DLL - Math 5 - Q3 - W4
DLL - Math 5 - Q3 - W4
DLL - Math 5 - Q3 - W4
GRADES 1 to 12
Teacher: Learning Area: MATH
Teaching Dates and Time: NOV. 28 DEC. 2, 2016 Quarter: 3RD
A. Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of polygons, circles, and solid figures.
B. Performance Standards Is able to construct and describe polygons, circles, and solid figures
C. Learning Competencies / Visualizes congruent polygons. Visualize and describe a Holiday(Bonifacio Day) identifies the terms related to a Weekly test
Objective M5GE-IIId-22/Page 61 of 109 circleM5GE-IIId-23.1/ Page 61 of circle. M5GE-IIId-23.2
109 Page 61 of 109
II. CONTENT Visualizing Congruent Polygons Visualizing and describing a circle. Identifying terms related to a circle.
2. Learners Materials pages K to 12 Curriculum Guide, M5GE- K to 12 Curriculum Guide, M5GE- K to 12 Curriculum Guide, M5GE-
IIId-22 IIId-23.1 IIId-23.2
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Recourses (LR)
B. Other Learning Resourse circular cut outs, PPT presentation PPT presentation PPT presentation
A. Reviewing previous lesson Preliminary Activities A. Preliminary Activities A. Preliminary Activities
or presenting the new lesson 1. Drill 1. Drill 1. Drill
Climbing the ladder mechanics. Post plane figures with curved edges
Group the pupils into two; on the board. Have the pupils
boys and girls. Let them select one Which identify which of these are circles.
representative for each question. of these is circle? Explain their answer.
Flash the cutouts of each 2. Review 2. Review
geometric figures and let it be When do we say What is a circle?
identified. that a figure is polygon?
The pupils who will answer
the question will step one ladder up.
The first group to rich the top will be
the winner.
2. Review
Guessing game- What am I?
a. I am 3-sided polygon with
congruent sides.
b. I am a 4-side polygon with
congruent sides.
c. I have 10 sides.
d. I am a four sided polygon with
one pair of parallel side.
e. I have 8 sides.
f. I have 6 sides.
B. Establishing a purpose for Motivation Motivation Motivation
the lesson Look at our blackboards. Do they Ask the pupils: Is circle a Solving different picture puzzles of
have the same size and shape? Look polygon? Why? Why not? different circles. The first group to
around the room. What objects have form the puzzle wins.
the same size and shape? Remind the pupils to be a good sport
when playing a the game.
D. Discussing new concepts 2. Performing the Activity . Performing the Activity 2. Performing the Activity
and practicing new skills #1 What are the names of the polygons Review student results:
that are congruent? Use circle zero to complete the As a class, discuss
What are their measurement? following statements. questions that appeared
What do you call the polygons that to be more challenging
have the same size and shape? Re-teach concepts as
E. Discussing new concepts . Processing the Activities Processing the Activities Processing the Activities
and practicing new skills #2 After the activity, ask the pupils what Have the pupils observed the circle. Have the pupils observed the circle.
did they use to say that a polygon is Introduce the Radius and Diameter of Introduce the Radius and Diameter
congruent? Were they able to a circle. Show examples of radius of a circle. Show examples of radius
answer the questions? Put immediate that are connected to the tangent that are connected to the tangent
action on the pupils that find it hard and from a center. Use compass in and from a center. Use compass in
to perform/answer the activity. drawing a circle. drawing a circle.
F. Developing Mastery 4. Reinforcing the Concept Skill . Reinforcing the Concept Skill Reinforcing the Concept Skill
(Leads to Formative Assessment 3) a. Discuss the presentation on a. Discuss the presentation on a. Discuss the presentation on
Explore and Discover on page ___ Explore and Discover on page ___ Explore and Discover on page ___
of LM in Math of LM in Math of LM in Math
Grade 5 Grade 5 Grade 5
b. Ask the pupils to work on Get b. Ask the pupils to work b. Ask the pupils to work on Get
Moving on page ____ of LM in Math on Get Moving on page ____ of LM Moving on page ____ of LM in Math
Grade in Math Grade 5 Grade 5
G. Finding practical application 6. Applying to New and Other 6. Applying to New and Other . Applying to New and Other
of concepts and skills in Situations Situations Situations
daily living 1. Look at the things inside What is the radius and diameter of
the classroom and identify the the following
congruent sides or faces. ___
a. books __
d. tables
b. chalkboard
e. walls
c. cabinets 1. Refer to circle O. Explain why OP
2. Find pair of figure in your and OQ do not form a diameter.
classroom that shows congruency.
3. Differentiate identical objects.
How are they similar?
H. Making generalizations and 5. Summarizing the Lesson Summarizing the Lesson Summarizing the Lesson
abstractions about the Lead the pupils that:
lessons Two polygons are congruent if: A circle is a set of all Radius is a line segment
points in a plane that are at a fixed from the center to a point
a. Both have the same shape and distance from point called center. on the circle.
size. A diameter is a line
b. Tracing of one fits the other. segment which passes
c. Their corresponding angles and through the center of a
sides are congruent. circle and whose endpoints
are on the circle.
The length of the radius is
one-half the length of a
diameter of a circle.
c d
. .
| | d = 4.6 mm
r = 8.1 ft
Calculate the
Calculate the radius of the
diameter of the circle.
J. Additional activities for Draw 2 congruent figures of the Use a real compass or an improvised Follow the directions.
application or remediation following polygons. one to draw circles with the following 1.Draw two circles with two common
1. trapezoid radii. points and with radii equal to 3 cm.
2. octagon 1.) 1 cm 2.Draw two circles with common point
3. pentagon 2.) 1.5 cm and with diameters equal to 12 cm.
4. isosceles 3.) 2.5 cm 3.Draw two with no common point.
5. decagon 4.) 6 cm The first has a radius of 2 cm and
5.) 7 inches another has a
diameter of 4 cm. What did you
notice about the sizes of the two
circles? Why is this so?
4.Draw two circles having the same
center such that the radius of the
bigger circle is twice that of smaller
A No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation.
B.No of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
who scored below 80%
C.Did the remediation lesson
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the lesson
D.No. of learners who continue
to require remediation
E.Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did these work?
F.What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G.What innovation or localized
materials did I use / discover
which I wish to share with other