Me 13
Me 13
Me 13
Issued 6/84
The intent of this guideline is to present the design criteria required for the bellows type
expansion joints. The guideline will be presented in three parts. Section II will present a general
explanation of the use of expansion joints. Section III will be more specific to the guidelines to be
considered for expansion joint applications by Mechanical Design. Finally, Section IV will reference all
publications, codes and catalogs utilized to generate this guideline.
A. Nomenclature
Sections A, C-1.1 and C-1.2 of the EJMA standards define the proper terminology to be
used whenever discussing expansion joints. The EJMA nomenclature should be adhered to so confusion
and misunderstanding between parties can be avoided. Take special notice to the terms "control rods"
and "tie-rods" (also called limit rods by some manufacturers). Control rods are not designed to restrain
the pressure thrust of bellows, while tie rods will restrain the pressure thrust when the expansion joint is
designed for lateral displacement only. Tie rods specified for expansion joints used for axial movement
will restrain the pressure thrust in the event of anchor failure only.
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Successful absorption of pipe movements by the use of an expansion joint begins with the
correct selection of the joint configuration, and the integration of the joint into the system. There
are bellows type expansion joint designs manufactured to accommodate virtually any movement
or combination of motions, however, the bellows type expansion joint has limited ability to
handle torsional loads. Each expansion joint must be evaluated carefully with respect to the
system, including the correct anchoring and guiding.
The availability of supporting structures for anchoring and guiding of the line, and the
direction and magnitude of thermal movements to be absorbed will have a definite bearing on the
type and location of the expansion joint. This section will describe the principal types of
expansion joints and system requirements.
The single expansion joint is the simplest form of bellows construction consisting
of a bellows element and fittings (Figure 1). They are the most economical expansion
joint available but the total installed cost may be higher than other types. The single
expansion joint is usually considered a catalog item by most vendors. They are capable of
absorbing up to a few inches of axial movement, small amount of lateral displacement
and up to 15 degrees of angular rotation, depending on size and working pressure. Forces
required for lateral deflection are usually high.
Single expansion joints without tie rods are not recommended for most
applications except for very low pressures because of the large pressure thrusts which
must be absorbed by the pipe supports or equipment. (For example, an 8" expansion joint
having an effective bellows area of 67 square inches and operating at 65 psig will transmit
a thrust of 4355 lbs. The thrust due to test pressures would obviously be higher).
Applications for single expansion joints are discussed in Sections B-2.3 and
B-2.4.1 of the EJMA Standards.
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Single expansion joints may be fitted with tie rods designed to restrain axial
movement and to absorb the pressure thrust inherent in an untied bellows. They are used
for absorbing small amount of lateral deflection only. Axial movements must be
absorbed by deflection of the pipe perpendicular to bellows axis. The addition of tie rods
generally remove the expansion joints from the realm of catalog items and thus become a
special design. The additional cost of tie rods, however, is offset by eliminating the
requirements for absorbing the pressure thrust by the pipe support system.
Application for single expansion joints with tie rods are discussed in Section
B-2.4.1 of the EJMA Standards.
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Universal expansion joints (Figure 3) are basically two single expansion joints
connected by a length of pipe and fitted with tie rods. They are designed to absorb large
amounts of lateral deflection while absorbing the pressure thrust forces. Axial expansion
outside the confines of the tie rods must be absorbed by deflections in the piping system.
Note that the adjoining piping must also absorb the "shortening" of the expansion joint as
the joint deflects laterally. When Universal expansion joints are used in horizontal lines,
the vendor should be informed so the design can provide the proper support of the center
Application for Universal expansion joints are discussed in Section B-2.4.2 of the
EJMA Standards.
A hinged expansion joint consists of a single bellows and two hinges connected by
a hinge pin (Figure 4). The hinged expansion joint is designed to permit angular rotation
in one plane only while also preventing torsion in the bellows. The hinges are designed to
restrain the pressure thrust loads and other external loads such as dead weight and wind
loads. Where external forces are anticipated, their direction and magnitude must be given
to the expansion joint manufacturer to insure that the hinges are adequately designed. To
function properly, hinged expansion joints are usually used in sets of two or three, to
absorb lateral deflection in one or more directions.
Applications for hinged expansion joints are discussed in Section B-2.4.4 of the
EJMA Standards.
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Hinged Expansion Joint
A gimbal expansion joint is similar to a hinged expansion joint except that is contains two sets of
hinges connected to a common floating gimbal ring which permits angular rotation in any plane. This type
of construction provides for close control of the movement imposed upon the bellows and can support the
dead weight of the system. Gimbal expansion joints are either used in pairs or in combination with a hinge
expansion joint to absorb complex multi-plane motion in a piping system
Application for gimbal joints are discussed in Section B-2.4.6 of the EJMA Standards.
Gimbal Expansion Joint
6. Pressure balanced expansion joints
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The pressure balanced expansion joint requires the use of an extra bellows which
does not add to its ability to absorb movement, a center fitting (elbow or tee), blind flange,
tie rods, attachment structures, all of which add to the cost of the expansion joint.
A pressure balanced universal expansion joint consists of two bellows in the flow
end of the expansion joint and a single bellows in the balancing end (Figure 7). This type
of expansion joint is normally used where large amounts of lateral deflection disqualify
the use of a pressure balanced expansion joint.
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8. Rubber expansion joints (Also, see ME-13 update list at end of Guideline)
The Rubber Expansion Joint Division of the Fluid Sealing Association (FSA)
publishes a "Technical Handbook" which is a compilation of standards of construction
and a guide for specifying and purchasing non-metallic expansion joints.
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Rubber expansion joints can be considered for low pressure air, water, and
nitrogen service. Typical applications are at water pumps and low pressure nitrogen
suction lines. For these limited applications, the rubber expansion joints may be cost
effective compared to the metal bellows and require less space for installation.
Rubber expansion joints should not be specified for ethylene glycol cooling
systems. In this service, a rubber expansion joint has a limited life. As an ethylene glycol
spill can create an environment pollution problem, an expansion joint with a stainless
steel bellows should be used in this service.
Rubber expansion joints should not be specified for oxygen service because of
material compatibility concerns between oxygen and the elastomer.
Expansion joint bellows are available in many materials, with the most commonly used
materials being types 304 and 321 stainless steel and reinforced rubber. Other materials suitable
for severe corrosive conditions and extreme temperatures are also available from many expansion
joint manufacturers.
Flanged or welded ends and other accessories can be furnished in material specifications
which match the connecting piping. Whenever possible, the supplier's "Standard" materials
should be specified providing all the service requirements can be fulfilled.
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Type 321 and 304 stainless steel bellows are suitable for most Praxair applications
including oxygen service. However, these materials should not be used in a chloride-containing
environment such as steam service. The chloride ions will cause stress-corrosion cracking and
consequent rapid failure. Therefore, in steam service Monel should be specified for expansion
joint bellows. (Refer to Appendix B of the EJMA code)
An internal sleeve is a tube like device mounted inside the expansion joint which
minimizes the contact between the flow stream and the bellows element. Internal sleeves
are used primarily to reduce pressure drop, prevent bellows resonance and limit noise
transmission. Use of sleeves may limit lateral deflection if not properly designed. The
fluid service and flow rate must be specified so that the supplier can determine the
required liner thickness. The liners will vibrate if they are too thin. Refer to Section C-3
of the EJMA Standards for recommended guidelines for using internal sleeves.
2. Covers
3. Control Rods
Control rods are devices used to restrict the range of movement of a bellows unit
or its component parts. Control rods are not designed to restrain the bellows pressure
thrust for metal expansion joints.
4. Tie Rods
Tie rods are devices used to restrain the bellows pressure thrust during operating
conditions for expansion joints designed for lateral offset only. For joints used in axial
movement, tie rods will absorb the pressure thrust in the case of anchor failure only. Tie
rods sometimes serve a secondary purpose of control rods such as in a universal
expansion joint. Note: for rubber expansion joints the FSA calls their tie rods control
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5. Shipping Devices
Rigid support devices are usually mounted on the expansion joint to maintain the
overall length of the assembly for shipment. The expansion joint M-spec should be
included as part of the construction specification file to instruct the contractor that they
should not be removed until after the entire pipe system is installed, including pipe
Expansion joints require careful design consideration if they are to perform in a safe and
satisfactory manner.
They are not commodity items and can not be casually specified and simply dropped into
a piping system. Expansion joints have certain inherent disadvantages and should not be used in
piping systems where it is reasonably possible to add sufficient flexibility by means of suitable
pipe routing. The use of an expansion joint may require a more complex pipe support system to
provide proper guiding for joint movements.
Expansion joints can radiate high noise levels which may require acoustic lagging
(EN-28). The environmental engineer will specify when acoustical insulation is required on
expansion joints.
Regardless of all the drawbacks, expansion joints are necessary for the following
3. At the inlet and outlet of all centrifugal compressors and turbines to reduce flange
loading to an acceptable level (this is a manufacturers requirement). A rubber
wrap is sometimes used at the inlet of air compressors.
5. At all other equipment (including cold boxes) if allowable flange loadings are
exceeded. Note that some equipment with cast iron flanges may not develop the
full strength of steel pipe.
As stated above, expansion joints are used at the inlet and outlet of all centrifugal
compressors and turbines. Figure 9 shows the preferred installation of an expansion joint at the
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suction side of a booster compressor. The expansion joint is located directly at the compressor to
reduce the loads on the compressor and eliminate the need for an adjustable pipe support.
Preferred Installation of an Expansion Joint at a Booster Compressor
Another expansion joint application not previously discussed is the use of expansion
joints in reciprocating gas compressors. The following guidelines apply to reciprocating
compressor service. (Refer to EM-6950 for background information)
3. Praxair has used flexible hoses in the argon compressor piping successfully.
However, the argon compressors are small, the pulse forces are small and the
Deoxo acts as a pulsation dampener. The continued use in this application is
recommended if this type joint is necessary for thermal expansion resulting from
the high temperature in the Deoxo equipment.
Regardless of the application, expansion joints shall be limited to services below 1000
psig. This is the upper limit of current industry practice (EJMA). This is also considered the
upper pressure limit for safety considerations.
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During the design layout phase of a project the number, the overall length and location of
expansion joints are established. To prepare the detailed design layouts the piping is routed, pipe
supports are located and expansion joints for equipment (inlets and outlets of turbines and
centrifugal compressors) are located. The pipe flexibility analysis (See ME-8) can then be done.
The pipe flexibility analysis indicates the thermal stresses and displacements that the
piping system will experience. If the piping system is overstressed, the preferable solution is to
build flexibility into the piping with changes in the pipe routing. If the piping configuration
becomes non-economical or impractical, the engineer considers utilizing expansion joints to
reduce the piping stresses and/or equipment loading.
The following procedure outlines the items necessary to select an expansion joint system.
1. Determine the total amount and directions of movement which must be absorbed
and select the location of the expansion joint(s) accordingly. The amount and
direction of movement are based on the flexibility analysis.
2. Select the type of expansion joint that will provide the movement required. The
most common type of expansion joint used by Praxair is the tied expansion joint,
as shown on the standard drawing in MD-6. The tied expansion joint allows
primarily for lateral movement and a small amount of axial movement. If the
movement is primarily axial to the expansion joint, a pressure balanced expansion
joint can be used. Single expansion joints without tie rods, hinged expansion
joints and gimbal expansion joints have not been used in the typical Praxair
3. Determine the maximum lateral force to be exerted on the expansion joint. This
force is directly related to the force which will be absorbed by the equipment
and/or pipe support. Therefore, in the case where the expansion joint is located at
the suction or discharge of sensitive equipment, the force must not exceed the
forces and/or moments allowed by the equipment manufacturer. The maximum
lateral force is therefore a function of the allowable loads given by the equipment
supplier. Note that the lateral load on an expansion joint is assumed to act at the
center of the bellows section.
4. Determine the required expansion joint materials and end conditions (ie. flanged
or welded).
5. Design pipe supports and anchors. Consider the pressure thrusts due to untied
bellows where required.
6. Review the overall expansion joint system design and consider other alternates
where possible. Compare alternates and select the most economical system
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The specification compiled by the design engineer must be complete and contain all the
pertinent data detailing the requirements under which the expansion joint is expected to operate.
Example: (Size)" Rubber expansion joint, flanged with control rods and retaining
rings. Material to be Butyl outside cover and inside tube. Proco Model
251/BB, single arch design
Design Pressure: <---> psig, Temperature Range: <--->F to <--->F,
Lateral Movement: + <---> inches
Expansion joints with metal bellows require a Praxair functional requirement drawing
submitted to the suppliers for quotations and ordering. A standard ordering drawing for tied
metal bellows expansion joints has been developed and is found in
R:\Data\Pdelib\Mech\Doc\Expjoint.xls. The standard ordering form contains all the
information the expansion joint manufacturer requires to complete his design work.
When utilizing the standard ordering drawing the following points should be considered.
1. The drawing illustrates the use of a tied universal expansion joint. As noted on
the drawing, if design conditions warrant, a single tied bellows expansion joint
may be used.
2. The drawing shows the end connections used on expansion joints. It should be
noted that the use of plate flanges is not an option. Plate flanges only become
economical in larger sizes (>12") expansion joints and when a large quantity is
ordered. The use of plate flanges would also require the expansion joint supplier
to submit calculations showing the pressure rating of the plate flanges, in
accordance with ANSI B31.3.
3. The end connection table does not give the supplier the option of using lap joint
flanges (Van Stone flanges). Lap joint flanges simplify installation because
alignment is easier. However, if the expansion joint utilizes tie rods this
advantage is nullified since the flange is no longer free to move.
4. The service in which the expansion joint is to be used must be noted on the
ordering drawing. For proper design, the expansion joint supplier needs all the
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parameters necessary to determine the flow conditions that the expansion joint
will experience. Information to be included is flow rate, operating pressure,
operating temperature and installation orientation.
Careful installation procedures will result in a reliable expansion joint. The construction
drawings and the specification M-12 included in the specification file must transmit the required
information to insure proper installation. (Also, see ME-13 update list at end of Guideline)
1. The installed neutral length of the joint must be dimensioned. If the joint required
a pre-determined compression, extension or lateral offset in the installed
condition, instructions for properly attaining this condition must be given.
3. Coordination of the flow arrow on the specification and the flow arrow on the
construction drawings will insure that the proper orientation of the liner is
1. The addition of root rings will usually increase the pressure rating of the bellows,
but will reduce the bellows cycle life and possibly increase the spring rate (consult
the supplier).
2. Multi-ply bellows used in oxygen service must be cleaned by the supplier before
assembly to remove any oil, grease or other hydrocarbons which may be trapped
between the plies.
4. Liners installed in vertical expansion joints must be provided with drain holes if
there is a possibility of moisture being present in the fluid media.
5. Certain elastic properties of an expansion joint such as spring rate and squirm
pressure (which effects bellows stability) are dependent on Young's modulus
which in turn is dependent on temperature. When selecting expansion joints for
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Rubber expansion joints are shipped disassembled. The construction drawings shall note on the
pipe spool and assembly drawing that the rods must be installed. (by John Fassbaugh 6/7/04)
Rubber expansion joint can be considered for low pressure air, water, and nitrogen service.
Typical applications are at water pumps and low pressure nitrogen suction lines. For these limited
applications, rubber expansion joints may be cost effective compared to the metal bellows and require
less space for installation.
While the rubber expansion joints may be off the - shelf items and may have a lower initial
cost than a metal expansion joint, rubber expansion joint requires more maintenance and have a shorter
life. While metal expansion joint require little to not maintenance, various manufacturers have the
following recommendations for rubber expansion joints:
1. Rubber joint must be located in an accessible area to enable easy inspection and
replacement. The bolts on the rubber expansion joints must be checked for leak
tightness once a week for the first month after the system is in operation. The joints
must be inspected yearly for wear or cracking.
2. Rubber expansion joints have a shelf life of 7 to 10 years. After that time, the rubber
starts to loose it elasticity. Once in operation, the life of the rubber expansion joint may
be up to 5 years. After that time, the expansion joint should be replaced.
3. If the rubber expansion joint will be installed outdoors, consult the manufacture for
available materials that will withstand exposure to sunlight. Exposure to sunlight will
further decrease the life of the rubber expansion joint, unless an acceptable material is
selected. Neoprene is an acceptable material.
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1. Expansion joint specification shall include the system design pressure, design
temperature, and fluid type. The specification shall also state whether control rods are
required and whether the rubber expansion joint will be installed outdoors or not. The
manufacturer must submit an expansion joint drawings and installation procedure for
the Specifying Engineers review and approval, prior to the order being placed.
2. The Specifying Engineer must include the approved manufactures drawing and
installation procedure in the Mechanical Construction Package, to ensure that the
expansion joint is properly installed and maintained. (by Colette Foster 7/8/04)
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4. Heath, S.W., "Designing with Expansion Joints," Mechanical Engineering, July 1968, pp. 36-45
5. Holland, E., "Fabric-Reinforced Rubber Expansion Joints," Plant Engineering, V33, n10, May 17,
1979, pp. 151-154
8. O'Toole, R.R., "Rubber Expansion Joints Help Reduce Piping System Damage," Pipeline
Industry, V52, n2, Feb. 1980, pp. 49-51
10. Pengelley, D., "Select Expansion Joints Properly," Hydrocarbon Processing, V57, n3, March
1978, pp. 141-144
11. "Piping Engineering" Tube Turns Division of Chemetron Corp., Louisville, Ky., Third Edition,
12. Rubber Expansion Joints and Flexible Pipe Connectors, Technical Handbook, Fifth Edition, Fluid
Sealing Association, 2017 Walnut St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19103
13. Standards of the Expansion Joint Manufacturers Association, 5th Edition, EJMA, Inc., 25 North
Broadway, Tarrytown, N.Y. 10591
14. Stastny, R.J., "Metallic Convoluted Expansion Joints Application, Specification, and
Installation," ASME paper 82-PVP-4
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