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EPLC Stage Gate Reviews Practices Guide

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Document Purpose
This Practices Guide is a brief document that provides an overview describing the best practices,
activities, attributes, and related templates, tools, information, and key terminology of industry-leading
Stage Gate Review practices and their accompanying tools. This document provides guidelines for the
execution of stage gate reviews.

The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Enterprise Performance Life Cycle (EPLC) is a
framework to enhance Information Technology (IT) governance through rigorous application of sound
investment and Project Management principles and industry best practices. The EPLC provides the
context for the governance process and describes interdependencies between its project management,
investment management, and capital planning components. The EPLC framework establishes an
environment in which HHS IT investments and projects may consistently achieve successful outcomes
that align with Department and Operating Division goals and objectives.

A Stage Gate Review is a phase-driven go/no-go decision point where EPLC activities are reviewed to
assure that appropriate OMB and HHS requirements are observed. A project cannot proceed without a
go decision by the appropriate senior management for a specific stage gate.

Each Stage Gate Review is an independent confirmation by the Stage Gate Review Team (including
relevant critical partners) to the IT Governance organization or delegated authority that all required project
reviews have been successfully conducted. It checks that the project manager (PM) has satisfactorily
produced all the required deliverables and adequately met all exit criteria for a given EPLC phase to
permit advancement to the next phase. The emphasis of the Stage Gate Review is on:
The successful accomplishment of phase objectives;
The plans for the next life cycle phase; and
The risks associated with moving into the next life cycle phase.
The results of the Stage Gate Review Teams assessment are provided with recommended action to the
IT Governance organization or delegated authority for decision. Exhibit 1 illustrates the Stage Gate
Review process.

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Exhibit 1 Stage Gate Review Process

Practice Overview
The Stage Gate Review is the evaluation process by which a project is authorized to progress from one
life cycle phase to the next. It is a collaborative practice in which all participants play an important role in
assessing the projects overall health and quality of execution to empower the IT Governance
organization or delegated authority to make an informed decision as to whether the project is ready to
enter the next phase of its lifecycle and receive further resource commitments. It provides the PM and the
Business Owner the benefit of having an independent body review the project.

This section summarizes a standardized approach to conducting a Stage Gate Review. Given that each
project, product, and investment is different, the intent of each Stage Gate Review will slightly vary.
Regardless of what form the review takes, it must adhere to the approved level of project tailoring as
defined in the Project Process Agreement deliverable.

Stage Gate Reviews have a common set of components which include:

Inputs: These are the deliverables associated with the phase under review; the results/findings of any
related programmatic and project reviews (e.g., Architecture Review, Independent Baseline Reviews,
Audits, Cost and Schedule Reporting; Re-baseline Request); the results of corrective actions
associated with any previous stages; and updates to any previously reviewed deliverables. [Note that
prior deliverables (e.g., Project Process Agreement, Project Management Plan, and Business Case)
should be available for reference upon request to provide further context to the Stage Gate Review
Exit Criteria: The HHS EPLC Framework defines exit criteria for each stage gate and provides
guidance on the critical factors associated with the subject Stage Gate Review. These criteria are the
questions or guidelines against which the project will be evaluated in order to make a
recommendation (i.e., Approve, Conditionally Approve, or Not Approved).
Review Process: The Stage Gate Review Team reviews the deliverables and selected
documentation based on the criteria above. The review may include a panel discussion between the
Stage Gate Review Team and project teams which offer the project team an opportunity for dialogue
and to respond to additional questions from the review team.
Outputs: These are the results of the Stage Gate Review. This should include a recommendation to
the IT Governance organization or delegated authority with supporting documentation/justification.
Other outputs may include requirements for the submission of a corrective plan of action and
milestones to address issues in the event of a conditional approval to proceed to the next phase.

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With the exception of four Stage Gate Reviews that must be conducted by the IT Governance
organization or delegated authority (indicated in yellow diamonds in Exhibit 2) the IT Governance
organization may delegate the Stage Gate Reviews to the PM if appropriate due to such factors as size of
investment, level of technical risk, complexity, and importance to the HHS/OPDIV mission. Any planned
tailoring of the Stage Gate Review guidelines identified in the EPLC Framework and associated policy
must be documented in the Project Process Agreement deliverable and approved by the IT Governance

Exhibit 2 Stage Gate Review Points and Deliverables

Requirements Operations &
Initiation Concept Planning Design Development Test Implementation Disposition
Analysis Maintenance

STAGE GATE 1 2 3 4
Project Project Preliminary Operational
Selection Baseline Design Readiness
Review Review Review Review System Re-
Readiness Implementation
Review Readiness System Re-
PROJECT Architecture Integrated Requirements Detailed Review Accreditation
REVIEWS Review Baseline Review Design Independent
Review Review Verification & System
Validation Certification Disposition
Assessment Review
F Business F Business F Project F Requirements F Design FTest Plan F Annual F Project
DELIVERABLES Needs Case Management Document Document FD Business F Authority to Operational Archives
Statement F Project Plan F Computer Product Operate Assessment
Charter F Privacy Match FD O&M Manual F System of F Disposition
P Project Impact Agreement FD Systems Record Notice Plan
Management Assessment FD
Test Plan Security Plan F Continued
Plan F Project FD Contingency/ FD Security Risk F Implementation Authority to
Process Disaster Assessment Plan Post- Operate
Agreement Recovery FD Training Plan F Test Reports Implementation
F Privacy
Plan FD Training
Review Impact
FD System of Materials Assessment
Record FD User Manual

Notice F
Business Product
F Project Completion Report
Iterative Development F Contingency/ Disaster
GATE (Optional) Recovery Plan
LEGEND: F O&M Manual
F Systems Security Plan
LEGEND: Non-Phase-Specific
including: F Security Risk
Schedule Assessment
Preliminary Earned
data Training Plan
Must be performed Acquisition
May be FD Final Draft Acquisitionactivities/deliverables
activities/deliverables F
Training Materials
by IT governance Periodic
organization delegated F User Manual
F Final

Best Practices
The Stage Gate Review practice is closely modeled after the original stage gate process proposed by
Cooper 1 and proven independent baseline review models. When implemented properly, the stage gate
process accelerates the speed to market, increases the likelihood of success, reduces risk, and achieves
efficient and effective allocation of resources. Best practices include:
Clearly defined roles and responsibilities: Define roles and responsibilities so that participants are
clear about expectations and the overall process.
Stage Gate Review preparation: Prior to attending a Stage Gate Review meeting, all in attendance
must have reviewed all pertinent documentation and have a good understanding of the project and its
performance; the business context in which it is operating; and the exit criteria for the subject stage
gate. Members of the Stage Gate Review team should also be familiar with any evaluation review
forms/templates that will be used to document findings and support team decision processes. Please
Note: The Project Manager should consider the lead time necessary for the team to review all of the
deliverables. This will vary depending on the complexity, size and scope of the project. All of the
preparation tasks should be included in the Project Schedule and the Phase Gate Review should be
included as a milestone. Below is a suggested timeline.

1 nd
Cooper, R.G., Winning at New Products: Accelerating the Process from Idea to Launch 2 Edition. 1993, New York: Addison-
Wesley Publishing Co.
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15 days

5 days
PM & IPT prepare
phase appropriate
materials. PM 5 days
provides completed Stage Gate Team 5 days
documents to the reviews materials,
Stage Gate Review documents
findings, and PM & IPT review
Lead. materials, if IT Governance
makes a
recommendation. requested by the review documents
Meeting with IT Stage Gate and
Governance Review Team. communicates
Scheduled. recommendations

Stage Gate Review coordination and facilitation: A single individual should be responsible for
planning, scheduling, organizing, and leading the Stage Gate Review process. By default this would
be the CPIC Critical Partner unless otherwise stated. Once the PM has contacted the Stage Gate
Review Lead, it is the responsibility of the Stage Gate Review Lead to make arrangements for the
meeting and communicate with other participants. Further, before the Stage Gate Review meeting is
concluded the lead should ensure that the Stage Gate Review Team has achieved its purpose and
agreed upon next steps.
Document, post, and share preliminary findings with the project team: Upon completion of the Stage
Gate Review meeting and prior to final submission of findings to the IT Governance organization or
delegated authority, Stage Gate Review findings should be shared with the Business Owner and
project team to ensure a mutual understanding of the results of the Stage Gate Review and next
steps as it pertains to the governance cycle. It also provides the Business Owner and project team
with visibility into what will be presented to the IT Governance organization or delegated authority.
A clear and concise decision comes from the IT Governance organization or delegated authority Stage
Gate Review outputs must be clearly documented and communicated. Outputs include a decision (i.e.,
approved, conditionally approved, or not approved) and a clear path forward. A plan of action and
milestones for corrective action if required should be defined along with a clear understanding of the
oversight process that will be followed to ensure that the conditions are met.

Practice Activities
Any given Stage Gate Review cycle should consist of the following activities as depicted in Exhibit 1:
PM in collaboration with IPT prepare and review the required deliverables. The PM and IPT ensure
that all deliverables are complete, accurate, and adequate to pass all mandatory exit criteria for the
stage gate.
For the Stage Gate reviews, the PM contacts the Stage Gate Review Lead (e.g., CPIC Critical
Partner) well in advance to request initiation of the stage gate process. The PM provides the Stage
Gate Review Lead with all of the stage relevant deliverables.
Stage Gate Review Lead schedules a Stage Gate Review meeting with the Stage Gate Review Team
(Critical Partners), including relevant critical partners, and collects/ distributes the appropriate
documentation (e.g., inputs to the process) required for the review. The Stage Gate Review Lead
should be clear in identifying the purpose of this particular review and identifying the subject project.
Stage Gate Review Lead contacts the IT Governance organization or delegated authority to alert
them that a Stage Gate Review meeting has been scheduled and provides all relevant documentation
prior to the meeting. Lead time for the meeting may vary based on the number of deliverables to be
discussed and evaluated.
The Stage Gate Review Team reviews the materials, completes their individual evaluations using
provided templates and submits them to the Stage Gate Review Lead prior to the Stage Gate Review
Meeting for compilation of the findings and observations. The Stage Gate Review Team Lead
distributes compiled findings back to the team.
The, Stage Gate Review Lead facilitates the Stage Gate Review meeting. The Stage Gate Review
Team (including critical partners) presents their findings and discusses their concerns with the

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Business Owner and PM. Based on the discussion, the Team will provide a recommendation to the
IT Governance Board which will be documented in meeting minutes.
The Stage Gate Review Lead or his/her designated representative should formally document the
teams findings/recommendation and share a draft with the Business Owner and PM to ensure a
common understanding.
If the Stage Gate review finds too many outstanding issues, the Stage Gate Review Lead, at their
discretion, may meet with the PM and request that deliverables be revised and/or resolved Prior to
the decision meeting, the outstanding issues. This activity may continue until the Stage Gate Review
Team, Business Owner and PM are satisfied that significant issues are resolved.
The Stage Gate Review Lead should present the Stage Gate Review Teams findings and a
recommendation to the IT Governance organization or delegated authority for decision.
Based on the decision, the PM may be required to submit a plan and take corrective action before
proceeding. The entire Stage Gate Review Team or just certain members may be involved with
monitoring corrective action and approving completion to allow the project to advance to the next
gate. These requirements and associated process must be defined by the governing body (or its
designated representative) at the point a Stage Gate Review decision is made.

All of the review materials should be stored in the project library.

Stage Gate activities summarized above may vary depending on the degree of tailoring documented in
the projects approved Project Process Agreement. In instances where the IT Governance organization
delegates the conduct of Stage Gate Reviews to the PM, he/she is responsible for following the process
as outlined in the EPLC Framework, then document and communicates any approved tailored processes
to all participants.

The matrix below describes the roles in the Stage Gate Review process.

Function Role
IT Governance Organization or Decision authority to pass the project to the next phase.
delegated authority Reviews recommendations from the Stage Gate Review Team at
designated points of the EPLC.
Defines standard for remediation passage.
Project Manager Certifies that the project is prepared for the Stage Gate Review.
Requests scheduling from the appropriate Stage Gate Review
Provides deliverables to the Stage Gate Review Lead.
Stage Gate Review Lead Makes arrangements for the Stage Gate meeting and
(CPIC Critical Partner) communicates the schedule with other participants.
Collects/ distributes the appropriate documentation.
Ensures that the Stage Gate Review Team has achieved its
purpose and agreed upon next steps.
Facilitates the Stage Gate Review meeting.
Contacts the IT Governance organization or delegated authority
regarding scheduled Stage Gate Review meeting.
Presents the Stage Gate Review Teams findings and a
recommendation to the IT Governance organization or delegated
authority for decision.
Stage Gate Review Team Stage Gate Review Team consists of the Business Owner and
Member stage appropriate Critical Partners and Stakeholders.
Complete Stage Gate Review evaluations using provided templates
and submit them to the Stage Gate Review Lead in advance of the
Stage Gate Review Team meeting for compilation and distribution.
Participates in the Stage Gate Review meeting at the end of each
project phase.
Monitors corrective action and approving completion to allow the
project to advance to the next gate.

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