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Clinical Laboratory Tests Ranges

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Clinical Laboratory Tests

Normal Values
This table lists reference values for the most common laboratory tests and is intended for interpretation of the
results as they are provided in the examinations. Note that all values are provided in SI units. All values apply
to adults.

Many important laboratory reference values are not listed here, because of the less frequent use of these tests.
Such values are inserted in parentheses following the result recorded in the examination questions.

Coagulation (Hemostasis) Back to Top
Bleeding time (Ivy) < 9 minutes
International Normalized Ratio (INR) 0.9-1.2
Partial thromboplastin time (PTT) 28-38 seconds
Prothrombin time (PT) 10-13 seconds

Hemogram Back to Top

Hematocrit (Hct)
Female 0.370-0.460
Male 0.380-0.500
Hemoglobin (Hb)
Female 123-157 g/L
Male 130-170 g/L
Mean corpuscular volume (MCV) 80-100 fL
Mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) 27-34 pg
Platelet count 130-400 X 109/L
Red blood cells (RBC)
Female 4.0-5.2 X 1012/L
Male 4.4-5.7 X 1012/L
Red cell distribution width (RDW) 11.5-14.5%
Reticulocyte count 20-84 X 109/L
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (Westergren)
Female < 10 mm/hour
Male < 6 mm/hour

White blood cells & differential Back to Top

White blood cell count (WBC) 4-10 X 109/L
Segmented neutrophils 2-7 X 109/L
Band neutrophils <0.7 X 109/L
Basophils <0.10 X 109/L
Eosinophils <0.45 X 109/L
Lymphocytes 1.0-4.0 X 109/L
Monocytes 0.1-1.0 X 109/L

Chemical Constituents Back to Top

Albumin (serum) 35-50 g/L
Alkaline phosphatase (serum) 38-126 U/L
Aminotransferase (transaminase) (serum)
Alanine (ALT; SGPT) 17-63 U/L
Aspartate (AST; SGOT) 18-40 U/L

Gamma-glutamyl transferase
Female 10-30 U/L
Male 10-48 U/L
Ammonia (plasma) 9-33 mol/L
Amylase (serum) <160 U/L
Base excess -2 to +2 mEg/L
Bicarbonate (HCO3) (serum) 24-30 mmol/L
Bilirubin (serum)
Direct (conjugated) <7 mol/L
Total <26 mol/L
C-reactive protein <8 mg/L
Calcium (serum)
Total 2.18-2.58 mmol/L
Ionized 1.05-1.30 mmol/L
Chloride (serum) 98-106 mmol/L
Cholesterol (serum) <5.2 mmol/L
Low density lipoprotein (LDL) <3.37 mmol/L for low risk
Low density lipoprotein (LDL) <2.0 mmol/L for high risk
High density lipoprotein (HDL) >0.9 mmol/L
Cortisol 160-810 mmol/L
Creatine kinase (CK) (serum) 20-215 U/L
Creatinine (serum)
Female 50-90 mol/L
Male 70-120 mol/L
Female 11-307 g/L
Male 24-336 g/L
Folic (Folate) >15 nmol/L
Glucose fasting (serum) 3.3-5.8 mmol/L
Random glucose 3.8-11.1 mmol/L
Hemoglobin A1C 4-6%
Iron (serum) 11-32 mol/L
Lactate (serum) 1-1.8 mmol/L
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) (serum) 95-195 U/L
Lipase (serum) <160 U/L
Lithium 0.6-1.2 mmol/L
Magnesium (serum) 0.75-0.95 mmol/L
Osmolality (serum) 280-300 mmol/kg
Oxygen saturation (arterial blood) (SaO2) 96-100%
PaCO2 (arterial blood) 35-45 mm Hg
PaO2 (arterial blood) 85-105 mm Hg
pH 7.35-7.45
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) 1.6-9.3 pmol/L
Phosphorus (inorganic) (serum) 0.8-1.5 mmol/L
Potassium (K) (serum) 3.5-5.0 mmol/L
Prolactin 4-30 g/L
PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) 0-4 g/L
Protein (serum)
Total 60-80 g/L
Albumin 35-50 g/L
Sodium (Na) (serum) 135-145 mmol/L
Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) 0.4-5.0 mU/L
T3 (free) 3.5-6.5 pmol/L
T4 (free) 8.5-15.2 pmol/L
Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC) 45-82 mol/L
Transaminase - see Aminotransferase

Triglycerides (serum) <1.7 mmol/L
Troponin T (TnT) <0.01 g/L
Urea nitrogen (BUN) (serum) 2.5-8.0 mmol/L
Uric acid (serum) 180-420 mol/L
Vitamin B12 133-674 pmol/L

Cerebrospinal Fluid Back to Top

Cell count <10 x 106/L
Glucose 2-4 mmol/L
Leucocytes 0.5-106/L
Lymphocytes 0
Polymorphs <5 x 106/L
Proteins (total) 0.20-0.45 g/L

Urine Back to Top

Calcium <7.3 mmol/day
Chloride 110-250 mmol/day
Creatinine 6.2-17.7 mmol/day
Osmolality 100-1200 mOsm/kg
Potassium 25-120 mmol/day
Protein <0.15 g/day
Sodium 25-260 mmol/day

Ions and trace metals[edit]

Further information: Trace metal

Included here are also related binding proteins, like ferritin and transferrin for iron, and ceruloplasmin for copper.

Test Lower limit Upper limit Unit Comments

135,[9] 137[4][10] 145,[4][10] 147[9] See hyponatremia or hypernatremia
Sodium (Na)

310,[11] 320[11] 330,[11] 340[11] mg/dl

3.5, [4][9]
5.0, [4][9][10]
5.1 See hypokalemia or hyperkalemia
Potassium (K)

14[12] 20[12] mg/dl

105,[9] 106,[13] 110[4 or
95, 98, [9] [13]
See hypochloremia or hyperchloremia
Chloride (Cl)

340[14] 370[14] mg/dl

1.03,[15] 1.10[4] 1.23,[15] 1.30[4] mmol/L See hypocalcaemia or hypercalcaemia

Ionized calcium (Ca)

4.1,[16] 4.4[16] 4.9,[16] 5.2[16] mg/dL

2.5,[4][17] 2.6,[17] 2.8[9

2.1,[9][17] 2.2[4] ]

Total calcium (Ca)

8.4,[9] 8.5[18] 10.2,[9] 10.5[18] mg/dL

See hypoferremia or the following: iron overload

(hemochromatosis), iron
65,[19] 76[10] 176,[19] 198[10] g/dL
poisoning, siderosis, hemosiderosis, hyperferre
Total serum iron (TSI) - male

11.6,[20][21] 13.6[21] 30,[20] 32,[21] 35[21] mol/L

26,[10] 50[19] 170[10][19] g/dL

Total serum iron (TSI) -
4.6,[21] 8.9[20] 30.4[20] mol/L

100[19] 250[19] g/dL

Total serum iron (TSI) -
18[21] 45[21] mol/L

50[19] 120[19] g/dL

Total serum iron (TSI) -
9[21] 21[21] mol/L

240,[19] 262[10] 450,[19] 474[10] g/dL
Total iron-binding
capacity (TIBC)
43,[21] 47[21] 81,[21] 85[21] mol/L

190,[22] 194,[4] 204[1 326,[4] 330,[22] 360[1

0] 0]


25[23] 45[23] mol/L

Transferrin saturation 20[19] 50[19] %

12[24] 300[24][25]
Ferritin - Males or g/L
and postmenopausal female
27[26] 670[26] pmol/L

12[24] 150[24] - 200[25]
or g/L
Ferritin - premenopausal

27[26] 330[26] - 440[26] pmol/L

10,[27] 20[28] 35,[27] 65[28] mol/L See hypoammonemia and hyperammonemia


17,[29] 34[29] 60,[29] 110[29] g/dL

70[18] 150[18] g/dL See hypocupremia or hypercupremia

Copper (Cu)

11[30][31] 24[30] mol/L

15[18] 60[18] mg/dL


1[32] 4[32] mol/L

Phosphate (HPO42) 0.8 1.5[33] mmol/L See hypophosphatemia or hyperphosphatemia

1.0[9] 1.5[9] mmol/L

Inorganic phosphorus (seru
3.0[9] 4.5[9] mg/dL

60,[34] 72[35] 110,[35] 130[34] g/dL See zinc deficiency or zinc poisoning

Zinc (Zn)

9.2,[36] 11[4] 17,[4] 20[36] mol/L

1.5,[18] 1.7[37] 2.0,[18] 2.3[37] or See hypomagnesemia or hypermagnesemia

0.6,[38] 0.7[4] 0.82,[38] 0.95[4] mmol/L

Acid-base and blood gases[edit]

Further information: Acid-base homeostasis

Further information: Arterial blood gas

If arterial/venous is not specified for an acid-base or blood gas value, then it generally refers to arterial, and not venous which
otherwise is standard for other blood tests.
Acid-base and blood gases are among the few blood constituents that exhibit substantial difference between arterial and venous
values.[5] Still, pH, bicarbonate and base excess show a high level of inter-method reliability between arterial and venous tests, so
arterial and venous values are roughly equivalent for these.[39]

Test Arterial/Venous Lower limit Upper limit Unit

Arterial 7.34,[10] 7.35[9] 7.44,[10] 7.45[9]


Venous 7.31[40] 7.41[40]

36[9] 44[9] nmol/L

[H+] Arterial

3.6[41] 4.4[41] ng/dL

Base excess Arterial & venous[40] -3[40] +3[40] mEq/L

10,[9] 11[42] 13,[42] 14[9] kPa

Arterial pO2

75,[9][10] 83[18] 100,[10] 105[9] mmHg or torr

oxygen partial pressure (pO2)

4.0[42] 5.3[42] kPa


30[40] 40[40] mmHg or torr

Arterial 94,[40] 95,[13] 96[18] 100[13][18]

Oxygen saturation %

Venous Approximately 75[13]

4.4,[9] 4.7[42] 5.9,[9] 6.0[42] kPa

Arterial PaCO2

33,[9] 35[10] 44,[9] 45[10] mmHg or torr

Carbon dioxide partial pressure (PCO2)

5.5,[42] 6.8[42] kPa


41[40] 51[40] mmHg or torr

23[40] 30[40] mmol/L

Absolute content of carbon dioxide (CO2) Arterial

100[43] 132[43] mg/dL

18[18] 23[18] mmol/L

Bicarbonate (HCO3) Arterial & venous

110[44] 140[44] mg/dL

Standard bicarbonate (SBCe) Arterial & venous 21, 22[9] 27, 28[9] mmol/L or mEq/L[9]

134[44] 170[44] mg/dL

Liver function[edit]
Further information: Liver function tests

Test Lower limit Upper limit Unit Comments

Further information: Serum total

Total protein 60,[9] 63[10] 78,[9] 82,[10] 84[18] g/L
protein Interpretation

35[9][45] 48,[10] 55[9] g/L see hypoalbuminemia

Albumin 3.5[10] 4.8,[10] 5.5[9] U/L

540[46] 740[46] mol/L

Globulins 23[9] 35[9] g/L

1.7,[47] 2,[9] 3.4,[47] 5[4] 17,[9][47] 22,[47] 25[4] mol/L

Total bilirubin

0.1,[9] 0.2,[10] 0.29[48] 1.0,[9][18] 1.3,[10] 1.4[48] mg/dL

0.0[9] or N/A[4] 5,[9] 7[4][47] mol/L

Direct/conjugated bilirubin

0[9][10] 0.3,[9][10] 0.4[18] mg/dL

5,[49] 7,[10] 8[9] 20,[9] 21,[13] 56[10] U/L

Alanine Also called serum glutamic

Female 0.15[4] 0.75[4]
transaminase (ALT/ALAT[4]) pyruvic transaminase (SGPT)

Male 0.15[4] 1.1[4]

6[50] 34[50] IU/L


0.25[4] 0.60[4] kat/L

Also called
serum glutamic oxaloacetic
transaminase (AST/ASAT[4])
transaminase (SGOT)
8[50] 40[50] IU/L


0.25[4] 0.75[4] kat/L

Female 42[49] 98[49]


Male 53[49] 128[49]

Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)

0.6[4] 1.8[4] kat/L

5,[49] 8[10] 40,[49] 78[10] U/L

Gamma glutamyl
Women 0.63[51] kat/L
transferase (GGT)

Men 0.92[51] kat/L

Cardiac tests[edit]
Test Patient type Lower limit Upper limit Unit Comments

24,[52] 38,[10] 60[49] 174,[18] 320[49]
or ng/mL

Creatine kinase (CK) 0.42[53] 1.5[53] kat/L

female 24,[52] 38,[10] 96[18] 140,[18] 200[49]
or ng/mL

0.17[53] 1.17[53] kat/L

CK-MB 0 3,[10] 3.8,[4] 5[49] ng/mL or g/L[4]

Female 1[54] 66[54]

Myoglobin ng/mL or g/L

Male 17[54] 106[54]

Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP)

-more detailed ranges in BNP article

Interpretation Range / Cutoff

Congestive heart failure unlikely < 100 pg/mL[55][56]

"Gray zone" 100-500 pg/mL[55][56]

Congestive heart failure likely >500 pg/mL[55][56]


-more detailed ranges in NT-proBNP article

Interpretation Age Cutoff

< 75years > 125 pg/mL[57]

Congestive heart failure likely

>75 years >450pg/mL[57]

Further information: Blood lipids

Test Patient type Lower limit Upper limit Unit Therapeutic target

54[18] 110[18] mg/dL

10 39 years

0.61[59] 1.2[59] mmol/L

70[18] 150[18] mg/dL

< 100 mg/dL[58]
Triglycerides 40 59 years
or 1.1[58] mmol/L
0.77[59] 1.7[59] mmol/L

80[18] 150[18] mg/dL

> 60 years

0.9[59] 1.7[59] mmol/L

3.0,[60] 3.6[9][60] 5.0,[4][61] 6.5[9] mmol/L < 3.9[58]

Total cholesterol

120,[10] 140[9] 200,[10] 250[9] mg/dL < 150[58]

1.0,[62] 1.2,[4] 1.3[60] 2.2[62] mmol/L

HDL cholesterol female

40,[63] 50[65] 86[63] mg/dL

> 1.0[62] or 1.6[60] mmol/L
> 40[63] or 60[64] mg/dL
0.9[4][62] 2.0[62] mmol/L

HDL cholesterol male

35[63] 80[63] mg/dL

2.0,[62] 2.4[61] 3.0,[4][61] 3.4[62] mmol/L < 2.5[62]

LDL cholesterol
(Not valid when
triglycerides >5.0 mmol/L)
80,[63] 94[63] 120,[63] 130[63] mg/dL < 100[63]

LDL/HDL quotient n/a 5[4] (unitless)

Tumour markers[edit]
Further information: Tumour markers

Test Cutoff Unit Comments

Hepatocellular carcinoma or testicular

Alpha fetoprotein (AFP) 44[10] ng/mL or g/L

Beta Human chorionic

5[10] IU/l or mU/ml in male and non-pregnant female
gonadotrophin (bHCG)

CA19-9 40[10] U/ml Pancreatic cancer

CA-125 30,[66] 35[67] kU/L or U/mL

Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)

3.4,[4] 3.6[68] g/l
non-smokers at 50 years

Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA)

4.1[68] g/l
non-smokers at 70 years

Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) - smokers 5[69] g/l

Prostate specific antigen (PSA) 2.5,[4] 4[10] g/L[4][10] or ng/mL[18] below age 45 <2.5 g/L

units/dL (Bodansky
PAP 3[18]

5,[70] 15[70] ng/L or pg/mL Cutoff against medullary thyroid cancer[70]
-more detailed cutoffs in Calcitonin article

Thyroid hormones[edit]
Further information: Thyroid function tests

Test Patient type Lower limit Upper limit Unit

Adults -
0.3,[4] 0.4,[10] 0.5,[18] 0.6[71] 4.0,[4] 4.5,[10] 6.0[18] mIU/L or IU/mL
standard range

Thyroid stimulating hormone

Adults -
(TSH or thyrotropin) 0.3,[72] 0.5[73] 2.0,[73] 3.0[72] mIU/L or IU/mL
optimal range

Infants 1.3[74] 19[74] mIU/L or IU/mL

0.7,[75] 0.8[10] 1.4,[75] 1.5,[10] 1.8[76] ng/dL

Normal adult

9,[4][77] 10,[78] 12[79] 18,[4][77] 23[79] pmol/L

Free thyroxine (FT4) 0.8[75] 2.0[75] ng/dL

-more detailed ranges in 31 d - 18 y
Thyroid function tests article 10[77] 26[77] pmol/L

0.5[75] 1.0[75] ng/dL


6.5[77] 13[77] pmol/L

4,[78] 5.5[10] 11,[78] 12.3[10] g/dL

Total thyroxine

60[78][79] 140,[78] 160[79] nmol/L

0.2[78] 0.5[78] ng/dL

Normal adult

Free triiodothyronine (FT3) 3.1[80] 7.7[80] pmol/L

Children 2-16 y 0.1[81] 0.6[81] ng/dL

1.5[80] 9.2[80] pmol/L

60,[10] 75[78] 175,[78] 181[10] ng/dL

Total triiodothyronine

0.9,[4] 1.1[78] 2.5,[4] 2.7[78] nmol/L

Thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG) 12[10] 30[10] mg/L

1.5[78] 30[78] pmol/L

Thyroglobulin (Tg)

1[78] 20[78] g/L

Sex hormones[edit]
Further information: Sex steroid

The diagrams below take inter-cycle and inter-woman variability into account in displaying reference ranges
for estradiol, progesterone, FSH and LH.

Levels of estradiol (the main estrogen), progesterone, luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone during the menstrual cycle.

Test Patient type Lower limit Upper limit Unit

Dihydrotestosterone adult male 30[82] 85[82] ng/dL

8,[83] 10[84] 27,[83] 35[84] nmol/L

Male, overall

230,[85] 300[86] 780[85] - 1000[86] ng/dL

10[4] 45[4] nmol/L

Male < 50 years

290[85] 1300[85] ng/dL


6.2[4] 26[4] nmol/L

Male > 50 years

180[85] 740[85] ng/dL

0.7[84] 2.8[84] - 3.0[4] nmol/L


20[86] 80[86] - 85[85] ng/dL

0.06[18] 3.0[18] mg/L


0.18[87] 9.1[87] mol/l


0.2[18] 1.0[18] mg/L

Female (Follicular phase)

0.6[87] 3.0[87] mol/l

Prepubertal <1[88] 3[88] IU/L


hormone (FSH)
Adult male 1[88] 8[88]
-more detailed menstrual cycle
ranges in separate diagram

Adult female (follicular

1[88] 11[88]
and luteal phase)

6[88] 26[88]
95% PI (standard) 95% PI)

Adult female (Ovulation)

5[89] 15[89]
90% PI (used in diagram) (90% PI)

Post-menopausal female 30[88] 118[88]

20[89] 75[89]
Female, peak
90% PI (used in diagram) (90% PI)

Luteinizing hormone (LH)

-more detailed menstrual cycle Female, post-menopausal 15[90] 60[90]
ranges in separate diagram

Male aged 18+ 2[91] 9[91]

50[92] 200[92] pmol/L

Adult male

14[93] 55[93] pg/mL

70[92] 500,[92] 600[92] pmol/L

Estradiol Adult female (day 5 of follicular phase,

(an estrogen) and luteal phase)
19[93] 140,[93] 160[93] pg/mL
-more detailed ranges in
estradiol article

0.5[94] 9[94] pg/mL

Adult female - free (not protein bound)

1.7[94] 33[94] pmol/L

Post-menopausal female N/A[92] < 130[92] pmol/L

N/A[93] < 35[93] pg/mL

Progesterone 17,[89] 35[95] 92[95] nmol/L

Female in mid-luteal phase (day 21-23)

-more detailed ranges
in Progesterone article 6,[89] 11[96] 29[96] ng/mL

Adult male and female 60[90] 270[90]

Androstenedione Post-menopausal female < 180[90] ng/dL

Prepubertal < 60[90]

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate

Adult male and female 30[97] 400[97] g/dL

-more detailed ranges
in DHEA-S article

SHBG Adult female 40[98] 120[98]

-more detailed ranges
in SHBG article Adult male 20[98] 60[98]

Anti-Mllerian hormone (AMH) 0.7[99] 20[99] ng/mL

1345 years
-more detailed ranges in
AMH article 5[100] 140[100] pmol/l

Other hormones[edit]
Further information: Hormones

Test Patient type Lower limit Upper limit Unit

4.4[101] 18,[102] 22[101] pmol/L

Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)

20[10] 80,[103] 100[10] pg/mL

140[104] 700[104] nmol/L

09:00 am

5[105] 25[105] g/dL


80[104] 350[104] nmol/L


2.9[105] 13[105] g/dL

Growth hormone (fasting) 0 5[9] ng/mL

Growth hormone (arginine stimulation) 7[9] n/a ng/mL

Female, 20 yrs 110[106] 420[106]

IGF-1 Female, 75 yrs 55[106] 220[106]

-more detailed ranges in
IGF-1 article Male, 20 yrs 160[106] 390[106]

Male, 75 yrs 48[106] 200[106]

71,[107] 105[107] 348,[107] 548[107] mIU/L


Prolactin 3.4,[107] 3.9[107] 16.4,[107] 20.3[107] g/L

-more detailed ranges in

Prolactin article 58,[107] 89[107] 277,[107] 365[107] mIU/L


2.7,[107] 3.3[107] 13.0,[107] 13.5[107] g/L

10,[108] 17[109] 65,[108] 70[109] pg/mL

Parathyroid hormone (PTH)

1.1,[4] 1.8[110] 6.9,[4] 7.5[110] pmol/L

8,[18][111] 9[111] 40,[111] 80[18] ng/mL
25-hydroxycholecalciferol (a vitamin D)
-Standard reference range
20,[112] 23[113] 95,[113] 150[112] nmol/L

30,[114] 40[115] 65,[115] 100[114] ng/mL

-Therapeutic target range
85,[58] 100[115] 120,[58] 160[115] nmol/L

0.29,[116] 1.9[117] 3.7[116][117] ng/(mL*hour)

Plasma renin activity

3.3,[118] 21[119] 41[118][119] mcU/mL

Aldosterone 19,[118] 34.0[118] ng/dL

-more detailed ranges in
Aldosterone article 530,[120] 940[120] pmol/L

Aldosterone-to-renin ratio 13.1,[121] 35.0[121] ng/dl per ng/(mLh)

-more detailed ranges in
Aldosterone/renin ratio article 360,[121] 970[121] pmol/liter per g/(Lh)

Also including the vitamin B12)-related amino acid homocysteine.

Standard range Optimal range

Test Unit
Lower limit Upper limit Lower limit Upper limit

Vitamin A 30[18] 65[18] g/dL

Vitamin B9 Age > ng/mL or

3.0[122] 16[122] 5[123]
(Folic acid/Folate) - Serum 1year g/L

6.8[124] 36[124] nmol/l 11[124]

ng/mL or
200[122] 600[122]

450[124] 1400[124] nmol/L

Vitamin B9
(Folic acid/Folate) - Red blood cells
ng/mL or

nmol/L 900[122]

130,[125] 160[126] 700,[125] 950[126] ng/L

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

100,[127] 120[4] 520,[127] 700[4] pmol/L

Homocysteine 3.3,[128] 5.9[128] 7.2,[128] 15.3[128] mol/L 6.3[58]

-more detailed ranges in

Homocysteine article 45,[129] 80[129] 100,[129] 210[129] g/dL 85[58]

0.4[18] 1.5[18] mg/dL 0.9[58]

Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid)

23[130] 85[130] mol/L 50[58]

8,[18][111] 9[111] 40,[111] 80[18] ng/mL 30,[114] 40[115] 65,[115] 100[114]

25-hydroxycholecalciferol (a vitamin
20,[112] 23[113] 95,[113] 150[112] nmol/L 85,[58] 100[115] 120,[58] 160[115]

mol/L 28[58]

Vitamin E

mg/dL 1.2[58]

Test Limit type Limit Unit

Lead Optimal health range < 20[13] or 40[18] g/dL

0,[131] 0.2,[131] 0.8[131] or g/L

Blood ethanol content Limit for drunk driving

17.4[132] mmol/L

Red blood cells[edit]

These values (except Hemoglobin in plasma) are for total blood and not only blood plasma.

Test Patient Lower limit Upper limit Unit Comments

2.0,[133] 2.1[9][134] 2.5,[133] 2.7[9][134] mmol/L

male in neonates,
lower in children.
130,[4] 132,[10] 135[9] 162,[10] 170,[4] 175[9] g/L

Hemoglobin (Hb)

1.8,[133] 1.9[9][134] 2.3,[133] 2.5[9][133][134] mmol/L

Sex difference
female negligible until
120[4][9][10] 150,[4] 152,[10] 160[9][18] g/L

male 8.0,[135] 8.4[135] 10.0,[135] 10.8[135]

subunits (sometimes 4 per hemoglobin
displayed simply as molecule
female 7.2,[135] 7.6[135] 9.2,[135] 10.0[135]

0.16[9] 0.62[9] mol/L Normally

Hemoglobin in plasma compared with
inside red blood
1 4 mg/dL cells

< 50 years 3.6[4] 5.0[4] % of Hb


hemoglobin (HbA1c)
> 50 years 3.9[4] 5.3[4]

< 50 years 0.35[4] 1.9[4]

Haptoglobin g/L

> 50 years 0.47[4] 2.1[4]

male 0.39,[4] 0.4,[10] 0.41,[9]0.45[18] 0.50,[4] 0.52,[10] 0.53,[9]0.62[18]

Hematocrit (Hct) female 0.35,[4] 0.36,[9]0.37[10][18] 0.46,[4][9][10] 0.48[18]

Child 0.31[10] 0.43[10]

Male 76,[18] 82[10] 100,[18] 102[10] fL

Cells are larger
in neonates,
Mean cell volume (MCV)
though smaller in
Female 78[10] 101[10] fL other children.

Red blood cell distribution

11.5[10] 14.5[10] %
width (RDW)

0.39[9] 0.54[9] fmol/cell

Mean cell
hemoglobin (MCH)
25,[9] 27[4][18] 32,[18] 33,[4] 35[9] pg/cell

31,[10] 32[4][18] 35,[10] 36[4][18]
or %[note 1]
Mean corpuscular
concentration (MCHC)
4.8,[136] 5.0[136] 5.4,[136] 5.6[136] mmol/L

male 4.2,[18] 4.3[4][9][10] 5.7,[4] 5.9,[9] 6.2,[10]6.9[18]

Erythrocytes/Red blood
cells (RBC)
Female 3.5,[9] 3.8,[10] 3.9[4] 5.1,[4] 5.5[9][10]

Infant/Child 3.8[10] 5.5[10]

Adult 26[4] 130[4] x109/L

% of
Adult 0.5[9][10] 1.5[9][10]

% of
Newborn 1.1[10] 4.5[10]

% of
Infant 0.5[10] 3.1[10]

White blood cells[edit]

These values are for total blood and not only blood plasma.

Test Patient type Lower limit Upper limit Unit

Adult 3.5,[4] 3.9,[137] 4.1,[10] 4.5[9] 9.0,[4] 10.0,[137] 10.9,[10] 11[9]

White Blood Cell Count (WBC) Newborn 9 [138]
30 [138] x103/mm3 or
1 year old 6 [138]
18 [138]

1.3,[4] 1.8,[137] 2[138] 5.4,[4] 7,[137] 8[138] x109/L

Neutrophil granulocytes
45-54[9] 62,[9] 74 % of WBC
(A.K.A. grans, polys, PMNs, or segs)

Newborn 6[138] 26[138] x109/L

0.7[138] x109/L
Neutrophilic band forms Adult
3[9] 5[9] % of WBC

0.7,[4] 1.0[137][138] 3.5,[137] 3.9,[4] 4.8[138] x109/L

Lymphocytes 16-25[9] 33,[9] 45 % of WBC

Newborn 2[138] 11[138] x109/L

Monocytes Adult 0.1,[4] 0.2[139][140] 0.8[4][138][140] x109/L

3,[9] 4.0 7,[9] 10 % of WBC

Newborn 0.4[138] 3.1[138] x109/L

1.5 5 x109/L
Mononuclear leukocytes
(Lymphocytes + monocytes)
20 35 % of WBC

CD4+ T cells Adult 0.4,[10] 0.5[13] 1.5,[13] 1.8[10] x109/L

0.0,[4] 0.04[140] 0.44,[140] 0.45,[138] 0.5[4] x109/L

Eosinophil granulocytes 1[9] 3,[9] 7 % of WBC

Newborn 0.02[138] 0.85[138] x109/L

40[137] 100,[4][140] 200,[138] 900[137] x106/L

Basophil granulocytes 0.0 0.75,[9] 2 % of WBC

Newborn 0.64[138] x109/L


Test Lower limit Upper limit Unit Comments

x109/L or
Thrombocyte/Platelet count (Plt) 140,[10] 150[4][9] 350,[4][18] 400,[9] 450[10]

Mean platelet volume (MPV) 7.2,[141] 7.4,[142] 7.5[143] 10.4,[142] 11.5,[143] 11.7[141] fL

PT reference varies between

Prothrombin time (PT) 10,[13] 11,[9][144] 12[10] 13,[13] 13.5,[144] 14,[10] 15[9] s laboratory kits - INR is

The INR is a corrected ratio of a

INR 0.9[4] 1.2[4]
patient's PT to normal

Activated partial thromboplastin

18,[10] 30[4][13] 28,[10] 42,[4] 45[13] s
time (APTT)

Thrombin clotting time (TCT) 11 18 s

Fibrinogen 1.7,[10] 2.0[4] 3.6,[4] 4.2[10] g/L

0.80[4] 1.2[4] kIU/L


0.15,[145] 0.17[146] 0.2,[145] 0.39[146] mg/mL

Bleeding time 2 9 minutes

Viscosity 1.5[147] 1.72[147] cP

Acute phase proteins[edit]
Acute phase proteins are markers of inflammation.

Test Patient Upper limit Unit Comments

Male Age2[148]
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate ESR increases with age and tends to be
0 mm/h
(ESR) higher in females.[149]
Female (Age+10)2[148]

5,[4][150] 6[151] mg/L

C-reactive protein (CRP)

200,[152] 240[152] nmol/L

20,[153] 22[154] 38,[154] 53[153] mol/L

Alpha 1-antitrypsin (AAT)

89,[155] 97[4] 170,[4] 230[155] mg/dL

ng/mL or
Procalcitonin 0.15[156]

Isotypes of antibodies[edit]
Further information: Antibody

Test Patient Lower limit Upper limit Unit Comments

IgA 70,[4] 110[157] 360,[4] 560[157]

IgD 0.5[157] 3.0[157]

IgE Adult 0.01[157] 0.04[157] mg/dL

IgG 800[157] 1800[157]

IgM 54[157] 220[157]

For clinical associations, see Autoantibody.

Autoantibodies are usually absent or very low, so instead of being given in standard reference ranges, the values usually denote
where they are said to be present, or whether the test is a positive test. There may also be an equivocal interval, where it is
uncertain whether there is a significantly increased level. All included values [158] are given for the ELISA test.

Test Negative Equivocal Positive Unit

anti-SS-A (Ro) < 15[159] 15-25[159] > 25[159]

anti-SS-B (La) < 3[159] 3 4[159] > 4[159]

Anti ds-DNA < 40[159] 40 60[159] > 60[159]

Anti ss-DNA < 8[159] 8 - 10[159] > 10[159]

Anti-histone antibodies < 25[159] n/a[159] > 25[159]

anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic < 20[159] 21 - 30[159] > 30[159]
antibodies (c-ANCA)

anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic < 5[159] n/a > 5[159]
antibodies (p-ANCA)

Anti-mitochondrial antibodies (AMA) < 10[159] n/a[159] > 10[159]

Rheumatoid factor (RF) < 20 20 - 30 > 30[10]

Antistreptolysin O titre
(ASOT) in > 100

ASOT at school age > 250[10]

ASOT in adults > 125[10]

Test Negative Low/weak positive Moderate positive High/strong positive Unit

Anti-phospholipid IgG < 20[159] 20 30[159] 31 50[159] > 51[159] GPLU/ml[159]

Anti-phospholipid IgM < 1.5[159] 1.5 2.5[159] 2 9.9[159] > 10[159] MPL /ml[159]

Anti-phospholipid IgA < 10[159] 10 -20[159] 21 30[159] > 31[159] arb U/ml[159]

Anti-citrullinated protein antibodies < 20[159] 20 39[159] 40 - 59[159] > 60[159] EU[159]

Other immunology[edit]

Test Lower limit Upper limit Unit

Serum free light chains (FLC): kappa/lambda ratio 0.26[160] 1.65[160] (unit-less)

Other enzymes and proteins[edit]

Test Lower limit Upper limit Unit Comments

Further information: Serum total
Serum total protein 60,[9] 63[10] 78,[9] 82,[10] 84[18] g/L
protein Interpretation

50[18] 150[18] U/L

Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) 0.4[49] 1.7[49] mol/L

1.8[4] 3.4[4] kat/L < 70 years old[4]

25,[9] 30,[10] 53[18] 110,[10] 120,[161] 123,[18] 125,[9] 190[49] U/L

Amylase 0.15[4] 1.1[4] kat/L

200[152] 240[152] nmol/L

D-dimer 500[162] ng/mL

n/a Higher in pregnant women[163]

-more detailed ranges in D-
dimer article 0.5[4] mg/L

Lipase 7,[10] 10,[18] 23[49] 60,[10] 150,[18] 208[49] U/L

23[49] 57[49] U/L
enzyme (ACE)

Acid phosphatase 3.0[49] ng/mL

Eosinophil cationic
2.3[4] 16[4] g/L
protein (ECP)

Other electrolytes and metabolites[edit]

Electrolytes and Metabolites: For iron and copper, some related proteins are also included.

Test Lower limit Upper limit Unit Comments

Osmolality 275,[9] 280,[18] 281[4] 295,[9] 296,[18] 297[4] mOsm/kg Plasma weight excludes solutes

Osmolarity Slightly less than osmolality mOsm/l Plasma volume includes solutes

3.0[164] 7.0[164] mmol/L

Urea BUN - blood urea nitrogen

7[9] 18,[9] 21[10] mg/dL

0.18[9] 0.48[9] mmol/L

* Uric acid[10] Female 2.0[18] 7.0[18] mg/dL

Male 2.1[18] 8.5[18] mg/dL

60,[4] 68[165] 90,[4] 118[165] mol/L


0.7,[166] 0.8[166] 1.0,[166] 1.3[166] mg/dL

May be complemented
with creatinine clearance
50,[4] 68[165] 90,[4] 98[165] mol/L


0.6,[166] 0.8[166] 1.0,[166] 1.1[166] mg/dL

BUN/Creatinine Ratio 5[18] 35[18] -

3.8,[9] 4.0[4] 6.0,[4] 6.1[167] mmol/L

Plasma glucose (fasting)

65,[10] 70,[9] 72[168] 100,[167] 110[18] mg/dL

See also glycated hemoglobin (in
3.3[4] 5.6[4] mmol/L
Full blood glucose
60[168] 100[168] mg/dL

3.9[169] 7.8[169] mmol/L

Random glucose

70[170] 140[170] mg/dL

4.5[18] 19.8[18] mg/dL

Lactate (Venous)

0.5[171] 2.2[171] mmol/L

4.5[18] 14.4[18] mg/dL

Lactate (Arterial)

0.5[171] 1.6[171] mmol/L

300[18] 900[18] g/dL


34[172] 102[172] mol/L

1[173] mg/dL


0.1[173] mmol/L


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