Scarlet Wake - Play-Test Rulebook PDF
Scarlet Wake - Play-Test Rulebook PDF
Scarlet Wake - Play-Test Rulebook PDF
Revision 1
All play-testers of Scarlet Wake will recieve their name in the credits of this rulebook when it is published if
they send me an email letting me know their name. Those who also post their play-testing experiences to
the Scarlet Wake forum ( may also recieve a free copy of the
fully illustrated (by me) final version of Scarlet Wake when it is published.
Additionally, if you are a Scarlet Wake play-tester and you need play-testers for your own game, I will play
your game and give you at least the same amount of feedback you give me.
If you review this game and email me with a link to the review ([email protected]), then I will send
you a free copy of the finished Scarlet Wake rulebook when it is published.
Id love to hear your thoughts about this game, so visit my forums or send me an email to let me know.
Thank you, Ben ONeal
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction p3
Playing Scarlet Wake
Scarlet Wake and all associated characters, logos, and Chapter 8: Endgame p31
illustrations are copyright 2004 Ben ONeal. Winning
All artwork is copyright 2004 Ben ONeal.
Play Style Ideas
Introduction and the other players will be Antago-
nists, but there are many opportuni-
ties for multiple players to be Pro-
Scarlet Wake is game about pain, hate, tagonists playing their PCs against
and bloody revenge. With a strong only one or so Antagonists.
focus on tactics, gambling, and in- Protagonists narrate the results of
ter-player competition, Scarlet Wake any rolls they make, having full pow-
asks Are you cool enough to be even er over their PC. They also have pow-
cooler? In Scarlet Wake, your char- er over how many Peons come at them
acter truly is limited only by your each Wave, though no control over the
imagination. Rank of the peons sent at them (see
This game is intended to be played Chapter 4: Doing Stuff, and Chapter
over several nights, as players char- 6: Competition).
acters work towards killing those who Antagonists have total power over
have wronged them, and all who stand the ACs, over which Rank Peons get
in their way. The game ends when all played and when, and the use of Kick
players have killed all those on their to increase the challenges for a PC
kill-list. Scarlet Wake was designed (see Chapter 6: Competition).
to work with between 3 and 6 players,
but 4 players works the best. All
players have their own characters, What you need in order to play
and all players are involved at all Throughout this rulebook, dice will
times. be referred to using the convention:
These rules include everything you XdY, where X is the number of dice,
will need to play, and all players d stands for die and Y is the
should either have their own copy, or number of sides on that die. So d6
have read these rules and are able to is a six-sided die, and 3d6 means
share a copy. This rulebook will take Three six-sided dice.
you through creating your character, In order to play, you will need
planning the challenges he/she will about 5 or 6 of each of the following
face, how to kill and do other stuff, die types: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12. You
how to improve your character, and will also need a copy of the charac-
how to make life harder for the other ter sheet, a pencil, an eraser, and
players, while keeping the game fun you will need to know the rules in
for all involved. this rulebook.
So grab your dice, create your char-
acter, and get with the killing!
Playing Scarlet Wake
All players create a single char-
acter, referred to as their PC (Pro- Disclaimer
tagonist Character). They also create In this rulebook you will some-
a list of 5 characters who their PC times be used in reference to your
seeks revenge against. These 5 char- character. It is up to you, as a real
acters are known as Bosses, and the human player, to know when the rules
list is simply known as The List. are referring to your imaginary char- Chapter 1: Introduction
Some of these Bosses (or all of them, acter, or you as the person you are.
its up to you) will have other char- If you are ever confused about this
acters who protect them, like their distinction, Scarlet Wake is not the
gang, hired goons, or employees, and game for you. I am not responsible if
these characters are known as Peons. you kill someone as a result of this
Each player takes turns being a game, or harm yourself, or anyone
Protagonist, playing their PC, while else, or suffer any loss whatsoever,
the other players play the Antagonist or commit any crime. In short, I can-
Characters (ACs), such as the Peons not be held responsible for anything
and Bosses. When a player is play- at all you ever do. By reading past
ing the ACs against a PC, that player this page, you are agreeing to these
is known as an Antagonist. In most terms.
cases, there will be one Protagonist,
4 5:
Character Creation Fire and Fuel. These two traits
are very powerful ways to increase
your characters ass-kicking power.
Your character in Scarlet Wake is Whenever you take damage, you record
represented by their Character Sheet. this as Fuel, and you can burn Fuel
The Character Sheet records all im- to give you Fire, which adds to your
portant aspects of your character, Action Pool (see 6).
and also the challenges you wish them
to face. A Character Sheet is pro- 6: Your AP (Action Pool). This shows
vided at the back of this rulebook. how many of each die type you have
Character Sheets look like the pic- available to roll when doing stuff.
ture on the next page, and below is
a description of the various impor- 7: Notes. You can use this section
tant parts to help you learn your way to write down anything important you
around the Character Sheet. might need to remember about your
character, or just to describe them
in more detail.
Your Character Sheet
Here I will guide you around the 8: The List. This half of your Char-
Character Sheet, to help you famil- acter Sheet is devoted to your list
iarize yourself with the important of Bosses and their Peons. You work
traits of your PC. The picture on the your way from 1 through to 5, and ev-
next page shows the Character Sheet, erything you need to know about each
with various areas labelled with num- Boss you can record here (see Chapter
bers. These areas are explained be- 3: The List).
9: Kick. This is a resource that goes
1: This half of the page is dedicated up every time you gain Fuel (take
to your character, recording all the damage). It does not go down when you
important things you need to know for burn Fuel, and in fact, you cant use
playing your character. it in any way at all. Kick is a re-
source for Antagonists to use against
2: Your characters Name. You will you, so keep that in mind when you
notice a little box next to your want to benefit from Fuel (see Chap-
Name, dont worry about that yet, ter 6: Competition).
we will come back to it briefly when
dealing with The List in chapter 3, 10: Boss and Peon traits. Here you
and more in Chapter 6: Competition. can record the names of each Boss,
Right now, the most important thing 1 through to 5, their traits, and
is that you Name your character with the Peons that stand between you and
Chapter 2: Character Creation
instead of Fuel. When you take you made your PCs Name.
damage, you add it as Fuel, but when It is a good idea to make your
a Boss takes damage, it adds to their List in collaboration with the other
Karma. When you have reached your players, so that you can choose which
maximum Fuel, a Bind is triggered Bosses you will have appear on each
(see Chapter 4: Doing Stuff), but others Lists. The reason for this is
when a Boss has reached their Maximum twofold: Firstly, when a Boss appears
Karma (MK), they are dead (or in some on more than one List, it is worth
other way incapacitated, depending on more to anyone who kills it. Secondly,
the effect you want). you can all make sure that the spread
of shared Bosses is equal, so that no Peons 9
player is left out of the Boss sharing In addition to creating the Bosses
(which would lower the rewards they on The List, you must also create the
could receive). The rules for having Peons that protect them.
a Boss appear on more than one List You have a total of 50 Peons that
are as follows: you can spread among the 5 Bosses any
Any Boss can appear on more than way you wish, but you must use all
one List. 50. These 50 Peons are made up of 10
Any Boss on more than one List Peons of each Rank (so 10 R1s, 10
must be the same number on each List R2s, etc.)
(a Boss at number 4 must be at number All this can be seen in the table
4 on all Lists). below, which shows the different Ranks
No Boss can appear on all Lists, of Peons, the MK and AP of each Rank,
there must always be an Antagonist and how many you have to distribute
available. amongst your Bosses.
The traits for a shared Boss must
be the same on all Lists. Peons
Rank MK AP Number
Boss Traits R1 1 1d4 10
The number of points you must R2 2 2d4 10
distribute among the traits of each
R3 3 3d4 10
Boss varies according to their order
in The List. Bosses higher in the R4 4 4d4 10
order are tougher, while those lower R5 5 5d4 10
are weaker.
Creating a Boss uses exactly the same Hint: Think about how much Fire
process as creating your character, you are likely to need to take down
except where you start with only 8 each Boss, and distribute Peons
points to distribute amongst your accordingly.
PCs traits, each Boss starts with
a greater amount, depending on their
position in The List. The table below Example Rigid Boss Creation
shows how many points each Boss has. In order to illustrate how to create
You must distribute all of these a Boss from start to finish using
points among any traits you choose the rigid method, here is an example
(except Name, which can only increase of how to create a Boss that will be
by that Boss appearing on multiple number 3 on The List.
Lists). Step 1: First I pick a name. Lets call
this Boss Grey Golem. He appears on
Rigid Boss Creation two other players Lists, so his Name
Boss # Trait Points Maximum Karma score is 3.
Step 2: Now I look at the table on page
1 12 24 8, and see that a number 3 Boss has
2 14 28 16 points to distribute among their
3 16 32 traits. So I give him Style:3, Weapon:
4, Luck:4, and Crime:5. According
4 18 36 to the table, he also has a Maximum
Chapter 3: The List
5 20 40 Karma of 32.
Step 3: Now he needs Peons. This Boss
We can see that the number 1 Boss has is a big-time corporate guy, so these
12 points to be distributed amongst Peons will be mostly security guards,
their traits and an MK of 24, the next but hell also have two tough-guy
Boss at number 2 has 14 points to be personal bodyguards. With this in
distributed among their traits and an mind, I give him 6 R2 Peons (the
MK of 28, and the number 5 Boss has 20 security guards) and 2 R5 Peons (the
trait points and an MK of 40. bodyguards).
Step 4: Finally, I look at all of Grey
10 Golems traits including his Name When using these 150 points to
score, and I work out his AP. He has buy Peons for your Bosses, you must
two traits at 3 (Name and Style), two ocnsider the cost of the different
traits at 4 (Weapon and Luck), and Rank Peons. The cost of a Peon is
one at 5 (Crime). So Grey Golems AP equal to its Rank. For example, if
is 2d8, 2d10, and 1d12 (see page 5, you want a Peon of Rank 3, then you
under Character Traits). must pay 3 points, and ten Rank 3
Peons would cost 30 points. The table
below shows the 5 Ranks of Peons,
Flexible List Creation their Maximum Karma (MK), Action Pool
This method is identical to the (AP), and point cost.
rigid method right up until defining
the Boss traits. However, there are Peons
two additional rules for sharing a Rank MK AP Cost
Boss if one or more players are using
the Flexible method: R1 1 1d4 1
Any player using the Rigid method R2 2 2d4 2
must be the one to define that Bosses R3 3 3d4 3
traits, and any players using the
flexible method must still pay for R4 4 4d4 4
those traits as if they had bought R5 5 5d4 5
the scores themselves (see below).
All players sharing a Boss must pay So with your 150 points, you could
the same points for both Boss traits conceivably buy 150 R1 Peons, or 30
and Peons, but the result is only as R5 Peons. However, its a much better
if one player had paid. For example, idea to buy a range of different Rank
to raise a Bosses style score to 4, Peons and spread them among your
all players who share that Boss must Bosses with consideration for the
pay 4 trait points. potential Fire you could gain from
For the above reasons, its best if them.
all the players in a group use the
same method.
Example Flexible Boss Creation
In order to illustrate how to create
Boss Traits a Boss from start to finish using the
You have 80 points to distribute flexible method, here is an example
among any of the Bosses traits. This of how to create a Boss that will be
means you can make the number 5 Boss number 5 on The List.
weaker than the number 2 Boss, or any Step 1: First I pick a name. Lets call
other combination you want. Keep in this Boss Gold Chimera. She appears
mind, however, that you must spend on three other players Lists, so her
all 80 points on your Bosses traits, Name score is 4.
so by making one weaker, you must Step 2: This Boss is the mastermind
make another stronger. behind my PCs grief, but isnt
To figure out the Maximum Karma particularly awesome compared to the
a Boss has, simply figure out how other Bosses on The List, because
many points you have spent on their she is oldish and kinda frail. Shes
traits, and multiply this by 2. For still pretty tough, but shes not
Chapter 3: The List
example, if you have given a Boss the what she used to be. So I give her
following traits: Style:3, Weapon:4, Style:2, Weapon:3, Luck:5, and Crime:
Luck:2, and Crime:2; then their MK 5. This means I have spent 15 points
would be 22 (11 multiplied by 2). on her, so her MK is 30, and I have 65
points left to distribute among the
other Bosses.
Peons Step 3: Now she needs Peons. Lots of
You have 150 points to spend on them. This Boss is big on her minions,
creating Peons for your Bosses, and so these Peons will be members of her
you must spend all 150. private army. With this in mind, I
give her 20 R2 Peons and 10 R3 Peons, will only help you when you are 11
costing me a total of 70 out of my 150 narrating your slaughter of them.
points. The other 80 points will give If you have developed your Bosses
the other Bosses their Peons. and Peons well, you will find playing
Step 4: Finally, I look at all of Gold is much easier, and your descriptions
Chimeras traits including her Name to the Antagonists will be much
score, and I work out her AP. She has clearer, allowing them to play the
one trait at 2 (Style), one trait at 3 Bosses, Peons, and other Antagonist
(Weapon), one at 4 (Name), and two at Characters in a way that fits your
5 (Luck and Crime). So Gold Chimeras PCs story.
AP is 1d6, 1d8, 1d10, and 2d12 (see My final tip for creating Bosses and
page 5, under Character Traits). Peons is to keep in mind that YOU are
the one creating the challenges that
Tips for List Creation:
In order to get the your PC will face, and so it is up to
most out of your play experience, you you to make sure that you dont make
should ensure that each Boss on the things too easy (you wont gain enough
list has a well developed reason for Fuel for Fire, and youll constantly
being there. Ask yourself: fall into Binds) or too hard (again,
How does my PC know this Boss? youll constantly fall into Binds).
What did this Boss do to my PC to This game relies very strongly on
earn my PCs wrath? How does this good strategy and tactics, and its
justify their position on The List? surprisingly easy to shoot yourself
What sort of character is this in the foot without knowing it.
Boss? Once you have created your PC and
What is their occupation? The List, you have everything you
How did they get where they are need to play the game from beginning
today? to end, written right there on your
How will they react to my PC? Character Sheet. Good Luck!
Do they have any unique quirks
or characteristics, such as scars,
tattoos, a limp, or whatever? Karma
What sort of personality do they Your PC has a trait called Fuel,
have? which is how you track the damage
There is no real reason to write all that they recieve in a fight, and
this stuff down, because some of it which also can be burnt off to give
may change as you play and further you a serious advantage in the form
develop your own PC. But it is a of Fire (see Chapter 4: Doing Stuff).
great idea to start thinking about However, Bosses, Sub-Bosses, and
all this stuff when making your List, Peons do not have Fuel. Instead, they
and it will really help you later on have Karma.
when you have to narrate scenes with Unlike Fuel, Karma cannot be
these Bosses and describe them for burnt away, and cannot decrease
the Antagonists to play. except by being healed with Kick
Peons are a little easier. For by the Antagonists (see Chapter 6:
starters, considering your answers Competition). It does not decrease
to the above questions, you should with time. This means that if you
be able to imagine the sorts of Peons damage a Boss, then, as part of your
each Boss will have. Will they be story, many months go by before your
Chapter 3: The List
security guards? Employees? Friends? return to finish the job, that Boss
Soldiers? Mercenaries? Mafia thugs? will have the same amount of Karma as
Fans (if your Boss is a famous when you left them.
person)? Ninjas? When a character has taken enough
All you really have to do is justify damage to exceed their Maximum Karma,
why each Boss has Peons, and why they then they can no longer influence
have as many as they do. You dont the story, either by being dead or
have to consider why the Peons have rendered obsolete in some other way.
the Ranks that they do. The types of
Peons that they are (thugs, ninjas)
Doing Stuff This tells them to send the Boss
at you without the Peons. If you
make this gesture, you cannot burn
Blowing heads off, sending limbs Fuel, and you cannot kill the Boss.
flying, painting the decor red, Essentially this is to allow you
maiming, threatening, cooperating, to trigger a Bind (See Chapter 5:
gambling, escaping, racing, hacking, Growth).
and kicking ass: these are just some Holding both your hands in raised
of the fun things your character will fists, palms facing you, and
be doing in Scarlet Wake. This chapter extending the middle finger of both
is all about how you do stuff. First, hands. This tells the Antagonists
well deal with the most important that you think you are way too
part of Scarlet Wake: kicking ass, hardcore for your own good, so they
before moving on to other stuff. should send all the Peons AND the
Boss against you. This is also an
open invitation for them to spend
Kicking Ass all your Kick against you. If you
For the majority of combat situations manage to kill everyone in this
you are likely to get into, you will encounter without falling into a
use all your traits in your AP. Any Bind, then you gain double the
time you want to do something, you Name points from killing this Boss
roll your AP, and your opponents will and you have proven to the world
roll their AP against you. that you are cool enough to be the
coolest. If you fall into a Bind or
leave the encounter with someone
Waves left alive, you will have proven
In Scarlet Wake, combat is measured yourself to be an idiot, and you
in Waves. A Wave can consist of a lose all your Name points.
bunch of enemies engaging you, or Step 2: The Antagonists narrate how
a single opponent. A Wave does not the Peons (or Boss) are advancing
last for any specific length of time, on the PC, and this narration can be
and can be anything from a few brief as creative as the Antagonists wish.
seconds to a minute, depending on The Antagonists roll the dice for the
how the players narrate the events. Peons or Boss, at the same time as the
Additionally, a Wave does not consist Protagonist(s) roll their AP.
of any set number of attacks or Step 3: The Antagonists add up all
defences, but instead has as many the dice for the Peons or Boss, the
attacks as the players narrate. Protagonist(s) add up their AP(s),
However, each Wave only has one roll and the results are spoken aloud. The
for all participants, made at the Protagonist(s) then choose how they
beginning of the Wave. will distribute the points of the
Heres how a Wave works: rolls, before narrating the outcome
of the Wave, describing the resulting
Step 1: The Protagonist gives one of carnage in graphic detail.
four different types of signal to the
Antagonists. The four types of signal
Chapter 4: Doing Stuff
are: Damage
Holding up a number of fingers Damage to a PC is recorded as Fuel
equal to how many Peons you want on your character sheet, but damage
sent against you. to Peons and Bosses is recorded as
Holding both hands out, palms up, Karma. When you have taken enough
and waving them towards you. This damage to make you exceed your maximum
gestures Bring It On, and tells Fuel, your PC is forced into a Bind.
the Antagonists to send all the When a Peon or Boss has taken enough
remaining Peons at you. If there damage to exceed their Maximum Karma,
are no remaining Peons, this is they are dead or otherwise rendered
the gesture to send the Boss. incapacitated.
Pointing at the Antagonists. In a Wave, if the PCs roll is
higher than the opponents roll, your AP, and give a few examples of 13
then the PC can avoid all damage, specific tasks.
dealing the difference as damage to
the opponent. If the opponents roll Name: Are the people you are rolling
is higher, then the PC cannot avoid against familiar with you or your
damage, but can still choose to take reputation? Are you identifiable
more damage in order to deal damage as yourself (not wearing a mask or
to the opponents. hidden somehow)? If you answered yes
For example, Violent Angel rolls 27, to both of these, then you should use
and her opponents roll 34. No matter your Name trait in your AP.
what, Violent Angel will take at least
7 damage this Wave, and if this is all Style:Are you moving around in a
she takes, she cannot deal any damage vaguely impressive way? Are you
in return. However, she can choose speaking with someone in a vaguely
to take more damage, freeing up impressive way? If so, you should use
some of her own roll to deal damage your Style in your AP.
against her enemies. She chooses to
take a total of 14 damage, allowing Weapon: Are you holding your weapon?
her to deal 7 damage to her enemies. Does it help your cause to be holding
Peons that take damage without dying your weapon? If so, then you should
sit out the next Wave as they deal use your Weapon trait in your AP. It
with the pain. is important to note that this means
In the next wave, she rolls 32, and your exact weapon, as written on your
her opponents roll 29. Violent Angel Character Sheet. No other weapons can
can deal 3 points of damage to her ever give you a Weapon trait score.
enemies without taking any herself.
The Protagonist decides where damage Luck:Do you have your lucky charm?
is dealt and how, and narrates the If so, you should use your Luck in
result for the other players. your AP.
Make sure you remember to keep track
of the damage you take with your Fuel Grudge: Do you hate the person you
trait, and make sure to update your are rolling against? Are you rolling
Kick too. If you ever exceed your against a person because they are
maximum Fuel, you are forced into a preventing you from killing a Boss?
Bind (see Chapter 5: Growth). If so, you should use your Grudge in
your AP.
Jade Templar & Sapphire Knight: Jade Bringing the Pain: Fuel and Fire
Templar and Sapphire Knight have Fire can make a difficult battle,
decided that because they both want easy, or an impossible one, achievable.
to kill Boss number 3 on their Lists, It is your most powerful resource. By
but arent willing to share the kill, taking damage which increases your
that they will race each other to Fuel, you are building up the means
the Boss, with the winner getting to to really lay the smack down on your
take on the Boss alone. They agree opponents, by burning that Fuel into
on making 5 rolls, with the winner Fire.
of the most rolls winning the race. When you burn Fuel, you must decide
They arent using their Weapon trait how much you wish to burn. This number
for their rolls, but all their other must be an even number, because you
traits are important. will be dividing it by 2 to figure out
Jade Templar rolls 21, 17, 28, 36, how much Fire you gain. For example,
and 25 while Sapphire Knight rolls 30, if you burn 24 Fuel, you would gain
Chapter 4: Doing Stuff
you want a weapon with a score of 4, 2 was narrated well, the Antagonists
then all the possessors traits will must allow you to re-roll once any
be 4. You must defeat them in combat failed rolls that relate to your
without using Fire. past.
This possessor can never be a Boss. Phase 4: You must narrate your overall
What sort of freak are you anyway escape from the Bind, and what your
to want a weapon that belonged to a PC is thinking and feeling at that
person you loathe more than anything moment.
in the world? If you fail to escape the Bind
in Phase 3, the Antagonists get to
narrate the consequences of your Boss was spectacular enough that you 17
current Bind. These consequences would definitely make a name for
cannot include death or permanent yourself despite not killing them.
injury, but they can be nasty things You can introduce multiple Dilemmas
like putting your PC into a coma or per Boss, but each one must be new.
leaving you stranded somewhere. You
then fail your History Narration, and
cannot increase your Luck trait. Now Earning Honour
you are free to continue the narration Some say Honour is the only thing
of your PC. that cant be taken from you. Some
say it is the only true measure of a
persons worth. Whatever you believe,
Nursing Your Grudge there are only two ways you can
So you think you know what hate is increase your Honour. The first, is
do you? Well, here is how you can to allow a Boss to live by failing
prove it. To really test your Grudge, a Dilemma as discussed above. The
you must face a Boss, and introduce a second, is to accept another PCs
Dilemma. A Dilemma is something that offer to share the killing of a Boss
your PC feels very strongly about, (see Chapter 6: Competition).
and which threatens to prevent them
from killing this Boss. A few examples
might be: the Boss is pregnant, and Fluke Rolls
your character feels very strongly In a combat situation, if you and
about not taking the life of an your opponent(s) roll the same result,
unborn child; the Boss is the father its no big deal: no-one takes any
or mother of your PCs child, who damage. But what about when you are
they thought was dead; the Boss turns rolling for a win/lose situation, like
out to be your PCs long-lost parent trying to escape a Bind, overcome a
or sibling. Dilemma, or improve your Weapon? In
There are a few rules for how you these circumstances, rolling the same
must face and overcome a Dilemma, result as your opponent allows you
which must be narrated in 3 phases: to make a Fluke Roll. Heres how it
Phase 1: You must narrate the works:
introduction of the Dilemma, and First, determine if your result was
must narrate how your character feels even (2,4,6, etc.), or odd (1,3,5,
about the situation, and why it is a etc). This will determine the possible
true Dilemma for them. stakes for your Fluke Roll. Then you
Phase 2: You must roll your Grudge trait make your Fluke Roll (a re-roll)
against the Bosses Luck trait. If you with the consequences of success or
win, your Grudge increases by 1 point, failure determined by the result of
and you have proven that your hate is the intitial roll.
stronger than any other emotion you If the intitial roll was even, and
might feel. If you lose, you cannot you win on your Fluke Roll, your trait
bring yourself to kill that Boss, and increases by 2, instead of 1. If you
you lose 1 point of Grudge, but gain lose the Fluke Roll, you simply fail
1 point of Honour. If you wish, you the attempt as usual.
can sacrifice that point of Honour to If the intitial roll was odd, and
have the Antagonists make the Boss you lose on your Fluke Roll, your
Chapter 5: Growth
attack you anyway. trait decreases by 1. If you win the
Phase 3: You must narrate the overall Fluke Roll, then your trait increases
outcome of the Dilemma, and how by 1 as usual.
your PC is reacting to that outcome This is shown in the table below:
If you fail the Dilemma, and keep Initial Roll Lose Fluke Roll Win Fluke Roll
your Honour, then you dont recieve
the Name for that Boss. However, this Even 0 to trait +2 to trait
rule can be over-ridden by unanimous Odd -1 to trait +1 to trait
decision that your hunting of that
18 Keep in mind though, that this only etc. but you cannot narrate how the
applies to circumstances where you PC reacts to these things or what
can succeed or fail with a single they say.
roll, and this should only ever apply Whilst you cannot cause any
when you are attempting to increase permanent injury to a PC, you are
one of your traits via methods allowed a huge range of freedom
described earlier in this chapter. To within this rule. This is because in
re-cap, this means that a Fluke Roll Scarlet Wake, Permanent injury is
can only really apply to attempts at defined as: any injury which could
increasing your Style, Weapon, Luck, not reasonably heal within a year.
and Grudge. Additionally, any psychological
injury which does not have a brain-
damage component (which would be
Binds in Detail permanent) is automatically allowable
A PCs current Fuel can never exceed within this rule. Of course, if a
their maximum Fuel. This means that if PCs player explicitly agrees to it,
a PCs maximum Fuel is 26, then their then you can inflict permanent injury
current Fuel can never be more than to a PC, thus ignoring this rule.
26. However, a Bind is only triggered When narrating the conditions of the
when a PCs Fuel would exceed their Bind, you must keep in mind that there
maximum Fuel. How does this work? must be a concievable way for the
Well, say your PC has a maximum Fuel PC to escape from it. When actually
of 26, and they currently have 24 attempting to escape from a Bind, all
Fuel. If they take 2 points of damage a player needs to do is think up a
in the next Wave, then they would suitable plan of escape, and roll to
write down 26 as their current see if this plan succeeds. Such escape
Fuel, but will not have triggered plans should cover all the details of
a Bind. However, if they had taken the Bind, and should be sufficient to
any more than 2 damage, or if they completely escape the situation. For
took more damage next Wave, then they example, if part of the conditions of
would still write down 26 as their a Bind are that your PC is in a bag
current Fuel, but now they will have and bound in chains, then the plan
triggered a Bind. should include a narration for how
It should be noted that Fuel cannot they can free themselves of the bag,
decrease in any way other than to so that they can unlock the padlock
burn it into Fire. So if you get out on the chains, then free themselves
of a Bind, you will still have your of both bag and chains. Only one
maximum Fuel, so any further Fuel you roll is required per escape plan,
take will immediately trigger another regardless of complexity, and your AP
Bind. for this roll will be determined by
It should also be noted that Kick the details of your escape plan (see
only increases when Fuel increases, Chapter 4: Doing Stuff for details
so just because you might take more about which traits may apply). Only 3
damage than your maximum Fuel allows, rolls are allowed to escape a Bind.
does not mean you take more Kick than Once you have set the conditions of
the amount you write down as Fuel. a Bind, the player has the remainder
When a Bind is triggered, you of that scene to escape from the
immediately lose narration rights Bind. You cannot add any more
Chapter 5: Growth
over your PC, and the Antagonists conditions than those set initially.
narrate the outcome of that Wave, For example, if you fail to specify
before beginning a new scene to what a PC has on their person, the
narrate the conditions of the Bind. player may narrate that they have a
Whilst narrating the conditions of a lockpicking kit in their pocket, and
Bind, you cannot control the PC. You use this in their escape plan, and
may narrate things which happen to you cannot change this by adding a
the PC beyond the PCs control, such condition such as Oh yeah, you were
as being knocked unconscious, moved, naked in that bag.
beaten, tormented, gagged, bound,
Competition must let them play them as they wish.
However, if there is something really
important you wish to happen, you can
Scarlet Wake is a game which encourages tell the Antagonist how the character
player competition. You must prove must react, kinda like how a director
that you and your PC are cool enough tells the actors how they must portray
to be even cooler. You must be able a line. It is suggested you only do
to handle anything they throw at you, this when absolutely necessary.
no matter how depraved or horrible. It is also your duty to make sure
Furthermore, you must occasionally your scenes do not go for too long
face the other PCs head-on, as you or too short compared to the other
vie for the killing rights of Bosses. players scenes. If the other players
This chapter deals with the rules of feel you arent putting in enough
conduct when you are Protagonist, when effort, or are getting too carried
you are an Antagonist, and when your away, you must adjust your playing.
PCs must compete to kill a Boss. When in doubt, majority rules.
and tactics of a Protagonist can be increase traits this way, make sure
stopped dead. In short, Kick is the to increase their Maximum Karma.
Antagonists best friend.
You can use Kick at any time where it Deprive a PC of a trait:
For 5 Kick, you
is appropriate to a scene, and when it can dictate that a PC cannot use
would make life harder for a PC. The a particular trait for the next 5
only rule is that to signal the use Waves, losing that die from their AP.
of Kick, all Antagonists must wear a The only traits which can be deprived
sinister grin at the same time. this way are Name, Weapon, Luck, and
The different ways Kick can be spent Grudge. A PC cannot be deprived of
are shown in the table below, along more than 3 traits at a given moment
with how much Kick must be spent in through this method. All you have
order to achieve the effect. to do is pay the Kick, and declare
which traits cannot be used for the Kick, and two, it can only be used when 21
next 5 Waves, and the Protagonist a PC fails a Bind, during the stage
must justify narratively why this where you narrate the consequences.
is so. Example justifications might When you kill a PC this way, that
include: PCs Protagonist player remains in
Name: The opponents do not actually the game as an Antagonist, and also
know the PC, or do not care. gets 40 Kick, which they can add to
Weapon: The PC loses their weapon any players Character Sheet any
temporarily. time they choose. Thus, if you kill
Luck: The PCs lucky charm gets a players PC, they can now kill any
ripped off or falls off somehow. other PC that fails a Bind with 10 or
Grudge: The PC finds themselves more Kick.
respecting their opponents too much.
The PC must also narrate how they
get their trait back. Competing for Boss Killing Rights
If your List has names shared on
Cant Run, Cant Hide: By spending 10 Kick, other Lists, and it really should,
you can prevent a PC from leaving then there will inevitably come
their current encounter for 5 Waves. a time when you are faced with a
For example, if a PC decides to run choice: share the kill, or take it for
away from an encounter in order to yourself. In this section, well see
avoid being forced into a Bind, then how these situations are handled.
you can prevent them from doing so As will be discussed in Chapter 7:
for at least the next 5 Waves. Playing, play revolves around players
narrating scenes for their PCs. When
Introduce a Sub-Boss:
Sub-Bosses are the a player is seeking to kill one of
unique creations of the Antagonists. the people on their List, and that
They cannot be controlled by the person is also on another players
Protagonist, and control of them must List, then both players must compete
be shared amongst the Antagonists. To with each other. There must always be
bring them into play, you must pay 20 a fight before players can cooperate,
Kick out of the PCs Kick score, and and choosing to cooperate or not must
narrate their entrance, including who follow certain rules.
this Sub-Boss is, and why they are Whenever it has been identified that
interested in killing the PC. a player is attempting to kill a Boss
When they enter play, Sub-Bosses that appears on more than one List,
have exactly the same traits as the then all players whose Lists contain
PC they are opposing, with the only that Boss enter the scene (with
exceptions being that they do not have appropriate narration of course).
Honour, Fuel, or Fire (only PCs can There must be a fight between all the
have these traits). They have Maximum PCs. This fight does not have to be
Karma equal to the sum of their traits a literal fight, but could instead
multiplied by two (like all Bosses). be a race or some other contest,
If the PCs traits increase while a but it must involve at least as much
Sub-Boss is alive, the Sub-Boss risk for injury as a fight does, and Chapter 6: Competition
traits increase accordingly. is handled exactly as a fight, only
with different narration. An example
Cause a PC roll to fail:
By paying 30 Kick, of this can be seen on page 11 under
you can cause any PC roll to fail. the Jade Templar & Sapphire Knight
This only works when a roll can fail example, where these two characters
or succeed, so it doesnt work when are racing, and must narrate the
fighting. This is particularly nasty damage they recieve in accordance
when a PC is trying to overcome a Bind with the events of the race.
you set for them. Dont forget your For this fight, Fuel cannot be
sinister grin! burned. The winner is the last one
standing, and the losers are the PCs
Kill a PC: This effect has two who have reached their maximum Fuel
conditions. One, you must pay the 50 (triggering a Bind). The winner gets
22 to kill the Boss alone, keeping all
the Name points for themselves. The The Troubleshooting Rule
losers must deal with their Binds. If you are finding that some of your
However, at any point during the players dont seem to be very creative
fight, a PC can make an offer of or interesting in their narrations,
cooperation. then try this rule out.
At the end of every session, each
Offers of Cooperation:
When two or more player writes on a small piece of
PCs cooperate, they can kill the Boss paper the name of the player who they
together, and must split the Name thought narrated the coolest stuff
points between them, rounding up where that session. Get one player to count
necessary. By sacrificing 1 point of these votes, and determine who had the
Honour, a PC can offer to cooperate most votes for coolest narrations.
with another PC. If that PC accepts That player gets to choose one of
the offer, they gain 1 Honour, and two rewards: either they can add 1
the PC who offers cooperation regains point to any of their characters
their point of Honour that they just traits; or, they can subtract 1 point
sacrificed. from any trait of any other players
However, if a PC sacrifices 1 Honour character.
to make an offer of cooperation, and If two or more players are tied
the other PC rejects that offer, then for votes on having the coolest
the fight continues, but the outcome narrations, then these players must
can have varying effects: write down on scraps of paper which
If the PC who rejects cooperation reward option they intend to use, and
wins the fight, then they dont have who they will use it against. These
to share the Boss. scraps of paper are then revealed
If the PC who rejects cooperation simultaneously, and then are carried
loses the fight, they also lose 1 out. This step is simply to prevent
point of Honour, and are left with a players changing their minds about
Bind, which the player of the winning the rewards they choose based on the
PC defines. decisions of the other player(s).
If the PC who offers cooperation This rule is only intended for use
wins the fight, then they dont have when one or more players in a group
to share the Boss, and they regain are not putting as much effort into
the point of Honour they sacrificed their narrations as they could and
to make the offer. would like to. If this rule does work,
If the PC who offers cooperation then consider abandoning it after a
loses the fight, then they gain 1 few sessions. If it does not work,
point of Grudge, and are left with a meaning the quality of narrations
Bind, which the player of the winning does not increase, then discontinue
PC defines. using this rule, and evaluate whether
there is in fact a problem with the
Multiple PCs Competing for Bosses:The narrations. If there is a problem,
above rules work exactly the same for and your group feels this problem is
multiple PCs, only becoming slightly infringing on their enjoyment of the
Chapter 6: Competition
more dynamic in how the players can game, then perhaps it would be best
choose to interact with making offers for your group if the problem player
of cooperation. does not play this game with you.
Additionally, when three or more There are plenty of other enjoyable
PCs are fighting, all players roll games available which may be better
once, and the player with the highest suited for your group, and theres no
roll decides how they are going to point playing a game if you or your
distribute their damage between the friends are not having fun with it.
opponents, the player with the next
highest roll does the same, and so on,
until all damage has been distributed.
The player who takes the most damage
narrates the outcome of that Wave.
Playing clearly significant occurrence in
the story, such as the killing of a
Boss, an attempt to increase a trait
Now that you are familiar with all (failed or succeeded, see Chapter
the rules of the various aspects of 5: Growth), or the revelation of
Scarlet Wake, its time to bring them something important about one of the
all together. This chapter will first characters.
present the way play is structured,
and then provide a demonstration of Encounter:An encounter can sometimes
most of the rules in practice through seem a little hard to define, but its
an example of play. really quite simple. An encounter is
defined as a period of time within a
scene during which a PC is engaged in
Play Structure successive Waves with no significant
Scarlet Wake has seven levels which pause in combat. A significant pause
define play, from broad to specific. in this context means being forced into
These seven levels are: Game, Session, a Bind, a scene change, or the death
Turn, Scene, Event, Encounter, and of all current opponents. A typical
Wave. Each level contains all the example might be a single encounter
levels after it, and following are during which all Peons are fought,
the definitions of each: and then a seperate encounter where
the Boss is fought. If there is any
Game: A game is defined by a group doubt about whether an encounter has
of players playing Scarlet Wake from ended or not, or where an encounter
Character Creation to Endgame, each ends and a new one begins, majority
one having cleared their Lists. This rules.
may span many days, which need not be Fuel can only be burnt into Fire
consecutive. A game usually contains between encounters, never during
several sessions. one.
least partially be spent with each the first scene for a players first
player creating their character. This turn, and every scene immediately
is important because it allows Bosses following the killing of a Boss. A
to be shared optimally, and it also Snippet scene must reveal something
gets everyone thinking about the game about the PCs past, something about
so they are all ready when it starts. their hunting of those on The List,
You should allow for about an hour for or something personal about them
everyone to create their characters which has or will have relevance to
and organise their Lists. their story. A Snippet scene cannot
be used for Growth.
64 Scene Locations In a casino.
In an office building.
In a hotel.
On a battlefield.
On a train. In a graveyard. In a submarine.
In an alley. At a public school. In a research laboratory.
In a night-club. At an internet cafe. At the zoo.
At a movie. On an island. In a mansion.
On a bus. In a seedy motel. In the middle of a protest.
At the beach. At a resaurant. On a snowy mountain.
In a hospital. Somewhere famous. In a castle.
On the highway. At an abottoir. On a cliff-face.
In a dirty apartment. At a construction site. In a helicopter.
On a busy street. In a secret lair. Somewhere haunted.
In the desert. In a dungeon. At a concert.
On a plane. In the middle of nowhere. At an airport.
At an awards ceremony. On a live TV set. Wherever you are now.
In a penthouse. In a park. In cyberspace.
At the pool. On top of a building. In a bar.
In a dojo. In a prison. At a major sporting event.
At someones house. In a factory. In a police station.
In the jungle. At a brothel. At a birthday party.
On a boat. In a warehouse. At a wrecking yard.
In a military base. In a church. On a parade float.
When it is your turn, use a die to power over events and your PC, so you
show which scene you are up to, to help can narrate them any way you choose.
the other players be certain about
the ending of your scenes. Remeber, Organizing Encounters:
There really
no scene can last for more than 10 isnt much you need to do to organise
minutes, unless all the players agree an encounter. Simply initiate a
on a new time-limit, and strictly Wave with the gestures in Chapter
adhere to it. 4 and youre in an encounter. Stop
the Waves and do something else and
Organizing Events:
Whenever you begin a youre out of the encounter. Simple.
scene, you should have a clear idea On a grander scale, however, you might
about the event that this scene will want to give some thought about when
lead up to, and at least a rough you want encounters and what purpose
idea about how it will proceed. Only they serve. Its usually best to use
significant occurances can count Peon encounters before you take on
as an event. Such occurances might the Bosses, and to gain as much Fuel
be the killing of a Boss, doing as you can from the Peons.
everything required to increase a
trait (regardless of whether or not Organizing Waves:
The only real advice
you succeed), or revealing something I can give you is to try to get a feel
very important about your PC or one for how many Peons you can handle for
of the Bosses on your List. If you each Wave. Try not to waste them by
Chapter 7: Playing
fail to do any of these things within calling on too few, though sometimes
the time you have to narrate a scene, this can be better than calling on
then you can still finish an event in too many. Practise makes perfect!
the next scene, but you should try
to press harder. Scarlet Wake is not
a game about admiring the flowers. Narration Rights
There are only 3 things important in This section is essentially a
this game: being cool, kicking ass, distilling of points covered in
and becoming cooler. various sections throughout this
That said, you have total narrative rulebook, presented in one place for
26 easy reference. direction you are aiming for.
It should be noted that whilst one Both Antagonists and Protagonists
player may have narration rights over need to cooperate and work off each
a particular aspect of the game, this other by contributing equally to the
does not in any way preclude other renditions of the characters and the
players from making suggestions or fleshing out of the scene.
requests. It only means that this
player has the final say. Scene Narration:Antagonists have the
right to introduce almost anything
Wave Narration:Antagonists have full into a scene, from details about
narration rights over how opponents surrounding structures or props,
enter a Wave, including descriptions to information about the situation.
of things like what weapons they have, However, Protagonists have the right
how they are moving, special effects, to refuse anything introduced this
what they look like, any sounds they way if it deviates too strongly from
make, and how the scenery is used. their goals for their PCs story.
Protagonists have full narration Protagonists have full narration
rights over how the opponents leave rights over a scene, where it is
the Wave, including how the PC located (see 64 Scene Locations on
interacts with them, the result of previous page for some ideas), how
this interaction, and how they may their PC sees and reacts within that
die. scene, as well as their motivations.
Antagonists narrate before the Protagonists also have the right
roll, and Protagonists narrate after to override most things that the
the roll. Antagonists may introduce into a
scene, but this should rarely be
Encounter Narration:
Antagonists can necessary. In fact, it is often far
spend Kick to introduce new Peons easier to work collaboratively with
or Sub-Bosses to begin an encounter the Antagonists to set a scene, because
with a PC whenever they want. They it shares the workload around.
have full narration rights over the There are a few exceptions to the
entry of these characters and the above rules. When narrating a Bind,
initiation of the encounter. Antagonists have full narration
Protagonists have full narration rights over the scene of a Bind,
rights over the ending of any and this goes for any narrations of
encounter, and over the beginning of Bind consequences if the PC fails to
an encounter with any characters on escape. Additionally, Antagonists
their Lists (including Peons). have the right to end a scene if the
Protagonist goes over the 10 minute
Event Narration: Antagonists have scene limit.
narration rights over how all non- Antagonists can never control how
PC characters are played, but cannot a PC is played, and Protagonists can
prevent a PC from reaching the focus never control how an AC is played.
of an event. The goal is not to
obstruct the Protagonists story,
but to participate in its telling. Play Example
You have every right to spice things The following is a short example of
up and bring your ACs to life, but how a game of Scarlet Wake might play
Chapter 7: Playing
keep in mind the direction that the out. There are 3 players; Jodi, Andy,
Protagonist needs. and Mark. Jodis PC is Violent Angel,
Protagonists have narration rights and for this example we are only
over what events will be sought going to deal with her first turn to
after, and how they will unfold. play her PC. Player names will be in
Remember though, that you can only bold. Player actions such as speaking
control your own PC, so you will need out-of-character will be in bold,
to cooperate with the Antagonists to while commentary by me about whats
give them enough information about happening will be italicised.
their characters and the general
The End is the Beginning. Chapter 1. scenes important character roles to 27
We begin our example with the first the other players.
turn, which was decided by rolling a Jodi: Ok that was scene one...
d12 to be Jodis turn. All the players Mark: Awww what?! What the hell just
are sitting around a table with their happened?
character sheets and dice in front of Jodi: Shhh. Andy, youre gonna play
them, with drinks and munchies within a tall and attractive young cop, but
easy reach of everyone. Because it is he isnt particularly bright. Hes
her first scene in her first turn, investigating a murder, and right now
Jodi must narrate her first scene as hes at the victims house, searching
a Snippet. for clues. Mark, you are going to play
a short, balding, grumpy detective
Scene 1:Looking down at her character at the same house. This detective
sheet to jog her memory, Jodi begins has only seen pictures of the victim
narration of the Snippet through the after she died. In case you hadt
eyes of her PC: guessed, the victim is my character,
Jodi: A frozen shock cracks through and youre at her house.
her bones, instantly forcing her Mark: Ok, cool.
mind awake and her eyes wide open. Andy: Alright.
Suddenly her chest burns like fire, Jodi: There are also a bunch of other
and convulsions rack her body. Her cops there, searching for clues. Ready?
movements feel slow, as if being Ok. I awake with a start, staring at
held back, and all she sees is a few a grey blur until my eyes focus on a
shining white spots, sparkling amidst familiar ceiling. I look around, to
a blackish blue wash. Fear tears find myself in my room. Sitting up, I
her mind open, and what is revealed try to remember what happened, but my
terrifies her more, and in that instant head hurts when I try. I look around
she knows she is dying, drowning. my room again, and notice that it
She tries to scream, but her body seems different somehow, but I cant
is again racked by convulsions which recall exactly how it was supposed to
threaten to break her in half, and her look. It just feels different. Then
lungs burn hotter. Flailing wildy, I notice something that Im sure Ive
she seeks the surface, unmoving. never seen before: a black sword with
She struggles harder, fueled by pure a silver serpent engraved into the
panic and burning pain, unmoving. sheath, resting on my couch. I walk
Through a distant cold numbness, she over to it, and as I pick it up, it
feels her feet bound and weighted. A suddenly feels right, as if it is a
human anchor in a dark cold void, only part of me, and I feel somehow whole.
her screaming pain and the sparkles Suddenly, I hear voices coming...Jodi
of the moon on the surface to witness gestures towards Andy.
her end. Andy: Look, Im telling you, Ive
And now she floats, eyes unblinking, been through her room already, theres
watching as tiny pale specks float nothing in here but some clothes and
through the water before her, their candles. This girl loved her damn
delicate dance in slow motion. Her candles...
hair drifts before her eyes like Jodi: As I hear that, I quickly look
blackened fingers, reaching out to around, astonished to see all the
touch her... and in her last moment candles in my room! Ive never liked
Chapter 7: Playing
of awareness, she reaches out to the candles! Worse, all the candles are
black fingers which seek to engulf black, and look as if theyve been
her... used before.
... and finds a hand, attached to Andy: The two cops stop outside the
a figure in white, as all turns to door, one of them continuing: ...
dark, and life is snuffed away. and if you ask me, she was probably
Jodi decides that she wants to keep into the occult, what with all the
the other players guessing, so she candles being black and all. The
declares the beginning of the next other cop says Maybe she just liked
scene, and must now distribute this the colour, did you ever think of
28 that? Anyways, Barker says we gotta Mark: Is this what youre looking
go over everything one more time, so for? I hold up the sword, admiring
we are gonna go over everything one its beauty.
more time. I open the door to the Jodi: I nod. May I have it back,
room. please?
Jodi: You see me standing inside, Mark: I take a seat on a couch
dressed in a full-length white dress facing you. That depends maam.
with a black coat over the top, First, Im going to need to ask you
holding a shiny black and silver a few questions, and youre going to
katana. I look slightly startled have to give me a few answers.
and afraid, like I was expecting Jodi: What do you want to know?
intruders, but wasnt really ready to Mark: What are you doing here, and
deal with them. how did you get in?
Andy: Woah, says a tall and Jodi: This is my house. I just woke
handsome cop. Holy... says the up before I found you lot in here.
other one, who looks like a total Im developing a scowl as I talk.
rookie. Both of them draw their guns Andy: Thats what she said before.
and aim at you. Put down the sword But Tommy searched that room no more
maam. than an hour ago, and he never saw no
Jodi: I pause for a moment, then sleeping lady.
sheath my sword. What the hell are Mark: Nodding: You look familiar
you doing in my house? maam, have we met before?
Andy: Turning to Mark: Dude, you Jodi: I notice that this detective
play this other cop with me. Mark does look familiar, but I cant think
nods. Maam, this is a crime scene. of why. I dont think so. I turn
This isnt your house, the lady who to the good-looking cop, Im telling
lived here died. How did you get in the truth, maybe Tommy wasnt doing
here? I dont lower my gun. his job. I DID just wake up, and
Jodi: I am thrown for a second, as I this IS my house. What the hell are
look at all the black candles around you guys doing here, and why are you
the room, but the rest of it looks interrogating me in my own home?
exactly the same. I look confused, Mark: Were investigating a murder
but I say: This IS my house, and as maam, the murder of the lady who
you can see, Im clearly not dead. lived here. So you see, this cant
As soon as I say that, hundreds of be your house, because you arent
images burn through my mind, too fast dead.
to notice, but a few of them linger Jodi: As you say that, another
for just long enough for me to see: barrage of images sears through
a man dressed all in white, radiating my mind, most dissapearing as soon
light and warmth, holding a golden as they appear. But one sticks out
quill; two mens faces staring at me above the others, a man in a grey
as they lean over a railing, growing pin-stripe suit, handing money to
smaller rapidly; a woman wearing way a prostitute; taking money from a
too much make-up and a too-short man dressed in black; tying down a
skirt, accepting a thick wad of cash screaming man and cutting him up with
from a man in a grey pin-stripe suit; a butchers knife; pushing a litle
a vial of blue liquid in a purse. girl on a swing; tying her down to a
Too many images, and I collapse into table as she whimpers... the images
Chapter 7: Playing
stuck in the neck of his comrade. He Jodi: Well then. I lift myself up
holsters his pistol and cuffs you, as high as I can, and with all my
before pulling you roughly to your strength, I smash myself into the
feet. Should we call an ambulance? table, breaking it in half as I crash
he asks the detective. Nah. Bitch onto the floor. I quickly untie my
killed Ryan, Ive got a better idea. hands and feet and filled with fear-
The last thing you see is his fist. fueled rage, I grab my sword as the
And thats the end of scene 2. detective comes down the stairs. And
Andy: When you finally open your thats the end of that scene, and
eyes, everything looks very dark and also the end of my turn.
Endgame Cameo Appearances by...
When all Bosses on all Lists are
dead, each player narrates one last One rule which you may choose to implement in
scene, describing the outcome from your future games is to allow old characters from
the perspective of their PC. The game previous games to appear on The Lists of new
is now officially ended, and its characters, or to be potential Sub-Bosses for the
time to determine who won the game. Antagonists to introduce with Kick. This can be quite
a fun way to play, especially when you get to kill your
old characters in epic battles. Or even better, other
Winning players characters.
Winning the game is a matter of being
the most successful at improving your The reasons for doing so could be many, and might
PC and killing Bosses. To determine even be the basis of your new characters concept.
this, add up the scores of all these For example, maybe when your old character killed
traits: Name, Style, Weapon, Luck, one of the Bosses on their List, they actually killed
Grudge, and Honour. Whoever has the your new characters mother, while they watched
highest total, is the winner, and unseen, vowing revenge.
everyone else is a loser.
If you are the winner, make sure
you gloat and rub it in, by dancing,
poking fun, throwing things at the Play Style Ideas
losers, grinning annoyingly for the In the examples in this rulebook, I
next week, and reminding the losers have used a style of a modern world
at every opportunity of how much similar to our real world (with
cooler than them you truly are. perhaps a hint of a supernatural
If you are a loser, you suck, and bent), but where swords and stuff are
clearly arent cool enough to play still used.
anything. This section is devoted to all the
Im just kidding. You can still play various ways you can play Scarlet
solitaire. Wake and have a blast.