Game Setup Player Decks Mastermind and Scheme
Give each player their own personal 12-card deck, made of Pick 1 Mastermind at random. Put the Mastermind card
these cards: faceup on the Mastermind space on the board. Take the 4
Legendary: Mastermind Tactics cards that match the Mastermind you
8 S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents selected. Put them underneath the Mastermind card, facedown
4 S.H.I.E.L.D. Troopers in random order.
8 HYDRA Operatives
4 HYDRA Soldiers Pick 1 Scheme card at random. Put it faceup on the Scheme
space on the board. Each Scheme card has a "Setup" section.
Follow the setup instructions for that Scheme now. A Scheme
card's "Setup" section always tells you how many "Scheme
Twist" cards to put into the Villain Deck. Put that many Scheme
Twist cards onto the Villain Deck space to start the Villain Deck.
Many Schemes also have unique special rules.
Game Stacks
Put these stacks of cards faceup on their spaces on the board.
Use all the cards of each type:
30 S.H.I.E.L.D. Officers Card
30 Wounds Type
30 Bystanders
Special Ability
12 Madame HYDRA
15 New Recruits
30 Bindings
Pick 1 Plot card at random. Put it faceup on the Scheme Now add Villain/Adversary Groups to the Villain/Adversary
space on the board. Each Plot card has a "Setup" section. Deck. A Villain/Adversary Group is a group of eight
Follow the setup instructions for that Plot now. A Plot card's Villain/Adversary cards that work together, like "HYDRA",
"Setup" section always tells you how many "Plot Twist" cards to "Skrulls", "X-Men First Class" or "Marvel Knights". Each
put into the Adversary Deck. Put that many Plot Twist cards onto Villain/Adversary card lists its Villain/Adversary Group under its
the Adversary Deck space to start the Adversary Deck. Many card name. The more players you have in the game, the more
Plots also have unique special rules. Villain Groups/Adversary you use, as shown in this table:
Number Henchmen
Name of Groups/Backup Bystanders
Players Adversaries
1 1 1* (3 cards) 1
2 2 1 2
3 3 1 8
4 3 2 8
5 4 2 12
Card * (1-player solo play uses only 3 cards from Henchmen Group/Backup
Type Adversaries instead of all 10 cards. For important details about solo
play, see pages 18-19.)
To Add Villain/Adversary Groups:
Special Ability Each Mastermind/Commander card says that the
Mastermind/Commander "Always Leads" a particular
Villain Deck Villain/Adversary Group or Henchman Group/Backup
Add 5 Master Strike cards to the Villain Deck. Adversaries. Be sure to include that group as one of the groups
you add to the Villain/Adversary Deck.
Pick the other Villain/Adversary Groups at random.
For each Villain/Adversary Group you pick, add all 8 Villain
cards from that Villain/Adversary Group to the deck.
Villain /
Adversary Deck
Add 5 Command Strike cards to the Adversary Deck.
To Add Henchman Groups/Backup
Pick the listed number of Henchmen Groups/Backup
Adversaries at random. Henchmen/Backup Adversaries are
weaker Villains/Adversaries where each group has 10 identical
cards. Add those cards to the Villain/Adversary Deck.
To Add Bystanders:
Check the table to the left to see how many Bystander cards On Your Turn:
to add to the Villain/Adversary Deck. Add cards at random from On your turn, you do 3 things:
the facedown Bystander Deck, so you might add any 1. Play the top card of the Villain/Adversary Deck.
combination of regular Bystanders and Special Bystanders. 2. Play cards from your hand, using them to recruit and fight.
3. Discard your hand and draw 6 new cards.
Victory Points
Starting the Game Ability
Attack: You must
Shuffle the Villain/Adversary Deck. Put it face-down on the
spend this much
Villain/Adversaries space.
attack to defeat this
Shuffle the Hero/Ally Deck. Put it face-down on the Hero/Ally
space. Flip 5 cards from the Hero/Ally Deck face up into the 5
Hero Spaces in the HQ/Lair.
Each player shuffles their own personal deck and draws a
To have the Villain/Adversary invade/enter the city, here's what
hand of 6 cards from it.
you do:
Choose a player to go first. Players take turns in clockwise
Villain/Adversary Enters the City
Move the new Villain/Adversary into the city space closest to the Villain/Adversary Deck. That city space is labeled either "Sewers" or
"Bridges". (Villains/Adversaries in the city are always face up.)
Overrun Effect
New Villain Might Have an Ambush Effect If the Villain/Adversary Deck Card Is a
If the new Villain has an "Ambush" effect on its card, do what it Scheme/Plot Twist:
says. Remember: if a Villain escaped when this new Villain A Scheme/Plot Twist card represents the Scheme/Plot moving
appeared, handle all the Escape effects for the escaping Villain forward towards victory for the Mastermind/Commander. Every
before handling any Ambush effect for the new Villain. Scheme/Plot works in a different way, with its Scheme/Plot
Twists doing a specific thing related to that Scheme/Plot. When
a Scheme/Plot Twist card is played, look at the "Twist" effect on
the main Scheme/Plot card and do what it says. Put the
Scheme/Plot Twist in the KO pile unless the Scheme/Plot tells
you to put it somewhere else. Some Schemes/Plots say they do
something special when a certain number of Twists come up.
Ambush Effect
Step 2) Play Cards from Your Hand, Using A card's hero/ally class is shown with the class icon in
the card's upper left, and also in the color of the card's border.
Them to Recruit and Fight
Some Superpowers use a team icon like Avengers
The only types of cards that can be in your hand are
Heroes/Allies and Wounds/Bindings. Here are the different or X-Men instead of a hero/ally class icon. These work the
parts of a Hero/Ally card: same way as Superpowers that use hero/ally class icons. A
Hero/Ally Card card's team icon is in the card's upper-left-hand corner.
Team Icon Name Important: You can only use a card's Superpower once,
even if you played two or more cards of the required hero/ally
Hero/Ally Type Hero Name class earlier in the turn.
Icon However, a few Superpower abilities will explicitly tell
you to count a number of cards played earlier in a turn, by
Recruit Points:
saying something like " : You get +1 for each other
Use these to
recruit More Special abilities Hero/Ally played this turn."
Heroes/Allies You must use the Superpower ability if you can (unless the
ability says "You may...")
Attack: Use Cost: How many The more Heroes/Allies of the same class you recruit, the more
this to defeat Recruit Points it often you will be able to use your Superpower Abilities! A deck
Villians/Adversaries cost to add this focusing on one or two classes can be very powerful.
Hero/Ally to your
"Critical Hit" Superpower Abilities
After you play the top card of the Villain/Adversary Deck, you Some Superpower abilities show two icons instead of one, like:
play the cards from your hand. Some of your cards produce : You get +3
"Recruit Points" that let you recruit more Heroes/Allies. Other You can only use this Superpower ability if you have played
cards produce "Attack" that let you defeat Villains/Adversaries. cards with both of those icons earlier in your turn.
Some cards give you special abilities, like drawing more cards. For example, you can only use the Superpower ability on
Here's what you do: Hidden Weapons if you have played both another card and an
Play each card in your hand in any order, one at a time. card earlier in the turn.
Each time you play a card, do what that card says. Playing Hidden Weapons by itself isn't enough to satisfy its
You also get any Recruit Points listed in the Recruit own requirement. You must have already played another
icon on the card. card earlier in the turn. That could be another copy of Hidden
You also get any Attack listed in the Attack icon on the Weapon or could be a different card.
Some cards have a number like "2+" inside their Recruit icon. Example of Superpower Abilities:
The "2" means that you always get at least 2 Recruit Points from
that card. The "+" symbol means that you might get even more Thor's "Odinson" card, shown here, always gives you 2 Stars
Recruit Points based on what the card says in its special ability. when you play it, even if you don't have any other ("Strength
Keep the cards you play in front of you until the end of your Hero") cards.
turn. But if you have already played another IP card earlier in the
turn, then you can use Odinson's Superpower ability to get an
additional 2 Stars, so that Odinson gives you 4 Stars in total.
The card you played earlier in the turn could be a*Captain
America card, another b*:Thor card, or even another copy of
If you play two Odinson cards as your first two cards of the
turn, you won't get to use the Superpower ability for the first
Odinson card you play this turn, but you will get to use the
Superpower for the second Odinson card you play this turn. So
you would get 6 Stars total.
Superpower Ability
Some cards have a Superpower ability with a hero class icon
and a colon, like
You get +1
You can use that special Superpower ability only if you have
already played another card of that hero/ally class earlier in your
Recruiting Heroes/Allies and Fighting Step 3) Discard Your Hand and Draw 6 New
Villains/Adversaries Cards
In between playing cards from your hand, or after you've played At the end of your turn, put all the cards you played this turn
all your cards, you can recruit any number of Heroes/Allies and into your discard pile.
fight any number of Villains/Adversaries. You can recruit and Also discard any cards in your hand that you didn't play this
fight in the same turn. If you wish, you can play some cards, turn. (You don't have to play all the cards from your hand if you
recruit a Hero/Ally, play some more cards, fight a don't want to.)
Villain/Adversary, play your last cards, then Recruit another Then draw six new cards from your deck. If you don't have
Hero/Ally. The order is up to you. enough cards left in your deck to draw six, then shuffle your
entire discard pile into a new face down deck, as described
How to Recruit a Hero/Ally: below.
You spend Recruit Points to recruit Heroes/Allies from the
HQ/Lair, one at a time. The "HQ/Lair" area of the game board
has five spaces. Those five spaces always contain exactly five Shuffling Your Discard Pile into a New Deck
Heroes/Allies, all face up. You can also recruit "S.H.I.E.L.D. Whenever you don't have any cards left in your deck, and you
Officer/Madame HYDRA" and "New Recruits" from the stacks still need to draw more cards, shuffle your discard pile to form a
on the game board. To recruit a Hero/Ally: new face down deck. Then draw the rest of the cards you need.
Spend Recruit Points equal to that Hero's cost and put that For example, if you deck has two cards left and you need to
Hero into your discard pile. A Hero's/Ally's cost and put into your draw six, then you draw those two cards from your deck, then
discard pile. The hero's/Ally's cost is in its lower right corner. shuffle your discard pile to form a new deck, then draw your next
When your deck runs out and you shuffle your discard pile to 4 cards from the newly shuffled deck.
make a new deck, you will soon draw that new Hero/Ally and be If your deck exactly runs out, and you don't yet have to draw
able to use their abilities. more cards, don't shuffle your discard pile to form a new deck
Then refill the empty space in the HQ/Lair with a new card from yet. You only shuffle your discard pile to form a new deck when
the Hero/Ally Deck, face up. Whenever there is an empty space you need to draw a card from your deck and cannot.
in the HQ/Lair for any reason, you refill that space immediately In the unusual case that your deck runs out, you have to draw
with the top card of the Hero/Ally Deck, face up. You can even more cards, but you have no more cards left in your discard pile
recruit a Hero/Ally, see what new Hero/Ally appears in its place to shuffle into a new deck, then you just can't draw any more
from the Hero/Ally Deck, and then recruit that new Hero/Ally too, cards his turn.
if you have enough Recruit Points. Sometimes a card effect tells you to reveal the top card of
your deck or do something else with the top card of your deck,
How to Fight a Villain/Adversary: and you don't have any cards left in your deck, if that happens,
You use Attack to fight any number of Villains/Adversaries in the shuffle your discard pile into a new deck, then do the "reveal the
city, one at a time. It doesn't matter which city space holds the top card" effect or other effect.
Villain/Adversary. To fight a Villain/Adversary, do these steps in
Spend Attack equal to that Villain's/Adversary's Attack to
A Mastermind/Commander is a powerful, ingenious leader that
defeat it.
commands the Villains/Adversaries and works to accomplish a
Put the defeated Villain/Adversary and any Bystanders it
Scheme/Plot. A player can choose to fight the
captured/guarding into your personal Victory Pile.
Mastermind/Commander just like fighting a Villain/Adversary.
If the Villain/Adversary card has a "Fight" effect on it, do what
Like any other fight, you have to spend Attack equal to the
it says.
Mastermind's/Commander's Attack to fight that
Then, if any of those Bystanders had special effects that
occur when you rescue/kidnap them, do those effects.
You can only fight a Villain/Adversary if you have at least as Mastermind/Commander Card
much Attack as the Villain's/Adversary's Attack value. As you
play Heroes/Allies from your hand, you generate a pool of Attack Name
that you can spend to defeat Villains/Adversaries that turn. You
don't have to match up specific Heroes/Allies against specific Card Type
Villains/Adversaries. You can also fight the
Mastermind/Commander - see the Masterminds/Commanders
section for details.
their own 5-space Lair, while all the Heroic players recruit To "throw" a Thrown Artifact, put it on the bottom of your deck
Good Heroes from the HQ as normal! and use its ability. (Just like Thor's Hammer, a Thrown Artifact
Or flip it around, with several Villainous players can return to your hand very quickly!)
using Allies from the Legendary Villains set against a You can control multiple Artifacts with the same card name.
single Good Commander Player recruiting Heroes! You can throw as many Artifacts as you want in a turn. You
can only throw during your turn.
Keyword Abilities
Artifacts and Card Effects
Abomination If a card effect asks you to "Reveal a Ally," you may
This keyword ability is used by Villains that are twisted genetic
reveal a Ally Artifact you control. Card effects that say "your
experiments of HYDRA scientists. It means "This Villain gets +
Allies" or "Allies you have" include Ally Artifacts you control as
equal to the printed of the Hero in the HQ space under this
Villain's city space."
However, you only "played" as Artifact on the turn you put it
Likewise, "Ultimate Abomination" means "This Mastermind out, so it only activates the turn you put it out, so it only activates
gets + equal to the total printed of all the Heroes in the
HQ." Superpower Abilities (Like: You get +1 ") on the turn you
play the artifact, not every turn of the game.
An Abomination Villain's can go up and down as the Villain
moves through the city. (Likewise, card effects that count "each Ally you play this
turn" only count an Artifact if you played it this turn.)
You can use Artifacts during the Final Showdown.
Artifacts If the card effect like Rogue, Chameleon, or Star-Lord would
This set also contains powerful new "Artifact" cards that players let you "copy" a Thrown Artifact card, use that Artifact's "When
can use for permanent advantages. Some Hero cards are also you throw this" ability once, and there is no other effect. (Don't
Artifacts. (They still count as Hero cards too.) When you gain a put anything on the bottom of your deck.)
Hero Artifact, put it in your discard pile like any other Hero card.
When you draw the Artifact later in the game, you may play it in
front of you and use its effects, usually once on each of your
turns. This means you "control" that Artifact. At the end of your This keyword represents some X-Men going into a berserker
turn, when you discard all the cards you played that turn, the rage of unpredictable violence.
Artifacts you control stay in. Berserk means Discard the top card of your deck. You
You can use an Artifact on the first turn you play it. get + equal to the discarded cards printed . (So, if
You can control multiple Artifacts with the same card name the discarded card gives 2+ , you just count 2.)
and use each of them. Some cards say, Berserk, Berserk, Berserk so you discard
You can't use your Artifacts "once per turn" abilities during three cards in a row.
other player's turn. Some cards say things like Berserk, X-Gene : You get
Id a card effect during any player's turn ask you to "Reveal a
Hero," you may reveal a Hero Artifact you control. +1 . You do the card abilities in order, so Berserk might
Card effects that say "your Heroes" or "Heroes you have" discard a card from your deck, letting you use your
include Hero Artifacts you control as well. X-Gene ability.
However, you only "played" an Artifact on the turn you put it Berserk gives no benefit from discarding printed or
out, so it only activates Superpower Abilities (like " : You values.
get+1 ") on the turn you play the Artifact, not every turn of
the game. Likewise, card effects that count "each Hero you
played this turn" only count an Artifact if you played it this turn. Bribe
You don't have to use an Artifact's abilities on a turn if you You can fight villains with the keyword "Bribe" by spending any
don't want to. combination of Attack and/or Recruit points. For example, you
If you are using the Final Showdown, you can use Artifacts may play two S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents and two S.H.I.E.L.D. Troopers
during your Showdown Turn. to fight the +4 Maggia Goons.
If a card effect like Rogue or Chameleon would let you "copy"
an Artifact card, then you can use that Artifact's "Once per turn" Burrow
ability once, and there is no other effect. Subterranea Villains use the new Burrow keyword. This allows
them to retreat by digging to safety when they are attacked.
Thrown Artifacts "Burrow" means:
Some Ally Cards in this set are "Thrown Artifacts". These are "Fight: If the Streets were empty, put this Villain back into the
Artifact cards that a player can "throw" at the perfect moment. Streets."
When you gain an Ally card that's an arifact, put it into your When you fight a Villain with Burrow, do all of that Villain's Fight
discard pile like any other Ally. When you draw that Artifact later effects. You rescue any Bystanders the villain may have
in the game, you may play it in front of you when the time comes. captured as normal. Then, if the "Streets" city space was empty,
This means you "control" that Arifact. At the end of your turn, put that Villain back into the Streets space. This means that to
when you discard all the cards you played that turn, the Artifacts stop a Villain with Burrow permanently, you have to:
you control stay in front of you for future turns and are not Fight it while it's in the Streets, or
discarded. Fight it while another Villain occupies the Streets, or
Fight it once to drive it back to the Streets then fight it again in
"Throwing" an Artifact the Streets to finish it.
If you fight a Villain with Burrow twice in a turn, you'll do that
Villain's "Fight" effects twice. Cards that do something "when Dodge cards have conditional effects so that sometimes you
you defeat" a Villain still work if the Villain burrows to the Streets. want to play them, and sometimes you want to Dodge them
When a Villain burrows to the Streets, it does not do any away. Dodge also helps you sculpt your hand towards Recruit
Ambush effects. Points or Attack as you desire.
When you Dodge a card from your hand, ignore all other text
Charge on that card. (The only exception is Green Goblin's "Goblin
Ambush: Charge one space means (After this villain enters Glider," which specifically tells you to do something when you
the Sewers,) it charges forward an extra space, pushing other Dodge with it.)
Villains forward. When you Dodge a card from your hand, you didn't "play" that
This might cause more escapes. card, so the Dodged card's Hero/Ally Class/color doesn't help
Some Villains charge multiple spaces! you use the Superpower abilities of other cards you play that
Some Heroes/Allies count the number of cards you discarded
Circle of Kung-Fu (and Quack-Fu) this turn. This includes cards you discarded with Dodge.
5th Circle of Kung-Fu means During your turn, this Villain has
+5 unless you reveal a Hero that costs 5 or more.
Likewise, the 7th Circle gets a +7 unless you reveal a Hero
that costs 7 or more, etc. This keyword represents Villains using telepathy, sorcery, or
illusions to twist Heroes minds to evil.
If a Villain or Mastermind already has a Circle of Kung Fu, and
a Scheme gives then another one, only count the highest Some Villains and Masterminds say they Dominate Hero
circle dont add them up. cards from various places. This means Put those Heroes
under this enemy. This enemy gets +1 for each Hero
its Dominating.
Cosmic Threat
When you fight that enemy, put one of those Dominated
Galactus and his Heralds use the new Cosmic Threat keyword.
This gives them incredibly high Attack values with a special Heroes into each players discard pile. You choose which
player gets which Hero, including yourself. There might not be
vulnerability. If an enemy has Cosmic Threat: that means: enough for every player to get one. KO any excess
"Once per turn, for each card you reveal, this Enemy gets -3 Dominated Heroes.
this turn." If a Villain escapes, any Heroes Dominated by that Villain go
For example, Morg has Cosmic Threat: and 12*. to the Escape Pile too.
If you reveal two cards, Morg gets -6 this turn, so he
has 6 left. Elusive
If you reveal four or more cards, Morg gets -12 , this "Elusive 6" means "You can only fight this Villain/Adversary if
turn, so he has 0 , and you can fight him without spending any you have made at least 6 this turn." You don't have to spend
. that to fight this Villain/Adversary, you just have to have made
that much this turn. You can still spend that on recruiting
(An asterisk next to an Enemy's number is to remind you that Heroes/Allies. Elusive represents how some
their can change. The asterisk doesn't mean anything else.) Villains/Adversaries are hard to pin down, can't be defeated with
sheer brute force, and need to be cornered in a more subtle
Cross-Dimensional Rampage way.
As different Hulks storm across parallel realities, only another
Hulk can stop them! "Cross-Dimensional Hulk Rampage" Excessive Violence
means "Each player reveals one of their Hulk Heroes or a Hulk Say you've played three Heroes with Excessive Violence
card in their Victory Pile or gains a Wound." abilities this turn. If you spend 8 points to fight a Villain or
This counts any card or Hero name, plus the alternate Hulks
"Maestro" and "Nul, Breaker of Worlds." (from Legendary: Fear Mastermind that has 7 , then you'll get to use all three
Itself). Excessive Violence abilities!
Likewise, "Cross-Dimensional Wolverine Rampage" counts If you don't fight anything this turn, or you don't spend an extra
and card with "Wolverine," "Weapon X," or "Old Man Logan." Attack point on someone, then you won't be able to use
And Cross-Dimensional Colossus Rampage means Each Excessive Violence.
player reveals one of their Colossus Heroes or a Colossus Since you can only fight "with Excessive Violence" once per
card in their Victory Pile or gains a Wound. This counts any turn, you can only use a card's Excessive Violence ability
card that includes Colossus in its card name or Hero name. once in a turn.
(It's ok to play two cards with the same name and use both of
their Excessive Violence abilities.)
Demolish If you fight with Excessive Violence, then draw or play more
"Demolish each player" means "Reveal the top card of the
cards with Excessive Violence abilities later in the turn, it will
Hero/Ally Deck, notes its cost, and puts it on the bottom of the
be too late to use those abilities.
Hero/Ally Deck. Each player reveals their hand and discards a
card with that cost."
Fateful Resurrection
On a Villain card, Fight: Fateful Resurrection means Fight:
Dodge Reveal the top card of the Villain Deck. If its a Scheme Twist or
"Dodge" means "During your turn, you may discard this card
Master Strike, this Villain reenters the city.
from your hand to draw another card". This ability represents the
If a Villain resurrects this way, you still rescue its Bystanders
trickiness and resourcefulness of the Heroes/ Allies. Many
and do its other Fight effects. behind layers of informants, victims, and stooges. To find
The Villain pushes into the Sewers and does any Ambush these Villains, you must track down and interview Hidden
abilities as normal. Witnesses who know their locations.
If a Mastermind Tactic resurrects this way, shuffle it back into Some Villains say things like "Ambush: This Villain
the other face down Tactics. captures 2 Hidden Witnesses." This means the Villain
If a Villain that has ascended to become a Mastermind captures the top 2 cards of the Bystander Stack,
resurrects this way, it stays a Mastermind and does not face-down, as Hidden Witnesses. You can't fight a Villain
reenter the city. while it has a Hidden Witness.
During your turn, you can pay 2 to rescue a Hidden
Feast Witness any number of times and put it in your Victory Pile.
The new Mastermind Carnage and his "Maximum Carnage" Hidden Witnesses still count as Bystanders. When you
followers use the gruesome new Feast keyword. "Feast" states rescue one, you get any special "When you rescue this
that when you fight a Villain or Mastermind with this ability you Bystander..." effect written on it. It stays in your victory Pile
treat it as a fight effect. IE: as a normal, face-up Bystander.
"Feast"="Fight: KO the top card of your deck." A Villain can have face-up Bystanders and face-down
Some Maximum Carnage Villains create special effects when Hidden Witnesses at the same time. You'll need to pay to
they feast on certain cards rescue the face-down Hidden Witnesses. Then, you can
Carnage's Master Strike starts with "Feast on each player." fight the Villain, which will automatically rescue the face-up
That means each player does the "Feast" effect. Then Bystanders.
Carnage's Master Strike causes Wounds when he feasts on If a Villain escapes with any number of Bystanders,
certain cards. including Hidden Witnesses, it will cause all players to
Note that Carnage's Master Strike is the only effect that discard a single card, just like a Villain escaping with any
feasts on every player. The "Maximum Carnage" Villains and normal Bystanders. Hidden Witnesses carried away by
Carnage's Mastermind Tactics each feast on only one player. escaping Villains stay in the Escape Pile as normal, face-up
While Carnage's Master Strike causes Wounds, the Feast Bystanders.
abilities on his Mastermind Tactics and most of his Villains don't You can pay to rescue Hidden Witnesses even if you're not
cause Wounds. going to fight that Villain during that turn. You can also
rescue just some of the Hidden Witnesses and leave others
Focus for later.
The new "Focus" keyword lets you transform your Recruit Points If a special ability lets you "Defeat a Villain for free," you
into powerful, flexible effects. It looks like this: automatically rescue all the Hidden Witnesses on it without
paying .
"Focus 2 (EFFECT)."
Masterminds and Schemes can have Hidden Witnesses on
When you play a card with a Focus ability, you can pay the cost
them too. They work the same way.
on the left side of the arrow to get the effect on the right side of
the arrow. You can use that Focus ability as many times as you
want for the rest of the turn. For example, say you play a card Human Shields
that says: This keyword represents enemies hiding behind innocent
" Focus 2 Draw a card." people to prevent Heroes attacks.
For the rest of your turn, you can use 2 Recruit Points to draw a Ambush: This Villain captures 2 Human Shields means the
card, as many times as you want, as long as you have the Villain captures the top 2 cards of the Bystander Stack
Recruit points available. You can even play more Heroes, face-down. You cant fight a Villain while it has any
recruit, fight, then use the Focus ability more. Human Shields. During your turn, any number of times, you
Note: You can use Focus abilities and still use the "Healing" can pay equal to that Villains value to rescue one of
ability on Wounds. its Human Shields at random and put it in your Victory Pile.
(The on their is a reminder.)
Fortify A Villain can have face up Bystanders and face-down Human
The keyword represents Villains setting up nasty traps for the Shields at the same time. Youll need to pay to rescue the
players. face-down Human Shields. Then you can fight the Villain,
Some Villains say things like "Escape: Fortify the which will rescue the Face-up Bystanders automatically.
Mastermind. While it's fortified, the Mastermind can't be Human Shields still count as Bystanders. Villains escaping
fought." with Human Shields still make players discard as normal.
Put the Villain on or near the specified place. While it's thee, it
has the listed effect. Any player can fight that Villain as normal Investigate
to end that Fortify effect and put that Villain into their Victory This keyword represents hard-bitten Noir detectives
Pile. investigating mysteries and searching for evidence and allies.
If a card word fortifies a place, don't do anything if there's Some cards say things like "Investigate for a card." That
already a Villain fortifying that place. means "Look at the top two cards of your deck. Reveal
a card from among them and draw it. Put the rest of
Hidden Witnesses those cards back on the top and/or bottom of your
In a world of Noir, conspiracies are hard to unravel, betrayal is deck in any order."
commonplace, and it's hard to determine who the real Villains Other abilities let you investigate for cards with certain
are. costs, teams, icons, and other traits.
This keyword represents Villains and Masterminds hiding Whether your investigation finds the right kind of card or
not, you can still decide which cards go back on the top or You can also ignore any special conditions for fighting that
bottom of your deck. This lets you set up your next enemy, automatically rescuing any Human Shields.
Investigation or make powerful combos with other abilities You cant use Piercing Energy against cards that have no
that care about the top card of your deck. printed VP value, like Shadow-X Villains, or Master Strikes
Some abilities tell you to investigate entirely different decks, that become Villains.
like the Villain, Hero and Bystander Decks. They will tell you
what to do with the card you find. Like before, put the rest of Phasing
the cards you looked at back on the top and/or bottom of This keyword represents Heroes becoming insubstantial and
that deck in any order. moving through solid objects.
During your turn, if a card with Phasing is in your hand, you
Lightshow may swap it with the top card of your deck.
This keyword represents X-Men using fireworks and blinding This lets you get a different card instead, save a crucial
bursts in spectacular combinations. Phasing card for the next turn, or set up a combo that cares
Some Heroes say things like Lightshow: you get +3 . about the top card of your deck.
Once per turn, if you played at least two Lightshow cards Swapping cards this way isn't "playing a card" or "drawing a
this turn, you can use a single Lightshow ability from any card," so it doesn't count for other abilities that trigger on
of those cards. those things.
If you play three, four, or more Lightshow cards you still use
only a single Lightshow ability. Revenge
This means: "This Villain gets +1 for each 'Deadpool's
Man (and Woman) Out of Time Friends' Villain in your Victory Pile."
Heroes from 1941 use this keyword ability to represent fighting
in both the past and the present. It means "After you use this Rise of the Living Dead
card's abilities, set it aside. At the beginning of your next turn, "Rise of the Living Dead" means "Each player checks the top
play this card a second time and then discard it." card of their Victory Pile. If that card is a Villain with a "Rise of
The card is discarded the second time you play it, so you play the Living Dead" ability, that Villain reenters the city.
the card only twice total. You can't use Man Out of Time again (Mastermind Tactics never return this way.)
to play that card for a third time. If you put a Villain with Bystanders into your Victory Pile, you
Play your returning Man Out of Time cards after the "Play a choose the order.
Villain Card" part of your turn and before you start playing out
of your hand.
You "played" a Man Out of Time card on both the first turn you
This keyword ability on Heroes and Villains rewards you for
played it and the second turn when you replayed it, so it can saving the innocent. It means "Use this ability if you have at
help activate your Superpower Abilities on both turns. least 3 Bystanders in your Victory Pile."
For example: "Savior: Draw a card."
Patrol If you defeat a Villain with Bystanders, put those Bystanders
Some cards have abilities like Patrol the Sewers: If its empty, into your Victory Pile before checking and Savior ability on
rescue a Bystander. When you play that card, you can use that that Villain.
ability only if that city space has no cards in it. If a Hero card rescues a Bystander, that Bystander counts
If that city space becomes empty later in the turn, its too late towards and Savior ability on that Hero.
to use the Patrol ability.
If playing a Patrol card gives you , and you use that to
clear out that city space, its still too late to use the Patrol
S.H.I.E.L.D. Clearance
ability, since the space wasnt empty when you played the This keyword represents pro-registrationS.H.I.E.L.D. forces that
Patrol card. can only be defeated with the help of S.H.I.E.L.D. information.
This can also say Fight: Patrol the Bank: If its empty, you get If a Villain says "S.H.I.E.L.D. Clearance," then you must
+2 . If its not, you get a +2 . discard a Hero as an additional cost to fight that
Other cards let you patrol even stranger places, like the
Escape Pile or a Victory Pile. Similarly, you can use those Likewise, if a Mastermind has "Double S.H.I.E.L.D.
Patrol abilities if that place has no cards in it. Clearance," the you must discard two Heroes each time
you fight them.
If a mastermind or Scheme causes a city space not to exist,
you cant patrol that space. If you are playing with Heroes, you may discard them
instead of Heroes.
Piercing Energy
This keyword represents X-Men using psychic knives & sonic
screams to pierce enemy defenses. This keyword repesents Heroes and Villains using superpowers
to massively change their size.
Some Heroes give you a new kind of points called Piercing
Some Hero cards say, "Size-Changing: ." This means
Energy, using the icon, You can fight a Villain or "You can recruit thuis card for 2 less if you played a
Mastermind by spending points equal to that card this turn."
enemys printed Victory Points value ( ). You ignore that Likewise, some Villain cards say, "Size-Changing: ." This
means "You can fight this villain for 2 less if you
enemys and any modifiers. played a card this turn."
Some Divided Cards say "Size-Changing: " on one side cards you've revealed so far and keep revealing. (If there are no
and "Size-Changing " on the other side. You can recruit cards left in the Adversary Deck there is no Attack bonus).
either side of the card with its own Size-Changing discount, With 2-5 players, each flip tends to be worth about 1.5 attack.
but you can't get both discounts at once. In solo mode: about 1 attack.
Some special abilities make you gain Bindings cards, "Gaining" Cards
representing your Villainous Allies getting bound or restrained Some card abilities say that a
by those accursed Super Heroes. When a player gains a player "gains" a particular card. That means put that card into
Bindings, take a Bindings from the Bindings Stack and put it into that player's discard pile. The player will draw that card in the
that player's discard pile. Bindings don't have any Recruit Points future, after their deck runs out and they shuffle their discard pile
or Attack, so when you draw a Bindings into your hand, your into a new deck.
hand is weaker than normal.
Some cards let you KO your Bindings so you don't have to Healing Wounds
worry about them anymore.
If you have one or more Wounds in your hand, you can use the
Other cards can even turn Bindings to your benefit: when
ability written on the Wound card:
heroes try to bind Magneto, he just uses his magnetism powers
"Healing: If you don't recruit any Heroes, defeat any Villains
to use those Bindings as a weapon against them!
or fight any Masterminds on your turn, you may KO all the
Bindings cards aren't Allies. If a card tells you to "KO one of
Wounds from your hand."
your Allies" you can't KO a Bindings, since Bindings aren't
This is often worth doing if you have at least two Wounds in
Allies. However, if a card says "KO one of your cards," then you
your hand, or if your turn wouldn't have been very good anyway.
can KO a Bindings.
It's okay to play the cards in your hand and use some abilities
You only gain Bindings when a card effect tells you to. You
like "draw a card," then use the "Healing" ability to KO Wounds
can't recruit Bindings by paying Recruit Points.
from your hand, as long as you don't recruit any Heroes or fight
Bindings have a Zero cost. However, you cannot recruit
any Villains during your turn.
Bindings into your deck - you can only gain them a card effect
tells you to. Horrors
Legendary X-Men adds a completely new card type to
Divided Cards Legendary. Horrors make the game harder in a variety of ways.
Matching the theme of division and duality, Civil War introduces
All the Epic Masterminds explicitly say they add Horrors to the
"Divided Cards," which have two miniature cards printed on the
game. Players who want to play in hard mode can also choose
same card.
to add any number of Horrors (random or hand-picked) at the
You recruit a Divided Card from the HQ as normal by paying
start of a game against and Mastermind. How many can you
its cost. Each side of a Divided Card shows the same cost. (If it
beat at once?
costs "3" on each side, you pay only 3 Recruit, not 6.)
When you play a Divided Card, you choose which side to
play. You generate all the Recruit, Attack, and special abilities of "KO"
the side as normal. You ignore the other side, as if it doesn't Many card abilities tell you to "KO" certain cards, meaning
exist. "knock out". This means put them into a big "KO pile" off to the
Each side of a Divided Card has a different Hero Class, Like side of the game board, face up. Cards in the KO pile are
permanently out of the game. The players and the game all like the Plots "Graduation at Xavier's X-Academy" and "Infiltrate
share one big KO pile. the Lair with Spies," don't cause players to discard cards for
Important: If a card says to KO "one of your Heroes/Allies", those Bystanders, since they were not carried out of the city by
that can be a Hero/Ally you've already played this turn or a Adversaries.
Hero/Ally still in your hand. If you KO a Hero/Ally you already
played this turn, you still get to use the Recruit Points, Attack, S.H.I.E.L.D. Heroes, HYDRA Allies and New
and special abilities that Hero produced.
Getting some of your starting S.H.I.E.L.D. Heroes/HYDRA Recruits
Allies KO'd is actually very good for you, since it means you will Maria Hill, S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents, S.H.I.E.L.D. Troopers, Madame
draw your more powerful Heroes/Allies more often, instead of HYDRA, HYDRA Operatives, HYDRA Soldiers, and New
drawing as many of the weaker S.H.I.E.L.D. Heroes/HYDRA Recruits are all "Heroes/Allies" cards. So if you have to "KO one
Allies. of your Heroes/Allies," you can KO one of your S.H.I.E.L.D.
Heroes, HYDRA Allies, or New Recruits if you want. S.H.I.E.L.D.
Heroes, HYDRA Allies and New Recruits are their own
Madame HYDRA color/Hero/Ally Class: Grey "Basic Heroes/Allies.". Grey counts
Madame HYDRA gives 2 and has a drawback "To play this as its own color for cards that count the number of colors you
card, you must discard a card from your hand." So to play this have. (Some of Captain America's cards count the number of
card and get its 2 , you must discard another card from your colors you have, for example.)
hand, like a spare HYDRA soldier. Madame HYDRA also has
the "Dodge" keyword mentioned above. Using "Dodge" isn't Printed
"playing" this card, so you don't have to worry about Madame A Card's "printed " means the number literally printed inside
HYDRA's drawback when you Dodge with it. So to use Dodge, the card's icon. Ignore any "+" symbols, "*" symbols, or
you just discard Madame HYDRA and draw a new card. special abilities on that card.
Running out of Cards in the Bystander, angry... and Villains wouldn't like him when he's angry!
Wound cards aren't Heroes. If a card tells you to "KO one of
Wound, Bindings, S.H.I.E.L.D. Officer, your Heroes," you can't KO a Wound, since Wounds aren't
HYDRA, or New Recruit Stacks Heroes. However, if a card says "KO one of your cards," then
If one of these stacks runs out, the game continues. If a player you can KO a Wound, since Wound cards are still cards.
would gain one of these cards, and there aren't any more of that
card left in the appropriate stack, then you don't gain that card Grievous Wounds
and the game continues. Don't take extra copies out of the KO Civil War comes with 15 new "Grievous Wounds" that are more
pile. difficult to heal. Shuffle them all into the Wound Stack face
down, so you have 45 total Wounds. Instead of normal Wound
Running out of Cards in the Hero/Ally Deck text, a Grievous Wound says something like "Healing: You may
or Villain/Adversary Deck spend 5 , If you do, KO this Wound."
If either of these decks runs out of cards before the Scheme/Plot Using these Healing abilities doesn't prevent you from
is completed, finish the turn, and then the players have recruiting and fighting that turn.
successfully survived the Scheme/Plot, but they didn't catch the You can only use these Healing abilities during your turn.
Mastermind/Commander. As a result, the game is a draw Grievous Wounds still count as "Wounds" for all card effects.
between good and evil. The player with the most Victory Points If you have a normal Wound, you can use its normal "KO all
wins an individual victory. Be sure to get the your Wounds" Healing ability to KO your Grievous Wounds too.
Mastermind/Commander next time! But if you don't have a normal Wound in hand, then you can't.
the Strings itself goes to your hand. Once you have played Pull chooses which order to stack those Allies.
the Strings, any New Recruits you gain from other card effects Pull Reality into the Negative Zone: Recruit points act as
for the rest of the turn also go to your hand. However, when you Attack points and Attack Points act as Recruit Points.
spend 2 to recruit a New Recruit, recruiting is not a card Reality Gem, Soul Gem, and Space Gem: Always do
effect, so those recruited New Recruits go to your discard pile, Ambush effects after the card enters the city and pushes other
not your hand. When you play a New Recruit, the card "Kingpin - Villains forward. So Soul Gem and Reality Gem count
Endless Underlings" can put that New Recruit on the bottom of themselves for their Ambush effects.
your deck. That is not "gaining" New Recruits, so Pull the Strings Reveal: If an effect says to reveal a card from the top of a
won't put those New Recruits from the bottom of your deck into deck, and it doesn't say where to put that card afterwards, then
your hand. that card stays where it was.
Kree-Skull War: A Scheme's setup instructions override a Secret Invasion of the Skrull Shapeshifters: Note:
Mastermind's "Always Lead" ability and the normal rules. For 2 Heroes carried away under escaping Villains like Skrull Queen
players, include the Kree Starforce and Skrull Villain Groups, Veranke and Skrull Shapeshifters do count towards evil
overriding the Mastermind's "Always Leads" ability if necessary. winning.
For 1 player, include both the Kree Starforce and Skrull Villain Sinister Ambitions: If an escaping Ambition says each
Groups, and the Villain Deck will be larger than normal. When other player, do it to each player.
card effects like this Scheme cause Villains to escape the city at Spider-Man: If a card effect needs to know a number from a
an unusual time, do all the normal Escape effects. card, and that card doesn't have that kind of number, use o. For
Mass Produce War Machine Armor: If the Setup rules for a example, Spider-Man says "fight: Reveal the top card of the
Plot conflict with a Commander's "Always Leads" ability, then Adversary Deck. If that card is worth 2VP or less, play it. If you
the Plot takes priority. So when you play this Plot with Odin and play a card from the Adversary Deck this way, put Spider-Man
2 or 3 players, use S.H,I.E.L.D. Assault Squads as the Backup back on top of the Adversary Deck. "if you reveal a Plot Twist or
Adversary group, not Asgardian Warriors. For 1 player Command Strike with Spider-Man's ability, that Twist or Strike is
Advanced Solo Mode, this Plot's setup rules say to use all ten worth 0VP, so you would play it. If you reveal a Bystander this
S.H,I.E.L.D. Assault Squad cards, not just three. way, that card is worth 1VP, since it says 1VP on the card. When
Mr. Sinister: When you fight Mr. Sinister, you rescue all the you fight Spider-Man, put him in your Victory Pile, then do his
Bystanders he had. Then, if his Fight effect gives him more Fight effect, which might put him back on top of the Adversary
Bystanders, those stay on him for the future. When you win the Deck or might not.
Final Showdown, you also rescue all the Bystanders on Mr. Spider-Queen: When card effects like her Master Strike
Sinister. cause Villains to enter the city, those Villains still do their
Mystique - Show Your True Colors: You can only use the Ambush effects.
color-changing ability when you play this card. You can't change Thanos: His is only reduced by Infinity Gems players
this card's color/Ally Class during other players' turns. "control" - not Infinity Gems in players discard piles or decks.
Mystique - Unpredictable Shapeshifter: You can't use any When fighting Thanos in Solo Mode and using a Villain Group
"Dodge" ability of the Ally card you revealed. because Dodge besides Infinity Gems, Thanos gets -2 for each villain in your
requires you to discard the Dodge card from your hand, and the Victory Pile from that Group.
Ally card you revealed isn't in your hand. When you play a copy The Clone Saga: "Henchman Villains" are still Villains. So if
of a card, yout next cards that turn can use Superpower abilities 2 Henchman Villains with the same card name escape, Evil
based on the copied card's Hero Class. You can also count the Wins.
copied card towards effects like "For each card you played this Venom Blast: "If that card has a icon..." refers to having
turn..." the big icon in the lower-left. So Venom Blast doesn't draw
Namor, the Sub-Mariner: For Namor's Ambush and more copies of Venom Blast or Pickpocket.
Overrun abilities, finish moving the new Adversary into the city
and/or pushing any Adversary out of the city before checking Weave a Web of Lies: You can only pay 1 once for each
whether there are any other Defenders in the city for Namor's Villain you defeat.
abilities. X-Cutioner's Song: "Enemy" means Villain or Mastermind.
Nick Fury - Total Fury: When a card tells you to "defeat an Since Masterminds aren't Villains, Masterminds don't get +
Adversary," you still do that Adversary's fight effect. You ignore from capturing Heroes like the Villains do in this Scheme.
restrictions like the one on Iron Fist. You can't defeat the
Commander this way, since Commanders aren't Adversaries. Join the Legendary Community Online
Odin: Like any "each player (does something)" effect, the Get the latest Legendary news on our Facebook page at
current player does it first, then go in clockwise order. A player You can meet a
must gain a Bindings if they have no Asgardian Warriors in their community of Legendary players and answer rules questions at
Victory Pile to place, or if there are no empty city spaces in site.
which to place one of their Asgardian Warriors.
"Own": You "own" all the cards in your hand, deck, played Hero/Ally Types
pile, discard pile, and Victory Pile.
Phoenix-Force Cyclops: When you play a Hero card that Strength Heroes/Allies include Heroes/Allies with raw
KOs itself, you still played that card, so you can still use other strength, but also Heroes/Allies with strength of will,
Superpower Abilities that trigger from its classes or team. determination, and strong leadership.
Pickpocket: "Printed means the number literally printed
inside the card's icon. Ignore any '+' symbols, '*' symbols, or
special abilities on that card. Instinct Heroes/Allies use savagery and quick reflexes to
Professor X: If there is a tie for the highest-cost Allies in the dominate combats. Some Instinct Heroes/Allies use
Lair, the current player breaks those ties. The current player superhuman senses to get an edge on their opponents.
together by Deadpool was originally named Heroes for Hire.
Covert Heroes/Allies include Heroes/Allies using trickery
and deception to outwit their foes. They also include New Warriors: The New Warriors were at the center of the
Heroes/Allies making clever battle plans and Heroes/Allies Superhero Registration Act controversy. In a reckless battle
using subtle superpowers to gain subtle advantages. they initiated with a group of super-villains, the super-villain Nitro
exploded, killing hundreds of civilians in Stamford. Speedball
was the only New Warrior to survive.
Tech Heroes/Allies include Heroes/Allies using advanced
weaponry, incredible gadgets, brilliant inventions, or
next-generation science. S.H.I.E.L.D.: The "Strategic Hazard Intervention
Espionage Logistics Directorate" is a clandestine military and
espionage organization led by Director Nick Fury. It works
Ranged Heroes/Allies like to blow things up. Some behind the scenes to stop super powered Villains before they
Ranged Heroes/Allies use inherent superpowers to blast things, get out of hand. The S.H.I.E.L.D. Heroes in the first set of
while others use energy beams, elemental powers, and mental Legendary are Nick Fury and the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents, Troopers,
assaults. and Officers.
Basic Heroes include all the starting S.H.I.E.L.D. Heroes and
S.H.I.E.L.D. Officers. They are Heroes in their own way, but they Spider Friends: Spider-Man and his allies use speed,
don't quite get the job done as well as high-flying super heroes. cunning, and rapid-fire attacks to take down foes.
HYDRA: HYDRA is a secret criminal organization working Each player's hand size is five cards
Gimpy Hand
to infiltrate and subvert the world's governments and institutions. instead of six.
HYDRA often collaborates with super villains to seize power at Opening Salvo 1, 2, At the beginning of the game, each
any cost. The HYDRA Allies in this set of Legendary are the 3, 4, 5, or 6 player gains that many Wounds.
HYDRA Operatives, Soldiers, and Madame HYDRA. Growing Threat The Mastermind gets +1 each time
they are defeated.
Sinister Six: When Spider-Man's super-villain enemies Army of Evil 1, 2, 3, Each Villain gets + equal to that
could not defeat him as individuals, they banded together as the 4, or 5 number.
Sinister Six to crush Spider-Man once and for all. The Sinister Whenever you complete a Scheme
Six Allies in this Legendary set are Dr. Octopus, Electro, Green Endless Hatred Twist, also play the Mastermind's
Goblin, Kraven, Mysterio, and Venom. Master Strike ability.
Evacuate the Whenever a Hero you own is KO'd, you
Cooperative and Competitive Play Wounded gain a Wound.
Legendary is both cooperative (with players cooperating to beat After you defeat the Mastermind's four
the Mastermind) and competitive (with players competing to get Tactics, you must still fight them a fifth
Final Blow
the most Victory Points). Some play groups like to focus on time to claim the actual Mastermind card
cooperating. Other groups focus on competing. And some and win.
groups do a little of both. Some players even start out Whenever you complete a Scheme
competing, and then switch to cooperating more and more as Plots upon Plots Twist, play another card from the Villain
the Mastermind gets closer to victory. This matches a lot of Deck.
Marvel storylines! Whenever you complete a Master
Pain upon Pain Strike, play another card from the Villain
Adjusting Difficulty
Play two cards from the Villain Deck
Some play groups like an easier challenge when introducing Hell on Earth
each turn instead of one.
new or younger players or after the Mastermind wins. Other
groups like to face tougher and tougher challenges. One way to
adjust the difficulty level is choosing which cards to use in your Villain Challenge Modes
next game:
Mastermind Challenge Mode Effect
The Masterminds with higher Power are much harder to beat. Add an extra Plot Twist to the
Fiend Mode
This is the easiest way to adjust difficulty. Adversary Deck.
Scheme Add two extra Plot Twists to the
Arch-Villain Mode
You will find that some Schemes are more difficult than others. Adversary Deck.
Some Schemes are especially difficult in combination with Add three extra Plot Twists to the
certain Masterminds or Villain Groups. Legendary Mode
Adversary Deck.
Villain Groups Distracted
Some Villain Groups are tougher than others. For example, the Commander The Commander gets -1 .
Enemies of Asgard are especially tough, while the HYDRA Determined
Villain Group is much easier. Commander The Commander gets + 1 .
If you are seeking even greater challenges, you can also play Enraged
these especially dangerous Challenge Modes. You can even Commander The Commander gets +2 .
combine the extra Scheme Twist modes with the extra powerful Devastating
Mastermind modes. See if you can beat them all! Commander The Commander gets +3 .
Hero Challenge Modes Commander The Commander gets +4 .
Challenge Mode Effect All-Powerful
Add an extra Scheme Twist to the Villain Commander The Commander gets +5 .
Heroic Mode
Deck. Each player's hand size is five cards
Hand of Fate
Add two extra Scheme Twists to the instead of six.
Champion Mode
Villain Deck. Prison Break 1, 2, 3, At the beginning of the game, each
Add three extra Scheme Twists to the 4, 5, or 6 player gains that many Bindings.
Legendary Mode
Villain Deck. Each time the Commander is defeated,
Distracted Growing Threat
The Mastermind gets -1 . it gets +1 for the rest of the game.
Mastermind Army of Glory 1, 2, Each Adversary gets + equal to that
Maniacal 3, 4, or 5 number.
Mastermind The Mastermind gets + 1 .
Whenever you complete a Plot Twist,
Enraged Endless Spite also play the Commander's Command
Mastermind The Mastermind gets +2 .
Strike ability.
Tyrant Mastermind The Mastermind gets +3 . Imprison the Whenever a Ally you own is KO'd, you
Nightmare Mastermind The Mastermind gets +4 . Wounded gain a Bindings.
All-Powerful After you defeat the Commander's four
The Mastermind gets +5 . Final Blow
Mastermind Tactics, you must still fight them a fifth
time to claim the actual Commander Effects
card and win. Scheme/Plot Twist - Whenever you complete a
Whenever you complete a Plot Twist, Scheme/Plot Twist effect, choose a Hero/Ally from the HQ/Lair
Plots upon Plots play another card from the Adversary that cost 6 or less and put it on the bottom of the Hero/Ally Deck.
Deck. (This lets you avoid Heroes/Allies you don't want and helps you
Whenever you complete a Command craft your personal strategy.)
Pain upon Pain Strike, play another card from the Master/Command Strikes - Whenever you complete a
Adversary Deck. Master/Command Strike effect, play another card from the
Play two cards from the Adversary Villain/Adversary Deck.
Crackdown These special solo effects are very easy to overlook in the heat
Deck each turn instead of one.
of battle, so be careful to remember!
Solo Bindings
Lowering Difficultly: In Advanced Solo Mode, if you use the "Betrayal" ability on
If you want to give newer or younger players a boost to help Bindings, KO all the Bindings in your hand.
them compete with veteran players, you can replace some of "Each Other Player"
the S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents /HYDRA Operatives with S.H.I.E.L.D. When a Hero/Adversary or Mastermind/Commander Tactic tells
Officers/ Madame HYDRA in the new players' starting decks. "each other player" to do something, do it yourself. (Don't do this
This will also make it easier for all the players to beat the for cards effects on Ally cards.)
Mastermind/Commander. Mastermind/Commander Abilities Linked to Specific
How to Teach the Game Villain/Adversary Groups
For most groups, the best way to teach the game is just to start Some Masterminds/Commanders like Odin, Mole Man, and
playing it. There's no need to explain every single detail before Apocalypse have special abilities linked to a specific
you begin. Instead just tell people the overall theme and goal of Villains/Adversaries that they "Always Lead." In Advanced Solo
the game, pointing to the different elements as you mention Mode, if you don't use the Group that this
them. You can use your own words, or say something like this: Mastermind/Commander "Always Leads," then apply that ability
to the corresponding Villain/Adversary Group or
"This is a Marvel Super Heroes Deck-Building Game. Each of us starts Henchmen/Backup Group that you are using. Use this rule for
with a small deck of basic Heroes. Over time, we're going to recruit other Legendary sets as well. For example, in Advanced Solo
these awesome Super Heroes, fight Super Villains, and eventually take Mode:
down the evil Mastermind. There are different Heroes and a different Odin's abilities apply to whichever Backup Group you are
Mastermind every time you play. This time it's Red Skull. If we beat Red using, as if they were Asgardian Warriors.
Skull four times, then we all win as a team, and the person who scores
Mole Man's abilities apply to whichever Adversary Group you
the most Victory Points is the individual winner. But while we're playing,
the game is fighting back. Red Skull is trying to accomplish this evil are using as if they were Subterranea.
Scheme, "Unleash the Power of the Cosmic Cube." If he does, then evil Apocalypse gives +2 to whichever Adversary Group you
wins, and all of us lose. The best way to learn is just by playing. are using, as if they were Four Horsemen. If one of each of the
Everybody shuffle your deck and draw six cards. I'll go first." different Adversaries in the Adversary Group overruns,
Apocalypse instantly wins
Then just take your first turn, explaining what you do as you do .
it. You don't need to explain what Bystanders or Scheme Twists Advanced Solo Mode Scoring
or Master Strikes do until they come up. This method gets If you win the game, add up your Victory Points and subtract
people into the action quickly, and everyone will figure it out as these penalties:
they go. -4 for each Bystander carried away/to safety by escaping
Villains/overrunning Adversaries.
Advanced Solo Mode -3 for each Scheme/Plot Twist that occurred
You can also play Legendary with a single player, completing to -1 for each Villain/Adversary that escaped/overrun out of the
defeat the Mastermind/Commander and get the highest score city.
you can. Here are the adjustments you need: Write down your score and which Heroes/Allies and
Solo Setup Scheme/Plot and Mastermind/Commander you used. Compete
Hero/Ally Deck - Use the cards for three Heroes/Allies, 42 to get better scores against that Mastermind/Commander and
cards in total. Scheme/Plot with different Heroes/Allies!
Mastermind/Commander - Ignore the
Mastermind's/Commander's "Always Leads" ability. Final Showdown (Optional)
Villain/Adversary Deck: Use these cards: When a player defeats the fourth Mastermind Tactic, that player
1 Villain/Adversary Group finishes their turn and draws six cards as normal. Then it's time
3 Henchman/Backup cards from the same for the Final Showdown between the players and the
Henchman/Backup Group (not all 10 cards) Mastermind! Each player in turn now takes a special
1 random Bystander "Showdown Turn," starting with the player on the left of the
5 Master/Command Strikes player who defeated the fourth Mastermind Tactic. In a
The normal number of Scheme/Plot Twists listed on the Showdown Turn, you don't play the top Villain card, you don't
Scheme/Plot. recruit Heroes, and you don't fight Villains. Instead:
Scheme - Use any Scheme except Super Hero Civil War and Play the cards in your hand as normal, using those cards'
Negative Zone Prison Breakout. special abilities as normal, and producing Recruit Points and
Attack as normal.
Extra Scheme/Plot Twist and Master/Command Strike Add together all the Recruit Points and Attack you produce
into a single, big Showdown Total. Masterminds and Commanders. If you wish, you may choose
Don't draw a new hand at the end of your Showdown Turn. specifically from the ones that match the Evil/Good alignment of
your Scheme/Plot. Or you can choose from amongst all the
Whichever player has the highest Showdown Total wins Masterminds/Commanders together. You can use either Master
the Final Showdown! That player puts the actual Mastermind Strikes or Command Strikes, since they are equivalent terms.
card into their personal Victory Pile. That card is worth several Board: Use either a Heroic board if a Scheme is selected or
Victory Points. When the Final Showdown is complete, then the Villainous board if a Plot is selected. If you play the Heroic
Mastermind has been utterly defeated, and all the players win a board, enemies will enter the city in the Sewers, and move
team victory! In addition, the player with the most Victory Points towards the Bridge. If you play on a Villainous board, enemies
in their Victory Pile wins an individual victory and is the most will enter the city in the Bridge and move toward the Sewers. If
legendary hero of all! your Scheme/Plot mentions specific city spaces, use a board
matching that scheme.
Tied Final Showdowns Card Stacks on Board: Put stacks on the board for
If multiple players tie for the highest Showdown Total, then it's S.H.I.E.L.D. Officers and Madame HYDRA and New Recruits.
time for a Super Showdown! Each of the tied players discards all Players can recruit from any of these stacks during the game.
the cards they played and draws a new hand of six cards. Each Since these three stacks are all functionally different, players will
of those players then takes another Showdown Turn to find the have more options than normal.
winner of the Final Showdown. If players keep tying, keep Wounds & Bindings: Put out stacks for both Wounds and
running additional Super Showdowns until someone wins the Bindings.
Showdown. If the group agrees before the game, you can Bystander Deck: Shuffle all Bystanders together from all
also play without the Final Showdown. sets you have into one large Bystander Deck.
Players' Starting Decks: Choose either S.H.I.E.L.D. or
Villains is Fully Compatible with Other HYDRA. Give each player a starting deck from those cards.
Heroes/Allies: Choose randomly the appropriate number of
Marvel Legendary Sets Heroes/Allies from among all Heroes and Allies you have.
Villains set is fully compatible with other sets of Marvel Villains/Adversaries: Choose randomly the appropriate
Legendary. You can freely mix and match elements from both number of Villain/Adversary Groups and Henchmen/Backup
Villains sets and Heroic sets. When mixing sets, some players Groups from among all the ones you have.
enjoy talking about a storyline reason for why Heroes and If using only "Fear Itself" without "The Villains Set", use the
Villains are working together, based on the specific following rules:
Scheme/Plot, Heroes and Villains they happen to be using. If a card effect would cause you to gain a Madame HYDRA,
Marvel storylines are full of times when Loki works together with you would gain a S.H.I.E.L.D. Officer instead.
Thor to take down a mutual foe, or Magneto and his If a card effect would cause you to gain a New Recruit, you
Brotherhood work together with Professor X and his X-Men to get +1 instead.
survive a deadly threat to mutantkind, and so on. Here's how to If a card effect mentions Bindings, use Wounds.
mix the sets together: If a card mentions or is part of the HYDRA team , use the
Equivalent Terms S.H.I.E.L.D. team instead .
The following game terms are considered completely
equivalent. Any card effect that mentions one of these terms
effects the equivalent term in the same way. For example, if an Terms That Are Not Equivalent
Adversary card does something to "your Allies", it does the Bindings Wounds
exact same thing to "your Heroes", since "Allies" and "Heroes" S.H.I.E.L.D. HYDRA
are "equivalent terms."
Quick Reference Guide
Initial Setup
Each player shuffles a personal deck of 8 S.H.I.E.L.D. Agents/HYDRA Operatives and 4 S.H.I.E.L.D. Troopers/HYDRA Soldiers. Each
player then draws 6 cards from their deck.
Put all the S.H.I.E.L.D. Officers, Madame HYDRA, New Recruits, Wounds, Bindings and Bystanders on the board in the appropriate
spaces. Depending on the game, some cards may not be used. Also some cards may not have a designated location on the board and
can be placed new to the board.
Pick 1 Mastermind/Commander at random and put it on the board, with its 4 Mastermind/Command Tactics facedown underneath it in
random order. Check which Villains/Adversaries this Mastermind/Commander "Always Leads."
Villain/Adversary Deck
Pick 1 Scheme/Plot at random. Follow its "Setup" instructions. Put the number of Scheme/Plot Twists it tells you into the
Villain/Adversary Deck.
Add 5 Master/Command Strikes to the Villain/Adversary Deck.
Add this many Villain/Adversary Groups, Henchmen Groups/Backup Adversaries and Bystanders to the Villain/Adversary Deck.
Shuffle it.
Hero/Ally Deck
Pick 5 Heroes/Allies at random. Add all of those Heroes'/Allies' cards to the Hero/Ally Deck. 70 cards total. Shuffle it.
If you are playing with 5 players, add a 6th Hero/Ally.
Put 5 Heroes/Allies cards from the top of the Hero/Ally Deck into the HQ/Lair, face up.
On Your Turn
1. Play the top card of the Villain/Adversary Deck.
2. Play cards from your hand, using them to recruit and fight.
3. Discard all the cards you played and any cards left in your hand and draw 6 new cards.
Solo Play
* Ignore the Mastermind / Commander "Always Lead" ability. Apply any special abilities linked to a specific group to the Villain/Adversary
Group or Henchmen Group currently in the game.
* Whenever you complete a Scheme or Plot Twist: choose a Hero or Ally from the HQ or Lair that cost 6 or less and put it on the bottom
of the Hero/Ally deck.
* Whenever you complete a Master or Command Strike effect, play another card from the Villain/Adversary deck.
* If you use "Betrayals" ability on Bindings, KO all the Bindings in your hand.
* When a Hero/Adversary or Mastermind/Commander Tactic tells "each other player" to do something, do it yourself.