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Model: CBS 305
Part Number: 9 2007 00 100

Publication Number: 9 2007 00 990

Revision D: 04/02
To prevent personal injury or equipment damage, only
qualified technicians/operators should install, operate, or
service this device.

Meggers and high potential test equipment should be used
with extreme care. Incorrect use of such equipment could
damage components contained in the device.


of Basler Electric Company, Highland, IL. It

is loaned for confidential use. Subject to ret-
urn on request and with the mutual underst-
anding that it will not be used in any manner
detrimental to the interests of Basler Electric

It is not the intention of this manual to cover

all details and variations in equipment, nor
does it provide data for every possible
contingency regarding installation or
operation. The availability and design of all
features and options are subject to change
without notice. Should further information
be required, call Basler Electric Company,
Highland, IL.

CBS 305 Introduction i

Manual Revision History

The following table of information provides a historical summary of changes made to this instruction manual.

Manual Version and Change


RevD/17075 Added UL and CSA marks to front panel drawings in the manual. Added
UL and CSA information to the specifications portion of Section 1. Revised
manual to new format.

ii CBS 305 Introduction

SECTION 1 GENERAL INFORMATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
GENERAL DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
CURRENT BOOST MODULE DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
CURRENT TRANSFORMER DESCRIPTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1
SPECIFICATIONS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1

SECTION 2 INSTALLATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

CURRENT BOOST MODULE MOUNTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
CURRENT TRANSFORMER MOUNTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
INTERCONNECTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3
SELECTION OF CT TURNS-RATIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-7
PRECISION SELECTION OF CT TURNS-RATIO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-11
TIME DELAY RELAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-13

SECTION 3 OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

GENERAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
INSTALLATION VERIFICATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
BENCH TEST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2

CBS 305 Introduction iii


The Current Boost System (CBS 305) consists of a current boost module and a current transformer (CT).
The system provides an additional current source along with the APR 63-5 voltage regulator which allows
the field to receive full forcing during generator overloading and short circuits.
The CBS 305 allows three-wire and four-wire generators to provide current during sustained single-phase
and multi-phase line-to-line faults. The CBS also permits four-wire generators to support phase A and C
line-to-neutral faults (phase B line-to-neutral faults will have some fault sustaining capabilities since the APR
63-5 regulator input power is taken from the other two unshorted phases).
The Current Boost Module uses the CB+ and CB- outputs of the APR regulator as a control signal. Boost
power to the module is supplied from a CT installed in phases A and C of the generator output. During short
circuits, the CT is the source of all excitation current.
Because the APR 63-5 regulator sensing is the source for the Current Boost System control, the boost
operating level is automatically adjusted to the nominal generator voltage. The CBS control signal also
tracks the regulator~s underfrequency curve to allow the prime mover to pick up large loads in one step.


The Current Boost module contains the electronics mounted on a printed circuit board, a terminal strip for
circuit connections and an LED indicator to annunciate when the boost is operating. All of the electronics
are encapsulated in a metal enclosure.


The current transformer is connected to two phases of the generator to provide current for the Current Boost
System. The CT provides several turns-ratios for tailoring the CBS 305 to a variety of generator systems.
Refer to Paragraph 2-4 for appropriate turns-ratios.
The CT is available in two sizes:
1. Part Number BE 21331-001: for use on generators with rated line currents up to 800A.
2. Part Number BE 21432-001: for use on generators with rated line currents up to 2400A.

Refer to Table 1-1 for the electrical specifications and to Table 1-2 for the physical specifications.
Table 1-1. Electrical Specifications

Input from CT: 7 A maximum continuous/33 A maximum for 30 seconds.

Input from Voltage Regulator: 10 mAdc @ 1.5 Vdc.
Output Power: 90 - 120 Vdc, 7.2 - 9.6 A maximum.
Power Dissipated:
Current Boost Module: 24 W in non-boost mode.
CT BE 21331-001: 25 W maximum.
CT BE 21432-001: 70 W maximum.
Transient Response: Less than 2 cycles from regulator's boost signal until boost
output reaches 90 Vdc.

CBS 305 General Information 1-1

Field Resistance: 12.5 $ minimum/50 $ maximum.

CT Secondary Turns: Terminals 1 and 2: 209 turns.

BE 21331-001: Terminals 1 and 2: 208 turns/Terminals 1 and 3: 616 turns.
BE 21432-001:
CT Secondary Insulation 2500 Vac Hi-pot.

Table 1-2. Physical Specifications.

Storage Temperature Range: -65C (-85F) to +85C (+185F).

Operating Temperature Range: -40C (-40F) to +60C (+140F).
Shock: Withstands 15 G's in each of three mutually perpendicular
Vibration: Withstands the following:
1.2 G's over the frequency range of 5 to 26 Hz;
0.036 inch double amplitude over the frequency range of
to 52 Hz;
5.0 G's over the frequency range of 53 to 1000 Hz.
UL Recognition: UL recognized per Standard 508, UL File Number E97033
CSA Certification: CSA certified per Standard CAN/CSA-C22.2 Number 14-
M91, CSA File Number LR23131.
Humidity: Totally protected from humidity and condensation by
Current Boost Module Weight: 2.6 lbs. (1.2 kg) net,
3.6 lbs. (1.6 kg) shipping.
Current Transformer:
BE 21331-001: 15.5 lbs. (7.1 kg) net,
17 lbs. (8 kg) shipping;
BE 21431-001: 44 lbs. (20 kg) net,
65 lbs. (25 kg) shipping.

1-2 CBS 305 General Information



The unit may be mounted in any position although mounting it with the fins in the vertical position will provide
the best cooling. Refer to figure 2-1 for the outline drawing of the unit. The current boost module may be
mounted directly to the generator set using 1/4" hardware. Hardware should be selected based on vibration
and shock during shipping/transport and normal operation.

Figure 2-1. Outline Drawing - Current Boost Module.


Mount securely using 5/16" mounting bolts in six places. Ensure that the mounting structure is adequate
to support the transformer weight during shipping/transport and operation of the system. Refer to Figures
2-2 and 2-3 for the current transformer.

CBS 305 Installation 2-1


For selection of the CT turns-ratio, refer to paragraph 2.4.

Figure 2-2. Outline Drawing - Current Transformer BE 21331-001

Figure 2-3. Outline Drawing - Current Transformer BE21432-001

2-2 CBS 305 Installation


a. Refer to Figures 2-4 through 2-8 for the interconnection diagrams and connect as shown therein.


Be sure that the two power leads from the two phases pass through
the CT window in opposite directions.

b. The generator leads must be provided with adequate insulation for the generator operating voltage.
Insulated cables or insulated bus bar may be used. Proper support for the cables/bus bar during
short circuit must be provided.

Figure 2-4. CBS 305 Interconnection With 208 to 240 Vac Generators

CBS 305 Installation 2-3

Figure 2-5. CBS Interconnection with 415 to 480 Vac Generators

2-4 CBS 305 Installation

Figure 2-6. CBS Interconnection with Isolation Transformer

CBS 305 Installation 2-5

Figure 2-7. CBS Interconnection with MVC on a 480 Vac Generator

2-6 CBS 305 Installation

Figure 2-8. CBS Interconnection Using Two Current Transformer

The boost system requires current from two phases of the generator output. The interconnect diagrams
illustrate the use of one CT with two phases on the primary or two CT's with one phase on each primary.
The following procedure is used to calculate the number of CT primary turns (generator output lines wound
through the CT window by the installer) for each phase and the secondary turns required.

Step 1. Calculate the exciter field current during a generator short circuit:



I Field = Exciter field current at short circuit.

R = Exciter field resistance from generator data.

E = CBS field forcing voltage (90 Vdc for CBS 305).

Step 2. From the generator manufacturer's short circuit saturation data (plot of exciter field current versus
line amps with generator output short circuited), determine the generator three phase line current
during a short circuit that would result from the exciter field current calculated in Step 1.

CBS 305 Installation 2-7

If for your generator system: Then proceed to:

This results in excessive generator line current. Step 3A.

This results in acceptable generator line current. Step 3B.

Step 3A.
a. Determine the desired acceptable generator three phase line current at short circuit (typical-
ly 300% of nominal). Refer to Table 2-1 or 2-2 (as appropriate) and locate the range that
covers the value in Column 1.

b. Using the generator manufacturer's short circuit data (plot of exciter field current versus line
amps with the generator short circuited), determine the exciter short circuit field current
needed to generate the acceptable generator line current. Refer to Table 2-1 or 2-2 (as
appropriate) and locate the current value equal to this value in column 3. If the field current
desired is in between the column 3 values, go to the next higher value.

c. Check that the rated generator full load line current doesn't exceed the maximum continu-
ous line current. If the generator full load line current does exceed the maximum continu-
ous line current rating, consult the factory.

Table 2-1. Turns-Ratio Selection (3-Phase)

Column 2 Column 3

3-Phase Line Maximum Exciter Field Current at Rated CBS 305 Output
Current @ Continuous Voltage (90 Vdc)
Short Circuit Line Current
1.8 Adc 3.6 Adc 7.2 Adc Transformer

35 - 70 25 8:209 16:209 32:209

70 - 140 50 4:209 8:209 16:209
140 - 275 100 2:209 4:209 8:209
275 - 550 200 1:209 2:209 4:209 BE 21331-001
550 - 1100 400 1:209 1:209 2:209
1100 - 2200 800 1:209 1:209 1:209

1600 - 3200 1200 1:616 1:616 1:308 BE21432-001

3200 - 6400 2400 1:616 1:616 1:616

2-8 CBS 305 Installation

Table 2-2. Turns-Ratio Selection (Single-Phase)

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

1-Phase Maximum Exciter Field Current at Rated CBS Output Voltage

Line Continu- (90 Vdc) (Transformer BE 21331-001)
Current @ ous Line
Short Current 1.8 3.6 7.2 2.38 3.16 6.3
Circuit Adc Adc Adc Adc Adc Adc

23 - 37 10.8 8:2 16:209 32:209 16:209 22:209 44:209

37 - 60 17.6 4:2 8:209 16:209 10:209 14:209 27:209
60 - 100 28.6 2:2 4:209 8:209 6:209 8:209 16:209
100 - 203 53.4 1:2 2:209 4:209 3:209 4:209 9:209
203 - 604 163.2 1:2 1:209 2:209 1:209 1:209 3:209
604 - 802 216.8 1:2 1:209 1:209 1:209 1:209 2:209

d. To obtain a reduced field current, place a current limiting resistor in series with the exciter
field. The value of this resistance is calculated as follows:

RS = value of series field resistance to be added (ohms). This resistance must

not be so great as to restrict normal forcing.

E = exciter field forcing voltage (from step 1).

I2 = field current required to produce acceptable generator line current at short circuit.

Rf = exciter field resistance.

e. Proceed to step 4.

Step 3B.
a. In Table 2-1, Column 1, locate the range of the generator three-phase short circuit line
current that covers the value determined in step 2.

b. In Table 2-1, Column 3, locate the exciter short circuit field current that is closest to the
value determined in step 1. If the calculated field current is between the values in Column
3, go the next higher value.

c. Proceed to step 4.

CBS 305 Installation 2-9

Step 4.
a. Find the turns-ratio at the point of intersection of the values found in step 3.

b. The first numeral of the turns-ratio indicates the number of turns of each generator line that
passes through the CT window. The second numeral indicates the CT secondary turns.
Refer to Table 1-1 and to Figures 2-2 and 2-3 for the terminal numbers corresponding to
the desired secondary turns.

Step 5. Verify that the CT "window" size is sufficient for the generator conductor by comparing the conductor
cross-section (including insulation) with the CT window area.


Sample Generator Data:

100 kW, 125 KVA, 60 Hz, 3-phase, 480 Vac Line-Line
150 A at full rated load, 15 ohm field.
IF = 5.14 Adc at 300% short circuit (450 A Line)
IF = 6.0 Adc at 350% short circuit (525 A Line)

Step 1. Determine the field current that will be provided by a Basler CBS 305 during short circuit:
E 90Vdc

6.0 A
R 15ohms

IF = Field current.

E = APR63-5/CBS 305 maximum dc voltage.

R = Exciter field resistance.

Step 2. From generator manufacturer's data, you determine that the exciter field current of 6.0A from the
CBS 305 would result in a short circuit line current of 525 A - for your generator system you consider
this to be:

Unacceptable - Proceed to Step 3A, and skip 3B.

Acceptable - Proceed to Step 3B.

Step 3A. You determine that 450 A would constitute an acceptable generator line current at short
circuit. From the generator manufacturer's data, you determine that an exciter field current
of 5.14 A is required for the generator system to deliver an acceptable 450 A at short circuit.

Determine the necessary resistance to be added to the exciter field to achieve the
5.14 A exciter field current as follows:

(17.5 15 )

2-10 CBS 305 Installation

NOTE - The series resistance must not be so great as to restrict normal forcing.

In Table 2-1, Column 1, the value of 450 A is between the values of 275 to 55O A.
Draw a horizontal line from this point across the chart.

In Table 2-1, Column 2, the maximum continuous line current of 200 A is greater
than the full load line current of 150 A, therefore, the limits are not exceeded.

In Table 2-1, Column 3, the value of 7.2 A corresponds with the required value of
5.14 A (from step 3A). Draw a vertical line from this point down the chart.

Step 3B. In Table 2-1, Column 1, the value of 525 A (from Step 2) is between the value of 275 -550
A. Draw a horizontal line from this point across the chart.

In Table 2-1, Column 3, the closest value to 6.0 A (from Step l) is 7.2 A. Draw a vertical line
from this point, down the chart.

Step 4. From Table 2-1, the intersection of the two lines (from Step 3B) is the turns-ratio, 4:209.

4 turns on the primary, 209 turns on the secondary

Step 5. The first numeral of the turns-ratio (4), the number of conductors per phase (1), and the number of
phases (2), multiplied together results in: 8 conductors (through the CT window). From the
generator manufacturer's data, 0.537 is the conductor diameter; therefore, for 8 conductors, the CT
window must be at least 0.537 in. X 4.30 in. Basler CT P/N BE 21331-001 is 0.9 in. X 4.375 in. and
meets the requirements. Selection is complete.



This procedure is to be used only for determining the turns-ratio for the
BE 21331-001 current transformer.

a. The turns-ratio indicated in Table 2-1 will provide the CBS with ample operating current. However,
the number of primary turns through the CT may be reduced by using the steps in this paragraph
to more precisely match the CBS to the generator system.

b. Perform steps 1, 2, and 3A or 3B from Example1 then proceed as follows:

Step 1. Using the exciter short circuit field current obtained from the generator manufacturer's short circuit
data, calculate the required secondary current as follows:
(IFIELD 1.25)


CBS 305 Installation 2-11

I FIELD = Exciter field current at acceptable short circuit current.

I CT SEC = Secondary current from the CT.

Step 2. Calculate the primary ampere-turns required by the CT to provide the secondary current as follows:
(209 ICT SEC)


P AT = Primary ampere-turns.

I CT SEC = Secondary current from the CT.

Step 3. Calculate the number of Primary turns required as follows:


(1.73 ILINE)

N PRI = Number of primary turns.
P AT = Primary ampere-turns.
I LINE = 3-phase line current at short circuit.

Step 4. Round the result to the next higher whole number. This result is the number of primary turns
required per phase.

Example: If N PRI = 1.72, round to 2.

Step 5. Verify that the maximum continuous line current rating has not been exceeded by calculating the

NPRI ILINE (Continuous)

CONTINUOUS P AT = Continuous primary ampere turns.

N PRI = Number of primary turns per phase.
I LINE (continuous) = 3-phase continuous line current

If the result is less than 800 A-T (ampere-turns), the design is acceptable.
If the result is more than 800 A-T, consult the factory.


From steps 1, 2, and 3A of Example 1, it is determined that:

I FIELD = 6.0 A

I LINE = 525 A at short circuit

2-12 CBS 305 Installation

It is also determined the short circuit current is acceptable.

Step 4. Determine the CT secondary current required by the boost system as follows:
(IFIELD 1.25)
6.0 A

Step 5. Calculate the primary ampere-turns required as follows:

(209 IFIELD)
(2097.5 A)
1568 Ampere Turns

Step 6. Calculate the number of primary turns as follows:

PAT 1568

1.72 turns
1.73ILINE 1.73525

Which when rounded up, equals 2 turns.


A time delay relay, with delay upon dropout, can be added to provide over-excitation shutdown during boost
conditions. The relay will also inhibit the boost output when operating in a manual mode of operation on
systems containing a manual voltage control.
The relay shall be selected with a delay that is compatible with the generator/load overload time limits. The
maximum allowable delay is 30 seconds.
The input coil voltage should be 208, 240, or 277 Vac as required by the particular generator system. The
relay contact ratings required are 7 A at 240 Vac continuous and 45 A at 240 Vac momentarily during
shutdown under fault conditions.

CBS 305 Installation 2-13


Operation of the Current Boost System is completely automatic and controlled by the APR63-5 voltage


(1) Ensure that the prime mover is not turning.

(2) Verify the installation, the turns-ratio selection, and that the interconnection is in accordance
with Section 2.

(3) Verify voltage regulator installation per the appropriate voltage regulator instruction manual.

(1) With the generator under a "no-load" condition, start-up the prime mover and the generator.
Verify voltage regulator operation.

(2) Connect of a voltmeter configured to read 120Vdc to the current boos module terminals
listed in Table 3-1.
Table 3-1. Voltmeter Connections

Voltmeter Lead Current Boost Terminal

Positive (+) P
Negative (-) N

(3) Observe that the voltmeter indicates approximately -1.5 Vdc. (This small negative voltage
will change to a large positive value during boost.)

(4) Connect a load to the generator to cause a 25% or greater dip in rated voltage output.

(5) Observe that the BOOST indicator on the Current Boost Module lights and the voltmeter
indicates a positive voltage of less than or equal to 120 Vdc for the CBS 305.

(6) Remove voltmeter.

(7) With a balanced load applied to the generator, measure the generator line current (I L) and
the boost CT secondary current (I SEC).

(8) Verify the calculated turns-ratio (paragraph 2-4) by using the following equation and then
compare the calculated secondary current with the actual measured value
(1.73 N PIL)


CBS 305 Operatoin 3-1


I SEC = CT secondary current

NP = Number of primary turns per phase

N SEC = Number of secondary turns

IL = Generator line current

(9) Operate generator normally.


Step 1. Connect the CBS in accordance with Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1. Bench Test Interconnection

Step 2. Energize the 120 Vac source.

Step 3. Close the switch (SWl). The Input light bulb should glow at full brilliance. The BOOST light and
Output light bulb should be off.

Step 4. Open the switch (SWl). The Input light bulb should decrease in intensity and the BOOST light and
Output light bulb should illuminate.

3-2 CBS 305 Operatoin

High voltage is present on the terminal strip until the BOOST light
is completely out.

Step 5. Remove the 120 Vac source.

Step 6. Disconnect the switches, light bulbs, and current boost module.

CBS 305 Operatoin 3-3

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