Hammarby Sjöstad

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Hammarby Sjstad

a unique environmental project in Stockholm

It has only taken a few years for Hammarby Sjstad to
become one of the worlds highest profile examples of
Sustainable City Development, mentioned in specialist
publications worldwide. Hammarby Sjstad is visited by
over 10,000 decision makers and specialists in the field
every year, making it one of Stockholms most important
Planning work was integrated with environmental
goals from the very start of the planning process, and
this is, we believe, the main reason why it has been so
successful. This approach has been followed ever since
by consultations between the City of Stockholms admin-
istrative departments and the companies responsible for
waste management, energy, water & sewage, aimed at
developing the solutions needed to enable the environ-
mental goals to be met.
We are delighted to have the opportunity to present
the environment programme in this publication. We
hope that in reading it, you will find our experiences
in developing Hammarby Sjstad of practical use. By
learning from each other, we can all make real progress
towards a sustainable society in the years ahead.

Stockholm, June 2007

Lars Frnne
Chairman of the Steering Group
Hammarby Sjstad
a unique environmental project in Stockholm

Photos: Lennart Johansson, Infobild, cover, pages 67, 8, 89, 1011, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 28. Eddie Granlund, cover, pages 45, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 18.
Ulf Bergstrm, cover, pages 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 17, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. Thomas Henriksson, Orangeproduktion pages 20, 22, 23.
Per Skoglund, page 7. Ingrid Johansson, page 7. Stockholm City Museum: pages 67.
Illustrations: Eco-cycle, Lena Wettrn Bumling AB. Map, Stockholm City Planning Office. Automated waste disposal system, Envac. GlashusEtt, Datamotion.
Graphic design/layout: Lena Wettrn, Bumling AB
Printers: Alfaprint, 2007


Hammarby Sjstad a new environmental WATER AND SEWAGE 20

and ecological city district project 4
Less water and cleaner sewage 21
The history of Hammarby Sj 6
Sjstadsverket our own wastewater
Hammarby Sjstad treatment plant, evaluating new technology 22
a unique environmental project in Stockholm 8
Biogas and biosolids extracted 23
Conserving nature and creating new green spaces 10
Architectonic storm water solutions 24
New light rail link, a ferry and a carpool
will reduce car usage 11
WASTE and recycling material 26
Eco-inspections and organically
sustainable materials 12 Waste must be reduced and recycled 27

The healthy city 13 Waste is separated at source and recycled

or used to produce heating and electricity 28
Integrated planning with focus on the environment 14
The automated waste disposal system reduces
THE HAMMARBY MODEL a unique eco-cycle 15 transports in the area 29


Sustainable and renewable energy 17 GlashusEtt is the areas environmental

information centre 30
Eco-friendly energy, district heating
and district cooling 18 A glasshouse built using new eco-technology 31

The sun provides energy and heats water 19 Hammarby Sjstads Environmental Map 32

Hammarby Sjstad
a new environmental and ecological city district project

The water has inspired the name of the entire project the town around the lake
Hammarby Sj. The first drawings of what would become Hammarby Sjstad were
pencilled in back in 1990. The idea was to showcase a unique opportunity ex-
panding the inner city with a focus on the water, while converting an old indus-
trial and harbour area into a modern neighbourhood. Once fully built, Hammarby
Sjstad will have 11,000 residential units for just over 25,000 people and a total
of about 35,000 people will live and work in the area. Hammarby Sjstad will be
fully built by 2015.

Architecture and urban design

Hammarby Sjstad is Stockholms biggest urban development project for many
years. The areas location as a natural continuation of Stockholms inner city has
helped shape the infrastructure, planning and design of the buildings.

This expansion has involved extensive reconstructions of the infrastructure, with
traffic barriers removed and the old industrial and terminal areas phased out, con-
centrated or given a new purpose.

The next phases

The areas around Sickla Udde, Sickla Kaj and Sickla Kanal are now fully devel-
oped. The next phases involve Hammarby Grd (1,000 apartments), Redaren and
Sjfarten (500 apartments), Lugnet (650 apartments), Henriksdalshamnen (850
apartments) and Sjstadsporten (260 apartments with 15 000 m2 office space and
15 250 m2 hotel space). All of these areas offer a range of zoning types.
The expansion of Hammarby Sjstad coincides with the development of the
areas municipal and commercial services, and with increased investment in public

The history of Hammarby Sj

Every place has its own history, and the

area surrounding Hammarby Sj to the
south of Stockholm has changed drasti-
cally many times. There can be few ar-
eas that have been described as offer-
ing peaceful idyllic scenes from nature
in the 1920s, and which, just a few dec-
Hammarby Sj in the 1700s, before the Danvik canal was
ades later, were referred to sneeringly blasted out. The water level was several metres higher
than its current level. Stockholm City Museum.
as a corrugated steel shantytown, only
to be reborn, in the new millennium, as
a modern and environmentally friendly
part of Stockholms city centre.

Sickla Udde, Eastern Sders Pearl, was Stockholms first

temperance park, with allotments, a dance floor and a
music pavilion. Stockholm City Museum.

A view out over Fanny Udde and Lugnet bay from Henriks
dalsberget. The bay has now been filled in and the Sdra
Lnken highway now runs through a tunnel to the Vrmd
leden highway, beyond where the summerhouse stands
beside the water in this picture. Stockholm City Museum.

In the 1800s, Sickla was a popular destination

for excursions by the inhabitants of the Sder-
malm district of southern Stockholm, and was
popularly known as Eastern Sders Pearl.
The area was partially destroyed when the
Hammarbyleden highway was built, and the View towards Sickla Udde and Sickla Kaj from Barnngen
seabed of the Lugnet bay area was filled in on Sder, 1897. Stockholm City Museum.

with excavated soil, rocks and refuse as part

of the planned port area.
The plans, however, came to nothing and
the land was made available for storage de-
pots and industrial use. But no single company
or industry established itself in the area: in-
stead, a shantytown began to grow up, and
the area eventually became a small-scale in-
dustrial area. Constant threats of demolition
meant the buildings in the area were of a tem-
porary nature, largely consisting of a range
of corrugated steel shacks. The shantytown
lasted until 1998, when it was demolished to
make way for Hammarby Sjstad.

Soil decontamination
The shantytown left numerous environmental
nasties in the soil, so to ensure that no one is
exposed to any risks in conjunction with service
work in the future, e.g. repair work on pipes,
or tree planting, the City of Stockholm Envi-
ronment & Health Administration is monitor-
ing the soil decontamination work throughout
Hammarby Sjstad, ensuring that the requisite
standards are met to avoid harming either the
environment or peoples health.
On Sickla Udde alone, the earth excavat-
ed contained 130 tonnes of oils and grease,
and 180 tonnes of heavy metals.

The topmost pictures show the Sickla Udde shantytown

and Sickla Kaj, just before construction began. The above
picture shows the extensive soil decontamination work.

Hammarby Sjstad
a unique environmental project in Stockholm
Twice as eco-friendly early 1990s. Another way of putting it is that
Right from the start, the city has imposed strict the buildings in Hammarby Sjstad will be
environmental requirements on buildings, twice as eco-friendly as a normal building.
technical installations and the traffic environ- The architecture is modern, with the focus
ment. The goal of the entire environmental on sustainable materials such as glass, wood,
programme is to halve the total environmental steel and stone, and the ground was thor-
impact in comparison with an area built in the oughly decontaminated before building work

The City of Stockholms environmental goals for Hammarby Sjstad

Land usage: sanitary redevelopment, reuse Energy: renewable fuels, biogas products
and transformation of old brownfield sites and reuse of waste heat coupled with ef-
into attractive residential areas with beau- ficient energy consumption in buildings.
tiful parks and green public spaces. Water & sewage: as clean and efficient
Transportation: fast, attractive public trans- as possible both input and output with
port, combined with carpool and beautiful the aid of new technology for water saving
cycle paths, in order to reduce private car and sewage treatment.
usage. Waste: thoroughly sorted in practical sys-
Building materials: healthy, dry and envi- tems, with material and energy recycling
ronmentally sound. maximised wherever possible.

Adapting the area to an environmentally
friendly one has also entailed a heavy in-
vestment in green public spaces, with main-
tenance plans for the oak forest, a reed park
with wooden jetties, a broad avenue, and
several large parks. Attractive forms of public
transport are also offered, such as light rail
link, boat traffic and access to a carpool.

Conserving nature
and creating new green public spaces
An avenue linking the city districts new green Existing vegetation has been saved
public spaces and forming green corridors The natural environment along the shores of
runs all the way through the southern part of Sickla Udde has been recreated using new
Hammarby Sjstad. trees and reed beds. The oak forest on Sickla
The parks to the south of Hammarby Sj are Udde has been thinned and the living oaks
all linked to the major green public spaces of and dead trees that have been left in place
the Nacka nature reserve and rsta forest, and together form attractive environments for
form green wedges into the heart of Hammarby many species of insect and bird.
Sjstad. The Nacka nature reserve is linked to The parks are intended to be attractive en-
the town area by means of ecoducts plant- vironments and serve as footpaths for people,
ed viaducts over the Sdra Lnken highway. but are also intended to serve as dispersal
New parks in corridors and living environments for animals
northern Hammar and plants.
by Sjstad have
been linked up
with the Vitaberg
park and the Sto-
ra Blecktorn park.

Environmental goals for

land usage in Hammarby Sjstad

Open space standard: There shall be

at least 15m of courtyard space and
a total of 2530m of courtyard space
and park area within 300m of every
apartment (equiv. 100m BTA).
At least 15 % of the courtyard space
shall be sunlit for at least 45 hours at
the spring and autumn equinoxes.
Development of undeveloped green
public spaces shall be compensated
for in the form of biotopes that benefit
the biological diversity in the immediate
Sdra Lnken has been lowered and is
Natural areas of particular value shall bridged by two ecoducts to Hammarby-
be protected from development. backen and the Nacka nature reserve, a
large open air recreation area.

Light rail link, ferries and carpool
will reduce car usage
Transportation imposes a Carpool
heavy environmental bur- A carpool open to both residents and those
den in a densely built-up working here has been launched in the area.
city district. Which is why Around 10 % of households have joined the
Sjstaden offers energy- carpool to date, and there are 2535 car-
saving and attractive alter- pool cars parked in
natives to private car usage. the area, with the
The aim is for 80 % of resi- number varying ac-
dents and workers journeys cording to demand.
to be by public transport, on foot or by bicycle Around 75 % of the
by the year 2010. cars are bifuel cars.
The aim is for at least
Light rail link 15 % of households
Substantial investments have been made in and at least 5 % of
public transport in the area, both in the form the Hammarby Sjs-
of the new light rail link Tvrbanan and bus tad workplaces to be
traffic. Public transport has a central route run- signed up to the car-
ning through Sjstaden, with four stops along pool by 2010.
the avenue that connects one side of the city
district to the other.

Environmental goals for

transportation in Hammarby Sjstad

80 % of residents and workers journeys

shall be by public transport, on foot or
by bicycle by the year 2010.
At least 15 % of the households in
Hammarby Sjstad shall be signed up
Ferry to the carpool by 2010.
Sjstaden has ferry links. The ferry, which traf- At least 5 % of the areas workplaces
fics Hammarby Sj between the southern and shall be signed up to carpools by 2010.
northern sides of Sjstaden, is run by the City 100 % of heavy transportation shall be
of Stockholm and is free to use. The ferry runs by vehicles that meet current environ-
365 days of the year from early in the morning mental zone requirements.
to late at night.

Eco-inspections and
organically sustainable materials
Environmental consideration
across the board
Environmental consideration is the key for all
of the materials used. This applies both to the
visible materials used in the facades and on
the ground as well as to the materials used
in the internal parts of the buildings their
shells, installations and equipment. The guid-
ing principle throughout has been to use tried
and tested, sustainable materials and eco-
certified products, and to avoid any use of All left-over construction materials are sorted at source.
chemical products or construction materials
that contain hazardous substances.
Rainwater must not be contaminated with
metals or oils en route to Hammarby Sj,
which is why facade or roofing materials that Environmental goals for construction
could release heavy metals or other hazard- materials in Hammarby Sjstad
ous substances have been avoided, and why
eco-friendly oil has been used for the foot- Routines shall be drawn up for choosing
paths along Sickla Canal and stainless steel the best materials from resource-related,
has been used for the cycle bridge. environmental and health protection
viewpoints, before the planning work
Pressure-treated timber may not be used.
Copper may not be used as ducting
material in horizontal or vertical piping
trunks in the tap water system, either
indoors or out. This does not apply to
wet rooms and their connections within
the apartment.
Galvanised materials in the external
environment shall be surface-treated.
Eco-inspections Use of newly extracted gravel and sand
Everyone who builds in Hammarby Sjstad shall be minimised.
must check and declare their chemical prod- Recycled materials shall be used wher-
ucts and construction materials before work ever it is indicated for environmental and
on their project begins, and eco-inspections health reasons, provided that it is techni-
are conducted regularly throughout the con- cally and economically feasible.
struction process.

The healthy city

One of the goals of Hammarby Sjstad is for Culture

the district to be a healthy place for people to A variety of different types of cultural activity
live, a place that stimulates the body and soul, are also important in terms of overall health.
and hence a place that offers opportunities for Cultural outlets in Hammarby Sjstad include
exercise, sports and culture. not only the Fryshuset social and cultural cen-
tre, but Kulturama, which offers tuition in a
Exercise and sports wide range of Arts for students of all ages,
Sjstaden has a number of exercise and sports along with a library, not forgetting the cultural
facilities, such as Hammarbybacken, a slalom centre that will be opening soon.
ski slope with amazing views. The sports fa-
cility at Hammarbyhjden, near the southern
side of Hammarbybacken is an important as-
Sjstaden also has allotments with a shared
set, not least for school and youth sports activi- greenhouse, playgrounds for active games,
ties. The foot of the slope is also home to the and a salmon ladder alongside the lock into
valuable Nacka nature reserve. A sports hall Sickla Sj lake.
with a large exercise facility has been built in
Sjstaden, and this positive feature is echoed
in the annual Sjstad Games held on Swe-
dens National Day under the administration
of Hammarby IF sports association.
Sjstaden has numerous footpaths and
cycle paths alongside the canals, as well as
many attractive paths for strolling through a
variety of green public spaces in the district.
There are also cycle paths along Sjstadens
main through-road.

Integrated planning with an eco-focus

The real key to the districts success is the in- is unique. And the results were and will usage, a pilot sewage treatment plant facility
tegrated planning work that was carried out continue to be visible in Hammarby Sjstad. where new technology will be tested, and a
before the area was developed. All of the vari- The goal was to create a residential environ- practical automated waste disposal system
ous authorities and administrations that nor- ment based on sustainable resource usage, for waste management.
mally get involved in the various stages of the where energy consumption and waste pro- One tried and tested example of integra-
process sat down and drew up the plan for the duction are minimised, and resource saving tion solutions comes in the form of the heat ex-
new conceptual approach that would result in and recycling are simultaneously maximised. tracted from the treated wastewater, which is
Hammarby Sjstad. The integrated planning Sjstaden is home to exciting new techni- used to produce district heating and, from the
work carried out from the start was and still cal solutions for energy supply and energy waste product of this process, district cooling.

The unique partnership between administrations,

authorities, architects and developers has led
to numerous innovative environmentally-friendly
technical solutions in Hammarby Sjstad.

The Hammarby model a unique eco-cycle

The integrated environmental solutions can mercial activities in Hammarby Sjstad. The along with explanatory texts, and the various
be followed through an eco-cycle that has eco-cycle is also designed to act as a role sections of the cycle namely energy, water
become known as the Hammarby model. The model for the development of equivalent tech- & sewage, and waste are presented on the
eco-cycle handles energy, waste, water and nological systems in big cities. The Hammarby following pages.
sewage for housing, offices and other com- model is shown on the inside of the front cover,


Hgdalens combined
heat and power plant Biofuel Hammarby heat plant

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ctr ing Pu
ic eat
i th


i ed




s t ew
friendly electricity

Purified wastewater

ible B i ogas

te Biog
Organic was a
B i osolids

ac kagin The sea


Wa s te wa ter


gl a

Street sto



er Sjstadens and Henriksdals

pa p

ing wa

r wastewater treatment plants


c li n g






z ar
r (r


Lake Hammarby Sj

Lake Mlaren/drinking water plant Sedimentation

er r


Solar energy is utilised through solar cells on roofs and walls, and converted
into electrical energy.

Sustainable and renewable energy

The City of Stockholm has always been well things one step further through the installation When the construction work on Hammarby
ahead of its time when it comes to finding new of various kinds of energy supply. New tech- Sjstad is completed, the areas residents will
and renewable energy sources to make the nology is being used as part of exciting de- produce half of all the energy they need. They
city a better place to live in. For several dec- velopment projects in Hammarby Sjstad, e.g. will do this by utilising the energy present in
ades now, Stockholm has been shifting over to as fuel cells, solar cells, and solar panels. The treated wastewater and the energy to be
using district heating to heat buildings. purpose is partly to test the new technology found in the sorted-at-source combustible
In Hammarby Sjstad, we have brought and partly to demonstrate methods of build- waste.
ing a sustainable city.


Hgdalens combined
heat and power plant Biofuel Hammarby heat plant

ict h
ea tin
ga ooling
nd ist rict c
ele D
ctr ting Pu
i hea
i ed



s t ew
friendly electricity
Purified wastewater


ible B i ogas

te Biog
Organic was a
B i osolids

kagin The sea
N ew


s, Wa s te wa ter

l as



Street sto



Sjstadens and Henriksdals


ing wa

p r wastewater treatment plants









H az
r (r


Lake Hammarby Sj

Lake Mlaren/drinking water plant Sedimentation

r The goal is for residents
to produce half of all the
energy they need.

The City of Stockholms environmental goals for Energy in Hammarby Sjstad

The goals relate to the sum of all the District heating connection with exhaust The entire heating supply shall be based
energy bought to heat the buildings and air systems: 100, of which 20 kWh electric- on waste energy or renewable energy
operate them each year. Household elec- ity/m UFA sources.
tricity is not included. District heating connection with heat Electricity shall be Good Environmental
extraction systems: 80, of which 25 kWh Choice-labelled, or equivalent.
electricity/m UFA

Eco-friendly energy,
district heating and district cooling
District heating
The Hgdalen combined heat and power
plant uses sorted, combustible waste as an
energy source (fuel) to produce electricity and
district heating. Renewable energy sources
are used wherever possible in order to spare
the environment. Another example of sustain-
able heat supply is the Hammarby heat plant
which extracts waste heat from the treated
wastewater from the Henriksdal wastewater
treatment plant.

District cooling
Stockholms focus on centralised production of Combustible waste is converted
district heating and district cooling makes the into electricity and district heat-
city a world leader in this field. District cool- ing in Hgdalen combined heat
and power plant.
ing in Stockholm has developed over a dec-
ade into the worlds largest system of its kind!
From the cooled and treated wastewater that
leaves the Hammarby plants heat pumps,
heat is exchanged into cooling in the water
that circulates in the district cooling network in
Hammarby Sjstad. Cooling is, in other words,
purely and simply a waste product from the
production of district heating.

Heat is extracted in the Hammarby

plant from the treated wastewater,
and the waste product is cooling
for the district cooling network.

The sun provides energy and heats water

A variety of different kinds of energy supply gata, for example, have been fitted with solar which corresponds to the domestic electricity
are being tried out in Sjstaden. Hammarby cells that are contributing to the buildings en- requirement for 3 m residential floor space.
Sjstad has several solar cell installations ergy supply by providing the energy needed
which capture the energy of the suns light and for their public areas. Solar panels have also Solar panels
convert into electrical power. Solar cells have been fitted to the roof of one of Sjstadens 390m of south-facing solar panels have been
been installed on several facades and roofs in larger apartment blocks. installed on the roof of the Viken block. These
Sjstaden. The more effective the solar cells panels capture the warm rays of the sun and
and the bigger the area they cover, the more Solar cells use them to heat the buildings hot water sup-
effective the installation is. To date, solar cells Solar cells capture the suns luminous energy ply. The solar panels shown in the picture
have mainly taken the form of test projects and convert it into electrical power in solar below produce half of the energy required to
from an energy viewpoint in urban environ- cells. The energy from a 1 m solar cell mod- meet the buildings annual hot water require-
ments. Two of the buildings on Sickla Kanal- ule provides approximately 100 kWh/year, ment.

Solar panels. Solar panels that exploit the suns heat and use it to heat the hot water supply have been
installed on many roofs. The solar panels shown in the picture are sufficient to meet half of the buildings
annual hot water requirement.

Solar cells. The suns luminous energy is captured and converted

into electrical energy in solar cells. The energy from a 1m solar
cell module produces approximately 100 kWh/year, which
corresponds to the domestic electricity requirements of 3m
residential floor space.

Water and sewage

Hammarby Sjstads experimental treatment

plant, Sjstadsverket, is evaluating new
wastewater treatment technology.

Less water and cleaner sewage

One of Hammarby Sjstads goals is to re- this will result in fewer contaminants being By monitoring the wastewater, we can see
duce water consumption by 50%. 200 litres/ dispersed into the Stockholm archipelago via whether campaigns in this area have any ef-
person/day is normally used in Stockholm, but our treated wastewater, and will also give us fect on the quality of the wastewater. In the
our aim is to reduce this figure to 100 litres/ a better residual product, known as sludge, spring of 2005, for example, a campaign to re-
person/day. Thanks to eco-friendly installa- which can be reused on agricultural land. The duce the use of the bactericide Triclosan was
tions (energy class A: washing machines and strategy to systematically work with your cus- conducted. Triclosan is an environmentally
dishwashers, low flush toilets and air mixer tomers and society to reduce the amount of hazardous substance present in certain tooth-
taps), consumption levels are currently ap- chemicals flushed into the wastewater system pastes and which there is no need whatsoever
proximately 150 litres/person/day. is called the Upstream approach. The Upp- for ordinary consumers to use. Analyses of the
It is even more important to reduce the stream approach is now endorsed by many wastewater before and after the campaign
amount of heavy metals and non biodegrada- wastewater companies throughout Europe as show that the amounts of Triclosan present
ble chemicals present in wastewater, because being part of their core business. had fallen.

Hgdalens combined
heat and power plant Biofuel Hammarby heat plant

ict h
an ooling
de ist rict c
lec D
tri ting Pu
ci hea

i ed



s t ew

friendly electricity
Purified wastewater


ible B i ogas

te Biog
Organic was a
B i osolids

ac kagin The sea


s, Wa s te wa ter

l as

The control room of a wastewater


e s,
Street sto



Sjstadens and Henriksdals


ing wa

p r wastewater treatment plants



pumping station at Hammarby Grd.







H az
r (r


Lake Hammarby Sj

Wa te
Sedimentation r
Lake Mlaren/drinking water plant

The City of Stockholms environmental goals for water and sewage in Hammarby Sjstad

Water consumption shall be reduced to Lifecycle analyses (LCA) shall be carried Storm water shall primarily be treated lo-
100 litres per person per day. out to determine the suitability, from an cally.
95% of the phosphorus in wastewater shall energy and emissions viewpoint, of return- The nitrogen content of the purified waste-
be reusable on agricultural land. ing nitrogen to agricultural land and of water shall not exceed 6 mg/litre and
utilising the chemical energy present in the the phosphorus content shall not exceed
The quantity of heavy metals and other wastewater.
environmentally harmful substances shall 0.15 mg/litre.
be 50 % lower in the wastewater from the Drainage water shall be connected to the Storm water from streets with more than
area than in the wastewater from the rest storm water network and not to the waste- 8,000 vehicles per day shall be treated.
of Stockholm. water network.

Sjstadsverket our own wastewater treatment plant,
evaluating new technology
Cutting edge technology with great care when it comes to the choice
evaluated in different processes of construction and building materials, and
the processing of wastewater and refuse, for
A new test wastewater treatment plant, Sjs-
example. By avoiding the use of certain met-
tadsverket, has been built to evaluate new
als and plastics in the buildings, by ensuring
technology in the field of wastewater treat-
that rainwater and snowmelt are treated and
ment. The first stage of Sjstadsverket has four
drained separately, and by providing resi-
separate treatment lines for wastewater from
dents with information, e.g. the importance of
the equivalent of 600 people in Hammarby
eco-labelled household chemicals (find out
Sjstad. The various lines are being evaluated
more on page 30), we can ensure that house-
and a basis for decision-making for stage two
holds wastewater is relatively clean.
which may possibly see a water treatment
The wastewater that goes to the local
plant built for the whole of Hammarby Sjstad
wastewater treatment plant comes solely from
will also be generated. The treatment lines
housing in the area, and does not come from
under evaluation contain chemical, physical
storm water and industries. This means that
and biological processes that are run as ef-
right from the start, the wastewater contains
ficiently as possible. The goal is both to treat
a minimum of contaminants, which makes it
the wastewater and to recycle resources from
easier for us to treat it and for the nutrients
the wastewater with as little input of exter-
it contains to be reclaimed and, hopefully, be
nal resources, such as electrical energy and
reusable on agricultural land.
chemicals, as possible.
The environmental goal is for 95 % of the
phosphorus to be separated out and recycled
Cleaner biosolids
for agricultural use, and for the level of heavy
and nutrient recycling metals and other hazardous substances to be
The buildings and infrastructure in Ham- reduced by 50 %. The treated sewage has to
marby Sjstad have been planned and built meet exceptionally high standards.

Four different treatment lines with chemical, physical

and biological processes are being evaluated.

Biogas and biosolids extracted

Biogas is extracted from Biosolids can be used

the digestion of sewage sludge as an efficient fertiliser
At the wastewater treatment plant, organic Once the digestion process is completed, the
material is separated out from the wastewater sludge the biosolid can be used as a fer-
in the form of sludge. The sludge is carried to tiliser. The biosolid is nutritionally rich with a
large digestion tanks, where it is digested. Bi- high phosphorus content, and is ideally suited
ogas, which is the most environmentally friend- for use as a fertiliser. It can be used on ag-
ly form of fuel currently available, is produced ricultural land and in the production of soil
during the digestion process. The biogas pro- conditioners. Stockholm Water sends biosolids
duced is primarily used as vehicle fuel, e.g. in to northern Sweden, where they are used as
inner city buses, garbage trucks and taxis. Bi- filling material in mines that have been closed
ogas is also used in approximately 1,000 gas down.
stoves in Hammarby Sjstad.

Biosolids are currently used as

a fertiliser in the forestry industry, but
the aim is to expand this usage to the
agricultural sector as well.

Architectonic storm water solutions

All storm water, rainwater and The storm water canal, Sjstadspar-
terren, with its surrounding apartment
snowmelt is treated locally in a blocks, was awarded the Kasper Salin
Prize in 2005 by the Swedish Associa-
variety of ways, and the system
tion of Architects.
is referred to collectively as LOD
(the Swedish acronym for local
storm water treatment).
Storm water from devel-
oped areas is infiltrated into the
ground or drained to Sickla Ca-
nal, Hammarby Canal or Danvik
Canal. A storm water canal runs
through the park Sjstadsparter-
ren (the Sjstaden parterre). The
water runs from the surrounding
buildings and courtyards via
numerous small gutters and is
then carried on to Hammarby
Sj through a water ladder de-
signed by the artist, Dag Birke- The water from the canal then runs
out into Hammarby Sj via the water
land. ladder designed by Dag Birkeland.

The rainwater is drained into the canal from the

surrounding apartment blocks via gutters.

Green roofs
The green roofs seen on some of the buildings
in Sjstaden are another link in the local storm
water treatment (LOD) chain. Their task is to
collect the rainwater, delay it and evaporate
it. At the same time, the small, dense sedum
plants form living green areas in the city-

Rainwater from the streets lowed to remain in the tanks for several hours,
is treated locally to allow the contaminants to sink to the bot-
tom (settling), and is then drained out into the
Rainwater and snowmelt from the streets is
canals. Mrtensdal has an open storm water
collected and treated in a variety of different
basin where the surface of the water can be
ways in Sjstaden.
seen. Here, the soil and plants in the area
The most common way involves draining
can handle the contaminants from dirty water
the water into special basins, and Sjstaden
when it sinks down into the ground water.
has two closed settling tanks. The water is al-

Open storm water basin at Mrtensdal (above).

Pumping station and closed storm water basin at Lugnets

terass (left). The pumping station was designed by Henrik
Rundqvist of HKR Arkitekter.

Waste and recycling material

Collection of a waste fraction at the central collection station for the

stationary automated waste disposal system at Mrtensdal in Ham-
marby Sjstad.

Waste must be reduced and recycled

These days waste is no longer just waste. It separates their waste, and if the waste is to be the recycled materials can be used instead.
is a resource that is being utilised more and handled properly, everyone must do their bit. This makes waste into a resource that can be
more. New things are being produced from When you separate waste, you help ensure used for materials recycling and energy re-
recycled materials, allowing us to be more that hazardous substances are not incinerated covery. Quantities of domestic waste are re-
economical with natures resources. along with the rest of the refuse bags. Extrac- duced, and the refuse collection personnels
A lot of things improve when everyone tion of virgin raw materials is reduced, when working environment improves.

Hgdalens combined
heat and power plant Biofuel Hammarby heat plant

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ga ooling
nd ist rict c
ele D
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i ed




s t ew
friendly electricity

Purified wastewater

ible B i ogas

te Biog
Organic was a
B i osolids

kagin The sea
N ew


s, Wa s te wa ter

l as


Street sto



Sjstadens and Henriksdals



ing wa

p r wastewater treatment plants





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st t



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Lake Hammarby Sj

Lake Mlaren/drinking water plant Sedimentation

r Food waste is placed in biodegradable bags
made from corn starch, for composting.

The City of Stockholms environmental goals for waste in Hammarby Sjstad

Energy shall be extracted from 99 % by between 2005 and 2010. utilises its component nutrients for plant cul-
weight of all domestic waste from which Residents shall be given the opportunity to tivation and also utilises its energy content.
energy can be recovered by 2010. Reuse or A maximum of 60 % (vehicle km) of waste separate their waste at source into the fol-
recycling shall, however, be prioritised. transports and transportation of recycled lowing fractions:
The amount of domestic waste generated - Materials with a producer responsibility, materials within the area shall involve the
shall be reduced by at least 15 % by weight within the building use of heavy vehicles, in comparison with
between 2005 and 2010. the amount transported using conventional
- Separated food waste and refuse bags,
The amount of domestic bulky waste dis- within the building waste management transportation.
posed of in landfill sites shall be reduced by - Bulky waste, within the building A maximum of 10 % by weight of the total
10 % by weight between 2005 and 2010. waste generated during the construction
- Hazardous waste, in the local area phase shall comprise waste that is disposed
The amount of hazardous waste gener- By 2010, 80 % of food waste by weight shall of in landfill sites.
ated shall be reduced by 50 % by weight be handed in for biological treatment which

Waste is separated at source and recycled
or used to produce heating and electricity
Three-level waste management cleaning agents, batteries and chemicals must
In Hammarby Sjstad, there are three different never be placed in domestic waste or poured
levels of waste management: building-based, down the drain. It must be separated out and
block-based, and area-based: handed in at the hazardous waste collection
point in GlashusEtt, the areas environmental
information centre.
Building-based separating at source
The heaviest and bulkiest waste is separated
into fractions and deposited in different refuse
chutes in or adjacent to the buildings.
Where does the waste go?
Combustible waste. Things made of plastic,
paper and other forms of non-packaging Combustible waste is transported to
are placed in ordinary plastic bags.
the Hgdalenverket plant in southern
Food waste. Food product waste is placed Stockholm where it is incinerated and
in bags made of corn starch which, unlike recycled as heating and electricity.
plastic bags, are biodegradable.
Food waste is transported to Sofielund
ewspapers, catalogues, paper, etc. Left in Huddinge where it is composted and
loose, not packed. Not for the mobile auto- turned into soil. The ultimate aim is for
mated waste disposal system. food waste to be converted into biogas
and bio-fertilisers.
Block-based recycling rooms Newspapers are delivered to paper
The types of waste that do not belong in the recycling companies and then sent on to
building-based refuse chutes can be left in paper mills where they are turned into
block-based recycling rooms: new paper.
Glass, paper, plastic and metal packaging. Packaging. Paper, metal, glass and
plastic packaging is recycled as new
Bulky waste, i.e. old furniture.
packaging or as other products.
Electrical and electronic waste. Items that
Bulky waste. Metal is recycled, com-
require an electric socket or batteries to
bustible bulky waste is incinerated and
function, as well as light bulbs, fluorescent
tubes and low-energy light bulbs. recycled as heating and electricity.
Non-combustible waste is disposed of in
Some of the recycling rooms also have landfill sites.
containers for textiles.
Electrical and electronic waste is disas-
sembled and the materials are recycled.
Area-based hazardous Leftover material is disposed of in landfill
waste collection point sites.
Waste that constitutes a danger to people Hazardous waste is incinerated or recy-
and the environment, such as paint, varnish cled.
and glue residues, nail polish, solvents or

The automated waste disposal system
reduces transports in the area
Mobile automated Stationary automated
waste disposal system waste disposal system
The waste collected in the mobile automated All refuse chutes are linked by underground
waste disposal system ends up in underground pipes to a central collection station to which
tanks that are emptied by a refuse collection they are carried by vacuum suction. The col-
vehicle equipped with a vacuum suction sys- lection station houses an advanced control
tem. There are separated tanks for each frac- system that sends the various fractions to the
tion: combustible domestic waste and food right container. There is a large container for
waste. The refuse collection vehicle stops at each fraction: combustible domestic waste,
docking points where several buildings waste food waste and newspapers.
Refuse collection vehicle with vacuum suction system at
tanks are emptied simultaneously, but only one of the docking points for the mobile automated waste
The systems reduce transports in the area,
one fraction at a time per collection round. disposal system. which means the air is kept cleaner than when
traditional refuse collection techniques are
employed. In addition, the work environment
for the refuse collection workers is improved
when heavy lifting is avoided.

An advanced control system ensures that the

waste ends up in the right container in the
central collection station.
The waste is separated into different chutes for the stationary system. The various fractions are then transported by
vacuum to containers in a central collection station.

GlashusEtt is the areas
environmental information centre
Environmental information centre Exporting environmental technology
The exciting and interesting design and content GlashusEtt also plays a very important role
of GlashusEtt make it the natural focal point for in- in exporting environmental technology. A
formation on environmental issues in Hammarby very close cooperation is taking place with a
Sjstad. This knowledge centre also provides range of authorities tasked with promoting en-
Stockholm with a natural hub for demonstrat- vironmental exports, such as Stockholm Busi-
ing the links between modern technology and a ness Region, the Swedish Ministry for Foreign
better environment in an atmosphere of harmony Affairs, and the Swedish Trade Council. In just
with exciting new architecture.
The centre is also responsible for its own
website www.hammarbysjostad.se.

Conference rooms
GlashusEtts conference rooms are used, in
part, to receive visitors, but they also function
as a meeting place for discussions and con-
versations about the sustainable city.
GlashusEtt is also used as a teaching cen-
tre for a variety of different courses on environ-
mental and urban planning, public meetings,
a short period of time, Hammarby Sjstad has
politicians meetings and customer meetings.
become one of the worlds most high profile
examples of sustainable urban develop-
ment and is mentioned in specialist publica-
Exhibitions study visits
tions worldwide. Sjstaden is visited by over
The environmental information centre is tasked 10,000 industry representatives and decision
with spreading knowledge through study vis- makers every year. Significant urban projects
its, exhibitions and demonstrations of the in Toronto, London, Paris and several cities in
Hammarby Model (see front cover) and new China have been influenced by the expertise
eco-friendly technology. National and inter- and technology that forms the basis for our
national visitors come to Sjstaden to see not success.
only how the City of Stockholm has planned
the new city district, but also how an eco-
minded approach has characterised the en- GlashusEtt, the environmental information centre,
designed by architect Stellan Fryxell, of Tengbom
tire Sjstaden planning process that went into
making it the sustainable city.

A glasshouse built using new eco-technology

Designing a building for low energy consump-

Eco-technology on every floor
tion when it consists of three glass and one
concrete facades is asking a lot of the plan- On the roof, Sedum plants have been
ning and design team. planted to act as a compensation ba-
At GlashusEtt, a range of cutting-edge sin during heavy rainfall. A solar power
plant, a control system cabinet for the
technologies and carefully selected materials,
alternative energy system, a weather
often on the grounds of their eco-friendliness, station and a tank containing hydrogen
have contributed towards the suc- for a fuel cell are also here.
cessful results. The aim throughout The upper floor houses most of the
was to achieve a good indoor cli- buildings technical installations, such
mate with low energy consump- as a fuel cell and its associated equip-
ment, electrolyser, biogas boiler, an
accumulator tank for hot water, control
systems for the buildings ventilation,
Double-glazed facades etc. A small group meeting room, with a
and smart-house technology kitchenette equipped with a biogas-
powered stove, is also on this floor.
Double-glazed facades linked
to an advanced control system The middle floor is designed as a con-
ference facility where interested parties
should cut energy consumption can be invited and learn more about
to 50 % of that of an equivalent the projects interested parties and their
building with glass facades. The environmental work.
double-glazed facades reduce On the ground floor, which is open
the need for artificial light and the to the public, visitors can see how the
energy requirement for heating, unique Hammarby Model works, both
on computer screens and in the form of
cooling and ventilation. exhibitions.
Low-energy lighting has been
The Basement contains a sewage
planned for the entire building. pumping station, a vacuum-based
The advanced control system refuse collection installation and a
adjusts lighting and ventilation mains power substation.
in line with current activities, the
amount of daylight etc.

The Hammarby model


Hgdalens combined
heat and power plant Biofuel Hammarby heat plant

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de ist rict c
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i ed




s t ew
friendly electricity

Purified wastewater

ible B i ogas

te Biog
Organic was a
B i osolids

ac kagin The sea


Wa s te wa ter

gl a


Street sto



Sjstadens and Henriksdals


ing wa

ng r wastewater treatment plants


l i






H az
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Lake Hammarby Sj

Sedimentation r
Lake Mlaren/drinking water plant
Hammarby Sjstads own eco-cycle

Energy Water & Sewage Waste

Combustible waste is converted into Water consumption is reduced through An automated waste disposal system
district heating and electricity. the use of eco-friendly installations, low with various deposit chutes, a block-
flush toilets and air mixer taps. based system of recycling rooms and an
Biofuel from nature is converted into
district heating and electricity. A pilot wastewater treatment plant has area-based environmental station system
been built specifically for the area in help the residents sort their waste.
Heat from treated wastewater is con-
order to evaluate new sewage treatment Organic waste is converted/digested into
verted into district heating and district
techniques. biosolids and used as fertiliser.
Digestion is used to extract biogas from Combustible waste is converted into
Solar cells convert solar energy into
the sewage sludge. district heating and electricity.
The digested biosolids can be used for All recyclable material is sent for recy-
Solar panels utilise solar energy to heat
fertilisation. cling: newspapers, glass, cardboard,
Rainwater from yards and roofs is metal, etc.
Electricity must be a Good Environmen-
drained into Hammarby Sj, rather than Hazardous waste is incinerated or recy-
tal Choice product, or equivalent.
into the wastewater treatment plant. cled.
Rainwater from streets is treated locally
using settling basins and then drained
into Hammarby Sj, rather than being
drained into the wastewater treatment
Map of the
Environmental Projects in
Hammarby Sjstad
Hammarby Sjstads Environmental Map

GlashusEtt Energy 24. Footbridge made from stainless steel for

long-term durability.
1. GlashusEtt The environmental informa- 1. Solar cells on GlashusEtt.
tion centre of Hammarby Sjstad. The 25. Car-pool parking with the best parking
2. Solar cells for the Holmen block. spots, right in front of the door.
place to find information on both environ-
mental issues and exciting green technol- 4. Solar panels on the Viken block to heat the 26. Fuel station for cars running on electricity,
ogy (solar cells, fuel cells, sedum roofs, hot tap water used by the tenants. biogas or ethanol.
etc.). A partnership between the Stockholm
6. Solar cells for the Familjebostders build-
Water Company, Fortum, the Stockholm
City Development Administration and New and existing green spaces
the Stockholm City Waste Management 9. Power grid station (also storm water basin).
Administration. 27. New tree-lined avenue that stretches
14. Fortums Thermal Power Plant. Supplies throughout Hammarby Sjstad.
Hammarby Sjstad with district heating
Environmental blocks and district cooling from treated wastewa- 28. Luma Park. New local park with green hills,
ter and biofuels. Japanese cherry trees (Prunus serratula)
2. Holmen, NCC. Winner of the first prize in and a playground. The park also contains
the Citys environmental competition, Best 15. Biogas cookers are installed in approxi- a preserved old house.
New Construction. mately 1,000 apartments on Sickla Udde
and Sickla Kaj. 29. Preserved old trees (birch, elm and lime).
3. Kobben, SBC Bo. Winner of the second
prize. 16. Biogas production facility. 30. Nesting rafts for seabirds. The City of
Stockholm Environmental Administrations
4. Viken, Svenska Bostder. Winner of the 17. Solar cells on the roof of JMs block, project designed to promote the biological
third prize. Fjrden, providing electricity used in the development of Stockholm.
5. Sundet, JM. Winner of the third prize. communal areas.
31. Reed park with oiled wooden footbridges.
6. Lugnvattnet, Familjebostder. Winner of the 18. Solar cells for the Grynnan block. Viewing points and rest areas.
third prize. 32. Preserved riparian woodlands with birch
Waste and recycling material and alder.
Water 1. GlashusEtt also houses a collecting point 33. Ecoducts. A green crossing providing
7. Prepared soil for filtration of storm water for hazardous waste. enhanced access to the Nacka nature re-
from streets. serve. (A vast forested area with footpaths
19. One of the docking points where the refuse and cycle routes).
8. Storm water basin with wetland for storm collection lorry connects to the automated
water from streets. waste disposal unit. 34. Oak-covered slope with 150 old oaks. One
of the finest stands in the southern part of
9. Storm water basin with filtration (also 20. Collection centre for the stationary auto- the city of Stockholm.
power grid station). mated waste disposal system.
35. Special adaptation of buildings for the
10. Channel for storm water from buildings oak-covered slope.
and gardens only. Communications/transport
36. The Sjstad parterre and surrounding
11. Green roofs and yards collect storm water 21. Tvrbanan, a light rail link. blocks awarded the Kasper Sahlin prize
locally. 22. Ferry berth with boat traffic to Sdermalm for the best block in Sweden, 2005.
12. Sjstadsverket. Experimental wastewater (also to central Stockholm at certain times 37. The Lugnet parterre scheduled.
treatment plant and spearhead-projects of the year).
for new wastewater treatment techniques. 23. Old quay restored to form a footpath and
13. Pumpstation for wastewater. cycle route.


38. Listed factory buildings from the 1930s.
Restored and now used as office
39. Sickla lock and salmon ladder.
40. Sdra Lnken (motorway) lowered to
reduce traffic noise.

The healthy city

41. Cycle route along the Lugnets All and
Hammarby All thoroughfares.
42. Hammarbybacken slalom ski slope.
43. Sports hall.
44. The Nacka nature reserve. 29
45. Beach at Sickla Sj.
22. Old quay restored to form a footpath
and cycle route.
13 Hammarby Grd
46. The Culture House scheduled.
47. Kulturama school and culture house.
48. Fryshuset upper secondary school
specialising in sports and culture. 21

49. Playground in Ekbacken.

50. Playground in Redaren and Sjfarten
scheduled. 14

51. Pleasure boat moorings. 20

52. Dieselverkstaden - culture house.



37 46 Lugnet

30 9
22 17

25 52
23 31 Sickla Udde 6

10 21
3 24 49
28 19
36 51
35 34
21 15 Sickla Kaj 43
2 41
7 1 51
19 18 11 5 40

39 33

47 Sjstadsporten 33

42 44
Hammarby Sjstad a unique environmental project in Stockholm
GlashusEtt, Lugnets all 39, SE-120 66 Stockholm, Sweden

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