Abhay RIG
Abhay RIG
Abhay RIG
COMPOSITION and vaccine. Anti rabies vaccine should be inoculated in different parts of the body
Each vial contains contra-laterally if possible. In this case interference is minimized. AbhayRIG should
Equine antirabies immunoglobulin fragments not less than 300 I.U/ml. not be administered in the same syringe as the vaccine.
Cresol I.P = 0.25% v/v as a preservative
Glycine I.P --------------------------------------------------------- 0.0225 g/ml PREGNANCY AND LACTATION
Sodium Chloride I.P -------------------------------------------- 0.009 g/ml The safety of AbhayRIG when used during pregnancy has not been established in
Water For Injection I.P ----------------------------------------- q.s clinical trials in human beings. Considering the lethal risk associated with rabies,
Pregnancy is not a contraindication to the administration of AbhayRIG subsequent to
PHARMACEUTICAL FORM exposure to rabid animal.
Solution for injection by intramusclar route 5 ml vial, 1500 IU
Table: Guide for Post Exposure Treatment
AbhayRIG provides passive immunization against rabies. AbhayRIG is indicated for Category Type of contact with the Recommended Treatment
the prevention of rabies in patients at risk of being exposed to rabies after contact with suspected or confirmed
a rabid animal or an animal presumed to be rabid. domestic or wild animals or
AbhayRIG itself does not constitute an antirabies treatment and should always be Animals unavailable for
used in conjuction with rabies vaccine.
I Touching or feeding of animal, None, if reliable case
CONTRAINDICATIONS licks on intact skin history available
Should be used with extreme caution in subject with a history of allergic symptoms or
hypersensitivity to horse serum. In case of doubt, it is essential to ask your doctor or II Nibbling of uncovered skin, Administer vaccine immediately. Stop the
pharmacist for advise. minor scratches or abrasion treatment if the animal remains healthy
without bleeding, licks for a period of 10 days** or has been
SPECIAL WARNINGS AND PRECAUTIONS FOR USE on broken skin killed humanely and found to be negative
Despite the high degree of purification of the serum. It is recommended to perform a for Rabies by appropriate laboratory
skin test before administering heterologous serum. The skin test consists of intradermal techniques.
injection of 0.1 ml of 1:10 dilution of AbhayRIG on the outside of the forearm so as to III Single or Multiple transdermal Administer rabies immunoglobulins and
obtain an orange ring type appearance (3 mm diameter in duration). An equivalent bites or scratches with saliva vaccine immediately. ** Stop treatment
intradermal injection of physiological saline solution is used as control The observations (i.e.licks) if the animal remains healthy throughout
made 15 minutes after intradermal injection is considered to be positive if erythema the observation period of 10 days***
(>6mm), local oedema or a systemic reaction is observed and the control is negative. or if animal is euthanised and found
A positive test result is not a formal contraindication for the use of seropathy, but it to be negative for rabies by appropriate
should be considered as a warning. A negative test is not an absolute guarantee for laboratory techniques.
the absence of an immediate allergic type reaction.
** If an apparently healthy dog or cat in or from a low risk area is placed under
DRUG INTERACTIONS observation it may be justified to delay specific treatment.
*** This observation applies only to dogs and cats.
Rabies prevention requires simultaneous administration of antirabies immunoglobulin