SoloPlay Village v2
SoloPlay Village v2
SoloPlay Village v2
Additionalrules2017SoloPlayTM (BGGUser:GameRulesforOne)
Introduction: The village is full of opportunity. There are so many pastoral things to address and customers
to satisfy you dont know how you will get them all done by the end of the 5th day. You are experienced
though and know your way around the farm. You better or the village counsel will have your skin. By
careful planning and foresight you will recognize the best ways to most efficiently accomplish your village
tasks. If you do, you will be rewarded with the golden sow award and be lauded throughout the community.
They might even make you head wagon maker! Now that is something to strive for.
Goal: To score better than your opponent after 5 rounds have been completed.
1) Place the game board within reach
2) Retrieve the mass overview card. Place it next to the game board. This will be referred to as the
influence board. If using the players aide at the end of these rules, it will be the influence board instead.
3) Select a color to play and a neutral color to perform some in game actions
a) Retrieve a farm board for you to use. Your opponent will not need one.
4) Place a scoring marker of each color on the zero space of the score track.
a) Additionally, place a gold coin on the zero space as well. It will be referred to as the power tracker.
b) Place the markers for each player next to the travel area.
5) Place all influence cubes in the draw bag
6) Place the 4 black monks in the black draw bag
a) Add 2, #1 family members of your opponents to the bag.
i) Also, create stacks of your opponents family members as follows: (place near the game board)
(1) a #1 / a #1 + a #2 / a #2 + a #3 and finally a #4 All those remaining are set out of play.
7) Shuffle the 3 setup cards and place in a stack next to the game board or on the player aide.
8) Add components to the game board: (all excess is placed back in the box and will not be needed)
a) Retrieve 5 grain tiles and place them on the grain harvest space.
b) Retrieve 7 coins; 6 are placed on the windmill and the other 1 starts in your supply
9) Setting up the goods tiles availability
a) Retrieve 4 of each of the following: cows, horses, scrolls, wagons and plows
b) Shuffle the tiles well and place in a single stack near the crafts area. You may never look ahead.
10) Setting up the customer tiles for your game:
a) Separate the customer tiles into 3 groupings: 6+ points, 4-5 points and 3 or less
b) Shuffle each stack
c) Draw 4 from the 3 or less stack, 2 from the 4-5 point stack and 1 from the 6+ stack. Place the
remaining customers out of play (in the box)
d) Shuffle the 7 customer tiles and place them on the board as follows:
i) Place the first 3 into the rightmost market stalls (the 3 and 4 spaces are empty)
ii) Place the remaining 4 in the future customer spaces (the last future space will be empty)
11) Place the couple (start player marker) onto the game board: (they will grant a special privilege
depending on their location when the ring is taken and you choose to use it)
a) Draw a cube from the bag. The cube drawn indicates their starting position. If it is ... they start in ...
i) Green: Market / Pink: Traveling / Brown: Church / Orange: Town Square (between harvest and
family action spaces) / Black: Market
(1) Place the tile in a convenient location in the area designated and return the cube to the bag.
(2) Note: The couple will circle the board once during your game.
12) The game setup is complete
iv) At the Church: May retrieve a #1 family member from any location and put into the black bag at
no cost or pay 2 brown cubes or 4 time and place any family member from any location into the
black bag. You may also move 1 cube from the church to another area with the same color there.
v) In the Craft Area: May move a family member from 1 building to another.
b) 2nd Stage (cubes): Draw 3 cubes from the bag and choose 2 to keep or take any 1 cube from the
influence board from the previous round. If you chose the former, return the 3rd cube to the bag.
i) Note: If a black cube is drawn, advance time on your board 1 space. You may place the black
cube on the influence board or return it to the bag and draw a replacement. Repeat as needed.
c) 3rd Stage (craft tile): You may take any craft tile currently in the craft section or the one from the top
of the craft tile stack
d) 4th Stage (gold exchange): You may exchange 1 gold for 3 points. If you do, place the gold coin out of
the game. Note: This is the only time that gold is placed out of play as a result of one of your actions.
i) Payment Resolution: If the scroll was paid, you may return it to the bottom of the craft tile stack
or remove it from the game. If green cubes were paid, place them on the influence board.
3) Church:
a) Payment Resolution: If brown cube is spent, it is placed on the influence board.
i) Additionally, if you placed a family member in the bag, you may choose to move 1 influence cube
from any area to another area. Limitations: You cannot deplete the area you are moving the
cube from, it also cannot be moved to an area which does not already have the color present.
Each action area can never exceed its setup cube capacity as a result of moving a cube, review the
setup board. This means that a cube cannot be moved to the market, for example.
4) Crafts:
a) Limitation: You may only gain the craft tiles that are in the market. If none are available, none can
be gained.
b) Payment Resolution: Influence cubes spent are placed on the influence board.
5) Traveling:
a) Wagons spent to travel are removed from the game and the influence cubes used are placed back
into the bag. When you gain cubes, draw 3 from the bag and keep 2. Note Council Chamber 2.b.i
above if you drew a black cube. If you gain a coin, take it from the windmill.
i) Restriction: You are not permitted to travel to a town that the game has visited first.
ii) End Game Scoring Note: The 3 point towns will only score for the disk placed for both players.
6) Family:
a) If you choose to grow your family, you must take the color cube that currently has the most on the
game board. You opponent will score 2 points and then move its power tracker according to the
color of cube chosen.
b) If you use the action to move a family member to your home, you can choose any cube and your
opponent will only move the power tracker.
7) Well:
a) Important Restriction: You may only activate an action area which has the color of cube that you
are using to pay for the use of the well.
b) Payment Resolution: The cubes spent are placed out of play.
c) The game will not gain any power or points for you using the well.
How to Play:
1) Maintenance Functions:
a) Fill the game board with influence cubes:
i) Randomly draw from the bag and place the number of cubes indicated on the top setup card in
each action space regardless of color.
(1) Fill the board clockwise starting with the market
(a) Restriction: There must be at least 1 of every color on the board including black. If a
color is not represented after random draw, retrieve one of each such cube from the bag
and replace the color cubes in the family action area (most represented on the board)
with them.
Intellectual Properties of SoloPlay (BGG User GameRulesforOne) 3
(2) Note: If there are not enough cubes, place as many as you can ensuring that each area has at
least 1 cube. The possibility of this happening is small and might only occur in the last
round. It is generally in your best interest to ensure that you have enough cubes.
ii) Once complete, refer to the setup card (you may need to adjust the total quantity of 1 or more
colors). Note: This is still done even if there were not enough cubes to fill the board properly.
(1) Consider in order, pink, brown, green then orange (all black, if any, will remain on the board)
(a) Return to the bag the excess as follows: (excess means greater than the value on the card)
(i) Remove 1 from the area that has the most of the color, reevaluate and continue until
you reach the maximum permitted by the setup card.
1. If there is a tie, consider the total number of cubes on the action (all colors) and
remove from the one with the most. If there is still a tie, you may choose.
(ii) Repeat for each color (other than black)
(iii) Restriction: Each area must have at least 1 influence cube on it. You may never
remove the last one.
iii) Rotate the setup card to the bottom of the stack (there are 3 of them).
b) Decide how many craft items to make available in the coming round:
i) Restriction: You must place at least 3 (and as many as 5) craft items on the game board during
this step.
ii) You will make 3 to 5 craft tile decisions: (it is important not to look ahead in the tile stack)
(1) Consider the top tile of the stack; either choose to place it on the game board or remove it
from the game. Once 3 have been placed on the board, you may stop performing this action.
(a) Therefore, once you have removed 2 tiles from play, you must place tiles on the game
board regardless of type until there are 3 made available for the round.
(b) Alternatively, you could choose to place all 5 craft tiles on the board.
2) Start Taking Actions: You will take actions until either any one area has no cubes on it or a color is no
longer represented on the game board.
a) Choose a cube in an action area and place it on your farm board or you may use the well.
i) If there are more cubes of the same color in the same area (including black), you may place the
additional cube(s) out of the game. This helps to reduce the amount of power/points that the
game will track as a result of your actions.
b) Advancing the games power tracker: (not done if the cube(s) taken will cause the end of the round)
i) After you take a cube but before you take the action; determine how far to advance the games
power tracker (gold coin on the score track). There are 2 possible ways that this happens:
Power Tracker: (1) A non-black cube was taken: The power tracker is advanced an equal number of spaces to
If you take a green the total # of cubes of the color taken + the # of plague (black) cubes still on the board.
cube (placing it on (2) A plague cube was taken: The game scores points (not power) equal to the number of cubes
your farm), then
count how many in the action area where the cube was taken and then the power tracker is advanced the
green and black number of spaces equal to the number of black cubes left on the game board. You will still
cubes that remain
on the game board.
advance time on your farm board 2 spaces as a result of taking the cube and return the cube
Advance the games to the bag.
power marker this (a) Causing an end of round condition: In the case that you are taking the last cube of a
number of spaces.
color from the board, the game will not gain power. If it was a plague cube, the game will
still gain points if there are cubes left on the action space.
c) Resolve the action area as noted above.
d) Influence Board Notes: (many times the cubes you used for your action will be placed on the
influence board)
i) Each round has a maximum capacity of 6 influence cubes. If you choose to be place more, they
are removed from the game instead. They are not placed back in the bag.
ii) The influence cubes will remain on the influence board until the end of the game except for a
couple of game actions.
e) Continue to take actions until an end of round condition has been reached.
i) You have taken the last cube of a color from the board or;
ii) You have emptied an action space.
Intellectual Properties of SoloPlay (BGG User GameRulesforOne) 4
3) End of Round Cleanup Phase:
a) Clear the game board:
i) Seed the Bag: You must place 5 cubes from the game board into the bag. You must include all
plague cubes in the 5 possible. Limit: You may not choose more than 2 of each non-black color.
(1) All remaining cubes are placed out of play.
ii) Move all craft tiles on the board next to the setup board. These are considered created by your
opponent. At the end of the game your opponent will use these to satisfy the customers left, if
b) Opponent Score Power Points:
i) The game scores 1 point for each 5 points of power the game tracked this round.
ii) Reset the power tracker (gold coin on the scoring track) back to zero for the next round.
c) Mass: (perform in order)
i) You may pay 2 coins per family member to retrieve 1 or more from the bag and place it/them on
the 1st level of the church. Return the coins to the windmill in the crafts area.
(1) Restriction: Only at this point are you permitted to pay grain to advance 1 or more
church members. Those drawn stay on the first church space.
ii) Draw 4 pieces from the bag and place them in the order drawn.
(1) If the first piece drawn is black or yours, the game travels and places a marker disk in the
travel area on a connected town (starts with one of the 3 point towns). Always choose a
vacant town before one that you visited. Your family member(s) are placed in the church.
(a) Note: Towns the game occupies first you are not permitted to travel to.
(2) If the first piece drawn is one of your opponents, the family member has died and is placed
in the village chronicle based on the location of the couple.
(a) If the section is full, consider the next one in the following order:
(i) [Town Center = Council Chamber] > Crafts > Travel > Church > [Market = Farmyard]
1. Example: If Crafts is full, place in travel. If it is also full, place in the church etc.
iii) If there are more opponent family member(s) drawn (the other 3 pulled), they are considered to
be in the church for your opponent (but do not place them there).
iv) Compare the games total # of family members against how many you have in the church.
(1) Whoever has more family members in the church gets 2 points.
(a) If you have no family members in church, the game gets 2 points even if none are drawn.
(2) If there is a tie, compare the value of the opponents family members against the VP value of
your family member(s) as noted on the church space. Whoever has the highest value scores 2
points. If still tied, no points are awarded.
(a) Example: You have 1 family member advanced to the 3 VP position and you draw a #3
opponent from the bag. This is a tie and no points are awarded.
(3) If you score the 2 VPs, you must move 1 family member back one church position even if this
means returning it to the bag. If you have more than 1 in church, choose which one to move.
(a) Return the opponents family member(s) and any black monks drawn back to the bag.
v) Finally, add the next stack of your opponents family members into the bag from the player aide.
d) Replace the ring back to the council chamber position if still in your possession.
e) If there are no cubes on the influence board, place a gold coin from the windmill on the influence
board. If there are no gold coins in the village, the space remains empty.
i) End Game Scoring: The game will score any coins on the influence board at the end of the game.
f) Advance the future customer tiles 1 space forward. This means that you may need to move existing
customers as well, if required. This may move tiles onto the 3/4 spaces. If you are unable to move
the tiles because there is no more space, it is a game loss.
i) Note: This means that there may be as few as 1 tile available to get in the coming round.
g) Advance the couple to their next clockwise position (market > travel > town square > church > crafts
> market)
h) You are now ready for the next round to begin.
Round Sequence
1. Fillgameboardwithinfluencecubes
2. Take35crafttiledecisions(placeonboardoroutofplay)
StackThemHere 3. Takeactionsbyremovingacube(s)fromanactionarea,excess
Eachroundthegameboardareaswillbefilledrandomlyaccording 4. Scorepowerandpointsforthegame.
tothetopcard. 5. Executetheactionthattheareaprovides.
a. Ringactioncanbetakenatanytime.
Thenyoumayberequiredtoreducethenumberofeachcolorcube b. Influencecubesspentforcrafttilesandactionsareplaced
(otherthanblack)asnotedatthetopofthesetupcardintheorder oninfluenceroundspaces[max6cubes](excepttravel
shown:pink,brown,greenandorange. 6. Takeactionsuntilacolorisnolongerpresentonthegameboard
Oncethisisdonethecardisrotatedtothebottomofthisstack. 7. Performendofroundcleanupphase:cleargameboardofcubes
8. Play5completegamerounds,scoreandrateyourgameresult.