Heat Resisting Alloys
Heat Resisting Alloys
Heat Resisting Alloys
The 300H consumables are designed for welding matching high carbon stainless steels typically used at
service temperatures of 400-800C. To ensure optimum performance under these service conditions not
only is the carbon controlled (normally 0.04-0.08%C) but the ferrite and total alloying are also carefully
regulated to minimize the formation of brittle intermetallic phases.
The 309 consumables in this section should not be confused with the 309L/309Mo types used for dissimilar
welding (B-50 and B-51). The 309 consumables in Section C generally have controlled carbon and ferrite
and are designed for matching base materials for elevated temperature service.
Consumables in the 330, 800 and HP40 alloy sections are designed to match a wide range of special
austenitic alloys which are used primarily for resistance to creep and hot corrosion or oxidation. In all
types, the presence of a controlled level of carbon is essential for hot strength. Parent alloys with 0.4%
carbon or more are produced predominantly in cast form and have quite low room temperature ductility,
but in general this does not have an adverse effect on weldability.
Data Specifications
Alloy Process Product