Oger Lesson Plan - Literacy

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KLA : Literacy Persuasive Writing Class : 6B Date :06/06/2017 Time : 10.

Syllabus outcome/s and indicator/s: In this lesson the learners will:
EN2-11D - Responds to and composes a range of texts that express viewpoints Throughout this lesson the students will further develop their literacy skills, specifically in
of the world similar to and different from their own persuasive writing. The students will be asked to list both the pros and cons of the new fad Fidget
Content: Consider and discuss ideas drawn from their world and the worlds of Spinners. Once some research has been done the students will be asked to write a persuasive
their texts. argument as to why Fidget Spinners are a positive or negative thing in the school environment.
Justify personal opinions by citing evidence, negotiating with others and
recognising opinions presented.


Orientation: 5 minutes Reflection: 5 minutes
Focus: Today in literacy we will be coving the topic of persuasive writing. T will ask Once the students have finished researching their topic the class will come together at the end of
questions like Who can tell me what persuasive writing is? What is the authors the lesson and recap what we have learnt both about persuasive writing and Fidget Spinners.
intent when writing a persuasive text? T will ask the student to share with the class what discussion points they are including in their
Engage: Ask the class what they know about Fidget Spinners and if any of them have writing task and why they are supporting either the for or against arguments. This will encourage
Fidget Spinners themselves. Explain to the students that they will be writing a a class discussion where students will help each other by sharing their different ideas.
persuasive text about the positives and negatives of Fidget Spinners. Also explain to the The T will then tell the students that they will be continuing on with this activity next lesson.
students that whoever creates the most persuasive argument will receive Dojo
points/or some other sort of prize.
Access: Who can give me an example of persuasive writing that they have done/has
anyone done any persuasive writing before? Make a list of the pros and cons that the
students come up with about Fidget Spinners. Get them to write these points down in
pairs either in their books or on their mini whiteboards.

Content Time Guided Discovery Group Teachers Role Assessment Resources

10-15 The T will go into more detail about persuasive writing and its Structure What How
Justify minutes different elements. For example, be an expert on your topic, Guided Example persuasive
personal introduce the topic, list the most important information first Guided discovery will be Assessing how Students will be writing task
opinions by benefits or negatives for or against, give your readers a discovery will teacher well students assessed Mini whiteboards
citing reason why and then summarise the argument. The T will have a whole directed. compose through Interactive
evidence, then pass around a hand out or look it up on the smart board class structure. persuasive texts questioning, whiteboard
negotiating an example of persuasive writing and read through it with the and express their observation and Electronic devices
with others class highlighting the main language features so they viewpoints and work samples.
and understand what a persuasive writing text looks like. Exploration will beliefs on certain
recognising be teacher topics.
opinions Exploration Exploration will assisted/teacher
presented. 30 After the students have written down the pros and cons of be monitored.
minutes Fidget Spinners and read through the example, they will then individual/paired
pick whether they think they will be for or against and relay work.
why they have chosen this stance. The students will then start
their draft copy of their persuasive writing task.
After reading through the example they students will start
researching the topic on an electronic device, if not they will
do this in the BYOD lesson later in the week.

For those students struggling with the task the teacher will
ask them to only write dot points for their draft instead of
For those students who need extending, they will be asked to
start researching the topic on a device.

Hinde Mcleod, J & Reynolds, R. (2007) Quality Teaching for Quality Learning , South Melbourne: Thomson Social Science Press, p. 106

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