James Ruse 2016 4U Trials & Solutions
James Ruse 2016 4U Trials & Solutions
James Ruse 2016 4U Trials & Solutions
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labelled Question 11, Question 12, etc. Each question must show your Candidate
Section I
10 Marks
Attempt Questions 1- 10. Mark your ans,vers on the sheet provided.
Allow about 15 minutes for this section.
1. The complex equation lz-3 + 2il = iz + 31 can be expressed in Cartesian form as:
2. A particle moves along a straight line with an acceleration of m/s2, where v m/s is the velocity at
(A) Left increasing in speed (B) Left, stop, then move to the right
(C) Right increasing in speed (D) Right, stop, then move to the left
= e an
rr rr
5. The range of the function f(x) x
for--< X <-is:
2 2
(A) y = 0 (B) y = 3 (C) y = .J3 =
(D) y 2
7. The number of non zero integer solutions of the equation w + x + y + z = 20 IS:
(A) constant in both magnitude and direction (B) constant in magnitude only
(C) constant in direction only (D) constant in neither magnitude nor
9. The region bounded by the parabolasy= x2andy= 6x-x2
is rotated around the x-axis so that
a vertical line segment cut off by the curves generates a ring. The value of x for which the ring of
largest area is obtained is:
1 z..JZ
(A) 0 (B) 1 (C) - (D) rr
(c) (i) Prove for any two real numbers a and b that a2 + b2 > 2ab, where a 1= b. 1
(ii) Hence, or otherwise, prove if a + b + c = 1 then (1- a)(1 - b )(1- c) > Babe 2
where a, band care positive numbers and a 1= b 1= c.
J,l dx
(d) Evaluate 3
0 (x+Z)(x+3)
x2 + Y2
(e) P(3 cos e , 2 sm
e) IS
a p omt
on the e11Ipse 9 4 = 1 fior 0 < () < rr
The tangent at P meets they-axis at A and the x-axis at B, as shown in the diagram below.
. xcosf:J ysinf:J l
You may assume the equatiOn of the tangent at PIS -- + -- =
3 z
y A
Not to scale
(i) Calculate the side length of a square cross-section x units from the origin. 1
(ii) Find the volume of the solid. 3
3 .f.
(b) Consider the function y = 5 X3 - 3x3 .
(i) Find the x-coordinate(s) of any stationary points and describe their nature. 3
(ii) Describe the concavity of the function for x < 0. 2
(iii) Sketch the graph, showing all important features. 3
(c) The diagram below shows the graph of the function y = f(x).
p ------------------------
Copy the diagram and neatly sketch the graph of y2 = f(x) on the same set of axes, 3
showing all important features.
U0 = 0 and Un = .J
Un-1 + 2 for n = 1, 2, 3 ...
Un 2cos n 0,1, 2, 3 ...
Prove by mathematical induction that =
[2:..1] for = 4
(b) A 50 kg boy (P) is sitting on the edge of a smooth horizontal circular plate, 3 m in diameter,
which is spinning at a constant rate about a vertical axis tluough its centre C at 20 revolutions per
minute. The boy holds onto two separate ropes which are attached to the ends of the diameter
(AB) of the plate.
The ropes are such that AP = 1.8 m and BP = 2.4 m. (Given LAPB = 90 and LPAB =eo)
(i) Write motion equations in the tangential and radial directions for the boy. 3
(ii) Calculate the tension in the shorter rope. 2
(c) (i) Show that the equation of the tangent to the rectangular hyperbola xy c2= 2
at the point P (cp,;) is x + p2y = 2cp.
(ii) The tangent at P meets the x-axis at X and the y -axis at Y and the normal at P meets the
linesy =x and y =-
x at Land M respectively, as shown in the diagram below.
y Not to scale
2 x4
(ii) Hence, or otherwise, evaluate J 2 -- dx 2
- ex +1
(b) The equation z2 +(a+ib)z+ m+in= 0 has one real root, where a, b, m and n E R.
(c) Two boys each throw two dice. Each person adds the two numbers uppermost on his dice.
What is the probability that they gain an equal score? 2
Not to scale
(i) Copy the diagram and show that XPYQ is a cyclic quadrilateral, giving reasons. 2
l+a, 1+{3
Find an equation whose roots are and 1+y in the form Ax3 + Bx2 + Cx + D = 0.
1-a 1-{3 1-y
(b) A model of part of the roof of a new art gallery is generated by rotating the curves
y = zx and 4y = zx from 1 ::5 y ::5 2 around the line x = 3 as shown in the diagram below.
Not to scale
3 X
(i) Show that the area (A) of a cross-sectional slice of the roof taken at y = h,
for 1 ::5 h ::5 2 , is given by the formula A = 4rr[2 - lo g2 h]. 3
(ii) Calculate the volume of the material required to build the model of this part of the roof. 3
z - 1
(iii) Find the Cartesian equation of the line on which the roots lie. 1
1 x3
(ii) Evaluate J,0
dx 3
(b) A projectile of mass m kg is launched from the origin 0 at an angle eo above the horizontal where
the air resistance has a magnitude mkv N, v m/s is the speed of the particle and k is a positive
Initially the horizontal and vertical components of its velocity are U0 m/s2 and V0 mls
(i) Show that the vertical displacement (y m), whilst the projectile is rising, at timet seconds
after the launch is given by: 4
_ ( g
+ Vo) (l - e
-kt ) gt
(ii) Find the Cartesian equation of the trajectory of the projectile before it reaches its
maximum height. 4