Class 11 Orals Shane Sankanarayana
Class 11 Orals Shane Sankanarayana
Class 11 Orals Shane Sankanarayana
Compiled by,
Shane Sankaranarayana
Revision No :
Revision Date :
Contents Page number
Dry docking 03
Heavy lifts 12
Classification societies 34
IMO 38
MOU 56
Emergencies 66
Bridge equipment 76
ISPS Code 79
Ship handling 84
IMDG Code 90
Miscellaneous 92
a) Vessels under 15 years of age must be dry docked twice in every 5 years and
should not exceed 3 years between each consecutive docking. The first one may
be replaced if an in-water survey is done with divers having 2 way
communication with the surveyor. If any serious damage, distraction or
deterioration is found, the docking may not be exempted.
b) Ships of older than 15 years of age must be dry docked every 2 years or 2.5 years
depending on the under water hull protection system (eg self polishing co-
polymer paint is applied).
c) Following items are considered in giving extensions,
- areas of high corrosion risk & panting/pounding damage
- stern frame, stern tube, rudder, rudder pintles, propeller
- under water protection system (sacrificial anodes, anti-fouling paint etc)
- water inlet sea chests and grids, overboard discharge openings, ships side
valves etc.
d) Bulk carriers and tankers of 15 years of age and above are not permitted to
carryout in water surveys. Their hull inspections to be carried out only in a dry
e) In-water surveys may be conducted in lieu of any one of the two dockings
required in a 5 year period. The vessel must be at a suitable draught in sheltered
clear water, must have high resistance paint under water and normally have a
beam greater than 30 m.
f) When operating in salt water for less than 6 months a year, an extension could be
obtained up to 3 years.
g) For ships operating solely in fresh water, docking interval could be extended up to
5 years.
shores/keel blocks after an under water damage and also in
marking the damage areas for dock yard purposes.)
c) The general arrangement plan
d) Repair list
e) The plug plan
f) Fire fighting plan
g) Tank arrangement plan
h) Relevant stability information
i) List of the ships general particulars
j) Rigging plan
This contains all the information relevant to cargo gears such as
positions/sizes of eye plates, wires, blocks, shackles, SWL of all equipment,
maximum angle of runners, position of inboard & outboard booms, maximum
head reach (permissible height of cargo hook above hatch coaming), position of
derricks producing maximum forces, guidance on maintenance of the cargo gears
k) Relevant certificates for required surveys
l) Cargo plan (if docking with cargo on board)
m) Gas free certificate (Tankers)
L= distance between centre of floatation and the vertical line of action of the P
force in meters.
f) Draft & trim as per the dock requirements
g) Sound all tanks
h) Lock toilets
i) Ensure fenders are available
j) Ensure to take the equipment which are protruding outward from the hull, such as
speed logs, stabilizers etc.
Standard items
Repair items
a) Renewal of piping.
b) Cargo-handling equipment.
c) Hatch-closing arrangements.
d) Bulkhead leaks.
e) Hull structure damage.
f) Replacement of ships side rails.
i) Instrumentation and control equipment refurbishing.
j) Electric cables.
k) Heavy weather damages.
l) Overhaul of fire fighting and life saving appliance.
Modification items
The maximum virtual loss of GM occurs just before landing overall of the vessel.
This moment is known as critical instant.
This is the time between the first touch with the keel blocks and the landing overall.
9) What are the checks to be done in the fore peak and after peak tanks?
b) Check the stringer plates, shell plating, girders, beams for cracks and corrosion.
c) As many welds as possible should be checked.
d) Check the sacrificial anodes.
e) Check the condition of the paint.
f) Check the fore peak isolation valve.
g) Check the sounding pipes and striker plates.
h) The middle portion of the tanks are more prone for wear and tear than the top and
the bottom areas of the tanks. Therefore pay more attention to the middle areas of
the tanks.
i) Check the longitudinal stiffeners and brackets at the collision bulkhead to shell
j) Check the condition of the collision bulk head, the area where the fore peak
ballasting line is coming through.
k) In the after peak tanks, check the longitudinal shell stiffeners in dedicated ballast
tanks, particularly in areas adjacent to bulkheads and web frames.
10) What are the checks to be done in double bottom tanks of old ships?
The laying of the cable on the dock bottom is done with the help of a shore crane.
Cable must be lowered under power throughout the operation. In certain docks the total
operation is done by the dock yard crew. If it is the case, you should observe the
operation. In certain docks, this is done with the assistance of the ship staff.
13) Why do you transpose two or three shackles of the anchor cable?
A cable which lies idle in a locker becomes brittle and also to maintain the even
usage of the cable.
14) What are the checks to be carried out before flooding a dock?
Some times vessels are dry docked for repairs which are affected with a collision or
16) What are the precautions to be taken when docking with cargo on board?
a) Ensure no perishable or dangerous cargoes on board. If available on board they
must be discharged before docking.
b) Proper fire watches to be maintained in the cargo holds by taking fire rounds and
by the detectors.
c) Ensure cargo is properly lashed and the vessel is up-right.
d) Ensure the cargoes are evenly distributed and cargo plan should be given to the
e) Reduce free surface effect.
f) Ensure the vessel has sufficient GM throughout the critical period.
g) Discuss the docking requirements, such as trim and draught with the dock master.
h) Have a briefing with officers, engineers and crew.
i) If possible, try for a water borne docking.
17) How do you measure the thickness of hull plates and what is the allowance given
prior changing of the plates?
18) What are the contents of SPC (Self Polishing Co-polymer) paints?
a) Acrylic Polymer
b) Copper and Zinc solid particles
c) Less solid particles (therefore need more paint coatings)
In SPC, the biocide is chemically combined with the binder and is released
only when the soluble surface layer is gradually dissolved and worked away by water
motion to progressively expose more and more layers of SPC antifouling. In multi-coat
systems, it is common to use different colours so that the depletion of the total film
thickness may be monitored.
19) What is the thickness of a coat of SPC paint which is to be applied on the hull?
This depends upon the brand of the paint. The paint manufacturer should give this
information in the paint manual. For Chugoku Marine Paints (CMP), the thicknesses are
as follows,
20) How much time is required to dry these paints?
This depends upon the surrounding temperature and also the brand of the paint. This
information is also given in the paint manual. For Chugoku Marine Paints (CMP), drying
times are as follows,
- at 5 of temperature : 24 hrs
- at 30 of temperature : 10 hrs
21) What happens if the dock is flooded before drying the hull paint?
This paint consists of copper particles. If the dock is flooded before drying the
paint, these copper particles will increase the hull corrosion than on bare steel. If the dock
is flooded well early, of course the paints will come out of the plates.
Generally it is about 60 months from the date applied, but this depends upon the brand
and the type of the paint.
25) As a chief officer, what are the orders that you will give to your juniors in a dry
d) They should be told about the watch schedule, emergency contact numbers,
regulations which are specific to the dock.
e) They must have a good idea about the repair items.
f) Wearing of personnel safety gears must be strictly carried out.
g) Strict and frequent fire rounds must be carried out (be very cautious during tea
times, lunch times and also when the work is ceased at the end of the day).
h) Proper illumination must be available before starting work.
i) They must have a thorough knowledge about daily work.
j) The commencement and the end of each work must be informed to chief officer.
k) They also must be given a summery of a repair list. So that, it can be tick-off at
the end of each work.
l) All the important times must be noted down (commencement and completion of
each work, work ceasing times, raining time periods etc.)
m) Always the hull painting must be carried out during appropriate weather
conditions. Must ensure that the previous paint coating is properly dry before
applying the new coat.
n) Frequent soundings must be taken when ballasting tanks to ensure the water
tightness of the tanks.
o) If any ships equipment is given to dock workers, make sure to take them back.
p) Strict enclosed space entry regulations must be carried out.
q) Strict ISPS regulations must be carried out.
r) If in any doubt the chief officer or the master must be informed.
d) Select an appropriate place with sufficient lashing points. Ensure the securing
points are strong enough for lashing this cargo by referring in to securing manual.
e) Calculate GM for,
- critical stage (just after the weight is taken by the derrick)
- after loading
f) Minimize free surface effect by emptying or filling the tanks completely.
g) Keep the vessel upright.
h) Stop all other cargo operations.
i) Inform heads of departments.
j) Un-authorized persons are not to be allowed.
k) Ensure the gangway is up and the moorings are tight.
l) Cast of barges if moored along side.
m) Beware of lateral drag.
n) Lash all loose items.
o) Lay up dunnage in the fore & aft direction or diagonally. So that the weight will
be spread over the transverse beams and frames.
p) Attach steadying lines to the weight.
q) Just after the weight is taken by the derrick, check the cargo slings and wires.
5) If the weight is exceeding the load density, how do you arrange dunnage and
what sizes of dunnage?
6) Heavy weight is to be loaded on to a hatch cover which exceeds the load density.
What will you do?
Again dunnage must be laid down as mentioned above but ensure the dunnages are
long up to the hatch coamings, so that the weights will be taken by the ends of the
Before taking the weight When taking the weight
As the above figure shows, the horizontal movement of the cargo is known as
the lateral drag. This could happen while loading as well as discharging. When loading,
the drag is away from the ship and when discharging it is towards the vessel.
This can be reduced by maintaining the position of the derrick head above the
weight throughout the operation.
a) While discharging, the runner and the topping lift should be lowered
quickly as soon as the weight touches the ground.
b) While loading, the load must be taken slowly and also, it is advisable to
use steadying lines.
10) How do you load a heavy lift of 80t using a ships crane which has not been
used for last few years?
The cargo gears may not be used for a long time but they are surveyed & tested
as mentioned in question 1 & 2. This information can be taken from Register of
lifting appliances and cargo handling gear. As long as the gears are kept up to date,
they can be used any time, but the chief officer should check the crane visually before
taking the weight.
11) What are the proof loads applicable for cargo gears?
12) What are the methods available for testing cargo gears?
a) Dynamic method by using a spring load to get the required proof load.
b) Static method - by using a suspended weight.
The cargo gears are tested at various angles by slewing, hoisting, lowering with
the proof load. The emergency switches, cut offs, alarms are also tested.
13) How do you know that a wire rope is not suitable for use?
a) If it is crushed
b) If it is chaffed
c) If it is corroded
d) If more than 10% of strands are broken in a length of eight diameters in any place
of the rope.
a) Number of lashings
b) Securing points
c) Specific weight load tests of all lashing materials
d) SWL of all lashing materials.
15) How do you calculate the SWL of a rope without using the certificates?
Synthetic fibre ropes
Polypropylene 7 mm to 80 mm 3 D / 300
Polyester 4 mm to 96 mm 4 D / 300
Polyamide 4 mm to 96 mm 5 D / 300
For ropes,
SWL = Breaking stress / 6
1) What is BC code and what information can you take from it?
The students must refer the publication by him self and be familiar with it .
There were considerable amount of bulk carrier loses in the past. Therefore, IMO
developed the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code). The BC Code
provide safety guidelines for ship masters, ship owners, cargo owners in stowing &
carrying bulk cargoes except grain. The following information can be taken from the BC
a) Safety of personnel and ship
b) Procedures in handling bulk cargoes.
- trimming procedures
- methods of determining angle of repose
- test procedures for liquefiable cargoes
- hazards involve with hazardous cargoes
- requirements of loading
c) Transportation of solid wastes in bulk.
d) List of bulk cargoes which may liquefy
e) List of bulk cargoes having chemical hazards with their UN numbers, IMO class,
MFAG table number, approximate angle of repose, approximate stowage factor
and EmS number.
f) List of bulk cargoes which are not liable to liquefy or not possess a chemical
g) Emergency schedules (EmS) for cargoes having chemical hazards
h) Recommendations for entering enclosed spaces
i) Procedures for gas monitoring of coal cargoes
This is the maximum angle between the horizontal plane and the cone slop of a free
flowing granular material.
This is the percentage moisture content (wet mass basis) at which a flow state will
This is the maximum moisture content of a cargo deemed safe for carriage by sea in
ships other than specially designed ships. It is considered as 90% of the FMP.
7) What are the methods available to measure the moisture content, TML and
Half fill a cylindrical can (0.5 to 1 litre) with the cargo. Take the can in one hand
and bring it down sharply to strike a hard surface (table) from a height of about 20 cm.
Repeat this for about 25 times at one or two seconds intervals. Check the surface of the
can for moisture or fluid conditions. If free moisture or a fluid conditions appears,
prepare arrangements to have additional laboratory tests, before loading.
9) How do you identify the cargoes which are liable to flow freely?
a) If the angle of repose is less than or equal to 30, it is liable to flow freely like
grain. Then the grain regulations will be applied.
b) Cargoes having an angle of repose of more than 35 are not liable to flow freely.
10) How will you load a cargo having an angle of repose more than 35?
Spread the cargo evenly in the hatch to eliminate the formations of wide, steepy
slopes. It should be trimmed to an angle much more less than the angle of repose.
For the cargoes of with an angle of repose more than 35, the BC Code must be
consulted. The Grain Code must be consulted for the cargoes of angle of repose less than
35. This value is taken as such because under normal conditions, a ships maximum
angle of role is about 35. Therefore, when a vessel is rolled by 35, the slope of the cargo
will be vertical and the cargo should be able to stay in position without toppling.
12) How will you load a cargo having an angle of repose of between 30 and 35
including 35?
a) The vertical distance (h) between the highest & lowest levels of the cargo
surface should not exceed B/10 (B= beam of the ship in metres), with a maximum
allowable h = 1.5 m.
b) If the h can not be measured, bulk shipment can also be accepted if loading is
carried out with trimming equipments approved by a competent authority.
13) What are the stability requirements for carrying grain in bulk?
a) The angle of heel due to shift of grain shall not be greater than 12 or for ships of
constructed on or after 1st January 1994 the angle at which the deck edge is
immersed, which ever is the lesser.
b) In the statical stability diagram, the net or residual area between the heeling arm
curve and the righting arm curve up to the angle of heal of maximum difference
between the ordinates of the two curves, or 40 or the angle of flooding, which
ever is the least, shall in all conditions of loading be not less than 0.075 m radians.
c) The initial metacentric height, after correction for the free surface effects of liquid
in tanks , shall be not less than 0.30m.
- for new ships (built after 25th May 1980) all these calculations are
provided by the yard and readily available.
- for existing ships, these are not readily available. Therefore master has to
prove that the v/l is capable of meeting these criteria.
14) How will you reduce the shift of grain in a filled compartment?
15) How will you reduce the shift of grain in a partially filled compartment?
16) What are the documents involve in carrying bulk cargoes?
17) What are the documents to be carried on board when carrying bulk grain (other
than above)?
18) What are the information that a shipper should provide to the master when
carrying bulk cargoes?
a) FMP
b) Moisture content
c) Trimming procedures
d) Angle of repose
e) Stowage factor
f) Chemical hazards involve, such as toxicity, corrosivity etc.
19) What are the precautions to be taken before loading a tanker?
c) Ensure the tanks are inerted, oxygen percentage is 8% or less and have
positive pressures.
d) Make sure to check all alarm systems (oxygen more than 5% alarm in the
inert gas pump, low water alarms in the scrubber/deck water seal, inert gas
failure alarm etc) and also check all portable gas measuring equipment.
e) No soot blowing during loading & discharging.
f) Loading sequence plan and the de-ballasting plan is ready.
g) Initial, normal and final loading rates to be agreed with the terminal
h) The normal and emergency communications to be agreed with the shore.
i) Ensure the scuppers are plugged.
j) Make sure to put bravo flag or all round red light.
k) Make sure the fire lines are rigged in forward and aft as per port
l) Man the manifold throughout.
m) Switch on the pump room blowers and should take pump room rounds at
least every 20 minits.
n) No unauthorized people on deck and consider the deck as a hazardous
o) Naked lights, smoking or any other sources of ignitions must be
p) Hot work must not be carried out on board and on the terminal.
q) Just after the loading is commenced, ensure the cargo is flowing in to the
correct tanks by taking soundings.
r) If remote gauges are available, cross check them with manual ullages or
manual soundings.
s) Throttle the mast riser as per the tank pressures during loading.
t) In VOC emission controlled areas, make sure to keep the vapour collector
on throughout the loading period.
u) Ensure the ship-shore check list is followed.
Crude oils are very viscous because of that clinnage will be high on the tank bulk
heads and on the tank floor. This can be washed out by using the same cargo while
discharging. This is known as Crude Oil Washing (COW). There are advantages as well
as disadvantages of COW. While doing COW, according to MARPOL requirements,
tanks must be under the following conditions,
a) must have a positive pressure (this is created by IG)
b) the Oxygen content must be 8% or less by volume
c) since the discharging is going on, the IG pump should be in operation to maintain
a positive pressure.
Once, one third of the tank is empty, the top wash can be started. When the top
wash is completed the middle wash can be carried out and finally the bottom wash can be
started when the sounding is about 1 m. The cargo manuals must be consulted as different
ships have different systems. The manuals specify the required trim, required pressures,
setting up arrangements etc.
Top wash
21) Can you continue on COW if the inert gas system is not working?
In the case of a crude oil tanker discharging or COW must be stopped if the
IG system is not working. It can be resumed only if an external source of IG can be
supplied through the external IG connection system (it is a MARPOL requirement to
have a such device).
In the case of a product carrier, tank cleaning can be resumed only if an
external source of IG can be supplied, or,
a) Tank washing to be carried out only in one tank at a time.
b) That tanks ventilations should be isolated and should provide as far as possible a
free flow of air from one end of the tank to the other.
c) The tank bottom, piping system, cargo pumps etc. should be flushed with water
and stripped.
d) The vapour content in any part of the tank is below 10% of the lower flammable
e) If the vapour level rises during cleaning to 50% of the lower flammable limit,
washing should be stopped until the vapour level has fallen to 20 % of LFL or
f) If washing machines with individual capacities exceeding 60m/h are to be used,
only one such machine shall be used at any one time on the ship.
g) The tank should be kept drained during washing. If built-up of wash water occurs,
washing should be stopped until the water has been cleared.
h) Only clean, cold seawater should be used. Re-circulating systems should not be
i) Chemical additives should not be used.
j) All deck openings, except those necessary for washing and designed venting
arrangements, should be kept closed during the washing process.
In case of a product carrier, discharging or de-ballasting may resumed only if
an external source of IG can be supplied or,
a) If the vessel is built on or after 01 st September 1984, the venting system should be
checked to ensure approved devices are fitted to restrict the passage of flame in to
the tanks.
b) If the vessel is built before 1st September 1984 the flame screens should be
checked to ensure that they are in a satisfactory condition.
c) The valves on the vent mast risers are opened.
d) No free fall of water or slops is permitted.
e) No dipping, ullaging, sampling or other equipment should be introduced into the
tank unless essential for the safety of the operation. If it is extremely required, it
can be done only after at least 30 minutes have elapsed since the IG failure.
22) What are the final phasing out dates of single hull tankers?
The single hull tankers of 15 years or older can be used beyond these time
periods, if she has under gone a Condition Assessment Scheme (CAS). After a CAS,
administration may permit Category 2 & 3 tankers to be operated anniversary of the
delivery of the ship in 2015 or the date on which the ship reaches 25 years of age after the
date of its delivery, which ever is earlier.
Category 1 oil tankers These are the oil tankers of 20,000 tons DWT and above
carrying crude oil, fuel oil, heavy diesel oil or lubricating oil as cargo and of 30,000 tons
DWT and above carrying oil other than above, which does not complies with the
requirements for new tankers as defined in regulation 1(26) of MARPOL Annex I.
Category 2 oil tankers These are the oil tankers of 20,000 tons DWT and above
carrying crude oil, fuel oil, heavy diesel oil or lubricating oil as cargo, and of 30.000 tons
DWT and above carrying oil other than above, which does complies with the
requirements for new tankers as defined in regulation 1(26) of MARPOL Annex I.
Category 3 oil tankers These are the oil tankers of 5,000 tons DWT and above but less
than that specified in category 1 and category 2.
23) What are the contents of IBC Code & what it means?
The students must refer the publication by him self and be familiar with it. IBC
stands for International Code for the construction & equipment of ships carrying
dangerous chemicals in bulk. This applies to all ships carrying chemicals in bulk,
constructed after 01st July 1986. It contains,
a) Survey procedures & requirements
b) Stability criteria
c) Cargo handling procedures
d) Constructional standards
e) A list of chemicals to which the code does not apply
f) A list of dangerous chemicals carried in bulk
g) Requirements for carrying & incinerating dangerous chemicals at sea.
The students must refer the publication by him self and be familiar with it.
IGC applies for Construction & equipment of ships carrying liquefied gasses in bulk. It
a) Survey procedures & requirements
b) Stability requirements
c) Safety construction of ships
d) Cargo handling procedures
25) What are the general precautions to be taken when loading bulk cargoes?
a) Inspect the hold (check the ladders, frames, tank tops for corrosion, damages,
cleanliness etc.
b) Check the bilge well, strainer plates, sounding pipes.
c) Clean the bilges, test the suction, cover the bilge well with a strainer. Put a gunny
bag on top of the trainer and put cement around the gunny bag to hold it in place.
d) Cover the deck machinery if possible
e) Put the accommodation air condition on re-circulation.
f) Check the bilge soundings before & after loading.
g) To avoid the extra stresses, it is advisable to load in the lower holds than tween
h) Commence at a slow rate specially the high density cargoes to avoid damage to
tank top.
i) Attend moorings, gangways and ballasting/de-ballasting, list, trim should be
j) Barrier creams and masks available for personnel when handling dusty cargoes.
k) Test spaces for oxygen deficiency
l) Make personnel aware of any dangers which may exist
26) What are the hazardous involve in carrying concentrates?
27) What are the precautions to be taken when loading cargoes which are liable to
28) What is BLU Code and what are the contents of it?
The students must refer the publication by him self and must be familiar with
it. BLU Code stands for Code of Practice for the Safe Loading and Unloading of Bulk
Carriers. The objective of the Code is to prevent the bulk carrier losses due to improper
loading & unloading of bulk cargoes, except for grain.
There were heavy losses of bulk carriers even after the introduction of the BC
Code, during the past few years. Most of these cases have occurred due to improper
loading & discharging of bulk carriers. The BLU Code was adopted November 1997, to
reduce the ship losses due to improper loading & discharging.
a) This Code applies to ship owners, masters, charters and terminal operators.
b) The condition of ships and terminal of handling bulk cargoes.
c) Information to be exchanged between shore & ship
d) Actions to be taken before loading by ships and terminals.
e) Procedures in loading, unloading, ballasting and de-ballasting.
f) Sample loading & unloading plans
g) Ship/shore safety check lists
31) What is the difference between BC Code and the BLU Code?
The BC Code addresses the technical details of all solid bulk cargoes in loading,
unloading and carrying on board. Where as the BLU Code addresses the precautions to be
taken by the terminals & ships when loading and discharging of solid bulk cargoes. It
does not address any particular cargo but addresses them commonly.
32) 150000 DWT bulk carrier loading iron ore. As a C/O what precautions would
you take and how do you load the vessel?
a) Make sure to obtain certificate issued from competent laboratory from the shipper
stating the FMP, TML & MC.
b) Calculate total distribution of cargo and check the stability, SF & BM at all
conditions (at port, departure, during voyage and arrival)
c) Make sure the loading and de ballasting distribution sequences are within the safe
e) Cargo hold free from previous cargo, clean the bilges and doubler the bilge strainer
plates if required.
f) Clean the bilges, test the suction, cover the bilge well with a strainer. Put a gunny
bag on top of the trainer and put cement around the gunny bag to hold it in place.
j) Complete ship shore safety check list. (loading rate, Bunkering rate de ballasting
rate, If have any repairs ,communication method, draft at the berth, safety
procedures, trimming quantity)
During loading:
a) Make sure all the loading and de ballasting as per planed sequence.
b) As far as possible, try to position the shooter close to the tank top at the beginning of
loading (to avoid damages to the tank top). If this is not possible start with a slower
loading rate and continue until the tank top is fully covered.
d) Cargo to be evenly distributed inside the cargo holds to avoid excess tress
On completion of loading:
c) Make sure estimated cargo quantity loaded as per charter party conditions.
Structural failure
a) The shipper must provide the characteristics of coal and a certificate including the
moisture content (because different types of coals act differently as below)
- Some types of coal does not emit methane and also not liable for
spontaneous heating.
- Some types of coals emit methane in considerable amounts
- Some types of coals are liable to spontaneous heating
- Some types of coals are liable for spontaneous heating as well as emission
of methane.
b) Clean the cargo spaces and remove all residues.
c) Clean the bilges, test the suction, cover the bilge well with a strainer. Put a gunny
bag on top of the trainer and put cement around the gunny bag to hold it in place.
d) The electrical cabling in cargo and adjacent spaces to be free from defects.
e) Ensure spark arresters are fitted to funnel and ventilators
f) Ensure no smoking in unauthorized areas
g) Do not stow adjacent to hot bulkheads or any heat sources.
h) Trim the cargo
i) Follow entry into enclosed spaces procedure due to possible depletion of
j) The sulphur content of Pond-Coal is unusually high and may result in the
release of sulphuric acid with consequent risk of damage to ships structure.
k) Some types of coal is shipped in wet condition, will turn out about 3% less than in
weight. Therefore, records of bilge pumping should be kept and B/Ls should be
claused to adequately protect against claims for short delivery.
l) Arrange means to take the temperatures during the passage.
35) What are the precautions to be taken when carrying coal?
a) Emission of methane.
b) Spontaneous heating
c) Emission of sulphuric acid (with Pond-Coal)
d) Loss of cargo weight (with Pond-Coal)
e) Cargo liquefaction (with fine-particled coal and coal slurry)
37) What are the precautions to be taken when loading timber deck cargo?
g) She must be up right. Record of inspections and tightening of lashing must be
38) What are the areas of high stresses and bending moments on a bulk carrier?
39) What are the areas of fracturing, cracks or distortion may occur on a bulk
a) Inside a hatch,
b) On the deck areas,
40) What are the methods available to load bulk carriers?
c) This is known as block loading. This system also helpful to improve the GM, to a
certain extent. This method is used when the ship is partly loaded.
41) What are the new regulations according to SOLAS in relation to bulk carrier
Single hull bulk carriers of 150m and above in length constructed on or after 1 st
July 1999 and design to carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1000 kg/m and
above, shall be able to withstand when one compartment is flooded to the same level as
the out side water level in all loading conditions and ballast conditions.
Double hull bulk carriers of 150m and above in length constructed on or after 1 st
July 2006 and having longitudinal bulkheads within breadth/5 or 11.5 m, which ever is
less, inboard from the ships side at right angles to the centre line at the Summer Load
Line and also design to carry solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1000 kg/m and
above, shall be able to withstand when one compartment is flooded to the same level as
the out side water level in all loading conditions and ballast conditions.
Single hull bulk carriers of 150 m or more in length, design to carry cargoes
having a density of 1780 kg/m and above if not meeting the above regulations, shall
not sail with any hold loaded to less than 10% of the holds maximum allowable
cargo weight when in the full loaded condition, after reaching 10 years of age.
42) What are the potential problems hazardous involve with bulk carriers?
a) Use of unsafe practices which are not mentioned in the loading manual (eg the
approved loading manual on board a nine-hold bulk carrier, often has an
annotation stating that holds 2, 4, 6 and 8 may be empty. This implies that all even
number holds must be empty at the same time. In many cases, ship officers
believe that such an annotation allows for any combination of these holds to be
empty, which is not the case).
b) High loading rates.
c) Cargo loading and ballast distribution is not symmetrical
d) Cargoes are not trimed properly.
e) Partially filled ballast tanks or holds (sailing with partially filled ballast tanks or
ballast holds is prohibited unless the approved loading manual permits such
practices. Due to the partially filled ballast, sloshing may take place, which will
increase dynamic internal pressures acting on the hold and tank boundary
f) Insufficient cargo measurements during loading. Overloading the cargo hold
through inaccurate weighing will increase the stress levels in the ships structure.
g) Lack of effective communication between ships and the terminal. This may
increase the risk of inadvertent overloading of the ships structure.
h) As per the load line regulations, the load line marks must not be exceeded. End-
hold trimming to maximise cargo carrying capacity, and bring the ship down to
her marks, is to be avoided, because it may result in the overloading of end holds
beyond allowable limits, increasing local and global stresses.
i) Structural damages due to grabs, bulldozers, excavators etc.
1) What is the purpose of classification?
To safe guards the interests of ship owners, insurance underwriters and others
concerned with merchant ships, by ensuring that ships are constructed, equipped and
maintained to satisfactory standards of safety, stability and strength. A class certificate is
not required to carry on board. A vessel may sail without a class certificate but it is not
commercially feasible. Therefore, all the ship owners classify their ships.
3) What is IACS?
5) What is the procedure to become a member of IACS?
a) Since the IACS members are more reputed around the world than non IACS
members, it is a good attraction to shippers.
b) Easy to get insurance than for vessels classed with non IACS members.
c) Less insurance premiums.
d) High reliability.
e) Agents are available world wide.
f) Accepted world wide.
g) IACS members are engage in several research & development projects related to
shipping. Therefore more expertise are available than from non IACS members.
7) If a vessel is classified with a non IACS member, how do they carryout surveys, if
the vessel is in Europe and if they dont have agents there?
The non IACS classification society can appoint an IACS member to carry out
the required surveys, but this will be done according to the non IACS classification
society standards. The results of the survey will be informed to the non IACS
classification society, so that they can issue a certificate. Otherwise the IACS member
will endorse the existing certificate but they will not issue a new certificate. This is
known as parallel classification.
d) When repairs, alterations or conversions affecting the class are carried out without
requesting the attendance of a surveyor.
e) When the class renewal, annual, intermediate and special surveys have not been
completed by the end of the time period. (it will be suspended automatically)
IMO (International Maritime Organization)
a) Assembly Organs
b) Council
c) Maritime Safety Committee (MSC)
d) Marine Environmental Protection Committee (MEPC)
e) Legal Committee Committees
f) Facilitation Committee
e) At present, IMO conventions enter into force within an average of five years after
5) What is an amendment?
The enforced conventions are required to be changed with the time. This is done
by making changes to the relevant conventions. These changes are known as
In early conventions, amendments came into force only after a percentage of
contacting States, usually 2/3 had accepted them. This may create long delays, specially
if the number of contracting States are more.
7) What is a protocol?
Refer the Appendixes for detailed Conventions and for the certificates to be
carried onboard.
2) How do you prepare your vessel for Cargo Ship Safety Equipment survey?
h) Ensure the life jackets are in order.
i) Make sure the pyrotechnics are not expired.
j) Test the emergency lighting system.
k) Check fire control plans are posted and still legible.
l) Test the fire/smoke detection system.
m) Test and try out the fire pump including the emergency fire pump.
n) Check fire hoses, nozzles and applicators are in good conditions.
o) Test the fixed fire fighting system.
p) Ensure the portable and non portable fire extinguishers are in order.
q) Ensure the closing arrangements for ventilators, skylights, doors, funnel spaces and
tunnels are in working order.
u) Ensure the firemans outfits are in order and recharge the B.A bottles
r) Inspect the pilot ladders, pilot hoists if carried
s) Make sure the navigational lights and signals are in order
t) Check all the navigational equipment are working in order.
u) Ensure the log books are in order.
v) Make sure the charts and publications are corrected and up to date.
w) Usually there are check lists for these surveys, ensure the check lists are followed.
3) What are the areas of inspections during a Cargo Ship Safety Construction
annual survey?
d) All piping systems
e) Electrical equipment in hazardous zones
f) The access ladders in the pump room
g) The elimination of ignition sources in pump room.
h) Electrical equipment in pump room.
i) Examination of pump room bulkheads for leaks and fractures
j) All piping systems in pump room.
k) Pump gland seals and mechanical/electrical shut down devices in pump room
l) Bilge pumping systems in pump room.
m) Ventilation system in pump room.
n) The discharge pressure gauges and tank contents gauges are operational
5) What are the additional surveys to be carried out on tankers of 10 years and
above of age?
b) A survey should be carried out within 3 months before or after the anniversary
date of the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate.
- it is same as the annual survey for the Cargo Ship Safety Equipment
- After a successful completion of survey, it will be endorsed on the Cargo
Ship Safety Equipment Survey.
The Special Enhanced Survey system was implemented in 1993 according to IMO
resolution A.744(18) to improve the condition of the tankers and bulk carriers. This
survey is conducted along with the annual, intermediate and renewal surveys of the Cargo
Ship Safety Construction Certificate. The following items will be inspected during
- The hull and the piping systems should be surveyed for proper
- The hull plating and its closing appliances
- The water tight integrity of the weather deck including gaskest, covers
coamings and flame screens.
- Cargo tank pressure/vacuum valves and flame screens.
- The COW, bunker/cargo vent piping systems.
- Bulkheads in pump rooms and tunnels for signs of leaks
- The condition of the corrosion prevention system of ballast tanks other
areas as identified should be considered.
- If recommended during renewal and intermediate surveys, ballast tanks to
be inspected and thicknesses should be checked.
- All ballast tanks adjacent to cargo/fuel tanks with any means of heating
should be checked and thicknesses should be checked if required (For
double hull oil tankers of above 15 years of age)
Intermediate survey
tanks in question should be examined and plate thicknesses should be
measured as necessary at annual intervals.
- This survey should be the same as the renewal survey but pressure testing
of cargo and ballast tanks are not required if considered not required.
Renewal survey
- This is carried out to ensure the hull and the related piping systems are in a
good condition to issue the new Cargo Ship Safety Construction
- A survey in dry dock should be a part of the renewal survey.
- All the items under annual surveys will be examined.
- All cargo tanks, ballast tanks, pump rooms, pipe tunnels, cofferdams and
void spaces bounding cargo tanks, decks and out hull should be inspected.
Plate thicknesses to be measured and tested if considers necessary.
- Cargo piping on deck, COW piping, cargo and ballast piping within the
above tanks and spaces should be examined and should be pressure tested
for the working pressure.
- Overall survey of all integral tanks and spaces to be carried out
- Close up surveys and thickness measurements and tank pressure testing
should be as per the annexes to the Resolution MSC 197 (80).
- At the end of a renewal survey, a Condition Evaluation Report should be
prepared and handed over to the ship. This report should include the actual
condition of the ship, i.e. tanks inspected, thicknesses, details of
inspections, details of pressure testing etc.
7) What are the surveys to be conducted on bulk carriers according to the special
enhanced survey system?
- All the frames in all cargo holds
- Two selected transverse bulkheads in all cargo holds
- Lower parts of remaining transverse bulkheads in all cargo holds
- Air pipes and sounding pipes in way of tank top in all cargo holds
- All cargo hatch covers and coamings
- One transverse ring in each two representative water ballast tanks of each
type (i.e. top side, hopper or side tanks)
b) Bulk carriers of above 5 years of age but less than or equal to 10 years of age,
c) Bulk carriers of above 10 years of age but less than or equal to 15 years of age,
8) What are the special surveys to be carried out on general cargo ships?
- Selected hold frames and lower parts of remaining hold frames in fwd and
aft cargo holds
- Lower parts of remaining hold frames in remaining cargo holds.
- One selected transverse bulkhead in all cargo holds.
- Lower parts of remaining transverse bulkheads in all cargo holds.
- All cargo hold hatch covers and coamings
- Air pipes and sounding pipes in cargo holds in way of tank top.
- Selected hold frames and lower parts of remaining frames in all cargo
- Selected transverse bulkheads and lower parts of remaining transverse
bulkheads in each cargo hold.
- All cargo hatch covers and coamings
- Selected deck platings inside line hatch opening between cargo holds.
- Selected inner bottom platings.
- Air pipes and sounding pipes in cargo holds in way of tank top.
- Forward and after transverse bulkheads of one side ballast tank.
- Each transverse ring in each two representative water ballast tanks of each
type (i.e. top side tanks, hopper tanks, side tanks or double bottom tanks)
d) Ships of above 15 years of age,
Statutory certificates mean the certificates that must be carried as per the
Administrations local law. Therefore the statutory certificates may vary depending upon
the flag state (which will be depended upon the ratifying of the international
conventions). The following list is a list of statutory certificates which are required by the
most of the administrations in the world.
certificate of registry. They will be using certificates on the letter headings issued by the
flag state in doing so.
As per the Sri Lankan Act No. 51 1971, only the following certificates can be
called as statutory certificates,
Since Sri Lanka has ratified the most of the conventions, the certificates
which were mentioned earlier must be carried on board but other than the above 5
certificates, the rest are not included in the Sri Lankan Act.
*According to the old system, the validity period of cargo ship safety equipment
certificate is 02 years and the cargo ship safety radio certificate is 01 year. Under the
harmonize system of surveying, the validity period of both these certificates are 05
a. Class certificate
b. Suez canal certificate
c. Panama canal certificate
d. Insurance certificate
e. Derating certificate
f. Registry of cargo gear and lifting appliances certificate
12) What are the certificates to be carried on board a tanker other than the
certificates mentioned above?
a) Apart from above certificates oil tankers should carry OPIC (Oil Pollution
Insurance Certificate). This certificate should be carried by tankers carrying more
than 2000t of oil as cargo, for financial security against oil pollution as per civil
liabilities convention.
b) Certificates issued by P & I club on behalf of administration.
Under the MARPOL 73/78 every tanker of 150 GT or more and every non tanker
of 400 GT or more must have a SOPEP. SOPEP stands for Shipboard Oil Pollution
Emergency Plan. It has following features,
14) When a Panama flagged vessel is trading between Colombo and Bombay, what
is it called?
15) What is the name given to a trade, when a Sri Lankan flagged ship is sailing
between Colombo and Bombay?
This is called as short international voyage. A short international voyage means any
voyage between Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Myanmar and Maldives.
16) What is BIMMS agreement?
BIMMS stands for Bangladesh, India, Maldives, Myanmar and Sri Lanka.
This is an agreement between those countries which facilitates non-compliance of
international regulations (in certification requirements) when sailing between those ports
for ships registered under those flags.
18) What are the ships excluded from complying with load line regulations?
19) What is the meaning of International voyage as per Load Line requirements?
A voyage from a port or place in Sri Lanka to a port or place outside Sri Lanka or
a voyage to Sri Lanka from a port or place outside Sri Lanka.
a) Get the prepared ISM manuals from the company and go through the
manuals thoroughly
b) Brief the duties & responsibilities of each crew member provide them to
read manuals and get them to signed
c) Divide the jobs and responsibilities among the crew members as per the
ISM manuals
d) Introduced filling system as per the SMS of the company
e) Conduct drills training, safety video , meetings at regular intervals to
improve the crew skills and knowledge
f) Implement the environment protection as per company SMS
g) Carry out Masters monthly SMS review & find of the deficiencies and
report to DPA
h) Drugs and Alcohol restrictions
Identifiable deviation process serious treat too personal or ship safety or serious
risk to the environment & required immediate corrective action.
Eg; Lack of effective & systematic implementation of the ISM Code
This depends upon the company, but it may contain the following manuals,
a) Masters manual
b) Dk. Officers manual
c) Eng. Officer manual
d) Machinery operation manual
e) Safety training LSA /FFA manual
f) Safety management manual ( SM )
g) Ship board operation manual ( SO )
h) Integrated ship board emergency plan ( ISEP )
i) Planned maintenance program ( PMP )
j) Ship board document filling ( SF )
k) SOPEP Manual
m) Vessel contingency Manual
24) How do you prepare your vessel for an internal ISM audit as a master?
d) All critical operations manuals & drawings must be on board.
e) All the officers must be familiar with the SMS manuals and initialized.
f) All officers & crew must be familiar with company policies.
g) Ensure the updated SMS manuals are onboard.
h) All maintenance cards must be updated.
i) Ensure the monthly QMS reviews being conducted & sent to office. LSA
& FFA PMS up to date & monthly emergency equipment status form
being sent to the company.
j) Last audit checklist & audit record must be on board and corrective
actions taken.
k) Ensure a valid DOC is on board.
l) Ensure the records of drills are up to date.
Masters responsibilities
a) Master must be aware of the company policies and his responsibilities regard to
b) Masters standing orders must be read by all officers and signed.
c) The weekly inspections must be carried out.
d) Master must be aware of the DPA and his contact details and ensure all officers
and crew are aware of it.
e) Ensure the SMS deficiencies are reported to the management company.
d) Charts and publications must be up dated and the current editions must be on
e) Proper methods of position fixing must be used.
f) UMS procedures must be displayed.
g) Valid deviation card must be available.
h) Ensure the masters orders book is used.
Cargo Operations
a) Ensure the certificates and inspection records of all cargo gear are available.
b) The loading computers on tankers and bulk carriers must be tested and records to
be kept on board.
c) Ensure the stability and loading booklets are available.
d) Ensure cargo plans are used for loading and unloading. Ensure cargo sequence
plans also drawn as well.
e) Tank gauges and level alarms must be in operational.
f) Ensure to prepare a lashing arrangement plan on container ship.
Accident/Incidents/Near misses
a) All accidents/incidents/near misses must be documented and company must be
b) Corrective actions must be taken based on the incident root cause analysis.
c) Notices sent by the company must be read by relevant people and it must be
signed by them.
a) LSA & FFA training manuals must be read by all staff and signed.
b) Training records must be available on board.
c) Safety video record of attendance must be maintained.
d) Ensure onboard familiarization is given to all staff.
e) Ensure all staff is certified as per SCTW 95.
25) How do you prepare your vessel for an external ISM audit as a master?
a) Ensure the SMS is in operation for last three months and a safety officer is
b) Make sure all as-built construction drawings are available onboard and ashore.
c) Make sure the records of safety committee meetings are available.
d) Ensure the drug and alcohol instructions are available on board and also ensure
un-announced alcohol tests are carried out and they are logged.
e) All the staff must be well aware of the company policies. It is a good practice to
post the company objectives in common places
f) Make sure all the staff are well aware of their duties and responsibilities,
including the duties and responsibilities during different emergency situations.
g) Ensure all know, who is the DPA, his contact numbers and the purpose of having
him. Again it is a good practice to post the name of the DPA and his contact
numbers at common places.
h) Master should be well aware of his responsibility and must have evidence of
implementation and maintenance of SMS.
i) Master must have evidence of motivating of crew (training, parties, top to bottom
approach, bottom to top approach, appreciation of their work and ideas etc.)
j) Evidence of orders issued to officers/crew are clear and simple (night order book,
job descriptions specially during emergency situations (muster lists), notices on
notice boards and in other common places etc.)
k) Evidence of masters verification of the system as per the company procedures
(deck log books, engine log books, official log books, training books, masters
mid contract reports to the company, masters end contract reports to the company
l) Master must be aware of his over-riding authority in case of safety and pollution
m) Ensure all the staff is having appropriate and valid certificates and endorsements
as per IMO and flag state requirements.
n) Ensure watch schedules, working hours, rest periods and properly entered and
they are as per the STCW95.
o) Ensure the evidence of familiarizations are available.
p) Ensure the staff is good in English or other working language.
q) Ensure the drills are carried out as per the SOLAS, MARPOL and flag state
r) Make sure SOPEP is available according to IMO and flag state requirements.
s) Ensure the records of former incidents such as pollution, grounding, collision;
injuries, fire, machinery failures etc. are readily available.
t) Make sure corrective actions were for past non-conformities and past NCRs,
company feedbacks are available.
u) Ensure the maintenance all items subjected to class and statutory requirements are
done properly and recorded, including testing of such equipment. Also ensure
maintenance manuals are available for them. Those equipment includes,
- Hull and superstructure
- LSA, FFA and pollution prevention equipment
- Navigational and radio equipment
- Steering gear
- Bilge, ballast pumping systems and oily water separator
- Waste disposal and sewage systems
- Main and auxiliary machinery
- Pipe lines and valves
- Cargo handling equipment
- Inert gas systems
- P/V valves
- Anchoring and mooring equipment
- Fire, smoke and water detection systems and alarms
v) Make sure to have records of internal audits, copy of DOC and other certificates.
w) Medical locker is organized as per IMO, ILO, WHO guide lines. Make sure the
records of medical treatments are available.
x) Ensure the LOF salvage agreement is available on board.
26) What is the difference between an Oil Pollution Insurance Certificate and the
Cargo Insurance Certificate?
Indian MOU
3) Where is it situated?
Goa, in India
a) Australia
b) Eritrea
c) India
d) Iran
e) Kenya
f) Maldives
g) Mauritius
h) Oman
i) South Africa
j) Sri Lanka
k) Sudan
l) Tanzania
m) Yemen
East coast and South coast of South Africa to the West coast of Australia,
including the Persian Gulf.
e) Load Line Convention f) Tonnage convention
g) CLC h) Intervention on high seas oil pollution
i) Special Trade Passenger ship Convention j) Fund convention
k) Convention on INMARSAT l) OPRC
m) International Convention on salvage n) STCW 95
o) Antifouling convention
a) SUA 2005
b) Ballast water management convention
c) MARPOL Annex 4 & Annex 6
10) What are the conventions enforced in Indian MOU?
This depends upon the individual countries. Individual countries are free to ratify
or to avoid ratifying conventions as per their wish. The MOU can not force to sign any
The size, the weight of the cable and the anchor depend upon the size of the
ship. None of the regulations specify about a maximum weight that can be heaved up by
a windless. Most of the classification societies check for a power of weight of anchor plus
weight of 4 shackles. Therefore, it may be dangerous to lower more than 4 shackles
without touching the bottom.
3) What is the meaning of shallow water anchoring & deep water anchoring?
4) What are the factors to be taken into account when selecting an anchoring
i) Swinging room (this will depends upon the number of shackles that will be paid
out, which will depends upon number of factors, such as, length of stay, depths of
water, draught, type of anchor etc.).
This is a plan which is prepared before start anchoring. After the plan is
prepared, it should be briefed with all officers involve. Now most of the companies have
ready made anchoring plans, in, sort of a check list. The plan should include,
a) Anchoring position (with one alternative)
b) Speed and direction of approach.
c) Speed & direction of wind and current.
d) Duties of persons engage in the operation.
e) Check bearing of anchoring position.
f) Which anchor to be used and the number of shackle.
Usually it is 4 to 5 times the depths of the sea, but this depends upon number of
factors such as the length of the stay, possibility of bad weather, rate of current/wind etc.
a) Possibility of dragging
b) Possibility of hitting other vessels at anchor.
c) Possibility of hitting other vessels passing close by.
10) What are the actions to be taken if you detect your anchor is dragging?
Just after the breaks are applied the cable will become tight due to the stern
momentum of the vessel. Once this stern movement of the vessel is stopped she will
move towards the cable again due to its weight. Then the cable will become slack and if
she maintains this position she is brought-up. If the cable continuously becomes tight and
slack, that means she is not brought-up.
13) How do you know she is stopped and ready for letting go?
Anchor aweigh means, the anchor is just of the bottom (while heaving up).
When the cable is being heaved up, there will be a slight weight on the cable
leading forward. When the anchor is aweigh, suddenly the cable will become up and
down with a little pendulum movement.
Open moor is used to increase the holding power of the cable and to stop
This is good when anchoring in restricted areas (specially by land) and when
excessive yaw is expected, to reduce the swinging circle. Students must understand that
this moor will not increase the holding power as she will be hanging to one cable always.
20) Explain the running moor.
The advantages and disadvantages are the same as running moor, but
theoretically required less engine movements during this manoeuvre. Practically,
depending upon the circumstances engines may be required
Anchor foul means the anchor is fouled with an under water obstruction and can
not be heaved up.
24) What will you do, if your anchor is fouled and the berth is ready for your ship?
25) What are the actions to be taken when sailing with one anchor?
a) Inform the classification society. Usually, they will allocate some number of days
to fix the anchor again, after consulting the master.
b) Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate will not be suspended if the anchor is
fitted within this period.
c) Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate will be suspended, if both the anchors
are lost.
26) How do you slip on deck?
(15 D) / (500 x 5 = (L x 1.5 x W)/27
D = (L x W x 1.5 x 500 x 5) / (27.5 x 15) (mm)
As per the current regulations, the chain cable must be able to slip from a position
external to the cable locker. The bitter attachment being achieved by a easily removed
draw bolt system or a similar arrangement.
Chain locker and the forepeak tank is in front of the collision bulkhead. As
per the regulations, the collision bulkhead can be pieced only once. Therefore there is
only one line running through the collision bulkhead. Therefore an eductor system is used
to pump out the chain lockers. So, pump it out using the eductor system. When water is
running very fast through a pipe line, a pressure drop occurs. If the pipe is connected to a
tank by an another pipe, the water in the tank will be sucked due to the pressure drop.
This is how the eductor system works.
1) What are the actions to be taken during a man over board situation?
a) Put the wheel hard over to the man over board side.
b) Let go the MOB marker which is on the same side.
c) Press the MOB marker on the GPS.
d) Call up emergency stations, inform master, post lookouts and man the wheel.
e) Switch on a SART and throw it towards the MOB position if it is restricted
f) Put the engines standby.
g) Send a distress message.
h) Take the check list for man over board and ensure all are done as the check list
i) When the heading is 60 - 80 off the initial course, put the wheel hard over to the
opposite side. When the heading is coming close to the reciprocal course, steady
the vessel.
j) Put the Oscar flag up.
k) Ensure cargo nets, rescue boat, warm clothing, first aid kits etc. are ready for
immediate use.
l) If the seas are rough and rescue boat can not be lowered, take the victim on to the
leeward side of the ship and let the vessel drifts towards the victim. If the sea
condition is alright and expecting to lower the rescue boat, then approach the
victim from the windward side.
3) You are manoeuvring through a river, suddenly the quartermaster says the
rudder is not working. What will you do?
normal steering system. Therefore, if the fault is in one of those units in the
bypassing systems, the non-follow up mode may work.
c) Take the emergency steering check list and make sure all functions are carried
d) Inform the anchor party to be standby in the forward.
e) Ensure the repeater heading in the steering flat is tallying with the main gyro
f) The use of walkie-talkies in the steering gear flat is not advisable as the
communication may break down since the steering gear flat is a completely
enclosed space. Therefore, always use the emergency communication system.
g) Continue steering from the steering gear flat.
4) You are in high seas. You received a distress message saying that a passenger
ship on fire and 2000 passengers are on board in distress. What are the actions to
be taken? You are on big bulk carrier loaded.
a) Acknowledge the distress message and relay the message if necessary and plot
the position of the distress vessel.
b) Establish communication and pass all the details including the ETA to the
distress vessel. (Name, call sign, position, speed, ETA)
c) Keep watch on VHF channel 16 and other distress communication frequencies
MF/HF freq.s
d) Operate both radars continuously and as well as AIS.
e) Post extra lookout when approaching to the area
f) Pass all available information to the RCC and update the information as
g) Calculate the stability after picking up 2000 passengers on board and make sure
that vessel is in positive stability.
h) Stand by engine and I will approach on windward side of the distress vessel and
also keep monitoring and plotting the other vessels position around the area.
i) If nighttime arranges Searchlights and extra illumination to be prepare for night
j) While approaching rig a GUEST WARP secure with the LIZARD LINES from
bow to quarter on both side of the vessel at the water line. (For made fast the
boats and rafts alongside)
k) Rig a crane or derrick ready for hoisting on both side of the vessel with platform
or cargo net to be secured to the cargo hook to pickup the casualty.
l) Rig portable ladders scramble nets secure to the lowest point of the deck up to the
water level. Line throwing apparatus, heaving lines and messenger lines kept
ready for immediate use.
m) Rigged the fire hoses and pressure up the fire mains. First aid party ready with
all the equipments. Rescue boat and rafts to be prepared for immediate use.
n) David launching life rafts can be use as a boarding station.
o) After picked up all crew and passengers take final count, if any body missing
make search and rescue operation and deviate to port of refugee as soon as
p) All the entries must be logged with the time in the GMDSS logbook and OLB as
5) If your vessel is loaded up to her load line marks, what will you do in the above
a) The assisting vessel must not become casualties when going for assistance of distress
b) Consider the weight of one passenger is 80 Kg.
Therefore total weight of passengers = 2000 x 80 = 160000 Kg =160 t
TPC (a possible value) = 40 t per cm
The draft will be increased by = 160 / 40 cm = 4 cm
c) If the weather condition ahead is good, stability condition is alright (positive GM), and
if this increase of draft (4 cm) is not going to put your ship in trouble under any
circumstances you may take the passengers on board. If doing so inform the,
- Owners
- Flag state
- Underwriters
- Classification Society
d) If it is not safe to take all the passengers on board, you can assist them by taking
injured people, old people, children, women etc. If it is about less than 100 people, it
will not create much difference of draught.
e) Discharging of cargo is not an appropriate option as it takes a long time and also it will
create more complications as well.
f) even if you cant take the passengers on board, you can assist (in communications with
shore and other ships, motivating, first aid etc) them by being with them while they
are in their survival crafts, until more help is received.
k) Check the external sounding and drafts of the vessel to determine the side
and extent of grounding and nature of seabed. In checking the external
soundings, make sure to take soundings as per the picture below.
Depending upon the size of the vessel (length and breadth), the number of
sounding positions may be increased.
7) What are the statutory duties as a Master after collision with another vessel ?
g) Order bilge pumps/ballast pumps to commence pumping if
damage is below the waterline
h) Switch on deck lights and not under command (NUC) lights and
i) Muster damage control parties and detail duties
j) Prepare survival crafts and make ready for immediate launch if
the situation demands.
k) Assess the damage to the other vessel and the own vessel.
l) Calculate the damage stability condition of the vessel.
m) If there is a possibility of flooding and sinking, consider about
passing mooring ropes between ships
9) How do you turn your ship towards the wind/sea to avoid heavy rolling in heavy
weather at sea if you have lost the rudder and the propeller or if the engines are
not available?
Lower the anchor (not more than 4 shackles) so that the pivoting point will move
forward and also the cable will create a small friction against the movement of the ship.
Due to these reasons the stern will move away from the wind/sea and more or less she
will face the wind/sea.
pitching, panting and pounding) and stern swell/wave (may
cause pooping)
11) What is the meaning of pooping and what are the dangers,
if it occurs?
of the turn should be completed as soon as possible to avoid heavy
rolling and swaying.
Winch line
In certain weather conditions it may not be possible to winch the helicopter winchman
or the strop (rescue harness) from a position directly above a vessel to the vessels deck.
Under such circumstances a weighted rope extension to the winch wire may be lowered
to the vessel. This extension is known as a Hi-Line Heaving-in Line and is connected via
a weak link to the aircrafts winch hook.
When the Hi-Line technique is used, once the weighted line is placed on the
deck, one crew member must handle the line. He should take up the slack on the Hi-Line
and haul in ONLY when instructed to do so by the helicopter crew by radio message or
hand signal. The Hi-Line must NOT be secured to any part of the vessel. A second crew
member should coil the slack line into a bucket or similar container clear of obstructions.
It is advisable for the handling crew to wear protective gloves to prevent rope burns. If
the helicopter has to break away during the operation the line must be paid out or, if
necessary, released completely ensuring that the line passes clear outboard.
As the Hi-Line is paid out, the helicopter will move to one side of the vessel
and descend. Normally the winchman will be winched out, the ships crew should
continue to take in the slack. As the winchman or strop approach the vessel the earthing
lead or hook must make contact with the vessel to discharge the static electricity before
the vessels crew make contact with the wire. Considerable effort may be needed when
pulling the Winchman onboard (MGN notices).
16) Your ship is stuck with a floating container and has a hole
bellow the water line. As a chief officer, what are you going
to do?
As a master,
b) Access the damage and decide whether the vessel can be
continued on the passage or has to be diverted to a safe port
where repairs are available.
c) What ever the decision must be logged with justification and
inform to the above parties again.
d) If the vessel is in distress, send distress signals immediately and
also do not hesitate to call for salvage.
Boat and fire drill as per SOLAS monthly. As per Sri Lankan
regulations it should be conducted every two weeks. In both cases, on
passenger ships drills must be conducted weekly. (if more than 25% of
personnel has not been participated in the last drill, a drill must be
conducted within 24 hrs of ships departure from the port)
Free fall boat manoeuvring every six monthly (flag state may
extend it up to one year)
Security drill every three months (if more than 25% of the ships
staff has not been participated in the last drill due to a crew change, a
drill must be conducted within one week of the change)
Other drills
There are no standard periods for the rest of the drills such as
collision drill, grounding drill, mooring equipment malfunctioning drill,
etc. Still, all these drills must be conducted in a rotational basis. Some
companies have their own periods for them. In such cases, the
company manuals must be consulted.
ECDIS and also if under keel clearance is less than the pre-fed values it will
give an alarm).
It should be tested routinely as per the manufactures instructions. Usually there are
self tests to be carried out. Ensure the secondary source of power systems (usually
batteries) are fully charged and ready to use at any time. Chart corrections must be
carried out by using CD-ROMS issued by the UK hydrographic office.
4) How often the AIS information are updated?
It can handle over 2000 reports per minutes and updates information every
two seconds. The transmission interval depends upon the own ships speed and
manoeuvring condition. The following table shows the reporting intervals of AIS onboard
SOLAS vessels.
a) Without the notice of the vessel, the information of a vessel can be taken by
unwanted parties (pirates).
b) AIS is not required to be fitted on board ships of less than 500 GT. Therefore
smaller vessels will not be detected on an AIS.
c) Master has authority to switch off the AIS if he considers it is safe to do so.
Therefore such ships will not be detected on other ships AIS.
d) The danger of overloading the screen with information and likely need for
correlation between radar and AIS targets are primary considerations for any
This was incorporated in to SOLAS chapter XI part 2. Therefore the ISPS Code
was implemented automatically.
d) Records of changes of security levels.
e) Reports of communications related to security.
f) Reports of audits and reviews of security activities.
g) Records of periodic reviews of ship security assessment and ship security plan.
h) Records of implementation of amendments to the plan.
i) Records of maintenance, testing and calibration of security equipment.
This is s document completed to ensure both the parties (ship/port or ship/ship
interfaces) are following their security plans to reach the objectives of the ISPS Code.
This must include,
a) Date
b) Duration of validity
c) Relevant security levels of both parties
d) Contact details of both parties
e) Signatures of both parties
If there are any changes to the relevant security levels as mentioned on DoS, a
new DoS must be completed or a revised DoS must be completed. DoS must be
completed when,
a) A vessel has a security level higher than a port.
b) A port requires it as per their security plan.
c) A port facility security officer requires depending upon the occasion.
d) A ship requires it as per their security plan.
e) An Administration requires (may not be required as per the plan).
When vessels are entering in to ports, most of the contracting port states
require the previous ports DoS. Therefore, even though the above mentioned conditions
are not met, it is advisable to complete a DoS in each and every port.
A vessel can maintain a higher security level than a port. In such cases, a DoS
must be completed. A vessel can not maintain a lower security level than a port. In such
cases, the vessel has to increase the security level up to the security level of the port.
9) What are the security equipment introduced as per ISPS Code?
(AIS and LRIT are required by SOLAS Chapter V, not by chapter XI, but can be
considered as an aid to ship security system)
10) What are the types of surveys to be carried out as per ISPS Code?
a) Initial audit this is done to issue an ISSC to a ship for the first time
b) Renewal audit this is done to renew the ISSC within not more than 5 years
c) Intermediate audit this must be conducted between the 2nd and 3rd anniversary
d) Additional audits this types of audits will be carried out, if the port state deems
necessary, due to a non compliance of the system, to issue interim ISSC, when the
ships name is changed etc.
As you know, different areas will be inspected during different types of audits.
The following list of inspections is a summery of all the audits. Actually, these
preparations must be carried out by the SSO and the master not by the mate.
If the ports security level or the ships security level is 3, certain organizations
may not carry out audits because a smooth execution of security audit may be difficult.
a) At least one security drill to be carried out before or during the initial or interim
b) Must have a approved SSP approved by the Administration or a recognized
c) Ensure the personnel who has security duties (SSO, master etc) are familiar with
the duties and responsibilities as per the SSP.
d) Make sure the SSO is given appropriate training.
e) Make sure the local laws of the flag state is incorporated into SSP.
f) Ensure the security equipment are rested, calibrated and maintained as per the
Code and the manufacturers instructions.
g) All security equipment and the surveillance equipment must be in working order.
h) The vessel must have a correct ship identification number as per SOLAS chapter
V/19 and Chapter XI-1.3.
i) The vessel must have audit records for last five years and no unauthorized access
is allowed for these records.
j) Ensure a valid copy of a DOC or an interim DOC is on board.
k) Ensure a valid SMC or an interim SMC is on board.
l) If it is an additional audit after the name change of the vessel, ensure that the
correct name is endorsed on all the documents. If the ships name is to be include
in the transmitted data required b the flag state, the auditor may witness a ship
security alert test. The ships name on the SSP may be corrected by the SSO or the
After a collision or any other incident, if the ship owner wants to run away from
the legal consequences, he can change the flag state of the vessel very easily. If he change
the flag few times continuously, vessel will not be traceable at all.
To avoid this matter, a Continuous Synopsis Record must be carried on board
as per SOLAS chapter XI 1/5.3. This apply to ships of 500 GT and above engage on
international voyages. This is a record issued by the Administration. When the
registration is changed, a new record will be issued by the new flag state. The following
data are included in the record,
a) IMO number
b) Date and the port of the existing record.
c) Name of the owners.
d) Name of the charterers.
e) Name of the operators/managers.
f) Name of the classification society.
g) Names of authorities of following certificates,
h) The date of issue and the name of the flag state of the previous record.
It is very important to observe the behaviour of the current and the wind in handling
a vessel. As a rule of thumb keep these points in your mind.
In a channel when there is a current, the maximum rate of the current occurs at the
centre of the channel and very close to the banks of the channel the rate of current is
almost zero. This can be used to the advantage of ship handling.
When a vessel is exposed to wind, the area which is having the largest windage area
is pushed away from the wind. Usually, most of the cargo ships are having aft
accommodation ships. Therefore the aft windage area is larger than the forward windage
area. Therefore a vessel idle at sea will face the wind diagonally
Short round turn means, turning a vessel within her own length. Practically, she
may go beyond her own length due to the manoeuvring characteristics of the vessel,
wind, current and the experience of the handler.
2) How do you carry out a short round turn on a vessel with a right hand screw
With the right-handed propeller; the turn should be made to starboard as shown in
the diagram so that the effect of transverse thrust, when the engines are going astern is of
assistance. Approach the turning point keeping to the port hand side of the channel with
engines slow ahead 1 will leave enough room to port for the stern to swing.
1) Start the manoeuvre from the port side of the channel to provide the maximum
distance for the head reach movement of the vessel.
2) Rudder hard a-starboard, main engines full ahead. Stop engines. Do not allow the
vessel to gather too much headway.
3) Rudder midships, engines full aster.
4) As sternway gathered, the bow of the vessel will cant to starboard while the port
quarter will more in opposition side, owing to the effects of the transverse thrust.
Stop engines.
5) Rudder to starboard, engines ahead.
If a tide is running, it usually has a greater rate at the centre than at the side of a
channel. This may be made use of to help the manoeuvre by keeping towards the
starboard side of the channel, if the tide is initially astern and keeping to the port side of
the channel if the tide is initially ahead, so that the faster running water in mid channel
helps to carry the vessel round in the required direction. It should be noted that a head
wind will assist this manoeuvre, but a stern wind will be a hindrance. In the latter case or
if a turn to port is required or if space is very restricted, then an anchor should be used.
In twin-screw vessels, the propellers are usually out-turning, i.e. the starboard
propeller is right handed and the port propeller is left-handed. To turn such a vessel short
round to starboard from rest, the port engines should first be put to half ahead and then as
the vessel starts to move the starboard engine should be put to full astern. The turning
action of the two propellers is used in this way is assisted by the effect of the transverse
thrust on both. To turn short round to port the starboard propeller is put ahead and the
port propeller astern and once again, the effect of transverse thrust is to assist the turn. A
few vessels have screws, which are interning when going ahead. The effect of transverse
thrust when turning short round is in opposition to the turning couple between the
propellers and such vessels are extremely difficult to handle.
+ - - - - +
+ + - - - - - + +
+ + +
+ + + +
+ + ++
+ + +
+ +
+ + +
+ + +
+ + +
+ - - - - + +
+ - - - - -
4) Explain the interaction effects when a vessel is over taking another.
Students must understand, these effects depends upon the sizes of the ship, their speeds,
distances others effects from surrounding areas, such as the bank cushioning effects etc.
The most important thing is to understand the pressure distribution system around a
vessel. Once it is understood, all these can be predicted accurately.
6) What is squat?
When a ship is moving forward, a depression of the water line is occurred at the
midship region, which moves with the ship, and a wave-like water rise in the bow and the
stern. This depression causes a reduction in the under keel clearance of the vessel and this
is known as squat. Although the same things happens in deep waters as well, deep water
squat is imperceptible. Squat is more prominent when the under keel clearance is less
than 1.5 times the draught of a vessel.
Therefore, the squat is the result of hydrodynamic interaction between ship and
bottom. It is not an increase in draft. Therefore the mean draught remains the same. Water
flow around box-shaped ships is more restricted and it is expected that these vessels squat
will be more pronounced. If the vessel is even keel, squat will cause a trim by the bow for
box-shaped vessels. Squat will cause a trim by stern for finer vessels. In case the vessel is
already trimmed, squat will be further trimmed in the same direction.
Sluggish steering
Vibration of the vessel
High RPM fluctuations
Discolouration of water at the stern
Change of trim
1) You will be given an UN number of a dangerous cargo and will be asked to refer
the IMDG Code to take the required information.
Be very familiar with the volume 1, 2 and the supplement of the IMDG Code.
referring the Code is the best way of learning this.
Some dangerous cargoes may have secondary risks other than the primary risk.
This secondary risk is known as the subsidiary risk.
As per the present system, there is no difference between the primary risk labels
and the secondary risk labels. The only possible way is by referring the Code according
to the UN number.
a) P Marine pollutant
b) PP Severe marine pollutant
c) marine pollutant only when containing 10% or more substances identified
with P or 1% or more substances identified with PP in this column.
5) If you notice a container carrying dangerous cargo without labels, what will you
If you notice it before being placed on board, inform the cargo Forman and get it
labelled, because it is the responsibility of them. If you noticed it after loading onboard,
use the labels which are onboard, because after loading it is the responsibility of the ship.
It the maximum amount of IMDG cargo that can be carried without labelling and
marking as per the Code. In such occasions, the packages need not to have the labels,
marine pollutant marks or the proper shipping name but may be marked with UN number
of the contents (preceded by the letters UN) placed within a diamond.
In addition to the documentation required for the IMDG cargoes, the words
limited quantity or LTD QTY shall be included on the dangerous goods declaration.
IBC stands for Intermediate Bulk Container. This is receptacle made to carry
IMDG cargoes. There are various type and sizes of IBCs in use. Generally the size is
smaller than a standard 20 foot container.
1) You are on a passage from Japan to Alaska in the month of February what are the
dangers you face and what precautions you will be taken?
Prior to departure
During the voyage, heavy seas, poor visibility, cold climate, floating ice,
change of load line zones and Ballast exchange are the main factors to be
a) Prior to departure check all required charts and publications, enough provisions,
bunkers, fresh water, medicines , heating system and safety clothing are sufficient
for complete the voyage.
b) Consul latest weather reports and publications prepare the most suitable weather
passage. Also consider the contingency plan as well.( Wx routing company )
c) A passage south of Aleutian Islands is more preferred because the currents are
d) Load the vessel to comply with the load line zones.
During voyage
a) Since the bad weather is expected, prepare the vessel for heavy seas, must inform
the deck dept. , engine room and catering department to secure everything.
b) Made watch schedules for extra lookouts in case of restricted visibility.
c) Prior to approach cold climate area drain the fire lines, switch on the machinery
heating, continuously run both radars, give some amount of slack for full ballast
tanks to avoid damage to the tank tops by cooling effects of ballast water, carry
out fuel tank heating, accommodation heating and carried out cargo hold
ventilation as required.
d) Ensure hot water is available for the bridge windscreens.
e) Moorings to be covered. Arrange hot water system / steam to remove ice particles
on deck with separate pipe line
f) Update the weather report at all available means including ice bulletins.
g) Get ice reports of pacific ocean through Canadian Ice Recognition Air craft
Facsimile services , routing charts , Hydropacs , ECG , Wx Facsimile ,Navtex
h) Post extra lookout when getting closer to expected ice bound areas.
i) Standby the engines and proceed with the safe manoeuvrable speed with extra
j) Send the position report to the company and AMVER system at regular intervals.
(Automated Mutual V/L Assistant Rescue system)
2) Why do you make the full ballast tanks little bit slack?
3) What is the purpose of aerating the sewage when putting it to settling tanks?
There are certain bacteria in sewage that will be help full in de-composting
sewage quickly. Oxygen is required for these bacteria. Therefore, the sewage should be
4) You are a master of a vessel which is below 3000 GT and you are 30 nm off
Trincomalee. What are the actions to be carried when encountering a TRS?
a) The most important thin is to ascertain the ships position against the position of
the TRS.
b) This can be identified by the Buys Ballet law or by observing the change of the
direction of the wind.
- As per the Buys Ballet law, in the northern hemisphere, the low pressure is
on 8 to 12 points on the right hand side when you face the wind. In the
southern hemisphere, the low pressure is on 8 to 12 points on the left hand
side when you face the wind.
- In the northern hemisphere, if the wind is veering you are on the
dangerous semi circle and if the wind is backing you are on the navigable
semi circle. In the southern hemisphere, if the wind is veering, you are on
the navigable semi circle and if the wind is backing, you are on the
dangerous semi circle. If the wind direction is steady, you are on the path
of the TRS on both the hemispheres.
c) To observe the change of the wind direction, the vessel should be stopped and it
will take some time. Since you are on a small vessel (3000 GT), you may not be
able to stay much time in accessing the wind direction due to the bad sea
d) Quick judgement is required on smaller vessels. Therefore, it is advisable to use
the Buys Ballets law. Therefore, if you are on the northern hemisphere, and has an
easterly wind, the vessel is on the dangerous semi circle.
Path of the TRS
Direction of wind
Centre of the
e) In the northern hemisphere, if you are on the dangerous semi circle, keep the wind
on 1 to 4 points on the starboard (if the vessels speed is less than 12 knots keep
the wind closer to one points and if the speed is more than 12 knots keep the wind
closer to four points) bow. Alter the course as the wind veers (in the southern
hemisphere keep the wind on the port bow).
f) In the northern hemisphere, if you are on the path or on the navigable semi circle,
keep the wind on 1 to 4 points on the starboard quarter and alter the course as the
wind backs (in the southern hemisphere keep the wind on the port quarter).
g) Use the maximum possible speed in doing so. Some times you may have to
heave-to (having a speed just to climb up the waves. Past tense is hove-to).
When heave-to the vessel will be stopped in relation to ground. This will reduce
pitching and pounding. But you will not be able to move away from the TRS
when heave-to.
a) If the barometric pressure drops more than 5 mb (after correction for index error,
height above sea level, semi diurnal variation)
b) The position is an area where TRS occur and in TRS seasons.
c) Increase of wind force when the pressure drops.
d) Bands of Cirrus clouds directed towards the centre of the TRS.
e) Threatening appearance of heavy clouds on the horizon.
f) Some times frequent lightening may occur.
g) Succession of squalls with or without rain.
6) What are the plans and manuals to be maintained onboard and ashore as per the
new amendments?
The DPA is responsible for maintaining these plans ashore and these plans will be
audited during ISM audits.
The above figure shows the inputs and the outputs of an oil discharge
monitoring system. This can not be tested by using oils as the vessel is stop in a port
during audits. For calibration purposes oil can be used but these days it is done by
sending the unit ashore. During audits, only the software parts can be tested. For that,
some figures for PPM, ships speed, discharge rate should be entered manually in the test
mode. If the input values as higher than the MARPOL requirements alarm will be
activated and the input data will be recorded.
Close the overboard discharge valve and set the lines to the sludge tank. Then put
oily water and start the pump. If it is more than 15 PPM, the alarm must be activated and
must stop pumping automatically. Check the recorder for correct recording of the data.
This can be done in a port.
9) While discharging engine room bilges, the oily water separator stops and the bilge
level keep increasing. What will you do?
This may happen when the filters are chocked inside the separator. The filters can
be cleaned and the separator can be re-started. The cleaning time may take from few
minutes to few hours depending upon the maker and the filter cleaning system. Some
filters has to be immersed in chemicals for cleaning, which may take some time. In that
case new filters can be used.
11) Name the parts of a container.
(Corner fitting)
12) What are the factors to be taken into account, when carrying out ventilation?
Ventilation can be carried out only when the dew point of the outside air is less
than the temperature of the air inside the hold.
60 class divisions. Steps and recess shall be kept to minimum but where they are
necessary they shall also be A-60 class divisions.
For ships carrying not more than 36 passengers, the hull, superstructure and
deckhouses in way of accommodation and service spaces shall be divided into main
vertical zones by A class divisions.
A class divisions means, divisions formed by bulkheads and decks which
comply with,
a) constructed of steel or similar material
b) suitably stiffened
c) smoke or flame should not penetrate at the end of one hour standard fire test
A-60 class divisions means same material as above and also the temperature
on the unexposed side will not rise by 139 C from the original for a period of 60
a) As you walk on the pier to join the vessel, have general inspection of the ship
hull, draught marks etc.
b) While walking on the gangway, see the general condition of the gangway, see
whether the life buoy, fire plan, shore leave board, security log book etc. are
c) See whether the gangway watchman is available with safety gear and he is
following the security precautions.
d) While walking in alleyway see the general condition of the interior of the vessel.
e) Hand over the documents to the master.
f) Meet the outgoing chief officer and take the following information from him.
Present loading condition, loading plans, ballast plans, DG declarations,
shippers documents related to present cargo etc.
Draught restrictions at this port, if any.
Special requirements related to present port and cargo.
Information about expecting stores, fresh water etc. from this port.
Information about the next port and the cargo details, if available.
Masters special orders regarding cargo work.
Pending work which are related to statutory surveys and information
related to near future surveys.
Information about pending NCRs.
Information related to pending work according to the PMS.
Information about company manuals & roles/responsibilities of chief
officer including the duties during emergency situations(if new to the
The arrangement of the chief officers files and records.
The arrangement of the watch schedule of officers and crew.
An idea about the navigational equipment.
Any special defects or areas need special consideration related to cargo
work, navigation, deck maintenance etc (eg malfunctioning of
equipment, lack of securing materials specially on container ships ect).
On tankers, the incoming chief officer must be familiar with the COW.
Therefore, the incoming chief officer must carryout at least one COW with
the outgoing chief officer. This is not required if you are on rotational
General over view of the staff.
Finally, the handing over notes.
g) ensure the handing over is carried out as per the company instructions
16) If you are going to take over a brand new ship, how do you find out your duties?
If it is the same company, the incoming chief officer is already familiar with the
company policies, roles/responsibilities of a chief officer. The new amendments and
changes can be taken from the master and the company superintendent, as the
superintendent will be onboard during this time this period.
If it is a new company, chief officers roles/responsibilities can be taken from the
company manuals. If required any clarification, the master and the superintendent can be
Usually, in most of the standard companies, the staff will be briefed by the
manning agents or by the mother company. Masters are mostly briefed by the mother
company. Therefore, the master can be consulted to clarify any problem related to the
chief officers duties.
19) What are the precautions to be taken to avoid the formation of Legionella
Distribution systems,
- Recommended to charge the whole delivery system with super chlorinated
(50 ppm) fresh water for a period of 12 hours at each dry docking.
- Shower heads and their flexible pipes where fitted, should be routinely
thoroughly cleaned in a 50 ppm chlorine solution every three months.
On encountering air temperatures below freezing point, that are associated with
gale force winds and causing sever ice accumulation on ships, the master is obliged under
SOLAS to send a report to the ships in the vicinity and to the nearest coast station
- Air and sea temperatures
- Force and direction of wind
- Position of the ship
- UTC time and date of observation
The masters of every ship which meets with dangerous ice are required to report
the following information,
2) What are the general precautions to be taken when going into winter areas?
a) To avoid risk of damage to ballast & fresh water tanks due to freezing, the usual
practise is to keep the tanks not more than 90% full to allow for expansion.
b) Fresh water tanks in the life boats should be kept no more than 75% full.
c) Additional fuel, stores and fresh water may require.
d) Ensure the search lights are working in order.
e) Ensure the crew are supply with warm clothing.
f) Add anti-freeze to life boat engine cooling systems.
g) Make sure the hot water system for the bridge windscreen is working in order or
keep ready de-icing liquids or spray cans.
h) Additional shovels, scrappers and crow bars may be required.
i) Keep the fire lines running or drain it fully.
j) Ensure the heaters in side the accommodation is working in order.
k) Add anti-freeze for PV in tankers.
l) Make sure to keep the water seals of the scrubber and deck water seal warm on
a) Watch keeping personnel should be aware of the factors involve in ice navigation.
b) Speed should be reduced to minimum but not too slow & not too fast.
c) Keep engines ready for manoeuvring all the time.
d) Keep additional personnel to keep visual lookouts and enable hand steering at
short notice.
e) Keep ready the search lights.
f) Monitor communications for ice information.
g) Give a wide berth to ice bergs.
h) Enter ice at right angles.
i) Protruding log tubes must be taken in before entering ice.
j) If possible, move with the movement of ice, without moving against it.
a) Sea and swell lower than expected for the wind speed may indicate the presence
of significant ice to windward.
b) Animals and or birds far from land may indicate the presence of large ice sheets.
c) When steaming down the wind large ice formations may be approached directly
without forewarning.
d) When steaming up wind, small pieces of ice may forewarn of larger formations to
6) What are the actions to be taken by vessels beset?
a) M.V. Derbyshire
On or about September 9th 1980, The M.V. Derbyshire sank off the coast of
Japan in position approximately 25 30' N, 130 30' E. There were 44 people on board,
including two wives; there were no survivors. The ship had been hove to in Typhoon
Orchid. There were no Mayday calls. She was en route for Kawasaki, Japan with a cargo
of Iron Ore Concentrates loaded at Sept Isles, Canada. Derbyshire is the largest British
bulk carrier ever lost and has been the object of several investigations and discussions
regarding bulk carrier safety. There were so many hypothesizes about this incident. The
most common two are described below.
Since, initially there was no evidence that structural failure caused the loss,
the UK Government did not hold a formal investigation into the loss of the vessel. In
1982, eighteen months after the loss, her sister ship, Tyne Bridge, experienced severe
brittle fractures. These cracks initiated at frame 65 and propagated into the deck. After
this fracture, the Derbyshire Family Association (DFA) started investigating frame 65
cracks on the other sister ships. They hypothesized that this might be the cause of the loss
the Derbyshire. In 1986 another sister ship, Kowloon Bridge, broke at frame 65 after
grounding. These events caused a closer look into the loss of the Derbyshire.
Formation of
FWD cracks
Ideally, the longitudinal girder and bulkhead would be in line at the transverse
bulkhead, but if they are misaligned, the fatigue life of the structure could be reduced. As
the ship cycles from hogging and sagging moments the misalignment causes the
transverse bulkhead to be distorted fore and aft. The fluctuating distortions would result
in high local stresses that could lead to cracking due to the shortening of fatigue life. The
existing sister ships were found to have misalignments between the girder and bulkhead.
Of course, the alignment for the Derbyshire is unknown. Although the magnitude of the
misalignment is under debate, it could have been as much as 45 mm.
The next most accepted possibility was the forward hatch covers were forced
opened due to strong waves and the forward hatches were filled with water, increasing a
forward trim. This caused the following hatches also to loose watertightness. Finally, the
vessel was parted due to excessive weights. The duty officer could not identify this
situation since the switches for the forward flood lights were not in the bridge but in the
forward. While these debates were going on, a submersible unit was sent to inspect the
wreck and the final verdict was given in year 1997.
The surveys confirmed that the object located 600 meters from the bow was
the stern. It was considerably damaged by implosion-explosion forces (Large pressure
differences develop when an air filled watertight body sinks. This knowledge can be used
when inspecting a shipwreck. Any air filled compartment that was not damaged before
sinking occurred would experience an increasing pressure differential with increasing
water depth. At some point the outside pressure will exceed the pressure that the hull can
resist. The compartment would then implode. When the compressed air is released from
the compartment, there is a kind of explosion that result in shock waves in the water and
the structure. This can lead to considerable damage, which can be confirmed by
inspection). Bulkhead 65 was no longer connected to the stern. From these observations,
the most probable conclusion to the Frame 65 argument is that the stern was intact when
sinking started. The increasing pressure led to implosion of the stern as the ship sank
deeper, with the hull eventually breaking near frame 65, which certainly was a weak
point. As the stern and the rest of the ship continued to sink, the two parts separated,
eventually settling only 600 meters apart. The final conclusion is that the frame 65
cracking was not the cause of the loss, but that this failure occurred as the ship
approached the seabed.
The inspection of the hatch covers showed that all of them had external pressure
as the initial failure mode. Most of the cracks occurred near the welding of the center
girder, and at the connection of the stiffeners to the girders. The surveyors examined the
edges of the tears, and from these observations they concluded that several of the covers
had collapsed before sinking started. They found indications of tearing damage between
the longitudinals in 7 or 8 of the covers. This was probably from plunging sea waves
encountered after the initial damage. The discovery of these failure modes confirms, or at
least increases the likelihood, that the sinking was caused by hatch cover collapse.
Changes of strengths of ventilators and sounding pipes.
She had Master, two chief officers and one second mate as bridge watch
keeping officers. The officers are required to work 12 hours on and not less than 24 hours
off, but the crew for 24 hrs on and 48 hrs off ashore. She had three sets of crew and five
set of officers.
On 06th march 1987 around 1805 hrs, vessel left the berth at Zeebrugge for Dover,
with 459 passengers. Just after passing the break water she capsized to port around 1828
hrs. 188 people died in this incident.
The vessel left the berth at Zeebrugge with a head trim (which was considered
usual for this vessel) and the bow doors fully open. It was the responsibility of the
assistant boatswain to close/open bow doors but he was asleep after deck work. He was
relieved by the boatswain in deck work. An announcement was given over the public
addressing system but the assistant boatswain was not awaken. At the time of the
announcement the boatswain was working close to the bow door but he left the area as it
was not his duty to close the door. There were no indicator lights on the bridge to indicate
that the bow door is opened. Master and the officers assumed that the bow door is closed.
Maters have frequently complained about the importance of the indicator lights
to the company but it was neglected by the company.
Monitoring systems to detect water leakage
Supplementary emergency lighting for ro-ro passenger ships
"SOLAS 90" standard, relating to the stability of passenger ships in the damaged
From 1 February 1992 new ships have had to be equipped with power-operated
sliding doors
Lightweight survey must be carried out to passenger ships to verify any changes in
lightweight displacement and the longitudinal centre of gravity, at periods not
exceeding five years.
Cargo loading doors to be locked before the ship proceeds on any voyage and to
remain closed until the ship is at its next berth.
On March 23rd, 1989, at 2112hrs, the Exxon Valdez departed Valdez oil terminal
(Prince William Sound, Alaska) bound for California (USA) with 53 million gallons of
crude oil. A pilot was onboard while departing the port and he informed the master about
the ice conditions in Prince William Sound, but he left the vessel well before the pilot
disembarking position.
As usual it was a hard day for the Exxon Valdez staff as she was loading
throughout the day. All staff was tired and additional rest was not given prior sailing.
Even, such matters were not included in the company regulations. The master & the 3 rd
mate who was on duty at the time of accident are well familiar with the vessel as they
have done few contracts on the same vessel earlier. The 3rd mate was an uncertified
officer was promoted by the same master, after certifying the company.
After the pilots departure, the master instructed the 3 rd mate to divert the planned
passage (as well as the shipping route) to avoid the ice. Master left the bridge soon after
that without giving much information to 3rd mate.
A proper monitoring of the vessels passage was not done by the 3 rd mate. The duty
AB informed that a light which is to be on the starboard is on the port side but no actions
were taken. The relieving AB also informed the same to the 3 rd mate but action was taken.
The 3rd mate did not called the 2nd mate at midnight as he was given additional rest.
Around midnight the 3rd mate realized that the vessel is too close to a reef on the port side
and ordered a hard-over to port side and informed the master. It was too late and around
0004 hrs vessel stuck Bligh Reef. This accident resulted in the discharge of
approximately 11million gallons of oil (20% of the total cargo) to Prince William Sound.
There is no evidence to prove whether the master was drunk at the time of the
accident but he had a bad record of alcohol abuse within the company.
Reasons for the incident
The third mate failed to properly maneuver the vessel, due to the ship being
on autopilot.
The master failed to provide navigation watch, possibly due to the impairment
of alcohol.
Exxon Shipping Company failed to supervise the master and provide a rested
and sufficient crew for the Exxon Valdez.
The USCG failed to provide an effective vessel traffic system.
Note on OPRC:
As per this convention, parties are required to establish measures for dealing with
pollution incidents, either nationally or in co-operation with other countries. Ships are
required to carry a shipboard oil pollution emergency plan and also ships are required to
report incidents of pollution to coastal authorities. Basically, SOPEP was introduced after
this incident.
d) M.V. Estonia
She had a bow visor fitted which is not visible from the bridge once it is closed.
The bow visor and ramp installation of the her was of a configuration common on ferries
in traffic between Finland and Sweden at the time of her construction. The installation
comprised an upward opening bow visor and a loading ramp, hinged at car-deck level and
closed when raised. In closed position, the upper end of the ramp extended into a box-like
housing on the deck of the visor. The BV regulations did not include details regarding
procedures for calculating sea loads on the bow visor installation. It was stated in general
wording that doors should be firmly secured and that structural reinforcements should be
made to attachment points of cleats, hinges and jacks.
The Incident
hrs and the life boat alarm was given at the same time. The mayday message was an
extremely short one containing the word mayday and the name of the vessel. Also the
messages which were send thereafter were not clear enough to understand what is going
As the list increased the Estonia started to sink stern first. At about 0135 hrs the list
was about 80 and the vessel disappeared at about 0150 hrs.
Requirements of existing Ro-Ro passenger ships to fully comply with SOLAS 90.
Ro-Ro ships carrying more than 400 passengers should be able to survive with
two compartments flooded (one compartment flooded standard to be phased out).
The extension of collision bulkhead.
The upper extension of the collision bulkhead must be so arranged as to preclude
the possibility of a bow door causing damage to it in the case of damage to, or
detachment of, the door.
Increased of strength of ventilation trunks penetrating bulkhead deck (bulkhead
deck is the upper most deck up to which the transverse water tight bulkheads are
More regulations on passenger ship construction (such as hand rails on both the
sides of the escape routes, furniture in public places to be lashed, the lower parts
of the bulkheads at the escape routes to be strengthened so that people can walk
on it etc.)
More stringent requirements (by classification societies) in calculating the stresses
on the bow visor and its securing systems.
New regulations were imposed on coast radio stations as well since there were
mistakes done by the coast radio stations as well.
Special training requirements for ship staff joining Ro-Ro ships as per STCW 95
(which requires crisis management and human behaviour training for masters,
officers, ratings).
e) M.T. Erika
Name of the ships : Erika
Type of the vessel : Single hull oil tanker with separate ballast tanks
DWT : 37,283 tonnes
Length : 184 m
Draught : 10.9 m
Flag : Maltese
Classification Society : RINA
Year of construction : 1975
Erika left Dunkirk (France) to Livorno (Italy) with 31,000 tonnes of oil as cargo.
On 11 December 1999, she was off Bay of Biscay and experiencing very rough sea
conditions (westerly wind, force 8-9, with a swell height of about 6m). She developed a
starboard list and a distress message was sent. Master suspected a leak from no. 3 centre
tank to no. 2 starboard tank and was decided to upright the vessel by transferring the
cargo. The French authorities were informed that the situation is under control and the
vessel is heading towards port of Donges (France) for shelter (she was turned nearly to
the reciprocal course for this purpose). Then the list started to increase and a distress
message was sent at 0605 am asking for further assistance as the ship was breaking into
two. All crew were rescued immediately by the French Navy & Royal Navy. At 0815 am
Erika split into two in international waters, about 30 miles south of Penmarch (Southern
Bittany). The estimated amount of spillage at that time was about 7,000 t to 10,000.
Review the guidelines on the performance and control of classification
societies to enhance supervision by flag State.
The CAS is required for all category 2 & 3 oil tankers over 15 years of age. CAS
requirements include enhanced and transparent verification of the reported structural
condition of the ship and verification that the documentary and survey procedures have
been properly carried out and completed. Older single hull tankers are able to pass
proposed CAS survey will be able to continue trading for a few more years, but not more
than 25 years of age and not beyond 2015.