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G Phillips
Foster Wheeler Energy Ltd
Reading, UK

The European Refining Technology Conference Process

Paris, France
22 to 24th November 1999

The demand for hydrogen is increasing, driven mainly by the need to produce clean, low
sulphur fuels. At the same time concerns about CO2 emissions is resulting in refiners
looking to reduce dedicated hydrogen production facilities if at all possible (the hydrogen
production process produces a significant quantity of CO2, typically 10kg CO2/kg H2

The above conflict calls for a process of hydrogen optimisation and/or minimisation.

This paper discusses a methodological, systematic approach to this problem and is referred to
as Hydrogen Management.

A Hydrogen Management Study considers all issues and opportunities relating to the
demand, supply and usage of hydrogen.

Current operations are benchmarked and future investment options and the envelope of
operation scenarios are fully considered in a structured, comprehensive study.

Hydrogen Pinch has a role to play in helping target project options, which can then be
evaluated further by software tools including Linear Programming. In this area Foster
Wheeler has an alliance with AspenTech. Any hydrogen solution must however, be tested,
not just for economic viability, but for technical robustness, refinery integration and
constructability. This testing is implicit in the Hydrogen Management approach. A valuable
output from this methodology is a roadmap, a simple diagram of options for refinery
development over various time frames.

This paper includes a project example of Hydrogen Management where hydrogen production
capacity was decreased by 60 metric tonnes per day, resulting not just in a reduction in
capital and operating expense but also to a significant abatement in CO2 emission.

The Hydrogen Management approach can lead to a significant reduction in hydrogen

production and may even avoid the need for new facilities. However, if new capacity is
unavoidable, then this cost could be minimised by taking advantage of, for example, third-
party supply Build-Own-Operate agreements, shared facilities and technology improvements.

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Graham Phillips
Foster Wheeler Energy Ltd


Todays refiner is operating in an extremely competitive environment where optimum use of

capital and lowering of operating costs are key to survival. Deregulation and globalisation of
markets have also resulted in increased pressures on refinery profitability there are now
fewer hiding places for the uncompetitive refiner and this trend is expected to continue.

The above factors have resulted in particular focus on one refinery product hydrogen. More
than ever the availability of low cost hydrogen is pivotal to successful refinery operations.

Over the last decade the hydrogen balance has been influenced by many factors well known
to the majority of this audience, principally:

The requirement for clean transportation fuels (especially ultra low sulphur fuels).

An increase in the application of residue conversion technologies often accompanied by

heavier crude processing.

A growth in demand for petrochemicals and a realisation of the potential benefits of

refinery/petrochemical integration.

In addition the need to abate refinery CO2 emissions is receiving increasing interest and
therefore, hydrogen production (being a significant CO2 producer) will come under scrutiny.
Approximately, 10 tonnes of CO2 is produced per tonne of hydrogen.

The above influences will intensify in the new millennium as markets, and tightening
environmental standards, become increasingly global in nature.

This paper suggests an overall structured approach to hydrogen management and discusses
some of the main issues involved e.g.:

Future hydrogen demand.

Factors influencing the hydrogen balance.

Hydrogen management study methodology.

Opportunities over the refinery fence.

Technology developments.
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In the hydrogen business Foster Wheeler has formed two alliances. One with AspenTech
relates to the provision of services, technology and modelling tools to the refining industry.

The other between BOC and Foster Wheeler Power Systems aims to provide hydrogen over
the fence from Build, Own and Operate Hydrogen plants.


The introduction of more severe product specifications by 2005 is the main driver for
increased hydrogen demand. Auto Oil I set the 2005 sulphur specification at 50 wtppm for
both gasoline and diesel. However, there is now increased pressure to reduce product sulphur
contents much further possibly encouraged by tax incentives, introduced by individual
countries within the European Union, and the demands of the automotive industry based on
engine performance/emissions considerations.

Forecasting overall future hydrogen demand and supply options is perhaps one of the most
difficult tasks facing the industry. It should be emphasised that there is no single solution,
which will be appropriate for all refineries. Solutions will be site specific, but will be
influenced by many factors, for example:

Light crude availability, cost and quality. European refiners may delay significant
investment in desulphurisation if they believe that adequate supplies of low-sulphur crude
are available and that the sweet-sour crude price differential will remain small. There
appears general consensus in the industry that there will be ample supplies of light crude
available up to 2005/10, with any decline from existing North Sea fields made good by
new oil field developments in the North Sea and other areas i.e. North and West Africa
and the Caspian Sea region. Forecasting beyond 2010 is much more difficult, but by this
time the availability of light, low acidity crudes may be in decline.

Many refiners are still losing hydrogen in flare and fuel gas streams. Technology is
available to recover valuable hydrogen, but this needs to be practicable and cost effective.

Increased growth in the petrochemical sector, which could result in opportunities for
refinery/ petrochemical integration. The German refining industry, for example, already
obtains much of its hydrogen from this route. This experience could be followed by the
former Soviet Union/Eastern Block nations as refinery/petrochemical sites are upgraded.

Many processing options are available to satisfy future product specifications. For
example, to help meet gasoline sulphur the refiner may select FCC feed hydrotreating as
this option can provide a positive return on investment. Alternatively, desulphurisation of
FCC gasoline may be selected, which has no real return on capital, but allows the refinery
to stay in business at relatively low capital cost. The difference in hydrogen requirement
between these two options is substantial (FCC hydrotreatment typically requiring 5-10
times more hydrogen per barrel of feed than product desulphurisation).

More refiners now appear to be prepared to move into non traditional areas (e.g. power
generation) and see this as an opportunity to address hydrogen production at the same
time (through gasification of residue or coke).

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CO2 abatement actions and legislation. Some refiners may seek a reduction in hydrogen
production as part of an overall CO2 abatement strategy.

When more stringent product specifications are introduced in Europe in 2000, many refiners
will be able to obtain the relatively small quantity of incremental hydrogen needed from
existing operations, for example:

By increased hydrogen production from catalytic reforming operations.

Improved hydrogen recovery from off-gas streams containing hydrogen.

The above steps allow even relatively complex refineries to meet the small incremental
demand for hydrogen (typically up to less than 15 metric tonnes per day) needed for the year
2000. However, for 2005 and beyond, the incremental demand for hydrogen is expected to
be much higher (possibly 150-200 metric tonnes per day, depending on the investment
approach as outlined above). How best to meet this wide range in hydrogen demand will
require a detailed and thorough study of hydrogen a Hydrogen Management approach to
include both technology and commercial issues and opportunities.


What is meant by the term Hydrogen Management?

The use of the word management implies the need to be in control and aware of all issues
and opportunities relating to the supply and demand for hydrogen. In much the same way as
management of a business implies being in control and aware of the complete environment in
which the business operates (both internal and external).

A refinery following the Hydrogen Management approach will:

Have a thorough knowledge of the existing refinery hydrogen balance and the operating
scenarios of the refinery, including situations such as start-ups and shut-downs.

Have appropriate tools (e.g. process optimisation software, LP modelling and H2 pinch)
to assist in short term and long term planning decisions.

Be aware of potential opportunities over the refinery fence (e.g. a petrochemical complex
could be a source of hydrogen, or a local gas supplier may be in need of a particular gas
product, which can be produced alongside hydrogen to the mutual benefit of both parties).

Be able to target, evaluate, cost and economically assess potential projects over a future
time frame. The refiner will effectively have a road map of future hydrogen investment
and operation decisions. Traditional road maps offer a number of alternative routes to a
given destination once the alternative routes are mapped out clearly there is normally
much less chance of selecting the wrong road. In the case of hydrogen, the wrong
investment route or strategy could result in the wrong long-term investment decision!

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Consider future hydrogen decisions within the context of the overall refinery investment
strategy. Each investment option implies an envelope of operating conditions (for the
refinery as a whole and individual process units), which must be considered when
executing a hydrogen plan.


The main steps involved in a Hydrogen Management Study are summarised in Figure 1 and
are discussed further below:

Need for Hydrogen Management

Project Identification Project Evaluation

Design Site
Basis Hydrogen
Hydrogen Identify
Targets Potential
Review Economic
Existing Operations Viability
Technical Roadmap


Figure 1
Design Basis/Site Hydrogen Balance

Many refiners will already have an LP model of the existing refinery and will have modelled
the impact on their operations of future environmental and competitive pressures, using
scenario planning and other assumptions based on best currently available knowledge. These
studies may or may not, have considered the hydrogen issue i.e. should hydrogen usage be
minimised or should some flexibility be allowed in terms of optimisation, which may lead to
increased hydrogen usage, but overall improved refinery profitability. As the study into
future refinery operations/investment continues and the impact on the hydrogen balance is
addressed, it may become necessary to adopt an iterative study approach in order to arrive at
the preferred solution for the refinery.

It remains surprising that many refineries do not have a reasonably accurate network/mass
balance of the existing hydrogen system. Clearly this benchmark, which should cover the
range of operating scenarios, is critical to a Hydrogen Management Study and forms the basis
on which future design decisions are based.

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The importance of a sound Design Basis cannot be over emphasised and a team approach
(client and study members) has been shown to be most successful. Full involvement of the
client is important at this early stage to ensure that the hydrogen network is complete and
accurate in terms of configuration and measurements of flow and hydrogen content. Also the
client may well identify how hydrogen can best be optimised (e.g. trading reduced hydrogen
partial pressure on a hydrotreater with increased catalyst cost)

When setting the design basis the refinery may benefit by looking outside the refinery fence.
There may be synergies or problems common with other refineries or industrial facilities in
the vicinity.

Project Targeting/Identification

As mentioned above, refinery-planning studies will help identify various investment options,
or operation changes necessary to meet the refining needs of the future.

The refinery could have many objectives at the outset of the study some of these will be
confirmed during the study, but others may be questioned. For example, should the cost of
hydrogen be minimised or should its use on process units be optimised, leading to an
increased overall refinery profitability? Listed below are typical examples of refinery
objectives, seen by Foster Wheeler when carrying out Hydrogen Management Studies:

Maximum economic recovery of hydrogen from purge gases and fuel gas.

Minimum hydrogen supply cost (especially important when a refinery is fighting for
survival, or is known to have a limited life). This could be based on short-term
considerations or total life-cycle costing.

Reliability and flexibility, especially if only one major source of hydrogen is available.

Optimum production, distribution and use of hydrogen within the refinery or within a
cluster of refineries.

And finally, but not least

Minimum investment.

The analysis is made more complex by the interaction of refinery processes. For example:

An increase in catalytic reformer severity or feed rate to produce more hydrogen will at
the same time increase unwanted benzene and aromatics in the gasoline pool

Lowering FCC gasoline sulphur by feed hydrotreatment will also result in higher FCC
yields, lower catalyst consumption and reduced SOX emissions but a substantial
increase in refinery hydrogen production will be required.

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Clearly an LP model is usually needed for the refinery to be able to assess and quantify the
many options available. However, the problem of LP analysis is that some degree of pre-
selection of solutions is required. This is particularly the case with hydrogen supply where
only obvious solutions may be included in the LP (e.g. increased catalytic reformer severity,
new hydrogen plant).

The use of hydrogen pinch can help overcome this problem by highlighting novel solutions
and identifying/targeting non-obvious solutions, some of which may require little or no
capital expenditure.

Linear Programming will remain the principle method for investment analysis, but hydrogen
pinch is a valuable support tool to simplify the LP analysis.

Hydrogen Pinch

A typical refinery can include a complex, integrated hydrogen network and thus there are
many potential options to redistribute or recover and redistribute hydrogen. In addition, for a
variety of reasons, the refinery may be considering adding new facilities or shutting down an
obsolete plant, which could be consuming or producing hydrogen.

The Hydrogen Pinch technique has been developed for the analysis of hydrogen resources
in refinery complexes and in this area Foster Wheeler have an established alliance with
AspenTech for the application of pinch technology, modelling and advanced process control.

Hydrogen pinch is similar in concept and approach to the well known Energy pinch
technique and its main application is in the project identification phase (Figure 1).

The analysis technique identifies the best opportunities for off-gas re-use and purification and
can be used to quantify the minimum size of new hydrogen production facilities if required.
Hydrogen pinch technology can be used to define the best hydrogen solution, taking into
account the following:

Confirmation of existing network headers

Compression requirements

Potential for re-use of off-gas streams

Potential for hydrogen purification

Optimisation of individual refinery process units (e.g. catalytic reforming and

hydrotreating) and the refinery as a whole. This may justify an increase in hydrogen
demand and not minimisation.

Different crude processing scenarios

Shutdown philosophy

Security of supply

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The real value of Hydrogen Pinch is as a targeting tool used in parallel with traditional LP
analysis to reduce the number of project/investment options, thus simplifying the investment
decision process. In the process of carrying out a Hydrogen Pinch analysis, relatively simple
diagrams are produced, indicating project solutions, which may not have been immediately
obvious. This is a major benefit compared to the use of LP on it own, where
options/solutions have an element of pre-selection.

An extremely valuable output from the hydrogen management study is a roadmap which
represents a flexible plan for refinery development. The roadmap should be tested by
sensitivity analysis to ensure that the plan can handle the various operating scenarios, which
the refinery could experience.

In the road map the dependency and interconnectivity of projects are shown. For example
road maps can be developed for:

Compliance with 2005 and beyond clean fuels specifications


Future refinery expansions

An example of a typical road map is shown in Figure 2.

Roadmap for Investment

Current Product Specifications Clean Fuels I Clean Fuels II

Demand + 5 mtd + 25 mtd + 62 mtd
to Now Increase Cat
Hydrogen Plant
62 mtd

Reduce Membrane Recovery

Now Hydrotreating of Hydrogen Plant
Capacity Off Gas Stream 37 mtd

Header Hydrogen Plant

Modifications 57 mtd
Changes Reduced Cat Revamp Existing Units New Hydrotreater
Reformer Severity More Severe Hydrotreating

2000 2005

mtd = metric tonnes per day H 2

Figure 2

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In this example, the refinery is currently forced to run a reduced catalytic reformer severity
due to product aromatic constraints. To overcome the resulting loss in hydrogen production
from the reformer, the refinery up to 2000 has three options (Figure 2) i.e.; increase reformer
capacity (by import of naphtha), reduce hydrotreating capacity, or install off-gas re-use
projects through header modifications. The optimum solution can be confirmed with the site
LP model.

Hydrogen demand in the period 2000-2005 (when more severe hydrotreating is required) can
be met by recovery of hydrogen from off-gas, delaying requirements for a new smaller
hydrogen plant until 2005. Alternatively the refinery may decide that the preferred option is
to proceed immediately with a new hydrogen plant which will meet the needs beyond 2005
when a new hydrotreater will be needed.

The refinery road maps provide a greater understanding amongst the refinery technical and
operations staff of the importance of refinery-wide interactions on hydrogen management and
allow for an easier recognition of project options.

Project Evaluation & Execution

When undertaking a hydrogen management study, it is important that the proposed solution is
safe and operable, while achieving the target hydrogen objective. Typical criteria used to
evaluate the project include:

Required financial rate of return

Capex limitations

Plot limitations

Shutdown timing

Interaction with other projects (both internal and external to the refinery)

Constraints in the use of existing equipment

For the more promising projects, better quality data is usually collected before beginning
detailed engineering and procurement.

When adding new or revamping existing equipment/headers, the operability and safety of the
new and existing equipment needs to be checked. This needs to be done for normal, start-up
and shutdown modes of operation. For example, if one option is to cascade hydrogen to a
lower purity consumer, it is important that both units can operate independently of each other,
if required. This may have an impact on flare loads, control systems, start-up and turndown
operations, all of which needs to be assessed as part of the project. Additional new or
revamped hydrogen header systems may increase system pressure drop, which may
necessitate a new or modified compressor, pipe layout or other solutions to be reviewed.

Hydrogen management studies often identify options that require additional equipment. In
the case of new compressors for example, the compressors will often run in parallel or in
series to existing compressors.
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Constructability issues and schedule therefore, need to be taken account at an early stage in
the project so that all constructability, cost and schedule implications are fully understood and
only feasible options are pursued. An important consideration could be whether the project
can be executed within a normal turnaround, or whether costly additional shut-down time is

Once the options have been screened for safety, operability, technical robustness and
constructability the most promising options are costed in more detail to a level suitable for
economic evaluation and project sanction.

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Refinery complex, Far East

Foster Wheeler and AspenTech recently undertook a Hydrogen Pinch Study for a major
refinery complex in the Far East. The complex includes two refinery trains sharing a
common hydrogen distribution system. The site will soon be expanded to include a further
two hydrogen consuming units. The objectives of the study were to:

Identify the impact of a debottlenecking on the site hydrogen balance

Identify the impact of the new units on the site hydrogen system

Identify low cost options for re-use of offgas streams

Define the optimum size and operation of new purification facilities

Define the optimum size of new hydrogen production facilities taking into account a
range of operating scenarios

The study achieved significant savings for the integrated site by identifying modifications
that reduce the required hydrogen production capacity by 60 metric tonnes per day. In this
case, an environmental benefit of the reduction in hydrogen production is an abatement in
CO2 emissions of approximately 600 metric tonnes per day. The study also identified a
significant loss of hydrogen to the fuel gas system that could best be avoided by the
installation of additional purification capacity. The recommendations also included re-using
offgas from the new process units to partially feed lower purity consumers on the existing
refinery complex. Consideration of an agreed envelope of operating scenarios resulted in the
recommendation of the optimum capacity for additional hydrogen production facilities.


When the need for a new hydrogen plant has been identified many business issues can
surface, for example:

The refinery may still not want to use scarce capital resources in this way, especially if
more profitable projects are available in which to invest.

Other third party suppliers may be able to supply at a lower cost to the refiner under the
terms of a long-term supply agreement. Industrial gas suppliers, for example, may be
prepared to accept lower rates of return than traditional refiners do.

Can the costs of hydrogen supply be shared with neighbouring refiners, petrochemical
sites, who may have similar needs?

Are there other opportunities outside the refinery fence, which take advantage of the
synergies between hydrogen production and the need for other industrial gases/power
both at the refinery and amongst nearby industry.


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The next part of this paper describes some examples of novel business approaches applied to
the supply of both large and small hydrogen plants.

PDVSAs Amuay Refinery H2 Plant

In September 1997, South Americas largest hydrogen facility started up at the Amuay
refining complex of Petroleos de Venezuela SA (PDVSA).

The new plant, engineered, built, owned and operated by a joint venture between BOC Gases
Inc and Foster Wheeler Power Systems can supply up to 50 MMSCFD (120 mtd) of
hydrogen from natural gas feedstock. The technology chosen was traditional steam
reforming with pressure swing adsorption (PSA). In this outsourcing arrangement BOC/FW
responsibilities included design engineering, construction and start-up of the plant. Other
responsibilities include the securing of permits, operation of the plant for 15 years or longer
and provision of ongoing performance guarantees that focus on availability, cost, reliability
and hydrogen quality. Primarily, PDVSA is responsible for the purchase of hydrogen and
supply of fuel and feedstock.

The outsourcing arrangement was the first of its type in Venezuela, but offered the client
many benefits, for example:

No capital outlay, available funds can be used elsewhere for other critical needs.

Lower project development costs and requirement for client resources.

Long term, meaningful guarantees

Lower overall costs due to use of gas industry rather than refinery standards.

Shorter schedule.

State of the Art process technology.

Increased reliability due to continuous improvement in plant design resulting from

incorporating Best Operating Practices.

Lower unit H2 costs due to steam and utility integration, high reliability and preventive

The possibility of economics of scale by supplying multiple customers from a single


Refinery/Industry Clusters

Much can be gained by extending hydrogen management studies beyond the refinery fence.

In some situations the refinery will be surrounded by others, or by industries which produce
or consume quantities of hydrogen and possibly other industrial gases.


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Recently a study was completed in Europe for a refinery, surrounded by a cluster of three
other refineries and other industrial facilities/petrochemical plants.

The study indicated that:

A significant reduction in the cost of hydrogen could be obtained by taking advantage of

synergies with other nearby facilities. The hydrogen production scheme selected may be
influenced by the needs of others outside the refinery fence e.g. others may have a need
for by products resulting from hydrogen production (e.g. CO, CO2).

These synergies can be extended beyond hydrogen to include the other industrial gases
(e.g. N2 and oxygen). This offers the refiner an opportunity to utilise these gases to
improve refinery operations e.g.:

- using oxygen enrichment to improve/debottleneck FCC regeneration

- to debottleneck sulphur plants by the use of oxygen rather than air. Increases in
capacity up to 75%, with enrichment on even 150% with pure oxygen are achievable.

In this particular example it was concluded that hydrogen costs could be reduced by
around 30% by taking account of other opportunities external to the refinery.


The methodical approach to Hydrogen Management outlined in this paper can lead to a
significantly reduced hydrogen demand and may remove the need for new production
capacity. This is welcomed by the refinery, for a number of reasons e.g.:

Capital and operating cost reductions

Saving in plot space

Reduced CO2 production

Increasingly, CO2 abatement is seen as a major issue amongst refiners; for example Sir John
Brown of BP Amoco has stated:

Climate change is a long term problem and what matters is

that we begin to take rational precautionary steps even if
there are still areas of uncertainty and disagreement."

Hydrogen production, by whatever route, is a significant producer of CO2 (approximately 10

tonnes CO2 being produced per tonne of hydrogen product). Any reduction in hydrogen
production capacity will therefore, contribute to CO2 abatement.

However, the addition of new capacity may be unavoidable and in this case the focus turns to
producing a cost effective, energy efficient design across a range of capacities.


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Foster Wheeler, in response, has developed a Product Line of hydrogen plants to meet the
various needs of the refinery. The Product Line comprises a family of similar designs over a
wide capacity range. The standard designs can be readily adjusted to accommodate different
feedstock qualities and costs, as well as other site-specific parameters.

Hydrogen plant designs have been significantly re-configured through a programme of

standardisation, which achieves low capital cost, low construction duration and hence shorter
project schedules.

Another recent development involves engineering specifications and standards. Foster

Wheeler has recently carried out a critical review guided by gas plant industry standards.
Historically refinery hydrogen plants have been built to the refinery owners standards, but
today significant cost savings are possible by adopting gas plant and equipment vendor
standards where there are established track records of safe and efficient performance.

Steam/methane reforming combined with purification by pressure swing adsorption (PSA)

provides the best option for refinery H2 plants. The design takes advantage of Foster
Wheelers proprietary Terrace WallTM reformer (Figure 3), which has some benefits, for

The terrace style firing creates an even heat flux, which produces a relatively flat tube
metal temperature profile along the tube length, resulting in significantly increased tube
and catalyst life.

The terrace burners fire up the refractory-lined walls, achieving excellent flame stability
and no impingement on the catalyst tubes. This is especially important for the low
heating value tail-gas from the PSA, which can contribute a substantial proportion of the
heating duty. Once the reformer is hot it can operate with 100% tail-gas and still
maintain stable firing.

The reformer may often be designed for natural draft operation, thus eliminating the draft
fan reducing capital cost and increasing the plant reliability through simplification.

The above features have been proven to give reliable and easy operation with low
maintenance costs.

The modern PSA unit provides high yields in a cost-effective package. The well-proven
control systems provide reliable operation with built-in plant diagnostics and trouble-shooting

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Reformer Radiant

Figure 3


Todays unpredictable, competitive and changing environment has turned the focus onto
hydrogen supply and demand. In addition, refiners may look to minimising hydrogen usage
as part of a CO2 abatement strategy.

In this uncertain environment it is important to approach hydrogen supply and usage in a

methodical manner considering existing operations and potential future investments (those
needed just to remain in business and those offering a real rate of return).

The adoption of a comprehensive Hydrogen Management approach, supported by the use

of the Hydrogen Pinch tool can help the refiner road map hydrogen demand and supply
options into the future, taking into account environmental and market changes.

Technology developments continue for the low cost supply of hydrogen, both at the small
scale and the larger scale.


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Increasingly, refiners are looking over the fence in order to reduce the cost of hydrogen
supply. The required hydrogen could be supplied by a lower cost base producer, a plant
supplying others or from a third party prepared to invest on the basis of a build, own, operate
(BOO) long-term supply agreement.

Hydrogen will remain a focus of attention well into the next millennium, but technology and
study techniques are available to help the refinery on the road to finding the optimal
investment strategy.


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