The Future of Capitalism: Focus Take-Aways
The Future of Capitalism: Focus Take-Aways
The Future of Capitalism: Focus Take-Aways
by Lester C. Thurow
Copyright Lester C. Thurow, 1996
Used by arrangement with Penguin Putnam Inc.
384 pages
Focus Take-Aways
Leadership & Mgt.
Capitalism has no rival on the world economic stage. No other economic system
Strategy competes with it.
Sales & Marketing Despite its success, evidence shows that something has gone wrong with capitalism.
Corporate Finance
Since the 1960s, the rate of world economic growth has steadily slowed from 5%
annually to 2%.
Human Resources
Five underlying forces inuence the direction of the world economy.
Technology & Production
One sign of trouble: The growing imbalance in equal distribution of income.
Small Business
In the 1980s, in the U.S., 64% of all earning increases were paid to the top 1%
Economics & Politics of the workforce.
Industries & Regions The 70s and 80s marked the rst time in U.S. history that workers real wages
declined throughout two consecutive decades.
Career Development
The war on ination is outdated, yet governments continue to restrain job growth
Personal Finance
to keep wages down.
Concepts & Trends The ght against ination is a war that should have ended, but didnt.
Capitalism wont implode. But unless something is done about its inequalities and
imbalances, it is likely to stagnate.
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What You Will Learn
In this Abstract, you will learn: 1) What is going wrong with capitalism; 2) How it is
affecting you and your wages; and 3) How capitalisms fate ts a global perspective.
This is a particularly important book for two types of people to read: those who believe
economic instability and inequality will lead capitalism to implode (theyre wrong); and
those who believe the economic engine of capitalism is running just ne, especially in
the United States, and simply needs to be left alone by meddling do-gooders, thank you
(they are wrong too). Neither view is realistic. Lester C. Thurow is quite well suited to
explain why. He is practically a brand name on national television, known for making
more sense of the economy than anyone could possibly expect from a dean at MIT.
Although Thurow wrote this book in 1996, the trade decit, the skewed distribution of
revenue and the disparity between rich and poor continue to demonstrate the validity
of his conclusion that fewer and fewer can get more and more for only so long. highly recommends his insightful analysis, wishing only that Thurow
proposed deeper solutions for the problems he so ably diagnosed.
The New Economic Game
With the advent of the industrial revolution, success came to be dened as an increase
in a societys material standard of living. Given that denition, capitalism is, in fact,
the only successful economic system in the world. Its competitors lie strewn upon the
No one knows boneyard of defunct notions such as fascism, socialism and communism.
how to run suc-
cessful economics Despite its success, something is clanking inside the thrumming engine of capitalism and
on any other prin- it doesnt sound good. That grinding noise is the sound of the world economy decelerating
ciples. The market,
and the market
from an ination-adjusted annual growth rate of 5% in the 1960s, to 3.6% growth per year
alone, rules. in the 1970s, to 2.8% in the 1980s, to just 2% in the rst half of the 1990s.
Another interesting note: while the U.S. economy generated 38 million net new jobs
from 1973 to 1994, western Europe failed to create a single net new job during the same
time period. Yet even in the U.S., something is awry. In the 1980s, 64% of all earnings
gains went to the top 1% of the workforce, raising serious questions about the long-term
stability of the social and economic structure.
Historically, dominant social systems without competitors ancient Egypt, imperial Rome,
Europes feudal Dark Ages, Chinas Middle Kingdom all lost their ability to adapt. They
could not keep pace with changes in technology and in the marketplace of ideas.
As we watch, the
worlds economic Tectonic Economics
topography alters. To understand whats taking place economically, borrow a concept from geology:
tectonic plates, those slow-moving foundations of the earth that carry great power even
when hidden from obvious view. The ve economic tectonic plates are:
1. The end of communism One third of humanity and one quarter of the landmass
of the world has now joined the capitalistic universe.
The Future of Capitalism Copyright 2004 getAbstract 2 of 5
2. Brain power rules Todays economy is dominated by man-made brain power
industries, such as software, and these companies can thrive in any location because
The unipolar eco- they are not tied to specic natural resources, such as coal or petroleum.
nomic world dom- 3. New demographics The world population is growing larger, getting older and
inated by the moving from poor countries to rich countries.
United States is
over, a multipolar 4. The global economy Today, anything can be made anywhere and sold anywhere
world has arrived. else. The worlds economy is growing increasingly interconnected.
5. No super power No world super power will be able to make and enforce the rules of
the economic game in the twenty-rst century, a signicant difference from the past.
Age of Contentment / Lifetime employability / Stagnation