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Planting Woody Ornamentals

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Agricultural Extension Service

The University of Tennessee

PB 1621


Hole preparation and planting .................................................................................................................... 3
Bed preparation ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Planting container plants ........................................................................................................................................... 4
Planting balled-and-burlapped plants ........................................................................................................................ 5
Planting bare-root plants............................................................................................................................................ 6
Transplanting established plants................................................................................................................................ 6
Pruning at time of planting ........................................................................................................................................ 7
Mulching.................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Watering..................................................................................................................................................................... 7

Planting Woody Ornamentals
Donna C. Fare, Assistant Professor
Ornamental Horticulture and Landscape Design

Spring is always the most popular planting season, Planting a little high is better than planting too deep.
but fall may be the best time to plant. In fall the shoots
require fewer nutrients, due to the onset of dormancy.
During the fall, food substances produced in the leaves
are transported to the root system to enhance their
growth and establishment. Root systems will continue
to develop until the soil temperature drops below 45-50
degrees F. Fall planting often enhances the establish-
ment of woody ornamentals in the landscape. It is
extremely important to irrigate plants when fall-
planted, because, traditionally, October and November
are dry months and receive little if any rainfall.
A fall-planted ornamental will not require as much
summer irrigation as the spring-planted ornamental. Fig. 1a. Balled and Burlap
The fall root growth provides a tremendous advantage
over the spring-planted ornamentals if irrigation is not
available or if a drought or extreme heat develops.
Spring will continue to be a favorite time to plant,
because it is human nature to want to be outside after
the dreary winter months. It also promises another
gardening opportunity to improve our landscapes. The
Correct Incorrect
choice of plant material at most garden centers is
greater in the spring months, thus encouraging most Bottom of hole

homeowners to select and plant a diversified landscape.

Fig. 1b. Bare-root
Hole preparation and planting
When planting individual plants, it is important to
dig the hole two to three times wider than the root ball.
Dig the hole with sloped sides, rather than straight, to
give the new feeder roots maximum room to grow,
since most of them are in the top 12 inches of the soil.
A wide hole provides room for roots to grow laterally
and radiate from the plant, regardless whether you are
planting containerized, balled-and-burlapped or bare-
root plants. Fig. 1c. Container
If planting in well-drained soil, dig the hole as deep
Figure 1. Proper planting depth.
as the root ball. The hole should allow for the root ball
to sit on solid ground rather than loose soil. Digging a
hole deeper than the root ball and returning loose soil
will cause the plant to settle and subsequently be
planted too deep. Laying a shovel handle across the
hole helps to set the root ball at the correct height.

Use a shovel or spade to scarify or roughen up the Bed preparation
sides of the hole to prevent glazing. Glazing occurs
when the soil has a high clay content and enough When a group of trees, shrubs or flowers is planted
moisture to create a slick, nonporous barrier. in one area, it is best to prepare the soil uniformly
Roughening the soil will ensure the roots have a loose instead of planting in individual holes. Begin by tilling
porous soil to grow into. to a depth of 8-10 inches. If organic material or topsoil
In areas with poorly drained soil, dig the hole 1 to is used, spread evenly over the tilled soil; then till
2 inches shallower than the root ball. After planting, again. Mixing 2 to 3 inches of organic material into the
cover the exposed root ball with mulch. This will raise entire bed will improve the soil tilth, soil texture and
the root ball up enough to allow for drainage out of the water-holding abilities. Organic matter has a weak
root zone. This technique is often used when planting negative charge, and as the organic matter biodegrades,
azaleas, rhododendron and other plants susceptible to it aids in the retention of positively charged nutrients.
root rots. Another technique is to plant on top of the One cubic yard of organic material applied 3 inches
ground. This does not require a hole at all. Merely deep will cover 100 square feet of planting bed.
place the root ball on top of the ground and mound Organic materials available in Tennessee are municipal
around the root with a well-drained soil or fine mulch. compost, cotton gin waste, rice hulls, poultry litter,
These plants will need monitoring for irrigation needs. well-rotted sawdust and commercially prepared
Planting recommendations have changed over the amendments. A word of caution: the composting of
last few years. Two major changes are: 1) the size and organic material will vary between producers, resulting
depth of the planting hole, and 2) the use of soil in some material not suitable for landscape use.
amendments in the backfill. The soil in the average After tilling the planting area, broadcast lime or
landscape is less fertile and more compacted after other nutrients as indicated by the soil test.
construction due to the use of heavier construction Incorporating the organic matter, lime and nutrients to
equipment and the removal of topsoil. The assumption a depth of 8 to 10 inches places the nutrients in the root
that soil amendments would be helpful to the plant’s zone area. Rake the soil surface smooth to ensure that
establishment and survival has not been proven in research. some of the plants do not end up in low spots where
Digging a hole in dense, compacted soil and filling water can accumulate.
the hole with peat moss or other soil amendments is The bed is now ready to plant. It is not necessary to
likely to create a ‘pot’ that can become a coffin for the dig wide holes in the beds, because the entire soil area
roots. The roots grow outward in the amended soil, but has been tilled. Hole depth should be the same as the
do not penetrate and grow well into the native soil; plant’s root system or slightly less to allow to sufficient
thus the plant slowly declines. drainage. When a root system of larger trees or shrubs
Some planting recommendations suggest requires a hole deeper than the worked soil, then apply
mounding soil at the outer edge of the planting hole to the same principles used for an individual planting hole.
form a water-holding berm. The only time a berm
should be used is when planting on a slope. The berm
Planting container plants
will help hold water, but more importantly it will
prevent soil erosion around the planting hole.
Water container plants prior to planting. Remove
the container or plastic bag from the plant. If you are
not sure whether fiber pots have been treated with a
preservative, remove them before planting. Check the
roots and cut any circling or girdling roots. Do not be
Berm afraid to cut the roots. Use a sharp knife to make three
or four vertical cuts down the root system. The cuts
Mulch should be about 1/4 inch deep or enough to sever the
Berm visible circling roots. This is a form of pruning and will
stimulate new root growth. Gently massage the root
ball to expose other roots to the surrounding soil.

Figure 2. Planting on a slope.

The wire basket helps support the root system until the
plant is established in the landscape.
Measure the depth and width of the root ball to
make sure the planting hole is the same depth (or a
couple of inches shallower to allow for settling) and
about two to three times wider. Do not remove the
burlap from the root ball before it is set in the planting
hole. Place the root ball in the hole. The plant should
be sitting on solid ground rather than loose soil. Untie
any rope, jute or nylon twine that is tied on the trunk of
the plant. Pinning nails should also be removed from
the top of the root ball. Fold the burlap down (about
one-third) around the root ball. Do not allow the burlap
to extend above the soil surface, since it will act like a
wick and draw needed soil moisture away from the
root ball. It is not necessary to remove the wire basket
Figure 3. Diagram of a scored root ball. from large trees and shrubs. Cut off only the top ring of
the wire basket. The lower portion of the wire basket
Place the plant in the hole so the top of the
will help support the root ball until new roots start
container soil is even or 1 to 2 inches above the soil
growing. Cover the folded burlap with the backfill or
grade. Backfill half of the hole with existing soils. It is
cut off the top third of the burlap.
not necessary to amend the backfill with organic matter
Backfill half of the hole with existing soil. Do not
such as peat moss. Adding organic matter in an
amend the backfill with organic matter such as peat
individual hole may cause a problem with internal
moss. Adding organic matter in an individual hole may
drainage of the planting hole and surrounding area.
cause a problem with internal drainage of the planting
Water the root zone thoroughly. This is particularly
hole and surrounding area. Water the root zone
important with containerized plants. The container
thoroughly. Watering at this point helps the backfill
media will dry out much quicker than the natural soil.
settle and removes large air pockets.
Watering at this point also helps to settle the backfill
Finish backfilling and water again. Rake the soil
and remove large air pockets.
evenly over the entire area so the backfill is even with
Finish backfilling with existing soil and water
the existing soil line. Cover the entire area with 2 to 3
again. Rake the soil evenly over the entire area, so the
inches of mulch.
backfill is even with the existing soil line. The top of
the container media (soil) will be visible. Cover the
entire area with 2 to 3 inches of mulch.

Planting balled-and-burlapped plants Cut away balling ropes

Remove top of wire basket
Roll back burlap 2” to 3” mulch kept away
When handling balled-and-burlapped plants, lift the from trunk
plant by the root ball and not the trunk. Large plants
may require two or more people to carry them, or use a Soil well to
tree dolly to transport the plant to the site. If you do not contain water
plan to set the plants immediately, place them in the
shade and keep the root ball moist. The root ball can be backfill soil
covered with moist sawdust or bark until planting time Widen and score
hole wall Dig hole 2 to 3 Partially backfill,
to help retain moisture and provide limited protection times root ball width water to settle soil,
from drying winds and cold temperatures. Remove container and cut circling finish backfilling
Small balled-and-burlapped plants are either hand roots if container-grown, or as much
burlap as possible if field grown
dug or machine dug at the nursery, wrapped with
burlap and secured with twine and pinning nails. Large
balled-and-burlapped plants are dug with a mechanical
spade and often placed in wire baskets at the nursery. Figure 4. Planting a B&B plant.

Planting bare-root plants Transplanting established plants
Easy-to-transplant plant species are frequently Start preparing plants for transplanting, at least six
sold without soil around their roots. They are more months to a year before moving the plant. Determine
perishable than balled-and-burlapped or container- the proper size of the root ball and draw a circle on the
grown plants. Some may be marketed with their roots ground around the trunk. The American Nursery and
in plastic bags with damp sawdust. Landscape Association recommends a 10-12 inch root
Keep the root system moist if plants are not ball for every inch of the plant’s caliper. The caliper or
installed immediately. Remove any packaging diameter of the main stem is measured at about 6
material from the root systems. Soak roots from an inches above the ground. If a plant has a caliper of 2
hour up to 24 hours before planting. Remove any roots inches, the root ball should be 20-24 inches in
that are broken, diseased or circling over other roots diameter.
and the trunk. After drawing the circle on the ground around the
The hole for bare-root plants should be large trunk, draw a second circle about 2 to 3 inches inside
enough to permit the roots to be spread out in a normal the first circle. Using a sharp spade, spade about 8-12
manner without being twisted or cramped. Replace inches deep halfway around the inner circle. New
sufficient soil to create a mound or cone in the center feeder roots will develop from the severed roots. Six
of hole. Hold the plant in place at the proper depth, months later repeat the process on the remaining half
and spread the root system over the cone. The mound of the inner circle.
helps to support the roots when the backfill is put back About six months later (during the dormant
in the hole. Gradually add soil back over the root season), the plant is ready for transplanting. Water the
system. Gently press or firm the soil as it is added to plant a couple of days prior if soil moisture is low. Tie
the hole to eliminate any air pockets. When the hole branches out of the way with twine. Dig a shallow
has been filled about two-thirds, fill the rest of the hole trench around the outside of the original root ball
with water. After the water has soaked in, finish circle. The new feeder roots that grew from the point of
backfilling the hole. Water the planting hole again. spading will be inside the root ball. The root ball
Rake the soil evenly over the entire area so the backfill should be about two-thirds as deep as the diameter. Dig
is even with the existing soil line. Cover the entire area completely around the root ball with care to keep the
with 2 to 3 inches of mulch. root ball intact. Gently roll the ball to one side and
place a large piece of burlap around the root ball. Roll
the root ball to the other side so the burlap will cover
the entire root ball. Firmly wrap the burlap and tie it
around the root ball for the move. A root ball 20-24
inches wide may weigh several hundred pounds. For
Backfill hole easier handling and to reduce lifting, carefully roll the
with soil root ball onto a tarp and drag the plant to the new
planting site. Plant the tree or shrub according to the
planting procedures described earlier.

Cone soil in
the center
of the
planting hole
Spread the root system
over the cone

Figure 5. Planting a bare-root plant

Mulch is needed to help conserve moisture for the
plant’s use, maintain even soil temperatures and to
inhibit weed growth.
Proper application is important. A 2- to 3-inch
layer of mulch with a diameter about three to four
Caliper times the diameter of the root ball is adequate for most
plants. Any less than this may not control weeds or
reduce moisture loss. Mulch more than 4 inches deep
2 to 3 inches can be detrimental to the plant. Excessive application
24 inches of mulch can impede water and air movement above
Root pruning
8 to 12 inches
line the root system.
in depth
Organic mulch should not come in contact with the
trunk or stem of the plant. Simply remove the mulch
New feeder roots Rootball line with your hand or a shovel, using care not to nick the
bark of the plant. Mulching materials often hold
The inner circle represents the area for root pruning. The outer
enough moisture to keep the bark continually wet and
circle represents the original root ball circle. The new feeder roots could cause decay of the bark.
are located in the area between the two circles.

Figure 6. Steps in transplanting
Watering newly set plants is essential for rapid
establishment in the landscape. The amount of water is
dependent on the soil type, rainfall and plant species.
Pruning at time of planting
Check the moisture content of the soil prior to
watering. If the moisture level is high, then oxygen
It is not necessary to prune woody ornamentals at
levels can be low and the plant can suffocate from lack
transplanting. The logic seems good to prune at
of oxygen. A good rule is to water at about five- to
planting – the field-grown tree or shrub had a
seven-day intervals with enough water to saturate the
substantial amount of roots left at the nursery, and
root ball. A strong root system will produce a better
pruning back the shoots to match the root loss should
plant, which is able to withstand dry periods later.
balance things out. In fact, research has proven that
Light, frequent waterings will keep the soil surface
plants cut back at planting grew no better than plants
moist but not the entire root system. This harmful
not pruned, and in some instances were less than non-
practice encourages plants to develop a shallow root system
pruned plants.
that can desiccate or dry out during prolonged droughts.
One reason not to prune at planting is the removal
A large number of plants are killed from the time
of vital plant tissue that contains plant hormones like
between leaving the nursery and planting in the
auxins. Auxins are stored primarily in the shoot tips
landscape due to mishandling. Proper methods of
and stimulate bud break in the spring. Removing these
transporting and handling these plants can greatly
tips may promote leggy and lush growth of lateral
reduce the losses experienced by the homeowner and
shoots or delay bud break in spring. At the same time
contractor. Avoid windburn or desiccation of the plant
the endogenous auxin inhibits the plant’s lateral
by covering plants with a tarp or cover during
growth, it stimulates root growth. Thus pruning at
transport. Lift plants by the root ball to prevent the
planting can induce the growth of unwanted lateral
roots from breaking from the main stem of the plant.
shoots while suppressing needed root growth.
Using the planting techniques described here should
Another important reason not to prune at planting
start your plants off to a long and healthy life.
is to maintain the correct shape of the plant. Often,
improper pruning destroys the central leader of a tree
or deforms the growth of a shrub.

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The University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, U.S. Department of Agriculture,
and county governments cooperating in furtherance of Acts of May 8 and June 30, 1914.
Agricultural Extension Service
Billy G. Hicks, Dean

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