sanitary Facilities
Sec. 4007. Every projection room shall be provided with a lavatory. Every
projection room serving an assembly occupancy shall be provided with a water
EXCEPTION: A water closet shall not be required in a projection room where
completely automated projection equipment is installed which does not require a
projectionist in attendance for projection or rewinding film.

1982 EDITION 42014203

Chapter 41

Part VII
Sec. 4201. Interior wall and ceiling finish shall mean interior wainscoting.
paneling or other finish applied structurally or for decoration. acoustical correc-
tion, surface insulation or similar purposes. Requirements for finishes in this
chapter shall not apply to trim defined as picture molds, chair rails, baseboards
and handrails; to doors and windows or their frames. nor to materials which are
less than Y2s inch in thickness cemented to the surface of walls or ceilings. if these
materials have flame-spread characteristics no greater than paper of this thickness
cemented to a noncombustible backing.
Foam plastics shall not be used as interior finish except as provided in Section
1712. For foam plastic trim. see Section 1705 (e).
Testing and Classification of Materials
Sec. 4202. (a) Testing. Tests shall be made by an approved testing agency to
establish surface-burning characteristics and to show that materials when
cemented or otherwise fastened in place will not readily become detached when
subjected to room temperatures of 300F. for 25 minutes. Surface-burning charac-
teristics shall be determined by one of the following methods:
I. The surface-burning characteristics as set forth in U.B.C. Standard No.
2. Any other recognized method of test procedure for determining the surface-
burning characteristics of finish materials that will give comparable results to
those specified in method No. I above.
(b) Classification. The classes of materials based upon their flame-spread
index shall be as set forth in Table No. 42-A. The smoke density shall be no
greater than 450 when tested in accordance with U. B.C. Standard No. 42-1 in the
way intended for usc.

Application of Controlled Interior Finish

Sec. 4203. Interior finish materials applied to walls and ceilings shall be tested


as specified in Section 4202 and regulated for purposes of limiting flame spread
by the following provisions:
I . When walls and ceilings are required by any provision in this code to be of
fire-resistive or noncombustible construction, the finish material of any class
shall be applied directly against such fire-resistive construction or to furring strips
not exceeding I% inches applied directly against such surfaces. The intervening
spaces between such furring strips shall be filled with inorganic or Class I material
or shall be fire-stopped not to exceed 8 feet in any direction.
2. Where walls and ceilings are required to be of fire-resistive or noncombusti-
ble construction and walls are set out or ceilings are dropped distances greater
than specified in paragraph 1 of this section, Class I finish materials shall be used
except where the finish materials are protected on both sides by automatic
sprinkler systems or are attached to a noncombustible backing or to furring strips
installed as specified in paragraph 1. The hangers and assembly members of such
dropped ceilings that are below the main ceiling line shall be of noncombustible
materials except that in l)'pes III and V construction fire-retardant treated wood
may be used. The construction of each set-out wall shall be of fire-resistive
construction as required elsewhere in this code. See Section 2516 (f) for fire and
draft stops.
3. Wall and ceiling finish materials of all classes as permitted in this chapter
may be installed directly against the wood decking or planking of l)'pe IV heavy-
timber construction or to wood furring strips applied directly to the wood decking
or planking installed and fire-stopped as specified in paragraph 1.
4. All interior wall or ceiling finish other than Class I material which is less
than V4 inch thick shall be applied directly against a noncombustible backing
unless the qualifying tests were made with the material suspended from the
noncombustible backing.

Maximum Allowable Flame Spread

Sec. 4204. (a) General. The maximum flame-spread classification of finish
materials used on interior walls and ceilings shall not exceed that set forth in Table
No. 42-B.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Except in Group I Occupancies and in enclosed vertical
exitways, Class III may be used in other exitways and rooms as wainscoting
extending not more than 48 inches above the floor and for tack and bulletin boards
covering not more than 5 percent of the gross wall area of the room.
2. Where approved sprinkler system protection is provided, the flame-spread
classification rating may be reduced one classification, but in no case shall materials
having a classification greater than Class III be used.
3. The exposed faces of Type IV-H.T., structural members and 'JYpe IV-H.T.,
decking and planking, where otherwise permissible under this code are excluded
from flame-spread requirements.

(b) Carpeting on Walls or Ceilings. When used as interior wall or ceiling

finish, carpeting and similar materials having a napped, tufted, looped or similar
surface shall have a Class I flame-spread classification.

1982 EDITION 42-A, 42-B


Class Flame-spread Index

I 0- 25
II 26- 75
III 76-200




lin rooms in which personal liberties of inmates are forcibly restrained, Class I material
only shall be used.
2 0ver two stories shall be of Class II.
-'Flame-spread provisions are not applicable to kitchens and bathrooms of Group R,
Division 3 Occupancies.
4 Foam plastics shall comply with the requirements specified in Section 1712.

5finish classification is not applicable to interior walls and ceilings of exterior exit


Chapter 43

Sec. 4301. In addition to all the other requirements of this code, fire-resistive
materials shall meet the requirements for fire-resistive construction given in this

Fire-resistive Materials
Sec. 4302. (a) General. Materials and systems used for fire-resistive pur-
poses shall be limited to those specified in this chapter unless accepted under the
procedure given in Section 4302 (b) and shall conform to the following standards.
For standards for the specific materials of construction referred to in this chapter,
see the appropriate chapter in this code or the Uniform Building Code Standards
specifically regulating such materials as listed in Chapter 60.
The materials and details of construction for the fire-resistive systems
described in this chapter shall be in accordance with all other provisions of this
code except as modified herein.
(b) Tests. For the purpose of determining the degree of fire resistance
afforded, the materials of construction listed in this chapter shall be assumed to
have the fire-resistance rating indicated. Any material or assembly of materials of
construction tested in accordance with the requirements set forth in U. B.C.
Standard No. 43-1 shall be rated for fire resistance in accordance with the results
and conditions of such tests.
As an alternate to Tables Nos. 43-A, Band C, fire-resistive construction may be
approved by the building official on the basis of evidence submitted by the person
responsible for the structural design showing that the construction meets the
required fire-resistive classification.
Fire-resistive assemblies tested under U.B.C. Standard No. 43-1 shall not be
considered to be restrained unless evidence satisfactory to the building official is
furnished by the person responsible for the structural design showing that the
construction qualifies for a restrained classification in accordance with Section
43.144 of U .B.C. Standard No. 43-1. Restrained construction shall be identified
on the plans.
(c) Concrete. Grade A concrete is made with aggregates such as limestone,
calcareous gravel, trap rock, slag, expanded clay, shale, slate silicons or any other
aggregates possessing equivalent fire-resistive properties and containing 40 per-
cent or less quartz, chert or flint.
Grade B concrete is all concrete other than Grade A concrete and includes
concrete made with aggregates containing more than 40 percent quartz, chert or
(d) Pneumatically Placed Concrete. Pneumatically placed concrete without
coarse aggregate shall be classified as Grade A or B concrete in accordance with
aggregate used.

1982 EDITION 4303

Protection of Structural Members

Sec. 4303. (a) General. Structural members having the fire-resistive protec-
tion set forth in Table No. 43-A shall be assumed to have the fire-resistance ratings
set forth therein.
(b) Protective Coverings. 1 . Thickness of protection. The thickness of fire-
resistive materials required for protection of structural members shall be not less
than set forth in Table No. 43-A, except as modified in this section. The figures
shown shall be the net thickness of the protecting materials and shall not include
any hollow space back ofthe protection.
2. Unit masonry protection. Where required, metal ties shall be embedded in
transverse joints of unit masonry for protection of steel columns. Such ties shall
be as set forth in Table No. 43-A or be equivalent thereto.
3. Reinforcement for cast-in-place concrete column protection. Cast-in-
place concrete protection for steel columns shall be reinforced at the edges of such
members with wire ties of not less than . 18 inch in diameter wound spirally
around the columns on a pitch of not more than 8 inches or by equivalent
4. Embedment of pipes. Conduits and pipes shall not be embedded in
required fire protection of structural members.
5. Column jacketing. Where the fire-resistive covering on columns is
exposed to injury from moving vehicles, the handling of merchandise or other
means, it shall be protected in an approved manner.
6. Ceiling protection. Where a ceiling forms the protective membrane for
fire-resistive assemblies, the constructions and their supporting horizontal struc-
tural members need not be individually fire protected except where such members
support directly applied loads from more than one floor or roof. The required fire
resistance shall be not less than that required for individual protection of
Ceilings shall form continuous fire-resistive membranes but may have open-
ings for copper, sheet steel or ferrous plumbing pipes, ducts and electrical outlet
boxes, provided the areas of such openings through the ceiling aggregate not more
than 100 square inches for any 100 square feet of ceiling area. Regardless of size,
duct openings in such ceilings shall be protected by approved ceiling fire
EXCEPTION: Larger openings than permitted above may be installed where
such openings and the assemblies in which they are utilized are in accordance with
the results of tests pursuant to the provisions of Section 4302 (b).
Individual electrical outlet boxes shall be of steel and not greater than 16 square
inches in area.
7. Plaster application. Plaster protective coatings may be applied with the
finish coat omitted when they comply with the design mix and thickness require-
ments of Tables Nos. 43-A, 43-B and 43-C.
8. Truss protection. Where trusses are used as all or part of the structural frame
and protection is required by Table No. 17-A, such protection may be provided by
fire-resistive materials enclosing the entire truss assembly on all sides for its entire


length and height. The required thickness and construction of fire-resistive

assemblies enclosing trusses shall be based upon the results of full-scale tests or
combinations of tests on truss components or upon approved calculations based
on such tests which satisfactorily demonstrate that the assembly has the required
fire resistance.
(c) Protected Members. I. Attached metal members. The edges of lugs,
brackets, rivets and bolt heads attached to structural members may extend to
within I inch ofthe surface of the fire protection.
2. Reinforcing. Thickness of protection for concrete or masonry reinforce-
ment shall be measured to the outside of the reinforcement except that stirrups and
spiral reinforcement ties may project not more than lfz inch into the protection.
3. Bonded prestressed concrete tendons. For members having a single ten-
don or more than one tendon installed with equal concrete cover measured from
the nearest surface, the cover shall be not less than that set forth in Table
No. 43-A.
For members having multiple tendons installed with variable concrete cover,
the average tendon cover shall be not less than that set forth in Table No. 43-A,
A. The clearance from each tendon to the nearest exposed surface is used to
determine the average cover.
B. In no case can the clear cover for individual tendons be less than one half of
that set forth in Table No. 43-A. A minimum cover of% inch for slabs and
I inch for beams is required for any aggregate concrete.
C. For the purpose of establishing a fire-resistive rating, tendons having a
clear covering Jess than that set forth in Table No. 43-A shall not contribute
more than 50 percent of the required ultimate moment capacity for mem-
bers Jess than 350 square inches in cross-sectional area and 65 percent for
larger members. For structural design purposes, however, tendons having a
reduced cover are assumed to be fully effective.
(d) Fire Protection Omitted. Fire protection may be omitted from the bottom
flange of lintels spanning not over 6 feet, shelf angles, or plates that are not a part
of the structural frame.
(e) Spray-applied Fireproofing. The density and thickness of spray-applied
fireproofing shall be determined following the procedures set forth in U. B. C.
Standard No. 43-8.

Walls and Partitions

Sec. 4304. (a) General. Fire-resistive walls and partitions shall be assumed to
have the fire-resistance ratings set forth in Table No. 43-B.
(b) Combustible Members. Combustible members framed into a wall shall
be protected at their ends by not less than one half the required fire-resistive
thickness of such wall.
(c) Exterior Walls. In fire-resistive exterior wall construction the fire-resistive
rating shall be maintained for such walls passing through attic areas.

1982 EDITION 4304-4305

(d) Nonsymmetrical Wall Construction. Walls and partitions of nonsym-

metrical construction shall be tested with both faces exposed to the furnace, and
the assigned fire-resistive rating will be the shortest duration obtained from the
two tests conducted in conformance with U.B.C. Standard No. 43-1. When
evidence is furnished to show that the wall was tested with the least fire-resistive
side exposed to the furnace, the building official may not require that the wall be
subjected to tests from the opposite side.
(e) Penetrations. Penetrations in walls requiring protected openings shall be
fire-stopped. Firestopping shall be an approved material securely installed and
capable of maintaining its integrity when subjected to test temperatures pre-
scribed in U .B.C. Standard No. 43-1 for the specific wall or partition.
Openings in walls and partitions shall be protected as specified in Section
4306. Where fire-rated walls and partitions require protected openings, the
following penetrations into or through such construction are permitted:
1. Copper or ferrous pipes or conduits may penetrate the walls or partitions,
provided fires topping is provided in accordance with the first paragraph of this
2. Openings for steel electrical outlet boxes not exceeding 16 square inches in
area, provided the area of such openings does not aggregate more than 100 square
inches for any I00 square feet of wall or partition area. Outlet boxes on opposite
sides of walls or partitions shall be separated by a horizontal distance of 24 inches.
3. Where walls are penetrated by other materials or where larger openings are
required than permitted in Item No. 2 above, they shall be qualified by tests
conducted in accordance with the provisions of Section 4302 (b).
Floor-Ceilings or Root-Ceilings
Sec. 4305. (a) General. Fire-resistive floor-ceiling or roof-ceiling con-
struction systems shall be assumed to have the fire-resistance ratings set forth in
Table No. 43-C. Penetrations in floors and ceilings requiring protected openings
shall be fire-stopped. Firestopping shall be of an approved material, securely
installed and capable of maintaining its integrity when subjected to the time-
temperature curve of U .B.C. Standard No. 43-1 for the specific floor-ceiling or

roof-ceiling construction.
EXCEPTION: Where penetrations are protected as shaft enclosures as required
in Section 1706.
When materials are incorporated into an otherwise fire-resistive assembly
which may change the capacity for heat dissipation, fire test results or other
substantiating data shall be made available to the building official to show that the
required fire-resistive time period is not reduced.
(b) Floors. Fire-resistive floors shall be continuous and all openings for
mechanical and electrical equipment shall be enclosed as specified in Section
EXCEPTIONS: I. Occasional pipes, conduits, sleeves and electrical outlets of
copper, sheet steel or ferrous construction may be installed within or through fire-
resistive floor systems, provided such installations do not unduly impair the required
fire resistance of the assembly.


2. The provisions of this section shall not apply when such openings are in
accordance with the results of tests conducted pursuant to the provisions of Section
4302 (b).

(c) Roofs. Fire-resistive roofs may have the same openings as permitted for
floors and may contain other openings as permitted by this code. See Chapter 34
for skylight construction .
(d) Ceiling Panels. Where the weight of lay-in roof-ceiling panels, used as
part of fire-resistive floor-ceiling assemblies is not adequate to resist an upward
force of one pound per square foot, wire or other approved devices shall be
installed above the panels to prevent vertical displacement under such upward
(e) Wiring in Plenums. Factory-assembled multiconductor cable which is
specifically listed for such use may be used within concealed spaces, such as
spaces over suspended ceilings, used for environmental air-handling purposes
when the building is protected by an automatic sprinkler system or the plenum
space is protected by a smoke-detection system which, upon activation of either
system, will cause the air-moving equipment to shut down.

Fire-resistive Assemblies for Protection of Openings

Sec. 4306. (a) General. Where required by this code for the fire protection of
openings, fire-resistive assemblies shall meet the requirements of this chapter.
(b) Definitions.
FIRE ASSEMBLY is the assembly of a fire door, fire windows or fire damper,
including all required hardware, anchorage, frames and sills. Fire dampers shall
be fabricated and installed in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 43-7.
FIRE ASSEMBLY, AUTOMATIC-CLOSING, is a fire assembly which may
remain in an open position and which will close automatically when subjected to
one or the other of the following:
l. An increase in temperature.
Unless otherwise specified, the closing device shall be one rated at a maximum
temperature of l65F.
2. Actuation of a smoke detector.
The closing device shall operate by the activation of an approved detector set to
operate when smoke reduces the intensity of a 1-foot-long beam of white light by
4 percent or any other detection device conforming to the requirements specified
in U .B.C. Standard No. 43-6.
FIRE ASSEMBLY, SELF-CLOSING, is a fire assembly which is kept in a
normally closed position and is equipped with an approved device to ensure
closing and latching after having been opened for use.
(c) Identification of Fire Doors, Fire Windows and Fire Dampers. Fire

doors, fire windows and fire dampers shall have a label or other identification
showing the fire protection rating. Such label shall be approved and shall be
permanently affixed. The label shall be applied at the factory where fabrication
and assembly are done. Inspection shall be made by an approved inspection
agency during fabrication and assembly.

1982 EDITION 4306

(d) Installation of Fire Door Hardware, Fire Door Frames and Anchorage.
Approved fire door hardware and fire door frames including the anchorage
thereof shall be installed in accordance with their listing.
(e) Fire-resistive Thsts. The fire-protection rating of all types of required fire
assemblies shall be determined in accordance with the requirements specified in
U.B.C. Standards No. 43-2 and No. 43-4.
(f) Hardware. Every fire assembly required to have a three-hour fire-protec-
tion rating shall be of an automatic-closing type as specified in Section 4306 (b).
Every fire assembly required to have a one and one-half hour, one-hour, or three-
fourths-hour fire-protection rating shall be of an automatic- or self-closing type as
specified in Section 4306 (b).
EXCEPTIONS: I. Dual fire-exit doors shall have closing devices as specified in
Chapter 33.
2. Swinging fire door assemblies shall be automatic closing by a smoke detector
when installed in the locations listed below. All hold-open devices shall be an
approved type which will release the door in the event of power failure.
A. Cross-corridor doors.
B. Horizontal exit doors.
C. Area separation walls other than doors serving as the entrance into hotel guest
rooms or apartment dwelling units.
D. Occupancy separation walls having a minimum two-hour fire-resistive time
Heat-actuated devices used in automatic fire assemblies providing three-hour
fire protection shall be installed, one on each side of the wall at the top of the
opening and one on each side of the wall at the ceiling height where the ceiling is
more than 3 feet above the opening.
Fire assemblies protecting openings required to have one and one-half, one or
three-fourths-hour fire-protection rating, and which are not exit doors, may be
activated in a similar manner or by a single fusible link in the opening incorpo-
rated in the closing device.
Smoke detectors shall meet the approval of the building official as to installa-
tion and locations and shall be subject to such periodic tests as may be required.
(g) Glazed Openings in Fire Doors. Glazed openings in fire doors shall not
be permitted in a fire assembly required to have a three-hour fire-resistive rating.
The area of glazed openings in a fire door required to have one and one-half
hour or one-hour fire-resistive rating shall be limited to 100 square inches with a
minimum dimension of 4 inches. When both leaves of a pair of doors have
observation panels, the total area of the glazed openings shall not exceed 100
square inches for each leaf.
Glazed openings shall be limited to 1296 square inches in wood and plastic-
faced composite or hollow metal doors, per light, when fire-resistive assemblies
are required to have a three-fourths-hour fire-resistive rating.
(h) Glazed Openings in Fire Windows. Windows required to have a three-
fourths-hour fire-resistive rating may have an area not greater than 84 square feet
with neither width nor height exceeding 12 feet.


(i) Glazing. Glazing shall be glass not less than 1/4 inch thick and shall be
reinforced with wire mesh No. 24 gauge or heavier embedded in the glass with
openings not larger than 1 inch square. Glass not conforming to these require-
ments may be used when qualified by tests in accordance with U.B.C. Standard
No. 43-2 (for doors) or No. 43-4 (for windows). Glass shall be held in place by
steel glazing angles except that in casement windows wire clips may be used.
(j) Fire Dampers. Except where fire tests have shown that fire dampers are not
necessary to maintain the required fire resistance of the construction, fire dampers
complying with the requirements of U .B.C. Standard No. 43-7 shall be installed
and be readily accessible for servicing in the following locations:
I. Duct penetrations of area or occupancy separation walls. When the wall is
required to have a rating of more than two hours, a fire door meeting the
requirements ofU.B.C. Standard No. 43-2 is required.
2. Ducts passing through horizontal exit walls.
3. Duct penetrations of fire-rated shafts unless exhaust or return-air sub-ducts
extend 22 inches vertically in a vented shaft.
4. Ducts penetrating the ceiling of fire-resistive floor-ceiling or roof-ceiling
5. Ducts penetrating fire-rated corridor walls having openings into the
(k) Tin-clad Doors. If constructed as specified in U .B.C. Standard No. 43-3,
tin-clad fire doors installed on each side of openings requiring protection shall be
considered as providing a fire assembly having a three-hour fire-protection rating,
provided each door bears the label of an approved testing agency showing the
classification thereof.
(I) Installation. Fire assemblies shall be installed in accordance with their
I (m) Signs. When required by the building official, a sign shall be displayed
permanently near or on each required fire door in letters not less than I inch high
to read as follows:
Roof Coverings
Sec. 4307. Fire-retardant roof coverings shall be as specified in Sections 3202
(b) and 3203.

1 Grade A concrete, members 6"x 6" or greater (not including 2Yz 2 1Yz 1
sandstone, granite and siliceous gravel).1

2 Grade A concrete, members 8" x 8" or greater (not including 2 1\12 1 I

sandstone, granite and siliceous gravel).1

3 Grade A concrete, members 12"x 12" or greater (not including 1\12 I I I

sandstone, granite and siliceous gravel).1
4 Grade B concrete and Grade A concrete excluded above, members 3 2 1 y, I
Steel 6"x 6" or greater.1
and All 5 Grade B concrete and Grade A concrete excluded above, members 2\12 2 I I
Members 8"x 8" or greater. 1
of Primary
Trusses 6 Grade B concrete and Grade A concrete excluded above, members 2 I I I
12"x 12" or greater.1
7 Clay or shale brick with brick and mortar fi!J.l H~ 2~

8 4" Hollow clay tile in two 2" layers; Yz" mortar between tile and 4
column; Y." metal mesh (wire diameter = .046") in horizontal
joints; tile fill.1
9 2" Hollow clay tile; V." mortar between tile and column; Y." metal 3
mesh (.046" wire diameter) In horizontal joints; Grade A concrete
filii; plastered with V." gypsum plaster.
10 2" Hollow clay tile with outside wire ties (.08" diameter) at each 3
course of tile or Y." metal mesh (.046" diameter wire) in horizontal
joints; Grade A concrete fill 1 extending I " outside colwnn on all sides .



2" Hollow clay tile with outside wire ties (.08" diameter) at each
II course of tile with or without Grade A concrete fill; %" mortar be- 2
tween tile and column.
Steel Portland cement plaster over metal lath wire tied to %" cold-rolled
Columns 12 vertical channels with No. 18 gauge wire ties spaced 3" to 6" on 2Y2 2
and All center. Plaster mixed I :2 Y2 by volume, cement to sand.
of Primary Vermiculite concrete, I :4 mix by volume over paper backed wire
Trusses fabric lath wrapped directly around column with additional 2" x
13 2" No. 16/16 gauge wire fabric placed Y." from outer concrete 2
surface. Wire fabric tied with No. 18 gauge wire spaced 6" on
center for inner layer and 2" on center for outer layer.
Perlite or vermiculite gypsum plaster over metal lath wrapped z
around column and furred IY." from column flanges. Sheets
lapped at ends and tied at 6" intervals with No. 18 gauge tie wire. !Yz I ~
Plaster pushed through to flanges. 3:
Perlite or vermiculite gypsum plaster over self-furring metal lath 0
15 wrapped directly around column, lapped I" and tied at 6" in- IV. I Y, I 3
tervals with No. 18 gauge wire. 0
Perlite or vermiculite gypsum plaster on metal lath applied 10 '!."
16 cold-rolled channels spaced 24 inches a par! verrically and wrapped I 1/2
flat wise around column.

Perlite or vermiculite gypsum plaster over 2 layers of y," plain

full-length gypsum lath applied tight to column flanges. Lath
wrapped with I" hexagonal mesh of No. 20 gauge wire and tied
17 with doubled No. 18 gauge wire ties spaced 23" on center. For 2Yz 2
Columns three-coat work the plaster mix for the second coat shall not ex-
and All ceed 100 pounds of gypsum to 2Y, cubic feet of aggregate for the
Members three-hour system.
of Primary
Trusses Perlite or vermiculite gypsum plaster over one layer of y," plain
full-length gypsum lath applied tight to column flanges. Lath tied
with doubled No. 18 gauge wire ties spaced 23" on center and
18 scratch coat wrapped with I" hexagonal mesh No. 20 gauge wire 2
fabric. For three-coat work the plaster mix for the second coat
shall not exceed 100 pounds of gypsum to 2Y2 cubic feet of
Perlite or vermiculite gypsum plaster over Y." perforated gypsum
lath applied tight to column flanges and tied with doubled No. 18
19 gauge wire ties spaced 15" on center. For three-coat work the IV. IY,
plaster mix for the second coat shall not exceed 100 pounds of gyp-
sum to 2 '/' cubic feet of aggregate for the two-hour system.


3 4
Multiple layers of '!:!" gypsum wallboard adhesively secured to
column flanges and successive layers. Wallboard applied without
20 horizontal joints. Corner edges of each layer staggered. Wall- 2 I
board layer below outer layer secured to column with doubled No.
18 gauge wire ties spaced 15" on center. Exposed corners taped
and treated.

Steel Three layers of Y." Type "X" gypsum wallboard~ First and second
Columns layer held in place by Y," diameter by I Y." long ring shank nails
and All with Y,." diameter heads spaced 24" on center at corners. Middle
Members 21 layer also secured with metal straps at mid-height and 18" from 1/,
of Primary each end, and by metal corner bead at each corner held by the
Trusses metal straps. Third layer attached to corner bead with I" long gyp-
sum wallboard screws spaced 12" on center. c:
Three layers of Y." Type "X" gypsum wallboard, each layer screw i:
attached to I Y." steel studs (No. 25 gauge) at each corner of Ill
column. Middle layer also secured with No. 18 gau~e double c:
22 strand tie wire, 24" on center for inner layer, No.6 by I Y." spaced IY, ;=
12" on center for middle layer and No.8 by 2'!." spaced 12" on 2
center for outer layer.
Wood-fibered gypsum plaster mixed I: I by weight gypsum to sand
Steel aggregate applied over metal lath. Lath lapped I" and tied 6" on 3
Columns 0
center at all ends, edges and spacers with No. 18 gauge tie wire. z
and All Lath applied over 'lz" spacers made of 'li" furring channel with 2"
Members 23 IY,
legs bent around each corner. Spacers located I" from top and
of Primary bottom of member and a maximum of 40" on center and wire tied
Trusses with a single strand of No. 18 gauge wire. Corner bead tied to the
(Cont'd.) lath at 6" on center along each corner to provide plaster thickness.

Grade A concrete (not including sandstone, granite and siliceous

gravel) with 3" or finer metal mesh placed I " from the finished
24 surface anchored to the top flange and providing not less than .025 2 I '12 I I
square inch of steel area per foot in each direction.

Webs or Grade B concrete and Grade A concrete excluded above with

Flanges of 3" or finer metal mesh placed I" from the finished surface
Steel Beams 25 anchored to the top flange and providing not less than .025 square 2'!, .2 I '12 I
and Girders inch of steel area per foot in each direction.
Portland cement plaster on metal lath attached to 3J." cold-rolled
26 channels with No. 18 gauge wire ties spaced 3" to 6" on center. 2 '/, 2 :;,
Plaster mixed I :2 '/, by volume, cement to sand.

Vermiculite Gypsum plaster on a metal lath cage, wire tied to

No. 8 steel wire hangers wrapped around beam and spaced 16"
27 on center. Metal lath ties spaced approximately 5" on center at i;
cage sides and bottom.


ITEM PERIODS (In lnchesl

Two layers of Y," Type "X" gypsum wallboarlare attached to U-

shaped brackets spaced 24" on center. No. 25 gauge IY," deep by
I" galvanized steel runner channels are first installed parallel to
and on each side of the top beam flange to provide a y," clearance
to the flange. The channel runners are attached to steel deck or
concrete floor construction with approved fasteners spaced 12" on
center. U-shaped brackets are formed from members identical to
the channel runners. At the bent portion of the U-shaped bracket,
the webs of the channel are cut out so that I Y," deep corner chan-
Webs or nels can be inserted without attachment parallel to each side of the
Flanges of lower flange.
Stecllkams As an alternate No. 24 gauge I" by 2" runner and corner angles
and Girders 28 may be used in lieu of channels and the web cutouts in the U- I y,
shaped brackets may be omitted. Each angle is attached to the
bracket with y," long No. 8 self-drilling screws. The vertical legs c:
of the U-shaped bracket are attached to the runners with one y," z
long No. 8 self-drilling screw. The completed steel framing
provides a 2Y." and 1'/'" space between the inner layer of
wallboard and the sides and bottom of the steel beam respectively. 3:::
The inner layer of wallboard is attached to the top runners and aJ
bottom corner channels or corner angles with I Y4" long No.6 self- c:
drilling screws spaced 16" on center. The outer layer of wallboard c
is applied with I 3/i" long No. 6 self-drilling screws spaced 8" on
center. fhc bottom corners arc reinforced with metal corner beads.
Three layers of Y. Type X gypsum wallboard3attached to a steel
suspension system as described immediately above utilizing the
No. 25 gauge I" by 2" lower corner angles. The framing is located
so that a 2Y. and 2" space is provided between the inner layer of
wallboard and the sides and bottom of the beam respectively. The
Webs or first two layers of wallboard are attached as described immediately
Flanges of above. A layer of No. 20 gauge I" hexagonal galvanized wire mesh
Steel Beams
and Girders
29 is applied under the soffit of the middle layer and up the sides
proximately 2". The mesh is held in position with the No. 6 I'.
!f.- Ill,

long screws installed in the vertical leg of the bottom corner angles.
The outer layer of wallboard is attached with No. 6 2 !/.o long
screws spaced 8" on center. One screw is also installed at the mid-
depth of the bracket in each layer. Bottom corners are finished as
described above.
Pretensioned Grade A 6 Beams or girders 47 37 2Y, 7 IY2
Reinforcement 30 concrete Solid slabs s 2 IY2 I
in Prestressed
Concrete 5
Bonded or Grade A or B Concrete
Unbonded Unrestrained Members:
Posttensioned Solid Slabss 2 I'/'
31 Beams and Girders I 1
Tendons in
Prest res sed 8 in. wide 4Y2 2Y, I:V..
Concrete 5 JO > 12in. wide 3 2Y, 2 I y,

NUMBER (In Inches)
4Hr. 3Hr. 2Hr. 1 Hr.

Bonded or Grade A or B Concrete

Unbonded Restrained Members: 12
Posttensioned Solid Slabs8 IV.. I y,
Tendons in 32 Beams and Girders 11
Prestressed Sin. Wide 2Y, 2 1%
Concretes 10 > 12 in. wide 2 1% I y,

Reinforcing Grade A concrete, members 12" or larger, square or round

Steel in 33 (Size limit does not apply to beams and girders monolithic 1 112 1 112 I y, I y,
Reinforced with lloors.)
Columns, Grade B concrete, members 12" or larger, -,quare or round
Beams, 34 (Size limit does not apply to beams and girder'> monolithi<.: 2 I y, I y, I y,
Girders and with lloors.)
Trusses c:
Steel in 35 Grade A concrete 1 114 IV.. I % 2i
Reinforced s:::
Concrete Grade B concrete 1% 1 112 I y,
36 IJJ
Joists 9 c:
and Tie Rods 37 Grade A concrete I I y, y, z
in Floor and 0
Roof Slabs 9 Grade B concrete IV.. I I y, 0
"Generic fire resistance ratings (those not designated by company code letter) as listed in the Fire Resistance Design Manual, Tenth Edition 0
( 1981 ), as published by the Gypsum Association-may be accepted as if herein listed. 3
I Reentrant parts of protected members to be filled solidly.
2Two layers of equal thickness with a 3/-inch air space between.
3for all of the conbestrucbtion widt~ gypsum wallbo ard ddescri~dd td.n Tablhe No. 43-dA, ~yp sumhbase forfivedn;er phlaster obofthedsamdehsize: thicknehssfand .''. .,. ,:
core type may su stttute .or gypsum wa1100ar , provt e attac mentis 1 enttca tot at spec1 te .or t e wa 11 ar an t e JOmts on t e ace
layer are reinforced and the entire surface is covered with a minimum of !lt6- inch gypsum veneer plaster. The gypsum base for veneer plaster and ::::
the veneer plaster shall comply with U.B.C. Standard No. 47-15.
4An approved adhesive qualified under U.B.C. Standard No. 43-1.
5Wbere lightweight Grade A concrete aggregates producing concrete having an oven-dry weight of II 0 pounds per cubic foot or less are used, the
tabulated minimum cover may be reduced 25 percent, except that in no case shall the cover be less than 3f4 inch in slabs nor I !12 inches in beams
or girders.
6for Grade B concrete increase tendon cover 20 percent.
7 Adequate provisions against spalling shall be provided by U-shaped or hooped stirrups spaced not to exceed the depth ofthe member with a clear
cover of I inch.
8Prestressed slabs shall have a thickness not less than that required in Table No. 43-C for the respective fire-resistive time period.
9for use with concrete slabs having a comparable fire endurance where members are framed into the structure in such a manner as to provide
equivalent performance to that of monolithic concrete construction.
IOfire coverage and end anchorages shall be as follows: Cover to the prestressing steel at the anchor shall be !12 inch greater than that required away
from the anchor. Minimum cover to steel bearing plate shall be I inch in beams and 3f4 inch in slabs.
II For beam widths between 8 and 12 inches, cover thickness can be determined by interpolation.
12 Interior spans of continuous slabs, beams and girders may be considered restrained.
ITEM (In Inches)

I Solid units (at least 75 percent solid). 8 63 4

Solid units plastered each side with Y. gypsum or portland cement
2 plaster. Portland cement plaster mixed I :2 Yz by weight, cement 4'!.4
to sand.

3 Hollow brick units 5 at least 71 percent solid. 8

Brick of
Clay or Hollow brick units 5
at least 71 percent solid, plastered each side
Shale 4 with Y. gypsum plaster. 8'!.
5 Hollow (rowlock ). 12 8
Hollow (rowlock ) plastered each side with y, gypsum or portland
6 cement plaster. Portland cement plaster mixed I :2 V2 by weight, 9
cement to sand.
Hollow cavity wall consisting of two 4" nominal clay brick units z
7 with air space between. 10

Hollow brick units at least 60 percent solid, cells filled with ::D
8 perlite loose fill insulation. 8 IJJ
4-in. nominal thick units at least 75 percent solid backed with r=
a hat shaped metal furring channel '!. inch thick formed from
0.021-inch sheet metal attached to the brick wall on 24-inch z
9 centers with approved fasteners; and '12-inch Type X gypsum 54
wallboard 7 attached to the metal furring strips with l-inch long 0
TypeS screws spaced 8 inches on center.

Brick of Gay Cavity wall consisting of two 3-inch nominal thick solid clay
or Shale 10 units with air space_ 8 c
One cell in wall thickness, units at least 50 percent solid, plastered 0
II each side with Y. gypsum plaster_ 4'1. z
Hollow Clay
Tile, Non- 12 Two cells in wall thickness, units at least 45 percent solid. 6
(End or Two cells in wall thickness, units at least 45 percent solid.
Side Con- 13 Plastered each side withY. gypsum plaster. 7
Two cells in wall thickness, units at least 60 percent solid.
14 Plastered each side with Y." gypsum plaster. 5

15 Two cells in wall thickness, units at least 40 percent solid. 8

Two cells in wall thickness, units at least 40 percent solid.

16 Plastered one side with Y. gypsum plaster. 8Y2
17 Two cells in wall thickness, units at least 49 percent solid_ 8
Hollow Clay 18 Three cells in wall thickness, units at least 40 percent solid.
Tile, Load- 12
bearing Two units and three cells in wall thickness, units at least 40
(End or 19 percent solid.
Side Con- 12
struction) Two units and four cells in wall thickness, units at least 45
20 percent solid. 12
Two units and three cells in wall thickness, units at least 40 percent
21 solid. Plastered one side with Y. gypsum plaster. 12Y2
Three cells in wall thickness, units at least 43 percent solid.
22 Plastered one side withY. gypsum plaster. 8Y2

..... (Continued)
ITEM (lnlnc~Ms)
4Hr. 3Hr. 2Hr. 1 Hr.

Two cells in wall thickness, units at least 40 percent solid.

23 Plastered each side withY, gypsum plaster. 9

Hollow Clay Three cells in wall thickness, units at least 43 percent solid.
Tile, Load- 24 Plastered each side with Y, gypsum plaster. 9
(End or Three cells in wall thickness, units at least 40 percent solid.
25 Plastered each side with Y, gypsum plaster. 13
Side Con-
struction) Hollow cavity wall consisting of two 4" nominal clay tile units
(at least 40 percent solid) with air space between. Plastered one
26 side (exterior) with % portland cement plaster and other side 10
with Y," gypsum plaster. Portland cement plaster mixed I :3 by
volume, cement to sand.

Combina- 27 4" brick and 8" tile. 12

tionofClay c:
Brick and 28 4" brick and 4" tile. 8 z
ing Hollow 4" brick and 4" tile plastered on the tile side with Y," gypsum
Clay Tile 29 plaster. 8Yz 31:
30 Expanded slag or pumice. 4.7 4.0 3.2 2.1 c:
Concrete 31 Expanded clay or shale. 5.7 4.8 3.8 2.6 z
Units8 32 Limestone, cinders or air cooled slag. 5.9 5.0 4.0 2.7 0
33 Calcareous or siliceous gravel . 6.2 5.3 4.2 2.8 ~
Horizontal reinforcement not less than 0.25 per- Grade A
6Yz 6 5 3Yz 4 3
cent and vertical reinforcement not less than 0.15 Concrete 0

Concrete 34 percent. (Three-fourths as much for welded wire Grade B z
fabric.) 1Yz 6Yz sv, 44

One 2" unit cored 15 percent maximum and one 4" unit cored
35 25 percent maximum with V." mortar filled collar joint. Unit 6,
positions reversed in alternate courses.

One 2" unit cored 15 percent maximum and one 4" unit cored
40 percent maximum with Y. " mortar filled collar joint. Plas-
36 tered one side with V. gypsum plaster. Two wythes tied together 6'!.
Glazed or every fourth course with No. 22 gauge corrugated metal ties.
Facing Tile, One unit with three cells in wall thickness, cored 29 percent
Nonload- 37 maximum. 6
One 2" unit cored 22 percent maximum and one 4" unit cored
41 percent maximum with y," mortar filled collar joint. Two
38 wythes tied together every third course with No. 22 gauge cor- 6
ruga ted metal ties.
One 4" unit cored 25 percent maximum with 1;4" gypsum
39 plaster on one side. 4'!.
One 4" unit with two cells in wall thickness, cored 22 percent
maximum. 4

ITEM (lnlncMs)
4Hr. 3Hr. 2Hr. 1 Hr.

Glazed or One 4w unit cored 30 percent maximum with 314w vermiculite

Unglazed 41 gypsum plaster on one side . 4Y2
Facing Tile,
Nonload- One 4w unit cored 39 percent maximum with 3f4, gypsum
bearing 42 plaster on one side. 4Y2
3,4w by No. 16 gauge vertical cold-rolled channels, 16-, on
center with 2.5-pound flat metal lath applied to one face and
43 tied with No. 18 gauge wire at 6w spacing. Gypsum plaster each 24
side mixed I :2 by weight, gypsum to sand aggregate.
Studless with Yz" full-length plain gypsum lath and gypsum
44 plaster each side. Plaster mixed I: I for scratch coat and I :2 24
for brown coat, by weight, gypsum to sand aggregate.
~" by No. 16 gauge cold-rolled channels 16" on center with
Solid metal lath applied to one face and tied with No. 18 gauge wire
Gypsum at 6w spacing. Perlite or vermiculite gypsum plaster each side. c
Plaster 45 For three-coat work the plaster mix for the second coat shall 2V2 4 24 z
not exceed 100 pounds of gypsum to 2v2 cubic feet of aggregate
for the one-hour system. 21:IJ
Studless with y,w full-length plain gypsum lath and perlite or CD
46 vermiculite gypsum plaster each side. 2Y2 4 24 c
Studless partition with Y." rib metal lath installed vertically,
adjacent edges tied 6" on center with No. 18 gauge wire ties, z
47 gypsum plaster each side mixed 1:2 by weight, gypsum to
sand aggregate.
3;4 by No. 16 gauge vertical cold-rolled channels, 16w on center,
Solid with Yo gypsum lath applied to one face and attached with
Gypsum 48 sheet metal clips. Gypsum plaster each side mixed I :2 by weight, 24
Plaster gypsum to sand aggregate.

Perlite mixed in the ratio of 3 cubic feet to 100 pounds of portland

Solid Perlite cement and machine applied to stud side of I Y, wmesh by No. 17 z
and 49 gauge paper-backed woven wire fabric lath wire-tied to 4" deep 3Y,4
Portland steel trussed wire9 studs 16w on center. Wire ties of 18 gauge
Cement galvanized steel wire 6w on center vertically.

Solid Neat
Wood % w by No. 16 gauge cold-rolled channels, I r on center with 2.5-
Fibered 50 pound flat metal lath applied to one face and tied with No. 18 24
Gypsum gauge wire at 6w spacing. Neat gypsum plaster applied each side.
Solid One full-length layer y,w Type "X" gypsum wallboard 1aminated
Gypsum to each side of I" full length V-edge gypsum coreboard with
Wallboard 51 approved laminating compound. Vertical joints of face layer 24
Partition and core board staggered at least 3".
One full-length layer of Y." Type "X" gypsum wallboard attached
to both sides of wood or metal top and bottom runners laminated
to each side of l"x6" full-length gypsum coreboard ribs
52 spaced 24" on center with approved laminating compound. Ribs 2Y44
Hollow centered at vertical joints of face plies and joints staggered 24"
(Studless) in opposing faces. Ribs may be recessed 6w from the top and
Gypsum bottom.
Partition I" regular gypsum "V" edge full-length backing board attached
to both sides of wood or metal top and bottom runners with
nails or I Y, drywall screws at 24" on center. Minimum width
53 of runners I Y," . Face layer of y, n regular full-length gypsum 4Y,4
wallboard laminated to outer faces of backing board with
approved laminating compound.
ITEM (In Inches)

3l4 by No. 18 gauge steel studs spaced 24" on center. ~-

54 gypsum plaster on metal lath each side mixed I :2 by weight, 4%4
gypsum to sand aggregate.

3~" No. 16 gauge approved nailable 10 studs spaced 24" on

center. Y. neat gypsum wood fibered plaster each side over
55 Y." rib metal lath nailed to studs with 6d common nails, 8" 5'1,
on center. Nails driven I Y.. and bent over.
2Y2" steel studs 16" on center formed with No. 16 gauge
angle flanges and No. 7 gauge wire diagonals. '/." perforated
gypsum lath au ached to the studs each side with No. 12
56 gauge wire clips at horizontal and vertical joints. Y2" gyp- 4 114 4
Noncom bus- sum plaster applied each side mixed 1:2 by weight, gypsum
tible Studs to sand aggregate.
Partition 2\12" steel studs 16" on center formed with No. 16 gauge
with Plaster angle flanges and No. 7 gauge wire diagonals. '/, perforated
Each Side gypsum lath attached to the studs each side with No. 12 c:
gauge approved steel wire clios. End joints of lath held by ap-
proved end joint clips. V.. perlite or vermiculite gypsum
plaster applied each side. :D
4" No. 18 gauge channel-shaped steel studs at 16" on center. c:
On each side approved resilient clips pressed onto stud flange rc
58 at 16" vertical spacing, 1/ pencil rods snapped into or wire- 7'/,4
tied onto outer loop of clips, metal lath wire-tied to pencil z
rods at 6" intervals, I" perlite gypsum plaster, each side. (')
tible Studs
2Y2" No. 18 gauge steel studs spaced 16" on center. Wood
fibered gypsum plaster mixed 1:1 by weight gypsum to sand !m
-Interior 59 aggregate applied on 3.4 pound metal lath wire tied to studs, 4'1.4 c
Partition each side. J;.. plaster applied over each face, including finish 3
with Plaster coat. 0
Each Side z
2" x 4" wood studs 16" on center with '!, gypsum plaster on
metal lath. Lath attached by 4d common nails bent over or
6()11 No. 14 gauge by IV. x % crown width staples spaced 6 5Y,
on center. Plaster mixed I: I y, for scratch coat and 1:3 for
brown coat, by weight, gypsum to sand aggregate.
2" x 4 wood studs 16" on center with metal lath and '/," neat
6P 1 wood fibered gypsum plaster each side. Lath attached by 6d sy,4
common nails, 7 on center. Nails driven 1'/." and bent over.
2" x 4" wood studs 16 on center with '!, perforated or plain
gypsum lath and Y2 gypsum plaster each side. Lath nailed
6211 with I'/," by No. 13 gauge by ''I., head plasterboard blued SY.
Wood Studs nails, 4" on center. Plaster mixed I :2 by weight, gypsum to
Interior sand aggregate.
with Plaster 2" x 4" wood studs 16 on center with '!," Type "X" gypsum
Each Side lath and y, gypsum plaster each side. Lath nailed with I'/,"
6311 by No. 13 gauge by "/.," head plasterboard blued nails, 5" on SY.
center. Plaster mixed I :2 by weight, gypsum to sand aggre-
2" x 4" wood studs 16" on center with '/," perforated gypsum
lath and Y2" perlite or vermiculite gypsum plaster each side.
Lath nailed with I'/, by No. 13 gauge by ''I.," head plaster-
6411 board blued nails, 5" on center. For three-coat work the plas- SY.
ter mix for the second coat shall not exceed 100 pounds of gypsum
to 2 y, cubic feet of aggregate.

MINIMU~rb~~~~~~CE 2

2"x 4" wood studs 16" on center withY." perforated gypsum lath
Wood Studs with I" hexagonal mesh of No. 20 gauge wire furred out ?'[," and
Interior I" perlite or vermiculite ~~sum plaster each side. Lath nailed with
Partition 1Y." by No. 13 gauge by head plasterboard blued nails spaced
with Plaster 65 11 5" on center. Mesh attached by I~" by No. 12 gauge by Y." head 6Y.
Each Side nails withY." furrings, spaced 8" on center. For three-coat work
the plaster mix for the second coat shall not exceed 100 pounds of
gypsum to 2 Yz cubic feet of aggregate.

No. 25 gauge channel-shaped studs 24" on center with one full-length

layer of Sfs" Type "X" gypsum wallboard? applied vertically attached
with I" long No. 6 drywall screws to each stud. Screws are 8" on center
66 around the perimeter and 12" on center on the intermediate stud. The 2Y.4
wallboard may be applied horizontally when attached to 35/s'' studs and
the horizontal joints are staggered with those on the opposite side.
Screws for the horizontal application shall be 8" on center at vertical c
Noncom bus- edges and 12" on center at intermediate studs. z
tible Studs ~
-Interior No. 25 gauge channel-shaped studs 24" on center with two full-
Partition length layers of Yz" Type "X" gypsum wallboard 7applied ver- ill:
with tically each side. First layer attached with I" long, No. 6 drywall aJ
67 screws, 8" on center around the perimeter and 12" on center on the 3Y,4 r=
intermediate stud. Second layer applied with vertical joints offset
Each Side one stud space from first layer using I Y." long, No. 6 drywall z
screws spaced 9" on center along vertical joints, 12" on center at
intermediate studs and 24" on center along top and bottom run- 0
ners. li(
Noncombus- c
tible Studs
-Interior 10
No. 16 gauge approved nailable metal studs 24" on center witt 0
Partition full-length%" Type "X" gypsum wallboardapplied vertically and z
with 68 nailed 7" on center with 6d cooler nails. Approved metal fastene 4%
Gypsum grips used with nails at vertical butt joints along studs.
Each Side

2"x 4" wood studs 16" on center with two layers%" regular gyp-
sum wallboard 7each side, 4d cooler nails 8 on center first layer, Sd
cooler nails 8" on center second layer with laminating compound
6911 between layers. Joints staggered. First layer applied full length ver- 5
tically, second layer applied horizontally or vertically.
Interior 2"x 4" wood studs 16" on center with two layers Yz" regular gyp-
Partition sum wallboard 7applied vertically or horizontally each side, joint
7011 staggered. Nail base layer with Sd cooler nails at 8" on center, face 5Y,
with layer with Sd cooler nails at 8 on center.
Wallboard 2" x 4" wood studs 24" on center with y, Type "X" gypsum
Each Side wallboard7 applied vertically or horizontally nailed with 6d cooler
7Jl1 nails 7 on center with end joints on nailing members. Stagger joints 4Y.
on each side.
2"x 4" fire-retardant treated wood studs spaced 24" on center wi~~
one layer of%" thick Type "X" gypsum wallboard 7applied wit
72ll face paper grain (long dimension) parallel to studs. Wallboard at 4Y.4
tached with 6d cooler nails spaced 7 on center.

(In Inches)
2"x 4" wood studs 16" on center with two layers Yo" Type "X"
gypsum wallboard7each side. Base layers applied vertically and
Wood nailed with 6d cooler nails 9" on center. Face layer applied ver-
Studs- 73 11 tically or horizontally and nailed with 8d cooler nails 7" on center. 6
Interior For nail-adhesive application, base layers are nailed 6" on center.
Partition Face layers applied with coating of approved wallboard adhesive
With and nailed 12" on center.
Wallboard 2" x 3" fire-retardant treated wood studs spaced 24" on center with
Each Side one layer of Yo" thick Type "X" gypsum wallboard 7applied with
7411 face paper grain (long dimension) at right angles to studs. 3Y,4
Wallboard attached with 6d cement coated box nails spaced 7" on
Exterior surface with 3f.. drop siding or Yo exterior type plywood
over \12 gypsum sheathing on 2"x 4" wood studs at 16" on center;
interior surface treatment as required for one-hour rated exterior c
or interior 2"x 4" wood stud partitions. Gypsum sheathing nailed
with 1% by No. II gauge by ;.-;, head galvanized nails at 8" on Varies ~:D
center. Siding nailed with 7d galvanized smooth box nails.
Plywood nailed with 6d galvanized siding or casing nails, 6" on 3:::
center around the perimeter and 12" on center elsewhere. ID
Exterior or c
Interior 2"x 4" wood studs 16" on center with metal lath and 3f.. exterior z
cement plaster 12 on each side. Lath attached with 6d common nails
7611 7" on center driven to I on center driven to I minimum penetra-
tion and bent over. Plaster mix I :4 for scratch coat and I :5 for
5Y. "
brown coat, by volume, cement to sand . ~
2" x 4" wood studs 16" on center withY." exterior cement plaster c
(measured from the face of studs) on the exterior surface with 3
77ll interior surface treatment as required for interior wood stud Varies 0
partitions in this table. Plaster mix I :4 for scratch coat and I :5 for
brown coat, by volume, cement to sand.

3Y," No. 16 gauge noncombustible studs 16" on center with Y."

exterior cement plaster (measured from the face of the studs) on
the exterior surface with interior surface treatment as required for
78 interior, nonbearing, noncombustible stud partitions in this table. Varies 4
Plaster mix I :4 for scratch coat and I :5 for brown coat, by
Exterior or volume, cement to sand.
Walls 2 ~ x 3 V.. clay face brick with cored holes over Yi gypsum
sheathing on exterior surface of 2" x 4" wood studs at 16" on
center and two layers Y, Type "X" gypsum wallboard 7on interior
surface. Sheathing placed horizontally or vertically with vertical
~oints over studs nailed 6" on center with I. by No. II gauge by
;{ 6 head galvanized nails. Inner layer of wallboard placed
horizontally or vertically and nailed 8" on center with 6d cooler
79 nails. Outer layer of wallboard placed horizontally or vertically 10
and nailed 8" on center with Bd cooler nails. All joints staggered
with vertical joints over studs. Outer layer joints taped and
finished with compound. Nailheads covered with joint compound.
No. 20 gauge corrugated galvanized steel wall ties 3-4 x 6% at-
tached to each stud with two 8d cooler nails, every sixth course of

ITEM (In lncheal
4Hr. 3Hr. 2Hr. 1 Hr.

2" x 6" fire-retardant treated wood studs 16" on center. Interior face has two layers
of 'h" Type "X" gypsum wallboard7 with the base layer placed vertically and
attached with 6d box nails 12" on center. The face layer is placed horizontally and
attached with 8d box nails 8" on center at joints and 12" on center elsewhere. The
exterior face has a base layer of 'h" Type "X'' gypsum wallboard placed vertically
gou with 6d box nails 8" on center at joints and 12" on center elsewhere. An approved
buildinf paper is next applied, followed by self-furred exterior lath attached with
211!", I gauge galvanized roofing nails with a "h" diameter head and spaced 6" on SY.
center along each stud. Exterior cement plaster consisting of a 1-7" brown coat is
then applied. The scratch coat is mixed in the proportion of I :3 by weight, cement
to sand with I 0 pounds of hydrated lime and 3 pounds of asbestos fiber per sack of
cement. The brown coat is mixed in the proportion of I :4 by weight, cement to sand
with the same amounts of hydrated lime and asbestos fiber used in the scratch coat.
Exterior or
2" x 6" wood studs 16" on center. The exterior face has a layer of 'h" Type "X"
gypsum wallboard7 placed vertically with 6d box nails 8" on center at joints and 12"
on center elsewhere. An approved building paper is next applied, followed by I" by
No. 18 ga~ge self-furred exterior lath attached with 8d by 2\.7" long galvanized
roofing nails spaced 6" on center along each stud. Exterior cement plaster consist-
ing of a 1-7" scratch coat, a bonding agent and a W brown coat and a fmish coat is
then applied. The scratch coat is mixed in the proportion of I :3 by weight, cement
to sand with I 0 pounds of hydrated lime and 3 pounds of asbestos fiber per sack of
8P 1 cement. The brown coat is mixed in the proportion of I :4 by weight, cement to sand
with the same amounts of hydrated lime and asbestos fiber used in the scratch coat. 8~
The interior is covered with "h" gypsum lath with I" hexagonal mesh of No. 20
~ woven wire lath furred out y,. and I" r,:rJite or vermiculite gypsum plaster.
Lath nailed with I 14" by No. 13 ga~ge by 1% head plasterboard blued nails spaced
s on center. Mesh attached by I'14" by No. 12 ga~ge by "h" head nails with "h"
furrings, spaced 8" on center. The plaster mix shall not exceed 100 pounds of
gypsum to 21-7 cubic feet of aggregate.
2" x 6" wood studs at 16" on center. The exterior face has a layer of 5111"
'JYpe "X" gypsum wallboanP placed vertically with 6d box nails 8" on
center at joints and 12" on center elsewhere. An approved building paper
is next applied, followed by I Vz" by No. 17 gauge self-furred exterior lath
attached with 8d by 2\12" long galvanized roofing nails spaced 6" on
center along each stud. Exterior cement plaster consisting of a \12'' scratch
coat, and a \12'' brown coat is then applied. The plaster may be placed by
machine. The scratch coat is mixed in the proportion of 1:4 by weight,
82 11 plastic cement to sand. The brown coat is mixed in the proportion of I :5 8Y,
by weight, plastic cement to sand. The interior is covered with W'
gypsum lath with I" hexagonal mesh of No. 20 gauge woven wire lath
furred out 'Y16" and I" perlite or vermiculite gypsum plaster. Lath nailed
with II-i!" by No. 13 gauge by I%o" head plasterboard blued nails spaced
Exterior or 5" on center. Mesh attached by 14' by No. 12 gauge by W' head nails
Interior with ~ furrings, spaced 8" on center. The plaster mix shall not exceed
Walls 100 pounds of gypsum to 2\12 cubic feet of aggregate.

4" No. 18 gauge, nonload-bearing metal studs, 16" on center, with

1" portland cement lime plaster (measured from the back side of
the 3.41# expanded metal lath) on the exterior surface. Interior sur-
face to be covered with I" of gypsum plaster on 3.41# expanded
83 metal lath proportioned by weight - 1:2 for scratch coat, I :3 for 6Y~'
brown, gypsum to sand. Lath on one side of the partition fastened
to \4 diameter pencil rods supported by No. 20 gauge metal clips,
located 16" on center vertically, on each stud. 3" thick mineral
fiber insulating baus friction fitted between the studs .

(Footnotes on following pagi}

aGeneric fire resistance ratings (those not designated by company code letter) as listed in the Fire Resistance Design Manual, Tenth Edition (1981),
published by the Gypsum Association-may be accepted as if herein listed.
1Staples with equivalent holding power and penetration may be used as alternate fasteners to nails for attachment to wood framing.
2Thickness shown for brick and clay tile are nominal thicknesses unless plastered, in which case thicknesses are net. Thicknesses shown for solid or
hollow concrete masonry units are ''equivalent thicknesses'' as defined in U. B.C. Standard No. 24-4. Thickness includes plaster, lath and gypsum
wallboard where mentioned and grout when all cells are solid grouted.
3Single-wythe brick.
4 Shall be used for nonbearing purposes only.
5 Hollow brick units 4-inch by 8-inch by 12-inch nominal with two interior cells having a I Y2-inch web thickness between cells and I V.-inch-thick face
6Rowlock design employs clay brick with all or part of bricks laid on edge with the bond broken vertically.
7For all of the construction with gypsum wallboard described in Table No. 43-B, gypsum base for veneer plaster of the same size, thickness and core .!,!.!,!.,

type may be substituted for gypsum wallboard, provided attachment is identical to that specified for the wallboard and the joints on the face layer
are reinforced and the entire surface is covered with a minimum of \116-inch gypsum veneer plaster. The gypsum base for veneer plaster and the l
veneer plaster shall comply with U. B.C. Standard No. 4 7-15. :~::
ssee also Footnote 2. The equivalent thickness may include the thickness of portland cement paster or I .5 times the thickness of gypsum plaster c:
applied in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 47 of the code. z
9 Studs are welded truss wire studs with No. 7 gauge flange wire and No. 7 gauge truss wires.
10Nailable metal studs consist of two channel studs spot welded back-to-back with a crimped web forming a nailing groove.
11 Plywood may be installed between the fire protection and the wood studs on either the interior or exterior side of the wood frame assemblies in this s:::
table, provided the length of the fasteners used to attach the fire protection are increased by an amount at least equal to the thickness of the plywood. IJI
121 h;ee pounds of asbestos fiber added for each bag of portland cement. c:
IIRI~ ... llnl1""'"'' z

Concrete-Excluding Ex-
panded Clay Shale or
Slate (by Rotary Kiln I Slab (no ceiling required). 6Y2 3\-'22
Process) or Expanded
Concrete - Expanded Clay
Shale or Slate (by Rotary
Kiln Process) or Expanded 2 Slab (no ceiling required). 5 4 3
Slab with suspended ceil
ing of vermiculite gypsum
plaster over metal lath at-
Reinforced Concrete tached to 3.4 cold-rolled
Joists 3 channels spaced 12" on 3 2
center. Ceiling located 6"
minimum below joists.

Item (In Inches) (In Inches)
4Hr. 3Hr. 2Hr. 1Hr. 4Hr. 3Hr. 2Hr. 1 Hr.

s;," Type "X" gypsum wall-

board3 attached to No. 25
gauge by '!," deep by 2'/,"
hat-shaped galvanized steel
channels with 1 long No. 6
screws. The channels are
spaced 24" on center, span
35" and are supported along
their length at 35"
intervals by No. 21-gauge
galvanized steel flat strap
hangers having formed
edges which engage the
lips of the channel. The
Reinforced Concrete strap hangers are attached
Joists 4 to the side of the concrete 2Y2 'I,
Uoists with s;J2" by 1~"
long powder-driven fasten- c
ers. The wallboard is in- z
stalled with the long di-
lmension perpendicular to
he channels. All end joints 3:
!occur on channels and sup- m
plementary channels are in-
tailed parallel to the main
hannels, 12" each side, at z
~nd joint occurrences. The
mish ceiling is located ap- 0
proximately 12" below the 0
offit of the floor slab. ~
Gypsum plaster on metal
lath attached to the bot-
tom chord with single No. c
16 gauge or doubled No. 3
18 gauge wire ties spaced 0
5 6" on center. Plaster mix- 2\12 2V. ~ 'I, z
ed 1:2 for scratch coat,
1:3 for brown coat, by
weight, gypsum to sand
aggregate for two-hour
system. For three-hour
system plaster is neat.
Vermiculite gypsum plas-
Steel Joists Constructed with a ter on metal lath attached
Poured Reinforced Concrete to the bottom chord with
Slab on Metal Lath Forms or
Steel Form Units 4 6 single No. 16 gauge or dou- 2 'I,
bled No. 18 gauge wire ties
6" on center.
Portland cement plaster
over metal lath attached to
the bottom chord of joists
with single No. 16 gauge
or doubled No. 18 gauge
wire ties spaced 6" on cen-
7 ter. Plaster mixed 1:2 for 2V. 2 ;,5 '1,6
scratch coat, I :3 for
brown coat for one-hour
system and 1:1 for scratch
coat, I: I Y, for brown coat
for two-hour system, by
weight, cement to sand.

Item (In Inches} (In Inches}

Perlite or vermiculite gyp-

sum plaster on Y." perfo-
rated gypsum lath attached
to '!. n cold-rolled chan-
nels with approved clips
8 giving continuous support 2 2 2 2 J'/, 7 G '/, 7 ;,s
to lath. Channels attached )89
to or suspended below
joists and held to bottom
chord of joists.
Gypsum plaster on '!," per-
forated gypsum lath at-
tached to '!. n cold-rolled
Steel Joists Constructed with a channels, with approved
Poured Reinforced Concrete 9 clips giving continuous 2
Slab on Metal Lath Forms or support to lath. Channels
Steel Form Units 4 attached to or suspended
below joists and wire tied
to bottom chord of joists.
Ceiling of '!," Type "X" z
wallboard 3 attached to Y.
deep by 2 Y." by No. 25 ~
gauge hat-shaped furring 3:
channels 12" on center Ill
10 with I" long No. 6 wall- 'I, c:
board screws at 8" on cen- F
ter. Channels wire tied to bot-
tom chord of joists with z
doubled No. 18 gauge wire 0
or suspended below joists 0
on wire hangers. ~
Wood-fibered gypsum plas-
ter mixed 1:1 by weight
gypsum to sand aggregate
applied over metal lath.
Steel Joists Constructed with a Lath tied 6" on center to
Poored Reinforced Concrete II 31." channels spaced 13!11" 2Y, %
Slab on Metal Lath Forms or
Steel Form Units 4 on center. Channels se-
cured to joists at each in-
tersection with two strands
of No. 18 gauge galvanized

~~~, gypsum plaster on bot-

Reinforced Concrete Slab and
Joists with Hollow Clay Tile 12 tom of floor or roof con- 8 10 'I,
Fillers Laid End to End in s truction.
Rows 2Y," or More Apart;
Reinforcement Placed Between 5Y, II
Rows and Concrete Cast 13 None
Arrund and Over Tile

Vermiculite gypsum plas-

Steel Joists Constructed with a ter on metal lath attached
Poured Reinforced Concrete Slab to cold-rolled chan- 12
on !12'' deep steel deck 14 nels with No. 18 gauge 2Y, %
wire ties spaced 6" on



(lnlnchas) (In lnchas)


4Hr. 3Hr. 2Hr. 1 Hr. 4Hr. 3Hr. 2Hr. 1 Hr.

Perlite or vermiculite gyp-

sum plaster on VII" perfo-
rated gypsum lath at-
tached to 3;4 n cold-rolled
15 channels with approved 2 y, '1,89
clips. Channels suspended
by No. 8 gauge hanger
wire through units be-
tween cells.
Suspended ceiling of ver-
miculite gypsum plaster
base coat and vermiculite
3" Deep Cellular Steel acoustical plaster on metal
Deck with Concrete Slab lath attached at 6" inter-
on Top. Slab Thickness vals to 314" cold-rolled
Measured to Top of Cells channels spaced 12" on
center and secured to I 'li
16 cold-rolled channels spaced 2 y, I'!, 13
36" on center with No. 16
gauge wire. l'li" channels
supported by No. 8 gauge
wire hangers at 36" on cen-
ter. Beams within envelope
and with a 2v, air space
between beam soffit and
lath have a 4-hour rating.
Ceiling of gypsum plaster
on metal lath. Lath at-
tached to ~ furring chan-
nels with No. 18 gauge
I~ Deep Steel Roof Deck on Steel wire ties spaced 6" on cen-
Framing. Insulation Board, 30 lbs. ter. ~" channel saddle-
per Cubic Foot Density, Composed tied to r channels with
of Wood Fibers with Cement 17 doubled No. 16 gauge wire 1'1, I 3;4 9 ~9
Binders of Thickness Shown ties. 2" channels spaced
Bonded to Deck with Unfilled 36" on center suspended
Asphalt Adhesive. Covered with a 2" below steel framing and
fire-retardant Roof Covering
saddle-tied with No. 8
gauge wire. Plaster mixed
1:2 by weight, gypsum to
sand aggregate.

FLOOR OR (In Inches) (In Inches)
II em
4 Hr. 3 Hr. 2Hr. 1 Hr. 4Hr. 3 Hr. 2 Hr. 1 Hr.

Ceiling of gypsum plaster

on metal lath. Lath at-
tached to 3,4, furring chan-
nels with No. 18 gauge
wire ties spaced 6" on cen-
ter. 3,4, channels saddle-
IY2" Deep Steel Roof Deck tied to 2" channels with
on Steel Framing Wood doubled No. 16 gauge wire
Fiber Insulation Board, ties. 2" channels spaced
17.5 lbs. per Cubic Foot 36" on center suspended
Density on Top Applied 18 2" below steel framing and JY, I '1. l) '149
Over a 15-lb. Asphalt saddle-tied with No. 8
Saturated Felt. Fire-re- gauge wire. Plaster mixed
tardant Roof Covering . 1:2 for scratch coat and
1:3 for brown coat, by
weight, gypsum to sand
aggregate for one-hour
system. For two-hour sys-
tern plaster mix is 1:2 by
weight, gypsum to sand

I Y," Deep Steel Roof Deck on c

Steel Framing Insulation of z
Rigid Board Consisting of
Expanded Perlite and Fibers
Impregnated With Integral Gypsum-vermiculite plas-
Asphalt Waterproofing; ter on metal lath wire-tied s:::
Density 9 to 12 Lbs./Cu. Ft. at 6" intervals to :Y4" fur- m
Secured to Metal Roof Deck by ring channels spaced 12" c
y, Wide Ribbons of Water- 19 on center and wire-tied to I '!, r=
proof, Cold-process Liquid 2" runner channels spaced 0
Adhesive Spaced 6" Apart. 32" on center. Runners z
Steel Joist or Light Steel wire-tied to bottom chord
Construction with Metal Roof of steel joists. 0
Deck, Insulation, and Built-up 0
Fire-retardant Roof Covering. ~
Gypsum plaster over J/8" 5
perforated gypsum lath at-
tached to joists with 1'/,. cz
by No. 13 gauge by 19/,4"
head plasterboard blued
nails at a spacing of 4" on
center. All joints reinforced
with 3" wide strips of metal
20 lath nailed through gyp- 'I,
sum lath to joists with
Double Wood Floor Over 1314" by No. 11 gauge by
Wood Joists Y2" head nails spaced s
Spaced 16" on center along joists and
On Center 14 15 with two nails per joist in
the opposite direction.
Plaster mixed I :2 by
weight, gypsum to sand
Perlite or vermiculite plas-
ter over 3j8" perforated
gypsum lath nailed with
21 1'/, by No. 13 gauge by "Y,
"1.. head plasterboard
blued nails.

OR(I~~~:t!;,'B ~r.~:~:!~?

Gypsum plaster over '/,

Type "X" gypsum lath.
Lath initially applied with
not less than four I'/, " by
No. 13 gauge by ''I.," head
plasterboard blued nails
per bearing. Continuous
stripping over lath along
all joist lines. Stripping consists
of 3" wide strips
of metal lath attached by
I v, by No. II gauge by
Double Wood Floor Over Vz" head roofing nails spaced
Wood Joists
Spaced 16" On Center 14 15 6" on center. Alter-
22 nate stripping consists of y,
3" wide .049" diameter
wire stripping weighing
one pound per sq. yd. and
attached by No. 16 gauge
by I v, by :Y." crown c
width staples, spaced 4 z
on center. where alter-
nate stripping is used the lath ~
nailing may consist 31:
of two nails at each end Ill
and one nail at each inter- c
mediate bearing. Plaster
mixed I :2 by weight, gyp-
sum to sand aggregate. z
Portland cement or gyp-
sum plaster on metal lath. _.
Lath fastened with I y, Cll
by No. 11 gauge by 7/lfo n II.)
23 Y.
head barbed shank roofing m
nails spaced 5" on center. c
Plaster mixed I :2 for 3
scratch coat and 1:3 for 0
brown coat, by weight, z
Double Wood Floor Over cement to sand aggregate.
Wood Joists Perlite or vermiculite gyp-
Spaced 16" On Center 14 15
sum plaster on metal lath
secured to joists with I Vz"
24 by No. 11 gauge by /';6" Y.
head barbed shank roof-
ing nails spaced s on

Vz" Type "X" gypsum wall-

boardJnailed to joists with Sd
25 cooler nails spaced 6 on cen- y,
ter. End joints of wallboard
centered on joists.

Vl'' thick wood fiberboard weigh-

ing 15 to 18 lbs. per cu. ft.
installed with long dimension
Plywood Stressed Skin Panels parallel to stringers or W' Stan-
Consisting of 'Is'' Thick Interior dard (exterior glue) plywood
C-D (Exterior Glue) Top glued and/or nailed to stringers.
Stressed Skin on 2" x 6" Nomi- Nailing to be with 5d cooler nails
nal (Minimum) Stringers. Adja- 26 spaced 12" on center. Second I
cent Panel Edges Joined with 8d layer of Vl'' Type X gypsum wall-
Common Wire Nails Spaced 6' board 3 applied with long dimen-
on Center. Stringers Spaced 12" sion perpendicular to joists and
Maximum on Center. attached with 8d cooler nails
spaced 6" on center at end joints
and 8" on center elsewhere. Wall-
w board joints staggered with ""'0~
..... respect to fiberboard joints.

Item (In Inches) (In Inches)

Vermiculite Concrete Slab

Proportioned 1:4 (Portland
Cement to Vermiculite Aggre-
gate) on a I Y2" Deep Steel
Deck Supported on In-
dividually Protected Steel
Framing. Maximum span of 27 None Jl2
deck 6' -10" where deck is less
than No. 26 gauge and 8' -0"
where deck is No. 26 gauge or
greater. Slab Reinforced with
4"x 8" No. 12/14 Welded Wire
Perlite Concrete Slab Propor-
tioned I :6 (Portland Cement to
Perlite Aggregate) on a 1Y."
Deep Steel Deck Supported on 28 None JY2 12
Individually Protected Steel c:
Framing. Slab Reinforced with z
4"x 8" No. 12/14 Welded Wire
Perlite Concrete Slab Propor- Perlite gypsum plaster on metal
tioned 1:6 (Portland Cement to
Perlite Aggregate) on a Y.." 29
lath wire tied to 314" furring
216 216 Y. 3!.
Deep Steel Deck Supported by channels attached with No. 16
gauge wire ties to lower chord 0
Steel Joists 4' on Center. Fire- of joists. 0
retardant roof covering on top. ~
Perlite Concrete Slab Propor- c
tional I :6 (Portland Cement to 3
Perlite Aggregate) on I y." z
Deep Steel Deck Supported on
ndividually Protected Steel
!Framing. Maximum span of
~eck 6' -I 0" where deck is less 30 None 2 y.l6
han No. 26 gauge and 8' -0"
~here deck is No. 26 gauge or
~eater. Slab Reinforced with
f-lo. 19 Gauge Hexagonal Wire
pesh: Fire-retardant roof
overmg on top.

Suspended envelope ceiling of

IHoor and Beam Construction perlite gypsum plaster on metal
~onsisting of 3" Deep Cellular lath attached to '!." cold-rolled
~teel Floor Units Mounted on channels, secured to I 'lz" cold-
Steel Members with I :4 31 rolled channels spaced 42" on 216 19
Proportion of Portland center supported by No. 6 wire
Cement to Perlite Aggregate) 36" on center. Beams in en-
Perlite-concrete floor slab on velope with 3" minimum air
op. space between beam soffit and
lath have a 4-hour rating.

(In Inches) (In Inches)
Perlite concrete proportioned I :6
(portland cement to perlite aggre-
gate) poured to Ifs-inch thickness
above top of corrugations of IVI6-
inch-deep galvanized steel deck
maximum span 8' 0" for No. 24
gauge or 6' 0" for No. 26 gauge with
deck supported by individually pro-
tected steel framing. Approved
polystyrene foam plastic insulation
board having a flame spread not
exceeding 75 (I" to 4" thickness
with vent holes which approximate
3 percent of the board surface area)
placed on top of perlite slurry. A 2' 32 None Varies
by 4' insulation board contains six
23!4' diameter holes. Boards covered
with 2V4' minimum perlite concrete c:
slab. Slab reinforced with mesh z
consisting of No. 19 gauge (0.041"
galvanized) steel wire twisted ~
together to form 2" hexagons with :1:
straight No. 16 gauge (0.0625" gal- Ul
vanized) steel wire woven into mesh c:
and spaced 3". Alternate slab rein- ;::::
forcement may consist of 4 by 8, 2
SWG welded wire fabric. Fire-retar-
dant roof covering on top. 8
a<Jeneric fire resistance ratings (those not designated by company code letter) as listed in the Fire Resistance Design Manual, Tenth Edition 3
(1981 ), as published by the Gypsum Association-may be accepted as if herein listed. 0
1Staples with equivalent holding power and penetration may be used as alternate fasteners to nails for attachment to wood framing.
2The thickness may be reduced to 3 inches where limestone aggregate is used.
3For all of the construction with gypsum wallboard described in Table No. 43-C, gypsum base for veneer plaster of the same size, thickness and
core type may be substituted for gypsum wallboard, provided attachment is identical to that specified for the wallboard and the joints on the face
layer are reinforced and the entire surface is covered with a minimum of \116-inch gypsum veneer plaster. The gypsum base for veneer plaster and
the veneer plaster shall comply with U.B.C. Standard No. 47-15.
4 Slab thickness over steel joists measured at the joists for metal lath form and at the top of the form for steel form units.

5Portland cement plaster with 40 pounds of asbestos fiber per bag of cement.
6Portland cement plaster with 15 pounds of hydrated lime and 3 pounds of asbestos fiber per bag of cement.
70ne-inch by No. 20 gauge hexagonal wire mesh installed below lath and tied to each furring channel at joints between lath.

8No. 14 gauge wires spaced 11.3 inches on center or 10 inches on center (for channel spacing of 16 inches and 12 inches, respectively) installed
below lath sheets in a diagonal pattern. Wires tied to furring channels or clips at lath edges.
9furring channels spaced 12 inches on center.
IOSix-inch hollow clay tile with 2-inch concrete slab above.
''Four-inch hollow clay tile with 1 '12-inch concrete slab above.
12Thickness measured to bottom of steel form units.

Dfive-eighths inch of vermiculite gypsum plaster plus '12 inch of approved vermiculite acoustical plastic.
' 4Double wood floor may be either of the following:
(a) Subfloorof l-inch nominal boarding, a layer of asbestos paper weighing not less than 14 pounds per 100 square feet and a layer of l-inch
nominal tongue-and-groove finish flooring; or
(b) Subfloor of l-inch nominal tongue-and-groove boarding or '12-inch interior-type plywood with exterior glue and a layer of l-inch nominal I
tongue-and-groove finish flooring or ~-inch interior-type plywood finish flooring or a layer of Type I Grade M-1 particleboard not less than t~
~ inch thick. f
I5The ceiling may be omitted over unusable space, and flooring may be omitted where unusable space occurs above. ::;:
16Tbickness measured on top of steel deck unit.




Chapter 44
Sec. 4401. No person shall use or occupy a street, alley or public sidewalk for
the performance of work under a building permit except in accordance with the
provisions of this chapter.
No person shall perform any work on any building or structure adjacent to a
public way in general use by the public for pedestrian travel, unless the pedestri-
ans are protected as specified in this chapter.
Any material or structure temporarily occupying public property, including
fences and walkways, shall be adequately lighted between sunset and sunrise.
Temporary Use of Streets and Alleys
Sec. 4402. The use of public property shall meet the requirements of the public
agency having jurisdiction. Whenever requested, plot plans and construction
details shall be submitted for review by the agencies concerned.
Storage on Public Property
Sec. 4403. Material and equipment necessary for work to be done under a
permit shall not be placed or stored on public property so as to obstruct free and
convenient approach to and use of any fire hydrant, fire or police alarm box,
utility box, catch basin or manhole or so as to interfere with the free flow of water
in any street or alley gutter.
Mixing Mortar on Public Property
Sec. 4404. The mixing or handling of mortar, concrete or other material on
public property shall be done in a manner that will not deface public property or
create a nuisance.
Protection of Utilities
Sec. 4405. A substantial protective frame and boarding shall be built around
and over every street lamp, utility box, fire or police alarm box, fire hydrant, catch
basin and manhole that may be damaged by any work being done under the
permit. This protection shall be maintained while such work is being done and
shall not obstruct the normal functioning of the device.

1982 EDITION 4406-4407

Sec. 4406. A walkway not less than 4 feet wide shall be maintained on the
sidewalk in front of the building site during construction, alteration or demolition
unless the public agency having jurisdiction authorizes the sidewalk to be fenced
and closed. Adequate signs and railings shall be provided to direct pedestrian
traffic. Railings shall be provided when required by Section 4407.
The walkway shall be capable of supporting a uniform live load of 150 pounds
per square foot. A durable wearing surface shall be provided.
Pedestrian Protection
Sec. 4407. (a) Protection Required. Pedestrian traffic shall be protected by a
railing on the street side when the walkway extends into the roadway, by a railing
adjacent to excavations and by such other protection as set forth in Table No. 44-
A. The construction of such protective devices shall be in accordance with the
provisions of this chapter.
(b) Railings. Railings shall be substantially built and, when of wood, shall be
constructed of new material having a nominal size of at least 2 inches by 4 inches.
Railings shall be at least 3 feet 6 inches in height and when adjacent to excavations
shall be provided with a midrail.
(c) Fences. Fences shall be solid and substantially built, be not less than 8 feet
in height above grade and be placed on the side of the walkway nearest to the
building site. Fences shall extend the entire length of the building site and each
end shall be returned to the building line.
Openings in such fences shall be protected by doors which normally are kept
All fences shall be provided with 2-inch by 4-inch plate, top and bottom, and
shall be well braced. The fence material shall be a minimum of %-inch boards or
Y4-inch plywood. Plywood fences shall conform to the following requirements:
1. Plywood panels shall be bonded with an adhesive identical to those for
exterior plywood.
2. Plywood Y4 inch or 5/16 inch in thickness shall have studs spaced not more
than 2 feet on center.
3. Plywood 3fs inch or Y2 inch in thickness shall have studs spaced not more than
4 feet on center, provided a 2-inch by 4-inch stiffener is placed horizontally at the
midheight when the stud spacing exceeds 2 feet on center.
4. Plywood 5fs inch or thicker shall not span over 8 feet.
(d) Canopies. The protective canopy shall have a clear height of 8 feet above
the walkway. The roof shall be tightly sheathed. The sheathing shall be 2-inch
nominal wood planking or equal. Every canopy shall have a solid fence built
along its entire length on the construction side.
If materials are stored or work is done on the roof of the canopy, the street sides
and ends of the canopy roof shall be protected by a tight curb board not less than 1
foot high and a railing not less than 3 feet 6 inches high.
The entire structure shall be designed to carry the loads to be imposed on it,
provided the live load shall be not less than !50 pounds per square foot. In lieu of


such design a protection canopy supporting not more than 150 pounds per square
foot may be constructed as follows:
1. Footings shall be continuous 2-inch by 6-inch members with scabbed joints.
2. Posts not less than 4 inches by 6 inches in size shall be provided on both sides
of the canopy and spaced not more than 12 feet, center to center.
3. Stringers not less than 4 inches by 12 inches in size shall be placed on edge
upon the posts.
4. Joists resting upon the stringers shall be at least 2 inches by 8 inches in size
and shall be spaced not more than 2 feet, center to center.
5. The deck shall be of planks at least 2 inches thick nailed to the joists.
6. Each post shall be knee-braced to joists and stringers by members 4 feet
long, not less than 2 inches by 4 inches in size.
7. A curb not less than 2 inches by 12 inches in size shall be set on edge along
the outside edge of the deck.
EXCEPTION: Protection canopies for new, light-frame construction not
exceeding two stories in height may be designed for a live load of 75 pounds per
square foot or the loads to be imposed on it, whichever is the greater.
Maintenance and Removal of Protective Devices
Sec. 4408. (a) Maintenance. Such protection shall be maintained in place
and kept in good order for the entire length of time pedestrians may be
(b) Removal. Every protection fence or canopy shall be removed within 30
days after such protection is no longer required by this chapter for protection of
Sec. 4409. The work of demolishing any building shall not be commenced
until the required pedestrian protection structures are in place.
The building official may require the permittee to submit plans and a complete
schedule for demolition. Where such are required, no work shall be done until
such plans and/or schedule are approved by the building official.


8 feet Less than 6 feet Railing
or less 6 feet or more None
Fence and
Less than 6 feet canopy
6 feet or more hut not more than Fence and
one-fourth the height of construction canopy
More than 6 feet or more, but between one-
8 feet fourth to one-half the height of Fence
6 feet or more but exceeding one-
half the construction height None

1982 EDITION 4501-4504

Chapter 45

Sec. 4501. No part of any structure or any appendage thereto, except signs,
shall project beyond the property line of the building site, except as specified in
this chapter.
Structures or appendages regulated by this code shall be constructed of mate-
rials as specified in Section 1710.
The projection of any structure or appendage shall be the distance measured
horizontally from the property line to the outermost point of the projection.
Nothing in this code shall prohibit the construction and use of a structure
between buildings and over or under a public way, provided the structure complies
with all requirements of this code.
No provisions of this chapter shall be construed to permit the violation of other
laws or ordinances regulating the use and occupancy of public property.

Projection Into Alleys

Sec. 4502. No part of any structure or any appendage thereto shall project into
any alley.
EXCEPTIONS: I. A curb or buffer block may project not more than 9 inches
and not exceed a height of 9 inches above grade.
2. Footings located at least 8 feet below grade may project not more than 12

Space Below Sidewalk

Sec. 4503. The space adjoining a building below a sidewalk on public property
may be used and occupied in connection with the building for any purpose not
inconsistent with this code or other laws or ordinances regulating the use and
occupancy of such space& on condition that the right so to use and occupy may be
revoked by the city at any time and that the owner of the building will construct the
necessary walls and footings to separate such space from the building and pay all
costs and expenses attendant therewith.
Footings located at least 8 feet below grade may project not more than 12
Balconies and Appendages
Sec. 4504. Oriel windows, balconies, unroofed porches, cornices, belt
courses and appendages such as water tables, sills, capitals, bases and architec-
tural projections may project over the public property of the building site a
distance as determined by the clearance of the lowest point of the projection above
the grade immediately below, as follows:
Clearance above grade less than 8 feet-no projection is permitted.
Clearance above grade over 8 feet-! inch of projection is permitted for each


additional inch of clearance, provided that no such projection shall exceed a

distance of 4 feet.
Sec. 4505. (a) General. For the purpose of this section a marquee shall
include any object or decoration attached to or a part of said marquee.
(b) Projection and Clearance. The horizontal clearance between a marquee
and the curb line shall be not less than 2 feet.
A marquee projecting more than two thirds of the distance from the property
line to the curb line shall be not less than 12 feet above the ground or pavement
A marquee projecting less than two thirds of the distance from the property line
to the curb line shall be not less than 8 feet above the ground or pavement below.
(c) Length. A marquee projecting more than two thirds of the distance from
the property line to the curb line shall not exceed 25 feet in length along the
direction of the street.
(d) Thickness. The maximum height or thickness of a marquee measured
vertically from its lowest to its highest point shall not exceed 3 feet when the
marquee projects more than two thirds of the distance from the property line to the
curb line and shall not exceed 9 feet when the marquee is less than two thirds of the
distance from the property line to the curb line.
(e) Construction. A marquee shall be supported entirely by the building and
constructed of noncombustible material or, when supported by a building of 'JYpe
V construction, may be of one-hour fire-resistive construction.
(f) Roof Construction. The roof or any part thereof may be a skylight,
provided wire glass is used not less than V4 inch thick with no single pane more
than 18 inches wide.
Every roof and skylight of a marquee shall be sloped to downspouts which shall
conduct any drainage from the marquee under the sidewalk to the curb.
(g) Location Prohibited. Every marquee shall be so located as not to interfere
with the operation of any exterior standpipe or to obstruct the clear passage of
stairways or exits from the building or the installation or maintenance of

Sec. 4506. (a) Definitions. For the purpose of this section:
AWNING is a temporary shelter supported entirely from the exterior wall of a
(b) Construction. Awnings shall have noncombustible frames but may have
combustible coverings. Every awning shall be collapsible, retractable or capable
of being folded against the face of the supporting building. When collapsed,
retracted or folded, the design shall be such that the awning does not block any
required exit.
EXCEPTION: A fixed awning not more than 10 feet in length may be erected
over a doorway to the building.

1982 EDITION 4506-4507

(c) Projection. Awnings may extend over public property not more than 7 feet
from the face of a supporting building, but no portion shall extend nearer than 2
feet to the face of the nearest curb line measured horizontally. In no case shall the
awning extend over public property greater than two thirds of the distance from
the property line to the nearest curb in front of the building site.
(d) Clearances. All portions of any awning shall be at least 8 feet above any
public walkway.
EXCEPTION: Any valance attached to an awning shall not project above the
roof of the awning at the point of attachment and shall not extend more than 12
inches below the roof of the awning at the point of attachment, but in no case shall
any portion of a valance be less than 7 feet in height above a public way.
Sec. 4507. Doors, either fully opened or when opening, shall not project more
than 1 foot beyond the property line, except that in alleys no projection beyond the
property line is permitted.

Chapter 46


Part IX



Chapter 47
Sec. 4701. (a) General. The installation of lath, plaster and gypsum board
shall be done in a manner and with materials as specified in this chapter and, when
required for fire-resistive construction, also shall conform with the provisions of
Chapter 43.
Other approved wall or ceiling coverings may be installed in accordance with
the recommendations of the manufacturer and the conditions of approval.
(b) Inspection. No lath or gypsum board or their attachments shall be covered
or finished until it has been inspected and approved by the building official in
accordance with Section 305 (e).
(c) Thsts. The building official may require tests to be made in accordance
with approved standards to determine compliance with the provisions of this
chapter, provided the permit holder has been notified 24 hours in advance of the
time of making such tests.
The testing of gypsum and gypsum products shall conform with U.B.C.
Standard No. 47-17.
(d) Definitions. For purposes of this chapter, certain terms are defined as
CORNER BEAD is a rigid formed unit or shape used at projecting or external
angles to define and reinforce the comers of interior surfaces.
CORNERITE is a shaped reinforcing unit of expanded metal or wire fabric
used for angle reinforcing and having minimum outstanding legs of not less than 2
CORROSION-RESISTANT MATERIALS are materials that are inherently
rust resistant or materials to which an approved rust-resistive coating has been
applied either before or after forming or fabrication.
EXTERIOR SURFACES are weather-exposed surfaces as defined in Section
EXTERNAL CORNER REINFORCEMENT is a shaped reinforcing unit
for external comer reinforcement for portland cement plaster formed to ensure
mechanical bond and a solid plaster comer.

1982 EDITION 4701-4703

INTERIOR SURFACES are surfaces other than weather-exposed surfaces.

MOIST CURING is any method employed to retain sufficient moisture for
hydration of portland cement plaster.
PORTLAND CEMENT PLASTER is a mixture of portland cement or
portland cement and lime and aggregate and other approved materials as specified
in this code.
fabricated channel shapes, welded wire or combination wire and steel angle
types, galvanized or coated with rust-resistive material.
STRIPPING is flat reinforcing units of expanded metal or wire fabric or other
materials not less than 3 inches wide to be installed as required over joints of
gypsum lath.
TIE WIRE is wire for securing together metal framing or supports, for tying
metal and wire fabric lath and gypsum lath and wallboard together and for
securing accessories.
WIRE BACKING is horizontal strands of tautened wire attached to surfaces of
vertical wood supports which, when covered with building paper, provide a
backing for portland cement plaster.
(e) Suspended Acoustical Ceiling Systems. Suspended acoustical ceiling
systems shall be installed in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 47-18.
(f) Gypsum Veneer Plaster Systems. Gypsum veneer base and gypsum
veneer plaster shall be installed in accordance with U .B.C. Standard No. 47-19.
Sec. 4702. Lathing, plastering, wallboard materials, ceiling suspension sys-
tems and plywood paneling shall conform to the applicable standards listed in
Chapter 60.
Vertical Assemblies
Sec. 4703. (a) General. In addition to the requirements of this section, verti-
cal assemblies of plaster or gypsum board shall be designed to resist the loads
specified in Chapter 23 of this code. For wood framing, see Chapter 25. For metal
framing, see Chapter 27.
EXCEPTION: Wood-framed assemblies meeting the requirements of Section
2517 need not be designed.
(b) Wood Framing. Wood supports for lath or gypsum board shall be not less
than 2 inches nominal in least dimension. Wood stripping or furring shall be not
less than 2 inches nominal thickness in the least dimension except that furring
strips not less than l-inch by 2-inch nominal dimension may be used over solid
(c) Studless Partitions. The minimum thickness of vertically erected studless
solid plaster partitions of 3fs-inch and %-inch rib metal lath or 1/2-inch-thick long-
length gypsum lath and gypsum board partitions shall be 2 inches. The installa-
tion of metal lath used in studless partitions shall conform with the provisions of
U.B.C. Standard No. 47-4.


Horizontal Assemblies
Sec. 4704. (a) General. In addition to the requirements of this section, sup-
ports for horizontal assemblies of plaster or gypsum board shall be designed to
support all loads as specified in Chapter 23 of this code.
EXCEPTION: Wood-framed assemblies meeting the requirements of Section
2517 need not be designed.
(b) Wood Framing. Wood stripping or suspended wood systems, where used,
shall be not less than 2 inches nominal thickness in the least dimension except that
furring strips not less than l-inch by 2-inch nominal dimension may be used over
solid backing.
(c) Hangers. Hangers for suspended ceilings shall be not less than the sizes set
forth in Table No. 47-A, fastened to or embedded in the structural framing,
masonry or concrete.
Hangers shall be saddle-tied around main runners to develop the full strength of
the hangers. Lower ends of flat hangers shall be bolted with %-inch bolts to runner
channels or bent tightly around runners and bolted to the main part of the hanger.
(d) Runners and Furring. The main runner and cross-furring shall be not less
than the sizes set forth in Table No. 47-A, except that other steel sections of
equivalent strength may be substituted for those set forth in this table. Cross-
furring shall be securely attached to the main runner by saddle-tying with not less
than one strand of No. 16 or two strands of No. 18 U.S. gauge tie wire or approved
equivalent attachments.

Interior Lath
Sec. 4705. (a) General. Gypsum lath shall not be installed until weather
protection for the installation is provided. Where wood frame walls and partitions
are covered on the interior with portland cement plaster or tile of similar material
and are subject to water splash, the framing shall be protected with an approved
moisture barrier.
Showers and public toilet walls shall conform to Section 510 (b).
(b) Application of Gypsum Lath. The thickness, spacing of supports and the
method of attachment of gypsum lath shall be as set forth in Tables No. 47-B and
No. 47-C. Approved wire and sheet metal attachment clips may be used.
Gypsum lath shall be applied with the long dimension perpendicular to sup-
ports and with end joints staggered in successive courses. End joints may occur on
one support when stripping is applied the full length of the joints.
Where electrical radiant heat cables are installed on ceilings, the stripping, if
conductive, may be omitted a distance not to exceed 12 inches from the walls.
Where lath edges are not in moderate contact and have joint gaps exceeding Ys
inch, the joint gaps shall be covered with stripping or comerite. Stripping or
comerite may be omitted when the entire surface is reinforced with not less than l-
inch No. 20 U.S. gauge woven wire. When lath is secured to horizontal or vertical
supports not used as structural diaphragms, end joints may occur between sup-
ports when lath ends are secured together with approved fasteners. Vertical
assemblies also shall comform with Section 2309 (b).

1982 EDITION 4705-4706

Cornerite shall be installed so as to retain position during plastering at all

internal corners. Cornerite may be omitted when plaster is not continuous from
one plane to an adjacent plane.
(c) Application of Metal Plaster Bases. The type and weight of metal lath,
and the gauge and spacing of wire in welded or woven lath, the spacing of
supports, and the methods of attachment to wood supports shall be as set forth in
Tables No. 47-B and No. 47-C.
Metal lath shall be attached to metal supports with not less than No. 18 U.S.
gauge tie wire spaced not more than 6 inches apart or with approved equivalent
Metal lath or wire fabric lath shall be applied with the long dimension of the
sheets perpendicular to supports.
Metal lath shall be lapped not less than 1/2 inch at sides and 1 inch at ends. Wire
fabric lath shall be lapped not less than one mesh at sides and ends, but not less
than I inch. Rib metal lath with edge ribs greater than Vs inch shall be lapped at
sides by nesting outside ribs. When edge ribs are Vs inch or less, rib metal lath may
be lapped 1/2 inch at sides, or outside ribs may be nested. Where end laps of sheets
do not occur over supports, they shall be securely tied together with not less than
No. 18 U.S. gauge wire.
Cornerite shall be installed in all internal corners to retain position during
plastering. Cornerite may be omitted when lath is continuous or when plaster is
not continuous from one plane to an adjacent plane.

Exterior Lath
Sec. 4706. (a) General. Exterior surfaces are weather-exposed surfaces as
defined in Section 424. For eave overhangs required to be fire resistive, see
Section 1710.
(b) Corrosion Resistance. All lath and lath attachments shall be of corrosion-
resistant material. See Section 4 701 (d).
(c) Backing. Backing or a lath shall provide sufficient rigidity to permit
plaster application.
Where lath on vertical surfaces extends between rafters or other similar project-
ing members, solid backing shall be installed to provide support for lath and
Gypsum lath or gypsum board shall not be used, except that on horizontal
supports of ceilings or roof soffits it may be used as backing for metal lath or wire

fabric lath and portland cement plaster.
Backing is not required under metal lath or paperbacked wire fabric lath.
(d) Weather-resistive Barriers. Weather-resistive barriers shall be installed
as required in Section 1707 (a) and, when applied over wood base sheathing, shall
include two layers of Grade D paper.
(e) Application of Metal Plaster Bases. The application of metal lath or wire
fabric lath shall be as specified in Section 4705 (c) and they shall be furred out
from vertical supports or backing not less than V4 inch except as set forth in
Footnote No.2, Table No. 47-B.


Where no external comer reinforcement is used, lath shall be furred out and
carried around comers at least one support on frame construction.
A weep screed shall be provided at or below the foundation plate line on all
exterior stud walls. The screed shall be placed a minimum of 4 inches above grade
and shall be of a type which will allow trapped water to drain to the exterior of the
building. The weather-resistive barrier and exterior lath shall cover and terminate
on the attachment flange of the screed.
Interior Plaster
Sec. 4707. (a) General. Plastering with gypsum plaster or portland cement
plaster shall be not less than three coats when applied over metal lath or wire fabric
lath and shall be not less than two coats when applied over other bases permitted
by this chapter. Showers and public toilet walls shall conform to Section 510 (b).
Plaster shall not be applied directly to fiber insulation board. Portland cement
plaster shall not be applied directly to gypsum lath, gypsum masonry or gypsum
plaster except as specified in Section 4706 (c).
When installed, grounds shall assure the minimum thickness of plaster as set
forth in Table No. 47-D. Plaster thickness shall be measured from the face of lath
and other bases.
(b) Base Coat Proportions. Proportions of aggregate to cementitious mate-
rials shall not exceed the volume set forth in Table No. 47-E for gypsum plaster
and Table No. 47-F for portland cement and portland cement-lime plaster.
(c) Base Coat Application. Base coats shall be applied with sufficient mate-
rial and pressure to form a complete key or bond.
I . Gypsum plaster. For two-coat work, the first coat shall be brought out to
grounds and straightened to a true surface, leaving the surface rough to receive the
finish coat. For three-coat work, the surface of the first coat shall be scored
sufficiently to provide adequate bond for the second coat and shall be permitted to
harden and set before the second coat is applied. The second coat shall be brought
out to grounds and straightened to a true surface, leaving the surface rough to
receive the finish coat.
2. Portland cement plaster. The first two coats shall be as required for the
first coats of exterior plaster, except that the moist-curing time period between the
first and second coats shall be not less than 24 hours and the thickness shall be as
set forth in Table No. 47-D. Moist curing shall not be required where job and
weather conditions are favorable to the retention of moisture in the portland
cement plaster for the required time period.
(d) Finish Coat Application. Finish coats shall be applied with sufficient
material and pressure to form a complete bond. Finish coats shall be proportioned
and mixed in an approved manner. Gypsum and lime and other interior finish
coats shall be applied over gypsum base coats which have hardened and set.
Thicknesses shall be not less than Y16 inch.
Portland cement and lime finish coats may be applied over interior portland
cement base coats which have been in place not less than 48 hours.
Approved acoustical finish plaster may be applied over any base coat plaster,
over lean masonry or concrete, or other approved surfaces.

1982 EDITION 4707-4708

(e) Interior Masonry or Concrete. Condition of surfaces shall be as specified

in Section 4708 (g). Approved specially prepared gypsum plaster designed for
application to concrete surfaces or approved acoustical plaster may be used. The
total thickness of base coat plaster applied to concrete ceilings shall be as set forth
in Table No. 47-D. Should ceiling surfaces require more than the maximum
thickness permitted in Table No. 47-D, metal lath or wire fabric lath shall be
installed on such surfaces before plastering.
Exterior Plaster
Sec. 4708. (a) General. Plastering with portland cement plaster shall be not
less than three coats when applied over metal lath or wire fabric lath and shall be
not less than two coats when applied over masonry, concrete or gypsum backing
as specified in Section 4 706 (c). If plaster surface is completely covered by veneer
or other facing material, or is completely concealed by another wall, plaster
application need be only two coats, provided the total thickness is as set forth in
Table No. 47-F.
On wood frame or metal stud construction with an on-grade concrete floor slab
system, exterior plaster shall be applied in such a manner as to cover, but not
extend below, lath and paper. See Section 4 706 (e) for the application of paper and
lath, and flashing or drip screeds.
Only approved plasticity agents and approved amounts thereof may be added to
portland cement. When plastic cement is used, no additional lime or plasticizers
shall be added. Hydrated lime or the equivalent amount of lime putty used as a
plasticizer may be added to portland cement plaster in an amount not to exceed
that set forth in Table No. 47-F.
For machine-placed plasters, asbestos fiber may be added to portland cement
plaster in approved amounts. Approved portland cement plaster containing
asbestos fiber, blended at the time of manufacture, and so labeled, may be used.
Gypsum plaster shall not be used on exterior surfaces. See Section 424.
(b) Base Coat Proportions. The proportion of aggregate to cementitious
materials shall be as set forth in Table No. 47-F.
(c) Base Coat Application. The first coat shall be applied with sufficient
material and pressure to fill solidly all openings in the lath. The surface shall be
scored horizontally sufficiently rough to provide adequate bond to receive the
second coat.
The second coat shall be brought out to proper thickness, rodded and floated
sufficiently rough to provide adequate bond for finish coat. The second coat shall
have no variation greater than V4 inch in any direction under a 5-foot straight edge.
(d) Curing and Interval. First and second coats of plaster shall be applied and
moist cured as set forth in Table No. 47-F.
When applied over gypsum backing as specified in Section 4 706 (c) or directly
to unit masonry surfaces, the second coat may be applied as soon as the first coat
has attained sufficient hardness.
(e) Alternate Method of Application. As an alternate method of application,
the second coat may be applied as soon as the first coat has attained sufficient
rigidity to receive the second coat.


When using this method of application, calcium aluminate cement up to 15

percent of the weight of the portland cement may be added to the mix.
Curing of the first coat may be omitted and the second coat shall be cured as set
forth in Table No. 47-F.
(f) Finish Coats. Finish coats shall be proportioned and mixed in an approved
manner and in accordance with Table No. 47-F.
Portland cement and lime finish coats shall be applied over base coats which
have been in place for the time periods set forth in Table No. 47-F. The third or
finish coat shall be applied with sufficient material and pressure to bond to and to
cover the brown coat and shall be of sufficient thickness to conceal the brown
(g) Preparation of Masonry and Concrete. Surfaces shall be clean, free
from efflorescence, sufficiently damp and rough to assure proper bond. If surface
is insufficiently rough, approved bonding agents or a portland cement dash bond
coat mixed in the proportions of 11/z cubic feet of sand to I cubic foot of portland
cement shall be applied. Approved bonding agents shall conform with the
provisions ofU .B.C. Standard No. 47-1. Dash bond coat shall be left undisturbed
and shall be moist cured not less than 24 hours. When dash bond is applied, first
coat of base coat plaster may be omitted. See Table No. 47-D for thickness.
Exposed Aggregate Plaster
Sec. 4709. (a) General. Exposed natural or integrally colored aggregate may
be partially embedded in a natural or colored bedding coat of portland cement or
gypsum plaster, subject to the provisions of this section.
(b) Aggregate. The aggregate may be applied manually or mechanically and
shall consist of marble chips, pebbles or similar durable, nonreactive materials,
moderately hard (three or more on the MOH scale).
(c) Bedding Coat Proportions. The exterior bedding coat shall be composed
of one part portland cement, one part TYpe S lime and a maximum three parts of
graded white or natural sand by volume. The interior bedding coat shall be
composed of 100 pounds neat gypsum plaster and a maximum 200 pounds of
graded white sand, or exterior or interior may be a factory-prepared bedding coat.
The exterior bedding coat shall have a minimum compressive strength of I000
pounds per square inch.
(d) Application. The bedding coat may be applied directly over the first
(scratch) coat of plaster, provided the ultimate overall thickness is a minimum of
Ys inch including lath. Over concrete or masonry surfaces the overall thickness
shall be a minimum of 1/2 inch.
(e) Bases. Exposed aggregate plaster may be applied over concrete, masonry,
portland cement plaster base coats or gypsum plaster base coats.
(f) Preparation of Masonry and Concrete. Masonry and concrete surfaces
shall be prepared in accordance with the provisions of Section 4 708 (g).
(g) Curing. Portland cement base coats shall be cured in accordance with
Table No. 47-F. Portland cement bedding coat shall retain sufficient moisture for
hydration (hardening) for 24 hours minimum or, where necessary, shall be kept

1982 EDITION 4709-4711

damp for 24 hours by light water spraying.

Pneumatically Placed Plaster (Gunlte)
Sec. 4710. Pneumatically placed portland cement plaster shall be a mixture of
portland cement and sand, mixed dry, conveyed by air through a pipe or flexible
tube, hydrated at the nozzle at the end of the conveyor and deposited by air
pressure in its final position.
Rebound material may be screened and reused as sand in an amount not greater
than 25 percent of the total sand in any batch.
Pneumatically placed portland cement plaster shall consist of a mixture of one
part cement to not more than five parts sand. Plasticity agents may be used as
specified in Section 4708 (a). Except when applied to concrete or masonry, such
plaster shall be applied in not less than two coats to a minimum total thickness of
11! inch. The first coat shall be rodded as specified in Section 4708 (c) for the
second coat. The curing period and time interval shall be as set forth in Table
No. 47-F.

Gypsum Wallboard
Sec. 4711. (a) General. All gypsum wallboard shall conform to U.B.C.
Standard No. 47-11 and shall be installed in accordance with the provisions of this
section. Gypsum wallboard shall not be installed on exterior surfaces. See
Section 424. For use as backing under stucco, see Section 4706 (c).
Gypsum wallboard shall not be installed until weather protection for the
installation is provided.
Shower and public toilet walls shall conform to Section 510 (b).
Water-resistant gypsum backing board shall conform to U.B.C. Standard No.
(b) Supports. Supports shall be spaced not to exceed the spacing set forth in
Table No. 47-G for single-ply application and Table No. 47-H for two-ply
application. Vertical assemblies shall conform with Section 4703. Horizontal
assemblies shall comply with Section 4704.
(c) Single-ply Application. All edges and ends of gypsum wallboard shall
occur on the framing members, except those edges and ends which are perpendic-
ular to the framing members. All edges and ends of gypsum wallboard shall be in
moderate contact except in concealed spaces where fire-resistive construction or
diaphragm action is not required.
The size and spacing of fasteners shall conform with Table No. 47-G except
where modified by fire-resistive construction meeting the requirements of Sec-
tion 4302 (b). Fasteners shall be spaced not less than Ys inch from edges and ends
of gypsum wallboard. Fasteners at the top and bottom plates of vertical assem-
blies, or the edges and ends of horizontal assemblies perpendicular to supports,
and at the wall line may be omitted except on shear-resisting elements or fire-
resistive assemblies. Fasteners shall be applied in such a manner as not to fracture
the face paper with the fastener head.
Gypsum wallboard may be applied to wood framing members with an approved
adhesive conforming with U.B.C. Standard No. 47-2. A continuous bead of the


adhesive shall be applied to the face of all framing members, except top and
bottom plates, of sufficient size as to spread to an average width of I inch and
thickness of Y16 inch when the gypsum wallboard is applied. Where the edges or
ends of two pieces of gypsum wallboard occur on the same framing member, two
continuous parallel beads of adhesive shall be applied to the framing member.
Fasteners shall be used with adhesive application in accordance with Table
No. 47-G.
(d) 1Wo-ply Application. The base of gypsum wallboard shall be applied with
fasteners of the type and size as required for the nonadhesive application of
single-ply gypsum wallboard. Fastener spacings shall be in accordance with Table
No. 47-H except where modified by fire-resistive construction meeting the
requirements of Section 4302 (b).
The face ply of gypsum wallboard may be applied with gypsum wallboard joint
compound or approved adhesive furnishing full coverage between the plies or
with fasteners in accordance with Table No. 47-H. When the face ply is installed
with joint compound or adhesive, the joints of the face ply need not occur on
supports. Temporary nails or shoring shall be used to hold face ply in position
until the joint compound or adhesive develops adequate bond.
(e) Joint Treatment. Gypsum wallboard single-layer fire-rated assemblies
shall have joints treated except where the wallboard is to receive a decorative
finish such as wood paneling, battens, acoustical finishes or any similar applica-
tion which would be equivalent to the joint treatment.
EXCEPTION: Assemblies tested without joint treatment.
Gypsum wallboard tape and joint compound shall conform with the provisions
of U .B.C. Standard No. 47-6.
Softwood Plywood Paneling
Sec. 4712. All softwood plywood paneling shall conform with the provisions
of Chapters 25 and 42 and shall be installed in accordance with Table No. 47-J.
Shear-resisting Construction with Wood Frame
Sec. 4713. (a) General. Portland cement plaster, gypsum lath and plaster,
gypsum veneer base, gypsum sheathing board and gypsum wallboard may be
used on wood studs for vertical diaphragms if applied in accordance with this
section. Shear-resisting values shall not exceed those set forth in Table No. 47-1.

I The effects of overturning on vertical diaphragms shall be investigated in accor-

dance with Section 2303 (b) 3.
The shear values tabulated shall not be cumulative with the shear value of other
materials applied to the same wall. The shear values may be doubled when the
identical materials applied as specified in this section are applied to both sides of
the wall.
(b) Masonry and Concrete Construction. Portland cement plaster, gypsum
lath and plaster, gypsum veneer base, gypsum sheathing board and gypsum
wallboard shall not be used in vertical diaphragms to resist forces imposed by
masonry or concrete construction.
(c) Wall Framing. Framing for vertical diaphragms shall conform with Sec-

1982 EDITION 4713

tion 2517 (g) for bearing walls, and studs shall be spaced not farther apart than
16 inches center to center. Marginal studs and plates shall be anchored to resist all
design forces.
(d) Height-to-length Ratio. The maximum allowable height-to-length ratio ~
for the construction in this section shall be 2 to I. Wall sections having height-to-
length ratios in excess of I Yz to I shall be blocked.
(e) Application. End joints of adjacent courses of gypsum lath, gypsum
veneer base, gypsum sheathing board or gypsum wallboard sheets shall not occur
over the same stud.
Where required in Table No. 47-1, blocking having the same cross-sectional
dimensions as the studs shall be provided at all joints that are perpendicular to the
The size and spacing of nails shall be as set forth in Table No. 47-1. Nails shall
be spaced not less than .lfs inch from edges and ends of gypsum lath, gypsum
veneer base, gypsum sheathing board, gypsum wallboard or sides of studs,
blocking and top and bottom plates.
I. Gypsum lath. Gypsum lath shall be applied perpendicular to the studs.
Maximum allowable shear values shall be as set forth in Table No. 47-I.
2. Gypsum sheathing board. Four-foot-wide pieces may be applied parallel
or perpendicular to studs. Two-foot-wide pieces shall be applied perpendicular to
the studs. Maximum allowable shear values shall be as set forth in Table No. 47-I.
3. Gypsum wallboard or veneer base. Gypsum wallboard or veneer base
may be applied parallel or perpendicular to studs. Maximum allowable shear
values shall be as set forth in Table No. 47-I.

(For Support of Ceilings Weighing Not More than 10 Pounds per Square Foot)

Minimum Sizes for Wire and Rigid Hangers

12.5 No. 9 gauge wire
16 No. 8 gauge wire
Hangers for Suspended Ceilings 18 Y. " diameter, mild steel rod 2
20 /j," diameter, mild steel rod 2
22.5 ~" diameter, mild steel rod 2
25.0 I" x Y. " mild steel flats J
Single Hangers Between 8 No. 12 gauge wire
Beams 4 12 No. 10 gauge wire
16 No. 8 gauge wire

For Supporting Runners Double Wire Loops at 8 No. 14 gauge wire

Beams or Joists 3 12 No. 12 gauge wire c:
Hangers for Attaching 16 No. II gauge wire
Runners and Furring Di- ~
rectly to Beams and Joists For Supporting Furring Type of Support: No. 14 gauge wire
without Runners 4 (Wire Concrete 8 No. 16 gauge wire (21oops) 5 3:
Loops at Supports) Steel IJI
No. 16 gauge wire (21oops) 5 c:
Wood i=
Minimum Sizes and Maximum Spans for Main Runners6 7 ....
~- .3 pound per foot, cold- or hot-rolled channel 2'0" 3'0" 3
1 .a"- .475 pound per foot, cold-rolled channel 3'0" 4'0" 0
1 .a"- .475 pound per foot, cold-rolled channel 3'6" 3'6" z
1 .a"- .475 pound per foot, cold-rolled channel 4'0" 3'0"
1 .a" -1.12 pounds perfoot, hot-rolled channel 4'0" 5'0"
2 "-1.26 pounds per foot, hot-rolled channel 5'0" 5'0"
2 "- .59 pound per foot, cold-rolled channel 5'0" 3'6"
1 %" x 1 %" x h" angle 5'0" 3'6"
Minimum Sizes and Maximum Spans for Cross Furring 6 7

'A. " diameter pencil rods 2'0" 12"
%" diameter pencil rods 2'0" 19"
% " diameter pencil rods 2'6" 12"
3'0" 24"
~ "-.3 pound per foot, cold- or hot-rolled channel 3'6" 16"
4'0" 12"
4'0" 24"
1 "-.410 pound per foot, hot-rolled channel 4'6" 19"
5'0" 12"
I Metal suspension systems for acoustical tile and lay-in panel ceiling systems weighing not more than 4 pounds per square foot, including light
fixtures and all ceiling-supported equipment and conforming to U.B.C. Standard No. 47-18, are exempt from Table No. 47-A.
For furred and suspended ceilings with metal lath construction, see U.B.C. Standard No. 47-4.
2AII rod hangers shall be protected with a zinc or cadmium coating or with a rust-inhibitive paint.
3All flat hangers shall be protected with a zinc or cadmium coating or with a rust-inhibitive paint.
4 Inserts, special clips or other devices of equal strength may be substituted for those specified.
5Two loops of No. 18 gauge wire may be substituted for each loop of No. 16 gauge wire for attaching steel furring to steel or wood joists.

6Spans are based on webs of channels being erected vertically.

70ther sections of hot- or cold-rolled members of equivalent strength may be substituted for those specified.

(In Inches)
(In Inches)
(Per Squant Yard~ Plaatar Wood or
TYPE OF LATH GAUGE AND MESH IZE Wood Partitions Other Concntta Metal
I. Expanded Metal Lath
(Diamond Mesh)
2. Flat Rib Expanded
Metal Lath 3.4 19 24 19 19 19
3. Stucco Mesh Expanded 1.8 and 164 -
Metal Lath 3.6 - - -
3.4 24 245 24 24 24
4. W' Rib Expanded Metal Lath 4.0 24 24 5 24 24 24
5. Sheet Lath 4.5 24 5 24 24 24
I. 95 pounds, No. II gauge, 2" x 2" 24 24 24 24 24
Welded 1.16 pounds, No. 16 gauge, 2" x 2" 16 16 16 16 16
6. Wire Fabric Lath
1.4 pounds, No. 18 gauge, I" x J"6 164 - - - - I c:
1.1 pounds, No. 18 gauge, I Y2'' Hexagonal6 24 16 16 16 24
Woven4 1.4 pounds, No. 17 gauge, I Y2'' Hexagonal6 24 16 16 24 16 ~
1.4 pounds, No. 18 gauge, I" Hexagonal6 24 16 16 24 16
7. lis" Gypsum Lath ID
16 - 167 16 16 c:
8. W' Gypsum Lath (plain) 16 - J67 16 16 2
9. Y2'' Gypsum Lath
16 - 167 16 16 0
10. Y2'' Gypsum Lath (plain) 24 - 24 24 24
C l)

1For fire-resistive construction, see Tables No. 43-A, No. 43-B and No. 43-C. For shear-resisting elements, see Table No. 47-l. Metal lath, wire c
lath, wire fabric lath and metal accessories shall conform with the provisions of U. B.C. Standard No. 4 7-4. Gypsum lath shall conform with the ::::j

provisions ofU.B.C. Standard No. 47-8. 6
2Metallath and wire fabric lath used as reinforcement for portland cement plaster shall be furred out away from vertical supports at least v. inch. z
Self-furring lath meets furring requirements. Exception: Furring of expanded metal lath is not required on supports having a bearing surface
width of I VB inches or less.
3Span may be increased to 24 inches with self-furred metal lath over solid sheathing assemblies approved for this use.
4 Wire backing required on open vertical frame construction except under expanded metal lath and paperbacked wire fabric lath.

5May be used for studless solid partitions.

6 Woven wire or welded wire fabric lath, not to be used as base for gypsum plaster without absorbent paperbacking or slot-perforated separator.
7 Span may be increased to 24 inches on vertical screw or approved nailable assemblies.

STAI'LfS 3 4
SCREWS 3 6 Round or Fllttenld WI,.
NAILS 2 3 Vertical Horizontal Vertical 1Horizontal Wire Cau1e Crawn Le1 7 Vertical Horizontal
TYPE OF LATH TJPI and Sill (In lnclln) (In lncllts) No. (In lncllos)
4d blued smooth box
1Vz"II No. 14 gauge 1,

I. Diamond Mesh V!z" head (clinched)8

Expanded Metal I" No. II gauge '116" 6 -
Lath and Flat 6 - 6 6 16 * % 6 6
Rib Metal Lath head, barbed 6 6
I Vz" No. II gauge 7l16"
head, barbed

2. ~" Rib Metal I \lz" No. II gauge 7l16"

Lath and Sheet 6 6 6 6 16 1% At At
head, barbed * Ribs Ribs
Lath c
4d common 1'-h" At
3. *"Rib Metal No. 12'-h gauge Ribs At At At At ~
Lath 1,4" head - Ribs Ribs 16 * 1%
Ribs Ribs 3:
2" No. 11 gauge At aJ
1'-ll" head, barbed Ribs c
4d blued smooth IN
box (clinched) s 6 - m
1" No. 11 gauge 6 - c
l~" head, barbed 16 % =i
4. Wire Fabric
Lath 9
I W' No. II gauge '116"
6 6
;1,,9 %
head, barbed
I Y4' No. 12 gauge 3fs" 6 6
head, furring 6 6
I" No. 12 gauge 3fs" 6

1%" No. 13 gauge 8'0 810 810 8'0 16 % 810 810

5. %"GypsumLath
H" head, blued
810 810 810
* 810
6. 'h "Gypsum Lath 1I '14" No. 13 gauge 16 810
%4' head, blued
8 6'' 611
* 1%

'Metal lath, wire lath, wire fabric lath and metal accessories shall conform with the provisions ofU.B.C. Standard No. 47-4.
2For nailable nonload-bearing metal supports, use annular threaded nails or approved staples.
3For fire-resistive construction, see Tables No. 43-B and No. 43-C. For shear-resisting elements, see Table No. 47-I. Approved wire and sheet
metal attachment clips may be used.
4 With chisel or divergent points.

5Maximum spacing of attachments from longitudinal edges shall not exceed 2 inches.
6Screws shall be an approved type long enough to penetrate into wood framing not less than 5fs inch and through metal supports adaptable for
screw attachment not less than Y inch.
7 When lath and stripping are stapled simultaneously, increase leg length of staple Vs inch.
8 For interiors only.
9 Attach self-furring wire fabric lath to supports at furring device.

'DThree attachments per 16-inch-wide lath per bearing. Four attachments per 24-inch-wide lath per bearing.
~~Supports spaced 24 inches o.c. Four attachments per 16-inch-wide lath per bearing. Five attachments per 24-inch-wide lath per bearing.



IIJPSUIR Plaster Partlalld c....t Plaster
I. Expanded Metal Lath %"minimum 2 %" minimum 2
2. Wire Fabric Lath %" minimum 2 *% "" minimum ( interior)
minimum ( exterior)
3. Gypsum Lath %"minimum
4. Maso:ifth Walls 4 %"minimum %"minimum
5. Monoli ic Concrete Walls4 5 %"maximum %"maximum
6. Monolithic Concrete Ceilings 4 5 %" maximum6 7 8 %" maximum 7 8

I for frre-resistive construction, see Tables No. 43-A, No. 43-B and No. 43-C.
2When measured from back plane of expanded metal lath, exclusive of ribs, or self-furring lath, plaster thickness shall be %-inch minimum.
3Wben measured from face of support or backing.
4 Because masonry and concrete surfaces may vary in plane, thickness of plaster need not be uniform.

5Wben applied over a liquid bonding agent, finish coat may be applied directly to concrete surface. c:
6 Approved acoustical plaster may be applied directly to concrete, or over base coat plaster, beyond the maximum plaster thickness shown.
70n concrete ceilings, where the base coat plaster thickness exceeds the maximum thickness shown, metal lath or wire fabric lath shall be attached ~
to the concrete. 3!1:
8An approved skim-coat plaster '116 inch thick may be applied directly to concrete. ID
NUMBER COAT OR LATH Damp loose sand 4 Perlite er Yermiculit1'4

Base Coat Gypsum Lath 2.! 2

I. Two-coat Work
Base Coat Masonry 3 3
First Coat Lath 25 2
Second Coat Lath 35 26
2. Three-coat Work
First and Masonry 3 3
Second Coats

Wood-fibered gypsum plaster may be mixed in the proportions of 100 pounds of gypsum to not more than I cubic foot of sand where applied on
masonry or concrete.
Gypsum plasters shall conform with the provisions ofU.B.C. Standard No. 47-9.
2For fire-resistive construction, see Tables No. 43-A, No. 43-B and No. 43-C.
3Wben determining the amount of aggregate in set plaster, a tolerance of 10 percent shall be allowed.
4Combinations of sand and lightweight aggregate may be used, provided the volume and weight relationship of the combined aggregate to
gypsum plaster is maintained. Sand and lightweight aggregate shall conform with U.B.C. Standard No. 47-3.
5Ifused for both first and second coats, the volume of aggregate may be 21h cubic feet.
6Wbere plaster is I inch or more in total thickness, the proportions for the second coat may be increased to 3 cubic feet.
First I 20 lbs. 4 Ys"5 48 6 Hours 487 Hours
I st and 2nd Coats
Second I 20 lbs. 5 total%"
48 hours 7 Days 8

]9 I st, 2nd and Finish 8

Finish I 3 Coats 71"



~~~r:.~= J&~::~
First I I 4 3Js"5 486 Hours 48 7 Hours
I st and 2nd Coats
Second I I 4V2 total W'
48 hours 7 Days 8

I st, 2nd and Finish 8
Finish I 3 Coats 71s"

I Exposed aggregate plaster shall be applied m accordance w1th Section 4 709. Mmimum overall thickness shall be 3/4 mch.
2Up to 20 pounds of dry hydrated lime (or an equivalent amount of lime putty) may be used as a plasticizing agent in proportion to each sack (cubic foot) of c
Type I and Type II standard portland cement in first and second coats of plaster. See Section 4708 (a) for use of plastic cement. z
3When determining the amount of sand in set plaster, a tolerance of I 0 percent may be allowed.
4 See Table No. 47-D.
'Measured from face of support of backing to crest of scored plaster.
6 See Section 4707 (c) 2. c
7 Twenty-four hours minimum interval between coats of interior portland cement plaster. For alternate method of application, see Section 4708 (e). ;=
8 Finish coat plaster may be applied to interior portland cement base coats after a 48-hour period.

9 For finish coat plaster, up to an equal part of dry hydrated lime by weight (or an equivalent volume of lime putty) may be added to Types I, II and III
standard portland cement. 0
10No additions of plasticizing agents shall be made. 0
11 Type I, II or III standard portland cement. See Section 4708 (a) for use of plastic cement. Iii
(I nell) SURFACE FRAMING MEMBERS (In Inches) Nails 3 Screws4 z
Horizontal Either Direction 16 7 12 No. 13 gauge, !W' long, 1'%" head;
0.098" diameter; !l/4' long, annular
1h Horizontal Perpendicular 24 7 12 ringed; 5d, cooler nail (0.086" dia., I '18'
Vertical Either Direction 24 8 12 long, 1%4' head)

Horizontal Either Direction 16 7 12 No. 13 gauge, J5/s" long, 1'%4' head;

% Horizontal Perpendicular 24 7 12 0.098" diameter, 13/s'' long, annular
ringed; 6d, cooler nail (0.092" dia., I '18'
Vertical Either Direction 24 8 12 long, V4' head)

Nail or SCrew Fastenings W'Jtll Adhesives

(Maximum Center to Center in Inches)
(Column headings as a~ove) End Edges Field

Either Direction 16 16 16 24
24 As required for 1h" and %" gypsum wall-
or Perpendicular 24 16 24
% board, see above
Vertical Either Direction 24 16 24 5

I for fire-resistive construction, see Tables No. 43-B and No. 43-C. For shear-resisting elements. see Table No. 47-1.
2 Where the metal framing has a clinching design formed to receive the nails by two edges of metal, the nails shall be not less than 'Is inch longer than the
wallboard thickness, and shall have ringed shanks. Where the metal framing has a nailing groove formed to receive the nails, the nails shall have barbed
shanks or be 5d, No. 13'12 gauge, l'h inch long, 1'16-inch head for 112-inch gypsum wallboard; 6d, No. 13 gauge, I Jls inch long, '%-inch head for 'Is-inch
gypsum wallboard.
'Two nails spaced 2 inches to 2112 inches apart may be used where the pairs are spaced 12 inches on center except around the perimeter of the sheets.
4 Screws shall conform with U.B.C. Standard No. 47-5 and be long enough to penetrate into wood framing not less than 'Is inch and through metal framing not

less than 'I inch.

'Not required.
OF GYPSUM MEMBERS (Center to Center) (In Inches)
(EICh Ply) FRAMING OF GYPSUM Center) Base Ply Face PIJ
(Inch) SURFACE WALLBOARD SHEETS (In Inches) Nails2 Screws3 Staples4 Nails2 Screws3

Horizontal Perpendicular only 16 7

Vertical Either Direction 16 8
Horizontal Perpendicular only 24 16 24 16 7 12
Vertical Either Direction 24 8
Horizontal Perpendicular only 24 7
Vertical Either Direction 24 8
Fasteners and Adhesives

% Horizontal Perpendicular only 16 7 5

Base Ply Vertical Either Direction 24 8 7
Temporary Nailing or
'h Horizontal Perpendicular only 24 7 12 5
Base Ply Shoring to Comply with c
Vertical Either Direction 24 8 7 z
% Horizontal Perpendicular only 24 7 5
Section4711 (d)
Base Ply Vertical Either Direction 24 ~
8 7
'For fire-resistive construction. see Tables No. 43-B and No. 43-C. For shear-resisting elements, see Table No. 47-1.
2 Nails
for wood framing shall be long enough to penetrate into wood members not less than '14 inch and the sizes shall conform with the provisions of Table
No. 47-G. For nails not included in Table No. 47-G, use the appropriate size cooler nail as set forth in Table No. 25-17-1 ofU.B.C. Standard No. 25-17. z
Nails for metal framing shall conform with the provisions of Table No. 47-G.
'Screws shall conform with the provisions of Table No. 47-G. 0
4 Staples shall be not less than No. 16 gauge by 'I- inch crown width with leg length of 7/s inch, 1'/s inch and l'h inch for gypsum wallboard thicknesses of 'Is

inch, V2 inch and lis inch. respectively.

SP~~~~G2 0
I. Expanded metal, No. II gauge, I !I," long, Y,,"
or woven wire Y." Unblocked 6 180 head
lath and portland No. 16 gauge staple, Y," legs
cement plaster

2. Gypsum lath, plain Y." Lath and Unblocked 5 100 No. 13 gauge, I Y." long, '%.'' head, plasterboard
or perforated Y," Plaster blued nail
3. Gypsum sheathing Y," x2' x 8' Unblocked 4 75 No. II gauge, I Y." long, Y,," head, diamond-point,
board galvanized
X" x4' Blocked 4 175
X" x4' Unblocked 7 100
7 100
4 125
X:" 5d cooler nails
7 125
4. Gypsum wallboard 4 !50
or veneer base
Blocked 4 175 6d cooler nails
Ys" Blocked Base ply 9 Base ply-6d cooler nails
Two-ply Face ply 7 Face ply-8d cooler nails

IThese vertical diaphragms shall not be used to resist loads imposed by masonry or concrete construction. See Sectwn 4713 (b). Values are for
short-time loading due to wind or earthquake and must be reduced 25 percent for normalloadmg.
~ 2 Applies to nailing at all studs, top and bottom plates and blocking.


(Meeting Requirements of U.B.C. Standard No. 25-9)


(Inch) (Inches) & TYPE Panel Ed1es Intermediate

14 16 1 4d casing or 6 12
% 24 6d casing or 6 12

'Twenty mches 1f face gram of paneling 1s across supports.

1982 EDITION 4801

Part X
Cellulose Nitrate
Sec. 4801. The handling and storage of cellulose nitrate film shall be in
accordance with the Fire Code.

Chapter 49
(See page 722-Appendlx.)


Chapter 50
Sec. 5001. (a) Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to regulate materials
and establish methods of safe construction where any structure or portion thereof
is wholly or partially prefabricated.
(b) Scope. Unless otherwise specifically stated in this chapter, all prefabri-
cated construction and all materials used therein shall conform to all the require-
ments of this code. (See Section 105.)
(c) Definition. PREFABRICATED ASSEMBLY is a structural unit, the
integral parts of which have been built up or assembled prior to incorporation in
the building.
Tests of Materials
Sec. 5002. Every approval of a material not specifically mentioned in this code
shall incorporate as a proviso, the kind and number of tests to be made during
Tests of Assemblies
Sec. 5003. The building official may require special tests to be made on
assemblies to determine their durability and weather resistance.
Sec. 5004. Every device designed to connect prefabricated assemblies shall be
capable of developing the strength of the members connected, except in the case
of members forming part of a structural frame designed as specified in Chapter
23. The connection device shall be designed as required by the other chapters in
this code. Connections between roofs and supporting walls shall be capable of
withstanding an uplift force equal to the requirements contained in Chapter 23.
Pipes and Conduits
Sec. 5005. In structural design, due allowance shall be made for any material
to be removed for the installation of pipes, conduits or other equipment.
Certificate and Inspection
Sec. 5006. (a) Materials. Materials and the assembly thereof shall be
inspected to determine compliance with this code. Every material shall be graded,
marked or labeled where required elsewhere in this code.
(b) Certificate. A certificate of approval shall be furnished with every pre-
fabricated assembly, except where the assembly is readily accessible to inspection
at the site. The certificate of approval shall certify that the assembly in question
has been inspected and meets all the requirements of this code. When mechanical
equipment is installed so that it cannot be inspected at the site, the certificate of
approval shall certify that such equipment complies with the laws applying
(c) Certifying Agency. To be acceptable under this code, every certificate of
approval shall be made by an approved agency.

1982 EDITION 5008

(d) Field Erection. Placement of prefabricated assemblies at the building site

shall be inspected by the building official to detennine compliance with this code.
(e) Continuous Inspection. If continuous inspection is required for certain
materials where construction takes place on the site, it shall also be required
where the same materials are used in prefabricated construction.
EXCEPTION: Continuous inspection will not be required during prefabrication
if the approved agency certifies to the construction and furnishes evidence of


Chapter 51
Sec. 5101. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to the design, con-
struction, installation, operation, alteration and repair of elevators, dumbwaiters,
escalators and moving walks and their hoistways.
Elevator Enclosures
Sec. 5102. Walls and partitions enclosing elevator and dumbwaiter hoistway
shafts and escalator shafts shall be of not less than the fire-resistive construction
required under l)'pes of Construction in Part IV of this code.
Emergency Operation and Special Provisions
Sec. 5103. (a) Automatic Elevators. Automatic passenger elevators shall
conform to the following:
I. Commandeering switch. In other than dwelling units, elevators shall be
provided with a two-position switch for emergency operation. Such switch shall
be located near the entrance to the elevator at each main floor of the building.
When the switch is in the "on" position, all elevators which are in normal
service shall return nonstop to the floor where the switch is in the "on" position
and the doors shall open, except that an elevator traveling away from the main
floor may reverse at the next available floor without opening its doors. When the
switch is in the "on" position, door-reopening devices for power-operated doors
which may be affected by smoke or heat so as to prevent door closure shall be
rendered inoperative; and elevators equipped with power-operated doors and
standing at a floor other than the main floor, with doors open, shall close their
doors without delay. Except for elevators in emergency service, the switch shall
be connected so that elevators may be returned to normal service by moving the
switch to the "off" position.
2. Heat- and smoke-sensing devices. The return to a main floor may be
initiated by heat- or smoke-sensing devices, or both, in the building indepen-
dently of the switch required by provision I above, except that such devices at the
main floor shall not initiate the return of the elevators. If so, the switch required at
a main floor shall have three positions. The third position shall restore normal
service independent of the heat- or smoke-sensing device, or both.
3. Elevator car emergency switch. A switch shall be provided in or adjacent
to an operating panel of each elevator car. This switch, when operated, shall put
the elevator on emergency service and shall be operable only after the switch
required by provision I above has been activated. When the emergency service
switch in the elevator is actuated:
(i) An elevator shall be operable only by a person in the elevator.
(ii) Elevators on emergency service shall not respond to elevator landing calls.
(iii) The opening of power-operated doors shall be controlled only by continu-
ous-pressure "open" buttons or switches. If the open button or switch is

1982 EDITION 5103

released during the "open" motion, the doors shall automatically reclose.
(iv) Door-reopening devices for power-operated doors which may be affected
by smoke or heat so as to prevent door closure shall be rendered
4. Keys for elevator switches. Keys, where permitted for the switches
required by provisions 1 and 3 above, shall be kept on the premises by the person
responsible for the maintenance and operation of the elevators in a location readily
accessible to authorized persons in an emergency but not where they are available
to the public.
(b) Attendant-operated Elevators. Elevators operated only by a designated
operator in the car shall be provided with a signal system to permit signaling the
operator from the main floor to return nonstop to a designated main floor.
Attendant-operated elevators having power-operated doors and door-reopening
devices affected by smoke or heat shall be rendered inoperative, and such doors
and devices shall conform to Subsection (a) 3, (iii) and (iv) above.
(c) Dual-operated Elevators. Elevators arranged for dual operation shall,
when on automatic operation, conform to Subsection 5103 (a) and when atten-
dant operated shall conform to Subsection 5103 (b).
(d) Door Operation. Each elevator lobby or entrance area shall be provided
with an approved smoke detector which will operate before the optical density
reaches 0.03 per foot and conforming to U.B.C. Standard No. 43-6, and which
will not permit the elevator doors to open when the detector is activated.
(e) Access. Each elevator car shall have a height, recessed area or movable
ceiling which will make possible the carrying of a 9-foot-high ladder.
(f) Standby Power. Standby power shall be provided to at least one elevator in
each bank where the highest floor level of human occupancy is more than 75 feet
above the lowest level of fire department vehicle access. Standby power shall be
transferable to all other elevators in the bank and shall be capable of operating the
elevator with a full load at contract speed. Standby power shall be provided by an
approved self-contained generator set to operate whenever there is a loss of power
in the normal house current. The generator shall be in a separate room having at
least a one-hour fire-resistive occupancy separation from the remainder of the
building and shall have a fuel supply adequate to operate the equipment for two
(g) Restricted or Limited-use Elevators. The building official may waive the
requirements of this section for any elevator designed for limited or restricted use
serving only specific floors or a special function.
(h) Size of Cab. In buildings three or more stories in height served by an
elevator, or a building served by an elevator required by Table No. 33-A, at least
one elevator serving all floors shall be of a size that will accommodate a wheel-
chair. Such elevators shall have horizontal dimensions not less than the following:
Distance between side walls, 68 inches, except that elevators with capacities of
less than 2000 pounds may be reduced to 54 inches minimum.
Distance between wall and door, 54 inches.
Distance between wall and return panel adjacent to the door, 51 inches.


Clear door opening width, 32 inches.

In buildings regulated by Section 1807, at least one elevator serving all floors
shall be of a size that will accommodate a 22-inch by 78-inch ambulance stretcher
in the horizontal position, unless otherwise designed to provide equivalent utility.
Such elevators shall have horizontal dimensions not less than the following:
Distance between side walls, 80 inches.
Distance between wall and door, 54 inches.
Distance between wall and return panel adjacent to the door, 51
Clear door opening width, 42 inches.
This elevator shall be identified.
(i) Call and Car Operation Buttons. Automatic passenger elevators shall
have call and car operation buttons within 54 inches of the floor. Emergency
telephones also shall be within 54 inches of the floor.
Emergency Communications
Sec. 5104. Every elevator car shall be provided with a two-way communica-
tion system connected to an approved emergency service which operates 24 hours
every day.

Emergency Signs
Sec. 5105. Except at the ground floor level, an approved pictorial sign of a
standardized design shall be posted adjacent to each elevator call station which

1982 EDITION 5201-5202

Chapter 52
Sec. 5201. (a) General. The provisions of this chapter shall govern the quality
and methods of application of plastics for use as light-transmitting materials in
buildings and structures. For foam plastics, see Sections 1705 (e) and 1712.
Light-transmitting plastic materials which meet the other code requirements for
walls and roofs may be used in accordance with the other applicable chapters of
the code.
(b) Approval for Use. The building official shall require that sufficient techni-
cal data be submitted to substantiate the proposed use of any light-transmitting
material and, if it is determined that the evidence submitted is satisfactory for the
use intended, he may approve its use subject to the requirements of this chapter.
(c) Identification. Each unit or package of plastic shall be identified with a
mark or decal satisfactory to the building official, which includes identification as
to the material classification in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 52-4.
(d) Combination of Glazing and Exterior Wall Panels. Combinations of
plastic glazing and plastic exterior wall panels shall be subject to the area, height,
percentage and separation requirements applicable to the class of plastics as
prescribed for wall panel installation.
(e) Combination of Roof Panels and Skylights. Combinations of plastic roof
panels and plastic skylights shall be subject to the area percentage and separation
requirements applicable to roof panel installation.
Sec. 5202. For the purpose of this chapter, certain terms are defined as follows:
APPROVED PLASTIC MATERIALS shall be those having a self-ignition
temperature 650F. or greater when tested in accordance with U.B.C. Standard
No. 52-3 and a smoke-density rating not greater than 450 when tested in accor-
dance with U.B.C. Standard No. 42-1, in the way intended for use, or a smoke-
density rating no greater than 75 when tested in the thickness intended for use by
U.B.C. Standard No. 52-2. Approved plastics shall be classified as either CCI or
CC2, in accordance with U.B.C. Standard No. 52-4.
EXTERIOR WALL PANELS are materials which are not classified as plastic
glazing and which are used as light-transmitting media in exterior walls.
GLASS FIBER REINFORCED PLASTIC is plastic reinforced with glass
fiber having not less than 20 percent of glass fibers by weight.
GLAZING is material which has all edges set in frame or sash and is not held
by mechanical fasteners which pass through the material.
LIGHT-DIFFUSING SYSTEM is construction consisting in whole or in part
of lenses, panels, grids or baffles made with approved plastics positioned below
independently mounted electrical light sources. Lenses, panels, grids and baffles
which are part of an electrical fixture shall not be considered as a light-diffusing


ROOF PANELS are structural panels other than skylights which are fastened
to structural members or structural panels or sheathing and which are used as
light-transmitting media in the plane ofthe roof.
THERMOPLASTIC MATERIAL is a plastic material which is capable of
being repeatedly softened by increase of temperature and hardened by decrease of
THERMOSETTING MATERIAL is a plastic material which is capable of
being changed into a substantially nonreformable product when cured.
Design and Installation
Sec. 5203. (a) Structural Requirements. Plastic materials in their assembly
shall be of adequate strength and durability to withstand the design loads as
prescribed elsewhere in this code. Technical data shall be submitted to establish
stresses, maximum unsupported spans and such other information for the various
thicknesses and forms used as may be deemed necessary by the building official.
(b) Fastening. Fastening shall be adequate to withstand design loads as pre-
scribed elsewhere in this code. Proper allowance shall be made for expansion and
contraction of plastic materials in accordance with accepted data on coefficient of
expansion of the material and other material in conjunction with which it is
Glazing of Unprotected Openings
Sec. 5204. In Type V-N construction, doors, sash and framed openings not
required to be fire protected may be glazed or equipped with approved plastic
In types of construction other than Type V-N, openings not required to be fire
protected may be glazed or equipped with approved plastic, subject to the
following requirements:
l. The aggregate area of plastic glazing shall not exceed 25 percent of the area
of any wall face of the story in which it is installed. The area of a single pane of
glazing installed above the first story shall not exceed 16 square feet and the
vertical dimension of a single pane shall not exceed 4 feet.
EXCEPTION: When an approved automatic sprinkler system is provided
throughout, the area of glazing may be increased to a maximum of 50 percent of the
wall face of the story in which it is installed with no limit on the maximum dimension
or area of a single pane of glazing.
2. Approved flame barriers extending 30 inches beyond the exterior wall in the
plane of the floor, or vertical panels not less than 4 feet in height, shall be installed
between glazed units located in adjacent stories.
3. Plastics shall not be installed more than 65 feet above grade level.
Light-transmitting Exterior Wall Panels
Sec. 5205. In Type V-N construction, approved plastics may be installed in
exterior walls provided the walls are not required to have a fire-resistive rating.
In types of construction other than Type V-N, approved plastics may be
installed in exterior walls, provided the walls are not required to have a fire-
resistive rating, subject to the following requirements:

1982 EDITION 5205-5207

I. Approved exterior wall panels shall not be installed more than 40 feet above
grade level.
2. Approved exterior wall panels shall not be installed in exterior walls located
less than 10 feet from the property line.
3. The area and size shall be limited to that set forth in Table No. 52-A.
EXCEPTIONS: I. In structures which are provided with approved flame barri-
ers extending 30 inches beyond the exterior wall in the plane of the floor, there need
be no vertical separation at the floor except that provided by the vertical thickness of
the flame-barrier projection.
2. When an approved automatic sprinkler system is provided throughout the
building, the maximum percentage area of plastic panels in the exterior wall and the
maximum square feet of any individual panel may be increased 50 percent above
that set forth in Table No. 52-A, and the separation requirements, both vertical and
horizontal, as set forth in Table No. 52-A may be reduced by 50 percent.
Roof Panels
Sec. 5206. Approved plastic roof panels may be installed in roofs of buildings
not required to have a fire-resistive rating, subject to the following limitations:
I. Individual roof panels or units shall be separated from each other by
distances of not less than 4 feet measured in a horizontal plane.
2. Roof panels or units shall not be installed within 8 feet of an exterior wall
located where openings in such exterior wall are either prohibited or required to be
3. Roof panels of Class CCI plastics shall be limited to a maximum individual
panel area of 150 square feet, and the total maximum aggregate area of all panels
shall not exceed 33lfJ percent of the floor area of the room or space sheltered. Roof
panels of Class CC2 plastics shall be limited to a maximum individual panel area
of I00 square feet, and the total maximum aggregate area of all panels shall not
exceed 25 percent of the floor area of the room or space sheltered.
EXCEPTION: Swimming pool shelters are exempt from the area limitations of
Section 5206, provided such shelters do not exceed 5000 square feet in area and are
not closer than 10 feet to the property line or adjacent building.

Sec. 5207. (a) General. Skylight assemblies may be glazed with approved
plastic materials in accordance with the following provisions:
1. The plastics shall be mounted at least 4 inches above the plane of the roof by
a curb constructed consistent with the requirements for the type of construction
EXCEPTION: Curbs may be omitted on roofs of Group R, Division 3 Occupan- I
cies with a minimum slope of 3:12 when self-flashing skylights are used. I
2. Flat or corrugated plastic skylights shall slope at least 4: 12. Dome-shaped
skylights shall rise above the mounting flange a minimum distance equal to I0
percent of the maximum span of the dome but not less than 5 inches.
EXCEPTION: Skylights which pass the Class B Burning Brand Test specified in
U.B.C. Standard No. 32-7.
3. The edges of the plastic lights or domes shall be protected by metal or other I

noncombustible materials or shall be tested to show that equivalent fire protection

is provided.
EXCEPTION: The metal or noncombustible edge is not required where ordi-
nary roof coverings are permitted.
4. Each skylight unit may have a maximum area within the curb of 100 square
feet for CC2 material and 200 square feet for CC l material.
EXCEPTIONS: I. The maximum area within the curb need not be limited if the
building on which the skylights are located is not more than one story in height, the
building has an exterior separation from other buildings of at least 30 feet, and the
room or space sheltered by the roof is not classified in a Group I, Division I or 3
Occupancy or as a required means of egress.
2. Except for Groups A, Divisions I and 2, I and H, Division I Occupancies, the
maximum area within the curb need not be limited where skylights are:
(i) Serving as a fire venting system complying with this code; or
(ii) Used in a building completely equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler
5. The aggregate area of skylights installed in the roof shall not exceed 33Y3
percent of the floor area of the room or space sheltered by the roof when CC l
materials are used and 25 percent when CC2 materials are used.
6. Skylight units shall be separated from each other by a distance of not less
than 4 feet measured in a horizontal plane.
EXCEPTION: Except for Groups A, Divisions I and 2, I and H, Division I
Occupancies, the separation is not required where the skylights are:
(i) Serving as a fire venting system complying with this code; or
(ii) Used in a building completely equipped with an approved automatic sprinkler
7. Skylights shall not be installed within 8 feet of an exterior wall located where
openings in such exterior wall are either prohibited or required to be protected.
(b) Plastics Over Stair Shafts. Approved plastic materials which will not
automatically vent but which are able to be vented may be used over stairways and
shafts, provided the installation conforms to the requirements of Section 5207 (a).

Light-diffusing Systems
Sec:. 5208. (a) General. Plastic diffusers in light-diffusing systems shall be
supported directly or indirectly by the use of noncombustible hangers.
Light-transmitting plastic materials in light-diffusing systems shall comply
with Chapter 42 unless the approved plastic used in the light-diffusing system
meets the following requirements:
l. Diffusers shall fall from their mounting at an ambient temperature of at least
200F. below the ignition temperature of the plastic material as measured by
U.B.C. Standard No. 52-3.
2. Diffusers shall remain in place at an ambient room temperature of l75F. for
a period of not less than 15 minutes.
3. The maximum length of any single plastic panel shall not exceed l 0 feet, and
the maximum area of any single plastic panel shall not exceed 30 square feet.
4. The area of approved plastic materials when used in required exits as defined

1982 EDITION 5208-5214

in Chapter 33 shall not exceed 30 percent of the aggregate area of the ceiling in
which they are installed.
EXCEPTION: The aggregate area need not be limited in a building equipped
with an approved automatic sprinkler system.
(b) Plastic light-diffusing system shall not be installed in the areas to be
equipped with automatic sprinklers unless appropriate tests have shown that the
system does not prevent effective operation of the sprinklers or unless sprinklers
are located both above and below the light-diffusing system to give effective
sprinkler protection.

Diffusers In Electrical Fixtures

Sec. 5209. Use of approved plastics as light-diffuser panels installed in
approved electrical lighting fixtures in or on walls or ceilings shall comply with
Chapter 42 unless the plastic panels meet the requirements of Section 5208 (a).

Sec. 5210. Light-transmitting plastics may be used in or as partitions, provided
they meet the requirements of this code.

Awnings and Patio Covers

Sec. 5211. Approved plastics may be used in awnings and patio covers. All
such awnings shall be constructed in accordance with provisions specified in
Section 4506 for projections and appendages. For patio covers, see Appendix
Chapter 49.

Sec. 5212. Approved plastics may be used in lieu of plain glass in greenhouses.

Sec. 5213. Approved plastic panels may be installed in canopies erected over
motor vehicle service station pumps, provided the panels are located at least 10
feet from any building on the same property and face yards or streets not less than
40 feet in width on the other sides. The aggregate area of plastics shall not exceed
I 000 square feet. The maximum area of any individual panel shall not exceed I 00
square feet.

Solar Collectors
Sec. 5214. Solar collectors having noncombustible sides and bottoms may be
equipped with plastic covers on buildings not over three stories in height or 9,000
square feet in total floor area, provided the plastic cover when exceeding a
thickness of 0.010 inch shall be of approved plastic and the total area shall not
exceed 33YJ percent of the roof area for CCI materials or 25 percent of the roof
area for CC2 materials.
EXCEPTION: Plastic covers having a thickness ofO.OIO inch or less may be of
any plastic, provided the total area of the collectors does not exceed 33 !1J percent of
the roof area.


CCI 25 100 16 6 4
CC2 15 75 8 8 4
1The maxtmum percent area of ex tenor walls hmttatwn shall be based upon the mdtvtdual story wall area.
1982 EDITION 5401-5404

Chapter 53

Chapter 54
Sec. 5401. (a) General. The provisions of this chapter apply to:
I . Exterior glass and glazing in all occupancies except Groups R and M not
over three stories in height; and
2. Interior and exterior glass and glazing in all occupancies subject to human
impact as specified in Section 5406.
(b) Standards. Standards for material shall be as specified in this chapter and
U.B.C. Standard No. 54-I.
Standards for glazing subject to human impact (hazardous location) as spec-
ified in Section 5406 shall be as specified in U.B.C. Standard No. 54-2.
(c) Other Provisions. See Part IV of this code for additional glass require-
ments where openings are required to be fire protected and Section 5204 for
openings glazed with plastics.
Sec. 5402. Each light shall bear the manufacturer's label designating the type
and thickness of glass. When approved by the building official, labels may be
omitted, provided an affidavit is furnished by the glazing contractor certifying
that each light is glazed in accordance with approved plans and specifications.
Identification of glazing in hazardous locations shall be in accordance with
Section 5406.

Area Limitations
Sec. 5403. Exterior glass and glazing shall be capable of safely withstanding
the loads for cladding set forth in Section 2311 . The area of individual lights shall
be not more than set forth in Table No. 54-A or as adjusted by Table No. 54-B.

Glazing Support
Sec. 5404. Glass firmly supported on all four edges shall be glazed with
minimum laps and edge clearances set forth in Table No. 54-C. For glass not
firmly supported on all four edges, design shall be submitted to the building
official for approval. Glass supports shall be considered firm when deflection of
the support at design load does not exceed 1/m of the span.


Louvered Windows
Sec. 5405. Regular plate, sheet or patterned glass in jalousies and louvered
windows shall be no thinner than nominal 7/32 inch and no longer than 48 inches.
When other glass types are used, design shall be submitted to the building official
for approval. Exposed glass edges shall be smooth.
Wired-glass with wire exposed on longitudinal edges shall not be used in
jalousies or louvered windows.
Safety Glazing
Sec. 5406. (a) General. Glazing subject to human impact shall comply with
this section.
EXCEPTION: Louvered windows or jalousies complying with Section 5405
need not comply with Subsection (c) of this section.
(b) Identification. Each light of safety glazing material installed in hazardous
locations as defined in Section 5406 (d) shall be identified by a label which will
specify the labeler, whether the manufacturer or installer, and state that safety
glazing material has been utilized in such installation. For additional identifica-
tion requirements and for limitation on size and use by category classification, see
U.B.C. Standard No. 54-2, Part I.
Each unit of tempered glass shall be permanently identified by the manufac-
turer. The identification shall be etched or ceramic fired on the glass and be visible
when the unit is glazed. Tempered spandrel glass is exempted from permanent
labeling but such glass shall be identified by the manufacturer with a removable
paper label.
(c) Human Impact Loads. Individual glazed areas in hazardous locations
such as those indicated in Section 5406 (d) shall pass the test requirements of Part
I of U .B.C. Standard No. 54-2 or by comparative tests approved by the building
official which shall be proved to produce at least equivalent performance.
EXCEPTION: Polished wired glass complying with Part II of U .B.C. Standard
No. 54-2 may be used in fire assemblies and in locations specified in Items Nos. 6
and 7 of Section 5406 (d).
Plastic glazing used in exterior applications also shall comply with the weather-
ing requirements in Part I of U. B.C. Standard No. 54-2.
(d) Hazardous Locations. The following shall be considered specific haz-
ardous locations for the purposes of glazing:
I. Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies.
2. Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of sliding-type doors other than ward-
robe doors.
3. Glazing in storm doors.
4. Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.
5. Glazing in shower and bathtub doors and enclosures.
6. Glazing, operable or inoperable adjacent to a door in all buildings and
within the same wall plane as the door whose nearest vertical edge is within
12 inches of the door in a closed position and whose bottom edge is less
than 60 inches above the floor or walking surface.

1982 EDITION 5406-5407

7. Glazing in fixed panels other than those covered by Item No. 6 which have
a glazed area in excess of 9 square feet and the lowest edge is less than 18
inches above the finished floor level or walking surface within 36 inches of
such glazing. In lieu of safety glazing, such glazed panels may be protected
with a horizontal member not less than I V2 inches in width when located
between 24 and 36 inches above the walking surface.
EXCEPTION: The following products, materials and uses are exempt from the
above hazardous locations:
l. Openings in doors through which a 3-inch sphere is unable to pass.
2. Assemblies of leaded glass or faceted glass and items of carved glass when
used for decorative purposes in doors or in locations described in Section 5406 (d),
Item No. 6or7, above.
3. Glazing materials used as curved glazed panels in revolving doors.
4. Commercial refrigerated cabinet glazed doors.
(e) Wardrobe Doors. Glazing in wardrobe doors shall meet the impact test
requirements for safety glazing as set forth in U .B.C. Standard No. 54-2, Part II.
Laminated glass must also meet the boil test requirements of U. B.C. Standard
No. 54-2, Part II.
EXCEPTION: The impact test shall be modified so that if no breakage occurs
when the impacting object is dropped from the height of 18 inches, the test shall
progress in height increments of6 inches until the maximum of 48 inches is reached.
Hinged Shower Doors
Sec. 5407. Hinged shower doors shall open outward.

(In Square Feet)


(fn Pounds SHEET &:LASS THICKNESS (In Inches)
per Sqyare
Foet) y, )(, '!(. ~. y. )(, Y. y, Yo y. Y. 1 1~ ss DS )(, )1, y. 1~2 y. 1{, y,
10 41 72 81 89 107 144 18.5 27.::) 1.51 465 525 656 956 41 56 9.5 109 128 186 21.1 243 311

1.5 27 48 54 60 71 96 12.1 18.1 214 110 150 418 ().17 27 .18 61 7.1 86 124 142 162 207

20 21 16 40 4.5 51 72 92 117 176 212 262 128 478 20 28 47 5.5 64 91 107 122 !55

25 16 29 12 .16 41 58 74 110 140 186 210 262 .182 16 21 .18 44 51 74 85 97 124

.10 14 24 27 .30 36 48
I 62 92 117 !55 17.'5 219 319 14 19 .12 .36 4.3 62 71 81 104
15 12 21 21 :w 11 41 I 53 79 100 111 !.50 188 271 12 16 27 31 .37 51 61 69 89
40 10 18 20 22 27 .36 46 69 H8 116 111 IG4 219 10 14 24 27 12 46 5.3 61 78
45 9 lG
i 18 20 24 32 41 61 I
78 103 117 H6 212 9 11 21 24 29 41 47 54 69
50 8 14 I 16 18 I 21 29 37 5'j 70 93 !0.5 131 191 8 II 19 22 26 37 43 49 62

60 7 12 13 15 18 24 31 46 59 77 88 109 !59 7 9 16 18 21 .11 16 41 52

1.1 21 26 .39 50 66 75 94 1.37 6 8 14 c

70 6 10 12 15 16 18 27 10 35 44
80 .5 9 10 II 11 18 21 .34 44 .58 66 82 120 5 7 12 14 16 23 27 30 39
90 4.5 8 9 10 12 16 21 31 .19 52 58 7.1 106 4.5 6 II 12 14 21 24 27 35 31:
100 4 7 8 9 II 14 18 27 .'35 46 52 66 96 4 5.5 9 II 13 19 21 24 31 c
1Maximum c
areas apply for rectangular lights of plate, float or sheet glass firmly supported on all four sides in a vertical position. Glass mounted at a
slope not to exceed one horizontal to five verticals may be considered vertical. Maximum areas based on minimum thicknesses set forth in Table
No. 54-1-C, Uniform Building Code Standard No. 54-I. 0
1982 EDITION 54-B, 54-C



I. Laminated ................................. . 0.6
2. Wired ..................................... . 0.5
3. Heat-strengthened ........................... . 2.0
4. Fully tempered .............................. . 4.0
5. Factory-fabricated Double Glazing2 .............. . 1.5
6. Rough Rolled Plate .......................... . 1.0
7. Sandblasted ................................ . Varies'
8. Regular Plate, Float or Sheet ................... . 1.0
1To determine the maximum allowable area for glass types listed in Table No. 54-B multiply
the allowable area established in Table No. 54-A by the appropriate adjustment factor.
Example: For Y-inch heat-strengthened glass determine the maximum allowable area for
a 30-pound-per-square-foot wind load requirement. Solution procedure: Use Table No.
54-A to determine the established allowable area for V.-inch plate or float glass. Answer:
36 square feet, then multiply 36 by 2-the heat-strengthened glass adjustment factor.
Answer: 72.
2Use thickness of the thinner of the two lights, not thickness of the unit.
3 To be approved by the building official since adjustment factor varies with amount of
depreciation and type of glass.


Fixed Windows and Openable Windows Other Than Horizontal Sliding

UP TO 6 6T014 14 TO 32 32TO 50 OVER 50
GLASS AREA sa. FT. sa. FT. Sa. FT. sa. FT. sa. FT.
I. Minimum Frame Lap_ ... Vi" lf4" ~n" %" lj~,

2. Minimum Glass Edge

Clearance ............ ~, 12 Y," I 2 X/' I 1;4" l!J" I
3. Continuow, Glazing Rab-
bet and Glass Retainer'. Required
4. Resilient Setting NotRe-
Material 'I: ........... qui red Required

Sliding Doors and Horizontal Sliding Windows

UPT014 14 TO 32 32TO 50 OVER 50

GLASS AREA sa. FT. sa. FT. sa. FT. sa. FT.

5. Minimum Glass Frame Lap .... ,,

1/ ,
Xn" %" lf2 ,

~ "2 l!J ,
6. Minimum Glass Edge Clearance. ~' " V.."
qui red
7. Continuous Glazing Rabbet third
and Glass Retainer J . . . . . . . . . story Required
4 Required
8. Resilient Setting Material Not Required

(Footnotes on following page.)



Glass edge clearance in fixed openings shall be not less than required to provide for wind
and earthquake drift.
2Glass edge clearance at all sides of pane shall be a minimum of 3/i6 inch where height of
glass exceeds 3 feet.
3Glass retainers such as metal, wood or vinyl face stops, glazing beads, gaskets, glazing
clips and glazing channels shall be of sufficient strength and fixation to serve this
4 Resilient setting material shall include preformed rubber or vinyl plastic gaskets or other
materials which are proved to the satisfaction of the building official to remain resilient.


1982 EDITION 6001

Part XI
Chapter 60
Sec. 6001. The U. B.C. Standards which are referred to in various parts of this
code shall be the Uniform Building Code Standards, 1982 Edition, and are hereby
declared to be a part of this code.

Noncombustible Material-Tests. Standard Method of Test E136-79 of the I
6-1; 608, 3904
Proscenium Curtains. Installation Standard of the International Conference of
Building Officials.
17-1; 1707 (a)
Kraft Waterproof Building Paper. Federal Specification UU-B 790a, February 5,
17-2; 1712 (b) 7
Test Method to Determine Potential Heat of Building Materials. Test Standard of the
International Conference of Building Officials
17-3; 1712 (a)
Test Method for the Evaluation of Thermal Barriers. Standard of the International
Conference of Building Officials
17-4; 1712 (b) 5
Fire Test Standard for Insulated Roof Deck Construction. Factory Mutual Standard
and Subject 1256 (March, 1974) of the Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
17-5; 1712 (c)
Room Fire Test Standard for Interior of Foam Plastic Systems. Test Standard of the
International Conference of Building Officials.
18-1; 1807 (i), 1807 (I) 6, App. 721
Fire Alarm and Standby Power-generating Systems for High-rise Buildings. Instal-
lation Standard of the International Conference of Building Officials.

*ASTM refers to American Society for Testing and Materials.


23-1; 2312 (d)
Determination of the Characteristic Site Period, Ts. Engineering Standard of the
International Conference of Building Officials.
24-1; 2403 (b), 2404 (c) 2 A, 2418 (c) 2 A
Building Brick, Facing Brick and Hollow Brick. (Made from Clay or Shale.)
Standard Specifications C62-58, C216-66 and C652-70 of the ASTM.
24-2; 2403 (c)
Sand-lime Building Brick. Standard Specification C73-67 of the ASTM.
24-3; 2403 (d)
Concrete Building Brick. Standard Specification C55-55 of the ASTM.
24-4; 2403 (e), Table No. 43-B
Hollow Load-bearing Concrete Masonry Units. Standard Specification C90-70 of
the ASTM.
24-5; 2403 (e)
Solid Load-bearing Concrete Masonry Units. Standard Specification Cl45-59 of
the ASTM.
24-6; 2403 (e)
Hollow Nonload-bearing Concrete Masonry Units. Standard Specification C 129-59
of the ASTM.
24-7; 2403 (e)
Method of Test for Concrete Masonry Units. Standard Methods Cl40-70 of the
24-8; 2403 (f)
Structural Clay Load-bearing Wall Tile and Standard Methods of Sampling and
Testing Structural Clay Tile. Standard Specificiation C34-70 and Standard Method
Cll2-70 of the ASTM.
24-9; 2403 (f)
Structural Clay Nonload-bearing Tile. Standard Specification C56-70 of the ASTM.

. 24-10; 2403 (f)

Structural Clay Floor Tile. Standard Specification C57 -65 of the ASTM .
24-12; 2406 (a) and (c)

I Mill Mixed Gypsum Concrete and Poured Gypsum Roof Diaphragms. Standard
Specification C317-70 of the ASTM. Poured Gypsum Roof Diaphragms, based on
reports of test programs by S. B. Barnes and Associates, dated February, 1955;
November, 1956; January, 1958; and February, 1962.
24-13; 2403 (g)
Cast Stone. Specification ACI 704-44 of the American Concrete Institute.
24-14; 2403 (h), 2405 (b)
Unburned Clay Masonry Units and Standard Methods of Sampling and Testing
Unburned Clay Masonry Units. Test Standard of the International Conference of
Building Officials.
24-15; 2403 (m), 2603 (f) 3
I Cold-drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement. Standard Specification A82-79
of the ASTM.

1982 EDITION 6001

24-16; 2403 (o)

Cement, Masonry. Standard Specification C91-67 of the ASTM.
24-17; 2403 (p)
Quicklime for Structural Purposes. Standard Specification C5-59 (1974) of the
24-18; 2403 (p)
Hydrated Lime for Masonry Purposes. Standard Specification C207-74 of the
24-19; 2403 (p)
Processed Pulverized Quicklime. Standard Definitions of Terms C51-71 of the
24-20; 2403 (q) I and 3, 2418 (c) 2 C
Mortar for Unit Masonry and Reinforced Masonry Other Than Gypsum. Standard
Specifications CI61-44T and C270-59Tofthe ASTM.
24-21; 2403 (q) I, 2403 (t), 2618 (q) 2C
Aggregate for Masonry Mortar. Standard Specification C 144-76 of the ASTM. I
24-22; 2403 (q) 3, 2403 (r) 3
Field Tests Specimens for Mortar and Grout. Test Standard of the International
Conference of Building Officials.
24-23; 2403 (r) I
Aggregates for Grout. Standard Specification C404-61 of the ASTM.
24-24; 2404 (c) 3, 2418 (c) 3 B
Sampling and Testing Brick. Standard Methods C67-60 of the ASTM.
24-25; 2403 (k)
Glazed Structural Clay Facing Tile. Standard Specification C 126-71 of the ASTM.
25-1; 2502 (a), Tables Nos. 25-A-1 and 25-A-2
Classification, Definition and Methods of Grading for All Species of Lumber.
Standard Methods D245-70 and D2555-70 of the ASTM, Handbook No. 72 of the
U.S. Department of Agriculture, American Softwood Lumber Standard PS20-70
and National Grading Rule for Dimension Lumber of the National Grading Rule
25-2; Tables Nos. 25-A-1, 25-A-2 and 25-R-2
Black Cottonwood, Coast Sitka Spruce, Douglas Fir-Larch (North), Eastern
Hemlock-Tamarack (North), Eastern White Pine (North), Hem-Fir (North), North-
ern Aspen, Ponderosa Pine, Red Pine, Spruce-Pine-Fir, Western Cedars (North),
and Western White Pine. Standard Grading Rules for Canadian Lumber, U.S.
Edition (September, 1979). I
25-3; Tables Nos. 25-A-1, 25-A-2 and 25-R-2
Douglas Fir (Coast Region), West Coast Hemlock, Western Red Cedar, White Fir
and Sitka Spruce. Standard Grading Rules No. 16 (September, 1970) of the West
Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau.
25-4; Tables Nos. 25-A-1, 25-A-2 and 25-R-2
Douglas Fir, Larch, Hem-Fir, Mountain Hemlock, Alpine Fir, Englemann Spruce,
Lodgepole Pine, Ponderosa Pine, Sugar Pine, Idaho White Pine, Western Cedars,
Western Hemlock and Aspen (Bigtooth Quaking). Standard Grading Rules of the
Western Wood Products Association (July I, 1974).


25-5; Tables Nos. 25-A-1 and 25-R-2

Eastern Woods, Eastern White Pine, Red Pine, Eastern Spruce, Balsam Fir, Aspen
(Bigtooth Quaking), Eastern Hemlock and Tamarack. Grading Rules of the North-
em Hardwood and Pine Manufacturers Association, Inc. (September I, 1970).
25-6; Tables Nos. 25-A-1, 25-A-2 and 25-R-2
Southern Pine. Grading Rules, Southern Pine Inspection Bureau (September I,
25-7; Tables Nos. 25-A-1 and 25-R-2
Redwood. Specifications for Grades of California Redwood Lumber of the Red-
wood Inspection Service (November, 1970).
25-8; Tables Nos. 25-A-1 and 25-R-2
Eastern Woods, Eastern Spruce, Balsam Fir, Eastern White Pine, Northern Pine,
Eastern Hemlock-Tamarack and Northern White Cedar. Grading Rules of the
Northeastern Lumber Manufacturers Association, Inc. (September I, 1970).
25-9; 2501 (e), 2502 (a), 2513 (a), 2513 (c), Tables Nos. 25-B, 25-J, 25-K, 25-S-2, 25-T and
Construction and Industrial Plywood. Product Standard PS 1-74 of the U.S. Depart-
ment of Commerce, and National Bureau of Standards and Calculation of Dia-
phragm Action, an engineering standard of the International Conference of Building
25-10; 2502 (a). 2511 (b), 2511 (f), Tables Nos. 25-C-1 and 25-C-2

I Structural Glued-laminated Timber. Voluntary Product Standard PS 56-73. U.S.

Department of Commerce, and Standard Specification D3737-78 of the ASTM.
25-11; 2502 (a), 2511 (d) 5, Tables Nos. 25-C-1, 25-C-2 and 25-D

Structural Glued-laminated Timbers: Softwood and Hardwood Species. Standard
Specifications for Structural Glued-laminated Timber of Softwood Species ( 1979),
American Institute of Timber Construction, and Standard Specification for Hard-
wood Glued-laminated Timber ( 1976), American Institute of Timber Construction.
25-12; 2502 (a), 2505,2516 (c), 2909 (a) I
Preservative Treatment by Pressure Processes and Quality Control Standards. Stan-
dard Specifications CI-74, C2-74, C3-74, C4-74, C9-72, C23-74 and C28-73 of the

American Wood Preservers Association and CP-79, LP2-80, LP3-78, LP4-78,
LP5-78, LP7-78, LP22-80, LP33-78, LP44-78, LP55-78, LP77-78 and FDN-80 of
the American Wood Preservers Bureau.
25-13; 2504 (b)
Wood Poles. Specifications and Dimensions for Wood Poles, ANSI 05.1-1972 of
the American National Standards Institute, Inc.
25-14; 2504 (b), 2909 (a) I
Round Timber Piles. Standard Specification D25-73 of the ASTM.
25-15; 2507 (a) 2
Spaced Columns. National Design Specification for Wood Construction (1977),
including the 1980 Supplement, National Forest Products Association.
25-17; 2510 (a), 2510 (b), 2510 (c), 2510 (d), 2510 (e), 2510 (h), 2514 (b) I, 2514 (b) 2,
2516 (j) I, 3203 (c) 4, Tables Nos. 25-F, 25-G, 25-H and 47-H

Timber Connector Joints, Bolted Joints, Drift Bolts and Wood Screws, and Lag
Screws. National Design Specification for Wood Construction ( 1977), including the
1980 Supplement, National Forest Products Association. Light Metal Plate Con-
nected Wood Truss Design, Design Specification for Light Metal Plate Connected

1982 EDITION 6001

Wood Trusses TPJ-68, Truss Plate Institute. Nails and Staples, Federal Specification
No. FF-N-IOSB (March 17, 1971).
25-18; 2512
Structural Glued Built-up Members-Plywood Components. Design and Fabrica-
tion Specifications of American Plywood Association.
25-19; 2517 (e) 2
Adhesives. Standard Specification D2559-72, Adhesives for Structural Laminated
Wood Products for Use Under Exterior (Wet-use) Exposure Conditions and Stan-
dard Specification D3024-72, Protein Base Adhesive for Structural Laminated
Wood Products for Use Under Interior (Dry-use) Exposure Conditions of the
ASTM, and American Plywood Association Specification AFG-01, September,
Test For Glue Joints in Laminated Wood Product. Standard Test Method D II 01-59
of the ASTM, and AITC 200-73 American Institute of Timber Construction refer-
enced in PS 56-73.
25-21; Tables Nos. 25-U-J-1, 25-U-J-6, 25-U-R-1, 25-U-R-2, 25-U-R-7, 25-U-R-8, 25-U-
R-10, 25-U-R-11, 25-U-R-13 and 25-U-R-14
Span Tables for Joists and Rafters. Specification Standard of the International
Conference of Building Officials.
Plank-and-Beam Framing. Wood Construction Data No.4 (1970) of the National
Forest Products Association.
Tests for Structural Glued-laminated Lumber. Inspection Manual, AITC 200-73 of
American Institute of Timber Construction, referenced in Voluntary Product Stan-
dard PS 56-73, the basis for U.B.C. Standard No. 25-10 and Standard Methods of
Testing D805-63 of the ASTM.
25-24; 2502 (a), 2514, 2516 (g) 4
Cellulosic Fiber Insulating Board (Fiberboard). Voluntary Product Standard PS
57-73, U.S. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards.
25-25; 2502 (a), 2516 (g) 5, 2517 (f)
Mat-formed Wood Particleboard. American National Standard for Mat-formed
Wood Particleboard, ANSI 208.1-1979. I
25-26; 2502 (a), 2516 (g) 6
Hardboard Siding. Voluntary Product Standard PS 60-73 of the United States I
Department of Commerce.
25-27; 2504 (c) 9
Temperature Effects. National Design Specification for Wood Construction ( 1977),
including the 1980 Supplement, National Forest Products Association.
26-1; 2403 (o), 2603 (c), 2604 (f) 2
Portland Cement and Blended Hydraulic Cements. Standard Specifications
CIS0-81 andC595-8laoftheASTM. Ill
26-2; 2603 (d), 2708 (d)
Concrete Aggregates. Standard Specification C33-81 of the ASTM. Ill

26-3; 2602, 2603 (d), 2604 (b), 2708 (d), Table No. 27-C
Lightweight Aggregates for Structural and Insulating Concrete. Standard Specifica-
Ill tions C330-80 and C332-80 of the ASTM.
26-4; 2403 (!), 2603 (f) 2, 2603 (f) 3, 2625 (d) 2

I Reinforcing Bars for Concrete. Standard Specifications A615-80, A616-79,

A617-79 and A706-80 of the ASTM.
26-5; 2603 (f) 2

I Fabricated Deformed Steel Bar Mats. Standard Specification Al84-79 of the

26-6; 2603 (f) 2

I Welded Steel Wire Fabric and Deformed Steel Wire. Standard Specifications
Al85-79, A496-78 and A497-79 of the ASTM.
26-7; 2603 (f) 4, 2909 (e) 2

I Steel Wire, Strand and Bar for Prestressing. Standard Specifications A416-80,
A421-80 and A722-75 of the ASTM.
26-8; 2603 (f) I, 2603 (i), 2612 (p) 3
Welding Reinforcing Steel, Metal Inserts and Connections in Reinforced Concrete
I Construction. AWS D1.4-79 of the American Welding Society.
26-9; 2603 (g)
Admixtures for Concrete. Standard Specifications C494-80, C260-77 and C618-80
26-10; 2604 (e), 2604 (i) 2, 2604 Ul. 2604 (i) 3
Concrete Tests. Part !-Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Labora-
tory. Part 11-Making and Curing Concrete Compression and Flexure Test Speci-
mens in the Field. Part III--Obtaining and Testing Drilled Cores and Sawed Beams
of Concrete. Part IV--Compressive and Flexural Tests. Part V- Capping Cylindri-

cal Concrete Specimens. Part VI-Sampling Fresh Concrete. Standard Method
C31-69 (1980), Standard Method of Test C39-80, Standard Method C42-77, Stan-
dard Method of Test C78-75 (1978), Standard Method C 192-81, Standard Method
C617 -76 ( 1978) and Standard Method C 172-71 ( 1977) of the ASTM.
26-11; 2604 (h)
Evaluation of Compression Test Results in Field Concrete. American Concrete
Institute Standard 214-65.
26-12; 2602, 2604 (c) 2 H
I Splitting Tensile Strength. Standard Test Method C496-71 (1979) of the ASTM.
26-13; 2605 (b)
I Ready-mixed Concrete. Standard Specification C94-81 of the ASTM.

27-1; 2603 (f) 5, 2721 (b), 2909 (f) I, 2909 (g) I
Material Specifications for Structural Steel. Standard Specifications A27, A36,
A48, A53, Al48, A242, A252, A283, A307, A325, A441, A446, A490, A500,

I A501, A514, A529, A570, A572, A588, A606, A607, A611, A618, A633, A666
and A715 of the ASTM.
27-2; 2701 (b), 2719, 2720, 2721 (k)
Erection, Fabrication, Identification and Painting of Structural Steel. Specifications
for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings of the
American Institute of Steel Construction, Inc. (February I, 1969).

1982 EDITION 6001

27-3~ 2704, 2707 (a), 2712 (c), Table No. 27-A

Stress Variation or Stress Reversal Design. Specifications of the American Institute

of Steel Construction, Inc. (February, 1969).
27-4~ 2701 (b), 2715 (a)

Open Web Steel Joists, Standard Specifications for Open Web Steel Joists, H Series;
Longspan Steel Joists, LH Series; Deep Longspan Steel Joists, DLH Series; and
Joist Girders, 1978 (including 1980 revisions), of the Steel Joist Institute.
27-5; 2713 (a)
Structural Rivet Steel. Standard Specification A502-65 of the ASTM.
27-6; 2702 (e), 2714 (a). 2722 (a). 2722 (f). Table No. 27-B
Welding. American Welding Society. Inc .. Structural Welding Code. D I. 1-Rev.
27-7; 2713 (a). Table No. 27-A
High-strength Bolts. Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A4\IO
Bolts. February. I \176, as endorsed by the American Imtitute of Steel Construction.
Inc .. and Industrial Fastening Institute.
Shear Connectors for Composite Construction. Specification for the Design. Fab-~
ric at ion and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings of the American Institute of
Steel Construction. Inc. (1978). and American Welding Society. Inc .. Structural
Welding Code. DI.I-Rev. 2-77.
27-\1; 2701 (b). 3203 (c) 3
Specifications and Design of Cold-formed Steel Structural Members. Standard
Specifications A36. A242. A441. A446. A52\l, A570. A572. A588. A606. A607
A611 and A 715 of the ASTM and Specifications of the American Iron and Steel
Im.titute (I \180).
27-10; 2701 (b)
Specification for the Design of Cold-formed Stainless Steel Structural Members.
Specification Manual. I \174 Edition. American Iron and Steel Institute.
27 -II; 2724. Table No. 23-J
Steel Storage Racks. Interim Specification for the Design. Testing and Utilization of
Industrial Steel Storage Rack<.. I \172. and Supplement No. I to the Specification.
June 18. 1\173. of the Rack Manufacturers Institute.
27-12; 2725
Structural Applications of Steel Cables for Buildings. Criteria for Structural
Applications of Steel Cables for Buildings. 1\173 Edition. and Standard Specifica-
tions A586-68 ( 1\176). A603-70 (I \174) and B6-70 of the ASTM.
27-1.1; 2714 (a). 2714 (j)
Welding Sheet Steel. American Welding Society Specification for Welding Sheet i
Steel. AWS DU-78. fi
28-1; 280 I (a). 2802 (a). 2802 (b). 2803 (a). 2803 (b). 2803 (d). 2804 (c). 2804 (c). 2804 ( 0.
Table No. 28-F
Standard for Aluminum Structures. Specifications for Aluminum Structures. Alu-
minum Association (November. 1967).
2\1-1: 2\104 (a)
Soils Classification. Standard Method D2487-69 of the ASTM.


29-2; 2904 (b)

Expansion Index Test. Recommendation of the Los Angeles Section ASCE Soil
29-3; 2907 (a)

. 'freated Wood Foundation System. National Forest Products Association, Technical

Report No. 7 .
32-1; 1707 (a)
Materials for Use in Construction of Built-up Roof Coverings. Standard Specifica-
tion 55-A, May I, 1973, with revisions dated October 28, 1975, of the Underwriters
Laboratories Inc.
32-2; 3203 (d) 2
Roofing Asphalt. Standard Specification 0312-44 of the ASTM.
32-3; 3203 (d) 3 8, 3203 (d) 4 C
Class C Sheet Roofing and Shingles Made From Asphalt Organic Felt. Standard
Specification 55-B, October 30, 1974, of the Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
32-4; 3203 (c) 3
Sheet Metals. Standard Specifications A245-62aT, A361-63T ana B209-63 of the
32-5; 3203 (d) 2, 3203 (e) 2
Roofing Aggregates. Material Standard of the International Conference of Building
32-6; 3203 (c) 5
Corrosion-resistant Metals. Standard Specifications A219-58 and A239-41 of the
32-7; 407, 1712 (b) 5, 3203 (b), 5207 (a) 2
Test Standard for Determining the Fire-retardancy of Roof Covering Materials.
Standard Specification 790 (1969) of the Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
32-8; 3203 (c) 2
Wood Shakes. Grading and Packing Rules for Red Cedar Shakes of the Red Cedar
Shingle & Handsplit Shake Bureau, 1975.
32-9; 3203 (d) 3D
Asbestos-cement Shingles. Standard Specification C222-60 of the ASTM.
32-10; 3203 (c) 2, 3203 (d) 3 C
Slate Shingles. Standard Specification C406-57T of the ASTM.
32-11; 3203 (c) 2
Wood Shingles. Standards of the Red Cedar Shingle & Handsplit Shake Bureau and
Material Standard of the International Conference of Building Officials.
32-12; 3203 (d) 3 F
Roofing Tile. Test Standard of the International Conference of Building Officials.

.. 32-13; 3203 (c) 5

Wire. Standard Specifications Bl34-62, B211-63 and B250-62 of the the ASTM .
33-1; 3304 (g)
Power-operated Exit Doors. Test Standard of the International Conference of Build-
ing Officials.

1982 EDITION 6001

33-2; 3306 (q)

Stairway Identification. Specification Standard of the International Conference of
Building Officials.
33-3; App. 109 (a)
Exit Ladder Device. Test Standard of the International Conference of Building
33-4; 3304 (d)
Panic Hardware. Standard 305, May 7, 1973, of the Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
35-1; App. 3501 (b), App. 3501 (d)
Laboratory Determination of Airborne Sound Transmission Class (STC). Standard
Recommended Specifications E90-61T, Standard Method E90-70 and Standard
Classification E413-70T of the ASTM.
35-2; App. 3501 (c), App. 3501 (d), App. 3501 (g)
Impact Sound Insulation. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Publication FfffS 24. Guide to Noise Control in Multifamily Dwellings.
35-3; App. 3501 (d), 3501 (f)
Airborne Sound Insulation Field Test. Standard Test Method E336-67T of the
37-1; 3702
Fireclay Refractories. Standard Specification C27-60 of the ASTM.
38-1; 1807 (c), 3801 (d), 3802 (g), App. 713 (a), App. 1108 (b)
Installation of Sprinkler Systems. Standard 13-1980 of the National Fire Protection I
38-2; 3801 (d), 3805 (a)
Standpipe Systems. Installation and Design Standard of the International Confer-
ence of Building Officials.
42-1; 415, 1712 (a), 1712 (c), 1713 (b), 1713 (c), 4202 (a) I, 4202 (b), 5202
Test Method for Surface-burning Characteristics of Building Materials. Standard
Test Method E84-80 of the American Society for Testing and Materials.
43-1; 4302 (b), 4304 (d), 4304 (e), 4305 (a), Table No. 43-A
Fire Tests of Building Construction and Materials. Standard Methods EII9-80 of I
the ASTM.
43-2; 802 (b) 2, 3305 (h), 3309 (c), 4306 (e), 4306 (i), 4306 (j) I
Fire Tests of Door Assemblies. Standard IOB-1970 of the Underwriters Laborato-
ries Inc., and International Conference of Building Officials Test Standard for
Smoke and Draft Control Door Assemblies.
43-3; 4306 (k)
Tinclad Fire Doors. Standard lOA (December, 1973), of the Underwriters Laborato-
ries Inc.
43-4; 4306 (e), 4306 (i)
Fire Tests of Window Assemblies. Standard Methods EI63-76 of the ASTM .


43-6; 1210 (a), 4306 (b), 5103 (d), App. 719

Smoke Detectors for Fire-protective Signaling Systems and Single and Multiple
Station Smoke Detectors. Standards 167-1974, 168-1971 and 217-0ctober 5, 1978,
of the Underwriters Laboratories Inc.
43-7; 503 (c), 1706 (b), 4306 (b), 4306 Ul
Fire Dampers. Test Standard of the International Conference of Building Officials.
43-8; 306 (a) 9, 4303 (e)
Thickness and Density Determination for Spray-applied Fireproofing. Test Stan-
dard of the International Conference of Building Officials.
47-1; 4708 (g)
Plaster Bonding Agents. U.S. Government Military Specification MIL-B-19235
(Docks) (December 12, 1965), and Standard Specifications of the California
Lathing and Plastering Contractors Association ( 1965), and C631-70 of the ASTM,
and Recommendations of the Gypsum Association.
47-2; 4711 (c)
Adhesives for Fastening Gypsum Wallboard to Wood Framing. Standard Specifica-
tion C557-73 of the ASTM.
47-3; Table No. 47-E.
Perlite, Vermiculite and Sand Aggregates for Gypsum Plaster. Standard Specifica-
tion C35-70 of the ASTM.
47-4; 4703 (c), Tables Nos. 47-A and 47-C
Metal Lath, Wire Lath, Wire Fabric Lath and Metal Accessories. Standard Specifi-
cation A42.4-1955, of the American National Standards Institute, Inc., and Specifi-
cation 2.6. 73 of the California Lathing and Plastering Contractors Association.
47-5; Table No. 47-G
Drill Screws. Standard Specification C646-76 of the ASTM.
47-6; 4711 (e)
Gypsum Wallboard Tape and Joint Compound. Standard Specification C475-70 and
Standard Methods of Testing C474-73 of the ASTM.
Gypsum Backing Board. Standard Specification C442-72 of the ASTM.
47-8; Table No. 47-B
Gypsum Lath. Standard Specification C37-69 of the ASTM.
47-9; Table No. 47-E
Gypsum Plasters. Standard Specification C28-76a of the ASTM.
Gypsum Sheathing Board. Standard Specification C79-76a of the ASTM.
47-11; 4711 (a)
Gypsum Wallboard. Standard Specification C36-76a of the ASTM.
Keene's Cement. Standard Specification C6l-70 of the ASTM.
47-14; 4711 (a)
Water-resistant Gypsum Backing Board. Standard Specification C630-76 of the

1982 EDITION 6001

47-15: Tables Nos. 43-A, 43-B, 43-C

Gypsum Base for Veneer Plaster and Gypsum Veneer Plaster. Standard Specifica-
tions C588-68 and C587-73 of the ASTM.
Lime. Standard Specifications C6-49 ( 1968) and C206-49 ( 1968) of the ASTM.
47-17:2407 (a), 4701 (c)
Testing Gypsum and Gypsum Products. Standard Specification C22-50 (R74) and
Standard Methods C472-73 and C473-76a of the ASTM.
47-18:4701 (e), Table No. 47-A
Metal Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and for Lay-in Panel Ceilings.
Standard Specification C635-69 and Standard Recommended Practice C636-69 of
the ASTM.
47-19; 4701 (f)
Application of Gypsum Base for Veneer Plaster and Gypsum Veneer Plaster.
Standard Specifications C843-76 and C844-79 of the ASTM.
47-20; Table No. 47-G
Nails for the Application of Gypsum Wallboard, Gypsum Backing Board and
Gypsum Veneer Base. Standard Specification CS\4-77 of the ASTM. I
Plastic Materials. Based on Technical Data on Plastics. Specifications of the
Manufacturing Chemists Association.
52-2; 5202
Chamber Method of Test for Measuring the Density of Smoke from the Burning or
Decomposition of Plastic Materials. Based on Standard Test Method D2843-70 of
the ASTM.
52-3; 1712 (c), 5202, 5208 (a) I
Ignition Properties of Plastics. Based on Standard Test Method Dl929-68 ( 1975) of
the ASTM.
52-4; 5201 (c), 5202
Method of Test for Determining Classification of Approved Light-transmitting
Plastics. Standard Test Method D635-74 of the ASTM.
54-I; 5401 (b), Table No. 54-A
Glass. Federal Specification DD-G-00451 b, U.S. Federal Government (August 22,
54-2; 5401 (b), 5406 (c), 5406 (e)
Safety Glazing. Safety Standard for Architectural Glazing Materials (16CFR, Part
1201) of the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission and Performance Specifi-
cations and Methods of Test for Transparent Safety Glazing Material Used in
Buildings. ANSI Z97 .1-1975 of the American National Standards Institute, Inc.
55-I; App. 5502 (b)
Flame-retardant Membranes. Test Standard of the International Conference of
Building Officials.


70-I;App. 7010(e)
Moisture-density Relations of Soils. Tentative Methods of Test D1557-58T of the
70-2; App. 7010 (e)
In-place Density of Soils. Tentative Method of Test D1556-58Tofthe ASTM.


Chapter 1
Note: This Is a new Appendix chapter
Sec. 108. (a) Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to provide a reasonable
degree of safety to persons occupying existing buildings that do not conform with
the minimum requirements of this code by providing for alterations to such
existing buildings.
EXCEPTION: Group R, Division 3 or Group M Occupancies.
(b) Effective Date. Within 18 months after the effective date of this appendix,
plans for compliance shall be submitted and approved, and within 18 months
thereafter the work shall be completed or the building shall be vacated until made
to conform.
(c) Alternate Materials and Methods. Alternate materials and methods may
be used, provided such materials or methods comply with the spirit and intent of
this appendix.
The building official may modify any of the provisions of this appendix in
conformance with Section 106 of this code.
Sec. 109. (a) Number of Exits. Every floor above the first story used for
human occupancy shall have access to at least two separate exits, one of which
may be an exterior fire escape complying with Subsection (d) of this section.
Subject to the approval of the building official, an approved ladder device may be
used in lieu of a fire escape when the construction feature or location of the
building on the property make the installation of a fire escape impracticable.
EXCEPTION: In all occupancies, second stories with an occupant load of 10 or
less may have one exit.
An exit ladder device when used in lieu of a fire escape shall conform with
U.B.C. Standard No. 33-3 and the following:
I. Serves an occupant load of 10 or less or a single dwelling unit or guest
2. The building does not exceed three stories in height.
3. The access is adjacent to an opening as specified for emergency egress or
rescue or from a balcony.
4. Shall not pass in front of any building opening below the unit being served.
5. The availability of activating the device for the ladder is accessible only
from the opening or balcony served.
6. So installed that it will not cause a person using it to be within 6 feet of
exposed electrical wiring.


(b) Stair Construction. All required stairs shall have a minimum run of 9
inches and a maximum rise of 8 inches and shall have a minimum width of 30
inches exclusive of handrails. Every stairway shall have at least one handrail. A
landing having a minimum 30-inch run in the direction of travel shall be provided
at each point of access to the stairway.
EXCEPTION: Fire escapes as provided for in this section.
Exterior stairs shall be of noncombustible construction.
EXCEPTION: On buildings of'!Ypes III, IV and V, provided the exterior stairs
are constructed of wood not less than 2-inch nominal thickness.
(c) Corridors. Corridors of Groups A, B, E, I, Hand R, Division I Occupan-
cies serving as an exit for an occupant load of 30 or more shall have walls and
ceilings of not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction as required by this
code. Existing walls surfaced with wood lath and plaster in good condition or 1/2-
inch gypsum wallboard or openings with fixed wired glass set in steel frames are
permitted for corridor walls and ceilings and occupancy separations when
approved. Doors opening into such corridors shall be protected by 20-minute fire
assemblies or solid wood doors not less than I% inches thick. Where the existing
frame will not accommodate the I %-inch-thick door, a !%-inch-thick solid
bonded wood core door or equivalent insulated steel door shall be permitted.
Doors shall be self-closing or automatic-closing by smoke detection. Transoms
and openings other than doors from corridors to rooms shall comply with Section
3305 (h) of this code or shall be covered with a minimum of %-inch plywood or
\12-inch gypsum wallboard or equivalent material on the room side.
EXCEPTION: Existing corridor walls, ceilings and opening protection not in
compliance with the above may be continued when such buildings are protected with
an approved automatic sprinkler system throughout. Such sprinkler system may be
supplied from the domestic water system if it is of adequate volume and pressure.
(d) Fire Escapes. I. Existing fire escapes which in the opinion of the building
official comply with the intent of this section may be used as one of the required
exits. The location and anchorage of fire escapes shall be of approved design and
2. Fire escapes shall comply with the following:
Access from a corridor shall not be through an intervening room.
All openings within 10 feet shall be protected by three-fourths-hour fire
assemblies. When located within a recess or vestibule, adjacent enclosure walls
shall be of not less than one-hour fire-resistive construction.
Egress from the building shall be by a clear opening having a minimum
dimension of not less than 29 inches. Such openings shall be openable from the
inside without the use of a key or special knowledge or effort. The sill of an
opening giving access shall be not more than 30 inches above the floor of the
building or balcony.
Fire escape stairways and balconies shall support the dead load plus a live load
of not less than 100 pounds per square foot and shall be provided with a top and
intermediate handrail on each side. The pitch of the stairway shall not exceed 60
degrees with a minimum width of 18 inches. Treads shall be not less than 4 inches
in width and the rise between treads shall not exceed 10 inches. All stair and


balcony railings shall support a horizontal force of not Jess than 50 pounds per
lineal foot of railing.
Balconies shall be not Jess than 44 inches in width with no floor opening other
than the stairway opening greater than Y8 inch in width. Stairway openings in such
balconies shall be not less than 22 inches by 44 inches. The balustrade of each
balcony shall be not less than 36 inches high with not more than 9 inches between
Fire escapes shall extend to the roof or provide an approved gooseneck ladder
between the top floor landing and the roof when serving buildings four or more
stories in height having roofs with Jess than 4:12 slope. Fire escape ladders shall
be designed and connected to the building to withstand a horizontal force of I 00
pounds per lineal foot: each rung shall support a concentrated load of 500 pounds
placed anywhere on the rung. All ladders shall be at least 15 inches wide. located
within 12 inches of the building and shall be placed tlatwise relative to the face of
the building. Ladder rungs shall be % inch in diameter and shall be located 12
inches on center. Openings for roof access ladders through cornices and similar
projections shall have minimum dimensions of 30 inches by 33 inches.
The lowest balcony shall be not more than 18 feet from the ground. Fire escapes
shall extend to the ground or be provided with counterbalanced stairs reaching to
the ground.
Fire escapes shall not take the place of stairways required by the codes under
which the building was constructed.
Fire escapes shall be kept clear and unobstructed at all times and maintained in
good working order.
(c) Exit and Fire Escape Signs. Exit signs shall be provided as required by this
EXCEPTION: The use of existing exit signs may be continued when approved
by the building official.
All doors or windows providing access to a fire escape shall be provided with
fire escape signs.

Enclosure of Vertical Shafts

Sec. 110. Interior vertical shafts, including but not limited to stairways,
elevator hoistways, service and utility shafts. shall be enclosed by a minimum of
one-hour fire-resistive construction. All openings into such shafts shall be pro-
tected with one-hour fire assemblies which shall be maintained self closing or be
automatic closing by smoke detection. All other openings shall be fire protected in
an approved manner. Existing fusible link-type automatic door closing devices
may be permitted if the fusible link rating does not exceed 135F
EXCEPTIONS: I. In other than Group I Occupancies, an enclosure will not be
required for openings serving only one adjacent tloor.
2. Stairways need not be enclosed in a continuous vertical shaft if each story is
separated from other stories by one-hour fire-resistive construction or approved
wired glass set in steel frames. In addition. all exit corridors shall be sprinklered and
the openings between the corridor and occupant space have at least one sprinkler
head above the openings on the tenant side. The sprinkler system may be supplied


from the domestic water supply if of adequate volume and pressure.

3. Vertical openings need not be protected if the building is protected by an
approved automatic sprinkler system.
Basement Access or Sprinkler Protection
Sec. 111. An approved automatic sprinkler system shall be provided in base-
ments or stories exceeding 1500 square feet in area and not having a minimum of
20 square feet of opening entirely above the adjoining ground level in each 50
lineal feet or fraction thereof of exterior wall on at least one side of the building.
Openings shall have a minimum clear dimension of 30 inches.
If any portion of a basement is located more than 75 feet from required
openings, the basement shall be provided with an approved automatic sprinkler
system throughout.
Sec. 112. Any buildings over four stories in height shall be provided with an
approved Class I or Class III standpipe system.
Smoke Detectors
Sec. 113. Every dwelling unit and every guest room in a hotel or lodging house
used for sleeping purposes shall be provided with smoke detectors installed in
accordance with this code.
Separation of Occupancies
Sec. 114. Occupancy separations shall be provided as specified in Section 503
of this code. When approved by the building official, existing wood lath and
plaster in good condition or Vz-inch gypsum wallboard may be acceptable where
one-hour occupancy separations are required.


Note: This Is a new Appendix chapter.
Part I

Sec. 711. (a) Purpose. The putpose of this chapter is to establish minimum
standards of safety for the construction and use of covered mall buildings having
not more than three levels.
(b) Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to buildings or structures
defined herein as covered mall buildings.
This chapter does not apply to terminals for transportation facilities and lobbies
of hotel, apartment and office buildings.
Covered mall buildings conforming with all other applicable provisions of this
code are not required to comply with the provisions of this chapter.
(c) Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, certain terms are defined as
ANCHOR STORE is an exterior perimeter department store or major mer-
chandising center having direct access to a mall but having all required exits
independent of a mall.
COVERED MALL BUILDING is a single building enclosing a number of
tenants and occupancies such as retail stores, drinking and dining establishments,
entertainment and amusement facilities, offices and other similar uses wherein
two or more tenants have a main entrance into one or more malls.
GROSS LEASABLE AREA is the total floor area designed for tenant occu-
pancy and exclusive use. The area of tenant occupancy is measured from the
center lines of joint partitions to the outside of the tenant walls. All tenant areas,
including areas used for storage, shall be included in calculating gross leasable
MALL is a roofed or covered common pedestrian area within a covered mall
building which serves as access for two or more tenants and may have three levels
that are open to each other.
(d) Applicability of Other Provisions. Except as specifically required by this
chapter, covered mall buildings shall meet all applicable provisions of this code.
TYpes of Construction and Required Yards for Unlimited Area
Sec. 712. (a) Type of Construction. One- and two-level malls may be of any
type of construction permitted by this code. Three-level malls shall be at least
l)tpe II One-hour construction.
Anchor stores and parking garages shall be limited in height and area in
accordance with Sections 505, 506 and 507.
(b) Required Yards for Unlimited Area. Covered mall buildings may be of
unlimited area, provided the covered mall building, attached anchor stores and


parking garages are adjoined by public space, streets or yards not less than 60 feet
in width along all exterior walls.
Special Provisions
Sec. 713. (a) Automatic Sprinkler Systems. The covered mall building shall
be provided with an automatic sprinkler system conforming to the provisions of
U .B.C. Standard No. 38-1. In addition to these standards, the automatic sprinkler
system shall comply with the following:
I. All automatic sprinkler system control valves shall be electrically super-
vised by an approved central, proprietary or remote station or a local alarm
service which will give an audible signal at a constantly attended location.
2. The automatic sprinkler system shall be complete and operative throughout
all occupied space in the covered mall building prior to occupancy of any of
the tenant spaces. The level of protection provided for unoccupied tenant
space shall be subject to the approval of the building official and fire
3. Sprinkler protection for the mall shall be independent from that provided
for tenant spaces. However, tenant spaces may be supplied by the same
system if they can be independently controlled.
The respective increases for area and height for covered mall buildings,
including anchor stores, specified in Sections 506 and 507 of this code, shall be
(b) Standpipes. There shall be a Class I standpipe outlet connected to a system
sized to deliver 250 gallons per minute at each of the following locations for fire
department use:
I. Within the mall at the entrance to an exit passage or exit corridor.
2. At each floor level landing within enclosed stairways opening directly onto
the mall and adjacent to principal exterior entrances to the mall.
Standpipes shall be installed in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 38
of this code.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Risers and laterals of Class I standpipe systems not located
within an enclosed stairway need not be protected by a degree of fire resistance equal
to that required for vertical enclosures in the covered mall building.
2. Piping may be hydraulically sized.
Standpipes in covered mall buildings exceeding 50,000 square feet shall be
charged with water. The source of water may be either by interconnection with the
sprinkler system or may be connected with the domestic water supply by a
minimum of l-inch-diameter pipe. The domestic water supply connection shall
be provided with an approved backflow device.
(c) Smoke-control System. I. Purpose. The purpose of smoke control is to
restrict movement of smoke to the general area of fire origin and to maintain
means of egress in a usable condition.
2. General. Activation of the sprinkler system or smoke detectors shall
activate the smoke-control system. The smoke-control system shall also be
capable of manual operation. A smoke detector shall be provided within the


return-air portion of heating and cooling systems exceeding 10,000 cfm. The
detector shall be installed ahead of any fresh-air intake. Smoke detectors shall
also be provided on the tenant side at openings into the mall where open-type
security grilles are used. The smoke-control system shall be as follows:
A. The smoke-control equipment for the mall shall be separate from that
serving tenant spaces.
B. The covered mall building shall be compartmented into smoke-control
zones. Except for openings between the mall and tenant spaces, smoke-control
zones shall be separated from each other by construction having a fire-resistive
time period of not less than one hour. Walls between tenant spaces used to separate
smoke-control zones shall extend from the floor to the underside of the floor or
roof above.
C. A smoke control zone shall coincide with the area of coverage of a single
sprinkler supply. Within that sprinkler zone there may be one or more air-moving
systems but no single smoke-control zone shall be larger than the sprinkler area.
D. When a fire occurs within a tenant sprinkler zone, that zone is to go to 100
percent exhaust and the supply air to that zone is to be shut down. All adjoining
tenant areas are to go into normal operation. The mall itself shall go to I 00 percent
fresh air supply.
E. When a fire occurs within the mall, the mall smoke-control equipment shall
go to 100 percent exhaust and the adjoining tenant spaces shall go into normal
F. The mall smoke-control equipment shall be sized to provide a minimum of
six air changes per hour for malls 600,000 cubic feet or less in volume and four air
changes per hour for malls of greater size. The volume of the mall is measured
from the entrance to tenant spaces and to a height of 12 feet above each pedestrian
G. Mall exhaust inlets shall be not less than 6 feet above the walking surface for
each pedestrian level.
H. During those hours when the building air-conditioning systems are not
operating, smoke detector or sprinkler systems shall be designed so the activation
of either will transmit an alarm as required in Subsection (a), Item No. I, of this
section and shall activate the smoke-control system.
3. Acceptance testing. Before the smoke-control system is accepted by the
building official, it shall be tested in his presence to confirm that the system is
operating in compliance with the requirements of this subsection.
(d) Fire Department Access to Equipment. Rooms or areas containing
controls for air-conditioning systems, automatic fire-extinguishing systems or
other detection, suppression or control elements shall be identified for use by the
fire department.
(e) Thnant Separation. Each tenant space shall be separated from other tenant
spaces by a wall having a fire-resistive rating of not less than one hour. The
separation wall shall extend from the floor to the underside of the ceiling above.
Except as required by other provisions of this code, the ceiling need not be a fire-
resistive assembly. A separation is not required between any tenant space and a


mall except for occupancy separations required by Section 715 or for smoke-
control purposes.
(f) Public Address System. Covered mall buildings exceeding 50,000 square
feet in total floor area shall be provided with a public address system accessible
for use by the fire department. Covered mall buildings of 50,000 square feet or
less in total floor area, when provided with a public address system, shall have
such system accessible for use by the fire department.
(g) Plastic Panels and Plastic Signs. Within every story or level and from
sidewall to sidewall of each tenant space or mall, approved plastic panels and
signs shall be limited as follows:
I . They shall not exceed 20 percent of the wall area facing the mall;
2. They shall not exceed a height of 36 inches except that if the sign is vertical
then the height shall not exceed 96 inches and the width shall not exceed 36
3. They shall be located a minimum distance of 18 inches from adjacent
4. All edges and the back shall be fully encased in metal.
(h) Lease Plan. Each covered mall building owner shall provide both the
building and fire departments with a lease plan showing the location of each
occupancy and its exits after the Certificate of Occupancy has been issued. Such
plans shall be kept current. No modifications or changes in occupancy or use shall
be made from that shown on the lease plan without prior approval of the building
(i) Mixed Type of Construction. Openings between an anchor store of Type I,
11-F.R. or II One-hour construction and the mall need not be protected.
U) Standby Power. Covered mall buildings exceeding 50,000 square feet shall
be provided with standby power systems which are capable of operating the public
address system, the exit signs, emergency lighting, the smoke control activation
system and the smoke control equipment from four adjacent zones acting

Sec. 714. (a) General. Each tenant space and the covered mall building shall
be provided with exits as required by this section and Chapter 33 of this code.
Where there is a conflict between the requirements of Chapter 33 and the
requirements of this section, the requirements of this section shall apply.
(b) Determination of Occupant Load. The occupant load permitted in any
individual tenant space in a covered mall building shall be determined as required
by Section 3302 of this code. Exit requirements for individual tenant spaces shall
be based on the occupant load thus determined.
The occupant load permitted for the covered mall building, assuming all
portions, including individual tenant spaces and the mall to be occupied at the
same time, shall be determined by dividing the gross leasable area by 30 for
covered mall buildings containing up to 150,000 square feet of gross leasable
area, by 40 for covered mall buildings containing between 150,001 and 350,000


square feet of gross leasable area, and by 50 for covered mall buildings containing
more than 350,000 square feet of gross leasable area. Exit requirements for the
covered mall building shall be based on the occupant load thus determined.
The occupant load of anchor stores opening into the mall shall not be included
in determining exit requirements for the mall.
(c) Number of Exits. Whenever the distance of travel to the mall from any
location within a tenant space used by persons other than employees exceeds 75
feet or the tenant space exceeds 1500 square feet, not less than two exits shall be
(d) Arrangement of Exits. Group A, Divisions l, 2 and 2.1 Occupancies,
other than drinking and dining establishments, shall be so located in the covered
mall building that their entrance will be immediately adjacent to a principal
entrance to the mall and shall have not less than one half of their required exits
opening directly to the exterior of the covered mall building.
Required exits for anchor stores shall be provided independently from the mall
exit system.
Malls shall not exit through anchor stores. Malls terminating at an anchor store
where no other means of exit has been provided shall be considered as a dead-end
(e) Distance to Exits. Within each individual tenant space in a covered mall
building the maximum distance of travel from any point to an exterior exit door,
horizontal exit, exit passageway, enclosed stairway or entrance to the mall shall
not exceed 200 feet.
The maximum distance of travel from any point within a mall to an exterior exit
door, horizontal exit, exit passageway or an enclosed stairway shall not exceed 200
(f) Access to Exits. Exits shall be so arranged that it is possible to go in either
direction from any point in a mall to a separate exit, except for dead ends not
exceeding a length equal to twice the width of the mall measured at the narrowest
location within the dead-end portion of the mall.
The minimum width of exit from a mall shall be 66 inches.
When exit passageways are present to provide a secondary exit from a tenant
space, doors to the exit passageway shall be one-hour fire doors. Such doors shall
be self-closing and be so maintained or shall be automatic closing by smoke
detector actuation.
Storage is prohibited in exit passageways which are also used for service to the
tenants. Such exit passageways shall be posted with conspicuous signs so stating.
(g) Malls. For the purpose of providing required egress, malls may be consid-
ered as corridors but need not comply with the requirements of Section 3305 (g)
and (h) of this code when the width of mall is as specified in this section.
The minimum width of the mall shall be 20 feet. There shall be a minimum of
I 0 feet clear width to a height of 8 feet between any projection from a tenant space
bordering the mall and the nearest kiosk, vending machine, bench, display or
other obstruction to egress. The mall shall be sufficient to accommodate the
occupant load immediately tributary thereto.


Malls which do not conform to the requirements of this section shall comply
with the requirements of Section 3305 (g) and (h) of this code.
(h) Security Grilles and Doors. Horizontal sliding or vertical security grilles
or doors which are a part of a required means of egress shall conform to the
I. They must remain secured in the full open position during the period of
occupancy by the general public.
2. Doors or grilles shall not be brought to the closed position when there are
more than I 0 persons occupying spaces served by a single exit or 50
persons occupying spaces served by more than one exit.
3. The doors or grilles shall be openable from within without the use of any
special knowledge or effort when the space is occupied.
4. When two or more exits are required, not more than one half of the exits
may be equipped with horizontal sliding or vertical rolling grilles or doors.
Sec. 715. (a) General. Covered mall buildings shall be classified as Group B,
Division 2 Occupancies and may contain accessory uses consisting of Groups A,
E orR, Division I Occupancies. The area of individual accessory uses within a
covered mall building shall not exceed three times the basic area permitted by
Table No. 5-C of this code for the type of construction and the occupancy
involved. The aggregate area of all accessory uses within a covered mall building
shall not exceed 25 percent of the gross leasable area.
An attached garage for the storage of passenger vehicles having a capacity of
not more than nine persons and open parking garages may be considered as
separate buildings when they are separated from the covered mall building by an
occupancy separation having a fire-endurance time period of at least two hours.
(b) Mixed Occupancy. Individual tenant spaces within a covered mall building
which comprise a distinct "Occupancy," as described in Chapters 5, 6, 7, 8, II
and 12 of this code, shall be separated from any other occupancy as specified in
Section 503 (d) of this code.
EXCEPTION: A main entrance which opens onto a mall need have no

Part II
Sec. 716. The provisions of this part apply exclusively to aviation control
towers not exceeding I ,500 square feet per floor. Such buildings shall be classi-
fied as Group B, Division 2 Occupancies and shall be used only for the following
I. Airport traffic control cab.
2. Electrical and mechanical equipment rooms.


3. Airport terminal radar and electronics rooms.

4. Office spaces incidental to the tower operation.
5. Lounges for employees, including restrooms.
Construction, Height and Allowable Area
Sec. 717. Buildings or portions of buildings constructed under the provisions
of this chapter shall be either Type 1-F.R., 'fYpe II-F.R., Type II One-hour or 'fYpe
III One-hour construction. The height of the building or parts thereof shall not
exceed the limitations specified in Table No. 7-A and the area of such buildings
shall not exceed I ,500 square feet on any floor.
Exit Facilities
Sec. 718. A single stairway may be used for exiting in towers of any height,
provided the occupant load per floor does not exceed 15. Access to the stairway
and the elevator shall be separated from each other a distance apart equal to no less
than one half of the length of the maximum overall diagonal dimension of the area
served measured in a straight line. The exit stairway and elevator hoistway may be
located in a common shaft enclosure, provided they are separated from each other
by a four-hour separation having no openings. Such stairway shall be constructed
to comply with the requirements for smokeproof enclosures as specified in
Section 3310. Stairways, however, need not extend to the roof as specified in
Section 3306 (o ). The provisions of Sections 1807 and 1907 do not apply.
Fire Alarms
Sec. 719. Smoke detectors conforming to U.B.C. Standard No. 43-6 shall be
installed in all occupied levels. These devices shall be part of an approved fire
alarm system having audible alarms mounted in all occupied levels.
Access for Handicapped
Sec. 720. Aviation control towers need not be accessible to the handicapped as
specified in the provisions of Chapters 17 and 33.
Standby Power and Emergency Generation Systems
Sec. 721. A standby power generation system conforming to U. B.C. Standard
No. 18-1 shall be installed in aviation control towers over 65 feet in height and
shall provide power to the following equipment:
I. Smokeproof enclosure, mechanical equipment and lighting.
2. Elevator operational power.
3. Smoke-detection systems.



1-F.R. I 11-F.R. I II One-hour I Ill One-hour
Unlimited I 240 I 100 I 65


Chapter 11

Sec. 1107. The provisions of this chapter shall apply exclusively to agri-
cultural buildings. Such buildings shall be classified as a Group M, Division 3
Occupancy and shall include the following uses:
I. Storage, livestock and poultry.
2. Milking barns.
3. Shade structures.
4. Horticultural structures (greenhouse and crop protection).
Construction, Height and Allowable Area
Sec. 1108. (a) General. Buildings classed as a Group M, Division 3 Occu-
pancy shall be of one of the types of construction specified in this code and shall
not exceed the area or height limits specified in Sections 505, 506 and 507 and
Table No. II-A.
(b) Special Provisions. The area of a Group M, Division 3 Occupancy in a
one-story building shall not be limited if the building is entirely surrounded and
adjoined by public space, street or yards not less than 60 feet in width, regardless
of the type of construction.
The area of a two-story Group M, Division 3 Occupancy shall not be limited if
the building is entirely surrounded and adjoined by public space, streets or yards
not less than 60 feet in width and is provided with an approved automatic sprinkler
system throughout, conforming to U.B.C. Standard No. 38-1.
Buildings using plastics shall comply with TYpe V-N construction. Plastics
shall be approved plastics regulated by Chapter 52. For foam plastic, see Sec-
tion 1712.
EXCEPTIONS: I. When used as skylights or roofs, the areas of plastic sky-
lights shall not be limited.
2. Except where designs must consider snow loads, plastics less than 20 mils
thick may be used without regard to structural considerations. The structural frame
of the building, however, shall comply.

Occupancy Separations
Sec. 1109. Occupancy separations shall be as specified in Section 503 and
Table No. 11-B.
Exterior Walls and Openings
Sec. 1110. Except where Table No. 17-A requires greater protection, exterior
walls of agricultural buildings shall be not less than one-hour fire-resistive
construction when less than 20 feet from property line.
Openings in exterior walls of agricultural buildings which are less than 20 feet
from property lines shall be protected by fire assemblies having a fire-protection
rating of not less than three-fourths hour.


Exit Facilities
Sec. 1111. Exit facilities shall be as specified in Chapter 33.
EXCEPTIONS: I. The maximum distance of travel from any point in the
building to an exterior exit door, horizontal exit, exit passageway or an enclosed
stairway shall not exceed 300 feet.
2. One exit is required for each 15,000 square feet of floor area and fraction
3. Exit openings shall be not less than 2 feet 6 inches by 6 feet 8 inches.

F-R 1-llour !-Hour
I I " or Type IV
I " I "
Allowable Area'

Unlimited 60,000
I 27,100
I 18,000 27,100
I 18,000 21,100
I 12,000'

Maximum Height in Stories 2

Unlimited 1:2
I -4
Section 1108 for unlimited area under certain conditions.
:2 -4
I :2 3
I :2

2 For maximum height in feet, see Chapter 5, Table No. 5-D.

(In Hours) ~l:J
Occupancy .\ E I H B-1 B-2 B-3 B-4 R-1 R-3 M ID
Rating -4 -4 -4 -4 -4 1 1 1 1 1 r=c
" z

Chapter 12
Sec. 1201. (a) Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to provide minimum
standards for the protection of life, limb, health, property, environment and for
the safety and welfare of the consumer, general public and the owners and
occupants of Group R, Division 3 Occupancies regulate4 by this code.
(b) Scope. The provisions of this chapter apply to the construction, prefabrica-
tion, alteration, repair, use, occupancy and maintenance of detached one- or two-
family dwellings not more than three stories in height and their accessory
One and 1\vo Family Dwelling Code Adopted
Sec. 1202. Buildings regulated by this chapter shall be designed and con-
structed to comply with the requirements of the One and Two Family Dwelling
Code, 1979 edition, promulgated jointly by the International Conference of
Building Officials; the Building Officials and Code Administrators International,
Inc., and the Southern Building Code Congress International, Inc.


Chapter 23
Earthquake Recording Instrumentation
Sec. 2312. I. General. In Seismic Zones No. 3 and No.4 every building over
six stories in height with an aggregate floor area of 60,000 square feet or more,
and every building over 10 stories in height regardless of floor area, shall be
provided with not less than three approved recording accelerographs.
2. Location. The instruments shall be located in the basement, midportion,
and near the top of the building. Each instrument shall be located so that access is
maintained at all times and is unobstructed by room contents. A sign stating
"Maintain Clear Access to This Instrument" shall be posted in a conspicuous
3. Maintenance. Maintenance and service of the instruments shall be pro-
vided by the owner of the building, subject to the approval of the building official.
Data produced by the instruments shall be made available to the building official
upon his request.
4. Instrumentation of existing buildings. All owners of existing structures
selected by the jurisdiction authorities shall provide accessible space for the
installation of appropriate earthquake-recording instruments. Location of said
instruments shall be determined by the jurisdiction authorities. The jurisdiction
authorities shall make arrangements to provide, maintain and service the instru-
ments. Data shall be the property of the jurisdiction, but copies of individual
records shall be made available to the public upon request and the payment of an
appropriate fee.
For Areas Outside the United States
Location Seismic Zone Location Seismic Zone
Turkey Caroline Island
Ankara 2 Koror, Paulau 2
Karamursel 3 Po nape 0
Azores 2 Kwajalein I
Bermuda I Mariana Islands
Bahama Islands I Saipan 3
Canal Zone 2 Tin ian I
Leeward Islands 3 Marcus Island I
Puerto Rico 3 Okinawa 3
Trinidad Island 2 Philippine Islands 3
NORTH AMERICA Samoa Islands 3
Greenland Wake Island 0
Keflavik 3

Chapter 32
Sec. 3209. All re-roofing shall conform to the applicable provisions of Chapter
32 of this code.
Roofing materials and methods of application shall comply with Uniform
Building Code Standards or shall follow the manufacturer's installation require-
ments when approved by the building official.
Sec. 3210. New roof coverings shall not be applied without first obtaining an
inspection and written approval from the building official. A final inspection and
approval shall be obtained from the building official when the re-roofing is
Built-up Roofs
Sec. 3211. (a) General. Built-up roof covering shall be completely removed
before applying the new roof covering.
EXCEPTION: The building official may allow existing roof coverings to remain
when inspection reveals that:
I. The structural design is sufficient to sustain the weight of an additional
2. There is not more than one existing roof on the structure.
3. The existing roof is securely attached to the deck.
4. The roof deck is not rotted and is structurally sound.
5. Existing insulation is not water soaked.
(b) Preparation of Roof and Application of New Covering. When the
conditions specified in Subsection (a) above have been met, the re-roofing shall
be accomplished as follows:
I. Gravel surfaced. The roof shall be cleaned of all loose gravel and debris. All
blisters shall be cut and made smooth. One-half-inch insulation board shall be
nailed or cemented to the existing roofing with hot bitumen applied at the rate of
40 pounds per square, over which a new roof complying with Section 3203 shall
be installed, or all existing gravel shall be removed to provide a smooth surface.
All blisters shall be cut and cemented or nailed smooth. A base sheet as defined in
the code shall be nailed in place. The base sheet shall not be mopped to the old
roofing. New roofing conforming to Section 3203 shall be applied.
2. Smooth or cap-sheet surfaced. All blisters and curled edges shall be cut
and cemented or nailed smooth. A base sheet shall be nailed or, in the case of
nonnailable decks, mopped to the existing roofing. New roofing conforming to
Section 3203 shall be applied.
3. Flashing and edgings. Vent flashings, metal edgings, drain outlets, metal
counterflashing and collars shall be removed and cleaned. Rusted metal shall be
replaced. Metal shall be primed with cutback primer prior to installation. Collars
and flanges shall be flashed per the roofing manufacturer's instructions.


4. Intersecting walls. All concrete and masonry walls shall be completely

cleaned and primed to receive new flashing. All vertical walls, other than concrete
or masonry, shall have the surface finish material removed to a height of approx-
imately 6 inches above the deck to receive new roofing and flashing. All rotted
wood shall be replaced with new materials. Surface finish material shall be
replaced to match original construction.
5. Cant strips. Where space permits, cant strips shall be installed at all angles.
All angles shall be flashed with at least two more layers than in the new roof with
an exposed finish layer of asbestos felt or mineral surfaced cap sheet.
Shingles and Shakes
Sec. 3212. Based upon inspection ofthe existing roofing, the building official
may permit a re-cover in accordance with the following provisions:
I. Asphalt shingle application. Not more than two overlays of asphalt shin-
gles shall be applied over an existing asphalt shingle roof.
Not more than two overlays of asphalt shingle roofing shall be applied over
wood shingles. Asphalt shing:es applied over wood shingles shall have an overlay
of not less than 1Ype 30 nonperforated felt.
2. Wood shake application. Not more than one overlay of wood shakes shall
be applied over an existing asphalt shingle or wood shingle roof (with one layer of
18-inch, 30-pound felt interlaced between each layer of shakes).
3. Wood shingle application. Not more than one overlay of wood shingles
shall be applied over existing wood shingles.
4. Application over shakes. New roof covering shall not be applied over an
existing shake roof.
5. Flashing and edgings. Rusted or damaged flashing, vent caps and metal
edgings shall be replaced with new materials as necessary.


Chapter 35
Sound Transmission Control
Sec. 3501. (a) General. In Group R Occupancies, wall and floor-ceiling
assemblies separating dwelling units or guest rooms from each other and from
public space such as interior corridors and service areas shall provide airborne
sound insulation for walls, and both airborne and impact sound insulation for
floor-ceiling assemblies.
(b) Airborne Sound Insulation. All such separating walls and floor-ceiling
assemblies shall provide an airborne sound insulation equal to that required to
meet a Sound Transmission Class (STC) of 50 (45 if field tested) as defined in
U.B.C. Standard No. 35-1.
Penetrations or openings in construction assemblies for piping, electrical
devices, recessed cabinets, bathtubs, soffits, or heating, ventilating or exhaust
ducts shall be sealed, lined, insulated or otherwise treated to maintain the required
Entrance doors from interior corridors together with their perimeter seals shall
have a laboratory-tested Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating of not less than
26 and such perimeter seals shall be maintained in good operating condition.
(c) Impact Sound Insulation. All separating floor-ceiling assemblies
between separate units or guest rooms shall provide impact sound insulation equal
to that required to meet an Impact Insulation Class (II C) of 50 (45 if field tested) as
defined in U.B.C. Standard No. 35-2. Floor coverings may be included in the
assembly to obtain the required ratings and must be retained as a permanent part
of the assembly and may be replaced only by other floor covering that provides the
same sound insulation required above.
(d) Tested Assemblies. Field or laboratory tested wall or floor-ceiling designs
having an STC or IIC of 50 or more as determined by U.B.C. Standard No. 35-1,
35-2 or 35-3 may be used without additional field testing when, in the opinion of
the building official, the tested design has not been compromised by flanking
paths. Tests may be required by the building official when evidence of compro-
mised separations is noted.
(e) Field Testing and Certification. Field testing, when required, shall be
done under the supervision of a professional acoustician who shall be experienced
in the field of acoustical testing and engineering and who shall forward certified
test results to the building official that minimum sound insulation requirements
stated above have been met.
(f) Airborne Sound Insulation Field Thsts. When required, airborne sound
insulation shalf be determined according to the applicable Field Airborne Sound
Transmission Loss Test procedures of U.B.C. Standard No. 35-3. All sound
transmitted from the source room to the receiving room shall be considered to be
transmitted through the test partition.
(g) Impact Sound Insulation Field Test. When required, impact sound
insulation shall be determined in accordance with U .B.C. Standard No. 35-2.


Sound Transmission Control Systems

~ Sec. 3502. Generic systems as listed in the Fire Resistance Design Manual,
Tenth Edition ( 1981 ), as published by the Gypsum Association may be accepted
where a laboratory test indicates the requirements of Section 350 I are met by the


Chapter 38
Basement Pipe Inlets
Sec. 3807. (a) General. All basement pipe inlets shall be installed in accor-
dance with requirements of this section.
(b) Where Required. Basement pipe inlets shall be installed in the first floor
of every store, warehouse or factory having basements.
EXCEPTIONS: I. Where the basement is equipped with an automatic sprinkler
system as specified in Section 3802.
2. Where the basement is used for the storage of permanent archives or valuables
such as safe deposit vaults or similar uses adversely affected by water.
(c) Location. The location of basement pipe inlets shall be as required by the
fire department.
(d) Detailed Requirements. All basement pipe inlets shall be of cast iron,
steel, brass or bronze with lids of cast brass or bronze.
The basement pipe inlet shall consist of a sleeve not less than 8 inches inside
diameter extending through the floor and terminating flush with or through the
basement ceiling and shall have a top flange recessed with an inside shoulder to
receive the lid. The top flange shall be installed flush with finish floor surface.
The lid shall be a solid casting and have a lift recessed in the top. This lid shall be
provided with a cast-in sign reading: FIRE DEPARTMENT ONLY, DO NOT
COVER. The lid shall be installed in such a manner to permit its easy removal
from the flange shoulder.


Chapter 49
Patio Covers Defined
Sec. 4901. Patio covers are one-story structures not exceeding 12 feet in
height. Enclosure walls may have any configuration, provided the open area of the
longer wall and one additional wall is equal to at least 65 percent of the area below
a minimum of 6 feet 8 inches of each wall, measured from the floor. Openings
may be enclosed with insect screening or plastic.*
Patio covers may be detached or attached to other buildings as accessories to
Group M, Group R, Division 3, or to single dwelling units in Group R, Division I
Occupancies. Patio covers shall be used only for recreational, outdoor living
purposes and not as carports, garages, storage rooms or habitable rooms.
Design Loads
Sec. 4902. Patio covers shall be designed and constructed to sustain, within the
stress limits of this code, all dead loads plus a minimum vertical live load of 10
pounds per square foot except that snow loads shall be used where such snow
loads exceed this minimum. Such covers shall be designed to resist the minimum
horizontal wind loads set forth in this code, except that where less than 12 feet
high the horizontal wind load shall be as indicated in Table No. 49-A. In addition,
they shall be designed to support a minimum wind uplift equal to the horizontal
wind load acting vertical upward normal to the roof surface, except that for
structures not more than I 0 feet above grade the uplift may be three fourths of the
horizontal wind load. When enclosed with insect screening or plastic,* wind
loads shall be applied to the structure, assuming it is fully enclosed.
Light and Ventilation
Sec. 4903. Windows required for light and ventilation may open into a patio
structure conforming to Section 4901.
Sec. 4904. A patio cover may be supported on a concrete slab on grade without
footings, provided the slab is not less than 3Y2 inches thick and further provided
that the columns do not support live and dead loads in excess of 750 pounds per



IN FEET 70 80 90 100 110 120 130

Less than 12 10 13 15 19 23 27 32

'See Figure No.4 in Chapter 23 for Baste Wmd Speeds.

*The plastic referenced in Sections 490 I and 4902 is readily removable translucent or
transparent plastic not more than 0. 125 inch in thickness.


Chapter 51


Chapter 53
Sec. 5301. (a) Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to regulate the design
and construction of the exterior envelopes and selection of heating, ventilating
and air-conditioning, service water heating, electrical distribution and illuminat-
ing systems and equipment required for the purpose of effective conservation of
energy within a building or structure governed by this code.
(b) Code for Energy Conservation in New Building Construction Adopted.
In order to comply with the purpose of this chapter, buildings shall be designed to
comply with the requirements of the Code for Energy Conservation in New
Building Construction promulgated jointly by the International Conference of
Building Officials (ICBO); the Southern Building Code Congress International,
Inc. (SBCCI); the Building Officials and Code Administrators International, Inc.
(BOCA); and the National Conference of States on Building Codes and Stan-
dards, Inc. (NCSBCS); dated December, 1977.


Chapter 55
Sec. 5501. (a) Purpose. The purpose of this chapter is to establish minimum
standards of safety for the construction and use of air-supported, air-inflated and
membrane-covered cable or frame structures, collectively known as membrane
(b) Scope. The provisions of this chapter shall apply to membrane structures
erected for a period of 180 days or longer. Those erected for a shorter period of
time shall comply with applicable provisions of the Uniform Fire Code.
EXCEPTION: Water storage facilities, water clarifiers, water treatment plants,
sewer plants, aquaculture pond covers, residential and agricultural greenhouses and
similar facilities not used for human occupancy need meet only the requirements of
Section 5502 (b) and Section 5505.
(c) Definitions. For the purpose of this chapter, certain terms are defined as
AIR-INFLATED STRUCTURE is a building where the shape of the structure
is maintained by air pressurization of cells or tubes to form a barrel vault over the
usable area. Occupants of such a structure do not occupy the pressurized area used
to support the structure.
AIR-SUPPORTED STRUCTURE is a building wherein the shape of the
structure is attained by air pressure and occupants of the structure are within the
elevated pressure area. Air-supported structures are of two basic types:
I. Single skin-Where there is only the single outer skin and the air pressure
is directly against that skin.
2. Double skin-Similar to a single skin, but with an attached liner which is
separated from the outer skin and provides an air space which serves for
insulation, acoustic, aesthetic or similar purposes.
A cable-restrained air-supported structure is one in which the uplift is resisted
by cables or webbing which are anchored to either foundations or dead men.
Reinforcing cable or webbing may be attached by various methods to the mem-
brane or may be an integral part of the membrane. This is not a cable-supported
CABLE STRUCTURE is a nonpressurized structure in which a mast and
cable system provides support and tension to the membrane weather barrier and
the membrane imparts structural stability to the structure.
FRAME-COVERED STRUCTURE is a nonpressurized building wherein
the structure is composed of a rigid framework to support tensioned membrane
which provides the weather barrier.
MEMBRANE is a thin, flexible, impervious material capable of being sup-
ported by an air pressure of 1.5 inches of water column.
ture in which the membrane and all component parts of the structure are noncom-


bustible as defined by Section 415.

TENT is any structure, enclosure or shelter constructed of canvas or pliable
material supported by any manner except by air or the contents it protects.
Type of Construction and General Requirements
Sec. 5502. (a) General. Membrane structures shall be classified as Type V-N
construction, except that noncombustible membrane structures may be classified
as Type 11-N construction.
EXCEPTION: A noncombustible membrane structure used exclusively as a
roof and located more than 25 feet above any floor, balcony or gallery is deemed to
comply with the roof construction requirements for Type I and TYpe II fire-resistant
construction, provided that such a structure complies with the requirements of this
(b) Membrane Material. Membranes shall be either noncombustible as
defined by Section 415, or flame retardant conforming to U.B.C. Standard No.
EXCEPTION: Plastic less than 20-mil thickness used in greenhouses and for
aquaculture pond covers need not be flame retardant.
(c) Applicability of Other Provisions. Except as specifically otherwise
required by this section, membrane structures shall meet all applicable provisions
of this code. Roof coverings shall be fire retardant.
EXCEPTION: Roof coverings for Group M, Division I Occupancies not
exceeding 1000 square feet in area need not be fire retardant.
(d) Allowable Floor Areas. The area of a membrane structure shall not exceed
the limits set forth in Table No. 5-C, except as provided in Section 506.
(e) Maximum Height. Membrane structures shall not exceed one story nor
shall they exceed the height limits in feet set forth in Table No. 5-D.
EXCEPTION: Noncombustible membrane structures serving as roof only.
Inflation Systems
Sec. 5503. (a) General. Air-supported and air-inflated structures shall be
provided with primary and auxiliary inflation systems to meet the minimum
requirements of this section.
(b) Equipment Requirements. The inflation system shall consist of one or
more blowers and shall include provisions for automatic control to maintain the
required inflation pressures. The system shall be so designed as to prevent
overpressurization of the system.
In addition to the primary inflation system, in buildings exceeding 1500 square
feet in area, there shall be provided an auxiliary inflation system with sufficient
capacity to maintain the inflation of the structure in case of primary system
The auxiliary inflation system shall operate automatically if there is a loss of
internal pressure or should the primary blower system become inoperative.
Blower equipment shall meet the following requirements:
I. Blowers shall be powered by continuous rated motors at the maximum
power required for any flow condition as required by the structural design.


2. Blowers shall be provided with inlet screens, belt guards and other protec-
tive devices as may be required by the building official to provide protec-
tion from injury.
3. Blowers shall be housed within a weather-protecting structure.
4. Blowers shall be equipped with back draft check dampers to minimize air
loss when inoperative.
5. Blower inlets shall be located to provide protection from air contamination.
Location of inlets shall be approved by the building official.
(c) Emergency Power. Whenever an auxiliary inflation system is required, an
approved standby power generating system shall be provided. The system shall be
equipped with a suitable means for automatically starting the generator set upon
failure of the normal electrical service and for automatic transfer and operation of
all the required electrical functions at full power within 60 seconds of such normal
service failure. Standby power shall be capable of operating independently for a
minimum of four hours.
Section Provisions
Sec. 5504. A system capable of supporting the membrane in the event of
deflation shall be provided in all air-supported and air-inflated structures having
an occupant load of more than 50 or when covering a swimming pool regardless of
occupant load. Such system shall maintain the membrane at least 7 feet above the
floor, seating area or surface of the water.
EXCEPTION: Membrane structures used as a roof for TYpe I or TYpe II fire-
resistant construction must be maintained not less than 25 feet above floor or seating
Engineering Design
Sec. 5505. All membrane structures shall be structurally designed in accor-
dance with criteria approved by the building official and developed by an engineer
or architect licensed by the state to practice as such.


Chapter 57
Sec. 5701. The purpose of this chapter is to establish minimum criteria which
must be met before a building or building space can be constructed, occupied,
used or designated a fallout shelter.
Sec. 5702. The scope of this chapter extends to building spaces designated for
use as fallout shelters including periods of drill and instruction for this purpose.
Sec. 5703. FALLOUT SHELTER is any room, structure or space designated
as such and providing its occupants with protection at a minimum protection
factor of 40 from gamma radiation from fallout from a nuclear explosion as
determined by a qualified fallout shelter analyst certified by the Office of Civil
Defense. Area used for storage of shelter supplies need not have a protection
factor of 40.
DUAL-USE FALWUT SHELTER is a fallout shelter having a normal,
routine use and occupancy as well as an emergency use as a fallout shelter.
SINGLE-PURPOSE FALWUT SHELTER is a fallout shelter having no
use or occupancy except as a fallout shelter.
PROTECTION FACTOR is a factor used to express the relation between the
amount of fallout gamma radiation that would be received by an unprotected
person and the amount that would be received by one in a shelter.
UNIT OF EGRESS WIDTH is 22 inches.
Occupancy Requirements
Sec. 5704. (a) General. Nothing in these regulations shall be construed as
preventing the dual use or multiple use of normal occupancy space as fallout
shelter space, providing the minimum requirements for each use are met.
(b) Mixed Occupancy. The occupancy classification shall be determined by
the normal use of the building. When a normal-use space is designed to have an
emergency use as a fallout shelter in addition to the normal use, the most
restrictive requirements for all such uses shall be met.
(c) Occupancy Separation. No occupancy separation is required between
that portion designated as a fallout shelter and the remainder of the building.
(d) Space and Ventilation. A minimum of 10 square feet of net floor area
shall be provided per shelter occupant. Partitions, columns and area for storage of
federal shelter supplies also may be included in net area. A minimum of 65 cubic
feet of volume shall be provided per shelter occupant. A minimum of 3 cubic feet
of fresh air per minute per person shall be provided.
In addition, the shelter shall have a ventilating rate sufficient to maintain a daily
average effective temperature of not more than 82F. for at least 90 percent of the
days of the year.


(e) Illumination. No special lighting levels are required.

(f) Hazards. Hazardous utility lines such as steam, gas and oil shall not be
located in or near the shelter unless provision is made to control such lines by
valving or other approved means.
See. 5705. There shall be no fewer than two widely spaced exits from a fallout
shelter, leading directly to other spaces of the building or outdoors. Exits from the
fallout shelter shall aggregate at least one unit of egress width for every 200 shelter
occupants. In no case shall a single exit be less than 24 inches wide.
Flame-spread Rating of Interior Surfaces
See. 5706. Interior surfaces of single-purpose fallout shelters shall have a
flame-spread rating not exceeding 200.
Minimum Design Loads
See. 5707. (a) Dual-use Fallout Shelters. In the case of dual-use fallout
shelters, design live load required for the normal use shall govern, except that
concentrated loads shall be considered.
(b) Single-purpose Fallout Shelters. Minimum live loads for floor design in
single-purpose fallout shelters shall be 40 pounds per square foot except that
concentrated loads shall be considered.
See. 5708. Toilets, either flush-type operating from the normal water supply
system, or chemical or other types, shall be provided on the basis of one toilet per
50 fallout shelter occupants. Fifty percent of the toilets may be provided outside
the fallout shelter area. Empty water containers may be considered as fulfilling
this requirement.


Chapter 70
Sec. 7001. The purpose of this chapter is to safeguard life, limb, property and
the public welfare by regulating grading on private property.
Sec. 7002. This chapter sets forth rules and regulations to control excavation,
grading and earthwork construction, including fills and embankments; estab-
lishes the administrative procedure for issuance of permits; and provides for
approval of plans and inspection of grading construction.
Permits Required
Sec. 7003. No person shall do any grading without first having obtained a
grading permit from the building official except for the following:
I. Grading in an isolated, self-contained area if there is no danger apparent to
private or public property.
2. An excavation below finished grade for basements and footings of a build-
ing, retaining wall or other structure authorized by a valid building permit. This
shall not exempt any fill made with the material from such excavation nor exempt
any excavation having an unsupported height greater than 5 feet after the comple-
tion of such structure.
3. Cemetery graves.
4. Refuse disposal sites controlled by other regulations.
5. Excavations for wells or tunnels or utilities.
6. Mining, quarrying, excavating, processing, stockpiling of rock, sand, grav-
el, aggregate or clay where established and provided for by law, provided such
operations do not affect the lateral support or increase the stresses in or pressure
upon any adjacent or contiguous property.
7. Exploratory excavations under the direction of soil engineers or engineering
8. An excavation which (a) is less than 2 feet in depth, or (b) which does not
create a cut slope greater than 5 feet in height and steeper than one and one-half
horizontal to one vertical.
9. A fill less than I foot in depth and placed on natural terrain with a slope
flatter than five horizontal to one vertical, or less than 3 feet in depth, not intended
to support structures, which does not exceed 50 cubic yards on any one lot and
does not obstruct a drainage course.
Sec. 7004. Whenever the building official determines that any ex1stmg
excavation or embankment or fill on private property has become a hazard to life
and limb, or endangers property, or adversely affects the safety, use or stability of
a public way or drainage channel, the owner of the property upon which the
excavation or fill is located, or other person or agent in control of said property,


upon receipt of notice in writing from the building official, shall within the period
specified therein repair or eliminate such excavation or embankment so as to
eliminate the hazard and be in conformance with the requirements of this code.
Sec. 7005. For the purposes of this chapter the definitions listed hereunder
shall be construed as specified in this section.
APPROVAL shall mean a written engineering or geological opinion con-
cerning the progress and completion of the work.
AS-GRADED is the extent of surface conditions on completion of grading.
BEDROCK is in-place solid rock.
BENCH is a relatively level step excavated into earth material on which fill is
to be placed.
BORROW is earth material acquired from an off-site location for use in
grading on a site.
CIVIL ENGINEER shall mean a professional engineer registered in the state
to practice in the field of civil works.
CIVIL ENGINEERING shall mean the application of the knowledge of the
forces of nature, principles of mechanics and the properties of materials to the
evaluation, design and construction of civil works for the beneficial uses of
COMPACTION is the densification of a fill by mechanical means.
EARTH MATERIAL is any rock, natural soil or fill and/or any combination
ENGINEERING GEOLOGIST shall mean a geologist experienced and
knowledgeable in engineering geology.
ENGINEERING GEOLOGY shall mean the application of geologic knowl-
edge and principles in the investigation and evaluation of naturally occurring rock
and soil for use in the design of civil works.
EROSION is the wearing away of the ground surface as a result of the
movement of wind, water and/or ice.
EXCAVATION is the mechanical removal of earth material.
FILL is a deposit of earth material placed by artificial means.
GRADE shall mean the vertical location of the ground surface.
Existing Grade is the grade prior to grading.
Rough Grade is the stage at which the grade approximately conforms to the
approved plan.
Finish Grade is the final grade of the site which conforms to the approved
GRADING is any excavating or filling or combination thereof.
KEY is a designed compacted fill placed in a trench excavated in earth material
beneath the toe of a proposed fill slope.
SITE is any lot or parcel of land or contiguous combination thereof, under the


same ownership, where grading is performed or permitted.

SLOPE is an inclined ground surface the inclination of which is expressed as a
ratio of horizontal distance to vertical distance.
SOIL is naturally occurring superficial deposits overlying bed rock.
SOILS ENGINEER shall mean a civil engineer experienced and knowledge-
able in the practice of soils engineering.
SOILS ENGINEERING shall mean the application of the principles of soil
mechanics in the investigation, evaluation and design of civil works involving the
use of earth materials and the inspection and testing of the construction thereof.
TERRACE is a relatively level step constructed in the face of a graded slope
surface for drainage and maintenance purposes.
Grading Permit Requirements
Sec. 7006. (a) Permits Required. Except as exempted in Section 7003 of
this code, no person shall do any grading without first obtaining a grading permit
from the building official. A separate permit shall be required for each site, and
may cover both excavations and fills.
(b) Application. The provisions of Section 302 (a) are applicable to grading
and in addition the application shall state the estimated quantities of work
(c) Plans and Specifications. When required by the building official, each
application for a grading permit shall be accompanied by two sets of plans and
specifications, and supporting data consisting of a soils engineering report and
engineering geology report. The plans and specifications shall be prepared and
signed by a civil engineer when required by the building official.
(d) Information on Plans and in Specifications. Plans shall be drawn to scale
upon substantial paper or cloth and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the
nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that they will conform to
the provisions of this code and all relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regula-
tions. The first sheet of each set of plans shall give the location of the work and the
name and address of the owner and the person by whom they were prepared.
The plans shall include the following information:
I. General vicinity of the proposed site.
2. Property limits and accurate contours of existing ground and details of
terrain and area drainage.
3. Limiting dimensions, elevations or finish contours to be achieved by the
grading, and proposed drainage channels and related construction.
4. Detailed plans of all surface and subsurface drainage devices, walls, crib-
bing, dams and other protective devices to be constructed with, or as a part of, the
proposed work together with a map showing the drainage area and the estimated
runoff of the area served by any drains.
5. Location of any buildings or structures on the property where the work is to
be performed and the location of any buildings or structures on land of adjacent
owners which are within 15 feet of the property or which may be affected by the
proposed grading operations.


Specifications shall contain information covering construction and material

(e) Soils Engineering Report. The soils engineering report required by Sub-
section (c) shall include data regarding the nature, distribution and strength of
existing soils, conclusions and recommendations for grading procedures and
design criteria for corrective measures when necessary, and opinions and rec-
ommendations covering adequacy of sites to be developed by the proposed
Recommendations included in the report and approved by the building official
shall be incorporated in the grading plans or specifications.
(f) Engineering Geology Report. The engineering geology report required
by Subsection (c) shall include an adequate description of the geology of the site,
conclusions and recommendations regarding the effect of geologic conditions on
the proposed development, and opinions and recommendations covering the
adequacy of sites to be developed by the proposed grading.
Recommendations included in the report and approved by the building official
shall be incorporated in the grading plans or specifications.
(g) Issuance. The provisions of Section 303 are applicable to grading per-
mits. The building official may require that grading operations and project
designs be modified if delays occur which incur weather-generated problems not
considered at the time the permit was issued.
Grading Fees
Sec. 7007. (a) Plan Review Fees. When a plan or other data are required to be
submitted, a plan review fee shall be paid at the time of submitting plans and
specifications for review. Said plan review fee shall be as set forth in Table No. 70-
A. Separate plan review fees shall apply to retaining walls or major drainage
structures as required elsewhere in this code. For excavation and fill on the same
site, the fee shall be based on the volume of excavation or fill, whichever is
(b) Grading Permit Fees. A fee for each grading permit shall be paid to the
building official as set forth in Table No. 70-B. Separate permits and fees shall
apply to retaining walls or major drainage structures as required elsewhere in this
code. There shall be no separate charge for standard terrace drains and similar
facilities. The fee for a grading permit authorizing additional work to that under a
valid permit shall be the difference between the fee paid for the original permit and
the fee shown for the entire project.



50 cubic yards or less . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No Fee
51 to IOOcubic yards .......................................... $10.00
10 I to I 000 cubic yards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00
1001 to 10,000 cubic yards ...................................... 20.00
10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards-$20.00 for the first 10,000 cubic yards, plus
$10.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof.
100,001 to 200,000 cubic yards-$110.00 for the first 100,000 cubic yards, plus
$6.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof.
200,001 cubic yards or more-$170.00 for the first 200,000 cubic yards, plus $3.00
for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof.

Other Fees:
Additional plan review required by changes, additions
or revisions to approved plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $15.00 per hour
(minimum charge-~:me-half hour)


50 cubic yards or less . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 0. 00

51 to 100 cubic yards.......................................... 15.00
101 to 1000 cubic yards-$15.00 for the first 100 cubic yards plus $7.00 for each
additional I 00 cubic yards or fraction thereof.
1001 to 10,000 cubic yards-$78.00 for the first 1000 cubic yards, plus $6.00 for
each additional I 000 cubic yards or fraction thereof.
10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards-$132.00 for the first 10,000 cubic yards, plus
$27.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof.
100,001 cubic yards or more-$375.00 for the first 100,000 cubic yards, plus
$15.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards or fraction thereof.

Other Inspections and Fees:

I. Inspections outside of normal business hours $15.00 per hour
(minimum charge-two hours)
2. Reinspection fee assessed under provisions of
Section 305 (g) ...................................... $15.00 each
3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically indicated . . . $15.00 per hour
(minimum charge-<me-half hour)

The fee for a grading permit authorizing additional work to that under a valid
permit shall be the difference between the fee paid for the original permit and the
fee shown for the entire project.


Sec. 7008. The building official may require bonds in such form and amounts
as may be deemed necessary to assure that the work, if not completed in
accordance with the approved plans and specifications, will be corrected to
eliminate hazardous conditions.
In lieu of a surety bond the applicant may file a cash bond or instrument of
credit with the building official in an amount equal to that which would be
required in the surety bond.
Sec. 7009. (a) General. Unless otherwise recommended in the approved
soils engineering and/or engineering geology report, cuts shall conform to the
provisions of this section.
(b) Slope. The slope of cut surfaces shall be no steeper than is safe for the
intended use. Cut slopes shall be no steeper than two horizontal to one vertical.
(c) Drainage and Terracing. Drainage and terracing shall be provided as
required by Section 7012.
Sec. 7010. (a) General. Unless otherwise recommended in the approved
soils engineering report, fills shall conform to the provisions ofthis section.
In the absence of an approved soils engineering report these provisions may be
waived for minor fills not intended to support structures.
(b) Fill Location. Fill slopes shall not be constructed on natural slopes steeper
than two to one.
(c) Preparation of Ground. The ground surface shall be prepared to receive
fill by removing vegetation, noncomplying fill, topsoil and other unsuitable
materials scarifying to provide a bond with the new fill and, where slopes are
steeper than five to one and the height is greater than 5 feet, by benching into
sound bedrock or other competent material as determined by the soils engineer.
The bench under the toe of a fill on a slope steeper than five to one shall be at least
I 0 feet wide. The area beyond the toe of fill shall be sloped for sheet overflow or a
paved drain shall be provided. Where fill is to be placed over a cut, the bench
under the toe of fill shall be at least 10 feet wide but the cut must be made before
placing fill and approved by the soils engineer and engineering geologist as a
suitable foundation for fill. Unsuitable soil is soil which, in the opinion of the
building official or the civil engineer or the soils engineer or the geologist, is not
competent to support other soil or fill, to support structures or to satisfactorily
perform the other functions for which the soil is intended.
(d) Fill Material. Detrimental amounts of organic material shall not be per-
mitted in fills. Except as permitted by the building official, no rock or similar
irreducible material with a maximum dimension greater than 12 inches shall be
buried or placed in fills.
EXCEPTION: The building official may permit placement of larger rock when
the soils engineer properly devises a method of placement. continuously inspects its
placement and approves the fill stability. The following conditions shall also apply:


A. Prior to issuance of the grading permit, potential rock disposal areas shall be
delineated on the grading plan.
B. Rock sizes greater than 12 inches in maximum dimension shall be 10 feet or
more below grade, measured vertically.
C. Rocks shall be placed so as to assure filling of all voids with fines.
(e) Compaction. All fills shall be compacted to a minimum of 90 percent of
maximum density as determined by U.B.C. Standard No. 70-1. Field density
shall be determined in accordance with U .B.C. Standard No. 70-2 or equivalent
as approved by the building official.
(f) Slope. The slope of fill surfaces shall be no steeper than is safe for the
intended usc. Fill slopes shall be no steeper than two horizontal to one vertical.
(g) Drainage and Terracing. Drainage and terracing shall be provided and
the area above fill slopes and the surfaces of terraces shall be graded and paved as
required by Section 7012.
Sec. 7011. (a) General. The setbacks and other restrictions specified by this
section are minimum and may be increased by the building official or by the
recommendation of a civil engineer, soils engineer or engineering geologist, if
necessary for safety and stability or to prevent damage of adjacent properties from
deposition or erosion or to provide access for slope maintenance and drainage.
Retaining walls may be used to reduce the required setbacks when approved by
the building official.
(b) Setbacks from Property Lines. The tops of cuts and toes of fill slopes
shall be set back from the outer boundaries of the permit area, including slope-
right areas and easements, in accordance with Figure No. I and Table No. 70-C.
(c) Design Standards for Setbacks. Setbacks between graded slopes (cut or
fill) and structures shall be provided in accordance with Figure No. 2.


PA Toe

Natural or Finish Grade

Permit Area Boundary





H a b'
Under 5 0 I
5- 30 H/2 H/5
Over 30 15 6

Additional"' idth may be required for interceptor drain.

H/2 but need n..H
exceed I0' max.


Drainage and Terracing

Sec. 7012. (a) General. Unless otherwise indicated on the approved grading
plan, drainage facilities and terracing shall conform to the provisions of this
(b) Terrace. Terraces at least 6 feet in width shall be established at not more
than 30-foot vertical intervals on all cut or fill slopes to control surface drainage
and debris except that where only one terrace is required, it shall be at midheight.
For cut or fill slopes greater than 60 feet and up to 120 feet in vertical height, one
terrace at approximately midheight shall be 12 feet in width. Terrace widths and
spacing for cut and fill slopes greater than 120 feet in height shall be designed by
the civil engineer and approved by the building official. Suitable access shall be
provided to permit proper cleaning and maintenance.
Swales or ditches on terraces shall have a minimum gradient of 5 percent and
must be paved with reinforced concrete not less than 3 inches in thickness or an
approved equal paving. They shall have a minimum depth at the deepest point of I
foot and a minimum paved width of 5 feet.
A single run of swale or ditch shall not collect runoff from a tributary area
exceeding 13,500 square feet (projected) without discharging into a down drain.
(c) Subsurface Drainage. Cut and fill slopes shall be provided with subsur-
face drainage as necessary for stability.


(d) Disposal. All drainage facilities shall be designed to carry waters to the
nearest practicable drainage way approved by the building official and/or other
appropriate jurisdiction as a safe place to deposit such waters. Erosion of ground
in the area of discharge shall be prevented by installation of nonerosive down-
drains or other devices.
Building pads shall have a drainage gradient of 2 percent toward approved
drainage facilities, unless waived by the building official.
EXCEPTION: The gradient from the building pad may be I percent if all of the
following conditions exist throughout the permit area:
A. No proposed fills are greater than 10 feet in maximum depth.
B. No proposed finish cut or fill slope faces have a vertical height in excess of I 0
C. No existing slope faces, which have a slope face steeper than I 0 horizontally to
I vertically, have a vertical height in excess of I 0 feet.
(e) Interceptor Drains. Paved interceptor drains shall be installed along the
top of all cut slopes where the tributary drainage area above slopes towards the cut
and has a drainage path greater than 40 feet measured horizontally. Interceptor
drains shall be paved with a minimum of 3 inches of concrete or gunite and
reinforced. They shall have a minimum depth of 12 inches and a minimum paved
width of 30 inches measured horizontally across the drain. The slope of drain
shall be approved by the building official.
Erosion Control
Sec. 7013. (a) Slopes. The faces of cut and fill slopes shall be prepared and
maintained to control against erosion. This control may consist of effective
planting. The protection for the slopes shall be installed as soon as practicable and
prior to calling for final approval. Where cut slopes are not subject to erosion due
to the erosion-resistant character of the materials, such protection may be
(b) Other Devices. Where necessary, check dams, cribbing, riprap or other
devices or methods shall be employed to control erosion and provide safety.
Grading Inspection
Sec. 7014. (a) General. All grading operations for which a permit is required
shall be subject to inspection by the building official. When required by the
building official, special inspection of grading operations and special testing shall
be performed in accordance with the provisions of Section 306 and
Subsection 7014 (c).
(b) Grading Designation. All grading in excess of 5000 cubic yards shall be
performed in accordance with the approved grading plan prepared by a civil
engineer, and shall be designated as "engineered grading." Grading involving
less than 5000 cubic yards shall be designated "regular grading" unless the
permittee, with the approval of the building official, chooses to have the grading
performed as "engineered grading."
(c) Engineered Grading Requirements. For engineered grading, it shall be
the responsibility of the civil engineer who prepares the approved grading plan to
incorporate all recommendations from the soils engineering and engineering


geology reports into the grading plan. He also shall be responsible for the
professional inspection and approval of the grading within his area of technical
specialty. This responsibility shall include, but need not be limited to, inspection
and approval as to the establishment of line, grade and drainage of the develop-
ment area. The civil engineer shall act as the coordinating agent in the event the
need arises for liaison between the other professionals, the contractor and the
building official. The civil engineer also shall be responsible for the preparation
of revised plans and the submission of as-graded grading plans upon completion
of the work. The grading contractor shall submit in a form prescribed by the
building official a statement of compliance to said as-built plan.
Soils engineering and engineering geology reports shall be required as spec-
ified in Section 7006. During grading all necessary reports, compaction data and
soil engineering and engineering geology recommendations shall be submitted to
the civil engineer and the building official by the soils engineer and the engineer-
ing geologist.
The soils engineer's area of responsibility shall include, but need not be limited
to, the professional inspection and approval concerning the preparation of ground
to receive fills, testing for required compaction, stability of all finish slopes and
the design of buttress fills, where required, incorporating data supplied by the
engineering geologist.
The engineering geologist's area of responsibility shall include, but need not be
limited to, professional inspection and approval of the adequacy of natural ground
for receiving fills and the stability of cut slopes with respect to geological matters
and the need for subdrains or other groundwater drainage devices. He shall report
his findings to the soils engineer and the civil engineer for engineering analysis.
The building official shall inspect the project at the various stages of the work
requiring approval and at any more frequent intervals necessary to determine that
adequate control is being exercised by the professional consultants.
(d) Regular Grading Requirements. The building official may require
inspection and testing by an approved testing agency.
The testing agency's responsibility shall include, but need not be limited to,
approval concerning the inspection of cleared areas and benches to receive fill,
and the compaction of fills.
When the building official has cause to believe that geologic factors may be
involved the grading operation will be required to conform to "engineered
grading'' requirements.
(e) Notification of Noncompliance. If, in the course of fulfilling his respon-
sibility under this chapter, the civil engineer, the soils engineer, the engineering
geologist or the testing agency finds that the work is not being done in con-
formance with this chapter or the approved grading plans, the discrepancies shall
be reported immediately in writing to the person in charge of the grading work and
to the building official. Recommendations for corrective measures, if necessary,
shall be submitted.
(f) Transfer of Responsibility for Approval. If the civil engineer, the soils
engineer, the engineering geologist or the testing agency of record is changed
during the course of the work, the work shall be stopped until the replacement has


agreed to accept the responsibility within the area of his technical competence for
approval upon completion of the work.
Completion of Work
Sec. 7015. (a) Final Reports. Upon completion of the rough grading work
and at the final completion of the work the building official may require the
following reports and drawings and supplements thereto:
I. An as-graded grading plan prepared by the civil engineer including original
ground surface elevations, as-graded ground surface elevations, lot drainage
patterns and locations and elevations of all surface and subsurface drainage
facilities. He shall provide approval that the work was done in accordance with the
final approved grading plan.
2. A soil grading report prepared by the soils engineer including locations and
elevations of field density tests, summaries of field and laboratory tests and other
substantiating data and comments on any changes made during grading and their
effect on the recommendations made in the soils engineering investigation report.
He shall provide approval as to the adequacy of the site for the intended use.
3. A geologic grading report prepared by the engineering geologist including a
final description of the geology of the site including any new information dis-
closed during the grading and the effect of same on recommendations incorpo-
rated in the approved grading plan. He shall provide approval as to the adequacy
of the site for the intended use as affected by geologic factors.
(b) Notification of Completion. The permittee or his agent shall notify the
building official when the grading operation is ready for final inspection. Final
approval shall not be given until all work including installation of all drainage
facilities and their protective devices and all erosion-control measures have been
completed in accordance with the final approved grading plan and the required
reports have been submitted.


For Index by parts, chapters and sections, see pages 7 to 18

A-OCCUPANCIES .......... . ChapterS
To attic .................... . 3205 (a)
To building ......................... . 3301 (e)
To residential building 1213
To roof ............................ . 3306 (o)
To toilet facilities .................... . 511 (a)
ACCESSORY BUILDINGS ........... . 1101
ADDITIONS, to buildings ........ . 104
ADHERED VENEER .............. . 3002, 3004 (b), 3005
ADHESIVES, glued construction ...... . 2511, 2512, 2517 (e)
Foundation to be protected .................. . 2903 (b)
wan protection .......... . 504(c)
ADMINISTRATIVE (see Part 1) .... Chapters 1, 2 and 3
ADMIXTURE. 2403 (q) 2, 2602. 2603 (g)
AGED, HOMES FOR ... . .... Chapter 10
Concrete ......... .. .. ... 2603 (d)
Definition .. . .. . .. .. .. 2602
Masonry, mortar and grout ... . 2403 (r). 2403 (t)
Proportions in concrete ...... . .. 2604 (c)
Storage of ........... . .. ...... 2603 (h)
Definition of ................. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . 402
General.... .. .......... .. Chapter 11, Appendix Chapter 11
Areas allowed ............ . 505,902 (b)
Classified .............. . . ........ '.'. 701,901
Exterior walls ....... . 702,902 (b)
Height ............ . 507
Ventilating equipment ..... . 705,905
Around timber in masonry ... 2516 (C)
AISLES ...................... . 3315


Definition ...... . 402
Projection into .. . 4502
Temporary use ........... . 4402


Definition ................................. . ...... 402
General. ....................... . 104,502
Structural alterations and repairs ........ . 2312G}2
To historic buildings ....................... . 104(f)
Board of Appeals ........................ . 204


May be approved by building official . 105

Suitability of . 204
Tests required .. 107
ALUMINUM. Chapter 28
Allowable stresses . 2802
Alloys 2801 (b)
Bolls... . 2802 (c)
Connections 2803 (d)
Design 2803
Erection. 2804 (g)
Fasteners. 2802, 2804 (b)
Identification . 2801 (d)
Materials, dissimilar. 2804 (c)
Pa1nting. 2804 (d)
Rivets. 2802 (c)
Stresses. allowable . 2802
Structural roofing and siding. 2803 (c)
Welding. 2802 (b) and (d), 2804 (e)
AMUSEMENT PARK STRUCTURES. 601, 602 (c), 604 (b)
Chimneys .............. . 3704 (c)
Concrete or masonry walls. 2310, 2416 (h), 2417 U), 2614 (C), 2627 (d)
General. 2303 (b), 2310
Masonry construction . .. .......... 2416(h)
Nonbearing masonry partitions . 2419 (c)
Steelm remforced concrete 2607 (b)
Foundation sills 2907 (e)
JOIStS. 2416(h)
Masonry construction . 2416 (h)
Reinforcing in concrete . 2607 (b)
Veneer. attachment. Chapter30
Wood columns 2510
Wood framing .. 2510(g)
ANTENNAE, radio and television . 507, Table No. 23-H, 3602
Classed as . 1201
Definition of. 402


Chimneys 3703
High-heal . 3701
Low-heal. 3701
Med1um-heat .. 3701

For perm1l, details required. . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 302, Appendix 7006 (b)
Of code to buildings or structures . .. .................. 103,104
To changed use or occupancy . . . . . 307 (b), 502
To ex1sl1ng buildings . 104, Appendix Chapter 1

After called inspection . 305(d)
Final ....................... . 305 (c) and (d)
For storage of materials 1n street . 4403
For use of plastic materials . . 5201 (b)
Of fabricators ..
Of Federal Av1alion Agency .
................. ito;(~!

Of fire ch1ef . 3801 (b)

Of new matenals ....................... . .. ... 105
Of plans for permit . 303(a)
Of spec1al1nspector. .... 306
ReqUired . . ............................ . 305(d)
APPROVED, definition ........... . .. .............. 402
Certtties prefabricated assembly . 5006 (b) and (c)
Definition .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 402



Definition ......... . 402
Special1nspection. 306(f)
Connecting buildings. 509
In masonry .............. . 2416(g)
Over proscenium opening . 3904
Where roof JOists are used 2506 (h)
Allowable (see also OCCUPANCY and TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION) . 505
Floor definition . 407
For plastics used structurally. Chapter 52
Increase allowable . 506
Limitations of extenor glass .. 5403
Separation of ............. . 505 (e), 702, 802, 1102
Separation walls. 505(e)
Support limitations. 3006 (b)
Unlimited. 506 (b)
In roof coverings. 3203 (c) and (d) 2
Areas allowed. 505, 602
Classified . 601
Definition . 402
Exits, special requirements . 3317,3318
Exterior walls . 603
Requirements . Chapter6
Ventilating equipment . 605
For lateral forces . 2308, 2311' 2312
For live loads used in design . 2303, 2304, 2305, 2306
For reinforced concrete design. 2608,2610 (c), 2613 (b), 2618 (d), 2619 (c)
Definition 402
Requirements. 1715
Access. 3205 (a)
Separation . 2516(f)
Ventilation . 3205 (c)


AVIATION CONTROL TOWERS . Appendix Chapter 7, Part II
Definition. 4506
Fixed, regulations . 4506
Movable, regulations 4506
Of plastic materials . 5211

Assembly, delinition. 403
Exits. 3317(c)
Extenor exit . 3301 (b), 3305
For smokeproof enclosures . . 3305,3310
May project over public property . 4504
Waterproofing . 1707 (c)

BARBECUES. Chapter 37
BARRICADES, construction. Chapter 44


For concrete reinforcing (see REINFORCED CONCRETE)
Definition . . .................................. 403
Enclosure 1703
Pipe Inlets .. Appendix 3807
Protection of ce1ling 1703
Smoke detector required, residential. 1210(a)
Sprinklers, when required. 3802 (b)
Required 1205 (b), 1208
Construction detatls. 2106 (g)
Reinforced concrete . 2608, 2609,2610, 2611
Retnforced masonry . . ............. 2417
Span, wood. 2506 (a)
Steel .................... . . ......... 2707
Tbeams of reinforced concrete . ..................... 2608 (k)
Wood. 2506,2511
Wood tn heavy timber constructton. . ....... 2106
For wood beams and girders. 2506 (f), 2517 (c)
For wood JOists 2517 (d)
BOARD OF APPEALS. ................... 204
Deflnillon of. 403
Room for (see BOILER ROOM)

Definition. . ....... 403
Exits. spectal requirements . ....... .. 3322
For occupancy groups. "08" sections of Chapters 61 0; 1212
For foundations. ......................... 2907 (e)
In aluminum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......................... 2802 (c)
In masonry. 2405 (d), 2406 (c), 2408 (d), 2409 (d), 2410 (c),
2411 (d),2412(e),2416(k)
In reinforced concrete . ...... 2624
In steel construction. 2712,2713,2719
In wood construction 2510
For concrete 2612
For veneer .. .............. 3002,3004
Masonry ...... . 2411 (b),2412(d),2416(1)
Retnforcements. 2413,2414,2415,2612
Definition 2312(b)
For foundation studs . 2517(g)
For reinforced concrete forms . . 2606 (a)
For stud walls and partitions. 2517(g)


Engineered brick masonry .. ....... 2417,2418 (a) and (c)
Quality ............ . 2403 (b), (c), (d) and (h)
Walls of (see WALLS)
Worktng stresses, brick masonry 2405, 2409,2411' 2412,2413, 2414


For concrete joists . . ...... 2610(e)
For wood joists .... 2506(g),2517(d)
Application 103,104
Enforced .. 202
Purpose. 102
Scope . . . . .......... . 103
Title .................... . 101
May be stored ... 4403
Approvals required.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. . . . . . 304 (d)
Approves special inspector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
ACproves structural frame.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 305 (e), 4701 (b)
g:,~r~~~~~~c:,~k~:~~cy. : : : : : : : . : : : : : : : . : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : Appendi~ 1~~
Cooperation of other officials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. 202 (g)
Definition. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................................... 403
Deputies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 (b)
Excavation report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2903 (a)
Grading operations inspection . . Appendix 7014
Granting modifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................ 106
Issues permit . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................. 303
Liability.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 (I), 305 (a)
May approve alternate construction or materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
May enter premises . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 (c)
May order occupancy of building discontinued . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 (e)
May require bonds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix 7008
May require plans by licensed engineer or arcMect.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 (b)
May require special inspector. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 306
May require tests.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107, 2603 (b), 4701 (c)
May stop work... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 (d)
Plastics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... 5201 (b)
Powers and duties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .................. 202
Retention of plans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 (b)
Shall make inspections . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 305
Shall require reports........................................................ 306 (c)
Before changing plans. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303(a)
For changes of use or occupancy .... . . .................. 104 (c), 307 (b), 502
For structural alterations ............. . .............................. 303
Expiration ........................ . .............. 303(d)
Fees ...................................... . ............ . .. 304
Issuance ...................................... . ....................... 303(8)
Suspension or revocation ........................ . ........................... 303(e)
Validity ....................... . . ........... 303(c)
When required .............................. . 301, Appendix 7003
Air-conditioned.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . . 3310 (a)
Areas allowable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................. 505
Chan9.e in use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...................... 104 (c), 307 (b), 502
Classolied by type of construction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1701
Classified by use or occupancy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................... 501, 503
Definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................... . . . . . . 403
Drainage, around . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2905 (f)
Enerlly conservation in . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix Chapter 53
Existong . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104, 403, Appendix Chapter 1
Height, definition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. 409
~~~~~ ~~l~bl~........................ . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . o~~n
. .. i
Location on same property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504 (c)
Membrane structures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix Chapter 55
Moving....................................... ...................... 104 (e)
Nonconforming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104, Appendix Chapter 1
Site................................................ ....................... 2516 (b)
Temporary............................................................. 104 (e)
To be condemned. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
To be occupied . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................................. 307
To conform to code . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103, 104
Two or more on same property. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 504 (c)
Unsafe......... . ........... 203
Unsafe appendages to . . . ................................ 203


CANOPIES, CONSTRUCTION. 4505, 4506, 5213
CAST STONE. 404, 2403 (g)
Design load. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2304
Dropped ........................ . 1207,2516 (f), 4203,4303 (b), 4704
Fire-resistive required, basements . .. ........... 1703
For fire-protection purposes. 4303 (b), 4305
Framing. 2518(h)
Insulation. . . . . . . . . . . ...... . 1713
Mimmum height of dwelling .. 1207(a)
Mimmum height of garages . 709 (d), 1102 (b)
Panels ...................... . 4305 (d)
Suspended, acoustical systems for 4701 (e), 4704
Definition . .. 404
Of Approval . . 5006 (b)
Of lnspect1on ........ . 2505
Of Occupancy, atriums. . . . . . . . . .. . 1715(i)
Of Occupancy, for change of use ... . 307,502
Of Occupancy, for high-rise bU1Id1ngs ........... . 1807(b)
Of Occupancy, issued to owner . . ............ 307
Of Occupancy, revocation . . 307 (f)
Of registration of fabricator .. 306(f)
Post1ng of. 307(e)
Temporary ... 307(d)

CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY, certificate required. 307,502

Approval required of fire-extinguishing systems. 3801 (b)
Deftnttion. 404
CHILDREN, homes for. Chapter 10
Anchorage. 3704 (c)
Classification . 3702
Design . 3703,3704
Factory-built . . . . . . . . . . . . 3705
F~restopping around . 2517 (f), 3707 (m)
For fireplaces ........ . 3707
General requirements . . .......... 3703
Height above roof . 3703(f)
Inlets. 3704 (g)
Metal. 3706
Of masonry ................... . 3704
Reinforcing for masonry . . . . . .. . 3704 (c)
Setsmtc anchorage for masonry . 3704 (c)
Wood frame, spaced from. 3703 (c)
Clothes. 1209, 1706
Refuse .. 1706


Of buildings, by occupancy . Chapter 5
Of buildings . by types of construction . Chapter 17
Of ftre-reststtve constructton ....... . Chapter43
Of occupancies ..... . 501' 503
Of types of construction 1701



Application of . 3203 (d)
Materials 3203 (c)
For cells of reinforced hollow unit masonry... . 2414(8)
For chimney . . . . . . . . .................. . 3703 (g)
For grouted masonry. 2412(d)
Around chimneys, combustible materials ................. . 3703 (c), 3707 (h)
Around fireplaces, combustible materials. 3707 (h)
Around reinforcing in concrete . 2607 (e)
Around timber in masonry . ......... . 2516(c)
Between marquee and curb line .... . 4505 (b)
For swelling of heavy timber floors .. . 2106(e)
Of balconies above grade ........ . 4504
Of wood above grade ........... . 2516 (C)
Of wood framing from chimneys . 3703 (c), 3707 (h)
Under first floor joists. 2516 (C)
COLD STORAGE . . . ........... . 701
Concrete. 2613(b)
Composite. 2610(0)
Definition, concrete . 2602
Fire-protection . 4303
Heavy timber .. . . ...... 2106 (b)
Masonry ........ . 2417 (k), 2418 (c)
Mill construction. 2106
Reinforced concrete, design Chapter26
Round, footings supporting . 2615(d)
Steel pipe filled . . . ...... . 2610(0)
Structural steel, allowable stresses .. 2702
Wood, allowable stresses ... 2504
Wood, design. 2507,2508
General requirements. ... 2303 (f)
Masonry, design. . ..... 2417 (g), 2418 (c)
Steel, design . .......... Chapter 27
COMBUSTIBLE GOODS, sales and storage (see GROUP B, Divisions 1, 2 and 3)
Regulated in types of construction .. 1705

Determined by inspection .. 305(a)
With code . 103


COMPUTATIONS, may be required . 302(b)
Assumed distribution on walls. 2416 U). 2418 (c), 2614 (c)
Special requirements for . . ...... 2304 (c)

Blocks of (see CONCRETE BLOCKS)
Bolts in. 2624
Bracing of forms . 2606 (a)
Combined with wood ........... . 2515
Compressive strength, definition. 2602
Conduits. 2606 (c)
Confined concrete. definition . 2625(b)
Construction 1oints. 2606 (d)
Conveying. 2605 (c)
Curing. 2605 (e)
Definition. 2602


Depositing ...................... . ... 2605 (d)

Design, general ....... . Chapter26
Determining proportions ............ . . . 2604(c)
Exposed to freezing ..................... .. .. . 2605(f)
Fire-resistive classification (see Chapter 43). 4302 (d), 4303
Footings . . .......... . .. . 2615
Forms . . ......... . .. . 2606
Forroof tile .. 3203 (c)
General. 2601
Inspection. 305,306
Jacking Ioree, dellned . 2602
Materials ... 2603
Members carrying . .. .. .. .. . 1708
Minimum strength . 2609 (b), (c), (d) and (e)
Mix design. 2604
M1x1ng. 2605 (b)
Pedestal, definition .. .. .. 2602
P1les. 2909 (b), (c), (d), (e) and (g)
Pipes in. 2606 (c)
Placing. 2605 (d)
Plain concrete . .. ............... 2602,2622
Pneumatically placed . 2621' 4302 (d)
Precast concrete . 2616
Prestressed concrete. 2618
Proportions . . ........... . 2604 (c)
Quality ................................ .. 2604
Slabs on grade, minimum thickness. 2623
Special inspection . . 306
Structural lightweight, definition. 2602
Tests. .. ............. 2604 (d)
Transporting and placing ............. . 2605 (b), (c) and (d)
Unreinforced (see PLAIN CONCRETE)
Veneer. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ........ 2517
Walls ........ . 2610 (p), 2611 (k), 2614,2622,2627
Water-cement ratio . .... . .. .... 2604 (c)
Weather requirements. 2605 (f) and (g)
Between wood and masonry .. 2416 (h) and (i)
Bolted .................... . 2517 0), 2624, 2907 (e)
For prelabricated assemblies. .. ................... 5004
For structural steel. 2712,2714,2721 (i)
In wood framing . 2510,2517 Gl
Mechanical and welded, aluminum. 2802
Fire-resistive substitution ...... . 508
For occupancies (see OCCUPANCY)
For types of (see TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION)
Lights required . . ...... . 4401
Temporary use of streets allowed during 4402
In concrete 2606 (d)
Allowed 1n streets. 4402

Of masonry walls . 2415(b)


As required exits .. ...... . 3305
In GroupE Occupancies. . ........... 3319
In Group H Occupancies 3320
..... 3321
:~ ~~0~~ ~~cf~ff\'~enSCieS.:. 1705(b)
Of permits. 304


Between buildings . 504 (c), 1206
Definition ... 404
Minimum width. 1206
Used as exit 3301 (b), 3311
COVERED MALLS . Appendix Chapter 7, Part I
For exterior wood stud walls .... .. ........... 2516(g)
For exteriors, weather protection . 1707
For fire protection . 4303, 4304, 4305
For roofs. Chapter32
Allowed in alley. 4502
For skylights .. 3401' 5207
Masonry, construction of ......................... . 2419
Reinforced concrete, construction of . . ........... . 2614,2616

General .... 2307
Interior walls .. 2309
DEMOLITION . 203,4409
Creation of. 201
Affects excavations ............. . 2903
Governed by frost line ................ . 2907 (a)
Governed by soil conditions . . ............................. . 2905
Aluminum ... . 2803
Concrete ...... . Chapter26
Footings and foundations. Chapter29
General. .............. . Chapter 23
Masonry......... .. ...... Chapter 24
Must be approved by building official. 303
Plastic, steel ... 2721
Retaining walls . 2308 (b)
Structural steel Chapter27
Walls 2309,2310,2416,2614,2616
Wood. Chapter 25
Unit masonry, defined . . ............. . 2402
DISTANCE, between buildings 504
Construction for fire-resistive rating . ................ . .. ... 4306
Corridor .. 3305 (h)
Exit ........................................................ . 3304
Fire-resistive, classification, design, hanging .......... . 4306
Fire-resistive, when required (see under OCCUPANCY
For fire separations . 503
For high-rise buildings ....... . 1807 (h), 0) and (I)
For motion picture machine booths . 4003
For smokeproof enclosures ............... . 3310 (f) and (g)
General requirements 3304,4306
Glass. 5406


May not project over public property 4507

Power-operated . 3304 (g)
Shower. 5406,5407
Definition. 405
For marquees . 4505(f)
For roofs, general. .. ... 3207
DRAFT STOPS .. 2516 (f), 3205 (b)
Around buildings . . 2905(1)
~~oT~~~~~. si~~~ . . Appendix 7012
Construction . 3903
Exits. 3907
Location. 3903
DRIFT. 2312(h)
Design .... . . . . . . . . 2304, Tables Nos. 23-B, 23-J
General. Chapter42
Height. 1207
Installation .. 4701 (e), 4704
Classified. .. ........ . 901
Flammable liquids regulated . 908
Ventilation . 908
For ventilation of motion picture booths 4005
DUMBWAITER . . . . . . . . . Chapter 51
Construction of walls ... 1706

~~irJ~gfo'ili~:~(s88 ~tso suti.:oiNG oi='FtctAL)

8lOf special 204
inspector . 306(c)
Classified as Group R Occupancy. 1201
Definition. .. 405
Efficiency units . 406, 1208

E-OCCUPANCIES . Chapter 8, 901 (b), 3319
Anchorage of chimneys. ............... 3704 (c)
Earthquake recording Instruments , Appendix 2312 (I)
General. 2312
Seismic considerations for high-rise buildings . 1807 (c) and (k)

Projection. 504 (a) and (b)
Construction . .. ... 1710
EDUCATIONAL USES. ..... 701,801
EGRESS (see Chapter 33)


ELEVATORS.. . . .................... . Chapter 51

Emergency operation and communication . 5103,5104
Enclosures .......... . 5102
For high-rise buildtngs. 1807 (h)
Loads Tables Nos. 23-B, 23-J

General. Chapler33
Residential . 1204
Construction requirements 503 (c), 1706
Ftre reststance required . 1701, 1706
For atriums .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1715 (c)
For open parktng garages . 709 0)
For stairs and ramps . . . . . . 3309
Required . . . . . . . . . . . . "06 sections of Chapters 6-1 0; 1209, 1706, 3309
Smokeproof enclosure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . 3310
Through occupancy separations . 503 (c)


ENERGY, conservation in buildings Appendix Chapter 53
ENTRANCE TO BUILDINGS . . ................ 3301 (e)
ENTRY, right of . 202(c)


Definitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Appendix 7005
General detatls 2901, 2902, 2903, Appendix Chapter 70
Protection . 2903 (b), 4407, Appendix Chapter 70
Water to be removed . 2605 (a)
Additions, alterations, repairs . . 104 (b)
Application of code . 103,104
Definition. 403
Historic. 104(f)
Load tests 2620
Nonconforming existing buildings . Appendix Chapter 1
EXISTING OCCUPANCY, continued use. 104 (c)
Definition. 3301 (b)
Court. 3301 (b), 3311
Facilities. "04 sections of Chapters 6-1 0; 1204, Chapter 33
For amusement structures . 604(b)
For atriums . 1715 (c), (d) and (e)
For covered mall . Appendix 714
For fallout shelters . Appendix 5705
For helistops . 1715 (d)
For malls. Appendix 714
For mezzanines. 1716
For open parking garage. 709(g)
General requirements. Chapter33
Horizontal. 3301 (b), 3308
Illumination for. 3313,3314
Numberrequired . Appendix 109 (a), 3303
Obstruction prohibited . . .................................. 3301 (c)
Panic hardware required. 3317 (d), 3318 (b), 3319 Ul. 3321 (f)
Passageway . 3301 (b), 3312
Reviewing stands. .......... 3323
Special requirements, occupancies . 709 (g), 1715 (d), 3317,3318,3319,3320,
3321' 3322, 3323, 3324
Stage .. 3907
Width. 3302
EXIT LIGHTS 3313,3314



EXPLOSIVES, storage, handling, use or sale. 901
EXTERIOR EXIT BALCONY . ............................. . 3301 (b)
Because of location on property ................................ . 504(b)
Because of type of construction (see TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION)
For bo1ler rooms . "08" sections of Chapters 6-10; 1212
When near exits . 3306 (1), 3311 (d)
EXTERIOR STAIRWAYS . 3306, Appendix 109 (d)
Definition. 424
Coverings. 2517(g)

FABRICATOR, APPROVED 306 (f), 402, Chapter 50
Occupancy classification ........... . 701,901
FALLOUT SHELTERS ........... . Appendix Chapter 57
FAMILY, definition 407
Additional fee required ....................................... . 303 (d), 304 (d)
For building permits ......................... . .. .. .. .. .. .. 304
Plan-checking. 304 (b), Appendix 7007 (a)
Refund 304(e)
Reinspection. 305(g)
Around school grounds . 3319 (k)
Classified 1101
Design in seismic zones. Table No. 23-J
For construction purposes . 4407 (c)
FIBERBOARD ..................................................... . 2514, 2516 (g), 2517' (g)
FILMS, FLAMMABLE ....................................... .. 3322 (b), 4001, Chapter 48
FINAL APPROVAL. 304 (d) and (e)
FINAL INSPECTION .. 304 (d) and (e)
Required. Chapter42
For high-nse buildings. 1807 (d), (e), (f), (I) and (m)
Required. . ..................... . 809,909, 1009, 1202 (b), 1210
Definition . . . .......... . 4306 (b)
General requirements . . .............. . 4306
Occupancy requirements. 503,505
Definition. 3702
For chimney lining . 3703 (d)
For fireplaces ............... . 3707 (c)




3807, Appendix 3807
~;~~;~ ~oo~~~?~:t7~~ifo~ -i~l-~t~: 1807 (f)


Areas increased by ...... . 506 (c)
Automatic, requirements ...... . 3602
Automatic, where required 3602
Basement pipe inlets, where required . Appendix 3607
For alternate to one-hour 506
For atrium ............... . 1715
For high-rise buildings ....... . .. .. .. 1607(c)
For mall ............. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix Chapter 7, Partl
For occupancy groups .. . "07" sections of Chapters 6-10; 1210 (b)
Height increased by .... . 507
Standpipes, requirements .. 3605
For smokeproof enclosures .. 3310
For buildings under construction . 3606
For spray booths ............. . .. ..... 906
Requirements, detailed . Chapter43
FIRE PUMPS, for standpipe supply .. 3606 (c) and (d)
~~~ ~':~e~:rsa~~t.i~~~ ............. . .. .. 505(e)
For occupancy separations .. 503(d)
Definition. . . . .. . . . .. .. .. . .. . . . .. .. ............ . 407
Of area separation walls ....... . 505
Of buildings ..... . Table No. 17-A
Of exterior walls .. 504
Of materials ..... ....... Chapter43
Of occupancy separations .. 503 (c) and (d)
Ceilings .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4305
Dampers .................... . 4306 Ul
Doors. windows and shutters. 4306
Floors. .. ...... " 4305
General. .. Chapter43
Materials ... 4302
Partitions .. . .. ...... 4304
Protection of structural members. 4303
Roof covenngs. 3203 (e), 4307
Walls .. 504 (b), 4304
Construction ........... . 3203 (e)
Required .............. . 3202 (b)
FIRE-RETARDANT WOOD. 407,1705 (b) and (d), 1601,1901,2003,2103,2504 (c), 4203
Required for areas ..... . 505 (e), 702 (b), 1002 (b)
Required for occupancy " .. " .. ". 503
Between chimneys and wooden construction. 3707 (m)
Between stories ............... . 2516 (f)
Between wood sleepers ........ . 1604, 1904
Exterior wood veneer walls. " .. 1705(d)
Floor spaces ........ .. 2516(1)
For wood frame construction . 2516(1)
01 attic spaces.. .. . .. ......... 2516(1)

In dwelling units ..... . 1210
In guest rooms . 1210
In hazardous occupancy. 909
FLAME, OPEN, prohibited . 906
FLAME SPREAD . ........ . Chapter42


Storage, handling, use or sale. .. ........................................... 901
In occupancy groups .... "08" sections of Chapters 6-9; 1104, 1212
FLASHING. 1707 (b), 3208
Definition .................. . 407
Limited (see OCCUPANCY) . 505,506
Concrete. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chapter 26
Fire-resistive. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503 (c), 4305
Framing....................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2106 (c) and (e), 2516 (e)
Heavy t1mber .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. ..... 2106 (c) and (e)
Insulating material, general . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1713
~;r:;\~~~2rtenal underfloonng::.::::::::::: .............. 2166 (h), 251 1 J~1 61[!!
1 5

Mezzanines .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 1716
Motion picture machine booths . 4002
Plank floonng .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2517 (e)
Plywood...................... 2517 (e)
Stages . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 3905
Steel joists . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2715
~~~~ro~~~rsystem . ............................. 51~6~1~
Wood joists. 2506 (g), 2516 (c), 2517 (d)
Wood sleepers . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 1804, 1904
Wood trusses . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 2510 (h)
FLOOR FILL, required. 1804, 1904
For Group A Occupancies . 603
Changes in elevation . ................. . 3301 (d), 3304 (h), 3305 (f), 3315 (h)
Assumed live . 2303,2304
Definitions. 2302
General ............ . 2304
Enclosures of, when required (see VERTICAL
For atriums . 1715
General 1703,4305
In stages, construction . 3905
Area required . ...... . 3703 (e), 3707 (i)
Limng for chimneys . 3703 (d)
FLY GALLERIES, construction. 3902
General. 1712
Trim 1705(e)

Bleacher. 2907 (h)
Concrete. design .......... . 2615, 2902, 2907
Definition. ................. ~7
Design, general . 2907
Grillage ....... . 2907 (g)
Minimum requirements for bearing walls . 2907 (b)
Stepped. 2907 (c)
Under sidewalk. 4503



For concrete construction. 2606
May be removed. 2606 (b)

Concrete. design . 2615


Construction allowed (see TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION)

Dampproof walls .................................... . 1707 (d)
~- . . ........ . 2902,2907
Excavations. . . . . . ............ . .. ...... 2903
Fooling design 2907
For mtaining wall .... 2308 (b)
Inspection mquimd . . ........... . 305
Lateral pmssum allowed ........ . 2906
Liability of adjoining property .... . 2903 (b)
May project beyond property line .. 4503
Openings in wall for ventilation ... 2516 (c)
Owner's liability 2903 (b)
Piles ... 2908,2909
Plates. . .......... . 2517,2517,2907 (e)
Sills ................... .. 2516 (c). 2517, 2907 (e)
Stepped in Type V buildings 2907 (c)
Wood ................... . 2907 (a)
FRAME INSPECTION, mquimd . 305
Braced. 2312 (b), 2627,2721
Definition .. 2312(b)
Design .. 2626,2627
Unbraced . 2721
Around chimneys ..... . 3703 (c)
Of wood construction (see WOOD)
FRONT OF LOT, definition ........... . 407
Depth offoundation . 2907 (a)
Protection of concmte . 2605(f)
Central heating plant definition 404
For interior finish . . ... .. . .. . 4203
For plaster or gypsum wallboard . 4703 (b), 4704 (b)
Of ceiling .............. .. 1207
Of stucco minforcement .. . 4706
Requimments in wood-frame construction .. 2516(1)

For doors, automobile ramp enclosums . 906
For tim doors ............ . 4306 (b) and (f)
For stage ventilators ............... . 3901 (g)
For vents supplying air backstage .... . 605


Carport .. 1101
Classified ................ .. 1101
Connected to dwelling ....... . 1214
Definition ... 408
Floor surface ............... . 1105

Classified ..... . 701
Definition .......... .. 408
Open parking garage. 709
Ramps .... . 906
Repair ............ . 901
Separations required . ........... . 503


Storage ......... . . ......................... 701

Ventilation required . ........... 705, 709 (k), 905
Construction details.
End support. . ..: : :. ~~~Iff{
Fire protection. .. ........................ 1108
Loads reduced . .. ........................ 2306
Steel .. . .. ................... 2707
Wood ........ . 2516 (c) and (m), 2517 (c)
GLASS AND GLAZING .. .. Chapter 54
GLASS BLOCK MASONRY .. . . . 2403 0), 2407
GLAZING. .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. 5204, 5404, 5406 (a)
GRADE (see also GRADING)
Brick ................ . .. ....... 2403
Ground level, definition . .. . 408
Lumber, definition .. .. ..... 408
GRADING (earth) ... . . . . . . . Appendix Chapter 70
Bonds.. . ......... . .. .. .. .. .. .. Appendix 7008
Definitions . .. .... .. . . . . . . . Appendix 7005
General provisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix 7001, 7002
Hazardous conditions . .... Appendix 7004
Permits Appendix 7003, 7006, 7007, 7008
Plans. ... Appendix 7006
Supervised grading ... . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix 7014
GRADING (lumber)
By machine .. . 2504(8)
Definition ... . .. . 2502
Identification . 2505
Light framing. 2504
Planks. 2504
Stress 2504
GRANDSTANDS .. 602, 3323
GREENHOUSE, roofs. 2311 (g), 3401' 5212
Construction . .......... 3902
GROUT 2403 (r), 2618 (q)
Design. Table No. 23-B
For folding and telescoping seating .. 3324 (d)6
For grandstands and bleachers .... 3323 (e) 7
For open parking garages .. . 709(c)
For pedestrian protection . 4407 (b)
Required, general 1711

GUEST, definition ... 408

GUEST ROOM, definition ........... . 408


For roof drainage ............... . 3207
When to keep free of obstructions. 4403

General .... 601
Live loads. .. ........... 2304
Special construction .. 609,809

Masonry . . ..... 2406
Partitions, nonbearing. 2419


Plaster for fire-resistive purposes 4302

Plaster lath ......... . 4702,4705
Wallboard .................... . 4711,4713
Worl<ing stresses .............. . 2406,2407
General requirements ........... . 2406
Special inspection ... . 306(a)

H-OCCUPANCIES . ............................................. . Chapter9
Definition ................ . 409
Minimum requirements for .. . 1207
Access to building ........ . 3301 (e), 3304 (e)
Access to building uses 1213, Table No. 33-A
Access to toilet facilities ..... 511 (a) and (b)
Changes in floor elevation . 3303 (d), 3304 (h), 3305 (f), 3315 (h)
Handrails .. 3306 U)
Landings. . ........... . 3304 (h), 3306 (g)
Ramps............. . ........... . 3307
Telephones . . . . . ................ . 511 (d)
Water fountains. 511 (c)

Construction .............. . 3306 0)
Design Table No. 23-B, 2308 (a), 3306 (J)
For ramps. 3307 (e)
Measuring stair clear width 3306 (b)
Required for stairways .... 3306 U)
Allowable area. 505, 702, 902
Classified .. .. .. .... 701,901
Ventilating equipment. 705,905
HARDBOARD .. 2502 (a), 2505,2516 (g), 2517 (g)

Highly hazardous (see GROUP H) .............. . 901
Moderately hazardous (see GROUP 8-1, 2, 3) . 701
Nonhazardous (see GROUP 8-4) ................ . 701

Headroom for stairways ..... . 3306 (f) and (p)
Joist, support required ......... . 2517 (d)
Over opening in stud partitions . 2517 (g)


For stairways .. 3306 (f) and (p)
In garages .... 709 (d), 1102 (b)

HEARTH FOR FIREPLACE. 3707 (k) and (I)

Smoke and heat. 3206


Required. . .......... . 1211


(see TYPE IV BUILDINGS, Chapter 21 )... 2106

Additional for roof structures 507,3601
Awnings ............ . 4506
Ceilings. 1207
Definition ............. . 409
Marquees above sidewalk ........... . 4505


Of buildings . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. . ............. .. 409,507

Of masonry walls (see WALLS)
Permanent projections over property line. 4501
Towers or spires. . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. .. .. . . . . ......... . 507,3602
~tn~~~~~ ~~~~v .~~~ -~ ............................ . ........... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 507
1705 (d), Chapter 30
Definition. 409
Design.............. . ...................... . 2308 (c)
General requirements .............. . 710
Units ............ . 2402
Walls. 2410,2414
Definition .................. . 3301 (b)
General requirements .............................. . .. ... 3308
Signs for. . .................. .. 3314
HOSE, as equipment for standpipe .. 3801 (c) and (d)
To standpipes . 3801 (a), (c) and (d)
General. Chapter 10
Live loads . 2304
Classified .. 1201
Definition ......... .. 409
Existing, nonconforming. Appendix Chapter 1
Live loads . 2304

I-OCCUPANCIES .. Chapter 10
For exits ........................... . 3313
INFORMATION ON PLANS .......................... . 302 (c)
Final, required ....... . 305 (d)
For change of occupancy ...................... . 307
General. .. ....................... . 305
Grading .................................................. . Appendix 7014
Material for prefabrication . . . ............................................ . 5006
Of foundation ........... . 2905
Of prefabricated construction. 5006
Of wallboard . 305 (e), 4701 (b)
Plastering ........... . 305 (e), 4701 (b)
Record card. . ................................... . 305(c)
Spec1al............................................. . ......... . 306
Floor .. 1705 (g)
For energy conservation . Appendix Chapter 53
For piping ........................ . 1713 (b)
General limitations. . ............ . 1713
Roof .................... . 3204
Application of materials. . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .............. .. 4203
Classification of materials. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 4202
Flame spread of .............. . 4202,4204
In atriums .. 1715 (h)
Occupancy requirements . .. ... 4204
Of plastic .. Chapter 52


INTERIOR TRIM . . 1705 (e), 4201, 4203

By Board of Appeals .. 204
By building official ... 202

JAILS Chapter 10
JOINTS, CONSTRUCTION, in concrete 2606 (d)
JOIST HANGERS . . .......... . 2510 (g)
Bearing ........... . 2416 (i)
Ceiling, dead load. Table No. 23-B
Concrete ...... . 2608(1)
Fire protection .. 4303
Steel 2715
Wood. 2506, 2516 U), 2517 (d)
JURISDICTION, definition . 411

KEENE'S CEMENT, specifications . Chapter 50

Fire doors . 4306
Roofing 3203
Windows 4306
LACING. 2715
Used for ex1t from equipment. 3306 (a), 3322 (a)
Floors .. 2106 (h), 2511, 2516 (I)
Timber, glued . 2511
Fire-resistive. 4302
Gypsum. 4705, 4706
Inspection . 305 (e)
Metal. 4705, 4706
Installation. 511 (b)
Reqwed. 605, 705, 805, 1205 (b), 1208
LIABILITY. 202 (f), 305 (a)
General. 601,801
Live loads . 2304
For exits. 3313,3314
For occupancy groups . "OS" sectionsofChapters6-10, 12
For mortar ........ .. . 2403 (p) and (q)
Proportions for plaster . 4707,4708
Specifications . 2403 (p)


Of chimneys (masonry). 3703 (d)
Of chimneys (metal) . 3706
Of fireplaces 3707 (c)
Definition . .. 413
Definition . 413
Requirements .. 902 (c)
Definition . . ...... 413
Requirements ..... 902(c)
Definition. 413
Concentrated . 2304 (c)
Definition .... 2302
Floor . . . . . ............ . 2304
Reductions allowed . .. .. .. .. .. . 2306
Required to be posted . . . . . .. . . . . . .. 2304 (e)
Roofs. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 2305
Special considerations . 2303, 2304, 2305
Unit, for certain occupancies . 2304
Fills. ....................... Appendix 7010
General requirements .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. 504
Occupancy groups ... "03" sections of Chapters 6-12
Open parking garages 709(1)
LOCKS ON DOORS, PROHIBITED. 3304 (c), 3317,3318,3319,3320,3321
Definition .. .. .. . .. 413
Occupancy classification ............... . 1201
LOT SURVEY. 305(a)
LUMBER (see WOOD) ... Chapter25

M-OCCUPANCIES. Chapter 11, Appendix Chapter 11
Of buildin~js ........ . 104(d)
Of protective devices . 4408 (a)
MALLS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix Chapter 7, Part I
Defined ......... . 414
General requirements . . ............... 4505
Live load. Table No. 23-A
Adobe .. 2403 (h), 2405
Anchorage .. 2310,2416 (h), 2417 (i), 2419 (c)
Arches and lintels .. . 2416(g)
Area of hollow units .. . 2402
Bearing walls 2418
Bed joints. 2416(m)
Bolts. . .................... 2416 (k)
Brick .. 2403 (b), (c) and (d); 2418 (c)
Cast stone. 2403 (g)
Cavity walls . . 2409
Cement. 2403 (o)


Chases and recesses .................... . 2416 (e)

Chimneys. 3704
Columns ......... . 2417 (k)
Combination of units . . .............. . 2416(b)
Combined with wood ........... . 2515
Concentrated loads .................................................... . 2416 (j), 2417 (k)
Concrete units . . . .............. . 2403 (e)
Construction requirements . . .......................... . .......... . 2415
Corbeling. . ...................... . 2415(b)
Detinllion . . ............ . 414
Design 2416, 2417, 2418, 2419
Dimensions ............. . ..... 2402,2417
Flexural stresses ...... . Tables Nos. 24-B, 24-H
Foundations ........... 2415 (d)
Freezing protection . 2415(a)
Glass block 2403 (j), 2407
Glazed units 2403 (k)
Grout. ............. . 2403(r)
Grouted ............. . 2412
Grouted, reinforced ..... . 2413
Gypsum ................. . ....... 2406
Htgh-lift grout construction . 2412(d),2414(c)
Hollow units . 2402,2410, 2414
Joint reinforcement. ............ 2403 (m)
L1me. . .. . ........... . 2403 (p)
Low-lift grout construction. 2412 (c), 2414 (b)
Materials. 2403
Members carrying . . ............ . . .................... 1708
Mortar.. . ................ . 2403 (q), (s) and (t); 2407 (d)
Nonbearing walls . ............. 2419
Piers.. . ............... . 2416 (d)
Pipes embedded .. . .. 2416 (f)
Reinforced . 2413,2414,2417,2418 (a)
Reinforced grouted . 2413
Reinforced hollow .. 2414
Reinforcement .............. . 2403 (I)
Re-use of. 2403 (v)
Solid ............. . . ........... 414,2411
Special inspection ... . 306 (a), Table No. 24-H
Stack bond. . ............ . 2416(1)
Stone .......................... . 2403 (i), 2408
Supports must be fire protected. . . .......... . 1708
Tests................ . ........... . ...................... 2404
Thickness of walls . 2408 (c), 2416 (c), 2419 (b)
nte, structural . 2403(f)
Unburned clay . 2403 (h), 2405
Unit, defined . ............. 2402
Unreinforced .......... . .............. 2418 (b) and (c)
Wood, in connection with .... . .... ....... . . . . 2415 (c), 2515
Working stresses, reinforced .. . 2413,2414,2417,2418, Table No. 24-H
Working stresses, unreinforced .. ........................ 2412,2418
MASONRY VENEER. . ... 2515(a),Chapter30

Alternates .............. . 105
Standards for. Chapter SO
MENTAL HOSPITALS ...................... . Chapter 10

As lath (see METAL OR WIRE LATH)
Roof covering . 3203


and Type 11-N buildings)
For exterior and interior plastering .. 4705,4706
For fire resistive construction . 4302
For partitions ...... . 4304
For stucco reinforcing 4706


Alternates . 105



Definition of ......... . 414
Exiting from. 1716
Purpose of code .. 102
For masonry mortars . . .. .. .. .. .. 2403 (q), (s) and (t)
For concrete . 2604 (c), (d), (e) and (f); 2605 (b)
For masonry construction 2403 (q), (s) and (t)
For reinforced masonry .... 2403, 2413, 2414, 2418 (a) and (c)
MOTELS (see also HOTELS), definition 414
Construction and design .. 4002
Exits.. .. .. .. .. .... .. ......... 4003
For Groups A, E, and I Occupancies . 608, 808, 1008
Ports and openinQS 4004
Regulation of equ1pment 4006
Sanitary requirements .. . 4007
Sprinkler requirements .............. . 3802 (b)
Ventilation ........... . 4005
MOVED BUILDINGS ...... . 104 (e)
Compliance ... 104(e)
Permit required . 301
MOVING WALKS . Chapter 51

NAILS .. 2510 (f), Table No. 25-Q
NONCONFORMING BUILDINGS .... 104, Appendix Chapter 1
For inspections by building official. 305
Of approval required .. . 305
Of condemnation ... . 203
Of excavation or fill. 2903
Of violations 202(e)
NURSERIES Chapter 10

At exits. 3301 (c), 4306 (m)
In ex1t courts . 3311
In street gutter 4403
Certificate . .............. 307
Change in use . 307 (b), 502


Classified . 501,503
Definition . 416
Existing ...................................... . ........ 104(c)
In occupancy groups "01" sections of Chapters 6-12
Mixed. . .......................... . 503
Separations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503, Appendix 114
Temporary, allowed for construction purposes 4402
Violation ............................ . 202 (e), 4501
When not specifically mentioned in code .................. . 501
Determination of. 3302 (a)
Posting of. ................................ . 3302 (c)
General ........... . 701
Live loads . 2304
Storage (in occupancy). 708,808,908,1008,1104,1212
Exterior, to be protected when (see LOCATION ON PROPERTY
In area separation walls. 505(e)
In atriums. . ............ . 1715 (c)
In ceilings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........................... . 4303 (b)
In occupancy separations . . .......................... . . .................. 5C3(c)
In floors . . .......................... . 4305 (a) and (b)
In walls.................... ................... . ............ . 4304
Protection of, fire assemblies .......................................................... . 4306
Vertical, to be protected when (see VERTICAL OPENINGS, ENCLOSURE OF)
OPEN PARKING GARAGE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... . 709
Definition. 416
Projection 4504
For earthquake calculations . 2312(f)
For wind calculations. 2303 (b)

Of aluminum alloy parts . . . ............... . 2804 (d)
Of structural steel. . . ..................... . 2720
Spray .............. . 901
PAINT SHOPS 802 (d), 901
PAINT STORES . . 701,901
PANEL STRIPS, definition . 2613 (c)


Definition ..................... . .................. 3301 (d)
In Groups A, E and I Occupancies . ..................... 3317,3318,3319,3321

PAPER, waterproof, required. 1707, 4706 (d)

Definition . 424
Required .. 1709
PARTICLEBOARD ............. . 2502 (a), 2505,2516 (g), 2517 (f) and (g)


Bearing, combustible .... 2517(g)
Bearing, noncombustible. 2418,2614,2616,2622
'Fire-resistive . ........................... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 4304
Folding, portable or movable . 1705(c)
For frame construction .................. . 2517 (g)
Nonbearing, noncombustible . . .................. . 2419,2614,2616,2622
Temporary ..................................... . 1705(c)
Unprotected materials allowed. . .................. . 1705(b)
As discharge for exit courts . . .......................... . 3312
As honzontal exits . . ................ . 3308
As stairway enclosures . . ............. . 3309 (d)
For smokeproof enclosures ........... . 3310 (c)
To be sprinklered .............. . 3802
Covers. 5211, Appendix 4901
Design. 2305, Appendix 4902
Concrete, definition ............... . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 2602
Concrete, design ............................... .. 2615,2622
Footings.. . ........................... .. Appendix 4904
General requirements . 3601
Application. . ................................................ . 302(a)
Definition ............................ . 417
Does not permit violation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... . 303(c)
Expiration ................... . 303(d)
Fees. . ................................... . 304
For alteration . ........................................................ . 301
For change of occupancy ...................................................... . 307
For demolishing . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . .. ............ .. 301
~m~~- . . . ......... . 301
For new buildings or structures .. 301
For use or occupancy ....................... . 307
Information on plans and specifications . 302(c)
Plans required .................... . 302 (b)
Revocation of 303(e)
Suspens1on of. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 303(e)
~~~ . . . . . . . . . . ........... . 303(c)
When required .............................................. . 301
Work without .. 304(d)
PERSON, defimtion. 417
PEWS, width. 3302 (a), 3315,3316
PIERS, masonry 2416(d)
PILES, general requirements .................... . 2908,2909
Fee for ................... .
PLANK AND BEAM CONSTRUCTION . ......................... . 2106,2516 (I) and (m), 2517 (e) 3
Alteralion of. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 ((aa)
Approved by building official . ...................... 303 )
For demolishing . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . 4409
Information on . ................ 302 (a) and (c)
Kept on building site. . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . .. .. . . 303 (b)
Required for permit, when. . ............. 302 (b)
Retention of. . . . . .. . .. .. 303 (b)
Shall bear name of whom ............ 302 (a) and (b)
Aggregate .......... . 4702


Definitions .. 4701 (d)

Exterior, application ..... . 4708
Exterior, backing ........ . 4708
Exterior, corner beads .. . 4701 (d), 4705 (b), 4706 (e)
Fire-resistive ............... . 4303, 4304, 4305
Inspection of. 305 (e), 4701 (b)
Interior. 4707
Lathing. 4705, 4706
Materials ......................... . 4702
Materials for fire-resistive construction . 4303, 4304, 4305
Over masonry . 4707 (e), 4708 (g), 4709 (f)
Pneumatically placed ..... . 4710
Portland cement, definition. 4701 (d)
To resist horizontal forces .. 4713
For fire resistance, ceilings . ... 4305
For fire resistance, partitions . 4304
Inspection . 305 (e), 4701 (b)

PLASTICS, light-transmitting (see also FOAM PLASTICS)

Appro1181for use. .. . . . . . . . .. .. . 5201 (b)
Approved .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 5202
Area limitations 5204, 5205, 5206, 5207, 5208, 5209
Awnings.. . .. .. .. .. .. . 5211
Canoptes . . 5213
Classification . ........... ............ 5201 (c). 5202
Definitions. . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . .. . .. .. .. . . . . 5202
Design .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 5203
Fastenings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5203 (b)
Foam............. .............. 1712
Glazing of openings. ................. 5204, 5207, 5406
Greenhouses .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 5212
Identification . ................ 5201 (c)
Installation. . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . .. . . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .. . 5203
Interior finish and lrim........... . . . . . . . . . . . 1705 (e), 4201, 4203, Chapter 52
Light diffusers in ceilinQS. .. . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . 5208
Light diffusers in electncal fixtures 5209
Patio covers . ........... 5211
Roof panels. . . . .. . . . .. .. 5206
Skylights . . . . . . ................. 5207
Structural requirements. . ............... 5203
Trim........... .............. 1705(e),4201,4203
Veneer . . . . . . 3005 (e)
Wall panels, exterior . .. . . . . .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . 5205
Wall panels, interior. ............. 4203, 4204, 5210
Foundation ...... . 2907 (e)
In bearing partitions. 2517(b)
Definition . 417
Requirements. 3906
Special provisions .... 602 (b)
Diaphragms. . .. . 2513 (a) and (c)
For exterior sheathing .. . 2516(g)
For roof sheathing .. 2517 (h), 3202
For subflooring . 2517 (e)


Fire-resistive standards .... . 4302 (d)
Requirements. . .......... .. 2621


Compressive strength . 2603 (C)
For plaster .... 4702


In masonry mortar . . .... 2403 (0)

Specifications . 2403 (o), 2603 (c), 4702
Certificate of Occupancy. 307(e)
Live loads . 2304 (e)
Room capacity . 3302 (c)
Unsafe building. 203
POWER PLANTS . . . . . . ..... . 701
Generating system for atriums . ....... . 1715(g)
Generating system tor exit illumination .... . 3313(b)
Generating system for exit signs ......... . 3314(d)
Generating system for high-nse buildings .. 1807(i)
Treated wood (see WOOD--TREATED)
PRISONS. Chapter 10
Awnings. 4506
Below sidewalk. 4503
Cornices. 1710,4504
Eaves .. 504,1710
In alleys. 4502
Marquees .... 4505
Plastic awnings .. 5211
Plastic canop1es .. 5213
Sprinklers requ1red. 3802 (c)
Wall .. 3904
Wall openings allowed. 3904
Required. 608,3904
Use during construction .. Chapter44
PUBLIC WAY, definition . 3301 (b)
For oil. 908

Alum1num .. Chapter28
Masonry. Chapter 24
Reinforced concrete . Chapter 26
Steel and iron. Chapter27
Wood. Chapter 25

RADIO TOWERS . 507, Table No. 23-H, 3602
RAIL AROUND OPENINGS . 1711, Table No. 23-B



Construction 3307(1)
Doors in automobile enclosures. 906
Enclosure .. ............. . 3309
fm hospitals and sanitariums . 3321 (e)
Gradient. ............ . 3307 (c)
LandlnQS ........... . 3307 (d)
Review1ng stands, for ... . 3323 (e) 6
Substituted for stairways. 3307
When required . 3301 (d), 3321 (e), Table No. 33-A
RECESSES, in masonry .. 2416 (e)
Of live loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. . 2306
Of strength for length of concrete compression members . 2610 (k) and (I)
REFUSE CHUTES . 1706 (c), 3802 (b)
Equipped with fusible links . 605
Against ground. . . . . . . .
Anchorage of reinforcement. . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Bars, bent . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .
2607 (h)
2607 (b), (c) and (d)
Beams, lateral support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2610 (e)
Bending moments, transfer to columns. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2611 (m)
Bond . . 2612
Columns .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 2610
Composite design and construction 2617
Compression load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2609
Computations, flexural. ............................... 2608, 2610
Control of cracking . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2607 (m)
Cover of reinforcing. ................... 2607 (h), 4303
Deflection . .. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .. .. .. 2307, 2609 (I)
Desi~n. methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2608 (b)
Duct1le moment-resisting space frames . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2625, 2626
Effective area, definition . 2602
Fire protection of (see also TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION). 4303
Folded plates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2619
Footings, design.. 2615, 2902, 2907
Footings, shear............... 2615 (I) and (i)
Footings, thickness........... 2615 (h)
Frame analysis. . 2608 (d) and (e), 2625, 2626, 2627
Height and thickness. 2614 (c)
Joints and bearing for precast . 2616
Joists. . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. . . 2608 (I)
Lateral reinforcement. 2607 (k) and (I)
Load tests . 2620 (d) and (e)
Materials, tests.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............................... 2603 (b)
Modulus of elasticity . 2608 (I)
Placing of reinforcement. 2607 (f)
Plain reinforcement, definition . 2602
Precast wall panels. . 2616 (c)
Prestressed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2618
Reinforcement (see also REINFORCEMENT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2607
Seismic zone designs. 2312, 2625, 2626, 2627
Shear and torsion . 2611
Shells ................................................................................... 2619
Shear walls. 2611 (k), 2627
~::g: ~.,~;~~~2e.nerit: ............................................................. 2611 (1). 2!~Nnl
Slab, shear. 2611 (d), (e) and (I)
Slab, thickness of . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. 2609 (I)
Slabs, one-way . . . .. .. . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 2609 (I), 261 0 (g)
Slabs, systems. ................. 2613
Strength and serviceability requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2609
T-beams. 2608 (k)
Tests . 2604


Torsion .................... . 2611

Transmission of column load . . ..................... 2610(n)
Walls ............................. . 2311 (k), 2610 (p), 2614,2616 (c)
Web reinforcement, anchorage ........ . 2607, 2612 (o)
Web reinforcement, design ........... . 2607,2611
Working stress desiQn (alternate method) 2628
Yield strength, definition. . ......... . 2602
Design. . ......... . 2406 (b)
General ....... . 2406 (a)
Special inspection 306 (a)
Stresses. 2406 (c)
Anchorage . 2612
Bends . 2612
Bond. . ........ 2612
Ch1mneys . 3704 (c)
Cleaning. 2607 (e)
Design. 2608
Deta1ls ................ . 2607
Effective area of, definition 2602
End regions. ........... .. 2618 (n)
Fabric. 2603 (f), 2607, 2612 (1), (t) and (u)
Fire protection ................... . 4303
For columns, reinforced concrete . . ............... 2607,2610,2612
For masonry ............ . 2403 (1), 2413,2414,2417,2418
For prestressed concrete . 2618
For stucco ..................... . 4706 (e)
ForT-beams, reinforced concrete . . .......... . 2608(k)
For two-way slabs, reinforced concrete. 2613
For web (diagonal tension), concrete 2611
General. 2603(f)
Hooks ............ . 2607 (b)
Inspection, special. 306(a)
Lateral. 2607(1)
Minimum bend diameter, definition .. 2607 (c)
Minimum in flexural members .. 2610(f)
Modulus of elasticity ........ . 2608 (f)
Placing in reinforced concrete . 2607(f)
Prestressing . . ......... . 2618
Protection, in concrete .. 2607 (h), 4303
Protection, in masonry . 2415 (g), 4303
Shrinkage .. 2607 (m)
Spacing bars .............. . 2607 (g)
Special transverse, definition. ............... . ..... 2625 (b)
Splices, in concrete 2612 (p), (q), (r), (s), (t) and (u)
Splices, in masonry. 2415(f)
Stress allowable unit . 2609
Temperature ... 2607 (m)

May be made .. 305 (g), 602 (c)
Definition. 419
Garages ...... . 901
May be required ..... . 203
Of existing buildings .. . .................. 104
Re-roofing. . ..... Appendix Chapter 32
To historic buildings. 104(1)
Of Board of Appeals .. 204
Of special inspector . 306(c)
Of tests of concrete . 2604
01 tests, general. 107


Classification of all occupancies . 501' 503
For Groups A to M Chapters 6-12, Appendix Chapter 11


Classification of buildings ... . ...... 1701,1702
For Type I to Type V buildings Chapters 17-22



For earthquake calculations .. 2312(f)
For wind calculations. 2311 (e)
Definition . 424
Design .... 2308
Classification ...... . . . 601
Construction ....... . 602(c)
General requirements .. 3323
RIBBON, in frame construction. 2517(d)
For Class I standpipes ... . 3805 (c)
For Class II standpipes .... . 3805 (d)
For Class Ill standpipes. 3805 (e)
For stairways . 3306
General .. 2713
Holes, to be deducted .. 2711
In aluminum ... 2802 (c)
In connections .. 2712
Working stresses 2702 (c)


Access to attic spaces . 3205 (a)
Access to roof .. 3306 (o)
Camber .. 2305(1)
Decks . 2106 (f) and (h)
Design. ........... 2305
Drainage 2305 (f), 3207
Flashing .. .. ..... 3208

2106 (d), 2517 (h)
Insulation 1713,3204
Of marquee ..... . 4505(f)
Panels, of plastic . 5206
Planking . 2517(h)
Purlins. 2517 (h)
Rafters. 2517 (h)
Rafterties .......... . .. ...... 2517(h)
Sheathing ......... . 2516 (i). 2517 (h)
Spaced sheathing . 3202 (a)


Application .... 3203 (d)
Asbestos-cement shingles . 3203 (d) 3
AsP.halt shingles . 3203 (d) 3
3203 (d) 2
~~~~ff~d . . 3203
Clay tile .. 3203 (d) 3
Composition . 3203 (d) 3
Concrete tile ... . 3203 (d) 3
Definitions .... . 3203 (b)
Fasteners for ........ . 3203 (c) 4
Fire-retardant, details . 3203 (e)
Fire-retardant, required . . 3202 (b)
Flashing ..... 3203 (d) 5
Kind required .. . 3202 (b)
Metal ........... . 3203 (c) 3
Ordinary, details .. . ................. 3203(f)
Repairs 104 (d), Appendix Chapter 32
Re-roofing. Appendix Chapter 32


Slate shingles .. 3203 (d) 3

Special purpose 3203 (g)
Wires tor. .. .. 3203 (c) 5
Wood shakes 3202 (b), 3203 (d) 3
Wood shingles ... 32.03~<1\1.
ROOF DRAINAGE. 2305 (f), 3207, 4505 (f)
ROOF OVERHANG. 504 (a) and (b), 1710
ROOF STRUCTURES . . ... 3601
Capacity .. . 3302 (c)
Dimens1ons . .............. . 1207
Guest, definition. .. .............. 408
Habitable. 1207

SAFEGUARDS, maintenance. 104(d)
For combustible goods ..... 701
For noncombustible goods. 701
For concrete . 2603 (d)
For mortar. 2403
For plaster . 4702, 4707, 4708
SANITATION . 510;"05" sectionsofChapters6-10, 12
Colleges . 701
Exits ................ . 3319
General requirements . 801-809
Live loads . 2304
Access to roof space ......... . 3205 (a)
Access to roof, when required . 3306 (o)
Access to underfloor areas . 2516 (c) 2
Continental ... 3315,3316
Standard . 3315,3316
Number of, to be posted . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3302 (c)
Spacing. . . . . . . . .. 3315, 3316, 3323 (e), 3324 (d)
Width. 3302 (a), 3315,3316,3323 (e), 3324 (d)
Door latches . 3304 (c)
Door viewports . 3306 (h)
Window gnlles, bars and grates. 1204

Attic partitions . 2516(1)
Automobile ramp enclosure . 906
Basement stairways .. 3306 (h)
Corridors 3305 (h), 4306 (f)
Exit enclosures. 3309 (c)
Exterior stairways . 3306 (I)
Fire doors . 4306 (b)
Smokeproof enclosures . 3310(g)

l;:t'Qc; !I;;IJIIIVI...

Around buildings .. . ........... 506
Of areas ...................... . . ........... 505
Of areas for suspended ceilings . . ....... 2516
Of buildings for seismic action .. 2312(h)
Definition . 420
Elevator. 1706(d)
Enclosures . 906, 1706 (a) and (b)
SHALL, definition of . 420
Horizontal ....... . 2312 (e), 2506 (c) and (d)
Masonry, stresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2405-2418
Reinforced concrete, allowable stresses ... 2609 (d)
Reinforced concrete, design 2611
Structural steel .......... . 2702, 2708 (c) and (d), 2721 (f)
Wall, definitiOn . 2312(b)
Wood. 2504
Diaphragm .. 2513
Fiberboard . . .......... 2514
Floor. . ...... 2516 (h), 2517 (e)
Roof 2516 (i), 2517 (h), 3202 (a)
Sublloor. ................... 2518(e)
Wall. 2516 (g), 2517 (g) 3
SHELLS (concrete) .. . .......... 2619
As roof covering . 3202 (b), 3203 (d) 3
As siding. 2516(g)
Of adjoining foundations. 2903
For motion picture machine booths . 4004
Required for stage vent ducts. 3901
Glass lights. 3401
Live load for design .... 2304
Railing required around .. 3401
Required to be protected ....... . 4407
Space under, may be occupied . 4503
Walkways . 4406
For basement pipe inlets. . . . . . . Appendix 3807
For exits ...... . 3314, Appendix 109 (e)
For fire doors .. 4306 (m)
For live load. 2304 (e)
For room capacity . . 3302 (c)
For stairs. 3306 (q), 3314
For unsafe building .. 203
Over public property 4501


SINK, KITCHEN . 1205 (b), 1208

General requirements (see also TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION). 3401, 3901 (c)
Plastic 5207

Gypsum .............................. . 2406
M1mmum thickness, for fire-resistive purposes. 4303,4305
Minimum thickness for floors . ......... . 2608, 2609, 2611' 2623
Reinforced concrete (see CONCRETE)
SLATE, for roof covering . 3203


On floors ......................................... . 1804,1904
In atriums ........ .. . ........................ 1ns
In high-rise buildings. .. ........... 1807(1\\
In malls ........... . . . . . . . Appendix 713 (c)
Defmit1on. .. ............... 420
For doors. . . 4306 (b), 4306 (~
For elevators .
In atriums. . 5103 (a) 2, ~i~~ ~~~
In dwelling units . 1210
In guest rooms ............ . 1210
In high-rise buildings .......................... . 1807ld)
In hospitals ............................... . 3802 g)
In Group H Occupancies .... 3206
In high-rise buildings .. .. 1807(g)
In one-story buildings 3206
Over stages ............... . 3901
Construction and design ........................... . 3310
SNOW LOAD ......... .. 2305 (d)
Bearing. allowable .. 2906
Classification ..... .. ... 2904
Excavation and grading Appendix Chapter 70
Investigation requ1red . 2904 (b), 2905
Tests required .. 2904
SOLAR ENERGY COLLECTORS. . ..... 1714,5214
SOUND TRANSMISSION CONTROL. . . . Appendix Chapter 35
SPACE FRAME . 2312,2625, 2626,2722,2723
SPECIAL INSPECTOR ................ . .. .. .. 305 (b) and (c)
SPECIFICATIONS, required for permit. . . 302(b)
Re~nforc1ng steel . 2612
Special inspection . . ............... . ...... 306(8)
Structural member protection. . .............. . .. .. 4303 (e)

Construction requirements for booths (see UNIFORM FIRE CODE)
Occupancy classification ....................... . 901


STADIUMS ............ . ..... 601

Classification of occupancy 601
Construction .................. . 602 (b), 3905
Definition . .. .... 420
General. Chapter39
Sprinklers required. ......... 3802 (c)
Standpipes required .............. . . ...................... 3805 (d)
Ventilation .. .. ... 608,3901

Access and arrangement .. 3303 (c), 3305, 3306
Access to roof . . .............. . 3306 (o)


Application to building, general (see GROUPS, OCCUPANCY

Basement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. 3306 (h)
Circular.. . . . .............................................. 3306 (e)
Construction . . . . 1805,1905,2004,2104.2106 (j). 2204, Appendix 109 (b)
Definition.. . . . . . 3301 (b)
Design. general . . . . . . . ............. Table No. 23-A, 3306
Doors. leading to . ................ ........... 3304
Enclosures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3309
Exterior................ ... .. 3306 (1), 3306 (n). Appendix 109 (b) and (d)
Firestoppin~ (wood frame construction) . . ........... 2516 (f)
From fly gal ery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ 3907
Handrails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ........... 3306 (j)
Headroom clearance.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3306 (p)
Helistops. ....... ................... 710 (d)
Horizontal exits. . . . . . . . . . . . . ....... ...... 3308
Interior.................. .............. 3306 (m). Appendix 109 (b) and 110
Landings. intermediate . . . . ........... 3306 (g) and (i)
Lighting................ ............. 3313,3314
Live loads . . . . . . ................ 2304
Number of exits required. . . . . ........... 3303
Numbering system. . . . . . . . . . ............. 3306 (q)
Obstructions prohibited. . . . . . ............ 3301 (c). 3306 (b)
Passageways as enclosures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3309 (d)
Protection for . . ....... 1706
Railings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. 1716, 3305 (j) and (k)
Ramps may be substituted. . .............. 3307
Requirements, detailed. . . . 3306
Reviewing stands, tor. . . 3323 (e) 6
~-~ ~~
Signs required . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ............. 3306 (q), 3314
Smokeproof enclosure . . . . . . . . 331 0
Space under. 3306 (m) and (n), 3309 (f)
Spiral . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .............. 3301 (b), 3306 (f)
Waterproofing. . . . . . . . . . . . . 1707 (c)
Width, minimum.. . . . . . . . . . . . 3306 (b)
Winders. permitted.. . . . . . . . . 3306 (d)
Classes 1,11 and Ill standpipes, defined . ... . .. . . ....... 3801 (c)
Classes I, II and Ill standpipes, design and construction .... . . ...... 3801 (d)
Classes I, II and Ill standpipes, where required ............. . 3805
Covered malls ........... . 713 (b)
Open parking garages. . . . . ..................... . 709(h)
Allowable unit stresses . 2702
Beams and girders ........ . 2707
Bearing plates and anchorage ............... 2712 (h). 2718
Bolts......... . ........................ . 2702 (c). 2712,2713,2719,2721
Cables........ . ........... . 2725
Camber ............... . 2716
Cast. allowable stresses. 2702(f)
Cold-formed design specifications 2701
Column bases ................ . 2718
Combined stresses . 2703
Composite construction . ........ 2708
Compression . . . ......... . 2702, 2703, 2706, 2712 (h)
Connections . . . . ............... . . . . . . . . . . . . 2711,2712.2713,2721 (i)
Deflection criteria ................. . .............. 2307, 2710
Ductile moment-resisting space frames 2722.2723
Erection ........... . 2309

~:g~g:;~~- . .. . . . . .. . :. :. ::: ...... '.............. .

Fire-protection (see also TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION)
. ...... 2717
2720, 2721 (k)
Girders. folate ............ . 2707
2907 (g)
~~~~i?;~a~~~g~::::::::::: 2701 (b)
Joists, open web ......... . 2715
Lacing .................. . 2715
Light steel construction ...... . 2701
Net sections. in computations .. 2711
Painting. 2720
Piles. 2908,2909


Pins ......... . 2711 (e)

Plastic design .. 2721
Quality ...... . 2701
Racks ............... . . ...... 2724
Reversal of stress ... . 2704
Rivets ........... . 2702 (c), 2712,2713
Rotational restraint. 2707 (k)
Spans . 2709
Splices .................... . 2707 (h)
Stability and slenderness ratio. 2705
Standards for . 2701
Stiffeners.. . .. 2707 (e)
Stresses, allowable unit ... . ....... 2702
Structural. 2702 (b)
Tendon, definition ........... . 2602
Tension members, net section . 2711
Trusses, camber. .......... 2716(b)
Welding ................. . 2702 (d) and (e), 2712 (i), Uland (I); 2714
Working stresses, allowable. 2702
Anchorage of .. 2612 (a)
Concrete. 2611
Cast. 2403 (g)
Masonry. 2403 (i), 2408
Veneer .... 3002
STOP ORDERS . 202(d)
Combustibles . 701
Film ....... . . ............................... Chapter48
Flammables ....... . "08" sections of Chapters 6-10; 901, 1104, 1212
Garages ......... . . .............. 701
High-hazard goods ... . 901
In connection w1th stores .. . 702(b)
Live loads ......... . 2304
Materials in streets .. 4401,4403
Noncombustibles. . ........................... 701
Racks. 2724, Tables Nos. 23-B, 23-J
Fire protection. . . ..... . ..... 3903
Flammable liquids, storage regulated . 608,808
location .. 3903
live loads .......... . 2304
Retail and wholesale . 701
STORY, definition. 420
STORY, FIRST, definition. 420
Centerline. 504(a)
Definition ..... . 420
Temporary use . 4402
STRUCTURAL FRAME. 305 (e); "02" sections of Chapters 17-22; 2309
STRUCTURE, definition ... 420
STUDS IN WOOD CONSTRUCTION .. 2516 (d), 2517 (g)


Design ....... . 4701 (e), 4704, Tables Nos. 23-B, 23-J
Draft stops for . . . . . .. .. .. .. . . 2516 (f), 4203
In dwellings . . . . . . . .. 1207
Sprinkler system for . 3801 (d), 4203

For storage of flammable liquids. 908, 1104
Horizontal forces, design .... 2311,2312
Roof structures .... 3601
Water. 1101
For handicapped ... 511 (d)
In high-rise buildings. 1807(1)
TERRACING. Appendix 7012
Concrete ............. .. 2604 (d)
Concrete aggregates. 2603 (d)
Fire-resistive materials . . . . . ........... . 4302 (b)

~:i'~r7~Ys ~~ J,r6i8ti;icaii~~: :
.............. . 5002
May be required .................... . 107,5002, 5003
New materials and devices. 105
Piles, safe bearing ...... . 2908
Prefabricated construction .. Chapter 50
Soil bearing . 2905
To classify mortars. 2403
Welds. 2722 (f)
Ceramic ............. . 3005 (I)
Of clay (see CLAY TILE)
Of concrete (see CONCRETE BLOCKS)
Of gypsum (see GYPSUM)
TOILET ROOM .. .. 511


General requ1rements. 507, 3602
Horizontal forces, design . . 2311,2312
Setbacks. 2312 (e)
Wind pressure . 2311


TRIM .. 1705(e)

Fire protection of (see also TYPES OF CONSTRUCTION). 4303
Steelframe .. .. .......... 2716 (b)


General. Chapter 17
Wood frame. 2516



TYPE Ill BUILDINGS . Chapter20

UNLAWFUL TO OCCUPY, when . 203,307
~~~~i~~g~rid : : : : : :
.. 805
Chan~e .. 307 (b), 502
Class1fied ............ . "01" sections of Chapters 6-12
Not specifically mentioned . . . . . . . .. . . . 501
M1xed .. 503
Permitted when. 307(a)
Protected. 4405

Of permits. 303(c)
Definition ..... 423
Of buildings by building official .. 304(a)
VALUE, definition. 423
Adhered. 3005
Anchored. 3006
Definition. 3002
Design. 3004
Of plastic. .. .......... 3005 (e)
Supported by wood . 2515 (a)
Walls of (see WALLS)
Definition ... 423
Attic ...... 3205 (c)
Automobile repair. . 905
Automobile storage ........ . 705, 1104
Dry-cleaning establishments . 908
Motion picture machine booths . .. .............................. 4005
Occupancy groups . "05" sections of Chapters 6-10; 1104. 1205
Open parking garages. . . . . . . . . . .. .. 709(k)
Over stage ....... 3901
Under wood floor . 2516 (c)


For dry-cleaning plants . 908
For explosion venting . ............ . 910
For motion picture machine booths . 4005
~~; ~~~~e :~~~~sat
9 705,905
For stages. 3901
Construction requirements . 1706
Existing buildings .............. . Appendix 11 0
Fire assemblies for protection of . 4306
For atriums .......... . . ................... 1715 (c)
For occupancy groups. "06 sections of Chapters 6-10; 1209
When required. 1706,3309

WALLBOARD, GYPSUM .. 4711,4713
Anchonng. 2310,2419 (c)
Area separation . 505(e)
Basement, enclosure 1703
Bearing 424,2417,2418,2517 (g), 2614, 2907(b)
Bracing ........ . 2517(g)
Chases in masonry . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. 2416(e)
Concentrated loads.. 2416 0), 2614 (c)
Concrete, pla1n. 2622
Coverings. 2516 (g)
Cripple ...................... . 2517(g)
Curtain (see Nonbearing, below)
Definition .. 424
Design. 2309,2416,2417,2614,2616,2622
Eccentricity . 2418(c)
Exterior . 424
Faced, definition. . ........................... ''. 424
F1re-resistiw. 1803, 1903, 2003, 2103, 2203, 4304
Foundation . 2907
Fram~ng. 2516 (d), 2517 (g)
Fronting on streets or yards .. 1705(d)
Height allowed. . ............ . 2409 (c), 2416 (c), 2614 (c), 2622
Hollow unit masonry, reinforced. 2414
Hollow unit masonry, unreinforced 2410
Lintels . '' ......... 2416(g)
Nonbearing ..... . 424,2419,2614 (c)
Of exit enclosures . 3309
Of roof structures ........ . 3601
Of smokeproof enclosures . . ....... '. 3310
Openings "03" sections of Chapters 18-22
Parapet ............ . 1709
Partitions (see PARTITIONS)
Piers. 2416(d)
Plain concrete ........ . 2622
Protection of openings. 504
Remforced concrete ..... 2614
Reinforced grouted masonry ......... . 2413
Reinforced hollow unit masonry . ...... . 2414
Retaining (see RETAINING WALLS)
Sheathing, when required .. 2513, 2514, 2516 (g), 2517 (g)
Solid masonry, fire-resistive rating .. .. ............ 4304
Solid masonry, plain 2411' 2418 (b)
Solid masonry, reinforced. 2417 Ul
Solid masonry, separation of combustible members . . .. 4304
Solid masonry, thickness of . , . . .................. 2416(c)
Solid masonry, working stresses. 2412,2413,2414,2417 (a)
Stone ............... . . ......... ' . . .. .. . . 2403 (i), 2408
Thickness of masonry .. . 2416 (c), 2417 Ul. 2418 (b), 2419 (b)
Veneered .. . . . . . . . . .. . . ....... Chapter30
Water closet . 510 (a), 511 (a)
Water splash 2516 (k)
Wood studs. 2516 (d), 2517 (g)


For storage. 701,901
Live load. 2304

Accumulation on root . ........... . 2305 (f), 27'1:>
Drainage around buildings . 2905 (f), 3207 (e)
Draina~e from roof. 3207
Fountains ........ . 511 (c)
Heater, definition ... . 424
Removal from excavations . 2605 (a)
Requirements for concrete .......................... . 2603 (e)
Requirements for masonry . 2403 (n)
Retaining walls, design for ................................ . 2308 (b)
Supply for automatic sprinkler system 3801 (d)
Supply for standpipes . 3801 (d)

Consistency required . 2604 (f)
Control of proportions. 2604 (f)


Fallout shelters Appendix 5708
Floors and walls of compartments. 510 (b)
For handicapped . . ......... . 511 (b)
For occupancies . .. "05" sections of Chapters 6-10; 1205 (b), 1208
Separation required
Width of compartment .
.... .......... ~ow
. . . . . . . .. .. . 511 (a)
Retaining walls, design . 2308 (b)
Definition. 424
WEATHER PROTECTION. 1707, 2605 (f) and (g), 3005 (a), 3006 (a), 3202 (a)
Allowable stresses . 2702; 2802 (a), (b) and (d)
General requirements . 2714
Special inspection . 306 (a)
Standard for . 2701 (a), 2804 (e) and (f)
Aisles. 3315(b)
Corridors. 3305 (b), 3319 (e), 3321 (c)
Courts. . ................... . 1206 (c), 3311 (b)
Entrance doors ............... . 3304 (e)
Exit passageways .. 3312(b)
Rooms 1207(c)
Ramps. 3307 (b)
30 1
'3366 ,C:). (ctJ, 1~ a ;d ill
Stair landings
Stair treads .
Stairways. . . .. .. .. .. . . . . . . . . . 3306 (b)
Walkway. 4406
Water closet . 511 (a)
Yards 1206(b)
Design. 2311
Area limitations. 5403
Fire-resistive, design . 4306 (g), (h) and (k)
For escape or rescue . ................................... . .......... 1204
For occupancy groups . "OS" sectionsofChapters6-10; 1205,1206
Glazing support . . . ..................... . 5404
Grilles, bars and grates over . .......... 1204
Identification. . ................... . 5402, 5406 (b)
Impact loads .......... . 5406
In Types Ito V buildings. 1803, 1903,2003,2103,2203
Louvered . 5405, 5406 (a)
Plastic .. 5204
Shower enclosures 5406,5407
Skylights. 3401,5207


For stucco reinforcing ..... . .. .... 4706
For tieing roofing materials ..... . .. ...... 3203 (c(
Hangers for suspended ceilings .. .. ...... 4704 (c
Masonry joint reinforcement .... . ..... 2403 (m
nes for fire-resistive materials. 4303, 4305 (d
Veneer, anchorage .. 3003,3006
In fire-resistive doors and windows. . . . . ........... . 4306 (g), (h) and (i)
In skylights ..................................... . 3401
Required by location (see LOCATION ON PROPERTY,
For exterior lath 4706
For interior lath . 4705
For skylights .. 3401
For stage ventilators 3901
Allowable stresses . 2504
Anchors and ties 2517
Beams and girders 2506, 2517 (c)
Beams and joists . 2506
Bolted connection .... 2510 (b)
Bracing 2517 (g)
Bridging ............ .. 2517(g)
Clearance above grade . 2516 (c)
Clearance from chimneys. . . 3703 (c)
Columns or posts ... . 2507, 2516 (c)
Combined stresses ......................... . 2508
Combined structurally with masonry or concrete . 2515
Compression at an an91e to grain .... 2509
Compression perpendicular to grain .. 2506 (I)
Concrete, in combination .... 2515
Connections .......... . 2510
Cutting and notching .. . 2517 (d) and (g)
Deflection criteria ..... . 2307
Diaphragms ... 2513
Earth separation ...... . 2516(c)
Fiberboard, definition .. . .. .. .. 2502 (a), 2514
Fire-retardant. .. . ... 407,1705,1801,1901
Floors, laminated ... 2516(1)
Form factors . 2504
Foundations .. .. . 2907 (a)
Foundation sills . 2517 (b), 2907 (e)
Grade, definition ................ . 2502 (a)
Glued built-up members, definition .. 2502 (a), 2512
Glued construction ...... . 2511
Glued-laminated timber, definition .. . .. ...... 2502 (a)
Heavy timber construction .......... . Chapter 21. 2513
Horizontal members, framing details .. .. .. .. . 2506
Horizontal shear . 2506 (c) and (d)
Joists. 2517(d)
Joist hanQers ........... . 2516U)
Masonry, 1n combination. 2515
Masonry, supported . 2415 (c)
Metal plate connectors .. . 2510 (h)
Nails ................ . 2510(1)
Nominal size, definition .. 2502 (a)
Normal loading, definition. 2502 (a)
Partitions, framing details . 2517 (g)
Piles.... .. ............ . . .. .. .. .. .. 2909
Plywood...... .. .. . 2502 (a), 2513 (c), 2516,2517
Plywood exterior covering. 2513 (c), 2516 (g)
Quality and design ................. . 2501
Rafters.... .. .... . 2517(h)
Required sizes, determination ... . 2503
Roofframing ... 2506, 2517 (h)
Shear, horizontal. .. .. .. .. . 2506 (c) and (d)
Sheathing ... 2513 (b), 2514,2516,2517
Siding. 2516(g)
Stressed skin panels ............... . 2512
Structural glued-laminated timber. . . . . . . . . . 2502 (a), 2511
Stud walls, framing details .... 2516 (d) and (1), 2517 (g)


Subfloor .............. . .. . 2516, 2517 (e)

Temperature effects. 2504 (c)
Termite protection. .. .. 2516(c)
Timber connections. . . ................. . .. .... 2510
Treated . . .. . ........................ . 1705, 2502 (a), 2504 (c), 2516,2909
Truss compression chords ................ . 2508(d\
Unit stresses, decrease for expcsure . .. ..... 2504
Ventilation, under-floor. . .......... . 2516(c)
Weatherboarding ........................ . 2516 (g)
Wood of natural resistance to decay, definition 2502(a)
WOODWORKING FACTORIES ............ . 901
Aluminum ................... . 2802 (a)
Increase allowed for seismic forces. . ................. 2312
Increase allowed for wind . .. .. .. .. .. . 2311
Increase allowed, wood .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 2504
Masonry ......................... . 2405 (d), 2408 (d), 2409 (d), 2410 (c),
2411 (d),2412(e),2413(c),2417
Piles. 2908,2909
Plain concrete . .. 2622 (d)
Reinforced concrete . .. ....... 2628
Soil. Table No. 29-B
Steel . .. ..... 2702
Wood 2504, 2509, 2511
Aluminum ................................... . 2804
Inspection ..................... . . . .. .. .. . .. . . 305 (e), 306 (a)
Structural elements . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. 2309
Structural steel . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 2720
Wood ................................... .. .. . .. .. .. .. 2501 (b)
Moderately hazardous .................... . 701
Nonhazardous ... 701


Between buildings . ..... 504 (c), 1206
Definition . .. .... 426
Minimum width. 1206
Required ........ . 504(a)
To be maintained .. 504(a)
Used for area increases . .. ....... 506



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