James Ruse 2016 4U Trials & Solutions

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General Instructions: Total Marks 100

Reading Time: 5 minutes. Section I: 10 marks

Working Time: 3 hours. Attempt Question 1- 10.

Write in black pen. Answer on the Multiple Choice
answer sheet provided.
Board approved calculators & templates may be used Allow about 15 minutes for this
A Reference Sheet is provided.
Section II: 90 Marks

In Questions 11-16, show all relevant mathematical Attempt Question 11-16

reasoning and/or calculations.
Marks may not be awarded for careless or badly Answer on lined paper provided. Stmi
ananged working. a new page for each new question.
Allow about 2 hours & 45 minutes for
this section.

The answers to all questions are to be returned in separate stapled bundles clearly
labelled Question 11, Question 12, etc. Each question must show your Candidate
Section I
10 Marks
Attempt Questions 1- 10. Mark your ans,vers on the sheet provided.
Allow about 15 minutes for this section.

1. The complex equation lz-3 + 2il = iz + 31 can be expressed in Cartesian form as:

(A) y = 3x- 1 (B) y = x2 + 1 (C) y = 3- x (D) y = 1- 3x

2. A particle moves along a straight line with an acceleration of m/s2, where v m/s is the velocity at

any instant. The initial velocity of the particle is -1 m/s.

The particle will move to the

(A) Left increasing in speed (B) Left, stop, then move to the right
(C) Right increasing in speed (D) Right, stop, then move to the left

3. Using an appropriate substitution, then J e2x ..Jex- 1 d x is equivalent to:

(A) fCu3 - u)du (B) fCu3 + u)du

4. When factorised, x2 + 6x + 1 is equal to:

(A) (x + 3 + 2-/2)(x + 3- 2-/2) (B) (x-3-2v'2)(x-3-2-/2 )

(C) (x + 3 + 2-JZ i)(x + 3- 2-/2 i) (D) (x-3- 2-JZ i)(x-3- 2-/2 i)

= e an
rr rr
5. The range of the function f(x) x
for--< X <-is:
2 2

(A) y E R (B) y:2: 0 (C) y > 0 (D) 0 < y:::; 1

6. The tangent to the curve y2 - xy + 9 = 0 is vertical when:

(A) y = 0 (B) y = 3 (C) y = .J3 =
(D) y 2

7. The number of non zero integer solutions of the equation w + x + y + z = 20 IS:

(A) 969 (B) 1140 (C) 1771 (D) 4845

)RAHS Extension 2 Mathematics Trial 2016 Page 1

8. The position of a moving object is given by the Cartesian coordinates (3t, et). Its acceleration is:

(A) constant in both magnitude and direction (B) constant in magnitude only
(C) constant in direction only (D) constant in neither magnitude nor
9. The region bounded by the parabolasy= x2andy= 6x-x2
is rotated around the x-axis so that
a vertical line segment cut off by the curves generates a ring. The value of x for which the ring of
largest area is obtained is:

(A) 4 (B) 3 (C) 2.5 (D) 2

10. The value of

(f"si--nx dx)
rr X

1 z..JZ
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) - (D) rr


JRAHS Extension 2 Mathematics Trial 2016 Page 2

Section II 90 marks
Attempt Questions 1 1- 16
Allow about 2 hours 45 minutes for this section

Question 11 (15 marks)

(a) Let z = 1 +i and w = 3 + Zi
(i) Express in simplest form with a real denominator. 1

(ii) Write z in modulus-argument fonn. 1

(b) Simplify (1 + 2w + 3w2)(1 + 3w + 2w2) , where w is a complex cube root of unity. 3

(c) (i) Prove for any two real numbers a and b that a2 + b2 > 2ab, where a 1= b. 1

(ii) Hence, or otherwise, prove if a + b + c = 1 then (1- a)(1 - b )(1- c) > Babe 2
where a, band care positive numbers and a 1= b 1= c.

J,l dx
(d) Evaluate 3
0 (x+Z)(x+3)

x2 + Y2
(e) P(3 cos e , 2 sm
e) IS
a p omt
on the e11Ipse 9 4 = 1 fior 0 < () < rr
The tangent at P meets they-axis at A and the x-axis at B, as shown in the diagram below.

Find the minimum length of AB. 4

. xcosf:J ysinf:J l
You may assume the equatiOn of the tangent at PIS -- + -- =

3 z

y A


JRAHS Extension 2 Mathematics Trial 2016 Page 3

Question 12 (15 marks) Start a new page
(a) The base of a solid is in the shape of an equilateral triangle of side b, with one vertex at the origin
and its altitude along the positive x-axis as shown in the diagram below. Each cross-sectional
plane perpendicular to the x-axis is a square with one side in the base of the solid .

Not to scale

(i) Calculate the side length of a square cross-section x units from the origin. 1
(ii) Find the volume of the solid. 3

3 .f.
(b) Consider the function y = 5 X3 - 3x3 .
(i) Find the x-coordinate(s) of any stationary points and describe their nature. 3
(ii) Describe the concavity of the function for x < 0. 2
(iii) Sketch the graph, showing all important features. 3

(c) The diagram below shows the graph of the function y = f(x).

p ------------------------

Copy the diagram and neatly sketch the graph of y2 = f(x) on the same set of axes, 3
showing all important features.

JRAHS Extension 2 Mathematics Trial2016 Page 4

Question 13 (15 marks) Start a new page
(a) A sequence is defined by the formula:

U0 = 0 and Un = .J
Un-1 + 2 for n = 1, 2, 3 ...
Un 2cos n 0,1, 2, 3 ...
Prove by mathematical induction that =
[2:..1] for = 4

(b) A 50 kg boy (P) is sitting on the edge of a smooth horizontal circular plate, 3 m in diameter,
which is spinning at a constant rate about a vertical axis tluough its centre C at 20 revolutions per
minute. The boy holds onto two separate ropes which are attached to the ends of the diameter
(AB) of the plate.

The ropes are such that AP = 1.8 m and BP = 2.4 m. (Given LAPB = 90 and LPAB =eo)

(i) Write motion equations in the tangential and radial directions for the boy. 3
(ii) Calculate the tension in the shorter rope. 2

(c) (i) Show that the equation of the tangent to the rectangular hyperbola xy c2= 2
at the point P (cp,;) is x + p2y = 2cp.
(ii) The tangent at P meets the x-axis at X and the y -axis at Y and the normal at P meets the
linesy =x and y =-
x at Land M respectively, as shown in the diagram below.

Prove that LYMX is a rhombus provided that p * 1. 4

You may assume that the equation of the normal at Pis px - .!:
( - .!:._) .
y = c p

y Not to scale

)RAHS Extension 2 Mathematics Trial 2016 Page 5

Question 14 (15 marks) Start a new page
a x4 a x4ex
(a) (i) Show that J-a1+ex dx
-- = J-a1+ex dx
-- 2

2 x4
(ii) Hence, or otherwise, evaluate J 2 -- dx 2
- ex +1

(b) The equation z2 +(a+ib)z+ m+in= 0 has one real root, where a, b, m and n E R.

Show that n2 - abn + mb2 = 0. 3

(c) Two boys each throw two dice. Each person adds the two numbers uppermost on his dice.
What is the probability that they gain an equal score? 2

(d) Two circles intersect at X andY and AB is a common tangent.

The lines AX and BY meet at P. The lines A Y and BX meet at Q as shown in the diagram below.

Not to scale

(i) Copy the diagram and show that XPYQ is a cyclic quadrilateral, giving reasons. 2

(ii) Prove that QP II AB. 1

(ii) Hence, or otherwise, prove that XY bisects PQ. 3

JRAHS Extension 2 Mathematics Trial2016 Page 6

Question 15 (15 marks) Start a new page

(a) The equation x3 - x- 1 = 0 has roots a, {3 andy. 3

l+a, 1+{3
Find an equation whose roots are and 1+y in the form Ax3 + Bx2 + Cx + D = 0.
1-a 1-{3 1-y

(b) A model of part of the roof of a new art gallery is generated by rotating the curves
y = zx and 4y = zx from 1 ::5 y ::5 2 around the line x = 3 as shown in the diagram below.

Not to scale


3 X

(i) Show that the area (A) of a cross-sectional slice of the roof taken at y = h,
for 1 ::5 h ::5 2 , is given by the formula A = 4rr[2 - lo g2 h]. 3

(ii) Calculate the volume of the material required to build the model of this part of the roof. 3

(c) (i) Given zn = (z + l)n .

z - 1

cos (2krr) . . (2kn)

Show that: for k = 1, 2 ... 2
11 +lsin 11


(ii) Hence, or otherwise, find the roots of zn = (z + l)n in Cartesian form. 3

(iii) Find the Cartesian equation of the line on which the roots lie. 1

JRAHS Extension 2 Mathematics Trial 2016 Page 7

Question 16 (15 marks) Start a new page
(a) Given In = J,01 vx+1
dx, n = 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . . .....
(i) Show that (2n + l)In = 2-/2- 2nln-l n = 1, 2, 3, ... ..... . 4

1 x3
(ii) Evaluate J,0
dx 3

(b) A projectile of mass m kg is launched from the origin 0 at an angle eo above the horizontal where
the air resistance has a magnitude mkv N, v m/s is the speed of the particle and k is a positive

Initially the horizontal and vertical components of its velocity are U0 m/s2 and V0 mls

(i) Show that the vertical displacement (y m), whilst the projectile is rising, at timet seconds
after the launch is given by: 4

_ ( g
+ Vo) (l - e
-kt ) gt

where g mjs2 is the acceleration due to gravity.

(ii) Find the Cartesian equation of the trajectory of the projectile before it reaches its
maximum height. 4


JRAHS Extension 2 Mathematics Trial 2016 Page 8

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